Long Distance Voice Services
Section IV.2.1.2.B.1 - Verizon Business Services II International Outbound Usage Rates
Ubicación |
Origination Type/ Per-Minute Rate |
Switched |
Dedicated/ Local Network Connection |
Afganistán |
$1.7750 |
$1.6900 |
Albania |
0.7130 |
0.6800 |
Algeria |
0.5420 |
0.5200 |
Andorra |
0.2520 |
0.2400 |
Angola |
0.8510 |
0.8100 |
Anguilla |
0.4730 |
0.4500 |
Antarctica (Casey, Davis, Macquarie and Mawson Island) |
1.8690 |
1.7800 |
Antarctica (Scott Base) |
0.3890 |
0.3700 |
Antigua (Barbuda) |
0.3910 |
0.3700 |
Argentina |
0.4160 |
0.4000 |
Armenia |
0.6930 |
0.6600 |
Aruba |
0.3650 |
0.3500 |
Isla Ascensión |
1.2080 |
1.1500 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
0.1700 |
0.1600 |
Austria |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Azerbaiyán |
0.8760 |
0.8300 |
Bahamas |
0.3157 |
0.3000 |
Bahréin |
0.5860 |
0.5600 |
Bangladesh |
0.9330 |
0.8900 |
Barbados |
0.4410 |
0.4200 |
Bielorrusia |
0.5040 |
0.4800 |
Bélgica |
0.1700 |
0.1600 |
Belice |
0.5670 |
0.5400 |
Benín |
0.5320 |
0.5100 |
Bermudas |
0.3150 |
0.3000 |
Bután |
1.2920 |
1.2300 |
Bolivia |
0.4910 |
0.4700 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
0.5860 |
0.5600 |
Botsuana |
0.4980 |
0.4700 |
Brasil |
0.3650 |
0.3500 |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
0.3700 |
0.3500 |
Brunéi |
0.6850 |
0.6500 |
Bulgaria |
0.3860 |
0.3700 |
Burkina Faso |
0.7070 |
0.6700 |
Burundi |
1.4890 |
1.4200 |
Camboya |
1.4490 |
1.3800 |
Camerún |
0.7250 |
0.6900 |
Canadá |
0.1080 |
0.1000 |
Isla de Cabo Verde |
0.6530 |
0.6200 |
Islas Caimán |
0.3280 |
0.3100 |
República Centroafricana |
1.1850 |
1.1300 |
Chad |
1.9410 |
1.8500 |
Chile |
0.3280 |
0.3100 |
China |
0.4730 |
0.4500 |
Isla de Navidad |
0.1700 |
0.1600 |
Cocos Island |
0.1700 |
0.1600 |
Colombia |
0.4250 |
0.4100 |
Comoras |
1.3550 |
1.2900 |
Congo |
0.7190 |
0.6800 |
Islas Cook |
1.3000 |
1.2400 |
Costa Rica |
0.3780 |
0.3600 |
Croacia |
0.4410 |
0.4200 |
Cuba |
1.8720 |
1.8600 |
Chipre |
0.4730 |
0.4500 |
República Checa |
0.4600 |
0.4400 |
Dinamarca |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Diego García |
3.2964 |
3.2909 |
Yibuti |
0.7680 |
0.7300 |
Dominica |
0.4940 |
0.4700 |
República Dominicana |
0.2960 |
0.2800 |
Timor Oriental |
7.3995 |
7.3595 |
Isla de Pascua |
0.3280 |
0.3100 |
Ecuador |
0.4910 |
0.4700 |
Egipto |
0.6490 |
0.6200 |
El Salvador |
0.4530 |
0.4300 |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
1.6180 |
1.5400 |
Eritrea |
0.9950 |
0.9500 |
Estonia |
0.5550 |
0.5300 |
Etiopía |
0.9620 |
0.9200 |
Islas Feroe |
0.3780 |
0.3600 |
Islas Malvinas |
0.9570 |
0.9100 |
Islas Fiyi |
0.7680 |
0.7300 |
Finlandia |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Francia |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin) |
0.4000 |
0.3800 |
Guayana Francesa |
