Express Rate International Inbound Promotion
Beginning October 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2002, the Company will offer the following promotion to existing Customers of Feature Option 1 WorldCom On-Net Voice Services who subscribe to service on a month-to-month basis or new and existing Customers subscribing under a WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Term Plan (Term Plan) with a service commitment of one, two or three years. Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive any discounts or the benefits of any other promotion on the service which receives the benefits of this promotion.
Beginning upon enrollment in this promotion, in each monthly period in which a month-to-month Customer continues to use service and in each monthly period of a Term Plan Customer's term of service in which the Customer's per-minute usage charges for domestic and international voice WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Inbound Service are less than or equal to $40,000, the Customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Inbound Service usage which originates in the following locations and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on termination type:
Local Network
País Conexión Switched Dedicado
(including Tasmania) $0.5288 $0.5681 $0.5338
Bahamas 0.4949 0.5364 0.4999
Barbados 0.7808 0.8220 0.7858
Bélgica 0.5219 0.5612 0.5269
Bermudas 0.6380 0.6792 0.6430
Brasil 0.6951 0.7356 0.7001
Canadá 0.2050 0.2460 0.2100
Cayman Islands 0.9768 1.0176 0.9818
Chile 0.6756 0.7164 0.6806
China 1.3504 1.3904 1.3554
Colombia 0.7673 0.8088 0.7723
Costa Rica 0.8379 0.8784 0.8429
Chipre 1.4093 1.4508 1.4143
Dinamarca 0.6112 0.6792 0.6162
República Dominicana 0.6951 0.7356 0.7001
El Salvador 1.1235 1.1640 1.1285
Finlandia 0.8731 0.9528 0.8781
Francia 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338
Alemania 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338
Grecia 1.0095 1.0500 1.0145
Guatemala 0.7092 0.7500 0.7142
Hong Kong 0.6659 0.7050 0.6709
Hungría 0.9898 1.0308 0.9948
Indonesia 1.2998 1.3398 1.3048
Irlanda 0.6112 0.6509 0.6162
Israel 0.8379 0.8784 0.8429
Italia 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338
Japan 0.6659 0.7050 0.6709
Corea , Republic of 0.7480 0.7878 0.7530
Luxemburgo 0.4907 0.5532 0.4957
Malasia 0.8794 0.9189 0.8844
Rate Steps 1 ‑ 2 0.2945 0.2995 0.2995
Rate Steps 3 ‑ 4 0.5830 0.5880 0.5880
Mónaco 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338
Holanda 0.4741 0.5141 0.4791
Antillas Holandesas 0.7092 0.7500 0.7142
Nevis 0.9704 1.0116 0.9754
Nueva Zelanda 0.8731 0.9131 0.8781
Nicaragua 1.1091 1.1408 1.1141
Noruega 0.9359 1.0176 0.9409
Panamá 0.7870 0.8280 0.7920
Perú 1.3522 1.3932 1.3572
Filipinas 0.8481 0.8878 0.8531
Rumania 1.5841 1.6120 1.5891
Rusia 1.2116 1.2383 1.2166
Singapur 0.6795 0.7188 0.6845
Sudáfrica 1.1405 1.1820 1.1455
España (including Balearic
Islands, Canary Islands,
Ceuta and Melilla) 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338
St. Kitts 0.9704 1.0116 0.9754
St. Vincent/Grenadines 0.9768 1.0176 0.9818
Suecia 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338
Suiza 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338
San Marino 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338
Taiwán 0.7480 0.7878 0.7530
Tailandia 0.8849 0.9246 0.8899
Trinidad/Tobago 0.8520 0.8928 0.8570
Turquía 1.4024 1.4436 1.4074
Turks and Caicos Islands 1.0553 1.0968 1.0603
Reino Unido 0.2963 0.3358 0.3013
Uruguay 1.2972 1.3380 1.3022
Ciudad del Vaticano 0.5288 0.5681 0.5338