Installation Waiver Promotion
From time to time Through March 18, 2003, the Company will waive non-recurring installation charges associated with service provided pursuant to this Tariff.
ISVS Retention Promotion
Beginning January 9, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI will offer the following promotion to existing customers. Beginning February 21, 1998, this promotion is available to new customers who are a governmental department, agency or instrumentality, including multi‑lateral organizations that are financially supported by such government and whose operations are directly participated in by the government, by virtue of law, treaty or executive order.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions in each monthly period:
Customers' MCI service usage must equal or exceed $50,000;
Customers' ISVS usage must equal or exceed $50,000; and,
Customers must be in good standing.
In any monthly period in which a customer's ISVS usage fails to equal or exceed $50,000, the customer will be billed and required to pay: standard tariffed ISVS rates for the customer's ISVS usage in that monthly period; and, an amount equal to the difference between (i) the customer's actual usage charges in that monthly period and (ii) $50,000.
In addition, in any monthly period in which a customer's satisfies these requirements, the customer will receive a 10 percent discount on the customer's domestic Metered Use Service Option A (Gnet) usage which originates and terminates via switched access in that monthly period.
Customers enrolled on this promotion will be charged the following per-minute usage charges for outbound International Switched Voice Service (ISVS) usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in the following international locations in lieu of the rates set forth in Section E-2.
1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
País Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Afganistán $0.6108 $0.1222 $0.3772 $0.0754 $0.3449 $0.0690
Albania 0.2630 0.0526 0.2445 0.0275 0.2445 0.0275
Algeria 0.5549 0.0482 0.3419 0.0297 0.4576 0.0398
Samoa Americana 0.5891 0.0514 0.1850 0.0370 0.3644 0.0318
Andorra 0.3620 0.0310 0.2080 0.0178 0.1603 0.0138
Angola 0.2876 0.0575 0.4989 0.0998 0.3845 0.0546
Anguilla 0.3358 0.0286 0.3438 0.0684 0.3358 0.0286
Antártida (Casey, Davis,
Mawson, and Macquarie
Island) 0.6930 0.1386 0.4865 0.0973 $0.4440 $0.0888
(Barbuda) 0.1258 0.0252 0.3508 0.0400 0.1871 0.0214
Argentina 0.3425 0.0685 0.1965 0.0393 0.3146 0.0360
Armenia 0.5872 0.0504 0.9869 0.0845 0.5674 0.0486
Aruba 0.1639 0.0141 0.1420 0.0284 0.1522 0.0131
Ascension Island 0.2973 0.0595 0.4542 0.0518 1.0522 0.2104
Australia (including
Tasmania) 0.0975 0.0195 0.0535 0.0107 0.0974 0.0141
Austria 0.1310 0.0262 0.1491 0.0124 0.1427 0.0124
Azerbaiyán 0.2212 0.0253 0.2410 0.0482 0.2067 0.0237
Bahamas 0.1911 0.0166 0.1093 0.0091 0.1086 0.0088
Bahréin 0.3434 0.0687 0.1791 0.0358 0.1850 0.0370
Bangladesh 0.4638 0.0928 0.2865 0.0573
Barbados 0.1787 0.0357 0.1882 0.0376 0.1885 0.0350
Bielorrusia 0.1702 0.0340 0.2768 0.0554 0.2549 0.0292
Bélgica 0.0777 0.0155 0.0602 0.0080 0.0499 0.0097
Belice 0.5268 0.0347 0.9163 0.0786 0.5268 0.0381
Benín 0.3366 0.0673 0.1940 0.0388 0.1940 0.0388
Bermudas 0.1325 0.0265 0.0765 0.0153 0.0765 0.0153
Bután 0.6726 0.0576 N/A N/A 1.2566 0.1077
Bolivia 0.2139 0.0428 0.3746 0.0749 0.2111 0.0422
‑Herzegovina 0.4802 0.0455 0.4296 0.0354 0.4069 0.0309
Botsuana 0.2591 0.0518 0.1486 0.0297 0.1486 0.0297
Brasil 0.2250 0.0450 0.1320 0.0264 0.1991 0.0228
Islas Vírgenes Británicas
Islands 0.2645 0.0302 0.1010 0.0202 0.1245 0.0249
Brunéi 0.1984 0.0397 0.6031 0.0690 0.2027 0.0405
Bulgaria 0.3339 0.0261 0.2718 0.0544 0.1519 0.0304
Burkina Faso 0.3506 0.0701 0.3218 0.0368 0.3463 0.0395
Burundi 0.8182 0.1636 0.9086 0.1817 $0.7381 $0.1476
Camboya 0.6473 0.1295 0.7453 0.0637 0.6804 0.0583
Camerún 0.3422 0.0684 0.3074 0.0615 0.3422 0.0684
Canadá 0.0902 0.0089 0.0855 0.0080 0.0761 0.0076
Cabo Verde
Islands 0.1963 0.0393 0.3763 0.0753 0.2213 0.0443
Cayman Islands 0.2455 0.0280 0.0920 0.0184 0.1360 0.0156
Central African
Republic 0.6210 0.1242 0.3843 0.0769 0.7680 0.0659
Chad 1.4130 0.2826 0.9548 0.1192 0.9525 0.1905
Chile 0.1750 0.0350 0.0945 0.0189 0.1770 0.0151
China 0.3779 0.0756 0.4825 0.0965 0.5150 0.0434
Christmas Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.7782 0.0889 0.4440 0.0888
Cocos Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.4865 0.0973 0.4440 0.0888
Colombia 0.1335 0.0267 0.2540 0.0508 0.2626 0.0263
Comorros 0.5210 0.1042 0.4522 0.0517 0.3650 0.0730
Congo 0.4605 0.0921 0.5301 0.0457 0.6452 0.0553
Cook Island 0.4279 0.0490 0.5110 0.1022 0.4279 0.0490
Costa Rica 0.1610 0.0322 0.2850 0.0570 0.2523 0.0289
Croacia 0.1069 0.0214 0.1890 0.0378 0.2179 0.0187
Cuba 0.1813 0.0363 0.3362 0.0672 0.3010 0.0345
Chipre 0.2155 0.0431 0.2136 0.0244 0.1620 0.0324
Czech República 0.1761 0.0352 0.1761 0.0166 0.0915 0.0179
Dinamarca 0.1195 0.0239 0.1368 0.0113 0.1334 0.0111
Diego Garcia 0.5688 0.0568 N/A N/A 0.2558 0.0512
Yibuti 0.7171 0.0819 0.4454 0.0509 0.4113 0.0470
Dominica 0.2631 0.0301 0.4575 0.0524 0.1648 0.0315
Republic 0.1237 0.0247 0.2552 0.0510 0.1453 0.0291
Easter Island 1.6882 0.3376 0.9761 0.1952 0.8893 0.1779
Ecuador 0.2016 0.0403 0.3487 0.0697 0.2016 0.0403
Egipto 0.4044 0.0501 0.4044 0.0809 0.2698 0.0540
El Salvador 0.2204 0.0441 0.3648 0.0730 0.3198 0.0366
Guinea 0.5575 0.0895 1.6203 0.1362 $2.0172 $0.1695
Eritrea 0.4765 0.0953 0.4765 0.0953 0.6622 0.0590
Estonia 0.2255 0.0451 0.2256 0.0255 0.1395 0.0279
Etiopía 0.5903 0.0505 0.5128 0.1025 0.5903 0.0505
Faeroe Islands 0.4133 0.0473 0.2372 0.0271 0.2338 0.0268
Falkland Islands 0.6035 0.1207 0.5966 0.0682 0.5966 0.0682
Fiyi Islands 0.7805 0.0708 0.7024 0.0638 0.6320 0.0573
Finlandia 0.1015 0.0203 0.0927 0.0106 0.0580 0.0116
Francia 0.1085 0.0217 0.0580 0.0116 0.0545 0.0109
French Antilles (including
Martinique, St. Barthelemy
and St. Martin) 0.2964 0.0339 0.1588 0.0181 0.1459 0.0167
Guayana Francesa 0.2663 0.0432 0.1834 0.0209 0.1674 0.0191
Polinesia Francesa 1.0354 0.0870 0.6284 0.1257 1.3558 0.1139
