.20 Option S (Virtual Private Data Service (VPDS))
Beginning February 18, 2000, Switched T-1 Service will not be available to new subscribers to the service.
There are currently three categories of Virtual Private Data Service, Switched T-1, Switched T-31, and Metered Switched Fractional T-1.
In addition to other service-related charges under this option, FUSF , Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC a pply.
.201 Switched T-1: Switched T-1 provides a dial-up service for transmitting data at speeds of up to 1.536 Mbps with either inband or out-of-band signalling. TDS-1.5 access is required at each customer access point. This service is available from and to all locations listed in Section C-12, Table IV, Part A and subject to those provisions.
.2011 Rates and Charges
.20111 Access Methods
.2021111 Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 (TDS-1.5): Components associated with T-1 Digital Access and their relevant monthly and non-recurring charges are those shown in Section C‑2.0221.
.20112 Usage Charges: The following usage rates will be charged for Switched T-1:
Mileage Per Minute Rate
0 - 300 $0.99
301 - 900 1.24
901+ 1.79
A minimum usage charge of $500 per access point will be assessed if the customer does not meet an average network minimum usage of $500 per customer access
Price Caps of 120 percent of the cost of TDS-1.5 service inter-office usage will be in effect between any two access points in a single billing month. If a customer has signed an NPP or a fixed term plan, then the price cap is calculated on the discounted TDS-1.5 price.
.20113 Features
202 Switched T-3: Switched T-3 provides a dial-up service for transmitting data at speeds of up to 44.736 Mbps with out-of-band signalling. Out-of-band signalling is offered with either a dedicated 1200-9600 baud Voice Grade Private Line or dial-up access. TDS 45 access is required at each customer access point. Service availability will be initially offered on a limited basis.
.2022 Rates and Charges
.20221 Access Methods
.202212 Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (TDS-45): Components associated with TDS-45 Access and their relevant monthly and non-recurring charges are those shown in Sections C-2.0241 and C-2.0242.
.20222 Usage Charges: The following usage rates will be charged for Switched T-3:
Mileage 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Addl'l 6
Correa Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
0 - 55 $37.50 $3.00 $33.75 $2.70 $33.75 $2.70
56 - 292 52.50 3.30 47.25 3.00 47.25 3.00
293 - 550 56.25 3.75 50.70 3.30 50.70 3.30
551 - 900 60.00 4.50 54.00 4.05 54.00 4.05
901 - 1910 61.50 5.55 55.35 4.95 55.35 4.95
1911+ 64.50 6.45 58.05 5.85 58.05 5.85
A minimum usage charge of $5000 per access point will be assessed if the customer does not meet an average network minimum usage of $5000 per customer access.
Price Caps of 120 percent of the cost of TDS-45 service inter-office usage will be in effect between any two access points in a single billing month.
· In addition to these charges, the monthly and installation signalling charges set forth in Section C-2.02114 will also apply.
.203 Metered Switched Fractional T-11: Metered Switched Fractional T-1 provides a dial-up service for transmitting data at speeds of up to 768 kbps with optional dial-up, dedicated, or in-band signalling. TDS-1.5 access is required at each customer access point. Service will be available on a test basis to a limited number of customers.
.2031 Rates and Charges
.20311 Access Methods
.203111 Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 (TDS-1.5): Components associated with T-1 Digital Access and their relevant monthly and non-recurring charges are shown in Section C-2.0221.
