This service is furnished by the MCI Legacy Company.​​ 


Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 11 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.​​ 


            Please note the following regarding this important change.​​ 


·​​          MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 11 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised service definitions and new or revised service terms and conditions contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1.  Like the service in former MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 11, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts.  Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 11 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC. No. 11 and currently contained in this Guide.​​ 


·​​          Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 11 on July 31, 2001.​​ 


·​​          If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.​​ 


·​​          The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.​​ 


·​​          Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”​​     






This Tariff contains the service offerings, rates, terms and conditions applicable to the furnishing of international private line telecommunications services from certain gateway cities in the United States to International locations Company which is a nondominant common carrier providing telecommunications services pursuant to Section 63.10(a) of the Rules of the Federal Communications Commission, EXCEPT THAT, EFFECTIVE JUNE 23, 2001, THE DEFINITIONS AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS TARIFF AT SECTIONS I AND II, RESPECTIVELY, AS THEY APPLY TO BUSINESS SERVICE, ARE SUPERSEDED BY THE DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN WORLDCOM TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 1, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 1.C.01 THEREOF.​​ 


I.          DEFINITIONS​​ 


Effective June 23, 2001, all Definitions, as they apply to Business Service, are superseded by the General Definitions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff FCC No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.​​ 


Access Connection:​​   A private line service component which connects the facilities of Company or other domestic carriers with those of a Foreign Telecommunications Provider at an international boundary point.​​ 


Administrative Change:​​   A modification requested by the Customer of an existing circuit, dedicated access line or port, or any other administrative change not covered by a Billing Record Change.​​ 


Alternate Access:​​   Alternate Access is a form of Local Access except that the provider of the Service is an entity, other than the Local Exchange Carrier, authorized or permitted to provide such service.  The charges for Alternate Access may be subject to private agreement rather than published or special Tariff if permitted by applicable governmental rules.​​ 


AMI:​​   Alternate Mark Inversion.​​ 


Ancillary Charges:​​   Charges for supplementary services as described in Section V.6 of this Tariff, which may consist of both non-recurring and monthly recurring charges.​​ 


Application for Service/Service Agreement:​​   "Application for Service" or "Service Agreement" means a Company-designated form signed by Company and the Customer which identifies the service requested by the Customer and may contain terms under which service is to be provided.  An Application for Service/Service Agreement also may be a Customer form that is accepted in writing by an Authorized Headquarters Representative of Company.​​ 


ASR:​​   "ASR" (Access Service Request) means an order placed with a Local Access Provider for Local Access.​​ 


Authorized Headquarters Representative of Company:​​   Authorized Headquarters Representative of Company means a headquarters representative of Company that is empowered to bind Company.​​ 


B8ZS:​​   Bipolar with eight zero substitution.​​ 


Bill Date:​​   "Bill Date" is the date on which billing information is compiled and sent to the Customer.  This date appears on the bill in the upper right-hand corner.​​ 


Billing Record Change:​​  A change in Customer billing address.​​ 


Bit:​​   The smallest unit of information in the binary system.​​ 


Border Crossing Point​​  (BCP): The international point of demarcation for private line circuits to countries which physically border the U.S. Mainland, namely Canada and Mexico.​​ 


Business Days:​​   The period between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding bank holidays.​​ 


Canadian Telephone Company:​​   A Canadian common carrier which is authorized by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to provide Interexchange or Local Access telecommunications service in Canada.​​ 


Cancellation of Order:​​   A Customer request to discontinue processing a digital service description, either in part or in its entirety, prior to its completion.​​ 


Complete Circuit Coordination (3C):​​   Company coordination of installation and billing of both U.S. and Foreign Half Circuits.​​ 


Concentration and Segregation:​​   In the DCS Concentration/Segregation application, the DCS equipment located in a Point of Presence is used to electronically multiplex/demultiplex DS-0 or DDS level channels from a Customer's DS-1 level Interexchange Service or Local Access circuit and then electronically cross-connect those channels to DS-0/DDS level Interexchange Service or Local Access facilities.  This application is Company's required alternative to the use of DS-1/DS-0 channel banks and DS-0 level electrical distribution frames within Company Points of Presence. The exact cross-connection of the DS-0/DDS channels must be specified at the time of order.​​ 


DCS:​​   Digital Cross-Connect System.​​ 


DDS Service:​​   DDS means Digital Data Service, which is an all digital dedicated interexchange service designed for full-duplex data transmission at synchronous speeds of 56 or 64 Kbps.​​ 


Disconnection:​​   The disconnection of a circuit, dedicated access line or port connection.​​ 


Diverse Routing:​​   This option is a request for the Company to provide multiple circuits to a specific country destination with as much route diversity as is possible.​​ 


Diversity:​​   Customer-designated routing agreed to by an authorized representative of the Company which indicates a Customer designated departure from a Company Primary Route.  The provision of Diversity with respect to Circuits may entail circuits routed on physically separate facilities on a geographic or systems basis (to the extent possible, i.e., 100% Route Diversity on a POP-to-POP or Customer Premise-to-Customer Premise basis is not guaranteed) between the same city pair where the facilities required to provide the relevant Circuits are determined by Company to be available.​​ 


Drop and Insert:​​   In this application, the multiplex equipment is used to electronically cross-connect DS-0/DDS level channels between Customer DS-1 circuits or cross-connect DS-1 level circuits between Customer DS-3 circuits at a common multiplex location and may also provide for the dropping and/or inserting of DS-0/DDS level channels at that common location for connection to DS-0 level Local Access or Interexchange facilities.  The DS-1 circuits may be a combination of DS-1 level Interexchange Services and DS-1 level Local Access facilities.  The exact cross-connection of the channels between the Customer's circuits must be specified at the time of order.​​ 


DS-0:​​   DS-0 means Digital Signal Level 0 Service and is a 64 Kbps signal.​​ 


DS-1:​​   DS-1 means Digital Signal Level 1 Service and is a 1.536 Mbps signal.​​ 


DS-3:​​   DS-3 means Digital Signal Level 3 Service and is a 44.736 Mbps signal.​​ 


Duplex:​​   A communications path that allows for simultaneous transmission in both directions.​​ 


Due Date:​​   The "Due Date" is the date on which payment is due.​​ 


E-0:​​   E-0 is the European equivalent of DS-0 Service and is a 64 Kbps signal.​​ 


E-1​​ :  E-1 is the European equivalent of DS-1 Service and is a 2.048 Mbps signal comprised of 1.984 Mbps of customer transmission capacity and 64 Kbps of network signaling capacity.​​ 


End-to-End International Private Line Service:​​   A service option in which the Company has sole Customer-premise to Customer-premise international private line service responsibility.  "Global Data Line" is used interchangeably with "End-to-End International Private Line Service."​​ 


ESF:​​   Extended Super Frame.​​ 


Expedite:​​   An Application for Service/Service Agreement that is processed, at the request of a Customer, in a time period shorter than Company's standard service interval.​​ 


Extension Channel:​​   The means used to provide service between the Company and the Customer location.​​ 


Foreign Administration:​​   A foreign governing body.​​ 


Foreign Half Circuit:​​   The portion of a point to point international circuit between its terminating point in a Foreign country and the appropriate satellite or theoretical mid-point of the transoceanic cable.​​ 


Foreign Telecommunications Provider (FTP):​​   An entity operating in a foreign location which provides telecommunications services or facilities.​​ 


Fractional T-1:​​   Fractional T-1 is a service provided in DS-0 multiples of 2 to 24 channels and connected to a Customer Premises via DS-1 level Local Access facilities.​​ 


Full Circuit:​​   The combined Foreign and U.S. Half Circuit portions of a point to point international circuit excluding U.S. Interexchange Service and Local Access from the Customer Premises to Gateway and excluding Local Access to foreign location if identified as a separate component.​​ 


Gateway:​​   A location in which the Company maintains facilities for the rendition of services as described in this Tariff.​​ 


Gateway Connection:​​   A private line service component applied to non-Canadian international private line service utilizing an international gateway.​​ 


Half Circuit:​​   The portion of a point to point international circuit between its foreign and domestic ITMC's, as defined below, and the theoretical mid-point of the appropriate satellite or transoceanic cable.​​ 


Individual Case Basis (ICB):​​   Individual case basis (ICB) determinations involve situations where nonstandard service arrangements are required to satisfy specialized Customer needs. The nature of such service requirements makes it difficult or impossible to establish general Tariff provisions for such circumstances.  When it becomes possible to determine specific terms and conditions for such offerings, they will be offered pursuant to such terms and conditions when set forth in writing and subscribed to by authorized representatives of the Customer and Authorized Headquarters Representative(s) of Company.​​ 


Installation:​​   The connection of a circuit, dedicated access line, port or other Ancillary Service for new or additional service.​​ 


Interexchange Service:​​   "Interexchange Service" means that portion of a communications channel between a Company-designated Point of Presence in one exchange and a Point of Presence in another exchange.​​ 


International Gateway City:​​   The cities from which Company provides International Communications Services via an international earth station or undersea cable.​​ 


Interruption:​​   "Interruption" means a condition whereby the service or a portion thereof is inoperative (as defined in Section III of this Tariff, Technical Standards), beginning at the time of notice by the Customer to Company that such service is inoperative and ending at the time of restoration.​​ 


ITMC:​​   International Test and Maintenance Center.​​ 


K:​​   Kilobits per second, when in context.​​ 


Kb:​​   Kilobits per second.​​ 


Kbs:​​   Kilobits per second.​​ 


kbps or Kbps:  Kilobits per second.​​ 


Local Access:​​   "Local Access" means the service between a Customer premise and a Company designated Point of Presence, between Customer and a Canadian Telephone Company-designated point of presence, or between a Customer and a FTP point of presence.​​ 


Local Access Provider:​​   "Local Access Provider" means an entity providing Local Access.​​ 


            Mb:  Megabits per second.​​ 


Mbs:  Megabits per second.​​ 


Mbps:  Megabits per second.​​ 


Multiplexing:​​   "Multiplexing," or "muxing," is the sequential combining of lower bit rate services onto a higher bit rate service or vice versa for more efficient facility capacity usage.​​ 


A.         DS-1/DS-0 (D4) Multiplexing:​​ 


This is a service provided by the Local Exchange Carrier at the Local Exchange Carrier wire center that allows for the multiplexing/ demultiplexing of 24 VF or DS-0 channels per DS-1.​​ 


B.         M13 Multiplexing:​​ 


M13 Multiplexing includes the provision of M13 multiplexing equipment in a Company, Canadian Telephone Company or Foreign Telecommunication Provider Point of Presence to perform the function of multiplexing or demultiplexing up to 28 DS-1 level Interexchange Services or Local Access circuits out of or into a single DS-3 level Interexchange Service or Local Access facility.​​ 


C.        E-1/E-0 Multiplexing:​​ 


This is a service provided by the Foreign Telecommunication Provider that allows for the multiplexing/demultiplexing of 30 VF or DS-0 channels per E-1.​​ 


NA or N/A:​​   Not available.​​ 


N/C:​​   No charge.​​ 


Nonrecurring Charges:​​   Nonrecurring charges are one-time charges which are applied as described in Section V.6 of this Tariff.  Nonrecurring charges may also apply to certain Ancillary Charges described in Section V.6 of this Tariff.​​ 


OSS:​​   One-Stop Shopping (OSS) builds on the traditional service by providing ordering and billing for the entire circuit to a select list of countries with which Company has established agreements.​​ 


Past Due Date:​​   The date on which finance charges are assessed.​​ 


Primary Route:​​   The route which, in the absence of Customer-designated routing or temporary re-routing, would be used by Company in the provision of service.​​ 


Private Line:​​   A "Private Line" is a dedicated transmission facility furnished to a Customer without intermediate switching arrangements for full-time Customer use.​​ 


Private Line Service:​​   "Private Line Service" is an unswitched full-time transmission service utilizing dedicated access arrangements.​​ 


PTT:​​   Postal Telephone and Telegraph (PTT) is the foreign governmental telecommunications agencies.​​ 


Rate Center:​​   A specified geographical location used for determining mileage measurements.​​ 


Requested Service Date:​​   The Requested Service Date is the date requested by the Customer for commencement of service and agreed to by Company.​​ 


Restoration:​​   The re-establishing of service by re-routing, substitution of component parts, or otherwise, as determined by the carrier(s) involved.​​ 


Route Diversity Service:​​   An option requested by the Customer to provide multiple circuits to a specific country destination with as much route diversity as is possible.​​ 


Service Commitment Period:​​   Service Commitment Period is the length of time specified on the Application for Service/Service Agreement for which the Customer agrees to accept, and Company agrees to provide, the described service.​​ 


SF:​​   Super Frame.  A data transmission format comprised of 12 frames of 192 bits each.  Also known as a D4.​​ 


Shared Facilities:​​   A Company facility used in the provision of service to more than one Customer.​​ 


Simplex:​​   The transmission of a signal in one direction.​​ 


SEO:​​   Single-End Ordering (SEO).  An option of OSS where the Customer can order from Company the complete circuit from the Customer's U.S. premise to its  foreign location premise.​​ 


SEB:​​   Single-End Billing (SEB).  An option of OSS where either Company will bill a Customer location or the foreign PTT will bill the foreign end Customer location for both U.S. and foreign circuits (including Local Access).​​ 


Special Arrangement:​​   The construction of new facilities or the special arrangement of facilities to meet a Customer's requirements.​​ 


Start of Service Date:​​   "Start of Service Date" is the requested service date or the date Service first becomes available from Company in accordance with the Technical Standards specified in this Tariff, whichever is later.​​ 


Technical Standards:​​   Technical Standards are governed by the Technical Standards described in Section III, Technical Standards, of this Tariff.​​ 


Terminal:​​   Either a gateway or the gateway extension point to which the Company's rendition of service is linked by use of extension channels.​​ 


Theoretical Midpoint (TMP):​​   The theoretical halfway point that divides an international private line circuit into its representative U.S. and foreign halves.​​ 


Transmission Speed:​​   Data transmission speed or rate, in bits per second (bps).​​ 


United States Half Circuit/U.S. Half Circuit:​​   The portion of a point to point international circuit between its originating ITMC in the U.S. Mainland and the theoretical mid-point of the appropriate satellite or transoceanic cable.​​ 


United States Mainland/U.S. Mainland:​​   The area within the boundaries of the District of Columbia and the 48 contiguous states as well as the offshore areas outside the boundaries of the coastal states of the 48 contiguous states (including the artificial islands, anchored vessels and fixed structures erected in such offshore areas for the purpose of exploring for, developing, removing and transporting resources therefrom) to the extent that such areas appertain to and are subject to the jurisdiction and control of the United States within the meaning of the Outer Continental Shelf Land Act, 43 U.S.C. Section 1331, et seq.​​ 


VF:​​   VF is voice frequency or voice-grade service designed for private-line service.  Normal transmission is in the 300 hertz to 3000 hertz frequency band.​​ 


VIG:​​  Virtual International Gateway (VIG) is a logical extension of the physical international gateway to the Company point of presence nearest the Customer's locations.​​ 



            Effective June 23, 2001, all Rules and Regulations, as they apply to Business Service, are superseded by the General Terms and Conditions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff FCC No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.​​ 


1.         Description and Limitations of Services​​ 


            .01       Private Line Service is the furnishing of Company communication services between specified locations under the terms of this Tariff.​​ 


            .02       Any member of the general public (including any natural person or legally organized entity such as a corporation, partnership, or governmental body) is entitled to obtain service under this Tariff, provided that Company reserves the right to deny service:  (A)  to any Customer that, in Company's reasonable opinion, presents an undue risk of nonpayment, (B) in circumstances in which Company has reason to believe that the use of the service would violate the provisions of this Tariff or any applicable law or if any applicable law restricts or prohibits provision of the service, or (C) if insufficient facilities are available to provide the service (in such cases Company shall take reasonable efforts to accommodate the needs of all potential Customers by means of facility improvements or purchases of capacity, if such efforts will, in Company's opinion, provide Company with a reasonable return on its expenditures), but only for so long as such unavailability exists.​​ 


            .03       Service may be discontinued upon written notice to the Customer if:​​ 


                        a.         the Customer is using the service in violation of this Tariff; or​​ 


                        b.         the Customer is using the service in violation of the law.​​ 




            .05       Notices may be given orally or in writing to the persons whose names and business addresses appear on the relevant Application for Service/Service Agreement and the effective date of any notice shall be the date of delivery of such notice, not the date of mailing.  By written notice, Company or Customer may change the party to receive notice and/or the address to which such notice is to be delivered.  In the event no Customer or Company address is provided in the Application for Service/Service Agreement, notice shall be given to the last known business address of Customer or Company, as appropriate.​​ 


            .06       The Company shall maintain sole and absolute discretion over the routing of channels hereunder.  Special Routing or Diverse Routing capabilities may be subject to additional charges.​​ 


            .07       The provision of communications services by the Company is not part of a joint undertaking with any other entity providing communications facilities or services.​​ 


            .08       The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its services to Customers for the transmission of telecommunications.​​ 


2.         Miscellaneous Terms and Conditions​​ 


            .01       Except as otherwise provided herein, service is provided on the basis of a minimum period of one year.  For the purposes of computing charges in this Tariff, a year is considered to have 365 days.​​ 


            .02       Customers may be required to complete Application for Service/Service Agreement forms which may contain or reference a specific description of the services ordered, the terms and conditions, and the rates to be charged in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Tariff.  The Application for Service/Service Agreement must contain the name(s) of the Customer(s) using the service.  Customer will also be required to execute any other documents as may be reasonably requested by Company in order to provide service.  If a Application for Service/Service Agreement is entered into, it and this Tariff shall together constitute the entire agreement between Company and Customer.  In the event the Application for Service/Service Agreement and this Tariff are inconsistent, the Tariff shall prevail.​​ 


            .03       Service requested by Customer and to be provided pursuant to this Tariff shall be requested on a Company Application for Service/Service Agreement in effect from time to time or Customer's forms accepted in writing by an Authorized Headquarters Representative of Company.  Each Application for Service/Service Agreement shall reference this Tariff and, when accepted in writing by Company, the Application for Service/Service Agreement will be deemed to set forth the final operative obligations between Company and the Customer regarding the services described therein to the extent that it specifies the type of Interexchange Service, quantity of circuits, originating and terminating cities, Requested Service Date, Service Commitment Period, changes and other information necessary for Company.  Any other items and conditions that are typed, printed or otherwise included in any Application for Service/Service Agreement shall be deemed to be solely for the convenience of the parties unless noted as an Individual Case Basis (ICB) term or condition.  No action by Company (including, without limitation, provision of Service to Customer pursuant to such Application for Service/Service Agreement) shall be construed as binding or estopping Company with respect to such term or condition, unless the Application for Service/Service Agreement containing said specific term or condition has been signed by an Authorized Headquarters Representative of Company and Customer.​​ 


            .04       The Service Commitment Period for any Service shall be established by the Application for Service/Service Agreement relevant thereto and commence on the Start of Service Date.  Upon expiration, the Service Commitment Period for such Service shall automatically be extended subject to written notice of termination by either Company or Customer as of a date not less than forty-five (45) days after delivery of said notice to the other.  The charges for Interexchange Service during any such extension shall not exceed the then current Company one year charges applicable to such Service.  The Service Commitment Period for the Service shall commence on the Requested Service Date set forth in the Application for Service/Service Agreement relevant thereto or the date upon which the Service first becomes available in conformity with the relevant Technical Standards set forth in Section III, whichever is later ("Start of Service Date").​​ 


            .05       In the event suit is brought or an attorney is retained by Company to enforce the terms of this Tariff, the Customer will be liable for all expenses and fees (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by the Company in connection with the collection of any unpaid sum owed to the Company and the Company shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other remedy, reimbursement for reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, costs of investigation and other related expenses incurred in connection therewith.​​ 


3.         Liability​​ 


            .01       Except as provided for in this Tariff, Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity for any failure of performance hereunder if such failure is due to any cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of Company.  Such causes shall include, without limitation, acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, storm or other similar occurrence, any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the United States government or of any other government (including state and local governments or of any department, agency, commission, court, bureau, corporation of other instrumentality of any one or more said governments) or of any civil or military authority, national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strikes, lockouts or work stoppages or other labor difficulties, supplier failures, shortages, breaches or delays.  The liability of the Company in the case of Extension Channels furnished by it shall be the same as provided herein for the appropriate international facilities with which they are interconnected.​​ 


            .02       If Company's failure of performance for reasons specified above shall be for thirty (30) days or less, Service shall not be subject to cancellation, but an appropriate percentage of charges for the directly affected Service shall be abated for such interruption of service subject to provisions of Section II.10 of the Tariff.  If Company's failure of performance is for more than thirty (30) days, then the directly affected Service may be canceled by either party without liability other than Customer's liability for payment for Service provided prior to cancellation.  In the event of channel interruption caused by storms, or the action of elements, or other acts of God, or by strikes, or by civil or military authority, or by wars, insurrection, riots, rebellions or the unlawful acts of individuals or by other conditions beyond the control of the Company, the Company reserves the right to provide private line service by any available substitute means pending restoration of normal service.​​ 


            .03       Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other Company or companies furnishing a portion of the Service.  Furthermore, the Company shall not be liable for:​​ 


                        a.         any claims for libel, slander or infringement of patents, trade secrets, or copyrights arising from or in connection with the transmission of communications by means of Company-provided facilities or services;​​ 


                        b.         any claims for infringement of patents, trade secrets or copyrights arising from the combination of Company-provided facilities or services with Customer-provided facilities or services;​​ 


                        c.         any claim arising out of any act or omission of the Customer or any other entity furnishing services or facilities for use in conjunction with services or facilities provided by the Company;​​ 


                        d.         unlawful or unauthorized use of the Company's facilities and services;​​ 


                        e.         any claim arising out of a breach in the privacy or security of communications transmitted over the Company's facilities;​​ 


                        f.          changes in any of the facilities, operations or procedures of the Company that render any facilities or services provided by the Customer obsolete, or require modification or alteration of such facilities or services, or otherwise affect their use or performance, except where reasonable notice has not been provided to the Customer; and​​ 


                        g.         any claim for damage to property, or injury or death to persons, including claims for payments made under Workers' Compensation law or under any plan for employee disability or death benefits, which may arise out of, or be caused by, any act or omission of the Customer, or the construction, installation, maintenance, presence, use or removal of Customer's facilities or equipment connected, or to be connected to the Company's facilities.​​ 


            .04       Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer from:​​ 


                        a.         claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising out of the material, data, trade secret information, or otherwise arising out of the content transmitted over Company's channels;​​ 


                        b.         patent infringement claims arising from combining or connecting Company channels with equipment and systems of the Customer;​​ 


                        c.         all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the Customer in connection with any service provided by Company;​​ 


                        d.         defacement of, or damage to, the premises of a Customer resulting from the furnishing of installation, and/or removal of channel facilities or the attachment or instruments, equipment and associated wiring on or from the Customer's premises;​​ 


                        e.         claims arising out of the use of services or associated equipment in an unsafe manner (such as use in an explosive atmosphere) or the negligent or wilful act of any person other than Company, its agents, or employees;​​ 


                        f.          unlawful or unauthorized use of the Company's facilities services;​​ 


                        g.         any claim arising out of a breach in the privacy or security of communications transmitted over the Company's facilities; and​​ 


                        h.         changes in any of the facilities, operations or procedures of the Company that render any facilities or services provided by the Customer obsolete, or require modification or alteration of such facilities or services, or otherwise affect their use or performance, except where reasonable notice has not been provided to Customer.​​ 


            .05       No agents or employees of other participating carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of the Company.​​ 


            .06       The Customer is responsible for taking all necessary legal steps for interconnecting the Customer-provided terminal equipment with Company facilities and obtaining Service under this Tariff.  The Customer is responsible for securing all licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other arrangements necessary for such interconnection.​​ 


            .07       Company may rely on Local Exchange Carriers, Foreign Telecommunications Providers or other third parties for installation and testing of the Service and for the performance of other services hereunder other than Interexchange Service (e.g., Local Access).  Upon Customer request and execution and delivery of appropriate authorizing documents, Company may act as agent for Customer in obtaining such other services.  Company's liability for timely installation, proper testing and operation of such other Services is limited in the General Limitation of Liability section of this Tariff.  The Customer has sole responsibility for installation and testing of facilities and equipment other than that deemed necessary by Company for provision of Service other than Services described in a Service Order/Service Agreement to be provided by Company.  Customer's liability for charges hereunder shall not be reduced by untimely installation or non-operation of Customer provided facilities and equipment.  The term of any foreign Local Access channel obtained by the Company on behalf of the Customer may not exceed the Service Commitment Period of its associated Foreign Half Circuit.​​ 


            .08       The Customer indemnifies and holds Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party or persons, for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by this Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use of such equipment where such installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, condition, location or use is not the direct result of Company's negligence or willful action.​​ 


            .09       The Customer shall ensure that its equipment and/or system is properly interfaced with Company facilities, that the signals emitted into Company's network are of the proper mode, bandwidth, power, data speed, and signal level for the intended use of the Customer and in compliance with the criteria set forth herein, and that the signals do not damage Company equipment, injure personnel or degrade service to other Customers.​​ 


            .10       The failure to give notice of default, to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of the terms or conditions herein, the waiver of any term or condition herein, or the granting of an extension of time for performance by Company or the Customer shall not constitute the permanent waiver of any term or condition herein.  Each of the provisions shall remain at all times in full force and effect until modified in writing.​​ 


            .11       The Customer shall indemnify and save the Company harmless from all liability as disclaimed by the Company, as specified in Sections 3.03 and 3.04 preceding, arising in connection with the provision of service by the Company to the Customer, and the Customer shall protect and defend the Company from any suits or claims alleging such liability, and shall pay all expenses and satisfy all judgements which may be incurred by or rendered against the Company in connection therewith.  The Company shall notify the Customer of any such suit or claim against the Company.​​ 


            .12       Company shall not be liable to the Customer or any other person, firm or entity in any respect whatsoever as a result of mistakes, accidents, errors, omissions, interruptions, delays, or defects in service (collectively "Defects").  Defects caused by or contributed to, directly or indirectly, by act or omission of Customer or its Customers, affiliates, agents, representatives, invitees, licensees, successors or assigns (hereinafter "Customer and Related Parties") or which arise from or are caused by the use of facilities or equipment of Customer or Related Parties shall not result in the imposition of any liability whatsoever upon Company, and Customer shall pay to Company any reasonable costs, expenses, damages, fees or penalties incurred by Company as a result thereof, including costs of Local Access providers' labor and materials.  In addition, all or a portion of the service may be provided over facilities of third parties, and Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity in any respect whatsoever arising out of Defects caused by such third parties.  The Company's liability for willful misconduct, if established as a result of judicial or administrative proceedings, is not limited by this tariff.  The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or actual damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of any  service interruption or any other cause.  The Company's liability, if any, with regard to defective service (including any delayed installation of the Company's facilities or commencement of service) shall not exceed $1,000.  The warranty set forth in Section II.10, any  allowance for interruptions provided for herein, and the remedies explicitly set forth in this Tariff are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties or remedies, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  In the event of an interruption in service or any defect in the service whatsoever, neither Company nor any affiliated or unaffiliated third party provider or operator of facilities employed in the provision of the service shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or actual damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever.​​ 


            .13       In the event parties other than Customer (e.g., Customer's Customers) shall have use of the service directly or indirectly through Customer, then Customer agrees to forever indemnify and hold Company and any affiliated or unaffiliated third-party provider or operator of facilities employed in provision of the service harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, losses, damages, assessments or payments which may be asserted by said parties arising out of or relating to any defect, interruption, error or delay in the service.​​ 


            .14       In the event that Company is required to perform a circuit redesign due to inaccurate information provided by the Customer; or, circumstances in which such costs and expenses are caused by the Customer or reasonably incurred by Company for the benefit of the Customer, the Customer is responsible for the payment of all such charges.​​ 


            .15       Any claim of whatever nature against the Company shall be deemed conclusively as having been waived unless presented in writing to the Company within ninety (90) days after the date service was affected.​​ 


4.         Cancellation of Service by a Customer​​ 


            .01​​        When Customer terminates service, it shall comply with the notice requirements set forth in the General Terms and Conditions of Service.​​ 


5.         Cancellation for Cause by Company​​ 


            .01       Upon nonpayment of any sum owing to Company, or upon a violation of any of the provisions governing the furnishing of service under this Tariff, Company may, upon written notification to the Customer, without incurring any liability, immediately discontinue the furnishing of such service.  Customer shall be deemed to have canceled service as of the date of such disconnection and shall be liable for any cancellation charges set forth in Section II.4 of this Tariff.​​ 


            .02       Company may discontinue the furnishing of service(s) to a Customer, immediately without incurring any liability and without notice:​​ 


                        a.         if Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or services;​​ 


                        b.         if the Customer refuses to furnish information to Company regarding the Customer's creditworthiness, its past or current use of common carrier communications services or its planned use of Service(s);​​ 


                        c.         if the Customer provides false information to Company regarding the Customer's identity, address, creditworthiness, past or current use of Customer communications services, or its planned use of Company Service(s);​​ 


                        d.         if the Customer states that it will not comply with a request of Company for reasonable security for the payment for service(s);​​ 


                        e.         if the Customer has been given written notice by Company of any past due amount (which remains unpaid in whole or in part) for any of Company's common carrier communications services to which the Customer either subscribes or had subscribed or used;​​ 


                        f.          immediately upon written notice to the Customer of any sum thirty (30) days past due;​​ 


                        g.         immediately upon written notice to the Customer, after failure of the Customer to comply with a request by Company for reasonable security for the payment of service;​​ 


                        h.         thirty (30) days after sending the Customer written notice if noncompliance with the foregoing paragraphs of this subsection is not corrected within the thirty (30) day period;​​ 


                        i.          if Customer abuses or fraudulently or unlawfully uses the service;​​ 


                        j.          if Customer violates any of the provisions governing the furnishing of service under this Tariff;​​ 


                        k.         if Customer violates any law, rule, regulation or policy of any government authority having jurisdiction over the Service; or​​ 


                        l.          where there has been any intentional or de facto transfer or assignment of services supplied by the Company, or a transfer of control of the Customer, without the express written authorization of the Company, which shall be deemed fraudulent use.​​ 


                        m.        where a Customer's use of the Service has materially increased and a deposit has been requested by the Company, and the deposit has not been paid by the Customer.​​ 


            .03       If at any time there is a material change in Customer's creditworthiness, then, in addition to any other remedies available to Company pursuant to this Tariff, Company may exercise one or more of the following remedies without incurring any liability:  (A) cause Start of Service for Service described in a previously executed Application for Service/Service Agreement to be withheld; (B) cease providing Service; (C) decline to accept a Service Order/Service Agreement from Customer to provide Service which Company may otherwise be obligated to accept; (D) Company may condition its provision of Service on assurance of payment by Customer which shall take the form of a deposit or means to establish reasonable assurance of payment specified by Company. A material change in Customer's creditworthiness shall include, but not be limited to:  (i) Customer's default of its obligations to Company under this Tariff or any other agreement with Company; (ii) failure of Customer to make full payment of charges due hereunder on or before the Due Date on three or more occasions during any period of twelve or fewer months or Customer's failure to make such payment on or before the Due Date in any two consecutive months; (iii) acquisition of Customer (whether in whole or by majority or controlling interest) by an entity which is insolvent, which is subject to bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, which owes past due amounts to Company or any entity affiliated with Company or which is a materially greater credit risk than Customer; or, (iv) Customer's being subject to or having filed for bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or the legal insolvency of Customer.​​ 


            .04       The discontinuance of service(s) by Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the Customer of any obligations to pay Company for charges due and owing for service(s) furnished up to the time of discontinuance.  The remedies set forth herein shall not be exclusive and Company shall at all times be entitled to all rights available to it under either law or equity.​​ 


            .05       Service may be restored to a Customer only after all violations are corrected and all payments are current to the sole satisfaction of the Company.​​ 


6.         Use of Service​​ 


            .01       The services offered herein may be used for any lawful purpose, including residential, business, governmental, or other use.  There are no restrictions on sharing or resale of services.  However, the Customer remains liable for all obligations under this Tariff notwithstanding such sharing or resale and regardless of Company's knowledge of same.  Company shall have no liability to any person or entity other than the Customer.  The Customer shall not use nor permit others to use the service in a manner that could interfere with services provided to others or that could harm the facilities of Company or others.  Customers may, by use of their own equipment, create additional channels of a lesser capacity within the Bandwidth constraint of the channels furnished by the Company, subject to FCC authorization where required.​​ 


            .02       Service furnished by Company may be arranged for joint use or authorized use.  The joint user or authorized user shall be permitted to use such service in the same manner as the Customer, but subject to the following:​​ 


                        a.         One joint user or authorized user must be designated as the Customer.  The designated Customer does not necessarily have to have communications requirements of his own.  The Customer must specifically name all joint users or authorized users in the Application for Service/Service Agreement.  Orders which involve the start, rearrangement or discontinuance of joint use or authorized use service will be accepted by Company only from that Customer and will be subject to all regulations of this Tariff.​​ 


                        b.         All charges for the service will be computed as if the service were to be billed to one Customer.  The joint user or authorized user which has been designated as the Customer will be billed for all components of the service and will be responsible for all payments to the Company.  In the event that the designated Customer fails to pay the Company, each joint user or authorized user shall be liable to the Company for all charges incurred as a result of its use of Company's service.  Each joint or authorized user must submit to the designated Customer a letter accepting contingent liability for its portion of all charges billed by the Company to the designated Customer.  This letter must also specify that the joint or authorized user understands that Company will receive a copy of the guaranty from the designated Customer.  The Customer shall be responsible for allocating charges to each joint user or authorized user.​​ 


            .03       In addition to the other provisions in this Tariff, Customers reselling Company services shall be responsible for all interaction and interface with their own subscribers or Customers.​​ 




            .05       A Customer may select a Service Commitment Period from one (1) year to five (5) years in duration.  The Service Commitment Period selected by the Customer will begin on the Start of Service Date and the then current rate for U.S. Half Circuit Service or Canadian Service shall remain in effect throughout the Service Commitment Period. Upon expiration of the selected Service Commitment Period, service will continue on an annual basis at the current Company monthly charges for such service set forth herein unless canceled by the Customer or Company in accordance with the provisions in this Tariff.​​ 


                        If the rates change during the Service Commitment Period, the Customer shall not have the option of canceling service if Tariff revisions increase the applicable Access Connection rates without the Customer's written consent before the applicable Service Commitment Period expires without incurring the cancellation charges set forth in Section II.4.02 of this Tariff.  Rates for Foreign Half Circuits billed by the Company will be subject to periodic adjustment based on revised foreign currency exchange rates.​​ 


            .06       The provision of the Service will not create a partnership or joint venture between the Company and Customer nor result in a joint communications service offering to the Customers of either Company or the Customer.​​ 


            .07       If Private Line Service is to be used for a third party in a foreign country, the Customer must obtain appropriate authorization from the foreign government, if required.​​ 


            .08       International Private Line Service obtained pursuant to this Tariff for the purpose of resale for the provision of third party services that are interconnected to the public switched network requires prior authorization from the FCC and a demonstration that the foreign government or administration affords equivalent resale opportunities; however, resale of Private Line Service over separate satellite systems for the provision of third party services that are interconnected to the public switched network is prohibited.​​ 


            .09       The Company reserves the right to monitor its Customers' traffic periodically to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  The Customer will cooperate with the Company to facilitate any such monitoring.  The Customer acknowledges that, should such monitoring indicate that use of the leased lines is not in accordance with the applicable U.S. and foreign regulations, service shall immediately be terminated.​​ 




7.         Payment Arrangements​​ 


            .01       The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished to the Customer or its joint or authorized users.  This responsibility is not changed by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the Customer's service or Customer-provided systems, equipment, facilities, or services interconnected to the Customer's service, which use, misuse, or abuse may be occasioned by third parties, including, without limitation, the Customer's employees or other members of the public.  If an entity other than Company (e.g., another carrier or a supplier) imposes charges on Company in connection with a service for which a Company non-recurring charge is specified, that entity's charges will be passed through to the Customer also.  Payment for monthly recurring charges which are fixed in amount and not dependent on usage are due in advance on the first day of the month.  In the event that service was provided for less than a month, monthly recurring charges will be pro-rated.  Pro-rated monthly recurring charges are due on the first day of the month following the month in which service was provided.  Installation and other non-recurring charges are due on the first day of the month following the month in which service was provided.​​ 


            .02       Invoices are payable 30 days from invoice date.  Amounts not paid within 30 days from the invoice date will be considered past due.  Customers will be assessed a late fee on past due amounts in the amount of the lesser of one and one-half percent (1 1/2%) per month or the maximum lawful rate under applicable law. If a Customer presents an undue risk of nonpayment at any time, Company may require that Customer to pay its bills within a specified number of days and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.   Late payment charges will not be applied on any portion of the bill that is contested by the Customer, so long as (i) the Customer pays the undisputed amount; (ii) the Company is notified of the dispute within sixty (60) days of the invoice date of the bill in question; (iii) the Customer supplies the Company with information to substantiate the disputed bill; and (iv) the dispute is settled in favor of the Customer.​​ 


            .03       In determining whether a Customer presents an undue risk of nonpayment, Company shall consider the following factors:  (A) the Customer's payment history (if any) with Company and its affiliates, (B) Customer's ability to demonstrate adequate ability to pay for the service, (C) credit and related information provided by Customer, lawfully obtained from third parties or publicly available, and (D) information relating to Customer's management, owners and affiliates (if any).  Customers who present such an undue risk may be required at any time to provide Company a security deposit, in cash or the equivalent of cash, up to an amount equal to the applicable installation charges, if any, and/or up to three months' actual or estimated usage charges for the service to be provided.  Such applicants or Customers may also be required, at any time, whether before or after the commencement of service, to provide such other assurances of, or security for, the payment of Company's charges for its services as Company may deem necessary, including, without limitation, advance payments for service, third party guarantees of payment, pledges or other grants of security interests in the Customer's assets, and similar arrangements.  The required deposit or other security may be increased or decreased by Company as it deems appropriate in the light of changing conditions.  In addition, Company shall be entitled to require such an applicant or Customer to pay all its bills within a specified period of time, and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.  At Company's option, such deposit may be refunded to the Customer's account at any time.​​ 


            .04       Disputes with respect to charges must be presented to Company in writing within sixty (60) days from the date the invoice is rendered along with information to substantiate the disputed invoice, or such invoice will be deemed to be correct and binding on the Customer.​​ 


            .05       The installation charges set forth in this Tariff contemplate installations made in normal locations and under normal working conditions.  Installations made under other circumstance, including special routing requests, may be subject to additional charges.​​ 


            .06       If a Foreign or Domestic Local Access Provider has established or establishes a Special Access Surcharge, Company will bill the surcharge beginning on the effective date of such surcharge for private line facilities presently in service.  Company will cease billing the Special Access Surcharge upon receipt of an Exemption Certificate or if the surcharge is removed by the Local Access provider.​​ 




            .08       If billing systems or other support is not available for a service, feature, surcharge, or other charge element at the time of service provision, the Company will bill for that service, feature, surcharge, or other charge element as soon as it is capable of doing so.​​ 








10.       Allowance for Interruptions​​ 


            .01       Company warrants that Canadian Service and U.S. Half Circuit Service will conform to the Technical Standards described in this Tariff.  Following Start of Service Date, if the Customer reports an Interruption in Service (and the interruption is due to failure in either Canadian or U.S. Half Circuit Service) to Company at Company's Maintenance Control Center and Company is unable to restore the affected Canadian Service or U.S. Half Circuit Service as warranted within one-half hour of such report, Customer shall, upon request directed to the Customer's designated Company Customer service representative, receive a credit at the rate of 1/1440 of the monthly recurring charges applicable to service directly affected by such Interruption of Service after the first half hour for each half hour or major fraction thereof during which service fails to conform to the Technical Standards.  No credits shall be given for Interruption in Service of less than thirty (30) minutes duration.  If a portion of the service fails to conform to the Technical Standards over a period of thirty (30) days, the Customer may notify Company in writing of its conditional intent to cancel such service in accordance with the cancellation Provisions herein.  If, over a period of thirty (30) after receipt of such notice, the service fails to conform to the Technical Standards, the Customer may terminate the affected portion of the service without a cancellation charge at the expiration of the notice period.  However, cancellation charges for the Foreign Administration or Foreign Telecommunications Provider providing the terminal at the overseas end of the channel may apply (See Cancellation).  Customer's credit and termination remedies shall not apply, however, in the event any Service Interruption is caused or contributed to, directly or indirectly, by any act or omission of the Customer or its Customers, affiliates, agents, representatives, invitees or licensees.  The foregoing warranty and remedies are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties or remedies, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  In the event of a service interruption or any defect in the service whatsoever, neither Company nor any affiliated or unaffiliated third party provider or operator of facilities employed in the provision of the service shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, actual, punitive or any other damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever.​​ 


            .02       No credit allowances will be made for:​​ 


                        a.         Interruptions caused by the negligence of the Customer or others authorized by the Customer to use the Customer's service.​​ 


                        b.         Interruptions due to the failure of power, equipment, systems, or services, not provided by Company.​​ 


                        c.         Interruptions during any period in which Company or its agents are not afforded access to the premises where access lines associated with the Customer's services are terminated.​​ 


                        d.         Interruptions during any period when the Customer or user has released the service to Company for maintenance or rearrangement purposes, or for the implementation of a Customer order.​​ 


                        e.         Interruptions during periods when the Customer elects not to release the service for testing or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis.​​ 


                        f.          Interruptions not reported to Company.​​ 


            .03       An Interruption period begins when the Customer reports to Company's Maintenance Control Center that the service has been interrupted and releases it for testing and repair.  An Interruption period ends when the service is operative again.  If the Customer reports the service to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, the service is deemed to be impaired, but not interrupted.​​ 


            .04       If the Customer elects to use another means of communication during the period of Interruption, the Customer must pay the charges for the alternate services used.​​ 


            .05       As used herein, the term "service" includes circuits or equipment provided by Company and/or a participating carrier.​​ 


            .06       The Customer will continue to pay the Company for the U.S. portion of the service during periods when service on the foreign end is interrupted.​​ 


            .07       Where the Company bills the Customer for the overseas end of the channel, similar adjustments for interruption periods will be made in the charges of the Foreign Administration or other Foreign Telecommunications Provider, if agreed to by the Foreign Administration or other Foreign Telecommunications Provider providing the terminal at the overseas end of the channel.  However, Customer must make a request for such credit adjustment.​​ 


11.       Method for Calculation of Airline Mileage​​ 


            The airline mileage between two cities can be calculated using the Vertical (V) and the Horizontal (H) Coordinates and the airline mileage calculation formula as obtained by reference to MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc.'s Tariff F.C.C. No. 6.​​ 


12.       Change in Service Arrangement​​ 


            When a change in service arrangement involves the continued use by the Customer of channels furnished by Company, installation charges do not apply to the channels continued in use, provided that the Bandwidth and Service Commitment Period of the new continued use channel is equal to or greater than the Bandwidth and Service Commitment Period of the original channel.  The minimum service period for the channels continued in use is determined from the date of the initial acceptance thereof.​​ 




14.       Inspection​​ 


            Company may, upon notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the requirements of this Tariff are being complied with in the installation, operation or maintenance of Customer or Company equipment.  Company may interrupt the Service at any time, without penalty to Company, because of departure from any of these requirements.​​ 


15.       Testing and Adjustment​​ 


            Upon reasonable notice, the channels provided by Company shall be made available to Company for such tests and adjustments as may be necessary to maintain them in satisfactory condition; no interruption allowance will be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made.​​ 


16.       Interconnection with Other Carriers​​ 


            .01       Service furnished by Company may be connected with services or facilities or another Participating Carrier.  Such interconnection may be made at a Company POP or entrance site, at a POP of another participating carrier, or at the Premises of a Customer, joint user, or authorized user.  Service furnished by Company is not part of a joint undertaking with such other carriers.​​ 


            .02       Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities of Company and other participating carriers shall be provided at the Customer's expense.  Upon the Customer's request and acting as its authorized agent, Company will attempt to make the necessary arrangements for such interconnection.​​ 


17.       Customer Provided Equipment​​ 


            .01       The Company will make the necessary provisions for facilities to provide service to the Customer, except that a Customer may provide its own terminal equipment or connecting facilities for use with such service in accordance with the protection criteria set forth in this Tariff.​​ 


            .02       The Company undertakes to maintain and repair the facilities and equipment which it furnishes.  No Customer may rearrange, disconnect, remove or attempt to repair any facilities or item of equipment furnished by the Company or permit others to engage in such activity on its behalf without the prior written consent of the Company.​​ 


            .03       A maintenance charge of $100.00 applies for each visit of maintenance personnel to a Customer's premise when the reported trouble is found to be caused by Customer-provided station equipment or at the foreign end and not in the facilities or equipment furnished by the Company.​​ 


18.       Special Pricing Arrangements​​ 


            Customized service packages and competitive pricing arrangements at negotiated rates may be furnished on a case-by-case basis in response to requests by Customers to Company for proposals or for competitive bids.  Service offered under this Tariff provision will be provided to Customers pursuant to contract.  Unless otherwise specified, the regulations for such arrangements are in addition to the applicable regulations and prices in other sections of this Tariff.  Specialized rates or charges will be made available to similarly situated Customers on a non-discriminatory basis.​​ 


19.       Interference with Company Facilities​​ 


            When service furnished under this Tariff is used in connection with facilities provided by Customer, the operating characteristics of such facilities shall be such as not to interfere with the Company's facilities and personnel, or with any other service offered by the Company. The use of such facilities shall not:  endanger the safety of Company employees or the public; induce harmful voltages or currents either in the conductors or between the conductors and ground; damage or require change in or alteration of facilities of the Company; interfere with the proper functioning of such facilities; or otherwise injure the public in its use of the Company's services.  Upon notice from the Company that any facility provided by the Customer is causing or is likely to cause such hazard or interference, the Customer is shall take such steps as shall be necessary to remove or prevent such hazard or interference; otherwise, the Company may terminate service.​​ 


.20       Customer Premise Equipment​​ 


            Customer premise circuit terminating equipment such as channel service units (CSUs), Network Terminating equipment (NTU), multiplexing equipment and any other terminal equipment such as telephone sets or systems may be provided by either the Customer or the Foreign Telecommunications Provider as required under the applicable regulations of the Foreign Administration.​​ 


21.       Specialized Customer Arrangements​​ 


If the term of service of a Special Customer Arrangement contract extends beyond July 31, 2001, the Customer will receive the services provided for in the Special Customer Arrangement contract pursuant to the product descriptions, definitions, rates and charges, and terms and conditions applicable to those services as of July 31, 2001, for the remainder of the service term.  For any other service acquired by the Customer, including any new service offered by the Company, the Customer will receive service pursuant to applicable provisions contained in the Guide, which may be changed from time to time by the Company and be binding on the Customer.​​ 


22.       Special Access Surcharges​​ 


            Special Access Surcharges for private line services will not be applied after receipt of an Exemption Certificate from the Customer.  A credit, not to exceed three months, will be given for a private line surcharge imposed during the period prior to the receipt of the Exemption Certificate.​​ 



1.         Standards​​ 


            All circuits are conditioned to meet the relevant CCITT recommended standards.​​ 



            Private Line Service is offered in the form of communication facilities dedicated to the use of a specific Customer.  Private Line Service is billed at predetermined monthly rates.  Recurring Charges are billed in advance of the month in which service is performed.  Nonrecurring Charges are billed in the month in which service is performed.  The various types of private line service are listed below.  Customers subscribing to Company's International Private Line Service must order Service in compliance with the minimum service period set forth in Section II.2.01.  See Sections II.4 and II.5 for cancellation provisions.​​ 


1.         Private Line Service Between the U.S. Mainland and Canada and Mexico​​ 


            Private Line Services are furnished to a point of connection with facilities into Canada and/or Mexico.  The domestic portion of these services is provided pursuant to Company's current practices and procedures.  The regulations of the Canadian Telephone Companies apply for facilities in Canada.  The regulations of the Mexican Telephone Companies apply for facilities in Mexico.​​ 


            .01       DS-0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service​​ 


                        DS-0 service is a 64 Kbps dedicated digital interexchange channel service.  With analog Voice Frequency (VF) Local Access facilities, DS-0 service will support the transmission of analog voice and/or data within the frequency range of 300-3000 Hz.  DS-0 service with VF access combines digital long-haul transmission with analog private line Local Access.​​ 


            .02       Digital Data Service (DDS)​​ 


                        Company's DDS service provides end-to-end digital private line Interexchange service designed for use in data applications.  This dedicated DS-0 (64 Kbps) digital private line service is provided with DDS Local Access facilities and is designed for full-time synchronous transmission at 56 Kbps.  In providing this service, synchronization for the IXC portion of the service is matched to the synchronization for the Local Access portion of the service, as furnished by the applicable Local Access Provider(s).​​ 


            .03       Fractional T-1 Service​​ 


                        Fractional T-1 service consists of 2 to 24 DS-0 Interexchange Service channels between a Company Point of Presence and a Canadian Telephone Company or Mexican Telephone Company Point of Presence utilizing DS-1 level Local Access Facilities.  A Digital Cross-Connect System (DCS) is used to control the number of channels provided.​​ 


            .04       DS-1 (Digital Signal Level 1) Service​​ 


                        DS-1 service is a high capacity point-to-point private line service designed for the simultaneous full-duplex transmission of digital signals at a nominal speed of 1.536 Mbps.​​ 


.05       WorldCom DS-3 Interexchange Service​​ 


            WorldCom DS-3 Interexchange service is a high capacity point-to-point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full duplex transmission of digital signals at 44.736 Mbps.​​ 


.06       OC-3c Service​​ 


            OC-3c service is a high capacity point-to-point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full duplex transmission of digital signals at 155 Mbps.  OC-3c service is consistent with the Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) standard for optical transport.​​ 


            .06       Service Availability​​ 


                        Private Line Service between the U.S. Mainland and Canada and/or Mexico utilizes Border Crossing Points.  Service availability may be limited by Canadian or Mexican laws and regulations as well as technical and non-technical service limitations of the carrier(s) providing the Canadian or Mexican portion of the service.​​ 


2.         Private Line Service Between the U.S. Mainland and Other Foreign Countries​​ 


            Private Line Service is furnished from a Customer Premise in the U.S. Mainland to an International Gateway City in the U.S. Mainland which is connected to an international satellite or undersea cable facility as provided by a Foreign Telecommunications Provider.  The domestic portion of the Service up to the International Gateway City is provided by VIG zones (see Rates, Section V for the VIG zones).  The regulations of the Foreign Telecommunications Provider apply to facilities in foreign countries.​​ 


            .01       Service Types​​ 


                        a.         DS-0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service​​ 


                                    DS-0 service is a 64 Kbps dedicated digital interexchange channel service.  With analog Voice Frequency (VF) Local Access facilities, DS-0 service will support the transmission of analog voice and/or data within the frequency range of 300-3000 Hz.  DS-0 service with VF access combines digital long-haul transmission with analog private line Local Access.​​ 


                        b.         Digital Data Service (DDS)​​ 


                                    DDS service provides end-to-end digital private line interexchange service designed for use in data applications.  The dedicated DS-0 digital private line service is provided with DDS Local Access facilities and is designed for full-time synchronous transmission at 56 or 64 Kbps.  In providing this service, synchronization for the IXC portion of the circuit is matched to the synchronization for the Local Access portion of the service, as furnished by the applicable Local Access Provider(s).​​ 


                        c.         Fractional T-1 Service​​ 


                                    Fractional T-1 service provides service at speeds of either 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 768 or 1024 Kbps between a Company Point of Presence and the Foreign Telecommunications Provider Point of Presence utilizing DS-1 level Local Access facilities where Fractional T-1 local access is not available.  A Digital Cross-Connect System (DCS) is used to control the number of channels provided.​​ 


                        d.         DS-1 (Digital Signal Level 1) Service​​ 


                                    DS-1 service is a high capacity point-to-point or point to multipoint Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full-duplex transmission of digital signals at a nominal speed of 1.536 Mbps.​​ 


                        e.         E-1 Service​​ 


                                    E-1 service is a high capacity point-to-point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full duplex transmission of digital signals at a nominal speed of 2.048 Mbps.  This service is priced on an Individual Case Basis and is subject to availability by the Foreign Telecommunication Provider.​​ 


                        f.          WorldCom DS-3 Interexchange Service​​ 


                                    WorldCom DS-3 Interexchange service is a high capacity point-to-point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full duplex transmission of digital signals at 44.736 Mbps.​​ 