Gabón 0.4455 0.0891 0.2477 0.0495 0.2491 0.0498
Gambia 0.3080 0.0616 0.3585 0.0308 0.3585 0.0320
Georgia 0.3265 0.0653 0.4975 0.0995 0.3458 0.0395
Alemania 0.0790 0.0158 0.0445 0.0089 0.0445 0.0089
Ghana 0.2682 0.0536 0.1656 0.0331 0.2016 0.0403
Gibraltar 0.3235 0.0371 0.1638 0.0186 0.2209 0.0251
Grecia 0.1939 0.0388 0.1152 0.0230 0.1152 0.0230
Groenlandia 0.2786 0.0319 0.1623 0.0325 0.2819 0.0564
Granada (including
Carriacou) 0.1547 0.0309 0.2768 0.0554 0.1459 0.0292
Guadalupe 0.2154 0.0431 0.1167 0.0233 0.1647 0.0188
Guantanamo Bay 0.1952 0.0390 0.3973 0.0721 0.1704 0.0327
Guatemala 0.1855 0.0371 0.3279 0.0656 0.3024 0.0346
Guinea 0.3019 0.0604 0.1739 0.0348 0.2790 0.0320
Guinea‑Bissau 0.6515 0.1303 0.3738 0.0748 0.7371 0.0644
Guyana 0.4390 0.0878 0.2525 0.0505 0.2520 0.0504
Haití 0.2418 0.0484 0.4196 0.0839 0.2375 0.0475
Honduras 0.2241 0.0448 0.3927 0.0785 0.4463 0.0385
Hong Kong 0.2570 0.0514 0.2958 0.0252 0.2961 0.0255
Hungría 0.1715 0.0343 0.0960 0.0192 $0.1836 $0.0155
Islandia 0.0857 0.0171 0.1339 0.0268 0.0784 0.0157
India 0.3321 0.0664 N/A N/A 0.2327 0.0465
Indonesia 0.3045 0.0609 0.1750 0.0350 0.2130 0.0426
Irán 1.2112 0.1053 0.3515 0.0703 0.4275 0.0855
Irak 1.6131 0.1383 0.9278 0.0795 1.1301 0.0969
Irlanda 0.2511 0.0216 0.1445 0.0124 0.1445 0.0124
Israel 0.1561 0.0312 0.0995 0.0199 0.2237 0.0193
Italia 0.0905 0.0181 0.0605 0.0121 0.0874 0.0116
Costa de Marfil 0.4038 0.0808 0.7049 0.1410 0.8098 0.0694
Jamaica 0.2496 0.0499 0.6074 0.1215 0.2496 0.0499
Japan 0.1596 0.0319 0.0732 0.0146 0.2514 0.0287
Jordania 0.3868 0.0774 0.4189 0.0356 0.3995 0.0342
Kazajistán 0.6020 0.0686 0.6993 0.1399 0.5912 0.0678
Kenia 0.3950 0.0790 0.4545 0.0386 0.4474 0.0380
Kiribati 1.1249 0.0945 1.1955 0.2391 1.6923 0.1422
Corea ,
Republic of 2.1826 0.2494 1.0953 0.2191 2.1481 0.4296
Corea ,
Republic of 0.1289 0.0258 0.1029 0.0206 0.2118 0.0424
Kuwait 0.3822 0.0764 0.1524 0.0305 0.1742 0.0348
Kirguistán 0.9643 0.0825 1.6788 0.1437 0.9003 0.0769
Laos 1.4438 0.1262 0.7724 0.0676 0.9406 0.0823
Letonia 0.1970 0.0394 0.3678 0.0736 0.3101 0.0354
Lebanon 0.5120 0.1024 0.5885 0.0448 0.3280 0.0656
Lesoto 0.5066 0.0437 0.2408 0.0208 0.2408 0.0208
Liberia 0.2766 0.0553 0.1587 0.0317 0.2898 0.0248
Libia 0.1785 0.0357 0.2774 0.0317 0.3015 0.0603
Liechtenstein 0.2417 0.0276 0.1391 0.0159 0.1003 0.0115
Lituania 0.2900 0.0332 0.3848 0.0770 0.2610 0.0299
Luxemburgo 0.1180 0.0236 0.1079 0.0124 0.0675 0.0135
Macao 0.2131 0.0426 0.3716 0.0743 $0.4454 $0.0357
Macedonia 0.1289 0.0258 0.2399 0.0480 0.1257 0.0251
Madagascar 1.4325 0.2865 1.9880 0.3976 1.5436 0.1764
Malawi 0.2910 0.0582 0.2307 0.0263 0.2033 0.0407
Malasia 0.4677 0.0400 0.2689 0.0231 0.4677 0.0400
Maldivas 0.9421 0.0809 1.7138 0.1470 2.9804 0.2556
Mali 0.4405 0.0881 0.3744 0.0428 0.4055 0.0463
Malta 0.4027 0.0345 0.2151 0.0185 0.2813 0.0241
Marshall Islands 0.3160 0.0632 0.2215 0.0443 0.2380 0.0476
Mauritania 0.6338 0.0723 0.3644 0.0417 0.3917 0.0448
Mauricio 0.8348 0.0955 0.4802 0.0548 0.6291 0.0719
Mayotte Island 2.1087 0.1685 1.6993 0.3399 1.7517 0.1509
México 0.2155 0.0431 N/A N/A 0.1455 0.0291
Micronesia 0.3160 0.0632 0.2911 0.2911 0.2380 0.0476
Moldavia 0.5753 0.0657 0.6250 0.6250 0.3235 0.0647
Mónaco 0.1625 0.0325 0.0949 0.0949 0.1360 0.0156
Mongolia 0.7292 0.0626 0.6525 0.6525 1.1218 0.1282
Montserrat 0.1695 0.0194 0.3222 0.3222 0.1695 0.0194
Marruecos 0.2465 0.0493 0.2370 0.2370 0.1815 0.0363
Mozambique 0.8266 0.0718 0.2580 0.2580 0.5109 0.0444
Birmania 1.2615 0.1085 2.7085 0.2495 1.6639 0.1211
Namibia 0.2781 0.0556 0.1583 0.1583 0.1457 0.0291
Nauru 0.3511 0.0401 0.6566 0.6566 0.3777 0.0431
Nepal 1.1829 0.1016 N/A N/A 0.8287 0.0710
Holanda 0.0725 0.0145 0.0415 0.0415 0.0608 0.0069
Antilles 0.2823 0.0242 0.1482 0.1482 0.1482 0.0127
Nevis 0.1985 0.0397 0.1140 0.1140 0.0955 0.0191
Nueva Caledonia 0.1715 0.0343 0.2980 0.2980 0.2744 0.0314
Nueva Zelanda 0.1245 0.0249 0.2165 0.2165 0.1991 0.0228
Nicaragua 0.1945 0.0389 0.3380 0.3380 0.1945 0.0389
Níger 0.2945 0.0589 0.2706 0.2706 0.3542 0.0405
Nigeria 0.3069 0.0614 0.1599 0.1599 0.1600 0.0320
Niue Island 0.7690 0.1538 0.6985 0.6985 $0.7320 $0.1464
Norfolk Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.7782 0.7782 0.9470 0.1082
Noruega 0.0830 0.0166 0.0937 0.0937 0.0937 0.0078
Omán 0.6238 0.0545 0.1681 0.1681 0.4360 0.0381
Pakistán 0.8297 0.0711 N/A N/A 0.5807 0.0498
Palaos 0.5010 0.1002 0.4606 0.0526 0.3765 0.0753
Panamá 0.1683 0.0337 0.2898 0.0580 0.3289 0.0290
New Guinea 0.6053 0.1211 0.6905 0.0599 0.8251 0.0731
Paraguay 0.3335 0.0667 0.2332 0.0286 0.2335 0.0467
Perú 0.2025 0.0405 0.2510 0.0502 0.1950 0.0390
Filipinas 0.2720 0.0544 0.1560 0.0312 0.3783 0.0325
Pitcairn Island 1.6881 0.3376 0.9730 0.1946 0.8863 0.1773
Polonia 0.1901 0.0380 0.1093 0.0219 0.1990 0.0171
Portugal (including
Azores and
Madeira Islands) 0.2265 0.0453 0.1315 0.0263 0.2530 0.0218
Catar 0.3637 0.0727 0.1927 0.0385 0.2343 0.0469
Reunión Island 0.4826 0.0552 0.3265 0.0653 0.2774 0.0317
Rumania 0.1755 0.0351 0.3058 0.0612 0.3518 0.0302
Rusia 0.2458 0.0492 0.3824 0.0765 0.1676 0.0335
Ruanda 0.3910 0.0782 0.2257 0.0451 0.4346 0.0382
San Marino 0.5550 0.1110 0.5077 0.0580 0.6354 0.0726
Santo Tomé 0.4015 0.0828 0.3662 0.0732 0.0680 0.1329
Arabia Saudita 0.4695 0.0939 0.2140 0.0428 0.2140 0.0428
Senegal 0.7586 0.1517 0.4361 0.0872 0.4361 0.0872
Seychelles 0.5227 0.1045 0.7944 0.0908 0.9101 0.1820
Sierra Leona 0.4063 0.0813 0.2334 0.0467 0.2334 0.0467
Singapur 0.4559 0.0344 0.2860 0.0197 0.3359 0.0239
Eslovaquia 0.1920 0.0384 0.1763 0.0201 0.1611 0.0184
Eslovenia 0.0926 0.0185 0.1586 0.0317 0.0848 0.0170
Solomon Islands 0.4183 0.0837 0.7067 0.1413 0.6581 0.0579
Somalia 0.5545 0.1109 1.0540 0.2108 0.4325 0.0865
Sudáfrica 0.2460 0.0492 0.1415 0.0283 $0.1415 $0.0283
España (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands, Ceuta
and Melilla) 0.1305 0.0261 0.0750 0.0150 0.1445 0.0130
Sri Lanka 0.4730 0.0946 N/A N/A 0.3087 0.0617
Santa Helena 0.4574 0.0915 1.0318 0.0876 0.6241 0.1248
St. Kitts 0.1535 0.0307 0.1920 0.0384 0.1085 0.0217
Sta. Lucía 0.2917 0.0333 0.3858 0.0772 0.3191 0.0365
