.10 Option H (MCI Prism I)
Option H is a one-way, multipoint service requiring the customer to originate calls via dedicated facilities between the customer's premises and the Companys terminal location and allowing the termination of calls via a combination of Company-provided intercity facilities and local business telephone lines or other exchange access facilities. Prism I has five distance-sensitive pricing Ranges from each originating area code with total coverage on every line. These Ranges, as determined for each originating and terminating area code are shown in Section C-12, Table V, Part F. All Option H calls are subject to a 6-second minimum duration and are rounded to the next higher 6-second increment, except that calls terminating to the international locations listed in Part E of Table V are calculated on a 30-second duration basis, with additional 6-second increments. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.
In addition to other service-related charges under this option, FUSF, CAC, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.
.101 Access Charges
.1011 T‑1 Digital Access
Components associated with T‑1 Digital Access and their relevant monthly and non‑recurring charges are those shown in Section C‑2.0221.
.1012 Analog Access
Components associated with Analog Access for MCI Prism I and their relevant monthly and non‑recurring charges are those shown in Section C‑2.0211 and C‑2.0212.
.1013 Special Access Surcharge
The monthly charges for Special Access Surcharge1 for each voice grade equivalent channel are shown in the table in Section C‑2.02113.
.1014 Customers may provide their own local access facilities for MCI Prism I; or, at the customer's request and where feasible, the Company may procure other forms of access to MCI Prism I Service. All applicable recurring and non‑recurring charge for such service will be calculated on an individual case basis, in accordance with the charges assessed by the Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider. The installation and monthly charges for any interface equipment associated with such access that is provided by the Company shall be calculated on an individual case basis. If the Company procures access for the customer from the Local Exchange Carrier, the customer's use of such access shall be in conformity with the regulations and other terms and conditions under which the Local Exchange Carrier provides such access.
In addition to such individual case basis charges, the Company shall assess charges for the following:
Analog or T‑1 Digital or TDS‑45 Access Coordination, if requested by the customer (see Sections C‑2.02112, C‑2.0221 and C‑2.02412, respectively)
Analog, T‑1 Digital or TDS‑45 MCI Central Office Connection (see Sections C‑2.0212, C‑2.0221 and C‑2.02421, respectively)
T‑1 Digital Central Office Options (see Section C‑2.0221) Analog or T‑1 Digital Access Features ‑ Access Integration Option (See Sections C‑2.0115 and C‑2.02216)
T‑1 Digital Access Feature ‑ Integrated Services Digital Network (See Section C‑2.0221)
1 The Surcharge, imposed by the Local Exchange Carrier, will not apply to those customers who furnish the Company with an Exemption Certification (as defined herein).
.102 Service Charge:
Per Location $50
.103 Usage Charges: Usage charges are based on time of day and distance‑sensitive Ranges associated with the area code of the Company terminal location to which the customer is connected and each terminating area code (see Section C‑12, Table V, Part F).
.1031 From the U.S. Mainland to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, or from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii Per-Minute Usage Charges: The usage charges for calls within the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are based on five ranges as shown in Section C‑12, Table V, Part F.
1 $0.2284 $0.1628 $0.1628
2-5 0.2906 0.2039 0.2039
.10311 From the U.S. Mainland to American Samoa, Guam and CNMI:
6 $0.2723 $0.2723 $0.2723
7 0.2723 0.2723 0.2723
.1032 Volume Discounts:* Volume Discounts, as set forth below, are available to those Prism I customers whose total monthly combined domestic (all rate periods) and international (Standard period only) usage (not including the service charge) equals or exceeds $7,500.00 per invoice. The discount shown applies on an incremental basis and only for amounts in excess of the usage threshold. If the domestic portion of the discount (amount calculated based on interstate and intrastate usage) is greater than the interstate usage, the difference will not be credited or brought forward.1 The discounts do not apply to calls made to Mexico and the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean Inmarsat locations.
Domestic (All Rate Periods)
Total Monthly Usage International (Standard Periods)
$ 7,500.00 ‑ $29,999.99 5%
$ 30,000.00 + 10
.1033 Prism I Value Insurance Plan (VIP): Customers who subscribe to Prism I service through a Value Insurance Plan (VIP) as described in Section B‑6.03C above will receive the following discounts in addition to those described in Section C‑3.1032. This additional discount is applied to net usage after other discounts are applied and is given only to customers who have generated a minimum monthly revenue of $2,250 for Prism I service. All domestic and international usage is eligible for the VIP discount, except that such discounts do not apply to calls made to Mexico and the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean Inmarsat locations. If the domestic portion of the discount (amount calculated based on interstate and intrastate usage) is greater than the interstate usage, the difference will not be credited or brought forward.1 Directory Assistance and monthly recurring charges are not included in determining eligibility for the term discount, nor are these charges discountable.