                        g.         OC-3c Service​​ 


                                    OC-3c service is a high capacity point-to-point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full duplex transmission of digital signals at 155 Mbps.  OC-3c service is consistent with the Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) standard for optical transport.​​ 


                        i.          STM-1 Interexchange Service​​ 


                                    STM-1 Interexchange Service is a high capacity point-to-point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full duplex transmission of digital signals at 155.220 Mbps.​​ 


3.         International Service to Canada and Mexico​​ 


Beginning November 23, 1999, International Service to Canada and Mexico will not be available to new customers of the Service.​​ 


International Private Line Service to Canada and Mexico are point-to-point services furnished in part by the Company and in part by a Foreign Telecommunications Provider.  The services may be used for digital signals at speeds ranging from 64 Kbps to 1.536 Mbps.​​ 


4.         Service Options​​ 


            Three service options are available for Private Line Service: Traditional; One-Stop Shopping; and, End-to-End International Private Line Service.​​  


a.         For Traditional service, the Company provides the Customer with a private line circuit to the TMP or BCP between the U.S.  and the destination country.  The matching half circuit for the foreign end and local access for the foreign end must be ordered and coordinated by the Customer from a Foreign Telecommunications Administration (PTT) from the country of destination.​​ 


            b.         For One-Stop Shopping (EWES) service, the Company provides Traditional service and, in addition, handles arrangements for the Foreign Half-Circuit in countries where the Company has established EWES agreements.​​ 


                        1.         Single-End Ordering (SEO) - The Customer orders from the Company the complete circuit from the Customer's U.S. Mainland premise to its foreign location premises.  Maintenance, testing and trouble-reporting by the Company or on behalf of the Company is done from either end just as with the Traditional service.  The process that supports the OSS-SEO feature can add additional time requirements to the installation process.  OSS is not end-to-end control of the circuit, and the distant-end carrier still must contact the overseas Customer to determine its position on acceptance of the circuit and access to its premises for the installation and termination of the Local Access.​​ 


                        2.         Single-End Billing (SEB) - The Company will bill a U.S. Mainland Customer location or the PTT will bill the foreign circuits (including local access), whichever the Customer chooses.​​ 


c.         For End-to-End International Private Line Service, the Company serves as the Customer's sole point-of‑contact for ordering, installing, billing, and trouble-reporting, and has sole Customer premise-to-premise responsibility for the combined Foreign Half Circuit and U.S. Half Circuit portions (including Local Access) service.​​ 


                        Service is available between the U.S, Mainland and locations in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Venezuela.​​ 


5.         Service Availability​​ 


Private Line Service between the U.S. Mainland and foreign countries is available from any existing Company Point of Presence in the U.S. Mainland.  U.S. Private Line Service rates and charges will apply from the Customer's U.S. Mainland Premise to the International Gateway City or Border Crossing Point for the particular country.  New York City is the International Gateway City for all countries except the following:​​ 


Gateway City​​                            Applicable Countries​​ 


Houston, TX                            Mexico​​ 


Miami, FL                                Antigua, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Venezuela​​ 


San Francisco, CA                 Australia, China, Guam, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand​​ 


                        Service availability may be limited by Foreign Administration as well as technical and non-technical service limitations imposed by Foreign Telecommunications Providers.  Service availability is also subject to the availability of facilities will be provided pursuant to the terms and conditions imposed by vendors and carriers selected by Company, which shall have sole discretion in vendor selection.  Charges for local facilities used to connect a Customer premise to the Company's International Gateway City or Border Crossing Point will be passed through to the Customer.​​ 

V.         RATES​​ 


01.       GENERAL CHARGES​​ 


            FUSF and CCRC applies.​​ 


Customer Support Services charges apply.​​ 


1.         Rates for Private Line Service between the U.S. Mainland and Canada​​ 


            Except as set forth in Section IV.1 of this Tariff, the Canadian portion of the Service is set forth below.  Canadian access and related charges will be assessed according to the Tariffs and practices of the Canadian companies.  Extraordinary charges assessed by the Canadian companies to establish service may also apply.  U.S. Private Line Service charges apply for the U.S. portion of the Service to the BCP.   The applicable Border Crossing rate center is the one associated with the least overall charge for the service between the United States and Canada.  Rates are computed using the Base Rate for the highest applicable mileage band plus the per mile rate for that band times the total miles.  For example, a 52 mile, 9.6 Kbps circuit would be billed the $195 Base plus $5.40 times 52.​​ 


2.         Rates for Private Line Service between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico​​ 


            Except as set forth in Section IV.1, the Mexican portion of the Service is set forth below.  In addition, Mexican access and related charges will be assessed according to the Tariffs and practices of the Mexican companies.  Extraordinary charges assessed by the Mexican companies to establish service may also apply.  U.S. Private Line Service charges apply for the U.S. portion of the Service to the BCP.   The applicable Border Crossing rate center is the one associated with the least overall charge for the service between the United States and Mexico.  Rates are computed using the Base Rate for the highest applicable mileage band plus the per mile rate for that band times the total miles.  For example, a 52 mile, 9.6 Kbps circuit would be billed the $195 Base plus $5.40 times 52.​​ 


3.         Rates for Private Line Service between the U.S. Mainland and other Foreign Countries​​ 


            .01       Rates for the U.S. Half Circuit portion of the Service are set forth following. Foreign access and related charges will be assessed according to the Tariffs and practices of the Foreign Telecommunication Providers.  Extraordinary charges assessed by the Foreign Telecommunication Providers to establish service may also apply.  U.S. Private Line Service charges apply for the U.S. portion of the Service to the BCP.  The  rates set forth in this section are monthly recurring charges for digital Private Line Service and, unless otherwise specified, are for U.S. Half Circuit Service only. In addition to monthly recurring charges, the non-recurring installation charges set forth in Section V.8 apply.  Service is available from any existing Company Point of Presence in the U.S. Mainland.  Service to countries not listed may be provided on an ICB basis where available.  Applicable International Gateway Cities are listed in Section IV.2.8. End-to-End Service is available where indicated below, and may be available at additional locations on an ICB basis.​​ 


            .02       Except as noted in the table in Section V.2.01 above, term discounts will apply to circuits with a Service Commitment Period of one or more years as shown below on the applicable rate schedule based upon Customer's aggregate international service usage ("Volume Usage") before the application of discounts.​​ 


                        International Private Line Service revenue does not aggregate with U.S. Private Line Service revenue for purposes of determining aggregate volume discount levels.​​ 


4.         Rates for Fiber Digital Private Line Services​​ 




            For purposes of Section V.4.02, the following definitions apply:​​ 


Zone A States:                        California and Nevada​​ 

Zone B States:                        Idaho, Oregon and Washington​​ 

Zone C States:                        Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah​​ 

Zone D States:                        Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming​​ 

Zone E States:                        Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas​​ 

Zone F States:                        Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio  and Tennessee​​ 

Zone G States:                        Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina​​ 

Zone H States:                        Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia​​ 

Zone I States:                          Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont​​ 


For purposes of Section V.4.03, the following definitions apply:​​ 


Zone 1 West Coast:                Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington​​ 

Zone 2 Midwest:                      Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming​​ 

Zone 3 Southeast:                   Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee​​ 

Zone 4 Central:                       Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin​​ 

Zone 5 Northeast:                   Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia​​ 


For purposes of Sections V.4.04 and V.4.05, the following definitions apply:​​ 


Zone US Central:                    Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin​​ 


Zone US East:                         Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia​​ 


Zone US West:                       Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming​​ 


            .01       Volume Discount Schedules​​ 


.1         The following discounts apply to the charges set forth in Sections V.4.03 and V.4.04, based on the Customer's monthly volume of Fiber Digital Private Line Services usage (as measured in dollars) and term of service:​​ 


                 Dollar                                                            Term of Service                                ​​ 

          Volume Usage​​                      1 Year​​            2 Year​​            3 Year​​            4 Year​​            5 Year​​ 


$           0 - $    9,999                         0.0%             2.5%              5.0%             7.5%            10.0%​​ 

$  10,000 - $  24,999                         5.0                 7.5               10.0               12.5               15.0​​ 

$  25,000 - $  49,999                         7.0                 9.5               12.0               14.5               17.0​​ 

$  50,000 - $  99,999                         9.0               11.5               14.0               16.5               19.0​​ 

$100,000 - $199,999                       11.0               13.5               16.0               18.5               21.0​​ 


.2         The following discounts apply to the charges set forth in Section V.4.04 and V.4.05, based on the Customer's monthly volume of Fiber Digital Private Line Services usage (as measured in dollars) and term of service:​​ 


                        Monthly                                               Term of Service                                            ​​ 

               Volume of Usage​​         1 Year​​             2 Year​​              3 Year​​          4 Year​​              5 Year​​ 


                     $         100                   1%                2%                   3%                4%                    5%​​ 

                             1,000                   2                   3                      4                   5                        6​​ 

                             2,000                   5                   6                      7                   8                        9​​ 

                             3,000                   6                   7                      9                 10                      12​​ 

                             4,000                   7                   8                    10                 12                      14​​ 

                             5,000                   8                 10                    12                 14                      16​​ 

                             7,000                   9                 11                    14                 16                      18​​ 

                           10,000                 12                 14                    17                 19                      21​​ 

                           15,000                 13                 15                    18                 20                      22​​ 

                           25,000                 14                 17                    20                 23                      25​​ 

                           50,000                 16                 19                    22                 25                      27​​ 

                           75,000                 17                 20                    23                 26                      28​​ 

                         100,000                 18                 21                    24                 27                      30​​ 

                         150,000                 19                 22                    25                 28                      32​​ 

                         200,000                 20                 23                    26                 29                      34​​ 

                         300,000                 24                 27                    29                 32                      35​​ 

                         500,000                 26                 29                    31                 34                      37​​ 

                         750,000                 28                 31                    33                 36                      38​​ 

                      1,000,000                 30                 33                    35                 38                      39​​ 

            .02       The monthly recurring per-circuit charges set forth in this Section apply to service installed prior to November 23, 1999:​​ 


                        .1         Zone A Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,690     $4,862     $6,779   $  8,187          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,623       4,743       6,616       7,995   $11,025   $14,630   $21,734               ICB           $38,811       $45,200​​ 

Australia             3,486       5,626       7,770       9,786     14,660     19,522     29,205       $38,014             54,634               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,448     13,250     16,878         19,948             24,118         31,430​​ 

Belgium               2,523       4,310       6,278       7,866       9,750     12,372     16,878         19,948             24,118         29,335​​ 

Bermuda             2,579       4,310       6,207       7,596       9,360     11,882     16,878         19,948             24,118         28,476​​ 

Brazil                  2,528       4,899       8,578     10,313     13,093     16,502     22,552         26,246             33,216         40,729​​ 

China                  4,253       7,590     10,471     12,439     15,456     19,370     26,250         29,528             39,076         47,247​​ 

Colombia             2,623       6,170       8,578     10,313     13,093     16,502     22,552         26,246             33,216         40,729​​ 

Denmark             2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,448     13,250     16,878         19,948             24,118         31,430​​ 


  Republic           3,763       6,770       9,403     11,288     14,294     18,003     24,577         28,572             33,216         44,480​​ 

Finland                2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,448     13,250     16,878         19,948             24,118         31,430​​ 

France                2,523       4,310       6,278       7,866       9,750     12,372     16,878         19,948             24,118         29,335​​ 

Germany            2,523       4,310       6,278       7,866       9,750     12,372     16,878         19,948             24,118         29,335​​ 

Guam2                4,810       8,581     11,833     14,049     17,438     21,847     29,594         33,367             44,216         53,440​​ 

Hawaii2               2,461       4,025       5,598       6,887       8,791     11,063     14,917         16,536             20,336         23,368​​ 

Hong Kong         3,011       3,978       5,504       6,569       8,231     10,822     16,156         20,615             29,351         33,612​​ 

Ireland                2,523       4,310       6,278       7,866       9,750     12,372     16,878         19,948             24,118         29,335​​ 

Israel                  2,994       5,040       7,179       9,555     14,281     18,973     28,254         37,153             51,488         59,577​​ 

Italy                     2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,448     13,250     16,878         19,948             25,838         31,430​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,346       3,978       5,504       6,569       8,231     10,339     14,058         15,529             20,336         24,669​​ 


  Republic of       3,201       5,350       6,928       8,217     10,786     13,533     21,807         24,826             31,366         34,970​​ 

Malaysia             3,201       5,350       6,928       8,217     10,786     13,533     21,475         24,146             34,481         38,404​​ 

Netherlands        2,523       4,310       6,278       7,866       9,750     12,372     16,878         19,948             24,118         29,335​​ 

New Zealand     3,752       6,599       9,303     11,390     13,475     16,983     23,532         30,450             43,642               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,448     13,250     16,878         19,948             24,118         31,430​​ 

Philippines          3,486       5,809       8,022       9,545     11,894     15,613     23,342         30,197             43,275               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,448     13,250     16,878         21,578             24,118         31,430​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,824       4,899       7,125       8,841     10,827     13,722     18,944         22,446             26,726               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,838     13,866     16,878         19,948             23,174         27,406​​ 

Singapore           3,011       5,076       6,928       8,217     10,429     13,086     17,767         21,498             30,634         35,070​​ 

Spain                  2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,448     13,250     16,878         19,948             24,118         31,430​​ 

St. Thomas2        2,403       4,353       6,079       7,360       9,459     11,959     16,419         19,204             23,789         29,371​​ 

Sweden             2,579       4,310       6,278       7,866     10,448     13,250     16,878         19,948             24,118         31,430​​ 

Switzerland        2,523       4,310       6,278       7,866       9,750     12,372     16,878         19,948             24,118         29,335​​ 

Taiwan               3,011       5,076       7,015       8,354     10,429     13,091     19,560         25,154             35,947         43,477​​ 

United Kingdom  2,424       4,310       6,235       7,631       9,401     11,934     16,298         19,483             23,274         28,287​​ 

Venezuela          2,528       4,574       6,384       7,720       9,903     12,514     17,167         20,064             24,940         30,758​​ 


                        .2         Zone B Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,702     $4,886   $  6,816   $  6,505          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,636       4,768       6,653       8,043   $11,096   $14,723   $21,868               ICB           $39,007       $45,462​​ 

Australia             3,520       5,694       7,871       9,920     14,856     19,777     29,572         38,556             55,175               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,360     13,134     16,711         19,702             23,872         31,102​​ 

Belgium               2,508       4,279       6,232       7,806       9,661     12,256     16,711         19,702             23,872         29,008​​ 

Bermuda             2,563       4,279       6,161       7,536       9,271     11,766     16,711         19,702             23,872         28,149​​ 

Brazil                  2,541       4,924       8,614     10,361     13,164     16,595     22,685         26,442             33,413         40,990​​ 

China                  4,288       7,658     10,572     12,572     15,652     19,626     26,617         30,069             39,617         47,967​​ 

Colombia             2,636       6,194       8,614     10,361     13,164     16,595     22,685         26,442             33,413         40,990​​ 

Denmark             2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,360     13,134     16,711         19,702             23,872         31,102​​ 


  Republic           3,776       6,795       9,440     11,337     14,365     18,096     24,711         28,768             33,413         44,742​​ 

Finland                2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,360     13,134     16,711         19,702             23,872         31,102​​ 

France                2,508       4,279       6,232       7,806       9,661     12,256     16,711         19,702             23,872         29,008​​ 

Germany            2,508       4,279       6,232       7,806       9,661     12,256     16,711         19,702             23,872         29,008​​ 

Guam2                4,845       8,649     11,934     14,182     17,634     22,103     29,961         33,908             44,757         54,159​​ 

Hawaii2               2,495       4,093       5,698       7,020       8,987     11,318     15,283         17,078             20,878         24,088​​ 

Hong Kong         3,045       4,046       5,605       6,702       8,427     11,077     16,522         21,157             29,892         34,332​​ 

Ireland                2,508       4,279       6,232       7,806       9,661     12,256     16,711         19,702             23,872         29,008​​ 

Israel                  2,978       5,009       7,133       9,495     14,192     18,857     28,087         36,907             51,242         59,250​​ 

Italy                     2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,360     13,134     16,711         19,702             25,592         31,102​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,380       4,046       5,605       6,702       8,427     10,594     14,424         16,070             20,878         25,389​​ 


  Republic of       3,235       5,418       7,028       8,350     10,982     13,788     22,173         25,368             31,908         35,690​​ 

Malaysia             3,235       5,418       7,028       8,350     10,982     13,788     21,841         24,687             35,022         39,124​​ 

Netherlands        2,508       4,279       6,232       7,806       9,661     12,256     16,711         19,702             23,872         29,008​​ 

New Zealand     3,786       6,667       9,403     11,523     13,670     17,238     23,898         30,991             44,183               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,360     13,134     16,711         19,702             23,872         31,102​​ 

Philippines          3,520       5,877       8,123       9,678     12,090     15,868     23,709         30,739             43,816               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,360     13,134     16,711         21,332             23,872         31,102​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,837       4,924       7,162       8,889     10,898     13,815     19,077         22,643             26,923               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,749     13,749     16,711         19,702             22,928         27,079​​ 

Singapore           3,045       5,144       7,028       8,350     10,625     13,341     18,133         22,039             31,175         35,789​​ 

Spain                  2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,360     13,134     16,711         19,702             23,872         31,102​​ 

St. Thomas2        2,416       4,377       6,116       7,408       9,530     12,052     16,552         19,401             23,986         29,633​​ 

Sweden             2,563       4,279       6,232       7,806     10,360     13,134     16,711         19,702             23,872         31,102​​ 

Switzerland        2,508       4,279       6,232       7,806       9,661     12,256     16,711         19,702             23,872         29,008​​ 

Taiwan               3,045       5,144       7,115       8,488     10,625     13,347     19,926         25,695             36,488         44,196​​ 

United Kingdom  2,408       4,279       6,189       7,571       9,312     11,817     16,132         19,237             23,028         27,960​​ 

Venezuela          2,541       4,599       6,421       7,769       9,974     12,607     17,301         20,261             25,137         31,020​​ 


                        .3         Zone C Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,602     $4,689   $  6,522   $  7,848          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,535       4,570       6,359       7,656   $10,527   $13,980   $20,802               ICB           $37,433       $43,368​​ 

Australia             3,546       5,743       7,944     10,017     14,998     19,963     29,838       $38,949             55,569               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,164     12,879     16,345         19,161             23,331         30,383​​ 

Belgium               2,473       4,211       6,131       7,673       9,466     12,001     16,345         19,161             23,331         28,288​​ 

Bermuda             2,528       4,211       6,060       7,402       9,075     11,511     16,345         19,161             23,331         27,429​​ 

Brazil                  2,440       4,726       8,321       9,974     12,595     15,852     21,619         24,868             31,838         38,896​​ 

China                  4,313       7,708     10,645     12,669     15,794     19,811     26,883         30,462             40,011         48,490​​ 

Colombia             2,535       5,997       8,321       9,974     12,595     15,852     21,619         24,868             31,838         38,896​​ 

Denmark             2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,164     12,879     16,345         19,161             23,331         30,383​​ 


  Republic           3,675       6,597       9,146     10,949     13,796     17,353     23,645         27,194             31,838         42,648​​ 

Finland                2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,164     12,879     16,345         19,161             23,331         30,383​​ 

France                2,473       4,211       6,131       7,673       9,466     12,001     16,345         19,161             23,331         28,288​​ 

Germany            2,473       4,211       6,131       7,673       9,466     12,001     16,345         19,161             23,331         28,288​​ 

Guam2                4,870       8,698     12,008     14,279     17,776     22,288     30,227         34,302             45,151         54,683​​ 

Hawaii2               2,521       4,142       5,772       7,117       9,129     11,504     15,549         17,471             21,271         24,612​​ 

Hong Kong         3,071       4,095       5,678       6,799       8,569     11,263     16,789         21,550             30,286         34,856​​ 

Ireland                2,473       4,211       6,131       7,673       9,466     12,001     16,345         19,161             23,331         28,288​​ 

Israel                  2,943       4,941       7,032       9,361     13,997     18,602     27,721         36,366             50,701         58,530​​ 

Italy                     2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,164     12,879     16,345         19,161             25,051         30,383​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,406       4,095       5,678       6,799       8,569     10,780     14,691         16,464             21,271         25,912​​ 


  Republic of       3,261       5,467       7,102       8,447     11,124     13,974     22,439         25,761             32,301         36,213​​ 

Malaysia             3,261       5,467       7,102       8,447     11,124     13,974     22,108         25,080             35,416         39,647​​ 

Netherlands        2,473       4,211       6,131       7,673       9,466     12,001     16,345         19,161             23,331         28,288​​ 

New Zealand     3,812       6,717       9,477     11,620     13,813     17,424     24,164         31,384             44,576               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,164     12,879     16,345         19,161             23,331         30,383​​ 

Philippines          3,546       5,926       8,196       9,775     12,232     16,054     23,975         31,132             44,210               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,164     12,879     16,345         20,791             23,331         30,383​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,736       4,726       6,868       8,502     10,329     13,072     18,011         21,068             25,348               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,554     13,494     16,345         19,161             22,387         26,359​​ 

Singapore           3,071       5,194       7,102       8,447     10,767     13,527     18,399         22,433             31,568         36,313​​ 

Spain                  2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,164     12,879     16,345         19,161             23,331         30,383​​ 

St. Thomas2        2,315       4,179       5,822       7,021       8,961     11,309     15,486         17,826             22,412         27,539​​ 

Sweden             2,528       4,211       6,131       7,673     10,164     12,879     16,345         19,161             23,331         30,383​​ 

Switzerland        2,473       4,211       6,131       7,673       9,466     12,001     16,345         19,161             23,331         28,288​​ 

Taiwan               3,071       5,194       7,189       8,584     10,767     13,532     20,193         26,089             36,881         44,720​​ 

United Kingdom  2,373       4,211       6,088       7,438       9,116     11,562     15,765         18,696             22,487         27,240​​ 

Venezuela          2,440       4,401       6,127       7,381       9,405     11,864     16,235         18,686             23,563         28,926​​ 


                        .4         Zone D Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,542     $4,571   $  6,348   $  7,618          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,475       4,453       6,185       7,426   $10,189   $13,539   $20,169               ICB           $36,498       $42,125​​ 

Australia             3,665       5,978       8,293     10,477     15,674     20,845     31,104       $40,819             57,439               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,310     11,765     14,746         16,800             20,970         27,242​​ 

Belgium               2,322       3,915       5,690       7,091       8,612     10,887     14,746         16,800             20,970         25,147​​ 

Bermuda             2,377       3,915       5,619       6,821       8,221     10,397     14,746         16,800             20,970         24,288​​ 

Brazil                  2,380       4,608       8,146       9,744     12,257     15,411     20,986         23,933             30,904         37,653​​ 

China                  4,433       7,942     10,994     13,129     16,470     20,693     28,149         32,332             41,881         50,977​​ 

Colombia             2,475       5,879       8,146       9,744     12,257     15,411     20,986         23,933             30,904         37,653​​ 

Denmark             2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,310     11,765     14,746         16,800             20,970         27,242​​ 


  Republic           3,615       6,479       8,972     10,719     13,458     16,912     23,012         26,259             30,904         41,405​​ 

Finland                2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,310     11,765     14,746         16,800             20,970         27,242​​ 

France                2,322       3,915       5,690       7,091       8,612     10,887     14,746         16,800             20,970         25,147​​ 

Germany            2,322       3,915       5,690       7,091       8,612     10,887     14,746         16,800             20,970         25,147​​ 

Guam2                4,990       8,933     12,356     14,739     18,452     23,170     31,493         36,171             47,020         57,169​​ 

Hawaii2               2,640       4,377       6,121       7,577       9,805     12,386     16,815         19,341             23,141         27,098​​ 

Hong Kong         3,190       4,330       6,027       7,259       9,245     12,145     18,054         23,420             32,155         37,342​​ 

Ireland                2,322       3,915       5,690       7,091       8,612     10,887     14,746         16,800             20,970         25,147​​ 

Israel                  2,792       4,645       6,592       8,780     13,143     17,487     26,122         34,004             48,339         55,389​​ 

Italy                     2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,310     11,765     14,746         16,800             22,689         27,242​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,525       4,330       6,027       7,259       9,245     11,662     15,956         18,334             23,141         28,399​​ 


  Republic of       3,380       5,702       7,451       8,907     11,800     14,856     23,705         27,631             34,171         38,700​​ 

Malaysia             3,380       5,702       7,451       8,907     11,800     14,856     23,373         26,950             37,285         42,134​​ 

Netherlands        2,322       3,915       5,690       7,091       8,612     10,887     14,746         16,800             20,970         25,147​​ 

New Zealand     3,931       6,952       9,826     12,080     14,489     18,306     25,430         33,254             46,446               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,310     11,765     14,746         16,800             20,970         27,242​​ 

Philippines          3,665       6,161       8,545     10,235     12,908     16,936     25,241         33,002             46,080               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,310     11,765     14,746         18,429             20,970         27,242​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,676       4,608       6,694       8,272       9,991     12,631     17,378         20,134             24,414               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,700     12,380     14,746         16,800             20,025         23,219​​ 

Singapore           3,190       5,429       7,451       8,907     11,443     14,409     19,665         24,302             33,438         38,799​​ 

Spain                  2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,310     11,765     14,746         16,800             20,970         27,242​​ 

St. Thomas2        2,255       4,062       5,648       6,791       8,623     10,868     14,853         16,892             21,477         26,296​​ 

Sweden             2,377       3,915       5,690       7,091       9,310     11,765     14,746         16,800             20,970         27,242​​ 

Switzerland        2,322       3,915       5,690       7,091       8,612     10,887     14,746         16,800             20,970         25,147​​ 

Taiwan               3,190       5,429       7,538       9,045     11,443     14,415     21,458         27,959             38,751         47,206​​ 

United Kingdom  2,222       3,915       5,648       6,856       8,262     10,448     14,167         16,335             20,125         24,099​​ 

Venezuela          2,380       4,284       5,953       7,151       9,067     11,423     15,602         17,751             22,628         27,683​​ 


                        .5         Zone E Rate Schedule ​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,598     $4,682   $  6,513   $  7,836          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,469       4,440       6,167       7,402   $10,153   $13,492   $20,102               ICB           $36,400       $41,994​​ 

Australia             3,606       5,861       8,119     10,247     15,336     20,404     30,471       $39,884             56,504               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,986     12,647     16,012         18,669             22,839         29,728​​ 

Belgium               2,441       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,288     11,769     16,012         18,669             22,839         27,633​​ 

Bermuda             2,497       4,150       5,968       7,281       8,897     11,279     16,012         18,669             22,839         26,774​​ 

Brazil                  2,374       4,596       8,128       9,719     12,222     15,365     20,920         23,835             30,805         37,522​​ 

China                  4,373       7,825     10,820     12,899     16,132     20,252     27,516         31,397             40,946         49,734​​ 

Colombia             2,469       5,867       8,128       9,719     12,222     15,365     20,920         23,835             30,805         37,522​​ 

Denmark             2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,986     12,647     16,012         18,669             22,839         29,728​​ 


  Republic           3,609       6,467       8,953     10,695     13,422     16,866     22,946         26,161             30,805         41,274​​ 

Finland                2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,986     12,647     16,012         18,669             22,839         29,728​​ 

France                2,441       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,288     11,769     16,012         18,669             22,839         27,633​​ 

Germany            2,441       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,288     11,769     16,012         18,669             22,839         27,633​​ 

Guam2                4,930       8,816     12,182     14,509     18,114     22,729     30,860         35,237             46,086         55,926​​ 

Hawaii2               2,581       4,260       5,946       7,347       9,467     11,945     16,182         18,406             22,206         25,855​​ 

Hong Kong         3,131       4,212       5,852       7,029       8,907     11,704     17,421         22,485             31,221         36,099​​ 

Ireland                2,441       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,288     11,769     16,012         18,669             22,839         27,633​​ 

Israel                  2,912       4,880       6,941       9,240     13,819     18,369     27,388         35,874             50,209         57,876​​ 

Italy                     2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,986     12,647     16,012         18,669             24,559         29,728​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,466       4,212       5,852       7,029       8,907     11,221     15,324         17,399             22,206         27,156​​ 


  Republic of       3,321       5,585       7,276       8,677     11,462     14,415     23,072         26,696             33,236         37,457​​ 

Malaysia             3,321       5,585       7,276       8,677     11,462     14,415     22,741         26,015             36,351         40,890​​ 

Netherlands        2,441       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,288     11,769     16,012         18,669             22,839         27,633​​ 

New Zealand     3,872       6,834       9,651     11,850     14,151     17,865     24,797         32,319             45,511               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,986     12,647     16,012         18,669             22,839         29,728​​ 

Philippines          3,606       6,044       8,371     10,005     12,570     16,495     24,608         32,067             45,145               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,986     12,647     16,012         20,299             22,839         29,728​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,670       4,596       6,675       8,247       9,955     12,585     17,312         20,035             24,315               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551     10,376     13,262     16,012         18,669             21,895         25,705​​ 

Singapore           3,131       5,311       7,276       8,677     11,105     13,968     19,032         23,367             32,503         37,556​​ 

Spain                  2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,986     12,647     16,012         18,669             22,839         29,728​​ 

St. Thomas2        2,249       4,050       5,629       6,766       8,587     10,822     14,787         16,793             21,379         26,165​​ 

Sweden             2,497       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,986     12,647     16,012         18,669             22,839         29,728​​ 

Switzerland        2,441       4,150       6,039       7,551       9,288     11,769     16,012         18,669             22,839         27,633​​ 

Taiwan               3,131       5,311       7,363       8,815     11,105     13,973     20,826         27,024             37,816         45,963​​ 

United Kingdom  2,342       4,150       5,997       7,316       8,938     11,330     15,432         18,204             21,995         26,586​​ 

Venezuela          2,374       4,272       5,934       7,127       9,031     11,377     15,536         17,653             22,530         27,552​​ 


                        .6         Zone F Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,516     $4,522   $  6,274   $  7,521          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,450       4,403       6,112       7,329   $10,047   $13,353   $19,903               ICB           $36,105       $41,601​​ 

Australia             3,691       6,028       8,366     10,574     15,817     21,030     31,370       $41,212             57,832               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,328     11,788     14,779         16,849             21,019         27,307​​ 

Belgium               2,325       3,921       5,699       7,103       8,630     10,910     14,779         16,849             21,019         25,212​​ 

Bermuda             2,380       3,921       5,628       6,833       8,239     10,420     14,779         16,849             21,019         24,353​​ 

Brazil                  2,355       4,559       8,073       9,647     12,115     15,226     20,720         23,540             30,510         37,130​​ 

China                  4,458       7,992     11,067     13,226     16,613     20,879     28,415         32,726             42,274         51,500​​ 

Colombia             2,450       5,830       8,073       9,647     12,115     15,226     20,720         23,540             30,510         37,130​​ 

Denmark             2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,328     11,788     14,779         16,849             21,019         27,307​​ 


  Republic           3,590       6,430       8,898     10,622     13,315     16,726     22,746         25,866             30,510         40,881​​ 

Finland                2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,328     11,788     14,779         16,849             21,019         27,307​​ 

France                2,325       3,921       5,699       7,103       8,630     10,910     14,779         16,849             21,019         25,512​​ 

Germany            2,325       3,921       5,699       7,103       8,630     10,910     14,779         16,849             21,019         25,512​​ 

Guam2                5,015       8,983     12,430     14,836     18,594     23,356     31,759         36,565             47,414         57,693​​ 

Hawaii2               2,666       4,427       6,194       7,674       9,947     12,571     17,081         19,734             23,534         27,622​​ 

Hong Kong         3,216       4,379       6,100       7,356       9,388     12,331     18,321         23,813             32,549         37,866​​ 

Ireland                2,325       3,921       5,699       7,103       8,630     10,910     14,779         16,849             21,019         25,212​​ 

Israel                  2,795       4,651       6,601       8,792     13,161     17,511     26,155         34,054             48,388         55,455​​ 

Italy                     2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,328     11,788     14,779         16,849             22,739         27,307​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,551       4,379       6,100       7,356       9,388     11,848     16,223         18,727             23,534         28,922​​ 


  Republic of       3,406       5,752       7,524       9,004     11,942     15,041     23,971         28,024             34,564         39,224​​ 

Malaysia             3,406       5,752       7,524       9,004     11,942     15,041     23,640         27,344             37,679         42,657​​ 

Netherlands        2,325       3,921       5,699       7,103       8,630     10,910     14,779         16,849             21,019         25,212​​ 

New Zealand     3,957       7,001       9,899     12,177     14,631     18,492     25,696         33,648             46,840               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,328     11,788     14,779         16,849             21,019         27,307​​ 

Philippines          3,691       6,211       8,618     10,332     13,050     17,122     25,507         33,395             46,473               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,328     11,788     14,779         18,479             21,019         27,307​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,651       4,559       6,620       8,175       9,849     12,445     17,112         19,740             24,020               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,717     12,403     14,779         16,849             20,074         23,284​​ 

Singapore           3,216       5,478       7,524       9,004     11,585     14,595     19,931         24,696             33,832         39,323​​ 

Spain                  2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,328     11,788     14,779         16,849             21,019         27,307​​ 

St. Thomas2        2,230       4,013       5,574       6,694       8,480     10,683     14,587         16,498             21,083         25,772​​ 

Sweden             2,380       3,921       5,699       7,103       9,328     11,788     14,779         16,849             21,019         27,307​​ 

Switzerland        2,325       3,921       5,699       7,103       8,630     10,910     14,779         16,849             21,019         25,212​​ 

Taiwan               3,216       5,478       7,611       9,142     11,585     14,600     21,725         28,352             39,145         47,730​​ 

United Kingdom  2,225       3,921       5,657       6,868       8,280     10,471     14,200         16,384             20,174         24,165​​ 

Venezuela          2,355       4,234       5,879       7,054       8,924     11,237     15,336         17,358             22,234         27,159​​ 


                        .7         Zone G Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,428     $4,349   $  6,017   $  7,182          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,361       4,230       5,855       6,990   $  9,549   $12,703   $18,970               ICB           $34,727       $39,769​​ 

Australia             3,716       6,077       8,440     10,671     15,959     21,216     31,636       $41,606             58,226               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,381     11,858     14,879         16,996             21,166         27,503​​ 

Belgium               2,334       3,939       5,727       7,140       8,683     10,980     14,879         16,996             21,166         25,409​​ 

Bermuda             2,390       3,939       5,656       6,870       8,293     10,490     14,879         16,996             21,166         24,550​​ 

Brazil                  2,266       4,386       7,816       9,308     11,617     14,576     19,787         22,162             29,132         35,297​​ 

China                  4,483       8,041     11,141     13,323     16,755     21,065     28,682         33,119             42,668         52,024​​ 

Colombia             2,361       5,657       7,816       9,308     11,617     14,576     19,787         22,162             29,132         35,297​​ 

Denmark             2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,381     11,858     14,879         16,996             21,166         27,503​​ 


  Republic           3,501       6,257       8,641     10,283     12,817     16,076     21,813         24,488             29,132         39,049​​ 

Finland                2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,381     11,858     14,879         16,996             21,166         27,503​​ 

France                2,334       3,939       5,727       7,140       8,683     10,980     14,879         16,996             21,166         25,409​​ 

Germany            2,334       3,939       5,727       7,140       8,683     10,980     14,879         16,996             21,166         25,409​​ 

Guam2                5,040       9,032     12,503     14,933     18,737     23,542     32,025         36,959             47,808         58,216​​ 

Hawaii2               2,691       4,476       6,268       7,771     10,090     12,757     17,348         20,128             23,928         28,145​​ 

Hong Kong         3,241       4,429       6,174       7,453       9,530     12,516     18,587         24,207             32,943         38,389​​ 

Ireland                2,334       3,939       5,727       7,140       8,683     10,980     14,879         16,996             21,166         25,409​​ 

Israel                  2,805       4,669       6,629       8,828     13,214     17,580     26,255         34,201             48,536         55,651​​ 

Italy                     2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,381     11,858     14,879         16,996             22,886         27,503​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,576       4,429       6,174       7,453       9,530     12,034     16,489         19,121             23,928         29,446​​ 


  Republic of       3,431       5,801       7,598       9,101     12,085     15,227     24,238         28,418             34,958         39,747​​ 

Malaysia             3,431       5,801       7,598       9,101     12,085     15,227     23,906         27,737             38,073         43,181​​ 

Netherlands        2,334       3,939       5,727       7,140       8,683     10,980     14,879         16,996             21,166         25,409​​ 

New Zealand     3,982       7,050       9,973     12,274     14,773     18,677     25,963         34,041             47,233               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,381     11,858     14,879         16,996             21,166         27,503​​ 

Philippines          3,716       6,260       8,692     10,429     13,193     17,308     25,774         33,789             46,867               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,381     11,858     14,879         18,626             21,166         27,503​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,562       4,386       6,363       7,836       9,351     11,795     16,179         18,362             22,642               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,771     12,473     14,879         16,996             20,222         23,480​​ 

Singapore           3,241       5,528       7,598       9,101     11,728     14,781     20,198         25,089             34,225         39,846​​ 

Spain                  2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,381     11,858     14,879         16,996             21,166         27,503​​ 

St. Thomas2        2,142       3,839       5,317       6,355       7,982     10,033     13,654         15,120             19,706         23,940​​ 

Sweden             2,390       3,939       5,727       7,140       9,381     11,858     14,879         16,996             21,166         27,503​​ 

Switzerland        2,334       3,939       5,727       7,140       8,683     10,980     14,879         16,996             21,166         25,409​​ 

Taiwan               3,241       5,528       7,684       9,238     11,728     14,786     21,991         28,746             39,538         48,253​​ 

United Kingdom  2,235       3,939       5,684       6,905       8,333     10,541     14,300         16,531             20,322         24,361​​ 

Venezuela          2,266       4,061       5,622       6,715       8,426     10,587     14,403         15,980             20,857         25,327​​ 


                        .8         Zone H Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,491     $4,482   $  6,222   $  7,463          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,425       4,363       6,060       7,270   $  9,991   $13,321   $19,981               ICB           $35,711       $44,677​​ 

Australia             3,729       6,118       8,513     10,784     16,175     21,567     32,351       $41,803             58,423               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,957     11,330     14,202         15,668             19,838         25,737​​ 

Belgium               2,249       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,258     10,452     14,202         15,668             19,838         23,642​​ 

Bermuda             2,304       3,779       5,422       6,567       7,868       9,962     14,202         15,668             19,838         22,783​​ 

Brazil                  2,330       4,519       8,021       9,588     12,059     15,193     20,798         23,146             30,116         36,606​​ 

China                  4,496       8,082     11,214     13,436     16,971     21,416     29,396         33,316             42,865         52,286​​ 

Colombia             2,425       5,790       8,021       9,588     12,059     15,193     20,798         23,146             30,116         36,606​​ 

Denmark             2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,957     11,330     14,202         15,668             19,838         25,737​​ 


  Republic           3,565       6,390       8,846     10,564     13,259     16,694     22,824         25,472             30,116         40,358​​ 

Finland                2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,957     11,330     14,202         15,668             19,838         25,737​​ 

France                2,249       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,258     10,452     14,202         15,668             19,838         23,642​​ 

Germany            2,249       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,258     10,452     14,202         15,668             19,838         23,642​​ 

Guam2                5,053       9,073     12,576     15,046     18,953     23,893     32,740         37,155             48,004         58,478​​ 

Hawaii2               2,704       4,517       6,341       7,884     10,306     13,108     18,062         20,325             24,125         28,407​​ 

Hong Kong         3,254       4,470       6,247       7,566       9,746     12,868     19,301         24,404             33,139         38,651​​ 

Ireland                2,249       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,258     10,452     14,202         15,668             19,838         23,642​​ 

Israel                  2,719       4,509       6,395       8,526     12,789     17,052     25,578         32,873             47,207         53,884​​ 

Italy                     2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,957     11,330     14,202         15,668             21,558         25,737​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,589       4,470       6,247       7,566       9,746     12,385     17,204         19,318             24,125         29,708​​ 


  Republic of       3,444       5,842       7,671       9,214     12,301     15,578     24,952         28,615             35,155         26,833​​ 

Malaysia             3,444       5,842       7,671       9,214     12,301     15,578     24,620         27,934             38,269         43,442​​ 

Netherlands        2,249       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,258     10,452     14,202         15,668             19,838         23,642​​ 

New Zealand     3,995       7,091     10,046     12,387     14,990     19,029     26,677         34,238             47,430               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,957     11,330     14,202         15,668             19,838         25,737​​ 

Philippines          3,729       6,301       8,765     10,542     13,409     17,659     26,488         33,986             47,064               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,957     11,330     14,202         17,298             19,838         25,737​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,626       4,519       6,569       8,116       9,793     12,413     17,190         19,346             23,626               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       9,346     11,945     14,202         15,668             18,894         21,713​​ 

Singapore           3,254       5,568       7,671       9,214     11,944     15,132     20,912         25,286             34,422         40,108​​ 

Spain                  2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,957     11,330     14,202         15,668             19,838         25,737​​ 

St. Thomas2        2,205       3,973       5,522       6,635       8,424     10,650     14,665         16,104             20,690         25,249​​ 

Sweden             2,304       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,957     11,330     14,202         15,668             19,838         25,737​​ 

Switzerland        2,249       3,779       5,493       6,837       8,258     10,452     14,202         15,668             19,838         23,642​​ 

Taiwan               3,254       5,568       7,758       9,351     11,944     15,137     22,706         28,943             39,735         48,515​​ 

United Kingdom  2,149       3,779       5,451       6,602       7,909     10,013     13,623         15,203             18,994         22,594​​ 

Venezuela          2,330       4,195       5,827       6,996       8,868     11,205     15,414         16,964             21,841         26,636​​ 


                        .9         Zone I Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Antigua1           $2,510     $4,509   $  6,256   $  7,497          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Argentina           2,443       4,391       6,093       7,305   $10,011   $13,307   $19,836               ICB           $36,006       $41,470​​ 

Australia             3,770       6,182       8,596     10,876     16,261     21,611     32,203       $42,442             59,062               ICB​​ 

Austria               2,292       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,830     11,138     13,847         15,471             19,641         25,475​​ 

Belgium               2,236       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,132     10,260     13,847         15,471             19,641         23,380​​ 

Bermuda             2,292       3,748       5,371       6,494       7,741       9,770     13,847         15,471             19,641         22,521​​ 

Brazil                  2,348       4,547       8,054       9,623     12,079     15,179     20,653         23,441             30,412         36,999​​ 

China                  4,537       8,146     11,297     13,529     17,057     21,459     29,248         33,956             43,504         53,136​​ 

Colombia             2,443       5,817       8,054       9,623     12,079     15,179     20,653         23,441             30,412         36,999​​ 

Denmark             2,292       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,830     11,138     13,847         15,471             19,641         25,475​​ 


  Republic           3,583       6,418       8,880     10,598     13,280     16,680     22,679         25,767             30,412         40,750​​ 

Finland                2,292       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,830     11,138     13,847         15,471             19,641         25,475​​ 

France                2,236       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,132     10,260     13,847         15,471             19,641         23,380​​ 

Germany            2,236       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,132     10,260     13,847         15,471             19,641         23,380​​ 

Guam2                5,094       9,137     12,659     15,139     19,039     23,937     32,592         37,795             48,644         59,329​​ 

Hawaii2               2,745       4,581       6,424       7,977     10,392     13,152     17,914         20,964             24,764         29,258​​ 

Hong Kong         3,295       4,534       6,330       7,659       9,832     12,911     19,153         25,043             33,779         39,501​​ 

Ireland                2,236       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,132     10,260     13,847         15,471             19,641         23,380​​ 

Israel                  2,707       4,478       6,344       8,453     12,662     16,861     25,233         32,676             47,011         53,623​​ 

Italy                     2,292       3,747       5,442       6,764       8,830     11,138     13,847         15,471             21,361         25,475​​ 

Jamaica1                ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB          N/A          N/A          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Japan                 2,630       4,534       6,330       7,659       9,832     12,428     17,056         19,957             24,764         30,558​​ 


  Republic of       3,485       5,906       7,754       9,307     12,387     15,622     24,804         29,254             35,794         40,859​​ 

Malaysia             3,485       5,906       7,754       9,307     12,387     15,622     24,472         28,574             38,909         44,293​​ 

Netherlands        2,236       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,132     10,260     13,847         15,471             19,641         23,380​​ 

New Zealand     4,036       7,155     10,129     12,480     15,076     19,072     26,529         34,878             48,070               ICB​​ 

Norway              2,292       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,830     11,138     13,847         15,471             19,641         25,475​​ 

Philippines          3,770       6,365       8,848     10,365     13,495     17,702     26,340         34,625             47,703               ICB​​ 

Portugal              2,292       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,830     11,138     13,847         17,101             19,641         25,475​​ 

Puerto Rico2       2,644       4,547       6,602       8,150       9,813     12,399     17,045         19,642             23,922               ICB​​ 

Russia                    ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Scotland             2,292       3,748       5,442       6,764       9,219     11,753     13,847         15,471             18,697         21,452​​ 

Singapore           3,295       5,633       7,754       9,307     12,030     15,175     20,764         25,926             35,062         40,959​​ 

Spain                  2,292       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,830     11,138     13,847         15,471             19,641         25,475​​ 

St.Thomas2         2,224       4,000       5,556       6,670       8,445     10,636     14,520         16,400             20,985         25,641​​ 

Sweden             2,292       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,830     11,138     13,847         15,471             19,641         25,475​​ 

Switzerland        2,236       3,748       5,442       6,764       8,132     10,260     13,847         15,471             19,641         23,380​​ 

Taiwan               3,295       5,633       7,841       9,444     12,030     15,181     22,557         29,582             40,375         49,366​​ 

United Kingdom  2,137       3,748       5,400       6,529       7,782       9,821     13,267         15,006             18,797         22,332​​ 

Venezuela          2,348       4,222       5,861       7,030       8,889     11,191     15,269         17,259             22,136         27,028​​ 




1​​            256 kbps Maximum​​ 

2​​            Full Circuit - U.S. Half and Foreign Half Price.  Does not include Local Loop.​​ 

.03       The monthly recurring per-circuit charges set forth in this Section apply to service installed between November 23, 1999 and August 31, 2000:​​ 


                        .1         Zone 1 West Coast Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Anguilla            $3,112     $5,446   $  7,780   $  9,336   $10,892   $13,693   $18,361       $21,785           $27,629       $32,704​​ 

Antigua               3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

Argentina           4,011       7,019     10,027     12,033     14,038     17,649     23,665         28,077             35,630         38,485​​ 

Aruba                 2,640       4,620       6,600       7,920       9,240     11,616     15,576         18,480             23,428         27,745​​ 

Australia             4,216       7,378     10,539     12,647     14,755     18,550     24,873         29,511             37,521         44,266​​ 

Austria               2,379       4,164       5,948       7,137       8,326     10,468     14,037         16,654             21,349         25,272​​ 

Bahamas            2,407       4,212       6,017       7,221       8,424     10,591     14,201         16,849             21,354         25,300​​ 

Barbados           3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

Belgium               2,241       3,921       5,602       6,721       7,841       9,858     13,219         15,684             20,116         23,817​​ 

Bermuda             2,407       4,212       6,017       7,221       8,424     10,591     14,201         16,849             21,354         25,300​​ 

Bolivia                 3,492       6,110       8,729     10,475     12,221     15,364     20,601         24,442             31,009         36,690​​ 

Brazil                  2,640       4,620       6,600       7,920       9,240     11,616     15,576         18,480             23,428         27,745​​ 

Brunei                 3,205       6,523       9,841     13,272     20,360     27,267     41,216         55,347             83,568       104,670​​ 

Cayman Islands  2,640       4,620       6,600       7,920       9,240     11,616     15,576         18,480             23,428         27,745​​ 

Chile                   4,650       8,138          N/A     13,951     16,277     20,462     27,438         32,553             41,389         49,527​​ 

China                  3,680       6,440       9,200     11,040     12,880     16,192     21,713         25,761             32,753         38,641​​ 

Colombia             3,492       6,110       8,729     10,475     12,221     15,364     20,601         24,442             31,009         36,690​​ 

Costa Rica          2,637       4,615       6,593       7,912       9,231     11,605     15,561         18,462             23,405         27,720​​ 

Cyprus               4,559       7,275          N/A     13,095     17,066     21,454     28,768         34,132             43,396         59,018​​ 

Denmark             2,360       4,130       5,901       7,080       8,260     10,384     14,497         17,666             22,631         26,790​​ 

Dominica             3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 


  Republic           3,492       6,110       8,729     10,475     12,221     15,364     20,601         24,442             31,009         36,690​​ 

Ecuador              4,011       7,019     10,027     12,033     14,038     17,649     23,665         28,077             35,630         38,485​​ 

Egypt                  2,910       5,141       7,275       9,118     12,998     16,587     23,862         32,592             42,971              N/A​​ 

Finland                2,360       4,130       5,901       7,080       8,260     10,384     14,497         17,666             22,631         26,790​​ 

France                2,241       3,921       5,602       6,721       7,841       9,858     13,219         15,684             20,116         23,817​​ 

Germany            2,241       3,921       5,602       6,721       7,841       9,858     13,219         15,684             20,116         23,817​​ 

Greece               3,679       6,439       9,198     11,037     12,877     16,188     22,675         27,691             35,373         41,827​​ 

Grenada             3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

Guadeloupe        3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 


  Full Circuit         3,600       6,300       9,000     10,800     12,600     15,840     21,239         25,199             32,039         37,799​​ 

Guam to Hawaii​​ 

  Full Circuit         3,200       5,600       8,000       9,600     11,200     14,080     18,880         22,400             28,480         33,600​​ 

Guatemala          2,637       4,615       6,593       7,912       9,231     11,605     15,561         18,462             23,405         27,720​​ 


  Full Circuit         2,438       4,267       6,095       7,314       8,532     10,728     14,384         17,066             21,743         25,798​​ 

Hawaii to Japan 2,834       4,960       7,085       8,502       9,920     12,470     16,722         19,839             25,224         29,759​​ 

Honduras           2,637       4,615       6,593       7,912       9,231     11,605     15,561         18,462             23,405         27,720​​ 

Hong Kong         2,735       4,786       6,838       8,205       9,573     12,034     16,137         19,145             24,342         28,718​​ 

Hungary             3,395       6,014       8,148     10,282     12,998     16,296     20,758         25,996             33,077         35,750​​ 

India                    5,446       9,531     13,616     16,339     19,061     23,962     32,131         38,122             38,122         57,183​​ 

Indonesia            3,192       5,585       7,979       9,575     11,171     14,043     18,831         22,341             28,405         33,512​​ 

Ireland                2,241       3,921       5,602       6,721       7,841       9,858     13,219         15,684             20,116         23,817​​ 

Israel                  3,168       5,641       8,017     10,085     13,900     17,605     26,666         31,138             37,332         42,536​​ 

Italy                     2,379       4,164       5,948       7,137       8,326     10,468     14,037         16,654             21,349         25,272​​ 

Jamaica              3,007       5,262       7,517       9,021     10,524     13,231     17,741         21,049             26,694         31,600​​ 

Japan                 2,072       3,625       5,179       6,215       7,251       9,115     12,223         14,502             18,438         21,753​​ 


 Republic of        2,735       4,786       6,838       8,205       9,573     12,034     16,137         19,145             24,342         28,718​​ 

Luxembourg       2,379       4,164       5,948       7,137       8,326     10,468     14,037         16,654             21,349         25,272​​ 

Malaysia             3,192       5,585       7,979       9,575     11,171     14,043     18,831         22,341             28,405         33,512​​ 

Martinique           3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

Mexico                2,640       4,620       6,600       7,920       9,240     11,616     15,576         18,480             23,428         27,745​​ 

Montserrat          3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

Netherlands        2,241       3,921       5,602       6,721       7,841       9,858     13,219         15,684             20,116         23,817​​ 

New Zealand     4,216       7,378     10,539     12,647     14,755     18,550     24,873         29,511             37,521         44,266​​ 

Nicaragua           2,637       4,615       6,593       7,912       9,231     11,605     15,561         18,462             23,405         27,720​​ 

Norway              2,360       4,130       5,901       7,080       8,260     10,384     14,497         17,666             22,631         26,790​​ 

Panama              2,640       4,620       6,600       7,920       9,240     11,616     15,576         18,480             23,428         27,745​​ 

