We are explorers.
Our team constantly pushes to the edge of what’s possible and this exploration leads to new and exciting discoveries. Everything we are creating is part of a larger orchestration: The orchestration of the future. By bridging the physical and digital worlds, we are giving machines sight and humans the ability to accomplish more through automation.
We are creating new autonomous ecosystems using the transformational power of Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband and Mobile Edge Compute. Powered by the latest technologies and running on top of one of the biggest and most reliable networks in the world, the work we are doing helps to demonstrate how we are truly at the dawn of Industry 4.0.
5G Disruption
The 5G Disruption team harnesses business opportunities in a 5G world and discovers future customer pain points in the areas of automation and autonomy.
They build deep customer insights and market analyses to generate blueprints for the next generation of meaningful, net-new software-based businesses for NBI and Verizon.
Their approach is hypothesis-driven; part art and part science. The disciplined process begins with creative discovery, followed by iterative validation around the opportunity, the business model and the product. This balance of creativity, analytical rigor and process discipline is what makes the team unique and perfectly positioned to help create future 5G ecosystems.
See how it’s coming to life.
We are making investments for today and the future. See how our work will create the ecosystems that shape Industry 4.0.
Verizon and L.A. Times to enhance storytelling with network-connected robotics
Verizon and the L.A. Times announced they have entered into an agreement to accelerate the deployment of advanced robotics and other Verizon tech to expand on the way news is gathered and consumed.
Verizon and Newlab unveil results of 5G Studio’s third startup cohort
The 5G Studio enables leading innovators to leverage Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network and edge computing at Newlab to develop transformative technologies.