Q&A with Maggie Hallbach: What the VITAnet Contract Means for the Commonwealth of Virginia

Richmond VA Capitol building

Today (March 16), Verizon Enterprise Solutions announced that the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, or VITA, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s consolidated information technology organization, awarded the company a spot on a contract that will help enable digital government initiatives across the state. The multiple-award, competitive contract known as VITAnet has a value of $150 million with a five-year base term and five one-year options.

I sat down with Maggie Hallbach, vice president of government and education markets for Verizon Enterprise Solutions, to talk about the new contract and what it means for public sector organizations across the Commonwealth of Virginia.

What does the VITAnet contract mean for the Commonwealth of Virginia?

State and local government IT leaders are increasingly focused on outcomes and they are grappling with the impacts of a rapidly evolving technology landscape and the retention of technology talent. The VITAnet contract is an example of where a company such as Verizon can deliver tangible value.

Our advanced network extends to every corner of the Commonwealth of Virginia. We have long served the state as a strategic provider and we understand the challenges and opportunities created by a rapidly evolving technology landscape. Our people understand the business of government and we have the resources the Commonwealth of Virginia requires to embrace technology and deliver the promise of digital government by streamlining operations and enhancing the delivery of constituent services.

What services are available via the VITAnet contract?

Verizon will deliver a wide range of network-centric solutions under the VITAnet contract, including the company’s comprehensive networking portfolio, as well as managed services, unified communications and collaboration solutions, Internet protocol–based voice services and customer-premises equipment. The contract also offers flexibility to add new services as they become available, enabling the Commonwealth of Virginia to leverage the capabilities offered by advancements in networking and communications, such as software-defined networking and network-function virtualization.

Intelligent networking serves as the foundation of all successful digital government initiatives. In fact, a recent Verizon report on digital transformation noted that 85 percent of IT leaders consider network connectivity critical to achieving business and operational goals.

What agencies can purchase services off the VITAnet contract?

Departments and agencies across all branches of state government, as well as county and local governments, K-12 schools, public and private colleges and universities, and public safety organizations are able to purchase services offered on the VITAnet contract.

Where can public sector agencies across the Commonwealth of Virginia go for additional information?

For information on the advanced networking, communications and IT infrastructure services available to public sector organizations across the Commonwealth of Virginia, visit Verizon’s VITAnet contract page.

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