Peru                    4,011       7,019     10,027     12,033     14,038     17,649     23,665         28,077             35,630         38,485​​ 

Philippines          2,663       4,661       6,658       7,990       9,321     11,718     15,713         18,643             23,703         27,964​​ 

Poland                3,395       6,014       8,148     10,282     12,998     16,296     20,758         25,996             33,077         35,750​​ 

Portugal              2,379       4,164       5,948       7,137       8,326     10,468     14,037         16,654             21,349         25,272​​ 

Puerto Rico​​ 

  Full Circuit         2,236       3,913       5,590       6,709       7,826       9,840     13,193         15,653             19,834         23,507​​ 

Russia                2,983       5,219       7,456       8,947     10,438     13,122     17,596         20,877             26,718         31,606​​ 

Scotland             2,629       4,352       6,300       7,781     10,339     12,652     15,821         17,860             25,197         32,036​​ 

Singapore           3,192       5,585       7,979       9,575     11,171     14,043     18,831         22,341             28,405         33,512​​ 

South Africa       4,559       7,275     10,185     13,095     17,557     21,534     29,197         38,994             57,230         61,455​​ 

Spain                  2,379       4,164       5,948       7,137       8,326     10,468     14,037         16,654             21,349         25,272​​ 

St. Kitts               3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

St. Lucia             3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

St. Maarten         3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

Santo Tomás​​ 

  Full Circuit         2,236       3,913       5,590       6,709       7,826       9,840     13,193         15,653             19,834         23,507​​ 

St. Vincent         3,112       5,446       7,780       9,336     10,892     13,693     18,361         21,785             27,629         32,704​​ 

Sweden             2,360       4,130       5,901       7,080       8,260     10,384     14,497         17,666             22,631         26,790​​ 

Switzerland        2,241       3,921       5,602       6,721       7,841       9,858     13,219         15,684             20,116         23,817​​ 

Taiwan               2,735       4,786       6,838       8,205       9,573     12,034     16,137         19,145             24,342         28,718​​ 

Thailand              3,192       5,585       7,979       9,575     11,171     14,043     18,831         22,341             28,405         33,512​​ 

Tortola                2,407       4,212       6,017       7,221       8,424     10,591     14,201         16,849             21,354         25,300​​ 

Trinidad              2,640       4,620       6,600       7,920       9,240     11,616     15,576         18,480             23,428         27,745​​ 

Turkey                3,679       6,439       9,198     11,037     12,877     16,188     22,675         27,691             35,373         41,827​​ 

United Kingdom  1,825       3,195       5,077       6,092       7,109       8,937     11,983         14,216             18,250         21,616​​ 

Uruguay             4,011       7,019     10,027     12,033     14,038     17,649     23,665         28,077             35,630         38,485​​ 

Venezuela          2,640       4,620       6,600       7,920       9,240     11,616     15,576         18,480             23,428         27,745​​ 

Vietnam              3,990       6,982       9,975     11,970     13,965     17,556     23,541         31,122                  N/A         45,000​​ 


                        .2         Zone 2 Midwest Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Anguilla            $2,849     $4,985   $  7,122   $  8,545   $  9,969   $12,533   $16,806       $19,939           $25,239       $29,837​​ 

Antigua               2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

Argentina           3,748       6,558       9,369     11,242     13,115     16,489     22,110         26,231             33,240         35,618​​ 

Aruba                 2,377       4,159       5,942       7,129       8,317     10,456     14,021         16,634             21,038         24,878​​ 

Australia             4,600       8,050     11,499     13,799     16,098     20,239     27,138         32,198             40,813         48,216​​ 

Austria               2,335       4,086       5,837       7,005       8,172     10,273     13,776         16,344             20,662         24,448​​ 

Bahamas            2,144       3,751       5,359       6,430       7,501       9,431     12,646         15,003             18,964         22,433​​ 

Barbados           2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

Belgium               2,197       3,843       5,491       6,589       7,687       9,663     12,958         15,374             19,429         22,993​​ 

Bermuda             2,144       3,751       5,359       6,430       7,501       9,431     12,646         15,003             18,964         22,433​​ 

Bolivia                 3,229       5,649       8,071       9,684     11,298     14,204     19,046         22,596             28,619         33,823​​ 

Brazil                  2,377       4,159       5,942       7,129       8,317     10,456     14,021         16,634             21,038         24,878​​ 

Brunei                 3,589       7,195     10,801     14,424     21,703     28,956     43,481         58,034             86,860       108,620​​ 

Cayman Islands  2,377       4,159       5,942       7,129       8,317     10,456     14,021         16,634             21,038         24,878​​ 

Chile                   4,429       7,751          N/A     13,287     15,502     19,488     26,131         31,003             39,418         47,169​​ 

China                  4,064       7,112     10,160     12,192     14,223     17,881     23,978         28,448             36,045         42,591​​ 

Colombia             3,229       5,649       8,071       9,684     11,298     14,204     19,046         22,596             28,619         33,823​​ 

Costa Rica          2,374       4,154       5,935       7,121       8,308     10,445     14,006         16,616             21,015         24,853​​ 

Cyprus               4,365       6,790          N/A     12,319     15,842     19,918     26,708         31,685             40,287         54,786​​ 

Denmark             2,316       4,052       5,790       6,948       8,106     10,189     14,236         17,356             21,944         25,966​​ 

Dominica             2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 


  Republic           3,229       5,649       8,071       9,684     11,298     14,204     19,046         22,596             28,619         33,823​​ 

Ecuador              3,748       6,558       9,369     11,242     13,115     16,489     22,110         26,231             33,240         35,618​​ 

Egypt                  2,813       4,947       7,081       8,827     12,610     16,102     23,086         31,719             41,031              N/A​​ 

Finland                2,316       4,052       5,790       6,948       8,106     10,189     14,236         17,356             21,944         25,966​​ 

France                2,197       3,843       5,491       6,589       7,687       9,663     12,958         15,374             19,429         22,993​​ 

Germany            2,197       3,843       5,491       6,589       7,687       9,663     12,958         15,374             19,429         22,993​​ 

Greece               3,635       6,361       9,087     10,905     12,723     15,993     22,414         27,381             34,686         41,003​​ 

Grenada             2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

Guadeloupe        2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 


  Full Circuit         3,984       6,972       9,960     11,952     13,943     17,529     23,504         27,886             35,331         41,749​​ 

Guatemala          2,374       4,154       5,935       7,121       8,308     10,445     14,006         16,616             21,015         24,853​​ 


  Full Circuit         2,822       4,939       7,055       8,466       9,875     12,417     16,649         19,753             25,035         29,748​​ 

Honduras           2,374       4,154       5,935       7,121       8,308     10,445     14,006         16,616             21,015         24,853​​ 

Hong Kong         3,119       5,458       7,798       9,357     10,916     13,723     18,402         21,832             27,634         32,668​​ 

Hungary             3,104       5,432       7,566       9,506     11,834     14,550     18,333         22,310             28,421         33,000​​ 

India                    5,226       9,145     13,064     15,677     18,385     22,994     30,833         36,582             54,873              N/A​​ 

Indonesia            3,576       6,257       8,939     10,727     12,514     15,732     21,096         25,028             31,697         37,462​​ 

Ireland                2,197       3,843       5,491       6,589       7,687       9,663     12,958         15,374             19,429         22,993​​ 

Israel                  3,124       5,563       7,906       9,953     13,746     17,410     26,405         30,828             36,645         41,712​​ 

Italy                     2,335       4,086       5,837       7,005       8,172     10,273     13,776         16,344             20,662         24,448​​ 

Jamaica              2,744       4,801       6,859       8,230       9,601     12,071     16,186         19,203             24,304         28,733​​ 

Japan                 2,456       4,297       6,139       7,367       8,594     10,804     14,488         17,189             21,730         25,703​​ 


  Republic of       3,119       5,458       7,798       9,357     10,916     13,723     18,402         21,832             27,634         32,668​​ 

Luxembourg       2,335       4,086       5,837       7,005       8,172     10,273     13,776         16,344             20,662         24,448​​ 

Malaysia             3,576       6,257       8,939     10,727     12,514     15,732     21,096         25,028             31,697         37,462​​ 

Martinique           2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

Mexico                2,377       4,159       5,942       7,129       8,317     10,456     14,021         16,634             21,038         24,878​​ 

Montserrat          2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

Netherlands        2,197       3,843       5,491       6,589       7,687       9,663     12,958         15,374             19,429         22,993​​ 

New Zealand     4,600       8,050     11,499     13,799     16,098     20,239     27,138         32,198             40,813         48,216​​ 

Nicaragua           2,374       4,154       5,935       7,121       8,308     10,445     14,006         16,616             21,015         24,853​​ 

Norway              2,316       4,052       5,790       6,948       8,106     10,189     14,236         17,356             21,944         25,966​​ 

Panama              2,377       4,159       5,942       7,129       8,317     10,456     14,021         16,634             21,038         24,878​​ 

Peru                    3,748       6,558       9,369     11,242     13,115     16,489     22,110         26,231             33,240         35,618​​ 

Philippines          3,047       5,333       7,618       9,142     10,664     13,407     17,978         21,330             26,995         31,914​​ 

Poland                3,104       5,432       7,566       9,506     11,834     14,550     18,333         22,310             28,421         33,000​​ 

Portugal              2,335       4,086       5,837       7,005       8,172     10,273     13,776         16,344             20,662         24,448​​ 

Puerto Rico​​ 

 Full Circuit          1,973       3,452       4,932       5,918       6,903       8,680     11,638         13,807             17,444         20,640​​ 

Russia                2,939       5,141       7,345       8,815     10,284     12,927     17,335         20,567             26,031         30,782​​ 

Scotland             3,600       6,298       8,998     10,798     12,598     15,836     21,236         25,194             31,915         37,724​​ 

Singapore           3,576       6,257       8,939     10,727     12,514     15,732     21,096         25,028             31,697         37,462​​ 

South Africa       4,365       6,790       9,603     12,319     16,490     19,788     26,772         35,308             52,477         58,840​​ 

Spain                  2,335       4,086       5,837       7,005       8,172     10,273     13,776         16,344             20,662         24,448​​ 

St. Kitts               2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

St. Lucia             2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

St. Maarten         2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

Santo Tomás​​ 

 Full Circuit          1,973       3,452       4,932       5,918       6,903       8,680     11,638         13,807             17,444         20,640​​ 

St. Vincent         2,849       4,985       7,122       8,545       9,969     12,533     16,806         19,939             25,239         29,837​​ 

Sweden             2,316       4,052       5,790       6,948       8,106     10,189     14,236         17,356             21,944         25,966​​ 

Switzerland        2,197       3,843       5,491       6,589       7,687       9,663     12,958         15,374             19,429         22,993​​ 

Taiwan               3,119       5,458       7,798       9,357     10,916     13,723     18,402         21,832             27,634         32,668​​ 

Thailand              3,576       6,257       8,939     10,727     12,514     15,732     21,096         25,028             31,697         37,462​​ 

Tortola                2,144       3,751       5,359       6,430       7,501       9,431     12,646         15,003             18,964         22,433​​ 

Trinidad              2,377       4,159       5,942       7,129       8,317     10,456     14,021         16,634             21,038         24,878​​ 

Turkey                3,635       6,361       9,087     10,905     12,723     15,993     22,414         27,381             34,686         41,003​​ 

United Kingdom  1,781       3,117       4,966       5,960       6,955       8,742     11,722         13,906             17,563         20,792​​ 

Uruguay             3,748       6,558       9,369     11,242     13,115     16,489     22,110         26,231             33,240         35,618​​ 

Venezuela          2,377       4,159       5,942       7,129       8,317     10,456     14,021         16,634             21,038         24,878​​ 

Vietnam              4,536       7,938     11,340     13,608     15,876     19,958     26,762         35,381                  N/A         48,000​​ 


                        .3         Zone 3 Southeast Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Anguilla            $2,505     $4,384   $  6,263   $  7,515   $  8,768   $11,022   $14,780       $17,536           $22,295       $26,304​​ 

Antigua               2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

Argentina           3,404       5,957       8,510     10,212     11,914     14,978     20,084         23,828             30,296         32,085​​ 

Aruba                 2,033       3,558       5,083       6,099       7,116       8,945     11,995         14,231             18,094         21,345​​ 

Australia             4,823       8,440     12,056     14,468     16,879     21,221     28,454         33,760             42,855         50,666​​ 

Austria               2,284       3,998       5,710       6,853       7,994     10,051     13,477         15,990             20,198         23,891​​ 

Bahamas            1,800       3,150       4,500       5,400       6,300       7,920     10,620         12,600             16,020         18,900​​ 

Barbados           2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

Belgium               2,146       3,755       5,364       6,437       7,509       9,441     12,659         15,020             18,965         22,436​​ 

Bermuda             1,800       3,150       4,500       5,400       6,300       7,920     10,620         12,600             16,020         18,900​​ 

Bolivia                 2,885       5,048       7,212       8,654     10,097     12,693     17,020         20,193             25,675         30,290​​ 

Brazil                  2,033       3,558       5,083       6,099       7,116       8,945     11,995         14,231             18,094         21,345​​ 

Brunei                 3,812       7,585     11,358     15,093     22,484     29,938     44,797         59,596             88,902       111,070​​ 

Cayman Islands  2,033       3,558       5,083       6,099       7,116       8,945     11,995         14,231             18,094         21,345​​ 

Chile                   4,300       7,525          N/A     12,900     15,050     18,920     25,370         30,100             38,270         45,795​​ 

China                  4,287       7,502     10,717     12,861     15,004     18,863     25,294         30,010             38,087         45,041​​ 

Colombia             2,885       5,048       7,212       8,654     10,097     12,693     17,020         20,193             25,675         30,290​​ 

Costa Rica          2,030       3,553       5,076       6,091       7,107       8,934     11,980         14,213             18,071         21,320​​ 

Cyprus               4,171       6,305          N/A     11,155     14,647     17,848     25,346         30,075             38,235         52,440​​ 

Denmark             2,265       3,964       5,663       6,796       7,928       9,967     13,937         17,002             21,480         25,409​​ 

Dominica             2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 


  Republic           2,885       5,048       7,212       8,654     10,097     12,693     17,020         20,193             25,675         30,290​​ 

Ecuador              3,404       5,957       8,510     10,212     11,914     14,978     20,084         23,828             30,296         32,085​​ 

Egypt                  2,716       4,850       6,887       8,730     12,319     15,617     22,504         31,137             40,255              N/A​​ 

Finland                2,265       3,964       5,663       6,796       7,928       9,967     13,937         17,002             21,480         25,409​​ 

France                2,146       3,755       5,364       6,437       7,509       9,441     12,659         15,020             18,965         22,436​​ 

Germany            2,146       3,755       5,364       6,437       7,509       9,441     12,659         15,020             18,965         22,436​​ 

Greece               3,584       6,273       8,960     10,753     12,545     15,771     22,115         27,027             34,222         40,446​​ 

Grenada             2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

Guadeloupe        2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 


  Full Circuit         4,207       7,362     10,517     12,621     14,724     18,511     24,820         29,448             37,373         44,199​​ 

Guatemala          2,030       3,553       5,076       6,091       7,107       8,934     11,980         14,213             18,071         21,320​​ 


  Full Circuit         3,045       5,329       7,612       9,135     10,656     13,399     17,965         21,315             27,077         32,198​​ 

Honduras           2,030       3,553       5,076       6,091       7,107       8,934     11,980         14,213             18,071         21,320​​ 

Hong Kong         3,342       5,848       8,355     10,026     11,697     14,705     19,718         23,394             29,676         35,118​​ 

Hungary             2,910       5,044       6,790       8,439     10,088     12,610     18,333         20,079             25,511         30,555​​ 

India                    5,014       8,775     12,535     15,042     17,549     22,061     29,582         35,098             52,647              N/A​​ 

Indonesia            3,799       6,647       9,496     11,396     13,295     16,714     22,412         26,590             33,739         39,912​​ 

Ireland                2,146       3,755       5,364       6,437       7,509       9,441     12,659         15,020             18,965         22,436​​ 

Israel                  3,073       5,475       7,779       9,801     13,568     17,188     26,106         30,474             36,181         41,155​​ 

Italy                     2,284       3,998       5,710       6,853       7,994     10,051     13,477         15,990             20,198         23,891​​ 

Jamaica              2,400       4,200       6,000       7,200       8,400     10,560     14,160         16,800             21,360         25,200​​ 

Japan                 2,679       4,687       6,696       8,036       9,375     11,786     15,804         18,751             23,772         28,153​​ 


  Republic of       3,342       5,848       8,355     10,026     11,697     14,705     19,718         23,394             29,676         35,118​​ 

Luxembourg       2,284       3,998       5,710       6,853       7,994     10,051     13,477         15,990             20,198         23,891​​ 

Malaysia             3,799       6,647       9,496     11,396     13,295     16,714     22,412         26,590             33,739         39,912​​ 

Martinique           2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

Mexico                2,033       3,558       5,083       6,099       7,116       8,945     11,995         14,231             18,094         21,345​​ 

Montserrat          2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

Netherlands        2,146       3,755       5,364       6,437       7,509       9,441     12,659         15,020             18,965         22,436​​ 

New Zealand     4,823       8,440     12,056     14,468     16,879     21,221     28,454         33,760             42,855         50,666​​ 

Nicaragua           2,030       3,553       5,076       6,091       7,107       8,934     11,980         14,213             18,071         21,320​​ 

Norway              2,265       3,964       5,663       6,796       7,928       9,967     13,937         17,002             21,480         25,409​​ 

Panama              2,033       3,558       5,083       6,099       7,116       8,945     11,995         14,231             18,094         21,345​​ 

Peru                    3,404       5,957       8,510     10,212     11,914     14,978     20,084         23,828             30,296         32,085​​ 

Philippines          3,270       5,723       8,175       9,811     11,445     14,389     19,294         22,892             29,037         34,364​​ 

Poland                2,910       5,044       6,790       8,439     10,088     12,610     18,333         20,079             25,511         30,555​​ 

Portugal              2,284       3,998       5,710       6,853       7,994     10,051     13,477         15,990             20,198         23,891​​ 

Puerto Rico​​ 

  Full Circuit         1,629       2,851       4,073       4,888       5,702       7,169       9,612         11,404             14,500         17,107​​ 

Russia                2,888       5,053       7,218       8,663     10,106     12,705     17,036         20,213             25,567         30,225​​ 

Scotland             2,986       4,977       7,192       8,852     11,588     14,223     17,927         20,359             28,243         35,691​​ 

Singapore           3,799       6,647       9,496     11,396     13,295     16,714     22,412         26,590             33,739         39,912​​ 

South Africa       4,171       6,305       8,730     11,155     14,647     17,848     25,123         33,174             49,567         56,240​​ 

Spain                  2,284       3,998       5,710       6,853       7,994     10,051     13,477         15,990             20,198         23,891​​ 

St. Kitts               2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

St. Lucia             2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

St. Maarten         2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

Santo Tomás​​ 

  Full Circuit         1,629       2,851       4,073       4,888       5,702       7,169       9,612         11,404             14,500         17,107​​ 

St. Vincent         2,505       4,384       6,263       7,515       8,768     11,022     14,780         17,536             22,295         26,304​​ 

Sweden             2,265       3,964       5,663       6,796       7,928       9,967     13,937         17,002             21,480         25,409​​ 

Switzerland        2,146       3,755       5,364       6,437       7,509       9,441     12,659         15,020             18,965         22,436​​ 

Taiwan               3,342       5,848       8,355     10,026     11,697     14,705     19,718         23,394             29,676         35,118​​ 

Thailand              3,799       6,647       9,496     11,396     13,295     16,714     22,412         26,590             33,739         39,912​​ 

Tortola                1,800       3,150       4,500       5,400       6,300       7,920     10,620         12,600             16,020         18,900​​ 

Trinidad              2,033       3,558       5,083       6,099       7,116       8,945     11,995         14,231             18,094         21,345​​ 

Turkey                3,584       6,273       8,960     10,753     12,545     15,771     22,115         27,027             34,222         40,446​​ 

United Kingdom  1,730       3,029       4,839       5,808       6,777       8,520     11,423         13,552             17,099         20,235​​ 

Uruguay             3,404       5,957       8,510     10,212     11,914     14,978     20,084         23,828             30,296         32,085​​ 

Venezuela          2,033       3,558       5,083       6,099       7,116       8,945     11,995         14,231             18,094         21,345​​ 

Vietnam              4,882       8,122     11,062     13,923     17,089     21,483     28,807         38,080                  N/A         51,900​​ 


                        .4         Zone 4 Central Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Anguilla            $2,871     $5,026   $  7,180   $  8,615   $10,051   $12,635   $16,943       $20,102           $25,439       $30,077​​ 

Antigua               2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

Argentina           3,770       6,599       9,427     11,312     13,197     16,591     22,247         26,394             33,440         35,858​​ 

Aruba                 2,399       4,200       6,000       7,199       8,399     10,558     14,158         16,797             21,238         25,118​​ 

Australia             4,641       8,121     11,600     13,921     16,241     20,418     27,378         32,483             41,430         48,956​​ 

Austria               2,212       3,873       5,532       6,638       7,744       9,736     13,055         15,489             19,544         23,106​​ 

Bahamas            2,166       3,792       5,417       6,500       7,583       9,533     12,783         15,166             19,164         22,673​​ 

Barbados           2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

Belgium               2,074       3,630       5,186       6,222       7,259       9,126     12,237         14,519             18,311         21,651​​ 

Bermuda             2,166       3,792       5,417       6,500       7,583       9,533     12,783         15,166             19,164         22,673​​ 

Bolivia                 3,251       5,690       8,129       9,754     11,380     14,306     19,183         22,759             28,819         34,063​​ 

Brazil                  2,399       4,200       6,000       7,199       8,399     10,558     14,158         16,797             21,238         25,118​​ 

Brunei                 3,630       7,266     10,902     14,546     21,846     29,135     43,721         58,319             87,477       109,360​​ 

Cayman Islands  2,399       4,200       6,000       7,199       8,399     10,558     14,158         16,797             21,238         25,118​​ 

Chile                   4,429       7,751          N/A     13,287     15,502     19,488     26,131       231,003             39,418         47,169​​ 

China                  4,105       7,183     10,261     12,314     14,366     18,060     24,218         28,733             36,662         43,331​​ 

Colombia             3,251       5,690       8,129       9,754     11,380     14,306     19,183         22,759             28,819         34,063​​ 

Costa Rica          2,396       4,195       5,993       7,191       8,390     10,547     14,143         16,779             21,215         25,093​​ 

Cyprus               3,947       6,305          N/A     11,155     13,818     17,370     23,285         23,628             35,126         47,766​​ 

Denmark             2,193       3,839       5,485       6,581       7,678       9,652     13,515         16,501             20,826         24,624​​ 

Dominica             2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 


  Republic           3,251       5,690       8,129       9,754     11,380     14,306     19,183         22,759             28,819         34,063​​ 

Ecuador              3,770       6,599       9,427     11,312     13,197     16,591     22,247         26,394             33,440         35,858​​ 

Egypt                  2,716       4,850       6,887       8,730     12,319     15,617     22,504         31,137             40,255              N/A​​ 

Finland                2,193       3,839       5,485       6,581       7,678       9,652     13,515         16,501             20,826         24,624​​ 

France                2,074       3,630       5,186       6,222       7,259       9,126     12,237         14,519             18,311         21,651​​ 

Germany            2,074       3,630       5,186       6,222       7,259       9,126     12,237         14,519             18,311         21,651​​ 

Greece               3,512       6,148       8,782     10,538     12,295     15,456     21,693         26,526             33,568         39,661​​ 

Grenada             2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

Guadeloupe        2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 


  Full Circuit         4,025       7,043     10,061     12,074     14,086     17,708     23,744         28,171             35,948         42,489​​ 

Guatemala          2,396       4,195       5,993       7,191       8,390     10,547     14,143         16,779             21,215         25,093​​ 


  Full Circuit         2,863       5,010       7,156       8,588     10,018     12,596     16,889         20,038             25,652         30,488​​ 

Honduras           2,396       4,195       5,993       7,191       8,390     10,547     14,143         16,779             21,215         25,093​​ 

Hong Kong         3,160       5,529       7,899       9,479     11,059     13,902     18,642         22,117             28,251         33,408​​ 

Hungary             2,910       5,044       6,790       8,439     10,088     12,610     16,781         20,079             25,511         30,555​​ 

India                    4,747       8,308     11,868     14,242     16,614     20,886     28,007         33,229             49,843              N/A​​ 

Indonesia            3,617       6,328       9,040     10,849     12,657     15,911     21,336         25,313             32,314         38,202​​ 

Ireland                2,074       3,630       5,186       6,222       7,259       9,126     12,237         14,519             18,311         21,651​​ 

Israel                  3,001       5,350       7,601       9,586     13,318     16,873     25,684         29,973             35,527         40,370​​ 

Italy                     2,212       3,873       5,532       6,638       7,744       9,736     13,055         15,489             19,544         23,106​​ 

Jamaica              2,766       4,842       6,917       8,300       9,683     12,173     16,323         19,366             24,504         28,973​​ 

Japan                 2,497       4,368       6,240       7,489       8,737     10,983     14,728         17,474             22,347         26,443​​ 


  Republic of       3,160       5,529       7,899       9,479     11,059     13,902     18,642         22,117             28,251         33,408​​ 

Luxembourg       2,212       3,873       5,532       6,638       7,744       9,736     13,055         15,489             19,544         23,106​​ 

Malaysia             3,617       6,328       9,040     10,849     12,657     15,911     21,336         25,313             32,314         38,202​​ 

Martinique           2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

Mexico                2,399       4,200       6,000       7,199       8,399     10,558     14,158         16,797             21,238         25,118​​ 

Montserrat          2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

Netherlands        2,074       3,630       5,186       6,222       7,259       9,126     12,237         14,519             18,311         21,651​​ 

New Zealand     4,641       8,121     11,600     13,921     16,241     20,418     27,378         32,483             41,430         48,956​​ 

Nicaragua           2,396       4,195       5,993       7,191       8,390     10,547     14,143         16,779             21,215         25,093​​ 

Norway              2,193       3,839       5,485       6,581       7,678       9,652     13,515         16,501             20,826         24,624​​ 

Panama              2,399       4,200       6,000       7,199       8,399     10,558     14,158         16,797             21,238         25,118​​ 

Peru                    3,770       6,599       9,427     11,312     13,197     16,591     22,247         26,394             33,440         35,858​​ 

Philippines          3,088       5,404       7,719       9,264     10,807     13,586     18,218         21,615             27,612         32,654​​ 

Poland                2,910       5,044       6,790       8,439     10,088     12,610     16,781         20,079             25,511         30,555​​ 

Portugal              2,212       3,873       5,532       6,638       7,744       9,736     13,055         15,489             19,544         23,106​​ 

Puerto Rico​​ 

  Full Circuit         1,995       3,493       4,990       5,988       6,985       8,782     11,775         13,970             17,644         20,880​​ 

Russia                2,816       4,928       7,040       8,448       9,856     12,390     16,614         19,712             24,913         29,440​​ 

Scotland             2,914       4,852       7,014       8,637     11,338     13,908     17,505         19,858             27,589         34,906​​ 

Singapore           3,617       6,328       9,040     10,849     12,657     15,911     21,336         25,313             32,314         38,202​​ 

South Africa       4,171       6,305       8,730     11,155     14,647     17,848     25,123         33,174             49,567         56,240​​ 

Spain                  2,212       3,873       5,532       6,638       7,744       9,736     13,055         15,489             19,544         23,106​​ 

St. Kitts               2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

St. Lucia             2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

St. Maarten         2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

Santo Tomás​​ 

  Full Circuit         1,995       3,493       4,990       5,988       6,985       8,782     11,775         13,970             17,644         20,880​​ 

St. Vincent         2,871       5,026       7,180       8,615     10,051     12,635     16,943         20,102             25,439         30,077​​ 

Sweden             2,193       3,839       5,485       6,581       7,678       9,652     13,515         16,501             20,826         24,624​​ 

Switzerland        2,074       3,630       5,186       6,222       7,259       9,126     12,237         14,519             18,311         21,651​​ 

Taiwan               3,160       5,529       7,899       9,479     11,059     13,902     18,642         22,117             28,251         33,408​​ 

Thailand              3,617       6,328       9,040     10,849     12,657     15,911     21,336         25,313             32,314         38,202​​ 

Tortola                2,166       3,792       5,417       6,500       7,583       9,533     12,783         15,166             19,164         22,673​​ 

Trinidad              2,399       4,200       6,000       7,199       8,399     10,558     14,158         16,797             21,238         25,118​​ 

Turkey                3,512       6,148       8,782     10,538     12,295     15,456     21,693         26,526             33,568         39,661​​ 

United Kingdom  1,658       2,904       4,661       5,593       6,527       8,205     11,001         13,051             16,445         19,450​​ 

Uruguay             3,770       6,599       9,427     11,312     13,197     16,591     22,247         26,394             33,440         35,858​​ 

Venezuela          2,399       4,200       6,000       7,199       8,399     10,558     14,158         16,797             21,238         25,118​​ 

Vietnam              4,641       8,122     11,602     13,923     16,244     20,420     27,382         36,200                  N/A         50,400​​ 


                        .5         Zone 5 Northeast Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Anguilla            $2,862     $5,009     $7,155   $  8,586   $10,017   $12,593   $16,886       $20,035           $25,341       $29,959​​ 

Antigua               2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

Argentina           3,761       6,582       9,402     11,283     13,163     16,549     22,190         26,327             33,342         35,740​​ 

Aruba                 2,390       4,183       5,975       7,170       8,365     10,516     14,101         16,730             21,140         25,000​​ 

Australia             4,668       8,169     11,669     14,002     16,336     20,537     27,539         32,673             41,717         49,302​​ 

Austria               1,927       3,373       4,818       5,782       6,745       8,480     11,371         13,491             17,152         20,236​​ 

Bahamas            2,157       3,775       5,392       6,471       7,549       9,491     12,726         15,099             19,066         22,555​​ 

Barbados           2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

Belgium               1,789       3,130       4,472       5,366       6,260       7,870     10,553         12,521             15,919         18,781​​ 

Bermuda             2,157       3,775       5,392       6,471       7,549       9,491     12,726         15,099             19,066         22,555​​ 

Bolivia                 3,242       5,673       8,104       9,725     11,346     14,264     19,126         22,692             28,721         33,945​​ 

Brazil                  2,390       4,183       5,975       7,170       8,365     10,516     14,101         16,730             21,140         25,000​​ 

Brunei                 3,657       7,314     10,971     14,627     21,941     29,255     43,882         58,510             87,765       109,706​​ 

Cayman Islands  2,390       4,183       5,975       7,170       8,365     10,516     14,101         16,730             21,140         25,000​​ 

Chile                   4,300       7,525          N/A     12,900     15,050     18,920     25,370         30,100             38,270         45,795​​ 

China                  4,132       7,231     10,330     12,395     14,461     18,180     24,379         28,924             36,950         43,677​​ 

Colombia             3,242       5,673       8,104       9,725     11,346     14,264     19,126         22,692             28,721         33,945​​ 

Costa Rica          2,387       4,178       5,968       7,162       8,356     10,505     14,086         16,712             21,117         24,975​​ 

Cyprus               3,947       6,305          N/A     11,155     13,818     17,370     23,285         27,628             35,126         47,766​​ 

Denmark             1,908       3,339       4,771       5,725       6,679       8,396     11,831         14,503             18,434         21,754​​ 

Dominica             2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 


  Republic           3,242       5,673       8,104       9,725     11,346     14,264     19,126         22,692             28,721         33,945​​ 

Ecuador              3,761       6,582       9,402     11,283     13,163     16,549     22,190         26,327             33,342         35,740​​ 

Egypt                  2,716       4,850       6,887       8,730     12,319     15,617     22,504         31,237             40,255              N/A​​ 

Finland                1,908       3,339       4,771       5,725       6,679       8,396     11,831         14,503             18,434         21,754​​ 

France                1,789       3,130       4,472       5,366       6,260       7,870     10,553         12,521             15,919         18,781​​ 

Germany            1,789       3,130       4,472       5,366       6,260       7,870     10,553         12,521             15,919         18,781​​ 

Greece               3,227       5,648       8,068       9,682     11,296     14,200     20,009         24,528             31,176         36,791​​ 

Grenada             2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

Guadaloupe        2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 


  Full Circuit         4,052       7,091     10,130     12,155     14,181     17,828     23,905         28,362             36,236         42,835​​ 

Guatemala          2,387       4,178       5,968       7,162       8,356     10,505     14,086         16,712             21,117         24,975​​ 


  Full Circuit         2,890       5,058       7,225       8,669     10,113     12,716     17,050         20,229             25,940         30,834​​ 

Honduras           2,387       4,178       5,968       7,162       8,356     10,505     14,086         16,712             21,117         24,975​​ 

Hong Kong         3,187       5,577       7,968       9,560     11,154     14,022     18,803         22,308             28,539         33,754​​ 

Hungary             2,910       5,044       6,790       8,439     10,088     12,610     16,781         20,079             25,511         30,555​​ 

India                    4,747       8,308     11,868     14,242     16,614     20,886     28,007         33,229                  N/A         49,843​​ 

Indonesia            3,644       6,376       9,109     10,930     12,752     16,031     21,497         25,504             32,602         38,548​​ 

Ireland                1,789       3,130       4,472       5,366       6,260       7,870     10,553         12,521             15,919         18,781​​ 

Israel                  2,716       4,850       6,887       8,730     12,319     15,617     24,000         27,975             33,135         37,500​​ 

Italy                     1,927       3,373       4,818       5,782       6,745       8,480     11,371         13,491             17,152         20,236​​ 

Jamaica              2,757       4,825       6,892       8,271       9,649     12,131     15,266         19,299             24,406         28,855​​ 

Japan                 2,524       4,416       6,309       7,570       8,832     11,103     14,889         17,665             22,635         26,789​​ 


  Republic of       3,187       5,577       7,968       9,560     11,154     14,022     18,803         22,308             28,539         33,754​​ 

Luxembourg       1,927       3,373       4,818       5,782       6,745       8,480     11,371         13,491             17,152         20,236​​ 

Malaysia             3,644       6,376       9,109     10,930     12,752     16,031     21,497         25,504             32,602         38,548​​ 

Martinique           2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

Mexico                2,390       4,183       5,975       7,170       8,365     10,516     14,101         16,730             21,140         25,000​​ 

Montserrat          2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

Netherlands        1,789       3,130       4,472       5,366       6,260       7,870     10,553         12,521             15,919         18,781​​ 

New Zealand     4,668       8,169     11,669     14,002     16,336     20,537     27,539         32,673             41,717         49,302​​ 

Nicaragua           2,387       4,178       5,968       7,162       8,356     10,505     14,086         16,712             21,117         24,975​​ 

Norway              1,908       3,339       4,771       5,725       6,679       8,396     11,831         14,503             18,434         21,754​​ 

Panama              2,390       4,183       5,975       7,170       8,365     10,516     14,101         16,730             21,140         25,000​​ 

Peru                    3,761       6,582       9,402     11,283     13,163     16,549     22,190         26,327             33,342         35,740​​ 

Philippines          3,407       5,962       8,517     10,219     11,922     14,988     20,098         23,845             30,493         36,059​​ 

Poland                2,910       5,044       6,790       8,439     10,088     12,610     16,781         20,079             25,511         30,555​​ 

Portugal              1,927       3,373       4,818       5,782       6,745       8,480     11,371         13,491             17,152         20,236​​ 

Puerto Rico​​ 

  Full Circuit         1,986       3,476       4,965       5,959       6,951       8,740     11,718         13,903             17,546         20,762​​ 

Russia                2,531       4,428       6,326       7,592       8,857     11,134     14,930         17,714             22,521         26,570​​ 

Scotland             2,177       3,561       5,170       6,426       8,758     10,664     13,155         14,697             21,000         27,000​​ 

Singapore           3,644       6,376       9,109     10,930     12,752     16,031     21,497         25,504             32,602         38,548​​ 

South Africa       4,171       6,305       8,730     11,155     14,647     17,848     25,123         33,174             49,567         56,240​​ 

Spain                  1,927       3,373       4,818       5,782       6,745       8,480     11,371         13,491             17,152         20,236​​ 

St. Kitts               2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

St. Lucia             2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

St. Maarten         2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

Santo Tomás​​ 

  Full Circuit         1,986       3,476       4,965       5,959       6,951       8,740     11,718         13,903             17,546         20,762​​ 

St. Vincent         2,862       5,009       7,155       8,586     10,017     12,593     16,886         20,035             25,341         29,959​​ 

Sweden             1,908       3,339       4,771       5,725       6,679       8,396     11,831         14,503             18,434         21,754​​ 

Switzerland        1,789       3,130       4,472       5,366       6,260       7,870     10,553         12,521             15,919         18,781​​ 

Taiwan               3,187       5,577       7,968       9,560     11,154     14,022     18,803         22,308             28,539         33,754​​ 

Thailand              3,644       6,376       9,109     10,930     12,752     16,031     21,497         25,504             32,602         38,548​​ 

Tortola                2,157       3,775       5,392       6,471       7,549       9,491     12,726         15,099             19,066         22,555​​ 

Trinidad              2,390       4,183       5,975       7,170       8,365     10,516     14,101         16,730             21,140         25,000​​ 

Turkey                3,227       5,648       8,068       9,682     11,296     14,200     20,009         24,528             31,176         36,791​​ 

United Kingdom  1,373       2,404       3,947       4,737       5,528       6,949       9,317         11,011             14,800         18,125​​ 

Uruguay             3,761       6,582       9,402     11,283     13,163     16,549     22,190         26,327             33,342         35,740​​ 

Venezuela          2,390       4,183       5,975       7,170       8,365     10,516     14,101         16,730             21,140         25,000​​ 

Vietnam              4,882       8,544     12,338     14,648     17,089     21,483     28,807         38,080                  N/A         51,900​​ 


.04       The following monthly recurring per-circuit charges apply to Half Circuit Fiber Private Line Service between locations in domestic zones and the following international locations installed between September 1, 2000 and October 31, 2001:​​ 


.1         Between Zone US Central and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                                                   

Ubicación​​           64​​              128​​               192​​               256​​               384​​                 512​​               768​​                1024​​         1544​​         2048​​ 


Anguilla        $2,711       $4,744       $  7,013       $  8,605       $11,262           $13,938       $18,832       $22,771     $27,621   $30,614​​ 

Antigua           2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

Argentina       2,768         4,845           7,163           8,790         11,507             14,241         19,242         23,262       28,212     31,263​​ 

Aruba             2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Australia         2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Austria           1,498         2,622           3,860           4,724           6,108               7,571         10,222         12,464       15,191     16,971​​ 

Bahamas        2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Bahrain           3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Bangladesh    4,524         7,918         11,729         14,409         18,970             23,460         31,709         38,188       46,212     51,018​​ 

Barbados       2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

Belarus           2,725         4,769           7,050           8,651         11,323             14,013         18,934         22,894       27,768     30,776​​ 

Belgium           1,761         3,082           4,544           5,566           7,225               8,952         12,089         14,698       17,886     19,929​​ 

Bermuda         2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Bolivia             2,768         4,845           7,163           8,790         11,507             14,241         19,242         23,262       28,212     31,263​​ 

Bosnia            2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

Brazil              2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands          2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Brunei             2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Bulgaria          2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

Burma             2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 


  Islands          2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Chile               2,768         4,845           7,163           8,790         11,507             14,241         19,242         23,262       28,212     31,263​​ 

China              2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Colombia         2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Costa Rica      2,653         4,643           6,863           8,420         11,016             13,635         18,422         22,281       27,029     29,964​​ 

Croatia            2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

Cyprus           2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 


  Republic       2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

Denmark         1,543         2,700           3,977           4,868           6,299               7,807         10,540         12,845       15,651     17,476​​ 

Dominica         2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 


  Republic       2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

Ecuador          2,768         4,845           7,163           8,790         11,507             14,241         19,242         23,262       28,212     31,263​​ 

Egypt              3,115         5,451           8,063           9,898         12,979             16,059         21,701         26,206       31,762     35,159​​ 

El Salvador     2,653         4,643           6,863           8,420         11,016             13,635         18,422         22,281       27,029     29,964​​ 

Estonia           2,725         4,769           7,050           8,651         11,323             14,013         18,934         22,894       27,768     30,776​​ 

Finland            1,543         2,700           3,977           4,868           6,299               7,807         10,540         12,845       15,651     17,476​​ 

France            1,761         3,082           4,544           5,566           7,225               8,952         12,089         14,698       17,886     19,929​​ 


  Antilles         2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

Germany        1,761         3,082           4,544           5,566           7,225               8,952         12,089         14,698       17,886     19,929​​ 

Greece           2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

Grenada         2,768         4,845           7,163           8,790         11,507             14,241         19,242         23,262       28,212     31,263​​ 

Guadeloupe    2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

Guatemala      2,653         4,643           6,863           8,420         11,016             13,635         18,422         22,281       27,029     29,964​​ 

Guyana          2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Haiti                2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

Honduras       2,653         4,643           6,863           8,420         11,016             13,635         18,422         22,281       27,029     29,964​​ 

Hong Kong     2,249         3,935           5,812           7,127           9,298             11,513         15,552         18,845       22,886     25,417​​ 

Hungary         2,725         4,769           7,050           8,651         11,323             14,013         18,934         22,894       27,768     30,776​​ 

Iceland            1,543         2,700           3,977           4,868           6,299               7,807         10,540         12,845       15,651     17,476​​ 

India                3,268         5,719           8,462         10,389         13,631             16,864         22,790         27,510       33,335     36,885​​ 

Indonesia        3,136         5,489           8,120           9,967         13,071             16,173         21,855         26,390       31,985     35,403​​ 

Iran                 3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Ireland            1,498         2,622           3,860           4,724           6,108               7,571         10,222         12,464       15,191     16,971​​ 

Israel              3,115         5,451           8,063           9,898         12,979             16,059         21,701         26,206       31,762     35,159​​ 

Italy                 1,498         2,622           3,860           4,724           6,108               7,571         10,222         12,464       15,191     16,971​​ 

Jamaica          2,768         4,845           7,163           8,790         11,507             14,241         19,242         23,262       28,212     31,263​​ 

Japan             2,249         3,935           5,812           7,127           9,298             11,513         15,552         18,845       22,886     25,417​​ 

Kazakhstan    4,524         7,918         11,729         14,409         18,970             23,460         31,709         38,188       46,212     51,018​​ 


  Republic of   2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Kuwait            3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Kyrgystan      4,524         7,918         11,729         14,409         18,970             23,460         31,709         38,188       46,212     51,018​​ 

Laos               2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Lebanon         2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

Lithuania         2,725         4,769           7,050           8,651         11,323             14,013         18,934         22,894       27,768     30,776​​ 

Luxembourg   1,761         3,082           4,544           5,566           7,225               8,952         12,089         14,698       17,886     19,929​​ 

Malaysia         2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Malta               3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Mexico            2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Montserrat      2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

Morocco         3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Nepal              4,524         7,918         11,729         14,409         18,970             23,460         31,709         38,188       46,212     51,018​​ 

Netherlands    1,761         3,082           4,544           5,566           7,225               8,952         12,089         14,698       17,886     19,929​​ 


  Antilles         2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

New Zealand 2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Nicaragua       2,653         4,643           6,863           8,420         11,016             13,635         18,422         22,281       27,029     29,964​​ 

Norway          1,543         2,700           3,977           4,868           6,299               7,807         10,540         12,845       15,651     17,476​​ 

Oman              3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Pakistan          3,268         5,719           8,462         10,389         13,631             16,864         22,790         27,510       33,335     36,885​​ 

Palestine         3,115         5,451           8,063           9,898         12,979             16,059         21,701         26,206       31,762     35,159​​ 

Panama          2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Papua New​​ 

  Guinea          2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Paraguay        2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Peru                2,768         4,845           7,163           8,790         11,507             14,241         19,242         23,262       28,212     31,263​​ 

Philippines      2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Poland            2,941         5,148           7,613           9,344         12,243             15,150         20,471         24,734       29,987     33,211​​ 

Portugal          1,498         2,622           3,860           4,724           6,108               7,571         10,222         12,464       15,191     16,971​​ 

Qatar              3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Romania         2,941         5,148           7,613           9,344         12,243             15,150         20,471         24,734       29,987     33,211​​ 

Russia            2,725         4,769           7,050           8,651         11,323             14,013         18,934         22,894       27,768     30,776​​ 

Saudi Arabia  3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Singapore       2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 

Slovakia          2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

Slovenia         2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

South Africa   4,524         7,918         11,729         14,409         18,970             23,460         31,709         38,188       46,212     51,018​​ 

Spain              1,498         2,622           3,860           4,724           6,108               7,571         10,222         12,464       15,191     16,971​​ 

Sri Lanka        3,268         5,719           8,462         10,389         13,631             16,864         22,790         27,510       33,335     36,885​​ 

St. Kitts           2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

St. Lucia         2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

St. Vincent/​​ 

  Grenadines  2,711         4,744           7,013           8,605         11,262             13,938         18,832         22,771       27,621     30,614​​ 

Suriname        2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Sweden         1,543         2,700           3,977           4,868           6,299               7,807         10,540         12,845       15,651     17,476​​ 

Switzerland    2,941         5,148           7,613           9,344         12,243             15,150         20,471         24,734       29,987     33,211​​ 

Syria               2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

Taiwan           2,249         3,935           5,812           7,127           9,298             11,513         15,552         18,845       22,886     25,417​​ 

Thailand          2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 


  Tobago         2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Tunisia            3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Turkey            2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates       3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Ukraine           2,941         5,148           7,613           9,344         12,243             15,150         20,471         24,734       29,987     33,211​​ 


  Kingdom       1,386         2,427           3,570           4,368           5,634               6,986           9,431         11,517       14,049     15,718​​ 

Uruguay         2,768         4,845           7,163           8,790         11,507             14,241         19,242         23,262       28,212     31,263​​ 

Uzbekistan     4,524         7,918         11,729         14,409         18,970             23,460         31,709         38,188       46,212     51,018​​ 

Venezuela      2,076         3,633           5,362           6,573           8,563             10,605         14,324         17,375       21,113     23,471​​ 

Vietnam          2,985         5,223           7,725           9,482         12,426             15,376         20,777         25,100       30,429     33,696​​ 


  Republic of   3,476         6,083           9,002         11,053         14,513             17,954         24,264         29,274       35,463     39,221​​ 

Yugoslavia     2,984         5,223           7,725           9,481         12,426             15,376         20,776         25,099       30,428     33,695​​ 


.2         Between Zone US East and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                                       

Ubicación​​           64​​              128​​               192​​               256​​               384​​                 512​​               768​​                1024​​         1544​​         2048​​ 


Anguilla        $2,367       $4,141       $  6,153       $  7,573       $10,058           $12,424       $16,802       $20,115     $24,257   $26,623​​ 

Antigua           2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

Argentina       2,424         4,242           6,303           7,758         10,303             12,727         17,212         20,606       24,848     27,273​​ 

Aruba             1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Australia         3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Austria           1,154         2,019           3,000           3,692           4,904               6,058           8,192           9,808       11,827     12,981​​ 

Bahamas        1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Bahrain           3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Bangladesh    4,180         7,315         10,869         13,377         17,766             21,946         29,680         35,532       42,848     47,028​​ 

Barbados       2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

Belarus           2,381         4,167           6,190           7,619         10,119             12,500         16,904         20,238       24,404     26,785​​ 

Belgium           1,417         2,479           3,684           4,534           6,021               7,438         10,059         12,042       14,522     15,938​​ 

Bermuda         1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Bolivia             2,424         4,242           6,303           7,758         10,303             12,727         17,212         20,606       24,848     27,273​​ 

Bosnia            2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

Brazil              1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands          1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Brunei             3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Bulgaria          2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

Burma             3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 


  Islands          1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Chile               2,424         4,242           6,303           7,758         10,303             12,727         17,212         20,606       24,848     27,273​​ 

China              3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Colombia         1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Costa Rica      2,309         4,040           6,003           7,388           9,812             12,121         16,392         19,625       23,665     25,974​​ 

Croatia            2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

Cyprus           2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 


  Republic       2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

Denmark         1,199         2,098           3,117           3,836           5,095               6,293           8,511         10,189       12,287     13,486​​ 

Dominica         2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 


  Republic       2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

Ecuador          2,424         4,242           6,303           7,758         10,303             12,727         17,212         20,606       24,848     27,273​​ 

Egypt              2,771         4,848           7,203           8,866         11,775             14,545         19,671         23,550       28,398     31,169​​ 

El Salvador     2,309         4,040           6,003           7,388           9,812             12,121         16,392         19,625       23,665     25,974​​ 

Estonia           2,381         4,167           6,190           7,619         10,119             12,500         16,904         20,238       24,404     26,785​​ 

Finland            1,199         2,098           3,117           3,836           5,095               6,293           8,511         10,189       12,287     13,486​​ 

France            1,417         2,479           3,684           4,534           6,021               7,438         10,059         12,042       14,522     15,938​​ 


  Antilles         2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

Germany        1,417         2,479           3,684           4,534           6,021               7,438         10,059         12,042       14,522     15,938​​ 

Greece           2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

Grenada         2,424         4,242           6,303           7,758         10,303             12,727         17,212         20,606       24,848     27,273​​ 

Guadeloupe    2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

Guatemala      2,309         4,040           6,003           7,388           9,812             12,121         16,392         19,625       23,665     25,974​​ 

Guyana          1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Haiti                2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

Honduras       2,309         4,040           6,003           7,388           9,812             12,121         16,392         19,625       23,665     25,974​​ 

Hong Kong     2,425         4,243           6,252           7,655           9,914             12,287         16,591         20,203       24,608     27,459​​ 

Hungary         2,381         4,167           6,190           7,619         10,119             12,500         16,904         20,238       24,404     26,785​​ 

Iceland            1,199         2,098           3,117           3,836           5,095               6,293           8,511         10,189       12,287     13,486​​ 

India                2,924         5,117           7,602           9,357         12,427             15,351         20,760         24,854       29,971     32,895​​ 

Indonesia        3,312         5,797           8,560         10,495         13,687             16,947         22,893         27,749       33,706     37,445​​ 

Iran                 3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Ireland            1,154         2,019           3,000           3,692           4,904               6,058           8,192           9,808       11,827     12,981​​ 

Israel              2,771         4,848           7,203           8,866         11,775             14,545         19,671         23,550       28,398     31,169​​ 

Italy                 1,154         2,019           3,000           3,692           4,904               6,058           8,192           9,808       11,827     12,981​​ 

Jamaica          2,424         4,242           6,303           7,758         10,303             12,727         17,212         20,606       24,848     27,273​​ 

Japan             2,425         4,243           6,252           7,655           9,914             12,287         16,591         20,203       24,608     27,459​​ 

Kazakhstan    4,180         7,315         10,869         13,377         17,766             21,946         29,680         35,532       42,848     47,028​​ 


  Republic of   3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Kuwait            3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Kyrgystan      4,180         7,315         10,869         13,377         17,766             21,946         29,680         35,532       42,848     47,028​​ 

Laos               3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Latvia             2,381         4,167           6,190           7,619         10,119             12,500         16,904         20,238       24,404     26,785​​ 

Lebanon         2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

Lithuania         2,381         4,167           6,190           7,619         10,119             12,500         16,904         20,238       24,404     26,785​​ 

Luxembourg   1,417         2,479           3,684           4,534           6,021               7,438         10,059         12,042       14,522     15,938​​ 

Malaysia         3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Malta               3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Mexico            1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Montserrat      2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

Morocco         3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Nepal              4,180         7,315         10,869         13,377         17,766             21,946         29,680         35,532       42,848     47,028​​ 

Netherlands    1,417         2,479           3,684           4,534           6,021               7,438         10,059         12,042       14,522     15,938​​ 


  Antilles         1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

New Zealand 3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Nicaragua       2,309         4,040           6,003           7,388           9,812             12,121         16,392         19,625       23,665     25,974​​ 

Norway          1,199         2,098           3,117           3,836           5,095               6,293           8,511         10,189       12,287     13,486​​ 

Oman              3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Pakistan          2,924         5,117           7,602           9,357         12,427             15,351         20,760         24,854       29,971     32,895​​ 

Palestine         2,771         4,848           7,203           8,866         11,775             14,545         19,671         23,550       28,398     31,169​​ 

Panama          1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Papua New​​ 

  Guinea          3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Paraguay        1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Peru                2,424         4,242           6,303           7,758         10,303             12,727         17,212         20,606       24,848     27,273​​ 

