Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under WorldCom Technologies Tariff FCC No. 1 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled. Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.
Please note the following regarding this important change.
· WorldCom Technologies Tariff FCC No. 1 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1. Like the service in former WorldCom Technologies Tariff FCC No. 1, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts. Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former WorldCom Technologies Tariff FCC No. 1 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or gaps in the service information previously found in WorldCom Technologies Tariff FCC. No. 1 and currently contained in this Guide.
· Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former WorldCom Technologies Tariff FCC No. 1 on July 31, 2001.
· If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition. An inconsistency will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.
· The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.
· Any reference to tariff within the text of the Guide shall mean Guide.
This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to the provision of International Message Telecommunications Service by the Company from its operating locations throughout the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to international locations, as specified herein, EXCEPT THAT, EFFECTIVE JUNE 23, 2001, THE DEFINITIONS AND THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS TARIFF AT SECTIONS 1 AND 2, RESPECTIVELY, AS THEY APPLY TO COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS, ARE SUPERSEDED BY THE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN WORLDCOM TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 1, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 1.C.01 THEREOF. Service is furnished subject to transmission, atmospheric, and like conditions.
Effective June 23, 2001, all Definitions, as they apply to commercial customers, are superseded by the General Definitions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.
Access Line
One of several types of circuits used to carry long distance calls all or part way between Customer premises and long distance company switches.
Application for Service
A standard order form which includes all pertinent billing, technical, and other descriptive information which, will enable the carrier to provide the communication service as required.
Authorization Code
A numerical code, one or more of which are available to a Customer to enable Carrier to identify use of service on his account and to bill the Customer accordingly for such service. Multiple authorization codes may be assigned to a Customer to identify individual users or groups of users on his account.
The Company.
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Company Calling Card
A telephone calling card issued by the Company at the Customer's request, which enables the Customer or User(s) authorized by the Customer to place calls over the Network and to have the charges for such calls billed to the Customer's account.
Credit Card
A Credit Card is an accepted credit card, which is defined as a credit card that the cardholder has requested or applied for and received, or has signed, used or authorized another person to use to obtain credit. Any credit card issued as a renewal or substitute in accordance with this paragraph is an accepted credit card when received by the cardholder.
Dedicated Access Lines ("DAL")
A group of leased lines which, interconnect a switching system to a dedicated subscriber.
Dedicated Inbound Calls
Refers to calls that are terminated via dedicated access facilities connecting the Customer's premises and the Company's POP. This service is offered to the extent facilities are available and where the Company and the Customer jointly arrange for the establishment of dedicated access facilities connecting the Customer's trunk-compatible PBX or other suitable equipment to the Company's POP. The Customer shall be responsible for all costs and charges associated with the dedicated access facilities.
Dedicated Outbound Calls
Refers to service that is offered to the extent facilities are available in those cases where the Company and the Customer jointly arrange for the establishment of dedicated access facilities connecting the Customer's trunk-compatible RBX or other suitable equipment to the Company's Point of Presence (POP). The Customer shall be responsible for all costs and charges associated with the dedicated access facilities.
The disconnection of a circuit, dedicated access line or port connection being used for existing service.
Company recognized holidays are:
New Year's Day Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day Christmas Day
Labor Day
Inmarsat Service
There are five types of calls to Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean Inmarsat locations as described below. Inmarsat Standard A Service is calculated on a 60-second minimum duration basis, with additional 60‑second increments. Other service type call increments may be found in the appropriate rate section.
Inmarsat Aeronautical Service: For digital-based calls made to aeronautical terminals using the dialing pattern of: International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Standard B Terminal number (nine-digits, beginning with, and including the digit "5").
Inmarsat Standard A Service: For analog-based calls made to mobile terminals using the dialing pattern of: International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Standard A terminal number (seven-digits, beginning with, and including the digits "1", "8", or "9").
Inmarsat Standard B Service: For digital-based calls made to mobile terminals using the dialing pattern of: International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Standard B Terminal number (nine-digits, beginning with, and including the digit "3").
Inmarsat Standard M Service: For digital-based calls made to mobile terminals using the dialing pattern of: International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Standard M Terminal number (nine-digits beginning with, and including the digit "6").
Inmarsat Mini-M Service: For digital-based calls made to mobile terminals using the dialing pattern of: International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Mini-M Terminal number (nine-digits; beginning with, and including the digit "7").
Interexchange Service
Any of the Company's service offerings which provide switched communications between Local Exchange Carrier defined exchange service areas. Interexchange Services include, but are not limited to MTS, Toll Free and Other Service Offerings.
International Message Telecommunications Service
The transmission of voice communications or, subject to the transmission capabilities of the service, the transmission of data, facsimile, signalling, metering, or any other form of intelligence.
Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR)
A generic term indicating a specified period of time, used in the determination of usage charges, which represents the minimum average duration of calls completed during a billing period.
Refers to the Company's facilities, equipment, and services provided under this Tariff.
Other Carrier
A person, firm, corporation, or entity regulated by the ICC or the FCC which subscribes to carriers' communications services and facilities and resells these communications services and facilities to the public for a profit. Unless otherwise indicated herein, the term "other carrier" when used in this tariff includes entities which are brokers of the service (act as intermediaries for the purpose of reselling), those entities which are processors of the service (enhance the value of the service through substantial incurred costs) and those entities which are underlying carriers or providers of facilities.
Responsible Organization (Resp. Org.)
The carrier entity that has responsibility for the management of toll-free numbers in the Service Management System (SMS/800) including maintaining Customer records in the SMS/800 system. Also, the entity which accesses the SMS/800 to: (a) search for and reserve toll-free numbers; (b) create and maintain toll-free number Customer records, including call processing records; and (c) provide a single point of contact for trouble reporting. The SMS/800 recognizes one Resp. Org. for each toll-free number.
Service Commencement Date
The first date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the requested service or facility is available for use, unless extended by the Customer's refusal to accept service which does not conform to standards set forth in the Service Order or this tariff, in which case the Service Commencement Date is the date of the Customer's acceptance. The Company and the Customer may mutually agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date.
Service Order
The written request for communications services executed by the Customer and the Company in the format devised by the Company. The signing of a Service Order by the Customer and acceptance by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this tariff, but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date.
Shared Inbound Calls
Refers to calls that are terminated via the Customer's LEC-provided local exchange access line.
Shared Outbound Calls
Refers to calls in Feature Group D exchanges whereby the Customer's local telephone lines are presubscribed by the local exchange company to the Company's Outbound Services such that "1 + 10-digit number" calls are automatically routed to the Company's network.
Special Access Line (SAL)
A Dedicated Analog DAL or Digital T-1 Access Lines directly connecting Customers telephone equipment to the Long Distance Provider without using the Local Exchange Carrier's switching equipment.
Service Control Point (SCP)
The real-time data base system in the Toll-Free Data Base Service network that contains instructions on how Customers wish their calls to be routed, terminated or otherwise processed.
Service Management System (SMS/800)
The main administrative support system of Toll-Free Data Base Service. It is used to create and update Customer Toll-Free Service records that are then down loaded to Service Control Points (SCPs) for handling Customer's Toll-Free Service calls and to Local Management Systems (LSMSs) for subsequent downloading to SCPs. The system is also used by Resp. Orgs. to reserve and assign toll-free numbers.
Service means any or all service(s) provided pursuant to this Tariff.
Any POP (Point Of Presence) where carrier provides services described herein.
Terminal Equipment
Devices, apparatus, and their associated wiring such as teleprinters, telephone hand sets, or data sets.
United States
The term "United States" designates the forty‑eight (48) contiguous states and the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as the off‑shore areas outside the boundaries of the coastal states of the forty‑eight contiguous states to the extent that such areas appertain to and are subject to the jurisdiction and control of the United States.
U.S. Mainland
The forty‑eight (48) contiguous states and the District of Columbia.
User or End User
Any person or entity that obtains the Company's services provided under this Tariff, regardless of whether such person or entity is so authorized by the Customer.
Vertical Features
Services such as call validation, "Plain Old Telephone Service" (POTS) number translation, and provision of statistical information on the Customer's toll-free traffic, which may be obtained by the Company from Local Exchange Company access tariffs on behalf of a Company Toll-Free Service Customer for which the Company serves as Resp. Org.
Effective June 23, 2001, all Regulations, as they apply to commercial customers, are superseded by the General Definitions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.
International Message Telecommunications Service may be used to transmit communications of the Customer in a manner consistent with the terms of this tariff and the policies and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission.
Services provided pursuant to this tariff may be utilized only for the transmission of communications by Customers consistent with the terms of this Tariff, the rules and regulations of the FCC and the requirements of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
The Company's services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise stated in this tariff, and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
2.2.1 Limitations on Service
A) Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary and/or suitable facilities and/or equipment and subject to the provisions of this tariff.
B) The Company reserves the right to limit the length of communication not to discontinue furnishing service when necessary because of the lack of satellite or other transmission medium capacity or because of any cause beyond its control.
C) The Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service without notice to the Customer when necessitated by conditions beyond its control or when the Customer is using the service in violation of the provisions of this tariff or in violation of the law.
The Company reserves the right to immediately and without prior notice terminate, suspend, restrict geographically, or otherwise limit the use of the Company's access codes (e.g., 10-XXX, 101-XXXX) by Customers not presubscribed to the Company's services to complete calls to any or all international points, if the Company determines in its sole discretion that:
(1) fraudulent, unauthorized, or unlawful use of the Company's access codes warrants such termination, suspension, restriction, or other limitation on their use; and/or
(2) there is a substantial possibility that calls utilizing the Company's access codes and originating from or terminating to a specific location or exchange area are likely to be uncollectible.
D) Service furnished by Company may not be used for any unlawful purpose, including residential, business, governmental, or other use. There are no restrictions on sharing or resale of Services. However, the Customer remains liable for all obligations under this Tariff notwithstanding such sharing or resale and regardless of the Company's knowledge of same. The Company shall have no liability to any person or entity other than the Customer. The Company shall not use nor permit others to use the Service in a manner that could interfere with Services provided to others, that could harm the facilities of the Company or others or that is inconsistent with any applicable law or regulation.
E) Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff or as specified in writing by the party entitled to receive notice, notices between Customer and Company shall be given in writing to the persons whose names and business addresses appear on the relevant Application for Service and the effective date of any notice shall be the date of delivery of such notice, not the date of mailing. By written notice, Company or Customer may change the party to receive notice and/or the address to which such notice is to be delivered. In the event no Customer or Company address is provided in the relevant Application for Service, notice shall be given to the last known business address of Customer or Company, as the case may be.
G) Without notice to the customer, the Company may block traffic to or from certain countries, country codes, cities, city codes, NXX exchanges, individual telephone stations, groups or ranges of individual telephone stations, or calls using certain customer authorization codes, when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of, or nonpayment for, its service or to prevent the use of its services in a manner that the Company determines to be in violation of this tariff, when the customer's call volume or calling pattern results, or may result, in the blockage of the Company's network or in the degradation of the Company's service or when actions taken by foreign governments or telecommunications agencies render it impossible or impracticable to provide service.
2.2.2 Provision of Equipment and Facilities
A) Except as otherwise indicated, Customer-provided station equipment at the Customer's premises for use in connection with this service shall be so constructed, maintained and operated as to work satisfactorily with the facilities of the Company.
B) The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation or maintenance of any Customer-provided communications equipment. Where such equipment is connected to service furnished pursuant to this tariff, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of services under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such services in the proper manner. Subject to this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for:
(1) the through transmission of signals generated by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission;
(2) the reception of signals by Customer-provided equipment; or
(3) network control signalling where such signalling is performed by Customer-provided network control signalling equipment.
Except as stated in this Section, the Company shall have no liability for damages of any kind arising out of or related to events, acts, rights or privileges contemplated in this tariff. The Company's liability for willful misconduct, if established as a result of judicial or administrative proceedings, is not limited by this tariff.
2.3.1 The Company shall not be liable for any failure of performance hereunder or any claim or loss, expense or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for any interruption, delay, error, mistake, omission, or other defect or misrepresentation in any service, facility (including services and facilities involved in emergency calling activity) or transmission provided under this tariff, if caused by any person or entity other than the Company, by any malfunction of any service or facility provided by any other carrier, by an act of God, fire, war, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, storm, riot, civil disturbance, or act of government, or by any other similar occurrence or cause beyond the Company's direct control.
2.3.2 The Company shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by Customer against:
A) Any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for defamation, libel, slander, invasion, infringement of copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, tradename or service mark, unfair competition, interference with or misappropriation or violation of any contract, proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property or entity arising out of the material, data, information, or other content revealed to, transmitted by, or used by the Company under this tariff.
B) Any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for any act or omission of the Customer or for any claim or loss, expense or damage due to the failure of Customer-provided equipment, facilities, or services.
C) Any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for any personal injury or death of any person caused directly or indirectly by the installation, maintenance, location, condition, operation, failure, presence, use, or removal of equipment or wiring provided by the Company, if not caused by negligence of the Company.
D) The Customer shall be liable for damages to the facilities of the Company caused by negligence or willful acts of officers, employees, agents or contractors of the Customer.
2.3.3 The Company shall not be liable for any defacement of or damages to the premises of a Customer, resulting from the furnishing of service, which is not the result of Company's negligence.
The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion of the service.
All or a portion of the Service may be provided over facilities of third parties, and the Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity in any respect whatsoever arising out of defects caused by such third parties.
2.3.4 The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or actual damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of any defects or any other cause. This warranty and these remedies are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties or remedies, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages, including toll usage charges, the Customer may incur as a result of unauthorized use of its telephone facilities. This unauthorized use of its telephone facilities includes, but is not limited to, the placement of calls from the Customer's premises, and the placement of calls through Customer-provided equipment which are transmitted or carried on the Company network. The Company's Corporate Security Department may work with Subscribers and/or Customers to recommend possible solutions to reduce unauthorized use of their facilities. However, the Company does not warrant or guarantee that its recommendations will prevent all unauthorized use, and the Customer is responsible for controlling access to, and use of, its own telephone facilities.
Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff, the liability of the Company for damages resulting in whole or in part from or arising in connection with the furnishing of service under this Tariff, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or other defects or misrepresentations shall not exceed an amount equal to five (5) times the initial minute charge provided for under this tariff for the call for the period which the call was affected. No other liability in any event shall attach to the Company.
2.3.5 A Customer of the Company's 1+, Operator Services and/or Toll-Free Service is responsible for payment for all calls placed:
A) via the Customer's local telephone service number(s);
B) via dedicated access lines to Company facilities and/or network; and
C) via the Customer's Toll-Free Service number(s); (placed either intentionally or by mistake).
This includes payment for long distance message telephone service calls or services: originated at the Customer's number(s); accepted at the Customer's Number(s) (e.g., collect calls); billed to the Customers number via third number billing if the Customer is found to be responsible for such call or service; or procured through the use of a calling card, or a company assigned special billing number; or provided at the specific request of the Customer.
This responsibility is not changed by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the Customer's service or Customer provided systems, equipment, facilities or services interconnected to the Customer's local telephone service, dedicated lines, or toll-free service; which use, misuse or abuse may be occasioned by third parties, including, without limitation, the Customer's employees and members of the public.
2.3.6 Where any claim arises out of the Company's acting as a Resp. Org. or where Company Toll-Free Service is not made available on the date committed to the Customer, or cannot otherwise be made available after the Company's acceptance of the Customer's order, or is provided with a number or numbers other than the one(s) committed by Company to the Customer, or the number or numbers are not included in Toll-Free Service Directory Assistance or are included in an incorrect form, or Vertical Features are not obtained or obtained in error, and any such failure or failures is due solely to the negligence of Company, in such case the Company's liability, if any, is limited to the lesser of (a) the actual monetary damages incurred and proved by the Customer as the direct result of such failure or failures, or (b) the sum of $1,000.00. The Company shall not be liable at all for (a) circumstances surrounding any FCC actions limiting the availability of toll-free numbers, or (b) the use, misuse, or abuse of a Customer's Toll-Free Service by third parties, including, without limitation, the Customer's employees or members of the public who dial the Customer's toll-free number by mistake. Compensation for any injury the Customer may suffer due to the fault of others than the Company must be sought from such other parties. In the event that the Company causes the mis-routing of calls, the Company's sole liability shall be to provide a credit equal to the charges for the affected calls.
2.3.7 Except as otherwise stated in this tariff, any claim of whatever nature against the Company shall be deemed conclusively to have been waived unless presented in writing to the Company within thirty (30) days after the date of the occurrence that gave rise to the claim.
2.3.9 The failure to give notice of default, to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of the terms or conditions herein, or the granting of an extension of time for performance by the Company or the Customer shall not constitute the permanent waiver of any term or condition herein. Each of the provisions shall remain at all times in full force and effect until modified in this Tariff.
2.4.1 The Customer shall notify the Company of any interruption or other malfunction of service.
2.4.2 The Company shall be appointed agent for Customer to arrange interconnection from the Company's point of presence to Customer's facilities (Local Access), and Customer shall be responsible for payment of Local Access charges for such interconnections secured on the Customer's behalf unless service does not necessitate the securing of Local Access or Customer specifically requests that the Company not arrange interconnection (in which case interconnection shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer). The rates charged for Local Access service shall be subject to change in the event of a rate adjustment by the local telephone company or other third party utilized by the Company in arranging Local Access. Customer acknowledges that the Company may rely on telephone operating companies for installation and testing of Local Access. The Company shall have no liability to Customer for untimely installation or non-operation of facilities and equipment not provided by the Company.
2.4.3 Customer shall pay a cancellation charge (a) if Customer orders services requiring special facilities dedicated to the Customer's use and cancels the order either before service begins or before the expiration of the service term, or (b) if service is cancelled for nonpayment or failure to make a requested deposit. The cancellation charge will be equal to the non-recoverable portion of expenditures or liabilities incurred expressly for the Customer and the sum of the monthly recurring or minimum usage amount remaining through the end of the term. The Customer is also liable for any cancellation/disconnection charges assessed by the interconnecting telephone company for the provision of dedicated Local Access.
2.4.4 Any mistakes, accidents, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission or service which are caused or contributed to, directly or indirectly, by an act or omission of the Customer or others or by the use of Customer-provided facilities or equipment, or by the use of facilities or equipment furnished by any other person using Customer's facilities which are connected to the Company's facilities, shall not result in the imposition of any liability upon the Company and Customer shall pay to the Company any reasonable costs, expenses, damages, fees or penalties incurred by the Company as a result thereof, including costs of any local exchange company labor and materials. The Company shall be indemnified or defended and held harmless by the Customer against any and all claims, demands, causes of action and liability arising out of any act of omission of Customer and/or any other person(s) relating to services provided pursuant to this agreement, including payment of the Company's reasonable attorney's fees.
2.4.5 The Company may require applicants for service who intend to use the Company's offerings for resale and/or for shared use to file a letter with the Company confirming that their use of the Company's offerings complies with relevant laws and regulations, policies, orders and decisions.
2.4.6 Prohibited Use
B) The Company's toll-free international services may not be acquired and used on a resale basis to originate traffic in jurisdictions where foreign PTTs/governments either have blocked or interrupted the Company's toll-free service or have threatened to do so, because of the resale activities being conducted within that country by the Company's Customers.
C) The Customer is prohibited from using any telephone number beginning with an toll-free service code, or any other telephone number advertised or widely understood to be toll free, in a manner that would result in (a) the calling party or the subscriber to the originating line being assessed, by virtue of completing the call, a charge for the call; (b) the calling party being connected to a pay-per-call service; (c) the calling party being charged for information conveyed during the call unless the calling party has a presubscription or comparable arrangement; or (d) the calling party being called back collect for the provision of audio or data information services, simultaneous voice conversation services or products.
Service is provided and billing is on a monthly basis. Service continues to be provided until thirty (30) days after Carrier's receipt of a written request from the Customer for the disconnection of service, unless other restrictions apply.
2.5.1 The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished by Company. This includes payment for calls or services (a) originated at the Customer's number(s) whether authorized or not; (b) Accepted at the Customer's number(s) (e.g. toll-free service calls, collect calls); (c) billed to the Customer's number via Third Number Billing, the use of a Calling Card, or the use of a Company-assigned Authorization Code, Travel Card Number, or other special billing number; and/or (d) incurred at the specific request of the Customer.
2.5.2 A Customer of the Company's Toll-Free Service is responsible for payment for all calls placed to or via the Customer's Toll-Free Service number(s). This responsibility is not changed by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the Customer's service or Customer provided systems, equipment, facilities or services interconnected to the Customer's Toll-Free Service, which use, misuse or abuse may be occasioned by third parties, including, without limitation, the Customer's employees and members of the public who dial the Customer's Toll-Free Service number by mistake.
2.5.3 Invoices are payable within 30 days of the invoice date. If notice of a dispute as to charges is not received, in writing, within 30 days after an invoice is rendered, such invoice shall be deemed to be correct and binding upon the Customer. In instances of a dispute, the Customer is required to pay the undisputed portion of the bill in its entirety. Accounts not paid within 30 days from the invoice date will be considered delinquent. Delinquent payments may result in the imposition of a late fee at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the unpaid balance per month or the maximum allowable under applicable state law (with the exception of Florida and Georgia, where the rate will be at 1.2%). For disputed bills, the terms of payment shall be according to the principles of federal telecommunications law as stated in the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the decisions of federal and state courts thereunder, the decisions, orders, rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") and applicable Company tariffs as filed and maintained with the FCC.
A) If a Customer accumulates more than $1000.00 of undisputed delinquent Company Toll-Free Service charges, the Company Resp. Org. reserves the right not to honor that Customer's request for a Resp. Org. change until such undisputed charges are paid in full.
2.5.4 In the event the Company incurs fees or expenses, including attorneys' fees, court costs, costs of investigation and related expenses in collecting, or attempting to collect, any charges owed the Company, the Customer will be liable to the Company for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred.
2.5.5 The Company will bill previously unbilled charges for service to the Customer, provided the associated service was furnished not more than one hundred eighty (180) days preceding the date of the Customer's bill, including the following items:
- collect calls
- credit card and calling card calls
- third party calls
- "error file" calls (calls which can not be billed due to the unavailability of complete billing information to Company)
A) In cases involving toll fraud, the Company may backbill for one and one-half (1 1/2) years.
2.5.6 Payment is to be made to the address designated on the invoice or such other location as the Company may direct in writing from time to time.
2.5.8 Service-related credit amounts due the Customer that are related to, or based on, service usage will be applied before the application of taxes and the Federal Universal Service Fee; and service-related credit amounts due the Customer that are not related to, or based on, service usage will be applied after the application of taxes and the Federal Universal Service Fee.
The Company may require applicants or Customers to provide information pertaining to their financial ability to pay for service.
2.6.1 Applicants or Customers whose credit worthiness is not acceptable to the Company or is not a matter of general knowledge, may be denied service or may be required to make, at any time, a deposit up to an amount equaling two months, actual or estimated, charges for the services provided. The Company may increase the amount of any deposit previously required if, in the Company's sole discretion, it is reasonably necessary under the circumstances.
2.6.2 In the case of a cash deposit, interest will be paid for the period during which, the deposit is held by the Company. If the Company, in its sole discretion, determines that the Customer is not capable of satisfying its payment obligations, services may be cancelled by the Company upon written notice.
2.6.3 At the Company's option, such deposit may be refunded or credited to the Customer at, or any time prior to, termination of service. The Customer may elect to apply the deposit to future invoices or receive a payment of the deposit amount. However, if any balance is outstanding on the Customer's account at the time of cancellation, the Company reserves the right to apply the Customer's deposit and accumulated interest against the Customer's unpaid balance.
2.8.1 Interruption of Service
A) No credit will be allowed for relinquishing facilities in order to perform routine maintenance.
B) Credit for failure of service or equipment will be allowed only when such failure is caused by or occurs in facilities or equipment provided by the Company. As used in this tariff, all equipment, facilities and/or services for which the Company renders a bill for payment are considered provided by the Company whether or not the equipment, facilities and/or services are owned and operated by the Company.
C) No credit will be allowed for failures of service or equipment due to Customer user-provided facilities or any act or omission of the Customer or its authorized user(s).
D) Credit allowance time for failure of service or equipment starts when the Customer notifies the Company of the failure or when the Company has actual knowledge of the failure, and ceases when the service has been restored and an attempt has been made to notify the Customer.
E) The Customer shall notify the Company of failures of service or equipment and make reasonable attempts to ascertain whether the failure is caused by Customer-provided equipment.
F) Only those portions of the service or equipment operation materially interfered with will be credited.
2.8.2 Outage Credit
A) No credit shall be given for an interruption of less than 2 hours.
B) The Customer shall be credited for an interruption of 2 hours or more at the rate of 1/360th of the monthly charge for the facilities affected for each period of 2 hours or major fraction thereof that the interruption continues. (A billing period has 30 days and service is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every month will have 720 hours.)
C) Where a minimum usage charge is applicable and the Customer fails to meet a usage minimum, credit for the outage shall be applied against that minimum equal to 1/360th of the monthly minimum charges associated with the portion of service disabled for each period of 2 hours or major fraction thereof that the interruption continues.
2.9.1 When the services or equipment of the Company are interconnected with and/or terminated in any service and/or equipment of another communications common carrier, the Customer shall comply with any applicable tariff regulations of and/or contractual obligations it has to the other communications common carrier.
2.9.2 The Company shall be appointed agent of the Customer to arrange interconnection from the Company's point of presence (POP) to the Customer's facilities unless otherwise specified. The Customer shall be responsible for payment of local access line charges for such interconnections secured on its behalf. The rates charged for local access service are determined by the local exchange company or other third parties utilized by the Company in arranging local access service. The Customer acknowledges that the Company may rely on these companies for installation and testing of local access lines. The Company is not liable for untimely installation, facilities not operating or equipment that is not provided by the Company.
2.9.3 Interconnection of the Company's services or equipment with the services of other communications common carriers is permitted as well as Customer provided communications facilities so long as the facilities and services provided by others do not interfere with the proper functioning of the facilities and services provided by the Company.
A) The Company may, upon suitable notification to the Customer and at a reasonable time, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the requirements regarding equipment and interconnection are being met in the installation, operation and maintenance of Customer‑provided equipment and in the wiring of the connection of Customer channels to Company‑owned facilities.
B) If the protective requirements in connection with Customer‑provided equipment are not being complied with, the Company may take such action as is necessary to protect its facilities and personnel, and will promptly notify the Customer in writing of the need for protective action. In the event that the Customer fails to advise the Company within 10 days after such notice that corrective action has been taken, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including the suspension of service, to protect its facilities and personnel from harm. Upon reasonable request, the Company will provide the Customer with a statement of technical parameters which the Customer's equipment must meet.
2.11.1 Customer Obligations
A) The Customer shall assume all responsibility for obtaining all necessary permits, authorization or consents for interconnecting Customer-provided equipment or facilities with the Company's services or facilities as well as ensuring that the Customer-provided equipment or facilities are properly interfaced with the Company's services or equipment.
B) Access to and release of Company provided facilities located on the Customer's premises for testing and repair will be required for failures of equipment or service and/or routing maintenance. The Company will notify the Customer in advance of such necessary access or release and will attempt to schedule the access or release at a mutually convenient time. For charges contemplated in the tariff, such testing and repair and/or routine maintenance will be performed during regular business hours. When, at the specific request of the Customer, such routine maintenance, testing and/or repair is performed outside of regular business hours, additional special service charges may apply.
C) The Customer shall operate its equipment and facilities in such a manner that its use of the Company's facilities shall not interfere with any other Customer's use of the Company's services or equipment.
D) The Customer shall provide adequate space, electrical power, wiring, HVAC and electrical outlets necessary for the proper operation of the Company's equipment on the Customer's and/or authorized user's premises.
E) The Customer shall be responsible for all loss regardless of cause (other than directly resulting from an act or omission of the Company) to the Company's equipment on the Customer's or its authorized user's premises.
F) The Customer is responsible for ensuring that, except for Customer authorized and qualified personnel, no one attempt to adjust, modify, move or otherwise interfere in any way with the continuous operation of the Company's equipment located at the Customer's or authorized user premises.
G) The Customer shall comply with the minimum protective criteria generally accepted in the telephone industry and other appropriate criteria as may be prescribed by the Company to protect the integrity of service or for safety reasons.
H) The Customer shall be responsible for the installation, operation or maintenance of any Customer-provided equipment. Where such equipment is connected to service furnished pursuant to this tariff, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of services under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such services in the proper manner. Subject to this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for the following:
(1) the through transmission of signals generated by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission;
(2) the reception of signals by Customer-provided equipment; or
(3) network control signaling where such signalling is performed by Customer-provided network control signalling equipment.
2.11.2 Terminal Equipment
A) The Company's facilities and service may be used with or terminated in Customer-provided terminal equipment or Customer-provided communications systems. Such terminal equipment shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the Customer, except as otherwise provided in this tariff. The Customer is responsible for all costs at his premises, including Customer personnel, wiring, electrical power, and the like, incurred in the use of the Company's service.
B) When such terminal equipment is used, the equipment shall comply with the minimum protective criteria set forth below and shall not interfere with service furnished to other Customers. Additional protective equipment, if needed, shall be employed at the Customer's expense.
