Customers should consult their agreement including any Guide service descriptions for applicability of the terms and conditions listed below.
Audio Conferencing(previously found in MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1)
Cross Border Private Line(previously found in MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1)
Ethernet Access(formerly known as Converged Ethernet Access)
Ethernet Private Line Access (EPL Access)(formerly known as Ethernet Private Line U.S. Access)
Global Data Link Service(previously found in MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 11)
IoT Security Credentialing Services(formerly known as EMEA IoT Security Credentialing Services)
Local ServiceThis service is located on the Intrastate Telecommunications Services page.
Metro Private Line Access Services(previously found in MFS Telecom, Inc. Tariff No. 2)
Ethernet Access(formerly known as Converged Ethernet Access)
Ethernet Private Line Access (EPL Access)(formerly known as Ethernet Private Line U.S. Access)
Metro Private Line Access Services(previously found in MFS Telecom, Inc. Tariff No. 2)
Ethernet Access(formerly known as Converged Ethernet Access)
Ethernet Private Line Access (EPL Access)(formerly known as Ethernet Private Line U.S. Access)
Cross Border Private Line(previously found in MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1)
Global Data Link Service(previously found in MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 11)