St. Pierre /
Miquelon 0.2316 0.0463 0.7531 0.0862 0.2316 0.0463
San Vicente /
Grenadines 0.0162 0.0323 0.3786 0.0757 0.1967
Sudán 0.8300 0.1660 0.4775 0.0955 0.4365 0.0873
Surinam 0.5221 0.1044 0.3212 0.0509 0.3212 0.0498
Suazilandia 0.3173 0.0635 0.1816 0.0363 0.1816 0.0363
Suecia 0.1055 0.0211 0.2021 0.0102 0.2021 0.0087
Suiza 0.1175 0.0235 0.1255 0.0106 0.1255 0.0106
Siria 0.4511 0.0902 0.3562 0.0712 0.2701 0.0540
Tayikistán 0.4305 0.0861 0.7493 0.1499 0.4305 0.0861
Taiwán 0.3519 0.0298 0.3519 0.0298 0.6051 0.0514
Tanzania 0.3785 0.0325 0.3287 0.0657 0.1894 0.0379
Tailandia 0.7712 0.0655 0.4770 0.0373 0.4362 0.0373
Togo 0.3588 0.0718 0.3813 0.0763 0.2552 0.0510
Tonga Islands 0.7338 0.0630 0.7392 0.1478 0.7338 0.0630
Trinidad/Tobago 0.1690 0.0338 0.3023 0.0605 0.3024 0.0283
Túnez 0.2981 0.0596 0.1840 0.0368 0.1840 0.0368
Turquía 0.1855 0.0371 0.0975 0.0195 0.1385 0.0277
Turkmenistán 0.8199 0.0702 0.7148 0.1430 0.4085 0.0817
Islas Turcas y Caicos
Islands 0.3797 0.0328 0.2181 0.0184 0.2030 0.0174
Tuvalu 0.5394 0.1079 1.0146 0.1160 0.8632 0.1726
Uganda 0.1815 0.0363 0.2964 0.0593 0.1706 0.0341
Ucrania 0.1873 0.0375 0.3276 0.0655 $0.2687 $0.0307
United Arab
Emirates 0.2478 0.0496 0.1372 0.0274 0.1850 0.0370
Reino Unido 0.0601 0.0120 0.0281 0.0056 0.0287 0.0057
Uruguay 0.4185 0.0373 0.4187 0.0837 0.4185 0.0359
Uzbekistán 0.1225 0.0245 0.2130 0.0426 0.1140 0.0228
Vanuatu 1.5331 0.1394 2.9174 0.2652 1.6781 0.1526
Ciudad del Vaticano 0.0905 0.0181 0.0605 0.0121 0.0874 0.0116
Venezuela 0.5201 0.0447 0.1490 0.0298 0.3637 0.0277
Vietnam 0.5464 0.1093 0.3058 0.0612 0.3198 0.0640
Wake 1.6790 0.3358 1.9013 0.1931 0.8795 0.1759
and Futuna 0.7855 0.1571 0.4855 0.0971 0.4430 0.0886
Sáhara Occidental 1.6880 0.3376 0.9727 0.1945 0.8862 0.1772
Samoa Occidental 0.2158 0.0432 0.3761 0.0752 0.2158 0.0432
Yemen ,
Republic of 0.8594 0.0746 0.4936 0.0423 0.3010 0.0602
Zaire 0.3401 0.0680 0.2367 0.0473 0.2367 0.0473
Zambia 0.3105 0.0621 0.1785 0.0357 0.3576 0.0306
Zimbabue 0.3062 0.0612 0.1762 0.0352 0.3522 0.0302
In addition, customers will be charged the following per-minute rates for direct dial usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in Guam and CNMI.
1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
Ubicación Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
CNMI $0.2375 $0.0475 $0.1465 0.0283 0.1465 0.0293
Guam 0.0762 0.0152 0.0762 0.0152 0.1123 0.0097
In addition, the following types of Inmarsat service are available under this promotion:
Inmarsat Standard B Service: For digital-based calls made to mobile terminals using the dialing pattern of: International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Standard B Terminal number (nine-digits, beginning with, and including the digit "3").
Inmarsat Standard M Service: For digital-based calls made to mobile terminals using the dialing pattern of: International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Standard M Terminal number (nine-digits, beginning with, and including the digit "6").
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates for usage to Atlantic and Indian Ocean Inmarsat locations:
Type of Service/Calls Terminating to: 1st 30 Sec. Add'l 6 Sec.
Standard B/Atlantic Ocean $1.8000 $0.3600
Standard B/Indian Ocean 3.0750 0.6150
Standard M/Atlantic Ocean 1.8000 0.3600
Standard M/Indian Ocean 3.0750 0.6150
ISVS Retention Promotion 2
Beginning January 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, MCI will offer the following promotion to existing customers1 who subscribe to International Switched Voice Service (ISVS). All standard tariffed ISVS rates and charges, terms and conditions not specifically modified herein will apply. This promotion is available to new customers who are a governmental department, agency or instrumentality, including multi‑lateral organizations that are financially supported by such government and whose operations are directly participated in by the government, by virtue of law, treaty or executive order.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions in each monthly period:
Customers' MCI service usage must equal or exceed $50,000;
Customers' ISVS usage must equal or exceed $50,000; and,
Customers must be in good standing.
In any monthly period in which a customer's ISVS usage fails to equal or exceed $50,000, the customer will be billed and required to pay: standard tariffed ISVS rates for the customer's ISVS usage in that monthly period; and, an amount equal to the difference between (i) the customer's actual usage charges in that monthly period and (ii) $50,000.
In addition, in any monthly period in which a customer's satisfies these requirements, the customer will receive a 10 percent discount on the customer's domestic Metered Use Service Option A (Gnt) usage which originates and terminates via switched access in that monthly period.
Customers enrolled on this promotion will be charged the following per-minute usage charges for outbound International Switched Voice Service (ISVS) usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in the following international locations:
1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
País Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Afghanistan $0.6108 $0.1222 $0.3772 $0.0754 $0.3449 $0.0690
Albania 0.2630 0.0526 0.2445 0.0275 0.2445 0.0275
Algeria 0.5549 0.0482 0.3419 0.0297 0.4576 0.0398
American Samoa 0.5891 0.0514 0.1850 0.0370 0.3644 0.0318
Andorra 0.3620 0.0310 0.2080 0.0178 0.1603 0.0138
Angola 0.2876 0.0575 0.4989 0.0998 0.3845 0.0546
Anguilla 0.3358 0.0286 0.3438 0.0684 $0.3358 $0.0286
Antarctica (Casey, Davis,
Mawson, and Macquarie
Island) 0.6930 0.1386 0.4865 0.0973 0.4440 0.0888
(Barbuda) 0.1258 0.0252 0.3508 0.0400 0.1871 0.0214
Argentina 0.3425 0.0685 0.1965 0.0393 0.3146 0.0360
Armenia 0.5872 0.0504 0.9869 0.0845 0.5674 0.0486
Aruba 0.1639 0.0141 0.1420 0.0284 0.1522 0.0131
Ascension Island 0.2973 0.0595 0.4542 0.0518 1.0522 0.2104
Australia (including
Tasmania) 0.0975 0.0195 0.0535 0.0107 0.0974 0.0141
Austria 0.1310 0.0262 0.1491 0.0124 0.1427 0.0124
