Georgia DoE helps
up to 12.5M students
shift to remote learning.

An agreement between the Georgia Department of Education and Verizon
provided a fast track to distance learning across 11 states.

  • As a nation and as an educational community, we are truly in this together as we respond to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This partnership allows us to come together with other states to leverage buying power and deliver connectivity solutions for our students.

    — Richard Woods, Georgia State School Superintendent


  • As the 2020-21 academic year approached, schools in 11 states needed a quick way to enable distance learning
  • The solution needed to help eliminate the digital divide that occurs when some students have Wi-Fi to access remote learning and others do not
  • Thousands of Wi-Fi hotspots had to be distributed before the school year started


  • The Georgia Sponsor State Distance Learning Initiative with Verizon provides discounted service plans for up to 12.5 million students in 11 states; school districts pay with funds from the federal Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act
  • Service plans include unlimited 4G LTE Internet access, Mobile Device Management (MDM) and applications that promote compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
  • Students who need them receive 4G LTE wireless connectivity devices with an unlimited data plan


  • Students can participate in remote learning regardless of whether they have a broadband internet connection at home
  • School districts have the flexibility to order devices on their own schedules; once inventory is confirmed, Verizon delivers devices in three to five days
  • Schools can switch from in-class learning to remote as needed
  • Schools are covered in 11 states: Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia 
  • 3-5 days

    Delivery time for 4G LTE wireless connectivity devices once inventory is confirmed

  • 12.5 M

    Number of K-12 public school students in 11 states that could be covered by the agreement

How we built the solution

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