0.5360 |
0.5100 |
Polinesia Francesa |
1.0400 |
0.9900 |
Gabón |
0.6500 |
0.6200 |
Gambia |
0.5360 |
0.5100 |
Georgia |
0.7760 |
0.7400 |
Alemania |
0.1420 |
0.1400 |
Ghana |
0.5100 |
0.4900 |
Gibraltar |
0.6210 |
0.5900 |
Grecia |
0.2210 |
0.2100 |
Groenlandia |
1.2424 |
1.1818 |
Grenada (including Carriacou) |
0.5150 |
0.4900 |
Guadalupe |
0.4220 |
0.4000 |
Guantanamo Bay (Bahía de Guantánamo) |
1.8720 |
1.8600 |
Guatemala |
0.4250 |
0.4100 |
Guinea |
0.6620 |
0.6300 |
Guinea Bissau |
2.7914 |
2.6571 |
Guyana |
0.8210 |
0.7800 |
Haití |
0.6300 |
0.6000 |
Honduras |
0.5260 |
0.5000 |
Hong Kong |
0.2100 |
0.2000 |
Hungría |
0.3590 |
0.3400 |
Islandia |
0.4100 |
0.3900 |
India |
0.6110 |
0.5800 |
Indonesia |
0.4530 |
0.4300 |
Irán |
0.8700 |
0.8300 |
Irak |
1.1110 |
1.0600 |
Irlanda |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Israel |
0.2630 |
0.2500 |
Italia |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Costa de Marfil |
0.9140 |
0.8700 |
Jamaica |
0.5790 |
0.5500 |
Japón |
0.1700 |
0.1600 |
Jordania |
0.7360 |
0.7000 |
Kazajistán |
0.3340 |
0.3200 |
Kenia |
0.6420 |
0.6100 |
Kiribati |
0.9650 |
0.9200 |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of) |
2.0280 |
1.9300 |
República de Corea |
0.2210 |
0.2100 |
Kuwait |
0.7560 |
0.7200 |
Kirguistán |
0.8940 |
0.8500 |
Laos |
1.5000 |
1.4300 |
Letonia |
0.5550 |
0.5300 |
Lebanon |
0.6930 |
0.6600 |
Lesoto |
0.6730 |
0.6400 |
Liberia |
0.5040 |
0.4800 |
Libia |
0.7680 |
0.7300 |
Liechtenstein |
0.2010 |
0.1900 |
Lituania |
0.7250 |
0.6900 |
Luxemburgo |
0.1700 |
0.1600 |
Macao |
0.6140 |
0.5900 |
Macedonia |
0.4730 |
0.4500 |
Madagascar |
2.0370 |
1.9400 |
Malawi |
0.5360 |
0.5100 |
Malasia |
0.3590 |
0.3400 |
Maldivas |
1.0200 |
0.9700 |
Mali |
0.8490 |
0.8100 |
Malta |
0.5790 |
0.5500 |
Islas Marshall |
0.5990 |
0.5700 |
Mauritania |
0.7990 |
0.7600 |
Mauricio |
0.9330 |
0.8900 |
Isla Mayotte |
1.3550 |
1.2900 |
Micronesia |
0.6200 |
0.5900 |
México |
(See Below) |
Moldavia |
0.8070 |
0.7700 |
Mónaco |
0.1700 |
0.1600 |
Mongolia |
1.3350 |
1.2700 |
Montenegro |
0.5790 |
0.5500 |
Montserrat |
0.5250 |
0.5000 |
Marruecos |
0.6420 |
0.6100 |
Mozambique |
0.9880 |
0.9400 |
Birmania |
1.9740 |
1.8800 |
Namibia |
0.5790 |
0.5500 |
Nauru |
3.0467 |
2.9000 |
Nepal |
0.8190 |
0.7800 |
Holanda |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Antillas Holandesas |
0.3620 |
0.3500 |
Nevis |
0.3980 |
0.3800 |
Nueva Caledonia |
0.8820 |
0.8400 |
Nueva Zelanda |
0.3890 |
0.3700 |
Nicaragua |
0.4530 |
0.4300 |
Níger |
0.7440 |
0.7100 |
Nigeria |
0.6930 |
0.6600 |
Niue Island |
4.1775 |
3.9750 |
Isla Norfolk |
1.8690 |
1.7800 |
Noruega |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Omán |
0.7440 |
0.7100 |
Pakistán |
0.8060 |
0.7700 |
Palaos |
1.7880 |
1.7000 |
Palestina |
0.2630 |
0.2500 |
Panamá |
0.4530 |