C) When service using voice grade facilities is terminated in Customer‑provided terminal equipment, channel derivation devices, or communications systems, the Customer shall comply with the following minimum protective criteria:
(1) When the facilities furnished under this tariff are used in common with local exchange carrier services, it is necessary in order to prevent excessive noise and cross talk, that the power of the signal applied to the local lines be limited. A single valued limit for all application cannot be specified. Therefore, the power of the signal in the band over 300 hertz which may be applied by the Customer ‑provided equipment at the point of termination will be specified by the carrier for each application, to be consistent with the signal power allowed on the telecommunications network.
(2) To protect the telecommunications services from interference at frequencies which are above the band of service provided, the carrier will specify the acceptable signal power in the following bands to be applied by the Customer provided equipment or communications system at the point of termination to insure that the input to the Carrier's facilities does not exceed the limits indicated.
(a) The power in the band from 3,995 hertz to 4,000 hertz shall be at least 18 dB below the power of the signal as specified in Subsection (1) preceding.
(b) The power in the band from 4,000 hertz to 10,000 hertz shall not exceed 24 dB below one miliwatt.
(c) The power in the band from 10,000 hertz to 25,000 hertz shall not exceed 24 dB below one miliwatt.
(d) The power in the band from 25,000 hertz to 40,000 hertz shall not exceed 36 dB below one miliwatt.
(e) The power in the band above 40,000 hertz shall not exceed 50 dB below one miliwatt.
(3) Where there is connection via Customer‑provided terminal equipment or communications systems to a Message Telecommunications Service, to prevent the interruption or disconnection of calls or interference with network control signaling, it is necessary that the signal applied by the Customer‑ provided equipment to the interface at no time has energy solely in the 2450 to 2740 hertz band. If signal power is in the 2450 to 2750 hertz band, it must not exceed the power present at the same time in the 800 to 2450 hertz band.
(4) Where such Customer‑provided equipment or communications system applies, signals having components in the frequency spectrum below 300 hertz, excluding ringing signals, the currents and voltages (including all harmonics and spurious signals) at the interface shall not exceed the limits indicated in (a) through (d) the following:
(a) The maximum rms (root‑mean‑square) value, including dc and ac components of the current per conductor shall not exceed 0.35 ampere.
(b) The magnitude of the peak of the conductor or ground voltage shall not exceed 70 volts.
(c) The conductor voltage shall be such that the conductor‑to‑ground voltage limit in (2) preceding is not exceeded. If the signal source is not grounded, the voltage limit in (2) preceding applies to the conductor‑to‑conductor voltage.
(d) The total weighted rms voltage within the band from 50 hertz shall not exceed 100 volts. The total weighted rms voltage is the square root of the sum of the products times the square of the rms voltage of the individual frequency components.
For Frequencies Between Weighing Factor
50 Hertz and 100 Hertz f2/104
100 Hertz and 300 Hertz f3.3/106.6
Where f is the numerical value of the frequency, in hertz, of the frequency component being weighted.
D) If the Customer fails to maintain and operate its terminal equipment properly, resulting in the occurrence or possibility of harm to the Company's equipment, personnel, or the quality of service to other Customers, the Company may, upon written notice, require repair, maintenance or the use of protective equipment at the Customer's expense. If such repair, maintenance or use of protective equipment fails to produce satisfactory results, the Company may, upon written notice terminate the Customer's service immediately.
2.12.1 For any of the following reasons, the Company may discontinue service or cancel an application for all services without incurring any liability. Separate accounts for the same Customer are also subject to this provision.
A) In the event that a Customer's bill remains unpaid after more than thirty days following rendition of the bill.
B) In the event of a violation of any regulation governing the service under this tariff.
C) In the event of a violation of any law, rule, or regulation of any government authority having jurisdiction over the service.
D) Where Company is prohibited from furnishing services by order of a court or other government authority having jurisdiction.
E) In the event of fraudulent use of the Company's network by Customer, the Company will discontinue service and/or seek legal recourse to recover all costs involved in enforcement of this provision.
Also, without incurring any liability, Company may discontinue the furnishing of Service(s) to a Customer immediately and without notice if the Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or Services.
2.12.2 Service may be canceled by the Customer only on not less than thirty (30) days written notice to the Company.
2.12.3 The discontinuance of Service by Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the Customer of any obligations to pay the Company for charges due and owing for Service(s) furnished up to the time of discontinuance.
2.12.4 The remedies set forth herein shall not be exclusive and the Company shall at all times be entitled to all rights available to it under either law or equity.
2.12.5 Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff or as specified in writing by the party entitled to receive Service, notices may be given orally or in writing to the persons whose names and business addresses appear on the executed Service order.
TRS is a service which permits hearing and/or speech impaired Customers who have been certified, in writing, by a licensed physician, audiologist, speech pathologist, or appropriate state or federal agency, as having a hearing or speech impairment which precludes oral communications and who use a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), to complete calls to Customers who do not use TDD. Customers originating a call, either by voice or TDD, reach the TRS Center for their respective state via a toll free number. The completed call is rated as a call from the originating telephone number to the terminating telephone number.
Customers who wish to use TRS service must provide written application and certification of a speech or hearing impairment to the Company. The Customer shall designate to the Company one and only one telephone number associated with that Customer's service and telecommunications device.
This service includes domestic interstate (see the Company's Tariff F.C.C. No. 2) and international calls that originate to states where TRS is available. The rates for international calls are as specified in Section 4.3.1. TRS calls are not eligible for any discounts associated with other calling plans. All TRS calls are confidential and may not be placed to 900 or 976 numbers.
Charges for service are applied on a recurring and non-recurring basis. Service is provided and billed on a monthly basis.
3.1.1 Start of Billing
For the purpose of billing, service will be deemed to be started on the day the service and its associated equipment, if any, is installed. Where billing is based upon Customer usage, Customers will be billed for all usage commencing on the date usage begins.
3.1.2 Minimum Service Period
Subject to the Company's right to cancel or suspend services as otherwise provided in this tariff, the minimum service period for services is thirty (30) days. Termination by Customer is effective thirty (30) days after receipt by the Company of a written notice of cancellation. Termination by the Company is effective thirty (30) days after delivery of written notice or as otherwise set forth in this tariff or other agreement of the Customer and the Company.
In situations where a Special Customer Arrangements is requested, the minimum service period and charges will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
3.1.3 Application of Charges
All monthly recurring charges are billed one month in advance. Initial and final month's billing, when the service period is less than a month, will be prorated at 1/30th of the month's recurring charge for each day the service was rendered or equipment was provided.
Usage charges are billed monthly for the preceding billing period. For periods less than the monthly billing period, minimum usage charges are prorated at 1/30th of the monthly minimum amount for each day the service was rendered.
3.1.4 Calculation of Fractional Charges
Charges for a fractional part of a month are calculated by counting the number of days remaining in the billing period after service is furnished. Divide that number of days figure by thirty days (billing period). The result is then multiplied by the applicable monthly service charge to arrive at the appropriate fractional monthly service charge.
For each call the minimum charge shall be the applicable charge for the initial billing increment described for each service in this tariff, with use in excess of the initial billing increment charged at the applicable rate per minute. If the final interval of a call is less than the applicable billing increment, the fractional billing increment will be rounded up to the next full increment for purposes of billing.
All per call charges or credits of fractional cents shall be rounded to the next full cent unless otherwise stated in the specific product description contained in Section 4 of this tariff.
3.1.5 Rate Periods
Rate Periods will apply as stated in the specific product descriptions. In cases where a call begins in one rate period and continues into another, the rate in effect in each period will apply to the portion of the call occurring within the applicable rate period.
3.1.6 Billing Increments
Billing increments are product specific. All per call charges of fractional cents will be rounded to the next full cent unless otherwise stated in the specific product descriptions.
3.1.7 Calculation of Distance
Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call.
The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved. The Company uses the rate centers and associated vertical and horizontal coordinated that are produced by Bell Communication Research in their NPA‑NXX V&H Coordinate Tape and AT&T Tariff No. 10. The airline mileage between rate centers is calculated as follows, where V1 and H1 are the vertical and horizontal coordinates of point 1 and V2 and H2 are the vertical and horizontal coordinates of point 2.
√(V1 V2) 2 + (H1 H2)2
Billable time for service is the duration of time between the called station answering and the called or calling station disconnecting, provided duration may be rounded in accordance with specific service descriptions in this tariff.
The following state categories will apply to Six Second Switched Service and Dedicated Access Service calls originating in the state categories as listed below and terminating in the international locations as specified in each product.
A) Category 1 Origination States
Alabama Kentucky Ohio
Arizona Louisiana Oklahoma
Arkansas Michigan Oregon
California Minnesota South Carolina
Colorado Mississippi South Dakota
Florida Missouri Tennessee
Georgia Montana Texas
Idaho Nebraska Utah
Illinois Nevada Washington
Indiana New Mexico West Virginia
Iowa North Carolina Wisconsin
Kansas North Dakota Wyoming
B) Category 2 Origination States
Connecticut New Jersey
Delaware New York
District of Columbia Pennsylvania
Maine Rhode Island
Maryland Vermont
Massachusetts Virginia
New Hampshire
In addition to other service-related charges, FUSF , Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.
4.1.1 International Toll-Free Service
A) Description
International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) is available for calls from select countries terminating via switched or dedicated access in the continental U.S. Calls must be made to specified toll free numbers which vary depending upon country of origination. Rates will vary by country where call originates and by termination access type.
B) Rate Periods
All calls will be treated the same regardless of which rate period the call is completed, with the exception of Mexico.
C) Billing Increments
International Toll-Free Service calls for countries listed below are billed in thirty (30) second minimum initial increments with additional increments of six (6) seconds.
International Toll-Free service calls for Mexico are billed on a sixty (60) second minimum duration basis with additional sixty (60) second increments.
D) Volume Discount
Volume Discounts are based upon a Term Plan Commitment as described in F following.
E) Monthly Recurring Charges and Monthly Minimum Requirements
In addition to the per minute rates, the following monthly recurring charges will apply per toll free number:
Switched Termination: $10.00
Dedicated Termination: $10.00
Monthly Recurring Charge: $10.00
In addition, a monthly minimum commitment of $100.00 will be applicable to all Customers." If the $100.00 minimum is not reached each month the Customer will be billed for the difference.
F) International Toll-Free Service Term Plan
ITFS is available to Customers through a Term Plan Option if the Customer agrees to commit to such service for a term of twelve (12) or twenty-four (24) months. Customers who elect the Term Plan Option will receive a discount off their selected Option's ITFS rates. This discount will apply to both switched and dedicated ITFS rates for all time periods. Customers who elect the ITFS Term Plan Option are subject to the following:
(1) Customers must indicate which ITFS Term Option they wish to select, either twelve (12) or twenty-four (24) months. The discounts provided under this Option will become effective with the first full month's usage.
(2) Customers who terminate service prior to the end of the term of commitment will be billed $100.00 per month for switched or dedicated services (per ITFS number) for the remaining months of the term plan agreement, if the Customer should terminate the service in any manner. This charge will not apply to Company ITFS Customers who convert from ITFS to another Company service with equal or greater term and minimum usage requirement commitments.
(3) All Customer requests to commence or terminate an ITFS Term Plan must be made in writing to the Company and received no later than thirty (30) days prior to the then existing term expiration date. If such notification is not received by the Company within this timeframe, the ITFS Term Plan agreement will be automatically renewed for a new term of commitment. The Customer has ninety (90) days from the date service is made available in which to notify the Company in writing of the Customer's desire to cancel this agreement without further obligation.
To determine the discount applicable to the Term Plan Options described above refer to the ITFS Term Plan Discount Schedule in Section 4.1.1.G.3.
G) Usage Charges
(1) International Toll-Free Service -Per Minute Rates
País Switched Termination Dedicated Termination
Andorra $1.8464 $1.7680
Antigua $1.7456 $1.6337
Argentina $1.7792 $1.7009
Australia $1.6785 $1.5666
Azores $2.2268 $2.1597
Bahamas $1.8687 $1.7904
Bahrain $1.9583 $1.8687
Barbados $2.4506 $2.3611
Belgium $1.7345 $1.6337
Bermuda $1.3876 $1.2980
Bolivia $1.8799 $1.8016
Brazil $1.7904 $1.7121
Cayman Islands $2.4394 $2.3499
Chile $2.0478 $1.9583
China $3.7151 $3.6368
Colombia $1.9135 $1.8352
Costa Rica $1.8128 $1.7009
Cyprus $2.8646 $2.7975
Denmark $1.8687 $1.7680
Dominican Republic $1.4659 $1.3764
Ecuador $1.8799 $1.8016
El Salvador $3.2003 $3.1556
Finland $1.8687 $1.7680
France (+Monaco) $1.8464 $1.7680
Germany $1.7233 $1.6561
Greece $2.5737 $2.5178
Guatemala $2.2940 $2.2156
Hong Kong $2.2156 $2.1597
Hungary $2.4618 $2.3835
Indonesia $3.3682 $3.3011
Ireland $2.4618 $2.3835
Israel $2.1149 $2.0254
Italy (Vatican City) $1.8680 $1.7680
Japan $2.0366 $1.9471
Korea $2.1709 $2.0813
Luxembourg $2.5401 $2.4394
Malaysia $3.0773 $2.9989
Marshall Islands $2.5289 $2.4730
Netherlands $1.7345 $1.6561
Netherlands Antilles $2.2492 $2.1821
New Zealand $2.4059 $2.3387
Nicaragua $3.2003 $3.1556
Norway $1.8687 $1.7568
Panama $1.6785 $1.5890
Peru $3.2339 $3.1892
Philippines $2.8982 $2.8311
Poland $1.9471 $1.9023
Portugal $2.2268 $2.1597
Qatar $3.4241 $3.3458
Romania $1.9471 $1.9023
San Marino $1.7792 $1.6785
Singapore $3.0101 $2.9206
South Africa $3.7822 $3.6703
Spain $1.9023 $1.8240
St. Lucia $2.4506 $2.3723
St. Vincent $1.9023 $1.9806
Sweden $1.7345 $1.6226
(+Liechtenstein) $1.8687 $1.7680
Taiwan $1.9135 $1.8464
Thailand $3.1668 $3.1108
Trinidad/Tobago $2.4506 $2.3723
Turkey $1.9583 $1.8687
United Arab Emirates $3.4130 $3.3346
United Kingdom $1.4659 $1.3764
Uruguay $2.7080 $2.6297
Venezuela $2.2716 $2.1709
(2) International Toll-Free Service - Mexico Origination Rates
(a) Mexico Origination Per Minute Base Rates**
Switched Dedicated
Región Estándar Descuento Estándar Descuento
1 $0.7721 $0.5819 $0.7274 $0.5371
2 $0.6602 $0.6266 $0.6155 $0.5819
3 $1.5442 $1.1638 $1.4995 $1.1190
4 $2.0813 $1.5442 $2.0366 $1.4995
** Rates apply to both switched and dedicated termination in the 48 continental United States. Mexico originating regions are described in (c) following.
(b) Rate Periods
7 a.m. - 6:59 p.m., Monday - Friday
5 p.m. -11:59 p.m., Sunday
7 p.m. - 6:59 a.m., Monday - Friday
7 p.m. - 4:59 p.m., Friday - Sunday
12 a.m. - 6:59 a.m., Monday
(c) Mexico Originating Regions
Major cities/towns Territory Major cities/towns Territory
Chihuahua Chihuahua Actopan Hidalgo
Ciudad Camargo Chihuahua Agua Caliente de Gerato Sinaloa
Ciudad Juarez Chihuahua Celaya Guanajuato
Ciudad Miguel Aleman Tamaulipas Ciudad Valles San Luis Potosi
Delicias Chihuahua Ciudad Victoria Tamaulipas
Hidalgo Coahuila Culiacan Sinaloa
Matamoros Tamaulipas Durango Durango
Monclova Coahuila Irapuato Guanajuato
Monterrey Nuevo Leon La Paz Coahuila
Nuevo Laredo Tamualipas Leon Guanajuato
Peidras Negras Coahuila Los Mochis Sinaloa
Reynosa Tamualipas Mazatlan Sinaloa
Sabinas Coahuila Pachuca Hidalgo
Saltillo Coahuila Queretaro Queretaro
Salamanca Guanajuato San Luis Potosi San Luis Potosi
Tampico Tamaulipas Torreon Coahuila
Tula Tamaulipas Zacatecas Zacatecas
Major cities/towns Territory
Ciudad Obregon Sonora
Ensenada Baja California Norte
Guaymas Sonora
Hermosillo Sonora
Mexicali Baja California Norte
Novojoa Sonora
Nogales Sonora
San Luis Rio Colorado Sonora
Tijuana Baja California Norte
Major cities/towns Territory Major cities/towns Territory
Acapulco Guerrero Tapachula Chiapas
Autlan de Navarro Jalisco Tehuacan Puebla
Campeche Campeche Tenosique Tabasco
Cancun Quitana Roo Tepatitlan Jalisco
Chalco Mexico Tepic Nayarit
Chilpancingo Guerrero Texcoco Mexico
Ciudad Guzman Jalisco Texiutlan Puebla
Coatzacoalcos Veracruz Tlaxcala Tlaxcala
Colima Colima Toluca Mexico
Cordoba Veracruz Tulancingo Hidalgo
Cosamaloapan Veracruz Tuxtla Chiapas
Cuautitlan Mexico Uruapan Michoacan
Cuernavaca Morelos Veracruz Veracruz
Guadalajara Jalisco Villahermosa Michoacan
Gutierrez Zamora Veracruz Zamora Michoacan
Iguala Guerrero Zihuatenejo Guerrero
Jalpa Zacatecas Juchitan Oaxaca
Lazaro Cardenas Tlaxcala Loma Bonita Oaxaca
Macuspana Tabasco Manzanillo Colima
Merida Yucatan Mexico City Mexico
Minatitlan Veracruz Morelia Michoacan
Oaxaca Oaxaca Orizaba Veracruz
Poza Rica Veracruz Puebla Puebla
Volume 1 YR 2 YR
Nivel Term Term
$ 1,000 8% 10%
$ 2,000 20% 22%
$ 3,000 22% 24%
$ 5,000 25% 27%
$ 7,000 26% 28%
$10,000 27% 29%
$15,000 28% 30%
$20,000 28% 30%
$30,000 28% 30%
$40,000 28% 30%
4.1.2 Universal International Free-Phone Number Service ("UIFN")
UIFN is a toll-free service that allows the same toll-free number to be used in different countries. The same UIFN number can be dialed from any country in which UIFN Service is offered by dialing the international access code for that country followed by the 800 number (800-XXXX-XXXX). The dialed number may terminate anywhere in the United States. UIFN is available in the following listed countries:
Australia Netherlands
Belgium New Zealand
Denmark Norway
Finland Sweden
Germany Switzerland
Hong Kong Taiwan
Japan United Kingdom
The rates and term plan discounts that apply to International Toll-Free Service ("ITFS") as filed in Section 4.1.1 will apply to the above listed countries.
If a Customer accumulates more than $1,000.00 of undisputed delinquent Company toll-free service charges (either ITFS or UIFN), the Company Resp. Org. reserves the right not to honor that Customer's request for a Resp. Org. change until such undisputed charges are paid in full.
4.1.3 Canadian Toll-Free Origination
A) Description
Canadian Toll-Free Origination calls originate in Canada and terminate to Dedicated Access Lines, Switched WATS Access Lines or Business Lines in the continental U.S. All toll-free Customer agreement conditions will apply. Canadian toll-free traffic is added to interstate and intrastate traffic of the same termination type in order to determine the appropriate volume discounts. All fraction per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.
B) Usage Charges
(1) Canadian Toll-Free Origination Usage charges
Usage charges are determined by the time of day rate periods and minutes of use within each rate period.
(a) Rate Periods
The time of day rate periods for Canadian 800 Service will Peak and Off-Peak. Peak rates apply to all calls that occur between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. Monday through Friday, except on Company-recognized holidays. Off-Peak rates apply to all other calls.
(b) Rate Schedule
(i) Switched WATS and Business Line Termination
Hora pico Off-Peak
$0.32 $0.27
(ii) Dedicated Termination
Hora pico Off-Peak
$0.30 $0.25
(iii) Homebound 800 Termination
Hora pico Off-Peak
$0.32 $0.27
(c) Billing Increments
Usage for switched termination will be billed in thirty (30) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds thereafter. Usage for dedicated termination will be billed in eighteen (18) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds thereafter. Usage for Homebound 800 Termination will be billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of sixty (60) seconds thereafter.
(2) Stand Alone Canadian 800 Service
The following charge will apply in addition to the rates stated above in (1). Usage Charges for Customers that do not subscribe to a Company Service.
(a) Monthly Recurring Charge
(i) Toll-Free Number Charge (per #) $25.00
(3) Canadian Calling Card Origination
The following rate schedule applies to calling card calls that originate in Canada and terminate in the below listed countries.
(a) International Rate Schedule (excluding Mexico)
Afghanistan 1.42 1.42
Albania 1.64 1.64
Algeria 1.25 1.25
Andorra 0.56 0.56
Angola 1.95 1.95
Anguilla 0.95 0.95
Antarctica 1.70 1.70
Antarctica (Scott Base) 1.70 1.70
Antigua (Barbuda) 0.91 0.91
Argentina 0.89 0.89
Armenia 1.31 1.31
Aruba 0.76 0.76
Ascension Island 1.99 1.99
Australia 0.60 0.60
Austria 0.85 0.85
Azerbaijan 1.31 1.31
Bahamas 0.44 0.44
Bahrain 1.20 1.20
Bangladesh 1.69 1.69
Barbados 0.84 0.84
Belarus 1.31 1.31
Belgium 0.78 0.78
Belize 1.02 1.02
Benin 1.22 1.22
Bermuda 0.72 0.72
Bhutan 3.00 3.00
Bolivia 1.19 1.19
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1.50 1.50
Botswana 1.09 1.09
Brazil 0.83 0.83
British Virgin Islands 0.85 0.85
Brunei 1.68 1.68
Bulgaria 1.03 1.03
Burkina Faso 0.89 0.89
Burundi 3.74 3.74
Cambodia 2.33 2.33
Cameroon 1.51 1.51
Cape Verde Island 1.76 1.76
Cayman Islands 0.76 0.76
Central African Rep. 3.38 3.38
Chad 2.84 2.84
Chile 0.78 0.78
China 1.48 1.48
Christmas & Cocos Islands 1.70 1.70
Colombia 0.89 0.89
Comoros 4.50 4.50
Congo 1.45 1.45
Cook Island 4.33 4.33
Costa Rica 0.82 0.82
Croatia, Rep. of 1.50 1.50
Cuba 1.35 1.35
Cyprus 1.22 1.22
Czech Republic 1.14 1.14
Dem. Rep. of Congo 1.81 1.81
Denmark 0.83 0.83
Diego Garcia 2.58 2.58
Djibouti 2.04 2.04
Dominica 0.89 0.89
Dominican Republic 0.69 0.69
Ecuador 0.88 0.88
Egypt 0.99 0.99
El Salvador 0.81 0.81
Equatorial Guinea 3.65 3.65
Eritrea 1.92 1.92
Estonia 1.31 1.31
Ethiopia 1.52 1.52
Faeroe Islands 0.87 0.87
Falkland Islands 3.23 3.23
Fiji Islands 1.65 1.65
Finland 0.63 0.63
France 0.56 0.56
French Antilles 0.71 0.71
French Guiana 1.69 1.69
French Polynesia 1.66 1.66
Gabon 1.16 1.16
Gambia 1.27 1.27
Georgia 1.31 1.31
Germany 0.55 0.55
Ghana 1.32 1.32
Gibraltar 1.09 1.09
Greece 0.95 0.95
Greenland 0.96 0.96
Grenada 1.40 1.40
Guadeloupe 0.71 0.71
Guam 0.91 0.91
Guantanamo Bay 1.15 1.15
Guatemala 0.83 0.83
Guinea 2.39 2.39
Guinea Bissau 2.89 2.89
Guyana 1.88 1.88
Haiti 0.74 0.74
Honduras 0.81 0.81
Hong Kong 0.71 0.71
Hungary 1.04 1.04
Iceland 1.06 1.06
India 1.15 1.15
Indonesia 1.53 1.53
Iran 1.64 1.64
Iraq 1.80 1.80
Ireland, Rep. of 0.69 0.69
Israel 1.15 1.15
Italy 0.76 0.76
Ivory Coast 1.93 1.93
Jamaica 0.81 0.81
Japan 0.63 0.63
Jordan 1.15 1.15
Kazakhstan 1.31 1.31
Kenya 1.37 1.37
Kiribati 2.10 2.10
Korea, Republic of 1.01 1.01
Kuwait 1.20 1.20
Kyrgyzstan 1.31 1.31
Laos 3.26 3.26
Latvia 1.31 1.31
Lebanon 1.85 1.85
Liberia 0.71 0.71
Libya 2.06 2.06
Lithuania 1.41 1.41
Luxembourg 0.89 0.89
Macao 1.74 1.74
Macedonia 1.50 1.50
Madagascar 3.48 3.48
Malawi 1.24 1.24
Malaysia 1.02 1.02
Maldives 2.36 2.36
Mali 2.47 2.47
Malta 1.41 1.41
Marisat - Atlantic Ocean 9.70 9.70
Marisat - Indian Ocean 9.70 9.70
Marisat - Pacific Ocean 9.70 9.70
Marisat - West Atlantic Ocean 9.70 9.70
Marshall Islands 2.15 2.15
Mauritania 1.69 1.69
Mauritius 2.15 2.15
Mayotte Island 4.50 4.50
Micronesia 2.08 2.08
Moldova 1.41 1.41
Monaco 0.56 0.56
Mongolia 3.22 3.22
Montserrat 0.98 0.98
Morocco 1.77 1.77
Mozambique 2.23 2.23
Myanmar 3.31 3.31
Namibia 1.63 1.63
Nauru 1.76 1.76
Nepal 1.54 1.54
Netherlands 0.51 0.51
Netherlands Antilles 0.53 0.53
Nevis 1.10 1.10
New Caledonia 1.54 1.54
New Zealand 1.41 1.41
Nicaragua 1.00 1.00
Niger 1.87 1.87
Nigeria 1.19 1.19
Lesotho 1.77 1.77
Niue Island 3.67 3.67
Norfolk Island 1.70 1.70
Norway 0.58 0.58
Oman 1.31 1.31
Pakistan 1.50 1.50
Palau 2.06 2.06
Panama 0.78 0.78
Papua New Guinea 1.50 1.50
Paraguay 1.22 1.22
Peru 0.93 0.93
Philippines 1.06 1.06
Poland 1.00 1.00
Portugal 0.92 0.92
Qatar 1.48 1.48
Reunion Island 2.51 2.51
Romania 1.25 1.25
Russia 1.31 1.31
Rwanda 2.30 2.30
Sao Tome 2.60 2.60
Saudi Arabia 1.17 1.17
Senegal 1.48 1.48
Seychelles 2.26 2.26
Sierra Leone 1.43 1.43
Singapore 0.72 0.72
Slovakia 1.14 1.14
Slovenia 1.32 1.32
Solomon Islands 2.12 2.12
Somalia 3.03 3.03
South Africa 0.89 0.89
Spain 0.86 0.86
Sri Lanka 1.66 1.66
St. Helena 2.92 2.92
St. Kitts 0.98 0.98
St Lucia 1.01 1.01
St Pierre/Miquelon 0.89 0.89
St Vincent/Grenadines 1.01 1.01
Sudan 1.15 1.15
Suriname 1.57 1.57
Swaziland 2.00 2.00
Sweden 0.53 0.53
Switzerland 0.59 0.59
Syria 1.87 1.87
Taiwan 0.69 0.69
Tajikistan 1.31 1.31
Tanzania 1.39 1.39
Thailand 1.32 1.32
Togo 1.68 1.68
Tonga Islands 1.66 1.66
Trinidad/Tobago 0.79 0.79
Tunisia 1.40 1.40
Turkey 1.23 1.23
Turkmenistan 1.31 1.31
Turks & Caicos Islands 0.98 0.98
Tuvalu 4.21 4.21
Uganda 1.09 1.09
Ukraine 1.31 1.31
United Arab Emirates 1.19 1.19
United Kingdom 0.42 0.42
Uruguay 1.07 1.07
Uzbekistan 1.31 1.31
Vanuatu 4.36 4.36
Venezuela 0.63 0.63
Vietnam 1.88 1.88
Wallis & Futuna 3.64 3.64
Western Samoa 1.14 1.14
Yemen Arab Republic 1.21 1.21
Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. Of 1.50 1.50
Zambia 1.35 1.35
Zimbabwe 1.22 1.22
(b) Billing Increments
Usage for Canadian Calling Card Origination will be billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of sixty (60) seconds thereafter.
(c) International Rate Schedule - Mexico
Canada to Mexico calls will be billed at the WorldOne Mexico Rates as filed in Section 4.3.9.
(d) Per Call Surcharge
International Locations and Mexico $1.25
(e) International Rate Schedule - Canada to U.S.
Peak: $0.55
Off-Peak: $0.35
Per Call Surcharge: $0.60
4.2.1 OnLine Calling Card Service - International
This service is offered in connection with domestic calling card service and is available to residential and commercial Company Customers. Customers may place domestic and international long distance calls using this service. Calling card access can be from either a tone generating or rotary-dial telephone and is gained by dialing the Company's toll-free access number. Calling Card calls will be billed in sixty (60) second increments at the WorldOne International Service rates as filed in 4.3.9. All per call charges of fractional cents will be rounded to the next full cent unless otherwise stated. A per call surcharge of $2.50 will apply for OnLine Calling card calls in addition to the above referenced rates.
