.04 Option C (MCI WATS)
Beginning September 1, 1993, Option C (MCI WATS) will not be available to new subscribers.
Option C involves the provision of intercity communications channels. Option C is a one‑way, multi‑point service requiring the customer to originate calls via dedicated facilities between the customer's premises and the Companys terminal location and allowing the termination of calls via a combination of Company‑provided intercity facilities and local business telephone lines, and the resold facilities of other carriers. All Option C calls are subject to a one minute average connect time (i.e. total monthly minutes of use divided by total monthly calls must equal at least one minute). All Option C calls, with the exception of those calls placed to international locations, are rounded to the next higher 6‑second increment. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. Option C calls terminating to the international locations listed in Part E of table V are calculated on a 30‑second minimum duration basis, with additional 6‑second increments.
In addition to other service-related charges under this option, FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee, CAC, y los CCRC apply.
.041 Monthly Recurring Charges
.0411 Intercity Facilities Usage Charges: Option C is available on the basis of usage charges and is subject to a monthly Minimum Charge.
.04111 Minimum Charge: $75 for all usage
.04112 Usage Charges: Usage Charges are determined by such variables as Rate Periods, Rate Schedules and Service Areas. The charges are billed according to the average monthly use for each rate period of each dedicated access line within a service area group.* (See definition of "Service Area Group" in Section A preceding.) The rate period is determined by the day and time at the Option C dedicated access line location.
Business Day Period
8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Evening Period
5:00 p.m. through 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Friday
Night and Weekend Period
11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. all days
8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Saturday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday
* The average monthly minutes of use for each rate period per access line will be deemed to be the same as the average monthly minutes of total traffic (including international traffic) for each rate period. The resulting effective per minute rate will then be applied to the customers Tier 1 and Tier 2 usage, respectively. The International traffic will be billed under Section C‑3.0711.
The Tier 1 hourly Usage Charges as set forth below under Section C‑3.041122 shall apply to all calls terminating, via Company‑provided intercity facilities, in those cities set forth in Table V, Part C‑1 and C‑2.
The Tier 2 hourly Usage Charges as specified in Section C‑3.041122 below apply to calls terminating, via resold intercity facilities of other carriers, in cities other than those set forth in Table V, Part C‑1 and C‑2.
Calls terminating in the international locations set forth in Part E of Table V will be billed as specified in Section C‑3.041123.
Service Areas (S.A's) represent broad geographical areas which encompass specific locations to which the customer subscribes. The Service Areas are designated S.A one through S.A. five and each higher Service Area includes service to all lower numbered Service Areas. Service to the international locations listed in PartE of TableV is available with any Service Area. See Table V, Part C‑3, for complete geographical coverage of Service Areas.
.041121 Rate Step Table:
The following Rate Step Table is used to determine the usage rates that apply to Option C. To use the table, first locate the appropriate Originating State. Then locate the number in the column under the selected service area. This number is referred to as the Rate Step. Locate the same Rate Step number on the Monthly Usage Table (Section C‑3.041122). The rates listed on that line will apply to the service provided for that Originating State and Service Area.
ALABAMA 4 7 9 11 17
ARIZONA 6 9 12 15 18
ARKANSAS 4 7 9 11 15
CALIFORNIA‑N 8 12 15 17 18
CALIFORNIA‑S 7 11 15 17 18
COLORADO 7 8 10 12 16
CONNECTICUT 1 7 10 14 18
DELAWARE 1 5 9 13 18
DIST. OF COLUMBIA 1 4 8 12 18
FLORIDA 7 10 12 13 18
GEORGIA 4 7 10 12 18
IDAHO 5 9 13 15 18
ILLINOIS‑N 3 6 8 10 15
ILLINOIS‑S 3 6 8 10 15
INDIANA 3 6 8 10 16
IOWA 4 7 9 11 14
KANSAS 5 7 9 12 14
KENTUCKY 3 5 8 10 17
LOUISIANA 5 8 10 13 16
MAINE 6 9 12 16 18
MARYLAND 2 5 9 12 18
MASSACHUSETTS 2 7 11 14 18
MICHIGAN‑N* 5 8 9 12 17
MICHIGAN‑S 4 7 9 12 17
MINNESOTA 6 8 10 12 15
MISSISSIPPI 5 7 9 11 16
MISSOURI 5 7 8 10 15
MONTANA 7 10 12 14 17
NEBRASKA 5 8 9 12 14
NEVADA 5 8 13 16 18
NEW HAMPSHIRE 2 7 11 15 18
NEW JERSEY 1 5 9 13 18
NEW MEXICO 6 8 10 13 17
NEW YORK-NE 3 7 10 14 18
NEW YORK-SE 1 7 10 14 18
NEW YORK-W 3 5 10 14 18
NORTH CAROLINA 4 7 8 12 18
NORTH DAKOTA 6 9 11 14 15
OHIO-N 3 5 7 10 17
OHIO-S 3 5 8 10 17
OKLAHOMA 5 7 9 12 15
OREGON 5 9 15 17 18
PENNSYLVANIA-E 1 5 8 12 18
PENNSYLVANIA-W 3 5 8 12 18
RHODE ISLAND 1 6 11 14 18
SOUTH CAROLINA 4 7 9 12 18
SOUTH DAKOTA 5 8 10 12 15
TENNESSES 5 6 8 10 17
TEXAS-E 6 9 11 14 16
TEXAS-S 8 11 12 14 16
TEXAS-W 7 9 11 14 16
UTAH 6 7 11 14 18
VERMONT* 2 7 11 14 18
VIRGINIA 3 5 8 11 18
WASHINGTON 8 11 15 17 18
WEST VIRGINIA 2 5 7 11 18
WISCONSIN 3 7 9 11 16
WYOMING 5 9 10 13 16
* Provided for future information only. Service is currently not available from these states.