Discounted Net Monthly Usage 18 Month VIP 36 Month VIP
$ 2,250 3.00% 5.00%
$ 4,500 7.00 10.75
$25,000 7.50 11.00
.1035 Directory Assistance: An undiscountable charge of $1.49 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for a number in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI; an undiscountable charge of $1.49 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for a number in Canada; and an undiscountable charge of $6.94 per call will be applied to each other international Directory Assistance call. Except as otherwise noted herein, all other provisions of Servicio de información apply.
.1036 Switched 56 kbps Service: Switched 56 kbps Service offers switched transmission of data at a speed of 56 kbps. Customers who subscribe to this service will not be charged the Prism I monthly service fee. Switched 56 kbps Service will require that a separate account number be established for each 56 kbps line. Customer access is available using either T‑1 Digital Access or DDS local loops (See Section C‑2.0231 for DDS access charges) at Switched 56 kbps Service locations. A minimum monthly usage of $50 will apply to each 56 kbps line. Switched 56 kbps calls to contiguous U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands will be charged the rates specified in Section C‑3.1031. Customers are eligible for volume discounts as described in Section C‑3.1032 if their usage per invoice (i.e., per 56 kbps line) exceeds $7,500 per month. This service is available from all locations listed in Table IV, Part A. Switched 56 kbps calls are transmitted internationally over Switched Digital Service at the rates set forth in Section C‑3.1037.
.10361 MCI VideoNet permits a customer to conduct a point-to-point or multipoint video conference on a pre-scheduled, dial-up basis via Switched 56 kbps Service and port connections furnished by the Company. A feature description as well as usage and monthly recurring charges can be found in Section C.3.095155.
Dial-Up Transport charges will be billed according to the customer's Prism I plan pricing for voice calls. All other charges found in Section C.3.095155 apply.
.1037 Switched 64 kbps Service: Offers dial-up service for transmitting data at a speed of 64 kbps and rate adapted 56 kbps. Customer access for switched 64 kbps service is available only through MCI PRI access lines (see Section C-2.0221). In order to obtain switched 64 kbps service, customer premises equipment must be compatible with MCI PRI access and support a 64 kbps call capability. Switched 64 kbps service requires that the T-1 local access line is equipped with B8ZS line coding from the local exchange carrier.
Usage rates for 64 kbps service calls within the continental United States and Hawaii are based on regular Prism I rates as set forth in Section C-3.1031. In addition, the regular discounts described in this tariff also apply if their usage per invoice exceeds $7,500 per month.
Switched Digital Service to international locations will be provided subject to available facilities, and usage will be based on the rates set forth below. The Time of Day rate periods set forth in Section C‑3.072 will apply. For the purposes of this service, the Peak rate period will apply during the Standard rate period and the Off‑Peak rate period will apply during the Discount and Economy rate periods.
1st 30 seconds Add'l 6 seconds 1st 30 seconds Add'l 6 seconds
Argentina $2.8918 $0.1751 $2.4468 $0.1380
Australia 3.2361 0.1669 3.1858 0.1530
Austria 2.0755 0.1605 1.6241 0.1250
Bahrain 4.2481 0.1874 3.3106 0.1389
Barbados 2.0200 0.2039 1.5639 0.1605
Belgium 1.9856 0.1554 1.6395 0.1281
Bermuda 1.2664 0.1275 0.9681 0.1000
Brazil 2.7166 0.1448 2.4633 0.1313
Canada 0.4537 0.0829 0.3391 0.0589
Chile 2.8994 0.1701 2.3635 0.1261
China 9.8138 0.3283 2.1994 0.2485
Cyprus 3.0570 0.2381 2.4058 0.1886
Czech Republic 2.8298 0.2201 2.1126 0.1654
Denmark 1.7229 0.1618 1.4679 0.1281
Finland 1.9331 0.1825 1.6554 0.1436
France 1.5586 0.1388 1.5614 0.1250
French Antilles 1.8324 0.1850 1.4330 0.1470
