networkMCI Direct Advantage Promotion
Oferta: The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic networkMCI One Inbound Service and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, usage which originates via switched access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service
Month-to-Month 1-Year 2-Year
$0.202 $0.178 $0.154
The customer will receive an additional 10 percent discount on its domestic Outbound Service usage to the two NPA-NXX's in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. The discount is applied to the first $5,000 only of each customer's domestic outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers enrolled will be charged the following per-minute rates for usage originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating in Mexico:
Rate Step Per-Minute Rate
1 $0.2171
2 0.2171
3 0.4697
4 0.4806
5 0.5983
6 0.6557
7 0.8427
8 0.8938
Customers who enroll in a 1 or 2-year term plan and whose gross international Outbound Service usage equals or exceeds $25 in a monthly period will receive a 20 percent discount on its international Outbound Service usage terminating in the two countries in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. This discount will be applied to the first $3,000 only of a customer's international Outbound Service usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers who enroll in a one- or two-year term of service commitment will receive the following discounts on domestic Inbound Service and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access usage which originates via switched access, based on the customer's term of service and monthly volume of networkMCI One Inbound and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, usage which originates via switched access usage, as follows:
Monthly Volume Descuento
$2,000.00+ 10%
Customers who subscribe to Metered Use Service Option QQ (audioconferencing from networkMCI Conferencing) under this promotion will: receive a credit, not to exceed $75, equal to the customer's charges for the customer's first Option QQ call; and will be charged: (i) a one-time $19.95 account set-up charge; and (ii) a $3.00 per month monthly recurring charge until the customer terminates its subscription to Option QQ by providing the Company 30-day prior written notice of termination.
Customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service will receive a credit equal to 50 percent of the customers net usage in the twelfth consecutive month of service, not to exceed $2,500, applied to the customer's invoice for the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 1-year term of service will receive a credit equal to the customers total net usage during the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $5,000, applied to the customer's invoice in the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 2-year term of service will receive credits equal to the customers total net usage during both the twelfth and twenty-fourth months of service, not to exceed $5,000 each, applied to the customer's invoices in the thirteenth and twenty-fifth months of service, respectively.
In each monthly billing period, the customer will be billed and required to pay a $5.00 monthly per service group fee for Switched WATS and Business Line Termination in lieu of the charges set-forth in Section C-3.0812.
Eligibility Requirements: Customers must
enroll between April 15, 2001 and December 31, 2002; and,
enroll in this promotion in response to a Company solicitation for this promotion.
Other Conditions:
Except as specified in this promotion, Dedicated Access and Termination (Section C-3.41111), Switched Digital Service (Section C-3.413), and Features (Section C-3.415) are not available to customers receiving the benefits of this promotion.
Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion may use only the following Features:
For Outbound Service For Inbound Service
Accounting Codes Call Detail
Call Detail Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing Point of Call Routing
Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing Routing Features
Personal ID Codes Tailored Call Coverage
Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering, except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
In any monthly period in which a customer's usage fails to equal or exceed the $10, the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between the customer's actual usage and $10.
Customers who enroll in a one-year or two-year term of service and terminate service prior to expiration of their term will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge which will be calculated by multiplying the number of full and/or partial months remaining in the customer's term plan by $25. A customer's term of service will automatically renew as described in Section C-3.41422 except that customer will continue to be charged the rates and receive the 10 percent discount on domestic Outbound Service usage and the 20 percent discount on international Outbound Service usage, as set forth in this promotion, during the customer's renewal term of service.
networkMCI Direct Promotion 5
Oferta: The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic networkMCI One Inbound Service and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, which originates via switched access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service
Month-to-Month 1-Year 2-Year
$0.202 $0.190 $0.178
Customers will receive a 10 percent discount domestic Outbound Service usage, excluding calls to Directory Assistance, to the two NPA-NXX's in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. The discount is applied to the first $5,000 of each customer's domestic Outbound Service usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers will be charged the following per-minute rates for Outbound Service usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in Mexico:
Rate Step Per-Minute Rate
1 $0.2171
2 0.2171
3 0.4697
4 0.4806
5 0.5983
6 0.6557
7 0.8427
8 0.8938
In addition to these rates, a customer enrolled in a one- or two-year term plan whose gross international Outbound Service usage equals or exceeds $25 in a monthly period will receive a 20 percent discount on its international Outbound Service usage to the two countries in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during that monthly billing period. This discount will be applied to the first $3,000 only of each customer's international Outbound Service usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers who subscribe to Metered Use Service Option QQ (audioconferencing from networkMCI Conferencing) under this promotion will: receive a credit, not to exceed $75, equal to the customer's charges for the customer's first Option QQ call; and will be charged: (i) a one-time $19.95 account set-up charge; and (ii) a $3.00 per month monthly recurring charge until the customer terminates its subscription to Option QQ by providing the Company 30-day prior written notice of termination.
Customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service will receive a credit equal to 50 percent of the customers net usage in the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $2,500, applied to the customer's invoice for the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 1-year term of service will receive a credit equal to the customers total net usage during the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $5,000, applied to the customer's invoice in the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 2-year term of service will receive a credit equal to the customers net usage during both the twelfth and twenty-fourth months of service, not to exceed $5,000 per month, applied to the customer's invoices in the thirteenth and twenty-fifth months of service, respectively.
In addition, the customer will be billed and required to pay a $5.00 monthly per service group fee for Switched WATS and Business Line Termination in lieu of the charges set-forth in Section C-3.0812.
Eligibility Requirements: The customer must:
enroll between April 15, 2001 and December 31, 2002; and,
enroll in this promotion in response to a Company solicitation for this promotion.
Other Conditions: Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion may use only the following Features:
For Outbound Service For Inbound Service
Accounting Codes Call Detail
Call Detail Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing Point of Call Routing
Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing Routing Features
Personal ID Codes Tailored Call Coverage
Offer: 500 airline affinity program miles from a participating airline affinity program for each eligible call, not to exceed 50. The Company shall pay the taxes associated with the miles award.
Requisitos de elegibilidad:
The customer must:
enroll between June 8, 2001 and August 31, 2001; and,
complete an eligible call as follows: a Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet) networkMCI Videoconferencing, Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) networkMCI Videoconferencing, Metered Use Service Option MM (neworkMCI One) networkMCI Videoconferencing or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Service) Option RR Videoconferencing videoconference call for which the recipient of the miles is the designated Conference Leader which occurs during the period from June 8, 2001 through August 31, 2001 and is between either (i) four or more sites, each at least one hour in duration or (ii) three sites, each at least two hours in duration.
Other Conditions: The recipient of the miles must be:
designated by the customer to the Company as a Conference Leader; and,
a member of a participating airline affinity program.
Beginning November 10, 2000 and ending September 30, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) who become new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay).
To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must subscribe to new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay within the U.S. Mainland associated with Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access facilities (New Service) under a new MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans).
During each monthly period of a customers Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, customers will be charged the following monthly recurring charges for New Service, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for MCIWORLDCOM Frame Relay ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) and DSL, based on port speed and DSL service type:
Service Type/Monthly Charge
Speed (kbps) Starter Service Basic Service Premium Service
128 $ 150 $ 225 $ 300
256 200 275 375
384 250 300 500
512 300 375 625
768 350 450 800
1024 425 525 975
1536 550 625 1275
3072 850 1000 1975
5120 1250 1500 2875
7168 1650 2000 3775
networkMCI One Access and Odyssey AC/COC Renewal Waiver Promotion
Beginning February 1, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Option MM (network MCI One) who subscribe to a new 1, 2 or 3-year Option MM Term Plan and who reply to a solicitation and enroll in this promotion.
The following provisions apply during the term of service of a customer's Option MM Term Plan. Enrolled customers will receive a credit equal to a 30 percent discount on their Company monthly recurring charges for Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection for all Company-provided T‑1 circuits which are provided under the Option MM Term Plan and installed for use during the promotional offering period. The discount will be applied to the customer's interstate T‑1 circuit charges If the customer fails to make payments to the Company pursuant to the terms and conditions of its Option MM Term Plan, the customer will not receive the discount under this promotion until payment is received by the Company.
Beginning March 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2001, customers, including customers receiving service under Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Types 39, 40 and 41 (as described in Section C-16), receiving service under this promotion who subscribe to a new Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) Option RR Term are eligible to receive the following during the term of service of a customer's Option RR Term Plan: the Company will waive the customer's monthly recurring Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges for Dedicated Leased Line Service circuits installed prior to October 1, 1998.
Tex‑Mex Promotion
Beginning October 15, 1997 and ending June 14, 1998, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who enroll in a new networkMCI One Term Plan or who enroll in a Special Customer Arrangement Type 47, 48, 49 or 50 as described in Section C‑16. To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must also be located in area codes 210, 214, 254, 281, 409, 512, 713, 806, 817, 830, 903, 915, 940, 956 or 972. Enrolled customers will be charged the following per‑minute usage rates for Option MM calls terminating in Mexico via switched termination, in lieu of the standard tariffed rates set forth in Section C‑3.073351.
Rate Step Tarifa
1 $0.1888
2 0.1888
3 0.4085
4 0.4181
5 0.5045
6 0.5529
7 0.7106
8 0.7536
Charges will be calculated on a 30‑second minimum duration basis, with additional 6‑second increments. If a customer's monthly Option MM usage exceeds $10,000, the rates in section C-3.073351 will apply for usage which exceeds $10,000. Customers who enroll in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of the networkMCI One International Promotion 1.
MCI AC & COC Waiver Promotion 2
Beginning April 1, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers who order Company-provided dedicated access circuits in NPA's 203 and 860. Existing customers are eligible only if they (i) subscribe to a new Access Pricing Plan or (ii) renew an existing Access Pricing Plan with at least a 1-year term commitment within 90 days prior to the existing plan's expiration. The Company will waive all recurring and non-recurring charges associated with the customer's Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges for as long as the enrolled customer remains a Company customer.
MCI Analog, Digital Data Service, Digital Private Line, and TDS 1.5 Access Promotion
Beginning July 15, 1994 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to customers of Dedicated Leased Line Services who order qualifying Dedicated Leased Line Inter‑Office Channels over MCI Analog Service (VGPL), Digital Data Service (DDS), Digital Private Line, or TDS 1.5 Service with installation by February 28, 1998. MCI WORLDCOM will waive the following MCI WORLDCOM‑billed installation charges associated with MCI WORLDCOM‑provided Analog, Digital Data Service (DDS) or TDS 1.5 Access Services used to terminate the new qualifying interoffice channels: Local Channel, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection.
The customer must retain the circuits acquired under this promotion in service for a minimum of two years. If the customer cancels service prior to the end of the two‑year term, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to 1/24 of the amount waived for each month remaining in the term commitment. For example, a customer who disconnects after 15 months of service will be charged 37.5 percent of the total charges waived under the promotion.
The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with SCAs, as described in Section C-16. In addition, customers of Metered Use Service Option S (Virtual Private Data Service) and Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
Switched Digital Promotion
Beginning April 15, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who (i) become new customers of Switched Digital Service, (ii) subscribe to a new networkMCI One Term Plan and (iii) subscribe to a Special Customer Arrangement Type 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 or 44 (as described in Section C-16). Throughout the term of service of the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan, customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a 15 percent discount on the customer's domestic outbound Option MM Switched Digital Service usage in each monthly period in which the customer's Switched Digital Service usage equals or exceeds $2,000.
Crossborder Private Line Promotion
Beginning July 17, 1998 and ending November 9, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Dedicated Leased Line Service between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico and/or between the U.S. Mainland and Canada.
Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions upon promotion enrollment:
New customers must order installation of (i) Mexico Digital Private Line Service or Canada Digital Private Line Service at transmission speeds of 56 kbps or 64 kbps or Fractional T‑1 at transmission speeds of 128 kbps to 768 kbps, (ii) Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 service between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico or between the U.S. Mainland and Canada and/or (c) Mexico TDS-2.0 Service (New Circuits).
Existing customers must: (a) be existing subscribers of (i) Mexico Digital Private Line Service or Canada Digital Private Line Service at transmission speeds of 56 kbps or 64 kbps or Fractional T‑1 at transmission speeds of 128 kbps to 768 kbps, and/or (ii) Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 service between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico or between the U.S. Mainland and Canada; (Existing Circuits); and, (b) order installation of service at higher transmission speeds for the customer's Existing Circuits (Upgraded Existing Circuits).
Customers must request installation of all New Circuits and Upgraded Existing Circuits within 60 days.
Customers must subscribe to a new Network Pricing Plan or Fixed Term Plan with at least a one year term of service for the customer's New Circuits and Existing Circuits.
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive the following benefits:
MCI WORLDCOM will waive MCI WORLDCOM‑billed Local Access Channel, Access Coordination, Central Office Connection (COC) and Border Central Office Connection installation charges for New Circuits and Existing Circuits.
Early Termination: Customers who terminate service under Network Pricing Plan or Fixed Term Plan prior to the expiration of the customer's term of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.
Other Provisions: The benefits of this promotion are not available to customers who receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA), as described in Section C‑16.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Flat Rate Promotion
Beginning August 1, 1998 and ending October 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who subscribe to an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP). During the term of a customer's HPP, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Access Coordination, Central Office Connection, and Local Access Channels, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following monthly recurring charges for each domestic T‑1 Digital Access or DS‑0 circuit associated with the customer's Option GG installed under this promotion.
Monthly Recurring
Circuit Type Per‑Circuit Charge
DS‑0 $150
T‑1 Digital Access 300
All circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion must be installed by December 31, 1998.
MCI Wall Street Promotion 2
Beginning April 15, 1998 and ending January 15, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who enroll in a networkMCI One Term Plan with (i) a 1-, 2- or 3-year term of service and (ii) an annual volume commitment which equals or exceeds $60,000 and is less than $300,000.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a 15 percent discount on interstate networkMCI One usage which originates or terminates in NPAs 212, 312 or 718.
Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering except the National Service Guarantee, networkMCI One Free Month Promotion, networkMCI One International Promotion 1 and 98 in 98 Promotion.
networkMCI One Access Promotion for Frame Relay
Beginning May 1, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who (i) subscribe to a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP), (ii) reply to a solicitation and (iii) enroll in this promotion.
Customers who enroll in this promotion will receive a 30 percent discount on the customer's monthly recurring Local Access Channel and Access Coordination charges for all T‑1 circuits which are provided under the HPP and installed during the promotional offering period. Customers will receive this discount throughout the term of their HPP.
Customers will not receive this discount in any monthly period in which the customer fails to maintain good standing under the customer's HPP. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive Access Pricing Plan (APP) discounts.
SCA MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Promotion
Beginning February 1, 1998 and ending October 15, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers receiving service under Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Types 1, 46, 51 and 52 as described in Section C‑16.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following amounts, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channels for each domestic Channelized T-1 Digital Access or DS-0 circuit associated with the customer's MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay usage which the customer installs under this promotion.
Monthly Recurring
Circuit Type Per-Circuit Charge
DS-0 $150
T‑1 Digital Access 300
At least two channels of each of the customer's T‑1 Digital Access circuits must be associated with the customer's MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay usage which the customer installs under this promotion. To receive the benefits of this promotion, customers who install MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay ports under this promotion must order T-1 Digital Access circuits by November 15, 1998 and install them by December 31, 1998.
Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive any other Access discounts or the benefits of any other promotions. SCA Types 1, 46, 51 and 52 customers who have installed the free T‑1 circuits offered under SCA Types 1, 46, 51 and 52 are not eligible to enroll in this promotion.
Tex‑Mex Promotion 2
Beginning September 18, 1998 and ending October 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who enroll in a new networkMCI One Term Plan or who enroll in a Special Customer Arrangement Type 47, 48, 49 or 50 as described in Section C‑16. To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must be located in the following NPA-Nxx's: 210, 214, 254, 281, 409, 512, 713, 806, 817, 830, 903, 915, 940, 956 or 972.
Enrolled customers will be charged the following per‑minute rates for Option MM usage terminating in Mexico via switched termination in lieu of the standard tariffed rates set forth in Section C‑3.073351.
Rate Step Tarifa
1 $0.1888
2 0.1888
3 0.4085
4 0.4181
5 0.5045
6 0.5529
7 0.7106
8 0.7536
This Option MM usage will be calculated on a 30‑second minimum duration basis, with additional 6‑second increments. If a customer's Option MM usage exceeds $10,000 in any month, the rates in Section C-3.073351 will apply for usage which exceeds $10,000 during that month.
Customers who enroll in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of the networkMCI One International Promotion 1.
SCA Types 11, 12, and 13 Promotion
Beginning August 1, 1994 for Option 1 customers and August 15, 1994 for Option 2 customers and ending
January 14, 1996, MCI WORLDCOM will offer a promotion to customers who subscribe to service through an SCA Type 11, 12, or 13. Each participating customer will receive the following discounts off its international and domestic (excluding the U.S. Virgin Islands) outbound usage in addition to the discounts specified in the SCA Type to which the customer subscribes, based on its term commitment and the percentage of its total interexchange telecommunications service to which it commits at the time of promotion enrollment (Exclusivity Requirement).
Option 1
Customer Traffic
Term Carried by MCI WORLDCOM
of Service (Exclusivity Requirement) Descuento
24 Months 65% - 79.9% 2%
24 Months 80% + 3
36 Months 65% - 79.9% 2
36 Months 80% - 94.9% 3
36 Months 95% + 4
60 Months 65% - 79.9% 2
60 Months 80% - 94.9% 3
60 Months 95% + 4
Option 2
Customer Traffic
Term Carried by MCI WORLDCOM
of Service (Exclusivity Requirement) Descuento
24 Months 80% + 2%
36 Months 80% - 94.9% 2
36 Months 95% + 3
60 Months 80% - 94.9% 2
60 Months 95% + 3
In any month of the term of service in which the customer fails to satisfy its Exclusivity Requirement, the Customer will be billed and required to pay a charge equal to the difference between its actual usage charges and usage charges calculated under this promotional discount. In addition, the Customer will also be required to pay back all discounts received under this promotion up to the monthly billing period in which it failed to satisfy the requirement.
Term Plan Access Promotion
Beginning June 4, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Analog Service, Digital Private Line Service, Terrestrial Digital Service ‑ 1.5 (TDS‑1.5), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services). To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion customers must install new point‑to‑point Terrestrial Digital Service-1.5 (TDS-1.5) and/or Digital Data Service (DDS) service with at least 100 Inter-Office Channel miles (Promotional Circuits) per circuit under either (i) a new Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan and/or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans) with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year or (ii) an existing Term Plan with at least one year remaining in the term of service. In lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring Local Access Channel charges and any other discounts, during each monthly period of a customer's Term Plan term of service following installation of the Promotional Circuit(s), an enrolled customer will be charged the following monthly recurring Local Access Channel per local loop charges for DS0 (Hubless Access) Access (DS0) and T-1 Digital Access (DS1) for Promotional Circuits, based on circuit type, access type and Term Plan term of service:
Access Type/Monthly Recurring Local Access Channel Charge
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Term of Service DS0 DS1 DS0 DS1 DS0 DS1
1 Year $95.00 $213.75 $160.00 $384.75 $175.00 $427.50
2 Year 90.25 202.50 152.00 364.50 166.25 405.00
3 Year 87.40 180.00 147.20 324.00 161.00 360.00
4 Year 85.50 175.50 144.00 315.90 157.50 351.00
5 Year 80.75 171.00 136.00 307.80 148.75 342.00
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by January 31, 2000 and all of a customer's Promotional Circuits must be installed by February 29, 2000.
For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Access Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished wholly via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities;
Access Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in part via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities; and,
Access Type 3 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities.
Meet MCI 900 Service Promotion
Beginning March 17, 1995 and ending June 15, 1995, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option M (MCI 900 Service). Each eligible customer will be charged a rate of $0.2030 per minute for a six month period beginning with the installation of the service. In addition, the customer will receive two credits. These credits will equal the customer's MCI 900 Service usage charges in the first and fifth month after installation, and will be reflected on the customer's second and sixth months' invoices, respectively. Each credit may not exceed $50,000. Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other MCI WORLDCOM promotions. Each participating customer must represent to MCI WORLDCOM that its current monthly usage of 900 service with another interexchange carrier equals or exceeds $25,000.
If at the end of, or any time during, the six month period designated above, the customer enrolls in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) with a MCI 900 Service monthly minimum volume commitment of at least $150,000 and a term commitment of at least 24 months, the customer will be charged a rate of $0.1930 per minute for MCI 900 Service for the term of its SCA commitment. In addition, the customer will receive two credits. These credits will be equal to the customer's usage charges in the first and thirteenth months after option enrollment and will be reflected on the customer's second and fourteenth months' invoices, respectively, during the term of the SCA. Each credit may not exceed $150,000.
International Government Pricing Plan Promotion
Beginning March 1, 1995, and ending October 31, 1995, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet Service) who qualify for and enroll in Option 1 under SCA Types 11, 12, 13, or 14 as described in Section C‑16 and as specified below.
Customers who enroll in the International Government Pricing Plan Promotion (IGPP) must commit to an annual monthly volume at one of the following levels: $10,000, $20,000, $30,000, $50,000, $75,000, $100,000, $300,000 or $500,000. Such customers will be charged the applicable international rates specified below and given the applicable discounts specified below for international usage of Vnet Service. These rates and discounts are in lieu of any other international rates and discounts offered by MCI. The customer's international term commitment must be the same as its domestic term commitment under SCA Type 11, 12, 13 or 14. The discount term plan commences on the first day of the month following enrollment in this promotion.
Discounts: Discounts will be applied to Vnet Service usage calculated with the international rates as they have been filed under this promotion and awarded based on undiscounted international volume commitment.
International Term and Volume Plan (ITVP): For those customers eligible for the GPP Option 1 under SCA Types 11, 12, or 13, the following discounts will apply to international Vnet Service usage, based on annual volume commitment:
Annual Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1‑Year 2‑Year 3‑Year 5‑Year
$ 10,000 15% 16% 17% 18%
20,000 16 17 18 19
30,000 17 18 19 20
50,000 18 19 20 21
75,000 19 20 21 22
100,000 22 23 24 25
300,000 23 24 25 26
500,000 24 25 26 27
For those customers who qualify or are enrolled in GPP Option 1 under SCA Type 14, the following discounts will apply, based on annual volume commitment:
Annual Affinity Term Commitment
Commitment 1‑Year 2‑Year 3‑Year 5‑Year
$ 200,000 ‑ $ 500,000.99 23% 24% 25% 26%
$ 500,001 ‑ $ 700,000.99 24 25 26 27
$ 700,001 ‑ $1,000,000.99 25 26 27 28
$1,000,001 + 26 27 28 29
International Vnet Usage Rates
1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6
País Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Albania $2.3885 $0.2195 $1.9375 $0.2125 $2.3750 $0.2150 $1.9240 $0.2080
Algeria 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
American Samoa 2.8785 0.1495 2.1635 0.1145 2.6358 0.1334 1.9780 0.1012
Angola 1.6910 0.3270 1.5960 0.2920 1.6775 0.3225 1.5825 0.2875
Anguilla 0.8502 0.1099 0.6250 0.0844 0.8359 0.1051 0.6107 0.0797
Antigua (Barbuda) 0.7258 0.0946 0.5405 0.0725 0.7123 0.0901 0.5270 0.0680
Argentina 1.3845 0.0989 1.1372 0.0759 1.3710 0.0944 1.1237 0.0714
Aruba 0.8005 0.1035 0.5885 0.0795 0.7240 0.0911 0.5290 0.0690
Ascension Island 2.0407 0.1570 1.5661 0.1279 2.0261 0.1621 1.5515 0.1230
Australia (including
Tasmania) 1.6818 0.1004 0.6134 0.0878 1.5348 0.0882 0.7298 0.0766
Austria 1.0088 0.0955 0.5675 0.0725 0.9157 0.0837 0.5378 0.0626
Azerbaijan 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Bahamas 0.5939 0.0734 0.4385 0.0555 0.5340 0.0643 0.3910 0.0469
Bahrain 2.2107 0.1108 1.6557 0.0844 2.0779 0.1005 1.5530 0.0756
Bangladesh 3.0423 0.2090 2.1042 0.1268 3.0287 0.2045 2.0906 0.1223
Barbados 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Belgium 0.9839 0.0944 0.5726 0.0742 0.9704 0.0899 0.5591 0.0697
Belize 1.8947 0.1206 0.6263 0.0921 1.8812 0.1161 0.6128 0.0876
Benin 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Bermuda 0.5872 0.0768 0.4317 0.0589 0.5278 0.0665 0.3847 0.0500
Bhutan 2.2575 0.3525 1.7075 0.3025 2.2440 0.3480 1.6940 0.2980
Bolivia 1.8638 0.1172 1.3959 0.0898 1.8503 0.1127 1.3824 0.0853
Botswana 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Brazil 1.3956 0.0868 0.5675 0.0725 1.3821 0.0823 0.5540 0.0680
British Virgin Islands 0.8005 0.1035 0.5885 0.0795 0.7870 0.0990 0.5750 0.0750
Brunei 2.9375 0.1525 2.2095 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 2.1960 0.1120
Bulgaria 1.4295 0.1353 1.0816 0.1039 1.4155 0.1306 1.0677 0.0992
Burkina Faso 1.5005 0.2535 1.1095 0.2065 1.4870 0.2490 1.0960 0.2020
Burundi 1.6260 0.3220 1.5310 0.2870 1.6125 0.3175 1.5175 0.2825
Cameroon 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Cape Verde Islands 1.1835 0.2245 0.9055 0.1685 1.1700 0.2200 0.8920 0.1640
Cayman Islands 0.7258 0.0946 0.5405 0.0725 0.6553 0.0829 0.4848 0.0626
Central African
Republic 1.5610 0.3170 1.4660 0.2820 1.5475 0.3125 1.4525 0.2775
Chile 1.3939 0.0963 1.1525 0.0725 1.3804 0.0918 1.1390 0.0653
China 4.5293 0.1666 3.3883 0.1271 4.5158 0.1621 3.3748 0.1226
Christmas Island 2.6880 0.3360 2.4000 0.3000 2.6745 0.3315 2.3865 0.2955
Cocos Island 2.6880 0.3360 2.4000 0.3000 2.6745 0.3315 2.3865 0.2955
Colombia 1.6265 0.1155 0.6155 0.0885 1.6130 0.1110 0.6020 0.0840
Comoros 1.6910 0.3270 1.5960 0.2920 1.6775 0.3225 1.5825 0.2875
Congo 1.5105 0.2735 1.4005 0.2335 1.4970 0.2690 1.3870 0.2290
Cook Island 2.6075 0.3325 2.1475 0.3125 2.5940 0.3280 2.1340 0.3080
Costa Rica 1.3046 0.0921 0.5624 0.0708 1.2911 0.0876 0.5489 0.0663
Cyprus 1.3685 0.1295 1.0255 0.0985 1.3550 0.1250 1.0120 0.0940
Czech Republic 1.3685 0.1295 0.9835 0.0945 1.2466 0.1150 0.8924 0.0828
Denmark 0.8014 0.0972 0.5726 0.0742 0.7375 0.0868 0.5456 0.0652
Diego Garcia 2.0550 0.2250 1.5670 0.1690 2.0415 0.2205 1.5535 0.1645
Djibouti 1.4115 0.2505 0.9845 0.2015 1.3980 0.2460 0.9710 0.1970
Dominica 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Dominican Republic 0.7718 0.1182 0.6563 0.0904 0.7573 0.1134 0.6418 0.0856
Ecuador 1.6968 0.1205 1.3933 0.0923 1.6828 0.1158 1.3792 0.0876
Egypt 1.6091 0.1325 1.2190 0.1003 1.5945 0.1277 1.2044 0.0955
El Salvador 1.5215 0.1105 1.2535 0.0845 1.5080 0.1060 1.2400 0.0800
Equatorial Guinea 1.5610 0.3170 1.4660 0.2820 1.5475 0.3125 1.4525 0.2775
Estonia 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Ethiopia 2.2455 0.1832 1.7545 0.1430 2.2313 0.1785 1.7403 0.1383
Falkland Island 1.5770 0.2690 1.0850 0.2150 1.5635 0.2645 1.0715 0.2105
Fiji Islands 3.1129 0.1614 2.2535 0.1187 3.0994 0.1569 2.2400 0.1142
Finland 0.9026 0.1082 0.5981 0.0827 0.8180 0.0954 0.5657 0.0719
France 0.7802 0.0877 0.5675 0.0725 0.7054 0.0765 0.5354 0.0618
Antillas Francesas
(including Martinique,
St. Barthelemy and
St. Martin) 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
French Guiana 1.8365 0.1155 1.3755 0.0885 1.8230 0.1110 1.3620 0.0840
French Polynesia 2.8785 0.1495 2.1635 0.1145 2.8650 0.1450 2.1500 0.1100
Gambia 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.6966 0.1358 1.2815 0.1016
Georgia 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Germany 0.8101 0.0908 0.5726 0.0742 0.7966 0.0863 0.5579 0.0693
Ghana 1.6175 0.1625 0.7445 0.1315 1.6040 0.1580 0.7310 0.1270
Gibraltar 1.3295 0.1265 0.9995 0.0965 1.3160 0.1220 0.9860 0.0920
Greece 1.1714 0.1120 0.6065 0.0855 1.1576 0.1074 0.5930 0.0810
Greenland 1.3685 0.1295 1.0255 0.0985 1.3550 0.1250 1.0120 0.0940
Grenada (including
Carriacou) 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Guadeloupe 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Guam 2.1130 0.1235 0.6314 0.0938 1.9315 0.1095 0.5966 0.0822
Guantanamo Bay 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Guatemala 1.5215 0.1105 1.2535 0.0845 1.5080 0.1060 1.2400 0.0800
Guinea 1.1835 0.2245 0.9055 0.1685 1.1700 0.2200 0.8920 0.1640
Guinea‑Bissau 1.6910 0.3270 1.5960 0.2920 1.6775 0.3225 1.5825 0.2875
Guyana 2.1075 0.1325 1.5745 0.1015 2.0940 0.1280 1.5610 0.0970
Haiti 0.9330 0.1286 0.7161 0.1014 0.9193 0.1237 0.7024 0.0964
Honduras 1.5696 0.1064 0.5939 0.0813 1.5554 0.1013 0.5786 0.0762
Hong Kong 2.1963 0.1147 0.6263 0.0921 2.0082 0.1014 0.5918 0.0806
Hungary 1.3685 0.1295 1.0255 0.0985 1.2466 0.1150 0.9310 0.0865
Iceland 1.3685 0.1295 1.0255 0.0985 1.2466 0.1150 0.9310 0.0865
India 2.3697 0.1779 0.8150 0.1705 2.1677 0.1595 0.9581 0.1527
Indonesia 2.9375 0.1525 0.6995 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 0.6860 0.1120
Iran 2.7141 0.1426 2.1183 0.1128 2.7010 0.1379 2.1054 0.1080
Iraq 2.1505 0.1935 1.4835 0.1645 2.1370 0.1890 1.4700 0.1600
Ireland 0.7409 0.0911 0.5726 0.0742 0.7274 0.0866 0.5591 0.0697
Israel 2.1874 0.1118 0.6104 0.0868 2.1743 0.1071 0.5963 0.0821
Italy 0.9458 0.0891 0.5675 0.0725 0.9323 0.0846 0.5540 0.0680
Ivory Coast 2.0226 0.1751 1.5312 0.1323 2.0086 0.1701 1.5172 0.1273
Jamaica 0.8645 0.1118 0.6077 0.0859 0.8500 0.1069 0.5930 0.0810
Japan 1.6906 0.1010 0.6185 0.0895 1.5429 0.0888 0.7346 0.0782
Jordan 2.2107 0.1108 1.6557 0.0844 2.1972 0.1063 1.6422 0.0799
Kenya 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Kiribati 2.6155 0.1985 1.8805 0.1635 2.6020 0.1940 1.8670 0.1590
Korea 2.4207 0.1269 0.6416 0.0972 2.2146 0.1126 0.7559 0.0853
Kuwait 2.0407 0.1023 0.5828 0.0776 2.0272 0.0978 0.5693 0.0731
Laos 2.9480 0.3360 2.7700 0.3000 2.9345 0.3315 2.7565 0.2955
Latvia 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Lebanon 1.7250 0.2150 1.4850 0.1850 1.7115 0.2105 1.4715 0.1805
Lesotho 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Liberia 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6352 0.1311 1.2390 0.0976
Liechtenstein 0.9739 0.0935 0.5726 0.0742 0.8836 0.0819 0.5423 0.0641
Luxembourg 1.1295 0.1074 0.5930 0.0810 0.1027 0.0947 0.5612 0.0704
Macao 3.2262 0.1666 2.4208 0.1280 3.2121 0.1619 2.4067 0.1233
Malawi 1.8405 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.5980 0.1279 1.2070 0.0957
Malaysia 2.4989 0.1303 0.6491 0.0997 2.4443 0.1237 0.6308 0.0936
Maldives 2.5695 0.2815 2.1575 0.2125 2.5610 0.2770 2.1440 0.2080
Mali Republic 1.1185 0.2395 0.9485 0.1995 1.1050 0.2350 0.9350 0.1950
Marshall Island 2.9375 0.1525 2.2095 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 2.1960 0.1120
Mauritania 1.8275 0.2425 1.9050 0.2025 1.8140 0.2380 1.8915 0.1980
Mauritius 1.5905 0.2735 1.0985 0.2195 1.5770 0.2690 1.0850 0.2150
Mexico (see below)
Micronesia 2.9375 0.1525 2.2095 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 2.1960 0.1120
Monaco 0.7802 0.0877 0.5675 0.0725 0.7054 0.0765 0.5354 0.0618
Mongolia 2.6880 0.3360 2.4000 0.3000 2.6745 0.3315 2.3865 0.2955
Montserrat 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Morocco 1.8812 0.1633 1.4288 0.1228 1.8676 0.1585 1.4152 0.1179
Mozambique 1.5905 0.2735 1.2305 0.2435 1.5770 0.2690 1.2170 0.2390
Myanmar 4.3880 0.3360 4.1000 0.3000 4.3745 0.3315 4.0865 0.2955
Namibia 1.4869 0.1301 1.1352 0.0979 1.4738 0.1254 1.1223 0.0931
Nauru 2.4275 0.2225 1.7795 0.2065 2.4140 0.2180 1.7660 0.2020
Nepal 3.0355 0.2085 2.0995 0.1265 3.0220 0.2040 2.0860 0.1220
Netherlands 0.7616 0.0859 0.5675 0.0725 0.7289 0.0793 0.5489 0.0663
Netherlands Antilles 0.6824 0.0887 0.5022 0.0683 0.6689 0.0842 0.4887 0.0638
Nevis 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
New Caledonia 2.9375 0.1525 2.2095 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 2.1960 0.1120
New Zealand 2.4486 0.1278 0.6440 0.0980 2.3331 0.1181 0.6188 0.0896
Nicaragua 1.8452 0.1176 1.4413 0.0931 1.8314 0.1130 1.4276 0.0885
Niger 1.1835 0.2245 0.9055 0.1685 1.1700 0.2200 0.8920 0.1640
Nigeria 1.3705 0.1135 1.0465 0.0855 1.3570 0.1090 1.0330 0.0810
Niue Island 2.6400 0.3300 2.3520 0.2940 2.6265 0.3255 2.3385 0.2895
Norfolk Island 2.6400 0.3300 2.3520 0.2940 2.6265 0.3255 2.3385 0.2895
Norway 0.8014 0.0972 0.5726 0.0742 0.7249 0.0853 0.5375 0.0625
Oman 2.5985 0.1295 1.9455 0.0985 2.5850 0.1250 1.9320 0.0940
Pakistan 2.7125 0.1869 0.7487 0.1329 2.6983 0.1822 0.8846 0.1282
Palau 1.8010 0.2370 1.7870 0.1990 1.7875 0.2325 1.7735 0.1945
Panama 1.2842 0.0938 0.5651 0.0717 1.2707 0.0893 0.5516 0.0672
Papua New Guinea 2.8785 0.1495 2.1635 0.1145 2.8650 0.1450 2.1500 0.1100
Paraguay 1.8365 0.1155 1.3755 0.0885 1.8230 0.1110 1.3620 0.0840
Peru 1.6734 0.1188 0.6233 0.0911 1.6595 0.1142 0.6092 0.0864
Philippines 1.9430 0.1235 0.6440 0.0980 1.9295 0.1190 0.6305 0.0935
Poland 1.3685 0.1295 1.0417 0.0999 1.3335 0.1230 1.0119 0.0939
Portugal (including
Azores and Madeira
Islands) 1.1652 0.1108 0.6032 0.0844 1.1517 0.1063 0.5897 0.0799
Qatar 2.5985 0.1295 1.9455 0.0985 2.3782 0.1150 1.7774 0.0865
Republic of Yemen 2.5985 0.1295 1.9455 0.0985 2.5850 0.1250 1.9320 0.0940
Reunion Island 1.4115 0.2505 0.9845 0.2015 1.3980 0.2460 0.9710 0.1970
Romania 1.7739 0.1665 1.3374 0.1282 1.7604 0.1620 1.3239 0.1237
Rwanda 1.5905 0.2735 1.0985 0.2195 1.5770 0.2690 1.0850 0.2150
Russia 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Saipan (including Rota
and Tinian) 2.8785 0.1495 2.0635 0.1145 2.6358 0.1334 1.9780 0.1012
Sao Tome 1.5610 0.3170 1.4660 0.2820 1.5475 0.3125 1.4525 0.2775
Saudi Arabia 1.9899 0.0999 1.5333 0.0776 1.9764 0.0954 1.5198 0.0702
Senegal 1.9186 0.1572 1.4527 0.1189 1.9040 0.1524 1.4381 0.1140
Seychelles 2.9745 0.2815 2.1295 0.2265 2.9610 0.2770 2.1160 0.2220
Sierra Leone 1.6985 0.2095 1.2435 0.1645 1.6850 0.2050 1.2300 0.1600
Singapore 1.9515 0.1147 0.6263 0.0921 1.7830 0.1014 0.5918 0.0806
Slovakia 1.3685 0.1295 0.9835 0.0945 1.2466 0.1150 0.8924 0.0828
Solomon Islands 2.3445 0.2415 2.4120 0.2065 2.3310 0.2370 2.3985 0.2020
South Africa 1.3705 0.1135 1.0465 0.0855 1.2695 0.1020 0.9664 0.0758
Spain (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands,
Ceuta and Melilla) 0.9940 0.0953 0.5726 0.0742 0.9805 0.0908 0.5591 0.0697
Sri Lanka 3.0355 0.2085 2.0995 0.1265 3.0220 0.2040 2.0860 0.1220
St. Helena 1.5770 0.2690 1.0850 0.2150 1.5635 0.2645 1.0715 0.2105
St. Kitts 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
St. Lucia 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
St. Pierre 0.8005 0.1035 0.5885 0.0795 0.7870 0.0990 0.5750 0.0750
St. Vincent/
Grenadines 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Suriname 2.1075 0.1325 1.5745 0.1015 2.0940 0.1280 1.5610 0.0970
Swaziland 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Sweden 0.7104 0.0859 0.5624 0.0708 0.6411 0.0749 0.5285 0.0595
Switzerland 0.9739 0.0935 0.5726 0.0742 0.8836 0.0819 0.5423 0.0641
Syria 1.4916 0.2287 1.2819 0.1967 1.4776 0.2241 1.2680 0.1921
Taiwan 2.1851 0.1278 0.6440 0.0980 1.9979 0.1134 0.6080 0.0860
Tanzania 1.7422 0.1432 1.3234 0.1078 1.7281 0.1385 1.3094 0.1031
Thailand 2.4989 0.1303 0.6491 0.0997 2.4854 0.1258 0.6356 0.0952
Togo 1.7852 0.1463 1.3779 0.1127 1.7717 0.1418 1.3644 0.1082
Tonga 2.6085 0.1995 1.8735 0.1645 2.5950 0.1950 1.8600 0.1600
Trinidad/Tobago 0.8617 0.1189 0.6408 0.0909 0.8482 0.1141 0.6274 0.0861
Tunisia 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Turkey 1.3555 0.1360 1.0157 0.1034 1.3132 0.1284 0.9808 0.0927
Tuvalu 2.6880 0.3360 2.4000 0.3000 2.6745 0.3315 2.3865 0.2955
Uganda 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Ukraine 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
United Arab Emirates 2.0407 0.1023 1.5333 0.0776 1.8650 0.0900 1.3982 0.0673
United Kingdom 0.6381 0.0797 0.5522 0.0674 0.5746 0.0692 0.5168 0.0556
Uruguay 1.8075 0.1125 0.6095 0.0865 1.7940 0.1080 0.5960 0.0820
Uzbekistan 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Vanuatu 2.6400 0.3300 2.3520 0.2940 2.6265 0.3255 2.3385 0.2895
Venezuela 1.1576 0.0827 0.5420 0.0640 1.0526 0.0719 0.5141 0.0547
Vietnam 1.3910 0.2170 1.3310 0.1970 1.3775 0.2125 1.3175 0.1925
Wallis and Futuna 2.5350 0.2850 2.2470 0.2490 2.5215 0.2805 2.2335 0.2445
Western Samoa 2.5735 0.2045 1.7545 0.1815 2.5600 0.2000 1.7410 0.1770
Yugoslavia 1.3956 0.1320 1.0559 0.1013 1.3821 0.1275 1.0424 0.0968
Zaire 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Zambia 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Zimbabwe 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6
Canadá Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Mileage Band
0 ‑ 18 $0.1165 $0.0146 $0.0758 $0.0092 $0.1085 $0.0120 $0.0712 $0.0076
19 ‑ 80 0.1389 0.0258 0.0928 0.0158 0.1264 0.0217 0.0888 0.0144
81 ‑ 140 0.1482 0.0328 0.0946 0.0180 0.1338 0.0280 0.0907 0.0184
141 ‑ 220 0.1630 0.0335 0.1036 0.0180 0.1560 0.0312 0.1045 0.0210
221 ‑ 345 0.1649 0.0420 0.1051 0.0180 0.1614 0.0375 0.1126 0.0212
346 ‑ 630 0.1817 0.0464 0.1168 0.0180 0.1696 0.0423 0.1160 0.0212
631 ‑ 1200 0.1935 0.0537 0.1203 0.0180 0.1763 0.0479 0.1187 0.0212
1201 ‑ 1610 0.2052 0.0583 0.1230 0.0180 0.1873 0.0524 0.1273 0.0212
1611 + 0.2052 0.0583 0.1230 0.0180 0.2176 0.0559 0.1326 0.0212
U.S. Portion
1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6
Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Mileage Band
0 ‑ 10 $0.1269 $0.0083 $0.0990 $0.0064 $0.1249 $0.0077 $0.0980 $0.0060
11 ‑ 22 0.1355 0.0111 0.1054 0.0085 0.1326 0.0102 0.1040 0.0080
23 ‑ 55 0.2196 0.0137 0.1717 0.0105 0.2167 0.0128 0.1700 0.0100
56 ‑ 124 0.2534 0.0165 0.1978 0.0126 0.2499 0.0153 0.1960 0.0120
125 ‑ 292 0.3384 0.0193 0.2637 0.0146 0.3340 0.0179 0.2620 0.0140
293 ‑ 430 0.3719 0.0220 0.2896 0.0166 0.3672 0.0204 0.2880 0.0160
431 ‑ 925 0.3798 0.0247 0.2959 0.0186 0.3748 0.0230 0.2940 0.0180
926 + 0.3879 0.0273 0.3019 0.0206 0.3825 0.0255 0.3000 0.0200
Mexico Portion
Rate Step 1st Min Add'l Min 1st Min Add'l Min
1 $0.1700 $0.1700 $0.1000 $0.1000
2 0.2200 0.2200 0.1500 0.1500
3 0.3900 0.3900 0.2600 0.2600
4 0.4700 0.4700 0.3100 0.3100
5 0.6700 0.6700 0.4400 0.4400
6 0.8600 0.8600 0.6700 0.6700
7 1.1500 1.1500 0.7800 0.7800
8 1.2300 1.2300 0.8300 0.8300
Term Plan Access Charge Promotion
Beginning April 21, 1995 and ending March 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers who allow MCI WORLDCOM to provision their dedicated local access service. Specifically, MCI WORLDCOM will waive all Access Coordination charges for the duration of a Customer's Access Pricing Plan (APP) or Combined Service and Access Plans (CSAP) commitment. To qualify, the local access service must consist of dedicated local leased line services provisioned by available MCI WORLDCOM-owned facilities, and must be ordered no later than June 30, 1996, installed prior to March 31, 1997, and subscribed to under an APP or CSAP.