Philippines      3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Poland            2,597         4,545           6,753           8,312         11,039             13,636         18,442         22,078       26,623     29,221​​ 

Portugal          1,154         2,019           3,000           3,692           4,904               6,058           8,192           9,808       11,827     12,981​​ 

Qatar              3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Romania         2,597         4,545           6,753           8,312         11,039             13,636         18,442         22,078       26,623     29,221​​ 

Russia            2,381         4,167           6,190           7,619         10,119             12,500         16,904         20,238       24,404     26,785​​ 

Saudi Arabia  3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Singapore       3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 

Slovakia          2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

Slovenia         2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

South Africa   4,180         7,315         10,869         13,377         17,766             21,946         29,680         35,532       42,848     47,028​​ 

Spain              1,154         2,019           3,000           3,692           4,904               6,058           8,192           9,808       11,827     12,981​​ 

Sri Lanka        2,924         5,117           7,602           9,357         12,427             15,351         20,760         24,854       29,971     32,895​​ 

St. Kitts           2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

St. Lucia         2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

St. Vincent/​​ 

  Grenadines  2,367         4,141           6,153           7,573         10,058             12,424         16,802         20,115       24,257     26,623​​ 

Suriname        1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Sweden         1,199         2,098           3,117           3,836           5,095               6,293           8,511         10,189       12,287     13,486​​ 

Switzerland    2,597         4,545           6,753           8,312         11,039             13,636         18,442         22,078       26,623     29,221​​ 

Syria               2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

Taiwan           2,425         4,243           6,252           7,655           9,914             12,287         16,591         20,203       24,608     27,459​​ 

Thailand          3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 


  Tobago         1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Tunisia            3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Turkey            2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates       3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Ukraine           2,597         4,545           6,753           8,312         11,039             13,636         18,442         22,078       26,623     29,221​​ 


  Kingdom       1,042         1,824           2,710           3,336           4,430               5,473           7,401           8,861       10,685     11,727​​ 

Uruguay         2,424         4,242           6,303           7,758         10,303             12,727         17,212         20,606       24,848     27,273​​ 

Uzbekistan     4,180         7,315         10,869         13,377         17,766             21,946         29,680         35,532       42,848     47,028​​ 

Venezuela      1,732         3,030           4,502           5,541           7,359               9,091         12,294         14,719       17,749     19,481​​ 

Vietnam          3,161         5,531           8,165         10,010         13,042             16,151         21,816         26,459       32,151     35,738​​ 


  Republic of   3,132         5,480           8,142         10,021         13,309             16,441         22,234         26,618       32,099     35,230​​ 

Yugoslavia     2,640         4,621           6,865           8,449         11,222             13,862         18,747         22,443       27,064     29,704​​ 


.3         Between Zone US West and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                                                   

Ubicación​​           64​​              128​​               192​​               256​​               384​​                 512​​               768​​                1024​​         1544​​         2048​​ 


Anguilla        $2,887       $5,052       $  7,453       $  9,133       $11,878           $14,712       $19,870       $24,130     $29,342   $32,655​​ 

Antigua           2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

Argentina       2,944         5,153           7,603           9,318         12,123             15,015         20,280         24,620       29,934     33,305​​ 

Aruba             2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Australia         2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Austria           1,674         2,930           4,300           5,252           6,724               8,346         11,260         13,822       16,913     19,013​​ 

Bahamas        2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Bahrain           3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Bangladesh    4,700         8,226         12,169         14,937         19,586             24,234         32,748         39,547       47,933     53,060​​ 

Barbados       2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

Belarus           2,901         5,077           7,490           9,179         11,939             14,788         19,972         24,252       29,490     32,817​​ 

Belgium           1,937         3,390           4,984           6,094           7,841               9,726         13,127         16,057       19,607     21,970​​ 

Bermuda         2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Bolivia             2,944         5,153           7,603           9,318         12,123             15,015         20,280         24,620       29,934     33,305​​ 

Bosnia            3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

Brazil              2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands          2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Brunei             2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Bulgaria          3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

Burma             2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 


  Islands          2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Chile               2,944         5,153           7,603           9,318         12,123             15,015         20,280         24,620       29,934     33,305​​ 

China              2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Colombia         2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Costa Rica      2,829         4,951           7,303           8,948         11,632             14,409         19,460         23,639       28,751     32,006​​ 

Croatia            3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

Cyprus           3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 


  Republic       3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

Denmark         1,719         3,008           4,417           5,396           6,915               8,581         11,579         14,204       17,372     19,518​​ 

Dominica         2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 


  Republic       2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

Ecuador          2,944         5,153           7,603           9,318         12,123             15,015         20,280         24,620       29,934     33,305​​ 

Egypt              3,291         5,759           8,503         10,426         13,595             16,833         22,739         27,564       33,484     37,201​​ 

El Salvador     2,829         4,951           7,303           8,948         11,632             14,409         19,460         23,639       28,751     32,006​​ 

Estonia           2,901         5,077           7,490           9,179         11,939             14,788         19,972         24,252       29,490     32,817​​ 

Finland            1,719         3,008           4,417           5,396           6,915               8,581         11,579         14,204       17,372     19,518​​ 

France            1,937         3,390           4,984           6,094           7,841               9,726         13,127         16,057       19,607     21,970​​ 


  Antilles         2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

Germany        1,937         3,390           4,984           6,094           7,841               9,726         13,127         16,057       19,607     21,970​​ 

Greece           3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

Grenada         2,944         5,153           7,603           9,318         12,123             15,015         20,280         24,620       29,934     33,305​​ 

Guadeloupe    2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

Guatemala      2,829         4,951           7,303           8,948         11,632             14,409         19,460         23,639       28,751     32,006​​ 

Guyana          2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Haiti                2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

Honduras       2,829         4,951           7,303           8,948         11,632             14,409         19,460         23,639       28,751     32,006​​ 

Hong Kong     1,905         3,333           4,952           6,095           8,094               9,999         13,523         16,189       19,522     21,427​​ 

Hungary         2,901         5,077           7,490           9,179         11,939             14,788         19,972         24,252       29,490     32,817​​ 

Iceland            1,719         3,008           4,417           5,396           6,915               8,581         11,579         14,204       17,372     19,518​​ 

India                3,444         6,027           8,902         10,917         14,247             17,639         23,828         28,868       35,056     38,927​​ 

Indonesia        2,792         4,886           7,260           8,935         11,867             14,659         19,825         23,734       28,621     31,413​​ 

Iran                 3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Ireland            1,674         2,930           4,300           5,252           6,724               8,346         11,260         13,822       16,913     19,013​​ 

Israel              3,291         5,759           8,503         10,426         13,595             16,833         22,739         27,564       33,484     37,201​​ 

Italy                 1,674         2,930           4,300           5,252           6,724               8,346         11,260         13,822       16,913     19,013​​ 

Jamaica          2,944         5,153           7,603           9,318         12,123             15,015         20,280         24,620       29,934     33,305​​ 

Japan             1,905         3,333           4,952           6,095           8,094               9,999         13,523         16,189       19,522     21,427​​ 

Kazakhstan    4,700         8,226         12,169         14,937         19,586             24,234         32,748         39,547       47,933     53,060​​ 


  Republic of   2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Kuwait            3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Kyrgystan      4,700         8,226         12,169         14,937         19,586             24,234         32,748         39,547       47,933     53,060​​ 

Laos               2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Latvia             2,901         5,077           7,490           9,179         11,939             14,788         19,972         24,252       29,490     32,817​​ 

Lebanon         3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

Lithuania         2,901         5,077           7,490           9,179         11,939             14,788         19,972         24,252       29,490     32,817​​ 

Luxembourg   1,937         3,390           4,984           6,094           7,841               9,726         13,127         16,057       19,607     21,970​​ 

Malaysia         2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Malta               3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Mexico            2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Montserrat      2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

Morocco         3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Nepal              4,700         8,226         12,169         14,937         19,586             24,234         32,748         39,547       47,933     53,060​​ 

Netherlands    1,937         3,390           4,984           6,094           7,841               9,726         13,127         16,057       19,607     21,970​​ 


  Antilles         2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

New Zealand 2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Nicaragua       2,829         4,951           7,303           8,948         11,632             14,409         19,460         23,639       28,751     32,006​​ 

Norway          1,719         3,008           4,417           5,396           6,915               8,581         11,579         14,204       17,372     19,518​​ 

Oman              3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Pakistan          3,444         6,027           8,902         10,917         14,247             17,639         23,828         28,868       35,056     38,927​​ 

Palestine         3,291         5,759           8,503         10,426         13,595             16,833         22,739         27,564       33,484     37,201​​ 

Panama          2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Papua New​​ 

  Guinea          2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Paraguay        2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Peru                2,944         5,153           7,603           9,318         12,123             15,015         20,280         24,620       29,934     33,305​​ 

Philippines      2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Poland            3,117         5,456           8,053           9,872         12,859             15,924         21,510         26,092       31,709     35,253​​ 

Portugal          1,674         2,930           4,300           5,252           6,724               8,346         11,260         13,822       16,913     19,013​​ 

Qatar              3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Romania         3,117         5,456           8,053           9,872         12,859             15,924         21,510         26,092       31,709     35,253​​ 

Russia            2,901         5,077           7,490           9,179         11,939             14,788         19,972         24,252       29,490     32,817​​ 

Saudi Arabia  3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Singapore       2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 

Slovakia          3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

Slovenia         3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

South Africa   4,700         8,226         12,169         14,937         19,586             24,234         32,748         39,547       47,933     53,060​​ 

Spain              1,674         2,930           4,300           5,252           6,724               8,346         11,260         13,822       16,913     19,013​​ 

Sri Lanka        3,444         6,027           8,902         10,917         14,247             17,639         23,828         28,868       35,056     38,927​​ 

St. Kitts           2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

St. Lucia         2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

St. Vincent/​​ 

  Grenadines  2,887         5,052           7,453           9,133         11,878             14,712         19,870         24,130       29,342     32,655​​ 

Suriname        2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Sweden         1,719         3,008           4,417           5,396           6,915               8,581         11,579         14,204       17,372     19,518​​ 

Switzerland    3,117         5,456           8,053           9,872         12,859             15,924         21,510         26,092       31,709     35,253​​ 

Syria               3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

Taiwan           1,905         3,333           4,952           6,095           8,094               9,999         13,523         16,189       19,522     21,427​​ 

Thailand          2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 


  Tobago         2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Tunisia            3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Turkey            3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates       3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Ukraine           3,117         5,456           8,053           9,872         12,859             15,924         21,510         26,092       31,709     35,253​​ 


  Kingdom       1,562         2,735           4,010           4,896           6,250               7,761         10,469         12,875       15,770     17,759​​ 

Uruguay         2,944         5,153           7,603           9,318         12,123             15,015         20,280         24,620       29,934     33,305​​ 

Uzbekistan     4,700         8,226         12,169         14,937         19,586             24,234         32,748         39,547       47,933     53,060​​ 

Venezuela      2,252         3,941           5,802           7,101           9,179             11,379         15,362         18,733       22,835     25,513​​ 

Vietnam          2,641         4,621           6,865           8,450         11,222             13,863         18,748         22,444       27,065     29,706​​ 


  Republic of   3,652         6,391           9,442         11,581         15,129             18,729         25,302         30,633       37,184     41,262​​ 

Yugoslavia     3,160         5,531           8,165         10,009         13,042             16,150         21,815         26,458       32,150     35,736​​ 

.05       The following monthly recurring per-circuit charges apply to Half Circuit Fiber Private Line Service between locations in domestic zones and the following international locations installed between November 1, 2001 and March 31, 2006:​​ 


.1         Between Zone US Central and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                                                   

Ubicación​​           64​​              128​​               192​​               256​​               384​​                 512​​               768​​                1024​​         1544​​         2048​​ 


Anguilla        $1,517       $2,655         $3,909       $  4,785       $  6,189           $  7,671       $10,357       $12,625     $15,386   $17,185​​ 

Antigua           1,517         2,655           3,909           4,785           6,189               7,671         10,357         12,625       15,386     17,185​​ 

Argentina       2,697         4,720           6,978           8,561         11,204             13,867         18,735         22,656       27,482     30,461​​ 

Aruba             1,517         2,655           3,909           4,785           6,189               7,671         10,357         12,625       15,386     17,185​​ 

Australia         2,305         4,034           5,958           7,307           9,537             11,808         15,951         19,323       23,462     26,049​​ 

Austria           1,332         2,331           3,428           4,192           5,402               6,699           9,042         11,051       13,487     15,102​​ 

Bahamas        1,632         2,857           4,209           5,154           6,679               8,277         11,176         13,606       16,569     18,483​​ 

Bahrain           2,762         4,834           7,148           8,771         11,482             14,210         19,200         23,212       28,152     31,196​​ 

Barbados       1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Belarus           1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Belgium           1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Bermuda         1,632         2,857           4,209           5,154           6,679               8,277         11,176         13,606       16,569     18,483​​ 

Bolivia             2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 

Brazil              1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands          1,632         2,857           4,209           5,154           6,679               8,277         11,176         13,606       16,569     18,483​​ 

Brunei             2,305         4,034           5,958           7,307           9,537             11,808         15,951         19,323       23,462     26,049​​ 

Bulgaria          2,697         4,720           6,978           8,561         11,204             13,867         18,735         22,656       27,482     30,461​​ 


  Islands          1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Chile               2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 

China              1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Colombia         2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 

Costa Rica      1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Croatia            1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Cyprus           2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 


  Republic       1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Denmark         1,208         2,115           3,107           3,797           4,877               6,051           8,165         10,002       12,222     13,713​​ 

Dominica         1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 


  Republic       2,019         3,533           5,214           6,391           8,322             10,306         13,920         16,891       20,530     22,831​​ 

Ecuador          2,697         4,720           6,978           8,561         11,204             13,867         18,735         22,656       27,482     30,461​​ 

Egypt              2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 

El Salvador     1,517         2,655           3,909           4,785           6,189               7,671         10,357         12,625       15,386     17,185​​ 

Finland            1,332         2,331           3,428           4,192           5,402               6,699           9,042         11,051       13,487     15,102​​ 

France            1,332         2,331           3,428           4,192           5,402               6,699           9,042         11,051       13,487     15,102​​ 

Germany        1,332         2,331           3,428           4,192           5,402               6,699           9,042         11,051       13,487     15,102​​ 

Greece           1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Grenada         2,019         3,533           5,214           6,391           8,322             10,306         13,920         16,891       20,530     22,831​​ 

Guatemala      1,517         2,655           3,909           4,785           6,189               7,671         10,357         12,625       15,386     17,185​​ 

Guyana          1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Haiti                1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Honduras       1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Hong Kong     1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Hungary         1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

India                2,697         4,720           6,978           8,561         11,204             13,867         18,735         22,656       27,482     30,461​​ 

Indonesia        1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Ireland            1,208         2,115           3,107           3,797           4,877               6,051           8,165         10,002       12,222     13,713​​ 

Israel              2,762         4,834           7,148           8,771         11,482             14,210         19,200         23,212       28,152     31,196​​ 

Italy                 1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Jamaica          2,019         3,533           5,214           6,391           8,322             10,306         13,920         16,891       20,530     22,831​​ 

Japan             1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 


  Republic of   1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Latvia             1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Lebanon         2,762         4,834           7,148           8,771         11,482             14,210         19,200         23,212       28,152     31,196​​ 

Lithuania         1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Luxembourg   4,173         7,303         10,816         13,285         17,478             21,616         29,216         35,203       42,612     47,067​​ 

Malaysia         2,305         4,034           5,958           7,307           9,537             11,808         15,951         19,323       23,462     26,049​​ 

Montserrat      1,632         2,857           4,209           5,154           6,679               8,277         11,176         13,606       16,569     18,483​​ 

Morocco         2,019         3,533           5,214           6,391           8,322             10,306         13,920         16,891       20,530     22,831​​ 

Netherlands    1,208         2,115           3,107           3,797           4,877               6,051           8,165         10,002       12,222     13,713​​ 


  Antilles         1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

New Zealand 3,763         6,585           9,749         11,972         15,734             19,462         26,303         31,716       38,407     42,452​​ 

Nicaragua       1,517         2,655           3,909           4,785           6,189               7,671         10,357         12,625       15,386     17,185​​ 

Norway          1,332         2,331           3,428           4,192           5,402               6,699           9,042         11,051       13,487     15,102​​ 

Oman              2,019         3,533           5,214           6,391           8,322             10,306         13,920         16,891       20,530     22,831​​ 

Pakistan          2,212         3,871           5,717           7,009           9,143             11,320         15,292         18,534       22,511     25,005​​ 

Panama          1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Paraguay        2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 

Peru                2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 

Philippines      2,305         4,034           5,958           7,307           9,537             11,808         15,951         19,323       23,462     26,049​​ 

Poland            1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Portugal          1,208         2,115           3,107           3,797           4,877               6,051           8,165         10,002       12,222     13,713​​ 

Romania         2,697         4,720           6,978           8,561         11,204             13,867         18,735         22,656       27,482     30,461​​ 

Russia            1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Saudi Arabia  2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 

Singapore       1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Slovenia         1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

South Africa   5,130         8,978         13,304         16,348         21,546             26,642         36,013         43,340       52,424     57,837​​ 

Spain              1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Sri Lanka        2,212         3,871           5,717           7,009           9,143             11,320         15,292         18,534       22,511     25,005​​ 

St. Kitts           1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

St. Lucia         1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

St. Vincent/​​ 

  Grenadines  2,019         3,533           5,214           6,391           8,322             10,306         13,920         16,891       20,530     22,831​​ 

Sweden         1,332         2,331           3,428           4,192           5,402               6,699           9,042         11,051       13,487     15,102​​ 

Switzerland    4,173         7,303         10,816         13,285         17,478             21,616         29,216         35,203       42,612     47,067​​ 

Taiwan           1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Thailand          2,305         4,034           5,958           7,307           9,537             11,808         15,951         19,323       23,462     26,049​​ 


  Tobago         1,517         2,655           3,909           4,785           6,189               7,671         10,357         12,625       15,386     17,185​​ 

Tunisia            2,019         3,533           5,214           6,391           8,322             10,306         13,920         16,891       20,530     22,831​​ 

Turkey            2,566         4,491           6,638           8,143         10,648             13,180         17,807         21,545       26,142     28,990​​ 

Ukraine           2,697         4,720           6,978           8,561         11,204             13,867         18,735         22,656       27,482     30,461​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates       2,762         4,834           7,148           8,771         11,482             14,210         19,200         23,212       28,152     31,196​​ 


  Kingdom       1,455         2,547           3,749           4,588           5,926               7,347           9,918         12,100       14,753     16,490​​ 

Uruguay         2,697         4,720           6,978           8,561         11,204             13,867         18,735         22,656       27,482     30,461​​ 

Venezuela      1,761         3,082           4,544           5,567           7,227               8,953         12,091         14,701       17,889     19,932​​ 

Vietnam          1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 

Yugoslavia     1,890         3,308           4,879           5,979           7,774               9,630         13,005         15,796       19,209     21,382​​ 


.2         Between Zone US East and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                                                   

Ubicación​​           64​​              128​​               192​​               256​​               384​​                 512​​               768​​                1024​​         1544​​         2048​​ 


Anguilla        $1,173       $2,052       $  3,049       $  3,753       $  4,985           $  6,157       $  8,327       $  9,969     $12,022   $13,194​​ 

Antigua           1,173         2,052           3,049           3,753           4,985               6,157           8,327           9,969       12,022     13,194​​ 

Argentina       2,353         4,118           6,118           7,529         10,000             12,353         16,706         20,000       24,118     26,471​​ 

Aruba             1,173         2,052           3,049           3,753           4,985               6,157           8,327           9,969       12,022     13,194​​ 

Australia         2,481         4,342           6,398           7,835         10,153             12,582         16,990         20,681       25,184     28,091​​ 

Austria              988         1,728           2,568           3,160           4,198               5,185           7,012           8,395       10,123     11,111​​ 

Bahamas        1,288         2,254           3,349           4,122           5,475               6,763           9,147         10,950       13,205     14,493​​ 

Bahrain           2,418         4,232           6,288           7,739         10,278             12,696         17,170         20,556       24,788     27,206​​ 

Barbados       1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Belarus           1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Belgium           1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Bermuda         1,288         2,254           3,349           4,122           5,475               6,763           9,147         10,950       13,205     14,493​​ 

Bolivia             2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 

Brazil              1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands          1,288         2,254           3,349           4,122           5,475               6,763           9,147         10,950       13,205     14,493​​ 

Brunei             2,481         4,342           6,398           7,835         10,153             12,582         16,990         20,681       25,184     28,091​​ 

Bulgaria          2,353         4,118           6,118           7,529         10,000             12,353         16,706         20,000       24,118     26,471​​ 


  Islands          1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Chile               2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 

China              2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Colombia         2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 

Costa Rica      1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Croatia            1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Cyprus           2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 


  Republic       1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Denmark            864         1,512           2,247           2,765           3,673               4,537           6,136           7,346         8,858       9,722​​ 

Dominica         1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 


  Republic       1,675         2,931           4,354           5,359           7,118               8,792         11,890         14,235       17,166     18,841​​ 

Ecuador          2,353         4,118           6,118           7,529         10,000             12,353         16,706         20,000       24,118     26,471​​ 

Egypt              2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 

El Salvador     1,173         2,052           3,049           3,753           4,985               6,157           8,327           9,969       12,022     13,194​​ 

Finland               988         1,728           2,568           3,160           4,198               5,185           7,012           8,395       10,123     11,111​​ 

France               988         1,728           2,568           3,160           4,198               5,185           7,012           8,395       10,123     11,111​​ 

Germany           988         1,728           2,568           3,160           4,198               5,185           7,012           8,395       10,123     11,111​​ 

Greece           1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Grenada         1,675         2,931           4,354           5,359           7,118               8,792         11,890         14,235       17,166     18,841​​ 

Guatemala      1,173         2,052           3,049           3,753           4,985               6,157           8,327           9,969       12,022     13,194​​ 

Guyana          1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Haiti                1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Honduras       1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Hong Kong     1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Hungary         1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

India                2,353         4,118           6,118           7,529         10,000             12,353         16,706         20,000       24,118     26,471​​ 

Indonesia        2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Ireland               864         1,512           2,247           2,765           3,673               4,537           6,136           7,346         8,858       9,722​​ 

Israel              2,418         4,232           6,288           7,739         10,278             12,696         17,170         20,556       24,788     27,206​​ 

Italy                 1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Jamaica          1,675         2,931           4,354           5,359           7,118               8,792         11,890         14,235       17,166     18,841​​ 

Japan             1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 


  Republic of   2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Latvia             1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Lebanon         2,418         4,232           6,288           7,739         10,278             12,696         17,170         20,556       24,788     27,206​​ 

Lithuania         1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Luxembourg   3,829         6,701           9,956         12,253         16,274             20,103         27,186         32,547       39,248     43,077​​ 

Malaysia         2,481         4,342           6,398           7,835         10,153             12,582         16,990         20,681       25,184     28,091​​ 

Montserrat      1,288         2,254           3,349           4,122           5,475               6,763           9,147         10,950       13,205     14,493​​ 

Morocco         1,675         2,931           4,354           5,359           7,118               8,792         11,890         14,235       17,166     18,841​​ 

Netherlands       864         1,512           2,247           2,765           3,673               4,537           6,136           7,346         8,858       9,722​​ 


  Antilles         1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

New Zealand 3,939         6,893         10,189         12,500         16,350             20,237         27,342         33,074       40,128     44,494​​ 

Nicaragua       1,173         2,052           3,049           3,753           4,985               6,157           8,327           9,969       12,022     13,194​​ 

Norway             988         1,728           2,568           3,160           4,198               5,185           7,012           8,395       10,123     11,111​​ 

Oman              1,675         2,931           4,354           5,359           7,118               8,792         11,890         14,235       17,166     18,841​​ 

Pakistan          1,868         3,269           4,857           5,977           7,939               9,807         13,262         15,878       19,147     21,014​​ 

Panama          1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Paraguay        2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 

Peru                2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 

Philippines      2,481         4,342           6,398           7,835         10,153             12,582         16,990         20,681       25,184     28,091​​ 

Poland            1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Portugal             864         1,512           2,247           2,765           3,673               4,537           6,136           7,346         8,858       9,722​​ 

Romania         2,353         4,118           6,118           7,529         10,000             12,353         16,706         20,000       24,118     26,471​​ 

Russia            1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Saudi Arabia  2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 

Singapore       2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Slovenia         1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

South Africa   4,786         8,376         12,444         15,316         20,342             25,128         33,983         40,684       49,060     53,846​​ 

Spain              1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Sri Lanka        1,868         3,269           4,857           5,977           7,939               9,807         13,262         15,878       19,147     21,014​​ 

St. Kitts           1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

St. Lucia         1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

St. Vincent/​​ 

  Grenadines  1,675         2,931           4,354           5,359           7,118               8,792         11,890         14,235       17,166     18,841​​ 

Sweden            988         1,728           2,568           3,160           4,198               5,185           7,012           8,395       10,123     11,111​​ 

Switzerland    3,829         6,701           9,956         12,253         16,274             20,103         27,186         32,547       39,248     43,077​​ 

Taiwan           1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Thailand          2,481         4,342           6,398           7,835         10,153             12,582         16,990         20,681       25,184     28,091​​ 


  Tobago         1,173         2,052           3,049           3,753           4,985               6,157           8,327           9,969       12,022     13,194​​ 

Tunisia            1,675         2,931           4,354           5,359           7,118               8,792         11,890         14,235       17,166     18,841​​ 

Turkey            2,222         3,889           5,778           7,111           9,444             11,667         15,778         18,889       22,778     25,000​​ 

Ukraine           2,353         4,118           6,118           7,529         10,000             12,353         16,706         20,000       24,118     26,471​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates       2,418         4,232           6,288           7,739         10,278             12,696         17,170         20,556       24,788     27,206​​ 


  Kingdom       1,111         1,944           2,889           3,556           4,722               5,833           7,889           9,444       11,389     12,500​​ 

Uruguay         2,353         4,118           6,118           7,529         10,000             12,353         16,706         20,000       24,118     26,471​​ 

Venezuela      1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Vietnam          2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Yugoslavia     1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 


.3         Between Zone US West and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                                                   

Ubicación​​           64​​              128​​               192​​               256​​               384​​                 512​​               768​​                1024​​         1544​​         2048​​ 


Anguilla        $1,693       $2,963       $  4,349       $  5,313       $  6,805           $  8,445       $11,395       $13,984     $17,107   $19,226​​ 

Antigua           1,693         2,963           4,349           5,313           6,805               8,445         11,395         13,984       17,107     19,226​​ 

Argentina       2,873         5,028           7,418           9,089         11,820             14,641         19,774         24,014       29,203     32,503​​ 

Aruba             1,693         2,963           4,349           5,313           6,805               8,445         11,395         13,984       17,107     19,226​​ 

Australia         1,961         3,431           5,098           6,275           8,333             10,294         13,922         16,667       20,098     22,059​​ 

Austria           1,508         2,639           3,868           4,720           6,018               7,473         10,080         12,409       15,209     17,143​​ 

Bahamas        1,808         3,165           4,649           5,682           7,295               9,051         12,215         14,964       18,290     20,525​​ 

Bahrain           2,938         5,142           7,588           9,299         12,098             14,984         20,238         24,570       29,873     33,238​​ 

Barbados       1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Belarus           2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Belgium           2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Bermuda         1,808         3,165           4,649           5,682           7,295               9,051         12,215         14,964       18,290     20,525​​ 

Bolivia             2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 

Brazil              1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands          1,808         3,165           4,649           5,682           7,295               9,051         12,215         14,964       18,290     20,525​​ 

Brunei             1,961         3,431           5,098           6,275           8,333             10,294         13,922         16,667       20,098     22,059​​ 

Bulgaria          2,873         5,028           7,418           9,089         11,820             14,641         19,774         24,014       29,203     32,503​​ 


  Islands          1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Chile               2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 

China              1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Colombia         2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 

Costa Rica      1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Croatia            2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Cyprus           2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 


  Republic       2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Denmark         1,384         2,423           3,547           4,325           5,493               6,825           9,204         11,360       13,944     15,754​​ 

Dominica         1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 


  Republic       2,195         3,841           5,654           6,919           8,938             11,080         14,958         18,250       22,251     24,873​​ 

Ecuador          2,873         5,028           7,418           9,089         11,820             14,641         19,774         24,014       29,203     32,503​​ 

Egypt              2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 

El Salvador     1,693         2,963           4,349           5,313           6,805               8,445         11,395         13,984       17,107     19,226​​ 

Finland            1,508         2,639           3,868           4,720           6,018               7,473         10,080         12,409       15,209     17,143​​ 

France            1,508         2,639           3,868           4,720           6,018               7,473         10,080         12,409       15,209     17,143​​ 

Germany        1,508         2,639           3,868           4,720           6,018               7,473         10,080         12,409       15,209     17,143​​ 

Greece           2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Grenada         2,195         3,841           5,654           6,919           8,938             11,080         14,958         18,250       22,251     24,873​​ 

Guatemala      1,693         2,963           4,349           5,313           6,805               8,445         11,395         13,984       17,107     19,226​​ 

Guyana          1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Haiti                1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Honduras       1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Hong Kong     1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Hungary         2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

India                2,873         5,028           7,418           9,089         11,820             14,641         19,774         24,014       29,203     32,503​​ 

Indonesia        1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Ireland            1,384         2,423           3,547           4,325           5,493               6,825           9,204         11,360       13,944     15,754​​ 

Israel              2,938         5,142           7,588           9,299         12,098             14,984         20,238         24,570       29,873     33,238​​ 

Italy                 2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Jamaica          2,195         3,841           5,654           6,919           8,938             11,080         14,958         18,250       22,251     24,873​​ 

Japan             1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 


  Republic of   1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Latvia             2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Lebanon         2,938         5,142           7,588           9,299         12,098             14,984         20,238         24,570       29,873     33,238​​ 

Lithuania         2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Luxembourg   4,349         7,611         11,256         13,813         18,094             22,391         30,254         36,561       44,333     49,109​​ 

Malaysia         1,961         3,431           5,098           6,275           8,333             10,294         13,922         16,667       20,098     22,059​​ 

Montserrat      1,808         3,165           4,649           5,682           7,295               9,051         12,215         14,964       18,290     20,525​​ 

Morocco         2,195         3,841           5,654           6,919           8,938             11,080         14,958         18,250       22,251     24,873​​ 

Netherlands    1,384         2,423           3,547           4,325           5,493               6,825           9,204         11,360       13,944     15,754​​ 


  Antilles         1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

New Zealand 3,419         5,983           8,889         10,940         14,530             17,949         24,274         29,060       35,043     38,462​​ 

Nicaragua       1,693         2,963           4,349           5,313           6,805               8,445         11,395         13,984       17,107     19,226​​ 

Norway          1,508         2,639           3,868           4,720           6,018               7,473         10,080         12,409       15,209     17,143​​ 

Oman              2,195         3,841           5,654           6,919           8,938             11,080         14,958         18,250       22,251     24,873​​ 

Pakistan          2,388         4,179           6,157           7,537           9,759             12,095         16,330         19,892       24,232     27,046​​ 

Panama          1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Paraguay        2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 

Peru                2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 

Philippines      1,961         3,431           5,098           6,275           8,333             10,294         13,922         16,667       20,098     22,059​​ 

Poland            2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Portugal          1,384         2,423           3,547           4,325           5,493               6,825           9,204         11,360       13,944     15,754​​ 

Romania         2,873         5,028           7,418           9,089         11,820             14,641         19,774         24,014       29,203     32,503​​ 

Russia            2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Saudi Arabia  2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 

Singapore       1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Slovenia         2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

South Africa   5,306         9,286         13,744         16,876         22,162             27,416         37,051         44,698       54,145     59,878​​ 

Spain              2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 

Sri Lanka        2,388         4,179           6,157           7,537           9,759             12,095         16,330         19,892       24,232     27,046​​ 

St .Kitts           1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

St .Lucia         1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

St. Vincent/​​ 

  Grenadines  2,195         3,841           5,654           6,919           8,938             11,080         14,958         18,250       22,251     24,873​​ 

Sweden         1,508         2,639           3,868           4,720           6,018               7,473         10,080         12,409       15,209     17,143​​ 

Switzerland    4,349         7,611         11,256         13,813         18,094             22,391         30,254         36,561       44,333     49,109​​ 

Taiwan           1,417         2,480           3,684           4,535           6,023               7,440         10,061         12,045       14,525     15,942​​ 

Thailand          1,961         3,431           5,098           6,275           8,333             10,294         13,922         16,667       20,098     22,059​​ 


  Tobago         1,693         2,963           4,349           5,313           6,805               8,445         11,395         13,984       17,107     19,226​​ 

Tunisia            2,195         3,841           5,654           6,919           8,938             11,080         14,958         18,250       22,251     24,873​​ 

Turkey            2,742         4,799           7,078           8,671         11,264             13,955         18,846         22,903       27,863     31,032​​ 

Ukraine           2,873         5,028           7,418           9,089         11,820             14,641         19,774         24,014       29,203     32,503​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates       2,938         5,142           7,588           9,299         12,098             14,984         20,238         24,570       29,873     33,238​​ 


  Kingdom       1,631         2,855           4,189           5,116           6,542               8,121         10,957         13,459       16,474     18,532​​ 

Uruguay         2,873         5,028           7,418           9,089         11,820             14,641         19,774         24,014       29,203     32,503​​ 

Venezuela      1,937         3,390           4,984           6,095           7,843               9,728         13,129         16,059       19,611     21,974​​ 

Vietnam          1,546         2,705           4,019           4,947           6,570               8,116         10,976         13,140       15,845     17,391​​ 

Yugoslavia     2,066         3,616           5,319           6,507           8,390             10,404         14,044         17,154       20,931     23,423​​ 


.06       The following monthly recurring per-circuit charges apply to Half Circuit Fiber Private Line Service between locations in domestic zones and the following international locations installed after March 31, 2006:​​ 


.1         Between U.S. Central Zone and the following locations:​​ 



Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​ 


























































































































Costa Rica​​ 











República Dominicana​​ 

































El Salvador​​ 
























































































Antillas Holandesas​​ 












































Corea del Sur​​ 











Sri Lanka​​ 











St. Kitts​​ 











Sta. Lucía​​ 











Trinidad And Tobago​​ 






















Emiratos Árabes Unidos​​ 


































.2         Between U.S. East Zone and the following locations:​​ 



Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​ 


























































































































Costa Rica​​ 











República Dominicana​​ 

































El Salvador​​ 
























































































Antillas Holandesas​​ 












































Corea del Sur​​ 











Sri Lanka​​ 











St. Kitts​​ 











Sta. Lucía​​ 











Trinidad And Tobago​​ 






















Emiratos Árabes Unidos​​ 


































.3         Between U.S. West Zone and the following locations:​​ 



Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​ 


























































































































Costa Rica​​ 











República Dominicana​​ 

































El Salvador​​ 
























































































Antillas Holandesas​​ 












































Corea del Sur​​ 











Sri Lanka​​ 











St. Kitts​​ 











Sta. Lucía​​ 











Trinidad And Tobago​​ 






















Emiratos Árabes Unidos​​ 

































5.         Rates for Satellite Digital Private Line Service​​ 


            .01       Volume Discount Schedule​​ 


                 Dollar                                                                         Term                                               ​​ 

          Volume Usage​​                      1 Year​​            2 Year​​            3 Year​​            4 Year​​            5 Year​​ 


$           0 - $    9,999                         0.0%             2.50%            5.0%             7.50%          10.0%​​ 

$  10,000 - $  24,999                         5.0                 7.50             10.0               12.50             15.0​​ 

$  25,000 - $  49,999                         7.0                 9.50             12.0               14.50             17.0​​ 

$  50,000 - $  99,999                         9.0               11.50             14.0               16.50             19.0​​ 

$100,000 - $199,999                       11.0               13.50             16.0               18.50             21.0​​ 


            .02       The monthly recurring per-circuit charges set forth in this Section apply to service installed before November 23, 1999:​​ 


                        .1         Zone A Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,792        $ 3,567      $ 5,338      $ 7,101             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,929           4,880         7,098         8,886     $12,208     $15,606       $20,890     $27,335       $30,063​​ 

Australia                         2,311           3,785         5,498         6,837         9,326       12,091         18,059       27,936         29,227​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,629         19,140       24,123       29,096       36,718       44,356         55,978             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                           N/A              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 


  (Datacom)                    2,929           4,880         7,098         8,886       12,208       15,606         20,890       30,788         33,409​​ 

Brazil                              2,929           4,880         7,098         8,886       12,208       15,606         20,890       27,335         30,063​​ 

Bulgaria1                       11,489         16,710            N/A       25,976            N/A       37,276              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              4,029           7,405             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,579           4,310         6,278         7,866       10,838       14,064         20,890       28,926         30,063​​ 

China                              2,950           5,335         7,440         9,542       13,457       17,359         20,384       25,044         29,227​​ 

Colombia                         2,929           4,880         7,098         8,886       12,208       15,606         20,890       27,335         30,063​​ 

Costa Rica​​ 

  (Racsa)                        2,937           5,353         7,423             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,311           6,965             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,773           3,530             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Telepuertos)               3,429           5,640             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,311           3,785         5,498         6,837         9,326       12,091         18,059       25,044         29,227​​ 

India                                4,293           8,135       11,819       15,247       22,263            N/A              N/A       56,087              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,311           5,265         7,718         8,717       10,506             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,729           4,550         6,628         8,306       11,418       14,606         20,890       28,926         33,409​​ 

Jamaica                          1,685           3,357         5,026         6,689             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,311           3,785         5,498         6,837         9,326       12,091         18,059       25,044         29,227​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 11,089         16,015            N/A       24,616       29,843       35,296         54,023            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,311           3,785         5,498         6,837         9,326       12,091         18,059       25,044         29,227​​ 

Malaysia                         2,661           4,355         6,318         7,857       10,696       12,883         18,059             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,322           9,130       11,436       14,235             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,511           4,115         5,968         7,417             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,311           3,785         5,498         6,837         9,326       12,091         18,059       23,153         25,881​​ 


  To Moscow                10,494         15,935       20,113       24,291       30,713       37,146         50,273       59,741         69,208​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,639           6,385         9,128       10,693       13,800            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,579           5,790         8,498         9,746             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,311           3,785         5,498         6,837         9,326       12,091         18,059       27,936         29,227​​ 

Thailand                          3,311           5,265             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      3,229           5,870         7,548         9,226       16,687       21,092         28,981       32,270         35,918​​ 


                        .2         Zone B Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,777        $ 3,537      $ 5,292      $ 7,040             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,913           4,849         7,052         8,826    $ 12,119    $ 15,489      $ 20,724    $ 27,089      $ 29,817​​ 

Australia                         2,345           3,853         5,598         6,970         9,522       12,346         18,426       28,478         29,769​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,613         19,109       24,077       29,036       36,629       44,239         55,811             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                            ICB              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Bolivia (Datacom)           2,913           4,849         7,052         8,826       12,119       15,489         20,724       30,542         33,163​​ 

Brazil                              2,913           4,849         7,052         8,826       12,119       15,489         20,724       27,089         29,817​​ 

Bulgaria1                       11,473         16,679            N/A       25,916            N/A       37,159              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              4,013           7,374             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,563           4,279         6,232         7,806       10,749       13,948         20,724       28,680         29,817​​ 

China                              2,984           5,403         7,541         9,675       13,653       17,615         20,750       25,585         29,769​​ 

Colombia                         2,913           4,849         7,052         8,826       12,119       15,489         20,724       27,089         29,817​​ 

Costa Rica (Racsa)        2,921           5,322         7,377             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,345           7,033             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,767           3,518             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Telepuertos)               3,413           5,609             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,345           3,853         5,598         6,970         9,522       12,346         18,426       25,585         29,769​​ 

India                                4,277           8,104       11,773       15,187       22,174            N/A              N/A       55,841              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,345           5,333         7,818         8,850       10,702             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,713           4,519         6,582         8,246       11,329       14,489         20,724       28,680         33,163​​ 

Jamaica                          1,710           3,407         5,100         6,786             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,345           3,853         5,598         6,970         9,522       12,346         18,426       25,585         29,769​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 11,073         15,984            N/A       24,556       29,754       35,179         53,856            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,345           3,853         5,598         6,970         9,522       12,346         18,426       25,585         29,769​​ 

Malaysia                         2,695           4,423         6,418         7,990       10,892       13,138         18,426             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,347           9,180       11,509       14,331             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,545           4,183         6,068         7,550             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,345           3,853         5,598         6,970         9,522       12,346         18,426       23,695         26,422​​ 


  To Moscow                10,478         15,904       20,068       24,231       30,624       37,029         50,106       59,534         68,962​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,623           6,354         9,082       10,633       13,711            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,563           5,759         8,452         9,686             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,345           3,853         5,598         6,970         9,522       12,346         18,426       28,478         29,769​​ 

Thailand                          3,345           5,333             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      3,213           5,839         7,502         9,166       16,598       20,975         28,814       32,024         35,672​​ 


                        .3         Zone C Rate Schedule ​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,742        $ 3,469      $ 5,191      $ 6,907             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,878           4,781         6,951         8,693     $11,924     $15,234       $20,357     $26,548       $29,275​​ 

Australia                         2,371           3,902         5,672         7,067         9,664       12,532         18,692       28,871         30,162​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,578         19,041       23,976       28,903       36,434       43,984         55,445             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                            ICB              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Bolivia (Datacom)           2,878           4,781         6,951         8,693       11,924       15,234         20,357       30,001         32,622​​ 

Brazil                              2,878           4,781         6,951         8,693       11,924       15,234         20,357       26,548         29,275​​ 

Bulgaria1                       11,438         16,611            N/A       25,783            N/A       36,904              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              3,978           7,306             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,528           4,211         6,131         7,673       10,554       13,693         20,357       28,139         29,275​​ 

China                              3,010           5,453         7,615         9,772       13,795       17,800         21,016       25,979         30,162​​ 

Colombia                         2,878           4,781         6,951         8,693       11,924       15,234         20,357       26,548         29,275​​ 

Costa Rica (Racsa)        2,886           5,254         7,276             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,371           7,082             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,720           3,425             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Telepuertos)               3,378           5,541             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,371           3,902         5,672         7,067         9,664       12,532         18,692       25,979         30,162​​ 

India                                4,242           8,036       11,672       15,054       21,979            N/A              N/A       55,300              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,371           5,382         7,892         8,947       10,844             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,678           4,451         6,481         8,113       11,134       14,234         20,357       28,139         32,622​​ 

Jamaica                          1,568           3,129         4,687         6,241             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,371           3,902         5,672         7,067         9,664       12,532         18,692       25,979         30,162​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 11,038         15,916            N/A       24,423       29,559       34,924         53,490            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,371           3,902         5,672         7,067         9,644       12,532         18,692       25,979         30,162​​ 

Malaysia                         2,721           4,472         6,492         8,087       11,034       13,324         18,692             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,205           8,901       11,096       13,787             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,571           4,232         6,142         7,647             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,371           3,902         5,672         7,067         9,664       12,532         18,692       24,088         26,815​​ 


  To Moscow                10,443         15,836       19,967       24,098       30,429       36,774         49,740       59,081         68,421​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,588           6,286         8,981       10,500       13,516            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,528           5,691         8,351         9,553             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,371           3,902         5,672         7,067         9,664       12,532         18,692       28,871         30,162​​ 

Thailand                          3,371           5,382             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      3,178           5,771         7,401         9,033       16,403       20,720         28,448       31,483         35,131​​ 


.4         Zone D Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,590        $ 3,172      $ 4,751      $ 6,326             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,727           4,485         6,510         8,111     $11,070     $14,120       $18,759     $24,187       $26,914​​ 

Australia                         2,490           4,137         6,021         7,527       10,340       13,414         19,958       30,741         32,032​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,427         18,745       23,535       28,321       35,580       42,870         53,846             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                            ICB              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Bolivia (Datacom)           2,727           4,485         6,510         8,111       11,070       14,120         18,759       27,640         30,261​​ 

Brazil                              2,727           4,485         6,510         8,111       11,070       14,120         18,759       24,187         26,914​​ 

Bulgaria1                       11,287         16,315            N/A       25,201            N/A       35,790              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              3,827           7,009             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,377           3,915         5,690         7,091         9,700       12,578         18,759       25,778         26,914​​ 

China                              3,130           5,688         7,963       10,232       14,471       18,682         22,282       27,848         32,032​​ 

Colombia                         2,727           4,485         6,510         8,111       11,070       14,120         18,759       24,187         26,914​​ 

Costa Rica (Racsa)        2,735           4,957         6,835             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,490           7,317             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,581           3,153             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Telepuertos)               3,227           5,245             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,490           4,137         6,021         7,527       10,340       13,414         19,958       27,848         32,032​​ 

India                                4,091           7,740       11,232       14,472       21,125            N/A              N/A       52,938              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,490           5,617         8,241         9,407       11,520             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,527           4,155         6,040         7,531       10,280       13,120         18,759       25,778         30,261​​ 

Jamaica                          1,606           3,203         4,797         6,386             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,490           4,137         6,021         7,527       10,340       13,414         19,958       27,848         32,032​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 10,887         15,620            N/A       23,841       28,705       33,810         51,891            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,490           4,137         6,021         7,527       10,340       13,414         19,958       27,848         32,032​​ 

Malaysia                         2,840           4,707         6,841         8,547       11,710       14,206         19,958             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,243           8,976       11,206       13,932             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,690           4,467         6,491         8,107             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,490           4,137         6,021         7,527       10,340       13,414         19,958       25,958         28,685​​ 


  To Moscow                10,292         15,540       19,528       23,516       29,575       35,660         48,141       57,101         66,060​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,437           5,990         8,540         9,918       12,662            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,377           5,395         7,910         8,971             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,490           4,137         6,021         7,527       10,340       13,414         19,958       30,741         32,032​​ 

Thailand                          3,490           5,617             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      3,027           5,475         6,960         8,451       15,549       19,606         26,849       29,122         32,770​​ 


                        .5         Zone E Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,710        $ 3,407      $ 5,100      $ 6,786             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,847           4,720         6,859         8,571     $11,746     $15,002       $20,024     $26,056       $28,783​​ 

Australia                         2,431           4,020         5,846         7,297       10,002       12,973         19,325       29,806         31,907​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,547         18,980       23,884       28,781       36,256       43,752         55,112             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                            ICB              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Bolivia (Datacom)           2,847           4,720         6,859         8,571       11,746       15,002         20,024       29,509         32,130​​ 

Brazil                              2,847           4,720         6,859         8,571       11,746       15,002         20,024       26,056         28,783​​ 

Bulgaria1                       11,407         16,550            N/A       25,661            N/A       36,672              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              3,947           7,244             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,497           4,150         6,039         7,551       10,376       13,461         20,024       27,647         28,783​​ 

China                              3,070           5,570         7,789       10,002       14,133       18,241         21,649       26,913         31,097​​ 

Colombia                         2,847           4,720         6,859         8,571       11,746       15,002         20,024       26,056         28,783​​ 

Costa Rica (Racsa)        2,855           5,192         7,184             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,431           7,200             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,660           3,308             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Telepuertos)               3,347           5,480             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,431           4,020         5,846         7,297       10,002       12,973         19,325       26,913         31,097​​ 

India                                4,211           7,975       11,581       14,932       21,801            N/A              N/A       54,808              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,431           5,500         8,066         9,177       11,182             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,647           4,390         6,389         7,991       10,956       14,002         20,024       27,647         32,130​​ 

Jamaica                          1,527           3,048         4,567         6,083             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,431           4,020         5,846         7,297       10,002       12,973         19,325       26,913         31,097​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 11,007         15,855            N/A       24,301       29,381       34,692         53,157            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,431           4,020         5,846         7,297       10,002       12,973         19,325       26,913         31,097​​ 

Malaysia                         2,781           4,590         6,666         8,317       11,372       13,765         19,325             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,164           8,821       10,977       13,629             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,631           4,350         6,316         7,877             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,431           4,020         5,846         7,297       10,002       12,973         19,325       25,023         27,750​​ 


  To Moscow                10,412         15,775       19,876       23,976       30,251       36,542         49,407       58,668         67,929​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,557           6,225         8,889       10,378       13,338            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,497           5,630         8,259         9,431             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,431           4,020         5,846         7,297       10,002       12,973         19,325       29,806         31,097​​ 

Thailand                          3,431           5,500             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      3,147           5,710         7,309         8,911       16,225       20,488         28,115       30,991         34,639​​ 


                        .6         Zone F Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,594        $ 3,178      $ 4,760      $ 6,338             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,730           4,491         6,519         8,123     $11,087     $14,143       $18,792     $24,236       $26,963​​ 

Australia                         2,516           4,187         6,094         7,624       10,482       13,600         20,224       31,134         32,425​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,430         18,751       23,544       28,333       35,597       42,893         53,879             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                            ICB              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Bolivia (Datacom)           2,730           4,491         6,519         8,123       11,087       14,143         18,792       27,689         30,310​​ 

Brazil                              2,730           4,491         6,519         8,123       11,087       14,143         18,792       24,236         26,963​​ 

Bulgaria1                       11,290         16,321            N/A       25,213            N/A       35,813              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              3,830           7,015             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,380           3,921         5,699         7,103         9,717       12,602         18,792       25,827         26,963​​ 

China                              3,155           5,737         8,037       10,329       14,613       18,868         22,548       28,242         32,425​​ 

Colombia                         2,730           4,491         6,519         8,123       11,087       14,143         18,792       24,236         26,963​​ 

Costa Rica (Racsa)        2,738           4,963         6,844             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,516           7,367             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,568           3,129             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


 (Telepuertos)                3,230           5,251             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,516           4,187         6,094         7,624       10,482       13,600         20,224       28,242         32,425​​ 

India                                4,094           7,746       11,241       14,484       21,143            N/A              N/A       52,987              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,516           5,667         8,314         9,504       11,662             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,530           4,161         6,049         7,543       10,297       13,143         18,792       25,827         30,310​​ 

Jamaica                          1,584           3,159         4,733         6,301             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,516           4,187         6,094         7,624       10,482       13,600         20,224       28,242         32,425​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 10,890         15,626            N/A       23,853       28,722       33,833         51,924            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,516           4,187         6,094         7,624       10,482       13,600         20,224       28,242         32,425​​ 

Malaysia                         2,866           4,757         6,914         8,644       11,852       14,391         20,224             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,221           8,932       11,142       13,847             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,716           4,517         6,564         8,204             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,516           4,187         6,094         7,624       10,482       13,600         20,224       26,351         29,079​​ 


  To Moscow                10,295         15,546       19,537       23,528       29,592       35,683         48,174       57,142         66,109​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,440           5,996         8,549         9,930       12,679            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,380           5,401         7,919         8,983             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,516           4,187         6,094         7,624       10,482       13,600         20,224       31,134         32,425​​ 

Thailand                          3,516           5,667             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      3,030           5,481         6,969         8,463       15,566       19,629         26,882       29,171         32,819​​ 


.7         Zone G Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,603        $ 3,197      $ 4,788      $ 6,374             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,740           4,509         6,547         8,160     $11,141     $14,213       $18,892     $24,383       $27,111​​ 

Australia                         2,541           4,236         6,168         7,721       10,625       13,786         20,491       31,528         32,819​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,440         18,769       23,572       28,370       35,651       42,963         53,979             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                            ICB              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Bolivia (Datacom)           2,740           4,509         6,547         8,160       11,141       14,213         18,892       27,836         30,457​​ 

Brazil                              2,740           4,509         6,547         8,160       11,141       14,213         18,892       24,383         27,111​​ 

Bulgaria1                       11,300         16,339            N/A       25,250            N/A       35,883              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              3,840           7,034             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,390           3,939         5,727         7,140         9,771       12,671         18,892       25,974         27,111​​ 

China                              3,180           5,787         8,110       10,426       14,756       19,054         22,815       28,635         32,819​​ 

Colombia                         2,740           4,509         6,547         8,160       11,141       14,213         18,892       24,383         27,111​​ 

Costa Rica (Racsa)        2,748           4,982         6,872             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,541           7,416             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,578           3,147             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Telepuertos)               3,240           5,269             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,541           4,236         6,168         7,721       10,625       13,786         20,491       28,635         32,819​​ 

India                                4,103           7,765       11,269       14,521       21,196            N/A              N/A       53,135              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,541           5,716         8,388         9,601       11,805             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,540           4,179         6,077         7,580       10,351       13,213         18,892       25,974         30,457​​ 

