Verizon has contained a cyber incident brought on by a highly sophisticated nation-state threat actor. As recently reported by the U.S. government, this nation-state threat actor accessed several of the nation’s telecommunications networks, including the Verizon network.
Upon learning of the incident, we immediately took several key actions to protect our customers and our network. This includes working with federal law enforcement and national security agencies, industry partners, and private cybersecurity firms to investigate and contain the threat as quickly as possible.
This nation-state threat actor targeted a small number of individuals primarily involved in government or political activity. Those individuals have been notified about the threat actor’s activity. The nation-state threat actor also accessed information related to a small percentage of mobile internet access and mobile call records of other Verizon wireless customers. For these customers, the threat actor did not access the content of their communications.
Verizon has devoted and will continue to devote significant resources to protect our network for our customers, the industry and the nation.
Below are answers to questions you may have regarding this incident.