User Roles and Permissions
Verizon offers several options for managing your account online: My Business Wireless is where you can manage your wireless services while My Business Wireline is where you should go to manage your Fios, Internet, and TV services. Your level of access within the online account is determined by your user role. In some cases, accounts or lines must also be associated with your user ID for you to be able to view them and their associated information. If you can’t see a specific report or feature, you may need to change your access. Below, you can see exactly what actions each role can take and which information each role can view.
In both portals, users in any role can access their profile, change their password and access support resources. If you are looking for Verizon Enterprise Center online account management support, visit
Please note when creating new lines or accounts: If users have access to all accounts and lines, they automatically inherit access to new accounts and lines. If a user doesn’t have access to all accounts or lines, the Primary Contact or an Administrator will have to manually add them to new accounts or lines. A Primary Contact or Administrator must also manually remove permissions if a user should not see a new account or line.
Primary Contact – Users with this role are responsible for creating user IDs and granting access to My Business Wireless users within your organization, and have access to all My Business Wireless functionality.
Administrator – Users with this role can also create user IDs, grant access to My Business Wireless users within your organization, and access all My Business Wireless functionality. There can be multiple administrators, but only one Primary Contact.
Analyst — Users with this role have access to most My Business Wireless functionality, but can’t create or edit users; assign users to billing accounts, mobile numbers or company structures; or create or modify company structures.
Buy — Users with this role have access to all orders transactions, such as adding new devices, upgrading devices and purchasing accessories. The Buy role can’t change voice plans when upgrading a device, but can change text messaging and data allowances.
End User (New) — This role allows users to manage their own line in both My Business Wireless online and the My Verizon for Business app. End Users can perform a limited number of transactions, but can’t view details about other lines or aspects of the company account, or transact on behalf of the company.
Maintain — Users with this role can do most service management transactions, upgrade devices, change plans, view billing statements, view the account summary and see most reports. Maintain users can’t add new lines of service, purchase accessories or make payments.
Maintain and Pay — Users with this role have the same functionality as Maintain users, but Maintain and Pay users can make payments.
Maintain Limited — Users with this role can make payments and do most service management transactions, but can’t add new services or make purchases.
Maintain Service Only — Users with this role can add new lines of service, make plan and feature changes, and do some account maintenance transactions.
Maintain Service Plus — Users with this role can view bill information, but not make payments. They can also create reports, add new lines of service, upgrade devices, make plan and feature changes, and do account maintenance transactions.
Maintain Service Business — Users with this role can create most reports and do some account maintenance transactions. They can’t view bill information, make payments or deactivate lines of service.
Product and Service — This role is limited to managing product tools that your company has opted to set up, such as One Talk.
Reporting — Reporting users have access to reports, usage data and some billing functions, but can’t buy or upgrade devices, activate devices, or make payments.
View and Pay — Users can view billing information, make payments and run reports.
View Only — Users have view-only access to billing and reports, but can’t make payments.
To learn how to check your role, assign roles or make other changes, visit the My Business Wireless account management page.
Primary account holder: full access — Users with this role have full access and can take any action within their account, including changing their plan, adding new accounts, adding new users, upgrading or adding devices, managing orders, and managing and changing billing settings.
Primary account holder: limited access — Users with this role can add new users and can view order status, but cannot order accessories. They can make payments and see current balances, but cannot view the bill summary. They cannot change their plan, add new accounts, view service details, or add or change services.
Sub Account user: basic access — Users with this role have very limited access. They can change their password, test internet speed, and view and manage profile information.
Sub Account user: admin — This role gives users the same access as a Primary account holder: full access, but Sub Account user: admins cannot upgrade routers, add devices, manage billing and payment info, or add an account.
To learn how to check your role or make changes to your profile, visit the My Business Wireline account management page.
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