MCI Vision RPP Promotion
Beginning February 1, 1995 and ending October 14, 1995, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision), or to new customers of MCI Vision who enroll in this promotion between March 1, 1995, and October 14, 1995. In order to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer: 1) must be enrolled in an MCI Vision term plan or MCI Customized Business Program; 2) must terminate the existing term plan or program pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Early Termination Charges of the respective plans, as described in Section C‑3.18365 or the Cancellation or Discontinuance Without Liability, as described in Sections C‑3.183751 and C‑3.1841; and 3) must enroll in a new MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan Plus (MCI Vision VIP Plus) or the MCI Vision Worldwide Program with a term and volume commitment equal to, or greater than, the customer's existing plan. The new term plan will begin on the day after the expiration date of the existing term plan. MCI Vision non‑term plan customers may also receive the benefits of this promotion. All customers must enroll in an MCI Vision VIP Plus or MCI Vision Worldwide plan with a start date between February 15, 1995 and October 15, 1995, in order to receive the benefits of this promotion.
For the duration of the plan, MCI Vision customers will be charged the applicable rates and given the discounts specified below. All other terms and conditions of the term plan will apply. At any time during the term of the plan, customers may elect to leave the promotion and revert to MCI Vision standard tariffed rates and discounts; however, the customer must maintain an equal or greater term and volume commitment. Once the customer reverts to MCI Vision standard tariffed term plan rates and discounts, it will not be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion. Upon expiration of the new term plan, the customer will revert to the prevailing tariffed rates and discounts at that time.
Once enrolled in this promotion, a customer may increase its volume commitment, but not its term commitment, and it remains eligible to receive the discounts that it received upon enrollment in this promotion. Customers are not eligible for any other MCI Vision promotions except that they may receive the benefits of installation and fee waivers, the MCI PIC Change Promotion and the MCI Vision PIC Change Credit Promotion. The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with SCAs, as described in Section C‑16. Standard monthly recurring charges, non-recurring charges, access charges, Dedicated Leased Line Service rates, and Operator Service rates apply for all customers enrolled in this promotion. Qualified Affinity Member Groups who enroll in this promotional plan will not receive the benefits of the Affinity Member Group discounts associated with MCI Vision VIP Plus and MCI Vision Worldwide. A customer enrolled in the MCI Vision Worldwide for Latin America or the MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe option may not receive the benefits of this promotion.
Usage Rates
I. Outbound Service
(i) Domestic Usage Rates
From U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands or From U.S. Mainland to Hawaii Per Minute usage Charges:
Switched Dedicated Vision Card
Intercity Mileage1 Access Access Access
0 ‑ 100 miles $0.2240 $0.1550 $0.2540
101 + miles 0.2540 0.1850 0.2540
From Puerto Rico to the U.S. Mainland Usage Charges:
Switched to Dedicated
Mileage Rate 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
Correa Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Band 1 $0.1075 $0.0215 $0.0875 $0.0175
Band 2 0.1075 0.0215 0.0875 0.0175
Band 3 0.1075 0.0215 0.0875 0.0175
Band 4 0.1075 0.0215 0.0875 0.0175
See Section C-3.021112 for states included in each band. Peak rates apply during the Business Day rate period. Off-Peak rates apply at all other times.
1 Mileage is calculated by using the formula presented in Table I, Part A-2.
Switched to Switched
Mileage Rate 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
Correa Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Band 1 $0.1100 $0.0220 $0.0900 $0.0180
Band 2 0.1100 0.0220 0.0900 0.0180
Band 3 0.1100 0.0220 0.0900 0.0180
Band 4 0.1100 0.0220 0.0900 0.0180
(ii) International Usage Rates: The following rates apply for calls made to the international locations specified below from the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico:
1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
País Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Afghanistan $3.8582 $0.2120 $2.8385 $0.1376 $3.2865 $0.1955 $2.8385 $0.1374
Albania 2.9249 0.2242 2.4169 0.2149 2.8405 0.2150 2.3434 0.2059
Algeria 2.2981 0.1587 1.7174 0.1174 2.2726 0.1535 1.6921 0.1124
American Samoa 3.2898 0.1513 2.4480 0.1137 3.1978 0.1435 2.3738 0.1068
Andorra 1.1583 0.1033 1.0222 0.0826 1.0092 0.0900 0.9106 0.0728
Angola 2.5406 0.3544 2.3396 0.3132 2.4634 0.3422 2.2670 0.3021
Anguilla 1.0360 0.1042 0.7551 0.0782 0.9913 0.0973 0.7166 0.0721
Antarctica (Casey,
Davis, Mawson, and
Macquarie Island) 3.5011 0.3501 3.0961 0.3097 3.4055 0.3384 3.0093 0.2988
Antarctica (Scott
Base) 3.2898 0.1513 2.4480 0.1137 2.9002 0.1334 2.1580 0.1000
Antigua (Barbuda) 1.0629 0.1073 0.7821 0.0802 0.9371 0.0947 0.6896 0.0708
Argentina 1.9136 0.1157 1.5393 0.0867 1.6869 0.1022 1.3568 0.0765
Armenia 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Aruba 0.9972 0.1003 0.7268 0.0753 0.9541 0.0936 0.6896 0.0694
Ascension Island 2.4922 0.1745 1.8642 0.1286 2.4668 0.1695 1.8389 0.1238
Australia (including
Tasmania) 2.5055 0.1266 2.0254 0.0964 1.9531 0.1007 1.8034 0.0866
Austria 1.3714 0.1073 1.0171 0.0775 1.2732 0.0984 0.9470 0.0728
Azerbaijan 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Bahamas 0.8199 0.0790 0.6167 0.0612 0.7542 0.0722 0.5481 0.0530
Bahrain 3.0715 0.1355 2.2752 0.1008 2.7080 0.1195 2.0054 0.0889
Bangladesh 3.9121 0.2326 2.6321 0.1378 3.8867 0.2274 2.6070 0.1328
Barbados 1.1044 0.1115 0.8127 0.0833 1.0580 0.1046 0.7729 0.0771
Belarus 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Belgium 1.4124 0.1104 1.0530 0.0823 1.2077 0.0944 0.9282 0.0725
Belize 2.2009 0.1210 1.6379 0.0904 2.1756 0.1158 1.6128 0.0854
Benin 2.2981 0.1587 1.7174 0.1174 2.2726 0.1535 1.6921 0.1124
Bermuda 0.8552 0.0861 0.6219 0.0641 0.7542 0.0760 0.5481 0.0566
Bhutan 3.1853 0.3772 2.4574 0.3197 3.0946 0.3645 2.3824 0.3084
Bolivia 2.3325 0.1266 1.7287 0.0947 2.3071 0.1214 1.7034 0.0898
Bosnia‑Herzegovina 1.7387 0.1355 1.2880 0.1008 1.6784 0.1280 1.2375 0.0940
Botswana 2.1012 0.1450 1.5703 0.1074 2.0343 0.1373 1.5147 0.1006
Brazil 2.0649 0.1085 1.5440 0.0815 1.6729 0.0890 1.3658 0.0728
British Virgin Islands 0.9972 0.1003 0.7268 0.0753 0.9541 0.0936 0.6896 0.0694
Brunei 3.3577 0.1544 2.4996 0.1156 3.2643 0.1466 2.4246 0.1088
Bulgaria 1.8302 0.1427 1.3557 0.1061 1.8047 0.1376 1.3306 0.1012
Burkina Faso 2.0699 0.2597 1.5495 0.2086 2.0037 0.2497 1.4943 0.1997
Burundi 2.4596 0.3489 2.2589 0.3079 2.3841 0.3368 2.1880 0.2969
Cambodia 2.5439 0.3178 2.2917 0.2919 2.5221 0.3133 2.2700 0.2876
Cameroon 2.1956 0.1515 1.6435 0.1118 2.1704 0.1465 1.6184 0.1069
Canada (see below)
Cape Verde Islands 1.6790 0.2295 1.2604 0.1693 1.6209 0.2201 1.2112 0.1612
Cayman Islands 1.0629 0.1073 0.7821 0.0802 0.9371 0.0947 0.6896 0.0708
Central African Rep. 2.3780 0.3436 2.1786 0.3025 2.3044 0.3316 2.1092 0.2915
Chad 2.5406 0.3544 2.3396 0.3132 2.4634 0.3422 2.2670 0.3021
Chile 1.8143 0.1107 1.4872 0.0806 1.6914 0.0991 1.3658 0.0728
China 4.9950 0.1649 3.6148 0.1405 4.8671 0.1569 3.5162 0.1314
Christmas Island 3.5011 0.3501 3.0961 0.3097 3.4055 0.3384 3.0093 0.2988
Cocos Island 2.5055 0.1266 2.0254 0.0964 1.9531 0.1007 1.8034 0.0866
Colombia 1.9136 0.1157 1.5393 0.0867 1.8505 0.1087 1.4843 0.0804
Comoros 2.4452 0.3410 2.2518 0.3014 2.3710 0.3294 2.1818 0.2907
Congo 2.1222 0.2805 1.9057 0.2364 2.0547 0.2702 1.8429 0.2270
Cook Island 3.3891 0.3420 2.8402 0.3180 3.2950 0.3303 2.7579 0.3069
Costa Rica 1.7470 0.1073 1.3943 0.0806 1.5858 0.0948 1.2656 0.0710
Croatia 1.7387 0.1355 1.2880 0.1008 1.6784 0.1280 1.2375 0.0940
Cuba 2.4535 0.2827 2.0054 0.2111 2.3940 0.2709 1.9466 0.1995
Cyprus 1.7387 0.1355 1.2880 0.1008 1.6784 0.1280 1.2375 0.0940
Czech Republic 1.6734 0.1304 1.1879 0.0929 1.6153 0.1232 1.1404 0.0865
Denmark 1.1940 0.1137 0.9709 0.0848 1.0525 0.1004 0.8558 0.0747
Diego Garcia 2.6103 0.2345 1.9661 0.1744 2.5335 0.2253 1.9031 0.1665
Djibouti 1.9706 0.2566 1.4098 0.2034 1.9060 0.2465 1.3572 0.1946
Dominica 1.1044 0.1115 0.8127 0.0833 1.0580 0.1046 0.7729 0.0771
Dominican Republic 0.9803 0.1130 0.8023 0.0843 0.9566 0.1083 0.7788 0.0798
Easter Island 1.8143 0.1107 1.4872 0.0806 1.6914 0.0991 1.3658 0.0728
Ecuador 1.9556 0.1182 1.5730 0.0886 1.9319 0.1136 1.5495 0.0839
Egypt 2.2118 0.1527 1.6530 0.1130 1.9919 0.1374 1.4881 0.1018
El Salvador 1.9615 0.1210 1.5815 0.0904 1.9359 0.1158 1.5563 0.0854
Equatorial Guinea 2.2888 0.3306 2.0968 0.2912 2.2179 0.3191 2.0301 0.2806
Eritrea 2.6459 0.1825 1.9767 0.1356 2.6206 0.1775 1.9517 0.1305
Estonia 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Ethiopia 2.6459 0.1825 1.9767 0.1356 2.6206 0.1775 1.9517 0.1305
Faeroe Islands 1.1940 0.1137 0.9709 0.0848 1.0525 0.1004 0.8558 0.0747
Falkland Islands 2.2054 0.2805 1.5646 0.2220 2.1363 0.2702 1.5091 0.2130
Fiji Islands 3.4887 0.1603 2.5971 0.1201 3.3916 0.1523 2.5191 0.1130
Finland 1.3454 0.1272 1.0949 0.0950 1.1859 0.1122 0.9651 0.0837
France 1.1583 0.1033 1.0222 0.0826 1.0092 0.0900 0.9106 0.0728
Antillas Francesas
(including Martinique,
St. Barthelemy and
St. Martin) 1.0629 0.1073 0.7821 0.0802 1.0183 0.1007 0.7438 0.0742
French Guiana 2.1327 0.1157 1.5805 0.0867 2.0649 0.1087 1.5246 0.0804
French Polynesia 3.4182 0.1572 2.5433 0.1181 3.3225 0.1491 2.4664 0.1109
Gabon 2.0076 0.1386 1.5027 0.1022 1.9426 0.1311 1.4486 0.0955
Gambia 2.1832 0.1507 1.6316 0.1116 2.1137 0.1428 1.5737 0.1045
Georgia 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Germany 1.3271 0.1181 1.0840 0.0881 1.0890 0.0970 0.9554 0.0776
Ghana 2.0803 0.1713 1.5077 0.1362 2.0129 0.1630 1.4525 0.1286
Gibraltar 1.6270 0.1272 1.2086 0.0950 1.5699 0.1200 1.1607 0.0885
Greece 1.6270 0.1272 1.2086 0.0950 1.4555 0.1139 1.0813 0.0852
Greenland 1.8302 0.1427 1.3557 0.1061 1.8047 0.1376 1.3306 0.1012
Grenada (including
Carriacou) 1.1044 0.1115 0.8127 0.0833 1.0580 0.1046 0.7729 0.0771
Guadeloupe 1.0629 0.1073 0.7821 0.0802 1.0183 0.1007 0.7438 0.0742
Guantanamo Bay 2.4535 0.2827 2.0054 0.2111 2.3940 0.2709 1.9466 0.1995
Guatemala 1.9615 0.1210 1.5815 0.0904 1.9359 0.1158 1.5563 0.0854
Guinea 1.6790 0.2295 1.2604 0.1693 1.6209 0.2201 1.2112 0.1612
Guinea Bissau 2.4452 0.3410 2.2518 0.3015 2.3710 0.3294 2.1818 0.2907
Guyana 2.5460 0.1387 1.8832 0.1041 2.4689 0.1309 1.8202 0.0972
Haiti 1.1625 0.1174 0.8555 0.0878 1.1378 0.1125 0.8310 0.0829
Honduras 2.1838 0.1198 1.6323 0.0892 1.9669 0.1080 1.4699 0.0805
Hong Kong 2.9814 0.1368 2.2114 0.1033 2.5234 0.1156 1.9493 0.0911
Hungary 1.6734 0.1304 1.2396 0.0969 1.6153 0.1232 1.1910 0.0905
Iceland 1.6734 0.1304 1.2396 0.0969 1.6153 0.1232 1.1910 0.0905
India 3.3164 0.2127 2.1585 0.1715 2.9233 0.1875 2.0904 0.1634
Indonesia 3.3871 0.1558 2.5216 0.1167 3.2928 0.1478 2.4458 0.1097
Iran 3.2331 0.1427 2.3950 0.1061 3.2076 0.1376 2.3698 0.1012
Iraq 2.8683 0.2156 2.0221 0.1808 2.8429 0.2105 1.9970 0.1758
Ireland 1.1576 0.1085 0.9502 0.0826 0.9739 0.0936 0.8558 0.0747
Israel 2.4819 0.1252 2.0864 0.0929 2.4067 0.1103 1.9030 0.0837
Italy 1.4183 0.1085 1.0482 0.0796 1.1913 0.0915 0.9470 0.0728
Ivory Coast 2.2981 0.1587 1.7174 0.1174 2.2726 0.1535 1.6921 0.1124
Jamaica 1.0497 0.1055 0.7650 0.0792 1.0260 0.1007 0.7415 0.0746
Japan 2.4605 0.1255 2.0608 0.0993 1.9635 0.1013 1.8123 0.0884
Jordan 3.0715 0.1355 2.2752 0.1008 2.7080 0.1195 2.0054 0.0889
Kazakhstan 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Kenya 2.1832 0.1507 1.6316 0.1116 2.1137 0.1428 1.5737 0.1045
Kiribati 3.4103 0.2212 2.4682 0.1796 3.3849 0.2161 2.4431 0.1745
Korea 3.0321 0.1387 2.2864 0.1042 2.7845 0.1285 2.0729 0.0965
Kuwait 2.8330 0.1247 2.1033 0.0922 2.4978 0.1098 1.8541 0.0811
Kyrgyzstan 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Laos 3.7649 0.3469 3.2366 0.2826 3.6679 0.3381 3.1533 0.2752
Latvia 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Lebanon 2.4561 0.2451 2.0938 0.2088 2.4315 0.2402 2.0696 0.2040
Lesotho 2.0859 0.1440 1.5614 0.1062 2.0184 0.1363 1.5051 0.0993
Liberia 2.0859 0.1440 1.5614 0.1062 2.0184 0.1363 1.5051 0.0993
Libya 2.1956 0.1515 1.6435 0.1118 2.1704 0.1465 1.6184 0.1069
Liechtenstein 1.4546 0.1137 1.0845 0.0848 1.2312 0.0963 0.9561 0.0747
Lithuania 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Luxembourg 1.5796 0.1200 1.1516 0.0898 1.4296 0.1112 1.0652 0.0822
Macao 3.8603 0.1768 2.8693 0.1333 3.8349 0.1718 2.8440 0.1282
Macedonia 1.7387 0.1355 1.2880 0.1008 1.6784 0.1280 1.2375 0.0940
Madagascar 2.6221 0.3381 2.4093 0.2994 2.5433 0.3262 2.3350 0.2884
Malawi 2.1012 0.1450 1.5703 0.1074 2.0343 0.1373 1.5147 0.1006
Malaysia 3.3577 0.1544 2.4996 0.1156 2.9602 0.1360 2.2034 0.1021
Maldives 3.2482 0.2889 2.6440 0.2149 3.1571 0.2782 2.5659 0.2059
Mali 1.6421 0.2452 1.3682 0.2016 1.5849 0.2354 1.3171 0.1928
Malta 1.8302 0.1427 1.3557 0.1061 1.8047 0.1376 1.3306 0.1012
Marshall Islands 3.3577 0.1544 2.4996 0.1156 3.2643 0.1466 2.4246 0.1088
Mauritania 2.3879 0.2482 2.2469 0.2046 2.3150 0.2385 2.1783 0.1958
Mauritius 2.2054 0.2805 1.5646 0.2220 2.1363 0.2702 1.5091 0.2130
Mayotte Island 2.4452 0.3410 2.2518 0.3014 2.3710 0.3294 2.1818 0.2907
Mexico (see below)
Micronesia 3.4878 0.1603 2.5964 0.1201 3.3907 0.1523 2.5185 0.1130
Moldavia 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Monaco 1.1583 0.1033 1.0222 0.0826 1.0092 0.0900 0.9106 0.0728
Mongolia 3.8291 0.3830 3.3862 0.3387 3.8047 0.3780 3.3620 0.3337
Montserrat 1.1044 0.1115 0.8127 0.0833 1.0580 0.1046 0.7729 0.0771
Morocco 2.1956 0.1515 1.6435 0.1118 2.1704 0.1465 1.6184 0.1069
Mozambique 2.2054 0.2805 1.7507 0.2468 2.1363 0.2702 1.6912 0.2372
Myanmar 5.2718 0.3469 4.6153 0.2826 5.1361 0.3381 4.4965 0.2752
Nakhodka 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Namibia 1.7962 0.1242 1.3499 0.0915 1.7707 0.1194 1.3248 0.0864
Nauru 2.9719 0.2273 2.2415 0.2086 2.8866 0.2181 2.1717 0.1997
Nepal 3.5769 0.2127 2.4069 0.1259 3.4791 0.2037 2.3334 0.1189
Netherlands 1.2251 0.1095 0.9812 0.0826 0.9851 0.0880 0.8650 0.0728
Netherlands Antilles 0.9972 0.1003 0.7268 0.0753 0.8791 0.0884 0.6410 0.0664
Nevis 1.1044 0.1115 0.8127 0.0833 1.0580 0.1046 0.7729 0.0771
New Caledonia 3.3577 0.1544 2.4996 0.1156 3.2643 0.1466 2.4246 0.1088
New Zealand 3.2898 0.1513 2.4480 0.1137 2.9002 0.1334 2.1580 0.1000
Nicaragua 2.2009 0.1210 1.6379 0.0904 2.1756 0.1158 1.6128 0.0854
Niger 1.7444 0.2385 1.3096 0.1759 1.6841 0.2287 1.2584 0.1674
Nigeria 1.7962 0.1242 1.3499 0.0915 1.7707 0.1194 1.3248 0.0864
Niue Island 3.4386 0.3439 3.0342 0.3035 3.3445 0.3323 2.9488 0.2928
Norfolk Island 3.5011 0.3501 3.0961 0.3097 3.4055 0.3384 3.0093 0.2988
Norfolk Island 3.5011 0.3501 3.0961 0.3097 3.4055 0.3384 3.0093 0.2988
Norway 1.1940 0.1137 0.9709 0.0848 1.0525 0.1004 0.8558 0.0747
Oman 3.0715 0.1355 2.2752 0.1008 2.9831 0.1280 2.2040 0.0940
Pakistan 3.7652 0.2240 2.5333 0.1327 3.3905 0.2016 2.5091 0.1278
Palau 2.3722 0.2472 2.2568 0.2055 2.2995 0.2374 2.1867 0.1968
Panama 1.8471 0.1138 1.4863 0.0849 1.6286 0.1004 1.3102 0.0749
Papua New Guinea 3.2898 0.1513 2.4480 0.1137 3.1978 0.1435 2.3738 0.1068
Paraguay 2.3325 0.1266 1.7287 0.0947 2.3071 0.1214 1.7034 0.0898
Peru 2.0143 0.1219 1.6202 0.0912 1.9898 0.1169 1.5960 0.0864
Philippines 2.6592 0.1458 2.2723 0.1137 2.3442 0.1286 2.0087 0.1000
Poland 1.7387 0.1355 1.2341 0.0965 1.6784 0.1280 1.1849 0.0899
Portugal (including
Azores and Madeira
Islands) 1.7387 0.1355 1.2880 0.1008 1.5329 0.1195 1.1353 0.0889
Qatar 3.0715 0.1355 2.2752 0.1008 2.9831 0.1280 2.2040 0.0940
Republic of Yemen 3.0715 0.1355 2.2752 0.1008 2.9831 0.1280 2.2040 0.0940
Reunion Island 1.9706 0.2566 1.4098 0.2034 1.9066 0.2466 1.3575 0.1946
Romania 2.0912 0.1624 1.5401 0.1213 2.0235 0.1544 1.4843 0.1141
Russia 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Rwanda 2.2054 0.2805 1.5646 0.2220 2.1363 0.2702 1.5091 0.2130
Sakhalin 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
San Marino 1.4183 0.1085 1.0482 0.0796 1.1913 0.0915 0.9470 0.0728
Sao Tome 2.2888 0.3306 2.0968 0.2912 2.2179 0.3191 2.0301 0.2806
Saudi Arabia 2.7267 0.1200 2.0244 0.0888 2.3438 0.1032 1.7845 0.0782
Senegal 2.2981 0.1587 1.7174 0.1174 2.2726 0.1535 1.6921 0.1124
Seychelles 3.6653 0.2889 2.6442 0.2292 3.5654 0.2782 2.5661 0.2200
Sierra Leone 2.2697 0.2221 1.6634 0.1716 2.1981 0.2127 1.6050 0.1634
Singapore 2.6776 0.1368 2.1511 0.1033 2.2663 0.1156 1.8961 0.0911
Slovakia 1.6734 0.1304 1.1879 0.0929 1.6153 0.1232 1.1404 0.0865
Slovenia 1.7387 0.1355 1.2880 0.1008 1.6784 0.1280 1.2375 0.0940
Solomon Islands 2.9250 0.2472 2.7523 0.2086 2.8406 0.2374 2.6729 0.1997
Somalia 3.5649 0.3169 3.0366 0.2926 3.3867 0.3011 2.8848 0.2780
South Africa 1.6423 0.1137 1.2343 0.0837 1.5850 0.1068 1.1858 0.0774
Spain (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands,
Ceuta and Melilla) 1.4546 0.1137 1.0845 0.0848 1.2567 0.0982 0.9561 0.0747
Sri Lanka 3.7165 0.2210 2.5007 0.1309 3.6146 0.2116 2.4244 0.1236
St. Helena 2.2054 0.2805 1.5646 0.2220 2.1363 0.2702 1.5091 0.2130
St. Kitts 1.1044 0.1115 0.8127 0.0833 1.0580 0.1046 0.7729 0.0771
St. Lucia 1.1044 0.1115 0.8127 0.0833 1.0580 0.1046 0.7729 0.0771
St. Pierre/Miquelon 0.9972 0.1003 0.7268 0.0753 0.9541 0.0936 0.6896 0.0694
St. Vincent/
Grenadines 0.8733 0.1134 0.6497 0.0867 0.8595 0.1087 0.6359 0.0820
Sudan 1.7342 0.3354 1.6367 0.2994 1.7204 0.3307 1.6229 0.2949
Suriname 2.1613 0.1359 1.6147 0.1041 2.1475 0.1313 1.6009 0.0995
Swaziland 1.7152 0.1411 1.3029 0.1061 1.7014 0.1364 1.2891 0.1016
Sweden 0.7285 0.0881 0.6799 0.0726 0.6575 0.0768 0.6127 0.0625
Switzerland 0.9988 0.0958 0.7862 0.0761 0.9221 0.0854 0.7231 0.0669
Syria 1.5297 0.2345 1.3146 0.2018 1.5153 0.2298 1.3004 0.1970
Tadjikistan 0.9662 0.2303 0.7394 0.1977 0.9523 0.2258 0.7255 0.1930
Taiwan 2.2409 0.1311 1.8271 0.1005 2.0489 0.1163 1.6681 0.0882
Tanzania 1.7867 0.1469 1.3572 0.1105 1.7722 0.1420 1.3429 0.1057
Thailand 2.5628 0.1336 1.9281 0.1022 2.5489 0.1290 1.9143 0.0977
Togo 1.8308 0.1500 1.4130 0.1155 1.8170 0.1454 1.3992 0.1110
Tonga 2.6751 0.2046 1.9214 0.1687 2.6613 0.2000 1.9075 0.1641
Trinidad/Tobago 0.8837 0.1219 0.6572 0.0932 0.8699 0.1170 0.6435 0.0883
Tunisia 1.7953 0.1471 1.3593 0.1113 1.7814 0.1426 1.3455 0.1067
Turkey 1.3902 0.1394 1.0416 0.1060 1.3468 0.1316 1.0059 0.0991
Turkmenistan 0.9662 0.2303 0.7394 0.1977 0.9523 0.2258 0.7255 0.1930
Islas Turcas y Caicos
Islands 0.8209 0.1061 0.6036 0.0816 0.8071 0.1016 0.5896 0.0769
Tuvalu 3.8291 0.3830 3.3862 0.3387 3.8047 0.3780 3.3620 0.3337
Uganda 2.0076 0.1386 1.5027 0.1022 1.9426 0.1311 1.4486 0.0955
Ukraine 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
United Arab Emirates 2.7267 0.1200 2.0244 0.0888 2.4040 0.1057 1.7845 0.0782
United Kingdom 0.9822 0.0951 0.7973 0.0712 0.8139 0.0790 0.7337 0.0654
Uruguay 2.1614 0.1159 1.5829 0.0868 2.0922 0.1088 1.5263 0.0804
Uzbekistan 1.3489 0.2179 1.0625 0.1846 1.2971 0.2085 1.0168 0.1761
Vanuatu 3.4386 0.3439 3.0342 0.3035 3.3445 0.3323 2.9488 0.2928
Vatican City 1.4183 0.1085 1.0482 0.0796 1.1913 0.0915 0.9470 0.0728
Venezuela 1.5956 0.0959 1.2808 0.0723 1.4065 0.0845 1.1291 0.0638
Vietnam 2.1009 0.2498 1.9670 0.2018 2.0790 0.2456 1.9452 0.1975
Wallis & Futuna 3.2356 0.2970 2.8332 0.2571 3.1445 0.2863 2.7510 0.2472
Western Samoa 3.0867 0.2086 2.1638 0.1829 2.9981 0.1995 2.0950 0.1744
Yugoslavia 1.7387 0.1355 1.2880 0.1008 1.6784 0.1280 1.2375 0.0940
Zaire 2.1832 0.1507 1.6316 0.1116 2.1137 0.1428 1.5737 0.1045
Zambia 2.0859 0.1440 1.5614 0.1062 2.0184 0.1363 1.5051 0.0993
Zimbabwe 2.0076 0.1386 1.5027 0.1022 1.9421 0.1311 1.4482 0.0956
MCI Vision Worldwide customers will be charged rates 5 percent less than the rates specified above for calls to those international locations, except for the Mexico portion of calls to Mexico and for calls to Canada, which will be charged the rates specified below. For the Mexico portion of calls to Mexico and for calls to Canada, the rates below are not subject to further discounts except for those described in Section C-3.184322.
1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
Canadá Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Mileage Band
1 ‑ 200 $0.2237 $0.0340 $0.1449 $0.0213 $0.2123 $0.0308 $0.1423 $0.0203
201 + 0.2930 0.0557 0.1916 0.0353 0.2935 0.0507 0.1906 0.0338
MCI Vision Worldwide Rates to Canada
Mileage 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
Correa Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
0 ‑ 18 0.1628 0.0159 0.1093 0.0094 0.1478 0.0133 0.0953 0.0083
19 ‑ 80 0.2050 0.0285 0.1300 0.0177 0.1893 0.0242 0.1298 0.0159
81 ‑ 140 0.2175 0.0355 0.1406 0.0220 0.2036 0.0301 0.1355 0.0196
141 ‑ 220 0.2251 0.0365 0.1479 0.0230 0.2135 0.0335 0.1424 0.0224
221 ‑ 345 0.2329 0.0428 0.1554 0.0275 0.2233 0.0370 0.1493 0.0246
346 ‑ 630 0.2474 0.0476 0.1604 0.0302 0.2376 0.0418 0.1524 0.0278
631 ‑ 1200 0.2854 0.0551 0.1837 0.0349 0.2685 0.0474 0.1751 0.0320
1201 ‑ 1610 0.3094 0.0599 0.2074 0.0378 0.2882 0.0517 0.1927 0.0340
1611 + 0.3330 0.0628 0.2168 0.0396 0.3251 0.0551 0.2078 0.0367
U.S. Portion
Mileage 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
Correa Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
0 ‑ 10 0.1882 0.0104 0.1241 0.0070 0.1696 0.0092 0.1185 0.0057
11 ‑ 22 0.2054 0.0137 0.1355 0.0089 0.1848 0.0123 0.1299 0.0079
23 ‑ 55 0.3084 0.0164 0.2039 0.0107 0.2724 0.0145 0.1945 0.0095
56 ‑ 124 0.3574 0.0194 0.2362 0.0129 0.3153 0.0173 0.2261 0.0115
125 ‑ 292 0.4537 0.0219 0.2997 0.0144 0.3999 0.0195 0.2884 0.0130
293 ‑ 430 0.5007 0.0250 0.3303 0.0165 0.4414 0.0222 0.3183 0.0152
431 ‑ 925 0.5160 0.0281 0.3408 0.0185 0.4552 0.0249 0.3285 0.0172
926 ‑ 3000 0.5318 0.0312 0.3511 0.0206 0.4688 0.0276 0.3387 0.0193
Mexico Portion
Step Hora pico Off-Peak
1 $0.1700 $0.1000
2 0.2200 0.1500
3 0.4000 0.2600
4 0.4700 0.3100
5 0.6700 0.4400
6 0.8600 0.5700
7 1.1500 0.7800
8 1.2300 0.8300
Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean Inmarsat Locations
$9.74 per minute or fraction thereof, during all rate periods.
II. Inbound 800 Service
(i) Domestic Usage
Inbound 800 Domestic Interstate (including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands): Inbound 800 calls will be priced as either Regional (Range 1 calls) or Long Haul (Ranges 2-6) at rates specified below. (See Part F of Table V for the range desginations to be used for inbound 800 calls.)
Business Line/Switched
WATS Access Dedicated Access
Line Termination Line Termination
Regional $0.2285 $0.1650
Long Haul 0.2585 0.1950
MCI Vision 800 Digital Service for Domestic Interstate (including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands): See feature description in Section C-3.18222. MCI Vision 800 Digital calls will be priced as either Regional (Range 1 calls) or Long Haul (Ranges 2-6) at rates specified below. (See Part F of Table V for the range designations to be used for inbound 800 calls.)
Business Line/
Switched WATS Access Dedicated Access
Line Termination Line Termination
Regional $0.2485 $0.1805
Long Haul 0.2785 0.2105
(ii) International Usage (from International Locations Other than Canada and Mexico): Service is available from the following countries at the rates specified below, except that these calls are not eligible for the volume discounts described in Section C-3.08621. Calls made to customers of Option Q are subject to a 30 second minimum initial period and additional 6 second increments. Rates do not vary by time of day.
Switched Dedicated
País Terminations Terminations
Australia $1.44 $1.35
Bahamas 1.15 1.07
Barbados 1.49 1.41
Belgium 1.49 1.41
Bermuda 1.19 1.12
Brazil 1.54 1.47
Canada (see below)
Cayman Islands 1.49 1.41
Chile 1.76 1.68
China 3.20 3.13
Colombia 1.65 1.58
Costa Rica 1.56 1.46
Cyprus 1.74 1.67
Denmark 1.61 1.52
Dominican Republic 1.26 1.18
Ecuador 2.25 2.17
El Salvador 1.96 1.89
Finland 1.61 1.52
France (including Monaco) 1.59 1.52
Germany 1.48 1.42
Greece 1.52 1.46
Guatemala 1.39 1.32
Hong Kong 1.91 1.86
Hungrary 1.49 1.42
Indonesia 2.03 1.97
Ireland 1.49 1.42
Israel 1.82 1.74
Italy (including San Marino and Vatican City) 1.61 1.52
Jamaica 1.49 1.42
Japan 1.75 1.67
Korea 1.87 1.79
Luxembourg 1.56 1.46
Malaysia 1.86 1.79
Mexico (see below)
New Zealand 2.07 2.01
Netherlands 1.49 1.42
Netherlands Antilles 1.37 1.30
Nicaragua 1.96 1.89
Norway 1.61 1.51
Panama 1.44 1.37
Peru 2.41 2.32
Phillipines 1.76 1.69
Portugual 1.92 1.86
Qatar 2.07 2.00
Singapore 1.82 1.74
South Africa 2.30 2.20
Spain 1.71 1.64
St. Lucia 1.49 1.41
Sweden 1.49 1.40
Switzerland 1.61 1.52
Taiwan 1.65 1.59
Thailand 1.92 1.86
Trinidad/Tobago 1.49 1.42
Turkey 2.10 2.03
United Arab Emirates 2.07 2.00
United Kingdom 1.26 1.18
Uruguay 1.65 1.58
Venezuela 1.95 1.87
Canada Origination: Usage charges for Canadian originating traffic appear below, with the corresponding Range designations located in Part I of Table V.
Switched WATS and
Business Line Termination Dedicated Termination
Range Business Night & Business Night &
Día Evening Fin de semana Día Evening Fin de semana
7 $0.4249 $0.3423 $0.3423 $0.4037 $0.3431 $0.3431
8 0.6159 0.4398 0.4398 0.6014 0.4386 0.4386
9 0.6159 0.4398 0.4398 0.6014 0.4386 0.4386
Business Line Termination From Canada to Puerto Rico
Business Night &
Día Evening Fin de semana
$0.6159 $0.4398 $0.4398
Canada Time of Day Rate Periods:
Día Evening Night & Weekend
8:00AM to 5:59PM 6:00PM to 11:59PM 12:00AM to 7:59AM
Mon.-Sat. Mon.-Sat. Mon.-Sat.
8:00 AM to 11:59 PM Sunday
Mexico Origination: Usage charges for Mexico originating traffic appear below, based on access type, with the corresponding Service Areas located in Part G of Table V, Mexican Service Areas.
Switched Access
Estándar Economy
M1 $0.65 $0.48
M2 0.55 0.44
M3 1.34 1.00
M4 1.80 1.34
Dedicated Access
Estándar Economy
M1 $0.62 $0.45
M2 0.52 0.41
M3 1.31 0.97
M4 1.77 1.31
Mexico Time of Day Rate Periods:
Estándar Economy
7:00AM - 6:59PM 7:00PM - 6:59AM
Mon. - Fri. Mon.-Fri.
5:00PM - 11:59PM 7:00PM - 4:59PM
Sunday Fri. - Sun.
III. Discounts
(i) MCI Vision VIP Plus Discounts: The following MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts will be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions specifed in Section C-3.18376.
Outbound: The following discounts apply to outbound usage, including MCI Vision Card and Vision Card WorldPhone usage.
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 9.5% 11.5% 14.0
24,000 11.5 13.5 16.5
36,000 13.5 15.0 18.0
48,000 14.5 16.0 19.0
60,000 15.5 17.0 20.0
84,000 16.5 20.0 22.5
120,000 19.5 21.5 24.0
180,000 20.0 23.0 26.0
240,000 22.5 25.5 27.5
360,000 23.5 26.5 28.5
480,000 24.5 27.5 29.5
Inbound : The following discounts apply to inbound usage.
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 15.0% 17.0% 19.0
24,000 16.5 19.5 21.5
36,000 17.5 20.5 22.5
48,000 18.0 21.0 23.0
60,000 18.5 21.0 23.0
84,000 19.5 22.0 24.5
120,000 19.5 22.0 24.5
180,000 19.5 22.0 24.5
240,000 21.0 24.0 26.5
360,000 22.0 25.0 27.5
480,000 23.0 26.0 28.5
Other Discounts: The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume on monthly and recurring charges described in Section C-2. These discounts are in addition to those specified in Section C-3.183761 and C-3.183762.
a. Voice Grade Private Line, Digital Private Line and Digital Data Services
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 1.0% 2.5% 3.5%
24,000 1.0 2.5 3.5
36,000 1.0 2.5 3.5
48,000 1.0 2.5 3.5
60,000 1.0 3.5 4.5
84,000 1.0 3.5 4.5
120,000 1.0 3.5 4.5
180,000 1.5 5.0 7.0
240,000 1.5 5.0 7.0
360,000 1.5 5.0 7.0
480,000 2.0 6.0 7.5
b. Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 and Fractional T-1 - Digital Private Line Service at speeds between 112 kbps and 1,472 kbps (excludes Local Channel Access, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 2.0% 3.0% 5.0%
24,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
36,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
48,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
60,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
84,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
120,000 12.0 15.0 18.0
180,000 12.0 15.0 18.0
240,000 12.0 15.0 18.0
360,000 18.0 23.0 28.0
480,000 18.0 23.0 28.0
c. Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (excludes Local Channel Access, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
24,000 0.0 0.0 0.0
36,000 0.0 1.0 3.0
48,000 0.0 1.0 3.0
60,000 0.0 1.0 3.0
84,000 0.0 1.0 3.0
120,000 1.0 2.0 6.0
180,000 1.0 2.0 6.0
240,000 1.0 2.0 6.0
360,000 2.0 7.0 11.0
480,000 2.0 7.0 11.0
(ii) MCI Vision Worldwide Discounts: The following MCI Vision Worldwide discounts will be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions specifed in Section C-3.18432.
Domestic Discounts: The following discounts apply to domestic inbound and outbound usage.