Azerbaijan 0.2212 0.0253 0.2410 0.0482 0.2067 0.0237
Bahamas 0.1911 0.0166 0.1093 0.0091 0.1086 0.0088
Bahrain 0.3434 0.0687 0.1791 0.0358 0.1850 0.0370
Bangladesh 0.4638 0.0928 0.2865 0.0573
Barbados 0.1787 0.0357 0.1882 0.0376 0.1885 0.0350
Belarus 0.1702 0.0340 0.2768 0.0554 0.2549 0.0292
Belgium 0.0777 0.0155 0.0602 0.0080 0.0499 0.0097
Belize 0.5268 0.0347 0.9163 0.0786 0.5268 0.0381
Benin 0.3366 0.0673 0.1940 0.0388 0.1940 0.0388
Bermuda 0.1325 0.0265 0.0765 0.0153 0.0765 0.0153
Bhutan 0.6726 0.0576 N/A N/A 1.2566 0.1077
Bolivia 0.2139 0.0428 0.3746 0.0749 0.2111 0.0422
‑Herzegovina 0.4802 0.0455 0.4296 0.0354 0.4069 0.0309
Botswana 0.2591 0.0518 0.1486 0.0297 0.1486 0.0297
Brazil 0.2250 0.0450 0.1320 0.0264 0.1991 0.0228
Islas Vírgenes Británicas
Islands 0.2645 0.0302 0.1010 0.0202 0.1245 0.0249
Brunei 0.1984 0.0397 0.6031 0.0690 0.2027 0.0405
Bulgaria 0.3339 0.0261 0.2718 0.0544 0.1519 0.0304
Burkina Faso 0.3506 0.0701 0.3218 0.0368 0.3463 0.0395
Burundi 0.8182 0.1636 0.9086 0.1817 $0.7381 $0.1476
Cambodia 0.6473 0.1295 0.7453 0.0637 0.6804 0.0583
Cameroon 0.3422 0.0684 0.3074 0.0615 0.3422 0.0684
Canada 0.0902 0.0089 0.0855 0.0080 0.0761 0.0076
Cabo Verde
Islands 0.1963 0.0393 0.3763 0.0753 0.2213 0.0443
Cayman Islands 0.2455 0.0280 0.0920 0.0184 0.1360 0.0156
Central African
Republic 0.6210 0.1242 0.3843 0.0769 0.7680 0.0659
Chad Republic 1.4130 0.2826 0.9548 0.1192 0.9525 0.1905
Chile 0.1750 0.0350 0.0945 0.0189 0.1770 0.0151
China 0.3779 0.0756 0.4825 0.0965 0.5150 0.0434
Christmas Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.7782 0.0889 0.4440 0.0888
Cocos Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.4865 0.0973 0.4440 0.0888
Colombia 0.1335 0.0267 0.2540 0.0508 0.2626 0.0263
Comorros 0.5210 0.1042 0.4522 0.0517 0.3650 0.0730
Congo 0.4605 0.0921 0.5301 0.0457 0.6452 0.0553
Cook Islands 0.4279 0.0490 0.5110 0.1022 0.4279 0.0490
Costa Rica 0.1610 0.0322 0.2850 0.0570 0.2523 0.0289
Croatia 0.1069 0.0214 0.1890 0.0378 0.2179 0.0187
Cuba 0.1813 0.0363 0.3362 0.0672 0.3010 0.0345
Cyprus 0.2155 0.0431 0.2136 0.0244 0.1620 0.0324
Czech Republic 0.1761 0.0352 0.1761 0.0166 0.0915 0.0179
Denmark 0.1195 0.0239 0.1368 0.0113 0.1334 0.0111
Diego Garcia 0.5688 0.0568 N/A N/A 0.2558 0.0512
Djibouti 0.7171 0.0819 0.4454 0.0509 0.4113 0.0470
Dominica 0.2631 0.0301 0.4575 0.0524 0.1648 0.0315
Republic 0.1237 0.0247 0.2552 0.0510 0.1453 0.0291
Easter Island 1.6882 0.3376 0.9761 0.1952 0.8893 0.1779
Ecuador 0.2016 0.0403 0.3487 0.0697 0.2016 0.0403
Egypt 0.4044 0.0501 0.4044 0.0809 0.2698 0.0540
El Salvador 0.2204 0.0441 0.3648 0.0730 0.3198 0.0366
Guinea 0.5575 0.0895 1.6203 0.1362 $2.0172 $0.1695
Eritrea 0.4765 0.0953 0.4765 0.0953 0.6622 0.0590
Estonia 0.2255 0.0451 0.2256 0.0255 0.1395 0.0279
Ethiopia 0.5903 0.0505 0.5128 0.1025 0.5903 0.0505
Faeroe Islands 0.4133 0.0473 0.2372 0.0271 0.2338 0.0268
Falkland Islands 0.6035 0.1207 0.5966 0.0682 0.5966 0.0682
Fiji Islands 0.7805 0.0708 0.7024 0.0638 0.6320 0.0573
Finland 0.1015 0.0203 0.0927 0.0106 0.0580 0.0116
France 0.1085 0.0217 0.0580 0.0116 0.0545 0.0109
French Antilles (including
Martinique, St. Barthelemy
and St. Martin) 0.2964 0.0339 0.1588 0.0181 0.1459 0.0167
French Guiana 0.2663 0.0432 0.1834 0.0209 0.1674 0.0191
French Polynesia (Including Moorea
and Tahiti) 1.0354 0.0870 0.6284 0.1257 1.3558 0.1139
Gabon 0.4455 0.0891 0.2477 0.0495 0.2491 0.0498
Gambia 0.3080 0.0616 0.3585 0.0308 0.3585 0.0320
Georgia 0.3265 0.0653 0.4975 0.0995 0.3458 0.0395
Germany 0.0790 0.0158 0.0445 0.0089 0.0445 0.0089
Ghana 0.2682 0.0536 0.1656 0.0331 0.2016 0.0403
Gibraltar 0.3235 0.0371 0.1638 0.0186 0.2209 0.0251
Greece 0.1939 0.0388 0.1152 0.0230 0.1152 0.0230
Greenland 0.2786 0.0319 0.1623 0.0325 0.2819 0.0564
Grenada (including
Carriacou) 0.1547 0.0309 0.2768 0.0554 0.1459 0.0292
Guadeloupe 0.2154 0.0431 0.1167 0.0233 0.1647 0.0188
Guantanamo 0.1952 0.0390 0.3973 0.0721 0.1704 0.0327
Guatemala 0.1855 0.0371 0.3279 0.0656 0.3024 0.0346
Guinea 0.3019 0.0604 0.1739 0.0348 0.2790 0.0320
Guinea Bissau 0.6515 0.1303 0.3738 0.0748 0.7371 0.0644
Guyana 0.4390 0.0878 0.2525 0.0505 0.2520 0.0504
Haiti 0.2418 0.0484 0.4196 0.0839 0.2375 0.0475
Honduras 0.2241 0.0448 0.3927 0.0785 0.4463 0.0385
Hong Kong 0.2570 0.0514 0.2958 0.0252 0.2961 0.0255
Hungary 0.1715 0.0343 0.0960 0.0192 $0.1836 $0.0155
Iceland 0.0857 0.0171 0.1339 0.0268 0.0784 0.0157
India 0.3321 0.0664 N/A N/A 0.2327 0.0465
Indonesia 0.3045 0.0609 0.1750 0.0350 0.2130 0.0426
Iran 1.2112 0.1053 0.3515 0.0703 0.4275 0.0855
Iraq 1.6131 0.1383 0.9278 0.0795 1.1301 0.0969
Ireland 0.2511 0.0216 0.1445 0.0124 0.1445 0.0124
Israel 0.1561 0.0312 0.0995 0.0199 0.2237 0.0193
Italy 0.0905 0.0181 0.0605 0.0121 0.0874 0.0116
Ivory Coast 0.4038 0.0808 0.7049 0.1410 0.8098 0.0694
Jamaica 0.2496 0.0499 0.6074 0.1215 0.2496 0.0499
Japan (including
Okinawa) 0.1596 0.0319 0.0732 0.0146 0.2514 0.0287
Jordan 0.3868 0.0774 0.4189 0.0356 0.3995 0.0342
Kazakhstan 0.6020 0.0686 0.6993 0.1399 0.5912 0.0678
Kenya 0.3950 0.0790 0.4545 0.0386 0.4474 0.0380
Kiribati 1.1249 0.0945 1.1955 0.2391 1.6923 0.1422
Korea, Democratic People's
Republic of 2.1826 0.2494 1.0953 0.2191 2.1481 0.4296
Republic of 0.1289 0.0258 0.1029 0.0206 0.2118 0.0424
Kuwait 0.3822 0.0764 0.1524 0.0305 0.1742 0.0348
Kyrgystan 0.9643 0.0825 1.6788 0.1437 0.9003 0.0769
Laos 1.4438 0.1262 0.7724 0.0676 0.9406 0.0823
Latvia 0.1970 0.0394 0.3678 0.0736 0.3101 0.0354
Lebanon 0.5120 0.1024 0.5885 0.0448 0.3280 0.0656
Lesotho 0.5066 0.0437 0.2408 0.0208 0.2408 0.0208
Liberia 0.2766 0.0553 0.1587 0.0317 0.2898 0.0248
Libya 0.1785 0.0357 0.2774 0.0317 0.3015 0.0603
Liechtenstein 0.2417 0.0276 0.1391 0.0159 0.1003 0.0115
Lithuania 0.2900 0.0332 0.3848 0.0770 0.2610 0.0299
Luxembourg 0.1180 0.0236 0.1079 0.0124 0.0675 0.0135
Macao 0.2131 0.0426 0.3716 0.0743 $0.4454 $0.0357
Macedonia 0.1289 0.0258 0.2399 0.0480 0.1257 0.0251
Madagascar 1.4325 0.2865 1.9880 0.3976 1.5436 0.1764
Malawi 0.2910 0.0582 0.2307 0.0263 0.2033 0.0407
Malaysia 0.4677 0.0400 0.2689 0.0231 0.4677 0.0400
Maldives 0.9421 0.0809 1.7138 0.1470 2.9804 0.2556