Jamaica                          1,578           3,147         4,714         6,277             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,541           4,236         6,168         7,721       10,625       13,786         20,491       28,635         32,819​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 10,900         15,644            N/A       23,890       28,776       33,903         52,024            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,541           4,236         6,168         7,721       10,625       13,786         20,491       28,635         32,819​​ 

Malaysia                         2,891           4,806         6,988         8,741       11,995       14,577         20,491             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,214           8,920       11,124       13,823             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,741           4,566         6,638         8,301             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,541           4,236         6,168         7,721       10,625       13,786         20,491       26,745         29,472​​ 


  To Moscow                10,305         15,564       19,565       23,565       29,646       35,753         48,274       57,265         66,256​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,450           6,014         8,577         9,967       12,733            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,390           5,419         7,947         9,020             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,541           4,236         6,168         7,721       10,625       13,786         20,491       31,528         32,819​​ 

Thailand                          3,541           5,716             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      3,040           5,499         6,997         8,500       15,620       19,699         26,982       29,318         32,966​​ 


                        .8         Zone H Rate Schedule ​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,518        $ 3,030      $ 4,540      $ 6,047             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,654           4,343         6,299         7,833     $10,661     $13,586       $17,993     $23,055       $25,782​​ 

Australia                         2,554           4,261         6,204         7,769       10,696       13,878         20,624       31,725         33,016​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,354         18,603       23,324       28,043       35,171       42,336         53,080             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                            ICB              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Bolivia (Datacom)           2,654           4,343         6,299         7,833       10,661       13,586         17,993       26,508         29,129​​ 

Brazil                              2,654           4,343         6,299         7,833       10,661       13,586         17,993       23,055         25,782​​ 

Bulgaria1                       11,214         16,173            N/A       24,923            N/A       35,256              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              3,754           6,867             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,304           3,773         5,479         6,813         9,291       12,045         17,993       24,646         25,782​​ 

China                              3,193           5,811         8,147       10,475       14,827       19,147         22,948       28,832         33,016​​ 

Colombia                         2,654           4,343         6,299         7,833       10,661       13,586         17,993       23,055         25,782​​ 

Costa Rica (Racsa)        2,662           4,815         6,624             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,554           7,441             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,493           2,980             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Telepuertos)               3,154           5,103             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,554           4,261         6,204         7,769       10,696       13,878         20,624       28,832         33,016​​ 

India                                4,018           7,598       11,021       14,194       20,716            N/A              N/A       51,806              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,554           5,741         8,424         9,649       11,876             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,454           4,013         5,829         7,253         9,871       12,586         17,993       24,646         29,129​​ 

Jamaica                          1,631           3,252         4,870         6,483             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,554           4,261         6,204         7,769       10,696       13,878         20,624       28,832         33,016​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 10,814         15,478            N/A       23,563       28,296       33,276         51,125            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,554           4,261         6,204         7,769       10,696       13,878         20,624       28,832         33,016​​ 

Malaysia                         2,904           4,831         7,024         8,789       12,066       14,670         20,624             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,268           9,025       11,280       14,029             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,754           4,591         6,674         8,349             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,554           4,261         6,204         7,769       10,696       13,878         20,624       26,942         29,669​​ 


  To Moscow                10,219         15,398       19,318       23,238       29,166       35,126         47,375       56,152         64,928​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,364           5,848         8,329         9,640       12,253            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,304           5,253         7,699         8,693             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,554           4,261         6,204         7,769       10,696       13,878         20,624       31,725         33,016​​ 

Thailand                          3,554           5,741             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      2,954           5,333         6,749         8,173       15,140       19,072         26,083       27,990         31,638​​ 


.9         Zone I Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​                          64 kbps​​     128 kbps​​    192 kbps​​    256 kbps​​    384 kbps​​    512 kbps​​    768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​    1.536 Mbps​​ 


Angola                         $ 1,505        $ 3,005      $ 4,503      $ 5,999             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Argentina                       2,642           4,318         6,262         7,784     $10,589     $13,493       $17,860     $22,858       $25,585​​ 

Australia                         2,595           4,341         6,324         7,927       10,927       14,180         21,057       32,364         33,655​​ 

Azerbaijan1                  12,342         18,578       23,287       27,994       35,099       42,243         52,947             ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas                            ICB              N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Bolivia (Datacom)           2,642           4,318         6,262         7,784       10,589       13,493         17,860       26,311         28,932​​ 

Brazil                              2,642           4,318         6,262         7,784       10,589       13,493         17,860       22,858         25,585​​ 

Bulgaria1                      11,202         16,148            N/A       24,874            N/A       35,163              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands              3,742           6,842             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Chile (Chilesat​​ 

  & Satel)                        2,292           3,748         5,442         6,764         9,219       11,952         17,860       24,449         25,585​​ 

China                              3,234           5,892         8,266       10,632       15,058       19,448         23,381       29,472         33,655​​ 

Colombia                         2,642           4,318         6,262         7,784       10,589       13,493         17,860       22,858         25,585​​ 

Costa Rica (Racsa)        2,650           4,790         6,587             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Guatemala                      3,595           7,521             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Haiti                                1,508           3,011             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Telepuertos)               3,142           5,078             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Hong Kong                     2,595           4,341         6,324         7,927       10,927       14,180         21,057       29,472         33,655​​ 

India                                4,006           7,573       10,984       14,145       20,644            N/A              N/A       51,610              N/A​​ 

Indonesia                        3,595           5,821         8,544         9,807       12,107             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 


  (Bezek & Darcom)        2,442           3,988         5,792         7,204         9,799       12,493         17,860       24,449         28,932​​ 

Jamaica                          1,672           3,333         4,990         6,640             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Japan (KDD)                   2,595           4,341         6,324         7,927       10,927       14,180         21,057       29,472         33,655​​ 

Kazakhstan3                 10,802         15,453            N/A       23,514       28,244       33,183         50,992            N/A              N/A​​ 

Korea (KT & Dacom)      2,595           4,341         6,324         7,927       10,927       14,180         21,057       29,472         33,655​​ 

Malaysia                         2,945           4,911         7,144         8,947       12,297       14,972         21,057             ICB               ICB​​ 

Mexico2                          5,309           9,105       11,399       14,186             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand                 2,795           4,671         6,794         8,507             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Panama                              ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Philippines (GMCR)         2,595           4,341         6,324         7,927       10,927       14,180         21,057       27,581         30,309​​ 


  To Moscow                10,207         15,373       19,281       23,189       29,094       35,033         47,242       55,987         64,731​​ 


  To St. Petersburg         3,352           5,823         8,292         9,591       12,181            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

Saudi Arabia                      ICB               ICB             ICB            N/A            N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A​​ 

South Africa                   3,292           5,228         7,662         8,644             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Singapore                       2,595           4,341         6,324         7,927       10,927       14,180         21,057       32,364         33,655​​ 

Thailand                          3,595           5,821             ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB               ICB             ICB               ICB​​ 

Venezuela                      2,942           5,308         6,712         8,124       15,068       18,979         25,950       27,793         31,441​​ 




1​​            Full Circuit - U.S. Half and Foreign Half Price.  Does not include Foreign Local Loop.​​ 

2​​            Full Circuit - U.S. Half and Foreign Half Price.  Requires Customer to have an Earth Station.​​ 

3​​            Does Not include Foreign Local Loop.​​ 


.03       The monthly recurring per-circuit charges set forth in this Section apply to service installed on or after November 23, 1999 and prior to October 1, 2002:​​ 


                        .1         Zone 1 West Coast Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Angola             $ 4,523    $ 7,884   $11,308   $13,568   $15,830   $19,900   $27,092       $31,660           $40,836       $48,189​​ 

Argentina           3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Aruba                 3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Australia             3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Austria               3,455       6,178       7,955     10,648     11,556     13,538     19,466         26,263             32,127         37,769​​ 

Azerbaijan        12,794     19,369     24,417     29,349     36,680     44,231     55,613               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas            3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Bahrain               4,523       7,884     11,308     13,568     15,830     19,900     27,092         31,660             40,836         48,189​​ 

Belize                 3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Bolivia                 3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Brazil                  3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Bulgaria              4,523       7,884          N/A     13,568          N/A     19,900          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands  3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Chile                   3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

China                  3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Colombia             3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Costa Rica          3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Curacao             3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Czech Republic  4,132       7,231     10,330     12,395     14,461     18,180     24,746              N/A             37,317              N/A​​ 


  Republic           3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Ecuador              3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Egypt                  4,132       7,231     10,330     12,395     14,461     18,180     24,746         28,923             37,317         43,676​​ 

El Salvador         3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

France                3,455       6,178       7,955     10,648     11,556     13,538     19,466         26,263             32,127         37,769​​ 

Germany            3,455       6,178       7,955     10,648     11,556     13,538     19,466         26,263             32,127         37,769​​ 

Guatemala          3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Guyana              3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Haiti                    3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Honduras           3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Hong Kong         3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Hungary             4,132       7,231     10,330     12,395     14,461     18,180     24,746         28,923             37,317         43,676​​ 

India                    3,738       6,420       9,083     10,584     12,349     15,370     20,915         24,454             35,766         41,511​​ 

Indonesia            3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Israel                  4,132       7,231     10,330     12,395     14,461     18,180     24,746         28,923             37,317         43,676​​ 

Jamaica              3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Japan                 3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Kazakhstan      11,254     16,244          N/A     24,869     29,805     35,171     53,658              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 


  Republic of       3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Malaysia             3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Mexico                5,916     10,167     12,916     16,007           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand     3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Nicaragua           3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Pakistan              4,523       7,884     11,308     13,568     15,830     19,900     27,092         31,660             40,836         48,189​​ 

Panama              3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Paraguay            3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Peru                    3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Philippines          3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Poland                4,132       7,231     10,330     12,395     14,461     18,180     24,746         28,923             37,317         43,676​​ 

Russia                4,132       7,231     10,330     12,395     14,461     18,180     24,746         28,923             37,317         43,676​​ 

Saudi Arabia      4,523       7,884     11,308     13,568     15,830     19,900     27,092         31,660             40,836         48,189​​ 

Singapore           3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

South Africa       3,738       6,420       9,083     10,584     12,349     15,370     20,915         24,454             35,766         41,511​​ 

Spain                  3,455       6,178       7,955     10,648     11,556     13,538     19,466         26,263             32,127         37,769​​ 

Taiwan               3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Thailand              3,496       6,293       7,084       9,531     13,340     18,860     24,040         25,760             27,968         36,708​​ 

Turkey                4,132       7,231     10,330     12,395     14,461     18,180     24,746         28,923             37,317         43,676​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates           3,738       6,420       9,083     10,584     12,349     15,370     20,915         24,454             35,766         41,511​​ 

United Kingdom  3,455       6,178       7,955     10,648     11,556     13,538     19,466         26,263             32,127         37,769​​ 

Uruguay             3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Venezuela          3,614       6,484       9,035     11,453     14,773     17,124     22,331         27,749             35,834         42,650​​ 

Vietnam              3,496       6,293          N/A       9,531     13,340          N/A          N/A              N/A             27,968              N/A​​ 


            .2         Zone 2 Midwest Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Angola             $ 4,479    $ 7,806   $11,197   $13,436   $15,676   $19,705   $26,831       $31,350           $40,149       $47,365​​ 

Argentina           3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Aruba                 3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Australia             3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Austria               3,411       6,100       7,844     10,516     11,402     13,343     19,205         25,953             31,440         36,945​​ 

Azerbaijan        12,750     19,291     24,306     29,217     36,526     44,036     55,352               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas            3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Bahrain               4,479       7,806     11,197     13,436     15,676     19,705     26,831         31,350             40,149         47,365​​ 

Belize                 3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Bolivia                 3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Brazil                  3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Bulgaria              4,479       7,806          N/A     13,436          N/A     19,705          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands  3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Chile                   3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

China                  3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Colombia             3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Costa Rica          3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Curacao             3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Czech Republic  4,088       7,153     10,219     12,263     14,307     17,985     24,485              N/A             36,630              N/A​​ 


  Republic           3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Ecuador              3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Egypt                  4,088       7,153     10,219     12,263     14,307     17,985     24,485         28,613             36,630         42,852​​ 

El Salvador         3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

France                3,411       6,100       7,844     10,516     11,402     13,343     19,205         25,953             31,440         36,945​​ 

Germany            3,411       6,100       7,844     10,516     11,402     13,343     19,205         25,953             31,440         36,945​​ 

Guatemala          3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Guyana              3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Haiti                    3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Honduras           3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Hong Kong         3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Hungary             4,088       7,153     10,219     12,263     14,307     17,985     24,485         28,613             36,630         42,852​​ 

India                    3,694       6,342       8,972     10,452     12,195     15,175     20,654         24,144             35,079         40,687​​ 

Indonesia            3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Israel                  4,088       7,153     10,219     12,263     14,307     17,985     24,485         28,613             36,630         42,852​​ 

Jamaica              3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Japan                 3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Kazakhstan      11,210     16,166          N/A     24,737     29,651     34,976     53,397              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 


  Republic of       3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Malaysia             3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Mexico                5,653       9,706     12,258     15,216           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand     3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Nicaragua           3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Pakistan              4,479       7,806     11,197     13,436     15,676     19,705     26,831         31,350             40,149         47,365​​ 

Panama              3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Paraguay            3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Peru                    3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Philippines          3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Poland                4,088       7,153     10,219     12,263     14,307     17,985     24,485         28,613             36,630         42,852​​ 

Russia                4,088       7,153     10,219     12,263     14,307     17,985     24,485         28,613             36,630         42,852​​ 

Saudi Arabia      4,479       7,806     11,197     13,436     15,676     19,705     26,831         31,350             40,149         47,365​​ 

Singapore           3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

South Africa       3,694       6,342       8,972     10,452     12,195     15,175     20,654         24,144             35,079         40,687​​ 

Spain                  3,411       6,100       7,844     10,516     11,402     13,343     19,205         25,953             31,440         36,945​​ 

Taiwan               3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Thailand              3,880       6,965       8,044     10,683     14,683     20,549     26,305         28,447             31,260         40,658​​ 

Turkey                4,088       7,153     10,219     12,263     14,307     17,985     24,485         28,613             36,630         42,852​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates           3,694       6,342       8,972     10,452     12,195     15,175     20,654         24,144             35,079         40,687​​ 

United Kingdom  3,411       6,100       7,844     10,516     11,402     13,343     19,205         25,953             31,440         36,945​​ 

Uruguay             3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Venezuela          3,351       6,023       8,377     10,662     13,850     15,964     20,776         25,903             33,444         39,783​​ 

Vietnam              3,880       6,965          N/A     10,683     14,683          N/A          N/A              N/A             31,260              N/A​​ 


                        .3         Zone 3 Southeast Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Angola             $ 4,428    $ 7,718   $11,070   $13,284   $15,498   $19,483   $26,532       $30,996           $39,685       $46,808​​ 

Argentina           3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Aruba                 3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Australia             4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Austria               3,360       6,012       7,717     10,364     11,224     13,121     18,906         25,599             30,976         36,388​​ 

Azerbaijan        12,699     19,203     24,179     29,065     36,348     43,814     55,053               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas            3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Bahrain               4,428       7,718     11,070     13,284     15,498     19,483     26,532         30,996             39,685         46,808​​ 

Belize                 3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Bolivia                 3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Brazil                  3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Bulgaria              4,428       7,718          N/A     13,284          N/A     19,483          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands  3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Chile                   3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

China                  4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Colombia             3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Costa Rica          3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Curacao             3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Czech Republic  4,037       7,065     10,092     12,111     14,129     17,763     24,186              N/A             36,166              N/A​​ 


  Republic           3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Ecuador              3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Egypt                  4,037       7,065     10,092     12,111     14,129     17,763     24,186         28,259             36,166         42,295​​ 

El Salvador         3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

France                3,360       6,012       7,717     10,364     11,224     13,121     18,906         25,599             30,976         36,388​​ 

Germany            3,360       6,012       7,717     10,364     11,224     13,121     18,906         25,599             30,976         36,388​​ 

Guatemala          3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Guyana              3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Haiti                    3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Honduras           3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Hong Kong         4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Hungary             4,037       7,065     10,092     12,111     14,129     17,763     24,186         28,259             36,166         42,295​​ 

India                    3,643       6,254       8,845     10,300     12,017     14,953     20,355         23,790             34,615         40,130​​ 

Indonesia            4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Israel                  4,037       7,065     10,092     12,111     14,129     17,763     24,186         28,259             36,166         42,295​​ 

Jamaica              3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Japan                 4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Kazakhstan      11,159     16,078          N/A     24,585     29,473     34,754     53,098              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 


  Republic of       4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Malaysia             4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Mexico                5,309       9,105     11,399     14,186           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand     4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Nicaragua           3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Pakistan              4,428       7,718     11,070     13,284     15,498     19,483     26,532         30,996             39,685         46,808​​ 

Panama              3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Paraguay            3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Peru                    3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Philippines          4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Poland                4,037       7,065     10,092     12,111     14,129     17,763     24,186         28,259             36,166         42,295​​ 

Russia                4,037       7,065     10,092     12,111     14,129     17,763     24,186         28,259             36,166         42,295​​ 

Saudi Arabia      4,428       7,718     11,070     13,284     15,498     19,483     26,532         30,996             39,685         46,808​​ 

Singapore           4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

South Africa       3,643       6,254       8,845     10,300     12,017     14,953     20,355         23,790             34,615         40,130​​ 

Spain                  3,360       6,012       7,717     10,364     11,224     13,121     18,906         25,599             30,976         36,388​​ 

Taiwan               4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Thailand              4,103       7,355       8,601     11,352     15,464     21,531     27,621         30,009             33,302         43,108​​ 

Turkey                4,037       7,065     10,092     12,111     14,129     17,763     24,186         28,259             36,166         42,295​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates           3,643       6,254       8,845     10,300     12,017     14,953     20,355         23,790             34,615         40,130​​ 

United Kingdom  3,360       6,012       7,717     10,364     11,224     13,121     18,906         25,599             30,976         36,388​​ 

Uruguay             3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Venezuela          3,007       5,422       7,518       9,632     12,649     14,453     18,750         23,500             30,500         36,250​​ 

Vietnam              4,103       7,355          N/A     11,352     15,464          N/A          N/A              N/A             33,302              N/A​​ 


                        .4         Zone 4 Central Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Angola             $ 4,356    $ 7,593   $10,892   $13,069   $15,248   $19,168   $26,110       $30,495           $39,031       $46,023​​ 

Argentina           3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Aruba                 3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Australia             3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Austria               3,288       5,887       7,539     10,149     10,974     12,806     18,484         25,098             30,322         35,603​​ 

Azerbaijan        12,627     19,078     24,001     28,850     36,098     43,499     54,631               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas            3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Bahrain               4,356       7,593     10,892     13,069     15,248     19,168     26,110         30,495             39,031         46,023​​ 

Belize                 3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Bolivia                 3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Brazil                  3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Bulgaria              4,356       7,593          N/A     13,069          N/A     19,168          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands  3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Chile                   3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

China                  3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Colombia             3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Costa Rica          3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Curacao             3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Czech Republic  3,965       6,940       9,914     11,896     13,879     17,448     23,764              N/A             35,512              N/A​​ 


  Republic           3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Ecuador              3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Egypt                  3,965       6,940       9,914     11,896     13,879     17,448     23,764         27,758             35,512         41,510​​ 

El Salvador         3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

France                3,288       5,887       7,539     10,149     10,974     12,806     18,484         25,098             30,322         35,603​​ 

Germany            3,288       5,887       7,539     10,149     10,974     12,806     18,484         25,098             30,322         35,603​​ 

Guatemala          3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Guyana              3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Haiti                    3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Honduras           3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Hong Kong         3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Hungary             3,965       6,940       9,914     11,896     13,879     17,448     23,764         27,758             35,512         41,510​​ 

India                    3,571       6,129       8,667     10,085     11,767     14,638     19,933         23,289             33,961         39,345​​ 

Indonesia            3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Israel                  3,965       6,940       9,914     11,896     13,879     17,448     23,764         27,758             35,512         41,510​​ 

Jamaica              3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Japan                 3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Kazakhstan      11,087     15,953          N/A     24,370     29,223     34,439     52,676              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 


  Republic of       3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Malaysia             3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Mexico                5,675       9,747     12,316     15,286           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand     3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Nicaragua           3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Pakistan              4,356       7,593     10,892     13,069     15,248     19,168     26,110         30,495             39,031         46,023​​ 

Panama              3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Paraguay            3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Peru                    3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Philippines          3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Poland                3,965       6,940       9,914     11,896     13,879     17,448     23,764         27,758             35,512         41,510​​ 

Russia                3,965       6,940       9,914     11,896     13,879     17,448     23,764         27,758             35,512         41,510​​ 

Saudi Arabia      4,356       7,593     10,892     13,069     15,248     19,168     26,110         30,495             39,031         46,023​​ 

Singapore           3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

South Africa       3,571       6,129       8,667     10,085     11,767     14,638     19,933         23,289             33,961         39,345​​ 

Spain                  3,288       5,887       7,539     10,149     10,974     12,806     18,484         25,098             30,322         35,603​​ 

Taiwan               3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Thailand              3,921       7,036       8,145     10,805     14,826     20,728     26,545         28,732             31,877         41,398​​ 

Turkey                3,965       6,940       9,914     11,896     13,879     17,448     23,764         27,758             35,512         41,510​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates           3,571       6,129       8,667     10,085     11,767     14,638     19,933         23,289             33,961         39,345​​ 

United Kingdom  3,288       5,887       7,539     10,149     10,974     12,806     18,484         25,098             30,322         35,603​​ 

Uruguay             3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Venezuela          3,373       6,064       8,435     10,732     13,932     16,066     20,913         26,066             33,644         40,023​​ 

Vietnam              3,921       7,036          N/A     10,805     14,826          N/A          N/A              N/A             31,877              N/A​​ 


                        .5         Zone 5 Central Rate Schedule​​ 


País​​              64 kbps​​   128 kbps​​  192 kbps​​  256 kbps​​  384 kbps​​  512 kbps​​  768 kbps​​    1.024 Mbps​​      1.536 Mbps​​  1.984 Mbps​​ 


Angola             $ 4,071    $ 7,093   $10,178   $12,213   $14,249   $17,912   $24,426       $28,497           $36,639       $43,153​​ 

Argentina           3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Aruba                 3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Australia             3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Austria               3,003       5,387       6,825       9,293       9,975     11,550     16,800         23,100             27,930         32,733​​ 

Azerbaijan        12,342     18,578     23,287     27,994     35,099     42,243     52,947               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

Bahamas            3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Bahrain               4,071       7,093     10,178     12,213     14,249     17,912     24,426         28,497             36,639         43,153​​ 

Belize                 3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Bolivia                 3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Brazil                  3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Bulgaria              4,071       7,093          N/A     12,213          N/A     17,912          N/A              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 

Cayman Islands  3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Chile                   3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

China                  3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Colombia             3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Costa Rica          3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Curacao             3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Czech Republic  3,680       6,440       9,200     11,040     12,880     16,192     22,080              N/A             33,120              N/A​​ 


  Republic           3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Ecuador              3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Egypt                  3,680       6,440       9,200     11,040     12,880     16,192     22,080         25,760             33,120         38,640​​ 

El Salvador         3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

France                3,003       5,387       6,825       9,293       9,975     11,550     16,800         23,100             27,930         32,733​​ 

Germany            3,003       5,387       6,825       9,293       9,975     11,550     16,800         23,100             27,930         32,733​​ 

Guatemala          3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Guyana              3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Haiti                    3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Honduras           3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Hong Kong         3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Hungary             3,680       6,440       9,200     11,040     12,880     16,192     22,080         25,760             33,120         38,640​​ 

India                    3,286       5,629       7,953       9,229     10,768     13,382     18,249         21,291             31,569         36,475​​ 

Indonesia            3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Israel                  3,680       6,440       9,200     11,040     12,880     16,192     22,080         25,760             33,120         38,640​​ 

Jamaica              3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Japan                 3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Kazakhstan      10,802     15,453          N/A     23,514     28,224     33,183     50,992              N/A                  N/A              N/A​​ 


  Republic of       3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Malaysia             3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Mexico                3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703           ICB           ICB           ICB               ICB                   ICB               ICB​​ 

New Zealand     3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Nicaragua           3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Pakistan              4,071       7,093     10,178     12,213     14,249     17,912     24,426         28,497             36,639         43,153​​ 

Panama              3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Paraguay            3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Peru                    3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Philippines          3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Poland                3,680       6,440       9,200     11,040     12,880     16,192     22,080         25,760             33,120         38,640​​ 

Russia                3,680       6,440       9,200     11,040     12,880     16,192     22,080         25,760             33,120         38,640​​ 

Saudi Arabia      4,071       7,093     10,178     12,213     14,249     17,912     24,426         28,497             36,639         43,153​​ 

Singapore           3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

South Africa       3,286       5,629       7,953       9,229     10,768     13,382     18,249         21,291             31,569         36,475​​ 

Spain                  3,003       5,387       6,825       9,293       9,975     11,550     16,800         23,100             27,930         32,733​​ 

Taiwan               3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Thailand              3,948       7,084       8,214     10,886     14,921     20,848     26,706         28,923             32,165         41,744​​ 

Turkey                3,680       6,440       9,200     11,040     12,880     16,192     22,080         25,760             33,120         38,640​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates           3,286       5,629       7,953       9,229     10,768     13,382     18,249         21,291             31,569         36,475​​ 

United Kingdom  3,003       5,387       6,825       9,293       9,975     11,550     16,800         23,100             27,930         32,733​​ 

Uruguay             3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Venezuela          3,364       6,047       8,410     10,703     13,898     16,024     20,856         25,999             33,546         39,905​​ 

Vietnam              3,948       7,084          N/A     10,886     14,921          N/A          N/A              N/A             32,165              N/A​​ 


.04       The following monthly recurring per-circuit charges apply Satellite Digital Private Line Service between locations in domestic zones and the following international locations installed after September 31, 2002 under a term of service of less than 1 year or Customer contracts which provide discounts which exceed 35 percent of the monthly recurring charges for Satellite Digital Private Line Service:​​ 


.1         Between US Central Zone and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                    Circuit Speed (kbps)​​                                                                   

País​​                  64​​            128​​           192​​           256​​           384​​           512​​           768​​              1,024​​                1,544​​            2,048​​ 


Anguilla            $1,517     $2,655   $  3,909   $  4,785   $  6,189   $  7,671   $10,357       $12,625           $15,386       $17,185​​ 

Antigua               1,517       2,655       3,909       4,785       6,189       7,671     10,357         12,625             15,386         17,185​​ 

Argentina           2,697       4,720       6,978       8,561     11,204     13,867     18,735         22,656             27,482         30,461​​ 

Aruba                 1,517       2,655       3,909       4,785       6,189       7,671     10,357         12,625             15,386         17,185​​ 

Australia             2,305       4,034       5,958       7,307       9,537     11,808     15,951         19,323             23,462         26,049​​ 

Austria               1,332       2,331       3,428       4,192       5,402       6,699       9,042         11,051             13,487         15,102​​ 

Bahamas            1,632       2,857       4,209       5,154       6,679       8,277     11,176         13,606             16,569         18,483​​ 

Bahrain               2,762       4,834       7,148       8,771     11,482     14,210     19,200         23,212             28,152         31,196​​ 

Barbados           1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Belarus               1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Belgium               1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Bermuda             1,632       2,857       4,209       5,154       6,679       8,277     11,176         13,606             16,569         18,483​​ 

Bolivia                 2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

Brazil                  1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands              1,632       2,857       4,209       5,154       6,679       8,277     11,176         13,606             16,569         18,483​​ 

Brunei                 2,305       4,034       5,958       7,307       9,537     11,808     15,951         19,323             23,462         26,049​​ 

Bulgaria              2,697       4,720       6,978       8,561     11,204     13,867     18,735         22,656             27,482         30,461​​ 

Cayman Islands  1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Chile                   2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

China                  1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Colombia             2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

Costa Rica          1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Croatia                1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Cyprus               2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

Czech Republic  1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Denmark             1,208       2,115       3,107       3,797       4,877       6,051       8,165         10,002             12,222         13,713​​ 

Dominica             1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 


  Republic           2,019       3,533       5,214       6,391       8,322     10,306     13,920         16,891             20,530         22,831​​ 

Ecuador              2,697       4,720       6,978       8,561     11,204     13,867     18,735         22,656             27,482         30,461​​ 

Egypt                  2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

El Salvador         1,517       2,655       3,909       4,785       6,189       7,671     10,357         12,625             15,386         17,185​​ 

Finland                1,332       2,331       3,428       4,192       5,402       6,699       9,042         11,051             13,487         15,102​​ 

France                1,332       2,331       3,428       4,192       5,402       6,699       9,042         11,051             13,487         15,102​​ 

Germany            1,332       2,331       3,428       4,192       5,402       6,699       9,042         11,051             13,487         15,102​​ 

Greece               1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Grenada             2,019       3,533       5,214       6,391       8,322     10,306     13,920         16,891             20,530         22,831​​ 

Guatemala          1,517       2,655       3,909       4,785       6,189       7,671     10,357         12,625             15,386         17,185​​ 

Guyana              1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Haiti                    1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Honduras           1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Hong Kong         1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Hungary             1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

India                    2,697       4,720       6,978       8,561     11,204     13,867     18,735         22,656             27,482         30,461​​ 

Indonesia            1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Ireland                1,208       2,115       3,107       3,797       4,877       6,051       8,165         10,002             12,222         13,713​​ 

Israel                  2,762       4,834       7,148       8,771     11,482     14,210     19,200         23,212             28,152         31,196​​ 

Italy                     1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Jamaica              2,019       3,533       5,214       6,391       8,322     10,306     13,920         16,891             20,530         22,831​​ 

Japan                 1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 


  Republic of       1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Latvia                 1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Lebanon             2,762       4,834       7,148       8,771     11,482     14,210     19,200         23,212             28,152         31,196​​ 

Lithuania             1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Luxembourg       4,173       7,303     10,816     13,285     17,478     21,616     29,216         35,203             42,612         47,067​​ 

Malaysia             2,305       4,034       5,958       7,307       9,537     11,808     15,951         19,323             23,462         26,049​​ 

Montserrat          1,632       2,857       4,209       5,154       6,679       8,277     11,176         13,606             16,569         18,483​​ 

Morocco             2,019       3,533       5,214       6,391       8,322     10,306     13,920         16,891             20,530         22,831​​ 

Netherlands        1,208       2,115       3,107       3,797       4,877       6,051       8,165         10,002             12,222         13,713​​ 


  Antilles             1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

New Zealand     3,763       6,585       9,749     11,972     15,734     19,462     26,303         31,716             38,407         42,452​​ 

Nicaragua           1,517       2,655       3,909       4,785       6,189       7,671     10,357         12,625             15,386         17,185​​ 

Norway              1,332       2,331       3,428       4,192       5,402       6,699       9,042         11,051             13,487         15,102​​ 

Oman                  2,019       3,533       5,214       6,391       8,322     10,306     13,920         16,891             20,530         22,831​​ 

Pakistan              2,212       3,871       5,717       7,009       9,143     11,320     15,292         18,534             22,511         25,005​​ 

Panama              1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Paraguay            2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

Peru                    2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

Philippines          2,305       4,034       5,958       7,307       9,537     11,808     15,951         19,323             23,462         26,049​​ 

Poland                1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Portugal              1,208       2,115       3,107       3,797       4,877       6,051       8,165         10,002             12,222         13,713​​ 

Romania             2,697       4,720       6,978       8,561     11,204     13,867     18,735         22,656             27,482         30,461​​ 

Russia                1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Saudi Arabia      2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

Singapore           1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Slovenia             1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

South Africa       5,130       8,978     13,304     16,348     21,546     26,642     36,013         43,340             52,424         57,837​​ 

Spain                  1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Sri Lanka            2,212       3,871       5,717       7,009       9,143     11,320     15,292         18,534             22,511         25,005​​ 

St. Kitts               1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

St. Lucia             1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

St. Vincent         2,019       3,533       5,214       6,391       8,322     10,306     13,920         16,891             20,530         22,831​​ 

Sweden             1,332       2,331       3,428       4,192       5,402       6,699       9,042         11,051             13,487         15,102​​ 

Switzerland        4,173       7,303     10,816     13,285     17,478     21,616     29,216         35,203             42,612         47,067​​ 

Taiwan               1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Thailand              2,305       4,034       5,958       7,307       9,537     11,808     15,951         19,323             23,462         26,049​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago 1,517       2,655       3,909       4,785       6,189       7,671     10,357         12,625             15,386         17,185​​ 

Tunisia                2,019       3,533       5,214       6,391       8,322     10,306     13,920         16,891             20,530         22,831​​ 

Turkey                2,566       4,491       6,638       8,143     10,648     13,180     17,807         21,545             26,142         28,990​​ 

Ukraine               2,697       4,720       6,978       8,561     11,204     13,867     18,735         22,656             27,482         30,461​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates           2,762       4,834       7,148       8,771     11,482     14,210     19,200         23,212             28,152         31,196​​ 

United Kingdom  1,455       2,547       3,749       4,588       5,926       7,347       9,918         12,100             14,753         16,490​​ 

Uruguay             2,697       4,720       6,978       8,561     11,204     13,867     18,735         22,656             27,482         30,461​​ 

Venezuela          1,761       3,082       4,544       5,567       7,227       8,953     12,091         14,701             17,889         19,932​​ 

Vietnam              1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 

Yugoslavia         1,890       3,308       4,879       5,979       7,774       9,630     13,005         15,796             19,209         21,382​​ 


.2         Between US East Zone and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                    Circuit Speed (kbps)​​                                                                   

País​​                  64​​            128​​           192​​           256​​           384​​           512​​           768​​              1,024​​                1,544​​            2,048​​ 


Anguilla            $1,173     $2,052   $  3,049   $  3,753   $  4,985   $  6,157   $  8,327       $  9,969           $12,022       $13,194​​ 

Antigua               1,173       2,052       3,049       3,753       4,985       6,157       8,327           9,969             12,022         13,194​​ 

Argentina           2,353       4,118       6,118       7,529     10,000     12,353     16,706         20,000             24,118         26,471​​ 

Aruba                 1,173       2,052       3,049       3,753       4,985       6,157       8,327           9,969             12,022         13,194​​ 

Australia             2,481       4,342       6,398       7,835     10,153     12,582     16,990         20,681             25,184         28,091​​ 

Austria                  988       1,728       2,568       3,160       4,198       5,185       7,012           8,395             10,123         11,111​​ 

Bahamas            1,288       2,254       3,349       4,122       5,475       6,763       9,147         10,950             13,205         14,493​​ 

Bahrain               2,418       4,232       6,288       7,739     10,278     12,696     17,170         20,556             24,788         27,206​​ 

Barbados           1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Belarus               1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Belgium               1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Bermuda             1,288       2,254       3,349       4,122       5,475       6,763       9,147         10,950             13,205         14,493​​ 

Bolivia                 2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

Brazil                  1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands              1,288       2,254       3,349       4,122       5,475       6,763       9,147         10,950             13,205         14,493​​ 

Brunei                 2,481       4,342       6,398       7,835     10,153     12,582     16,990         20,681             25,184         28,091​​ 

Bulgaria              2,353       4,118       6,118       7,529     10,000     12,353     16,706         20,000             24,118         26,471​​ 

Cayman Islands  1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Chile                   2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

China                  2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Colombia             2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

Costa Rica          1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Croatia                1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Cyprus               2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

Czech Republic  1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Denmark                864       1,512       2,247       2,765       3,673       4,537       6,136           7,346               8,858           9,722​​ 

Dominica             1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 


  Republic           1,675       2,931       4,354       5,359       7,118       8,792     11,890         14,235             17,166         18,841​​ 

Ecuador              2,353       4,118       6,118       7,529     10,000     12,353     16,706         20,000             24,118         26,471​​ 

Egypt                  2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

El Salvador         1,173       2,052       3,049       3,753       4,985       6,157       8,327           9,969             12,022         13,194​​ 

Finland                   988       1,728       2,568       3,160       4,198       5,185       7,012           8,395             10,123         11,111​​ 

France                   988       1,728       2,568       3,160       4,198       5,185       7,012           8,395             10,123         11,111​​ 

Germany               988       1,728       2,568       3,160       4,198       5,185       7,012           8,395             10,123         11,111​​ 

Greece               1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Grenada             1,675       2,931       4,354       5,359       7,118       8,792     11,890         14,235             17,166         18,841​​ 

Guatemala          1,173       2,052       3,049       3,753       4,985       6,157       8,327           9,969             12,022         13,194​​ 

Guyana              1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Haiti                    1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Honduras           1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Hong Kong         1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Hungary             1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

India                    2,353       4,118       6,118       7,529     10,000     12,353     16,706         20,000             24,118         26,471​​ 

Indonesia            2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Ireland                   864       1,512       2,247       2,765       3,673       4,537       6,136           7,346               8,858           9,722​​ 

Israel                  2,418       4,232       6,288       7,739     10,278     12,696     17,170         20,556             24,788         27,206​​ 

Italy                     1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Jamaica              1,675       2,931       4,354       5,359       7,118       8,792     11,890         14,235             17,166         18,841​​ 

Japan                 1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 


  Republic of       2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Latvia                 1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Lebanon             2,418       4,232       6,288       7,739     10,278     12,696     17,170         20,556             24,788         27,206​​ 

Lithuania             1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Luxembourg       3,829       6,701       9,956     12,253     16,274     20,103     27,186         32,547             39,248         43,077​​ 

Malaysia             2,481       4,342       6,398       7,835     10,153     12,582     16,990         20,681             25,184         28,091​​ 

Montserrat          1,288       2,254       3,349       4,122       5,475       6,763       9,147         10,950             13,205         14,493​​ 

Morocco             1,675       2,931       4,354       5,359       7,118       8,792     11,890         14,235             17,166         18,841​​ 

Netherlands           864       1,512       2,247       2,765       3,673       4,537       6,136           7,346               8,858           9,722​​ 


  Antilles             1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

New Zealand     3,939       6,893     10,189     12,500     16,350     20,237     27,342         33,074             40,128         44,494​​ 

Nicaragua           1,173       2,052       3,049       3,753       4,985       6,157       8,327           9,969             12,022         13,194​​ 

Norway                 988       1,728       2,568       3,160       4,198       5,185       7,012           8,395             10,123         11,111​​ 

Oman                  1,675       2,931       4,354       5,359       7,118       8,792     11,890         14,235             17,166         18,841​​ 

Pakistan              1,868       3,269       4,857       5,977       7,939       9,807     13,262         15,878             19,147         21,014​​ 

Panama              1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Paraguay            2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

Peru                    2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

Philippines          2,481       4,342       6,398       7,835     10,153     12,582     16,990         20,681             25,184         28,091​​ 

Poland                1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Portugal                 864       1,512       2,247       2,765       3,673       4,537       6,136           7,346               8,858           9,722​​ 

Romania             2,353       4,118       6,118       7,529     10,000     12,353     16,706         20,000             24,118         26,471​​ 

Russia                1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Saudi Arabia      2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

Singapore           2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Slovenia             1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

South Africa       4,786       8,376     12,444     15,316     20,342     25,128     33,983         40,684             49,060         53,846​​ 

Spain                  1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Sri Lanka            1,868       3,269       4,857       5,977       7,939       9,807     13,262         15,878             19,147         21,014​​ 

St. Kitts               1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

St. Lucia             1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

St. Vincent         1,675       2,931       4,354       5,359       7,118       8,792     11,890         14,235             17,166         18,841​​ 

Sweden                988       1,728       2,568       3,160       4,198       5,185       7,012           8,395             10,123         11,111​​ 

Switzerland        3,829       6,701       9,956     12,253     16,274     20,103     27,186         32,547             39,248         43,077​​ 

Taiwan               1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Thailand              2,481       4,342       6,398       7,835     10,153     12,582     16,990         20,681             25,184         28,091​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago 1,173       2,052       3,049       3,753       4,985       6,157       8,327           9,969             12,022         13,194​​ 

Tunisia                1,675       2,931       4,354       5,359       7,118       8,792     11,890         14,235             17,166         18,841​​ 

Turkey                2,222       3,889       5,778       7,111       9,444     11,667     15,778         18,889             22,778         25,000​​ 

Ukraine               2,353       4,118       6,118       7,529     10,000     12,353     16,706         20,000             24,118         26,471​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates           2,418       4,232       6,288       7,739     10,278     12,696     17,170         20,556             24,788         27,206​​ 

United Kingdom  1,111       1,944       2,889       3,556       4,722       5,833       7,889           9,444             11,389         12,500​​ 

Uruguay             2,353       4,118       6,118       7,529     10,000     12,353     16,706         20,000             24,118         26,471​​ 

Venezuela          1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Vietnam              2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Yugoslavia         1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 


.3         Between US West Zone and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                    Circuit Speed (kbps)​​                                                                   

País​​                  64​​            128​​           192​​           256​​           384​​           512​​           768​​              1,024​​                1,544​​            2,048​​ 


Anguilla            $1,693     $2,963   $  4,349   $  5,313   $  6,805   $  8,445   $11,395       $13,984           $17,107       $19,226​​ 

Antigua               1,693       2,963       4,349       5,313       6,805       8,445     11,395         13,984             17,107         19,226​​ 

Argentina           2,873       5,028       7,418       9,089     11,820     14,641     19,774         24,014             29,203         32,503​​ 

Aruba                 1,693       2,963       4,349       5,313       6,805       8,445     11,395         13,984             17,107         19,226​​ 

Australia             1,961       3,431       5,098       6,275       8,333     10,294     13,922         16,667             20,098         22,059​​ 

Austria               1,508       2,639       3,868       4,720       6,018       7,473     10,080         12,409             15,209         17,143​​ 

Bahamas            1,808       3,165       4,649       5,682       7,295       9,051     12,215         14,964             18,290         20,525​​ 

Bahrain               2,938       5,142       7,588       9,299     12,098     14,984     20,238         24,570             29,873         33,238​​ 

Barbados           1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Belarus               2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Belgium               2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Bermuda             1,808       3,165       4,649       5,682       7,295       9,051     12,215         14,964             18,290         20,525​​ 

Bolivia                 2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

Brazil                  1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands              1,808       3,165       4,649       5,682       7,295       9,051     12,215         14,964             18,290         20,525​​ 

Brunei                 1,961       3,431       5,098       6,275       8,333     10,294     13,922         16,667             20,098         22,059​​ 

Bulgaria              2,873       5,028       7,418       9,089     11,820     14,641     19,774         24,014             29,203         32,503​​ 

Cayman Islands  1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Chile                   2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

China                  1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Colombia             2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

Costa Rica          1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Croatia                2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Cyprus               2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

Czech Republic  2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Denmark             1,384       2,423       3,547       4,325       5,493       6,825       9,204         11,360             13,944         15,754​​ 

Dominica             1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 


  Republic           2,195       3,841       5,654       6,919       8,938     11,080     14,958         18,250             22,251         24,873​​ 

Ecuador              2,873       5,028       7,418       9,089     11,820     14,641     19,774         24,014             29,203         32,503​​ 

Egypt                  2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

El Salvador         1,693       2,963       4,349       5,313       6,805       8,445     11,395         13,984             17,107         19,226​​ 

Finland                1,508       2,639       3,868       4,720       6,018       7,473     10,080         12,409             15,209         17,143​​ 

France                1,508       2,639       3,868       4,720       6,018       7,473     10,080         12,409             15,209         17,143​​ 

Germany            1,508       2,639       3,868       4,720       6,018       7,473     10,080         12,409             15,209         17,143​​ 

Greece               2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Grenada             2,195       3,841       5,654       6,919       8,938     11,080     14,958         18,250             22,251         24,873​​ 

Guatemala          1,693       2,963       4,349       5,313       6,805       8,445     11,395         13,984             17,107         19,226​​ 

Guyana              1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Haiti                    1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Honduras           1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Hong Kong         1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Hungary             2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

India                    2,873       5,028       7,418       9,089     11,820     14,641     19,774         24,014             29,203         32,503​​ 

Indonesia            1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Ireland                1,384       2,423       3,547       4,325       5,493       6,825       9,204         11,360             13,944         15,754​​ 

Israel                  2,938       5,142       7,588       9,299     12,098     14,984     20,238         24,570             29,873         33,238​​ 

Italy                     2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Jamaica              2,195       3,841       5,654       6,919       8,938     11,080     14,958         18,250             22,251         24,873​​ 

Japan                 1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 


  Republic of       1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Latvia                 2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Lebanon             2,938       5,142       7,588       9,299     12,098     14,984     20,238         24,570             29,873         33,238​​ 

Lithuania             2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Luxembourg       4,349       7,611     11,256     13,813     18,094     22,391     30,254         36,561             44,333         49,109​​ 

Malaysia             1,961       3,431       5,098       6,275       8,333     10,294     13,922         16,667             20,098         22,059​​ 

Montserrat          1,808       3,165       4,649       5,682       7,295       9,051     12,215         14,964             18,290         20,525​​ 

Morocco             2,195       3,841       5,654       6,919       8,938     11,080     14,958         18,250             22,251         24,873​​ 

Netherlands        1,384       2,423       3,547       4,325       5,493       6,825       9,204         11,360             13,944         15,754​​ 


  Antilles             1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

New Zealand     3,419       5,983       8,889     10,940     14,530     17,949     24,274         29,060             35,043         38,462​​ 

Nicaragua           1,693       2,963       4,349       5,313       6,805       8,445     11,395         13,984             17,107         19,226​​ 

Norway              1,508       2,639       3,868       4,720       6,018       7,473     10,080         12,409             15,209         17,143​​ 

Oman                  2,195       3,841       5,654       6,919       8,938     11,080     14,958         18,250             22,251         24,873​​ 

Pakistan              2,388       4,179       6,157       7,537       9,759     12,095     16,330         19,892             24,232         27,046​​ 

Panama              1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Paraguay            2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

Peru                    2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

Philippines          1,961       3,431       5,098       6,275       8,333     10,294     13,922         16,667             20,098         22,059​​ 

Poland                2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Portugal              1,384       2,423       3,547       4,325       5,493       6,825       9,204         11,360             13,944         15,754​​ 

Romania             2,873       5,028       7,418       9,089     11,820     14,641     19,774         24,014             29,203         32,503​​ 

Russia                2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Saudi Arabia      2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

Singapore           1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Slovenia             2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

South Africa       5,306       9,286     13,744     16,876     22,162     27,416     37,051         44,698             54,145         59,878​​ 

Spain                  2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 

Sri Lanka            2,388       4,179       6,157       7,537       9,759     12,095     16,330         19,892             24,232         27,046​​ 

St. Kitts               1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

St. Lucia             1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

St. Vincent         2,195       3,841       5,654       6,919       8,938     11,080     14,958         18,250             22,251         24,873​​ 

Sweden             1,508       2,639       3,868       4,720       6,018       7,473     10,080         12,409             15,209         17,143​​ 

Switzerland        4,349       7,611     11,256     13,813     18,094     22,391     30,254         36,561             44,333         49,109​​ 

Taiwan               1,417       2,480       3,684       4,535       6,023       7,440     10,061         12,045             14,525         15,942​​ 

Thailand              1,961       3,431       5,098       6,275       8,333     10,294     13,922         16,667             20,098         22,059​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago 1,693       2,963       4,349       5,313       6,805       8,445     11,395         13,984             17,107         19,226​​ 

Tunisia                2,195       3,841       5,654       6,919       8,938     11,080     14,958         18,250             22,251         24,873​​ 

Turkey                2,742       4,799       7,078       8,671     11,264     13,955     18,846         22,903             27,863         31,032​​ 

Ukraine               2,873       5,028       7,418       9,089     11,820     14,641     19,774         24,014             29,203         32,503​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates           2,938       5,142       7,588       9,299     12,098     14,984     20,238         24,570             29,873         33,238​​ 

United Kingdom  1,631       2,855       4,189       5,116       6,542       8,121     10,957         13,459             16,474         18,532​​ 

Uruguay             2,873       5,028       7,418       9,089     11,820     14,641     19,774         24,014             29,203         32,503​​ 

Venezuela          1,937       3,390       4,984       6,095       7,843       9,728     13,129         16,059             19,611         21,974​​ 

Vietnam              1,546       2,705       4,019       4,947       6,570       8,116     10,976         13,140             15,845         17,391​​ 

Yugoslavia         2,066       3,616       5,319       6,507       8,390     10,404     14,044         17,154             20,931         23,423​​ 


.05       The following monthly recurring per-circuit charges apply Satellite Digital Private Line Service between locations in domestic zones and the following international locations installed after September 31, 2002 under a term of service which exceeds 1 year, excluding  Customer contracts which provide discounts which exceed 35 percent of the monthly recurring charges for Satellite Digital Private Line Service, based on country and earth station:​​ 


.1         Between US Central Zone and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                                                                        Circuit Speed (kbps)​​                                                                 

Country/Earth Station​​                             64​​            128​​           256​​           384​​           512​​               768​​                  1,024​​            1,544​​            2,048​​ 


Albania Mjs-01a335                         $3,705     $6,485   $11,788   $15,490   $19,161       $25,896           $34,589       $37,818       $41,806​​ 

Algeria And-02a342                           3,135       5,487       9,964     13,067     16,168         21,848             29,173         31,974         35,392​​ 

Algeria Nyk-06c307                           3,135       5,487       9,964     13,067     16,168         21,848             29,173         31,974         35,392​​ 

American Samoa Yac-01a174           2,921       5,112       9,279     12,157     15,044         20,327             27,139         29,780         32,983​​ 

Angola Gld-05c307                            4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Angola Sfo-01a307                            4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Antigua Hou-1b332                            6,516     11,402     20,850     27,691     34,207         46,260             61,898         66,784         73,300​​ 

Argentina And-02a325                      3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Argentina And-02a342                      3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Argentina Blv-01b310                        6,456     11,298     20,590     27,180     33,601         45,424             60,720         66,012         72,750​​ 

Argentina Gld-05c307                        4,299       7,523     13,688     18,012     22,277         30,109             40,228         43,902         48,483​​ 

Argentina Mjs-01a335                        3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Argentina Nyk-06c307                       3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Argentina Pob-03b307                       3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Argentina Sfo-01a307                       3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Armenia And-02a359                         2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Aruba Sfo-01a307                             4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

Ascension Island And-02a342          3,155       5,521     10,026     13,149     16,270         21,985             29,357         32,173         35,610​​ 

Australia Pul-03a174                          3,985       6,975     12,685     16,680     20,631         27,884             37,250         40,689         44,957​​ 

Australia Yac-01a174                        3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Australia Yac-01a177                        3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Austria Mjs-01a335                            2,813       4,923       8,933     11,698     14,476         19,560             26,113         28,672         31,768​​ 

Azerbaijan And-02a359                     2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Azerbaijan Hfd-1bturk 1c                   5,497       9,620     17,521     23,104     28,566         38,615             51,608         56,181         61,960​​ 

Azerbaijan Sta-11b349                      4,308       7,539     13,716     18,050     22,323         30,172             40,312         43,993         48,583​​ 

Bahamas And-02a342                       2,921       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,323             27,133         29,773         32,976​​ 

Bahrain And-02a342                          3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Barbados And-02a325                      3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Belarus And-02a342                          2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Belarus And-02a359                          2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Belarus Sta-11b349                           4,308       7,539     13,716     18,050     22,323         30,172             40,312         43,993         48,583​​ 

Belize And-02a342                            2,921       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,323             27,133         29,773         32,976​​ 

Belize Blv-01b310                              6,070     10,622     19,354     25,538     31,573         42,682             57,049         62,052         68,404​​ 

Benin Mjs-01a335                              4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Bermuda And-02a342                        2,921       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,323             27,133         29,773         32,976​​ 

Bolivia Blv-01b310                             6,695     11,716     21,355     28,195     34,855         47,120             62,989         68,460         75,437​​ 

Bolivia Mjs-01a335                             3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Bolivia Stl-11f3307                             6,695     11,716     21,355     28,195     34,855         47,120             62,989         68,460         75,437​​ 

Bosnia Stl-01c335                              3,436       6,013     10,926     14,344     17,745         23,981             32,027         35,054         38,772​​ 