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 10.0% 12.0% 14.0%
24,000 12.0 14.0 16.0
36,000 13.5 15.5 17.5
48,000 15.0 17.0 19.0
60,000 16.0 19.0 20.0
84,000 18.5 21.5 22.5
120,000 20.0 23.0 24.0
180,000 21.5 24.5 25.5
240,000 22.0 25.5 26.5
360,000 23.0 26.0 27.0
480,000 23.5 26.5 27.5
Other Discounts: The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume on monthly and recurring charges described in Section C-2. These discounts are in addition to those specified in Section
a. Voice Grade Private Line, Digital Private Line Service and Digital Data Service
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 1.0% 2.5% 3.5%
24,000 1.0 2.5 3.5
36,000 1.0 2.5 3.5
48,000 1.0 2.5 3.5
60,000 1.0 3.5 4.5
84,000 1.0 3.5 4.5
120,000 1.0 3.5 4.5
180,000 1.5 5.0 7.0
240,000 1.5 5.0 7.0
360,000 1.5 5.0 7.0
480,000 2.0 6.0 7.5
b. Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 and Fractional T-1 - Digital Private Line Service at speeds between 112 kbps and 1,472 kbps (excludes Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 2.0% 3.0% 5.0%
24,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
36,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
48,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
60,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
84,000 2.0 3.0 5.0
120,000 12.0 15.0 18.0
180,000 12.0 15.0 18.0
240,000 12.0 15.0 18.0
360,000 18.0 23.0 28.0
480,000 18.0 23.0 28.0
c. Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (excludes Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
24,000 0.0 0.0 0.0
36,000 0.0 1.0 3.0
48,000 0.0 1.0 3.0
60,000 0.0 1.0 3.0
84,000 0.0 1.0 3.0
120,000 1.0 2.0 6.0
180,000 1.0 2.0 6.0
240,000 1.0 2.0 6.0
360,000 2.0 7.0 11.0
480,000 2.0 7.0 11.0
International Discounts: The following discounts apply to international inbound and outbound usage, subject to a maximum monthly discount of $16,000 on international usage.
Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
$12,000 8.0% 10.0% 12.0%
24,000 20.0 22.0 24.0
36,000 22.0 24.0 26.0
48,000 23.0 25.0 27.0
60,000 25.0 27.0 29.0
84,000 26.0 28.0 30.0
120,000 27.0 29.0 31.0
180,000 28.0 30.0 32.0
240,000 28.0 30.0 32.0
360,000 28.0 30.0 32.0
480,000 28.0 30.0 32.0
The following additional discounts will apply:
Time of Day Discounts1 ‑ A 20 percent discount will apply, on a call‑by‑call basis, to all inbound and outbound domestic traffic (including MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing) occurring during the Evening and Night/Weekend rate periods (i.e. anytime except 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays). When a Vision call is established in one rate period and ends in the other, the rate in effect in each rate period applies to the portion of the call occurring during that rate period. The rate for inbound calls is the rate for the time of day at the terminating location.
Dedicated Termination Discount - All Vision Switched, Dedicated, and Card Access outbound traffic, excluding calls to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which is transmitted between customer designated locations of a Corporate Enterprise and which is terminated by means of dedicated termination facilities will receive a discount of $0.02 per minute. This discount will be applied before any other discounts.
Domestic Optimizer Discount: A discount of 10 percent will be applied to all domestic outbound Vision calls which are made to the single domestic area code with the highest total usage (in dollars) in the period for which a bill is being calculated. This discount is calculated and applied at the location level. International and Directory Assistance calls are excluded from this discount. This discount is calculated on usage to that area code before all other discounts other than the Time of Day and Dedicated Termination Discounts are applied.
International Optimizer Discount: A discount of 10 percent will be applied to all international outbound Vision calls made during the peak rate period which are made to the single country with the highest total usage (in dollars) for the period for which a bill is being calculated. This discount is calculated and applied at the location level. Domestic and Directory Assistance calls are excluded from this discount. This discount is calculated on usage to that country before all other discounts other than the Time of Day and the Dedicated Termination Discounts are applied.
1 In states where MCI WORLDCOM has an identical discount plan for non-Business Day rates and/or volume discounts, the interstate discount is determined by applying the effective discount rate only to interstate usage billing subject to discount. In states without an identical discount plan for non-Business Day rates and/or volume discounts, the interstate discount is determined by applying the effective discount rate to both interstate and intrastate usage billing subject to discount. Customers who subscribe to service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group or a Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus) will receive an additional 5 percent discount on all domestic and international usage in lieu of all other discounts.
Meet MCI 900 Promotion
Beginning November 1, 1995 and ending July 31, 1996, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option M (MCI 900 Service). Each eligible customer will be charged a rate of $0.203 per minute for a six month period beginning with the installation of the service. In addition, the customer will receive two credits. These credits will equal the customer's MCI 900 Service usage charges in the first and fifth months after installation, and will be reflected on the customer's second and sixth months' invoices, respectively. Each credit may not exceed $50,000. Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other MCI WORLDCOM promotions.
If during, or at the end of, the 6-month period, the customer enrolls in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) with an MCI 900 Service monthly minimum volume commitment of at least $150,000 and a term commitment of at least 24 months, the customer will be charged $0.193 per minute for MCI 900 Service for the SCA term of service. If the customer enrolls in an SCA: (i) the customer will not receive any credits as described above which were not applied prior to option enrollment; and, (ii) the customer will receive two credits, each not to exceed $150,000. These credits will be equal to the customer's usage charges in the first and thirteenth months after option enrollment and will be applied on the customer's second and fourteenth months' invoices, respectively, during the SCA term of service.
MCI Local Loop Promotion
Beginning July 1, 1996 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to MCI WORLDCOM customers whose dedicated access is provisioned by an MCI WORLDCOM-designated local access provider. Customers participating in this promotion will receive an 8 percent discount on their T-1 Digital Access, Digital Data Service, DSO, or Voice Grade Private Line monthly local loop charges. In addition, MCI WORLDCOM will waive all Access Coordination charges following installation of the dedicated local access service for each location designated by the customer. These discount are in addition to any other discounts applicable to those circuits. Circuits installed on or after July 1, 1996 are eligible to receive this discount. The benefits of this promotion will apply to the circuit(s)installed under this promotion as long as a customer subscribes to these circuit(s).
Investment International Promotion 2
Beginning May 1, 1998 and ending December 15, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to customers who receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 51, as described in Section C-16, and who become new subscribers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One). Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following per‑minute rates, in lieu of standard tariffed international Option MM Outbound Service rates for usage to the following international locations, based on termination type.
País Dedicado Switched
Australia $0.3675 $0.4200
Brazil 0.6403 0.6599
Canada 0.1902 0.2038
China 1.2947 1.3270
Germany 0.3384 0.3743
Japan 0.3985 0.4351
Mexico (Band 7) N/A 0.6878
Switzerland 0.3502 0.3867
United Kingdom 0.2468 0.2900
Venezuela 0.4826 0.5023
Exchange Service Term Plan Promotion
Beginning April 10, 1998 and ending May 10, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who become new subscribers to (i) a 1-, 2-, or 3-year networkMCI One Term Plan and (ii) non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company.
Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following credits applied to the customer's interstate usage.
Customers will receive an $80.00 credit for each Local Trunk and a $40 credit for each Local Line used by the customer for non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in NPA 612, to be applied on the customer's first month's invoice following enrollment in this promotion. For purposes of this promotional offering, the following definitions apply: Local Line is a facilities based service which provides two-way interactive voice and data service; Local Trunk is a facilities based service which provides a single, analog, voice grade, one-way outbound or two-way inbound-outbound local access circuit.
In addition, customers are eligible to receive the following credits, each not to exceed $50,000.
Customers who enroll in a 1-, 2- or 3-year networkMCI One Term Plan will receive a credit equal to the Customer's usage and monthly recurring charges for non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in NPA 612 during the twelfth monthly billing period following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan. This credit will be applied to the customer's interstate usage on the customer's invoice for the thirteenth monthly billing period following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan.
In addition, customers who enroll in a 2-year networkMCI One Term Plan will receive a credit equal to the Customer's usage and monthly recurring charges for non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in NPA 612 during the twenty-fourth monthly billing period following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan and (i) a credit equal to the Customer's usage and monthly recurring charges for non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in NPA 612 during the twenty-fourth monthly billing period following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan. This credit will be applied to the customer's interstate usage on the customer's invoice for the twenty-fifth monthly billing period following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan.
In addition, customers who enroll in a 3-year networkMCI One Term Plan will receive a credit equal to the Customer's usage and monthly recurring charges for non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in NPA 612 during the thirty-sixth monthly billing period following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan and (i) a credit equal to the Customer's usage and monthly recurring charges for non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in NPA 612 during the twenty-fourth monthly billing period following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan. This credit will be applied to the customer's interstate usage on the customer's invoice for the thirty-seventh monthly billing period following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan.
Term Plan IOC Promotion
Beginning June 4, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Analog Service, Digital Private Line Service, Terrestrial Digital Service ‑ 1.5 (TDS‑1.5), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services). To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion customers must install new point‑to‑point Terrestrial Digital Service-1.5 (TDS-1.5) service (Promotional Circuit) under a new Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan and/or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans) with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year.
At the time of promotion enrollment, customers may elect to receive either of the following discounts, in addition to standard tariffed discounts for which the customer qualifies, on Promotional Circuit(s) throughout the term of service of the customer's Term Plan following installation of the Promotional Circuit(s). Customers may elect to receive: (i) the following discounts on monthly recurring Inter‑Office Channel (IOC) charges for Promotional Circuit(s), based on Term Plan term of service; or (ii) a 25 percent discount on monthly recurring IOC charges for Promotional Circuit(s) with IOC mileage which equals or exceeds 500 miles and the following discounts on monthly recurring Inter‑Office Channel (IOC) charges for all other Promotional Circuit(s), based on Term Plan term of service
Term of Service Descuento
1 year 15%
2 years 25
3 years 25
4 years 25
5 years 25
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by July 31, 2000 and all of a customer's Promotional Circuits must be installed by August 31, 2000.
Term Plan IOC Promotion 2
Beginning July 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Analog Service, Digital Private Line Service, Terrestrial Digital Service ‑ 1.5 (TDS‑1.5), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services). To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion customers must install new point‑to‑point Terrestrial Digital Service-1.5 (TDS-1.5) service (Promotional Circuit) under a new Network Pricing Plan, a new networkMCI One Term Plan and/or a new Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans) with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year.
At the time of promotion enrollment, customers may elect to receive either of the following discounts, in addition to standard tariffed discounts for which the customer qualifies, on Promotional Circuit(s) throughout the term of service of the customer's Term Plan following installation of the Promotional Circuit(s). Customers may elect to receive: (i) the following discounts on monthly recurring Inter‑Office Channel (IOC) charges for Promotional Circuit(s), based on Term Plan term of service; or (ii) a 25 percent discount on monthly recurring IOC charges for Promotional Circuit(s) with IOC mileage which equals or exceeds 500 miles, and the following discounts on monthly recurring Inter‑Office Channel (IOC) charges for all other Promotional Circuit(s), based on Term Plan term of service
Term of Service Descuento
1 year 15%
2 years 25
3 years 25
4 years 25
5 years 25
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by October 31, 2000 and all of a customer's Promotional Circuits must be installed by November 30, 2000.
MCI Crossborder Private Line Promotion to Mexico
Beginning December 1, 1995, and ending March 31, 1996, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers and existing customers who upgrade existing Dedicated Leased Line Service, for point-to-point and multipoint service between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico for Digital Private Line Service (DPLS) (excluding Digital 9.6 Kbps Service), Terrestrial Digital Service -1.5 (TDS-1.5), Terrestrial DIgital Service - 2.0 (TDS-2.0), and/or Digital Data Service (DDS). MCI WORLDCOM will waive the following MCI WORLDCOM-billed installation charges for MCI WORLDCOM-provided circuits: Local Access, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection. These charges will be waived for all new qualifying crossborder private line circuits into Mexico for the following services: DPLS, TDS-1.5, TDS-2.0, and DDS.
Availability of these services may be limited based on the customer location and type of product. The new or upgraded service must be installed no later than June 30 1996 and remain in service for a minimum of one year.
The Customer may discontinue service ordered under this promotion without liability if the customer upgrades the service to a higher transmission speed (e.g., 56 kbps to 128 Kbps) between the same service locations and commits to a new service period of at least one year. If the customer discontinues service ordered under this promotion prior to the end of the initial one year commitment period, the customer will be billed and required to pay for all charges waived under this promotion.
The Customer is subject to the terms, conditions and liability of the NPP and Fixed Term Plan, where applicable, and early termination charges apply as appropriate for the type of plan the circuit is enrolled in (i.e, NPP, Fixed Term Plan, etc.). The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with SCAs as described in Section C-16.
networkMCI Hospitality Promotion 2
Beginning September 18, 1998 and ending October 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One). Customers who enroll in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates for interstate Outbound and Inbound Option MM usage, based on access type and rate period:
Evening, Night
Access Type Business Day & Weekend
Switched/Card $0.16 $0.11
Dedicated 0.12 0.10
The customer will receive a 15 percent discount on all interstate Option MM usage. In addition, Customers who enroll in a networkMCI One Term Plan will receive the following discounts on all Option MM usage, based on the customer's volume commitment and term commitment under the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan:
Annual Volume Term Commitment/Discount
Commitment 1-Year 2-Year 3-Year
$ 6,000 1% 4% 7%
12,000 2 5 8
24,000 3 6 9
36,000 4 7 10
48,000 5 8 11
60,000 6 9 12
84,000 7 10 13
96,000 8 11 14
120,000 9 12 15
180,000 10 13 16
Customers will not receive discounts on usage which equals or exceeds $25,000 per month.
If in any billing month after enrollment in this promotion the customer's Option MM usage in the Business Day rate period equals or exceeds 50 percent of the customer's total usage, the customer will be billed and required to pay an additional charge of $0.05 per minute of usage for each minute of usage in excess of this threshold.
Customers are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offerings except for installation waiver charge promotions that may be offered from time to time, the National Service Guarantee Promotion, the PIC Change Promotion, and the Power Portfolio Promotion II. Customers enrolled in a Special Customer Arrangement as described in Section C‑16 are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion.
Time of day periods are defined in Section C-3.021113.
networkMCI Conferencing Affinity Group Promotion
Beginning April 2, 1997, and ending May 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to customers of Metered Use Service Option P (networkMCI Conferencing) who subscribe to service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group, the Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus) or a Standard Affinity Member Group. Eligible customers will receive the monthly discounts indicated below for networkMCI Conferencing. The amount of the discount will be based on the type of networkMCI Conferencing service used, as described in Section C-3.171, and will be in lieu of all other networkMCI Conferencing discounts. Discounts will be calculated on a service‑by‑service basis and will be based on total usage of the service per billing month. The credit associated with this discount will be applied to the invoice in the month service was used.
Conferencing Service Descuento
Dial‑Out Service 10%
Personal 800 Meet‑Me Service 10
800 Meet‑Me Service 10
Toll Meet‑Me Service 10
Unattended Meet‑Me Service 5
The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with Special Customer Arrangements, as described in Section C-16.
Option Q Non-Term Plan Promotion
For customers enrolling prior to the effective date of this promotion, MCI WORLDCOM will provide the following in response to competitive marketplace conditions. To be eligible for this promotion, 1) an existing or prospective customer must demonstrate to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that it will accept another interexchange carrier's offer in the absence of any further inducement to subscribe, or remain subscribed, to MCI Metered Use Service Option Q; and 2) an existing customer must qualify to terminate any MCI WORLDCOM contracts, term plans, or promotions without liability and must be able to enroll in this promotion by April 14, 1995, with an effective date no later than May 15, 1995.
All eligible customers who meet the terms and conditions of the Option Q.1 Non-Term Plan Promotion will receive all the benefits of that promotion, except as noted below, and will be charged the domestic outbound rate per minute specified therein, and any and all applicable discounts. In lieu of the domestic inbound rates specified in the Option Q.1 Non-Term Plan Promotion, customers will be charged the following per minute rates, in addition to any applicable discounts. The rates below are based on term commitment and access type:
Switched $0.2364
Dedicated 0.1636
All other terms and conditions of the Option Q.1 Non Term Plan Promotion will apply.
SCA Type 1 Access Promotion
Beginning February 4, 1998 and ending October 15, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers receiving service under Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 1, as described in Section C-16, who install a new T‑1 Digital Access circuit. Customers who enroll in this promotion will receive a 50 percent discount on the customer's monthly recurring Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and local loop charges during the remainder of the term of service of the customer's SCA following the customer's enrollment in this promotion. Each circuit which receives the benefits of this promotion must be installed by December 31, 1998.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Guarantee Promotion
Beginning February 4, 1998 and ending July 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who (i) subscribe to a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) and (ii) install at least ten new Dedicated Leased Line circuits which are associated with the customer's use of MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive the following benefits: throughout the term of service of the customer's HPP, in lieu of the standard tariffed provisions of the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Guarantee which provide credit in the event MCI WORLDCOM fails to satisfy the committed Network Availability Time for two consecutive months, as set forth in Section C-3.35515, in the event MCI WORLDCOM fails to satisfy the committed Network Availability Time over two consecutive months, the customer will receive a credit equal to 10 percent of the fixed rate for all the customer's monthly recurring port and PVC charges for ports and PVCs associated with the circuits installed under this promotion. For purposes of this promotion, MCI WORLDCOM promises to achieve a 99.5 percent Network Availability Time (committed Network Availability Time).
Customers who receive the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive any other benefits of the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Guarantee.
Regional Checkbook Promotion VI
Beginning October 1, 1999 and ending September 30, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option F (MCI 800 Service), Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet), Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) who subscribe to a new Option RR Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year, and/or Dedicated Leased Line Service associated with Option RR usage and/or in response to competitive marketplace conditions when the customer or customer prospect can demonstrate to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that it will accept a competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from MCI WORLDCOM to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to MCI WORLDCOM service(s). MCI WORLDCOM may provide credit, not to exceed $50,000 per customer per annual period of the customer's term of service, which is reasonably responsive to the competitor's offer for application against interstate charges for such service(s). The credit will be applied against an invoice or invoice(s) for usage of such service(s), or the customer's WorldCom Fund account. If the customer designates that the credit is to be applied to the customer's Option RR usage, the credit will be applied to the customer's first invoice following the end of each 12-month period of the customer's term of service. If the customer designates that the credit is to be applied to the customer's WorldCom Fund account, the credit will be applied upon promotion enrollment (unless the customer and MCI WORLDCOM designate a different date upon the customer's promotion enrollment), provided that the service(s) for which the credit is offered has been installed. The credit may not be applied against taxes, charges for unauthorized calls, prior outstanding balances owed to MCI WORLDCOM, termination or underutilization charges associated with term plans or program commitments, or disputed charges. If a Customer terminates the service(s) for which the credit is offered prior to the months(s) it is to be applied, the customer will not be eligible for the credit and any unused credit at the time of termination of service will be forfeited by the customer. If the service(s) receiving the benefits of this promotion are provided under a term plan or commitment and the customer terminates service prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will not be eligible for unissued credits and any unused credit at the time of termination will be forfeited by the customer. Credits will be furnished in multiples of $50 and may only be applied to the service(s) provided under this promotion. This offer is limited in an amount to $50,000 no matter how many separate accounts may be established, or have been established, with the Company. In addition, total credits received by the customer under this promotion and Regional Checkbook Promotion III shall not exceed $50,000 per customer per annual period.
Option OO Service Guarantee 2A
Beginning July 1, 2000 and ending December 15, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option OO (Advanced Option II for Small Business).
If at any time a customer becomes dissatisfied with his/her new Company service or with the Company's performance in connection with the provision of service subscribed to under this promotion and the customer wishes to cancel service and return to his/her prior carrier, the customer must call a Company Customer Service Representative to notify the Company in order to receive the following credits.
Qualifying customers will be given a credit equal to any Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC) change and order processing charges they have incurred in returning to their prior carrier, up to a maximum of $5 per PIC per line, up to a maximum of 100 lines.
The credit will be applied to the customer's final invoice. If the customer has no balance owed the Company, any unused credit balance will be refunded to the customer within 60 days after the final invoice.
hospitalityMCI Promotion I
Beginning April 1, 1996 and ending May 15, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option HH (hospitalityMCI). Customers who make an Annual Volume Commitment of no less than $120,000 in Dedicated Outbound usage will receive a discount equal to 6 percent off all dedicated outbound usage in addition to all other discounts the customer is eligible to receive. If the customer fails to meet the $120,000 Annual Volume Commitment in any year of its term commitment, it will be billed and required to pay the difference between its actual dedicated outbound usage and $120,000. The customer is subject to all other terms and conditions of the plan.
DSO Hubless Access Promotion
Beginning December 1, 1995 and ending May 31, 1996, the Company will offer the following promotion to existing customers who have ordered DSO Hubless Access in areas of the U. S. Mainland where the Company does not offer DSO Hubless Access, and as of November 1, 1995 are receiving DDS Local Access as an alternative. An eligible customer will receive the benefits of this promotion until such time the Company offers DSO Hubless Access in its specific NPA/NXX. Eligible customers will receive a 20 percent discount off the current DDS monthly recurring charge in the customer's NPA/NXX.
Calling Card Promotion 5
Beginning March 19, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option B (Card Compatibility), Metered Use Service Option D (Credit Card), Metered Use Service Option T (Feature Card Services) and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option NN (homeMCI One). Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged $0.30 per minute for domestic direct-dial Options B, D, T and NN card calls. In addition, the Company will waive the per‑call surcharges for domestic direct-dial Options B, D, T and NN card calls. All calls which receive the benefits of this promotion will be rounded to the next highest full minute.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive the benefits of this promotion on usage for the length of enrollment as a Company customer.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Sign-Up Promotion
The following promotion will be available to new domestic customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who order service between April 1, 1996 and June 30, 1996 and who agree to service installation by August 2, 1996 and who subscribe to service through a domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a term commitment and a monthly volume commitment as noted below. For the purposes of this promotion only, a new customer is one to whom MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay has not been furnished within the previous 365 days, other than through a promotional trial offer.
Qualifying customers will receive one of the following benefits:
1. Customers who subscribe to service through a domestic HPP with a term commitment of two (2) years and monthly minimum volume commitment less than $2000 will be credited an amount of $1,500. The credit will be applied to the customer's second monthly invoice.
2. Customers who subscribe to service through a domestic HPP with a term commitment of two (2) years and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $2000 will be credited an amount equal to two (2) times the customer's minimum monthly volume commitment. One‑half of the applicable credit will be applied to the customer's second monthly invoice; and the remaining half of the applicable credit will be applied to the customer's fourth monthly invoice.
3. Customers who subscribe to service through a domestic HPP with a term commitment of three (3) years and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $2000 will be credited an amount equal to three (3) times the customer's minimum monthly volume commitment. One‑half of the applicable credit will be applied to the customer's second monthly invoice; and the remaining half of the applicable credits will be applied to the customer's fourth monthly invoice.
4. Customers who subscribe to service through a domestic HPP with a term commitment of four (4) years and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $2000 will be credited an amount equal to four (4) times the customer's minimum monthly volume commitment. One‑half of the applicable credits will be applied to the customer's second monthly invoice; and the remaining half of the applicable credits will be applied to the customer's fourth monthly invoice.
5. Customers who subscribe to service through a domestic HPP with a term commitment of five (5) years and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $2000 will be credited an amount equal to five (5) times the customer's minimum monthly volume commitment. One‑half of the applicable credits will be applied to the customer's second monthly invoice; and the remaining half of the applicable credits will be applied to the customer's fourth monthly invoice.
If the customer terminates MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service prior to the end of its term, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion. This shall not preclude the customer from disconnecting and/or changing individual port and PVC service elements without penalty as long as the HPP minimum volume commitment levels are maintained.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must have ordered service with Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C-3.35.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Existing Network Growth Promotion
The following promotion will be available to existing domestic customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who order additional service elements between April 1, 1997, and December 31, 1997, and who agree to service installation by January 31, 1998, and who currently subscribe to service through a domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) and have met or exceeded their monthly volume commitment for at least the six (6) previous consecutive months.
Qualifying customers will receive the following benefit:
1. Port and PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit) installation charges will be waived for those domestic service elements ordered and installed during the promotional period.
Customers will not receive a credit or waiver for change orders associated with existing ports or PVCs. The benefits of this promotion apply only to new service elements installed.
If the customer terminates MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service prior to the end of its committed term, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion. This shall not preclude the customer from disconnecting and/or changing individual port and PVC service elements without penalty as long as the HPP minimum volume commitment levels are maintained. To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must have ordered service with Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C-3.35.
MCI Vision INAP Promotion I
Beginning October 24, 1995 and ending March 31, 1997, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision). To be eligible for this promotion, the Customer must subscribe to a service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group, as described in Section A of this tariff, and each Customer's sponsoring entity must have entered into a Qualified Industry Affinity Group (INAP) agreement between September 1, 1995 and September 30, 1995 with a monthly revenue commitment (excluding tariffed discounts, taxes, access fees, directory assistance, tax related surcharge, promotional credits and surcharges) between $1,500,000 and $10,999,999.
New customers subscribing to MCI Vision Power Rate will be eligible to receive the discounts associated with this promotion. Existing MCI Vision customers that do not subscribe to an MCI Vision VIP Plus or Customized Business Program (CBP) must enroll in an MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus in order to receive the benefits of this promotion. Existing MCI Vision VIP Plus or CBP term plan customers with less than 6 months remaining in the term of their existing agreements must enroll in a new MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus. Existing MCI Vision VIP Plus or CBP customers with more than 6 months remaining in the term commitment of their existing agreements must enroll in a new MCI Vision Power Rate agreement with a minimum annual volume requirement equal to or greater than their current MCI Vision VIP Plus or CBP agreements. Minimum annual volume requirement is equal to the annual volume commitment multiplied by the number of years in the term commitment. SCA customers as described in Section C‑16 are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion. Early termination charges as described in Section C-3.1841 may apply.
Eligible customers will receive an additional monthly discount of 13 percent.
This discount applies only to usage applicable to service received pursuant to the INAP. If the customer terminates service under the INAP, no future credits will be due under this promotion. The discount provided under this promotion for month-to-month MCI Vision Power Rate customers is in addition to the Qualified Industry Affinity Group discount; however, for MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus customers, the discount provided in this promotion is in lieu of any Qualified Industry Affinity Group discount.
MCI Vision INAP Promotion II
Beginning October 24, 1995 and ending June 30, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision). To be eligible for this promotion, the Customer must subscribe to a service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group, as described in Section A of this tariff, which must have entered into a Qualified Industry Affinity Group (INAP) agreement between September 1, 1995 and September 30, 1995 with a monthly revenue commitment (excluding tariffed discounts, taxes, access fees, surcharges, directory assistance, tax related surcharge, and promotional credits) between $1,500,000 and $10,999,999.
New customers subscribing to MCI Vision Power Rate who enroll in an MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus on or after December 15, 1995, will be eligible to receive the discounts associated with this promotion. Existing MCI Vision customers that do not subscribe to an MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus must enroll in an MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus in order to receive the benefits of this promotion. Existing MCI Vision VIP Plus or CBP term plan customers with less than 6 months remaining in the term of their existing agreements must enroll in a new MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus. Existing MCI Vision VIP Plus or CBP customers with more than 6 months remaining in the term of their existing agreements must enroll in a new MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus agreement with a minimum volume requirement equal to or greater than their current MCI Vision VIP Plus or CBP commitment. Minimum volume requirement is equal to the annual volume commitment multiplied by the number of years in the term. SCA customers as described in Section C‑16 are not eligible for this promotion. Early termination charges as described in Section C-3.1841 will apply.
Eligible customers will receive an additional monthly discount of 10 percent. The total monthly promotional discount
will not exceed 150 percent of the monthly equivalent of the customer's annual commitment.
This discount applies only to usage pursuant to the INAP. If the customer terminates service under the INAP, no future credits will be due under this promotion. The discounts provided under this promotion are in addition to all other Qualified Affinity Group discounts and any other special promotional offerings except for the INAP networkMCI Conferencing Promotion, MCI Vision INAP Promotion I, the PIC Change Promotion and installation promotions and waivers.
INAP networkMCI Conferencing Promotion
Beginning July 1, 1997 and ending July 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) and Metered Use Service Option R (MCI Preferred) who subscribe to Metered Use Service Option P (networkMCI Conferencing). To be eligible for this promotion, the Customer must subscribe to a service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group, as described in Section A of this tariff, which must have entered into a Qualified Industry Affinity Group (INAP) agreement between September 1, 1995 and September 30, 1995, with a monthly revenue commitment (excluding tariffed discounts, taxes, access fees, surcharges, directory assistance, tax related surcharge and promotional credits) between $1,500,000 and $10,999,999.
Eligible customers will be charged the following networkMCI Conferencing per minute rates on domestic usage during all time periods:
Conferencing Service Tarifa
Dial‑Out Service $0.2300
Personal 800 Meet‑Me Service 0.2300
800 Meet‑Me Service 0.2300
Toll Meet‑Me Service 0.1300
(formerly known as Local Meet-Me Service)
Unattended Meet‑Me Service 0.2300
Crisis Management Option I 0.2300
Crisis Management Option II 0.2300
The rates apply only to usage pursuant to the INAP. If the customer terminates service under the INAP, no future credits shall be due under this promotion. The rates provided under this promotion are in lieu of all other Qualified Affinity Group discounts. Participants in this promotion are not eligible to participate in any other networkMCI Conferencing promotions. The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with SCA's as described in Section C‑16.
International Government Pricing Plan Promotion II
Beginning November 9, 1995, and ending March 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet) who qualify for and enroll in GPP Option 1 under SCA Types 11, 12, 13, or 14 as described in Section C‑16 and as specified below.
A customer who enrolls in the International Government Pricing Plan Promotion (IGPP) must commit to an annual monthly volume at one of the following levels: $10,000, $20,000, $30,000, $50,000, $75,000, $100,000, $300,000 or $500,000. Such customers will be charged the applicable international rates specified below and given the applicable discounts specified below for international usage of Vnet. These rates and discounts are in lieu of any other international rates and discounts offered by MCI. The customer's international term commitment must be the same as its domestic term commitment under SCA Types 11, 12, 13 or 14. The discount term plan commences on the first day of the month following enrollment in this promotion.
Discounts: Discounts will be applied to Vnet usage calculated with the international rates as they have been filed under this promotion and awarded based on undiscounted international volume commitment.