Mali 0.4405 0.0881 0.3744 0.0428 0.4055 0.0463
Malta 0.4027 0.0345 0.2151 0.0185 0.2813 0.0241
Marshall Islands 0.3160 0.0632 0.2215 0.0443 0.2380 0.0476
Martinique 0.3518 0.0302 0.1844 0.0158 0.1844 0.0158
Mauritania 0.6338 0.0723 0.3644 0.0417 0.3917 0.0448
Mauritius 0.8348 0.0955 0.4802 0.0548 0.6291 0.0719
Mayotte Island 2.1087 0.1685 1.6993 0.3399 1.7517 0.1509
Mexico 0.2155 0.0431 N/A N/A 0.1455 0.0291
Micronesia 0.3160 0.0632 0.2911 0.2911 0.2380 0.0476
Miquelon 0.2316 0.0463 0.7531 0.0862 0.2316 0.0463
Moldova 0.5753 0.0657 0.6250 0.6250 0.3235 0.0647
Monaco 0.1625 0.0325 0.0949 0.0949 0.1360 0.0156
Mongolia 0.7292 0.0626 0.6525 0.6525 1.1218 0.1282
Montserrat 0.1695 0.0194 0.3222 0.3222 0.1695 0.0194
Morocco 0.2465 0.0493 0.2370 0.2370 0.1815 0.0363
Mozambique 0.8266 0.0718 0.2580 0.2580 0.5109 0.0444
Mustique 0.0162 0.0323 0.3786 0.0757 0.1967 0.0393
Myanmar 1.2615 0.1085 2.7085 0.2495 1.6639 0.1211
Nakhodka 0.2458 0.0492 0.3824 0.0765 0.1676 0.0335
Namibia 0.2781 0.0556 0.1583 0.1583 0.1457 0.0291
Nauru 0.3511 0.0401 0.6566 0.6566 0.3777 0.0431
Nepal 1.1829 0.1016 N/A N/A 0.8287 0.0710
Netherlands 0.0725 0.0145 0.0415 0.0415 0.0608 0.0069
Antillas Holandesas
Bonaire, Curacao,
Saba, St. Eustatius, and
St. Maarten) 0.2823 0.0242 0.1482 0.1482 0.1482 0.0127
Nevis 0.1985 0.0397 0.1140 0.1140 $0.0955 $0.0191
New Caledonia 0.1715 0.0343 0.2980 0.2980 0.2744 0.0314
New Zealand (including
Chatham Island) 0.1245 0.0249 0.2165 0.2165 0.1991 0.0228
Nicaragua 0.1945 0.0389 0.3380 0.3380 0.1945 0.0389
Niger 0.2945 0.0589 0.2706 0.2706 0.3542 0.0405
Nigeria 0.3069 0.0614 0.1599 0.1599 0.1600 0.0320
Niue 0.7690 0.1538 0.6985 0.6985 0.7320 0.1464
Norfolk Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.7782 0.7782 0.9470 0.1082
Norway 0.0830 0.0166 0.0937 0.0937 0.0937 0.0078
Oman 0.6238 0.0545 0.1681 0.1681 0.4360 0.0381
Pakistan 0.8297 0.0711 N/A N/A 0.5807 0.0498
Palau 0.5010 0.1002 0.4606 0.0526 0.3765 0.0753
Palm Island 0.0162 0.0323 0.3786 0.0757 0.1967 0.0393
Panama 0.1683 0.0337 0.2898 0.0580 0.3289 0.0290
Papúa Nueva Guinea
Admiralty Islands,
New Britain, and
New Ireland) 0.6053 0.1211 0.6905 0.0599 0.8251 0.0731
Paraguay 0.3335 0.0667 0.2332 0.0286 0.2335 0.0467
Peru 0.2025 0.0405 0.2510 0.0502 0.1950 0.0390
Philippines 0.2720 0.0544 0.1560 0.0312 0.3783 0.0325
Pitcairn Island * 1.6881 0.3376 0.9730 0.1946 0.8863 0.1773
Poland 0.1901 0.0380 0.1093 0.0219 0.1990 0.0171
Portugal (including
Azores and
Madeira Islands 0.2265 0.0453 0.1315 0.0263 0.2530 0.0218
Qatar 0.3637 0.0727 0.1927 0.0385 0.2343 0.0469
Reunion Island 0.4826 0.0552 0.3265 0.0653 0.2774 0.0317
Romania 0.1755 0.0351 0.3058 0.0612 0.3518 0.0302
Russia 0.2458 0.0492 0.3824 0.0765 0.1676 0.0335
Rwanda 0.3910 0.0782 0.2257 0.0451 0.4346 0.0382
Sakhalin 0.2458 0.0492 0.3824 0.0765 0.1676 0.0335
San Marino 0.5550 0.1110 0.5077 0.0580 0.6354 0.0726 \
Sao Tome 0.4015 0.0828 0.3662 0.0732 $0.0680 $0.1329
Saudi Arabia 0.4695 0.0939 0.2140 0.0428 0.2140 0.0428
Senegal 0.7586 0.1517 0.4361 0.0872 0.4361 0.0872
Seychelles 0.5227 0.1045 0.7944 0.0908 0.9101 0.1820
Sierra Leone 0.4063 0.0813 0.2334 0.0467 0.2334 0.0467
Singapore 0.4559 0.0344 0.2860 0.0197 0.3359 0.0239
Slovakia 0.1920 0.0384 0.1763 0.0201 0.1611 0.0184
Slovenia 0.0926 0.0185 0.1586 0.0317 0.0848 0.0170
Solomon Islands 0.4183 0.0837 0.7067 0.1413 0.6581 0.0579
Somali Republic 0.5545 0.1109 1.0540 0.2108 0.4325 0.0865
South Africa 0.2460 0.0492 0.1415 0.0283 0.1415 0.0283
Spain (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands, Ceuta
and Melilla) 0.1305 0.0261 0.0750 0.0150 0.1445 0.0130
Sri Lanka 0.4730 0.0946 N/A N/A 0.3087 0.0617
St. Helena 0.4574 0.0915 1.0318 0.0876 0.6241 0.1248
St. Kitts 0.1535 0.0307 0.1920 0.0384 0.1085 0.0217
St. Lucia 0.2917 0.0333 0.3858 0.0772 0.3191 0.0365
St. Pierre 0.2316 0.0463 0.7531 0.0862 0.2316 0.0463
St. Vincent/
Grenadines 0.0162 0.0323 0.3786 0.0757 0.1967 0.0393
Sudan 0.8300 0.1660 0.4775 0.0955 0.4365 0.0873
Suriname 0.5221 0.1044 0.3212 0.0509 0.3212 0.0498
Swaziland 0.3173 0.0635 0.1816 0.0363 0.1816 0.0363
Sweden 0.1055 0.0211 0.2021 0.0102 0.2021 0.0087
Switzerland 0.1175 0.0235 0.1255 0.0106 0.1255 0.0106
Syria 0.4511 0.0902 0.3562 0.0712 0.2701 0.0540
Taiwan 0.3519 0.0298 0.3519 0.0298 0.6051 0.0514
Tajikistan 0.4305 0.0861 0.7493 0.1499 0.4305 0.0861
Tanzania 0.3785 0.0325 0.3287 0.0657 0.1894 0.0379
Thailand 0.7712 0.0655 0.4770 0.0373 0.4362 0.0373
Togo 0.3588 0.0718 0.3813 0.0763 0.2552 0.0510
Tonga 0.7338 0.0630 0.7392 0.1478 0.7338 0.0630
Trinidad/Tobago 0.1690 0.0338 0.3023 0.0605 0.3024 0.0283
Tunisia 0.2981 0.0596 0.1840 0.0368 0.1840 0.0368
Turkey 0.1855 0.0371 0.0975 0.0195 0.1385 0.0277
Turkmenistan 0.8199 0.0702 0.7148 0.1430 0.4085 0.0817
Turks &
Caicos Islands 0.3797 0.0328 0.2181 0.0184 $0.2030 $0.0174
Tuvalu 0.5394 0.1079 1.0146 0.1160 0.8632 0.1726
Uganda 0.1815 0.0363 0.2964 0.0593 0.1706 0.0341
Tuvalu 0.5394 0.1079 1.0146 0.1160 0.8632 0.1726
Uganda 0.1815 0.0363 0.2964 0.0593 0.1706 0.0341
Ukraine 0.1873 0.0375 0.3276 0.0655 0.2687 0.0307
Union Island 0.1617 0.0323 0.3786 0.0757 0.1967 0.0393
United Arab
Emirates 0.2478 0.0496 0.1372 0.0274 0.1850 0.0370
United Kingdom 0.0601 0.0120 0.0281 0.0056 0.0287 0.0057
Uruguay 0.4185 0.0373 0.4187 0.0837 0.4185 0.0359
Uzbekistan 0.1225 0.0245 0.2130 0.0426 0.1140 0.0228
Vanuatu 1.5331 0.1394 2.9174 0.2652 1.6781 0.1526
Vatican City 0.0905 0.0181 0.0605 0.0121 0.0874 0.0116
Venezuela 0.5201 0.0447 0.1490 0.0298 0.3637 0.0277
Vietnam 0.5464 0.1093 0.3058 0.0612 0.3198 0.0640
Wake Island * 1.5554 0.3111 8.9873 0.1788 0.8147 0.1629
Wallis & Futuna 0.7855 0.1571 0.4855 0.0971 0.4430 0.0886
Western Sahara * 1.6880 0.3376 0.9727 0.1945 0.8862 0.1772
Western Samoa 0.2158 0.0432 0.3761 0.0752 0.2158 0.0432
Republic of 0.8594 0.0746 0.4936 0.0423 0.3010 0.0602
Yugoslavia 0.4057 0.0353 0.2172 0.0188 0.1987 0.0171
Zaire 0.3401 0.0680 0.2367 0.0473 0.2367 0.0473
Zambia 0.3105 0.0621 0.1785 0.0357 0.3576 0.0306
Zimbabwe 0.3062 0.0612 0.1762 0.0352 0.3522 0.0302
* Calls to this location may be placed with the assistance of an operator only.