Germany 1.6188 0.1443 1.5769 0.1281
Greece 2.5894 0.2026 2.0238 0.1594
Guadeloupe 1.9998 0.2019 1.5639 0.1605
Hong Kong 4.0138 0.1843 3.4433 0.1611
Hungary 2.8298 0.2204 2.2048 0.1726
India 4.7650 0.3056 3.6958 0.3049
Indonesia 5.9694 0.2743 4.6751 0.2160
Ireland 1.5041 0.1445 1.4679 0.1281
Israel 4.1119 0.1758 3.3641 0.1480
Italy 1.8964 0.1456 1.6743 0.1288
Jamaica 1.9745 0.2006 1.4480 0.1519
Japan 3.1233 0.1614 3.2016 0.1564
Korea, Republic of 4.4293 0.2048 3.6623 0.1704
Liechtenstein 1.9013 0.1485 1.6395 0.1281
Luxembourg 2.3305 0.1814 1.8270 0.1406
Macao 5.9675 0.2733 4.6664 0.2169
Malaysia 4.7769 0.2195 3.7789 0.1750
Mexico (See Below)
Monaco 1.5586 0.1388 1.5614 0.1250
Netherlands 1.5216 0.1404 1.4836 0.1250
New Zealand 4.6801 0.2151 3.7010 0.1718
Norway 1.7158 0.1618 1.4679 0.1281
Pakistan 5.4049 0.3214 4.5013 0.2356
Peru 3.5304 0.2116 2.9873 0.1686
Philippines 3.8070 0.2091 3.6223 0.1806
Poland 3.2300 0.2533 2.4483 0.1933
Portugal 2.5039 0.1951 1.970 0.1545
Qatar 5.3994 0.2381 4.2504 0.1886
Russia 2.5111 0.4070 1.9845 0.3483
San Marino 1.8964 0.1456 1.6743 0.1288
Senegal 3.9344 0.2713 3.0931 0.2116
Singapore 3.6049 0.1843 3.3498 0.1439
South Africa 2.8906 0.2000 2.3088 0.1564
Spain 2.0006 0.1564 1.6901 0.1323
St. Lucia 2.1061 0.2148 1.5593 0.1620
Sweden 1.4360 0.1360 1.4369 0.1218
Switzerland 1.9013 0.1485 1.6395 0.1281
Taiwan 4.0388 0.2060 3.5919 0.1718
Thailand 4.7769 0.2195 3.7789 0.1750
United Arab Emirates 3.8794 0.1708 3.0605 0.1345
United Kingdom 1.2945 0.1256 1.2958 0.1158
Vatican City 1.8964 0.1456 1.6743 0.1288
Vietnam 3.3416 0.3941 3.2891 0.3720
U.S. Portion Peak Off‑Peak
Mileage Band 1st 30 seconds Add'l 6 seconds 1st 30 seconds Add'l 6 seconds
0 ‑ 10 $0.2418 $0.0144 $0.1858 $0.0111
11 ‑ 22 0.2654 0.0189 0.2043 0.0149
23 ‑ 55 0.4313 0.0238 0.3341 0.0186
56 ‑ 124 0.5018 0.0293 0.3898 0.0224
125 ‑ 292 0.6673 0.0333 0.5195 0.0260
293 ‑ 430 0.7385 0.0379 0.5755 0.0295
431 ‑ 925 0.7625 0.0429 0.5939 0.0335
926 + 0.7860 0.0475 0.6125 0.0370
Mexico Portion Peak Off‑Peak
Rate Step 1st Minute Add'l Minute 1st Minute Add'l Minute
1 $0.2898 $0.2898 $0.1704 $0.1704
2 0.3749 0.3749 0.2556 0.2556
3 0.6816 0.6816 0.4430 0.4430
4 0.8008 0.8008 0.5281 0.5281
5 1.1586 1.1586 0.7498 0.7498
6 1.4823 1.4823 0.9711 0.9711
7 1.9763 1.9763 1.3460 1.3460
8 2.1126 2.1126 1.4311 1.4311
.1038 Optional Features
.10381 Accounting Codes (2‑Digit) $15/99 Codes Monthly
From 1 to 99 codes per customer per
originating location. Charges for
accounting codes will not be prorated.
.10382 Accounting Codes (3‑Digit) $15/999 Codes Monthly
From 1 to 999 codes per customer
per originating location. Charges for
accounting codes will not be prorated.
.10383 Call Records on Magnetic Tape $0/Account
.104 Non‑Recurring Charges
Per Circuit/or
T‑1 Channel Per Order
.1041 Installation 1 $ 50
.1042 Expedite ‑0‑ $600
.1043 Cancellation of Order $130 ‑0‑
.1044 Service Conversion/ ‑0‑ $ 50
.1045 Physical Change $100 $ 50
.1046 Administrative Change ‑0‑ $ 20
.1047 Other Non‑Recurring Charges
.10471 Set‑up Charges: Call Records on
Magnetic Tape $75/Account
.105 Service Availability
Option H is available as follows:
A. T‑1 Digital Access for Prism I is available in the MCI Metropolitan Area Terminal locations set forth in Section C‑12, Table IV, Part A. This access method is also available in the cities set forth in Section C‑12, Table V, Part C‑1, where facilities permit.
B. Analog Local Access for Prism I is available in the MCI Metropolitan Area Terminal locations set forth in Section C‑12, Table IV, Part B.
C. Prism I customers can terminate calls to all cities within the contiguous United States, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI, except where such cities are located in the same state as the originating city.
D. Prism I customers can terminate calls to the international locations set forth in Part E of Table V.
E. Aggregate Prism I service to international locations may be limited as set forth in Section B‑2.01.
1 These charges will be based on the type of Local Access used.