International Term and Volume Plan (ITVP): For those customers eligible for the GPP Option 1 under SCA Types 11, 12, or 13, the following discounts will apply to international Vnet usage, based on annual volume commitment:
Annual Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1‑Year 2‑Year 3‑Year 5‑Year
$ 10,000 15% 16% 17% 18%
20,000 16 17 18 19
30,000 17 18 19 20
50,000 18 19 20 21
75,000 19 20 21 22
100,000 22 23 24 25
300,000 23 24 25 26
500,000 24 25 26 27
For those customers who qualify or are enrolled in GPP Option 1 under SCA Type 14, the following discounts will apply, based on annual volume commitment:
Annual Affinity Term Commitment
Commitment 1‑Year 2‑Year 3‑Year 5‑Year
$ 200,000 ‑ $ 500,000.99 23% 24% 25% 26%
$ 500,001 ‑ $ 700,000.99 24 25 26 27
$ 700,001 ‑ $1,000,000.99 25 26 27 28
$1,000,001 + 26 27 28 29
International Vnet Usage Rates
1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6
País Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Albania $2.3885 $0.2195 $1.9375 $0.2125 $2.3750 $0.2150 $1.9240 $0.2080
Algeria 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
American Samoa 2.8785 0.1495 2.1635 0.1145 2.6358 0.1334 1.9780 0.1012
Angola 1.6910 0.3270 1.5960 0.2920 1.6775 0.3225 1.5825 0.2875
Anguilla 0.8502 0.1099 0.6250 0.0844 0.8359 0.1051 0.6107 0.0797
Antigua (Barbuda) 0.7258 0.0946 0.5405 0.0725 0.7123 0.0901 0.5270 0.0680
Argentina 1.3845 0.0989 1.1372 0.0759 1.3710 0.0944 1.1237 0.0714
Aruba 0.8005 0.1035 0.5885 0.0795 0.7240 0.0911 0.5290 0.0690
Ascension Island 2.0407 0.1570 1.5661 0.1279 2.0261 0.1621 1.5515 0.1230
Australia (including
Tasmania) 1.6818 0.1004 0.6134 0.0878 1.5348 0.0882 0.7298 0.0766
Austria 1.0088 0.0955 0.5675 0.0725 0.9157 0.0837 0.5378 0.0626
Azerbaijan 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Bahamas 0.5939 0.0734 0.4385 0.0555 0.5340 0.0643 0.3910 0.0469
Bahrain 2.2107 0.1108 1.6557 0.0844 2.0779 0.1005 1.5530 0.0756
Bangladesh 3.0423 0.2090 2.1042 0.1268 3.0287 0.2045 2.0906 0.1223
Barbados 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Belgium 0.9839 0.0944 0.5726 0.0742 0.9704 0.0899 0.5591 0.0697
Belize 1.8947 0.1206 0.6263 0.0921 1.8812 0.1161 0.6128 0.0876
Benin 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Bermuda 0.5872 0.0768 0.4317 0.0589 0.5278 0.0665 0.3847 0.0500
Bhutan 2.2575 0.3525 1.7075 0.3025 2.2440 0.3480 1.6940 0.2980
Bolivia 1.8638 0.1172 1.3959 0.0898 1.8503 0.1127 1.3824 0.0853
Botswana 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Brazil 1.3956 0.0868 0.5675 0.0725 1.3821 0.0823 0.5540 0.0680
British Virgin Islands 0.8005 0.1035 0.5885 0.0795 0.7870 0.0990 0.5750 0.0750
Brunei 2.9375 0.1525 2.2095 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 2.1960 0.1120
Bulgaria 1.4295 0.1353 1.0816 0.1039 1.4155 0.1306 1.0677 0.0992
Burkina Faso 1.5005 0.2535 1.1095 0.2065 1.4870 0.2490 1.0960 0.2020
Burundi 1.6260 0.3220 1.5310 0.2870 1.6125 0.3175 1.5175 0.2825
Cameroon 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Canada (See Below)
Cape Verde Islands 1.1835 0.2245 0.9055 0.1685 1.1700 0.2200 0.8920 0.1640
Cayman Islands 0.7258 0.0946 0.5405 0.0725 0.6553 0.0829 0.4848 0.0626
Central African
Republic 1.5610 0.3170 1.4660 0.2820 1.5475 0.3125 1.4525 0.2775
Chile 1.3939 0.0963 1.1525 0.0725 1.3804 0.0918 1.1390 0.0653
China 4.5293 0.1666 3.3883 0.1271 4.5158 0.1621 3.3748 0.1226
Christmas Island 2.6880 0.3360 2.4000 0.3000 2.6745 0.3315 2.3865 0.2955
Cocos Island 2.6880 0.3360 2.4000 0.3000 2.6745 0.3315 2.3865 0.2955
Colombia 1.6265 0.1155 0.6155 0.0885 1.6130 0.1110 0.6020 0.0840
Comorros 1.6910 0.3270 1.5960 0.2920 1.6775 0.3225 1.5825 0.2875
Congo 1.5105 0.2735 1.4005 0.2335 1.4970 0.2690 1.3870 0.2290
Cook Island 2.6075 0.3325 2.1475 0.3125 2.5940 0.3280 2.1340 0.3080
Costa Rica 1.3046 0.0921 0.5624 0.0708 1.2911 0.0876 0.5489 0.0663
Cyprus 1.3685 0.1295 1.0255 0.0985 1.3550 0.1250 1.0120 0.0940
Czech Republic 1.3685 0.1295 0.9835 0.0945 1.2466 0.1150 0.8924 0.0828
Denmark 0.8014 0.0972 0.5726 0.0742 0.7375 0.0868 0.5456 0.0652
Diego Garcia 2.0550 0.2250 1.5670 0.1690 2.0415 0.2205 1.5535 0.1645
Djibouti 1.4115 0.2505 0.9845 0.2015 1.3980 0.2460 0.9710 0.1970
Dominica 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Dominican Republic 0.7718 0.1182 0.6563 0.0904 0.7573 0.1134 0.6418 0.0856
Ecuador 1.6968 0.1205 1.3933 0.0923 1.6828 0.1158 1.3792 0.0876
Egypt 1.6091 0.1325 1.2190 0.1003 1.5945 0.1277 1.2044 0.0955
El Salvador 1.5215 0.1105 1.2535 0.0845 1.5080 0.1060 1.2400 0.0800
Equatorial Guinea 1.5610 0.3170 1.4660 0.2820 1.5475 0.3125 1.4525 0.2775
Estonia 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Ethiopia 2.2455 0.1832 1.7545 0.1430 2.2313 0.1785 1.7403 0.1383
Falkland Islands 1.5770 0.2690 1.0850 0.2150 1.5635 0.2645 1.0715 0.2105
Fiji Islands 3.1129 0.1614 2.2535 0.1187 3.0994 0.1569 2.2400 0.1142
Finland 0.9026 0.1082 0.5981 0.0827 0.8180 0.0954 0.5657 0.0719
France 0.7802 0.0877 0.5675 0.0725 0.7054 0.0765 0.5354 0.0618
Antillas Francesas
(including Martinique,
St. Barthelemy and
St. Martin) 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
French Guiana 1.8365 0.1155 1.3755 0.0885 1.8230 0.1110 1.3620 0.0840
French Polynesia 2.8785 0.1495 2.1635 0.1145 2.8650 0.1450 2.1500 0.1100
Gambia 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.6966 0.1358 1.2815 0.1016
Georgia 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Germany 0.8101 0.0908 0.5726 0.0742 0.7966 0.0863 0.5579 0.0693
Ghana 1.6175 0.1625 0.7445 0.1315 1.6040 0.1580 0.7310 0.1270
Gibraltar 1.3295 0.1265 0.9995 0.0965 1.3160 0.1220 0.9860 0.0920
Greece 1.1714 0.1120 0.6065 0.0855 1.1576 0.1074 0.5930 0.0810
Greenland 1.3685 0.1295 1.0255 0.0985 1.3550 0.1250 1.0120 0.0940
Grenada (including
Carriacou) 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Guadeloupe 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Guantanamo Bay 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Guatemala 1.5215 0.1105 1.2535 0.0845 1.5080 0.1060 1.2400 0.0800
Guinea 1.1835 0.2245 0.9055 0.1685 1.1700 0.2200 0.8920 0.1640
Guinea‑Bissau 1.6910 0.3270 1.5960 0.2920 1.6775 0.3225 1.5825 0.2875
Guyana 2.1075 0.1325 1.5745 0.1015 2.0940 0.1280 1.5610 0.0970
Haiti 0.9330 0.1286 0.7161 0.1014 0.9193 0.1237 0.7024 0.0964
Honduras 1.5696 0.1064 0.5939 0.0813 1.5554 0.1013 0.5786 0.0762
Hong Kong 2.1963 0.1147 0.6263 0.0921 2.0082 0.1014 0.5918 0.0806
Hungary 1.3685 0.1295 1.0255 0.0985 1.2466 0.1150 0.9310 0.0865
Iceland 1.3685 0.1295 1.0255 0.0985 1.2466 0.1150 0.9310 0.0865
India 2.3697 0.1779 0.8150 0.1705 2.1677 0.1595 0.9581 0.1527
Indonesia 2.9375 0.1525 0.6995 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 0.6860 0.1120
Iran 2.7141 0.1426 2.1183 0.1128 2.7010 0.1379 2.1054 0.1080
Iraq 2.1505 0.1935 1.4835 0.1645 2.1370 0.1890 1.4700 0.1600
Ireland 0.7409 0.0911 0.5726 0.0742 0.7274 0.0866 0.5591 0.0697
Israel 2.1874 0.1118 0.6104 0.0868 2.1743 0.1071 0.5963 0.0821
Italy 0.9458 0.0891 0.5675 0.0725 0.9323 0.0846 0.5540 0.0680
Ivory Coast 2.0226 0.1751 1.5312 0.1323 2.0086 0.1701 1.5172 0.1273
Jamaica 0.8645 0.1118 0.6077 0.0859 0.8500 0.1069 0.5930 0.0810
Japan 1.6906 0.1010 0.6185 0.0895 1.5429 0.0888 0.7346 0.0782
Jordan 2.2107 0.1108 1.6557 0.0844 2.1972 0.1063 1.6422 0.0799
Kenya 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Kiribati 2.6155 0.1985 1.8805 0.1635 2.6020 0.1940 1.8670 0.1590
Korea, Republic of 2.4207 0.1269 0.6416 0.0972 2.2146 0.1126 0.7559 0.0853
Kuwait 2.0407 0.1023 0.5828 0.0776 2.0272 0.0978 0.5693 0.0731
Laos 2.9480 0.3360 2.7700 0.3000 2.9345 0.3315 2.7565 0.2955
Latvia 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Lebanon 1.7250 0.2150 1.4850 0.1850 1.7115 0.2105 1.4715 0.1805
Lesotho 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Liberia 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6352 0.1311 1.2390 0.0976
Liechtenstein 0.9739 0.0935 0.5726 0.0742 0.8836 0.0819 0.5423 0.0641
Luxembourg 1.1295 0.1074 0.5930 0.0810 0.1027 0.0947 0.5612 0.0704
Macao 3.2262 0.1666 2.4208 0.1280 3.2121 0.1619 2.4067 0.1233
Malawi 1.8405 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.5980 0.1279 1.2070 0.0957
Malaysia 2.4989 0.1303 0.6491 0.0997 2.4443 0.1237 0.6308 0.0936
Maldives 2.5695 0.2815 2.1575 0.2125 2.5610 0.2770 2.1440 0.2080
Mali 1.1185 0.2395 0.9485 0.1995 1.1050 0.2350 0.9350 0.1950
Marshall Islands 2.9375 0.1525 2.2095 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 2.1960 0.1120
Mauritania 1.8275 0.2425 1.9050 0.2025 1.8140 0.2380 1.8915 0.1980
Mauritius 1.5905 0.2735 1.0985 0.2195 1.5770 0.2690 1.0850 0.2150
Mexico (see below)
Micronesia 2.9375 0.1525 2.2095 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 2.1960 0.1120
Monaco 0.7802 0.0877 0.5675 0.0725 0.7054 0.0765 0.5354 0.0618
Mongolia 2.6880 0.3360 2.4000 0.3000 2.6745 0.3315 2.3865 0.2955
Montserrat 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Morocco 1.8812 0.1633 1.4288 0.1228 1.8676 0.1585 1.4152 0.1179
Mozambique 1.5905 0.2735 1.2305 0.2435 1.5770 0.2690 1.2170 0.2390
Myanmar 4.3880 0.3360 4.1000 0.3000 4.3745 0.3315 4.0865 0.2955
Namibia 1.4869 0.1301 1.1352 0.0979 1.4738 0.1254 1.1223 0.0931
Nauru 2.4275 0.2225 1.7795 0.2065 2.4140 0.2180 1.7660 0.2020
Nepal 3.0355 0.2085 2.0995 0.1265 3.0220 0.2040 2.0860 0.1220
Netherlands 0.7616 0.0859 0.5675 0.0725 0.7289 0.0793 0.5489 0.0663
Netherlands Antilles 0.6824 0.0887 0.5022 0.0683 0.6689 0.0842 0.4887 0.0638
Nevis 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
New Caledonia 2.9375 0.1525 2.2095 0.1165 2.9240 0.1480 2.1960 0.1120
New Zealand 2.4486 0.1278 0.6440 0.0980 2.3331 0.1181 0.6188 0.0896
Nicaragua 1.8452 0.1176 1.4413 0.0931 1.8314 0.1130 1.4276 0.0885
Niger 1.1835 0.2245 0.9055 0.1685 1.1700 0.2200 0.8920 0.1640
Nigeria 1.3705 0.1135 1.0465 0.0855 1.3570 0.1090 1.0330 0.0810
Niue Island 2.6400 0.3300 2.3520 0.2940 2.6265 0.3255 2.3385 0.2895
Norfolk Island 2.6400 0.3300 2.3520 0.2940 2.6265 0.3255 2.3385 0.2895
Norway 0.8014 0.0972 0.5726 0.0742 0.7249 0.0853 0.5375 0.0625
Oman 2.5985 0.1295 1.9455 0.0985 2.5850 0.1250 1.9320 0.0940
Pakistan 2.7125 0.1869 0.7487 0.1329 2.6983 0.1822 0.8846 0.1282
Palau 1.8010 0.2370 1.7870 0.1990 1.7875 0.2325 1.7735 0.1945
Panama 1.2842 0.0938 0.5651 0.0717 1.2707 0.0893 0.5516 0.0672
Papua New Guinea 2.8785 0.1495 2.1635 0.1145 2.8650 0.1450 2.1500 0.1100
Paraguay 1.8365 0.1155 1.3755 0.0885 1.8230 0.1110 1.3620 0.0840
Peru 1.6734 0.1188 0.6233 0.0911 1.6595 0.1142 0.6092 0.0864
Philippines 1.9430 0.1235 0.6440 0.0980 1.9295 0.1190 0.6305 0.0935
Poland 1.3685 0.1295 1.0417 0.0999 1.3335 0.1230 1.0119 0.0939
Portugal (including
Azores and Madeira
Islands) 1.1652 0.1108 0.6032 0.0844 1.1517 0.1063 0.5897 0.0799
Qatar 2.5985 0.1295 1.9455 0.0985 2.3782 0.1150 1.7774 0.0865
Republic of Yemen 2.5985 0.1295 1.9455 0.0985 2.5850 0.1250 1.9320 0.0940
Reunion Island 1.4115 0.2505 0.9845 0.2015 1.3980 0.2460 0.9710 0.1970
Romania 1.7739 0.1665 1.3374 0.1282 1.7604 0.1620 1.3239 0.1237
Russia 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Rwanda 1.5905 0.2735 1.0985 0.2195 1.5770 0.2690 1.0850 0.2150
Sao Tome 1.5610 0.3170 1.4660 0.2820 1.5475 0.3125 1.4525 0.2775
Saudi Arabia 1.9899 0.0999 1.5333 0.0776 1.9764 0.0954 1.5198 0.0702
Senegal 1.9186 0.1572 1.4527 0.1189 1.9040 0.1524 1.4381 0.1140
Seychelles Islands 2.9745 0.2815 2.1295 0.2265 2.9610 0.2770 2.1160 0.2220
Sierra Leone 1.6985 0.2095 1.2435 0.1645 1.6850 0.2050 1.2300 0.1600
Singapore 1.9515 0.1147 0.6263 0.0921 1.7830 0.1014 0.5918 0.0806
Slovakia 1.3685 0.1295 0.9835 0.0945 1.2466 0.1150 0.8924 0.0828
Solomon Islands 2.3445 0.2415 2.4120 0.2065 2.3310 0.2370 2.3985 0.2020
South Africa 1.3705 0.1135 1.0465 0.0855 1.2695 0.1020 0.9664 0.0758
Spain (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands,
Ceuta and Melilla) 0.9940 0.0953 0.5726 0.0742 0.9805 0.0908 0.5591 0.0697
Sri Lanka 3.0355 0.2085 2.0995 0.1265 3.0220 0.2040 2.0860 0.1220
St. Helena 1.5770 0.2690 1.0850 0.2150 1.5635 0.2645 1.0715 0.2105
St. Kitts 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
St. Lucia 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
St. Pierre/Miquelon 0.8005 0.1035 0.5885 0.0795 0.7870 0.0990 0.5750 0.0750
St. Vincent/
Grenadines 0.8515 0.1105 0.6335 0.0845 0.8380 0.1060 0.6200 0.0800
Suriname 2.1075 0.1325 1.5745 0.1015 2.0940 0.1280 1.5610 0.0970
Swaziland 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Sweden 0.7104 0.0859 0.5624 0.0708 0.6411 0.0749 0.5285 0.0595
Switzerland 0.9739 0.0935 0.5726 0.0742 0.8836 0.0819 0.5423 0.0641
Syria 1.4916 0.2287 1.2819 0.1967 1.4776 0.2241 1.2680 0.1921
Taiwan 2.1851 0.1278 0.6440 0.0980 1.9979 0.1134 0.6080 0.0860
Tanzania 1.7422 0.1432 1.3234 0.1078 1.7281 0.1385 1.3094 0.1031
Thailand 2.4989 0.1303 0.6491 0.0997 2.4854 0.1258 0.6356 0.0952
Togo 1.7852 0.1463 1.3779 0.1127 1.7717 0.1418 1.3644 0.1082
Tonga 2.6085 0.1995 1.8735 0.1645 2.5950 0.1950 1.8600 0.1600
Trinidad/Tobago 0.8617 0.1189 0.6408 0.0909 0.8482 0.1141 0.6274 0.0861
Tunisia 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Turkey 1.3555 0.1360 1.0157 0.1034 1.3132 0.1284 0.9808 0.0927
Tuvalu 2.6880 0.3360 2.4000 0.3000 2.6745 0.3315 2.3865 0.2955
Uganda 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Ukraine 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
United Arab Emirates 2.0407 0.1023 1.5333 0.0776 1.8650 0.0900 1.3982 0.0673
United Kingdom 0.6381 0.0797 0.5522 0.0674 0.5746 0.0692 0.5168 0.0556
Uruguay 1.8075 0.1125 0.6095 0.0865 1.7940 0.1080 0.5960 0.0820
Uzbekistan 0.9421 0.2246 0.7210 0.1928 0.9286 0.2201 0.7075 0.1883
Vanuatu 2.6400 0.3300 2.3520 0.2940 2.6265 0.3255 2.3385 0.2895
Venezuela 1.1576 0.0827 0.5420 0.0640 1.0526 0.0719 0.5141 0.0547
Vietnam 1.3910 0.2170 1.3310 0.1970 1.3775 0.2125 1.3175 0.1925
Wallis and Futuna 2.5350 0.2850 2.2470 0.2490 2.5215 0.2805 2.2335 0.2445
Western Samoa 2.5735 0.2045 1.7545 0.1815 2.5600 0.2000 1.7410 0.1770
Yugoslavia 1.3956 0.1320 1.0559 0.1013 1.3821 0.1275 1.0424 0.0968
Zaire 1.7505 0.1435 1.3255 0.1085 1.7370 0.1390 1.3120 0.1040
Zambia 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
Zimbabwe 1.6725 0.1375 1.2705 0.1035 1.6590 0.1330 1.2570 0.0990
1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6
Canadá Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Mileage Band
0 ‑ 18 $0.1165 $0.0146 $0.0758 $0.0092 $0.1085 $0.0120 $0.0712 $0.0076
19 ‑ 80 0.1389 0.0258 0.0928 0.0158 0.1264 0.0217 0.0888 0.0144
81 ‑ 140 0.1482 0.0328 0.0946 0.0180 0.1338 0.0280 0.0907 0.0184
141 ‑ 220 0.1630 0.0335 0.1036 0.0180 0.1560 0.0312 0.1045 0.0210
221 ‑ 345 0.1649 0.0420 0.1051 0.0180 0.1614 0.0375 0.1126 0.0212
346 ‑ 630 0.1817 0.0464 0.1168 0.0180 0.1696 0.0423 0.1160 0.0212
631 ‑ 1200 0.1935 0.0537 0.1203 0.0180 0.1763 0.0479 0.1187 0.0212
1201 ‑ 1610 0.2052 0.0583 0.1230 0.0180 0.1873 0.0524 0.1273 0.0212
1611 + 0.2052 0.0583 0.1230 0.0180 0.2176 0.0559 0.1326 0.0212
U.S. Portion
1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6 1st 18 Add'l 6
Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
Mileage Band
0 ‑ 10 $0.1269 $0.0083 $0.0990 $0.0064 $0.1249 $0.0077 $0.0980 $0.0060
11 ‑ 22 0.1355 0.0111 0.1054 0.0085 0.1326 0.0102 0.1040 0.0080
23 ‑ 55 0.2196 0.0137 0.1717 0.0105 0.2167 0.0128 0.1700 0.0100
56 ‑ 124 0.2534 0.0165 0.1978 0.0126 0.2499 0.0153 0.1960 0.0120
125 ‑ 292 0.3384 0.0193 0.2637 0.0146 0.3340 0.0179 0.2620 0.0140
293 ‑ 430 0.3719 0.0220 0.2896 0.0166 0.3672 0.0204 0.2880 0.0160
431 ‑ 925 0.3798 0.0247 0.2959 0.0186 0.3748 0.0230 0.2940 0.0180
926 + 0.3879 0.0273 0.3019 0.0206 0.3825 0.0255 0.3000 0.0200
Mexico Portion
Rate Step 1st Min Add'l Min 1st Min Add'l Min
1 $0.1700 $0.1700 $0.1000 $0.1000
2 0.2200 0.2200 0.1500 0.1500
3 0.3900 0.3900 0.2600 0.2600
4 0.4700 0.4700 0.3100 0.3100
5 0.6700 0.6700 0.4400 0.4400
6 0.8600 0.8600 0.6700 0.6700
7 1.1500 1.1500 0.7800 0.7800
8 1.2300 1.2300 0.8300 0.8300
Option Q.S Non‑Term Promotion
Beginning November 15, 1995 and ending July 14, 1996, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new MCI WORLDCOM customers or prospective MCI WORLDCOM customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) as a response to competitive circumstances affecting a specific customer or prospect and is available to that customer or prospect and to all similarly situated customers or prospects. To be eligible for this promotion the customer must: 1) demonstrate to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that it will accept a competitor's offer of service in the absence of any further inducement from MCI WORLDCOM to subscribe to MCI WORLDCOMs Metered Use Service Option Q; and, 2) be located in one of the following NPAs: 201, 212, 312, 708, 718, or 908.
Eligible customers must enroll in a month‑to‑month MCI Vision Power Rate program. The customer will be charged the MCI Vision Power Rate base rates for all switched and dedicated usage and will receive a 35 percent discount on charges for switched metered domestic and international usage. Monthly revenue eligible to receive the discounts cannot exceed gross monthly revenue of $7,000, except as specified in the next paragraph. Customer will not receive any discounts on dedicated usage.
If the customer can furnish evidence that its billing the month immediately prior to enrollment in this promotion was equal to or greater than net usage of $5,000, the customer will instead receive a discount of 39 percent on all charges for switched metered domestic and international usage. Monthly revenue eligible to receive the discounts cannot exceed gross usage of $12,000. Customer will not receive any discounts on dedicated access usage.
Standard MCI Vision calling card surcharges will apply for MCI Vision Power Rate domestic and international calling card calls. Time of Day, Dedicated Termination, Volume Discounts (except as specified above), and Optimizer Discounts, as specified in Sections C‑3.1831 to C-3.1835, will not apply.
Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other MCI WORLDCOM promotions, except that they may receive the benefits of installation and fee waivers for T‑1 Digital Access installation and the MCI PIC Change Promotion. The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with customers subscribing to service through a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA), as described in Section C-16. Members of Qualified Affinity Member Groups are not eligible to participate in this promotion. The terms and conditions of this promotion supersede inconsistent terms and conditions elsewhere in this Tariff.
Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to utilize the following features in conjunction with service under the promotion: Proof Positive Savings Guarantee; Access/Call Types ‑ International 800 Remote Access, Access Integration with MCI 900 Service, MCI Prism I, or Vnet Service; ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI); ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI); MCI Outbound Switched Digital Service, MCI Vision Switched Data 56 and 64 kbps, MCI 800 Digital Multi-Rate Bearer Service; MCI Vision 800 Digital; Switched 64 kbps Service - Switched Digital Access (SDA); Virtual Network Connection (VNC) Termination to VNC; Outbound Network Features-Remote Exchange; Instant Ringdown; MCI 800 Service Custom Message Announcements; Point of Call Routing; Private Dialing Plans; Direct Termination Overflow; Calling Station Identification; ServiceView; MCI Vision Directed Billing; MCI OneFAX; MCI Vision Card Conference Calling; these 800 Features: MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing Feature packages 1, 2, and 3, MCI Vision 800 Answernet, 800 Multimanager, MCI 800 Super Routing plans, Cross-Corporate ID Routing, to MCI Vision 800, or to MCI 800, MCI Vision 800 TrafficView, and MCI Vision Configuration Manager.
Business Downturn Promotion:
Beginning August 30, 1996 and ending January 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) who are enrolled in either a Value Insurance Plan (VIP), a Value Insurance Plan Plus (VIP Plus), or a Customized Business Program (CBP).
In the event that: 1) a business downturn beyond the Customer's control reduces the size or scope of its operations and the volume of MCI Vision services required, with the result that the Customer will be unable to meet its Annual Volume Commitment under its Agreement (notwithstanding its best efforts to avoid such a short fall) and 2) The Customer does not otherwise qualify for early termination of its term plan without liability under Sections C‑3.18365, C‑3.183751 or C‑3.1841, then MCI WORLDCOM will offer the Customer a special four‑year VIP Plus or Power Rate term plan with discounts equal to those associated with three‑year VIP Plus or Power Rate term plans, at the customer's applicable Annual Volume Commitment. If the Customer's Total Revenue Commitment (Annual Volume Commitment times the number of years in the Term Commitment) under the four‑year term plan does not equal or exceed the Total Revenue Commitment under the Customer's existing term plan, then the Customer will be further required to repay a percentage of the promotional incentives it has received according to the following formula to be due in the third full month following enrollment in the special four-year plan:
Existing Total Revenue Commitment
less Portion of existing Agreement Fulfilled
less New Total Revenue Commitment
divided by Existing Total Revenue Commitment
The Customer will not qualify for any additional term plan promotional incentives as a result of it entering into this new term plan, and further, must agree that MCI WORLDCOM shall be its exclusive provider of long distance services during the term of the new term plan. If the customer uses any other interexchange telecommunications provider to carry any of its long distance traffic, the customer will be required to pay to MCI WORLDCOM the monthly equivalent of the annual commitment for each month that the customer is in violation of this requirement.
This promotion will not apply to a change resulting from the Customer's decision to: 1) reduce its overall use of telecommunications services; 2) alter its telecommunications network architecture; or, 3) transfer portions of its telecommunications traffic or projected growth to carriers other than MCI. This promotion also will not apply during the first annual period of a VIP, VIP Plus, or CBP agreement entered into by the customer, and may only be used once during the service term. The Customer must give MCI WORLDCOM immediate written notice of the business conditions it believes demonstrates eligibility for this promotion. All terms and conditions of the existing VIP, VIP Plus, or CBP term plan will remain in full force and effect, including, but not limited to, all underutilization and early termination charges applicable to the Customer's existing term plan, until such time as the Customer complies fully with the terms of this promotion.
The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with Special Customer Arrangements (SCAs) as described in Section C‑16. Members of Qualified Affinity Member Groups are not eligible to participate in this promotion. The benefits of this promotion are in lieu of all other term based offerings.
MCI AC & COC Waiver Promotion
Beginning April 1, 1996 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers who order MCI WORLDCOM-provided dedicated access for NPAs 203 and 860. Existing customers are eligible only if they subscribe to an Access Pricing Plan or renew their existing term with at least a 1-year term commitment within 90 days prior to the existing plan's expiration. MCI WORLDCOM will waive all recurring and non-recurring charges associated with the customer's Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges for as long as they remain MCI WORLDCOM customers.
MCI Wall Street Promotion
Beginning December 15, 1995 and ending October 14, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision). To be eligible for this promotion, the customer must be located in the 212 or 312 area codes and the customer's use of MCI WORLDCOM service must equal or exceed $30,000 during each annual period.
Option 1
Eligible customers that enroll and do not make a term or volume commitment (Option 1) will receive the following rates, regardless of the distance of the calls, in lieu of standard tariffed rates listed in Section C-3.18211:
Switched Access/
Dedicated Access MCI Vision Card Access
$0.1030 $0.1685
Option 1 customers will receive the following rates, regardless of the calls' range, in lieu of the standard tariffed rates listed in Section C-3.18221:
Business Line/
Dedicated Access Switched WATS Access
Line Termination Line Termination
$0.1260 $0.1630
In addition, Option 1 customers will receive a 15 percent discount off all other MCI Vision usage.
Option 2
Customers that are willing to commit to a one-year term and an annual volume of $30,000, $60,000, $120,000, $360,000, $600,000, or $1,200,000 (Option 2) will receive the following rates, regardless of the distance of the calls, in lieu of standard tariffed rates listed in Section C-3.18211:
Switched Access/
Volume Commitment Dedicated Access MCI Vision Card Access
$ 30,000 $0.0930 $0.1515
$ 60,000 0.0910 0.1485
$ 120,000 0.0890 0.1455
$ 360,000 0.0870 0.1420
$ 600,000 0.0850 0.1390
$1,200,000 0.0770 0.1250
Option 2 customers will receive the following rates, regardless of the calls' range, in lieu of the standard tariffed rates listed in Section C-3.18221:
Business Line/
Dedicated Access Switched WATS Access
Volume Commitment Line Termination Line Termination
$ 30,000 $0.1180 $0.1570
$ 60,000 0.1160 0.1520
$ 120,000 0.1140 0.1470
$ 360,000 0.1140 0.1470
$ 600,000 0.1140 0.1470
$1,200,000 0.1140 0.1470
Option 2 customers will receive the following country specific rates in all time periods. For other countries not listed, the customer will receive a 20 percent discount off the standard tariffed rates listed in Section C-3.0736.
País Dedicado Switched País Dedicado Switched
Brazil $0.9000 $0.9400 Japan $0.7200 $0.7600
Canada 0.2000 0.2400 Mexico Bands 1-4 0.3525 0.3925
France 0.5000 0.5400 Mexico Bands 5-8 0.7200 0.7600
Germany 0.5400 0.5800 Singapore 0.6800 0.7200
Hong Kong 0.7800 0.8200 Switzerland 0.5800 0.6200
United Kingdom 0.4000 0.4400
Option 2 customers will receive the following discounts off all other MCI Vision usage:
Volume Commitment Descuento
$ 30,000 13.5%
$ 60,000 15.5
$ 120,000 19.5
$ 360,000 23.5
$ 600,000 25.0
$1,200,000 26.0
Option 2 customers will also receive the Access Pricing Plan Discount associated with the 12 Months Term Commitment as described in Section C-2.02105 and the Network Pricing Plan discounts associated with the 1-Year Term $25,000 Revenue Commitment as described in Section C-2.0213141.
Option 3
Customers that are willing to commit to a two-year term and an annual volume of $30,000 $60,000, $120,000, $360,000, $600,000, or $1,200,000 (Option 3) will receive the following rates, regardless of the distance of the calls, in lieu of the standard tariffed rates listed in Section C-3.18211:
Switched Access/
Volume Commitment Dedicated Access MCI Vision Card Access
$ 30,000 $0.0795 $0.1295
$ 60,000 0.0730 0.1265
$ 120,000 0.0690 0.1220
$ 360,000 0.0670 0.1180
$ 600,000 0.0660 0.1160
$1,200,000 0.0640 0.1130
Option 3 customers will receive the following rates, regardless of the calls' range, in lieu of the standard tariffed rates listed in Section C-3.18221:
Business Line/
Dedicated Access Switched WATS Access
Volume Commitment Line Termination Line Termination
$ 30,000 $0.0970 $0.1450
$ 60,000 0.0950 0.1400
$ 120,000 0.0930 0.1350
$ 360,000 0.0920 0.1340
$ 600,000 0.0910 0.1330
$1,200,000 0.0900 0.1310
Option 3 customers will receive the following country specific rates in all time periods. For other countries not listed, the customer will receive a 29 percent discount off the standard tariffed rates listed in Section C-3.0736.
País Dedicado Switched País Dedicado Switched
Brazil $0.7040 $0.7370 Japan $0.4635 $0.5150
Canada 0.1700 0.2100 Mexico Band 1-4 0.3250 0.3650
France 0.3360 0.3885 Mexico Band 5-8 0.6600 0.7000
Germany 0.4120 0.4635 Singapore 0.4326 0.4635
Hong Kong 0.6695 0.7210 Switzerland 0.4325 0.4840
United Kingdom 0.2415 0.3080
Option 3 customers will receive the following discounts off all other MCI Vision usage:
Volume Commitment Descuento
$ 30,000 15.0%
$ 60,000 17.0
$ 120,000 21.5
$ 360,000 26.5
$ 600,000 28.0
$1,200,000 29.0
Option 3 customers will also receive the Access Pricing Plan Discount associated with the 24 Months Term Commitment as described in Section C-2.02105 and the Network Pricing Plan discounts associated with the 2-Year Term, $25,000 Revenue Commitment as described in Section C-2.0213141.
MCI WORLDCOM, at its discretion, will waive or credit the Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges as described in Section C-2 Dedicated Leased Line Service.
Option 3 customers whose gross usage equals or exceeds 125 percent of their annual volume commitment and who provide written notification to MCI WORLDCOM within 30 days from that date, may terminate their service prior to the end of the committed term without termination liability. If the customer does not provide such notification, it will be subject to underutilization and/or early termination charges.
Customers enrolling in this promotion are not eligible for any additional discounts including, but not limited to, those in Sections C-3.1831, C-3.1832, C-3.1833, C-3.1834, and C-3.1835. Customers are also not eligible to enroll in the MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan, MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan Plus, or MCI Vision Customized Business Programs.
If at the end of any year of the term, the customer has not met the annual volume commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between the customer's annual volume commitment and the customer's actual usage. If the customer cancels service prior to the end of the term, the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between the total volume commitment and the customer's actual usage.
Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to utilize the following features in conjunction with service under the promotion: Proof Positive Savings Guarantee; Access/Call Types ‑ Remote Access, International 800 Remote Access, Access Integration with MCI 900 Service, MCI Prism I, or Vnet Service; ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI); ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI); MCI Outbound Switched Digital Service, MCI Vision Switched Data 56 and 64 kbps, MCI 800 Digital Multi-Rate Bearer Service; MCI Vision 800 Digital; Switched 64 kbps Service - Switched Digital Access (SDA); Virtual Network Connection (VNC) Termination to VNC; Outbound Network Features-Remote Exchange; Instant Ringdown; MCI 800 Service Custom Message Announcements; Point of Call Routing; Private Dialing Plans; Direct Termination Overflow; Calling Station Identification; ServiceView; MCI Vision Directed Billing; MCI OneFAX; MCI Vision Card Conference Calling; MCI Perspective; these 800 Features: MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing Feature Packages 1, 2, and 3, MCI Vision 800 Answernet, 800 Multimanager, MCI 800 Super Routing plans, Cross-Corporate ID Routing to MCI Vision 800, or to MCI 800, MCI Vision 800 TrafficView, and MCI Vision Configuration Manager. In addition, customers enrolling in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotion with the exception that Option 3 customers are eligible for the National Service Guarantee Promotion. Option 2 and Option 3 customers are eligible to receive the MCI T-1 Digital Access Install Waiver Promotion.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Installation Promotion
The following promotion will be available to new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who order service between February 19, 1996 and March 31, 1996 and who agree to service installation by May 1, 1996 and who subscribe to service through an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a term commitment of two or more years and a monthly volume commitment of $500 or greater. For the purposes of this promotion only, a new customer is one to whom MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay has not been furnished within the previous 365 days, other than through a promotional trial offer.
Qualifying customers will receive the following benefits:
1. The following MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay charges will be credited up to an amount not to exceed three times the customer's minimum monthly volume commitment: MCI WORLDCOM installation charges for local access, port, and permanent virtual circuit (PVC) installation charges.
2. The underutilization charges described in Section C‑3.3544 will not apply for a ramp period equal to the period of the first three full billing months of service.
The term of the customer's HPP shall begin upon the termination of the promotional ramp period. If the customer terminates service prior to the end of its term, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must have ordered service with Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C‑3.35.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Second Quarter New Customer Sign-Up Promotion - Option 2
Beginning April 1, 1997, and ending June 30, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of domestic Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who enroll in an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a term commitment of at least two years and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $2,000, and who order the necessary local access, network port, and permanent virtual circuit (PVC) service elements prior to June 30, 1997, and who agree to service installation no later than December 31, 1997.
Eligible customers will receive a credit for the following non-recurring MCI WORLDCOM billed installation charges: local access facility installation charges; network port installation charges; and all PVC installation charges. The customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion if the customer fails to meet the HPP term commitment. This shall not preclude the customer from disconnecting and/or changing individual port and PVC service elements installed during the promotion offering without penalty as long as the HPP term and minimum volume commitment levels are maintained.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must have ordered service with Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C‑3.35. Customers who received the benefits of the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Trial Promotion are eligible for the benefits of this promotion upon termination or after the conclusion of the trial service period. Local access facility installation charges associated with a promotional service trial network may be credited as part of this promotional offering. Customers may be eligible for a credit for any local access facility installation charges associated with a promotion service trial network offering even if those service elements were not ordered and installed within the time frames noted above. In order to receive this benefit, the customer must have met all the terms and conditions of the promotional service trial network offerings. The customer must also meet the terms and conditions set forth in this promotional offering. In order to be eligible or a credit for local access facility installation charges associated with the trial service, the customer must enroll in a MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan (HPP) immediately upon conclusion of the promotional service trial offering. Customer will not receive a retroactive credit for local access facility installation charges used for the trial service if (i) those facilities have been disconnected upon conclusion of the trial service; (ii) an HPP was not immediately signed; or (iii) the customer received service under month to month service terms and rates.
The customer will be billed for local access facility installation charges and network port installation charges credited if the service element is disconnected for any reason within the first twelve months of installation. The waived non-recurring installation charges for this service will be billed if disconnected. This shall not preclude the customer from changing individual port speeds (e.g., increasing or decreasing port speed) without penalty in the first twelve months of installation so long as the service element itself remains installed and is not entirely disconnected.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Competitive Conversion Promotion
The following promotion will be available to new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who order service between February 19, 1996 and September 30, 1996 and who agree to service installation by October 31, 1996, who subscribe to service through an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a term commitment of one or more years and a monthly minimum volume commitment of $500 or greater. For the purposes of this promotion only, a new customer is defined as one to whom MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay has not been furnished within the previous 365 days.
To participate in this promotion, a customer must meet the following conditions: (1) a new customer must convert to MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay from another carrier's private line and/or public packet or frame relay service; and (2) must subscribe to an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay network billed only at Usage CIR PVC rates, as defined in Section C‑3.353122. Customers converting from another service carriers trial or promotional frame relay service offering are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion.
Each qualifying customer's monthly recurring port and PVC charges reflected on its third full monthly invoice will be waived. The waived amount may not exceed two times the customer's monthly minimum volume commitment.
If the customer terminates the service prior to the end of its committed term, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion. This shall not preclude the customer from disconnecting and/or changing individual port and PVC service elements without penalty as long as the HPP minimum volume commitment levels are maintained.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must have ordered service with Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C‑3.35.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Affinity Promotion
Beginning May 23, 1996 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay). To be eligible for participation in this promotion, the customer must subscribe to MCI WORLDCOM service through a Standard Affinity Member Group as described in Section A of this tariff, whose sponsoring entity receives service pursuant to a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 1, and has committed to an Annual Volume Commitment of $216,000,000. Each participating member will receive the following discounts applicable to its monthly recurring Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) and port charges for its domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP):
Volume Term of Service
Commitment 1-Year 2-Year 3-Year 4-Year 5-Year
$ 2,000 9% 10% 11% 12% 15%
5,000 12 15 17 19 22
10,000 16 19 22 24 27
25,000 18 22 26 29 31
50,000 20 24 27 30 32
100,000 22 26 29 32 35
Customers not enrolled in an HPP will receive a five percent discount on its monthly recurring PVC and port charges.
Existing customers will be required to upgrade their existing monthly volume commitment of the HPP to the next higher monthly commitment level and commit to a new term length equal to or greater than their existing term length.
These discounts are in lieu of those discounts described in Section C-3.3545. The discounts do not apply against charges for network management, access, access coordination, non-tariffed services and products, taxes or tax-related surcharges. Customers receiving the benefits of the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Trial Promotion or the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Customer Appreciation Promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
Qualified Services Affinity Promotion
Beginning September 26, 1997 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision). To be eligible for this promotion, each customer must: (1) subscribe to service through a Qualified Services Affinity Member Program (AMP) as described in Section A of the tariff; (2) have a sponsoring entity who receives service pursuant to a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 1; (3) have committed to an initial term of service of 48 months and a minimum volume requirement of $124,000,000 over the initial term of service; and (4) have entered into a Qualified AMP and SCA prior to July, 1996.
Customers must enroll in an MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan Plus (VIP Plus) Power Rate Program with a one, two or three year Term Commitment and an Annual Volume Commitment of $24,000; $120,000; or $360,000. In addition to the discounts associated with the program subscribed to, eligible customers will receive an additional 9 percent discount. The discounts apply only to usage attributable to service received pursuant to the AMP. No future discounts due under this promotion will be provided once a customer discontinues its membership in the AMP. Customers enrolled in an SCA as described in Section C-16 of this tariff are not eligible to receive the discounts as outlined above. The terms and conditions of the customer's term plan will apply, including early termination, as described in Section C-3.1841.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Existing Network Growth Promotion 2
The following promotion will be available to existing customers of domestic Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who order additional service elements between January 9, 1998 and January 31, 1998, and who agree to service installation by February 28, 1998, and who currently subscribe to service through a domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) and have met or exceeded their monthly volume commitment for at least the six (6) previous consecutive months.
Qualifying customers will receive the following benefit:
1. Port and PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit) installation charges will be waived for those domestic service elements ordered and installed during the promotional offering period.
Customers will not receive a credit or waiver for change orders associated with existing ports or PVCs. The benefits of this promotion apply only to new service elements installed.
If the customer terminates MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service prior to the end of its committed term, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion. This shall not preclude the customer from disconnecting and/or changing individual port and PVC service elements without penalty as long as the HPP minimum volume commitment levels are maintained. To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must have ordered service with Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C-3.35.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Customer Appreciation Promotion
The following promotion will be available to existing domestic customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who currently subscribe to service through an existing domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $2000 or who enroll in a new HPP term commitment with a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $2000 and agree between April 1, 1997, and September 30, 1997, to extend the existing HPP term commitment or to enroll in a new HPP term commitment.
Qualifying customers will receive the following benefit for increasing the HPP term commitment or enrolling in a new HPP term commitment:
1. Customers who extend an existing domestic HPP term commitment or who enroll in a new HPP term commitment for an additional twenty‑four months (2 years) will be credited an amount equal to one (1) times the customer's minimum monthly volume commitment. Applicable credits will be applied to the customer's third monthly invoice occurring after the HPP service enrollment is extended.
2. Customers who extend an existing domestic HPP term commitment for thirty‑six or more additional months (3 or more additional years) and customers who enroll in a new HPP term commitment for thirty-six months will be credited an amount equal to two (2) time the customer's minimum monthly volume commitment. Applicable credits will be applied to the customer's third full monthly invoice occurring after the HPP service enrollment is extended.
3. For the purposes of this promotion only, customers extending an existing HPP may become eligible to receive increased HPP term discounts. The increased HPP discount level is calculated by adding (a) the number of months remaining as part of the pre‑existing HPP term commitment and (b) the number of months in which the HPP term was extended. Any new term discount level will commence on the first full calendar month billing following MCI WORLDCOMs acceptance of the customer's enrollment in the extended HPP; any new term discount level will not be retroactively applied to previous monthly invoicing. For example purposes only, a customer who agrees to an extension in the seventh month of a one year HPP, and who extends the term commitment for two more years, will then have made a term commitment of twenty‑nine months (5 months remaining + 24 month service extension = 29 month term commitment). The customer may then choose to receive HPP discounts associated with the two year volume discount level.
If the customer terminates MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service prior to the end of its term, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion. This shall not preclude the customer from disconnecting and/or changing individual port and PVC service elements without penalty as long as the HPP minimum volume commitment levels are maintained. The terms and conditions of the new HPP will apply to those customers choosing to change their existing commitment or who enroll on a new commitment.
Switched Plus Promotion
Beginning August 1, 1996 and ending September 30, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) who enroll in: (i) a MCI Vision Power Rate Value Insurance Plan (VIP) Plus term plan; and, (ii) a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 23 as a response to competitive circumstances affecting a specific customer or prospect, and as such, is available to all similarly situated prospects. To be eligible for this promotion the customer must demonstrate to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that it will accept a competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from MCI WORLDCOM to subscribe to MCI Vision.
All eligible customers must enroll in an MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus with a Term Commitment of one, two or three years, with an Annual Volume Commitment of $6,000; $12,000; $24,000; $36,000; $48,000; $60,000; $84,000; or $120,000.
The customer will be charged standard tariffed domestic and international MCI Vision VIP Plus Power Rate rates and will receive the associated discounts corresponding to: (i) its Annual Commitment as specified in Section C-3.1845 for this term plan; and, (ii) SCA Type 23. The following additional discounts will also apply for all domestic and international switched traffic based on term and revenue commitment. Monthly revenue eligible to receive additional discounts will not exceed gross usage of $15,000. Additional discounts do not apply to dedicated access types.
Term Commitment Promotional Discount
1 year 12%
2 year 8
3 year 4
Customer's international metered usage may not exceed 32.5 percent of total monthly usage. Customer's interstate usage must equal at least 50 percent of its total usage. Any billing month in which the customer's interstate usage falls below 50 percent, the customer will be subject to a charge of 10 percent of gross usage on all domestic non-interstate usage.
If in any year of the term of service, the customer does not meet its annual minimum volume commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between its annual volume commitment and its actual usage for that year.
If a customer terminates service prior to the completion of its term commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay: (i) an early termination charge equal to the difference between the annual volume commitment; and, (ii) the total metered usage charges during the year of termination plus the annual volume commitment for each year of the term remaining.
Customer's eligible usage is limited to usage generated from ten business locations. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other MCI WORLDCOM promotions, except that they may receive the benefits of installation and fee waivers for T-1 Digital Access installation and the MCI PIC Change Promotion. The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with customers subscribing to service through a SCA, as described in Section C-16, except for SCA Type 23. Qualified Affinity Member Groups are not eligible to participate in this promotion.
Option RR Latin America Promotion
Beginning June 15, 1999 and ending March 31, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions upon promotion enrollment.
o The customer must subscribe to the Option RR WorldWide Promotion at the time of promotion enrollment; and,
o The customer must subscribe to the Option RR Term Plan for the provision of Option RR Outbound Service (excluding Card) which originates in at least one location with the following NPA's; 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 232, 281, 305, 310, 321, 347 407, 408, 415, 424, 510, 512, 516, 559, 561, 562, 619, 626, 646, 650, 661, 707, 713, 714, 716, 718, 727, 760, 786, 805, 813, 817, 818, 830, 832, 858, 909, 914, 916, 917, 925, 941, 949, 954 and 972.
In lieu of standard tariffed rates, beginning upon promotion enrollment, during each month of the Option RR Term Plan term of service to which the customer subscribes in connection with the Option RR WorldWide Promotion, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following per‑minute rates for Option RR Outbound Service usage to the following international locations, based upon origination type:
Local Dedicated Switched
Network Origination Origination
Brazil $0.4486 $0.4549 $0.4791
Chile 0.3332 0.3390 0.3636
Colombia 0.6372 0.6500 0.6677
Dominican Republic 0.3418 0.3482 0.3722
El Salvador 0.6645 0.6789 0.6950
Peru 0.6962 0.7027 0.7266
MCI Vision MVP Promotion
Beginning July 15, 1996 and ending December 31, 1996, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) who are currently enrolled in an MCI Vision term plan that is due to expire in 1996 and to current month-to-month MCI Vision customers. The customer must enroll in a new MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan Plus (VIP Plus) Power Rate Program as described in Section C-3.18451 and in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 37.
Eligible customers will receive an additional discount of 10 percent off of their total usage. Customer's monthly discount may not exceed 175 percent of the monthly equivalent of its annual commitment.
To be eligible for this promotion, the customer must respond to an MCI WORLDCOM offer for this promotion in conjunction with enrollment in MCI Vision VIP Plus Power Rate term plan. In addition, the customer's current total usage must consist of at least 40 percent interstate usage and no more than 60 percent international usage. All of the customer's usage must originate from or terminate to a customer owned or leased facility.
If the customer's new annual volume commitment is greater than or equal to its existing commitment and its annualized usage is at least equal to its annualized commitment, MCI WORLDCOM will terminate the existing agreement without termination liability and the customer's new agreement may begin immediately. If the new volume commitment agreement is less than the current agreement, the customer's new agreement may not begin until its current agreement expires.
Customers who subscribe to service through a Qualified Affinity Program are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion. Customers enrolled in this promotion may not receive the benefits of any other promotional offering, except for the National "Service Guarantee" Promotion and the Free networkMCI Cellular Long Distance Promotion.
networkMCI One/MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Promotion 2
Beginning May 1, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who enroll in a new networkMCI One Term Plan and are also new or existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay).
Customers enrolling in this promotion will have the following MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay charges included in their networkMCI One Term Plan's Qualifying Volume (as specified in Section C-3.41): Local Channel Access and Access Coordination charges for T‑1 Digital Access, Digital Private Line Service (DPLS), and Digital Data Service (DDS); monthly recurring charges for domestic Option GG ports; and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC).
These charges will not be included in the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan Eligible Volume (as specified in Section C-3.41). The customer's MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) discounts will not be affected by enrolling in this promotion. The MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay usage will begin to count towards the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan with the first MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay invoice generated after the new networkMCI One Term Plan begins.
If a customer terminates MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service under the networkMCI One Term Plan, the customer will continue to be responsible for satisfying the term and volume commitments of the networkMCI One Term Plan. The terms and conditions of the networkMCI One Term Plan and the definitions of Eligible Volume and Qualifying Volume are set forth in Section C‑3.4142.
networkMCI DIRECT for Dedicated Service Promotion 3
Beginning September 25, 1998 and ending June 30, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation and who are enrolled in the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion 2 and who are located in the 619, 760, 312, 630, 708, 773, or 847 area codes. Customers enrolled in networkMCI DIRECT for Dedicated Service Promotion I are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion. Enrolled customers will be charged the following per-minute usage rates for interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service which originates via dedicated access and for interstate networkMCI One Inbound Service which terminates via dedicated access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service Committment
Month-to-Month 1‑Year 2‑Year
Per-Minute Rate $0.13 $0.12 $0.11
In addition to the rates set forth above, each enrolled customer will receive a 10 percent discount on its outbound domestic usage, excluding calls to Directory Assistance, to the two NPA-NXX's in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. The discount is limited to the first $5,000 of each customer's domestic outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
In addition, customers who subscribe to servive with a 1- or 2-year term commitment will receive the following discounts on interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service which originates via dedicated access and for interstate networkMCI One Inbound Service which terminates via dedicated access, based on the customer's term of service commitment and monthly volume of interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service which originates via dedicated access and for interstate networkMCI One Inbound Service which terminates via dedicated access usage as follows:
Monthly Volume of Usage Descuento
$ 500.00 - $ 999.99 5%
$ 1,000.00 - $ 1,999.99 7
$ 2,000.00 - 10
Customers will be charged the rates, and receive the discounts and credits, set forth under the networkMCI Direct Promotion for international networkMCI One usage.
In addition, customers who enroll in a 1‑ or 2‑year term of service commitment will receive a 25 percent discount on their monthly charges for Local Access Channel, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection during their term commitment term of service.