4.2.2 WorldCom Calling Card Service - International
This service is offered in connection with domestic calling card service and is available to residential and commercial Company Customers. Customers may place domestic and international long distance calls using this service. Calling card access can be from either a tone generating or rotary-dial telephone and is gained by dialing the Company's toll-free access number, and/or 10XXX, 950-XXXX depending on availability. Calling Card calls will be billed in sixty (60) second increments at the WorldOne International Service rates as filed in Section 4.3.9. All per call charges of fractional cents will be rounded to the next full cent unless otherwise stated. A per call surcharge of $2.50 will apply for WorldCom Calling card calls in addition to the above referenced rates.
4.2.3 PhonePass Service
PhonePass Service is a switched service that enables the end-user to place calls charged to prepaid phone cards issued by the Company. The end-user accesses the network by dialing the appropriate Company toll-free number printed on the back of the card. Toll-Free numbers are available and each toll-free number accesses a custom greeting designated by the Customer. Language menu selection is available if requested by the Customer.
The PhonePass Card is available in five (5) or more denominations at a flat rate per unit. Cards and/or codes are issued with an expiration date of six (6), twelve (12) or eighteen (18) months from the date of the code or six (6) or twelve (12) months from first usage. First use is anytime the toll-free number and code are entered by the code holder. A terminating number is not necessary in starting the time period for reactivation on first use. The number of available Company PhonePass Cards is subject to technical limitations.
The Company is not liable or responsible for theft, loss or unauthorized use of cards or card numbers. The Company will not refund or issue credit on unused units of the PhonePass Card.
A) Availability
International calls can be placed from the U.S. to the countries specified in Section 4.2.3.D.3. International inbound calls can be placed to the U.S. from the countries specified in Section 4.2.3.D.4. Service to/from Canada is as listed in Section 4.2.3.D.5. PhonePass Service is available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Card availability is limited and shall be handled on a first come, first served basis. PhonePass Service can be accessed through touchtone telephones only. 900 calls cannot be made on the PhonePass Card.
PhonePass Service may be made available from time to time with certain promotional offerings.
B) Card Depletion/Renewal or Expiration
Each time the card is used, the end-user hears a message stating the number of units remaining on the card. Sixty (60) seconds prior to the card being depleted, the user and the called party hear a warning announcing the time remaining on the card, and a reminder tone 30 seconds thereafter.
Some cards are supplied with a Subscriber Debit Service ("SDS"). The SDS allows the user to extend the value of the card by charging the cost of additional increments on a major credit card. The System will prompt the user through the processes necessary to purchase these additional increments on the Phone Card. A credit validation through a merchant account. The addition of units via SDS will reinitiate the expiration time schedule on the Codes. Some codes are supplied with Chaining which, allows the user to transfer units from one (1) code to another code. The expiration date of the code that units are transferred to will be the expiration date of the Chained Units.
Cards are available in five (5) or more units. Codes are only available in zero (0) or more units when combined with SDS. In this case a specific expiration date will be assigned to the code.
C) Card Activation
The Customer is allowed to order deactivated codes and units in batches (groups) or any denomination. The Customer activates the batches by submitting a batch activation request and payment for all codes to be activated. All batches are activated within five (5) business days of receipt of payment and activation request.
D) Usage Charges
The applicable usage rate depends upon the Service Option selected by the Customer. Two options as listed below in Sections 1 and 2 are available for the Customer to choose. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments and are debited against the PhonePass Service Card. Cards and/or Codes are valued based on a number of call Units. Rates for PhonePass Service may vary depending on the commitment term, total purchase commitment, card printing or packaging and collector purchase rights. All units purchased for the sole purpose of resale, must be purchased with a generic PhonePass Card. If a Customer purchases units from the Company for promotion and not resale, the Customer may be entitled to a custom PhonePass card printed by the Company. Cards being used for resale are available in 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 and 100 unit denominations. Cards purchased for promotional purposes can be set with the number units determined by the Customer. The Company does not guarantee access from any country.
(1) Option A - Generic Wholesale Cards
The Customer may obtain Generic PhonePass Cards as a one-time purchase with full payment due upon delivery or with a one (1) or two (2) year commitment with payment due prior to delivery of each order. Upon acceptance by Company, the Term Commitment discount will be applied to each partial order of PhonePass Cards and/or Codes. Installment (Partial Order) payments must be made fifteen (15) days prior to issuance of the Cards and/or Codes. At the end of the one (1) year or two (2) year commitment period or upon request for cancellation by the Customer, the Customer must pay the difference between the Term Commitment amount purchased and the initial Term Commitment amount, if the commitment has not been met. The Company may terminate a purchase commitment plan in order to allow the Customer to agree to a higher "number of Units" Term Commitment. PhonePass Cards will be sold at prices rounded to the nearest cent. The rate per unit and purchase volumes are as follows:
(a) One-Time Purchase
Purchase Volume Rate per Unit
$ 250 - 2,499 $0.2700
2,500 - 4,999 0.2550
5,000 - 9,999 0.2400
10,000 - 14,999 0.2250
15,000 - 24,999 0.2150
25,000 - 49,999 0.2000
50,000 - 99,999 0.1900
100,000 -199,999 0.1750
200,000 -299,999 0.1650
300,000 - + 0.1600
(b) 1-Year Term Monthly Commitment
Purchase Volume Rate per Unit
$ 2,500 - 4,999 $0.2400
5,000 - 9,999 0.2250
10,000 - 4,999 0.2150
15,000 - 24,999 0.2000
25,000 - 49,999 0.1900
50,000 - 99,999 0.1750
100,000 - 199,999 0.1650
200,000 - 299,999 0.1600
300,000 - + 0.1550
(c) 2-Year Term Monthly Commitment
Purchase Volume Rate per Unit
$ 2,500 - 4,999 $0.2300
5,000 - 9,999 0.2150
10,000 - 14,999 0.2000
15,000 - 24,999 0.1900
25,000 - 49,999 0.1750
50,000 - 99,999 0.1650
100,000 - 199,999 0.1600
200,000 - 299,999 0.1550
300,000 - + 0.1500
(d) Retail Rate
Purchase Volume Rate per Unit
$1 - 250 $0.4000
(2) Retail Option - Generic Cards
The following rate schedules apply to the end-user. The retailer has the option of setting the retail rate at the following rates based on the level of purchase and/or commitment. If the retailer would prefer to sell at any of the retail rates above their specified purchase level of commitment, they may choose any of the preset rates listed below:
Option A - Generic Cards
Purchase Volume Retail Rate
$ 250 - 2,499 $0.4000
2,500 - 4,999 0.4000
5,000 - 9,999 0.4000
10,000 - 14,999 0.3500
15,000 - 24,999 0.3300
25,000 - 49,999 0.3000
50,000 - 99,999 0.2700
100,000 - 199,999 0.2500
200,000 - 299,999 0.2200
300,000 - + 0.2000
(3) Calls from the U.S. to Overseas Locations - Pricing is expressed in units which represents a ratio of international minutes to domestic minutes.
País Units Per Minute
Afghanistan 13.0
Albania 6.0
Algeria 5.0
Andorra 3.0
Angola 7.0
Anguilla 6.0
Antarctica 8.0
Antarctica (Scott Base) 8.0
Antigua (Barbuda) 5.0
Argentina 5.0
Armenia 8.0
Aruba 4.0
Ascension Islands 9.0
Australia 2.0
Australian Ext. Territories 5.0
Austria 3.0
Azerbaijan 10.0
Bahamas 3.0
Bahrain 7.0
Bangladesh 10.0
Barbados 6.0
Belarus 7.0
Belgium 2.0
Belize 7.0
Benin 7.0
Bermuda 3.0
Bhutan 10.0
Bolivia 6.0
Bosnia & Herzegovina 6.0
Botswana 6.0
Brazil 5.0
British Virgin Islands 4.0
Brunei 6.0
Bulgaria 4.0
Burkina Faso 7.0
Burundi 11.0
Cambodia 12.0
Cameroon 9.0
Canada 2.0
Cape Verde Islands 7.0
Cayman Islands 4.0
Central African Rep. 10.0
Chad 10.0
Chile 4.0
China 8.0
Colombia 6.0
Comoros 10.0
Congo 8.0
Cook Island 11.0
Costa Rica 5.0
Cote' D'Ivoire 10.0
Croatia Republic 4.0
Cuba 8.0
Cyprus 5.0
Czech Republic 4.0
Denmark 2.0
Diego Garcia 10.0
Djibouti 10.0
Dominica 6.0
Dominican Republic 4.0
Ecuador 7.0
Egypt 7.0
El Salvador 6.0
Equatorial Guinea 15.0
Eritrea 12.0
Estonia 5.0
Ethiopia 11.0
Faeroe Islands 5.0
Falkland Islands 10.0
Fiji Islands 9.0
Finland 2.0
France 2.0
French Polynesia 8.0
Gabon 9.0
Gambia 7.0
Georgia 8.0
Germany 2.0
Ghana 7.0
Gibraltar 5.0
Gilbert Island 11.0
Greece 4.0
Greenland 6.0
Grenada 6.0
Guadeloupe 5.0
Guantanamo Bay 8.0
Guatemala 5.0
Guiana (Fr. Dep. of) 5.0
Guinea 7.0
Guinea Bissau 12.0
Guyana 9.0
Haiti 8.0
Honduras 7.0
Hong Kong 5.0
Hungary 3.0
Iceland 4.0
India 9.0
Indonesia 6.0
Inmarsat (Atl.-East) 63.0
Inmarsat (Atl.-West) 62.0
Inmarsat (Indian) 57.0
Inmarsat (Pacific) 64.0
Iran 11.0
Iraq 13.0
Ireland 3.0
Israel 5.0
Italy 3.0
Jamaica 7.0
Japan 3.0
Jordan 9.0
Kazakhstan 8.0
Kenya 8.0
Kiribati 13.0
Kirghizia 12.0
Korea (Dem. Peoples. Rep. of) 10.0
Korea (Republic of) 4.0
Kuwait 9.0
Kyrgyzstan 10.0
Laos 13.0
Latvia 5.0
Lebanon 9.0
Lesotho 9.0
Liberia 6.0
Libya 6.0
Liechtenstein 3.0
Lithuania 5.0
Luxembourg 3.0
Macao 6.0
Macedonia 6.0
Madagascar 11.0
Malawi 7.0
Malaysia 4.0
Maldives 8.0
Mali Republic 10.0
Malta 4.0
Marshall Islands 6.0
Martinique 4.0
Mauritania 9.0
Mauritius 8.0
Mayotte Island 10.0
Mexico 4.0
Micronesia 7.0
Moldova 7.0
Monaco 3.0
Mongolia 11.0
Montenegro 5.0
Montserrat 7.0
Morocco 5.0
Mozambique 14.0
Myanmar 18.0
Nakhodka 6.0
Namibia 11.0
Nauru 11.0
Nepal 14.0
Netherlands 3.0
Netherland Antilles 5.0
Nevis 5.0
New Caledonia 9.0
New Zealand 3.0
Nicaragua 6.0
Niger 9.0
Nigeria 90.0
Niue Island 15.0
Norfolk Island 8.0
Norway 2.0
Oman 9.0
Pakistan 9.0
Palau 10.0
Panama 6.0
Papua New Guinea 6.0
Paraguay 7.0
Peru 6.0
Philippines 5.0
Poland 4.0
Portugal 4.0
Qatar 9.0
Reunion Island 6.0
Romania 6.0
Russia 6 0
Rwanda 8.0
San Marino 5.0
Sao Tome 13.0
Saudi Arabia 9.0
Senegal 11.0
Seychelles 14.0
Sierra Leone 9.0
Singapore 4.0
Slovakia 4.0
Slovenia Republic 5.0
Solomon Islands 10.0
Somalia 18.0
South Africa 6.0
Spain 4.0
Sri Lanka 9.0
St. Helena 11.0
St. Kitts 5.0
St. Lucia 6.0
St. Pierre/Miquelon 4.0
St. Vincent/Grenadines 6.0
Sudan 7.0
Suriname 11.0
Swaziland 6.0
Sweden 2.0
Switzerland 2.0
Syria 9.0
Tajikistan 9.0
Taiwan 5.0
Tanzania 7.0
Thailand 7.0
Togo 9.0
Tongo 9.0
Trinidad/Tobago 7.0
Tunisia 6.0
Turkey 5.0
Turkmenistan 9.0
Turks and Caicos 6.0
Tuvalu 15.0
Uganda 7.0
Ukraine 5.0
United Arab Emirates 6.0
United Kingdom 2.0
Uruguay 7.0
Uzbekistan 7.0
Vanuatu 15.0
Vatican City 5.0
Venezuela 5.0
Vietnam 11.0
Wallis & Futuna 15.0
Western Samoa 8.0
Yemen Arab Republic 9.0
Yugoslavia 5.0
Dem. Rep. Of Congo (Zaire) 7.0
Zambia 8.0
Zanzibar 7.0
Zimbabwe 5.0
(4) Calls from Overseas Locations to the U.S.** - Pricing is expressed in units which represents a ratio of inter-national minutes to domestic minutes.
País Units Per Minute
Andorra 4.0
Australia 4.0
Belgium 4.0
China 8.0
Denmark 4.0
Dominican Republic 7.0
Finland 4.0
France 4.0
Germany 3.0
Hong Kong 6.0
Hungary 9.0
Indonesia 12.0
Ireland 9.0
Israel 11.0
Italy 3.0
Japan 3.0
Korea 7.0
Liechtenstein 5.0
Malaysia 11.0
Monaco 4.0
Netherlands 4.0
New Zealand 4.0
Norway 3.0
Portugal 5.0
South Africa 13.0
Sweden 3.0
Switzerland 5.0
Thailand 11.0
United Kingdom 3.0
(5) Canada Units Per Minute
Canada - U.S. 2
U.S. - Canada 2
Canada - Other Countries 4
(6) Directory Assistance
2 Units Per Minute
(7) International Termination Rates for Calls Terminating in the U.S.
1 Unit Per Minute
(8) Surcharge for Cuba Debit Card Service
$1.00 per card
4.2.4 Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharges
In order to recover the Company's expenses to comply with the FCC's payphone compensation plan adopted October 9, 1997 (FCC 97-371), a Surcharge will apply to all completed interstate and intrastate calls originating from pay telephones and other restricted lines including:
1) calls billed to a Company-issued access code (e.g., WorldCom Calling Card, prepaid cards);
2) "0+" and other calls billed collect, to a third number, to a commercial credit card, or to a calling card issued by a local exchange carrier; and
3) calls placed via Company toll-free (800 or 888) numbers to any Customer.
No discounts shall apply to Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharges. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies, independent companies and other interexchange carriers. The Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i.e., using the "#" symbol) completed and billed as described above.
A) Application of Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharges
Individual calls which otherwise meet the criteria above will be identified as subject to the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge when coding digits transmitted to the Company at the time the call is placed indicate that the call originates from a payphone (ANI ii digits 27, 29 or 70) or a restricted line class (ANI ii digits 07) commonly associated with payphones. The Surcharge shall apply to calls originated from all such restricted lines regardless of whether the line is actually associated with a payphone.
Whenever possible, the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge will appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call. The application of the Surcharge to Restricted Lines (ANI 07) shall cease as soon as practicable upon suspension, vacation, or expiration of the Temporary Waiver Order, DA 97-2162, concerning the obligations of local exchange carriers to provide payphone coding digits, issued October 7, 1997 by the Common Carrier Bureau of the Commission in CC Docket 96-128.
At the Company's option, in cases where proper payphone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge may be billed on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information from a local exchange carrier which confirms that the originating station is an eligible payphone.
B) Rate - Per Completed Call
Calls billed to Company-issued
access codes other than
prepaid cards $0.26
"0+" Calls $0.26
Calls placed via toll-free nos. $0.26
Calls billed to Company-issued
prepaid cards $0.30*
* for prepaid cards issued in units or minutes,
the surcharge shall equal two domestic units.
4.2.5 International Calling From Abroad
A) Description
International Calling From Abroad is an international service offered in conjunction with MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 6. Calls under this service are made by Customers of OnLine Card Service and will be calculated on a per minute basis and rounded to the next higher full minute.
B) Usage Charges
(1) OnLine Direct Dial Rates
The following rate schedule applies to calling card calling from overseas countries to the point of connection in the U.S. Mainland and Canada, when such calls are dialed using the Company's OnLine Card Service.
Andorra $1.71 $1.06
Argentina $2.99 $1.75
Australia $3.26 $1.41
Austria $1.87 $1.27
Azores $2.54 $1.64
Bahamas $1.31 $0.96
Bahrain $3.83 $3.83
Belgium $1.85 $1.17
Brazil $2.68 $2.68
Brunei $2.32 $2.32
Canary Islands $1.99 $1.99
Chile $2.99 $1.41
China1 $4.29 $4.29
Colombia $2.61 $2.61
Cyprus $2.56 $1.58
Denmark $2.45 $1.42
Dominica $1.96 $1.35
Finland $1.99 $1.37
France $1.71 $1.13
Germany $1.77 $1.21
Gibraltar $2.75 $1.64
Greece $2.50 $1.50
Greenland $2.45 $1.42
Grenada $1.82 $1.26
Hong Kong $3.62 $1.45
Hungary $2.94 $1.41
Iceland $1.35 $1.35
Indonesia $4.07 $1.75
Ireland $1.71 $1.23
Israel $2.98 $1.23
Italy2 $1.88 $1.04
Jamaica $1.75 $1.25
Japan $3.36 $1.37
Korea, Republic of $3.10 $1.40
Kuwait $3.83 $1.62
Liechtenstein $1.87 $1.27
Luxembourg $2.19 $1.21
Macau $4.78 $1.91
Madeira $2.54 $1.64
Malaysia $3.76 $1.66
Mexico $2.11 $1.76
Monaco $1.71 $1.06
Montserrat $1.82 $1.26
Netherlands $1.80 $1.15
Antilles $1.53 $1.00
New Zealand $3.69 $1.67
Nicaragua $2.55 $1.14
Norway $1.77 $1.22
Oman $3.83 $1.62
Panama $1.79 $1.41
Peru $2.98 $1.47
Philippines $3.49 $1.42
Poland $1.27 $1.27
Portugal $2.54 $1.64
Qatar $3.83 $1.62
Russia $3.44 $3.44
Saudi Arabia $3.19 $1.66
Singapore $3.32 $1.45
South Africa $2.51 $1.20
Spain $1.99 $1.29
St. Kitts $1.82 $1.22
Sweden $1.65 $1.15
Switzerland $1.87 $1.27
Taiwan $3.83 $1.54
Thailand $3.70 $1.66
Trinidad/Tobago $1.72 $1.00
Turkey $1.45 $1.45
Turks & Caicos $1.99 $1.34
United Arab
Emirates $2.99 $1.38
United Kingdom1 $1.87 $1.38
Uruguay $2.98 $1.59
Venezuela $2.19 $0.98
1 Includes Beijing, Guandzhou and Shanghai only.
2 Includes San Marino and Vatican City.
(a) Surcharges
The following surcharge will apply in addition to the per minute rates above.
Per Call Surcharge
Direct Dialed $2.50
Operator Assisted $2.50
Default to Operator $1.95
(2) OnLine Operator Assisted Rates
The following rate schedule applies to OnLine Card Service calling from overseas countries to the point of connection in the U.S. Mainland and Canada, when such calls are placed with the assistance of an operator.
Abu Dhabi $2.99 $1.56
Andorra $1.71 $1.06
Anguilla $1.96 $1.32
Argentina $2.99 $1.75
Australia $3.26 $1.41
Austria $1.87 $1.27
Azores $2.54 $1.64
Bahamas $1.31 $0.96
Bahrain $3.83 $1.62
Belgium $1.85 $1.17
Brazil $2.68 $2.68
Canary Islands $1.99 $1.99
Chile $2.99 $1.41
China $4.29 $4.29
Colombia $2.61 $2.61
Costa Rica $1.97 $1.03
Cyprus $2.56 $1.58
Denmark $2.45 $1.42
Dominica $1.96 $1.35
Republic $2.06 $1.24
Dubai $2.99 $1.56
Finland $1.99 $1.37
France $1.71 $1.13
Germany $1.77 $1.21
Gibraltar $2.75 $1.64
Greece $2.50 $1.50
Grenada $1.82 $1.26
Hong Kong $3.62 $1.45
Hungary $2.94 $1.41
Indonesia $4.07 $1.75
Ireland $1.71 $1.23
Israel $2.98 $1.23
Italy $1.88 $1.04
Jamaica $1.75 $1.25
Japan $3.36 $1.37
Kuwait $3.83 $1.62
Liechtenstein $1.87 $1.27
Luxembourg $2.19 $1.21
Madeira $2.54 $1.64
Majorca $1.99 $1.29
Malaysia $3.76 $1.66
Mexico $2.11 $1.76
Monaco $1.71 $1.06
Montserrat $1.82 $1.26
Netherlands $1.80 $1.15
New Zealand $3.69 $1.67
Norway $1.77 $1.22
Northern Ireland $1.87 $1.38
Oman $3.83 $1.62
Panama $1.79 $1.41
Peru $2.98 $1.47
Philippines $3.49 $1.42
Portugal $2.54 $1.64
Qatar $3.83 $1.62
Saint Kitts/Nevis $1.82 $1.22
Saudi Arabia $3.19 $1.66
Singapore $3.32 $1.45
South Africa $2.51 $1.20
South Korea $3.10 $1.40
Spain $1.99 $1.29
Sweden $1.65 $1.15
Switzerland $1.87 $1.27
Taiwan $3.83 $1.54
Thailand $3.70 $1.66
Turks & Caicos $1.99 $1.34
United Arab
Emirates $2.99 $1.38
United Kingdom $1.87 $1.38
Uruguay $2.98 $1.59
Venezuela $2.19 $0.98
(a) Surcharges
The following surcharge will apply in addition to the per minute rates above.
Per Call Surcharge $2.50
(3) OnLine Rates from Canada
The following rate schedules apply to calling card calling from Canada to the point of connection in the U.S. Mainland, when such calls are dialed using the Company's OnLine Card Service.
(a) Canada - Per minute rates
Hora pico Off-Peak
$0.55 $0.35
Surcharge: $0.60
(b) Discount Schedule
Total Monthly Usage* Volume Discount
$0 - $25 0.00%
$25 - $250 8.70%
$250 - $2,500 13.04%
$2500 + 21.74%
* Total monthly usage for Canada calls contribute to the volume discount. The discount is applied retroactively to peak Canada usage only.
The following rate schedules apply to calling card calling calls from Canada to international locations, when such calls are dialed using the Company's OnLine Card Service.
(a) Usage Rates Usage Rates for Ring The World International found in Section 4.3.4 of this tariff will apply.
(b) Per Call Surcharge: $1.25
The following rate schedules apply to calling card calling calls from Canada when such calls are placed with the assistance of an operator.
(a) Rotary Default Usage Rates
Hora pico Off-Peak
$0.23 $0.16
Surcharge: $0.50
(b) Operator Assistance Usage Rates Usage Rates for Dial USA found in MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 6, Section 4.1.1 apply.
Surcharge: $1.50
The following rate schedules apply to calling card calling calls from Canada to international locations, when such calls are placed with the assistance of an operator.
(a) Rotary Default Usage Rates Usage Rates for Ring The World International found in Section 4.3.4 of this tariff will apply.
Surcharge: $1.25
(b) Operator Assistance Usage Rates
Usage Rates for Ring The World International found in Section 4.3.4 of this tariff will apply.
Surcharge: $1.75
International Operator Services is an international service offered in conjunction with the Company's Operator Services as filed in the Company's Operator Services Informational Tariff on file with the F.C.C. Per minute usage rates which apply to all calls which originate in the continental U.S. and terminate in the inter-national locations as specified below. All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.
A) Option 1 - International Operator Services
(1) Rate Periods
The rate periods applicable to a country as listed in (2) following are defined below and indicated by letter code. These time periods apply seven days per week.
A (6:00AM - 11:59AM) (12:00PM - 4:59PM) ( 5:00PM - 5:59AM)
B (7:00AM - 4:59PM) ( 5:00PM - 12:59AM) ( 1:00AM - 6:59AM)
C (7:00AM - 12:59PM) ( 1:00PM - 5:59PM) ( 6:00PM - 6:59AM)
D (8:00AM - 4:59PM) (12:00AM - 7:59AM) ( 5:00PM - 11:59PM)
E (8:00AM - 4:59PM) ( 5:00PM - 10:59PM) (11:00PM - 7:59AM)
F (8:00AM - 5:59PM) ( 6:00PM - 11:59PM) (12:00AM - 7:59AM)
G (8:00AM - 2:59PM) ( 9:00PM - 7:59AM) ( 3:00PM - 8:59PM)
H (1:00PM - 1:59AM) ( 7:00AM - 12:59PM) ( 2:00AM - 6:59AM)
I (1:00PM - 7:59PM) ( 7:00AM - 12:59PM) ( 8:00PM - 6:59AM)
J (2:00PM - 7:59PM) ( 8:00PM - 2:59AM) ( 3:00AM - 1:59PM)
K (4:00PM - 9:59PM) ( 7:00AM - 3:59PM) (10:00PM - 6:59AM)
L (4:00PM - 11:59PM) ( 7:00AM - 3:59PM) (12:00AM - 6:59AM)
M (5:00PM - 1:59AM) ( 2:00AM - 10:59AM) (11:00AM - 4:59PM)
N (5:00PM - 10:59PM) ( 8:00AM - 4:59PM) (11:00PM - 7:59AM)
O (5:00PM - 1:59AM) ( 9:00AM - 4:59PM) ( 2:00AM - 8:59AM)
P (5:00PM - 10:59PM) (10:00AM - 4:59PM) (11:00PM - 9:59AM)
Q (6:00PM - 12:59AM) ( 1:00AM - 10:59AM) (11:00AM - 5:59PM)
R (7:00AM - 12:59PM) ( 1:00PM - 11:59PM) (12:00AM - 6:59AM)
S (6:00AM - 5:59PM) ( 6:00PM - 5:59AM)
Rate Periods shown reflect local United States time when the call is originated.