Brazil And-02a325                             3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Brazil And-02a342                             3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Brazil And-02a359                             3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Brazil Gld-05c307                              3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Brazil Gld-07a328                              3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Brazil Mjs-01a335                              3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Brazil Nyk-06c307                              3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Brazil Nyk-06c335                              3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Brazil Pob-03b307                              3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Brazil Sfo-01a307                              3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Brazil Stl-01c335                                3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Brunei Yac-01a174                            3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Bulgaria And-02a342                         3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Burkina Faso Mjs-01a335                  4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Cameroon And-02a325                      4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Cameroon Hou-1b325                        6,357     11,125     20,343     27,019     33,376         45,137             60,395         65,163         71,520​​ 

Cameroon Nyk-06c307                      4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Cape Verde Islands Mjs-01a335        4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Cayman Islands And-02a342             3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Central African Republic And-02a325 4,581      8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Chad Hou-1b325                                6,357     11,125     20,343     27,019     33,376         45,137             60,395         65,163         71,520​​ 

Chad Stl-01c335                                4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Chile And-02a325                              3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Chile And-02a342                              3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Chile Gld-05c307                                4,080       7,141     12,988     17,083     21,129         28,557             38,150         41,660         46,023​​ 

Chile Mjs-01a335                                3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Chile Nyk-06c307                               3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Chile Pob-03b307                               3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

China Pul-03a174                               4,080       7,140     12,987     17,081     21,127         28,554             38,147         41,656         46,019​​ 

China Yac-01a174                             2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

China Yac-01a177                             2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Colombia And-02a325                        3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Colombia Blv-01b310                         6,695     11,716     21,355     28,195     34,855         47,120             62,989         68,460         75,437​​ 

Colombia Gld-05c307                         4,080       7,141     12,988     17,083     21,129         28,557             38,150         41,660         46,023​​ 

Colombia Hou-1b332                          6,351     11,114     20,323     26,991     33,342         45,091             60,333         65,096         71,447​​ 

Colombia Mjs-01a335                         3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Colombia Nyk-06c307                        3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Colombia Pob-03b307                        3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Colombia Pob-03b307                        3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Colombia Sfo-01a307                         3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Congo And-02a325                            4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Congo Gld-05c307                             4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Congo Hou-1b325                              6,357     11,125     20,343     27,019     33,376         45,137             60,395         65,163         71,520​​ 

Congo Nyk-06c335                            4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Costa Rica And-02a325                     3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Costa Rica Mjs-01a335                      3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Costa Rica Nyk-06c307                     3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Costa Rica Nyk-06c335                     3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Costa Rica Pob-03b307                     3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Costa Rica Sfo-01a307                      3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Cuba Mjs-01a335                               3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Cuba Stl-11f3346 (Express 2)           6,248     10,935     19,926     26,298     32,512         43,951             58,748         63,885         70,415​​ 

Diego Garcia And-02a359                 2,921       5,112       9,279     12,157     15,044         20,327             27,139         29,780         32,983​​ 

Dominica Gld-07a328                         3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Dominican Republic And-02a325       3,282       5,744     10,434     13,691     16,939         22,891             30,569         33,480         37,045​​ 

Dominican Republic Hou-1b325         6,529     11,426     20,894     27,749     34,279         46,358             62,028         66,925         73,454​​ 

Dominican Republic Mjs-01a335        3,282       5,744     10,434     13,691     16,939         22,891             30,569         33,480         37,045​​ 

Dominican Republic Pob-03b307        3,282       5,744     10,434     13,691     16,939         22,891             30,569         33,480         37,045​​ 

Ecuador And-02a325                         3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Ecuador Blv-01b310                          6,456     11,298     20,590     27,180     33,601         45,424             60,720         66,012         72,750​​ 

Ecuador Hou-1b325                           6,112     10,696     19,558     25,976     32,088         43,395             58,064         62,648         68,759​​ 

Ecuador Mjs-01a335                          3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Ecuador Nyk-06c307                         3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Ecuador Nyk-06c335                         3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Ecuador Pob-03b307                         3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Ecuador Stl-01c335                           3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Egypt Mjs-01a335                              3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Egypt Nyk-06c335                              3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Egypt Stl-01c335                                3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

El Salvador And-02a325                    4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

El Salvador Blv-01b310                      6,860     12,005     21,882     28,895     35,720         48,290             64,554         70,148         77,290​​ 

El Salvador Gld-07a328                     4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

El Salvador Pob-03b307                     4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

Eritrea And-02a342                            4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Ethiopia And-02a342                          4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Ethiopia Mjs-01a335                           4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Fiji Islands Yac-01a174                      3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

French Polynesia Yac-01a174          3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Gabon And-02a325                           4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Gambia And-02a325                          4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Georgia And-02a359                         2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Ghana Mjs-01a335                             4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Ghana Nyk-06c335                            4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Greece And-02a342                          3,155       5,521     10,026     13,149     16,270         21,985             29,357         32,173         35,610​​ 

Guatemala Blv-01b310                       6,860     12,005     21,882     28,895     35,720         48,290             64,554         70,148         77,290​​ 

Guatemala Gld-07a328                      4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

Guatemala Mjs-01a335                      4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

Guatemala Pob-03b307                      4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

Guatemala Sfo-01a307                      4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

Guinea And-02a325                           4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Guyana And-02a325                         3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Guyana Nyk-06c335                          3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Haiti And-02a325                               3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Haiti Gld-07a328                                 3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Haiti Hou-1b325                                  6,591     11,534     21,091     28,012     34,603         46,796             62,615         67,558         74,149​​ 

Hawaii Pul-03a174                             4,081       7,142     12,990     17,086     21,132         28,561             38,156         41,667         46,030​​ 

Honduras And-02a325                      3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Honduras Blv-01b310                        6,248     10,935     19,926     26,298     32,512         43,951             58,748         63,885         70,415​​ 

Honduras Pob-03b307                       3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Honduras Sfo-01a307                       3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Honduras Stl-11f3307                        6,248     10,935     19,926     26,298     32,512         43,951             58,748         63,885         70,415​​ 

Hong Kong Pul-03a174                      4,081       7,142     12,990     17,086     21,132         28,561             38,156         41,667         46,030​​ 

Hong Kong Sfo-01a174                     3,437       6,014     10,928     14,347     17,750         23,987             32,035         35,063         38,782​​ 

Hong Kong Yac-01a177                    2,921       5,112       9,279     12,157     15,044         20,327             27,139         29,780         32,983​​ 

Hungary Mjs-01a335                          3,436       6,013     10,926     14,344     17,745         23,981             32,027         35,054         38,772​​ 

India And-02a359                               3,285       5,750     10,444     13,704     16,955         22,912             30,598         33,512         37,079​​ 

Indonesia Yac-01a177                       2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Iran And-02a342                                3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Iran And-02a359                                3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Israel And-02a325                             3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Israel Hfd-1bsta-5                              5,280       9,240     16,827     22,181     27,427         37,074             49,546         53,956         59,519​​ 

Italy Nyk-06c307                                3,155       5,521     10,026     13,149     16,270         21,985             29,357         32,173         35,610​​ 

Ivory Coast And-02a325                    4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Ivory Coast Hou-1b325                      6,357     11,125     20,343     27,019     33,376         45,137             60,395         65,163         71,520​​ 

Ivory Coast Stl-01c335                      4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Jamaica And-02a325                         3,282       5,744     10,434     13,691     16,939         22,891             30,569         33,480         37,045​​ 

Jamaica Gld-07a328                          3,282       5,744     10,434     13,691     16,939         22,891             30,569         33,480         37,045​​ 

Jamaica Hou-1b325                           6,529     11,426     20,894     27,749     34,279         46,358             62,028         66,925         73,454​​ 

Japan Sfo-01a174                             3,437       6,014     10,928     14,347     17,750         23,987             32,035         35,063         38,782​​ 

Jordan Mjs-01a335                            3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Jordan Scs-01b338                           5,635       9,862     17,963     23,691     29,291         39,596             52,921         57,597         63,514​​ 

Kazakhstan Hfd-1bsta-5                    5,497       9,620     17,521     23,104     28,566         38,615             51,608         56,181         61,960​​ 

Kenya Mjs-01a335                             4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Korea, Republic of  Pul-03a174         4,080       7,140     12,987     17,081     21,127         28,554             38,147         41,656         46,019​​ 

Korea, Republic of Yac-01a177        2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Kuwait And-02a342                           3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Kuwait And-02a359                           3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Kyrgyzstan Hfd-1bsta-5                    5,497       9,620     17,521     23,104     28,566         38,615             51,608         56,181         61,960​​ 

Latvia Sta-11b349 (Statsionar 11)     4,209       7,366     13,399     17,629     21,803         29,469             39,370         42,977         47,468​​ 

Lebanon And-02a342                        3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Lebanon And-02a359                        3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Liberia And-02a325                           4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Macao Yac-01a174                           2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Macedonia And-02a359                     3,436       6,013     10,926     14,344     17,745         23,981             32,027         35,054         38,772​​ 

Malawi Nyk-06c335                           4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Malaysia Yac-01a174                        3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Malaysia Yac-01a177                        3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Mali Nyk-06c335                                 4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Malta Mjs-01a335                               3,436       6,013     10,926     14,344     17,745         23,981             32,027         35,054         38,772​​ 

Marshall Islands Pul-03a174              4,081       7,142     12,990     17,086     21,132         28,561             38,156         41,667         46,030​​ 

Marshall Islands Yac-01a174            2,921       5,112       9,279     12,157     15,044         20,327             27,139         29,780         32,983​​ 

Marshall Islands Yac-01a177            2,921       5,112       9,279     12,157     15,044         20,327             27,139         29,780         32,983​​ 

Mauritius And-02a359                        4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Mexico Pob-03b307                           3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Micronesia Pul-03a174                       4,081       7,142     12,990     17,086     21,132         28,561             38,156         41,667         46,030​​ 

Micronesia Yac-01a174                     2,921       5,112       9,279     12,157     15,044         20,327             27,139         29,780         32,983​​ 

Moldova Sta-11b349                          4,209       7,366     13,399     17,629     21,803         29,469             39,370         42,977         47,468​​ 

Morocco Mjs-01a335                         3,135       5,487       9,964     13,067     16,168         21,848             29,173         31,974         35,392​​ 

Netherlands Antilles And-02a325      3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Netherlands Antilles Mjs-01a335       3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Netherlands Antilles Stl-11f3307       6,935     12,137     22,123     29,216     36,116         48,826             65,271         70,922         78,139​​ 

New Zealand Pul-03a174                  4,902       8,580     15,619     20,577     25,446         34,395             45,961         50,088         55,273​​ 

New Zealand Yac-01a174                3,763       6,585     11,972     15,734     19,463         26,303             35,135         38,407         42,452​​ 

New Zealand Yac-01a177                3,763       6,585     11,972     15,734     19,463         26,303             35,135         38,407         42,452​​ 

Nicaragua And-02a325                      4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

Nicaragua Hou-1b325                        6,516     11,402     20,850     27,691     34,207         46,260             61,898         66,784         73,300​​ 

Nigeria And-02a342                           4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Nigeria Mjs-01a335                            4,581       8,018     14,592     19,213     23,760         32,115             42,912         46,798         51,661​​ 

Oman And-02a342                             3,135       5,487       9,964     13,067     16,168         21,848             29,173         31,974         35,392​​ 

Pakistan And-02a359                         3,012       5,272       9,571     12,545     15,523         20,976             28,006         30,716         34,010​​ 

Palau Pul-03a174                               4,081       7,142     12,990     17,086     21,132         28,561             38,156         41,667         46,030​​ 

Panama And-02a342                         3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Panama Mjs-01a335                           3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Panama Pob-03b307                          3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Paraguay And-02a325                       3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Paraguay Blv-01b310                        6,695     11,716     21,355     28,195     34,855         47,120             62,989         68,460         75,437​​ 

Paraguay Mjs-01a335                        3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Peru And-02a325                               3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Peru And-02a342                               3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Peru Blv-01b310                                6,695     11,716     21,355     28,195     34,855         47,120             62,989         68,460         75,437​​ 

Peru Mjs-01a335                                3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Peru Nyk-06c335                               3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Peru Pob-03b307                               3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Peru Sfo-01a307                                3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Peru Stl-01c335                                 3,520       6,160     11,195     14,702     18,188         24,579             32,828         35,918         39,721​​ 

Philippines Yac-01a174                     3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Philippines Yac-01a177                     3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Poland Mjs-01a335                             3,155       5,521     10,026     13,149     16,270         21,985             29,357         32,173         35,610​​ 

Qatar And-02a342                             3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

Romania Mjs-01a335                          3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Russia And-02a342                           2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Russia And-02a359                           2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Russia Hfd-1bsta-5                            5,497       9,620     17,521     23,104     28,566         38,615             51,608         56,181         61,960​​ 

Russia Sta-11b349                            4,308       7,539     13,716     18,050     22,323         30,172             40,312         43,993         48,583​​ 

Russia Stl-01c335                              3,375       5,907     10,732     14,086     17,427         23,550             31,452         34,433         38,090​​ 

Russia Stl-11f3346                            6,336     11,088     20,206     26,669     32,970         44,571             59,577         64,779         71,397​​ 

Russia Yac-01a174                           2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Rwanda Nyk-06c335                         4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Saudi Arabia And-02a342                 3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Senegal Nyk-06c335                          4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Singapore Yac-01a174                      2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Singapore Yac-01a177                      2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Somalia And-02a359                          4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

Somalia Stl-11f3346                           4,582       8,019     14,594     19,216     23,764         32,121             42,919         46,806         51,670​​ 

South Africa And-02a342                  4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

South Africa Mjs-01a335                   4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

South Africa Nyk-06c335                  4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Sudan Nyk-06c335                            4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Suriname And-02a325                       3,887       6,802     12,369     16,260     20,113         27,183             36,311         39,676         43,845​​ 

Sweden Sta-11b349                          4,171       7,300     13,279     17,469     21,606         29,202             39,014         42,592         47,046​​ 

Syria Mjs-01a335                               3,436       6,013     10,926     14,344     17,745         23,981             32,027         35,054         38,772​​ 

Taiwan Yac-01a174                          2,921       5,112       9,279     12,157     15,044         20,327             27,139         29,780         32,983​​ 

Tanzania Nyk-06c335                        4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Thailand Pul-03a174                           4,080       7,140     12,987     17,081     21,127         28,554             38,147         41,656         46,019​​ 

Thailand Yac-01a174                         2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Tonga Yac-01a174                            3,145       5,504       9,996     13,109     16,220         21,918             29,267         32,076         35,503​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago And-02a325            4,253       7,444     13,542     17,819     22,038         29,786             39,795         43,435         47,970​​ 

Tunisia Mjs-01a335                            3,135       5,487       9,964     13,067     16,168         21,848             29,173         31,974         35,392​​ 

Turkey And-02a342                           3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Turkey And-02a359                           3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Turkey Mjs-01a335                            3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Turkey Stl-01c335                              3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Turkmenistan And-02a359                 2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Turkmenistan Hfd-1bsta-5                 5,497       9,620     17,521     23,104     28,566         38,615             51,608         56,181         61,960​​ 

Turks and Caicos Islands And-02a342 3,178     5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Uganda Mjs-01a335                           4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Ukraine Stl-01c335                             3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

United Arab Emirates And-02a342    3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

United Arab Emirates And-02a359    3,799       6,648     12,087     15,887     19,651         26,558             35,476         38,775         42,856​​ 

United Kingdom Hfd-1bsta-5              5,900     10,325     18,810     24,815     30,680         41,474             55,434         60,308         66,490​​ 

United Kingdom Pnx-01a307              8,891     15,560     28,382     37,529     46,385         62,713             83,853         90,971       100,144​​ 

Uruguay And-02a325                        3,705       6,485     11,788     15,490     19,161         25,896             34,589         37,818         41,806​​ 

Uruguay Blv-01b310                          6,456     11,298     20,590     27,180     33,601         45,424             60,720         66,012         72,750​​ 

Venezuela And-02a325                     3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Venezuela And-02a342                     3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Venezuela Blv-01b310                      6,935     12,137     22,123     29,216     36,116         48,826             65,271         70,922         78,139​​ 

Venezuela Nyk-06c307                     3,178       5,562     10,101     13,249     16,393         22,152             29,580         32,414         35,874​​ 

Venezuela Sfo-01a307                      3,493       6,113     11,109     14,587     18,046         24,388             32,572         35,642         39,417​​ 

Vietnam Yac-01a174                         2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Vietnam Yac-01a177                         2,920       5,111       9,277     12,154     15,040         20,322             27,132         29,773         32,975​​ 

Yemen And-02a342                           3,519       6,158     11,191     14,696     18,180         24,569             32,815         35,904         39,705​​ 

Zambia Mjs-01a335                            4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 

Zimbabwe Mjs-01a335                      4,581       8,017     14,590     19,210     23,757         32,111             42,906         46,791         51,654​​ 


.2         Between US East Zone and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                                                                        Circuit Speed (kbps)​​                                                                 

Country/Earth Station​​                             64​​            128​​           256​​           384​​           512​​               768​​                  1,024​​            1,544​​            2,048​​ 


Albania Mjs-01a335                         $3,361     $5,882   $10,756   $14,286   $17,647       $23,866           $31,933       $34,454       $37,816​​ 

Algeria And-02a342                           2,791       4,885       8,932     11,863     14,654         19,818             26,517         28,610         31,402​​ 

Algeria Nyk-06c307                           2,791       4,885       8,932     11,863     14,654         19,818             26,517         28,610         31,402​​ 

American Samoa Yac-01a174           3,097       5,420       9,807     12,773     15,818         21,366             28,497         31,501         35,025​​ 

Angola Gld-05c307                            4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Angola Sfo-01a307                            4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Antigua Hou-1b332                            6,860     12,005     21,882     28,895     35,720         48,290             64,554         70,148         77,290​​ 

Argentina And-02a325                      3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Argentina And-02a342                      3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Argentina Blv-01b310                        6,112     10,696     19,558     25,976     32,088         43,395             58,064         62,648         68,759​​ 

Argentina Gld-05c307                        3,955       6,921     12,656     16,808     20,763         28,080             37,572         40,538         44,493​​ 

Argentina Mjs-01a335                        3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Argentina Nyk-06c307                       3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Argentina Pob-03b307                       3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Argentina Sfo-01a307                       3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Armenia And-02a359                         2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Aruba Sfo-01a307                             4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

Ascension Island And-02a342          2,811       4,919       8,994     11,945     14,756         19,956             26,701         28,809         31,620​​ 

Australia Pul-03a174                          4,161       7,283     13,213     17,296     21,406         28,923             38,609         42,411         46,999​​ 

Australia Yac-01a174                        3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Australia Yac-01a177                        3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Austria Mjs-01a335                            2,469       4,321       7,901     10,494     12,963         17,531             23,457         25,308         27,778​​ 

Azerbaijan And-02a359                     2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Azerbaijan Hfd-1bturk 1c                   5,153       9,018     16,489     21,900     27,053         36,586             48,952         52,817         57,970​​ 

Azerbaijan Sta-11b349                      3,964       6,937     12,684     16,846     20,810         28,143             37,656         40,629         44,592​​ 

Bahamas And-02a342                       2,577       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,527         18,293             24,477         26,409         28,986​​ 

Bahrain And-02a342                          3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Barbados And-02a325                      2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Belarus And-02a342                          2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Belarus And-02a359                          2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Belarus Sta-11b349                           3,964       6,937     12,684     16,846     20,810         28,143             37,656         40,629         44,592​​ 

Belize And-02a342                            2,577       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,527         18,293             24,477         26,409         28,986​​ 

Belize Blv-01b310                              5,726     10,020     18,322     24,334     30,060         40,652             54,393         58,688         64,413​​ 

Benin Mjs-01a335                              4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Bermuda And-02a342                        2,577       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,527         18,293             24,477         26,409         28,986​​ 

Bolivia Blv-01b310                             6,351     11,114     20,323     26,991     33,342         45,091             60,333         65,096         71,447​​ 

Bolivia Mjs-01a335                             3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Bolivia Stl-11f3307                             6,351     11,114     20,323     26,991     33,342         45,091             60,333         65,096         71,447​​ 

Bosnia Stl-01c335                              3,092       5,411       9,894     13,140     16,232         21,951             29,371         31,690         34,782​​ 

Brazil And-02a325                             2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Brazil And-02a342                             2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Brazil And-02a359                             2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Brazil Gld-05c307                              3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Brazil Gld-07a328                              3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Brazil Mjs-01a335                              2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Brazil Nyk-06c307                              2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Brazil Nyk-06c335                              2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Brazil Pob-03b307                              2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Brazil Sfo-01a307                              4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Brazil Stl-01c335                                3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Brunei Yac-01a174                            3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Bulgaria And-02a342                         3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Burkina Faso Mjs-01a335                  4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Cameroon And-02a325                      4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Cameroon Hou-1b325                        6,701     11,728     21,375     28,223     34,890         47,167             63,051         68,527         75,510​​ 

Cameroon Nyk-06c307                      4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Cape Verde Islands Mjs-01a335        4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Cayman Islands And-02a342             3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Central African Republic And-02a325 4,237      7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Chad Hou-1b325                                6,701     11,728     21,375     28,223     34,890         47,167             63,051         68,527         75,510​​ 

Chad Stl-01c335                                4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Chile And-02a325                              3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Chile And-02a342                              3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Chile Gld-05c307                                3,736       6,538     11,956     15,879     19,615         26,527             35,494         38,296         42,032​​ 

Chile Mjs-01a335                                3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Chile Nyk-06c307                               3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Chile Pob-03b307                               3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

China Pul-03a174                               4,256       7,448     13,515     17,697     21,901         29,592             39,505         43,378         48,060​​ 

China Yac-01a174                             3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

China Yac-01a177                             3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Colombia And-02a325                        3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Colombia Blv-01b310                         6,351     11,114     20,323     26,991     33,342         45,091             60,333         65,096         71,447​​ 

Colombia Gld-05c307                         3,736       6,538     11,956     15,879     19,615         26,527             35,494         38,296         42,032​​ 

Colombia Hou-1b332                          6,695     11,716     21,355     28,195     34,855         47,120             62,989         68,460         75,437​​ 

Colombia Mjs-01a335                         3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Colombia Nyk-06c307                        3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Colombia Pob-03b307                        3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Colombia Pob-03b307                        3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Colombia Sfo-01a307                         3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Congo And-02a325                            4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Congo Gld-05c307                             4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Congo Hou-1b325                              6,701     11,728     21,375     28,223     34,890         47,167             63,051         68,527         75,510​​ 

Congo Nyk-06c335                            4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Costa Rica And-02a325                     2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Costa Rica Mjs-01a335                      2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Costa Rica Nyk-06c307                     2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Costa Rica Nyk-06c335                     2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Costa Rica Pob-03b307                     2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Costa Rica Sfo-01a307                      4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Cuba Mjs-01a335                               3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Cuba Stl-11f3346 (Express 2)           5,904     10,333     18,894     25,094     30,998         41,922             56,092         60,521         66,425​​ 

Diego Garcia And-02a359                 2,577       4,510       8,247     10,953     13,530         18,298             24,483         26,416         28,993​​ 

Dominica Gld-07a328                         3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Dominican Republic And-02a325       2,938       5,142       9,402     12,487     15,425         20,861             27,913         30,116         33,054​​ 

Dominican Republic Hou-1b325         6,873     12,029     21,926     28,953     35,792         48,387             64,684         70,289         77,445​​ 

Dominican Republic Mjs-01a335        2,938       5,142       9,402     12,487     15,425         20,861             27,913         30,116         33,054​​ 

Dominican Republic Pob-03b307        2,938       5,142       9,402     12,487     15,425         20,861             27,913         30,116         33,054​​ 

Ecuador And-02a325                         3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Ecuador Blv-01b310                          6,112     10,696     19,558     25,976     32,088         43,395             58,064         62,648         68,759​​ 

Ecuador Hou-1b325                           6,456     11,298     20,590     27,180     33,601         45,424             60,720         66,012         72,750​​ 

Ecuador Mjs-01a335                          3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Ecuador Nyk-06c307                         3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Ecuador Nyk-06c335                         3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Ecuador Pob-03b307                         3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Ecuador Stl-01c335                           3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Egypt Mjs-01a335                              3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Egypt Nyk-06c335                              3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Egypt Stl-01c335                                3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

El Salvador And-02a325                    3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

El Salvador Blv-01b310                      6,516     11,402     20,850     27,691     34,207         46,260             61,898         66,784         73,300​​ 

El Salvador Gld-07a328                     3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

El Salvador Pob-03b307                     3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

Eritrea And-02a342                            4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Ethiopia And-02a342                          4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Ethiopia Mjs-01a335                           4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Fiji Islands Yac-01a174                      3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

French Polynesia Yac-01a174          3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Gabon And-02a325                           4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Gambia And-02a325                          4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Georgia And-02a359                         2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Ghana Mjs-01a335                             4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Ghana Nyk-06c335                            4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Greece And-02a342                          2,811       4,919       8,994     11,945     14,756         19,956             26,701         28,809         31,620​​ 

Guatemala Blv-01b310                       6,516     11,402     20,850     27,691     34,207         46,260             61,898         66,784         73,300​​ 

Guatemala Gld-07a328                      3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

Guatemala Mjs-01a335                      3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

Guatemala Pob-03b307                      3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

Guatemala Sfo-01a307                      4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

Guinea And-02a325                           4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Guyana And-02a325                         3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Guyana Nyk-06c335                          3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Haiti And-02a325                               2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Haiti Gld-07a328                                 2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Haiti Hou-1b325                                  6,935     12,137     22,123     29,216     36,116         48,826             65,271         70,922         78,139​​ 

Hawaii Pul-03a174                             4,257       7,450     13,518     17,702     21,906         29,600             39,514         43,388         48,071​​ 

Honduras And-02a325                      3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Honduras Blv-01b310                        5,904     10,333     18,894     25,094     30,998         41,922             56,092         60,521         66,425​​ 

Honduras Pob-03b307                       3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Honduras Sfo-01a307                       4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Honduras Stl-11f3307                        5,904     10,333     18,894     25,094     30,998         41,922             56,092         60,521         66,425​​ 

Hong Kong Pul-03a174                      4,257       7,450     13,518     17,702     21,906         29,600             39,514         43,388         48,071​​ 

Hong Kong Sfo-01a174                     3,613       6,322     11,456     14,963     18,524         25,025             33,394         36,784         40,823​​ 

Hong Kong Yac-01a177                    3,097       5,420       9,807     12,773     15,818         21,366             28,497         31,501         35,025​​ 

Hungary Mjs-01a335                          3,092       5,411       9,894     13,140     16,232         21,951             29,371         31,690         34,782​​ 

India And-02a359                               3,461       6,058     10,972     14,320     17,729         23,951             31,956         35,233         39,121​​ 

Indonesia Yac-01a177                       3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Iran And-02a342                                3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Iran And-02a359                                3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Israel And-02a325                             3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Israel Hfd-1bsta-5                              4,936       8,638     15,795     20,977     25,913         35,044             46,890         50,592         55,528​​ 

Italy Nyk-06c307                                2,811       4,919       8,994     11,945     14,756         19,956             26,701         28,809         31,620​​ 

Ivory Coast And-02a325                    4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Ivory Coast Hou-1b325                      6,701     11,728     21,375     28,223     34,890         47,167             63,051         68,527         75,510​​ 

Ivory Coast Stl-01c335                      4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Jamaica And-02a325                         2,938       5,142       9,402     12,487     15,425         20,861             27,913         30,116         33,054​​ 

Jamaica Gld-07a328                          2,938       5,142       9,402     12,487     15,425         20,861             27,913         30,116         33,054​​ 

Jamaica Hou-1b325                           6,873     12,029     21,926     28,953     35,792         48,387             64,684         70,289         77,445​​ 

Japan Sfo-01a174                             3,613       6,322     11,456     14,963     18,524         25,025             33,394         36,784         40,823​​ 

Jordan Mjs-01a335                            3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Jordan Scs-01b338                           5,291       9,259     16,931     22,487     27,778         37,566             50,265         54,233         59,524​​ 

Kazakhstan Hfd-1bsta-5                    5,153       9,018     16,489     21,900     27,053         36,586             48,952         52,817         57,970​​ 

Kenya Mjs-01a335                             4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Korea, Republic of Nyk-06c335         4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Korea, Republic of Pul-03a174          4,256       7,448     13,515     17,697     21,901         29,592             39,505         43,378         48,060​​ 

Korea, Republic of Yac-01a177        3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Kuwait And-02a342                           3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Kuwait And-02a359                           3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Kyrgyzstan Hfd-1bsta-5                    5,153       9,018     16,489     21,900     27,053         36,586             48,952         52,817         57,970​​ 

Latvia Sta-11b349 (Statsionar 11)     3,865       6,763     12,367     16,425     20,290         27,439             36,714         39,613         43,478​​ 

Lebanon And-02a342                        3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Lebanon And-02a359                        3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Liberia And-02a325                           4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Macao Yac-01a174                           3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Macedonia And-02a359                     3,092       5,411       9,894     13,140     16,232         21,951             29,371         31,690         34,782​​ 

Malawi Nyk-06c335                           4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Malaysia Yac-01a174                        3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Malaysia Yac-01a177                        3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Mali Nyk-06c335                                 4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Malta Mjs-01a335                               3,092       5,411       9,894     13,140     16,232         21,951             29,371         31,690         34,782​​ 

Marshall Islands Pul-03a174              4,257       7,450     13,518     17,702     21,906         29,600             39,514         43,388         48,071​​ 

Marshall Islands Yac-01a174            3,097       5,420       9,807     12,773     15,818         21,366             28,497         31,501         35,025​​ 

Marshall Islands Yac-01a177            3,097       5,420       9,807     12,773     15,818         21,366             28,497         31,501         35,025​​ 

Mauritius And-02a359                        4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Mexico Pob-03b307                           3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Micronesia Pul-03a174                       4,257       7,450     13,518     17,702     21,906         29,600             39,514         43,388         48,071​​ 

Micronesia Yac-01a174                     3,097       5,420       9,807     12,773     15,818         21,366             28,497         31,501         35,025​​ 

Moldavia Sta-11b349                         3,865       6,763     12,367     16,425     20,290         27,439             36,714         39,613         43,478​​ 

Morocco Mjs-01a335                         2,791       4,885       8,932     11,863     14,654         19,818             26,517         28,610         31,402​​ 

Netherlands Antilles And-02a325      2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Netherlands Antilles Mjs-01a335       2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Netherlands Antilles Stl-11f3307       6,591     11,534     21,091     28,012     34,603         46,796             62,615         67,558         74,149​​ 

New Zealand Pul-03a174                  5,078       8,888     16,147     21,193     26,220         35,433             47,320         51,810         57,315​​ 

New Zealand Yac-01a174                3,939       6,893     12,500     16,350     20,237         27,342             36,493         40,129         44,494​​ 

New Zealand Yac-01a177                3,939       6,893     12,500     16,350     20,237         27,342             36,493         40,129         44,494​​ 

Nicaragua And-02a325                      3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

Nicaragua Hou-1b325                        6,860     12,005     21,882     28,895     35,720         48,290             64,554         70,148         77,290​​ 

Nigeria And-02a342                           4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Nigeria Mjs-01a335                            4,237       7,415     13,560     18,009     22,246         30,086             40,256         43,434         47,671​​ 

Oman And-02a342                             2,791       4,885       8,932     11,863     14,654         19,818             26,517         28,610         31,402​​ 

Pakistan And-02a359                         2,668       4,670       8,539     11,341     14,009         18,946             25,350         27,352         30,020​​ 

Palau Pul-03a174                               4,257       7,450     13,518     17,702     21,906         29,600             39,514         43,388         48,071​​ 

Panama And-02a342                         2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Panama Mjs-01a335                           2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Panama Pob-03b307                          2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Paraguay And-02a325                       3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Paraguay Blv-01b310                        6,351     11,114     20,323     26,991     33,342         45,091             60,333         65,096         71,447​​ 

Paraguay Mjs-01a335                        3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Peru And-02a325                               3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Peru And-02a342                               3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Peru Blv-01b310                                6,351     11,114     20,323     26,991     33,342         45,091             60,333         65,096         71,447​​ 

Peru Mjs-01a335                                3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Peru Nyk-06c335                               3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Peru Pob-03b307                               3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Peru Sfo-01a307                                3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Peru Stl-01c335                                 3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Philippines Yac-01a174                     3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Philippines Yac-01a177                     3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Poland Mjs-01a335                             2,811       4,919       8,994     11,945     14,756         19,956             26,701         28,809         31,620​​ 

Qatar And-02a342                             3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

Romania Mjs-01a335                          3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Russia And-02a342                           2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Russia And-02a359                           2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Russia Hfd-1bsta-5                            5,153       9,018     16,489     21,900     27,053         36,586             48,952         52,817         57,970​​ 

Russia Sta-11b349                            3,964       6,937     12,684     16,846     20,810         28,143             37,656         40,629         44,592​​ 

Russia Stl-01c335                              3,031       5,304       9,700     12,882     15,913         21,521             28,796         31,069         34,100​​ 

Russia Stl-11f3346                            5,992     10,486     19,174     25,465     31,457         42,541             56,921         61,415         67,407​​ 

Russia Yac-01a174                           3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Rwanda Nyk-06c335                         4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Saudi Arabia And-02a342                 3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Senegal Nyk-06c335                          4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Singapore Yac-01a174                      3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Singapore Yac-01a177                      3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Somalia And-02a359                          4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Somalia Stl-11f3346                           4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

South Africa And-02a342                  4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

South Africa Mjs-01a335                   4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Sudan Nyk-06c335                            4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Suriname And-02a325                       3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Sweden Sta-11b349                          3,827       6,697     12,247     16,265     20,092         27,173             36,358         39,228         43,055​​ 

Syria Mjs-01a335                               3,092       5,411       9,894     13,140     16,232         21,951             29,371         31,690         34,782​​ 

Taiwan Yac-01a174                          3,097       5,420       9,807     12,773     15,818         21,366             28,497         31,501         35,025​​ 

Tanzania Nyk-06c335                        4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Thailand Pul-03a174                           4,256       7,448     13,515     17,697     21,901         29,592             39,505         43,378         48,060​​ 

Thailand Yac-01a174                         3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Tonga Yac-01a174                            3,321       5,812     10,524     13,725     16,994         22,956             30,625         33,797         37,545​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago And-02a325            3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

Tunisia Mjs-01a335                            2,791       4,885       8,932     11,863     14,654         19,818             26,517         28,610         31,402​​ 

Turkey And-02a342                           3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Turkey And-02a359                           3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Turkey Mjs-01a335                            3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Turkey Stl-01c335                              3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Turkmenistan And-02a359                 2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Turkmenistan Hfd-1bsta-5                 5,153       9,018     16,489     21,900     27,053         36,586             48,952         52,817         57,970​​ 

Turks and Caicos Islands And-02a342 2,834     4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Uganda Mjs-01a335                           4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Ukraine Stl-01c335                             3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

United Arab Emirates And-02a342    3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

United Arab Emirates And-02a359    3,455       6,046     11,055     14,683     18,137         24,529             32,820         35,411         38,866​​ 

United Kingdom Hfd-1bsta-5              5,556       9,722     17,778     23,611     29,167         39,444             52,778         56,944         62,500​​ 

United Kingdom Pnx-01a307              9,067     15,868     28,910     38,145     47,160         63,752             85,211         92,692       102,186​​ 

Uruguay And-02a325                        3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Uruguay Blv-01b310                          6,112     10,696     19,558     25,976     32,088         43,395             58,064         62,648         68,759​​ 

Venezuela And-02a325                     2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Venezuela And-02a342                     2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Venezuela Blv-01b310                      6,591     11,534     21,091     28,012     34,603         46,796             62,615         67,558         74,149​​ 

Venezuela Nyk-06c307                     2,834       4,960       9,069     12,045     14,879         20,122             26,924         29,050         31,884​​ 

Venezuela Sfo-01a307                      3,669       6,421     11,637     15,203     18,820         25,426             33,930         37,363         41,459​​ 

Vietnam Yac-01a174                         3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Vietnam Yac-01a177                         3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Yemen And-02a342                           3,175       5,556     10,159     13,492     16,667         22,540             30,159         32,540         35,714​​ 

Zambia Mjs-01a335                            4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 

Zimbabwe Mjs-01a335                      4,237       7,414     13,558     18,006     22,243         30,081             40,250         43,427         47,664​​ 


.3         Between US West Zone and the following locations:​​ 


                                                                                                                        Circuit Speed (kbps)​​                                                                 

Country/Earth Station​​                             64​​            128​​           256​​           384​​           512​​               768​​                  1,024​​            1,544​​            2,048​​ 


Albania Mjs-01a335                         $3,881     $6,793   $12,316   $16,106   $19,935       $26,934           $35,948       $39,540       $43,848​​ 

Algeria And-02a342                           3,311       5,795     10,492     13,683     16,942         22,886             30,531         33,696         37,434​​ 

Algeria Nyk-06c307                           3,311       5,795     10,492     13,683     16,942         22,886             30,531         33,696         37,434​​ 

American Samoa Yac-01a174           2,577       4,510       8,247     10,953     13,530         18,298             24,483         26,416         28,993​​ 

Angola Gld-05c307                            4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Angola Sfo-01a307                            4,238       7,417     13,562     18,012     22,251         30,091             40,263         43,442         47,680​​ 

Antigua Hou-1b332                            6,860     12,005     21,882     28,895     35,720         48,290             64,554         70,148         77,290​​ 

Argentina And-02a325                      3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Argentina And-02a342                      3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Argentina Blv-01b310                        6,632     11,606     21,118     27,796     34,376         46,463             62,078         67,733         74,791​​ 

Argentina Gld-05c307                        4,475       7,831     14,216     18,628     23,051         31,148             41,586         45,623         50,525​​ 

Argentina Mjs-01a335                        3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Argentina Nyk-06c307                       3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Argentina Pob-03b307                       3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Argentina Sfo-01a307                       3,361       5,882     10,756     14,286     17,647         23,866             31,933         34,454         37,816​​ 

Armenia And-02a359                         3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Aruba Sfo-01a307                             3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

Ascension Island And-02a342          3,331       5,829     10,554     13,765     17,044         23,024             30,716         33,895         37,652​​ 

Australia Pul-03a174                          3,641       6,373     11,653     15,476     19,118         25,855             34,594         37,325         40,967​​ 

Australia Yac-01a174                        2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Australia Yac-01a177                        2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Austria Mjs-01a335                            2,989       5,231       9,461     12,314     15,251         20,599             27,471         30,394         33,810​​ 

Azerbaijan And-02a359                     3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Azerbaijan Hfd-1bturk 1c                   5,673       9,928     18,049     23,720     29,341         39,654             52,967         57,903         64,002​​ 

Azerbaijan Sta-11b349                      4,484       7,847     14,244     18,666     23,098         31,211             41,670         45,714         50,624​​ 

Bahamas And-02a342                       3,097       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,815         21,361             28,491         31,495         35,018​​ 

Bahrain And-02a342                          3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Barbados And-02a325                      3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Belarus And-02a342                          3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Belarus And-02a359                          3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Belarus Sta-11b349                           4,484       7,847     14,244     18,666     23,098         31,211             41,670         45,714         50,624​​ 

Belize And-02a342                            3,097       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,815         21,361             28,491         31,495         35,018​​ 

Belize Blv-01b310                              6,246     10,930     19,882     26,154     32,348         43,720             58,408         63,773         70,445​​ 

Benin Mjs-01a335                              4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Bermuda And-02a342                        3,097       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,815         21,361             28,491         31,495         35,018​​ 

Bolivia Blv-01b310                             6,871     12,024     21,883     28,811     35,630         48,159             64,347         70,181         77,479​​ 

Bolivia Mjs-01a335                             3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Bolivia Stl-11f3307                             6,871     12,024     21,883     28,811     35,630         48,159             64,347         70,181         77,479​​ 

Bosnia Stl-01c335                              3,612       6,321     11,454     14,960     18,520         25,019             33,386         36,776         40,814​​ 

Brazil And-02a325                             3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Brazil And-02a342                             3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Brazil And-02a359                             3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Brazil Gld-05c307                              4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Brazil Gld-07a328                              4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Brazil Mjs-01a335                              3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Brazil Nyk-06c307                              3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Brazil Nyk-06c335                              3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Brazil Pob-03b307                              3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Brazil Sfo-01a307                              3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Brazil Stl-01c335                                4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Brunei Yac-01a174                            2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Bulgaria And-02a342                         3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Burkina Faso Mjs-01a335                  4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Cameroon And-02a325                      4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Cameroon Hou-1b325                        6,701     11,728     21,375     28,223     34,890         47,167             63,051         68,527         75,510​​ 

Cameroon Nyk-06c307                      4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Cape Verde Islands Mjs-01a335        4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Cayman Islands And-02a342             4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Central African Republic And-02a325 4,757      8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Chad Hou-1b325                                6,701     11,728     21,375     28,223     34,890         47,167             63,051         68,527         75,510​​ 

Chad Stl-01c335                                4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Chile And-02a325                              3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Chile And-02a342                              3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Chile Gld-05c307                                4,256       7,449     13,516     17,699     21,903         29,595             39,508         43,382         48,064​​ 

Chile Mjs-01a335                                3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Chile Nyk-06c307                               3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Chile Pob-03b307                               3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

China Pul-03a174                               3,736       6,538     11,955     15,877     19,613         26,524             35,491         38,292         42,028​​ 

China Yac-01a174                             2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

China Yac-01a177                             2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Colombia And-02a325                        3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Colombia Blv-01b310                         6,871     12,024     21,883     28,811     35,630         48,159             64,347         70,181         77,479​​ 

Colombia Gld-05c307                         4,256       7,449     13,516     17,699     21,903         29,595             39,508         43,382         48,064​​ 

Colombia Hou-1b332                          6,695     11,716     21,355     28,195     34,855         47,120             62,989         68,460         75,437​​ 

Colombia Mjs-01a335                         3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Colombia Nyk-06c307                        3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Colombia Pob-03b307                        3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Colombia Pob-03b307                        3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Colombia Sfo-01a307                         3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Congo And-02a325                            4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Congo Gld-05c307                             4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Congo Hou-1b325                              6,701     11,728     21,375     28,223     34,890         47,167             63,051         68,527         75,510​​ 

Congo Nyk-06c335                            4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Costa Rica And-02a325                     3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Costa Rica Mjs-01a335                      3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Costa Rica Nyk-06c307                     3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Costa Rica Nyk-06c335                     3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Costa Rica Pob-03b307                     3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Costa Rica Sfo-01a307                      3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Cuba Mjs-01a335                               4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Cuba Stl-11f3346 (Express 2)           6,424     11,243     20,454     26,914     33,286         44,990             60,107         65,606         72,457​​ 

Diego Garcia And-02a359                 3,097       5,420       9,807     12,773     15,818         21,366             28,497         31,501         35,025​​ 

Dominica Gld-07a328                         4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Dominican Republic And-02a325       3,458       6,052     10,962     14,307     17,713         23,929             31,927         35,202         39,086​​ 

Dominican Republic Hou-1b325         6,873     12,029     21,926     28,953     35,792         48,387             64,684         70,289         77,445​​ 

Dominican Republic Mjs-01a335        3,458       6,052     10,962     14,307     17,713         23,929             31,927         35,202         39,086​​ 

Dominican Republic Pob-03b307        3,458       6,052     10,962     14,307     17,713         23,929             31,927         35,202         39,086​​ 

Ecuador And-02a325                         3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Ecuador Blv-01b310                          6,632     11,606     21,118     27,796     34,376         46,463             62,078         67,733         74,791​​ 

Ecuador Hou-1b325                           6,456     11,298     20,590     27,180     33,601         45,424             60,720         66,012         72,750​​ 

Ecuador Mjs-01a335                          3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Ecuador Nyk-06c307                         3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Ecuador Nyk-06c335                         3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Ecuador Pob-03b307                         3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Ecuador Stl-01c335                           3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Egypt Mjs-01a335                              3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Egypt Nyk-06c335                              3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Egypt Stl-01c335                                3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

El Salvador And-02a325                    4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

El Salvador Blv-01b310                      7,036     12,313     22,410     29,511     36,495         49,328             65,912         71,870         79,332​​ 

El Salvador Gld-07a328                     4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

El Salvador Pob-03b307                     4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

Eritrea And-02a342                            4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Ethiopia And-02a342                          4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Ethiopia Mjs-01a335                           4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Fiji Islands Yac-01a174                      2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

French Polynesia Yac-01a174          2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Gabon And-02a325                           4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Gambia And-02a325                          4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Georgia And-02a359                         3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Ghana Mjs-01a335                             4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Ghana Nyk-06c335                            4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Greece And-02a342                          3,331       5,829     10,554     13,765     17,044         23,024             30,716         33,895         37,652​​ 

Guatemala Blv-01b310                       7,036     12,313     22,410     29,511     36,495         49,328             65,912         71,870         79,332​​ 

Guatemala Gld-07a328                      4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

Guatemala Mjs-01a335                      4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

Guatemala Pob-03b307                      4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

Guatemala Sfo-01a307                      3,909       6,841     12,510     16,615     20,524         27,756             37,139         40,071         43,980​​ 

Guinea And-02a325                           4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Guyana And-02a325                         4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Guyana Nyk-06c335                          4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Haiti And-02a325                               3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Haiti Gld-07a328                                 3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Haiti Hou-1b325                                  6,935     12,137     22,123     29,216     36,116         48,826             65,271         70,922         78,139​​ 

Hawaii Pul-03a174                             3,737       6,539     11,958     15,882     19,618         26,532             35,500         38,303         42,039​​ 

Honduras And-02a325                      4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Honduras Blv-01b310                        6,424     11,243     20,454     26,914     33,286         44,990             60,107         65,606         72,457​​ 

Honduras Pob-03b307                       4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Honduras Sfo-01a307                       3,543       6,200     11,337     15,056     18,599         25,153             33,655         36,312         39,855​​ 

Honduras Stl-11f3307                        6,424     11,243     20,454     26,914     33,286         44,990             60,107         65,606         72,457​​ 

Hong Kong Pul-03a174                      3,737       6,539     11,958     15,882     19,618         26,532             35,500         38,303         42,039​​ 

Hong Kong Sfo-01a174                     3,093       5,412       9,896     13,143     16,236         21,957             29,379         31,699         34,791​​ 

Hong Kong Yac-01a177                    2,577       4,510       8,247     10,953     13,530         18,298             24,483         26,416         28,993​​ 

Hungary Mjs-01a335                          3,612       6,321     11,454     14,960     18,520         25,019             33,386         36,776         40,814​​ 

India And-02a359                               2,941       5,147       9,412     12,500     15,441         20,883             27,942         30,148         33,089​​ 

Indonesia Yac-01a177                       2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Iran And-02a342                                3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Iran And-02a359                                3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Israel And-02a325                             3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Israel Hfd-1bsta-5                              5,456       9,548     17,355     22,797     28,201         38,112             50,905         55,678         61,560​​ 

Italy Nyk-06c307                                3,331       5,829     10,554     13,765     17,044         23,024             30,716         33,895         37,652​​ 

Ivory Coast And-02a325                    4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Ivory Coast Hou-1b325                      6,701     11,728     21,375     28,223     34,890         47,167             63,051         68,527         75,510​​ 

Ivory Coast Stl-01c335                      4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Jamaica And-02a325                         3,458       6,052     10,962     14,307     17,713         23,929             31,927         35,202         39,086​​ 

Jamaica Gld-07a328                          3,458       6,052     10,962     14,307     17,713         23,929             31,927         35,202         39,086​​ 

Jamaica Hou-1b325                           6,873     12,029     21,926     28,953     35,792         48,387             64,684         70,289         77,445​​ 

Japan Sfo-01a174                             3,093       5,412       9,896     13,143     16,236         21,957             29,379         31,699         34,791​​ 

Jordan Mjs-01a335                            3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Jordan Scs-01b338                           5,811     10,170     18,491     24,307     30,066         40,634             54,279         59,318         65,556​​ 

Kazakhstan Hfd-1bsta-5                    5,673       9,928     18,049     23,720     29,341         39,654             52,967         57,903         64,002​​ 

Kenya Mjs-01a335                             4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Korea, Republic of Pul-03a174          3,736       6,538     11,955     15,877     19,613         26,524             35,491         38,292         42,028​​ 

Korea, Republic of Yac-01a177        2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Kuwait And-02a342                           3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Kuwait And-02a359                           3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Kyrgyzstan Hfd-1bsta-5                    5,673       9,928     18,049     23,720     29,341         39,654             52,967         57,903         64,002​​ 

Latvia Sta-11b349 (Statsionar 11)     4,385       7,674     13,927     18,245     22,578         30,507             40,729         44,698         49,510​​ 

Lebanon And-02a342                        3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Lebanon And-02a359                        3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Liberia And-02a325                           4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Macao Yac-01a174                           2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Macedonia And-02a359                     3,612       6,321     11,454     14,960     18,520         25,019             33,386         36,776         40,814​​ 

Malawi Nyk-06c335                           4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Malaysia Yac-01a174                        2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Malaysia Yac-01a177                        2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Mali Nyk-06c335                                 4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Malta Mjs-01a335                               3,612       6,321     11,454     14,960     18,520         25,019             33,386         36,776         40,814​​ 

Marshall Islands Pul-03a174              3,737       6,539     11,958     15,882     19,618         26,532             35,500         38,303         42,039​​ 

Marshall Islands Yac-01a174            2,577       4,510       8,247     10,953     13,530         18,298             24,483         26,416         28,993​​ 

Marshall Islands Yac-01a177            2,577       4,510       8,247     10,953     13,530         18,298             24,483         26,416         28,993​​ 

Mauritius And-02a359                        4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Mexico Pob-03b307                           4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Micronesia Pul-03a174                       3,737       6,539     11,958     15,882     19,618         26,532             35,500         38,303         42,039​​ 

Micronesia Yac-01a174                     2,577       4,510       8,247     10,953     13,530         18,298             24,483         26,416         28,993​​ 

Moldavia Sta-11b349                         4,385       7,674     13,927     18,245     22,578         30,507             40,729         44,698         49,510​​ 

Morocco Mjs-01a335                         3,311       5,795     10,492     13,683     16,942         22,886             30,531         33,696         37,434​​ 

Netherlands Antilles And-02a325      3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Netherlands Antilles Mjs-01a335       3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Netherlands Antilles Stl-11f3307       7,111     12,445     22,651     29,832     36,891         49,864             66,629         72,643         80,181​​ 

New Zealand Pul-03a174                  4,558       7,977     14,587     19,373     23,932         32,365             43,305         46,724         51,283​​ 

New Zealand Yac-01a174                3,419       5,983     10,940     14,530     17,949         24,274             32,479         35,043         38,462​​ 

New Zealand Yac-01a177                3,419       5,983     10,940     14,530     17,949         24,274             32,479         35,043         38,462​​ 

Nicaragua And-02a325                      4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

Nicaragua Hou-1b325                        6,860     12,005     21,882     28,895     35,720         48,290             64,554         70,148         77,290​​ 

Nigeria And-02a342                           4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Nigeria Mjs-01a335                            4,757       8,326     15,120     19,829     24,534         33,154             44,270         48,519         53,703​​ 

Oman And-02a342                             3,311       5,795     10,492     13,683     16,942         22,886             30,531         33,696         37,434​​ 

Pakistan And-02a359                         3,188       5,580     10,099     13,161     16,297         22,014             29,365         32,437         36,052​​ 

Palau Pul-03a174                               3,737       6,539     11,958     15,882     19,618         26,532             35,500         38,303         42,039​​ 

Panama And-02a342                         3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Panama Mjs-01a335                           3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Panama Pob-03b307                          3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Paraguay And-02a325                       3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Paraguay Blv-01b310                        6,871     12,024     21,883     28,811     35,630         48,159             64,347         70,181         77,479​​ 

Paraguay Mjs-01a335                        3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Peru And-02a325                               3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Peru And-02a342                               3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Peru Blv-01b310                                6,871     12,024     21,883     28,811     35,630         48,159             64,347         70,181         77,479​​ 

Peru Mjs-01a335                                3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Peru Nyk-06c335                               3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Peru Pob-03b307                               3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Peru Sfo-01a307                                3,176       5,558     10,163     13,498     16,674         22,550             30,172         32,554         35,730​​ 

Peru Stl-01c335                                 3,696       6,468     11,723     15,318     18,962         25,618             34,187         37,640         41,762​​ 

Philippines Yac-01a174                     2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Philippines Yac-01a177                     2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Poland Mjs-01a335                             3,331       5,829     10,554     13,765     17,044         23,024             30,716         33,895         37,652​​ 