Customers who enroll in a one-year or two-year term of service and terminate service prior to expiration of their term will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge which will be calculated by multiplying the number of full and/or partial months remaining in the customer's term plan by $25.00 per month. A customer's term of service will automatically renew as described in Section C-3.41422 except that customer will continue to be charged the rates and receive the 10 percent discount on outbound domestic usage, and the 20 percent discount on outbound international usage, as set forth in this promotion during the customer's renewal term of service. Except as specified in this promotion, standard tariffed charges (described in Section C‑3.41) will apply. Except as specified in this promotion, Dedicated Access and Termination (Section C‑3.41111), Switched Digital Service (Section C‑3.413), and Features (Section C‑3.415) are not available to customers receiving the benefits of this promotion. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the discounts described in Section C‑3.414. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to enroll in any other promotions except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
Qualified Affinity Program MVP Promotion
Beginning August 15, 1996 and ending December 31, 1996, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers, enrolled through a Qualified Affinity Program, of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) who are currently enrolled in an MCI Vision term plan that is due to expire in 1996 and to current month-to-month MCI Vision customers. The customer must enroll in a new MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan Plus (VIP Plus) Power Rate Program as described in Section C-3.18451 and in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 37.
Eligible customers will receive an additional discount of 8 percent on their total usage. Customer's monthly discount may not exceed 175 percent of the monthly equivalent of its annual commitment. These discounts are in lieu of any other discounts.
To be eligible for this promotion, the customer must respond to an MCI WORLDCOM offer for this promotion in conjunction with enrollment in an MCI Vision VIP Plus Power Rate term plan. In addition, the customer's current total usage must consist of at least 40 percent interstate usage and no more than 60 percent international usage. All of the customer's usage must originate from or terminate to a customer owned or leased facility.
If the customer's new annual volume commitment is greater than or equal to its existing commitment and its annualized usage is at least equal to its annualized commitment, MCI WORLDCOM will terminate the existing agreement without termination liability and the customer's new agreement may begin immediately. If the new volume commitment agreement is less than the current agreement, the customer's new agreement may not begin until its current agreement expires.
Customers enrolled in this promotion may not receive the benefits of any other promotional offering, except for the National "Service Guarantee" Promotion and the Free networkMCI Cellular Long Distance Promotion.
MCI Crossborder Private Line Promotion to Mexico II
Beginning July 29, 1996 and ending September 30, 1996, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing MCI WORLDCOM customers of Dedicated Leased Line Service between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico who install or upgrade Dedicated Leased Line Service between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico within 90 days of ordering circuits. Eligible customers are: (i) existing Dedicated Leased Line Service Digital Service customers who request conversion of existing circuits or who upgrade circuits to a higher transmission speed and currently have (a) Digital Private Line Service (DPLS) circuits at transmission speeds of 56 kbps or 64 kbps, or (b) DPLS Fractional T-1 circuits, or (c) TDS-1.5 Service to Mexico, or (d) Mexico TDS-2.0 Service circuits; or, (ii) existing Dedicated Leased Line Service Analog Service customers who upgrade to Digital Service to Mexico with a minimum digital circuit transmission speed of 56 kbps. In addition, to be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must respond to an MCI WORLDCOM offering.
MCI WORLDCOM will waive the following MCI WORLDCOM-billed installation charges for qualifying MCI WORLDCOM-provided circuits: Local Access, Access Coordination, Central Office Connection (COC), and Central Office Connection at the border. Customers who convert on a month‑to‑month term will not be required to pay installation charges for conversion of qualified circuits. Customers who commit to a new term plan with at least a one-year term commitment will receive service in the twelfth month of the term at no charge and will not be required to pay installation charges for the conversion of qualified circuits. For customers enrolling in a new a one-year term commitment, the one month service at no charge will include the above charges as well as MCI Inter-Office Channel (IOC) charges to the border.
If a customer cancels its term plan prior to the expiration of its term commitment it will be subject to the terms, conditions and liability of the NPP and Fixed Term Plan, where applicable, and early termination penalties apply as appropriate for the type of plan the circuit is enrolled in (i.e. NPP, Fixed Term Plan, etc.) The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with SCA's as described in Section C‑16.
If the customer does not report to MCI WORLDCOM any service interruptions on the new circuit within five days after installation of the new circuit (test period), the customer's existing circuit will be disconnected within five days after the end of the test period.
MCI Crossborder Private Line Promotion to Mexico IV
Beginning November 29, 1996 and ending March 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new MCI WORLDCOM customers who install digital Dedicated Leased Line Service between the US Mainland and Mexico within 90 days of ordering new circuits. Eligible customers are: new customers of Dedicated Leased Line Service Digital Service between the US Mainland and Mexico who install new (a) Digital Private Line Service (DPLS) circuits at transmission speeds of 56 kbps or 64 kbps, or (b) DPLS Fractional T‑1 circuits, or (c) Mexico TDS 1.5 service to Mexico, or (d) Mexico TDS 2.0 Service circuits. In addition, to be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must respond to an MCI WORLDCOM offering and commit to a one-year term commitment.
Customers who commit to at least a one‑year lease term receive one month (the 12th month of service) at no charge and pay no installation charges for the new digital circuit. MCI WORLDCOM will waive the following monthly recurring charges in connection with the free month of service: Local Access, Access Coordination, Central Office Connection (COC), Central Office Connection at the border, and MCI Inter‑Office Channel (IOC) charges to the border. MCI WORLDCOM will waive the following MCI WORLDCOM-billed installation charges for MCI WORLDCOM-provided circuits: Local Access, Access Coordination, Central Office Connection, and Central Office Connection at the Border.
If a customer cancels its term plan prior to the expiration of its term commitment it will be subject to the terms, conditions and liability of the NPP and Fixed Term Plan, where applicable, and early termination penalties apply as appropriate for the type of plan the circuit is enrolled in (i.e. NPP, Fixed Term Plan, etc.). The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with SCA's as described in Section C‑16.
MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services Upgrade Promotion
Beginning March 5, 1999 and ending May 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing MCI WORLDCOM customers who (i) are enrolled in an MCI WORLDCOM term plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year and (ii) subscribe to a new Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services) Term Plan.
Customers enrolled in this promotion may terminate service under the customer's existing term plan without termination liability under that plan if the customer's: (i) monthly or annual volume commitment (calculated on a monthly basis) under the customer's new Option RR Term Plan exceeds an amount equal to the customer's average monthly usage charges (after application of discounts and credits) during the 3‑month period preceding termination under the customer's existing term plan; and, (ii) term commitment under the customer's new Option RR Term Plan equals or exceeds the number of months remaining under the customer's existing term plan term of service at the time of termination.
Customers who are not in satisfaction of the terms and conditions of their existing term plan are not eligible to enroll in this promotion. In addition, customers who are receiving service under a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA), as described in Section C-16, are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Port Upgrade Promotion 3
Beginning February 1, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (HSFR). Customers enrolled in this promotion who increase HSFR ports from speeds of 56/64 kbps to speeds up to 1344/1536 kbps will receive the following benefits per port increased under this promotion. MCI WORLDCOM will waive (i) the Non‑Recurring Port Charge and (ii) the Monthly Recurring Port Charge for the first monthly period following the customer's port increase.
If an enrolled customer terminates HSFR service under the customer's HPP prior to the expiration of the HPP term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Port Upgrade Promotion 4
Beginning January 8, 1999 and ending March 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (MWFR). Customers enrolled in this promotion who increase MWFR ports from speeds of 56/64 kbps to higher speeds up to 1344/1536 kbps will receive the following benefits per port increased under this promotion. For each MWFR port installed at a higher speed under this promotion, MCI WORLDCOM will waive (i) the Non‑Recurring Port Charges and (ii) the Monthly Recurring Port Charges for the first monthly period following the customer's installation of each port.
If a customer enrolled in this promotion terminates MWFR service under the customer's MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, prior to the expiration of its term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion.
networkMCI DIRECT for Exchange Services Promotion 2
Beginning April 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who are also enrolled in the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion and who are new or existing customers of non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company.
Customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company will receive a credit in an amount equal to 50 percent of their use of non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $2,500, applied to the customer's interstate charges in the customer's thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 1-year term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company will receive a credit equal all of their use of non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company during the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $5,000, applied to the customer's interstate charges in the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 2‑year term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company will receive credits equal to all of their use of non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company during the twelfth and twenty-fourth months of service, not to exceed $5,000 in each such month, applied to the customer's invoices in the thirteenth and twenty-fifth months of service, respectively.
The combined credits received by customers under both this promotion and under the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion may not exceed $2,500 for customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company, $5000 for customers who commit to a 1-year term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company, and $5000 per month for customers who commit to a 2-year term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company,
Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering connected to non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company except that customers are eligible to receive the benefits of the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion, one-time installation charge waiver promotions and promotions relating to the quality of MCI WORLDCOM service that may be offered from time to time.
networkMCI Direct for Dedicated Service Promotion #4
Beginning April 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation and who are enrolled in the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion and who are located in the 619, 760, 312, 630, 708, 773 or 847 area codes. Enrolled customers will be charged the following per-minute usage rates for interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service which originates via dedicated access and for interstate networkMCI One Inbound Service which terminates via dedicated access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service
Month-to-Month 1‑Year 2‑Year
Per-Minute Rate $0.13 $0.12 $0.11
Customers will be charged the rates, and receive the discounts and credits set forth under the networkMCI Direct Promotion for international networkMCI One usage.
In addition, customers who enroll in a 1‑ or 2‑year term of service commitment will receive a 25 percent discount on their monthly charges for Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection during their term commitment term of service.
Customers who enroll in a 1-year or 2-year term of service and terminate service prior to expiration of their term will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge which will be calculated by multiplying the number of full and/or partial months remaining in the customer's term plan by $25.00 per month. Customer's term of service will automatically renew as described in Section C-3.41422 except that customer will continue to be charged the rates and receive the 10 percent discount on outbound domestic usage and the 20 percent discount on outbound international usage as set forth in this promotion during the customer's renewal term of service. Except as specified in this promotion, standard tariffed charges (described in Section C‑3.41) will apply. Except as specified in this promotion, Dedicated Access and Termination (Section C‑3.41111), Switched Digital Service (Section C‑3.413), and Features (Section C‑3.415) are not available to customers receiving the benefits of this promotion. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the discounts described in Section C‑3.414. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to enroll in any other promotions except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
Local Full Service T-1 Promotion
Beginning May 8, 1999 and ending June 30,2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions at the time of promotion enrollment:
Customers must order installation of at least one new channelized T-1 Digital Access circuit: used for (i) dedicated local loop access to the Internet and/or (ii) access for Metered Use Service Option F (MCI 800 Service), Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR; and, of which at least 12 channels must be used by the customer for non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company. (Promotional Circuit)
New customers of Option RR, and existing customers of Option RR who are not existing subscribers to an Option RR Term Plan, must subscribe to a new Option RR Term Plan.
Other Requirements: Each Promotional Circuit which receives the benefits of this promotion must be installed on or before September 30, 2000.
Benefits: In each monthly period of a customer's Option RR Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, MCI WORLDCOM will waive the monthly recurring Local Access Channel charge for each Promotional Circuit.
Other Conditions:
If in any monthly period of a customer's Option RR Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, the customer fails to use at least 12 channels of a Promotional Circuit for non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company, the customer will not receive the benefits of this promotion in that monthly period except, if the customer elects to pay the difference between (i) the actual local trunk charges paid by the customer in that monthly period for channels below the threshold and (ii) an amount equal to the standard tariffed trunk charges for the 12 channels to which the customer ordered at the time of promotion enrollment, the customer will receive the benefits of this promotion in that monthly period.
Customers are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion for any Promotional Circuit which a customer terminates, then reinstalls, service during the customer's Option RR Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion.
SCA Types 46, 51 and 52 Access Promotion
Beginning February 4, 1998 and ending December 15, 1998, MCI will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers who (i) subscribe to service under Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Types 46, 51, and 52 (ii) have not installed the two new T‑1 Digital Access circuits, and received the credits, as described in Section C‑16 under SCA Types 46, 51, and 52 and (iii) now install new T‑1 Digital Access circuits.
A customer who enrolls in this promotion will receive a 50 percent discount on the customer's monthly recurring Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and local loop charges for the customer's T‑1 Digital Access circuits which are installed under this promotion, beginning on the date of the customer's enrollment in this promotion and continuing through the remainder of the term of service of the customer's SCA Type 46, 51 or 52. Circuits that receive the benefits of this promotion must be installed by January 31, 1999.
MCI Local Services Investor Promotion
Beginning October 25, 1996 and ending April 22, 1997 MCI will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet), Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision), and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who enroll in this promotion and become new customers of non‑resold exchange service provided by an MCI‑affiliated company when this service becomes available in the customer's exchange service area. Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive credits as follows.
Enrolled customers who designate an annual volume commitment will receive the following credits in each month following the date of the customer's enrollment in this promotion until the date when non-resold exchange service provided by an MCI‑affiliated company becomes available in the customer's exchange service area, based on the customer's term of service and annual volume commitment.
Term of Service
Annual Volume Commitment One Year Two Year Three Year
$ 6,000 $ 50 $ 100 $ 150
12,000 100 150 200
24,000 200 300 400
36,000 300 450 600
48,000 400 600 800
60,000 500 750 1,000
84,000 700 1,050 1,400
96,000 800 1,200 1,600
120,000 1,000 1,500 2,000
180,000 1,500 2,250 3,000
240,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
300,000 2,500 3,750 5,000
360,000 2,500 3,750 5,000
420,000 2,500 3,750 5,000
480,000 2,500 3,750 5,000
Enrolled customers in the following exchange service areas who do not designate an annual volume commitment will receive the following credits per Local Access Channel and DID Number block based on the customer's exchange service area and term commitment. The customer's credit amount will be based on (i) the exchange service area in which the customer orders service and (ii) the number of Local Access Channels (Local Lines, Local Trunks ‑ Basic, and/or Local Trunks ‑ DID) and DID Number block charges ordered by the customer. The customer's credit amount will equal (i) the credit set forth below multiplied by (ii) each Local Access Channel (based on type) or DID Number block ordered by the customer multiplied by (iii) 10 percent for customers who commit to a one year term, 15 percent for customers who commit to a two year term, or 20 percent for customers who commit to a three-year term.
Local Access Channel
Local Trunk- Local Trunk‑ DID Number
Exchange Service Area Local Line Teléfonos básicos DID Block Charge
Denver, CO $40.00 $50.00 $45.00 $ 2.85
Los Angeles, CA 25.00 35.00 20.00 14.25
Memphis, TN 45.00 75.00 75.00 3.25
Miami, FL 45.00 55.00 70.00 3.80
Minneapolis, MN 45.00 45.00 40.00 3.30
Newark, NJ 30.00 40.00 55.00 19.00
Orlando, FL 45.00 55.00 70.00 3.80
Phoenix, AZ 40.00 65.00 70.00 2.85
Raleigh, NC 45.00 60.00 65.00 3.60
San Diego, CA 25.00 35.00 20.00 14.25
San Francisco, CA 25.00 35.00 20.00 14.25
Customers will receive one credit in each month from the date of the customer's enrollment in this promotion until the date when the non-resold exchange service becomes available in the customer's exchange service area; per-customer credits may not exceed twelve. The total credit amount will be applied to the customer's invoice within 60 days from the date the customer begins use of exchange service subscribed to in connection with this promotion. Credits may be applied to interstate and international usage charges. Credit balances will carry over to invoices in subsequent months until depleted. The term of service will begin on the date of installation of the customer's exchange service provided under this promotion.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, at the time of enrollment in this promotion, customers must pre‑subscribe to exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company and must commit to a term of service of one, two, or three years. In addition, customers may elect an exchange service usage annual volume commitment equal to one of the following amounts: $6,000, $12,000, $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, $96,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, $300,000, $360,000, $420,000, or, $480,000. DID number charges, exchange service usage charges, and Local Access charges (for recurring Local Line charges, recurring Local Trunk ‑ Basic charges, recurring Local Trunk ‑ DID) will be calculated in determining satisfaction of the customer's annual volume commitment during the term of service.
If at the end of any annual period of a customer's term of service, the customer has not satisfied its annual volume commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between its actual usage in that annual period and its annual volume commitment.
If the customer terminates use of exchange service subscribed to in connection with this promotion prior to the expiration of the customer's term of service, in addition to any underutilization charges the customer will be billed and required to (i) repay all credits received under this promotion and, (ii) pay an early termination charge as follows:
The early termination charge for customers who designate an annual volume commitment will equal a percentage of the annual volume commitment for each year remaining in the term of service, based on the length of the term of service and the number of completed months in the customer's term of service, as follows:
Months Completed in Length of Term of Service
Term of Service One Year Two Years Three Years
0 ‑ 6 100% 100% 100%
7 ‑ 9 50 100 100
10 ‑ 12 10 100 100
13 ‑ 15 n/a 50 100
16 ‑ 18 n/a 25 100
19 ‑ 21 n/a 25 50
22 ‑ 24 n/a 10 50
25 ‑ 27 n/a n/a 50
28 ‑ 33 n/a n/a 25
34 + n/a n/a 10
The early termination charge for customers who do not designate an annual volume commitment will equal the customer's highest billed charges in one month during the term of service multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term of service.
For purposes of this promotional offering, the following definitions apply: Local Line is a facilities based service which provides two way interactive voice and data service; Local Trunk - Basic is a facilities based service which provides a single analog voice grade one-way outbound or two-way inbound-outbound local access circuit; Local Trunk - DID is a facilities based service which provides a single analog voice grade one-way inbound local access circuit; DID number block charges are the fees associated with the purchase of blocks of phone numbers.
Customers enrolled in this promotional offering are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering related to exchange telephone service.
networkMCI DIRECT Promotion #2
Beginning April 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation and enroll in this promotion. Enrolled customers will be charged the following per-minute usage rates for domestic networkMCI One Inbound and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, which originates via switched access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service
Month-to-Month 1‑Year 2‑Year
Per-Minute Rate $0.187 $0.176 $0.165
In addition to the rates set forth above, each enrolled customer will receive a 10 percent discount on its outbound domestic usage, excluding calls to Directory Assistance, to the two NPAs in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. The discount is applied to the first $5,000 only of each customer's domestic outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged standard tariffed rates for networkMCI one usage to international locations, except usage to Mexico. For calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to Mexico, the customer will be charged the following per-minute rates:
Rate Step Per-Minute Rate
1 $0.2171
2 0.2171
3 0.4697
4 0.4806
5 0.5983
6 0.6557
7 0.8427
8 0.8938
In addition to these rates, each customer who is enrolled in a one- or two-year term plan and whose gross international outbound usage equals or exceeds $25.00 in a monthly period will receive a 20 percent discount on its outbound international usage to the two countries in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during that monthly billing period. This discount will be applied to the first $3,000 only of each customer's international outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers enrolled in this promotion may become new customers of Metered Use Service Option QQ (audioconferencing from networkMCI Conferencing). Customers who subscribe to Option QQ under this promotion will receive a credit, not to exceed $75.00, equal to the customer's charges for the customer's first Option QQ call. Customers who subscribe to Option QQ under this promotion will be charged: (i) a one-time $19.95 account set-up charge; and, (ii) a $3.00 per month monthly recurring charge until the customer terminates its subscription to Option QQ by providing MCI 30-day advance written notice of termination.
Customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service will receive a credit equal to 50 percent of their net usage in the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $2,500, applied to the customer's invoice for the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 1-year term of service will receive a credit equal to their total net usage during the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $5,000, applied to the customer's invoice in the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 2‑year term of service will receive credits equal to their total net usage during both the twelfth and twenty-fourth months of service, not to exceed $5,000 each, applied to the customer's invoices in the thirteenth and twenty-fifth months of service, respectively.
In addition, in each monthly billing period, the customer will be billed and required to pay a $5.00 monthly per service group fee for Switched WATS and Business Line Termination in lieu of the charges set-forth in Section C‑3.0812. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion may use only the following Features:
For Outbound Service For Inbound Service
Accounting Codes Call Detail
Call Detail Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing
Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing Point of Call Routing
Personal ID Codes Routing Features
Tailored Call Coverage
Vnet NCR Promotion
Beginning November 1, 1996 and ending November 15, 1996, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet) who subscribe to the Network Call Redirect (NCR) feature. MCI WORLDCOM will waive the monthly recurring service fee for Business Line Termination for customers who use T-1 Digital Access Access Integration for NCR termination as of November 1, 1996.
MCI WORLDCOM Contact one‑number service Access Promotion
Beginning February 28, 1998 and ending March 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet) and Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) who become new subscribers to Vnet Private Dialing Plan or MCI Vision Private Dialing Plan. In each monthly period that a customer's Metered Use Service Option LL (MCI WORLDCOM Contact one‑number service) toll free number enrolled in this promotion is used, the customer will receive a 19.85 percent discount on the Feature Charges for that MCI WORLDCOM Contact one‑number service toll free number.
networkMCI One International Promotion 1
Beginning December 15, 1997 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who enroll in a networkMCI One Term Plan with a one, two or three year term of service. Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible for the following discount in each monthly period of the networkMCI One Term Plan term of service.
The customer will receive a 10 percent discount in addition to the networkMCI One Term Plan discounts for which the customer qualifies on the customer's calls to the ten international locations with the customer's highest total usage in that monthly billing period. The usage charges and time periods set forth in Sections C‑3.073351 and C‑3.072, respectively, will apply.
In addition, in each monthly billing period in which an enrolled customer's international networkMCI One minutes of use exceed the following per-country Monthly Usage Volume Maximum, the customer will be charged a $0.35 per minute surcharge for each minute of use which exceeds the Usage Volume Maximum for usage to that country.
País Monthly Usage Volume Maximum
Angola 100,000 minutes
Argentina 100,000
Bangladesh 100,000
Belize 100,000
Benin 100,000
Bolivia 100,000
Cameroon 100,000
Colombia 100,000
Dominican Republic 100,000
Ecuador 100,000
Egypt 100,000
El Salvador 100,000
Ethiopia 100,000
French Antilles 100,000
French Guiana 100,000
French Polynesia 100,000
Gambia 100,000
Guadeloupe 100,000
Guyana 100,000
Haiti 100,000
Honduras 100,000
Hong Kong 100,000
India 100,000
Ivory Coast 100,000
Jamaica 100,000
Japan 100,000
Jordan 100,000
Kenya 100,000
Kuwait 100,000
Lebanon 100,000
Mauritius 100,000
Mozambique 100,000
Nicaragua 100,000
Pakistan 100,000
Panama 100,000
Paraguay 100,000
Peru 100,000
Philippines 100,000
Saudi Arabia 100,000
Sierra Leone 100,000
South Africa 100,000
Sri Lanka 100,000
Suriname 100,000
Syria 100,000
Taiwan 100,000
Tanzania 100,000
Thailand 100,000
Trinidad/Tobago 100,000
Vietnam 100,000
Yemen, Republic of 100,000
The discount will be calculated on, and applied to, outbound networkMCI One calls that originate in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminate in the international locations specified in Section C‑3.073351. The discount is calculated and applied at the location level. Directory Assistance, surcharges, and monthly usage in excess of $75,000 (calculated prior to the application of discounts) will not be eligible to receive the discount.
In any monthly billing period of the networkMCI One Term Plan term of service in which a customer's international networkMCI One usage fails to exceed 25 percent of the customer's total networkMCI One usage, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to 10 percent of the customer's international networkMCI One usage in that monthly period.
networkMCI DIRECT for Exchange Services Promotion
Beginning August 8, 1997 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who are also enrolled in the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion and who are new or existing customers of non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company.
Customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company will receive a credit in an amount equal to 50 percent of their use of non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $2,500, applied to the customer's interstate charges in the customer's thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 1-year term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company will receive a credit equal all of their use of non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company during the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $5,000, applied to the customer's interstate charges in the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 2‑year term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company will receive credits equal to all of their use of non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company during the twelfth and twenty-fourth months of service, not to exceed $5,000 in each such month, applied to the customer's invoices in the thirteenth and twenty-fifth months of service, respectively.
The combined credits received by customers under both this promotion and under the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion may not exceed $2,500 for customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company, $5000 for customers who commit to a 1-year term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company, and $5000 per month for customers who commit to a 2-year term of service for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company,
Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering connected to non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company except that customers are eligible to receive the benefits of the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion, one-time installation charge waiver promotions and promotions relating to the quality of MCI WORLDCOM service that may be offered from time to time.
MCI 800 Service Alternate Routing Charge Waiver II
Beginning February 21, 1998 and ending March 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option F (MCI 800 Service) who become new subscribers of the Alternate Routing feature. MCI WORLDCOM will waive non-recurring installation and activation charges and monthly recurring feature charges for Alternate Routing for customers enrolled in this promotion.
Switched Plus Promotion
Beginning October 10, 1997 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) who enroll in: (i) a MCI Vision Power Rate Value Insurance Plan (VIP) Plus; and, (ii) a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 23 as a response to competitive circumstances affecting a specific customer or prospect. To be eligible for this promotion the customer or prospect must demonstrate to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that it will accept a competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from MCI WORLDCOM to subscribe to MCI Vision.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must enroll in an MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus with a term commitment of one, two or three years and an annual volume commitment of $6,000, $12,000, $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, or $120,000.
The customer will be charged standard tariffed MCI Vision VIP Plus Power Rate rates for domestic and international usage and will receive the discounts associated with: (i) its Annual Commitment under the customer's MCI Vision Power Rate VIP Plus (as specified in Section C-3.1845); and, (ii) the SCA Type 23 under which the customer receives service. In addition, customers will receive the following discounts on domestic and international MCI Vision VIP Plus Power Rate usage based on term and volume commitment. Customers' usage which receives these discounts may not exceed $15,000 per month.
Term Commitment Promotional Discount
1 year 12%
2 year 8
3 year 4
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, in each monthly period the customer's international Option Q usage may not exceed 32.5 percent of the customer's total monthly Option Q usage. In addition, customer's interstate Option Q usage must equal or exceed 50 percent of the customer's total Option Q usage. In any monthly billing period in which a customer fails to satisfy this threshold, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to 10 percent of the charges for the customer's domestic non‑interstate usage in that monthly period.
If in any year of the term of service the customer fails to satisfy its annual volume commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between its annual volume commitment and its actual usage for that year.
If a customer terminates service prior to the completion of its term commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay: an early termination charge equal to the difference between (i) the customer's annual volume commitment and (ii) the customer's total Option Q usage charges during the year in which termination occurs; and an amount equal to the customer's annual volume commitment for each remaining year of the term following the year in which termination occurs.
Each customer may receive the benefits of this promotion on usage at 20 customer locations. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other MCI WORLDCOM promotions, except that they may receive the benefits of installation and fee waivers for T-1 Digital Access installation and the MCI PIC Change Promotion. The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with customers subscribing to service through a SCA, as described in Section C-16, except for SCA Type 23. Qualified Affinity Member Groups are not eligible to participate in this promotion.
Local T‑1 Digital Gateway Promotion
Beginning November 1, 1997 and ending January 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to customers who (i) are existing subscribers under an existing term plan or become new subscribers under a term plan, who subscribe to T‑1 Digital Access used for dedicated local loop access to the Internet, Metered Use Service Option F (MCI 800 Service), Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet), Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision), Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service), or Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and (ii) install at least one new channelized T‑1 circuit no later than February 28, 1998.
In each monthly period of the term of service under a customer's existing term plan, in lieu of standard tariffed per‑circuit monthly recurring charges for Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channels, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged $250 per month for each new channelized T‑1 circuit installed under this promotion. Customers will receive the benefits of this promotion for the lesser of (i) throughout the term of service of the customer's term plan or (ii) 36 months.
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, at least three channels of each of new channelized T‑1 circuit installed under this promotion must be used by the customer for non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company.
Beginning in the fourth monthly period following a customer's installation of the circuits receiving the benefit of this promotion, to continue to be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion the customer's monthly charges for each circuit receiving the benefit of this promotion must equal or exceed $1,800 (Monthly Per‑Circuit Minimum.) Monthly recurring charges for Access Coordination, Central Office Connection, and Local Access Channels will not be calculated in satisfaction of the Monthly Per‑Circuit Minimum.
Customers are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion on any circuit for which a customer terminates service and then reinstalls service during the offering period of this promotion.
Vnet Migration Promotion
Beginning January 1, 1998 and ending December 1, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet) who also subscribe to Vnet Worldwide. Customers eligible for and enrolled in this promotion may subscribe to a new term plan with a correspondent with whom prior arrangements have been made (New Plan) and may partially discontinue service under the customer's Vnet Worldwide, with reduced termination liability, as follows.
If following a customer's subscription to a New Plan, the customer fails to satisfy its volume commitment under the customer's Vnet Worldwide, MCI WORLDCOM will reduce the customer's Vnet Worldwide volume commitment by an amount equal to the customer's average annual Vnet (including CVNS) usage. For purposes of this promotion, a customer's average annual Vnet usage shall be an amount calculated as the customer's average Vnet (including CVNS) usage during the three monthly billing periods preceding a customer's subscription to a New Plan, multiplied by four.
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer must satisfy the following conditions:
(i) the customer's volume commitment under the customer's new term plan must equal or exceed the customer's Vnet Worldwide volume commitment;
(ii) the customer must warrant to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that its Vnet Worldwide underutilization results solely from the customer's migration of usage to the New Plan; and,
(iii) the customer must certify in writing to MCI WORLDCOM that it is not able to substitute other MCI WORLDCOM service for it's Vnet.
During the remainder of the term of service of a customer's Vnet Worldwide, the customer's Vnet Worldwide volume commitment as reduced under this promotion shall apply in lieu of the customer's existing volume commitment.
The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with Special Customer Arrangements (SCAs) as described in Section C‑16.
Option RR Promotion
Beginning April 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999 MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who (i) become new subscribers to a new Metered User Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Service) Option RR Term Plan and, (ii) enrolled in the networkMCI One Access Promotion.
During the term of service of an enrolled customer's Option RR Term Plan, MCI WORLDCOM will waive the customer's recurring and non‑recurring Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges for the customer's Dedicated Leased Line Service circuits installed before December 31, 1999.
Customers receiving service under SCA Types 39, 40 and 41 (as described in Section C-16) are eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
networkMCI DIRECT Promotion
Beginning January 1, 1997 and ending March 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation and enroll in this promotion. Enrolled customers will be charged the following per-minute usage rates for domestic networkMCI One Inbound and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, which originates via switched access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service
Month-to-Month 1‑Year 2‑Year
Per-Minute Rate $0.187 $0.176 $0.165
In addition to the rates set forth above, each enrolled customer will receive a 10 percent discount on its outbound domestic usage, excluding calls to Directory Assistance, to the two NPAs in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. The discount is calculated on the first $5,000 of each customer's domestic outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged standard tariffed rates for networkMCI one usage to international locations, except usage to Mexico. For calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to Mexico, the customer will be charged the following per-minute rates:
Rate Step Per-Minute Rate
1 $0.2171
2 0.2171
3 0.4697
4 0.4806
5 0.5983
6 0.6557
7 0.8427
8 0.8938
In addition to these rates, each customer who is enrolled in a one- or two-year term plan and whose gross international outbound usage equals or exceeds $25.00 in a monthly period will receive a 20 percent discount on its outbound international usage to the two countries in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. This discount will be calculated on the first $3,000 of each customer's international outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers enrolled in this promotion may become new customers of Metered Use Service Option QQ (audioconferencing from networkMCI Conferencing). Customers who subscribe to Option QQ under this promotion will receive a credit, not to exceed $75.00, equal to the customer's charges for the customer's first Option QQ call. Customers who subscribe to Option QQ under this promotion will be charged: (i) a one-time $19.95 account set-up charge; and, (ii) a $3.00 per month monthly recurring fee until the customer terminates its subscription to Option QQ by providing MCI 30-day written notice of termination.
Customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service will receive a credit equal to 50 percent of their net usage in the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $2,500, applied to the customer's invoice for the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 1-year term of service will receive a credit equal to their total net usage during the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $5,000, applied to the customer's invoice in the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 2‑year term of service will receive credits equal to their total net usage during both the twelfth and twenty-fourth months of service, not to exceed $5,000 each, applied to the customer's invoices in the thirteenth and twenty-fifth months of service, respectively.
In addition, in each monthly billing period, the customer will be billed and required to pay a $5.00 monthly per service group fee for Switched WATS and Business Line Termination in lieu of the charges (as described in Section C‑3.0812). Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion may use only the following Features:
For Outbound Service For Inbound Service
Accounting Codes Call Detail
Call Detail Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing
Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing Point of Call Routing
Personal ID Codes Routing Features
Tailored Call Coverage
Each customer's usage must equal or exceed $10 in each monthly billing period. If in any monthly period a customer's fails to equal or exceed $10 the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between the customer's actual usage and the $10 minimum usage threshold. Monthly recurring fees and charges will not count towards satisfying the minimum usage threshold.
Customers who enroll in a one-year or two-year term of service and terminate service prior to expiration of their term will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge which will be calculated by multiplying the number of full and/or partial months remaining in the customer's term plan by $25.00 per month. Customer's term of service will automatically renew as described in Section C-3.41422 except that customer will continue to be charged the rates and receive the 10 percent discount on outbound domestic usage and the 20 percent discount on outbound international usage as set forth in this promotion during the customer's renewal term of service. Except as specified in this promotion, standard tariffed charges (described in Section C‑3.41) will apply. Except as specified in this promotion, Dedicated Access and Termination (Section C‑3.41111), Switched Digital Service (Section C‑3.413), and Features (Section C‑3.415) are not available to customers receiving the benefits of this promotion. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the discounts described in Section C‑3.414. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to enroll in any other promotions except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
networkMCI Direct for Dedicated Service Promotion
Beginning July 1, 1997 and ending March 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation and who are enrolled in the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion and who are located in the 619, 760, 312, 630, 708, 773 or 847 area codes. Enrolled customers will be charged the following per-minute usage rates for interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service which originates via dedicated access and for interstate networkMCI One Inbound Service which terminates via dedicated access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service
Month-to-Month 1‑Year 2‑Year
Per-Minute Rate $0.13 $0.12 $0.11
Customers will be charged the rates, and receive the discounts and credits set forth under the networkMCI Direct Promotion for international networkMCI One usage.
In addition, customers who enroll in a 1‑ or 2‑year term of service commitment will receive a 25 percent discount on their monthly charges for Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection during their term commitment term of service.
Customers who enroll in a 1-year or 2-year term of service and terminate service prior to expiration of their term will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge which will be calculated by multiplying the number of full and/or partial months remaining in the customer's term plan by $25.00 per month. Customer's term of service will automatically renew as described in Section C-3.41422 except that customer will continue to be charged the rates and receive the 10 percent discount on outbound domestic usage and the 20 percent discount on outbound international usage as set forth in this promotion during the customer's renewal term of service. Except as specified in this promotion, standard tariffed charges (described in Section C‑3.41) will apply. Except as specified in this promotion, Dedicated Access and Termination (Section C‑3.41111), Switched Digital Service (Section C‑3.413), and Features (Section C‑3.415) are not available to customers receiving the benefits of this promotion. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the discounts described in Section C‑3.414. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to enroll in any other promotions except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
TDS-1.5 City Pair Discount Promotion
Beginning May 1, 1997 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Dedicated Leased Line Service who order and install new Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 (TDS-1.5) circuits by February 28, 1998. To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must: (i) install between two and eight new TDS-1.5 circuits between any city pairs for at least a one annual period and (ii) must enroll in a new term plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one annual period under which the customer receives the TDS - 1.5 service which receives the benefits of this promotion. Customers who wish to receive the benefits of this promotion may install new TDS-1.5 circuits between more than one city pair. All of each customer's circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion must be ordered and installed on the same dates. The following discounts will be applied to the customer's total monthly fixed and per-mile Inter-Office Channel (IOC) charges for TDS-1.5 circuits installed under this promotion, based on the number of circuits installed by the customer under this promotion.
Number of Circuits Descuento
2 5%
3 5
4 10
5 10
6 10
7 15
8 15
Customers who terminate usage of the circuits under the customer's term plan prior to the end of the first annual period of the term of service of the customer's term plan will be billed and required to pay standard tariffed monthly recurring IOC charges for the terminated circuits for the remainder of the first annual period of the term of service.
Flat Rate Frame Relay Access Promotion 3
Beginning June 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services) and new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who install new T‑1 Digital Access (DS1) with at least two channels per circuit and/or DS‑0 circuits associated with use of domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay under a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds 1-year. During the term of service of a customer's term plan, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Local Access Channels, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following monthly recurring charges for each domestic T‑1 Digital Access or DS‑0 circuit associated with the customer's domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay installed under this promotion, based on circuit type, term of service and access type.
Monthly Recurring Per‑Circuit Charge
Access Type
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Term of Service DS0 DS1 DS0 DS1 DS0 DS1
1-Year $50.00 $142.50 $135.00 $256.50 $150.00 $285.00
2-Year 47.50 135.00 128.25 243.00 142.50 270.00
3-Year 46.00 120.00 124.20 216.00 138.00 240.00
4-Year 45.00 117.00 121.50 210.60 135.00 234.00
5-Year 42.50 114.00 114.75 205.20 127.50 228.00
The customer must place an order for installation of all circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion by
January 31, 2000. All circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion must be installed by January 31, 2000.
For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Access Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished wholly via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities;
Access Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in part via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities; and,
Access Type 3 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities.
EPP MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay 90‑Day Trial Promotion
Beginning March 14, 1997 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option F (MCI 800 Service), Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet), Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision), and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who are enrolled in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 46 or are enrolled in a term plan with a minimum volume requirement of at least $50,000 per month.
In addition, to be eligible for the benefits of this promotional offering, the customer's Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) access, port, and Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) charges may not exceed an average of $3,000 per invoice in the four months preceding customer's enrollment in this promotion. Existing customers of Metered Use Service Option H (Prism I) are not eligible for this promotion.
New and existing MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay customers enrolled in this promotion may install new or additional MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay ports and PVC's for a 90‑day trial period. During a customer's 90‑day trial period, MCI WORLDCOM will waive monthly recurring charges for domestic ports and recurring charges for domestic (simplex) PVCs. Access charges will not be waived. Ports receiving the benefits of this promotion may not exceed 1344/1536 kbps. No more than ten ports per customer may receive the benefits of this promotion. A customer's 90‑day trial period will begin when the first new port is installed.
To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer will be required to commit to receive the service receiving the benefits of this promotion under the customer's existing SCA or term plan for a term of at least one year beginning on the first day after the expiration of a customer's 90‑day trial period. During its 90-day trial period a customer may terminate the service receiving the benefits of this promotion without termination liability under the customer's SCA or term plan if the customer becomes dissatisfied (at the discretion of the customer) with the service receiving the benefits of this promotion if the customer provides the Company written notification stating the reason(s) for termination within the 90‑day trial perioon and make a one-time purchase of 1,000,000 units, not to exceed 15 units per card, will be charged $0.08 per unit.
EPP Private Line 90‑Day Trial Promotion
Beginning March 27, 1997 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option F (MCI 800 Service), Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet), Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision), and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who are enrolled in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 46 or are enrolled in a term plan with a minimum volume requirement of at least $50,000 per month.
In addition, to be eligible for the benefits of this promotional offering, the customer's Terrestrial Digital Service ‑ 1.5 (TDS‑1.5), Digital Data Service (DDS) and Digital Private Line Service (DPLS), T‑1 Digital Access ‑ Fractional T‑1 Inter‑Office Channel charges, Central Office Connection charges and Local Access charges may not exceed an average of $15,000 per invoice in the four months preceding customer's enrollment in this promotion. Existing customers of Metered Use Service Option H (Prism I) are not eligible for this promotion.
New and existing TDS - 1.5, DDS, DPLS, and T‑1 Digital Access ‑ Fractional T‑1 customers enrolled in this promotion may install new or additional domestic TDS - 1.5, DDS, DPLS, and T‑1 Digital Access ‑ Fractional T‑1 circuits for a 90‑day trial period. During a customer's 90‑day trial period, MCI WORLDCOM will waive monthly recurring charges for Inter‑Office Channel charges, Central Office Connection charges and Access Coordination charges. No more than ten domestic circuits per customer may receive the benefits of this promotion. A customer's 90‑day trial period will begin when the first new circuit is installed. In addition, for customers who subscribe to MCI Sentry, MCI WORLDCOM will waive the installation and per-circuit charges for new circuits installed under this promotion during both the customer's 90‑day trial period and the term of the customer's new SCA or term plan term commitment for the service receiving the benefits of this promotion.
To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer will be required to commit to receive the service receiving the benefits of this promotion under the customer's SCA or term plan for a term of at least one year beginning on the first day after the expiration of a customer's 90‑day trial period. During its 90-day trial period a customer may terminate the service receiving the benefits of this promotion without termination liability under the customers SCA or term plan if the customer becomes dissatisfied (at the discretion of the customer) with the service receiving the benefits of this promotion if the customer provides the Company written notification stating the reason(s) for termination within the 90‑day trial period.
Network Call Redirect (NCR) Promotion 1
Beginning April 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet) and Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI 800 Service) who are new or existing subscribers of Network Call Redirect (NCR). MCI WORLDCOM will waive the Non‑Recurring Installation Charge per Routing Table and the Non‑Recurring Modifications Charge Per Routing Table. Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering for Network Call Redirect.
Network Call Redirect (NCR) Promotion 2
Beginning April 15, 1997 and ending July 15, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who are new or existing subscribers of Network Call Redirect (NCR). MCI WORLDCOM will waive the Non‑Recurring Installation Charge per Routing Table and the Non‑Recurring Modifications Charge Per Routing Table. Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering for Network Call Redirect.