In lieu of standard tariffed per-call charges for domestic Directory Assistance, customers will be charged the rate set forth in Section C-3.0213.
International Promotion 1
Beginning April 23, 1999 and ending October 23, 1999, MCI will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers.
1. Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is 12 months (Term of Service). The customer may extend the term of service for up to four additional, successive 12-month service terms (Extended Term of Service). Following the expiration of the Term of Service or any Extended Term of Service, service under this option will continue on a month-to-month basis, at the same terms and conditions, including rates and discounts provided under this option, until either MCI or the customer terminates service under this option by providing the other party with at least 30 days prior written notice.
2. Description of Service: The service provided is Dedicated Leased Line Service and Option I (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services).
3. Rates and Charges:
3.1 Option I:
3.1.1 Domestic Outbound Rates: The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic Option I Outbound Service usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on origination and termination type.
Origination Type Termination Type Tarifa
Local Network Connection Local Network Connection $0.040
Local Network Connection Dedicated 0.042
Local Network Connection Switched 0.043
Dedicated Local Network Connection 0.045
Dedicated Dedicated 0.045
Dedicated Switched 0.048
Switched Local Network Connection 0.078
Switched Dedicated 0.078
Switched Switched 0.088
The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for Option I usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in CNMI and Guam.
Estándar Descuento Economy
País 1st 30 Sec Add'l 6 Sec 1st 30 Sec Add'l 6 Sec 1st 30 Sec Add'l 6Sec
CNMI $0.2375 $0.0475 $0.1465 $0.0283 $0.1465 $0.0293
Guam 0.0762 0.0152 0.0762 0.0152 0.1123 0.0097
For purposes of this promotion, the following time periods apply for calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland and terminate in CNMI and Guam.
Standard: 5:00pm - 2:00am
Discount: 2:00am - 11:00am
Economy: 11:00am - 5:00pm
3.1.2 Domestic Inbound Rates: The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic Option I Inbound Service usage, based on origination and termination type.
Origination Type Termination Type Tarifa
Local Network Connection Local Network Connection $0.050
Local Network Connection Dedicated 0.055
Local Network Connection Switched 0.090
Switched Local Network Connection 0.055
Switched Dedicated 0.060
Switched Switched 0.100
3.1.3 International Outbound Rates: The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for international Option I Outbound Service and Option I Card usage. MCI will waive the per-call calling card access surcharge for international Option I Card usage. For purposes of this promotion, the time periods defined in Section E.03 apply.
Estándar Descuento Economy
País 1st 30 Sec Add'l 6 Sec 1st 30 Sec Add'l 6 Sec 1st 30 Sec Add'l 6 Sec
Afghanistan $0.6108 $0.1222 $0.3772 $0.0754 $0.3449 $0.0690
Albania 0.2630 0.0526 0.2445 0.0275 0.2445 0.0275
Algeria 0.5549 0.0482 0.3419 0.0297 0.4576 0.0398
American Samoa 0.5891 0.0514 0.1850 0.0370 0.3644 0.0318
Andorra 0.3620 0.0310 0.2080 0.0178 0.1603 0.0138
Angola 0.2876 0.0575 0.4989 0.0998 0.3845 0.0546
Anguilla 0.3358 0.0286 0.3438 0.0684 0.3358 0.0286
Antarctica (Casey, Davis,
Mawson and Macquarie
Island) 0.6930 0.1386 0.4865 0.0973 0.4440 0.0888
(Barbuda) 0.1258 0.0252 0.3508 0.0400 0.1871 0.0214
Argentina 0.3605 0.0651 0.2068 0.0373 0.3312 0.0342
Armenia 0.5872 0.0504 0.9869 0.0845 0.5674 0.0486
Aruba 0.1093 0.0212 0.0947 0.0426 0.1015 0.0196
Ascension Island 0.2973 0.0595 0.4542 0.0518 1.0522 0.2104
Australia (including
Tasmania) 0.1026 0.0185 0.0563 0.0102 0.1025 0.0134
Austria 0.1310 0.0262 0.1491 0.0124 0.1427 0.0124
Azerbaijan 0.1475 0.0380 0.1607 0.0723 0.1378 0.0356
Bahamas 0.1911 0.0166 0.1093 0.0091 0.1086 0.0088
Bahrain 0.3434 0.0687 0.1791 0.0358 0.1850 0.0370
Bangladesh 0.4638 0.0928 0.4638 0.0928 0.2865 0.0573
Barbados 0.1787 0.0357 0.1882 0.0376 0.1885 0.0350
Belarus 0.1702 0.0340 0.2768 0.0554 0.2549 0.0292
Belgium 0.0810 0.0149 0.0627 0.0077 0.0520 0.0094
Belize 0.5268 0.0347 0.9163 0.0786 0.5268 0.0381
Benin 0.3366 0.0673 0.1940 0.0388 0.1940 0.0388
Bermuda 0.1325 0.0265 0.0765 0.0153 0.0765 0.0153
Bhutan 0.6726 0.0576 0.6726 0.0576 1.2566 0.1077
Bolivia 0.2404 0.0381 0.4209 0.0667 $0.2372 $0.0376
Herzegovina 0.4802 0.0455 0.4296 0.0354 0.4069 0.0309
Botswana 0.2591 0.0518 0.1486 0.0297 0.1486 0.0297
Brazil 0.2368 0.0428 0.1389 0.0251 0.2096 0.0217
Islas Vírgenes Británicas
Islands 0.2645 0.0302 0.1010 0.0202 0.1245 0.0249
Brunei 0.1984 0.0397 0.6031 0.0690 0.2027 0.0405
Bulgaria 0.2568 0.0340 0.2091 0.0707 0.1168 0.0395
Burkina Faso 0.3506 0.0701 0.3218 0.0368 0.3463 0.0395
Burundi 1.0228 0.1309 1.1357 0.1454 0.9226 0.1181
Cambodia 0.6473 0.1295 0.7453 0.0637 0.6804 0.0583
Cameroon 0.3422 0.0684 0.3074 0.0615 0.3422 0.0684
Canada 0.0902 0.0089 0.0855 0.0080 0.0761 0.0076
Cabo Verde
Islands 0.1963 0.0393 0.3763 0.0753 0.2213 0.0443
Cayman Islands 0.2455 0.0280 0.0920 0.0184 0.1360 0.0156
Central African
Republic 0.6210 0.1242 0.3843 0.0769 0.7680 0.0659
Chad 1.4130 0.2826 0.9548 0.1192 0.9525 0.1905
Chile 0.1842 0.0333 0.0995 0.0180 0.1863 0.0143
China 0.3856 0.0741 0.4923 0.0946 0.5255 0.0425
Christmas Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.7782 0.0889 0.4440 0.0888
Cocos Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.4865 0.0973 0.4440 0.0888
Colombia 0.1362 0.0262 0.2592 0.0498 0.2679 0.0258
Comorros 0.5210 0.1042 0.4522 0.0517 0.3650 0.0730
Congo 0.4605 0.0921 0.5301 0.0457 0.6452 0.0553
Cook Island 0.4279 0.0490 0.5110 0.1022 0.4279 0.0490
Costa Rica 0.1610 0.0322 0.2850 0.0570 0.2523 0.0289
Croatia 0.1069 0.0214 0.1890 0.0378 0.2179 0.0187
Cuba 0.2400 0.0480 0.3362 0.0672 0.2400 0.0480
Cyprus 0.2155 0.0431 0.2136 0.0244 0.1620 0.0324