(2) Usage Rates
-------------------------- 1ST MIN --------------------------------
RATE ALL DAYS, ALL HOURS ----------ADD'L MIN ---------------------------
C ALBANI $3.88 $3.38 $2.98 $2.15 $2.08 $1.88
A ALGERIA $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.39 $1.04 $0.84
C ANDORRA $1.71 $1.39 $1.15 $1.06 $0.80 $0.65
A ANGOLA $3.98 $3.64 $3.43 $3.27 $2.92 $2.71
K ANGUILLA $1.70 $1.21 $0.98 $1.14 $0.8 $0.66
P ANTARCTICA (Casey Base) $5.04 $4.50 $4.16 $3.36 $3.00 $2.77
P ANTARCTICA (Scott Base) $3.88 $2.92 $2.33 $1.45 $1.10 $0.87
K ANTIGUA $1.74 $1.29 $1.05 $1.17 $0.88 $0.70
F ARGENTINA $2.75 $2.10 $1.71 $1.28 $0.92 $0.74
H ARMENIA $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
K ARUBA $1.70 $1.21 $0.98 $1.14 $0.83 $0.66
A ASCENSION ISLANDS $2.95 $2.22 $1.77 $1.61 $1.20 $0.97
J AUSTRALIA $3.10 $2.50 $1.74 $1.25 $0.96 $0.81
C AUSTRIA $1.83 $1.36 $1.16 $1.03 $0.75 $0.65
H AZERBAIJAN $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
E BAHAMAS $1.20 $0.92 $0.76 $0.78 $0.61 $0.51
G BAHRAIN $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
S BANGLADESH $4.45 N/A $2.94 $2.04 N/A $1.29
K BARBADOS $1.58 $1.18 $0.95 $1.06 $0.80 $0.64
H BELARUS $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
C BELGIUM $1.94 $1.46 $1.16 $1.09 $0.82 $0.65
N BELIZE $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.17 $0.88 $0.70
A BENIN $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.46 $1.09 $0.88
E BERMUDA $1.40 $1.03 $0.84 $0.94 $0.70 $0.56
S BHUTAN $4.68 N/A $3.78 $3.48 N/A $2.98
L BOLIVIA $2.86 $2.15 $1.72 $1.22 $0.92 $0.74
A BOTSWANA $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.39 $1.04 $0.84
F BRAZIL $2.50 $1.89 $1.56 $1.04 $0.79 $0.67
E BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS $1.70 $1.21 $0.98 $1.14 $0.83 $0.66
P BRUNEI $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.48 $1.12 $0.89
H BULGARIA $2.23 $1.67 $1.33 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
A BURKINA FASO $3.23 $2.51 $2.01 $2.49 $2.02 $1.68
A BURUNDI $3.88 $3.54 $3.33 $3.22 $2.87 $2.66
M CAMBODIA $4.01 $3.62 $3.33 $3.34 $2.82 $2.56
A CAMEROON $2.59 $1.95 $1.55 $1.40 $1.04 $0.84
A CAPE VERDE ISLANDS $3.09 $2.22 $1.77 $2.51 $1.79 $1.45
E CAYMAN ISLANDS $1.74 $1.29 $1.05 $1.17 $0.88 $0.70
A CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC $3.78 $3.44 $3.23 $3.17 $2.82 $2.61
A CHAD $3.98 $3.64 $3.43 $3.27 $2.92 $2.71
F CHILE $2.27 $1.83 $1.55 $1.06 $0.78 $0.67
M CHINA $5.58 $4.18 $3.35 $1.63 $1.43 $1.11
P CHRISTMAS & COCOS ISLAND $5.04 $4.50 $4.16 $3.36 $3.00 $2.77
L COLOMBIA $2.39 $1.91 $1.55 $1.11 $0.84 $0.67
A COMOROS $3.98 $3.64 $3.43 $3.27 $2.92 $2.71
A CONGO $3.38 $2.99 $2.49 2.69 $2.29 $1.89
P COOK ISLANDS $4.89 $4.29 $4.09 $3.28 $3.08 $2.58
N COSTA RICA $2.41 $1.91 $1.61 $1.13 $0.86 $0.70
C CYPRUS $2.23 $1.67 $1.33 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
R CZECHOSLOVAKIA $2.45 $1.76 $1.60 $1.38 $0.99 $0.89
C DENMARK $1.69 $1.35 $1.10 $1.09 $0.82 $0.65
S DIEGO GARCIA $3.63 N/A $2.75 $2.25 N/A $1.69
A DJIBOUTI $3.12 $2.35 $1.86 $2.46 $1.97 $1.60
K DOMINICA $1.82 $1.30 $1.05 $1.22 $0.88 $0.70
K DOMINICAN REPUBLIC $1.60 $1.28 $1.03 $1.17 $0.88 $0.70
L ECUADOR $2.39 $1.91 $1.55 $1.11 $0.84 $0.67
H EGYPT $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.39 $1.04 $0.84
N EL SALVADOR $2.25 $1.80 $1.46 $1.11 $0.84 $0.67
A EQUATORIAL GUINEA $3.78 $3.44 $3.23 $3.17 $2.82 $2.61
H ESTONIA $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
H ETHIOPIA $3.43 $2.59 $2.05 $1.76 $1.32 $1.07
C FAEROE ISLANDS $1.69 $1.35 $1.10 $1.09 $0.82 $0.65
F FALKLAND ISLANDS $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $2.69 $2.15 $1.75
O FIJI ISLANDS $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.48 $1.12 $0.89
C FINLAND $1.90 $1.52 $1.24 $1.22 $0.92 $0.73
C FRANCE $1.71 $1.39 $1.15 $1.06 $0.80 $0.65
E FRENCH ANTILLES $1.82 $1.30 $1.05 $1.20 $0.88 $0.70
F FRENCH GUIANA $2.60 $1.95 $1.56 $1.11 $0.84 $0.67
P FRENCH POLYNESIA $3.88 $2.92 $2.33 $1.45 $1.10 $0.87
A GABON $2.98 $2.15 $1.71 $1.70 $1.14 $0.92
A GAMBIA $3.12 $2.24 $1.78 $1.65 $1.14 $0.92
H GEORGIA $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
C GERMANY $1.77 $1.42 $1.15 $1.09 $0.82 $0.65
A GHANA $3.09 $2.23 $1.77 $1.81 $1.40 $1.13
C GIBRALTAR $2.50 $1.79 $1.43 $1.40 $1.01 $0.80
C GREECE $2.17 $1.63 $1.30 $1.22 $0.92 $0.73
C GREENLAND $2.23 $1.67 $1.33 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
K GRENADA $1.82 $1.30 $1.05 $1.22 $0.88 $0.70
E GUADELOUPE $1.82 $1.30 $1.05 $1.22 $0.88 $0.70
K GUANTANAMO BAY $1.74 $1.30 $1.05 $1.17 $0.88 $0.70
N GUATEMALA $2.25 $1.80 $1.46 $1.11 $0.84 $0.67
A GUINEA $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $2.20 $1.64 $1.33
A GUINEA BISSAU $3.98 $3.64 $3.43 $3.43 $3.07 $2.85
F GUYANA $3.44 $2.46 $1.97 $1.47 $1.07 $0.85
K HAITI $1.66 $1.30 $1.05 $1.17 $0.92 $0.74
N HONDURAS $2.44 $1.84 $1.46 $1.05 $0.79 $0.64
P HONG KONG $3.62 $2.72 $2.17 $1.35 $1.03 $0.81
C HUNGARY $2.45 $1.84 $1.46 $1.38 $1.03 $0.83
I ICELAND $2.23 $1.67 $1.33 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
S INDIA $3.89 N/A $2.79 $1.94 N/A $1.57
M INDONESIA $4.36 $3.28 $2.62 $1.63 $1.31 $1.09
H IRAN $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $1.43 $1.07 $0.86
H IRAQ $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $1.89 $1.60 $1.40
C IRELAND $1.63 $1.32 $1.12 $1.04 $0.80 $0.69
D ISRAEL $2.98 $2.47 $2.08 $1.20 $0.90 $0.75
C ITALY $1.88 $1.40 $1.16 $1.04 $0.77 $0.65
A IVORY COAST $3.12 $2.24 $1.78 $1.68 $1.20 $0.97
K JAMAICA $1.63 $1.21 $0.98 $1.14 $0.87 $0.69
J JAPAN $3.05 $2.55 $2.16 $1.24 $0.99 $0.81
D JORDAN $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
H KAZAKHSTAN $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
B KENYA $2.98 $2.24 $1.78 $1.53 $1.14 $0.92
P KIRIBATI $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.94 $1.69 $1.39
J KOREA $3.68 $2.80 $2.38 $1.37 $1.04 $0.89
B KUWAIT $3.19 $2.39 $1.92 $1.15 $0.86 $0.69
H KYRGYZSTAN $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
H LATVIA $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
G LEBANON $3.71 $3.06 $2.74 $2.47 $2.04 $1.83
B LESOTHO $2.59 $1.95 $1.55 $1.33 $0.99 $0.80
A LIBERIA $2.98 $2.15 $1.71 $1.60 $1.09 $0.88
A LIBYA $2.59 $1.95 $1.55 $1.43 $1.07 $0.86
C LIECHTENSTEIN $1.94 $1.46 $1.16 $1.09 $0.82 $0.65
H LITHUANIA $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
C LUXEMBOURG $2.09 $1.55 $1.30 $1.15 $0.87 $0.73
M MACAO $4.78 $3.44 $2.75 $1.87 $1.57 $1.22
A MADAGASCAR $3.98 $3.64 $3.43 $3.12 $2.79 $2.59
A MALAWI $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.39 $1.04 $0.84
M MALAYSIA $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.48 $1.12 $0.89
Q MALDIVES $4.50 $3.60 $2.92 $2.77 $2.08 $1.66
A MALI $2.75 $2.30 $2.00 $2.35 $1.95 $1.75
C MALTA $2.56 $1.84 $1.46 $1.44 $1.03 $0.83
P MARSHALL ISLANDS $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.48 $1.12 $0.89
A MAURITANIA $3.48 $3.29 $2.98 $2.38 $1.98 $1.58
A MAURITIUS $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $2.69 $2.15 $1.75
A MAYOTTE ISLAND $3.49 $3.19 $2.88 $2.79 $2.49 $2.29
P MICRONESIA $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.48 $1.12 $0.89
H MOLDOVA $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
C MONACO $1.71 $1.39 $1.15 $1.06 $0.80 $0.65
P MONGOLIA $5.04 $4.50 $4.16 $3.36 $3.00 $2.77
K MONTSERRAT $1.82 $1.30 $1.05 $1.22 $0.88 $0.70
A MOROCCO $2.98 $2.15 $1.71 $1.64 $1.18 $0.95
A MOZAMBIQUE $3.46 $2.89 $2.59 $2.69 $2.39 $1.89
A NAMIBIA $2.12 $1.60 $1.27 $1.14 $0.85 $0.69
P NAURU $3.84 $3.18 $2.79 $2.18 $2.02 $1.80
S NEPAL $4.45 N/A $2.94 $2.04 N/A $1.29
C NETHERLANDS $1.70 $1.35 $1.15 $1.05 $0.80 $0.65
E NETHERLANDS ANTILLES $1.48 $1.10 $0.89 $0.99 $0.75 $0.60
K NEVIS $1.58 $1.18 $0.95 $1.06 $0.80 $0.64
P NEW CALEDONIA $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.48 $1.12 $0.89
P NEW ZEALAND $3.88 $2.92 $2.33 $1.45 $1.10 $0.87
N NICARAGUA $2.58 $2.04 $1.62 $1.11 $0.88 $0.70
A NIGER $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $2.20 $1.64 $1.33
B NIGERIA $2.66 $1.91 $1.52 $1.41 $1.00 $0.81
P NIUE $4.95 $4.41 $4.08 $3.30 $2.94 $2.72
P NORFOLK ISLAND $4.95 $4.41 $4.08 $3.30 $2.94 $2.72
C NORWAY $1.69 $1.35 $1.10 $1.09 $0.82 $0.65
G OMAN $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
S PAKISTAN $4.45 N/A $2.94 $2.04 N/A $1.29
P PALAU $3.46 $3.18 $2.89 $2.37 $1.99 $1.79
N PANAMA $2.23 $1.78 $1.45 $1.05 $0.79 $0.64
P PAPUA NEW GUINEA $3.88 $2.92 $2.33 $1.45 $1.10 $0.87
F PARAGUAY $2.99 $2.15 $1.72 $1.35 $0.97 $0.77
L PERU $2.63 $2.10 $1.71 $1.22 $0.92 $0.74
M PHILIPPINES $3.25 $2.75 $2.30 $1.40 $1.10 $0.85
R POLAND $2.45 $1.76 $1.60 $1.38 $0.99 $0.89
I PORTUGAL $2.45 $1.61 $1.28 $1.38 $0.90 $0.72
B QATAR $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
A REUNION ISLAND $3.12 $2.35 $1.86 $2.46 $1.97 $1.60
H ROMANIA $3.08 $2.20 $1.76 $1.73 $1.24 $0.99
H RUSSIA $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
A RWANDA $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $2.69 $2.15 $1.75
C SAN MARINO $1.88 $1.40 $1.16 $1.04 $0.77 $0.65
A SAO TOME $3.78 $3.44 $3.23 $3.33 $2.96 $2.74
B SAUDI ARABIA $3.19 $2.39 $1.92 $1.15 $0.86 $0.69
A SENEGAL $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.46 $1.09 $0.88
A SEYCHELLES $4.90 $4.04 $3.23 $3.32 $2.44 $1.96
A SIERRA LEONE $3.12 $2.59 $2.05 $2.10 $1.76 $1.38
P SINGAPORE $3.32 $2.66 $2.16 $1.35 $1.03 $0.81
P SOLOMON ISLANDS $3.99 $3.89 $3.59 $2.37 $2.02 $1.89
A SOUTH AFRICA $2.12 $1.60 $1.27 $1.14 $0.85 $0.69
C SPAIN $1.94 $1.46 $1.16 $1.09 $0.82 $0.65
S SRI LANKA $4.45 N/A $2.94 $2.04 N/A $1.29
A ST. HELENA $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $2.69 $2.15 $1.75
K ST. KITTS $1.82 $1.30 $1.05 $1.22 $0.88 $0.70
K ST. LUCIA $1.82 $1.30 $1.05 $1.22 $0.88 $0.70
K ST. PIERRE/MIQUELON $1.48 $1.10 $0.89 $0.99 $0.75 $0.60
K ST. VINCENT/GRENADINES $1.82 $1.30 $1.05 $1.22 $0.88 $0.70
F SURINAME $3.44 $2.46 $1.97 $1.54 $1.12 $0.89
A SWAZILAND $2.59 $1.95 $1.55 $1.33 $0.99 $0.80
C SWEDEN $1.66 $1.33 $1.08 $1.05 $0.78 $0.63
C SWITZERLAND $1.94 $1.46 $1.16 $1.09 $0.82 $0.65
H SYRIA $2.95 $2.53 $2.27 $2.17 $1.86 $1.67
P TAIWAN $3.55 $2.84 $2.37 $1.44 $1.09 $0.89
H TAJIKISTAN $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
H TANZANIA $2.59 $1.95 $1.55 $1.33 $0.99 $0.80
M THAILAND $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.48 $1.12 $0.89
A TOGO $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.46 $1.09 $0.88
O TONGA $3.96 $2.98 $2.38 $1.95 $1.60 $1.30
K TRINIDAD/TOBAGO $1.74 $1.30 $1.05 $1.17 $0.88 $0.70
A TUNISIA $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.39 $1.04 $0.84
C TURKEY $2.45 $1.84 $1.46 $1.38 $1.03 $0.83
H TURKMENISTAN $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
E TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS $1.70 $1.21 $0.98 $1.14 $0.83 $0.66
P TUVALU $5.04 $4.50 $4.16 $3.36 $3.00 $2.77
H UGANDA $2.98 $2.15 $1.71 $1.53 $1.09 $0.88
H UKRAINE $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
G UNITED ARAB EMIRATES $3.19 $2.39 $1.92 $1.15 $0.86 $0.69
C UNITED KINGDOM $1.58 $1.27 $1.08 $1.03 $0.78 $0.66
L URUGUAY $2.78 $2.07 $1.72 $1.23 $0.94 $0.77
H UZBEKISTAN $3.25 $2.04 $1.87 $2.50 $1.89 $1.71
J VANUATU $4.95 $4.41 $4.08 $3.30 $2.94 $2.72
C VATICAN CITY $1.88 $1.40 $1.16 $1.04 $0.77 $0.65
F VENEZUELA $1.99 $1.59 $1.29 $0.92 $0.70 $0.56
M VIETNAM $2.91 $2.71 $2.51 $2.17 $1.97 $1.77
J WALLIS & FUTUNA ISLANDS $4.53 $3.99 $3.65 $2.85 $2.49 $2.27
P WESTERN SAMOA $3.96 2.98 $2.38 $2.00 $1.77 $1.57
G YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC $3.46 $2.59 $2.08 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75
H YUGOSLAVIA $2.56 $1.84 $1.46 $1.44 $1.03 $0.83
A ZAIRE $2.71 $2.04 $1.62 $1.39 $1.04 $0.84
A ZAMBIA $2.98 $2.15 $1.71 $1.53 $1.09 $0.88
A ZIMBABWE $2.98 $2.15 $1.71 $1.53 $1.09 $0.88
(3) Surcharges for International Operator Services
(a) Basic Surcharges
The following surcharges are in addition to the per minute rates found in the preceding rate table when the call is placed using the following operator services.
1. Customer Dialed Calling Card
Customer Dialed/Automated $1.75
Customer Dialed and Operator
Assisted Calling Card $2.50
2. Operator Station $3.00
3. Person-to-Person $6.00
(b) Operator Dialed Surcharge
The following surcharge applies to Operator Station and Person-to-Person calls when the Customer has the capability of dialing all digits necessary to complete a call, but elects to dial an operator and requests the operator to dial the station call.
Per Call Surcharge $1.00
(4) Mexico Rates
(a) The following rates apply to calls from U.S. Mainland to point of connection at international boundary.
--------------------- STANDARD TIME -------------------
1-10 $0.21 $0.94 $1.50 $0.09
11-22 $0.24 $1.27 $1.88 $0.12
23-55 $0.36 $1.64 $2.49 $0.15
56-124 $0.42 $1.97 $3.15 $0.18
125-292 $0.54 $2.16 $3.33 $0.21
293-430 $0.60 $2.35 $3.52 $0.24
431-925 $0.63 $2.44 $3.62 $0.27
926-300 $0.66 $2.54 $3.71 $0.30
--------------------- ECONOMY TIME --------------------
1-10 $0.14 $0.94 $1.50 $0.06
11-22 $0.16 $1.27 $1.88 $0.08
23-55 $0.24 $1.64 $2.49 $0.10
56-124 $0.28 $1.97 $3.15 $0.12
125-292 $0.36 $2.16 $3.33 $0.14
293-430 $0.40 $2.35 $3.52 $0.16
431-925 $0.42 $2.44 $3.62 $0.18
926-3000 $0.44 $2.54 $3.71 $0.20
(b) The following rates apply to calls from point of connection at the international boundary to locations in Mexico.
1 OS $0.84 $0.28
P-P $1.38 $0.46
2 OS $1.11 $0.37
P-P $1.83 $0.61
3 OS $2.01 $0.67
P-P $3.30 $1.10
4 OS $2.37 $0.79
P-P $3.90 $1.30
5 OS $3.36 $1.12
P-P $5.55 $1.85
6 OS $4.35 $1.45
P-P $5.97 $1.99
7 OS $5.34 $1.78
P-P $8.52 $2.84
8 OS $5.82 $1.94
P-P $8.55 $2.85
(c) Service Charges
A service charge is applied to Customer Dialed Calling Card Station calls. This charge is in addition to any per minute charges applicable to the call.
Per Call Service Charge $0.80
(d) Operator Dialed Surcharge
The following surcharge applies to Operator Station and Person-to-Person calls when the Customer has the capability of dialing all digits necessary to complete a call, but elects to dial an operator and requests the operator to dial the station call.
Per Call Surcharge $1.00
(5) Canada Rates
The following per-minute rate applies to all available classes of service for calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii during all time periods. In addition, service charges apply as indicated.
(a) Per-Minute Rate
(b) Service Charges
Operator Station $6.75
Person-to-Person $6.75
Customer Dialed Calling Card $0.80
(c) Operator Dialed Surcharge
The following surcharge applies to Operator Station and Person-to-Person calls when the Customer has the capability of dialing all digits necessary to complete a call, but elects to dial an operator and requests the operator to dial the station call.
Per Call Surcharge $1.00
(6) Dominican Republic Service
Dominican Republic Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect and calling card calling from the Dominican Republic to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Initial Min Add'l Min.
$2.27 $1.42
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Calling Card $3.50
2. Collect $5.00
3. Person-to-Person $6.00
(Calling Card or Collect)
(7) Saudi Arabia Service
Saudi Arabia Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which, allows collect and calling card calling from Saudi Arabia to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$3.19 $1.15
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Calling Card $3.50
2. Collect $5.00
3. Person-to-Person $6.00
(Calling Card or Collect)
(8) Cuba Service
Cuba Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Cuba to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and operator assisted calling card calling from the U.S. Mainland to Cuba. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule - From Cuba to the U.S.
Standard and Discount Rates
Service Charges - The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $9.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $9.00
(b) Per Minute Rate Schedule - From U.S. to Cuba
Estándar Descuento
Initial Min. Initial Min.
$2.2500 $2.2000
Add'l Min. Add'l Min.
$1.6800 $1.5500
Service Charges - The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Operator Dialed Calling Card $4.05
2. Person-to-Person
Billed to Calling Card $5.50
(c) Rate Periods
Standard: 4:00 PM to 9:59 PM
Discount: 10:00 PM to 3:59 PM
(9) Costa Rica Service
Costa Rica Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Costa Rica to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$1.92 $1.41
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(10) Guatemala Service
Guatemala Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which, allows collect calling from Guatemala to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $9.99
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $9.99
3. Calling Card $8.50
(11) Honduras Service
Honduras Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Honduras to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $9.99
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $9.99
3. Calling Card $8.50
(12) Argentina Service
Argentina Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which, allows collect calling from Argentina to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$3.30R $2.08
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(13) Bolivia Service
Bolivia Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Bolivia to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$3.30 $1.67
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(14) Brazil Service
Brazil Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Brazil to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$2.95 $1.54
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(15) Colombia Service
Colombia Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Colombia to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$2.88 $1.56
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(16) Ecuador Service
Ecuador Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Ecuador to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $9.99
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $9.99
3. Calling Card $8.50
(17) Panama Service
Panama Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Panama to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $9.99
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $9.99
3. Calling Card $8.50
(18) Peru Service
Peru Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Peru to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$3.29 $1.68
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(19) Venezuela Service
Venezuela Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Venezuela to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $9.99
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $9.99
3. Calling Card $8.50
(20) Mexico Service
Mexico Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Mexico to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
Calling Card $6.50
Operator Station Collect $9.00
Person to Person (Collect) $9.00
Directory Assistance $6.50
(21) Chile Service
Chile Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Chile to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$3.30 $1.61
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(22) Russia Service
Russia Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Russia to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$3.58 $2.92
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(23) Nicaragua Service
Nicaragua Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Nicaragua to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$2.64 $1.65
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $9.99
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $9.99
3. Calling Card $8.50
(24) Jamaica Service
Jamaica Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Jamaica to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min
$2.75 $1.85
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $8.50
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $8.50
3. Calling Card $8.50
(25) Israel Service
Israel Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Israel to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$3.29 $1.61
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to
the per minute rates applicable to a call.
Per Call
1. Collect $5.00
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.00
3. Calling Card $3.50
(26) El Salvador Service
El Salvador Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which, allows collect calling from El Salvador to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $9.99
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $9.99
3. Calling Card $8.50
(27) Haiti Service
Haiti Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from Haiti to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $8.50
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $8.50
3. Calling Card $8.50
(28) Philippines
Philippines Service is a feature of the Company's international operator handled calling which allows collect calling from the Philippines to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. The call will be completed by a Company Operator in the United States. The applicable usage rates and service charges are listed below.
(a) Per-Minute Rate Schedule
Calls to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, all time periods:
Initial Min. Add'l Min.
$4.40 $2.80
(b) Service Charges
The following service charges are in addition to the per-minute rates applicable to a call.
1. Operator Station Collect $6.50
2. Person-to-Person (Collect) $6.50
3. Calling Card $6.50
B) Option 2 - International Operator Services
(1) Plan A - Overseas Operator Assisted
The following rates apply to all overseas operator assisted calls to countries listed in this section except for calls from Hotels, Motels, Hospitals and Paystations that have contracted with the Company for Operator Services to serve the telephones at their locations.
(a) Rate Periods
The following overseas operator assisted per minute rates are applicable to all Rate Periods.
(b) International Operator Surcharges - Unless otherwise indicated.
Bong: $3.00
Station-to-Station: $4.00
Person-to-Person: $7.00
(c) Usage Rates
Afghanistan $5.8800 $3.9200
Albania $3.8800 $2.1500
Algeria $2.9800 $1.5300
Andorra $1.8000 $1.1100
Angola $3.9800 $3.2700
Argentina $3.5000 $1.6300
Aruba $1.7000 $1.1400
Ascension Island $2.9500 $1.6100
Australia $3.4100 $1.3800
Austria $2.0100 $1.1300
Bahrain $3.8100 $1.3800
Bangladesh $5.6400 $2.5900
Belgium $2.0400 $1.1400
Belize $2.7100 $1.1700
Benin $2.7100 $1.4600
Bhutan $4.6800 $3.4800
Bolivia $3.1500 $1.3400
Botswana $2.7100 $2.3900
Brazil $3.0400 $1.2500
Brunei $3.9600 $1.4800
Bulgaria $2.4500 $1.3800
Burkina Faso $3.2300 $2.4900
Burundi $3.8800 $3.2200
Cameroon $2.5900 $1.4000
Cape Verde Island $3.0900 $2.5100
Central African Rep. $3.7800 $3.1700
Chad $3.9800 $3.2700
Chile $2.8800 $1.3400
China $6.4500 $2.0700
Colombia $3.0500 $1.4200
Congo $3.3800 $2.6900
Cook Islands $4.8900 $3.2800
Costa Rica $2.7800 $1.3100
Cuba $5.4500 $1.7400
Cyprus $2.4500 $1.3800
Czech Republic $2.4500 $1.3800
Denmark $1.9500 $1.2500
Djibouti $3.1200 $2.4600
Ecuador $3.0500 $1.4200
Egypt $3.4500 $1.7700
El Salvador $2.6000 $1.2900
Equatorial Guinea $3.7800 $3.1700
Ethiopia $3.9600 $2.0400
Faeroe Islands $1.8600 $1.2000
Fiji Islands $3.9600 $1.4800
Finland $2.0000 $1.2800
France $1.9800 $1.2200
French Antilles $1.8200 $1.2000
French Guiana $2.6000 $1.1100
French Polynesia $3.8800 $1.4500
Gabon $2.9800 $1.7000
Gambia $3.2800 $1.7300
Germany $2.0500 $1.2500
Ghana $3.4000 $1.9900
Gibraltar $2.7500 $1.5400
Greece $3.0400 $1.7100
Greenland $2.2300 $1.2500
Guadeloupe $1.8200 $1.2200
Guantanamo Bay $1.7400 $1.1700
Guatemala $2.7300 $1.3500
Guinea $2.7100 $2.2000
Guinea Bissau $3.9800 $3.4300
Guyana $3.4400 $1.4700
Haiti $1.9200 $1.3500
Honduras $2.8200 $1.2100
Hong Kong $3.9800 $1.4900
Hungary $2.4500 $1.3800
Iceland $2.2300 $1.2500
India $4.7100 $2.3400
Indonesia $4.5800 $1.7100
Iran $3.8100 $1.5700
Iraq $3.4600 $1.8900
Ireland $1.8000 $1.1400
Israel $3.4400 $1.3900
Italy $2.1700 $1.2000
Ivory Coast $3.2800 $1.7600
Japan $3.3600 $1.3600
Jordan $3.6300 $1.3100
Kenya, Rep. of $3.1300 $1.6100
Kiribati $3.9600 $1.9400
Korea $3.8600 $1.4400
Kuwait $3.5100 $1.2700
Laos $5.5400 $3.7000
Lebanon $4.0800 $2.7200
Lesotho $2.5900 $1.3300
Liberia $2.9800 $1.6000
Libya $2.8500 $1.5700
Liechtenstein $1.9400 $1.0900
Luxembourg $2.1900 $1.2100
Macao $4.7800 $1.8700
Madagascar $3.9800 $3.1200
Malawi $2.9800 $1.5300
Malaysia $4.3600 $1.7100
Mali $2.7500 $2.3500
Malta $2.5600 $1.4400
Marshall Islands $3.9600 $1.4800
Mauritania $3.4800 $2.3800
Mauritius $3.4600 $2.6900
Mayotte Island $3.4900 $2.7900
Micronesia $1.9800 $1.2200
Mongolia $5.0400 $3.3600
Morocco $3.2900 $1.8000
Mozambique $3.4600 $2.6900
Namibia $2.1200 $1.1400
Nauru $3.8400 $2.1800
Nepal $4.4500 $2.0400
Netherlands $1.7900 $1.1000
Netherland Antilles $1.6300 $1.0900
New Caledonia $3.9600 $1.4800
New Zealand $3.8800 $1.5200
Nicaragua $2.9800 $1.2900
Niger $2.7100 $2.2000
Nigeria $2.7900 $1.4800
Niue $4.9500 $3.3000
Norway $1.7700 $1.1400
Oman $3.8100 $1.3800
Pakistan $5.3900 $2.4800
Palau $3.4600 $2.3700
Panama $2.5700 $1.2700
Papua New Guinea $3.8800 $1.4500
Paraguay $3.1400 $1.4200
Peru $3.1900 $1.4700
Philippines $4.1300 $1.7800
Poland $2.8300 $1.4500
Portugal $2.5700 $1.5200
Portuguese $5.0000 $5.0000
Qatar $3.8100 $1.3800
Reunion Island $3.1200 $2.4600
Romania $3.0800 $1.7300
Russia $3.7500 $2.8900
Rwanda $3.4600 $2.6900
San Marino $2.1700 $1.2000
Sao Tome & Principe $3.7800 $3.3300
Saudi Arabia $4.0600 $1.5400
Senegal $3.2900 $1.7700
Seychelles $4.9000 $3.3200
Sierra Leone $3.1200 $2.1000
Singapore $3.6500 $1.4900
Solomon Islands $3.9900 $2.3700
Somali $5.0000 $5.0000
South Africa 2.4500 $1.3200
Spain $2.4600 $1.3800
Sri Lanka $4.6700 $2.1400
St. Helena $3.4600 $2.6900
St. Pierre/Miquelon $1.4800 $0.9900
Suriname $3.4400 $1.5400
Swaziland $2.5900 $1.3300
Sweden $1.8300 $1.1600
Switzerland $1.9400 $1.2000
Syria $3.4100 $2.5100
Taiwan, Rep. of $3.9100 $1.5800
Tanzania $2.5900 $1.3300
Thailand $4.3600 $1.7100
Togo, Rep. of $2.7100 $1.4600
Tonga $3.9600 $1.9500
Tunisia $2.9800 $1.5300
Turkey $2.9700 $1.6700
Tuvalu $5.0400 $3.3600
Uganda $2.9800 $1.5300
United Arab Emirates $3.8700 $1.4000
United Kingdom $1.9100 $1.2400
Uruguay $2.9200 $1.2900
Vanuatu $4.9500 $3.3000
Vatican City $2.1700 $1.2000
Venezuela $2.4200 $1.1200
Vietnam $2.9100 $2.1700
Wallis & Futuna $4.5300 $2.8500
Western Samoa $3.9600 $2.0000
Yemen Arab Republic $3.4600 $1.2500
Yemen Dem. Republic $3.4600 $1.2500
Yugoslavia $2.5600 $1.4400
Zaire $2.7100 $1.3900
Zambia $3.2800 $1.6800
Zimbabwe $3.2800 $1.6800
(d) Mexico Rates
1. Surcharges
Bong: $0.80
Station-to-Station: $0.80
Person-to-Person: $0.80
2. U.S. Portion
1- 10 $1.0300 $0.1200
11- 22 $1.4000 $0.1500
23- 55 $1.8000 $0.1900
56- 124 $2.1700 $0.2200
125- 292 $2.3800 $0.2500
293- 430 $2.5900 $0.2900
431- 925 $2.6800 $0.3200
926-3000 $2.7900 $0.3500
3. Mexico Portion
1 $1.0300 $0.1200
2 $1.4000 $0.1500
3 $1.8000 $0.1900
4 $2.1700 $0.2200
5 $2.3800 $0.2500
6 $2.5900 $0.2900
7 $2.6800 $0.3200
8 $2.7900 $0.3500
+ Refer to 4 following for Mexico Rate Step Information.