Mobility Promotion
Beginning July 15, 1997 and ending January 14, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option LL (MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service). New customers who enroll in this promotion and who subscribe to new designated services subject to Title II Regulation provided by an affiliate of the Company, will receive a 10 percent discount per month on MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service usage charges, monthly recurring feature charges, and routing assistance surcharges which will be applied as a credit as follows: the credits for the first, second and third months following promotion enrollment will be applied as a credit in the fourth month following promotion enrollment and the credits for each month of service following the fourth month following promotion enrollment will be applied as a credit in each subsequent month. No other discounts will apply. To remain eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must remain subscribed to MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service and the designated services subject to Title II Regulation. The rates and charges associated with any of these services will not count towards a customer's Eligible Volume or Qualifying Volume under any MCI WORLDCOM term plan or calculated in satisfaction of any MCI WORLDCOM usage requirements or volume commitments.
Regional Checkbook Promotion IV
Beginning May 30, 1998 and ending January 15, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Special Customer Arrangement Type 1, as described in Section C-10, and who are enrolled in Dedicated Leased Line Service, Metered Use Service Option C (MCI WATS), Metered Use Service Option F (MCI 800 Service), Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet), Metered Use Service Option H (MCI Prism I), Metered Use Service Option I (MCI Prism II), Metered Use Service Option J (University WATS), Metered Use Service Metered Use Service Option M (MCI 900 Service), Metered Use Service Option P (MCI Forum Conference Calling), Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision), Metered Use Service Option S (Virtual Private Data Services), Metered Use Service Option W (MCI MASTERS), Metered Use Service Option X (MCI HotelDirect), Metered Use Service Option Y (MCI PrePaid), Metered Use Service Option Z (MCI Exchange Card), Metered Use Service Option CC (University Dial 1), Metered Use Service Option DD (Local Exchange Company Debit Card), Metered Use Service Option FF (CFRS), Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay), Metered Use Service Option HH (hospitalityMCI), Metered Use Service Option II (MCI Hemispheres International Calling Card), Metered Use Service Option LL (directlineMCI), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and Metered Use Service Option QQ (audioconferencing from networkMCI Conferencing) in response to competitive marketplace conditions when the customer or customer prospect can demonstrate to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that it will accept a competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from MCI WORLDCOM to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to MCI WORLDCOM service(s). MCI WORLDCOM may provide credit, not to exceed $100,000 per customer, which is reasonably responsive to the competitor's offer for application against interstate charges for such service(s). The credit will be applied against an invoice or invoice(s) for usage of such service(s), or the customer's WorldCom Fund account. If the customer designates that the credit is to be applied to the customer's WorldCom Fund account, the credit will be applied 30 days after promotion enrollment (unless the customer and MCI WORLDCOM designate a different date upon the customer's promotion enrollment), provided that the service(s) for which the credit is offered has been installed. The credit may not be applied against taxes, charges for unauthorized calls, prior outstanding balances owed to MCI WORLDCOM, termination or underutilization charges associated with term plans or program commitments, or disputed charges. If a Customer terminates the service(s) for which the credit is offered prior to the months(s) it is to be applied, the customer will not be eligible for the credit and any unused credit at the time of termination of service will be forfeited by the customer. If the service(s) receiving the benefits of this promotion are provided under a term plan or commitment and the customer terminates service prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will not be eligible for unissued credits and any unused credit at the time of termination will be forfeited by the customer. Credits will be furnished in multiples of $50 and may only be applied to the service(s) provided under this promotion. This offer is limited in an amount to $100,000 no matter how many separate accounts may be established, or have been established, with the Company. In addition, total credits received by the customer under this promotion and Regional Checkbook Promotion III shall not exceed $100,000.
INAP networkMCI Conferencing Promotion 2
Beginning June 13, 1997 and ending June 30, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) and Metered Use Service Option R (MCI Preferred) who subscribe to Metered Use Service Option P (networkMCI Conferencing). To be eligible for this promotion, the Customer must subscribe to a service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group, as described in Section A of this tariff, which must have entered into a Qualified Industry Affinity Group (INAP) agreement between September 1, 1995 and September 30, 1995, with a monthly revenue commitment (excluding tariffed discounts, taxes, access fees, surcharges, directory assistance, tax related surcharge and promotional credits) between $1,500,000 and $10,999,999.
Eligible customers will be charged the following networkMCI Conferencing per minute rates on domestic usage during all time periods:
Conferencing Service Tarifa
Dial‑Out Service $0.23
Personal 800 Meet‑Me Service 0.23
800 Meet‑Me Service 0.23
Toll Meet‑Me Service 0.13
Unattended Meet‑Me Service 0.23
Crisis Management Option I 0.23
Crisis Management Option II 0.23
The rates apply only to usage under the INAP. If the customer terminates service under the INAP, no future credits shall be due under this promotion. The rates provided under this promotion are in lieu of all other Qualified Affinity Group discounts. Participants in this promotion are not eligible to participate in any other networkMCI Conferencing promotions. The benefits of this promotion are not available in connection with SCA's as described in Section C‑16.
networkMCI Hospitality Promotion
Beginning May 15, 1997 and ending September 15, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One). Customers who enroll in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates for interstate Outbound and Inbound Option MM usage, based on access type and rate period:
Evening, Night
Access Type Business Day & Weekend
Switched/Card $0.16 $0.11
Dedicated 0.12 0.10
The customer will receive a 15 percent discount on all interstate Option MM usage. In addition, Customers who enroll in a networkMCI One Term Plan will receive the following discounts on all Option MM usage based on the customer's volume commitment and term commitment under the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan:
Annual Volume Term Commitment
Commitment 1-Year 2-Year 3-Year
$ 6,000 1% 4% 7%
12,000 2 5 8
24,000 3 6 9
36,000 4 7 10
48,000 5 8 11
60,000 6 9 12
84,000 7 10 13
96,000 8 11 14
120,000 9 12 15
180,000 10 13 16
Customers will not receive discounts on usage which equals or exceeds $25,000 per month.
If in any billing month after enrollment in this promotion, the customer's Option MM usage in the Peak rate period equals or exceeds 50 percent of the customer's total usage, the customer will be billed and required to pay an additional charge of $0.05 per minute of usage for each minute of usage in excess of this threshold.
Customers are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offerings except for installation waiver charge promotions that may be offered from time to time, the National Service Guarantee Promotion, the PIC Change Promotion, and the Power Portfolio Promotion II. Customers enrolled in a Special Customer Arrangement as described in Section C‑16 are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion.
Time of day periods may be found in Section C-3.021113.
networkMCI One/MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Promotion
Beginning July 15, 1997 and ending April 14, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who enroll in a new networkMCI One Term Plan and who are also new or existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay).
Customers enrolling in this promotion will have the following MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay charges included in their networkMCI One Term Plan's Qualifying Volume: Local Channel Access and Access Coordination charges for T‑1 Digital Access, Digital Private Line Service (DPLS), or Digital Data Service (DDS); monthly recurring charges for domestic Option GG Ports; and monthly recurring charges for domestic Option GG Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC).
These charges will not be included in the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan Eligible Volume. The customer's MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) discounts will not be affected by enrolling in this promotion. The MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay usage will begin to count towards the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan with the first MCI WORLDCOMO Frame Relay invoice generated after the new networkMCI One Term Plan begins. Customers enrolled in an existing MCI WORLDCOM term plan must first cancel or discontinue the current term plan according to the provisions under the existing term plan before enrolling in the new networkMCI One term plan.
If a customer terminates MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service under the networkMCI One Term Plan, the customer will continue to be responsible for satisfying the term and volume commitments of the networkMCI One Term Plan. The terms and conditions of the networkMCI One Term Plan and the definitions of Eligible Volume and Qualifying Volume are setforth in Section C-3.4142.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Third Quarter New Customer Sign-Up Promotion - Option 1
Beginning July 1, 1997, and ending September 30, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of domestic Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who enroll in an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a term commitment of at least one year and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $500; and who order the necessary local access, network port, and permanent virtual circuit (PVC) service elements prior to September 30, 1997, and who agree to service installation no later than November 30, 1997.
Eligible customers who make a term commitment of one year and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $500 will receive credits not to exceed $750 for the MCI WORLDCOM billed local access facility access installation charge; network port installation charge; and/or PVC installation charge. Eligible customers who make a term commitment of two or more years and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $500 will receive credits not to exceed $2,000 for the MCI WORLDCOM billed local access facility access installation charge; port installation charge; and/or PVC installation charge. If the customer fails to meet the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan (HPP) term commitment and/or the HPP minimum revenue commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion. This shall not preclude the customer from disconnecting and/or changing individual port and PVC service elements installed during the promotion offering without penalty as long as the HPP term and minimum volume commitment levels are maintained.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must have ordered service with Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C‑3.35. Customers who received the benefits of the Hyperstrsam Frame Relay Trial Promotion are eligible for the benefits of this promotion upon termination or after the conclusion of the trial service period. Local access facility installation charges associated with a promotional service trial network may be credited as part of this promotional offering. Customers may not receive a retroactive credit for local access facility installation charges used for the trial service if those facilities have been disconnected upon conclusion of the trial service.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Third Quarter New Customer Sign-Up Promotion - Option 2
Beginning July 1, 1997, and ending September 30, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of domestic Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who enroll in an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a term commitment of at least two years and a minimum monthly volume commitment of at least $2,000, and who order the necessary local access, network port, and permanent virtual circuit (PVC) service elements prior to September 30, 1997, and who agree to service installation no later than March 31, 1998.
Eligible customers will receive a credit for the following non-recurring MCI WORLDCOM billed installation charges: local access facility installation charges; network port installation charges; and all PVC installation charges. The customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all credits awarded pursuant to this promotion if the customer fails to meet the HPP term commitment. This shall not preclude the customer from disconnecting and/or changing individual port and PVC service elements installed during the promotion offering without penalty as long as the HPP term and minimum volume commitment levels are maintained.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must have ordered service with Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C‑3.35. Customers who received the benefits of the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Trial Promotion are eligible for the benefits of this promotion upon termination or after the conclusion of the trial service period. Local access facility installation charges associated with a promotional service trial network may be credited as part of this promotional offering. Customers may be eligible for a credit for any local access facility installation charges associated with a promotion service trial network offering even if those service elements were not ordered and installed within the time frames noted above. In order to receive this benefit, the customer must have met all the terms and conditions of the promotional service trial network offerings. The customer must also meet the terms and conditions set forth in this promotional offering. In order to be eligible or a credit for local access facility installation charges associated with the trial service, the customer must enroll in an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan (HPP) immediately upon conclusion of the promotional service trial offering. Customer will not receive a retroactive credit for local access facility installation charges used for the trial service if (i) those facilities have been disconnected upon conclusion of the trial service; (ii) an HPP was not immediately signed; or (iii) the customer received service under month to month service terms and rates.
The customer will be billed for local access facility installation charges and network port installation charges credited if the service element is disconnected for any reason within the first twelve months of installation. The waived non-recurring installation charges for this service will be billed if disconnected. This shall not preclude the customer from changing individual port speeds (e.g., increasing or decreasing port speed) without penalty in the first twelve months of installation so long as the service element itself remains installed and is not entirely disconnected.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver
Beginning October 1, 1997 and ending on December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (HSFR) who: (i) enroll in a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a term commitment which equals or exceeds two years and a volume commitment which equals or exceeds $500 per month; (ii) subscribe to all local access, ports, and Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) service elements for HSFR service prior to December 31, 1997 and request installation no later than June 30, 1998; and, (iii) order HSFR service within the Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C‑3.35.
Enrolled customers will receive credit equal to MCI WORLDCOM-billed non‑recurring installation charges for local access, ports and PVCs installed under this promotion.
If an enrolled customer terminates HSFR service under the customer's HPP prior to the expiration of the HPP term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion. Customers may change port speeds without termination liability.
Customers who receive the benefits of the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Trial Promotion are eligible to receive the benefits of this promotional offering upon the expiration of the customer's trial period under the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Trial Promotion.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Port Upgrade Promotion
Beginning October 1, 1997 and ending December 31, 1997, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (HSFR). Customers enrolled in this promotion who increase HSFR ports at speeds of 56/64 kbps to speeds up to 1344/1536 kbps will receive the following benefits per port changed under this promotion: MCI WORLDCOM will waive (i) the Non‑Recurring Port Charge and (ii) the Monthly Recurring Port Charge for the first monthly period following port change.
If an enrolled customer terminates HSFR service under the customer's HPP prior to the expiration of the HPP term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion.
Investment International Promotion
Beginning February 1, 1998 and ending December 15, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to customers who receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 46 who become new subscribers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One). Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates in lieu of standard tariffed international Option MM Outbound Service rates for usage to the following international locations, based on termination type:
País Dedicado Switched País Dedicado Switched
Australia (including Japan $0.3795 $0.4144 Tasmania) $0.3500 $0.4000 Mexico (Band 7) N/A 0.6550
Brazil 0.6098 0.6285 Switzerland 0.3335 0.3683
Canada 0.1811 0.1941 United Kingdom 0.2350 0.2762
China 1.2330 1.2638 Venezuela 0.4596 0.4784 Germany 0.3223 0.3565
SCA Calling Card Promotion
Beginning February 4, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers who receive service under Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 1, as described in Section C-16, and who order new Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet) Vnet Card Access cards, Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) MCI Vision Calling Card Access card(s), or Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) networkMCI One Calling Card Access card(s). Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a $20 credit for each new calling card which has a minumum of $20 usage, not to exceed 1,000 calling cards per customer, ordered by the customer under this promotion. Credit will be applied in the third month following the customer's order of the calling card(s). Total credits under this promotion may not exceed $20,000 per customer.
networkMCI One Free Month Promotion
Beginning February 4, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who (i) reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation, (ii) enroll in this promotion and (iii) subscribe to a new networkMCI One Term Plan.
Customers enrolled in this promotion who subscribe to a 1-year networkMCI One Term Plan term of service will receive a credit, not to exceed the lesser of (i) 200 percent of 1/12th of the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan annual volume commitment or (ii) $40,000, and not to exceed the customer's usage, after the application of discounts, of the services included in the definition of Qualifying Volume in Section C‑3.41421 during the third month following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan. The credit will be applied to the customer's invoice for the fourth month following the customer's enrollment in the new networkMCI One Term Plan.
Customers enrolled in this promotion who subscribe to a 2-year networkMCI One Term Plan term of service will receive two credits, each not to exceed the lesser of (i) 200 percent of 1/12th of the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan annual volume commitment or (ii) $40,000, and not to exceed the customer's usage, after the application of discounts, of the services included in the definition of Qualifying Volume in Section C‑3.41421 during the third and thirteenth months, respectively, following the customer's enrollment in the new networkMCI One Term Plan. The credit will be applied to the customer's invoices for the fourth and fourteenth months following the customer's enrollment in the networkMCI One Term Plan.
Customers enrolled in this promotion who subscribe to a 3-year networkMCI One Term Plan term of service will receive three credits, each not to exceed the lesser of (i) 200 percent of 1/12th of the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan annual volume commitment or (ii) $40,000, and not to exceed the customer's usage, after the application of discounts, of the services included in the definitions for Qualifying Volume in Section C‑3.41421 during the third, thirteenth and twenty‑fifth months, respectively, following the customer's enrollment in the new networkMCI One Term Plan to be applied to the customer's invoices for the fourth, fourteenth and twenty‑sixth months following the customer's enrollment in the new networkMCI One Term Plan.
A customer may designate that the credits are to be applied either as usage credits or as deposits in the customer's WorldCom Fund account.
networkMCI One Latin America Promotion
Beginning November 15, 1997 and ending May 12, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation for this promotion. Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a 25 percent discount on international Option MM Outbound Service usage which originates in NPAs 305, 561, 786 and 954 and terminates in the following international locations:
Costa Rica
República Dominicana
El Salvador
The discounts available under this promotion will be applied after the application of the customer's Option MM Term Plan discounts, if any. A customer's usage which receives the benefits of this promotion may not exceed $20,000 per month. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offerings except the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
networkMCI One No-Term Trial 2
Beginning February 2, 1998 and ending April 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who respond to a solicitation from MCI WORLDCOM and subscribe to non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company within the following NPAs: 201, 202, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216, 248, 281, 313, 404, 410, 412, 440, 508, 516, 610, 617, 678, 703, 713, 718, 724, 732, 734, 770, 781, 810, 813, 817, 908, 914, 919, 940, 972, 973, and 978.
Customers who enroll in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic Option MM Inbound Service and Outbound Service usage, based on access type:
Access Type Per‑Minute Rate
Switched $0.1780
Dedicated 0.1225
Customers will also receive the following additional discounts on all Option MM Inbound Service and Outbound Service usage, based on the customers monthly volume of Option MM usage.
Monthly Volume Descuento
$ 5,000.00 ‑ $ 9,999.99 5%
$ 10,000.00 ‑ $ 19,999.99 10
$ 20,000.00 + 15
In addition, customers will receive a 5 percent discount on usage and monthly recurring charges for Terrestrial Digital Service ‑ 1.5, DSO Access, Digital Data Service, T‑1 Digital Access ‑ Fractional T‑1, Voice Grade Private Line, and Metered Use Service Option QQ (audioconferencing from networkMCI Conferencing)
In addition, customers will receive a 5 percent discount on standard tariffed rates and monthly recurring charges in effect for non‑resold exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company which will be applied as a credit to the customers interstate charges.
In the third, thirteenth and each subsequent twelfth month following a customer's enrollment in this promotion in which the customer continues to subscribe to non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company, the customer will receive a credit, not to exceed $30,000, applied to the Customer's interstate usage equal to the customer's Option MM usage (after application of discounts) at the location level to be applied to the customer's Option MM usage at the location level in the fourth, fourteenth and each subsequent twelfth month after the customer's enrollment.
Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotion except for the National Service Guarantee Promotion, the networkMCI One Access Promotion and installation waiver promotions that are offered from time to time. Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the Option MM Dedicated Termination Discount.
networkMCI One Latin America Promotion 2
Beginning May 15, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation for this promotion. Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a 25 percent discount on international Option MM Outbound Service usage which originates in NPAs 305, 561, 786 and 954 and terminates in the following international locations:
Costa Rica
República Dominicana
El Salvador
The discounts available under this promotion will be applied after the application of the customer's Option MM Term Plan discounts, if any. A customer's usage which receives the benefits of this promotion may not exceed $20,000 per month. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offerings, except the National Service Guarantee Promotion and PIC Change Promotion.
networkMCI One Frame Relay Installation Waiver Promotion III
Beginning November 15, 1997 and ending January 15, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of domestic Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who: (i) order new local access circuits for Option GG, Option GG ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC) prior to December 31, 1998; and, (ii) order installation of the new Option GG service no later than January 31, 1999.
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to the following non‑recurring MCI WORLDCOM-billed charges for domestic ports at speeds of up to 1.544 Mbps per customer, subscribed to under the networkMCI One Integration Edge Promotion or a 1-year HPP: Local Access Channel installation charge; Access Coordination installation charge; port installation charge; and, PVC installation charge.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must order new service within the Standard Install Interval (as defined in Section C‑3.35.)
Customers who terminate all service under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) prior to the expiration of the HPP during the benefit period of this promotion will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.
Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion may not receive the benefits of any other MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay promotion except the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Port Upgrade Promotion. Customers receiving service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C‑16) are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion.
networkMCI One Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion III
Beginning November 15, 1997 and ending January 15, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Dedicated Leased Line Service who subscribe to additional Voice Grade Private Line service, Digital Data Service (DDS), Digital Private Line Service, or Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 (TDS-1.5) with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year under a new or existing networkMCI One Term Plan, Fixed Term Plan, or Network Pricing Plan (Term Plans). The qualifying service must be installed no later than January 31, 1999.
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to the following MCI WORLDCOM‑billed circuit charges: Local Access Channel installation; Access Coordination installation; and, Central Office Connection installation. Customers who receive the benefits of this promotion may not receive the benefits of any other promotional offering for waiver of installation expedite charges. Customers receiving service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C‑16) are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion.
Customers who terminate all service under the customer's Term Plan prior to the expiration of the Term Plan during the benefit period of this promotion will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver II
Beginning January 31, 1998 and ending January 15, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (HSFR) who: (i) enroll in a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) or a networkMCI One Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year; (ii) subscribe to all local access, ports, and Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) service elements for HSFR service prior to January 15, 1999 and request installation no later than April 30, 1999; and, (iii) order HSFR service within the Standard Install Intervals, as defined in Section C‑3.35.
Enrolled customers will receive credit equal to MCI WORLDCOM-billed non‑recurring installation charges for local access, ports and PVCs installed under this promotion.
If an enrolled customer terminates HSFR service under the customer's HPP or networkMCI One Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion. Customers may change port speeds without termination liability.
Customers who receive the benefits of the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Trial Promotion are eligible to receive the benefits of this promotional offering upon the expiration of the customer's trial period under the MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Trial Promotion. Customers enrolled in Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 1, as described in Section C-16, are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
Midlands Promotion
Beginning April 17, 1998 and ending January 15, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who enroll in a networkMCI One Term Plan with a 1-, 2- or 3-year term of service and an annual volume commitment which equals or exceeds $60,000 and is less than $300,000. In addition, to be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer must be located in one of the following NPAs: 218, 308, 316, 319, 320, 402, 405, 501, 507, 515, 570, 605, 612, 701, 712, 785, 913 or 918.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic networkMCI One Outbound Service usage which originates via dedicated access and networkMCI One Inbound Service usage which terminates via dedicated access:
Rate Period Tarifa
Peak $0.12
Off Peak 0.08
In addition, in each annual period of a customer's networkMCI One Term Plan term of service, customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a 15 percent discount on the customer's domestic Eligible Volume (as described in Section C-341421) usage (after application of the rates set forth in this promotion) which is less than the customer's annual volume commitment.
If in any monthly period of a customer's networkMCI One Term Plan term of service a customer's interstate Option MM usage fails to exceed 80 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's Option MM usage, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to 10 percent of amount by which the customer fails to satisfy this threshold.
For purposes of this promotion, all domestic metered Option MM usage and metered Option MM usage to Canada will be billed in a 6‑second initial period and additional 6‑second increments.
Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offerings except the National Service Guarantee and networkMCI Free Month Promotion.
networkMCI One No-Term Trial
Beginning November 15, 1997 and ending February 14, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who subscribe to Dedicated Leased Line Service at their primary business locations and do not subscribe to an Option MM Term Plan.
Customers who enroll in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic Option MM Inbound Service and Outbound Service usage, based on access type:
Access Type Per‑Minute Rate
Switched $0.1780
Dedicated 0.1225
Customers will also receive the following additional discounts on all Option MM Inbound Service and Outbound Service usage, based on the customers monthly volume of Option MM usage.
Monthly Volume Descuento
$ 5,000.00 ‑ $ 9,999.99 5%
$ 10,000.00 ‑ $ 19,999.99 10
$ 20,000.00 + 15
In addition, customers will receive a 5 percent discount on usage and monthly recurring charges for Terrestrial Digital Service ‑ 1.5, DSO Access, Digital Data Service, T‑1 Digital Access ‑ Fractional T‑1, Voice Grade Private Line, and Metered Use Service Option QQ (audioconferencing from networkMCI Conferencing)
In addition, customers will receive a 5 percent discount on standard tariffed usage and monthly recurring charges in effect for non‑resold exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company which will be applied as a credit to the customers interstate charges.
Upon the completion of each consecutive 12-month period following a customer's enrollment in this promotion in which the customer continues to subscribe to Option MM and Dedicated Leased Line Service at their primary business locations and does not subscribe to an Option MM Term Plan, the customer will receive a credit, not to exceed $30,000 per annual period, equal to its Option MM usage (after application of discounts) applied to the Customer's Option MM usage in the following monthly billing period.
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer must reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation to the customer. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotion except for the networkMCI One/MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Promotion, Power Portfolio Promotion II, the Digital Gateway Promotion, the National Service Guarantee Promotion, and the PIC Change Promotion. Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the Option MM Dedicated Termination Discount.
Hospitality PLUS Promotion
Beginning December 15, 1997 and ending March 15, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new MCI WORLDCOM customers. New customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 1 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to operator services provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 2 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to non‑resold exchange service provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 3 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to operator services and non‑resold exchange service provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 4 under this promotion.
The per-minute usage charges set forth under Options 1 through 4 will apply for dial 1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage in lieu of any other rates for dial 1" and toll free interexchange telecommunications service usage.
Option 1: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.19 $0.14
Off-Peak 0.16 0.11
Option 2: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.17 $0.12
Off-Peak 0.14 0.09
Option 3: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.17 $0.12
Off-Peak 0.14 0.09
Option 4: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.1650 $0.1150
Off-Peak 0.1350 0.0850
For purposes of this promotion, the discounted rate will be applied to customers monthly dial 1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service which is less than or equal to $1,000 (calculated at the discounted rate) per month. For purposes of this promotion, the following Time of Day rate periods apply for dial 1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service: the Peak rate period applies from 8:00 a.m. to 4:59 p.m. Monday through Friday; the Off-Peak rate period applies at all other times .
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the per-minute usage rates set forth in Section C‑3.07325 for dial 1" international telecommunications service usage
If in any monthly period a customers usage during the Peak rate period exceeds 50 percent of the customers MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage, the customer will be charged an addition $0.05 per minute for the customers dial 1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage in that monthly period.
Customers who enroll in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering except customer may receive the benefits of the Power Portfolio II Promotion and all promotions associated with non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company promotions, except for the Local Conversion Promotion. Residential Service customers are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
Each customer's usage must equal or exceed $10 in each monthly billing period. If in any monthly period a customer's usage fails to equal or exceed $10 the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between the customer's actual usage and the $10 minimum usage threshold. Monthly recurring fees and charges will not count towards satisfying the minimum usage threshold.
Customers who enroll in a one-year or two-year term of service and terminate service prior to expiration of their term will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge which will be calculated by multiplying the number of full and/or partial months remaining in the customer's term plan by $25.00 per month. Customer's term of service will automatically renew as described in Section C-3.41422 except that customer will continue to be charged the rates and receive the 10 percent discount on outbound domestic usage and the 20 percent discount on outbound international usage, as set forth in this promotion during the customer's renewal term of service. Except as specified in this promotion, standard tariffed charges (described in Section C‑3.41) will apply. Except as specified in this promotion, Dedicated Access and Termination (Section C‑3.41111), Switched Digital Service (Section C‑3.413), and Features (Section C‑3.415) are not available to customers receiving the benefits of this promotion. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the discounts described in Section C‑3.414. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to enroll in any other promotions except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
networkMCI DIRECT for Dedicated Service Promotion 2
Beginning January 15, 1998 and ending June 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation and who are enrolled in the networkMCI DIRECT Promotion 2 and who are located in the 619, 760, 312, 630, 708, 773, or 847 area codes. Customers currently enrolled in networkMCI DIRECT for Dedicated Service Promotion I are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion. Enrolled customers will be charged the following per-minute usage rates for interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service which originates via dedicated access and for interstate networkMCI One Inbound Service which terminates via dedicated access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service
Month-to-Month 1‑Year 2‑Year
Per-Minute Rate $0.13 $0.12 $0.11
In addition to the rates set forth above, each enrolled customer will receive a 10 percent discount on its outbound domestic usage, excluding calls to Directory Assistance, to the two NPA-NXX's in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. The discount is calculated on the first $5,000 of each customer's domestic outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
In addition, customers who subscribe to servive with a 1- or 2-year term commitment will receive the following discounts on interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service which originates via dedicated access and for interstate networkMCI One Inbound Service which terminates via dedicated access, based on the customer's term of service commitment and monthly volume of interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service which originates via dedicated access and for interstate networkMCI One Inbound Service which terminates via dedicated access usage as follows:
Monthly Volume of Usage Descuento
$ 500.00 - $ 999.99 5%
$ 1,000.00 - $ 1,999.99 7
$ 2,000.00 - 10
Customers will be charged the rates, and receive the discounts and credits, set forth under the networkMCI Direct Promotion for international networkMCI One usage.
In addition, customers who enroll in a 1‑ or 2‑year term of service commitment will receive a 25 percent discount on their monthly charges for Local Access Channel, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection during their term commitment term of service.
Customers who enroll in a one-year or two-year term of service and terminate service prior to expiration of their term will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge which will be calculated by multiplying the number of full and/or partial months remaining in the customer's term plan by $25.00 per month. Customer's term of service will automatically renew as described in Section C-3.41422 except that customer will continue to be charged the rates and receive the 10 percent discount on outbound domestic usage, and the 20 percent discount on outbound international usage, as set forth in this promotion during the customer's renewal term of service. Except as specified in this promotion, standard tariffed charges (described in Section C‑3.41) will apply. Except as specified in this promotion, Dedicated Access and Termination (Section C‑3.41111), Switched Digital Service (Section C‑3.413), and Features (Section C‑3.415) are not available to customers receiving the benefits of this promotion. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the discounts described in Section C‑3.414. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to enroll in any other promotions except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
networkMCI DIRECT Promotion 3
Beginning April 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who reply to a solicitation and enroll in this promotion. Customers currently enrolled in networkMCI DIRECT Promotion are not eligible for the benefits of this promotion. Enrolled customers will be charged the following per-minute usage rates for domestic networkMCI One Inbound and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, which originates via switched access, based on the customer's term of service commitment as follows:
Term of Service
Month-to-Month 1‑Year 2‑Year
Per-Minute Rate $0.187 $0.165 $0.143
In addition to the rates set forth above, each enrolled customer will receive a 10 percent discount on its outbound domestic usage, excluding calls to Directory Assistance, to the two NPA-NXX's in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. The discount is applied to the first $5,000 only of each customer's domestic outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged standard tariffed rates for networkMCI one usage to international locations, except usage to Mexico. For calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to Mexico, the customer will be charged the following per-minute rates:
Rate Step Per-Minute Rate
1 $0.2171
2 0.2171
3 0.4697
4 0.4806
5 0.5983
6 0.6557
7 0.8427
8 0.8938
In addition to these rates, each customer who is enrolled in a one- or two-year term plan and whose gross international outbound usage equals or exceeds $25.00 in a monthly period will receive a 20 percent discount on its outbound international usage to the two countries in which the customer has the most usage (calculated in dollars) during each monthly billing period. This discount will be applied the first $3,000 only of each customer's international outbound usage per monthly billing period and is calculated and applied at the location level.
In addition, customers who enroll in a one- or two-year term of service commitment will receive the following discounts on domestic networkMCI One Inbound and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, and international networkMCI One Inbound and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, usage which originates via switched access, based on the customer's term of service and monthly volume of networkMCI One Inbound and Outbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access, usage which originates via switched access usage as follows:
Monthly Volume of Usage Descuento
$ 2,000.00 + 10%
Customers who subscribe to Option QQ under this promotion will receive a credit, not to exceed $75.00, equal to the customer's charges for the customer's first Option QQ call. Customers who subscribe to Option QQ under this promotion will be charged: (i) a one-time $19.95 account set-up charge; and (ii) a $3.00 per month monthly recurring charge until the customer terminates its subscription to Option QQ by providing MCI 30-day prior written notice of termination. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotions except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
Customers who commit to a month-to-month term of service will receive a credit equal to 50 percent of their net usage in the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $2,500, applied to the customer's invoice for the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 1-year term of service will receive a credit equal to their total net usage during the twelfth month of service, not to exceed $5,000, applied to the customer's invoice in the thirteenth month of service. Customers who commit to a 2‑year term of service will receive credits equal to their total net usage during both the twelfth and twenty-fourth months of service, not to exceed $5,000 each, applied to the customer's invoices in the thirteenth and twenty-fifth months of service, respectively.
In addition, in each monthly billing period, the customer will be billed and required to pay a $5.00 monthly per service group fee for Switched WATS and Business Line Termination in lieu of the charges set-forth in Section C‑3.0812. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion may use only the following Features:
For Outbound Service For Inbound Service
Accounting Codes Call Detail
Call Detail Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing
Consolidated Invoicing and Location Level Invoicing Point of Call Routing
Personal ID Codes Routing Features
Tailored Call Coverage
Each customer's usage must equal or exceed $10 in each monthly billing period. If in any monthly period a customer's usage fails to equal or exceed $10 the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between the customer's actual usage and $10. Monthly recurring fees and charges will not count towards satisfying the minimum usage requirement.
Customers who enroll in a one-year or two-year term of service and terminate service prior to expiration of their term will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge which will be calculated by multiplying the number of full and/or partial months remaining in the customer's term plan by $25.00 per month. Customer's term of service will automatically renew as described in Section C-3.41422 except that customer will continue to be charged the rates and receive the 10 percent discount on outbound domestic usage and the 20 percent discount on outbound international usage, as set forth in this promotion during the customer's renewal term of service. Except as specified in this promotion, standard tariffed charges (described in Section C‑3.41) will apply. Except as specified in this promotion, Dedicated Access and Termination (Section C‑3.41111), Switched Digital Service (Section C‑3.413), and Features (Section C‑3.415) are not available to customers receiving the benefits of this promotion. Customers participating in this promotion are not eligible to receive the discounts described in Section C‑3.414. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotions except for the PIC Change Promotion and the National Service Guarantee Promotion.
Hospitality PLUS Promotion 2
Beginning February 1, 1998 and ending May 15, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new MCI WORLDCOM customers. New customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 1 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to operator services provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 2 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to non‑resold exchange service provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 3 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to operator services and non‑resold exchange service provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 4 under this promotion.
The per-minute usage charges set forth under Options 1 through 4 will apply for Dial "1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage in lieu of any other rates for Dial "1" and toll free interexchange telecommunications service usage.
Option 1: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.19 $0.14
Off-Peak 0.16 0.11
Option 2: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.17 $0.12
Off-Peak 0.14 0.09
Option 3: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.17 $0.12
Off-Peak 0.14 0.09
Option 4: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.165 $0.115
Off-Peak 0.135 0.085
For purposes of this promotion, the discounted rate will be applied to customers' monthly Dial "1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service which is less than or equal to $1,000 (calculated at the discounted rate) per month. For purposes of this promotion, the following Time of Day rate periods apply for Dial "1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service: the Peak rate period applies from 8:00 a.m. to 4:59 p.m. Monday through Friday; the Off-Peak rate period applies at all other times.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the surcharge and per-minute usage rates set forth in Section C‑3.412111, 3.412112, and 3.411221 for calling access card calls under this promotion. In addition, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the per-minute usage rates set forth in Section C‑3.073351 for Dial "1" international telecommunications service usage.
If in any monthly period a customer's usage during the Peak rate period exceeds 50 percent of the customers MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage, the customer will be charged an addition $0.05 per minute for the customer's Dial "1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage in that monthly period.
Customers who enroll in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering except customer may receive the benefits of the Power Portfolio II Promotion and all promotions associated with non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company promotions, except for the Local Conversion Promotion. Residential Service customers are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
Customer Select Promotion
Beginning February 4, 1998 and ending April 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) and Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) who (i) currently subscribe to interexchange telecommunications service provided by another carrier, (ii) respond to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation, and (iii) enroll in this promotion.
To be eligible to receive the following benefits, customers must subscribe to a 2- or 3-year networkMCI One Term Plan with an annual volume commitment equal to or greater than $60,000.
Customers who subscribe to this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits. For customers whose networkMCI One Term Plan annual volume commitment equals or exceeds $60,000 and is less than or equal to $120,000, MCI WORLDCOM will waive the monthly recurring Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channels charges for one new channelized T-1 Digital Access circuit associated with usage under the customers' networkMCI One Term Plan in each monthly period of the term of service of a customer's networkMCI One Term Plan. For customers whose networkMCI One Term Plan annual volume commitment equals or exceeds $180,000, MCI WORLDCOM will waive the monthly recurring Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channels charges for two new channelized T-1 Digital Access circuits associated with usage under the customers' networkMCI One Term Plan in each monthly period of the term of service of a customer's networkMCI One Term Plan.
In order to receive the benefits of this promotion, beginning the ninety-first day after a customer's installation of the new channelized T-1 Digital Access circuits which receives the benefits of this promotion, the customer must satisfy the following condition. The customer's charges for usage under the Customer's networkMCI One Term Plan associated with each new channelized T-1 Digital Access circuit must equal or exceed $2,000 in each month remaining in the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan term of service. Customers who fail to satisfy this requirement for three consecutive months will be charged standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channels during the remainder of the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan term of service.
Customers will be charged a $3 per-month per-circuit charge for each new channelized T-1 Digital Access circuit which receives the benefits of this promotion.
To be eligible to receive the following benefits, customers must subscribe to a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) with a term commitment which equals or exceed two years.
In each monthly period of the term of service under a customer's HPP in which the customer's MCI WORLDCOM service usage equals or exceed $5,000, customers who subscribe to this promotion will receive the following benefits: customers will be charged the following amounts in lieu of standard tariffed per‑circuit monthly recurring Access Coordination and Local Access Channels charges for each new unchannelized T-1 Digital Access circuit or unchannelized DS0 Access circuit exclusively associated with the customer's MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay usage which is installed by the customer under this promotion:
Monthly Recurring
Circuit Type Per-Circuit Charge
DS0 Access $150
T‑1 Digital Access 300
All circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion must be installed by October 31, 1998.Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering or discount, except installation charge waivers which may be offered from time to time, on the circuit(s) receiving the benefits of this promotion.
Accelerator Promotion 1
Beginning April 17, 1998 and ending August 15, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of MCI Option MM (networkMCI One) who also become new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and/or digital non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company.
Enrollment Requirement: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers may not have subscribed to interstate MCI WORLDCOM service under a term plan or non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company under a term plan in the 3-month period immediately preceding enrollment in this promotion.
Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, customers must satisfy the following requirements:
If the customer subscribes to MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay under this promotion, the customer must request installation of that MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service within 30 days of the customer's enrollment in this promotion; and/or,
If the customer subscribes to non‑resold digital exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company under this promotion, the customer must request installation of that non‑resold digital exchange service within 30 days of the customer's enrollment in this promotion.
In addition, the customer must request installation of MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay and/or non‑resold digital exchange service within 120 days of enrollment in this promotion.
Monitoring Conditions: To continue to be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion following promotion enrollment, customers must satisfy the following conditions during each month following promotion enrollment:
The customer's interstate telecommunications service usage under this promotion must equal or exceed 20 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's telecommunications service usage under this promotion; and,
The customer must remain subscribed to MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay and/or non‑resold digital exchange service, as applicable, which the customer requests pursuant to this promotion.
Term of Service Commitment: Customers who enroll in this promotion may subscribe to service on a month-to-month basis or under a 2- or 3-year Promotional Term Plan, as follows:
Customers who subscribe to service on a month-to-month basis must satisfy the following condition during each monthly billing period following promotion enrollment:
The customer's monthly Voice Service usage must equal or exceed $3,000.
Customers who subscribe to service on a month-to-month basis may receive the benefits of this promotion for up to 12 months following the customer's enrollment in this promotion, and, may subsequently subscribe to a 2- or 3-year Promotional Term Plan within six months of the customer's original enrollment in this promotion.
Promotional Term Plan:
Customers who subscribe to service under a Promotional Term Plan must satisfy the following condition during each monthly period following promotion enrollment:
· The customer's monthly Voice Service usage must equal or exceed $3,000 (Monthly Minimum).
Customers who subscribe to service under a Promotional Term Plan must satisfy the following condition during each annual period of the customer's Promotional Term Plan term of service:
· The customer's annual charges for Eligible Volume (as described in Section C-3.41422) usage and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay monthly recurring port and PVC charges must equal or exceed $60,000 (Annual Minimum).
If during any monthly period of a customer's Promotional Term Plan the customer's Voice Service usage fails to satisfy the customer's Monthly Minimum, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference between (i) the customer's Voice Service usage charges during that monthly period and (ii) the Monthly Minimum.
If during any annual period of a Promotional Term Plan the customer fails to satisfy the Annual Minimum, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference between (i) the Customer's Eligible Volume usage charges and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay monthly recurring port and PVC charges during that annual period and (ii) the Annual Minimum.
If a customer who subscribes to service under a Promotional Term Plan terminates service prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to pay (i) a charge equal to the difference between (a) the Annual Minimum for that annual period and (b) the customer's Eligible Volume usage charges and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay monthly recurring port and PVC charges during that annual period; and, (ii) a charge equal to each Annual Minimum for each annual period remaining in the customer's term of service.
Customers who subscribe to service on under a Promotional Term Plan and who satisfy the terms and conditions set forth under this promotion will receive the benefits of this promotion throughout the customer's Promotional Term Plan term of service.
Promotional Rates and Charges: Customers who enroll in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits:
Customers who enroll in this promotion are eligible to receive one of the following benefits:
1. Customers who subscribe to (i) digital non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in one city and/or (ii) Option GG (which the customer requests pursuant to the Eligibility Requirements section of this promotion) will be charged the following per‑minute rates for domestic networkMCI One Inbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access originating via switched access, and Outbound Service usage, based on origination type, as follows:
Origination Type
Switched Dedicado
Per-Minute Rate $0.1200 $0.0750
2. In lieu of the preceding promotional rates, customers who subscribe to non‑resold digital exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company in more than one city (which the customer requests pursuant to the Eligibility Requirements section of this promotion) will be charged the following per‑minute rates for domestic networkMCI One Inbound Service, including networkMCI One Card Access originating via switched access, and Outbound Service usage, based on origination type as follows:
Origination Type
Switched Dedicado
Per-Minute Rate $0.1130 $0.0700
In addition, MCI WORLDCOM will offer all customers who enroll in this promotion and who subscribe to Option GG (which the customer requests pursuant to the Eligibility Requirements section of this promotion) the following benefits:
1. In lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring Access Coordination and Local Access Channel charges, upon enrollment in this promotion, the customer may elect to be charged the following combined per-circuit monthly recurring Access Coordination and Local Access Channel charges for each T-1 Digital Access or unchannelized DS0 Access circuit used exclusively for Option GG which the customer requests pursuant to the Eligibility Requirements section of this promotion:
Monthly Recurring
Circuit Type Per-Circuit Charge
DS0 Access $150.00
T-1 Digital Access 300.00
2. In lieu of this benefit, upon enrollment in this promotion, the customer may elect to be charged standard tariffed Access Coordination and Local Access Channel charges for each T-1 Digital Access or unchannelized DS0 Access circuit used exclusively for Option GG, which the customer requests pursuant to the Eligibility Requirements section of this promotion.