Qatar And-02a342                             3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

Romania Mjs-01a335                          3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Russia And-02a342                           3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Russia And-02a359                           3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Russia Hfd-1bsta-5                            5,673       9,928     18,049     23,720     29,341         39,654             52,967         57,903         64,002​​ 

Russia Sta-11b349                            4,484       7,847     14,244     18,666     23,098         31,211             41,670         45,714         50,624​​ 

Russia Stl-01c335                              3,551       6,215     11,260     14,702     18,201         24,589             32,810         36,154         40,132​​ 

Russia Stl-11f3346                            6,512     11,396     20,734     27,285     33,745         45,609             60,936         66,501         73,439​​ 

Russia Yac-01a174                           2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Rwanda Nyk-06c335                         4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Saudi Arabia And-02a342                 3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Senegal Nyk-06c335                          4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Singapore Yac-01a174                      2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Singapore Yac-01a177                      2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Somalia And-02a359                          4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

Somalia Stl-11f3346                           4,758       8,327     15,122     19,832     24,539         33,159             44,278         48,527         53,712​​ 

South Africa And-02a342                  4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

South Africa Mjs-01a335                   4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

South Africa Nyk-06c335                  4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Sudan Nyk-06c335                            4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Suriname And-02a325                       4,063       7,110     12,897     16,876     20,887         28,221             37,670         41,398         45,887​​ 

Sweden Sta-11b349                          4,347       7,608     13,807     18,085     22,380         30,241             40,372         44,314         49,087​​ 

Syria Mjs-01a335                               3,612       6,321     11,454     14,960     18,520         25,019             33,386         36,776         40,814​​ 

Taiwan Yac-01a174                          2,577       4,510       8,247     10,953     13,530         18,298             24,483         26,416         28,993​​ 

Tanzania Nyk-06c335                        4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Thailand Pul-03a174                           3,736       6,538     11,955     15,877     19,613         26,524             35,491         38,292         42,028​​ 

Thailand Yac-01a174                         2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Tonga Islands Yac-01a174                2,801       4,902       8,964     11,905     14,706         19,888             26,611         28,712         31,513​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago And-02a325            4,429       7,752     14,070     18,435     22,812         30,824             41,153         45,156         50,012​​ 

Tunisia Mjs-01a335                            3,311       5,795     10,492     13,683     16,942         22,886             30,531         33,696         37,434​​ 

Turkey And-02a342                           3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Turkey And-02a359                           3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Turkey Mjs-01a335                            3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Turkey Stl-01c335                              3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Turkmenistan And-02a359                 3,096       5,419       9,805     12,770     15,814         21,361             28,491         31,494         35,017​​ 

Turkmenistan Hfd-1bsta-5                 5,673       9,928     18,049     23,720     29,341         39,654             52,967         57,903         64,002​​ 

Turks and Caicos Islands And-02a342 3,354     5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Uganda Mjs-01a335                           4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Ukraine Stl-01c335                             3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

United Arab Emirates And-02a342    3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

United Arab Emirates And-02a359    3,975       6,956     12,615     16,503     20,425         27,597             36,834         40,497         44,898​​ 

United Kingdom Hfd-1bsta-5              6,076     10,633     19,338     25,431     31,455         42,512             56,792         62,030         68,532​​ 

United Kingdom Pnx-01a307              8,547     14,957     27,350     36,325     44,872         60,684             81,197         87,607         96,154​​ 

Uruguay And-02a325                        3,881       6,793     12,316     16,106     19,935         26,934             35,948         39,540         43,848​​ 

Uruguay Blv-01b310                          6,632     11,606     21,118     27,796     34,376         46,463             62,078         67,733         74,791​​ 

Venezuela And-02a325                     3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Venezuela And-02a342                     3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Venezuela Blv-01b310                      7,111     12,445     22,651     29,832     36,891         49,864             66,629         72,643         80,181​​ 

Venezuela Nyk-06c307                     3,354       5,870     10,629     13,865     17,167         23,190             30,939         34,135         37,916​​ 

Venezuela Sfo-01a307                      3,149       5,511     10,077     13,383     16,532         22,358             29,916         32,278         35,427​​ 

Vietnam Yac-01a174                         2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Vietnam Yac-01a177                         2,576       4,509       8,245     10,950     13,526         18,293             24,476         26,409         28,985​​ 

Yemen And-02a342                           3,695       6,466     11,719     15,312     18,955         25,608             34,173         37,625         41,746​​ 

Zambia Mjs-01a335                            4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 

Zimbabwe Mjs-01a335                      4,757       8,325     15,118     19,826     24,531         33,149             44,264         48,513         53,696​​ 


06.       Definitions:​​ 


For the purposes of Section V.5.02, the following definitions apply:​​ 


Zone A States:            California and Nevada​​ 

Zone B States:            Idaho, Oregon and Washington​​ 

Zone C States:            Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah​​ 

Zone D States:            Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming​​ 

Zone E States:            Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas​​ 

Zone F States:            Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee​​ 

Zone G States:            Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina​​ 

Zone H States:            Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia​​ 

Zone I States:  Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont​​ 


For the purposes of Section V.5.03, the following definitions apply:​​ 


Zone 1 West Coast:    Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington​​ 

Zone 2 Midwest:          Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming​​ 

Zone 3 Southeast:       Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee​​ 

Zone 4 Central:           Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin​​ 

Zone 5 Northeast:       Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia​​ 


For the purposes of Sections V.5.04 and V.5.05, the following definitions apply:​​ 


US Central​​  Zone:        Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin​​ 


US East​​  Zone: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia​​ 


US West​​  Zone:           Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming​​ 

6.         Rates for End-To-End International Private Line Service (Global Data Link) Option:​​ 


Definitions:  For purposes of the End-To-End International Private Line Service Option, the following definitions apply:​​ 


.01       For purposes of the service provided under Section V.6.02, the following International Zones definitions apply:​​ 


International Zone:​​ 


Asia/Pacific 1:             Hong Kong and Japan​​ 


Asia/Pacific 2:             Korea, Republic of, Malaysia and Singapore​​ 


Asia/Pacific 3:             Australia: Sydney​​ 



Asia/Pacific 4:             All service locations in Australia, excluding the locations set forth under the Asia/Pacific 3 International Zone​​ 


Europe 1:                    Belgium: Brussels​​ 

                                    France: Paris​​ 

                                    Germany: Frankfurt​​ 


                                    Italy: Milan​​ 

                                    Netherlands: Amsterdam​​ 

                                    Switzerland: Zurich​​ 


Europe 2:                    Austria and Spain​​ 


Europe 3:                    Denmark, Norway and Sweden​​ 


Europe 4:                    Finland​​ 


Europe 5:                    All service locations in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, excluding the locations set forth under the Europe 1 and UK (London) International Zones​​ 


Europe 6:                    All service locations in Sweden, excluding the locations set forth under the Europe 3 International Zone​​ 


UK (London)                London​​ 


For purposes of the service provided under Sections V.6.03 and V.6.04, the following definitions of Domestic Zones apply:​​ 


Domestic Zone:​​ 


US Central:                 Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin​​ 


US East:                      Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia​​ 


US West:                    Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming​​ 


For purposes of the service provided under Section V.6.05, the following definitions of Domestic Zones apply:​​ 


Domestic Zone:​​ 


US Central:                 Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin​​ 


US East:                      Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia​​ 


US West:                    Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming​​ 


For purposes of the service provided under Section V.6.06, the following definitions of US Zones apply:​​ 


For purposes of the service provided between locations in the U.S, Mainland and Montreal and Toronto, the following definitions apply:​​ 


US Zone 1                   Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, , Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania,  Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia​​ 


US Zone 2                   Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, South Carolina., South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin​​ 


US Zone 3                   Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming​​ 


For purposes of the service provided between locations in the U.S, Mainland and Vancouver, the following definitions apply:​​ 


US Zone 1                   Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington​​ 


US Zone 2                   Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, Wyoming​​ 


US Zone 3                   Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin​​ 


For purposes of the service provided under Section V.6.07, the following definitions of Domestic Zones and Mexico Zones apply:​​ 


Domestic Zone:​​ 


US 0:                           San Diego, CA; El Paso, TX; McAllen, TX; and Nuevo Laredo, TX​​ 


US 1:                           Texas, excluding locations set forth in Domestic Zone US 0​​ 


US 2:                           Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah​​ 


US 3:                           California, excluding locations set forth in Domestic Zone US 0, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming​​ 


Mexico Zone:​​ 


MX 0:                           Juarez, Matamoros, Reynosa, Tijuana​​ 


MX 1:                           Cuidad Valles, Ciudad Victoria, Monterrey, Saltillo, Tamaulipas and Tampico​​ 


MX 2:                           Aguascalientes, Celaya, Chihuahua, Coatzacoalcos, Cordoba, Cuautitlan, Cuautla, Cuernavaca, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Irapuato, Jalapa, Leon, Mexico, Octlan, Orizaba, Pachuca, Poza Rica, Puebla, Queretaro, San Andres Tuxtla, San Luis Potosi, Tehuacan, Tepatitlan, Texcoco, Tlaxcala, Toluca, Torreon, Tula, Tulancingo, Veracruz and Zacatecas​​ 


MX 3:                           Campeche, Cancun, Cuidad del Carmen, Merida and Villahermosa​​ 


.02       For circuits provided under the End-To-End International Private Line Service Option which are installed on or after November 23, 1999, and prior to May 5, 2000, the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges will apply, based the Domestic Zone and International Zone locations of the Customer Premises:​​ 


Domestic Zone: US West:​​ 

International Zone​​    64Kbs​​       128Kbs​​         192Kbs​​         256Kbs​​         384Kbs​​         512Kbs​​         768Kbs​​         2048Kbs​​           45/155Mbps​​ 


Asia 2                     $6,100     $11,450       $15,900       $21,000       $29,610       $41,000       $61,500             ICB                    N/A​​ 

Europe 1                   2,765         4,383           6,250           7,963         10,609         13,474         16,019             ICB                     ICB​​ 

Europe 2                   4,759         6,632           9,414         12,115         16,266         20,143         26,409             ICB                    N/A​​ 

Europe 3                   6,951       13,382         20,292         24,610         33,586         44,680         61,264             ICB                    N/A​​ 

UK                            2,529         3,736           5,640           7,099           8,981         12,000         14,147             ICB                     ICB​​ 


Domestic Zone: US East:​​ 

International Zone​​    64Kbs​​       128Kbs​​         192Kbs​​         256Kbs​​         384Kbs​​         512Kbs​​         768Kbs​​         2048Kbs​​           45/155Mbps​​ 


Asia 1                     $6,283     $11,764       $16,420       $21,432       $29,604       $40,713               ICB             ICB                    N/A​​ 

Asia 2                       7,009       12,909         18,010         23,532         32,993         44,813               ICB             ICB                    N/A​​ 

Europe 1                   2,000         2,941           4,217           5,488           7,407           9,444       $10,897             ICB                     ICB​​ 

Europe 2                   3,929         5,244           7,407           9,259         13,141         16,429         21,429             ICB                    N/A​​ 

Europe 3                   6,159       11,923         18,182         22,078         30,592         40,867         56,081             ICB                    N/A​​ 

UK                            1,685         2,353           3,571           4,578           6,098           8,025           8,889             ICB                     ICB​​ 


Domestic Zone: US Central:​​ 

International Zone​​    64Kbs​​       128Kbs​​         192Kbs​​         256Kbs​​         384Kbs​​         512Kbs​​         768Kbs​​         2048Kbs​​           45/155Mbps​​ 


Asia 1                     $6,014     $11,270       $15,706       $20,575       $28,604       $38,904               ICB             ICB                    N/A​​ 

Asia 2                       6,624       12,415         17,296         22,675         31,980         43,523               ICB             ICB                    N/A​​ 

Europe 1                   2,506         3,873           5,579           7,148           9,265         12,233       $14,150             ICB                     ICB​​ 

Europe 2                   4,494         6,162           8,735         11,269         15,266         18,886         24,723             ICB                    N/A​​ 

Europe 3                   6,683       12,888         19,578         23,753         32,572         43,389         59,509             ICB                    N/A​​ 

UK                            2,271         3,277           4,910           6,207           8,031         10,759         12,483             ICB                     ICB​​ 


Domestic Zone: US Central:​​ 



                                                Circuit Speed (Kbps)​​                                                                          Circuit Speed (Mbps)​​              

Internacional​​                                                                                                                                                                                          44.736/155/​​ 

Zone​​                         64​​               128​​           192​​             256​​             384​​           512​​             768​​               1.024​​          1.536​​          1.984​​        155.22​​ 


Asia/Pacific 1​​    $3,863​​          $6,760​​    $10,044​​      $12,362​​      $16,418​​    $20,281​​      $27,428​​            $32,836​​      $39,597​​      $43,460​​             No disponible​​ 

Asia/Pacific 2     6,184         10,822     16,078       19,789       26,282     32,466       43,906             52,564       63,386       69,570            N/A​​ 

Asia/Pacific 3     6,344         11,102     16,494       20,301       26,962     33,306       45,042             53,924       65,026       71,370            N/A​​ 

Asia/Pacific 4     6,433         11,258     16,726       20,585       27,340     33,773       45,674             54,680       65,937       72,370            N/A​​ 

Europe 1             1,421           2,487       3,695         4,548         6,041       7,462       10,091             12,081       14,569       15,990             ICB​​ 

Europe 2             1,724           3,016       4,481         5,515         7,325       9,049       12,237             14,651       17,667       19,390            N/A​​ 

Europe 3             2,844           4,976       7,393         9,099       12,085     14,929       20,189             24,171       29,147       31,990            N/A​​ 

Europe 4             1,724           3,016       4,481         5,515         7,325       9,049       12,237             14,651       17,667       19,390            N/A​​ 

Europe 5             1,510           2,643       3,927         4,833         6,418       7,929       10,723             12,837       15,480       16,990            N/A​​ 

Europe 6             2,932           5,132       7,624         9,384       12,463     15,396       20,821             24,926       30,058       32,990            N/A​​ 

UK (London)       1,332           2,332       3,464         4,264         5,663       6,995         9,460             11,326       13,658       14,990             ICB​​ 


Domestic Zone: US East:​​ 


                                                Circuit Speed (Kbps)​​                                                                          Circuit Speed (Mbps)​​              

Internacional​​                                                                                                                                                                                          44.736/155/​​ 

Zone​​                         64​​               128​​           192​​             256​​             384​​           512​​             768​​               1.024​​          1.536​​          1.984​​        155.22​​ 


Asia/Pacific 1   $4,045        $ 7,078   $10,516     $12,943     $17,190   $21,234     $28,717           $34,379     $41,457     $45,502            N/A​​ 

Asia/Pacific 2     6,360         11,130     16,536       20,352       27,030     33,390       45,156             54,060       65,190       71,550            N/A​​ 

Asia/Pacific 3     6,520         11,410     16,952       20,864       27,710     34,230       46,292             55,420       66,830       73,350            N/A​​ 

Asia/Pacific 4     6,609         11,566     17,183       21,148       28,088     34,697       46,923             56,176       67,741       74,350            N/A​​ 

Europe 1             1,067           1,867       2,773         3,413         4,533       5,600         7,573               9,067       10,933       12,000             ICB​​ 

Europe 2             1,369           2,396       3,559         4,380         5,818       7,187         9,719             11,636       14,031       15,400            N/A​​ 

Europe 3             2,489           4,356       6,471         7,964       10,578     13,067       17,671             21,156       25,511       28,000            N/A​​ 

Europe 4             1,369           2,396       3,559         4,380         5,818       7,187         9,719             11,636       14,031       15,400            N/A​​ 

Europe 5             1,156           2,022       3,004         3,698         4,911       6,067         8,204               9,822       11,844       13,000            N/A​​ 

Europe 6             2,578           4,511       6,702         8,249       10,956     13,533       18,302             21,911       26,422       29,000            N/A​​ 

UK (London)          978           1,711       2,542         3,129         4,156       5,133         6,942               8,311       10,022       11,000             ICB​​ 


            .03       For circuits provided under the End-To-End International Private Line Service Option which are installed on or after May 5, 2000 and prior to November 1, 2001, the following monthly per-circuit recurring charges apply, based the Domestic Region and International Zone locations of the Customer Premises:​​ 


Domestic Zone: US West:​​ 

                                                Circuit Speed (Kbps)​​                                                                          Circuit Speed (Mbps)​​              

Internacional​​                                                                                                                                                                                          44.736/155/​​ 

Zone​​                         64​​               128​​           192​​             256​​             384​​           512​​             768​​               1.024​​          1.536​​          1.984​​        155.22​​ 


Asia/Pacific 1   $3,508        $ 6,140    $ 9,122     $11,227     $14,911   $18,419     $24,910           $29,822     $35,962     $39,470            N/A​​ 

Asia/Pacific 2     5,840         10,220     15,184       18,688       24,820     30,660       41,464             49,640       59,860       65,700            N/A​​ 

Asia/Pacific 3     6,000         10,500     15,600       19,200       25,500     31,500       42,600             51,000       61,500       67,500            N/A​​ 

Asia/Pacific 4     6,089         10,656     15,831       19,484       25,878     31,967       43,231             51,756       62,411       68,500            N/A​​ 

Europe 1             1,603           2,805       4,167         5,129         6,812       8,415       11,380             13,624       16,429       18,032             ICB​​ 

Europe 2             1,905           3,334       4,953         6,096         8,097     10,002       13,526             16,193       19,527       21,432            N/A​​ 

Europe 3             3,025           5,294       7,865         9,680       12,857     15,882       21,478             25,713       31,007       34,032            N/A​​ 

Europe 4             1,905           3,334       4,953         6,096         8,097     10,002       13,526             16,193       19,527       21,432            N/A​​ 

Europe 5             1,692           2,961       4,399         5,414         7,190       8,882       12,011             14,380       17,340       19,032            N/A​​ 

Europe 6             3,114           5,449       8,096         9,965       13,234     16,348       22,109             26,469       31,918       35,032            N/A​​ 

UK (London)       1,514           2,649       3,936         4,845         6,434       7,948       10,749             12,869       15,518       17,032             ICB​​ 


.04       For circuits provided under the End-To-End International Private Line Service Option which are installed on or after November 1, 2001, and prior to January 1, 2003, the following per-circuit charges apply, based the Domestic Zone and international location of the Customer Premises:​​ 


.1         Between the US Central Zone and the following locations: ​​ 


                Ubicación​​                                                                                      Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                 

Countr​​ y                   City                          64            128          192          256          384            512            768        1,024         1,544     2,048​​ 


Suiza​​             Aarau​​                 $1,851​​        $3,166​​      $4,539​​      $5,587​​      $7,331​​        $9,056​​      $12,098​​      $14,483​​    $17,465​​    $19,437​​ 

Australia                 Adelaide              2,496         4,269       6,122       7,534       9,886       12,212       16,314       19,531     24,964     28,708​​ 

Netherlands            Amsterdam          1,289         2,205       3,162       3,891       5,106         6,307         8,426       10,087     12,164     13,537​​ 

Belgium                   Antwerp              1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

Germany                Augsburg            1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Switzerland            Baden                  1,851         3,166       4,539       5,587       7,331         9,056       12,098       14,483     17,465     19,437​​ 

Switzerland            Basel                   1,851         3,166       4,539       5,587       7,331         9,056       12,098       14,483     17,465     19,437​​ 

United Kingdom      Basingstoke           923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Switzerland            Biel                      1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

Germany                Berlin                   1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Switzerland            Bern                    1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

Germany                Bielefeld              1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

United Kingdom      Birmingham             923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

France                    Bordeaux            1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

United Kingdom      Bracknell                923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Germany                Braunschweig    1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Germany                Bremen                1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

United Kingdom      Brighton                  923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Australia                 Brisbane              2,496         4,269       6,122       7,534       9,886       12,212       16,314       19,531     24,964     28,708​​ 

United Kingdom      Bristol                     923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Belgium                   Brussels              1,289         2,205       3,162       3,891       5,106         6,307         8,426       10,087     12,164     13,537​​ 

Hungary                 Budapest             4,645         7,945     11,392     14,020     18,396       22,725       30,358       36,344     43,827     48,776​​ 

Argentina               Buenos Aires      2,095         3,582       5,136       6,322       8,295       10,247       13,688       16,388     19,761     21,993​​ 

Australia                 Canberra             2,496         4,269       6,122       7,534       9,886       12,212       16,314       19,531     24,964     28,708​​ 

Venezuela              Caracas              2,466         4,315       6,411       7,891     10,480       12,946       17,507       20,959     25,275     27,740​​ 

Belgium                   Charleroi              1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

Japan                     Chiba                       ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Switzerland            Chur                    1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

Denmark                 Copenhagen        1,513         2,587       3,710       4,566       5,991         7,400         9,886       11,835     14,272     15,883​​ 

United Kingdom      Crawley                 923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

United Kingdom      Croydon                 923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

France                    Dijon                    1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Germany                Dortmund             1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Germany                Dresden              1,631         2,790       4,001       4,924       6,461         7,981       10,661       12,764     15,391     17,129​​ 

Ireland                    Dublin                  1,436         2,456       3,521       4,333       5,686         7,024         9,383       11,233     13,546     15,076​​ 

Germany                Dusseldorf          1,289         2,205       3,162       3,891       5,106         6,307         8,426       10,087     12,164     13,537​​ 

United Kingdom      Edinburgh            1,016         1,738       2,491       3,066       4,023         4,970         6,640         7,949       9,585     10,668​​ 

Germany                Erfurt                   1,631         2,790       4,001       4,924       6,461         7,981       10,661       12,764     15,391     17,129​​ 

Germany                Essen                  1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Germany                Frankfurt             1,289         2,205       3,162       3,891       5,106         6,307         8,426       10,087     12,164     13,537​​ 

Switzerland            Fribourg               1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

Switzerland            Geneva               1,523         2,604       3,735       4,596       6,031         7,450         9,952       11,915     14,368     15,990​​ 

Belgium                   Gent                    1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

United Kingdom      Glasgow             1,016         1,738       2,491       3,066       4,023         4,970         6,640         7,949       9,585     10,668​​ 

Sweden                 Gothenburg         2,408         4,118       5,905       7,268       9,536       11,780       15,736       18,839     22,718     25,283​​ 

France                    Grenoble             1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Germany                Hamburg              1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Germany                Hannover            1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Belgium                   Hasselt                1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

Finland                    Helsinki                1,913         3,271       4,690       5,773       7,575         9,357       12,500       14,965     18,046     20,083​​ 

Germany                Hilden                  1,851         3,166       4,539       5,587       7,331         9,056       12,098       14,483     17,465     19,437​​ 

Hong Kong             Hong Kong          1,578         2,698       3,869       4,762       6,249         7,719       10,311       12,345     15,778     18,145​​ 

Indonesia                Jakarta              20,650       35,316     50,640     62,326     81,779     101,021     134,953     161,564   206,501   237,476​​ 

Germany                Karlsruhe            1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Japan                     Kobe                       ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Germany                Koln                     1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Belgium                   Kortrijk                 1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

Malaysia                 Kuala Lumpur      5,234         8,951     12,835     15,797     20,728       25,605       34,205       40,950     52,339     60,190​​ 

Germany                Langerfeld           1,631         2,790       4,001       4,924       6,461         7,981       10,661       12,764     15,391     17,129​​ 

Switzerland            Lausanne            1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

United Kingdom      Leeds                     923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

United Kingdom      Leicester                923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Germany                Leipzig                 1,631         2,790       4,001       4,924       6,461         7,981       10,661       12,764     15,391     17,129​​ 

Belgium                   Liege                   1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

France                    Lille                      1,289         2,205       3,162       3,891       5,106         6,307         8,426       10,087     12,164     13,537​​ 

Sweden                 Linkoping             2,408         4,118       5,905       7,268       9,536       11,780       15,736       18,839     22,718     25,283​​ 

Portugal                  Lisbon                 3,576         6,116       8,770     10,793     14,162       17,495       23,371       27,979     33,740     37,550​​ 

United Kingdom      London                   923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Belgium                   Leuven                1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

Switzerland            Lugano                1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

Luxembourg           Luxembourg        1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

Switzerland            Luzern                 1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

France                    Lyon                    1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Spain                      Madrid                 1,847         3,158       4,529       5,574       7,313         9,034       12,069       14,448     17,423     19,390​​ 

Germany                Magdeburg          1,851         3,166       4,539       5,587       7,331         9,056       12,098       14,483     17,465     19,437​​ 

Sweden                 Malmo                  2,408         4,118       5,905       7,268       9,536       11,780       15,736       18,839     22,718     25,283​​ 

Philippines              Manila                  3,615         6,183       8,866     10,912     14,317       17,686       23,627       28,285     36,153     41,576​​ 

Germany                Mannheim            1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

France                    Marseille              1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Australia                 Melbourne           2,247         3,842       5,510       6,781       8,898       10,991       14,683       17,578     22,467     25,837​​ 

Italy                         Milan                    1,523         2,604       3,735       4,596       6,031         7,450         9,952       11,915     14,368     15,990​​ 

United Kingdom      Milton Keynes         923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Belgium                   Mons                   1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

France                    Montpellier           1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Russia                    Moscow            10,941       18,711     26,829     33,021     43,327       53,522       71,500       85,598   103,221   114,877​​ 

Germany                Munich                 1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Japan                     Nagoya                   ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Belgium                   Namur                  1,412         2,414       3,462       4,260       5,590         6,905         9,225       11,044     13,318     14,822​​ 

France                    Nantes                 1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

United Kingdom      Newbury                923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

United Kingdom      Newcastle           1,016         1,738       2,491       3,066       4,023         4,970         6,640         7,949       9,585     10,668​​ 

Germany                Nurnberg             1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Germany                Oldenburg           1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Sweden                 Örebro                 2,408         4,118       5,905       7,268       9,536       11,780       15,736       18,839     22,718     25,283​​ 

France                    Orleans               1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Japan                     Osaka                  1,121         1,917       2,749       3,383       4,439         5,483         7,325         8,769     11,208     12,889​​ 

Norway                  Oslo                     1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Panama                  Panama City        2,466         4,315       6,411       7,891     10,480       12,946       17,507       20,959     25,275     27,740​​ 

France                    Paris                    1,289         2,205       3,162       3,891       5,106         6,307         8,426       10,087     12,164     13,537​​ 

Australia                 Perth                    2,496         4,269       6,122       7,534       9,886       12,212       16,314       19,531     24,964     28,708​​ 

France                    Poitiers                1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

United Kingdom      Portsmouth             923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Czech Republic      Prague                 3,417         5,845       8,381     10,315     13,534       16,718       22,334       26,738     32,243     35,883​​ 

United Kingdom      Reading                  923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Germany                Regensburg        1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

France                    Reims                  1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

France                    Rennes                1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Netherlands            Rotterdam            1,289         2,205       3,162       3,891       5,106         6,307         8,426       10,087     12,164     13,537​​ 

France                    Rouen                  1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Chile                       Santiago              1,955         3,421       5,083       6,256       8,308       10,263       13,880       16,617     20,038     21,993​​ 

Brazil                      Sao Paulo            2,758         4,784       5,848       7,912     10,446       12,484       14,957       16,242     19,051     20,730​​ 


  Republic of           Seoul                   4,304         7,360     10,554     12,989     17,044       21,054       28,126       33,672     43,037     49,493​​ 

United Kingdom      Sheffield                 923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Singapore               Singapore            2,113         3,614       5,181       6,377       8,368       10,337       13,809       16,531     21,129     24,299​​ 

Switzerland            St. Gallen             1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

Sweden                 Stockholm            1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,179     18,006​​ 

France                    Strasbourg          1,289         2,205       3,162       3,891       5,106         6,307         8,426       10,087     12,164     13,537​​ 

Germany                Stuttgart              1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

United Kingdom      Swindon                 923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Australia                 Sydney                2,247         3,842       5,510       6,781       8,898       10,991       14,683       17,578     22,467     25,837​​ 

Japan                     Tokyo                  1,077         1,842       2,641       3,250       4,264         5,268         7,037         8,425     10,768     12,383​​ 

France                    Toulouse             1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

Sweden                 Vasteras             2,408         4,118       5,905       7,268       9,536       11,780       15,736       18,839     22,718     25,283​​ 

Austria                   Vienna                 1,715         2,933       4,205       5,176       6,791         8,389       11,207       13,417     16,180     18,006​​ 

United Kingdom      Warrington             923         1,578       2,263       2,786       3,655         4,515         6,032         7,221       8,708       9,691​​ 

Switzerland            Winterthur           1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

Germany                Wuppertal            1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Germany                Wurzburg            1,558         2,665       3,821       4,703       6,170         7,622       10,183       12,190     14,700     16,360​​ 

Japan                     Yokohama               ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Switzerland            Zug                      1,998         3,416       4,899       6,029       7,911         9,773       13,055       15,629     18,847     20,975​​ 

Switzerland            Zurich                  1,523         2,604       3,735       4,596       6,031         7,450         9,952       11,915     14,368     15,990​​ 


.2         Between the US East Zone and the following locations: ​​ 


                Ubicación​​                                                                                      Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                 

Countr​​ y                   City                          64            128          192          256          384            512            768        1,024         1,544     2,048​​ 


Switzerland            Aarau                $1,538       $2,631     $3,773     $4,643   $  6,093     $  7,526     $10,054     $12,037 $  14,515 $  16,154​​ 

Australia                 Adelaide              2,752         4,707       6,749       8,307     10,900       13,464       17,987       21,533     27,523     31,651​​ 

Netherlands            Amsterdam          1,026         1,754       2,515       3,096       4,062         5,017         6,703         8,024       9,677     10,769​​ 

Belgium                   Antwerp              1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

Germany                Augsburg            1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Switzerland            Baden                  1,538         2,631       3,773       4,643       6,093         7,526       10,054       12,037     14,515     16,154​​ 

Switzerland            Basel                   1,538         2,631       3,773       4,643       6,093         7,526       10,054       12,037     14,515     16,154​​ 

United Kingdom      Basingstoke           659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Germany                Berlin                   1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Switzerland            Bern                    1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

Switzerland            Biel                      1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

Germany                Bielefeld              1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

United Kingdom      Birmingham             659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

France                    Bordeaux            1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

United Kingdom      Bracknell                659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Germany                Braunschweig    1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Germany                Bremen                1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

United Kingdom      Brighton                  659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Australia                 Brisbane              2,752         4,707       6,749       8,307     10,900       13,464       17,987       21,533     27,523     31,651​​ 

United Kingdom      Bristol                     659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Belgium                   Brussels              1,026         1,754       2,515       3,096       4,062         5,017         6,703         8,024       9,677     10,769​​ 

Hungary                 Budapest             4,382         7,494     10,745     13,225     17,352       21,435       28,635       34,282     41,340     46,008​​ 

Argentina               Buenos Aires      1,891         3,235       4,638       5,708       7,490         9,252       12,360       14,797     17,844     19,859​​ 

Australia                 Canberra             2,752         4,707       6,749       8,307     10,900       13,464       17,987       21,533     27,523     31,651​​ 

Venezuela              Caracas              2,276         3,983       5,918       7,283       9,673       11,949       16,160       19,347     23,330     25,606​​ 

Belgium                   Charleroi              1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

Japan                     Chiba                       ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Switzerland            Chur                    1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

Denmark                 Copenhagen        1,249         2,136       3,063       3,770       4,947         6,111         8,163         9,773     11,785     13,115​​ 

United Kingdom      Crawley                 659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

United Kingdom      Croydon                 659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

France                    Dijon                    1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Germany                Dortmund             1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Germany                Dresden              1,319         2,255       3,234       3,980       5,222         6,451         8,618       10,317     12,441     13,846​​ 

Ireland                    Dublin                  1,172         2,005       2,874       3,538       4,642         5,734         7,660         9,171     11,059     12,308​​ 

Germany                Dusseldorf          1,026         1,754       2,515       3,096       4,062         5,017         6,703         8,024       9,677     10,769​​ 

United Kingdom      Edinburgh               703         1,203       1,725       2,123       2,785         3,441         4,596         5,502       6,635       7,385​​ 

Germany                Erfurt                   1,319         2,255       3,234       3,980       5,222         6,451         8,618       10,317     12,441     13,846​​ 

Germany                Essen                  1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Germany                Frankfurt             1,026         1,754       2,515       3,096       4,062         5,017         6,703         8,024       9,677     10,769​​ 

Switzerland            Fribourg               1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

Switzerland            Geneva               1,143         1,955       2,803       3,449       4,526         5,591         7,469         8,942     10,782     12,000​​ 

Belgium                   Gent                    1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Glasgow                703         1,203       1,725       2,123       2,785         3,441         4,596         5,502       6,635       7,385​​ 

Sweden                 Gothenburg         2,095         3,583       5,138       6,324       8,298       10,250       13,693       16,393     19,768     22,000​​ 

France                    Grenoble             1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Germany                Hamburg              1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Germany                Hannover            1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Belgium                   Hasselt                1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

Finland                    Helsinki                1,649         2,820       4,044       4,977       6,531         8,067       10,777       12,902     15,559     17,315​​ 

Germany                Hilden                  1,538         2,631       3,773       4,643       6,093         7,526       10,054       12,037     14,515     16,154​​ 

Hong Kong             Hong Kong          1,808         3,092       4,434       5,457       7,161         8,845       11,817       14,147     18,081     20,794​​ 

Indonesia                Jakarta              20,828       35,620     51,075     62,862     82,482     101,890     136,113     162,953   208,277   239,518​​ 

Germany                Karlsruhe            1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Japan                     Kobe                       ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Germany                Koln                     1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Belgium                   Kortrijk                 1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

Malaysia                 Kuala Lumpur      5,411         9,255     13,270     16,333     21,431       26,473       35,365       42,339     54,115     62,232​​ 

Germany                Langerfeld           1,319         2,255       3,234       3,980       5,222         6,451         8,618       10,317     12,441     13,846​​ 

Switzerland            Lausanne            1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

United Kingdom      Leeds                     659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

United Kingdom      Leicester                659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Germany                Leipzig                 1,319         2,255       3,234       3,980       5,222         6,451         8,618       10,317     12,441     13,846​​ 

Belgium                   Liege                   1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

France                    Lille                      1,026         1,754       2,515       3,096       4,062         5,017         6,703         8,024       9,677     10,769​​ 

Sweden                 Linkoping             2,095         3,583       5,138       6,324       8,298       10,250       13,693       16,393     19,768     22,000​​ 

Portugal                  Lisbon                 3,313         5,665       8,123       9,998     13,118       16,205       21,648       25,917     31,253     34,782​​ 

United Kingdom      London                   659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Belgium                   Leuven                1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

Switzerland            Lugano                1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

Luxembourg           Luxembourg        1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

Switzerland            Luzern                 1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

France                    Lyon                    1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Spain                      Madrid                 1,467         2,508       3,597       4,427       5,808         7,175         9,585       11,475     13,838     15,400​​ 

Germany                Magdeburg          1,538         2,631       3,773       4,643       6,093         7,526       10,054       12,037     14,515     16,154​​ 

Sweden                 Malmo                  2,095         3,583       5,138       6,324       8,298       10,250       13,693       16,393     19,768     22,000​​ 

Philippines              Manila                  3,846         6,577       9,430     11,607     15,229       18,813       25,132       30,087     38,456     44,224​​ 

Germany                Mannheim            1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

France                    Marseille              1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Australia                 Melbourne           2,477         4,236       6,074       7,476       9,810       12,118       16,188       19,380     24,770     28,486​​ 

Italy                         Milan                    1,143         1,955       2,803       3,449       4,526         5,591         7,469         8,942     10,782     12,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Milton Keynes         659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Belgium                   Mons                   1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

France                    Montpellier           1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Russia                    Moscow            10,677       18,260     26,183     32,225     42,283       52,233       69,777       83,536   100,734   112,109​​ 

Germany                Munich                 1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Japan                     Nagoya                   ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Belgium                   Namur                  1,099         1,879       2,695       3,317       4,352         5,376         7,182         8,598     10,368     11,538​​ 

France                    Nantes                 1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

United Kingdom      Newbury                659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

United Kingdom      Newcastle              703         1,203       1,725       2,123       2,785         3,441         4,596         5,502       6,635       7,385​​ 

Germany                Nurnberg             1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Germany                Oldenburg           1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Sweden                 Orebro                 2,095         3,583       5,138       6,324       8,298       10,250       13,693       16,393     19,768     22,000​​ 

France                    Orleans               1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Japan                     Osaka                  1,351         2,311       3,313       4,078       5,351         6,610         8,830       10,571     13,511     15,538​​ 

Norway                  Oslo                     1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Panama                  Panama City        2,276         3,983       5,918       7,283       9,673       11,949       16,160       19,347     23,330     25,606​​ 

France                    Paris                    1,026         1,754       2,515       3,096       4,062         5,017         6,703         8,024       9,677     10,769​​ 

Australia                 Perth                    2,752         4,707       6,749       8,307     10,900       13,464       17,987       21,533     27,523     31,651​​ 

France                    Portier                  1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

United Kingdom      Portsmouth             659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Czech Republic      Prague                 3,154         5,394       7,734       9,519     12,490       15,429       20,611       24,675     29,755     33,115​​ 

United Kingdom      Reading                  659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Germany                Regensburg        1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

France                    Reims                  1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

France                    Rennes                1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Netherlands            Rotterdam            1,026         1,754       2,515       3,096       4,062         5,017         6,703         8,024       9,677     10,769​​ 

France                    Rouen                  1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Chile                       Santiago              1,765         3,089       4,590       5,649       7,502         9,267       12,533       15,004     18,093     19,859​​ 

Brazil                      Sao Paulo            2,258         4,284       6,348       7,412       9,946       11,984       14,457       15,742     18,551     20,230​​ 


  Republic of           Seoul                   4,534         7,754     11,119     13,684     17,956       22,181       29,631       35,474     45,340     52,141​​ 

United Kingdom      Sheffield                 659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Singapore               Singapore            2,343         4,007       5,746       7,072       9,280       11,463       15,314       18,333     23,433     26,947​​ 

Switzerland            St. Gallen             1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

Sweden                 Stockholm            1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

France                    Strasbourg          1,026         1,754       2,515       3,096       4,062         5,017         6,703         8,024       9,677     10,769​​ 

Germany                Stuttgart              1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

United Kingdom      Swindon                 659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Australia                 Sydney                2,477         4,236       6,074       7,476       9,810       12,118       16,188       19,380     24,770     28,486​​ 

Japan                     Tokyo                  1,307         2,235       3,205       3,945       5,177         6,395         8,542       10,227     13,071     15,032​​ 

France                    Toulouse             1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

Sweden                 Vasteras             2,095         3,583       5,138       6,324       8,298       10,250       13,693       16,393     19,768     22,000​​ 

Austria                   Vienna                 1,451         2,482       3,559       4,380       5,747         7,100         9,484       11,355     13,692     15,238​​ 

United Kingdom      Warrington             659         1,128       1,617       1,990       2,611         3,226         4,309         5,159       6,221       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Winterthur           1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

Germany                Wuppertal            1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Germany                Wurzburg            1,245         2,130       3,054       3,759       4,932         6,093         8,139         9,744     11,750     13,077​​ 

Japan                     Yokohama               ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Switzerland            Zug                      1,685         2,882       4,132       5,086       6,673         8,243       11,012       13,183     15,897     17,692​​ 

Switzerland            Zurich                  1,143         1,955       2,803       3,449       4,526         5,591         7,469         8,942     10,782     12,000​​ 


.3         Between the US West Zone and the following locations: ​​ 


                Ubicación​​                                                                                      Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                 

Countr​​ y                   City                          64            128          192          256          384            512            768        1,024         1,544     2,048​​ 


Switzerland            Aarau                $2,150       $3,678     $5,273   $  6,490   $  8,516     $10,520     $14,053     $16,824 $  20,288 $  22,578​​ 

Australia                 Adelaide              2,229         3,812       5,466       6,727       8,827       10,904       14,566       17,439     22,289     25,632​​ 

Netherlands            Amsterdam          1,542         2,636       3,780       4,653       6,105         7,541       10,074       12,061     14,544     16,186​​ 

Belgium                   Antwerp              1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

Germany                Augsburg            1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Switzerland            Baden                  2,150         3,678       5,273       6,490       8,516       10,520       14,053       16,824     20,288     22,578​​ 

Switzerland            Basel                   2,150         3,678       5,273       6,490       8,516       10,520       14,053       16,824     20,288     22,578​​ 

United Kingdom      Basingstoke        1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Germany                Berlin                   1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Switzerland            Bern                    2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

Switzerland            Biel                      2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

Germany                Bielefeld              1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

United Kingdom      Birmingham          1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

France                    Bordeaux            1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

United Kingdom      Bracknell             1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Germany                Braunschweig    1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Germany                Bremen                1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

United Kingdom      Brighton               1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Australia                 Brisbane              2,229         3,812       5,466       6,727       8,827       10,904       14,566       17,439     22,289     25,632​​ 

United Kingdom      Bristol                  1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Belgium                   Brussels              1,542         2,636       3,780       4,653       6,105         7,541       10,074       12,061     14,544     16,186​​ 

Hungary                 Budapest             4,898         8,376     12,010     14,782     19,395       23,959       32,007       38,318     46,207     51,424​​ 

Argentina               Buenos Aires      2,289         3,915       5,613       6,909       9,065       11,198       14,959       17,909     21,596     24,035​​ 

Australia                 Canberra             2,229         3,812       5,466       6,727       8,827       10,904       14,566       17,439     22,289     25,632​​ 

Venezuela              Caracas              2,647         4,633       6,883       8,471     11,251       13,898       18,796       22,502     27,135     29,782​​ 

Belgium                   Charleroi              1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

Japan                     Chiba                       ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Switzerland            Chur                    2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

Denmark                 Copenhagen        1,765         3,018       4,328       5,327       6,990         8,634       11,534       13,809     16,652     18,532​​ 

United Kingdom      Crawley              1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

United Kingdom      Croydon              1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

France                    Dijon                    1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Germany                Dortmund             1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Germany                Dresden              1,931         3,302       4,734       5,827       7,645         9,444       12,617       15,104     18,214     20,271​​ 

Ireland                    Dublin                  1,688         2,887       4,140       5,095       6,685         8,258       11,032       13,207     15,926     17,724​​ 

Germany                Dusseldorf          1,542         2,636       3,780       4,653       6,105         7,541       10,074       12,061     14,544     16,186​​ 

United Kingdom      Edinburgh            1,315         2,249       3,225       3,969       5,208         6,434         8,595       10,290     12,408     13,809​​ 

Germany                Erfurt                   1,931         3,302       4,734       5,827       7,645         9,444       12,617       15,104     18,214     20,271​​ 

Germany                Essen                  1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Germany                Frankfurt             1,542         2,636       3,780       4,653       6,105         7,541       10,074       12,061     14,544     16,186​​ 

Switzerland            Fribourg               2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

Switzerland            Geneva               1,717         2,937       4,211       5,183       6,801         8,401       11,223       13,436     16,202     18,032​​ 

Belgium                   Gent                    1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

United Kingdom      Glasgow             1,315         2,249       3,225       3,969       5,208         6,434         8,595       10,290     12,408     13,809​​ 

Sweden                 Gothenburg         2,707         4,630       6,639       8,171     10,721       13,243       17,692       21,180     25,541     28,425​​ 

France                    Grenoble             1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Germany                Hamburg              1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Germany                Hannover            1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Belgium                   Hasselt                1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

Finland                    Helsinki                2,165         3,703       5,309       6,534       8,574       10,591       14,148       16,938     20,426     22,732​​ 

Germany                Hilden                  2,150         3,678       5,273       6,490       8,516       10,520       14,053       16,824     20,288     22,578​​ 

Hong Kong             Hong Kong          1,337         2,287       3,279       4,036       5,295         6,541         8,738       10,461     13,371     15,377​​ 

Indonesia                Jakarta              20,303       34,723     49,789     61,279     80,405       99,324     132,686     158,849   203,031   233,486​​ 

Germany                Karlsruhe            1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Japan                     Kobe                       ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Germany                Koln                     1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Belgium                   Kortrijk                 1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

Malaysia                 Kuala Lumpur      4,887         8,358     11,984     14,750     19,353       23,907       31,937       38,235     48,870     56,200​​ 

Germany                Langerfeld           1,931         3,302       4,734       5,827       7,645         9,444       12,617       15,104     18,214     20,271​​ 

Switzerland            Lausanne            2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

United Kingdom      Leeds                  1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

United Kingdom      Leicester             1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Germany                Leipzig                 1,931         3,302       4,734       5,827       7,645         9,444       12,617       15,104     18,214     20,271​​ 

Belgium                   Leuven                1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

France                    Liege                   1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

Sweden                 Lille                      1,542         2,636       3,780       4,653       6,105         7,541       10,074       12,061     14,544     16,186​​ 

Portugal                  Linkoping             2,707         4,630       6,639       8,171     10,721       13,243       17,692       21,180     25,541     28,425​​ 

United Kingdom      Lisbon                 3,828         6,547       9,388     11,555     15,161       18,729       25,019       29,953     36,120     40,198​​ 

Belgium                   London                1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Switzerland            Lugano                2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

Luxembourg           Luxembourg        1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

Switzerland            Luzern                 2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

France                    Lyon                    1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Spain                      Madrid                 2,041         3,491       5,005       6,161       8,083         9,985       13,339       15,970     19,257     21,432​​ 

Germany                Magdeburg          2,150         3,678       5,273       6,490       8,516       10,520       14,053       16,824     20,288     22,578​​ 

Sweden                 Malmo                  2,707         4,630       6,639       8,171     10,721       13,243       17,692       21,180     25,541     28,425​​ 

Philippines              Manila                  3,375         5,771       8,275     10,185     13,364       16,509       22,054       26,402     33,746     38,808​​ 

Germany                Mannheim            1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

France                    Marseille              1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Australia                 Melbourne           2,006         3,431       4,919       6,055       7,944         9,814       13,110       15,695     20,060     23,069​​ 

Italy                         Milan                    1,717         2,937       4,211       5,183       6,801         8,401       11,223       13,436     16,202     18,032​​ 

United Kingdom      Milton Keynes      1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Belgium                   Mons                   1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

France                    Montpellier           1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Russia                    Moscow            11,193       19,142     27,448     33,782     44,326       54,756       73,148       87,572   105,601   117,525​​ 

Germany                Munich                 1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Japan                     Nagoya                   ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Belgium                   Namur                  1,711         2,926       4,195       5,163       6,775         8,369       11,180       13,385     16,141     17,963​​ 

France                    Nantes                 1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

United Kingdom      Newbury             1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

UnitedKingdom       Newcastle           1,315         2,249       3,225       3,969       5,208         6,434         8,595       10,290     12,408     13,809​​ 

Germany                Nurnberg             1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Germany                Oldenburg           1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Sweden                 Örebro                 2,707         4,630       6,639       8,171     10,721       13,243       17,692       21,180     25,541     28,425​​ 

France                    Orleans               1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Japan                     Osaka                     880         1,505       2,158       2,656       3,486         4,306         5,752         6,886       8,801     10,121​​ 

Norway                  Oslo                     1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Panama                  Panama City        2,647         4,633       6,883       8,471     11,251       13,898       18,796       22,502     27,135     29,782​​ 

France                    Paris                    1,542         2,636       3,780       4,653       6,105         7,541       10,074       12,061     14,544     16,186​​ 

Australia                 Perth                    2,229         3,812       5,466       6,727       8,827       10,904       14,566       17,439     22,289     25,632​​ 

France                    Poitiers                1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

United Kingdom      Portsmouth          1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Czech Republic      Prague                 3,670         6,276       8,999     11,076     14,533       17,952       23,982       28,711     34,623     38,532​​ 

United Kingdom      Reading               1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Germany                Regensburg        1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

France                    Reims                  1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

France                    Rennes                1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Netherlands            Rotterdam            1,542         2,636       3,780       4,653       6,105         7,541       10,074       12,061     14,544     16,186​​ 

France                    Rouen                  1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Chile                       Santiago              2,136         3,739       5,555       6,836       9,080       11,216       15,168       18,159     21,898     24,035​​ 

Brazil                      All Cities              3,258         5,284       6,848       8,412     10,946       12,984       15,457       16,742     19,551     21,230​​ 


Republic of             Seoul                   4,063         6,949       9,964     12,263     16,090       19,876       26,553       31,788     40,630     46,725​​ 

United Kingdom      Sheffield              1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Singapore               Singapore            1,872         3,202       4,591       5,651       7,414         9,159       12,236       14,648     18,722     21,531​​ 

Switzerland            St. Gallen             2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

Sweden                 Stockholm            1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

France                    Strasbourg          1,542         2,636       3,780       4,653       6,105         7,541       10,074       12,061     14,544     16,186​​ 

Germany                Stuttgart              1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

United Kingdom      Swindon              1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Australia                 Sydney                2,006         3,431       4,919       6,055       7,944         9,814       13,110       15,695     20,060     23,069​​ 

Japan                     Tokyo                     836         1,430       2,050       2,524       3,311         4,090         5,464         6,542       8,361       9,615​​ 

France                    Toulouse             1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

Sweden                 Vasteras             2,707         4,630       6,639       8,171     10,721       13,243       17,692       21,180     25,541     28,425​​ 

Austria                   Vienna                 1,967         3,364       4,824       5,937       7,790         9,623       12,856       15,391     18,559     20,655​​ 

United Kingdom      Warrington          1,175         2,010       2,882       3,547       4,654         5,749         7,680         9,195     11,088     12,340​​ 

Switzerland            Winterthur           2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

Germany                Wuppertal            1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Germany                Wurzburg            1,857         3,176       4,555       5,606       7,355         9,086       12,138       14,531     17,523     19,502​​ 

Japan                     Yokohama               ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB           ICB             ICB             ICB             ICB           ICB           ICB​​ 

Switzerland            Zug                      2,297         3,928       5,633       6,932       9,096       11,236       15,010       17,970     21,670     24,117​​ 

Switzerland            Zurich                  1,717         2,937       4,211       5,183       6,801         8,401       11,223       13,436     16,202     18,032​​ 


.05       For circuits provided under the End-To-End International Private Line Service Option which are installed on or after January 1, 2003, excluding circuits between domestic locations and locations in Mexico which are installed on or after August 1, 2003, the following per-circuit charges apply, based the Domestic Zone and international location of the Customer Premises:​​ 


.1         Between the US Central Zone and the following locations:​​ 


                Ubicación​​                                                                                      Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                 

Countr​​ y                   City                          64            128          192          256          384            512            768        1,024         1,544     2,048​​ 


Argentina               Buenos Aires  $  1,029      $  1427    $  2116    $  2611    $  3455      $  4154      $  5648    $    6852    $  8580    $  9632​​ 

Australia                 Adelaide              1,194         2,106       3,049       3,827       5,193         6,549         8,007       12,992     15,285     17,577​​ 

Australia                 Brisbane              1,194         2,106       3,049       3,827       5,193         6,549         8,007       12,992     15,285     17,577​​ 

Australia                 Canberra             1,194         2,106       3,049       3,827       5,193         6,549         8,007       12,992     15,285     17,577​​ 

Australia                 Melbourne              963         1,647       2,360       2,909       3,814         4,710         6,299         7,532       9,632     11,077​​ 

Australia                 Perth                    1,194         2,106       3,049       3,827       5,193         6,549         8,007       12,992     15,285     17,577​​ 

Australia                 Sydney                   963         1,647       2,360       2,909       3,814         4,710         6,299         7,532       9,632     11,077​​ 

Austria                   Vienna                 1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Belgium                   Antwerp                 655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Belgium                   Brussels              1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

Belgium                   Charleroi                 655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Belgium                   Gent                       655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Belgium                   Hasselt                   655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Belgium                   Kortrijk                    655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Belgium                   Leuven                   655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Belgium                   Liege                      655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Belgium                   Mons                      655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Belgium                   Namur                     655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Brazil                      All locations         1,398         2,255       2,818       3,459       4,535         5,405         7,283         8,748     10,715     11,720​​ 

Chile                       Santiago              1,047         1,463       2,169       2,682       3,561         4,294         5,858         7,131       8,994     10,178​​ 

Colombia                 Bogota                 1,443         1,991       2,953       3,639       4,271         5,124         6,953         7,364       9,174     10,236​​ 

Czech Republic      Prague                 2,462         3,692       4,923       5,538       6,154         6,769         8,000         9,231     11,077     12,308​​ 

Denmark                 Copenhagen        1,169         1,754       2,338       2,631       2,923         3,215         3,800         4,385       5,262       5,846​​ 

