Return to Business
as Unusual: Workplace
of the future


Sampath Sowmyanarayan
Jay Venkat
Michael Coden
Val Elbert​​ 


  • What will the future workplace look like?​​ 

    It’s a constant concern for business leaders around the globe. Every year, think tanks, businesses (including Verizon), academics and analysts give their view on the technology trends that they believe will most impact the future workplace—and how those technologies are shaping business technology investment.​​ 

  • Man using mobile device on couch

  • Over the years, the pressures driving toward remote working have been building, but no one could have predicted the seismic shift caused  by COVID-19. Entire functions of many global organizations are now working remotely, and this looks set to permanently alter the way people think about the world of work.​​ 

    Remote working is no longer a benefit, luxury or convenience. It’s also more than a current make-do for organizations looking to conduct business as usual. We argue that senior leaders will have to leverage this inflection point to drive sustainable competitive advantage for their organizations in the new normal.​​ 

    We are creating a series of articles that will examine how business leaders need to think about enabling the workplace of the future, with remote working fully integrated into business practice. In this first article, we are focusing on the technology building blocks that CIOs need to consider while taking into account the underlying emerging set of new technologies.​​ 

  • Over the last 30 years, remote working in the U.S. has grown 7% yearly. Despite that growth, only 7% of U.S. civilians currently have access to a “flexible workplace” benefit.​​