Promotional Discounts and Credits: Customers who enroll in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits based on the customer's term of service:
In lieu of any other rates or discounts and after application of the rates and charges set forth under this promotion, customers will receive the following discounts on the following MCI WORLDCOM services based on the customer's term of service commitment:
Term of Service
Promotional Term Plan
Service/Charges Month-To-Month 2- Years 3 Years
Interstate Voice Service: 0% 4% 7%
International Voice Service: 20 25 30
Monthly Recurring Port and PVC: 10 15 20
Channelized T‑1 Digital Access
Monthly Recurring Access Coordination,
Central Office Connection and Local
Access Channel: 35 45 60
Digital Private Line Service - Digital Data
Service (DDS), Terrestrial Digital Service ‑ 1.5
(TDS‑1.5), and Voice Grade Private Line: 10 10 10
In addition, in lieu of any other discounts except as set forth in this promotion, customers will receive credits applied against interstate and international usage equal to the following discounts on the standard tariffed per-minute rates in effect for the customer's usage of service provided by the Company and/or an affiliate of the Company, based on the customer's term of service commitment:
T erm of Service
Promotional Term Plan
Service/Charges Month-To-Month 2 Years 3 Years
Intrastate IntraLATA Toll: 20% 25% 30%
Digital Non‑Resold Exchange Service: 5 20 25
Customers will not receive the discounts set forth in this Promotional Discounts and Credits section on Voice Service usage exceeding $200,000 in any monthly billing period.
Definitions: For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply.
Digital Non‑Resold Exchange Service is defined as Local Trunk - Basic (Digital), which is a facilities-based service which provides a single, digital, one-way outbound or two-way inbound-outbound local access circuit, and Local Trunk - DID, which is a facilities-based service which provides a single, digital, one-way inbound local access circuit.
Voice Service is defined as the services specified under Eligible Volume as described in Section C-3.41421 excluding Dedicated Leased Line Service and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay.
Other Discounts: Except as set forth in this promotion, standard tariffed rates and charges will apply. Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16.l) or any other promotional offering, except for installation charge waivers which may be offered from time to time. In addition, customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the benefits of the networkMCI One Integration Edge Promotion and the Regional Checkbook Promotion III except customers may not receive (i) a credit which exceeds $5,000 under the Regional Checkbook Promotion III or (ii) any benefits associated with Digital Private Line Service - Digital Data Service (DDS), DS0 Access, Fractional T-1, Terrestrial Digital Service ‑ 1.5 (TDS‑1.5), and Voice Grade Private Line under the networkMCI One Integration Edge Promotion.
networkMCI One Dedicated Access Promotion
Beginning May 8, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One). To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must: (i) currently subscribe to interexchange telecommunications service provided by a carrier other than MCI WORLDCOM; (ii) respond to an MCI WORLDCOM solicitation; (iii) subscribe to a 2‑ or 3‑year networkMCI One Term Plan with an annual volume commitment which equals or exceeds $96,000; and, (iv) install one or two channelized T‑1 Digital Access circuit(s) associated with Metered Use Service usage under the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan as follows.
Customers who enroll in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits.
Customers who subscribe to a 2-year networkMCI One Term Plan are eligible to receive the following benefit: in each monthly period of the term of service of the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan, MCI WORLDCOM will waive the monthly recurring Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channel charges for one channelized T‑1 Digital Access circuit installed under this promotion; and,
Customers who subscribe to a 3-year networkMCI One Term Plan are eligible to receive the following benefit: in each monthly period of the term of service of the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan, MCI WORLDCOM will waive the monthly recurring Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channel charges for two channelized T‑1 Digital Access circuits installed under this promotion.
In order to continue to receive the benefits of this promotion following the ninetieth day after a customer's installation of T‑1 Digital Access circuit(s) under this promotion, the customer must satisfy the following condition:
In each month remaining in the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan of service, the customer's usage charges for Metered Use Service associated with each T‑1 Digital Access circuit installed under this promotion must equal or exceed $2,000. Customers who fail to satisfy this requirement for three consecutive months will be charged standard tariffed monthly recurring Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channel charges for the T‑1 Digital Access circuit(s) installed under this promotion during the remainder of the customer's networkMCI One Term Plan term of service.
Customers will be charged a $3 per‑month per‑circuit charge for T‑1 Digital Access circuit(s) installed under this promotion.
All circuits installed under this promotion must be installed by March 31, 1999. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering, except installation charge waivers which may be offered from time to time, on the circuit(s) installed under this promotion.
MCI Local Loop Promotion II
Beginning May 15, 1998 and ending September 30, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to MCI WORLDCOM customers who install new dedicated access circuits provided by an affiliate of the Company. Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive an 8 percent discount on monthly recurring Local Channel Access charges for T-1 Digital Access, Digital Data Service, DSO, or Voice Grade Private Line circuits installed under this promotion. In addition, MCI WORLDCOM will waive Access Coordination charges for T-1 Digital Access, Digital Data Service, DSO, or Voice Grade Private Line circuits installed under this promotion. The benefits of this promotion are in addition to any other discounts which these customer may receive on these circuits. The benefits of this promotion will apply to circuits installed under this promotion as long as the customer subscribes to the circuit(s) installed under this promotion.
Hospitality PLUS Promotion 3
Beginning May 22, 1998 and ending July 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new MCI WORLDCOM customers. New customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 1 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to operator services provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 2 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to non‑resold exchange service provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 3 under this promotion. New MCI WORLDCOM customers who presubscribe to switched MCI WORLDCOM long distance service to be provided on their premises and who subscribe to operator services and non‑resold exchange service provided by MCI WORLDCOM or an affiliate of the Company at the same premises are eligible to receive service as set forth under Option 4 under this promotion.
The per-minute usage charges set forth under Options 1 through 4 will apply for Dial "1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage in lieu of any other rates for Dial "1" and toll free interexchange telecommunications service usage.
Option 1: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.19 $0.14
Off-Peak 0.16 0.11
Option 2: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.17 $0.12
Off-Peak 0.14 0.09
Option 3: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.17 $0.12
Off-Peak 0.14 0.09
Option 4: The following per-minute rates will apply, based on rate period:
Per-Minute Rates
Rate Period Base Rate Discounted Rate
Peak $0.165 $0.115
Off-Peak 0.135 0.085
For purposes of this promotion, the discounted rate will be applied to customers' monthly Dial "1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service which is less than or equal to $1,000 (calculated at the discounted rate) per month. For purposes of this promotion, the following Time of Day rate periods apply for Dial "1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service: the Peak rate period applies from 8:00 a.m. to 4:59 p.m. Monday through Friday; the Off-Peak rate period applies at all other times.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the surcharge and per-minute usage rates set forth in Section C‑3.412111, 3.412112 and 3.411221 for calling access card calls under this promotion. In addition, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the per-minute usage rates set forth in Section C‑3.073351 for switched origination usage for Dial "1" international telecommunications service usage.
If in any monthly period a customer's usage during the Peak rate period exceeds 50 percent of the customer's MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage, the customer will be charged an addition $0.05 per minute for the customer's Dial "1" and toll free MCI WORLDCOM interexchange telecommunications service usage in that monthly period.
Customers who enroll in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering except customer may receive the benefits of the Power Portfolio II Promotion and all promotions associated with non‑resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company, except for the Local Conversion Promotion. Residential Service customers are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
Internet T1 Flat Rate Access Promotion
Beginning November 5, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) and Internet service provided by the Company who install a new T-1 Digital Access circuit used exclusively for Internet service provided by the Company in a new domestic location (New Circuit) under a Company term commitment (term plan) which equals or exceeds one year. A circuit can only receive this promotion if, at the time of customer's enrollment in this promotion, the Monthly Recurring Local Access Channel is less than or equal to $1000.00.
The customer must place an order for installation of all circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion by January 31, 2000. All circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion must be installed by April 30, 2000.
During the term of service of a customer's term plan, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Local Access Channels, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the a $300 monthly recurring charge for each New Circuit installed under this promotion.
Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible for any additional discounts.
Option RR Bermuda Promotion
Beginning November 5, 1999, and ending December, 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) who subscribe to Feature Option Packages other than Feature Option Packages 3A or 3B.
Beginning with enrollment in this promotion, in lieu of standard tariffed rates, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates, for Option RR Outbound Service usage which terminates in Bermuda, based on origination type:
Origination Type
Local Network
Conexión Switched Dedicado
$0.3285 $0.3735 $0.3675
Customers who are also enrolled in the Option RR Worldwide Promotion will be charged the per-minute rates set forth in this promotion, and receive the discount set forth under the Option RR Worldwide Promotion, on the per-minute rates set forth under this promotion throughout the term of service of the Option RR Term Plan to which the customer subscribes under the Option RR Worldwide Promotion.
networkMCI One OneRate Promotion
Beginning July 15, 1998 and ending January 15, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Service Option MM (networkMCI One).
Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers demonstrate to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that at least 75 percent of the customer's usage which is calculated in satisfaction of the customer's annual volume commitment under the Option MM Term Plan to which the customer subscribes under this promotion must be usage carried by an interexchange telecommunications carrier other than MCI WORLDCOM prior to the customer's enrollment in this promotion.
Term of Service Commitment: Customers who enroll in this promotion must subscribe to a 1‑, 2‑, or 3‑year Option MM Term Plan. The customer may elect a networkMCI One Term Plan annual volume commitment of one of the following amounts: $36,000; $48,000, $60,000; $84,000; $96,000; $120,000; $180,000; $240,000; $300,000; $360,000; $420,000; $480,000; $600,000; or, $720.000.
Promotional Rates: Customers who enroll in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits:
Customers will be charged the following per‑minute rates for domestic Option MM Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage, based on access type and rate period:
Access Type Hora pico Off‑Peak
Switched $0.150 $0.132
Dedicated 0.096 0.084
Promotional Discounts and Credits: Customers who enroll in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits, in lieu of any other discounts except as set forth under this promotional offering:
In lieu of standard tariffed Option MM Term Plan discounts, customers will receive the following discounts on the customer's interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage, and monthly recurring charges for Access Coordination, Central Office Connection and Local Access Channels, based upon the customer's Option MM Term Plan term and annual volume commitment:
Annual Volume
Commitment 1-Year 2-Year 3-Year
$ 36,000 25% 27% 29%
$ 48,000 25 27 29
$ 60,000 26 28 37
$ 84,000 27 29 37
$ 96,000 27 29 37
$ 120,000 28 30 37
$ 180,000 29 31 37
$ 240,000 30 32 37
$ 300,000 31 33 37
$ 360,000 32 33 37
$ 420,000 33 33 37
$ 480,000 33 33 37
$ 600,000 33 33 37
$ 720,000 33 33 37
Customers will receive a 33 percent discount on interstate and international Eligible Volume (as described in Section C-3.41421) usage, excluding interstate networkMCI One Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage and Inter-Office Channel, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection charges for Dedicated Leased Line Service. Customers will receive standard tariffed networkMCI One Term Plan discounts on Inter-Office Channel, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection charges for Dedicated Leased Line Service.
Customers will receive credits applied against interstate and international usage equal to a 33 percent discount on the standard tariffed per-minute rates in effect for the customer's intrastate networkMCI One service usage.
Other Discounts: Except as set forth in this promotion, standard tariffed rates and charges will apply. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offerings except for the networkMCI One Access Promotion, networkMCI One Frame Relay Install Waiver 3, Integration Edge Promotion, networkMCI One/MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Promotion 2, and the National Service Guarantee.
MCI WorldCom Port Promotion
Beginning December 18, 1999 and ending September 30, 2000, MCI WorldCom will offer the following to new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services).
To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must subscribe to new domestic MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Service within the U.S. Mainland (New Service) associated with T-1 Digital Access or Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access facilities under a new MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans).
During each monthly period of a customers Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, customers will be charged the following monthly recurring charges for New Service associated with T-1 Digital Access, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for MCIWORLDCOM Frame Relay ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs), based on port speed:
Speed (kbps) Cargo mensual
64 $ 330
128 595
256 975
384 1275
512 1625
768 2125
1024 2700
1536 3300
3072 4600
4608 6400
6144 7600
7680 8800
9216 10700
10752 11800
12288 13300
During each monthly period of a customers Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, customers will be charged the following monthly recurring charges for New Service associated with DSL access, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for MCIWORLDCOM Frame Relay ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) and DSL, based on port speed and DSL service type:
Service Type/Monthly Charge
Speed (kbps) Starter Service Basic Service Premium Service
128 $ 288 $ 447 $ 702
256 362 562 945
384 425 683 1184
512 513 824 1440
768 593 1034 1750
1024 740 1312 2331
1536 989 1724 3061
3072 1571 2797 5164
5120 1997 3729 7016
7168 2339 4567 8883
DSL Virtual Port Promotion
Beginning December 18, 1999 and ending November 10, 2000, MCI WorldCom will offer the following to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) who become new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay).
To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must subscribe to new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service within the U.S. Mainland associated with Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access facilities (New Service) under a new MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans).
During each monthly period of a customers Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, customers will be charged the following monthly recurring charges for New Service, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for MCIWORLDCOM Frame Relay ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) and DSL, based on port speed and DSL service type:
Service Type/Monthly Charge
Speed (kbps) Starter Service Basic Service Premium Service
128 $ 150 $ 225 $ 300
256 200 275 375
384 250 300 500
512 300 375 625
768 350 450 800
1024 425 525 975
1536 550 625 1275
3072 850 1000 1975
5120 1250 1500 2875
7168 1650 2000 3775
Frame Relay Dual Network Services Promotion
Beginning December 18, 1999 and ending January 22, 2000, MCI WorldCom will offer the following to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) who become new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must subscribe to new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service within the U.S. Mainland (New Service) under a new MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans) with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year or an existing Term Plans with a remaining term of service which equals or exceeds one year.
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion on a New Service, a customer must:
order installation of the New Service on or before January 22, 2000; and,
request that the New Service be installed on or before January 22, 2000.
The benefits of this promotion are not available:
To customers receiving service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16) and customers receiving the benefits of the Frame Relay Monthly Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion or the Valued Customer Promotion Frame Relay Valued Customer Promotion on service provided by the Company or an affiliate of the Company are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion:
on New Service installed on an expedited basis.
Promotional Benefits:
Discounts: During each monthly billing period of the term of service in which the customer fulfills all the eligibility requirements, the customer will receive a 30 percent discount, after application of all other discounts and credits, applicable to the monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Guarantee (SLG): The provisions of the SLGs set forth in Section C-3.355 apply for New Service, except as follows.
In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section C-3.3553 for Service Availability, the Service Level Guarantee for Service Availability for Type 2 and Type 3 circuits is 100 percent.
The credits set forth in Section C-3.3553 will be applied only if both New Service and the Existing WFR with which it is paired fail to meet an SLG in a monthly period, in which case the credit will be calculated based on the monthly recurring PVC charges for both New Service and the paired Existing WFR.
Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion II
Beginning January 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Dedicated Leased Line Service, Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services who subscribe to new Digital Private Line Service, Terrestrial Digital Service 1.5 (TDS-1.5) or Voice Grade Private Line (Promotional Circuits) under a new Network Pricing Plan, Option MM Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans) with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year or an existing Term Plan with a remaining term of service which equals or exceeds one year.
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by October 31, 2000 and all of a customer's Promotional Circuits must be installed by November 30, 2000. The Customer will receive credit equal to the Company-billed installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for Local Access Channels for each Promotional Circuit.
Customers who terminate all service under the customers Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service of that plan will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.
Option RR networkMCI One Renewal Waiver Promotion
Beginning January 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000 MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who are enrolled in the networkMCI One Access Promotion and who become new subscribers to a Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) Option RR Term Plan.
During the term of service of an enrolled customer's Option RR Term Plan, the Company will waive the customer's recurring and non‑recurring Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges for the customer's Dedicated Leased Line Service installed before October 1, 1998.
Customers receiving service under Special Customer Arrangements Types 39, 40 and 41 (as described in Section C-16) are eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver 3
Beginning January 8, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) who: (i) place an order on or before September 30, 2000, for new local access circuits associated with new domestic Option GG ports, PVCs and SVCs at speeds up to 1.544 Mbps under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year (New Service); and, (ii) request installation of the New Service within the Standard Install Interval (as described in Section C-3.35) to occur on a date no later than September 30, 2000.
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to the non‑recurring MCI WORLDCOM-billed installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for New Service and Local Access Channels associated with New Service
If an enrolled customer terminates New Service under the customer's term plan prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion, except customers may change New Service port speeds without termination liability under the customers term plan.
Interstate Voice Service Promotion
Any SCA Type 1 customer which can satisfy the conditions of this offer will be entitled to receive, from January 1, 2000 throughout the remainder of its service term, a 30 percent discount on its annual interstate (i) outbound voice service usage for its dedicated origination to switched termination call types and switched origination to switched termination calls types, and (ii) inbound voice service usage for its switched origination to dedicated termination call types and switched origination to switched termination call types. To qualify for this promotion, the Customer must: (1) have been a customer of the Company (or any of its predecessors) for at least seven years; (2) have committed to a 3-year service term and the receipt of at least $2,500,000 of Company service during that service term; (3) use Company service to satisfy at least 95 percent of its interexchange telecommunications service requirements. No other services of the Customer will receive this discount, which will be applied after all other discounts or promotions for which the Customer is eligible are determined, and the Customer shall not be eligible for any future promotion offered by the Company during its service term relating to the two interstate outbound call types and the two interstate inbound call types referenced above. This promotion shall be available to qualifying customers until January 31, 2000.
Frame Relay Service Satisfaction Guarantee II
Beginning January 15, 2000 and ending June 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services) who become new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and/or packet data service provided by an affiliate of the Company.
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must:
be an existing customer of packet data service provided by a carrier other than the Company or a Company affiliate;
commit to request installation of new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service and/or packet data service provided by an affiliate of the Company within the U.S. Mainland (New Service) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plans).
Benefits: Upon satisfaction of the following conditions and subject to the following exclusions, an enrolled customer who becomes dissatisfied with Company or Company affiliate performance in connection with the provision of New Service may terminate service under the customer's Term Plan without liability for the underutilization and early termination charges set forth under the Term Plan and will receive a credit, not to exceed $2000, equal to the customer's installation charges for Replacement Service.
The following conditions apply:
The customer must notify the Company in writing within the first three billing periods after the installation of the customer's first Option GG service element that it wishes to discontinue service (Notice);
The customer's Notice must set forth the reason(s) for the service dissatisfaction; and,
The Customer must subscribe to new a Dedicated Leased Line Service or domestic private line Service provided by an affiliate of the Company at bandwidth which equals or exceeds the bandwidth of discontinued new service (Replacement Service).
A customer's dissatisfaction with Company or Company affiliate performance may not be the result of any one or more of the following:
Scheduled service maintenance.
Labor strikes affecting service.
Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company or Company affiliate (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency).
Service Outages attributable to the installation of New Service.
Service Outages attributable to: customer premises equipment (CPE); any third party equipment; any Customer application on a New Service; or service provided outside the U.S. Mainland.
Any act or omission on the part of the Customer, its contractors, agents or vendors, including any refusal to release New Service to the Company or Company affiliate for maintenance, testing or repair.
Millennium Tiered Access Promotion
Beginning January 22, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers.
Requisitos: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must satisfy the following conditions at the time of promotion enrollment:
a customer must subscribe new Type 1 or Type 2 T-1 Digital Access, DDS Local Access and/or DS0 (Hubless) Access (Promotional Access Service);
a customers Promotional Access Service must be associated with new Dedicated Leased Line Service, Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One), Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services), or T-1 Digital Access used exclusively for dedicated access to the Internet(New Service); and,
a customers New Service must be provided under a new network Pricing Plan (NPP), MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan, with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year (Promotional Term Plan).
The following conditions also apply:
The Inter-Office Channel mileage of a customers New Service Dedicated Leased Line Service must equal or exceed 100 miles;
At least two channels of each Promotional Access Service T-1 Digital Access circuit which is associated with MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service must be associated with New Service MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay.
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must:
place an order for installation of all Promotional Access Service on or before October 31, 2000.
request that Promotional Access Service be installed on or before November 31, 2000.
Definitions: For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
Frame Relay Dual Network Services Promotion II
Beginning January 22, 2000 and ending March 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion.
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in the promotion, the customer must:
(i) be an existing customer of a Frame Relay product offered by an affiliate of the Company (Existing WFR)
(ii) become a new subscriber of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service) (New Service) under (a) a new Option GG MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan, Metered Use Service Option MM networkMCI One Term Plan or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans) with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year, or (b) an existing Term Plan with a remaining term of service which equals or exceeds one year.
(iii) order New Service:
(a) in the same locations as the customer's Existing WFR;
(b) comprised of ports and PVCs which equal the number of the customers' Existing WFR ports and PVCs, respectively, and at speeds which are less than or equal to the speeds of the customer's Existing WFR;
(c) for the purpose of serving as Back-Up to the customer's Existing WFR;
(d) no later than March 1, 2000 for installlation with a request for installation no later than May 30, 2000; and,
(e) without a request for expedited installation.
Non-Eligibility: This promotion is not available to customers receiving service under:
(i) a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16); or,
(ii) the Frame Relay Monthly Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion or the Valued Customer Promotion Frame Relay Valued Customer Promotion.
Definitions: For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Back-Up: Service used by a customer during a service outage of the customer's Existing WFR.
Service Outage: An unscheduled period of time during which service is unavailable to the customer for use. A Service Outage is defined as 60 or more seconds of service unavailability within a 15‑minute period as measured by the Company. A Service Outage does not include the time during there occurs an interruption of service due to any one or more of the following:
· Scheduled service maintenance.
· Labor strikes affecting service.
· Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency).
· Service Outages attributable to the installation of a new circuit.
· Service Outages attributable to: customer premises equipment (CPE); any third party equipment other than equipment furnished by LECs as part of their access services; or any customer application on a covered circuit.
· Any act or omission on the part of the customer, its contractors, agents or vendors, including any refusal to release the circuit to the Company for maintenance, testing or repair.
Promotional Benefits:
Discounts: During each monthly billing period of the term of service in which the customer fulfills all the eligibility requirements, the customer will receive a 30 percent discount, after application of all other discounts and credits, applicable to the monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Guarantee (SLG): The provisions of the SLGs set forth in Section C-3.355 apply for New Service, except as follows.
In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section C-3.3553 for Service Availability, the Service Level Guarantee for Service Availability for Type 2 and Type 3 circuits is 100 percent.
The credits set forth in Section C-3.3553 will be applied only if both New Service and the Existing WFR with which it is paired fail to meet an SLG in a monthly period, in which case the credit will be calculated based on the monthly recurring PVC charges for both New Service and the paired Existing WFR.
Early Termination: If a customer terminates New Service prior to the expiration of its Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all discounts received by the customer under this promotion.
Frame Relay Dual Network Services Promotion III
Beginning April 14, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion.
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in the promotion, the customer must:
(i) be an existing customer of a data packet service offered by an affiliate of the Company (Existing WFR); and,
(ii) become a new subscriber of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service) (New Service) under (a) a new Option GG MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan, Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) networkMCI One Term Plan or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans) with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year, or (b) an existing Term Plan with a remaining term of service which equals or exceeds one year.
(iii) order New Service:
(a) in the same locations as the customer's Existing WFR;
(b) which is comprised of (i) ports and PVCs which equal the number of the customers' Existing WFR ports and PVCs, respectively, and at speeds which are less than or equal to the speeds of the customer's Existing WFR, if installed prior to June 10, 2000, or (ii) ports, PVCs and local access facilities which equal the number of the customers' Existing WFR ports, PVCs and local access facilities, respectively, and at speeds which are less than or equal to the speeds of the customer's Existing WFR if installed on or after June 10, 2000;
(c) for the purpose of serving as Back-Up to the customer's Existing WFR;
(d) no later than September 1, 2000 for installlation with a request for installation no later than October 31, 2000; and,
(e) without a request for expedited installation.
Non-Eligibility: This promotion is not available to customers receiving service under:
(i) a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16); or,
(ii) the Frame Relay Monthly Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion or the Valued Customer Promotion Frame Relay Valued Customer Promotion.
Definitions: For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Back-Up: Service used by a customer during a service outage of the customer's Existing WFR.
Service Outage: An unscheduled period of time during which service is unavailable to the customer for use. A Service Outage is defined as 60 or more seconds of service unavailability within a 15‑minute period as measured by the Company. A Service Outage does not include the time during there occurs an interruption of service due to any one or more of the following:
· Scheduled service maintenance.
· Labor strikes affecting service.
· Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency).
· Service Outages attributable to the installation of a new circuit.
· Service Outages attributable to: customer premises equipment (CPE); any third party equipment other than equipment furnished by LECs as part of their access services; or any customer application on a covered circuit.
· Any act or omission on the part of the customer, its contractors, agents or vendors, including any refusal to release the circuit to the Company for maintenance, testing or repair.
Promotional Benefits:
Discounts: During each monthly billing period of the term of service in which the customer fulfills all the eligibility requirements, the customer will receive a 30 percent discount, after application of all other discounts and credits, applicable to the monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service.
MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Guarantee (SLG): The provisions of the SLGs set forth in Section C-3.355 apply for New Service, except as follows.
In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section C-3.3553 for Service Availability, the Service Level Guarantee for Service Availability for Type 2 and Type 3 circuits is 100 percent.
The credits set forth in Section C-3.3553 will be applied only if both New Service and the Existing WFR with which it is paired fail to meet an SLG in a monthly period, in which case the credit will be calculated based on the monthly recurring PVC charges for both New Service and the paired Existing WFR.
Early Termination: If a customer terminates New Service prior to the expiration of its Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all discounts received by the customer under this promotion.
WEB Digital Reconfiguration Services (DRS) Introductory Promotion
Beginning February 1, 2000 and ending April 30, 2000, new and existing customers of Option S (Virtual Private Data Service (VPDS) who subscribe to and install new Switched T-1 service under a new or existing Network Pricing Plan or an Option RR (On-net) term plan, each having term commitments of at least one year, will receive a credit equal to the minimum usage charge, as described in Section 3.20112, associated with the new Switched T-1 service for each year of the customers term commitment. The credits will be applied against the customers first, thirteenth and twenty-fifth invoices, as applicable, on which the new service is invoiced. All service orders under this promotion must be placed no later than May 31, 2000, with requested service installation dates no later than June 30, 2000.
WEB DRS Install Waiver Promotion
Beginning February 1, 2000 and ending April 30, 2000, new and existing customers of MCI Digital Reconfiguration Service (DRS) Fixed Network Reconfiguration (FNR) who install a new DRS Fixed Network Reconfiguration (FNR) service under a new or existing Network Pricing Plan or Option RR Term Plan, each having term commitments of at least one year, will receive a credit equal to the non-recurring installation charges (excluding expedite charges) for Local Access Channels for circuits installed under this promotion on the customers first invoice following installation. Customers who terminate service prior to the expiration of their committed terms of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.
WEB DRS Promotion II
Beginning February 1, 2000 and ending April 30, 2000, new and existing customers of MCI Digital Reconfiguration Service (DRS) Fixed Network Reconfiguration (FNR) who install a new DRS Fixed Network Reconfiguration (FNR) service under a new or existing Network Pricing Plan or Option RR Term Plan, each having term commitments of at least one year, will receive a credit equal to the recurring port charge for one monthly period for each DRS FNR port installed under this promotion for each year of the customers term commitment. The credits will be applied to the customer's first, thirteenth, and twenty-fifth invoices. All service orders under this promotion must be placed no later than May 31, 2000, with requested installation dates no later than June 30, 2000.
Frame Relay Installation Waiver Promotion I
Beginning November 7, 1998 and ending December 11, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to existing customers of (a) domestic Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service), (b) Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who: (ii) order on or before December 31, 1998 new local access circuits associated with domestic Option GG usage, Option GG ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC) under an MCI Option GG Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) or networkMCI One Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; and, (iii) order on a date no later than December 31, 1998 installation of the new Option GG service.
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to the non‑recurring MCI WORLDCOM-billed installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for Local Access Channels associated with new Option GG usage and domestic Option GG ports, PVCs and SVCs at speeds up to 1.544 Mbps which the customer installs under this promotion.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must order new service within the Standard Install Interval (as defined in Section C‑3.35).
Customers who terminate all service under an a term plan prior to the expiration of the that term plan during the benefit period of this promotion will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.
Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion I
Beginning November 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) and new and existing customers of Dedicated Leased Line Service and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who subscribe to new or additional Voice Grade Private Line service, Digital Data Service (DDS), Digital Private Line Service, or Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 (TDS-1.5) under a new or existing Fixed Term Plan, Network Pricing Plan,
Option MM Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year. The qualifying service must be installed no later than April 30, 1999.
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to the non‑recurring MCI WORLDCOM-billed installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for Local Access Channels for circuits installed under this promotion.
Customers who terminate all service under the customer's term of service commitment prior to the expiration of the term of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.
T-1 Digital Gateway Access to Internet Installation Waiver Promotion
Beginning October 15, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of T-1 Digital Access used for dedicated local loop access to the Internet.
To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must: (i) subscribe to T-1 Digital Access used for dedicated local loop access to the Internet for a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; (ii) place an order for installation of such circuit(s) on or before January 31, 1999; (iii) order installation of such circuit(s) on a date no later than April 30, 1999; and (iv) subscribe to service under a new Network Pricing Plan, MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Network Pricing Plan (HPP), networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plans).
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to the non-recurring MCI WORLDCOM‑billed installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for Local Access Channels for circuits installed under this promotion. Customers who terminate MCI WORLDCOM service under the customer's Term Plan during the promotion benefit period will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.
Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver I
Beginning November 7, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) and new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service) (HSFR) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who: (i) order on or before January 31, 1999 new local access circuits associated with domestic Option GG usage and Option GG ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC) under a MCI HyperStream Frame Relay Service Network Pricing Plan (HPP), networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; and, (ii) order on a date no later than April 30, 1999 installation of the new Option GG service.
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to the following non‑recurring MCI WORLDCOM-billed installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for Local Access Channel and HSFR ports, PVCs and SVCs at speeds up to 1.544 Mbps which the customer installs under this promotion.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must order new service within the Standard Install Interval (as defined in Section C‑3.35).
If an enrolled customer terminates HSFR service under the customer's term plan prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion. Customers may change port speeds without termination liability.
Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver 2
Beginning January 8, 1999 and ending January 7, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (MWFR) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) who place an order, on or before January 31, 2000 new local access circuits associated with domestic Option GG and Option GG Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) under a MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; and, (ii) order installation on a date no later than January 31, 2000 of the new Option GG service.
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to non‑recurring MCI WORLDCOM-billed installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for Local Access Channel and HSFR ports, PVCs and SVCs at speeds up to 1.544 Mbps which the customer installs under this promotion.
To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, the customer must order new service within the Standard Install Interval (as defined in Section C‑3.35).
If an enrolled customer terminates MWFR service under the customer's term plan prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion. Customers may change port speeds without termination liability.
Regional Checkbook Promotion V
Beginning October 15, 1998 and ending September 30, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option F (MCI 800 Service), Metered Use Service Option G (Vnet), Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) who subscribe to a new Option RR Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year, and/or Dedicated Leased Line Service associated with Option RR usage and/or in response to competitive marketplace conditions when the customer or customer prospect can demonstrate to MCI WORLDCOMs reasonable satisfaction that it will accept a competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from MCI WORLDCOM to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to MCI WORLDCOM service(s). MCI WORLDCOM may provide credit, not to exceed $50,000 per customer per annual period of the customer's term of service, which is reasonably responsive to the competitor's offer for application against interstate charges for such service(s). The credit will be applied against an invoice or invoice(s) for usage of such service(s), or the customer's WorldCom Fund account. If the customer designates that the credit is to be applied to the customer's Option RR usage, the credit will be applied to the customer's first invoice following the end of each 12-month period of the customer's term of service. If the customer designates that the credit is to be applied to the customer's WorldCom Fund account, the credit will be applied upon promotion enrollment (unless the customer and MCI WORLDCOM designate a different date upon the customer's promotion enrollment), provided that the service(s) for which the credit is offered has been installed. The credit may not be applied against taxes, charges for unauthorized calls, prior outstanding balances owed to MCI WORLDCOM, termination or underutilization charges associated with term plans or program commitments, or disputed charges. If a Customer terminates the service(s) for which the credit is offered prior to the months(s) it is to be applied, the customer will not be eligible for the credit and any unused credit at the time of termination of service will be forfeited by the customer. If the service(s) receiving the benefits of this promotion are provided under a term plan or commitment and the customer terminates service prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will not be eligible for unissued credits and any unused credit at the time of termination will be forfeited by the customer. Credits will be furnished in multiples of $50 and may only be applied to the service(s) provided under this promotion. This offer is limited in an amount to $50,000 no matter how many separate accounts may be established, or have been established, with the Company. In addition, total credits received by the customer under this promotion and Regional Checkbook Promotion III shall not exceed $50,000 per customer per annual period.
Flat Rate Frame Relay Access Promotion
Beginning November 1, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) and new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who install new T‑1 Digital Access with at least two channels per circuit and/or DS‑0 circuits associated with use of domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay under a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP), networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year. During the term of service of a customer's term plan, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Local Access Channels, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following monthly recurring charges, prior to the application of term plan discounts, for each domestic T‑1 Digital Access or DS‑0 circuit associated with the customer's domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay installed under this promotion, based on circuit type and access type.
Monthly Recurring Per-Circuit Charge
Access Type
Circuit Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
DS‑0 $ 50 $135 $150
T‑1 Digital Access 150 270 300
The customer must place an order for installation of all circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion by January 31, 1999. All circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion must be installed by April 30, 1999.
For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Access Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company or Company-affiliate facilities;
Access Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in part via Company or Company-affiliate facilities; and,
Access Type 3 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
Flat Rate Frame Relay Access Promotion 2
Beginning January 7, 1999 and ending June 1, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) and new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who install new T‑1 Digital Access with at least two channels per circuit and/or DS‑0 circuits associated with use of domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay under a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year. During the term of service of a customer's term plan, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Local Access Channels, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following monthly recurring charges, prior to the application of term plan discounts, for each domestic T‑1 Digital Access or DS‑0 circuit associated with the customer's domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay installed under this promotion, based on circuit type and access type.
Monthly Recurring Per-Circuit Charge
Access Type
Circuit Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
DS‑0 $ 50 $135 $150
T‑1 Digital Access 150 270 300
The customer must place an order for installation of all circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion by July 31, 1999. All circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion must be installed by August 31, 1999.
For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Access Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company or Company-affiliate facilities;
Access Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in part via Company or Company-affiliate facilities; and,
Access Type 3 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
Long Distance Only Promotion
Beginning October 15, 1998 and ending September 30, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions.
Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer may not be:
a subscriber to non-resold exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company.
Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year; and,
not subscribe to Option RR Feature Option 3.
Other Conditions: To continue to be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, throughout the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan, the customer may not subscribe to non-resold exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company.
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits:
Customers who subscribe to service under this promotion under a new Option RR Term Plan with a monthly volume commitment equal to or less than $7,000 per month (as described in Section C-3.4643) will receive a 5 percent discounts on the Customers's interstate Option RR usage which originates via switched access for outbound calls and terminates via switched access for inbound calls.
Customers who subscribe to service under this promotion under a new Option RR Term Plan with an annual volume commitment which equals or exceeds $120,000 per annual period (as described in Section C-3.4643) will receive a 5 percent discounts on the Customers's interstate Option RR usage which originates via dedicated access for outbound calls and terminates via dedicated access for inbound calls.
Long Distance Only Promotion 2
Beginning October 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions.
Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer may not be:
a subscriber to non-resold exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company.
Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year; and,
not subscribe to Option RR Feature Option 3.
Other Conditions: To continue to be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, throughout the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan, the customer may not subscribe to non-resold exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company.
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits:
Customers who subscribe to service under this promotion under a new Option RR Term Plan with a monthly volume commitment equal to or less than $7,000 per month (as described in Section C-3.4643) will receive a 5 percent discounts on the Customers's interstate Option RR usage which originates via switched access for outbound calls and terminates via switched access for inbound calls.
Customers who subscribe to service under this promotion under a new Option RR Term Plan with an annual volume commitment which equals or exceeds $120,000 per annual period (as described in Section C-3.4643) will receive a 5 percent discounts on the Customers's interstate Option RR usage which originates via dedicated access for outbound calls and terminates via dedicated access for inbound calls.
Long Distance Only Promotion 2A
Beginning April 3, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) who (i) are not existing subscribers to non-resold exchange service provided by a Company affiliate and (ii) subscribe an Option RR Term Plan.
In each monthly period of a customer's Option RR Term Plan Term of service following enrollment in this promotion in which the customer continues to not subscribe to non-resold exchange service provided by a Company affiliate, the customer is eligible to receive the following benefits, based on the customer's volume commitment:
customers who subscribe to an Option RR Term Plan with a monthly volume (as described in Section C-3.4643) will receive a 5 percent discount on the Customer's interstate Option RR Outbound Service usage which originates via Switched access and interstate Option RR Inbound Service usage which terminates via Switched access; or,
customers who subscribe to an Option RR Term Plan with an annual volume (as described in Section C-3.4643) will receive a 5 percent discount on the Customer's interstate Option RR Outbound Service usage which originates via Dedicated access and interstate Option RR Inbound Service usage which terminates via Dedicated access.
International Local Network Termination Promotion
Beginning October 15, 1998 and ending March 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions.
Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year;
not be a subscriber to Option RR Feature Option 3B; and,
subscribe to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and/or United Kingdom (Promotional Locations).
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan:
Customers will receive a $0.01 per minute discount on the per-minute rates set forth in Section C-3.07342 for Switched and Dedicated calls placed from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (as set forth in Section C-3.46231) which originate over Switched or Dedicated facilities and terminate in the Promotional Locations in which the customer subscribes to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company under this promotion, based on origination type; and,
In lieu of the per-minute rates set forth in Section C-3.07342, customers will be charged $0.085 per minute for calls placed from the U.S. Mainland (as set forth in Section C‑3.46231) which originate via Local Network Connection facilities and terminate in the Promotional Locations in which the customer subscribes to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company under this promotion. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of the Option RR Worldwide Promotion.
International Local Network Termination Promotion 3
Beginning April 9, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions.
Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year;
not be a subscriber to Option RR Feature Option 3B; and,
subscribe to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and/or United Kingdom (Promotional Locations).
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan:
Customers will receive a $0.01 per minute discount on the per-minute rates set forth in Section C-3.07342 for Switched and Dedicated calls placed from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (as set forth in Section C-3.46231) which originate over Switched or Dedicated facilities and terminate in the Promotional Locations in which the customer subscribes to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company under this promotion, based on origination type; and,
In lieu of the per-minute rates set forth in Section C-3.07342, customers will be charged $0.085 per minute for calls placed from the U.S. Mainland (as set forth in Section C‑3.46231) which originate via Local Network Connection and terminate in the Promotional Locations in which the customer subscribes to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated company under this promotion. Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of the Option RR Worldwide Promotion.
Option RR Worldwide Promotion
Beginning October 15, 1998 and ending August 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year; and,
not be a subscriber to Option RR Feature Option 3.
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan:
In each monthly period of the customer's Option RR Term Plan in which the customer's international usage under that Option RR Term Plan equals or exceeds 15 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's total usage under that Option RR Term Plan, in lieu of standard tariffed rates the customer will receive a 32.33 percent discount on the per-minute usage charges set forth in Section C-3.07342 for the customer's international outbound voice and Option RR Card usage to the international locations set forth in Section C-3.07342.
Underutilization: In any monthly period of the customer's Option RR Term Plan in which the customer's international usage under that Option RR Term Plan fails to equal or exceed 15 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's total usage under that Option RR Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an underutilization charge equal to the difference between the amount billed the customer under this promotion and the customer's usage under this promotion billed at the rates set forth in Section C-3.07342.
Option RR Worldwide Promotion 2
Beginning November 6, 1998 and ending December 11, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year; and,
not be a subscriber to Option RR Feature Option 3.
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan:
In each monthly period of the customer's Option RR Term Plan in which the customer's international usage under that Option RR Term Plan equals or exceeds 30 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's total usage under that Option RR Term Plan, in lieu of standard tariffed rates the customer will receive a 32.3 percent discount on the per-minute usage charges set forth in Section C-3.07342 for the customer's international outbound voice and Option RR Card usage to the international locations set forth in Section
Underutilization: In any monthly period of the customer's Option RR Term Plan in which the customer's international usage under that Option RR Term Plan fails to equal or exceed 30 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's total usage under that Option RR Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an underutilization charge equal to the difference between the amount charged the customer under this promotion for international outbound voice and Option RR Card usage and standard tariffed rates.
Option RR E-Billing Promotion
Beginning October 15, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, upon promotion enrollment the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR Feature Option 2 under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year;
subscribe to the Option RR Electronic Billing; and,
agree that, beginning in the fourth month following promotion enrollment and thereafter throughout the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan, the customer will use the Electronic Billing feature exclusively, in lieu of any other form of Company invoice or payment method, to view, analyze and pay for the services subscribed to under the customer's Option RR Term Plan.
Benefits: In the fourth month following promotion enrollment the customer will receive a $250 credit. The customer may designate that this credit be applied either to the customer's charges under the customer's Option RR Term Plan or to the customer's WorldCom Fund account.
International Local Network Termination Promotion 2
Beginning November 7, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions.
Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year;
not be a subscriber to Option RR Feature Option 3B; and,
subscribe to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and/or United Kingdom (Promotional Locations).