0.4300 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea |
1.3044 |
1.2444 |
Paraguay |
0.4980 |
0.4700 |
Perú |
0.4910 |
0.4700 |
Filipinas |
0.3590 |
0.3400 |
Polonia |
0.3340 |
0.3200 |
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) |
0.1700 |
0.1600 |
Catar |
0.7560 |
0.7200 |
Reunion Island |
0.8070 |
0.7700 |
Rumania |
0.5100 |
0.4900 |
Rusia |
0.3340 |
0.3200 |
Ruanda |
0.9330 |
0.8900 |
San Marino |
0.2800 |
0.2700 |
Santo Tomé |
2.3700 |
2.2600 |
Arabia Saudita |
0.8060 |
0.7700 |
Senegal |
0.9650 |
0.9200 |
Seychelles |
1.1030 |
1.0500 |
Sierra Leona |
0.7400 |
0.7100 |
Singapur |
0.2730 |
0.2600 |
Eslovaquia |
0.4610 |
0.4400 |
Eslovenia |
0.4610 |
0.4400 |
Islas Salomón |
2.0556 |
1.9556 |
Somalia |
1.3860 |
1.3200 |
Sudáfrica |
0.3970 |
0.3800 |
Sudán del Sur |
$0.9960 |
$0.9500 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Sri Lanka |
0.7760 |
0.7400 |
Santa Helena |
1.8040 |
1.7200 |
St. Kitts |
0.3980 |
0.3800 |
Sta. Lucía |
0.4100 |
0.3900 |
St. Pierre/ Miquelon |
0.3780 |
0.3600 |
St. Vincent/Grenadines |
0.4610 |
0.4400 |
Sudán |
0.9960 |
0.9500 |
Surinam |
0.9570 |
0.9100 |
Suazilandia |
0.6110 |
0.5800 |
Suecia |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Suiza |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Siria |
0.8070 |
0.7700 |
Taiwán |
0.2630 |
0.2500 |
Tayikistán |
0.3790 |
0.3600 |
Tanzania |
0.6420 |
0.6100 |
Tailandia |
0.3900 |
0.3700 |
Togo |
0.7990 |
0.7600 |
Tonga |
0.8070 |
0.7700 |
Trinidad/Tobago |
0.5100 |
0.4900 |
Túnez |
0.4730 |
0.4500 |
Turquía |
0.4220 |
0.4000 |
Turkmenistán |
0.8620 |
0.8200 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos |
0.4340 |
0.4100 |
Tuvalu |
1.4370 |
1.3700 |
Uganda |
0.6110 |
0.5800 |
Ucrania |
0.5040 |
0.4800 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
0.5040 |
0.4800 |
Reino Unido |
0.0760 |
0.0700 |
Uruguay |
0.4910 |
0.4700 |
Uzbekistán |
0.4430 |
0.4200 |
Vanuatu |
2.3630 |
2.2500 |
Ciudad del Vaticano |
0.1580 |
0.1500 |
Venezuela |
0.3650 |
0.3500 |
Vietnam |
0.8820 |
0.8400 |
Wallis and Futuna |
2.8980 |
2.7600 |
Samoa Occidental |
0.7180 |
0.6800 |
Yemen, Republic of |
0.7370 |
0.7000 |
Serbia |
0.5790 |
0.5500 |
Zaire |
0.5990 |
0.5700 |
Zambia |
0.6420 |
0.6100 |
Zimbabue |
0.5360 |
0.5100 |
Local Network Connection/
Switched/Card Dedicado
Rate Step Hora pico Off-Peak Hora pico Off-Peak
1 - 3 $0.2000 $0.1940 $0.1900 $0.1850
4 - 8 0.2310 0.2260 0.2200 0.2150
Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean Inmarsat Locations:
Type of Service/Calls Terminating to: |
Per-Minute Charge |
Aeronautical |
$12.05 |
Standard A/Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean |
11.65 |
Standard B/Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean |
13.25 |
Standard M and Mini M/Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean |
12.25 |