4. Mexico Rate Steps
The Mexico portion of Mexico calls will be rated based upon the first four dialed digits following the country code (52).
1210-1217 6 1400-1401 4 1548 6
1219 6 1411-1419 4 1552 4
1228 6 1450 1 1570-1572 4
1232 6 1451 4 1576 5
1235 5 1453 4 1577-1578 4
1252 6 1456 5 1582-1583 5
1257 6 1462 5 1584 4
1263-1266 6 1466-1467 5 1585-1586 5
1268 6 1472-1473 5 1588 5
1272-1274 5 1475-1476 5 1611-1619 1
1278 6 1479-1480 5 1652-1653 1
1290 6 1481 4 1663 4
1293-1296 6 1482 5 1664 3
1310 5 1484 5 1665-1666 1
1312 5 1486-1488 5 1668 1
1313 6 1490-1491 4 1682 2
1315 5 1495 4 1687 4
1316 6 1520 5 1692 2
1317-1318 5 1521 8 1694 5
1326 5 1522 5 1695-1696 3
1361-1362 6 1524-1525 5 1697-1698 4
1364-1365 6 1526 6 1701 5
1367 6 1532 5 1711-1718 5
1382 6 1534 5 1761-1763 5
1385-1386 6 1540 5 1767 5
1388 6 1542-1547 5 1770 5
1772-1774 5 2381 7 2875-2876 7
1776-1777 5 2382-2383 8 2877 8
1791 5 2416-2417 7 2878 7
1811-1813 6 2422 7 2882 7
1818 6 2424 7 2884-2886 7
1862-1863 6 2430 7 2921 7
1865-1868 6 2436 7 2931-2938 7
1872-1874 6 2439 7 2942-2944 7
1876 6 2445 7 2945 8
1878 6 2452 7 2946-2947 7
1882-1883 6 2462 7 2962 7
2230 7 2466-2467 7 2971-2974 7
2232 7 2472-2474 7 2981 7
2235-2237 7 2477 8 2986 6
2240-2249 7 2479 7 3212-3213 7
2262 7 2484 7 3215 7
2273 7 2712 7 3217 7
2275-2276 7 2713 8 3219 7
2281 7 2714 7 3221-3223 7
2291 7 2718 7 3225-3229 7
2299 7 2724-2726 7 3232-3233 7
2312-2316 7 2727 8 3235-3236 7
2318-2319 7 2732-2738 7 3241 7
2323 7 2742-2743 7 3243 7
2324 8 2745 7 3252-3253 7
2325 7 2814-2819 7 3272 7
2327-2328 7 2825 7 3274 7
2331 7 2828 7 3276 7
2372 7 2871 8 3312 7
2374 7 2872 7 3314-3316 7
2378 8 2873-2874 8 3319 7
3323-3324 7 3681 4 4519 7
3327-3328 7 3683 7 4522-4525 7
3332-3333 7 3686 7 4533-4537 7
3336-3339 7 3688-3689 7 4542-4544 7
3371-3372 7 3691 7 4546-4547 7
3382 7 3712-3714 6 4554-4558 7
3384-3389 7 3715-3717 7 4561 7
3412 7 3718 6 4563 7
3415-3419 7 3721-3728 7 4566 7
3422-3423 7 3732 7 4572-4573 7
3432-3433 7 3734-3738 7 4583 7
3511-3513 7 3742 7 4612-4618 6
3515 7 3744 7 4620 6
3518-3519 7 3752-3753 7 4625-4627 6
3522 7 3755 7 4629 6
3524 7 3758-3759 7 4633-4634 6
3527 6 3763 7 4636-4638 6
3528 7 3765 7 4642-4643 6
3532-3534 7 3768 7 4648 6
3536-3538 7 3772-3773 7 4652 6
3542 7 3776 7 4662 6
3544 7 3778 7 4663-4664 7
3572 7 3782 7 4666 6
3600-3601 7 3783-3788 6 4667-4669 7
3610-3619 7 3796 7 4672-4673 6
3621-3626 7 3798 7 4675-4677 6
3629-3633 7 4198 6 4678 7
3635 7 4472-4474 7 4679 6
3637-3639 7 4476 7 4682-4685 6
3641-3647 7 4478-4479 7 4688 6
3650-3659 7 4512-4516 7 4691 6
4692 7 5202-5203 7 5669-5674 7
4693-4695 6 5207-5208 7 5676-5677 7
4712-4719 6 5211 7 5679-5689 7
4722-4723 6 5222 7 5691-5692 7
4725-4726 6 5250-5251 7 5694 7
4732 6 5254-5256 7 5696 7
4742-4745 6 5259 7 5702-5703 7
4810-4819 6 5264 7 5705-5706 7
4851-4853 6 5271-5272 7 5708-5709 7
4858 6 5277 7 5747-5748 7
4862-4863 6 5286 7 5750-5768 7
4872-4873 6 5294 7 5780-5785 7
4878 6 5341 7 5787 7
4882 5 5343 7 5789 7
4887-4888 5 5352 7 5792-5797 7
4914-4918 6 5355 7 5810 7
4922-4923 6 5358-5361 7 5812 7
4925-4927 6 5368-5370 7 5819 7
4929 6 5373 7 5822-5824 7
4932 6 5379 7 5829 7
4935-4936 6 5382 7 5842-5848 7
4942 6 5389-5399 7 5855 7
4945 6 5510-5512 7 5871-5879 7
4948 6 5514-5579 7 5912-5918 7
4951-4958 6 5581-5598 7 5922-5924 7
4962-4963 6 5604-5605 7 5942-5943 7
4965 6 5611 7 5952 7
4967 7 5621 7 5954 7
4968 6 5650-5658 7 5956-5958 7
4974 6 5660 7 5962-5963 7
4982-4984 5 5664 7 5965 8
5966 7 6514 1 6732-6735 6
5968 7 6515-6516 2 6752-6753 7
5972-5979 7 6532 1 6761 7
6212-6219 4 6533 2 6781-6785 7
6222-6223 5 6534 1 6787-6789 7
6226 5 6535 2 6812-6817 6
6232 4 6537 1 6819 6
6236 3 6552-6557 1 6822 6
6240 4 6561-6568 1 6824 7
6242-6243 4 6576 1 6825 6
6312-6313 1 6577 4 6829 6
6319 1 6610 1 6831-6833 6
6322-6326 3 6612-6614 1 6839 6
6329 3 6616 1 6842 7
6332 2 6620 1 6843 3
6334 3 6621 1 6849 7
6335 2 6623 1 6852-6853 5
6338 1 6625-6627 1 6857 5
6339 2 6630 3 6862-6865 6
6342 3 6634 1 6872-6873 6
6372 3 6637-6638 1 6874 5
6374 3 6654 1 6962 7
6383 3 6665 4 7211-7218 7
6413-6416 5 6666 1 7222-7228 7
6419 5 6673-6678 3 7235-7236 7
6422 5 6680-6689 1 7242-7246 7
6425-6428 5 6712-6715 6 7253-7255 7
6433 5 6716 7 7262 7
6435 5 6721 6 7267-7268 7
6437-6438 5 6726 7 7282-7286 7
6512 1 6727-6728 6 7312-7319 7
7322 7 7716-7717 7 8266-8268 4
7324 7 7723-7725 6 8283-8286 4
7331-7334 7 7727-7728 6 8300-8301 4
7338 7 7731-7738 7 8312 4
7342-7344 7 7742 6 8330-8335 4
7347-7348 7 7743-7744 7 8337-8340 4
7351-7353 7 7745 6 8342-8359 4
7355 7 7753 7 8370-8379 4
7364 7 7762-7764 7 8381 1
7366 7 7771 7 8384 4
7372 7 7775 7 8386 3
7391-7397 7 7782 6 8388 4
7412 8 7785 7 8391 4
7414 8 7822-7823 6 8410 4
7423 8 7834 6 8412-8416 4
7425 8 7842 7 8418 4
7427 8 7843-7844 6 8422-8425 4
7432-7433 7 7845 7 8611-8614 3
7434 8 7847 6 8615 1
7435-7436 7 7852 6 8616 3
7437-7438 8 7855 6 8618 3
7442-7443 7 7857-7858 6 8621-8626 2
7452-7454 8 8212-8213 4 8628-8629 1
7472 7 8218-8219 4 8631-8633 4
7474-7475 7 8231-8233 3 8635-8636 4
7478 7 8234-8235 2 8671 3
7480 8 8236-8238 3 8674 3
7482-7487 8 8242 3 8678 1
7489 8 8244-8246 3 8690 4
7677 7 8247-8248 4 8694 4
7712-7714 7 8262-8263 4 8695 1
8696-8697 4 9275 8 9652 8
8712-8715 1 9277 8 9656 8
8717 2 9312-9316 8 9662-9663 8
8718 3 9322-9324 8 9673-9674 8
8719 1 9326 8 9678 8
8772 1 9328 8 9712-9715 8
8782-8783 1 9333-9334 8 9717 8
8910 1 9336-9337 8 9722 8
8912-8913 1 9342-9246 8 9811 8
8916 1 9352 8 9813-9814 8
8919 1 9362-9368 8 9816-9818 8
8922-8924 1 9372 8 9822 8
8927-8928 1 9375 8 9826 8
8934 1 9382 8 9832 8
8941-8942 2 9515-9516 8 9834 8
8943 1 9519 8 9853-9854 8
8944 3 9522 8 9856 8
8945-8946 2 9532-9534 7 9863-9864 8
8949 2 9543 8 9872 8
8972-8973 1 9552-9553 8 9882-9885 8
8974-8975 2 9562 8 9889 8
8976 1 9572 8 9915 8
8978 2 9581-9582 8 9921-9929 8
8991-8993 2 9584 8 9933 8
9212-9216 8 9612-9618 8 9935 8
9218 7 9622 8 9954 8
9223-9224 8 9625-9627 8 9961 8
9232-9234 8 9628 4 9972 8
9237 8 9631-9632 8 9974-9976 8
9243 8 9636 8 9245 8
9641-9646 8
(e) Canada Rates
1. Surcharges
Bong: $0.80
Station-to-Station: $2.05
Person-to-Person: $3.50
2. Usage Rates
1-18 $0.2400 $0.2100 $0.1800 $0.1400 $0.1500 $0.1300
19-80 $0.3300 $0.3000 $0.2300 $0.2000 $0.1900 $0.1800
81-140 $0.3900 $0.3700 $0.2600 $0.2300 $0.2100 $0.1900
141-220 $0.4200 $0.3800 $0.2800 $0.2500 $0.2200 $0.2000
221-345 $0.4700 $0.4600 $0.3100 $0.3000 $0.2500 $0.2300
346-630 $0.5400 $0.5300 $0.3500 $0.3400 $0.2800 $0.2700
631-1200 $0.6200 $0.6100 $0.4000 $0.3900 $0.3200 $0.3100
1201-1610 $0.6700 $0.6600 $0.4400 $0.4200 $0.3400 $0.3300
1611-4000 $0.7100 $0.6900 $0.4600 $0.4400 $0.3600 $0.3500
(f) Caribbean Rates
1. Surcharges
Bong: $3.00
Station-to-Station: $4.00
Person-to-Person: $7.00
2. Usage Rates
Anguilla $1.8700 $1.2500
Antigua $1.9100 $1.2900
Bahamas $1.3900 $0.9000
Barbados $1.9100 $1.2900
Bermuda $1.5400 $1.0400
British Virgin Isl. $1.7000 $1.1400
Cayman Islands $1.7400 $1.1700
Dominica $1.9100 $1.2800
Dominican Republic $1.8500 $1.3500
Grenada $1.8200 $1.2200
Grenadines $2.0000 $1.3400
Jamaica $1.8800 $1.3200
Montserrat $1.8200 $1.2200
Nevis $1.9100 $1.2900
St. Kitts $1.9100 $1.2900
St. Lucia $1.9100 $1.2800
St. Vincent $2.0000 $1.3400
Tobago $2.1100 $1.4200
Trinidad $2.1100 $1.4200
Turks & Caicos Island $1.8700 $1.2500
(g) Cuba Service Rates
Rates and Service Charges that apply for Option 2, Plan A Service to/from Cuba are the same as those shown for Option 1 Service in Section 4.2.6.A.
(2) Plan B - Overseas Service for Hotels, Motels, Hospitals & Paystations
The following rates apply to all overseas operator assisted calls to countries listed in this section from Hotels, Motels, Hospitals and Paystations that have contracted with the Company for Operator Services to serve the telephones at their locations.
(a) Rate Periods
The following overseas operator assisted per minute rates are applicable to all Rate Periods.
(b) International Operator Surcharges Unless otherwise indicated.
Bong: $3.00
Station-to-Station: $4.00
Person-to-Person: $7.00
(c) Usage Rates
Afghanistan $8.8200 $5.8800
Albania $5.8200 $3.2250
Algeria $4.4700 $2.2950
Andorra $2.7000 $1.6650
Angola $5.9700 $4.9050
Argentina $5.2500 $2.4450
Aruba $2.5500 $1.7100
Ascension Island $4.4250 $2.4150
Australia $5.1150 $2.0700
Austria $3.0150 $1.6950
Bahrain $5.7150 $2.0700
Bangladesh $8.4600 $3.8850
Belgium $3.0600 $1.7100
Belize $4.0650 $1.7550
Benin $4.0650 $2.1900
Bhutan $7.0200 $5.2200
Bolivia $4.7250 $2.0100
Botswana $4.0650 $2.0850
Brazil $4.5600 $1.8750
Brunei $5.9400 $2.2200
Bulgaria $3.6750 $2.0700
Burkina Faso $4.8450 $3.7350
Burundi $5.8200 $4.8300
Cameroon $3.8850 $2.1000
Cape Verde Island $4.6350 $3.7650
Central African Rep. $5.6700 $4.7550
Chad $5.9700 $4.9050
Chile $4.3200 $2.0100
China $9.6750 $3.1050
Colombia $4.5750 $2.1300
Congo $5.0700 $4.0350
Cook Islands $7.3350 $4.9200
Costa Rica $4.1700 $1.9650
Cuba $8.1750 $2.6100
Cyprus $3.6750 $2.0700
Czech Republic $3.6750 $2.0700
Denmark $2.9250 $1.8750
Djibouti $4.6800 $3.6900
Ecuador $4.5750 $2.1300
Egypt $5.1750 $2.6550
El Salvador $3.9000 $1.9350
Equatorial Guinea $5.6700 $4.7550
Ethiopia $5.9400 $3.0600
Faeroe Islands $2.7900 $1.8000
Fiji Islands $5.9400 $2.2200
Finland $3.0000 $1.9200
France $2.9700 $1.8300
French Antilles $2.7300 $1.8000
French Guiana $3.9000 $1.6650
French Polynesia $5.8200 $2.1750
Gabon $4.4700 $2.5500
Gambia $4.9200 $2.5950
Germany $3.0750 $1.8750
Ghana $5.1000 $2.9850
Gibraltar $4.1250 $2.3100
Greece $4.5600 $2.5650
Greenland $3.3450 $1.8750
Guadeloupe $2.7300 $1.8300
Guantanamo Bay $2.6100 $1.7550
Guatemala $4.0950 $2.0250
Guinea $4.0650 $3.3000
Guinea Bissau $5.9700 $5.1450
Guyana $5.1600 $2.2050
Haiti $2.8800 $2.0250
Honduras $4.2300 $1.8150
Hong Kong $5.9700 $2.2350
Hungary $3.6750 $2.0700
Iceland $3.3450 $1.8750
India $7.0650 $3.5100
Indonesia $6.8700 $2.5650
Iran $5.7150 $2.3550
Iraq $5.1900 $2.8350
Ireland $2.7000 $1.7100
Israel $5.1600 $2.0850
Italy $3.2550 $1.8000
Ivory Coast $4.9200 $2.6400
Japan $5.0400 $2.0400
Jordan $5.4450 $1.9650
Kenya $4.6950 $2.4150
Kiribati $5.9400 $2.9100
Korea, Republic of $5.7900 $2.1600
Kuwait $5.2650 $1.9050
Laos $8.3100 $5.5500
Lebanon $6.1200 $4.0800
Lesotho $3.8850 $1.9950
Liberia $4.4700 $2.4000
Libya $4.2750 $2.3550
Liechtenstein $2.9100 $1.6350
Luxembourg $3.2850 $1.8150
Macao $7.1700 $2.8050
Madagascar $5.9700 $4.6800
Malawi $4.4700 $2.2950
Malaysia $6.5400 $2.5650
Maldives $6.7500 $4.1550
Mali $4.1250 $3.5250
Malta $3.8400 $2.1600
Marshall Islands $5.9400 $2.2200
Mauritania $5.2200 $3.5700
Mauritius $5.1900 $4.0350
Mayotte Island $5.2350 $4.1850
Micronesia $5.9400 $2.2200
Monaco $2.9700 $1.8300
Mongolia $7.5600 $5.0400
Morocco $4.9350 $2.7000
Mozambique $5.1900 $4.0350
Namibia $3.1800 $1.7100
Nauru $5.7600 $3.2700
Nepal $6.6750 $3.0600
Netherlands $2.6850 $1.6500
Netherland Antilles $2.4450 $1.6350
New Caledonia $5.9400 $2.2200
New Zealand $5.8200 $2.2800
Nicaragua $4.4700 $1.9350
Niger $4.0650 $3.3000
Nigeria $4.1850 $2.2200
Niue $7.4250 $4.9500
Norway $2.6550 $1.7100
Oman $5.7150 $2.0700
Pakistan $8.0850 $3.7200
Palau $5.1900 $3.5550
Panama $3.8550 $1.9050
Papua New Guinea $5.8200 $2.1750
Paraguay $4.7100 $2.1300
Peru $4.7850 $2.2050
Philippines $6.1950 $2.6700
Poland $4.2450 $2.1750
Portugal $3.8550 $2.2800
Portuguese $7.5000 $7.5000
Qatar $5.7150 $2.0700
Reunion Island $4.6800 $3.6900
Romania $4.6200 $2.5950
Russia $5.6250 $4.3350
Rwanda $5.1900 $4.0350
San Marino $3.2550 $1.8000
Sao Tome & Principe $5.6700 $4.9950
Saudi Arabia $6.0900 $2.3100
Senegal $4.9350 $2.6550
Seychelles $7.3500 $4.9800
Sierra Leone $4.6800 $3.1500
Singapore $5.4750 $2.2350
Solomon Islands $5.9850 $3.5550
Somali $7.5000 $7.5000
South Africa $3.6750 $1.9800
Spain $3.6900 $2.0700
Sri Lanka $7.0050 $3.2100
St. Helena $5.1900 $4.0350
St. Pierre & Miquelon $2.2200 $1.4850
Suriname $5.1600 $2.3100
Swaziland $3.8850 $1.9950
Sweden $2.7450 $1.7400
Switzerland $2.9100 $1.8000
Syria $5.1150 $3.7650
Taiwan, Rep. of $5.8650 $2.3700
Tanzania $3.8850 $1.9950
Thailand $6.5400 $2.5650
Togo, Rep. of $4.0650 $2.1900
Tonga $5.9400 $2.9250
Tunisia $4.4700 $2.2950
Turkey $4.4550 $2.5050
Tuvalu $7.5600 $5.0400
Uganda $4.4700 $2.2950
United Arab Emirates $5.8050 $2.1000
United Kingdom $2.8650 $1.8600
Uruguay $4.3800 $1.9350
Vanuatu $7.4250 $4.9500
Vatican City $3.2550 $1.8000
Venezuela $3.6300 $1.6800
Vietnam $4.3650 $3.2550
Wallis & Futuna $6.7950 $4.2750
Western Samoa $5.9400 $3.0000
Yemen Arab Republic $5.1900 $1.8750
Yemen Dem. Republic $5.1900 $1.8750
Yugoslavia $3.8400 $2.1600
Zaire $4.0650 $2.0850
Zambia $4.9200 $2.5200
Zimbabwe $4.9200 $2.5200
(d) Mexico Rates
1. Surcharges
Bong: $0.80
Station-to-Station: $0.80
Person-to-Person: $0.80
2. U.S. Portion
1- 10 $1.1700 $0.1800
11- 22 $1.6000 $0.2250
23- 55 $2.0500 $0.2850
56- 124 $2.4700 $0.3300
125- 292 $2.7100 $0.3750
293- 430 $2.9500 $0.4350
431- 925 $3.0600 $0.4800
926-3000 $3.1800 $0.5250
3. Mexico Portion
1 $1.2600 $0.4200
2 $1.6650 $0.5550
3 $3.0150 $1.0050
4 $3.5550 $1.1850
5 $5.0400 $1.6800
6 $6.5250 $2.1750
7 $8.0100 $2.6700
8 $8.7300 $2.9100
+ Refer to Section 4.2.6.B.1(d)4 for Mexico Rate Step Information.
(e) Canada Rates
1. Surcharges
Bong: $1.25
Station-to-Station: $2.05
Person-to-Person: $4.00
2. Usage Rates
1-18 $0.4400 $0.4400 $0.4400 $0.4400 $0.4400 $0.4400
19-80 $0.5300 $0.5300 $0.5300 $0.5300 $0.5300 $0.5300
81-140 $0.5900 $0.5900 $0.5900 $0.5900 $0.5900 $0.5900
141-220 $0.6200 $0.6200 $0.6200 $0.6200 $0.6200 $0.6200
221-345 $0.6700 $0.6700 $0.6700 $0.6700 $0.6700 $0.6700
346-630 $0.7400 $0.7400 $0.7400 $0.7400 $0.7400 $0.7400
631-1200 $0.8200 $0.8200 $0.8200 $0.8200 $0.8200 $0.8200
1201-1610 $0.8700 $0.8700 $0.8700 $0.8700 $0.8700 $0.8700
1611-4000 $0.9100 $0.9100 $0.9100 $0.9100 $0.9100 $0.9100
(f) Caribbean Rates
1. Surcharges
Bong: $4.00
Person-to-Person: $7.00
2. Usage Rates
Anguilla $2.8050 $1.8750
Antigua $2.8650 $1.9350
Bahamas $2.0850 $1.3500
Barbados $2.8650 $1.9350
Bermuda $2.3100 $1.5600
British Virgin Island $2.5500 $1.7100
Cayman Islands $2.6100 $1.7600
Dominica $2.8650 $1.9200
Dominican Republic $2.7750 $2.0250
Grenada $2.7300 $1.8300
Grenadines $3.0000 $2.0100
Jamaica $2.8200 $1.9800
Montserrat $2.7300 $1.8300
Nevis $2.8650 $1.9350
St. Kitts $2.8650 $1.9350
St. Lucia $2.8650 $1.9200
St. Vincent $3.0000 $2.0100
Tobago $3.1650 $2.1300
Trinidad $3.1650 $2.1300
Turks & Caicos Isl. $2.8050 $1.8750
(g) Cuba Service Rates
Rates and Service Charges that apply for Option 2, Plan B Service to/from Cuba are the same as those shown for Option 1 Service in Section 4.2.6.A.
(h) Service Rates for Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Russia, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Israel.
Rates and Service Charges that apply for Option 2, Plan B Service to/from the countries listed above are the same as those shown for Option 1 Service in Section 4.2.6.A.
4.3.1 Full Minute Switched International Service
A) Description
Full Minute Switched International Service allows the Customers of the Company's switched access products billed in full minute increments to terminate calls at points in the countries listed below, subject to restrictions on WorldCom Calling Card Service. Rates are country specific and apply seven (7) days a week except to Canada and Mexico, where rates are distance and time-of-day sensitive. Rates applicable on holidays are the same as those applicable for all other days of the year.
Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments after an initial minimum billable period of one (1) minute. Discounts are given on calls to select countries based upon the Customer's total international usage charges from all switched access services, and the applicability of any optional billing plan discounts.
B) Usage Charges
(1) Full Minute Switched - Canada
(a) Rate Periods
Day: 8:00 A.M. to 5:59 P.M., Mon-Fri
Evening: 6:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Mon-Fri and 8:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M, Sat-Sun
N/W: 12:00 A.M. to 7:59 A.M., Mon-Sun
(b) Usage Rates
Mileage Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Initial Addl
Band Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute
1-18 $.2266 $.1308 $.1543 $.0868 $.1268 $.0682
19-80 $.3226 $.2354 $.2315 $.1639 $.1755 $.1268
81-140 $.3836 $.3051 $.2700 $.2122 $.2146 $.1657
141-220 $.4097 $.3139 $.2893 $.2219 $.2243 $.1755
221-345 $.4272 $.3923 $.2990 $.2797 $.2340 $.2146
346-630 $.4969 $.4359 $.3569 $.3087 $.2730 $.2438
631-1200 $.5492 $.5057 $.3858 $.3569 $.3022 $.2828
1201-1610 $.5840 $.5492 $.4147 $.3858 $.3217 $.3022
1611+ $.6451 $.5754 $.4630 $.4051 $.3608 $.3217
(2) Full Minute Switched - Mexico
(a) Rate Periods
Standard: 7:00 A.M. to 6:59 P.M., Mon-Fri; 5:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Sun
Economy: 7:00 P.M. to 6:59 A.M, Mon-Fri; All Day, Sat; 12:00 A.M. to 4:59 P.M., Sun
(b) Usage Rates
The charges for calls to Mexico consist of a United States rate schedule and a Mexico rate schedule. The United States rate schedule is dependent upon the distance between the rate center of the call origination point and the rate center of the point where the call crosses the border into Mexico. The rate center coordinates will be determined by reference to AT&T Communications Tariff F.C.C. No. 10. The Mexico rate schedule is determined by the terminating point of the call.