.041122 Monthly Usage Table: The following hourly rates apply to the average use for each rate period, for each MCI WATS access line within a service area group.
RATE First 15 Hours Next 25 Hours Next 40 Hours Over 80 Hours All Hours
STEPS Business Evening Business Evening Business Evening Business Evening Night/Weekend
Day Day Day Day
1 Tier 1 $28.75 $22.76 $20.71 $21.36 $20.58 $18.85 $20.54 $18.84 $15.39
Tier 2 32.11 23.24 30.34 21.56 26.85 18.99 26.78 18.98 15.61
2 Tier 1 30.80 23.95 21.88 22.45 21.71 19.90 21.65 19.86 16.19
Tier 2 33.80 24.44 31.96 22.66 28.25 20.03 28.11 20.00 16.45
3 Tier 1 31.69 24.51 22.43 23.01 22.25 20.35 22.21 20.34 16.58
Tier 2 34.55 25.05 32.68 23.24 28.96 20.41 28.93 20.40 16.83
4 Tier 1 32.75 24.98 22.83 23.38 22.66 20.69 22.63 20.66 16.83
Tier 2 35.13 25.50 33.23 23.65 29.45 20.75 29.35 20.73 17.10
5 Tier 1 33.43 25.35 23.20 23.79 23.01 21.03 22.94 20.99 17.08
Tier 2 35.68 25.90 33.74 23.96 29.83 21.09 29.79 21.06 17.30
6 Tier 1 34.04 25.59 23.58 23.93 23.35 21.26 23.30 21.24 17.06
Tier 2 36.16 26.11 34.29 24.25 30.34 21.34 30.29 21.33 17.28
7 Tier 1 34.73 25.96 23.96 24.34 23.81 21.56 23.69 21.54 17.35
Tier 2 36.80 26.49 34.86 24.60 30.81 21.68 30.78 21.61 17.65
8 Tier 1 35.03 26.49 24.75 24.78 24.56 21.94 24.49 21.90 17.71
Tier 2 37.51 27.06 35.44 24.99 31.39 22.05 31.33 21.99 17.96
9 Tier 1 35.04 26.85 25.39 25.15 25.18 22.25 25.13 22.19 17.89
Tier 2 38.10 27.41 35.99 25.41 31.88 22.35 31.83 22.31 18.23
10 Tier 1 35.13 27.09 25.90 25.39 25.70 22.45 25.63 22.40 18.49
Tier 2 38.45 27.66 36.45 25.59 32.23 22.60 32.18 22.53 18.80
11 Tier 1 35.28 27.39 26.14 25.70 26.10 22.76 26.04 22.70 18.64
Tier 2 38.68 27.96 36.58 25.93 32.36 22.90 32.31 22.83 18.93
12 Tier 1 35.44 27.70 26.38 25.94 26.28 22.98 26.23 22.90 18.84
Tier 2 38.80 28.28 36.68 26.23 32.55 23.05 32.50 23.01 19.09
13 Tier 1 35.61 27.96 26.73 26.23 26.54 23.25 26.50 23.19 18.96
Tier 2 39.04 28.54 36.90 26.51 32.76 23.31 32.71 23.28 19.23
14 Tier 1 35.78 28.31 26.96 26.54 26.76 23.41 26.69 23.36 19.10
Tier 2 39.25 28.90 37.06 26.80 32.88 23.59 32.81 23.55 19.40
15 Tier 1 35.91 28.68 27.16 26.84 26.96 23.84 26.94 23.88 19.25
Tier 2 39.38 29.25 37.25 27.13 33.04 23.93 32.95 23.89 19.58
16 Tier 1 36.23 29.03 27.58 27.16 27.38 24.03 27.31 23.98 19.45
Tier 2 39.89 29.63 37.70 27.44 33.35 24.19 33.30 24.15 19.80
17 Tier 1 36.68 29.29 28.01 27.49 27.70 24.33 27.66 24.24 19.63
Tier 2 40.31 29.89 38.11 27.75 33.74 24.45 33.66 24.38 19.98
18 Tier 1 37.38 29.89 28.60 27.98 28.39 24.81 28.31 24.78 20.08
Tier 2 41.08 30.54 38.80 28.25 34.40 24.95 34.31 24.91 20.38
.041123 From U.S. Mainland to International Locations Per Minute Usage Charges:
For calls terminating to those locations listed in Part E of Table V, the usage charges and time periods set forth in Sections C‑3.073 and C-3.072, respectively will apply.
