From your couch to your commute.

al: Raquel Wilson
Senior Manager, Corporate Communications

How our 5G and Honda are saving lives. Plus, two new 5G Home cities.

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On today’s episode Up To Speed, host Raquel Wilson shared how 5G is making a difference in and outside the home.

Two more 5G Home cities

Speaking of home, we announced 5G Home for our friends in Milwaukee and Tampa Bay. Welcome to the family. If you sign up for 5G Home, you’ll soon enjoy speeds of up to 1 gig per second with no data limits — plus you get 12-months free of discovery+. These two bring our total to 30 5G Home cities. By the end of this year, we expect to cover nearly 15 million homes — and by the end of 2023, 30 million homes — using both 4G and 5G.

Potentially safer roads with Honda and 5G

Any time we get in a vehicle, we risk having an accident. But thanks to a collaboration between Honda and Verizon, that risk may decrease dramatically in the near future.

Since 2017, Honda has been working on its Safe Swarm technology that harnesses V2X communication. V2X stands for Vehicle-to-Everything communication, which cars can use to get critical information including speed and direction of movement from other vehicles, and even pedestrians and road infrastructure.

However, in order to be effective, Safe Swarm needs an ultra-fast and ultra-reliable connection between the objects. That’s where we come in. With the speed and computing power of our 5G Ultra Wideband network and Mobile Edge Compute (MEC), we can help vehicles avoid split-second collisions with things like fast-moving emergency vehicles or a car that runs a red light.

We’re testing this exciting technology at M-City, our connected and autonomous test facility in Ann Arbor, MI. Stay tuned for further updates.

Get the latest information on our Coronavirus Resource Page (Inside Verizon, The Street).

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About the author:

Raquel Wilson is a former adfellow who now enjoys keeping the V Team up to date on all things Verizon as a host of Up To Speed. You can always rely on her to have a good book recommendation and a latte she probably paid way too much for.

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