1. United States Rate Schedule
Estándar Economy
1st Add'l 1st Add'l
Mileage Minute Minute Minute Minute
0-10 $0.2118 $0.0953 $0.1377 $0.0635
11-22 $0.2436 $0.1165 $0.1589 $0.0847
23-55 $0.3601 $0.1483 $0.2436 $0.1059
56-124 $0.4236 $0.1800 $0.2859 $0.1271
125-292 $0.5401 $0.2118 $0.3707 $0.1483
293-430 $0.6036 $0.2436 $0.4130 $0.1694
431-925 $0.6354 $0.2753 $0.4342 $0.1906
926-1910 $0.6672 $0.3071 $0.4554 $0.2118
1911-3000 $0.6884 $0.3177 $0.4554 $0.2118
2. Mexico Rate Schedule**
Step Estándar Economy
1 $0.1694 $0.1059
2 $0.2224 $0.1483
3 $0.4024 $0.2648
4 $0.4766 $0.3177
5 $0.6778 $0.4448
6 $0.8790 $0.5825
7 $1.1755 $0.7943
8 $1.2496 $0.8472
3. Mexico Rate Step Information
Abasolo 46230 6 Alazan 78580 6
Abasolo-AG 44820 6 Allende, COA 86210 3
Acambaro 44790 7 Allende, NL 82680 1
Acambaro 44720 7 Almoloya De J 72360 7
Acambaro-AG 44730 7 Altamira 12640 6
Acambay 72270 7 Altamira-AG 12620 6
Acaponeta 32520 7 Altar 63740 3
Acaponeta 32590 7 Altotonga 23160 7
Acaponeta-AG 32540 7 Alvarado 29730 7
Acapulco 74800 8 Amacuzac 73480 7
Acapulco-AG 74910 8 Amatlan 27180 7
Acatic 37150 7 Amealco 46780 7
Acatlan 95340 8 Ameca 37580 7
Acatlan De Juarez 37720 7 Amecameca 59780 7
Acatlan De Perez F 27450 7 Amecameca-AG 59610 7
Acatlan-AG 95350 8 Amozoc 22710 7
Acatlipa 73920 7 Angostora 67340 6
Acatzingo 24240 7 Apam 59620 7
Acatzingo-AG 24250 7 Apam-AG 59280 7
Acayucan 92450 8 Apaseo El Alto 46660 6
Acayucan-AG 92410 8 Apaseo El Grande 46180 6
Actopan 77270 7 Apaseo Grande-AG 46020 6
Actopan-AG 77210 6 Apatzingan 45340 7
Adolfo Ruiz Cortinez 68170 8 Apatzingan 44920 7
Agua Dulce 92330 8 Apaxco 77380 7
Agua Prieta 63380 1 Apaxco-AG 77260 7
Agualeguas 89910 2 Apaxtla De Castrejon 73380 7
Aguascalientes 49100 6 Apizaco 24170 7
Aguascalientes 49150 6 Apizaco 24100 7
Aguascalientes 49140 6 Apizaco-AG 24110 7
Aguasca-AG-TG 48910 6 Apodaca 83860 3
Aguililla 45370 7 Apulco 77770 6
Ahome 68630 6 Arandas 37830 6
Ahome-AG 68660 6 Arcelia 73640 7
Ahuacatlan 32410 7 Arcelia-AG 73610 7
Ahualulco 37520 7 Ario De Rayon 35180 7
Ajalpan 23811 7 Ario De Rosales 45440 7
Alamo Temapache 78440 6 Ario De Rosales-AG 45010 7
Alamo Tempache-AG 78460 6 Arriaga 96620 8
Alamos 64280 5 Arriaga-AG 96640 8
Arteaga 84230 4 Cabo San Lucas 68430 7
Arteaga 74430 7 Caborca 63720 3
Atenquique 34150 7 Caborca 63790 3
Atequiza 37370 7 Cadereyta 46760 6
Atlacomulco 72290 7 Calera V Rosa 49250 6
Atlacomulco 72220 7 Calipan 23813 7
Atlacomulco-AG 72930 7 Calkini 99610 8
Atlas 36890 7 Calpulalpan 59680 7
Atlixco 24400 7 Calpulalpan-AG 59670 7
Atlixco 24450 7 Calvillo 49120 6
Atlixco-AG 24410 7 Calvillo 49560 6
Atotonilco De Tula 77350 7 Calvillo-AG 49010 6
Atotonilco De Tula 37270 7 Campece-AG 98240 8
Atotonilco El Grande 77430 6 Campeche 98160 8
Atotonilco-AG 37430 7 Campo Cuichapa 92750 8
Atoyac De Alvarex 74230 8 Cananea 63320 2
Autlan 33890 7 Cananea 63390 2
Autlan 33820 7 Canatlan 18720 6
Avila Satelite 16870 1 Canatlan-AG 18930 6
Axila D Terra 13610 6 Cancun 98830 8
Axochiapan 73510 7 Cancun-AG 98810 8
Ayo El Chico 37280 7 Candelaria Tlapala 98260 8
Ayotla 59740 7 Capilla De Guadaloupe 37120 6
Ayutla 33720 7 Cardenas, SLP 48730 6
Bacobampo 64270 5 Cardenas, TAB 93720 8
Bacobampo-AG 64420 5 Cardenas-AG 93710 8
Bahia De King 62400 4 Casimiro Castillo 33880 7
Balancan 93440 8 Castanos 86970 4
Balancan-AG 93470 8 Catazaja 93660 8
Benjamin Hill 63250 3 Catemaco 29430 7
Bermejillo 17760 5 CD Acuna 87700 1
Berriozabal 96560 8 CD Altamirano 73700 7
Berriozabal-AG 96530 8 CD Altamirano-AG 73730 7
Boca Del Rio 29760 7 CD Anahuac 87170 2
Boca Del Rio 29860 7 CD Camargo, Chi 14800 5
Buenaventura 16960 4 CD Camargo, Tam 82740 2
Buenavista De Cuellar 73310 7 CD Camargo-AG 82770 1
Bustamante 82460 3 CD Camargo-AG 14880 5
Caballos 15450 5 CD Cerdan-AG 24530 7
CD Constitucion 68390 6 CD Pemex 93640 8
CD Constitucion 68320 6 CD Pemex-AG 93760 8
CD Cuauhtemoc 15820 5 CD Quetzalcoatl 12680 6
CD Cuauhtemoc-AG 15870 5 CD Sahagun 59690 7
CD Del Carmen 93800 8 CD Sahagun 59630 7
CD Del Maiz 48580 6 CD Sahagun-AG 59640 7
CD Guerrero-AG 15810 5 CD Serdan 24500 7
CD Gustavo Diaz Ord 89280 1 CD Valles 13820 6
CD Guzman 34190 7 CD Valles 13890 6
CD Guzman 34100 7 CD Valles-AG 13870 6
CD Guzman-AG 33110 7 CD Victoria 13100 5
CD Hidalgo 72540 7 CD Victoria 13190 5
CD Hidalgo 96280 8 CD Victoria 13160 5
CD Hidalgo-AG 72520 7 CD Victoria-AG 13140 5
CD Insurge-AG 68380 6 Celaya 46190 6
CD Juarez 16900 1 Celaya 46100 6
CD Juarez 16100 1 Celaya-AG 44710 6
CD Lazaro Cardenas-AG 74610 7 Cerralvo 82750 1
CD Lopez Mate 58220 7 Cerritos 48600 6
CD Lopez Mate 58290 7 Cerritos-AG 48750 6
CD Lopez Mate 59490 7 Cerro Azul 78520 6
CD Lopez Mate 58240 7 Chacaltiangis 28860 7
CD Lopez Mate 59420 7 Chahuites 97170 8
CD Madera 15720 4 Chalco 59790 7
CD Madera-AG 15710 4 Chalco 59730 7
CD Mante 12320 5 Champoton 98180 8
CD Mante-AG 12370 5 Champoton-AG 98150 8
CD Manuel Doblado 47440 6 Chapala 37650 7
CD Manuel Doblado-AG 47410 6 Charcas 48520 5
CD Mier 82730 1 Charcas-AG 48710 5
CD Miguel Aleman 82720 1 Chavinda 35440 7
CD Miguel Aleman 82790 4 Chetumal 98320 8
CD Mitras 82410 4 Chetumal 98300 8
CD Morelos 65740 1 Chetumal-AG 98310 8
CD Morelos 65140 1 Chiapas De Corzo 96160 8
CD Obregon 64100 5 Chiapas De Corzo-AG 96030 8
CD Obregon 64130 5 Chicontepec 12520 6
CD Obregon-AG 64110 5 Chignahuapan 77710 7
Chihuahua 14000 4 Comalcalco 93340 8
Chihuahua 14900 4 Comalcalco-AG 93320 8
Chihuahua-AG 14610 4 Comitan 96320 8
Chilapa 74750 7 Comitan-AG 96330 8
Chilapa-AG 74730 7 Comonfort 46160 6
Chilchota 35115 7 Comonfort-AG 46030 6
Chilpancingo 74720 7 Compostela 32170 7
Chilpancingo 74790 7 Compostela-AG 32140 7
Chilpancin-AG 74710 7 Concepcion Del Oro 84240 5
Chimalhuacan 59520 7 Concordia 67880 7
Chimalhuac-AG 59710 7 Control 89430 1
China 82320 3 Coquimatlan 33230 7
Chipilo 22730 7 Cordoba 27190 7
Chipilo-AG 22620 7 Cordoba 27100 7
Cienaga De Flores 82380 3 Cordoba-AG 27150 7
Cihuatlan 33380 7 Cordoba-AG-TG 27160 7
Cintalapa 96140 8 Cortazar 46150 6
Cintalapa-AG 96020 8 Cortazar-AG 46040 6
Co Guerrero 15860 5 Cosamaloapan 28820 7
Coalcoman 45330 7 Cosamaloapan 28890 7
Coatepec Harinas 72450 7 Cosamaloapan 28800 7
Coatlan Del Rio 73960 7 Cosamaloapan-AG 28810 7
Coatzacoalcus 92180 8 Coscomatepec 27370 7
Cocula 37730 7 Coscomatepec-AG 27510 7
Cocula 37700 7 Cosolapa 27360 7
Cojumatlan 35360 7 Costa Rica 67280 6
Col Alvaro Obregon 15840 4 Cotija De La Paz 35340 7
Col Alvaro Obregon-AG 15510 4 Coyuca De Benitez 74520 8
Col Anahuac, Chi 89460 2 Coyuca De Benitez-AG 74510 8
Col Anahuac, Tam 15850 5 Cozumel 98700 8
Col Juarez 16950 3 Creel 14560 5
Col Lic Oscar Soto (T) 15760 4 Cruz Grande 74560 8
Colima 33100 7 Cu L Cardenas 74320 7
Colima 33190 7 Cuahuayana De 33270 7
Colima 33120 7 Cuajimalpa 58100 7
Colorines 72680 7 Cuajimalpa 58190 7
Colotlan 49420 6 Cuajinicuilapa 74140 8
Colotlan-AG 49410 6 Cuatro Cienegas 86900 1
Cuatro Cienegas 86960 4 E Zapata-AG 93480 8
Cuatzacoalcos 92100 8 Ebano 12630 6
Cuautitlan 58720 7 Eco I Madero 18840 6
Cuautitlan 58790 7 El Carmen 82360 3
Cuautitlan 59190 7 El Dorado 67260 6
Cuautitlan 59120 7 El Fuerte 68130 6
Cuautitlan-AG 58180 7 El Grullo 33870 7
Cuautla 73500 7 El Higo 12650 6
Cuautla 73590 7 El Higo-AG 12610 6
Cuautla 73520 7 El Jorado-AG 67030 7
Cuautla-AG 73560 7 El Molino 15780 4
Cuencuame De C 17630 5 El Oro 72250 7
Cuencuame-AG 17510 5 El Oro-AG 72920 7
Cueramaro 46240 6 El Porvenir 16680 1
Cuernavaca 73900 7 El Salto 18760 6
Cuernavaca 73120 7 El Salto 37320 7
Cuernavaca 73000 7 El Triumfo 93460 8
Cuernavaca-AG 73110 7 Emilianu Zapa 59650 7
Cuetzalan 23310 7 Encarnacion 49530 6
Cuicatlan 23740 7 Encarnacion 49130 6
Cuicatlan-AG 23750 7 Encarnacion-AG 49020 6
Culiacan 67100 6 Ensenada 66700 3
Cunduacan 93360 8 Ensenada 66740 3
Cunduacan-AG 93380 8 Escarcega 98140 8
Cutzamala De Pinzon 76770 7 Escarcega-AG 98230 8
Dacalco 73970 7 Escuinapa 67530 7
Degollado 35270 7 Escuintla 96440 8
Delicias 14790 5 Escuintla-AG 96810 8
Delicias 14720 5 Etchojoa 64250 5
Delicias-AG 14780 5 Etzatlan 37530 7
Dolores Hidalgo 46820 6 FCO I Madero 17730 5
Dolores Hidalgo-AG 46830 6 FCO I Madero 17700 5
Dr Arroyo 48880 6 FCO I Made-AG 17740 5
Dr Porfirio Parra 16670 1 FCU Glez Vill 89450 2
Durango 18100 6 Felipe Carril 45730 7
Durango 18190 6 Felipe Carrillo PT 98340 8
Durango-AG 18140 6 Framboyanes 29810 7
E Zapata 93430 8 Fresnillo 49390 6
Fresnillo 49320 6 Hecelchacan 98270 8
Fresnill-AG 49310 6 Hermosillo 62100 4
Frontera 93500 8 Hidalgo 82860 3
Frontera 93520 8 Hidalgo 13170 5
Frontera Comalapa 96310 8 Higuerra De Zaragoza 68640 6
Frontera C-AG 96340 8 Hopelchen 98220 8
Galeana 82130 4 Hopelchen-AG 98280 8
General Bravo 82340 2 Huajuapan De Leon 95390 8
General Cepeda 84250 4 Huajuapan De Leon 95320 8
General Teran 82670 4 Huajuapan De Leon-AG 95370 8
General Trevino 89920 2 Hualahuises 82180 4
General Zuazua 82470 3 Huamantla 24790 7
Gomez Farias 15520 4 Huamantla 24720 7
Gomez Farias 34330 7 Huamantla-AG 24710 7
Gomez Farias-AG 15580 4 Huandacareo 45580 7
Gonzalez 12730 5 Huandacareo-AG 45910 7
Guachochi 15430 5 Huatabampo 64260 5
Guadalajara 36900 7 Huatabampo-AG 64440 5
Guadalajara 36830 7 Huatusco 27340 7
Guadalajara 36000 7 Huatusco-AG 27530 7
Guadalupe Bravo 16520 1 Huauchinango 77620 7
Guadalupe Victoria 65160 2 Huauchinango-AG 77610 7
Guadalupe Victoria 65360 2 Huautla De Ji 23780 7
Guadalupe Victoria 18830 6 Huehuetan 96270 8
Guadalupe Victoria 28280 7 Huehuetoca 59180 7
Guadalupe Victoria-AG 18860 6 Huejotzingo 22860 7
Guamuchil 67320 6 Huejotzingo-AG 22800 7
Guamuchil 67300 6 Huejotzingo 22820 7
Guamuchil-AG 67310 6 Huejutla De Reyes 12960 6
Guanajuato 47300 6 Huejutla De Reyes 12860 6
Guanajuato 47330 6 Huejutla De Reyes 12980 6
Guasave 68700 6 Huetamo 45560 7
Guasave 68790 6 Huetamo-AG 45920 7
Guaymas 62220 5 Huichapan 77820 6
Guaymas 62290 5 Huichapan 77800 6
Guerrero Negro 68570 5 Huichapan-AG 77810 6
Gutierrez Zamora 78450 7 Huitzilac 73930 7
Hecelchacan 98170 8 Huitzuco 73340 7
Huitzuco-AG 73370 7 Jala 32760 7
Huixquilucan 72840 7 Jalapa 28140 7
Huixquilucan-AG 72810 7 Jalapa 28100 7
Huixtla 96420 8 Jalapa 93630 8
Huixtla 96820 8 Jalapa-AG 28110 7
Hutmanguillo 93750 8 Jalpa 49550 6
Hutmangui-AG 93730 8 Jalpa De Mendez 93370 8
Ig Allende 18910 6 Jalpa De Mendez-AG 93310 8
Ignacio Zaragoza 16650 4 Jalpa-AG 49030 6
Iguala 73390 7 Jaltipan 92340 8
Iguala 73320 7 Jaltipan-AG 92350 8
Iguala-AG 73330 7 Jalustotitlan 37860 6
Ilatlauqui-AG 23040 7 Jamax 37240 7
Ing Luis B Sanchez 65350 1 Jaral Del Progreso 46420 6
Irapuato 46260 6 Jaral Del Progreso-AG 46440 6
Irapuato 46250 6 Jerez De Garcia Salinas 49450 6
Irapuato-AG 44810 6 Jerez De Garcia Salinas 49430 6
Isla 28740 8 Jesus Maria 49650 6
Isla Mujeres 98820 8 Jilotepec 77340 7
Islas Mari-AG 32780 7 Jimenez 86780 4
Istlan Del Rio 32430 7 Jimenez 15400 5
Ixmiquilpan 77230 6 Jocotepec 37630 7
Ixmiquilpan-AG 77560 6 Jocotitlan 72230 7
Ixtapaluca 59720 7 Jojutla 73400 7
Ixtapaluca-AG 59830 7 Jojutla-AG 74010 7
Ixtapan De La Sal 72430 7 Jonacatepec 73550 7
Ixtapan De La Sal-AG 72480 7 Jonuta 93670 8
Ixtecpec 97130 8 Juan Aldama 49830 5
Ixtlahuaca 72830 7 Juan Dias Covarrubias 29450 8
Ixtlahuaca-AG 72410 7 Juan Jose Rios 68160 6
Izamal 99540 8 Juanita 92430 8
Izamal-AG 99530 8 Juanita-AG 92420 8
Izcalli 58730 7 Juchipilla 49520 6
Izcalli 59130 7 Juchipilla-AG 49040 6
Izcalli 58710 7 Juchitan 97100 8
Izucar De Matamoros 24360 7 Juchitan 97190 8
Izucar De Matamoros-A 24310 7 Juchitan-AG 97010 8
Izucar De Matamoros 24300 7 Juchitepec 59810 7
Juventino Rosas 46170 6 Lerma 72850 7
La Antigua 29716 7 Lerma-AG 72870 7
La Ascencion 16920 2 Libres 24730 7
La Barca 37250 7 Libres-AG 24750 7
La Barca-AG 37460 7 Linares 82190 4
La Cruz 46770 6 Linares 82120 4
La Cruz 67600 7 Linares-AG 82160 4
La Cruz-AG 67640 7 Llera D Canal 13130 5
La Gloria 66130 1 Loma Bonita 28720 7
La Huacana 45470 7 Loreto 49620 6
La Junta 15830 5 Loreto Nupolo 68330 6
La Mira 74350 7 Loreto-AG 49920 6
La Pas-AG 68230 6 Los Aldamas 89930 2
La Paz 17640 5 Los Herreras 82350 2
La Paz 68200 6 Los Mochis 68100 6
La Paz 68290 6 Los Mochis 68190 6
La Paz 68250 6 Los Mochis 68150 6
La Piedad 35290 7 Los Ramones 82310 3
La Piedad 35220 7 Los Reyes 58550 7
La Sabana 74550 8 Los Reyes 35400 7
La Venta 92320 8 Los Reyes 59750 7
La Venta-AG 92360 8 Los Reyes Acozac 59240 7
Lagos De Moreno 47420 6 Los Reyes-AG 59840 7
Lagos De Moreno-AG 47460 6 Luis Moya 49270 6
Lampazos 87180 3 Lujan 17650 5
Las Choapas 92370 8 Macuspana 93620 8
Las Choapas-AG 92380 8 Macuspana-AG 93740 8
Las Guacamaya 74310 7 Magdalena 63290 3
Las Margaritas 96360 8 Magdalena 63220 3
Las Varas 32720 7 Magdalena 37440 7
La Huerta 33840 7 Manlio Fabio Altamirano 29717 7
Lazaro Cardenas 14860 5 Manuel 12720 5
Leon 47120 6 Manzanillo 33300 7
Leon 47100 6 Mapastepec 96430 8
Leon-AG 47110 6 Maravatio 45780 7
Lerdo De Tejada 29440 7 Maravatio 44780 7
Lerma 72820 7 Maravatio-AG 44740 7
Lerma 72890 7 Marin 82480 4
Martinez De La Torre 23200 7 Mexicali 65544 1
Martinez De La Torre 23240 7 Mexicali 65551 1
Martinez De La Torre 23290 7 Mexicali 65562 1
Maslota 33860 7 Mexicali 65564 1
Matachic 15770 4 Mexicali 65566 1
Matamoros 89190 1 Mexicali 65570 1
Matamoros 89100 1 Mexicali 65576 1
Matamoros 17620 5 Mexicali 65578 1
Matamoros-AG 17520 5 Mexicali 65616 1
Matehuala 48800 6 Mexicali 65620 1
Matehuala-AG 48760 5 Mexicali 65652 1
Matias Romero 97200 8 Mexicali 65656 1
Matias Romero-AG 97230 8 Mexicali 65658 1
Matlapa 13640 6 Mexicali 65664 1
Mazamitla 35380 7 Mexicali 65665 1
Mazatlan 67800 7 Mexicali 65667 1
Mazatlan 67890 7 Mexicali 65670 1
Mazatlan-AG 67620 7 Mexicali 65681 1
Mazatlan-AG-TG 67630 7 Mexico (City) 50000 7
Medellin De Bravo 29712 7 Mexico (City) 59000 7
Melchor Ocampo 58780 7 Miahuatlan-AG 95730 8
Merida 99000 8 Miahuatlan 95700 8
Merida 99210 8 Miguel Azua 49840 5
Merida 99900 8 Miguel Azua-AG 49850 5
Merida-AG 99410 8 MilpaAlta 58440 7
Metlaltoyuca 78470 6 Minatitlan 92200 8
Mexicali 65610 1 Misantla 23230 7
Mexicali 65680 1 Misantla-AG 23420 7
Mexicali 65650 1 Mixquiahuala 77250 6
Mexicali 65560 1 Mixquiahuala-AG 77220 6
Mexicali 65660 1 Mocorito 67350 6
Mexicali 65520 2 Molango 77450 6
Mexicali 65500 1 Monclova 86310 1
Mexicali 65522 1 Monte Escobed 49480 6
Mexicali 65524 1 Montemorelos 82630 3
Mexicali 65528 1 Monterrey 83900 4
Mexicali 65538 1 Monterrey 83000 4
Mexicali 65540 1 Morelia 45100 7
Morelia 45120 7 Nuevo Laredo 87190 1
Morelia-AG 45110 7 Nuevo Progreso 89270 1
Morelos 86240 2 Nuevo Vallarta 32270 7
Moroleon 46670 7 Nuevo Zaragoza 16820 1
Moroleon-AG 46930 7 Nuevo Zaragoza 16540 1
Motozintla 96410 8 Oaxaca 95190 8
Motul 99100 8 Oaxaca 95100 8
Motul-AG 99160 8 Oaxaco-AG 95170 8
Mulege 68530 5 Ocosingo 96730 8
Muzquiz 86160 3 Ocotlan 37220 7
Naco 63340 1 Ocotlan 37290 7
Nacozari 63400 3 Ocotlan-AG 37450 7
Nacozari-AG 63430 3 Ocuzocuautla 96180 8
Naica 14760 5 Ojinaga 14530 1
Nanchital 92160 8 Ojinaga 14500 1
Naranjos 78550 6 Ojo Caliente 49740 6
Naranjos-AG 78530 6 Ojo Caliente-AG 49710 6
Nativitas 24160 7 Ojo De Agua 59580 7
Nautla 23280 7 Ojuelos 48510 6
Nava 86250 2 Omealca 27330 7
Navojoa 64220 5 Omealca-AG 27540 7
Navojoa 64290 5 Omealca-AG 27530 7
Navolato 67270 7 Ometepec 74100 8
Navolato-AG 67040 6 Ometepec-AG 74160 8
Nazas 17660 5 Oriental 24770 7
Necaxa 77630 7 Orizaba 27200 7
Nochixtlan 37130 6 Orizaba 27240 7
Nochixtlan 95200 8 Orizaba-AG 27210 7
Nochixtlan-AG 95230 8 Otatitlan 28760 7
Nogales 63100 1 Otumba 59220 7
Nombre D Dios 18820 6 Oxkutzcab 99750 8
Nueva CD Guerrero 82760 1 Ozumba 59760 7
Nueva Italia-AG 44940 7 Ozumba-AG 59850 7
Nuevo Casas Grandes 16940 3 Pabellon 49580 6
Nuevo Ideal 18730 6 Pachuca 77190 7
Nuevo Ideal-AG 18940 6 Pachuca 77120 7
Nueva Italia 45350 7 Pachuca 77100 7
Nuevo Laredo 87120 1 Pachuca-AG 77110 7
Palenque 93450 8 Pichucalco-AG 93210 8
Palenque-AG 93410 8 Piedras Nedgas 27420 7
Palizada 93650 8 Piedras Nedgas 87800 1
Palma Sula 78270 7 Piedras Nedgas-AG 27460 7
Panaba 98640 8 Pihuamo 33160 7
Panindicuaro 45610 7 Pijijapan 96450 8
Panindicuaro-AG 45670 7 Pinotepa Nacional 95490 8
Panuco 12660 6 Pinotepa Nacional 95400 8
Papaloapan 28780 7 Pinotepa Nacional-AG 95440 8
Papantla 78420 7 Planon Sanchez 12950 6
Papantla 78490 7 Platon Sanchez 12850 6
Papantla-AG 78410 7 Playa Azul 74360 7
Paracho 45250 7 Playa Vicente 28710 8
Paracho-AG 45270 7 Playa Vicente-AG 28650 8
Paraiso 93330 8 Poncitlan 37210 7
Paraiso-AG 93350 8 Ponjamo 46220 7
Parral 15220 5 Potrero 27350 7
Parral 15200 6 Potrero-AG 27560 7
Parras 84200 4 Poza Rica 78200 6
Paso De Ovejas 29713 7 Poza Rica 78290 6
Paso Del Macho 27380 7 Poza Rica-AG 78210 6
Patzcuaro 45420 7 Praxedis Guerrero 16530 1
Patzcuaro-AG 45030 7 Primo Tapia 66140 1
Pedro Escobedo 46750 6 Progreso 99300 8
Penjamillo 35240 7 Progreso 99350 8
Penjamo-AG 44840 7 Progresso 77310 7
Periban De Ramos 35111 7 Puebla 22900 7
Pericos 67210 6 Puebla 22000 7
Perote 28200 7 Puebla 22320 7
Perote 28250 7 Puebla-AG 22310 7
Perote-AG 28220 7 Pueblito De Allende 15440 5
Pertos-AG 67050 6 Pueblo Sanche 92770 8
Pesqueria 82440 3 Pueblo Yaqui 64370 5
Petalan 74380 8 Pueblo Yaqui-AG 64310 5
Petalan-AG 74630 8 Puente De Ixtla 73440 7
Peto 99760 8 Puente De Ixtla-AG 74040 7
Peto-AG 99770 8 Puente Grande 37350 7
Pichucalco 93230 8 Puerto Escondido 95800 8
Puerto Escondido-AG 95850 8 S Andres T-AG 29510 7
Puerto Penasco 63800 3 Sabinas 86150 3
Puerto Vallarta 32290 7 Sabinas Hidalgo 82420 3
Puerto Vallarta 32200 7 Sahuayo 35320 7
Purepero 45660 7 Salamanca 46480 6
Puruandiro 45800 7 Salinas 49630 6
Puruandiro 45830 7 Salinas Cruz 97140 8
Puruandiro-AG 45810 7 Salinas Victoria 82370 3
Putla De Guerrero 95530 8 Salinas-AG 49930 6
Puza Rica 78220 6 Saltillo 84190 4
Quauhtemoc 33280 7 Saltillo 84100 4
Queretaro 46300 6 Salto Del Agu 93680 8
Queretaro 46320 6 Salvatierra 46630 7
Queseria 33150 7 Salvatierra 46690 7
Quiroga 45540 7 Salvatierra-AG 46910 7
Quiroga-AG 45930 7 San Andres Tuxtla 29490 7
Ramos Arizpe 84180 4 San Andres Tuxtla 29420 7
Real Del Monte 77170 7 San Antonio O 35117 7
Reforma 93280 8 San Antonio Tecomitl 58470 7
Reynosa 89220 1 San Blas 68140 6
Ricardo Flores 16970 4 San Blas 32150 7
Rincon De Guayabitos 32740 7 San Blas-AG 68050 6
Rincon De Romos 49110 6 San Buenaventura 86940 4
Rincon De Romos 49510 6 San Carlos 86280 2
Rincon De Tamayo 46620 6 San Carlos 62260 5
Rio Bravo 89300 1 San Carlos 68260 6
Rio Grande 49820 5 San Cristobal Las Casas 96780 8
Rio Grande-AG 49860 5 San Cristobal-AG 96770 8
Rio Verde 48720 6 San Diego De A 47260 6
Rio Verde-AG 48780 6 San Felipe 65870 4
Rodeo 18740 6 San Felipe 65770 4
Rodriguez Clara 28770 8 San Felipe 46850 6
Romita 47450 6 San Felipe-AG 46860 6
Romita-AG 47470 6 San Fernando 89440 3
Rosales 14870 5 San Fernando-AG 89170 3
Rosario 67520 7 San Francisco De Romos 49670 6
Rosarito 66100 1 San Francisco Del Oro 15250 6
Ruiz 32330 7 San Francisco Del Rinc 47430 6
San Francisco Del R-AG 47480 6 San Miguel Topilejo 58480 7
San Gabriel Chilac 23815 7 San Miguel Vindho 77850 7
San Gregorio Atlapuculco 58430 7 San Miguel Vindho-AG 77830 7
San Jeronimo 74370 8 San Miguel Xoxotla 22711 7
San Jose D I-AG 44750 6 San Patricio Melaque 33370 7
San Jose De Garcia 35370 7 San Pedro 17800 5
San Jose De Iturbide 41980 6 San Pedro 17720 5
San Jose Del Cabo 68420 7 San Pedro Pocho 95840 8
San Jose Del Cabo 68490 7 San Pedro-AG 17750 5
San Jose Del Cabo-AG 68490 7 San Quintin 66650 4
San Jose Del Valle 32250 7 San Rafael 23250 7
San Juan De Abajo 32260 7 San Rafael-AG 23440 7
San Juan De La Punta 27320 7 San Suan Teotihuacan 59560 7
San Juan De Los Lagos 37850 6 Santa Ana 63240 3
San Juan Del Rio 46790 6 Santa Anita 36860 7
San Juan Del Rio 46720 6 Santa Anita 37360 7
San Juan Del Rio 18660 6 Santa Barbara 15240 5
San Juan Del Rio-AG 46950 6 Santa Catarina 82880 4
San Juan Teotihuacan-AG 59250 7 Santa Ha Del Oro 15260 5
San Juanito 15880 5 Santa Maria Del Oro-AG 15210 5
San Julian 37180 6 Santa Mario Del Rio 48530 6
San L De La So 74270 8 Santa Rosalia 68590 5
San Lorenzo Tezonco 58450 7 Santa Rosalia 68500 5
San Luis De La Paz 46880 6 Santander De 13180 5
San Luis Potosi 48100 6 Santiago 82850 4
San Luis Potosi 48120 6 Santiago Ixcuintla 32350 7
San Luis Potosi-AG 48110 6 Santiago Ixcuintla 32300 7
San Luis Rio Colorado 65320 2 Santiago Ixcuintla 32390 7
San Marcos 74530 8 Santiago Ixcuintla-AG 32340 7
San Marcos-AG 74570 8 Santiago Papasquiaro 18620 6
San Martin Hidalgo 37550 7 Santiago Tianguistengo 72300 7
San Martin Texmelucan 24840 7 Santiago Tianguistengo 72350 7
San Martin Texmelucan 24800 7 Santiago Tianguistengo-AG 72340 7
San Martin T-AG 24810 7 Santiago Tuxtla 29470 7
San Miguel Ajusco 58460 7 Santiago Tuxtla-AG 29520 7
San Miguel Ajusco-AG 59860 7 Saucillo 14750 5
San Miguel Allende 46500 6 Sayula 34220 7
San Miguel El A 37880 6 Secc Aduanera 86290 1
Seybaplaya 98250 8 Tarimoro-AG 46940 7
Seybaplaya 98130 8 Taxco 73200 7
Seybaplaya 98210 8 Taxco-AG 73230 7
Silao 47200 6 Teapa 93220 8
Silao-AG 47230 6 Tecali De Herrera 22714 7
Simojovel De Allende 96150 8 Tecalitlan 34180 7
Simojovel De Allende-AG 96050 8 Tecamachalco 24220 7
Singuilucan 77760 7 Tecamachalco-AG 24260 7
Soledad 29720 7 Tecascalci-AG 72940 7
Sombrerete 49350 6 Tecate 66540 1
Sombrerete 49330 6 Tecolotlan 37760 7
Sonoyta 65120 1 Tecoman 33290 7
Tabasco 49570 6 Tecoman 33200 7
Tacambaro 45460 7 Tecoman 33240 7
Tacambaro-AG 45040 7 Tecpan De Galeana 74250 8
Tactotalpa 93240 8 Tecpan De Galeana-AG 74210 8
Tala 37380 7 Tecuala 32530 7
Talpa De Allende 33850 7 Tecuala-AG 32550 7
Tamazula 34160 7 Tehuacan 23890 7
Tamazulapan 95330 8 Tehuacan 23820 7
Tamazulapan-AG 95360 8 Tehuacan 23800 7
Tamazunchale 13620 6 Tehuacan-AG 23840 7
Tampico 12100 6 Tehuantepec 97150 8
Tampico 12900 6 Tejupilco 72670 7
Tampico 12190 6 Tejupilco-AG 72630 7
Tampico-AG 12180 6 Tekax 99740 8
Tamuin 13880 6 Teloloapan 73660 7
Tancanhuitz 13670 6 Teloloapan-AG 73620 7
Tangancicuaro 35130 7 Temascalcingo 72260 7
Tanquian Escobedo 13860 6 Tempoal 12840 6
Tantoyuca 12930 6 Tempoal 12940 6