.041124 From the U.S. Mainland to Guam and CNMI Per-Minute Usage Charges:
$30.78 $30.78 $30.78
Method of Determining Usage Charges
Based upon the hourly rates set forth in Section C‑3.041122, MCI WATS usage charges are calculated as described below:
a) Determine the total minutes of monthly usage for each rate period over all dedicated access lines in a service area group. For International calls, Standard, Discount and Economy rate periods correspond to Business Day, Evening and Night/Weekend rate periods.
b) Determine the total number of access lines in service during the month (access lines in service for a partial month will be pro‑rated).
c) Determine the average usage for each rate period per access line by dividing the minutes for each rate period from (a) above by the number of lines from (b) above.
d) Determine the effective rate step for the desired service area from the appropriate originating state.
e) Determine the effective Tier 1 hourly rate for each rate period by: 1) Multiplying the total hours in each tapered usage increment for that rate period by the associated hourly rate for that increment; 2) totaling these charges for each rate period; and 3) dividing the total by the average usage per line from (c) above.
f) Repeat step (e) for Tier 2 usage.
g) Determine the Tier 1 usage charge for each rate period by multiplying the effective Tier 1 hourly rate per rate period from (e) above by the total Tier 1 hours of monthly use in a service area group for each rate period, respectively, and totaling these charges.
h) Repeat step (g) for Tier 2 usage by using the effective Tier 2 hourly rate per rate period as determined in (f) above.
i) Determine the total Tier 1 and Tier 2 usage charge for all rate periods in each service area group by adding the results of (g) and (h) above.
.0412 Access Line Charges
.04121 Company‑Provided Dedicated Access Line $115 each1
.041211 Special Access Surcharge2 $36.25 per voice grade equivalent channel for customers using analog access.
.041212 Customer‑Provided Dedicated Access Line $ 50 each
.0413 Directory Assistance: An undiscountable charge of $1.49 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for a number in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI; an undiscountable charge of $1.49 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for a number in Canada; and an undiscountable charge of $6.94 per call will be applied to each other international Directory Assistance call. Except as otherwise noted herein, all other provisions of Servicio de información apply.
.0414 Optional Features
.04141 Accounting Codes (2‑Digit) $15/99 Codes Monthly
From 1 to 99 codes per customer per originating location. Charges for accounting codes will not be prorated.
.04142 Accounting Codes (3‑Digit) $15/999 Codes Monthly
From 1 to 999 codes per customer per originating location. Charges for accounting codes will not be prorated.
.04143 Call Records on Magnetic Tape Monthly Recurring Charges: $0
Set‑up Charges: $75/Account
.042 Non‑Recurring Charges
Per Access Line Per Order
.0421 Installation $250 $ 50
.0422 Physical Change 100 50
.0423 Administrative Change N/A 20
.0424 Expedite N/A 600
.0425 Cancellation of Order 130 N/A
.0426 Service Area Conversions
and Service Conversions N/A 50
.043 Service Availability
Option C is available as follows:
A. Between the metropolitan areas set forth in Part C‑1 of Table V and from them to all cities within the U. S. Mainland and Hawaii except where such cities are located in the same state.
B. From the metropolitan areas set forth in Part C‑1 of Table V to the international locations set forth in Part E of Table V.
C. From the metropolitan areas set forth in Part C‑1 of Table V to Alaska, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI.
1 At a customer's option, T‑1 Digital Access (components of which and their monthly and non‑recurring charges are shown in Section C‑2.0221) is available as an alternative for this service, from the locations listed in Section C‑12, Table V. Customers using T‑1 access will be charged for Special Access surcharge according to the table in Section C‑2.02113.
2 A $36.25 Special Access Surcharge is applicable to each access line provided by a Local Exchange Company to customers using analog access. The Surcharge, imposed by the Local Exchange Carrier, will not apply to those customers who furnish the Company with an Exemption Certification (as defined herein).