Offer: The following monthly recurring per-circuit Local Access Channel charges and additional one-time non-recurring charges for new DSO (Hubless) Access (DS0), T-1 Digital Access (DS1), DS-3 Local Access (DS3), SONET Access (OC3) and OC12 Local Access (OC12) local access circuits for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company-owned facilities, based on circuit type, and Customers term of service:
Circuit Type Term of Service (Years) Monthly Recurring Charge Non Recurring
DS0 1 $ 40 $ 200
DS0 2 30 200
DS0 3+ 20 200
DS1 1 120 200
DS1 2 110 200
DS1 3+ 100 200
DS3 1 1,200 3,000
DS3 2 1,100 3,000
DS3 3+ 1,000 3,000
OC3 1 3,000 3,000
OC3 2 2,400 3,000
OC3 3+ 1,800 3,000
OC12 1 6,000 3,000
OC12 2 5,000 3,000
OC12 3+ 4,000 3,000
In addition, the following monthly recurring local loop charges and additional one-time non-recurring charges will apply for new DS0, DS1, DS3, OC3, SONET Access OC 3c (OC3C), E-1, OC12, OC 12c, GigE or OC48 Local Access (OC48) circuits, excluding Metro Private Line Access Service, (i) for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company-owned facilities, (ii) which are located in a building that is served in whole via Company-owned local loop facilities which contains a Company Point of Presence (POP) for interstate service, and (iii) which are installed under a term of service which equals or exceeds one year, based on circuit type:
Charge Type
Circuit Type Monthly Recurring Non Recurring
DS0 $ 25 $ 200
DS1 50 200
E-1 100 400
DS3 150 1,000
OC3/3c 300 1,000
OC12/12c 500 1,000
GigE 500 1,000
OC48 500 1,000
Requisitos de elegibilidad: Customer:
must inscribirse between February 1, 2005 y April 30, 2006;
must receive the service which receives the benefits of this promotion under a term of service which equals or exceeds one year;
must request installation of all new service no later than 31 de mayo de 2006 to occur no later than September 30, 2006; and,
may not use the service which receives the benefits of this promotion for redundancy.
Other Conditions: Customer may not receive the benefits of the Lit Building Access Migration Promotion, Reach the Network Tiered Access Promotion, On the Network Lit Building Access Promotion, and On the Network 3 Lit Building Access Promotion.
Customer may not receive any other discounts on the monthly recurring charges that receive the benefits of this promotion