Tantoyuca 12830 6 Tenancingo 72420 7
Tantoyuca-AG 12970 6 Tenancingo-AG 72470 7
Tapachula 96220 8 Tenango De Air 59820 7
Tapachula 96290 8 Tenango Del Valle 72440 7
Tapachula 96210 8 Tenango Del Valle-AG 72410 7
Tapalpa 34320 7 Tenosique 93420 8
Tarimoro 46640 7 Tenosique-AG 93530 8
Teocaltiche 37870 6 Tierra Colorada 74540 8
Teocaltiche-AG 37920 6 Tihuatlan 78430 6
Teoloyucan 59940 7 Tihuatlan-AG 78480 6
Teotitlan De Flores M 23700 7 Tijuana 66370 1
Teotitlan De Flores M-AG 23760 7 Tijuana 66200 1
Tepalcatepec 45360 7 Tijuana 66800 1
Tepalcatep-AG 44950 7 Tixtla 74740 7
Tepatepec 77240 6 Tizapan El Alto 37680 7
Tepatitlan 37890 7 Tizayuca 77160 7
Tepatitlan 37820 7 Tizayuca-AG 77150 7
Tepatitlan-AG 37810 7 Tizimin 98600 8
Tepeaca 22750 7 Tizimin 98630 8
Tepeaca-AG 22650 7 Tizimin-AG 98620 8
Tepehuanes 18630 6 Tlacolula 95600 8
Tepeji Del Rio 77330 7 lacolula-AG 95630 8
Tepexpan 59570 7 Tlacotalpan 28840 7
Tepexpan-AG 59260 7 Tlacotalpan-AG 28870 7
Tepic 32190 7 Tlacotepec 23810 7
Tepic 32120 7 Tlahuac 58420 7
Tepic-AG 32110 7 Tlahualilo ZA 17610 5
Tepotzotlan 59160 7 Tlahuelilpa 77360 7
Tepotzotlan 58760 7 Tlahuelilpa-AG 77550 7
Tepoztlan 73950 7 Tlalmanalco 59770 7
Tepoztlan 73850 7 Tlalmanalco-AG 59870 7
Tequesquitengo 73470 7 Tlalpujahua 72280 7
Tequila 37400 7 Tlaltenango 49540 6
Tequisquiapan 46730 6 Tlaltenango-AG 49080 6
Texcoco 59590 7 lapa U Comonfort 74400 7
Texcoco 59540 7 Tlapacoyan 23150 7
Texcoco-AG 59210 7 Tlapacoyan-AG 23030 7
Teziutlan 23190 7 Tlatlauqui 23180 7
Teziutlan 23100 7 Tlaxcala 24690 7
Teziutlan-AG 23010 7 Tlaxcala 24620 7
Tianguistengo 77440 6 Tlaxcala 24600 7
Ticul 99720 8 Tlaxcala-AG 24610 7
Ticul-AG 99780 8 Tlaxco 24660 7
Tierra Blanca 27430 7 Tlaxcoapan 77370 7
Tierra Blanca-AG 27410 7 Tlaxiaco 95520 8
Tlaxiaco-AG 95550 8 Uman-AG 99730 8
Tlnguindin 35113 7 Union De San Antonio 47250 6
Tocumbo 35181 7 Union De Tula 33710 7
Todos Santos 68240 7 Ures 62300 4
Toluca 72140 7 Ures 62320 4
Toluca 72100 7 Ures-AG 62310 4
Toluca-AG 72210 7 Uruapan 45200 7
Tonala 37330 7 Urupan-AG 44910 7
Tonala 96630 8 Valladolid 98500 8
Tonala-AG 96650 8 Valladolid-AG 98570 8
Topolobampo 68620 6 Valle De Allende 15460 5
Torreon 17120 5 Valle De Guadalupe 37140 6
Torreon 17900 5 Valle De Santiago 46430 6
Torreon-AG 17110 5 Valle De Santiago-AG 46470 6
Totimehuacan 22712 7 Valle Del Bravo 72600 7
Tototlan 37260 7 Valle Del Bravo 72620 7
Tres Valles 28850 7 Valle Hermoso 89420 2
Tres Valles-AG 28880 7 Valle Hermoso 89490 4
Tula 77320 7 Valparaiso 49360 6
Tulancingo 77500 7 Valparaiso-AG 49340 6
Tulancingo 77530 7 Vega De Alatorre 23270 7
Tulancingo 77590 7 Venustiano Carranza 35720 7
Tulancingo-AG 77510 7 Venustiano Carranza 96170 8
Tula-AG 77410 7 Venustiano Carranza-AG 96060 8
Tuxpan 78340 6 Veracruz 29000 7
Tuxpan 78300 6 Veracruz 29900 7
Tuxpan 32320 7 Verdura 68730 6
Tuxpan 72550 7 Verdura-AG 68750 6
Tuxpan 34170 7 Vicam 64380 5
Tuxpan-AG 78310 6 Vicente Guerrero 18650 6
Tuxpan-AG 72580 7 Villa Ahumada 16660 3
Tuxpan-AG 32370 7 Villa Aldama 14510 4
Tuxtepec 28750 7 Villa Aldama 12740 5
Tuxtepec-AG 97020 8 Villa Azueta 28730 8
Tuxtla Gutierrez 96190 8 Villa Camaron 27184 7
Tuxtla Gutierrez 96100 8 Villa Cardel 29600 7
Txtlan De La H 35116 7 Villa Comalti 96460 8
Uman 99330 8 Villa Corona 37780 7
Villa Cuauhtemoc 12780 6 Zacapoaxtla 23140 7
Villa De Garcia 82830 3 Zacapoaxtla-AG 23050 7
Villa Del Flor 59140 7 Zacapu 45630 7
Villa Del Flor 58740 7 Zacapu-AG 45640 7
Villa Escalante 45430 7 Zacatecas 49220 6
Villa Escalante-AG 45050 7 Zacatecas 49290 6
Villa Flores 96520 8 Zacatecas 49210 6
Villa G D O 68650 6 Zacatelco 24670 7
Villa Guerrero 72460 7 Zacatelco-AG 24640 7
Villa Guerrero-AG 72510 7 Zacatepec 73430 7
Villa Hermosa-AG 93510 8 Zacatlan 77700 7
Villa Hidalgo 32360 7 Zacatlan 77750 7
Villa Hidalgo-AG 32380 7 Zacatlan-AG 77720 7
Villa Insurge 68310 6 Zacoalco 34230 7
Villa Juarez 82330 3 Zacualtipan 77420 6
Villa Juarez 64350 5 Zacualtipan 77400 6
Villa Juarez-AG 64330 5 Zacualtipan-AG 77460 6
Villa Lopez 15340 5 Zamora 35120 7
Villa Matamoros 15480 6 Zamora 35100 7
Villa N Romero 59430 7 Zamora 35190 7
Villa N Romero 58230 7 Zamora 35150 7
Villa Nocolas Romero-AG 58210 7 Zapotlanejo 37340 7
Villa Rafael Lara G 24740 7 Zaragoza 86260 2
Villa Rafael Lara G-AG 24760 7 Zempoala 77480 7
Villa Union 86230 2 Zempoala 29714 7
Villa Union 18670 6 Zihuatanejo-AG 74660 8
Villa Union 67870 7 Zihuatanejo 74340 8
Villa Union-AG 18550 6 Zimapan 77280 7
Villahermosa 93100 8 Zinacantepec 72180 7
Villaldama 82450 3 Zamora 35150 7
Villanueva 49260 6 Zapotlanejo 37340 7
Vista Hermosa 37230 7 Zaragoza 86260 2
Xicotencatl 12350 5 Zempoala 77480 7
Xicotepec De Juarez 77640 7 Zempoala 29714 7
Xilitla 13650 6 Zihuatanejo-AG 74660 8
Xilitla-AG 13680 6 Zihuatenejo 74340 8
Xochitepec 73910 7 Zimapan 77280 7
Xuchitepec 74650 7 Zinacantepec 72180 7
Yahualica 37840 6 Zinapecuaro 45550 7
Yahualica-AG 37910 6 Zinapecuaro-AG 45940 7
Yajalon 96740 8 Zitacuaro 72590 7
Yajalon-AG 96760 8 Zitacuaro 72530 7
Yanga 27188 7 Zitacuaro-AG 72560 7
Yautepec 73940 7 Zitacuaro-AG-TG 72570 7
Yautepec 73840 7 Zumpango 59170 7
Yurecuaro 35280 7 Zumpango Del R 74780 8
Yuriria 46680 7 Zumpango-AG 58260 7
(3) Full Minute Switched -International Points Excluding Canada & Mexico
(a) Rate Period
The rate periods applicable to a country are defined below and indicated by letter code. These time periods apply seven (7) days per week.
Estándar Descuento Economy
A. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm-5:59pm) (6:00pm-6:59am)
B. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (8:00am-4:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
C. (6:00am-11:59am) (12:00pm-4:59pm) (5:00pm-5:59am)
D. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (10:00am-4:59pm) (11:00pm-9:59am)
E. (2:00pm- 7:59pm) (8:00pm- 2:59am) (3:00am-1:59pm)
F. (6:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-5:59pm)
G. (8:00am- 2:59pm) (9:00pm- 7:59am) (3:00pm-8:59pm)
H. (4:00pm- 9:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (10:00pm-6:59am)
I. (8:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am)
J. (1:00pm- 7:59pm) (7:00am-12:59pm) (8:00pm-6:59am)
K. (1:00pm- 1:59am) (7:00am-12:59pm) (2:00am-6:59am)
L. (7:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am-6:59am)
M. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-10:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
N. (4:00pm-11:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
O. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (2:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-4:59pm)
P. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (9:00am- 4:59pm) (2:00am -8:59am)
Q. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am) (5:00pm-11:59pm)
R. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
S. 24 hours a day - no differentiation between time periods.
T. (6:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 5:59am)
(b) Usage Rates
RATE 1st Add'l 1st Add'l 1st Add'l
COUNTRY NAME PERIOD Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min.
-------------------------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------
AFGANISTAN A $6.3681 $4.2527 $5.5460 $3.7047 $5.0309 $3.3649
ALBANIA A $4.2417 $2.3566 $3.6937 $2.2798 $3.2553 $2.0606
ALGERIA # C $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
ANDORRA # A $1.8414 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8330 $1.2496 $0.7015
ANGOLA C $4.3185 $3.5403 $3.9458 $3.1676 $3.7266 $2.9374
ANGUILLA H $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
ANTARCTICA D $4.3076 $1.5125 $3.2334 $1.1509 $3.2334 $1.1509
SCOTT BASE D $4.3076 $1.5125 $3.2334 $1.1509 $3.2334 $1.1509
ANTIGUA H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
ARGENTINA I $2.4113 $0.9865 $1.8633 $0.7672 $1.6880 $0.7234
ARUBA H $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
ASCENSION ISLANDS C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9311
AUSTRALIA # E $3.2225 $1.2933 $2.7072 $1.0413 $1.8853 $0.8769
AUSTRIA # A $1.9182 $0.9865 $1.4688 $0.8111 $1.2605 $0.7015
AZERBAIJAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
BAHAMAS # M $1.3043 $0.8439 $0.9974 $0.6576 $0.8221 $0.5590
BAHRAIN # G $3.7266 $1.2714 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
BANGLADESH T $4.8117 $2.1921 N.A. N.A. $3.1676 $1.3043
BARBADOS # H $1.6660 $1.0632 $1.2824 $0.8659 $1.0303 $0.6906
BELARUS K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
BELGIUM # A $1.8633 $1.0413 $1.5455 $0.8221 $1.2166 $0.7015
BELIZE B $2.6854 $1.1618 $2.0168 $0.8769 $1.6002 $0.7015
BENIN C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
BERMUDA # M $1.3262 $0.8330 $1.0084 $0.6906 $0.8221 $0.5480
BHUTAN T $5.1186 $3.8143 N.A. N.A. $4.1321 $3.2663
BOLIVIA # N $2.7840 $1.1180 $2.1264 $0.9098 $1.6990 $0.7234
HERZEGOVINA K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
BOTSWANA C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
BRAZIL # I $2.5344 $1.0413 $1.9729 $0.8221 $1.6551 $0.7234
BRITISH VIRGIN IS. M $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
BRUNEI D $4.3295 $1.6222 $3.2553 $1.2276 $2.5976 $0.9755
BULGARIA K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
BURKINA FASO C $3.5184 $2.7182 $2.7292 $2.2031 $2.1812 $1.8304
BURUNDI C $4.2199 $3.4964 $3.8472 $3.1129 $3.6170 $2.8827
CAMBODIA K $3.8143 $2.9374 $3.4964 $2.7182 $3.4964 $2.7182
CAMEROON C $2.8278 $1.4578 $1.0914 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
ISLANDS C $2.9594 $2.4113 $2.2250 $1.7976 $1.7647 $1.4578
CAYMAN ISLANDS M $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
REP C $4.1103 $3.4417 $3.7376 $3.0580 $3.5074 $2.8278
CHAD C $4.3295 $3.5513 $3.9568 $3.1676 $3.7266 $2.9374
CHILE I $2.4113 $1.0522 $1.8853 $0.8221 $1.6880 $0.7234
REP O $6.1051 $1.6222 $4.5706 $1.2276 $3.6609 $0.9755
COCOS ISLANDS D $4.3076 $1.5125 $3.2334 $1.1509 $3.2334 $1.1509
IND ST. K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
COLOMBIA N $2.3784 $1.0303 $1.8523 $0.7892 $1.6880 $0.7234
COMOROS C $3.8143 $3.0580 $3.4855 $2.7292 $3.1457 $2.5100
CONGO C $4.2747 $3.5513 $3.8253 $3.1676 $3.5294 $2.9374
COOK ISLAND D $5.3488 $3.5951 $4.6911 $3.3759 $4.4719 $2.8278
COSTA RICA # B $2.3894 $1.0632 $1.8853 $0.8439 $1.5893 $0.6906
CROATIA, REP. OF K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
CUBA H $1.8414 $1.8414 $1.8414 $1.8414 $1.8414 $1.8414
CYPRUS # A $2.3784 $1.2714 $1.8086 $1.0194 $1.4468 $0.8111
CZECH REPUBLIC R $2.4004 $1.3372 $1.7098 $0.9535 $1.4578 $0.8221
DENMARK # A $1.7427 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8878 $1.1947 $0.7015
DIEGO GARCIA K $3.6390 $2.3017 $2.6744 $1.7537 $2.6744 $1.7537
DJIBOUTI C $3.3978 $2.6854 $2.5539 $2.1482 $2.0168 $1.7427
DOMINICA H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
DOMINICAN REP. # H $1.5235 $1.0632 $1.2605 $0.8659 $1.0194 $0.6906
ECUADOR # N $2.4004 $1.1180 $1.9290 $0.8549 $1.6880 $0.7234
EGYPT # K $2.6306 $1.3153 $2.1264 $0.9865 $1.7647 $0.9098
EL SALVADOR B $2.4223 $1.1290 $1.9290 $0.8439 $0.4713 $0.6686
EQUATORIAL GUINEA C $4.1103 $3.4417 $3.7376 $3.0580 $3.5074 $2.8278
ERITREA K $3.4088 $3.4088 $2.5648 $2.5648 $2.0278 $2.0278
ESTONIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
ETHIOPIA K $3.4088 $1.7537 $2.5648 $1.3153 $2.0278 $1.0632
FAEROE ISLANDS A $1.8414 $1.1837 $1.4688 $0.8878 $1.1947 $0.7015
FALKLAND ISLANDS I $3.7595 $2.9155 $2.8059 $2.3237 $2.2470 $1.8853
FIJI ISLANDS P $4.3295 $1.6222 $3.2553 $1.2276 $2.5976 $0.9755
FINLAND A $1.9729 $1.0961 $1.6441 $0.9974 $1.3482 $0.7892
FRANCE # A $1.8414 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8330 $1.2496 $0.7015
FRENCH ANTILLES # M $1.6660 $1.0632 $1.2714 $0.8659 $1.0303 $0.6906
FRENCH GUIANA # I $2.7402 $1.0084 $2.1154 $0.9098 $1.6990 $0.7234
FRENCH POLYNESIA# D $4.1870 $1.4906 $3.1786 $1.1947 $2.5539 $0.9426
GABON C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
GAMBIA C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
GEORGIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
GERMANY # A $1.6990 $0.9098 $1.3482 $0.7672 $1.2496 $0.7015
GHANA # C $2.9155 $1.6880 $2.1921 $1.3592 $1.7318 $1.0961
GIBRALTAR # A $2.3675 $1.3372 $1.7756 $1.0084 $1.4139 $0.8002
GREECE # A $2.1921 $1.1837 $1.6990 $0.9317 $1.3701 $0.7892
GREENLAND A $2.4004 $1.3372 $1.7866 $0.9974 $1.4249 $0.7892
GRENADA H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
GUADELOUPE # M $1.6660 $1.0632 $1.2714 $0.8659 $1.0303 $0.6906
GUANTANAMO H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
GUATEMALA B $2.4113 $1.1290 $1.9400 $0.8549 $1.5564 $0.6796
GUINEA C $2.9594 $2.4113 $2.2250 $1.7976 $1.7647 $1.4578
GUINEA BISSAU C $4.3185 $3.5403 $3.9458 $3.1676 $3.7266 $2.9374
GUYANA I $3.2663 $1.4029 $2.4443 $1.0632 $1.9510 $0.8439
HAITI H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
HONDURAS # B $2.6086 $1.0522 $1.9510 $0.8002 $1.5893 $0.6906
HONG KONG # D $3.4745 $1.2714 $2.8717 $1.0741 $2.3237 $0.8769
HUNGARY A $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8252
ICELAND J $2.4004 $1.3372 $1.7866 $0.9974 $1.4249 $0.7892
INDIA T $4.5487 $2.2031 N.A. N.A. $3.1896 $1.7976
INDONESIA O $4.2747 $1.5893 $3.2115 $1.1947 $2.5648 $0.9426
IRAN K $3.7815 $1.3701 $2.8278 $1.0303 $2.2688 $0.8221
IRAQ K $3.2115 $2.1482 $2.6854 $1.7098 $2.3017 $1.4797
IRELAND # A $1.6880 $1.0741 $1.4249 $0.8659 $1.2166 $0.7453
ISRAEL # Q $3.2334 $1.2933 $2.6744 $0.9755 $2.2688 $0.8111
ITALY # A $1.8853 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8002 $1.2605 $0.7015
IVORY COAST C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
JAMAICA H $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
JAPAN # E $3.2334 $1.1509 $2.7292 $1.0413 $2.3566 $0.8769
JORDAN # Q $3.6827 $1.1618 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
KAZAKHSTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
KENYA # L $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
KIRIBATI D $3.8143 $1.5784 $3.0361 $1.1947 $2.1702 $0.9426
REPUBLIC OF # E $3.9458 $1.4797 $3.0361 $1.1180 $2.5976 $0.9645
KUWAIT # L $3.3868 $1.0522 $2.5976 $0.9317 $2.0935 $0.7453
KYRGYZSTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
LAOS L $5.6338 $3.5731 $5.1734 $3.1896 $5.1734 $3.1896
LATVIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
LEBANON G $3.5074 $2.3237 $3.0142 $1.9949 $2.7072 $1.7976
LESOTHO L $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
LIBERIA C $2.7840 $1.4249 $2.0935 $1.0522 $1.6551 $0.8439
LIBYA C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
LIECHTENSTEIN # A $2.0606 $1.0961 $1.5784 $0.8878 $1.2605 $0.7015
LITHUANIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
LUXEMBOURG # A $2.2579 $1.2386 $1.6770 $0.9426 $1.4139 $0.7892
MACAO # O $4.4939 $1.6002 $3.3868 $1.2714 $2.7072 $1.0084
MACEDONIA K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
MADAGASCAR C $4.3295 $3.3868 $3.9568 $3.0251 $3.7266 $2.8059
MALAWI # C $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
MALAYSIA # O $4.2308 $1.4139 $3.2443 $1.2166 $2.5976 $0.9645
MALDIVES F $4.9213 $3.0361 $3.9349 $2.2798 $3.1896 $1.8194
MALI C $2.9923 $2.5648 $2.4990 $2.1264 $2.1702 $1.9072
MALTA A $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
ATLANTIC OCEAN S $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293
INDIAN OCEAN S $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293
PACIFIC OCEAN S $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293
MARSHALL ISLANDS D $4.3295 $1.6222 $3.2553 $1.2276 $2.5976 $0.9755
MAURITANIA C $3.8033 $2.6086 $3.5951 $2.1702 $3.2553 $1.7318
MAURITIUS C $3.7815 $2.9484 $2.8278 $2.3566 $2.2688 $1.9182
MAYOTTE ISLAND C $3.8143 $3.0580 $3.4855 $2.7292 $3.1457 $2.5100
MICRONESIA D $4.3295 $1.6222 $3.2553 $1.2276 $2.5976 $0.9755
MOLDOVA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
MONACO # A $1.8414 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8330 $1.2496 $0.7015
MONGOLIA D $5.4581 $3.6351 $4.8722 $3.2444 $4.5032 $2.9949
MONTSERRAT H $1.7208 $1.1514 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
MOROCCO C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
MOZAMBIQUE C $3.7815 $2.9484 $3.1566 $2.6196 $2.8278 $2.0716
MUSTIQUE H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0304 $0.7014
MYANMAR D $7.3765 $7.3765 $6.7846 $6.7846 $6.4120 $6.4120
NAKHOKDA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
NAMIBIA C $2.3127 $1.1947 $1.7427 $0.8878 $1.3810 $0.7234
NAURU D $4.3295 $2.1264 $3.2553 $1.7427 $2.5976 $1.4139
NEPAL T $4.8666 $2.2360 N.A. N.A. $3.2115 $1.3372
NETHERLANDS # A $1.8086 $1.0413 $1.4029 $0.8330 $1.2496 $0.7015
ANTILLES# M $1.5125 $0.8769 $1.1837 $0.8111 $0.9645 $0.6467
NEVIS H $1.7208 $1.2679 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
NEW CALEDONIA # D $4.2747 $1.5235 $3.2443 $1.2166 $2.5976 $0.9645
NEW ZEALAND # D $4.0884 $1.4029 $3.1566 $1.1180 $2.5429 $0.9426
NICARAGUA B $2.6854 $1.1618 $2.0168 $0.8769 $1.6002 $0.7015
NIGER C $2.9594 $2.4113 $2.2250 $1.7976 $1.7647 $1.4578
NIGERIA L $2.3127 $1.1947 $1.7427 $0.8878 $1.3810 $0.7234
NIUE ISLAND D $5.3604 $3.5700 $4.7745 $3.1793 $4.4163 $2.9406
NORFOLK ISLAND D $4.3076 $1.5125 $3.2334 $1.1509 $3.2334 $1.1509
NORWAY # A $1.7866 $1.0961 $1.4578 $0.8878 $1.1947 $0.7015
OMAN # G $3.7266 $1.2714 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
PAKISTAN # T $4.8227 $2.2031 N.A. N.A. $3.2115 $1.3153
PALAU D $3.7595 $2.5648 $3.4527 $2.1482 $3.1347 $1.9290
PANAMA # B $2.3036 $0.9426 $1.8304 $0.7453 $1.5784 $0.6906
PAPUA NEW GUINEA # D $4.1870 $1.4906 $3.1786 $1.1947 $2.5429 $0.9426
PARAGUAY I $2.7950 $1.1837 $2.0935 $0.8878 $1.6660 $0.7015
PERU N $2.5100 $1.0632 $1.9949 $0.8439 $1.6880 $0.7234
PHILIPPINES O $3.5513 $1.5235 $2.9594 $1.1728 $2.5100 $0.9317
POLAND # R $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.7427 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8221
PORTUGAL # J $2.2141 $1.2605 $1.7756 $0.9865 $1.4468 $0.8111
QATAR # L $3.7266 $1.2714 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
REUNION ISLANDS C $3.2334 $2.6854 $2.9046 $2.0278 $2.1921 $1.6990
ROMANIA K $2.9265 $1.6331 $2.2156 $1.2276 $1.7427 $0.9755
RUSSIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
RWANDA C $3.7815 $2.9484 $2.8278 $2.3566 $2.2338 $1.9182
SAKHALIN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
SAN MARINO # A $1.8853 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8002 $1.2605 $0.7015
SAO TOME C $4.3185 $3.5403 $3.9458 $3.1676 $3.7266 $2.9374
SAUDI ARABIA # L $3.2115 $1.0741 $2.5209 $0.8769 $2.0496 $0.7453
SENEGAL # C $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
SEYCHELLES C $3.7815 $2.9374 $2.8278 $2.3456 $2.2688 $1.9072
SIERRA LEONE C $3.3978 $2.2360 $2.5539 $1.7427 $2.0168 $1.3592
SINGAPORE # D $3.4527 $1.2933 $2.8169 $1.0961 $2.3566 $0.8769
SLOVAKIA R $2.4004 $1.3372 $1.7098 $0.9535 $1.4578 $0.8221
SLOVENIA, REP. OF K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
SOLOMON ISLANDS D $4.3295 $2.1264 $3.2553 $1.7427 $2.5976 $1.4139
SOUTH AFRICA # C $2.2579 $1.0961 $1.7318 $0.8769 $1.3810 $0.7125
SPAIN # A $1.8962 $1.0303 $1.4688 $0.8549 $1.2605 $0.7015
SRI LANKA # T $4.8227 $2.2031 N.A. N.A. $3.2115 $1.3153
ST. HELENA C $3.7595 $2.9155 $2.8059 $2.3237 $2.2470 $1.8853
ST. KITTS H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
ST. LUCIA H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $0.9889 $0.7015
MIQUELON # H $1.5564 $0.9865 $1.1837 $0.8111 $0.9645 $0.6467
GRENADINES H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
SUDAN K $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843
SURINAME I $3.2663 $1.3920 $2.1264 $0.9207 $1.9510 $0.8330
SWAZILAND C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6879 $0.8769
SWEDEN # A $1.6331 $0.8988 $1.4359 $0.8439 $1.1728 $0.6796
SWITZERLAND # A $1.8962 $1.0303 $1.4688 $0.8549 $1.2605 $0.7015
SYRIA K $3.2005 $2.3675 $2.7402 $2.0278 $2.4552 $1.8194
TAIWAN # D $3.8582 $1.3829 $3.0800 $1.1728 $2.5867 $0.9645
TAJIKSTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
TANZANIA # K $2.7731 $1.3592 $2.1154 $1.0741 $1.6880 $0.8659
THAILAND # O $4.1431 $1.4359 $3.2225 $1.2166 $2.5976 $0.9645
TOGOLESE REP C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
TONGA ISLANDS P $4.3295 $2.1374 $3.2553 $1.7537 $2.5956 $1.4249
TOBAGO # H $1.7499 $1.0632 $1.2824 $0.8659 $1.0303 $0.6906
TUNISIA # C $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
TURKEY # A $2.3784 $1.2714 $1.8086 $1.0194 $1.4468 $0.8111
TURKMENISTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
TURKS & CAICOS ISL. M $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
TUVALU K $5.1855 $3.4504 $4.5136 $3.0810 $4.5136 $3.0810
UGANDA K $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
UKRAINE K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
UNION ISLANDS H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
EMIRATES# G $3.3868 $1.0522 $2.5648 $0.9317 $2.0496 $0.7453
UNITED KINGDOM # A $1.3701 $0.9426 $1.1837 $0.7234 $1.0303 $0.6467
URUGUAY # N $2.7182 $1.1399 $2.0168 $0.8549 $1.6660 $0.7015
UZBEKISTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
VANUATU K $5.0945 $3.3890 $4.4215 $3.0186 $4.4215 $3.0186
VATICAN CITY # A $1.8853 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8002 $1.2605 $0.7015
VENEZUELA # I $2.0386 $0.9317 $1.5345 $0.6686 $1.4029 $0.6029
VIETNAM 0 $3.0251 $2.2470 $2.8169 $2.0386 $2.6086 $1.8490
WALLIS & FUTUNA K $4.5695 $2.9254 $3.9129 $2.5549 $3.9129 $2.5549
WESTERN SAMOA D $4.3185 $2.1812 $3.2443 $1.9290 $2.5867 $1.7098
YEMEN ARAB REP # G $3.7266 $1.2714 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
YUGOSLAVIA K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221 ZAIRE C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
ZAMBIA # C $2.7731 $1.3592 $2.1154 $1.0741 $1.6880 $0.8659
ZIMBABWE C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
(c) International Default Rates
The following rate applies 24 hours per day, seven days a week to calls terminating to any country not listed in the section preceding.