Czech Republic 0.1761 0.0352 0.1761 0.0166 0.0915 0.0179
Denmark 0.1195 0.0239 0.1368 0.0113 $0.1334 $0.0111
Diego Garcia 0.5688 0.0568 0.5688 0.0568 0.2558 0.0512
Djibouti 0.7171 0.0819 0.4454 0.0509 0.4113 0.0470
Dominica 0.2631 0.0301 0.4575 0.0524 0.1648 0.0315
Republic 0.1490 0.0205 0.3075 0.0424 0.1751 0.0241
Easter Island 1.6882 0.3376 0.9761 0.1952 0.8893 0.1779
Ecuador 0.2168 0.0375 0.3749 0.0649 0.2168 0.0375
Egypt 0.4494 0.0451 0.4494 0.0728 0.2998 0.0486
El Salvador 0.2204 0.0441 0.3648 0.0730 0.3198 0.0366
Equatorial Guinea 0.5575 0.0895 1.6203 0.1362 2.0172 0.1695
Eritrea 0.4765 0.0953 0.4765 0.0953 0.6622 0.0590
Estonia 0.2255 0.0451 0.2256 0.0255 0.1395 0.0279
Ethiopia 0.4541 0.0657 0.3944 0.1332 0.4541 0.0657
Faeroe Islands 0.1195 0.0239 0.1368 0.0113 0.1334 0.0111
Falkland Islands 0.6035 0.1207 0.5966 0.0682 0.5966 0.0682
Fiji Islands 0.7805 0.0708 0.7024 0.0638 0.6320 0.0573
Finland 0.1015 0.0203 0.0927 0.0106 0.0580 0.0116
France 0.1130 0.0208 0.0604 0.0111 0.0568 0.0105
French Antilles (including
Martinique, St. Barthelemy
and St. Martin) 0.2964 0.0339 0.1588 0.0181 0.1459 0.0167
French Guiana 0.2663 0.0432 0.1834 0.0209 0.1674 0.0191
French Polynesia 1.0354 0.0870 0.6284 0.1257 1.3558 0.1139
Gabon 0.4455 0.0891 0.2477 0.0495 0.2491 0.0498
Gambia 0.3080 0.0616 0.3585 0.0308 0.3585 0.0320
Georgia 0.3265 0.0653 0.4975 0.0995 0.3458 0.0395
Germany 0.0823 0.0152 0.0464 0.0085 0.0464 0.0085
Ghana 0.2682 0.0536 0.1656 0.0331 0.2016 0.0403
Gibraltar 0.3235 0.0371 0.1638 0.0186 0.2209 0.0251
Greece 0.1939 0.0388 0.1152 0.0230 0.1152 0.0230
Greenland 0.2786 0.0319 0.1623 0.0325 0.2819 0.0564
Grenada (including
Carriacou) 0.1547 0.0309 0.2768 0.0554 0.1459 0.0292
Guadeloupe 0.2154 0.0431 0.1167 0.0233 $0.1647 $0.0188
Guantanamo Bay 0.1952 0.0390 0.3973 0.0721 0.1704 0.0327
Guatemala 0.2085 0.0330 0.3684 0.0584 0.3398 0.0308
Guinea 0.3019 0.0604 0.1739 0.0348 0.2790 0.0320
Guinea Bissau 0.6515 0.1303 0.3738 0.0748 0.7371 0.0644
Guyana 0.4390 0.0878 0.2525 0.0505 0.2520 0.0504
Haiti 0.2418 0.0484 0.4196 0.0839 0.2375 0.0475
Honduras 0.2263 0.0444 0.3967 0.0778 0.4508 0.0381
Hong Kong 0.2570 0.0514 0.2958 0.0252 0.2961 0.0255
Hungary 0.1715 0.0343 0.0960 0.0192 0.1836 0.0155
Iceland 0.0857 0.0171 0.1339 0.0268 0.0784 0.0157
India 0.3571 0.0618 N/A N/A 0.2503 0.0433
Indonesia 0.3172 0.0585 0.1823 0.0336 0.2219 0.0409
Iran 1.2112 0.1053 0.3515 0.0703 0.4275 0.0855
Iraq 1.6131 0.1383 0.9278 0.0795 1.1301 0.0969
Ireland 0.2511 0.0216 0.1445 0.0124 0.1445 0.0124
Israel 0.1592 0.0306 0.1015 0.0195 0.2283 0.0189
Italy 0.0905 0.0181 0.0605 0.0121 0.0874 0.0116
Ivory Coast 0.4866 0.0670 0.8493 0.1170 0.9757 0.0576
Jamaica 0.2496 0.0499 0.6074 0.1215 0.2496 0.0499
Japan 0.1754 0.0290 0.0804 0.0133 0.2763 0.0261
Jordan 0.3868 0.0774 0.4189 0.0356 0.3995 0.0342
Kazakhstan 0.6020 0.0686 0.6993 0.1399 0.5912 0.0678
Kenya 0.4031 0.0774 0.4638 0.0378 0.4565 0.0372
Kiribati 1.1249 0.0945 1.1955 0.2391 1.6923 0.1422
Korea, Democratic People's
Republic of 2.1826 0.2494 1.0953 0.2191 2.1481 0.4296
Korea, Republic
of 0.1329 0.0250 0.1060 0.0200 0.2183 0.0411
Kuwait 0.3822 0.0764 0.1524 0.0305 0.1742 0.0348
Kyrgyzstan 0.9643 0.0825 1.6788 0.1437 0.9003 0.0769
Laos 1.4438 0.1262 0.7724 0.0676 $0.9406 $0.0823
Latvia 0.1970 0.0394 0.3678 0.0736 0.3101 0.0354
Lebanon 0.5120 0.1024 0.5885 0.0448 0.3280 0.0656
Lesotho 0.5066 0.0437 0.2408 0.0208 0.2408 0.0208
Liberia 0.2766 0.0553 0.1587 0.0317 0.2898 0.0248
Libya 0.1785 0.0357 0.2774 0.0317 0.3015 0.0603
Liechtenstein 0.2417 0.0276 0.1391 0.0159 0.1003 0.0115
Lithuania 0.2900 0.0332 0.3848 0.0770 0.2610 0.0299
Luxembourg 0.1180 0.0236 0.1079 0.0124 0.0675 0.0135
Macao 0.2131 0.0426 0.3716 0.0743 0.4454 0.0357
Macedonia 0.1289 0.0258 0.2399 0.0480 0.1257 0.0251
Madagascar 1.4325 0.2865 1.9880 0.3976 1.5436 0.1764
Malawi 0.2910 0.0582 0.2307 0.0263 0.2033 0.0407
Malaysia 0.4677 0.0400 0.2689 0.0231 0.4677 0.0400
Maldives 0.9421 0.0809 1.7138 0.1470 2.9804 0.2556
Mali Republic 0.4405 0.0881 0.3744 0.0428 0.4055 0.0463
Malta 0.3098 0.0448 0.1655 0.0240 0.2164 0.0313
Marshall Islands 0.3160 0.0632 0.2215 0.0443 0.2380 0.0476
Mauritania 0.6338 0.0723 0.3644 0.0417 0.3917 0.0448
Mauritius 0.8348 0.0955 0.4802 0.0548 0.6291 0.0719
Mayotte Island 1.6221 0.2191 1.3072 0.4418 1.3474 0.1962
Mexico 0.2155 0.0431 0.2155 0.0431 0.1455 0.0291
Micronesia 0.3160 0.0632 0.2911 0.2911 0.2380 0.0476
Midway 0.0000 0.0088 0.0000 0.0088 0.0000 0.0088
Moldova 0.5753 0.0657 0.6250 0.6250 0.3235 0.0647
Monaco 0.1625 0.0325 0.0949 0.0949 0.1360 0.0156
Mongolia 0.7292 0.0626 0.6525 0.6525 1.1218 0.1282
Montserrat 0.1695 0.0194 0.3222 0.3222 0.1695 0.0194
Morocco 0.2465 0.0493 0.2370 0.2370 0.1815 0.0363
Mozambique 0.8266 0.0718 0.2580 0.2580 0.5109 0.0444
Myanmar 1.2615 0.1085 2.7085 0.2495 1.6639 0.1211
Namibia 0.2781 0.0556 0.1583 0.1583 0.1457 0.0291
Nauru 0.2701 0.0521 0.5051 0.8536 $0.2905 $0.0560
Nepal 1.1829 0.1016 N/A N/A 0.8287 0.0710
Netherlands 0.0725 0.0145 0.0415 0.0415 0.0608 0.0069
Antilles 0.2823 0.0242 0.1482 0.1482 0.1482 0.0127
Nevis 0.1985 0.0397 0.1140 0.1140 0.0955 0.0191
New Caledonia 0.1143 0.0515 0.1987 0.4470 0.1829 0.0471
New Zealand 0.1245 0.0249 0.2165 0.2165 0.1991 0.0228
Nicaragua 0.1852 0.0408 0.3219 0.3549 0.1852 0.0408
Niger 0.2945 0.0589 0.2706 0.2706 0.3542 0.0405
Nigeria 0.3069 0.0614 0.1599 0.1599 0.2100 0.0420
Niue Island 0.7690 0.1538 0.6985 0.6985 0.7320 0.1464
Norfolk Island 0.7875 0.1575 0.7782 0.7782 0.9470 0.1082
Norway 0.0830 0.0166 0.0937 0.0937 0.0937 0.0078
Oman 0.6238 0.0545 0.1681 0.1681 0.4360 0.0381
Pakistan 0.7978 0.0739 N/A N/A 0.5584 0.0518
Palau 0.5010 0.1002 0.4606 0.0526 0.3765 0.0753
Panama 0.2052 0.0276 0.3534 0.0475 0.4010 0.0238
Papua New
Guinea 0.6053 0.1211 0.6905 0.0599 0.8251 0.0731
Paraguay 0.3335 0.0667 0.2332 0.0286 0.2335 0.0467
Peru 0.2025 0.0405 0.2510 0.0502 0.1950 0.0390
Philippines 0.2804 0.0528 0.1608 0.0303 0.3900 0.0315
Pitcairn Island 1.6881 0.3376 0.9730 0.1946 0.8863 0.1773
Poland 0.1980 0.0365 0.1139 0.0210 0.2073 0.0164