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan:
Customers will receive a $0.01 per minute discount on the per-minute rates set forth in Section C-3.073.42 for Switched and Dedicated calls placed from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (as set forth in Section C-3.46231) which originate over Switched or Dedicated facilities and terminate in the Promotional Locations in which the customer subscribes to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company under this promotion, based on origination type; and,
In lieu of the per-minute rates set forth in Section C-3.073.42, customers will be charged $0.085 per minute for calls placed from the U.S. Mainland (as set forth in Section C‑3.46231) which originate via Local Network Connection facilities and terminate in the Promotional Locations in which the customer subscribes to telecommunications service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company under this promotion.
Option RR Worldwide Promotion 3:
Beginning September 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year; and,
not be a subscriber to Option RR Feature Option 3.
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan:
In each monthly period of the customer's Option RR Term Plan in which the customer's international usage under that Option RR Term Plan equals or exceeds 15 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's total usage under that Option RR Term Plan, in lieu of standard tariffed rates the customer will receive a 32.33 percent discount on the per-minute usage charges set forth in Section C-3.07342 for the customer's international outbound voice and Option RR Card usage to the international locations set forth in Section C-3.07342.
Underutilization: In any monthly period of the customer's Option RR Term Plan in which the customer's international usage under that Option RR Term Plan fails to equal or exceed 15 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's total usage under that Option RR Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an underutilization charge equal to the difference between the amount billed the customer under this promotion and the customer's usage under this promotion billed at the rates set forth in Section C-3.07342.
Option RR for Business Growth Promotion
Beginning April 15, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services). Customers who enroll in this promotion will receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan, excluding any automatic renewal period as set forth in Section C‑3.4642.
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions upon promotion enrollment. A customer:
must subscribe to voice Option RR service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a month-to-month or one, two or three year term of service; and,
may not subscribe to Option RR Feature Options 2, 3A or 3B.
Promotional Benefits: Customers who subscribe to Option RR service under a one, two or three year Term Plan term of service will receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan.
Discounts: In lieu of the discounts set forth in Section C‑3.4646(a), in each monthly period of the term of service, customers will receive the following discounts on voice Eligible Volume (as set forth in Section C‑3.4641) usage, based on the customer's monthly volume of Eligible Volume usage after application of discounts and term of service commitment, to be applied to interstate and international usage:
Monthly Volume 1-Year 2-Year 3-Year
$ 50.00 ‑ $ 99.99 5% 6% 7%
$ 100.00 ‑ $ 149.99 6 7 9
$ 150.00 ‑ $ 199.99 7 8 11
$ 200.00 ‑ $ 249.99 8 9 12
$ 250.00 ‑ $ 499.99 9 10 13
$ 500.00 + 10 11 14
Optional Promotional Benefits: At the time of enrollment in this promotion, customers may elect to receive the following optional benefits under this promotion during (i) the term of service of a customer's one, two or three year Term Plan term of service or (ii) in each month of a month-to-month Term Plan term of service, not to exceed 12 consecutive months.
International Discounts: To be eligible to receive the following benefit, customers will be billed and required to pay a $5.95 monthly recurring charge. Customers will receive a 32.3 percent discount on the per-minute usage charges set forth in Section C‑3.073.42 on the customer's outbound Option RR usage originating in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and for Card (excluding Option RR Card WorldPhone Access) usage originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminating in Section C‑3.073.42.
Service Group Charges: Customers who subscribe to service under the Customers Option RR Term Plan which originates via Switched WATS termination or Business Line Termination will be charged a $10 per month service fee per service group in lieu of the standard tariffed charge for Switched WATS Termination or Business Line Termination set forth in Section C-3.461242.
Features: Customers who subscribe to the following features will be charged a $10 installation charge, a $10 monthly recurring charge and a $10 change charge per feature in lieu of standard tariffed charges for: Accounting Codes; Day of Week Routing, Extended Call Coverage, Tailored Call Coverage, Time of Day/Time Interval Routing.
Underutilization: In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section C-3.4644, the following provision will apply to the Option RR Term Plan to which the customer subscribes under this promotion. If at the end of any monthly period of (i) the term of service of a customer's one, two or three year Term Plan term of service, or (ii) a month-to-month Term Plan term of service, not to exceed consecutive 12 months, a customer's voice Option RR usage fails to equal or exceed $50, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference between the customer's actual voice Option RR usage in that monthly period and $50.
Early Termination: In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section C-3.464522, the following provision will apply to the Option RR Term Plan with a one, two or three year term of service to which a customer subscribes under this promotion. If a customer discontinues use of all service provided under the customers Option RR Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge in an amount equal to $50 for each monthly period, or portion thereof, remaining in the customers Option RR Term Plan term of service.
Option RR Interstate Optimizer Promotion
Beginning May 1, 1999 and ending July 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services). Customers who enroll in this promotion will receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan, excluding any automatic renewal period as set forth in Section C‑3.4642.
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions upon promotion enrollment.
A customer must subscribe to an Option RR Term Plan for the provision of Option RR Outbound Service (excluding Card) which originates in, or Option RR Inbound Service which terminates in, at least one location with the following NPA's: 207, 252, 270, 304, 315, 336, 423, 502, 518, 540, 606, 607, 615, 704, 716,
757, 802, 803, 804, 828, 843, 864, 901, 910, or 931 (Promotional NPAs);
A customer may not: (i) subscribe to (a) Option RR Feature Options 2, 3A or 3B or (b) non-sold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company; or, (ii) and be receiving the benefits of the Long Distance Bridge promotion.
Other Conditions: To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, throughout the term of service of a customer's Option RR Term Plan, the customer may not subscribe to non-sold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company.
Promotional Benefits: In addition to the discounts set forth in Section C-3.4646(a), customers who subscribe to Option RR service under this promotion will receive a 15 percent discount on standard tariffed rates for domestic: Option RR Outbound Service (excluding Card) usage which originates in the Promotional NPAs; Option RR Card usage; and, Option RR Inbound Service usage which terminates in the Promotional NPAs.
Early Termination: In addition to the provisions set forth in Section C-3.464522, customers who discontinue use of all service provided under the customer's Option RR Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service will be billed and required to repay an amount equal to all discounts received under this promotion.
Option RR Mexico Calling Promotion
Beginning May 15, 1999 and ending March 31, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services). To be eligible to enroll in this promotion the customer must subscribe in the Option RR WorldWide Promotion at the time of enrollment in this promotion.
In lieu of standard tariffed rates, beginning upon enrollment in this promotion, and during each monthly period of the Option RR Term Plan term of service to which the customer subscribes in connection with the Option RR WorldWide Promotion, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates for Outbound Service usage to Mexico, based upon origination type:
Origination Type Per-Minute Rate
Dedicated $0.210
Local Network Connection 0.195
Switched 0.240
Power Pak Promotion
Beginning July 16, 1999 and ending March 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services).
Eligibility: The following provisions apply.
Upon enrollment in this promotion, customers must subscribe to a new Option RR Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year and a volume commitment which equals or exceeds $500 per monthly period (Promotional Term Plan).
Within the 60-day period following promotion enrollment, customers must:
subscribe to new exchange service provided by a Company affiliate (Exchange Service); and,
order installation of new Local Line, Local Trunk‑Basic, Local Trunk‑DID, Local Trunk‑2 Way Direct service provided by an affiliate of the Company (Promotional Trunks).
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, Exchange Service must be transmitted via, and Promotional Trunks must originate/terminate at, Company- or Company affiliate-provided remote switching equipment collocated at a Local Exchange Company Central Office.
Definitions: For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
3 Way Conference Calling: A feature that allows the subscriber to add a third party to a call.
Call Forward‑Busy: A feature that automatically routes incoming calls to a designated point when the called line is busy.
Call Forward‑No Answer: A feature that automatically routes incoming calls to a designated point when the called line does not answer within a pre‑specified number of rings.
Caller ID‑Number: A feature that allows the subscriber to view the phone number of the person calling before the called party answers the call.
Call Transfer: A feature that allows the subscriber to transfer a call to a third party using the same line.
Call Waiting/Cancel Call Waiting: A feature that provides the subscriber with a burst of tone to indicate that another call is waiting. The second call can either be answered by flashing the switchhook or hanging up the phone and being rung back by the caller. Cancel Call Waiting allows the subscriber to cancel the Call Waiting feature on a per-call basis by dialing a specific 2-digit code.
Local Line: A facilities-based service which provides a single, analog, voice grade communications channel.
Local Trunk‑Basic: A facilities-based service which provides a single, analog, voice grade, one‑way inbound, one‑way outbound or two‑way inbound‑outbound local access circuit.
Local Trunk‑DID: A facilities-based service which provides a single, analog, voice grade, one‑way inbound local access circuit.
Local Trunk‑2 Way Direct: A facilities-based service which provides a two‑way, inbound‑outbound, direct dial, analog local access circuit.
Speed Dial‑8/Speed Dial-30: A feature that allows subscribers to maintain a list of 8 or 30 selected directory numbers which can be called by dialing a one or two‑digit code. Speed Dial‑8 and Speed Dial‑30 cannot be provisioned on the same line.
Toll Restriction: A feature which prevents a station from dialing certain codes and numbers.
Promotional Benefits: The following provisions apply.
Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customers' Promotional Term Plan:
Promotional Trunk Credits: Customers will receive credits against interstate usage charges equal to the customer's monthly recurring charges for installed Promotional Trunks, after application of all other discounts and credits, for the following monthly periods of the customers' Promotional Term Plan term of service, based on the customer's term of service, as follows:
Term of Service (Years) Month of Term of Service
1 12
2 12 and 24
3 12, 24 and 36
4 12, 24 and 36
5 12, 24 and 36
Service Credits: Customers who subscribe to Promotional Trunks will receive credit against interstate usage charges equal to the customer's average charges for Exchange Service usage (excluding Directory Assistance and operator service usage) transmitted via Promotional Trunks for the preceding 3-month period ending in the following monthly periods of the customer's Promotional Term Plan term of service, based on the customer's term of service, as follows:
Term of Service (Years) Month of Term of Service
1 12
2 12 and 24
3 12, 24 and 36
4 12, 24 and 36
5 12, 24 and 36
Feature Credits: Customers who subscribe to one or more of the following features associated with Exchange Service will receive credits against interstate usage charges equal to the monthly recurring charges for the features set forth in this section:
3 Way Conference Calling
Call Forward‑Busy
Call Forward‑No Answer
Call Transfer
Call Waiting/Cancel Call Waiting
Caller ID‑Number
Speed Dial‑8/Speed Dial‑30
Toll Restriction
any Feature Package which provides 3 Way Conference Calling, Call Forward‑Busy,
Call Forward‑No Answer, Call Transfer and Speed Dial‑8
any Feature Package which provides 3 Way Conference Calling, Call Forward‑Busy,
Call Forward‑No Answer, Call Transfer and Speed Dial‑8/Speed Dial‑30 and
Toll Restriction
Toll Free Service Credits: Customers who subscribe to Option RR Toll Free service will receive credits against interstate usage charges equal to the monthly recurring service fee per service group charge for Switched WATS Termination and Business Line Termination for one service group per Corporate ID.
During the first six monthly periods of the term of service of customers' Promotional Term Plan, customers enrolled in this promotion will receive credits against interstate usage charges equal to the customers' monthly recurring charges for voicemail service provided by a Company affiliate.
Customers are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion in connection with any service which a customer terminates, then reinstalls, during the customer's Promotional Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion. The benefits of this promotion are not available to customers who receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16.)
Inbound Service Promotion
Any SCA Type 1 customer which can satisfy the conditions of this offer will be entitled to receive a ten (10) percent discount on its annual interstate, inbound switched to dedicated and switched to switched voice services usage during the remainder of its service term. To qualify for this promotion, the Customer must (1) have been a SCA Type 46 customer immediately prior to becoming an SCA Type 1 customer; (2) have committed to a two‑year service term and the receipt of at least $6.5 million of service during that service term; (3) use Company services to satisfy at least fifty (50) percent of its interexchange service requirements; and (4) use dedicated access to terminate at least ninety (90) percent of its total inbound traffic. No other services of the Customer will receive this discount, which will be applied after all other discounts or promotions for which the Customer is eligible are determined, and the Customer shall not be eligible for any promotion offered by the Company during its service term relating to the two inbound service call‑types covered in this promotion. This promotion shall be available to qualifying customers until August 30, 1999.
Tiered Frame Relay Access Promotion
Beginning September 3, 1999 and ending October 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services), Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and/or Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must commit to request installation of new T‑1 Digital Access and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay in the U.S. Mainland (Promotional Circuit) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plans).
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the following conditions apply:
Each Promotional Circuit must:
be installed at a location at which the customer is not receiving T-1 Digital Access or MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service at the time of promotion enrollment;
use at least four channels associated with use of domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay;
have a standard tariffed monthly recurring Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charges less than or equal to $1000.00 at the time of the customer makes a request to the Company for installation of that circuit; and,
make a request to the Company for installation of all Promotional Circuits no later than November 30, 1999.
The customer:
must make a request to the Company for installation of all Promotional Circuits no later than November 30, 1999;
must request that installation of all Promotional Circuits be completed by January 31, 2000; and,
may not receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16).
Promotional Benefits: During the term of service of a customer's Term Plan, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following undiscountable monthly recurring charges for each Promotional Circuit in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Local Access Channels, based on number of DS0-equivalent channels per Promotional Circuit associated with use of MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay in each monthly period.
Canales Monthly Recurring Charge
4 to 11 $175.00
12 to 24 125.00
Frame Relay Super Size Port Promotion
Beginning September 10, 1999 and ending January 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must commit to request installation of new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service (New Service) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plans).
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the following conditions apply:
New Service must:
be at port speeds less than or equal to 1536 kbps;
be installed at a location at which the customer is not using MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service at the time of promotion enrollment.
The customer:
must make a request to the Company for installation of all New Service no later than January 31, 2000; and,
must request that installation of all Promotional Circuits be completed by February 28, 2000;
may not receive any Company service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16); and,
may not receive the benefits of the Frame Relay Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion.
Promotional Benefits: In lieu of the monthly recurring port charge set forth in Section C-3.35212 for a customer's New Service, during the term of service of the customer's Term Plan, the customer enrolled in this promotion will be charged the standard tariffed monthly recurring charge set forth in Section C‑3.35212 for ports at the port speed immediately lower than the port speed for installed New Service (as set forth in Section C‑3.35212).
Frame Relay Super Size Port Promotion
Beginning July 7, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must commit to request installation of new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service (New Service) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plans).
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the following conditions apply:
New Service must:
be at port speeds less than or equal to 1536 kbps;
be installed at a location at which the customer is not using MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service at the time of promotion enrollment.
The customer:
must make a request to the Company for installation of all New Service no later than September 30, 2000; and,
must request that installation of all Promotional Circuits be completed by October 31, 2000;
may not receive any Company service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16); and,
may not receive the benefits of the Frame Relay Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion.
Promotional Benefits: In lieu of the monthly recurring port charge set forth in Section C-3.35212 for a customer's New Service, during the term of service of the customer's Term Plan, the customer enrolled in this promotion will be charged the standard tariffed monthly recurring charge set forth in Section C‑3.35212 for ports at the port speed immediately lower than the port speed for installed New Service (as set forth in Section C‑3.35212).
Frame Relay Monthly Recurring Discount Promotion
Beginning February 5, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must commit to request installation of new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service (New Service) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans.)
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer:
· must make a request to the Company for installation of all New Service no later than September 30, 2000;
· must request that installation of all New Service be completed by October 31, 2000;
· may not receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16); and,
· may not receive the benefits of the Frame Relay Super Size Port Promotion.
Promotional Benefits: During each month of a customers Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, customers will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service, based on Term Plan term of service:
Term of Service Descuento
1 year 5%
2 year 15
3 year 25
Local Bridge Promotion 2
Beginning October 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions upon enrollment in this promotion. The customer must:
not subscribe to Option RR Feature Option 3;
be a new subscriber to non-resold exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company;
order installation of new Local Line, Local Trunk ‑ Basic, Local Trunk ‑ DID, Local Trunk ‑ 2 Way Direct and/or Local Trunk ISDN/PRI provided by an affiliate of the Company; and,
request that all non-resold exchange service provided by an MCI WORLDCOM‑affiliated Company be installed within three months of promotion enrollment.
Promotional Benefits: The customer is eligible to receive the following benefits:
In the third monthly period following promotion enrollment, the customer will receive credits applied against interstate usage equal to $10 for each Local Line and $30 for each Local Trunk ‑ Basic, Local Trunk ‑ DID and/or Local Trunk ‑ 2 Way Direct and/or Local Trunk ISDN/PRI the customer orders under this promotion; and,
In addition, in monthly period following the third monthly period following promotion enrollment, up to 12 months following promotion enrollment, the customer will receive credits applied against interstate usage equal to $10 for each Local Line and $30 for each Local Trunk ‑ Basic, Local Trunk ‑ DID and/or Local Trunk ‑ 2 Way Direct and/or Local Trunk ISDN/PRI the customer orders under this promotion if all service under this is not installed. MCI WORLDCOM will not provide credit calculated upon any service for which (i) the customer terminates or delays installation or (ii) an installation delay results, in MCI WORLDCOMs sole determination, from the action of any by any third party.
Definitions: For purposes of this promotional offering, the following definitions apply.
Local Line: A facilities based service which provides a single, analog, voice grade communications channel.
Local Trunk‑Basic: A facilities based service which provides a single, analog or digital, voice grade, one‑way inbound, one‑way outbound or two‑way inbound‑outbound local access circuit.
Local Trunk‑DID: A facilities based service which provides a single, analog or digital, one‑way inbound local access circuit.
Local Trunk‑2 Way Direct: A facilities based service which provides a single, analog or digital, two‑way inbound‑outbound, direct dial local access circuit.
Local Trunk - ISDN/PRI: A facilities based service which provides a single digital, one‑way inbound, one‑way outbound or two‑way inbound‑outbound local access circuit with the capabilities of simultaneous access, transmission and switching of voice, data and imaging services via channelized transport.
SCA Type 1 Promotion 2
Any SCA Type 1 customer which can satisfy the conditions of this offer will be entitled to receive, throughout its service term, a 10 percent discount on its annual interstate (i) outbound voice service usage for its dedicated origination to dedicated termination call types, dedicated origination to switched termination call types, switched origination to dedicated termination calls types, and switched origination to switched termination call types, and (ii) inbound voice service usage for switched origination to dedicated termination call types. To qualify for this promotion, the Customer must: (1) not have been a customer under a Special Customer Arrangement within the 30‑day period immediately prior to becoming an SCA Type 1 customer; (2) have committed to a 3‑year service term and the receipt of at least $6.8 million of service during that service term; and (3) use dedicated access to terminate all of its inbound traffic. No other services of the Customer will receive this discount, which will be applied after all other discounts or promotions for which the Customer is eligible are determined, and the Customer shall not be eligible for any promotion offered by the Company during its service term relating to the four outbound service call‑types and one inbound service call‑type covered in this promotion. This promotion shall be available to qualifying customers until November 1, 1999.
Option RR Hospitality Promotion
Beginning October 29, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services) who subscribe to Feature Option 2.
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must enroll in a new Option RR Term Plan (Term Plan).
Other Requirements: If any monthly period of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer fails to satisfy any of the following requirements, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to $0.02 for each minute of the customer's usage under the Term Plan during that monthly period:
At least 90 percent (as measured in minutes of use) of the customer's voice interexchange telecommunications service usage must be provided by the Company;
At least 30 percent (as measured in minutes of use) of the customer's usage under the customer's Term Plan must be Option RR Operator Assisted Calling usage;
No more than 40 percent (as measured in minutes of use) of the customer's outbound usage under the customer's Term Plan may occur during the off-peak rate period; and,
At least 75 Customer ANIs must receive service under the Term Plan.
For purposes of this promotion, the off-peak rate period is defined as Saturday, Sundays and from 5 P.M. to 7:59 A.M on Mondays through Fridays.
Promotional Benefits:
During each monthly period of the term of service of a customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive a credit applied against interstate and international usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the customer's intrastate outbound voice Option RR (excluding Option RR Card) usage, Option RR Operator Assisted Calling usage and Directory Assistance charges, not to exceed $50,000, within the following states, based on state and origination type:
Origination Type
Estado Switched Dedicado
Arkansas 20.0% 16.0%
Arizona 12.4 6.1
California 18.5 18.6
Connecticut 6.3 18.5
Florida 6.2 12.3
Georgia 18.5 30.9
Illinois 12.3 24.6
Kansas 30.0 25.0
Maine 36.9 36.9
Massachusetts 24.7 37.0
Michigan 18.5 24.7
Nebraska 35.0 15.0
North Carolina 6.1 18.5
North Dakota 13.0 10.0
New Jersey 6.2 18.6
New York 6.2 6.1
Oklahoma 15.0 25.0
Ohio 12.3 12.3
Pennsylvania 12.3 6.2
Texas 12.4 0.0
Virginia 12.4 30.9
Washington 24.7 14.7
Frame Relay Service Satisfaction Guarantee
Beginning November 5, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) who become new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and/or packet data service provided by an affiliate of the Company.
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must:
be an existing customer of packet data service provided by a carrier other than the Company or a Company affiliate;
commit to request installation of new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service and/or packet data service provided by an affiliate of the Company within the U.S. Mainland (New Service) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plans).
Benefits: Upon satisfaction of the following conditions and subject to the following exclusions, an enrolled customer who becomes dissatisfied with Company or Company affiliate performance in connection with the provision of New Service may terminate service under the customer's Term Plan without liability for the underutilization and early termination charges set forth under the Term Plan and will receive a credit, not to exceed $2000, equal to the customer's installation charges for Replacement Service.
The following conditions apply:
The customer must notify the Company in writing within the first three billing periods after the installation of the customer's first Option GG service element that it wishes to discontinue service (Notice);
The customer's Notice must set forth the reason(s) for the service dissatisfaction; and,
The Customer must subscribe to new a Dedicated Leased Line Service or Domestic Private Line Service provided by an affiliate of the company at bandwidth which equals or exceeds the bandwidth of discontinued new service (Replacement Service).
A customer's dissatisfaction with Company or Company affiliate performance may not be the result of any one or more of the following:
Scheduled service maintenance.
Labor strikes affecting service.
Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company or Company affiliate (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency).
Service Outages attributable to the installation of New Service.
Service Outages attributable to: customer premises equipment (CPE); any third party equipment; any Customer application on a New Service; or service provided outside the U.S. Mainland.
Any act or omission on the part of the Customer, its contractors, agents or vendors, including any refusal to release New Service to the Company or Company affiliate for maintenance, testing or repair.
Option RR Worldwide Promotion III
Beginning November 13, 1999 and ending, September 30, 2000, MCI WORLDCOM will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer must:
subscribe to Option RR voice service under a new Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year; and,
not be a subscriber to Option RR Feature Option 3.
Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan:
In each monthly period of the customer's Option RR Term Plan in which the customer's international usage under that Option RR Term Plan equals or exceeds 15 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's total usage under that Option RR Term Plan, in lieu of standard tariffed rates the customer will receive a 32.33 percent discount on the per-minute usage charges set forth in Section C-3.073.42 for the customer's international outbound voice and Option RR Card usage to the international locations set forth in Section C-3.073.42.
Underutilization: In any monthly period of the customer's Option RR Term Plan in which the customer's international usage under that Option RR Term Plan fails to equal or exceed 15 percent (as measured in dollars) of the customer's total usage under that Option RR Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an underutilization charge equal to the difference between the amount billed the customer under this promotion and the customer's usage under this promotion billed at the rates set forth in Section C-3.073.42.
Retail Affinity Program Promotion 4
Beginning November 19, 1999, and ending November 18, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option A (Execunet) who become new subscribers to Basic Calling Plan Option 10.
Upon enrollment in this promotion, in each month for the first four months the customer remains subscribed to Basic Calling Plan Option 10, the customer will receive a $10 certificate, applicable toward charges for merchandise from the participating retail entity; and,
In each month, for as long as the customer remains subscribed to Basic Calling Plan Option 10, the customer will receive a 10 percent discount from the participating retail entity on charges for purchases of merchandise from the participating retail entity.
On Net Calling Card Promotion
Beginning April 21, 2000 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) who (i) respond to a solicitation from the Company for this promotion and (ii) subscribe to an Option RR Term Plan for provision of Feature Option 2 service only.
During each monthly period of a customer's Option RR Term Plan term of service following promotion enrollment, the customer will be charged $0.305 per minute for Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI.
Any SCA Type 1 customer that can satisfy the conditions of this offer will be entitled to receive, throughout its committed service term, a 10 percent discount on its interstate outbound and inbound voice service usage charges. To qualify for this promotion, the customer must: (1) have committed to a 2-year service term and the receipt of at least $2,200,000 of service for each year of the service term; and (2) have agreed to purchase from Company at least 100 percent of its requirements for interchange telecommunications service; (3) have been purchasing services from Company for at least 6 years; and (4) have at least 90 percent of its voice services originating or terminating over dedicated facilities. No other services of the customer will receive this discount, which will be applied after all other discounts or promotions for which the customer is eligible are determined, and the customer shall not be eligible for any other promotion offered by the Company during its service term relating to the services offered in this promotion. This promotion shall be available to qualifying customers until May 17, 2000.
Any SCA Type 1 customer which can satisfy the conditions of this offer will be entitled to receive, throughout its service term, a 10 percent discount on its annual interstate (i) outbound voice service usage for its switched origination to dedicated termination call types, and dedicated origination to switched termination call types, and (ii) inbound voice service usage for switched origination to dedicated termination call types. To qualify for this promotion, the customer must (1) not have been a customer for any Company SCA within the 30-day period immediately prior to becoming an SCA Type 1 customer; (2) have committed to a 1-year service term and the receipt of at least $3,000,000 of service during that service term; (3) must currently spend at least $2,000,000 per month for all telecommunications services. No other services of the customer will receive this discount, which will be applied after all other discounts or promotions for which the customer is eligible are determined, and the customer will not be eligible for any other promotion offered by the Company during its service term relating to the two outbound service call-types and one inbound service call-type covered in this promotion, or for any promotion, existing or future, relating to all other inbound and outbound service call-types. This promotion shall be available to qualifying customers until May 12, 2000.
Private Line Flat Rate Promotion
Beginning October 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Dedicated Leased Line Service who subscribe to new Digital Private Line Service (DPLS), Terrestrial Digital Service-1.5 (TDS-1.5) or Voice Grade Private Line (VGPL) (Promotional Circuits) under a new term of service which equals or exceeds two years (New Term Plan).
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by December 31, 2000 and request that all the customer's Promotional Circuits must be installed no later than February 28, 2001.
During each monthly period of a customers New Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, in lieu of all other discounts and promotional offerings, the customer will be charged the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges for each Promotional Circuits installed, based on circuit type and Inter-Office Channel (IOC) mileage:
IOC Mileage/ Monthly Recurring Charge
Circuit Type 1 - 500 501 - 1,000 1,001+
DPLS $ 300 $ 400 $ 500
TDS-1.5 2,500 3,500 4,500
VGPL 300 400 500
Frame Relay Port and PVC Power Play Promotion
Beginning November 7, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and/or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services).
Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must commit to request installation of new domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service (New Service) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan (Term Plans.)
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer:
· must make a request to the Company for installation of all New Service no later than January 31, 2001;
· must request that installation of all New Service be completed by March 31, 2001; and,
· may not receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section C-16).
Promotional Benefits: During each monthly period of a customers Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service, based on Term Plan term of service:
Term of Service (Years) Descuento
1 10%
2 20
3 30
BAD Promotion
Beginning November 10, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) who subscribe to a new Option RR Term Plan (Term Plan).
In addition to the discounts associated with the customers Term Plan, during each monthly period of the customers Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will receive a discount applied to domestic, interstate usage equal to 12 percent of the standard rates in effect for the customers use of: Option RR Outbound Service; Option RR Inbound Service; Option RR Card; Option RR Card WorldPhone access usage; and monthly recurring charges for Digital Private Line Service to which the customer subscribes under the customers Term Plan; monthly recurring port and PVC charges for Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay); and, services for which a tariff is not required and has not been filed.
Beginning December 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000 the Company will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Option MM (networkMCI One) who are enrolled in the networkMCI One Access Promotion and who become new subscribers to a Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) Option RR Term Plan.
During the term of service of an enrolled customer's Option RR Term Plan, the Company will waive the customer's recurring and non‑recurring Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges for the customer's Dedicated Leased Line Service installed before October 1, 1998.
Customers receiving service under Special Customer Arrangements Types 39, 40 and 41 (as described in Section C-16) are eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.
Lit Building Flat Rate DS3 Access Promotion 2
Beginning December 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers who make a request by January 31, 2001 for installation on a date no later than April 30, 2001 of new DS-3 Local Access circuit(s) for which the local loop which is furnished in whole via Company or Company-affiliate facilities under a 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-year term of service commitment (New Circuit).
During each monthly period of a customer's term of service following enrollment in this promotion, in lieu of standard Local Access Channel monthly recurring Channel charges and all other discounts and promotional offerings, the customer will be charged the following per-circuit monthly recurring charges for each New Circuit, based on term of service.
Term of Service (Years) Monthly Recurring Charge
2 $2,000
3 1,750
4 1,600
5 1,500
Millennium Tiered Access Promotion 2
Beginning December 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers.
Requisitos: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must satisfy the following conditions at the time of promotion enrollment:
a customer must subscribe to new Type 1 or Type 2 T-1 Digital Access, DDS Local Access and/or DS0 (Hubless) Access (Promotional Access Service);
a customers Promotional Access Service must be associated with new Dedicated Leased Line Service, Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay), Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One), Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services), or T-1 Digital Access used exclusively for dedicated access to the Internet(New Service); and,
a customers New Service must be provided under a new network Pricing Plan (NPP), MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan, with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year (Promotional Term Plan).
The following conditions also apply:
The Inter-Office Channel mileage of a customers New Service Dedicated Leased Line Service must equal or exceed 100 miles;
At least two channels of each Promotional Access Service T-1 Digital Access circuit which is associated with MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service must be associated with New Service MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay.
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must:
place an order for installation of all Promotional Access Service on or before January 31, 2001.
request that Promotional Access Service be installed on or before February 28, 2001.
Definitions: For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
Frame Relay On-Net Renewal Tiered Access Promotion
Beginning December 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to existing customers of both Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (MWFR) and Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) who (i) access MWFR via DDS Local Access, DS0 (Hubless) Access or T-1 Digital Access, and (ii) enter into a new Option RR Term Plan on a date no later than February 1, 2001 (New Term Plan.)
For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
During each monthly period of a customer's New Term Plan, in lieu of standard tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel charges and all other discounts or rates except APP discounts, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges for each Type 1 DDS Local Access, DS0 (Hubless) Access and T-1 Digital Access circuit which is associated with MWFR service at the time the customer enters into the New Term Plan, ased on circuit type:
Promotional Local Access Channel
Circuit Type Monthly Recurring Channel Charge
DDS Local Access $ 50
DS0 (Hubless) Access 50
T-1 Digital Access 150
During each monthly period of a customer's New Term Plan, in lieu of standard tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel charges and all other discounts or rates except Access Pricing Plan (APP) or Access Term Discount Plan (ATDP) discounts, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges for each Type 2 DDS Local Access, DS0 (Hubless) Access and T-1 Digital Access circuit which is associated with MWFR service at the time the customer enters into the New Term Plan (Promotional Circuit), based on circuit type and the standard tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge for the Promotional Circuit:
Circuit Type
DDS Local Access and
DS0 (Hubless) Access:
Standard Tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge/
Promotional Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge
$0.00-$300.00 $300.01 +
$150 $200
T-1 Digital Access:
Standard Tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge/
Promotional Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge
$0.00-$500.00 $500.01-$1000.00 $1000.01-$1500.00 $1500.01+
$250 $350 $500 $750
Lit Building Flat Rate DS3 Access Promotion
Beginning April 15, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers who make a request by October 31, 2000 for installation on a date no later than January 31, 2001 of new DS-3 Local Access circuit(s) for which the local loop which is furnished in whole via Company or Company-affiliate facilities under a 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-year term of service commitment (New Circuit).
During each monthly period of a customer's term of service following enrollment in this promotion, in lieu of standard Local Access Channel monthly recurring Channel charges and all other discounts and promotional offerings, the customer will be charged the following per-circuit monthly recurring charges for each New Circuit, based term of service.
Term of Service (Years) Monthly Recurring Charge
2 $2,000
3 1,750
4 1,600
5 1,500
Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver 4
Beginning January 1, 2001 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) and Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) and new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) who: (i) place an order on or before March 31, 2001, for new local access circuits associated with new domestic Option GG ports, PVCs and SVCs at speeds up to 1.544 Mbps under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One Term Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year (New Service); and, (ii) request installation of the New Service within the Standard Install Interval (as described in Section C-3.35) to occur on a date no later than March 31, 2001.
Enrolled customers will receive credits equal to the non‑recurring Company-billed installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for New Service and Local Access Channels associated with New Service.
If an enrolled customer terminates New Service under the customer's term plan prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion, except customers may change New Service port speeds without termination liability under the customers term plan.
Beginning January 1, 2001 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access under a new term of service that equals or exceeds one year.
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer must place an order for installation of all DSL Access on or before April 30, 2001 and request that all Promotional Circuits be installed on or before June 30, 2001.
During each monthly period of a customers new term of service , the Company will waive the Recurring Monthly Installation and Maintenance Charge for each DSL Access circuit installed under this promotion.
Introductory Acquisition Promotion
Beginning January 1, 2001 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WorldCom Frame Relay) under a new Metered Use Service Option MM (network MCI) Term Plan, MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Pricing Plan or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) Option RR Term Plan (Term Plan).
To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer must request that all new Option GG service be installed on or before April 30, 2001.
The Company will waive monthly recurring charges for Port and PVCs, based upon term of service, as follows: during Months 15 through 20 of a customer's term of service for customers who subscribe under a 2-year term of service; during Months 25 through 36 of a customer's term of service for customers who subscribe under a 3-year term of service; during Months 37 through 48 of a customer's term of service for customers who subscribe under a 4-year term of service; and, during Months 48 through 60 of a customer's term of service for customers who subscribe under a 5-year term of service.
Customers who terminate service under the customers Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion.
Frame Relay On-Net Renewal Tiered Access Promotion
Beginning April 14, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to existing customers of both Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (MWFR) and Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) who (i) access MWFR via DDS Local Access, DS0 (Hubless) Access or T-1 Digital Access, and (ii) enter into a new Option RR Term Plan on a date no later than November 1, 2000 (New Term Plan.)
For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:
Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company-affiliate facilities.
During each monthly period of a customer's New Term Plan, in lieu of standard tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel charges and all other discounts or rates except APP discounts, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges for each Type 1 DDS Local Access, DS0 (Hubless) Access and T-1 Digital Access circuit which is associated with MWFR service at the time the customer enters into the New Term Plan, ased on circuit type:
Promotional Local Access Channel
Circuit Type Monthly Recurring Channel Charge
DDS Local Access $ 50
DS0 (Hubless) Access 50
T-1 Digital Access 150
During each monthly period of a customer's New Term Plan, in lieu of standard tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel charges and all other discounts or rates except Access Pricing Plan (APP) or Access Term Discount Plan (ATDP) discounts, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges for each Type 2 DDS Local Access, DS0 (Hubless) Access and T-1 Digital Access circuit which is associated with MWFR service at the time the customer enters into the New Term Plan (Promotional Circuit), based on circuit type and the standard tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge for the Promotional Circuit:
Circuit Type
DDS Local Access and
DS0 (Hubless) Access:
Standard Tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge/
Promotional Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge
$0.00-$300.00 $300.01 +
$150 $200
T-1 Digital Access:
Standard Tariffed Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge/
Promotional Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charge
$0.00-$500.00 $500.01-$1000.00 $1000.01-$1500.00 $1500.01+
$250 $350 $500 $750
North America Promotion
Beginning May 1, 2000 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) who subscribe to Option RR Feature Option 2 under a new Option RR Term Plan and have a business location in Canada or Mexico at which the customer receives Company or Company-affiliate service throughout the customer's Option RR Term Plan term of service.
Beginning upon the later of promotion enrollment or May 15, 2000, in addition to the discounts for which the customer qualifies under the Option RR Term Plan, customers will receive a 15 percent discount on interstate voice Option RR Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage.
Customers enrolled in this promotion may not receive the benefits of the Long Distance Only Promotion or the Regional Checkbook Promotion VII.
Frame Relay Tip Off Promotion
Offer: Discounts on monthly recurring charges for Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (MWFR) ports and PVCs during a customer's Metered Use Service Option NN (networkMCI One) networkMCI One Term Plan or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) Option RR Term Plan (Term Plan) term of service, based on committed term of service:
Term of Service (Years) Descuento
1 5%
2 15
3 25
Requisitos de elegibilidad:
Customers must be receiving service under an existing Term Plan.
In order to receive the benefits of this promotion on existing MWFR, a customer must be receiving service under a Term Plan with no more than three monthly periods remaining in the term of service and must subscribe to a new Term Plan with a term and volume commitments which equal or exceed the customer's existing Term Plan commitments.
Must enroll between January 27, 2001 and March 31, 2001.
Must request installation of all MWFR service no later than April 30, 2001 to occur no later than June 30, 2001.
Offer: Beginning April 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option GG (MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay) (MWFR) who subscribe to a Metered Use Service Option MM (networkMCI One) Term Plan and/or a Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services) Term Plan (Term Plan)
Requisitos de elegibilidad: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer must:
be receiving service under an existing Term Plan; and,
enroll between April 1, 2001 and June 30, 2001.
In order to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer:
On existing MWFR, must be receiving service under a Term Plan with no more than three monthly periods remaining in the term of service and must subscribe to a new Term Plan with a term and volume commitments which equal or exceed the customer's existing Term Plan commitments (New Service);
request installation of all New Service no later than July 31, 2001 to occur no later than September 30, 2001;
may not receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement, as described in Section C-16; and,
may not receive the benefits of the Frame Relay Dual Network Services Promotion IV and the Frame Relay Tip Off 2 Promotion.
Promotional Benefits: In lieu of the monthly recurring port charge set forth in Section C-3.35212, during the term of service of the customers Term Plan following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will be charged the standard tariffed monthly recurring charge set forth in Section C-3.35212 for ports at the port speed immediately lower than the port speed for installed New Service, as set forth in Section C-3.35212.
Beginning May 13, 2000 and ending June 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers who order installation by July 31, 2000, to occur on a date no later than October 31, 2000, of two to four new Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access circuits (New Service) associated with access to U.S, Mainland WorldCom Frame Relay Service provided by an affiliate of the Company under one of the following Term Plans: (i) a new MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan (HPP) Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; (ii) a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; or (iii) an existing MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with at least one year remaining in the term of service. The Company will provide the following benefits to the first 100 customers who enroll in this promotion. The Company will waive the:
non-recurring installation charge for New Service;
monthly recurring per-circuit charge (excluding maintenance charge) for New Service during each monthly period of a customer's Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion; and,
early termination charge under the customer's Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access service commitment if the customer terminates New Service within 90 days following installation of all New Service.
Offer: The Company will waive monthly recurring charges for new Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (EDSL) service in the following monthly periods of a customers Term Plan term of service, based upon Term Plan term of service, as follows: Month 12 for customers who subscribe under a 1-year term of service; Months 23 and 24 for customers who subscribe under a 2-year term of service; and Months 34 through 36 for customers who subscribe under a 3, 4, or 5-year term of service.
Customers who terminate service under the customer's Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion.
Eligibility: The customer must:
enroll in this promotion between April 13, 2001 and June 30, 2001;
be enrolled in the DSL Virtual Port Promotion;
subscribe to EDSL service associated with MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay (New Service) under a new Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) Term Plan (Term Plan); and,
request installation of all New Service no later than July 31, 2001 to occur no later than August 31, 2001.
SCA Type 1 Promotion 3
Any existing SCA Type 1 customer that can satisfy the conditions of this offer will be entitled to receive, throughout its committed service term, the following:
(1) a 30 percent discount on standard tariff rates for: (a) international Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services) Outbound Service usage, excluding usage terminating in the locations set forth in (2) below; (b) international Option RR Switched Data service at a speed of 64 kbps usage only, excluding usage terminating in the locations set forth in (2) below; (c) international Option RR Inbound Service; and, (D) Option RR WorldPhone usage, excluding usage originating in the locations set forth in (3) below.
(2) a 47 percent discount on SCA Type 1: (a) international Option RR Outbound Service usage; and, (b) international Option RR Switched Data service at a speed of 64 kbps usage only to the following international locations:
Argentina Italy
Australia (including Tasmania) Japan
Belgium Mexico (all rate steps)
Brazil Netherlands
Canada Peru
China Poland
Columbia Singapore
Costa Rica Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)
Denmark Sweden
Finland Switzerland
France Taiwan
Germany Thailand
Hong Kong United Kingdom
India Venezuela
(3) an 82 percent discount on SCA Type 1 Option RR WorldPhone Service usage originating in the following international locations:
Belgium Mexico
Brazil Netherlands
Germany United Kingdom
Japan Venezuela
(4) a $0.25 per-call reduction to the per-call surcharge that the customer is required to pay under the SCA Type 1 for Option RR WorldPhone usage.
To qualify for this promotion, the customer must: (1) use at least 10,000,000 minutes per month of the Companys voice services; (2) use at least 3,500,000 minutes per month of the Companys voice inbound services; (3) have two of the Companys 45 Mbps managed international private line (MIPL) circuits installed; and, (4) have at least $100,000 in monthly recurring charges for International Private Line Service for the U.S. half circuits. No other services of the customer will receive the above discounts, credits and reductions applicable to per-call surcharges, which will be applied after all other discounts or promotions for which the customer is eligible are determined, and the customer shall not be eligible for any other promotion offered by the Company during its service term relating to the services covered in this promotion. This promotion shall be available to qualifying customers until July 1, 2000.