Finland                    Helsinki                1,569         2,354       3,138       3,531       3,923         4,315         5,100         5,885       7,062       7,846​​ 

France                    Bordeaux            1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Dijon                    1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Grenoble             1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Lille                      1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

France                    Lyon                    1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Marseille              1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Montpellier           1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Nantes                 1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Orleans               1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Paris                    1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

France                    Poitiers                1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Reims                  1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Rennes                1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Rouen                  1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Sophia-Antipolis  1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

France                    Strasbourg          1,034         1,551       2,068       2,326       2,585         2,843         3,360         3,877       4,652       5,169​​ 

France                    Toulouse             1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

Germany                Aachen               1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Augsburg            1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Berlin                   1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Bielefeld              1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Braunschweig    1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Bremen                1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Chemnitz             1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Darmstadt            1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Donaueschingen 1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​    

Germany                Dortmund             1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Dresden              1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Dusseldorf          1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Erfurt                   1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Essen                  1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Frankfurt             1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Freilburg              1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Fulda                   1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Giessen               1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Gottingen             1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Hamburg              1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Hannover            1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Heilbronn             1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Hilden                  1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

Germany                Karlsruhe            1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Kassel                 1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Kempton              1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Koblenz               1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Koln                     1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Krefeld                1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Langerfeld           1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Landshut             1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Leipzig                 1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Lubeck                1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Magdeburg          1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

Germany                Mainz                   1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Mannheim            1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Munich                 1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Munster               1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Nurnberg             1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Offenburg           1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Oldenburg           1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Potsdam              1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

Germany                Ravensburg        1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Regensburg        1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Reutlingen           1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Rottweil               1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Siegen                 1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Stuttgart              1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Ulm                      1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Viersen               1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Wesel                  1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Wiesbaden          1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Germany                Wuppertal            1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Germany                Wurzburg            1,071         1,606       2,142       2,409       2,677         2,945         3,480         4,015       4,818       5,354​​ 

Greece                   Athens                6,642         9,299     10,628     11,956     13,285       14,613       17,270       19,927     23,248     26,569​​ 

Hong Kong             All                           265            556          794       1,000       1,191         1,389         1,466         2,069       2,646       3,043​​ 

Hungary                 Budapest             2,769         4,154       5,538       6,231       6,923         7,615         9,000       10,385     12,462     13,846​​ 

Indonesia                Jakarta              20,650       35,316     50,640     62,326     81,779     101,021     134,953     161,564   206,501   237,476​​ 

Ireland                    Dublin                  1,292         1,938       2,585       2,908       3,231         3,554         4,200         4,846       5,815       6,462​​ 

Italy                         Milan                    1,292         1,938       2,585       2,908       3,231         3,554         4,200         4,846       5,815       6,462​​ 

Japan                     Osaka                     331            695          992       1,250       1,488         1,737         1,832         2,587       3,308       3,804​​    

Japan                     Tokyo                     265            556          794       1,000       1,191         1,389         1,466         2,069       2,646       3,043​​ 


  Republic of           Seoul                      265            556          794       1,000       1,191         1,389         1,466         2,069       2,646       3,043​​ 

Luxemburgo​​            Todos​​                            625         1,083       1,560       1,935       2,577         3,213         4,357         5,298       6,624       7,637​​ 

Malaysia                 Kuala Lumpur         823         1,431       2,053       2,551       3,382         4,052         5,458         6,334       7,671       8,431​​ 

Netherlands            Amsterdam          1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Netherlands            Dan Hague             655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Netherlands            Haarlem                  655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Netherlands            Hilversum               655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

Netherlands            Rotterdam            1,015         1,523       2,031       2,285       2,538         2,792         3,300         3,808       4,569       5,077​​ 

Netherlands            Utrecht                   655         1,135       1,634       2,027       2,697         3,361         4,555         5,535       6,910       7,954​​ 

New Zealand         Auckland                963          1647        2360        2909        3814          4710          6299          7532        9632      11077​​ 

Norway                  Oslo                     1,323         1,985       2,646       2,977       3,308         3,638         4,300         4,962       5,954       6,615​​    

Panama                  Panama City        1,443         1,991       2,953       3,639       4,271         5,124         6,953         7,364       9,174     10,236​​ 

Peru                        Lima                     1,443         1,991       2,953       3,639       4,805         5,765         7,823         9,468     11,795     13,160​​ 

Philippines              Manila                     300            513          735          906       1,188         1,467         1,962         2,346       3,000       3,450​​ 

Poland                    Warsaw              4,615         5,385       6,154       6,923       7,692         8,462       10,000       11,538     13,846     15,385​​ 

Portugal                  Lisbon                 1,477         2,215       2,954       3,323       3,692         4,062         4,800         5,538       6,646       7,385​​ 

Russia                    Moscow              6,154         9,231     12,308     13,846     15,385       16,923       20,000       23,077     27,692     30,769​​ 

Singapore               All                           554            970       1,394       1,738       2,316         2,735         3,697         4,229       4,978       3,815​​ 

Spain                      Madrid                 1,477         2,215       2,954       3,323       3,692         4,062         4,800         5,538       6,646       7,385​​ 

Sweden                 All                        1,169         1,754       2,338       2,631       2,923         3,215         3,800         4,385       5,262       5,846​​    

Switzerland            Aarau                  1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

Switzerland            Baden                  1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

Switzerland            Basel                   1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

Switzerland            Bern                    1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Biel                      1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Chur                    1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Fribourg               1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Geneva               1,292         1,938       2,585       2,908       3,231         3,554         4,200         4,846       5,815       6,462​​ 

Switzerland            Lausanne            1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Lugano                1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Luzern                 1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            St. Gallen             1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Winterthur           1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Zug                      1,385         2,077       2,769       3,115       3,462         3,808         4,500         5,192       6,231       6,923​​ 

Switzerland            Zurich                  1,292         1,938       2,585       2,908       3,231         3,554         4,200         4,846       5,815       6,462​​ 

Taiwan                   Taipei                      332            568          814       1,004       1,316         1,625         2,173         2,599       3,323       3,822​​ 

United Kingdom      Basingstoke        1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Birmingham          1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Bracknell             1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Brighton               1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Bristol                  1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Crawley              1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Croydon              1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Edinburgh            1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

United Kingdom      Glasgow             1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

United Kingdom      Leeds                  1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Leicester             1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      London                   923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Manchester         1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Milton Keynes      1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Newbury             1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Newcastle           1,062         1,592       2,123       2,388       2,654         2,919         3,450         3,981       4,777       5,308​​ 

United Kingdom      Portsmouth          1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Reading               1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Sheffield              1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Swindon              1,108         1,662       2,215       2,492       2,769         3,046         3,600         4,154       4,985       5,538​​ 

United Kingdom      Warrington          1,108                         1,662       2,215       2,492         2,769         3,046         3,600       4,154       4,985    5,538​​ 

Venezuela              Caracas              1,443         1,991       2,953       3,639       4,271         5,124         6,953         7,364       9,174     10,236​​ .​​ 


2          Between the US East Zone and the following locations: ​​ 


                Ubicación​​                                                                                      Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                 

Countr​​ y                   City                          64            128          192          256          384            512            768        1,024         1,544     2,048​​ 


Argentina               Buenos Aires     $  997     $  1,363   $  2,019   $  2,482   $  3,261   $    3,894   $    5,258   $    6,331 $    7,794   $  8,578​​ 

Australia                 Adelaide              1,301         2,289       3,311       4,151       5,617         7,072         8,607       14,192     16,500     18,808​​ 

Australia                 Brisbane              1,301         2,289       3,311       4,151       5,617         7,072         8,607       14,192     16,500     18,808​​ 

Australia                 Canberra             1,301         2,289       3,311       4,151       5,617         7,072         8,607       14,192     16,500     18,808​​ 

Australia                 Melbourne           1,070         1,830       2,622       3,232       4,238         5,233         6,999         8,369     10,702     12,308​​ 

Australia                 Perth                    1,301         2,289       3,311       4,151       5,617         7,072         8,607       14,192     16,500     18,808​​ 

Australia                 Sydney                1,070         1,830       2,622       3,232       4,238         5,233         6,999         8,369     10,702     12,308​​ 

Austria                   Vienna                 1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Belgium                   Antwerp                 605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Belgium                   Brussels                 923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

Belgium                   Charleroi                 605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Belgium                   Gent                       605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Belgium                   Hasselt                   605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Belgium                   Kortrijk                    605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Belgium                   Leuven                   605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Belgium                   Liege                      605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Belgium                   Mons                      605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Belgium                   Namur                     605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Brazil                      All locations         1,398         2,255       2,818       3,459       4,535         5,405         7,283         8,748     10,715     11,720​​ 

Chile                       Santiago                 997         1,363       2,019       2,482       3,261         3,894         5,258         6,331       7,794       8,578​​ 

Colombia                 Bogota                 1,398         1,901       2,818       3,459       4,031         4,804         6,473         6,804       8,334       9,116​​ 

Czech Republic      Prague                 2,462         3,692       4,923       5,538       6,154         6,769         8,000         9,231     11,077     12,308​​ 

Denmark                 Copenhagen        1,169         1,754       2,338       2,631       2,923         3,215         3,800         4,385       5,262       5,846​​ 

Finland                    Helsinki                1,308         1,962       2,615       2,942       3,269         3,596         4,250         4,904       5,885       6,538​​ 

France                    Bordeaux               923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Dijon                       923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Grenoble                923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Lille                         846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

France                    Lyon                       923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Marseille                 923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Montpellier              923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Nantes                    923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Orleans                  923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Paris                       846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

France                    Poitiers                   923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Reims                     923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Rennes                   923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Rouen                     923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Sophia-Antipolis     923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

France                    Strasbourg             862         1,292       1,723       1,938       2,154         2,369         2,800         3,231       3,877       4,308​​ 

France                    Toulouse                923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

Germany                Aachen                  892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​    

Germany                Augsburg               892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Berlin                      885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Bielefeld                 892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Braunschweig       885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Bremen                   885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Chemnitz                885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Darmstadt               846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Donaueschingen    892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Dortmund                892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Dresden                 885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Dusseldorf             846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Erfurt                      885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Essen                     892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Frankfurt                846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Frielburg                 892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Fulda                      846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Giessen                  846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Gottingen                885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Hamburg                 885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Hannover               892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Heilbronn                892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Hilden                  1,000         1,500       2,000       2,250       2,500         2,750         3,250         3,750       4,500       5,000​​ 

Germany                Karlsruhe               892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Kassel                    892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Kempton                 892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Koblenz                  846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Koln                        892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Krefeld                   846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Landshut                892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Langerfeld              885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Lubeck                   885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Leipzig                    885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Magdeburg          1,000         1,500       2,000       2,250       2,500         2,750         3,250         3,750       4,500       5,000​​ 

Germany                Mainz                      846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Mannheim               892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Munich                    892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Munster                  892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Nurnberg                892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Oldenburg              892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Offenburg              892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Potsdam                 885          1327        1769        1990        2212          2433          2875          3317        3981        4423​​ 

Germany                Ravensburg           892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Regensburg           892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Reutlingen              892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Rottweil                  892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Siegen                    892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Stuttgart                 892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Ulm                         892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Viersen                  846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Wesel                     892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Wiesbaden             846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Germany                Wuppertal               892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Germany                Wurzburg               892         1,338       1,785       2,008       2,231         2,454         2,900         3,346       4,015       4,462​​ 

Greece                   Athens                6,326         8,856     10,122     11,387     12,652       13,917       16,448       18,978     22,141     25,304​​ 

Hong Kong             All                           360            756       1,080       1,361       1,620         1,890         1,994         2,815       3,600       4,140​​ 

Hungary                 Budapest             2,308         3,462       4,615       5,192       5,769         6,346         7,500         8,654     10,385     11,538​​ 

Indonesia                Jakarta              20,828       35,620     51,075     62,862     82,482     101,890     136,113     162,953   208,277   239,518​​ 

Ireland                    Dublin                  1,077         1,615       2,154       2,423       2,692         2,962         3,500         4,038       4,846       5,385​​ 

Italy                         Milan                    1,077         1,615       2,154       2,423       2,692         2,962         3,500         4,038       4,846       5,385​​ 

Italy                         Milan                    1,077         1,615       2,154       2,423       2,692         2,962         3,500         4,038       4,846       5,385​​ 

Japan                     Osaka                     428            898       1,283       1,617       1,925         2,245         2,369         3,345       4,277       4,918​​ 

Japan                     Tokyo                     360            756       1,080       1,361       1,620         1,890         1,994         2,815       3,600       4,140​​ 


  Republic of           Seoul                      362            759       1,085       1,367       1,627         1,898         2,003         2,827       3,615       4,158​​ 

Luxemburgo​​            Todos​​                            575            983       1,410       1,735       2,277         2,813         3,757         4,498       5,424       6,037​​ 

Malaysia                 Kuala Lumpur      1,054         1,860       2,674       3,347       4,480         5,221         7,079         7,986       9,138       9,538​​    

Netherlands            Amsterdam             846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Japan                     Osaka                  1,271         2,173       3,113       3,837       5,032         6,213         8,310         9,936     12,706     14,612​​ 

Japan                     Tokyo                     801         1,432       2,060       2,593       3,497         4,287         5,455         6,037       6,154       6,855​​ 


  Republic of           Seoul                      868         1,546       2,224       2,795       3,762         4,614         5,892         6,560       6,371       7,625​​ 

Luxembourg           Luxembourg           575            983       1,410       1,735       2,277         2,813         3,757         4,498       5,424       6,037​​ 

Malaysia                 Kuala Lumpur      1,229         2,164       3,109       3,886       5,192         6,380         8,255         9,384       9,983     11,778​​    

Netherlands            Amsterdam             846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Netherlands            Dan Hague             605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Netherlands            Haarlem                  605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Netherlands            Hilversum               605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

Netherlands            Rotterdam               846         1,269       1,692       1,904       2,115         2,327         2,750         3,173       3,808       4,231​​ 

Netherlands            Utrecht                   605         1,035       1,484       1,827       2,397         2,961         3,955         4,735       5,710       6,354​​ 

New Zealand         Auckland              1070          1830        2622        3232        4238          5233          6999          8369      10702      12308​​ 

Norway                  Oslo                     1,231         1,846       2,462       2,769       3,077         3,385         4,000         4,615       5,538       6,154​​ 

Panama                  Panama City        1,398         1,901       2,818       3,459       4,031         4,804         6,473         6,804       8,334       9,116​​ 

Peru                        Lima                     1,398         1,901       2,818       3,459       4,535         5,405         7,283         8,748     10,715     11,720​​ 

Poland                    Warsaw              4,154         4,846       5,538       6,231       6,923         7,615         9,000       10,385     12,462     13,846​​ 

Philippines              Manila                     395            676          969       1,194       1,566         1,933         2,586         3,092       3,954       4,547​​    

Portugal                  Lisbon                 1,231         1,846       2,462       2,769       3,077         3,385         4,000         4,615       5,538       6,154​​ 

Russia                    Moscow              5,538         8,308     11,077     12,462     13,846       15,231       18,000       20,769     24,923     27,692​​ 

Singapore               All                           785         1,400       2,014       2,534       3,413         3,904         5,318         5,881       6,446       4,923​​ 

Spain                      Madrid                 1,231         1,846       2,462       2,769       3,077         3,385         4,000         4,615       5,538       6,154​​ 

Sweden                 All                        1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Aarau                  1,000         1,500       2,000       2,250       2,500         2,750         3,250         3,750       4,500       5,000​​ 

Switzerland            Baden                  1,000         1,500       2,000       2,250       2,500         2,750         3,250         3,750       4,500       5,000​​ 

Switzerland            Basel                   1,000         1,500       2,000       2,250       2,500         2,750         3,250         3,750       4,500       5,000​​ 

Switzerland            Bern                    1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Biel                      1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Chur                    1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Fribourg               1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Geneva               1,077         1,615       2,154       2,423       2,692         2,962         3,500         4,038       4,846       5,385​​ 

Switzerland            Lausanne            1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Lugano                1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Luzern                 1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            St Gallen              1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Winterthur           1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Zug                      1,154         1,731       2,308       2,596       2,885         3,173         3,750         4,327       5,192       5,769​​ 

Switzerland            Zurich                  1,077         1,615       2,154       2,423       2,692         2,962         3,500         4,038       4,846       5,385​​ 

Taiwan                   Taipei​​                       428            731       1,048       1,292       1,694         2,091         2,797         3,345       4,277       4,918​​ 

United Kingdom      Basingstoke           923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Birmingham             923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Bracknell                923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Brighton                  923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Bristol                     923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Crawley                 923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Croydon                 923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Edinburgh               885         1,327       1,769       1,990       2,212         2,433         2,875         3,317       3,981       4,423​​ 

United Kingdom      Glasgow                885         1,327       1,769       1,990       2,212         2,433         2,875         3,317       3,981       4,423​​ 

United Kingdom      Leeds                     923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Leicester                923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      London                   769         1,154       1,538       1,731       1,923         2,115         2,500         2,885       3,462       3,846​​ 

United Kingdom      Manchester            923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Milton Keynes         923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Newbury                923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Newcastle              885         1,327       1,769       1,990       2,212         2,433         2,875         3,317       3,981       4,423​​ 

United Kingdom      Portsmouth             923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Reading                  923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Sheffield                 923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Swindon                 923         1,385       1,846       2,077       2,308         2,538         3,000         3,462       4,154       4,615​​ 

United Kingdom      Warrington             923                         1,385       1,846       2,077         2,308         2,538         3,000       3,462       4,154    4,615​​       

Venezuela              Caracas              1,398         1,901       2,818       3,459       4,031         4,804         6,473         6,804       8,334       9,116​​ 


.3         Between the US West Zone and the following locations: ​​ 


                Ubicación​​                                                                                Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)​​                                                        

Countr​​ y                   City                          64            128          192          256          384            512            768        1,024         1,544     2,048​​ 



Argentina               Buenos Aires  $  1,077     $  1,524     $2,261   $  2,805   $  3,747     $  4,543   $    6,233   $    7,633   $  9,759 $  11,213​​ 

Australia                 Adelaide              1,033         1,831       2,656       3,343       4,557         5,764         7,607       12,192     13,962     15,731​​ 

Australia                 Brisbane              1,033         1,831       2,656       3,343       4,557         5,764         7,607       12,192     13,962     15,731​​ 

Australia                 Canberra             1,033         1,831       2,656       3,343       4,557         5,764         7,607       12,192     13,962     15,731​​ 

Australia                 Melbourne              803         1,373       1,967       2,424       3,179         3,925         5,249         6,277       8,027       9,231​​ 

Australia                 Perth                    1,033         1,831       2,656       3,343       4,557         5,764         7,607       12,192     13,962     15,731​​ 

Australia                 Sydney                   803         1,373       1,967       2,424       3,179         3,925         5,249         6,277       8,027       9,231​​ 

Austria                   Vienna                 1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Belgium                   Antwerp                 730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Belgium                   Brussels              1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

Belgium                   Charleroi                 730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Belgium                   Gent                       730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Belgium                   Hasselt                   730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Belgium                   Kortrijk                    730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Belgium                   Leuven                   730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Belgium                   Liege                      730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Belgium                   Mons                      730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Belgium                   Namur                     730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Brazil                      All locations         1,398         2,255       2,818       3,459       4,535         5,405         7,283         8,748     10,715     11,720​​ 

Chile                       Santiago              1,122         1,613       2,394       2,982       4,011         4,894         6,758         8,331     10,794     12,578​​ 

Colombia                 Bogota                 1,510         2,126       3,155       3,909       4,631         5,604         7,673         8,204     10,434     11,916​​ 

Czech Republic      Prague                 2,615         3,923       5,231       5,885       6,538         7,192         8,500         9,808     11,769     13,077​​ 

Denmark                 Copenhagen        1,169         1,754       2,338       2,631       2,923         3,215         3,800         4,385       5,262       5,846​​ 

Finland                    Helsinki                1,700         2,550       3,400       3,825       4,250         4,675         5,525         6,375       7,650       8,500​​ 

France                    Bordeaux            1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Dijon                    1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Grenoble             1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Lille                      1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

France                    Lyon                    1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Marseille              1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Montpellier           1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Nantes                 1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Orleans               1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Paris                    1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

France                    Poitiers                1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Reims                  1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Rennes                1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Rouen                  1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Sophia-Antipolis  1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

France                    Strasbourg          1,120         1,680       2,240       2,520       2,800         3,080         3,640         4,200       5,040       5,600​​ 

France                    Toulouse             1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

Germany                Aachen               1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Augsburg            1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Berlin                   1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Bielefeld              1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Braunschweig    1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Bremen                1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Chemnitz             1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Darmstadt            1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Donaueschingen 1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Dortmund             1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Dresden              1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Dusseldorf          1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Erfurt                   1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Essen                  1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Frankfurt             1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Freilburg              1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Fulda                   1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Giessen               1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Gottingen             1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Hamburg              1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Hannover            1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Heilbronn             1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Hilden                  1,300         1,950       2,600       2,925       3,250         3,575         4,225         4,875       5,850       6,500​​ 

Germany                Karlsruhe            1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Kassel                 1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Kempton              1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Koblentz              1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Koln                     1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Krefeld                1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Langerfeld           1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Landshut             1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Leipzig                 1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Lubeck                1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Magdeburg          1,300         1,950       2,600       2,925       3,250         3,575         4,225         4,875       5,850       6,500​​ 

Germany                Mainz                   1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Mannheim            1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Munich                 1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Munster               1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Nurnberg             1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Offenburg           1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Oldenburg           1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Potsdam              1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

Germany                Ravensburg        1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Regensburg        1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Reutlingen           1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Rottweil               1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Siegen                 1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Stuttgart              1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Ulm                      1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Viersen               1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Wesel                  1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Wiesbaden          1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Germany                Wuppertal            1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Germany                Wurzburg            1,160         1,740       2,320       2,610       2,900         3,190         3,770         4,350       5,220       5,800​​ 

Greece                   Athens                6,959         9,742     11,134     12,526     13,917       15,309       18,093       20,876     24,355     27,834​​ 

Hong Kong             All                           200            420          600          756          900         1,050         1,108         1,564       2,000       2,300​​ 

Hungary                 Budapest             3,000         4,500       6,000       6,750       7,500         8,250         9,750       11,250     13,500     15,000​​ 

Indonesia                Jakarta              20,303       34,723     49,789     61,279     80,405       99,324     132,686     158,849   203,031   233,486​​ 

Ireland                    Dublin                  1,400         2,100       2,800       3,150       3,500         3,850         4,550         5,250       6,300       7,000​​ 

Italy                         Milan                    1,400         2,100       2,800       3,150       3,500         3,850         4,550         5,250       6,300       7,000​​ 

Japan                     Osaka                     268            562          803       1,012       1,205         1,405         1,483         2,093       2,677       3,077​​ 

Japan                     Tokyo                     200            420          600          756          900         1,050         1,108         1,564       2,000       2,300​​ 


  Republic of           Seoul                      238            501          715          901       1,073         1,252         1,321         1,865       2,385       2,742​​ 

Luxembourg           Luxembourg           700         1,233       1,785       2,235       3,027         3,813         5,257         6,498       8,424     10,037​​ 

Malaysia                 Kuala Lumpur         669         1,144       1,640       2,021       2,650         3,273         4,377         5,233       6,692       7,692​​ 

Netherlands            Amsterdam          1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Netherlands            Dan Hague             730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Netherlands            Haarlem                  730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Netherlands            Hilversum               730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

Netherlands            Rotterdam            1,100         1,650       2,200       2,475       2,750         3,025         3,575         4,125       4,950       5,500​​ 

Netherlands            Utrecht                   730         1,285       1,859       2,327       3,147         3,961         5,455         6,735       8,710     10,354​​ 

New Zealand         Auckland                803          1373        1967        2424        3179          3925          5249          6277        8027        9231​​ 

Norway                  Oslo                     1,323         1,985       2,646       2,977       3,308         3,638         4,300         4,962       5,954       6,615​​ 

Panama                  Panama City        1,510         2,126       3,155       3,909       4,631         5,604         7,673         8,204     10,434     11,916​​ 

Peru                        Lima                     1,510         2,126       3,155       3,909       5,210         6,305         8,633       10,548     13,415     15,320​​ 

Philippines              Manila                     235            403          577          711          932         1,151         1,539         1,841       2,354       2,707​​ 

Poland                    Warsaw              5,077         5,923       6,769       7,615       8,462         9,308       11,000       12,692     15,231     16,923​​ 

Portugal                  Lisbon                 1,600         2,400       3,200       3,600       4,000         4,400         5,200         6,000       7,200       8,000​​ 

Rusia​​                     Moscow              6,462         9,692     12,923     14,538     16,154       17,769       21,000       24,231     29,077     32,308​​ 

Singapore               All                           400            684          980       1,208       1,584         1,956         2,616         3,128       4,000       3,077​​ 

Spain                      Madrid                 1,600         2,400       3,200       3,600       4,000         4,400         5,200         6,000       7,200       8,000​​ 

Sweden                 All                        1,169         1,754       2,338       2,631       2,923         3,215         3,800         4,385       5,262       5,846​​ 

Switzerland            Aarau                  1,300         1,950       2,600       2,925       3,250         3,575         4,225         4,875       5,850       6,500​​ 

Switzerland            Baden                  1,300         1,950       2,600       2,925       3,250         3,575         4,225         4,875       5,850       6,500​​ 

Switzerland            Basel                   1,300         1,950       2,600       2,925       3,250         3,575         4,225         4,875       5,850       6,500​​ 

Switzerland            Bern                    1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Biel                      1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Chur                    1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Fribourg               1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Geneva               1,400         2,100       2,800       3,150       3,500         3,850         4,550         5,250       6,300       7,000​​ 

Switzerland            Lausanne            1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Lugano                1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Luzern                 1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            St Gallen              1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Winterthur           1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Zug                      1,500         2,250       3,000       3,375       3,750         4,125         4,875         5,625       6,750       7,500​​ 

Switzerland            Zurich                  1,400         2,100       2,800       3,150       3,500         3,850         4,550         5,250       6,300       7,000​​ 

Taiwan                   Taipei                      268            458          656          808       1,060         1,309         1,751         2,093       2,677       3,077​​ 

United Kingdom      Basingstoke        1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Birmingham          1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Bracknell             1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Brighton               1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Bristol                  1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Crawley              1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Croydon              1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Edinburgh            1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

United Kingdom      Glasgow             1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

United Kingdom      Leeds                  1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Leicester             1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      London                1,000         1,500       2,000       2,250       2,500         2,750         3,250         3,750       4,500       5,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Manchester         1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Milton Keynes      1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Newbury             1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Newcastle           1,150         1,725       2,300       2,588       2,875         3,163         3,738         4,313       5,175       5,750​​ 

United Kingdom      Portsmouth          1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Reading               1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Sheffield              1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Swindon              1,200         1,800       2,400       2,700       3,000         3,300         3,900         4,500       5,400       6,000​​ 

United Kingdom      Warrington          1,200                         1,800       2,400       2,700         3,000         3,300         3,900       4,500       5,400    6,000​​       

Venezuela              Caracas              1,510         2,126       3,155       3,909       4,631         5,604         7,673         8,204     10,434     11,916​​ 


.​​ 06       Canada:  For circuits between US Zones and locations in Canada provided under the End-To-End International Private Line Service Option which are installed on or after April 17, 2003, the following per-circuit charges apply, based the Domestic Zone​​  and Canadian location of the Customer Premises:​​ 


1.         Between Montreal and the following US Zones:​​ 


                                                                         Monthly Recurring Charges/​​                                                                

                                                                 kbps​​                                                                                     Mbps​​                

US Zone​​           64​​              128​​               192​​             256​​           384​​           512​​           768​​          1.024​​          1.536​​        44.736​​        155​​ 


1                    $378          $425            $471       $   518     $   610     $   703     $   889       $1,075       $1,377     $11,210   $30,938​​ 

2                     501             563              624            686          809          932       1,178         1,424         1,824       19,105     50,833​​ 

3                     747             838              930         1,022       1,205       1,389       1,756         2,123         2,719       22,789     60,780​​ 


1.         Between Toronto and the following US Zones:​​ 


                                                                         Monthly Recurring Charges/​​                                                                

                                                                 kbps​​                                                                                     Mbps​​                

US Zone​​           64​​              128​​               192​​             256​​           384​​           512​​           768​​          1.024​​          1.536​​        44.736​​        155​​ 


1                     365             411              458            504          597          690          875         1,061         1,363       13,305     36,267​​ 

2                     488             549              611            672          795          918       1,164         1,410         1,810       22,384     59,146​​ 

3                     734             825              917         1,009       1,192       1,375       1,742         2,109         2,705       23,905     63,338​​ 


3.         Between Vancouver and the following US Zones:​​ 


                                                                         Monthly Recurring Charges/​​                                                                

                                                                 kbps​​                                                                                     Mbps​​                

US Zone​​           64​​              128​​               192​​             256​​           384​​           512​​           768​​          1.024​​          1.536​​        44.736​​        155​​ 


1                     333             374              415            457          539          621          785            950         1,217       11,054     30,521​​ 

2                     456             512              569            625          737          849       1,074         1,299         1,664       18,949     50,416​​ 

3                     702             788              875            961       1,134       1,306       1,652         1,997         2,559       22,633     60,363​​ 


.07       Mexico:  For circuits between Domestic Zones and Mexico Zones provided under the End-To-End International Private Line Service Option which are installed on or after August 1, 2003, the following per-circuit charges apply, based the Domestic Zone and Mexico Zone location of the Customer Premises:​​ 


Domestic                                                                     Monthly Recurring Charges (kbps)                                                 ​​ 

Mexico Zone​​            Zone​​                         64​​             128​​           192​​           256​​           384​​             512​​             768​​         1,024​​          1,544​​      2,048​​ 


MX 0                       US 0                 $    401     $     712    $    946     $1,151    $ 1,699       $1,920     $  2,385     $  2,872   $  3,077  $   3,205​​ 

                               US 1                       717         1,274       1,692       2,059       3,040         3,436         4,268         5,140       5,394       5,737​​ 

                               US 2                       846         1,503       1,997       2,430       3,588         4,055         5,036         6,065       6,364       6,769​​ 

                               US 3                    1,049         1,863       2,476       3,013       4,449         5,028         6,245         7,521       7,892       8,394​​ 

MX 1                       US 0                       717         1,274       1,692       2,060       3,041         3,436         4,268         5,140       5,507       5,737​​ 

                               US 1                       868         1,542       2,049       2,494       3,681         4,161         5,168         6,224       6,668       6,946​​ 

                               US 2                    1,025         1,820       2,419       2,944       4,346         4,912         6,101         7,347       7,872       8,200​​ 

                               US 3                    1,271         2,257       2,999       3,649       5,387         6,089         7,562         9,107       9,758     10,165​​ 

MX 2                       US 0                       846         1,503       1,997       2,430       3,588         4,055         5,036         6,065       6,498       6,769​​ 

                               US 1                    1,128         2,004       2,663       3,241       4,785         5,408         6,717         8,089       8,667       9,028​​ 

                               US 2                    1,285         2,283       3,033       3,691       5,449         6,159         7,649         9,212       9,870     10,282​​ 

                               US 3                    1,531         2,719       3,613       4,396       6,490         7,335         9,111       10,973     11,756     12,246​​ 

MX 3                       US 0                    1,049         1,863       2,476       3,013       4,449         5,028         6,245         7,521       8,058       8,394​​ 

                               US 1                    1,293         2,295       3,050       3,712       5,480         6,194         7,693         9,265       9,926     10,340​​ 

                               US 2                    1,449         2,574       3,420       4,162       6,145         6,945         8,626       10,388     11,130     11,594​​ 

                               US 3                    1,695         3,010       4,000       4,867       7,186         8,122       10,087       12,148     13,016     13,558​​ 


7.         Network Pricing Plans (NPPs)​​ 


            Under these plans, a Customer commits to a minimum monthly revenue level of combined usage over a selected term, and receives the corresponding NPP discounts on DS-1 (Digital Signal Level 1) Service, E-1 Service, STM-1 Interexchange Service, WorldCom DS-3 Interexchange Service, and all speeds under the End-To-End International Private Line Service Option under the committed plan.  NPPs are available at various  minimum monthly Interexchange Service and Company‑provided local loop revenue levels over terms of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years.​​ 


            The monthly recurring Interexchange Service charges under a particular plan are determined by deducting the respective NPP discounts from the monthly charges calculated for each service using standard tariffed monthly recurring Interexchange Service charges, prior to the application of all discounts, for DS-1 Service, E-1 Service, STM-1 Interexchange Service and WorldCom DS-3 Interexchange Service, plus any applicable domestic revenues as set forth in this Section, which are totalled and compared to the minimum monthly commitment amount.  Except as set forth in this Section under "Commencing An NPP," if the aggregate revenue applicable towards the minimum monthly revenue commitment is less than the committed amount, a charge equal to the difference is also applied.  The monthly minimum commitment must be satisfied by the Customer's net billing after the application of NPP discounts.​​ 


            Revenues from the Company‑provided or Company-affiliate-provided portion of U.S. Private Line Service enrolled in an NPP, which revenues are calculated at the undiscounted monthly or base standard tariffed rates, prior to the application of all discounts, will be counted toward a selected NPP minimum monthly revenue commitment.  The Customer may choose the NPP to be associated with these domestic revenues, subject to the terms of Notification Required from Customers.​​ 


            Except as set forth in this Section, relative to commencing an NPP, the commitment to an NPP is independent of the circuits in the plan.  Circuits may be added or deleted from an NPP subject to the terms for Notification Required From Customers.  Other circuit specific regulations, including minimum service interval and notice of discontinuance, are defined elsewhere in this tariff.​​ 


            Customers who enroll in an NPP shall not be entitled to any other discount, except for City Pair Discounts, or for any promotion offered by the company on Interexchange Service charges arising from services furnished under the NPP.​​ 


            a.         Commencing An NPP:  Subject to the terms for Notification Required From Customers, the Customer must select: the desired NPP term and month in which the plan is to commence; the monthly minimum Interexchange Service revenue commitment; and the circuits, which will initially be part of the plan, including ordered circuits which are due for installation within the first three months of the desired plan commencement.​​ 


                        The NPP commences the first day of a calendar month selected by the Customer, or the first day of a subsequent month in which the first circuit can be billed under the plan.​​ 


                        During the first three months of the plan, the Customer is not charged for the difference if the aggregate revenue applicable towards the minimum monthly revenue commitment is less than the committed amount.  The obligation to the minimum actually commences in the fourth month of the plan, unless a circuit due within the first three months of the plan has not been made available by the Company to the Customer.  In that case, the minimum will not apply until the circuit is made available.​​ 


            b.         Terminating a Network Pricing Plan​​ 


                        A Customer may terminate an NPP before the end of its committed term without liability, if:​​ 


                                    the Customer replaces the existing NPP or plans with an NPP which has a minimum monthly Interexchange Service revenue commitment that is equal to or greater than the total monthly Interexchange Service minimum revenue commitment of the Customer's existing plan or plans and which expires on or after the expiration date of the plan or plans being replaced; or,​​ 


                                    a revision in this tariff results in lower plan charges for the plan to which the Customer has committed such that the Customer is caused to fall below the committed minimum monthly Interexchange Service revenue level, and the Customer replaces the existing plan by committing to a new plan having the next lower NPP minimum monthly Interexchange Service revenue level and which expires on or after the date of the plan being replaced.  For purposes of applying this provision the Customer will not be penalized for falling below the minimum under the existing plan and can receive the new plan charges from the date the tariff revision takes effect if the Customer enters into the new plan within three months of the tariff effective date.​​ 


                        Except as set forth in this Section for terminating without liability an NPP prior to the expiration of its committed term, the Customer will be billed and required to pay a termination charge equal to 100 percent of the NPP revenue commitment amount for any unexpired portion of the remaining months in the term plan.​​ 


            c.         Notification Required From Customers:​​ 


                        All customer requests to commence, change, or terminate an NPP must be made in writing and received by the Company no later than the fifteenth day of the month preceding the month in which the desired action is to take effect.  All NPP changes for existing circuits take effect on the first day of a calendar month.​​ 


                        A customer may cancel any order for an NPP provided that a written request to do so is received by the Company before the plan commences.  A request to cancel an NPP shall not be deemed to be a request to cancel any associated circuits, unless otherwise indicated in the written notification.​​ 


                        A circuit may only be enrolled in one rate plan at a time.  The standard tariffed monthly recurring charge will apply to a circuit when no other plan has been selected by the customer, or when the selected plan has not commenced, is terminated, or expires. The standard tariffed monthly recurring charge  will also apply if the customer fails to comply with the requirements for notification as set forth above.​​ 


            d.         Discounts:  The following discounts will apply to standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for circuits enrolled in an NPP, excluding End-To-End International Private Line Service Option circuits installed on or after May 5, 2000, based on NPP monthly minimum revenue commitment and term of service:​​ 


                Monthly Minimum                                                 Term of Service (Years)​​ 

            Revenue Commitment​​                                 1​​                 2​​              3​​                 4​​                 5​​ 


         $             100.00    -   $       1,999.99              1 %             2 %          3 %             4 %             5 %​​ 

                     2,000.00    -            2,999.99              5                6             7                8                9​​ 

                     3,000.00    -            3,999.99              6                7             8                9              10​​ 

                     4,000.00    -            4,999.99              7                8             9              10              11​​ 

                     5,000.00    -            6,999.99              8              10           12              14              16​​ 

                     7,000.00    -            9,999.99              9              11           13              15              17​​ 

                   10,000.00    -          14,999.99            12              14           17              19              21​​ 

                   15,000.00    -          19,999.99            13              15           18              20              22​​ 

                   20,000.00    -          29,999.99            13              16           19              21              23​​ 

                   30,000.00    -          39,999.99            14              17           20              23              25​​ 

                   40,000.00    -          49,999.99            15              18           21              24              26​​ 

                   50,000.00    -          74,999.99            16              19           22              25              27​​ 

                   75,000.00    -          99,999.99            17              20           23              26              28​​ 

                 100,000.00    +                                     18              21           24              27              30​​ 


The following discounts will apply to standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for End-To-End International Private Line Service Option circuits enrolled in an NPP which are installed on or after May 5, 2000, based on NPP monthly minimum revenue commitment and term of service:​​ 


                Monthly Minimum                                                 Term of Service (Years)​​ 

            Revenue Commitment​​                            1​​                 2​​                 3​​                 4​​                 5​​ 


                         $  100.00                                    1%             2%             3%             4%             5%​​ 

                             250.00                                    1                2                3                4                5​​ 

                             500.00                                    1                2                3                4                5​​ 

                          1,000.00                                    2                3                4                5                6​​ 

                          2,000.00                                    5                6                7                8                9​​ 

                          3,000.00                                    6                7                9              10              12​​ 

                          4,000.00                                    7                8              10              12              14​​ 

                          5,000.00                                    8              10              12              14              16​​ 

                          7,000.00                                    9              11              14              16              18​​ 

                        10,000.00                                  12              14              17              19              21​​ 

                        15,000.00                                  13              15              18              20              22​​ 

                        25,000.00                                  14              17              20              23              25​​ 

                        50,000.00                                  16              19              22              25              27​​ 

                        75,000.00                                  17              20              23              26              28​​ 

                      100,000.00                                  18              21              24              27              30​​ 

                      150,000.00                                  19              22              25              28              32​​ 

                      200,000.00                                  20              23              26              29              34​​ 

                      300,000.00                                  24              27              29              32              35​​ 

                      500,000.00                                  26              29              31              34              37​​ 

                      750,000.00                                  28              31              33              36              38​​ 

                      100,000.00                                  30              33              35              38              39​​ 

8.         Non-Recurring and Ancillary Charges​​ 


            .01       International Private Line Non-Recurring Installation Charges​​ 


.a         Fiber Digital Private Line Services and Satellite Digital Private Line Service:  The following non-recurring per-circuit installation charges apply to Fiber Digital Private Line Services and Satellite Digital Private Line Service circuits, based on circuit speed:​​ 


                        Circuit Speed​​               Cargo de instalación​​ 


64 kbps - 2.048 Mbps                                              $    500​​ 

44.736 Mbps                                                                2500​​ 

155.220 Mbps                                                             5,000​​ 


.b         End-To-End International Private Line Service Option​​ 


.1         The following non-recurring per-circuit installation charges apply to End-To-End International Private Line Service Option circuits ordered prior to December 1, 2001, based on circuit speed:​​ 


                        Circuit Speed​​               Cargo de instalación​​ 


                                      64 kbps                                                          $    500​​ 

                                    128 kbps                                                                500​​ 

                                    192 kbps                                                                500​​ 

                                    256 kbps                                                             1,000​​ 

                                    384 kbps                                                             1,000​​ 

                                    512 kbps                                                             1,500​​ 

                                    768 kbps                                                             1,500​​ 

                                1.024 Mbps                                                             1,500​​ 

                                1.536 Mbps                                                             2,250​​ 

                                1.984 Mbps                                                             2,250​​ 

                              44.736 Mbps                                                             5,000​​ 

                                   155 Mbps                                                           10,000​​ 

                            155.220 Mbps                                                           10,000​​ 


.2           The following non-recurring per-circuit installation charges apply to End-To-End International Private Line Service Option circuits ordered after November 31, 2001, excluding circuits between domestic locations and locations Mexico ordered on or after August 1, 2003, based on circuit speed:​​ 


                        Circuit Speed​​               Cargo de instalación​​ 


                                      64 kbps                                                          $    250​​ 

                                    128 kbps                                                                250​​ 

                                    192 kbps                                                                250​​ 

                                    256 kbps                                                                250​​ 

                                    384 kbps                                                                250​​ 

                                    512 kbps                                                                250​​ 

                                    768 kbps                                                                250​​ 

                                1.024 Mbps                                                             1,000​​ 

                                1.536 Mbps                                                             1,000​​ 

                                1.984 Mbps                                                             1,000​​ 

                              44.736 Mbps                                                             5,000​​ 

                                   155 Mbps                                                           10,000​​ 

                            155.220 Mbps                                                           10,000​​ 


.3           The following non-recurring per-circuit installation charges apply to End-To-End International Private Line Service Option circuits between domestic locations and locations in Mexico ordered on or after August 1, 2003, based on circuit speed:​​ 


                        Circuit Speed​​               Cargo de instalación​​ 


                                      64 kbps                                                          $    500​​ 

                                    128 kbps                                                                500​​ 

                                    192 kbps                                                                500​​ 

                                    256 kbps                                                             1,000​​ 

                                    384 kbps                                                             1,500​​ 

                                    512 kbps                                                             1,500​​ 

                                    768 kbps                                                             1,500​​ 

                                       1 Mbps                                                             1,500​​ 

                                1.548 Mbps                                                             2,250​​ 

                                       2 Mbps                                                             2,250​​ 


            .02       Order Expedite Charges​​ 


                        Expedite charges apply when the Customer requests installation of service in less that the normal published intervals.  Company charges for the expedited handling of the order, and will also pass along to the Customer any expedite charges associated with the Customer request from Local Exchange Companies (LECs) or Foreign Telephone Administrations.  Expedite charges are in addition to other Non-Recurring Charges associated with the order.​​ 


Order Expedite Charge                                                                        $1,300​​ 


            .03       Order Cancellation Charges​​ 


                        Order cancellation charges apply for orders canceled prior to Customer acceptance.  Order cancellation charges are in addition to standard installation charges.  Cancellation charges vary by order status; pre and post engineering.  Orders canceled within 30 days of placing the order incur no penalties, unless the cancellation is within ten (10) days of the due date, in which case installation charges will apply.  However, any costs incurred from the LEC or Foreign Telephone Administration will be passed on to the Customer.  For orders canceled within thirty (30) and ninety (90) days after placing the order, one months monthly recurring charges will be charged.  For orders canceled more than ninety (90) days after placing the order, but have not yet completed installation, will incur three (3) months of monthly recurring charges.​​ 


Order canceled 30 days or less​​ 

      after placing order                                                                               N/C​​ 


Order canceled 30 days or less​​ 

      after placing order, but within​​ 

      10 days of order due date                                                                 $500​​ 


Order canceled more than 30 days​​ 

      but 90 days or less after​​ 

      placing order                                                                                           1 months MRC​​ 


Order canceled more than 90 days​​ 

      after placing order                                                                                   3 months MRC​​ 


            .04       Change of Due Date​​ 


                        A change of due date charge applies when a change of due date is the only requested modification to the order.  The amount of charge depends on the stage of order processing and whether the due date on that circuit has been previously modified.  If the first requested change of due date is received more than ten (10) working days prior to the original request date, there will be no charge.  If the due date has been changed once already, or if the request is made within ten (10) working days of the originally requested due date, a charge will apply.  When the Customer requests that the due date be delayed, the new due date must be within thirty (30) days of the previously requested due date.  If the due date is more than thirty (30) days or unknown, the order is to be canceled and re-issued when a firm due date can be set.  Cancellation charges may apply.  The Company will pass on to the Customer any fees incurred on behalf of Customer for such a request, including fees with access circuits or the Foreign Administration.​​ 


            .05       Change of Order​​ 


                        Change of order charges apply when a Customer requests a modification to the information contained in the original order document prior to Customer acceptance of the circuit (other than change of due date).  Administrative changes such as billing address changes, contact changes, etc., will be made at no charge.  There will be an ASR charge for administrative changes involving Company-ordered local access.​​ 


Administrative Changes (ASR Charges)                                                $100​​ 


                        A non-administrative change of order is defined as a change of local service type (voice grade to data grade or vice versa), or change of transmission interface.  A change of termination city at either end will require the order to be canceled and a new order issued.  Charges for change of order are lower if the change is received prior to circuit engineering.​​ 


Non-Administrative Changes (ASR Charges):​​ 

      Pre-Engineering                                                                                $125​​ 

      Post-Engineering                                                                              $250​​ 


            .06       Change of Service/Re-Engineering​​ 


                        Change of service charges apply to changes made after a circuit has been accepted by the Customer.  Re-engineering charges apply for orders that require re-engineering due to a Customer requested change in local service type, transmission speed, transmission mode (AMI to B8ZS), etc.  Any charges incurred by the LEC or the Foreign Telephone Administration will be passed on to the Customer.​​ 


Change of Service/Re-Engineering                                                          500​​ 


            .07       Additional Installation/Maintenance​​ 


                        Additional installation and/or maintenance charges apply when the Customer requests installation or circuit changes during non-business hours or when the Customer requests a technician at the Customer's U.S. premise for trouble that results from problems in the Customer's equipment.  Charges also apply when the Customer requests the provision of engineering design or other activities which are not normally provided as part of the design and installation of service.  Charges incurred from the LEC of Foreign Telephone Administration will be passed through to the Customer.​​ 


During Normal Hours - Per hour, per person                                         $100​​ 

After Normal Hours - Per hour, per person                                              125​​ 


            .08       Collocation Charges​​ 


                        Collocation charges apply when a Customer contracts with Company to utilize space in Company Point of Presence locations for placement of Customer owned and maintained equipment associated with services Company provides.  All pricing for collocation including:  floor space, power, rack space, DSX-1 or DSX-3 cross-connect panels, etc., is priced on an Individual Case Basis dependent on Customer requirements.​​ 


9.         Local Access Charges​​ 


            Local Access charges for the U.S. portion of the Service are based on what the Customer would otherwise pay the Local Exchange Carrier or Foreign Telecommunications Provider pursuant to such Carrier's access Tariffs for the same interconnection and/or service.  This rate information is obtained from the applicable Local Exchange Carrier or Foreign Telecommunications Provider Tariff.​​ 


            Refer to the appropriate Local Exchange Carrier or Foreign Telecommunications Provider Tariff for specific components and descriptions.​​ 





            The End-to-End International Private Line Service Level Agreements (SLA) applies to Type 1 and Type 2 End-to-End International Private Line Service Option service at 44.736 Mbps, 155 Mbps and 155.220 Mbps between domestic Zones and Europe 1, UK and UK (London) International Zones which is ordered on or after January 15, 1999 under a term commitment of at least one year. Customers will be eligible to receive special credit allowances, in lieu of all other credits, for failure by the Company to satisfy two Performance Standards: "Service Availability" and "Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)".​​ 


            Definitions:  For purposes of this SLA, the following definitions apply:​​ 


                        Mean Time to Repair (MTTR):  MTTR is the period of time commencing with the date and time the Customer first informs the Company of a circuit Service Outage (i.e. opens a "Trouble Ticket") and ending on the date and time that service on that circuit is restored.​​ 


                        Service Availability:  Service Availability is the total number of minutes in a monthly billing period during which service on that circuit is available for use by the Customer, divided by the total number of minutes in that monthly billing period.  For the purposes of this SLA, Service Availability will be calculated by taking into account the time between the initiation of a Trouble Ticket for a Service Outage and reductions in time for factors or conditions that are not the Company's service responsibility.​​ 


                        Service Outage:  A Service Outage is an unscheduled period of time when service is unavailable for use by the Customer.  A Service Outage is defined as 60 or more seconds of service unavailability within a 15‑minute period as measured by the Company.  A Service Outage may occur as a result of the Company's failure to meet its performance obligations or for factors or conditions that are not the Company's service responsibility, including those specified in the "Exclusions" section below.​​ 


                        Trouble Ticket:  The result of reporting by a Customer to the Company of a perceived Service Outage.​​ 


                        Network Service Configuration:​​ 


                                    Type 1 services are those for which local loops are furnished wholly via MCI Legacy Company facilities; and,​​ 


                                    Type 2 services are those for which local loops are not furnished via MCI Legacy Company facilities.​​ 




                        To be eligible to receive an SLA credit for a Service Outage, a Customer must: (i) initiate a Trouble Ticket within 72 hours of first learning of an Outage; and, (ii) make a written request for SLA credit to the Company within five days of initiating the Trouble Ticket.  When making an SLA credit request, the Customer must provide the Company with the following information: (1) the Trouble Ticket number; (2) the date and time the Trouble Ticket was initiated; and (3) the circuit ID number for each circuit that experienced the Service Outage.​​ 


            Service Availability:​​ 


                        The Service Availability SLA for a Type 1 network configuration service is 100 percent. The Service Availability SLA for a Type 2 network configuration service is 99.8 percent.​​ 


            Mean Time to Repair (MTTR):​​ 


                        The MTTR SLA for a Type 1 network configuration service is 4.5 hours. The MTTR SLA for Type 2 network configuration service is 5 hours.​​ 


                        To determine whether a MTTR SLA has been satisfied, a monthly "MTTR circuit average" will be determined by dividing the cumulative length of Service Outages for a circuit by the total number of Trouble Tickets opened during a monthly billing period for the circuit.​​ 


            Credits:  During any monthly billing period in which the Company fails to meet an SLA for a circuit, the Customer will receive credit for that circuit, as follows:​​ 


                        For a one month failure, the Company will provide a credit equal to 25 percent of the monthly recurring circuit charges, after application of all discounts.​​ 


                        For a failure of two consecutive months, the Company will provide a credit equal to 50 percent of the monthly recurring circuit charges, after application of all discounts, for the second month.​​ 


                        For a failure of three consecutive months, the Company will provide a credit equal to 100 percent of the monthly recurring circuit charges, after application of all discounts, for the third month.​​ 


                        For a failure of four consecutive months, either: (1) the Company will provide a credit equal to 100 percent of the monthly recurring circuit charges, after application of all discounts, for the fourth month and each consecutive month thereafter that the Customer remains subscribed to the circuit and the Company fails to satisfy the SLA; or (2) the Customer may terminate service for that circuit without incurring termination liability, except for charges incurred prior to service termination, provided that the Customer notifies the Company in writing of its intent to terminate the circuit no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the fourth month or any consecutive month thereafter. For a failure of four consecutive months or more, the Company, upon written notice to a Customer, may terminate its performance obligations under this SLA, which will result in the application to circuit performance of the credit outage allowance provisions contained in Sections II.10.01 through II.10.07.​​ 


            Exclusions:  Service Availability and MTTR SLA calculations will not include time during which a Service Outage results from any one or more of the following:​​ 


                        Scheduled service maintenance.​​ 


                        Labor strikes affecting service.​​ 


                        Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency).​​ 


                        Service Outages attributable to the installation of a new circuit.​​ 


                        Service Outages attributable to: customer premises equipment (CPE); any third party equipment other than equipment furnished by LECs as part of their access services; or any Customer application on a covered circuit.​​ 


                        Any act or omission on the part of the Customer, its contractors, agents or vendors, including any refusal to release the circuit to the Company for maintenance, testing or repair.​​