Portugal (including Azores
and Madeira
Islands) 0.2265 0.0453 0.1315 0.0263 0.2530 0.0218
Qatar 0.3637 0.0727 0.1927 0.0385 0.2343 0.0469
Reunion Island 0.4826 0.0552 0.3265 0.0653 0.2774 0.0317
Romania 0.1950 0.0316 0.3398 0.0550 0.3909 0.0272
Russia 0.2701 0.0447 0.4202 0.0696 0.1842 0.0305
Rwanda 0.3910 0.0782 0.2257 0.0451 0.4346 0.0382
San Marino $0.5550 $0.1110 $0.5077 $0.0580 $0.6354 $0.0726
Sao Tome 0.4015 0.0828 0.3662 0.0732 0.0680 0.1329
Saudi Arabia 0.4791 0.0920 0.2184 0.0419 0.2184 0.0419
Senegal 0.8158 0.1411 0.4689 0.0811 0.4689 0.0811
Islands 0.5227 0.1045 0.7944 0.0908 0.9101 0.1820
Sierra Leone 0.4063 0.0813 0.2334 0.0467 0.2334 0.0467
Singapore 0.4559 0.0344 0.2860 0.0197 0.3359 0.0239
Slovakia 0.1920 0.0384 0.1763 0.0201 0.1611 0.0184
Slovenia 0.0926 0.0185 0.1586 0.0317 0.0848 0.0170
Solomon Islands 0.4183 0.0837 0.7067 0.1413 0.6581 0.0579
Somalia 0.5545 0.1109 1.0540 0.2108 0.4325 0.0865
South Africa 0.2460 0.0492 0.1415 0.0283 0.1415 0.0283
Spain (including Balearic
Islands, Canary Islands,
Ceuta and
Melilla) 0.1345 0.0253 0.0773 0.0146 0.1490 0.0126
Sri Lanka 0.4730 0.0946 N/A N/A 0.3087 0.0617
St. Helena 0.4574 0.0915 1.0318 0.0876 0.6241 0.1248
St. Kitts 0.1535 0.0307 0.1920 0.0384 0.1085 0.0217
St. Lucia 0.2917 0.0333 0.3858 0.0772 0.3191 0.0365
St. Pierre/
Miquelon 0.2316 0.0463 0.7531 0.0862 0.2316 0.0463
St. Vincent/
Grenadines 0.0162 0.0323 0.3786 0.0757 0.1967 0.0393
Sudan 0.8300 0.1660 0.4775 0.0955 0.4365 0.0873
Suriname 0.5221 0.1044 0.3212 0.0509 0.3212 0.0498
Swaziland 0.3173 0.0635 0.1816 0.0363 0.1816 0.0363
Sweden 0.1055 0.0211 0.2021 0.0102 0.2021 0.0087
Switzerland 0.1199 0.0230 0.1281 0.0104 0.1281 0.0104
Syria 0.4511 0.0902 0.3562 0.0712 0.2701 0.0540
Taiwan 0.3519 0.0298 0.3519 0.0298 0.6051 0.0514
Tajikistan 0.4305 0.0861 0.7493 0.1499 0.4305 0.0861
Tanzania 0.2523 0.0487 0.2191 0.0986 0.1263 0.0568
Thailand 0.7790 0.0648 0.4818 0.0369 $0.4406 $0.0369
Togo 0.3588 0.0718 0.3813 0.0763 0.2552 0.0510
Tonga 0.7338 0.0630 0.7392 0.1478 0.7338 0.0630
Trinidad/Tobago 0.1690 0.0338 0.3023 0.0605 0.3024 0.0283
Tunisia 0.2981 0.0596 0.1840 0.0368 0.1840 0.0368
Turkey 0.1801 0.0382 0.0947 0.0201 0.1345 0.0285
Turkmenistan 0.8199 0.0702 0.7148 0.1430 0.4085 0.0817
Islas Turcas y Caicos
Islands 0.3797 0.0328 0.2181 0.0184 0.2030 0.0174
Tuvalu 0.5394 0.1079 1.0146 0.1160 0.8632 0.1726
Uganda 0.1815 0.0363 0.2964 0.0593 0.1706 0.0341
Ukraine 0.1873 0.0375 0.3276 0.0655 0.2687 0.0307
United Arab
Emirates 0.2478 0.0496 0.1372 0.0274 0.1850 0.0370
United Kingdom 0.0667 0.0108 0.0312 0.0051 0.0318 0.0054
Uruguay 0.4452 0.0351 0.4454 0.0787 0.4452 0.0337
Uzbekistan 0.1225 0.0245 0.2130 0.0426 0.1140 0.0228
Vanuatu 1.5331 0.1394 2.9174 0.2652 1.6781 0.1526
Vatican City 0.0905 0.0181 0.0605 0.0121 0.0874 0.0116
Venezuela 0.5201 0.0447 0.1490 0.0298 0.3637 0.0277
Vietnam 0.5464 0.1093 0.3058 0.0612 0.3198 0.0640
Wake 1.6790 0.3358 1.9013 0.1931 0.8795 0.1759
Wallis and
Futuna 0.7855 0.1571 0.4855 0.0971 0.4430 0.0886
Western Sahara 1.6880 0.3376 0.9727 0.1945 0.8862 0.1772
Western Samoa 0.2158 0.0432 0.3761 0.0752 0.2158 0.0432
Yemen, Republic
of 0.8594 0.0746 0.4936 0.0423 0.3010 0.0602
Yugoslavia 0.4057 0.0353 0.2172 0.0188 0.1987 0.0171
Zaire 0.3401 0.0680 0.2367 0.0473 0.2367 0.0473
Zambia 0.3105 0.0621 0.1785 0.0357 0.3576 0.0306
Zimbabwe 0.3062 0.0612 0.1762 0.0352 0.3522 0.0302
Atlantic and Indian Ocean Inmarsat Locations
Type of Service/Calls Terminating to:
Estándar Descuento Economy
1st 30 Sec Add'l 6 Sec 1st 30 Sec Add'l 6 Sec 1st 30 Sec Add'l 6 Sec
Standard B/Atlantic
Ocean $1.800 $0.360 $1.800 $0.360 $1.800 $0.360
Standard B/Indian
Ocean 3.075 0.615 3.075 0.615 3.075 0.615
Standard M/Atlantic
Ocean 1.800 0.360 1.800 0.360 1.800 0.360
Standard M/Indian
Ocean 3.075 0.615 3.075 0.615 3.075 0.615
3.1.4 Option I Videoconferencing: Domestic Usage Charges: In lieu of standard tariffed charges, the customer will be charged the following transport charges for domestic Option I Videoconferencing:
For Meet-Me usage, the following charges apply:
Transport Charges: $0.89 per minute per site multiplied by each multiple of Switched 56 kbps or 64 kbps service used per call.
For Dial-Out usage, the following charges apply:
Transport Charges: $0.17 per minute per site multiplied by each multiple of Switched 64 kbps service used per call.
3.1.5 CVNS Audioconferencing: Domestic Usage Charges: The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates per bridge port for Option I CVNS Audioconferencing which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on access method.
Method of Access Tarifa
Unattended Toll Free Meet-Me Access $0.27
Unattended Toll Meet-Me Access 0.17
Standard Dial Out Access 0.30
Standard Toll Free Meet-Me Access 0.20
Premier Dial Out Access 0.38
Premier Toll Free Meet-Me Access 0.38
Premier Toll Meet-Me Access 0.29
3.2 Dedicated Leased Line Service: MCI will waive monthly recurring charges for the customer's T-1 Digital Access circuits associated with Option I usage.
4. Volume Discounts:
4.1 Option I: The customer will be charged standard tariffed rates and receive a 28 percent discount on Option I Inbound Service usage.
5. Classifications, Practices and Regulations:
5.1 Non-Recurring Credits: If the customer remains subscribed to service under this option during the entire Term of Service and remains subscribed to service at least through the date of the invoice issued during the fourteenth month of service, a credit equal to 3 percent of the customer's charges (after application of discounts and credits) for service during the Term Of Service will be applied to the invoice issued during the customer's fourteenth month of service.
5.2 Other Requirements: To receive service under this promotion, the customer must be and remain a governmental department, agency or instrumentality, including multi‑lateral organizations that are financially supported by such government and whose operations are directly participated in by the government, by virtue of law, treaty or executive order.