.20312 Port Charges: The following per-port monthly recurring and non‑recurring installation charges apply per each dedicated access point, based on port speed:
Monthly Recurring Non‑Recurring
Port Speed Port Charge Cargo de instalación
56/64 kbps $45.00 $30.00
128 90.00 48.00
256 170.00 63.00
384 215.00 82.00
512 250.00 118.00
768 300.00 184.00
.20313 Usage Charges: The following usage rates will be charged for Switched Fractional T-1:
56/64 kbps
Mileage Bands Initial 30 seconds Additional 6 seconds
0 ‑ 55 $5.00 $0.08
56 ‑ 292 5.00 0.08
293 ‑ 550 5.00 0.08
551 ‑ 900 5.00 0.08
901 ‑ 1910 7.00 0.10
1911 + 10.00 0.14
128 kbps
Mileage Bands Initial 30 seconds Additional 6 seconds
0 ‑ 55 $3.00 0.09
56 ‑ 292 6.00 0.09
293 ‑ 550 6.00 0.09
551 ‑ 900 12.00 0.09
901 ‑ 1910 16.00 0.11
1911 + 16.00 0.16
256 kbps
Mileage Bands Initial 30 seconds Additional 6 seconds
0 ‑ 55 $3.00 $0.10
56 ‑ 292 4.00 0.11
293 ‑ 550 4.00 0.11
551 ‑ 900 9.00 0.12
901 ‑ 1910 12.00 0.14
1911 + 20.00 0.21
384 kbps
Mileage Bands Initial 30 seconds Additional 6 seconds
0 ‑ 55 $8.00 $0.10
56 ‑ 292 11.00 0.12
293 ‑ 550 11.00 0.12
551 ‑ 900 14.00 0.16
901 ‑ 1910 14.00 0.19
1911 + 20.00 0.28
512 kbps
Mileage Bands Initial 30 seconds Additional 6 seconds
0 ‑ 55 $8.00 $0.11
56 ‑ 292 11.00 0.14
293 ‑ 550 11.00 0.14
551 ‑ 900 12.00 0.21
901 ‑ 1910 16.00 0.24
1911 + 22.00 0.36
768 kbps
Mileage Bands Initial 30 seconds Additional 6 seconds
0 ‑ 55 $8.00 $0.12
56 ‑ 292 8.00 0.19
293 ‑ 550 8.00 0.19
551 ‑ 900 16.00 0.32
901 ‑ 1910 28.00 0.36
1911 + 31.00 0.51
.203131 The following price caps will apply to usage charges per circuit per month. The usage caps will be calculated on the corresponding mileage between the customer's two Metered Switched Fractional T-1 ports. If Metered Switched Fractional T-1 service is provided under a Network Pricing Plan (NPP) or a term plan, then the price cap is calculated on the NPP or the term plan discounted pricing schedule.
Monthly Price Cap
Per-Circuit Per-Circuit
Velocidad Fixed Charges Per-Mile Charges
56/64 kbps $351.00 $0.28
128 631.00 0.51
256 1,212.00 0.98
384 1,729.00 1.41
512 2,195.00 1.78
768 2,954.00 2.40
.2032 Features
.20321 Signalling: Metered Switched Fractional T-1 Service offers the following methods of Signalling: dial‑up access, dedicated access, inband. This service is also available with no Signalling. There is no charge for Signalling. If the customer installs a dedicated private line circuit with dedicated Signalling, the installation and monthly recurring charges set forth in Section C‑2.02114 will apply.
.20322 Shared Use access: Metered Switched Fractional T-1 Service offers dedicated access to be shared for sequential calls placed through the network using the same port speeds. There is no charge for Shared Use access.
.20323 Closed User Groups (CUG): Allows the customer to assign ANI's which can only be used within the customer's network or subgroups within the customer's partition of the network. There is no charge for Closed User Groups.
.20324 Network Management: Network Management is provided through MCI WORLDCOM‑provided User Signalling Application (USA) software which allows the Customer to access MCI WORLDCOMs database to effect the set‑up and tear‑down of calls via a Customer-provided PC. There is no charge for Network Management.
.204 Time of Day Discount Periods:
Time of Day Discount Periods: For calls within the United States, VPDS Virtual Private Data Service offers an Evening Discount as well as a Night and Weekend Discount. These discounts are reflected in the rates specified in Sections C-3.20112 and C-3.20222 for calls placed within the time periods as set forth in the figure below.