Audioconferencing Introductory Large Call Promotion​​ 


Offer:​​    Four certificates, each applicable as the following discount amount, based on the number of bridge ports used per call, on the Customer's per-minute Dial-Out Access and Toll Free Meet Me Access usage charges, not to exceed $25, for domestic one Premier Level  audioconferencing​​  Conferencing Calling call completed in the 12-month period following promotion enrollment:​​ 


Ports Used Per Call​​       Descuento​​ 


                 25   -       50                    19%​​ 

                 51   -     100                    23​​ 

              101   -     250                    27​​ 

              251   -     500                    31​​ 

              501   - 1,000                    35​​ 

           1,001   - 2,000                    38​​ 

           2,001   - 3,000                    41​​ 

           3,000  +                              44​​ 


Eligibility:​​   A Customer must:​​ 


enroll between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2003; and,​​ 


redeem the certificate by February 28, 2004;.​​ 


Other Conditions:​​ 


In lieu of standard Cancellation Charges, during the 12-month period following promotion enrollment, Customers who cancel a pre-scheduled Conference Calling call within 24 hours of the scheduled conference call time will be charged $3.50 per reserved bridge port, with no limit on the maximum charge.​​ 


Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion may not receive the benefits of any other promotional offering, term plan or Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) on audioconferencing usage which receives the benefits of this promotion.​​