Rate per minute $5.175
(d) Usage Volume Discounts
Discounts will be applied to an account's international calls to selected countries based upon the account's total international charges for the billing period. Discount percentages increase as total usage charges increase, and vary by rate period. The discount percentages corresponding to given rate period(s) and usage level(s) will be applied to all usage to the selected countries. The countries eligible to receive volume discounts and optional billing plan discounts include Canada and the countries indicated by the pound sign (#) next to their name in the preceding section.
Rate Period
Usage Standard Discount
----------------- -------- --------
$ 0 - $ 199.99 0% 0%
$ 200 - 1999.99 4% 2%
$ 2000 - 4999.99 6% 3%
$ 5000 - 9999.99 8% 4%
$10000 - 49999.99 10% 5%
$50000 + 12% 6%
Reference Section 4.3.3 for volume discounts applicable to the dedicated access component of total international charges.
4.3.2 Six Second Switched International Service
A) Description
Six Second Switched International Service allows the Customers of the Company's switched access products billed in six second increments to terminate calls at points in the countries listed in below, subject to restrictions on WorldCom Calling Card Service. Rates are country specific and apply seven (7) days a week except to Canada and Mexico, where rates are distance and time-of-day sensitive. Rates applicable on holidays are the same as those applicable for all other days of the year.
Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum time requirement of thirty (30) seconds per call. Discounts are given based upon the Customer's total international usage charges from all switched access services, and the applicability of any optional billing plan discounts.
B) Usage Charges
(1) Six Second Switched - Canada
(a) Rate Periods
Day: 8:00 A.M. to 5:59 P.M., Mon-Fri
Evening: 6:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Mon-Fri and 8:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M., Sat-Sun
N/W: 12:00 A.M. to 7:59 A.M., Mon-Sun
(b) Usage Rates
Rates are quoted and billed in six (6) second increments after an initial thirty (30) second period.
1. Category 1** Rates
Mileage 1st 30 Add'l 1st 30 Add'l 1st 30 Add'l
Correa Seconds 6. Seconds Seconds 6. Seconds Seconds 6. Seconds
1-18 $.1631 $.0152 $.1085 $.0090 $.0932 $.0085
19-80 $.2078 $.0274 $.1254 $.0164 $.1123 $.0150
81-140 $.2150 $.0349 $.1353 $.0210 $.1361 $.0193
141-220 $.2334 $.0363 $.1421 $.0219 $.1471 $.0203
221-345 $.2575 $.0441 $.1574 $.0270 $.1545 $.0241
346-630 $.2788 $.0511 $.1759 $.0300 $.1594 $.0276
631-1200 $.3183 $.0562 $.2002 $.0344 $.1964 $.0319
1201-1610 $.3268 $.0611 $.2086 $.0373 $.2093 $.0340
1611+ $.3414 $.0644 $.2129 $.0394 $.2171 $.0363
1-18 $.1711 $.0159 $.1138 $.0094 $.0978 $.0089
19-80 $.2180 $.0287 $.1315 $.0172 $.1178 $.0157
81-140 $.2255 $.0366 $.1419 $.0220 $.1428 $.0202
141-220 $.2448 $.0381 $.1491 $.0230 $.1543 $.0213
221-345 $.2701 $.0463 $.1651 $.0283 $.1621 $.0253
346-630 $.2925 $.0536 $.1845 $.0315 $.1672 $.0290
631-1200 $.3339 $.0590 $.2100 $.0361 $.2060 $.0335
1201-1610 $.3428 $.0641 $.2188 $.0391 $.2108 $.0357
1611+ $.3581 $.0676 $.2233 $.0413 $.2277 $.0381
(2) Six Second Switched - Mexico
(a) Rate Periods
Standard: 7:00 A.M. to 6:59 P.M., Mon-Fri; 5:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Sun
Economy: 7:00 P.M. to 6:59 A.M., Mon-Fri; All Day, Sat; 12:00 A.M. to 4:59 P.M., Sun
(b) Usage Rates
The charges for calls to Mexico consist of a United States rate schedule and a Mexico rate schedule. The United States rate schedule, billed in six (6) second increments, is dependent upon the distance between the rate center of the call origination point and the rate center of the point where the call crosses the border into Mexico. The rate center coordinates will be determined by reference to AT&T Communications Tariff F.C.C. No. 10. The Mexico rate schedule, billed in one (1) minute increments, is determined by the terminating point of the call. Reference Section 4.3.1.B(2)(b)3.
(a) United States Category 1 and 2 Rate Schedule
Rates are quoted in six (6) second increments after an initial thirty (30) second period.
Standard Economy
1st Add'l 1st Add'l
Mileage 30 Sec 6 Sec 30 Sec 6 Sec
Band --------------------------------- --------------------------------
0 - 10 $0.1598 $0.0080 $0.1174 $0.0064
11 - 22 $0.1749 $0.0108 $0.1282 $0.0085
23 - 55 $0.2760 $0.0134 $0.2032 $0.0101
56 -124 $0.3197 $0.0161 $0.2354 $0.0116
125 -292 $0.4206 $0.0187 $0.3104 $0.0140
293 -430 $0.4644 $0.0215 $0.3468 $0.0159
431- 925 $0.4795 $0.0243 $0.3529 $0.0185
926+ $0.4947 $0.0269 $0.3637 $0.0211
Usage Volume Discounts
The following volume discounts will be applied to the United States Rate Schedule during standard rate periods on calls placed to Mexico based upon the account's total international charges for the billing period.
Usage Discount
----------------- ------------
$ 0 - $ 199.99 2%
$ 200 - 999.99 4%
$1000 - 1999.99 6%
$2000 - 4999.99 8%
$5000 + 10%
(b) Category 1 Mexico Rate Schedule**
Rates are quoted and billed in one (1) minute increments.
Step Estándar Economy
1 $0.1669 $0.1043
2 $0.2191 $0.1460
3 $0.3964 $0.2608
4 $0.4695 $0.3129
5 $0.6676 $0.4381
6 $0.8658 $0.5738
7 $1.1579 $0.7824
8 $1.2309 $0.8345
(c) Category 2 Mexico Rate Schedule**
Rates are quoted and billed in one (1) minute increments.
Step Estándar Economy
1 $0.1751 $0.1094
2 $0.2298 $0.1532
3 $0.4158 $0.2736
4 $0.4925 $0.3282
5 $0.7003 $0.4596
6 $0.9082 $0.6019
7 $1.2146 $0.8207
8 $1.2912 $0.8754
** Note: Reference the chart appearing in Section 4.3.1.B(2)(b)3 to determine the appropriate rate step for a particular call.
(3) Six Second Switched -International Points Excluding Canada & Mexico
(a) Category 1 and 2 Rate Period
The rate periods applicable to a country are defined below and indicated by letter code. These time periods apply seven (7) days per week.
Estándar Descuento Economy
A. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 6:59am)
B. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (8:00am- 4:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
C. (6:00am-11:59am) (12:00pm-4:59pm) (5:00pm -5:59am)
D. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (10:00am-4:59pm) (11:00pm-9:59am)
E. (2:00pm- 7:59pm) (8:00pm- 2:59am) (3:00am -1:59pm)
F. (6:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-5:59pm)
G. (8:00am- 2:59pm) (9:00pm- 7:59am) (3:00pm -8:59pm)
H. (4:00pm- 9:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (10:00pm-6:59am)
I. (8:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am)
J. (1:00pm- 7:59pm) (7:00am-12:59pm) (8:00pm -6:59am)
K. (1:00pm- 1:59am) (7:00am-12:59pm) (2:00am -6:59am)
L. (7:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am -6:59am)
M. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-10:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
N. (4:00pm-11:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
O. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (2:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-4:59pm)
P. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (9:00am- 4:59pm) (2:00am -8:59am)
Q. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am) (5:00pm-11:59pm)
R. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
S. 24 hours a day - no differentiation between time periods.
T. (6:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 5:59am)
(b) Usage Rates
RATE 1st Add'l 1st Add'l 1st Add'l
COUNTRY NAME PERIOD Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min.
-------------------------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------
AFGANISTAN A $6.3681 $4.2527 $5.5460 $3.7047 $5.0309 $3.3649
ALBANIA A $4.2417 $2.3566 $3.6937 $2.2798 $3.2553 $2.0606
ALGERIA # C $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
ANDORRA # A $1.8414 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8330 $1.2496 $0.7015
ANGOLA C $4.3185 $3.5403 $3.9458 $3.1676 $3.7266 $2.9374
ANGUILLA H $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
ANTARCTICA D $4.3076 $1.5125 $3.2334 $1.1509 $3.2334 $1.1509
SCOTT BASE D $4.3076 $1.5125 $3.2334 $1.1509 $3.2334 $1.1509
ANTIGUA H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
ARGENTINA I $2.4113 $0.9865 $1.8633 $0.7672 $1.6880 $0.7234
ARUBA H $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
ASCENSION ISLANDS C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9311
AUSTRALIA # E $3.2225 $1.2933 $2.7072 $1.0413 $1.8853 $0.8769
AUSTRIA # A $1.9182 $0.9865 $1.4688 $0.8111 $1.2605 $0.7015
AZERBAIJAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
BAHAMAS # M $1.3043 $0.8439 $0.9974 $0.6576 $0.8221 $0.5590
BAHRAIN # G $3.7266 $1.2714 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
BANGLADESH T $4.8117 $2.1921 N.A. N.A. $3.1676 $1.3043
BARBADOS # H $1.6660 $1.0632 $1.2824 $0.8659 $1.0303 $0.6906
BELARUS K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
BELGIUM # A $1.8633 $1.0413 $1.5455 $0.8221 $1.2166 $0.7015
BELIZE B $2.6854 $1.1618 $2.0168 $0.8769 $1.6002 $0.7015
BENIN C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
BERMUDA # M $1.3262 $0.8330 $1.0084 $0.6906 $0.8221 $0.5480
BHUTAN T $5.1186 $3.8143 N.A. N.A. $4.1321 $3.2663
BOLIVIA # N $2.7840 $1.1180 $2.1264 $0.9098 $1.6990 $0.7234
HERZEGOVINA K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
BOTSWANA C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
BRAZIL # I $2.5344 $1.0413 $1.9729 $0.8221 $1.6551 $0.7234
BRITISH VIRGIN IS. M $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
BRUNEI D $4.3295 $1.6222 $3.2553 $1.2276 $2.5976 $0.9755
BULGARIA K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
BURKINA FASO C $3.5184 $2.7182 $2.7292 $2.2031 $2.1812 $1.8304
BURUNDI C $4.2199 $3.4964 $3.8472 $3.1129 $3.6170 $2.8827
CAMBODIA K $3.8143 $2.9374 $3.4964 $2.7182 $3.4964 $2.7182
CAMEROON C $2.8278 $1.4578 $1.0914 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
CAPE VERDE ISLANDS C $2.9594 $2.4113 $2.2250 $1.7976 $1.7647 $1.4578
CAYMAN ISLANDS M $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
REP C $4.1103 $3.4417 $3.7376 $3.0580 $3.5074 $2.8278
CHAD C $4.3295 $3.5513 $3.9568 $3.1676 $3.7266 $2.9374
CHILE I $2.4113 $1.0522 $1.8853 $0.8221 $1.6880 $0.7234
REP O $6.1051 $1.6222 $4.5706 $1.2276 $3.6609 $0.9755
COCOS ISLANDS D $4.3076 $1.5125 $3.2334 $1.1509 $3.2334 $1.1509
IND ST. K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
COLOMBIA N $2.3784 $1.0303 $1.8523 $0.7892 $1.6880 $0.7234
COMOROS C $3.8143 $3.0580 $3.4855 $2.7292 $3.1457 $2.5100
CONGO C $4.2747 $3.5513 $3.8253 $3.1676 $3.5294 $2.9374
COOK ISLAND D $5.3488 $3.5951 $4.6911 $3.3759 $4.4719 $2.8278
COSTA RICA # B $2.3894 $1.0632 $1.8853 $0.8439 $1.5893 $0.6906
CROATIA, REP. OF K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
CUBA H $1.8414 $1.8414 $1.8414 $1.8414 $1.8414 $1.8414
CYPRUS # A $2.3784 $1.2714 $1.8086 $1.0194 $1.4468 $0.8111
CZECH REPUBLIC R $2.4004 $1.3372 $1.7098 $0.9535 $1.4578 $0.8221
DENMARK # A $1.7427 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8878 $1.1947 $0.7015
DIEGO GARCIA K $3.6390 $2.3017 $2.6744 $1.7537 $2.6744 $1.7537
DJIBOUTI C $3.3978 $2.6854 $2.5539 $2.1482 $2.0168 $1.7427
DOMINICA H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
DOMINICAN REP. # H $1.5235 $1.0632 $1.2605 $0.8659 $1.0194 $0.6906
ECUADOR # N $2.4004 $1.1180 $1.9290 $0.8549 $1.6880 $0.7234
EGYPT # K $2.6306 $1.3153 $2.1264 $0.9865 $1.7647 $0.9098
EL SALVADOR B $2.4223 $1.1290 $1.9290 $0.8439 $0.4713 $0.6686
EQUATORIAL GUINEA C $4.1103 $3.4417 $3.7376 $3.0580 $3.5074 $2.8278
ERITREA K $3.4088 $3.4088 $2.5648 $2.5648 $2.0278 $2.0278
ESTONIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
ETHIOPIA K $3.4088 $1.7537 $2.5648 $1.3153 $2.0278 $1.0632
FAEROE ISLANDS A $1.8414 $1.1837 $1.4688 $0.8878 $1.1947 $0.7015
FALKLAND ISLANDS I $3.7595 $2.9155 $2.8059 $2.3237 $2.2470 $1.8853
FIJI ISLANDS P $4.3295 $1.6222 $3.2553 $1.2276 $2.5976 $0.9755
FINLAND A $1.9729 $1.0961 $1.6441 $0.9974 $1.3482 $0.7892
FRANCE # A $1.8414 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8330 $1.2496 $0.7015
FRENCH ANTILLES # M $1.6660 $1.0632 $1.2714 $0.8659 $1.0303 $0.6906
FRENCH GUIANA # I $2.7402 $1.0084 $2.1154 $0.9098 $1.6990 $0.7234
FRENCH POLYNESIA# D $4.1870 $1.4906 $3.1786 $1.1947 $2.5539 $0.9426
GABON C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
GAMBIA C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
GEORGIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
GERMANY # A $1.6990 $0.9098 $1.3482 $0.7672 $1.2496 $0.7015
GHANA # C $2.9155 $1.6880 $2.1921 $1.3592 $1.7318 $1.0961
GIBRALTAR # A $2.3675 $1.3372 $1.7756 $1.0084 $1.4139 $0.8002
GREECE # A $2.1921 $1.1837 $1.6990 $0.9317 $1.3701 $0.7892
GREENLAND A $2.4004 $1.3372 $1.7866 $0.9974 $1.4249 $0.7892
GRENADA H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
GUADELOUPE # M $1.6660 $1.0632 $1.2714 $0.8659 $1.0303 $0.6906
GUANTANAMO H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
GUATEMALA B $2.4113 $1.1290 $1.9400 $0.8549 $1.5564 $0.6796
GUINEA C $2.9594 $2.4113 $2.2250 $1.7976 $1.7647 $1.4578
GUINEA BISSAU C $4.3185 $3.5403 $3.9458 $3.1676 $3.7266 $2.9374
GUYANA I $3.2663 $1.4029 $2.4443 $1.0632 $1.9510 $0.8439
HAITI H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
HONDURAS # B $2.6086 $1.0522 $1.9510 $0.8002 $1.5893 $0.6906
HONG KONG # D $3.4745 $1.2714 $2.8717 $1.0741 $2.3237 $0.8769
HUNGARY A $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8252
ICELAND J $2.4004 $1.3372 $1.7866 $0.9974 $1.4249 $0.7892
INDIA T $4.5487 $2.2031 N.A. N.A. $3.1896 $1.7976
INDONESIA O $4.2747 $1.5893 $3.2115 $1.1947 $2.5648 $0.9426
IRAN K $3.7815 $1.3701 $2.8278 $1.0303 $2.2688 $0.8221
IRAQ K $3.2115 $2.1482 $2.6854 $1.7098 $2.3017 $1.4797
IRELAND # A $1.6880 $1.0741 $1.4249 $0.8659 $1.2166 $0.7453
ISRAEL # Q $3.2334 $1.2933 $2.6744 $0.9755 $2.2688 $0.8111
ITALY # A $1.8853 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8002 $1.2605 $0.7015
IVORY COAST C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
JAMAICA H $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
JAPAN # E $3.2334 $1.1509 $2.7292 $1.0413 $2.3566 $0.8769
JORDAN # Q $3.6827 $1.1618 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
KAZAKHSTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
KENYA # L $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
KIRIBATI D $3.8143 $1.5784 $3.0361 $1.1947 $2.1702 $0.9426
REPUBLIC OF # E $3.9458 $1.4797 $3.0361 $1.1180 $2.5976 $0.9645
KUWAIT # L $3.3868 $1.0522 $2.5976 $0.9317 $2.0935 $0.7453
KYRGYZSTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
LAOS L $5.6338 $3.5731 $5.1734 $3.1896 $5.1734 $3.1896
LATVIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
LEBANON G $3.5074 $2.3237 $3.0142 $1.9949 $2.7072 $1.7976
LESOTHO L $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
LIBERIA C $2.7840 $1.4249 $2.0935 $1.0522 $1.6551 $0.8439
LIBYA C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
LIECHTENSTEIN # A $2.0606 $1.0961 $1.5784 $0.8878 $1.2605 $0.7015
LITHUANIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
LUXEMBOURG # A $2.2579 $1.2386 $1.6770 $0.9426 $1.4139 $0.7892
MACAO # O $4.4939 $1.6002 $3.3868 $1.2714 $2.7072 $1.0084
MACEDONIA K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
MADAGASCAR C $4.3295 $3.3868 $3.9568 $3.0251 $3.7266 $2.8059
MALAWI # C $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
MALAYSIA # O $4.2308 $1.4139 $3.2443 $1.2166 $2.5976 $0.9645
MALDIVES F $4.9213 $3.0361 $3.9349 $2.2798 $3.1896 $1.8194
MALI C $2.9923 $2.5648 $2.4990 $2.1264 $2.1702 $1.9072
MALTA A $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
ATLANTIC OCEAN S $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293
INDIAN OCEAN S $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293
PACIFIC OCEAN S $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293 $10.3293
MARSHALL ISLANDS D $4.3295 $1.6222 $3.2553 $1.2276 $2.5976 $0.9755
MAURITANIA C $3.8033 $2.6086 $3.5951 $2.1702 $3.2553 $1.7318
MAURITIUS C $3.7815 $2.9484 $2.8278 $2.3566 $2.2688 $1.9182
MAYOTTE ISLAND C $3.8143 $3.0580 $3.4855 $2.7292 $3.1457 $2.5100
MICRONESIA D $4.3295 $1.6222 $3.2553 $1.2276 $2.5976 $0.9755
MOLDOVA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
MONACO # A $1.8414 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8330 $1.2496 $0.7015
MONGOLIA D $5.4581 $3.6351 $4.8722 $3.2444 $4.5032 $2.9949
MONTSERRAT H $1.7208 $1.1514 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
MOROCCO C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
MOZAMBIQUE C $3.7815 $2.9484 $3.1566 $2.6196 $2.8278 $2.0716
MUSTIQUE H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0304 $0.7014
MYANMAR D $7.3765 $7.3765 $6.7846 $6.7846 $6.4120 $6.4120
NAKHOKDA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
NAMIBIA C $2.3127 $1.1947 $1.7427 $0.8878 $1.3810 $0.7234
NAURU D $4.3295 $2.1264 $3.2553 $1.7427 $2.5976 $1.4139
NEPAL T $4.8666 $2.2360 N.A. N.A. $3.2115 $1.3372
NETHERLANDS # A $1.8086 $1.0413 $1.4029 $0.8330 $1.2496 $0.7015
ANTILLES# M $1.5125 $0.8769 $1.1837 $0.8111 $0.9645 $0.6467
NEVIS H $1.7208 $1.2679 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
NEW CALEDONIA # D $4.2747 $1.5235 $3.2443 $1.2166 $2.5976 $0.9645
NEW ZEALAND # D $4.0884 $1.4029 $3.1566 $1.1180 $2.5429 $0.9426
NICARAGUA B $2.6854 $1.1618 $2.0168 $0.8769 $1.6002 $0.7015
NIGER C $2.9594 $2.4113 $2.2250 $1.7976 $1.7647 $1.4578
NIGERIA L $2.3127 $1.1947 $1.7427 $0.8878 $1.3810 $0.7234
NIUE ISLAND D $5.3604 $3.5700 $4.7745 $3.1793 $4.4163 $2.9406
NORFOLK ISLAND D $4.3076 $1.5125 $3.2334 $1.1509 $3.2334 $1.1509
NORWAY # A $1.7866 $1.0961 $1.4578 $0.8878 $1.1947 $0.7015
OMAN # G $3.7266 $1.2714 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
PAKISTAN # T $4.8227 $2.2031 N.A. N.A. $3.2115 $1.3153
PALAU D $3.7595 $2.5648 $3.4527 $2.1482 $3.1347 $1.9290
PANAMA # B $2.3036 $0.9426 $1.8304 $0.7453 $1.5784 $0.6906
PAPUA NEW GUINEA # D $4.1870 $1.4906 $3.1786 $1.1947 $2.5429 $0.9426
PARAGUAY I $2.7950 $1.1837 $2.0935 $0.8878 $1.6660 $0.7015
PERU N $2.5100 $1.0632 $1.9949 $0.8439 $1.6880 $0.7234
PHILIPPINES O $3.5513 $1.5235 $2.9594 $1.1728 $2.5100 $0.9317
POLAND # R $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.7427 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8221
PORTUGAL # J $2.2141 $1.2605 $1.7756 $0.9865 $1.4468 $0.8111
QATAR # L $3.7266 $1.2714 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
REUNION ISLANDS C $3.2334 $2.6854 $2.9046 $2.0278 $2.1921 $1.6990
ROMANIA K $2.9265 $1.6331 $2.2156 $1.2276 $1.7427 $0.9755
RUSSIA K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
RWANDA C $3.7815 $2.9484 $2.8278 $2.3566 $2.2338 $1.9182
SAKHALIN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
SAN MARINO # A $1.8853 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8002 $1.2605 $0.7015
SAO TOME C $4.3185 $3.5403 $3.9458 $3.1676 $3.7266 $2.9374
SAUDI ARABIA # L $3.2115 $1.0741 $2.5209 $0.8769 $2.0496 $0.7453
SENEGAL # C $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
SEYCHELLES C $3.7815 $2.9374 $2.8278 $2.3456 $2.2688 $1.9072
SIERRA LEONE C $3.3978 $2.2360 $2.5539 $1.7427 $2.0168 $1.3592
SINGAPORE # D $3.4527 $1.2933 $2.8169 $1.0961 $2.3566 $0.8769
SLOVAKIA R $2.4004 $1.3372 $1.7098 $0.9535 $1.4578 $0.8221
SLOVENIA, REP. OF K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221
SOLOMON ISLANDS D $4.3295 $2.1264 $3.2553 $1.7427 $2.5976 $1.4139
SOUTH AFRICA # C $2.2579 $1.0961 $1.7318 $0.8769 $1.3810 $0.7125
SPAIN # A $1.8962 $1.0303 $1.4688 $0.8549 $1.2605 $0.7015
SRI LANKA # T $4.8227 $2.2031 N.A. N.A. $3.2115 $1.3153
ST. HELENA C $3.7595 $2.9155 $2.8059 $2.3237 $2.2470 $1.8853
ST. KITTS H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
ST. LUCIA H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $0.9889 $0.7015
MIQUELON # H $1.5564 $0.9865 $1.1837 $0.8111 $0.9645 $0.6467
GRENADINES H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
SUDAN K $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843
SURINAME I $3.2663 $1.3920 $2.1264 $0.9207 $1.9510 $0.8330
SWAZILAND C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6879 $0.8769
SWEDEN # A $1.6331 $0.8988 $1.4359 $0.8439 $1.1728 $0.6796
SWITZERLAND # A $1.8962 $1.0303 $1.4688 $0.8549 $1.2605 $0.7015
SYRIA K $3.2005 $2.3675 $2.7402 $2.0278 $2.4552 $1.8194
TAIWAN # D $3.8582 $1.3829 $3.0800 $1.1728 $2.5867 $0.9645
TAJIKSTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
TANZANIA # K $2.7731 $1.3592 $2.1154 $1.0741 $1.6880 $0.8659
THAILAND # O $4.1431 $1.4359 $3.2225 $1.2166 $2.5976 $0.9645
TOGOLESE REP C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
TONGA ISLANDS P $4.3295 $2.1374 $3.2553 $1.7537 $2.5956 $1.4249
TOBAGO # H $1.7499 $1.0632 $1.2824 $0.8659 $1.0303 $0.6906
TUNISIA # C $2.9046 $1.4249 $2.2141 $1.1290 $1.7647 $0.9098
TURKEY # A $2.3784 $1.2714 $1.8086 $1.0194 $1.4468 $0.8111
TURKMENISTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
TURKS & CAICOS ISL. M $1.6112 $1.0851 $1.1947 $0.8221 $0.9645 $0.6576
TUVALU K $5.1855 $3.4504 $4.5136 $3.0810 $4.5136 $3.0810
UGANDA K $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
UKRAINE K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
UNION ISLANDS H $1.7208 $1.1618 $1.2824 $0.8769 $1.0303 $0.7015
EMIRATES# G $3.3868 $1.0522 $2.5648 $0.9317 $2.0496 $0.7453
UNITED KINGDOM # A $1.3701 $0.9426 $1.1837 $0.7234 $1.0303 $0.6467
URUGUAY # N $2.7182 $1.1399 $2.0168 $0.8549 $1.6660 $0.7015
UZBEKISTAN K $2.4552 $2.2031 $2.0168 $1.8853 $1.8523 $1.6990
VANUATU K $5.0945 $3.3890 $4.4215 $3.0186 $4.4215 $3.0186
VATICAN CITY # A $1.8853 $0.9865 $1.4578 $0.8002 $1.2605 $0.7015
VENEZUELA # I $2.0386 $0.9317 $1.5345 $0.6686 $1.4029 $0.6029
VIETNAM 0 $3.0251 $2.2470 $2.8169 $2.0386 $2.6086 $1.8490
WALLIS & FUTUNA K $4.5695 $2.9254 $3.9129 $2.5549 $3.9129 $2.5549
WESTERN SAMOA D $4.3185 $2.1812 $3.2443 $1.9290 $2.5867 $1.7098
YEMEN ARAB REP # G $3.7266 $1.2714 $2.8169 $1.0194 $2.2688 $0.8111
YUGOSLAVIA K $2.4333 $1.3701 $1.8194 $1.0303 $1.4468 $0.8221 ZAIRE C $2.9594 $1.5235 $2.2250 $1.1399 $1.7647 $0.9207
ZAMBIA # C $2.7731 $1.3592 $2.1154 $1.0741 $1.6880 $0.8659
ZIMBABWE C $2.8278 $1.4578 $2.1264 $1.0851 $1.6880 $0.8769
(c) Category 2 Usage Rates
RATE 1st Add'l 1st Add'l 1st Add'l
COUNTRY NAME PERIOD Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min.
-------------------------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------
ALBANIA A $3.8230 $0.2596 $2.9578 $0.2325 $2.7674 $0.2262
ALGERIA C $2.6673 $0.1625 $1.8604 $0.1261 $1.5755 $0.1125
ANDORRA A $1.2536 $0.1158 $1.1075 $0.0813 $1.0631 $0.0758
ANGOLA C $3.2380 $0.3917 $2.7714 $0.3240 $2.4633 $0.3204
ANGUILLA H $1.3432 $0.1200 $0.9704 $0.1131 $0.7942 $0.1024
ANTARCTICA D $2.2593 $0.1587 $1.6982 $0.1204 $1.6982 $0.5484
BASE D $2.2593 $0.1587 $1.6982 $0.1204 $1.6982 $0.5484
ANTIGUA H $1.4029 $0.1245 $0.9642 $0.0949 $0.8348 $0.0859
ARGENTINA I $2.0837 $0.1204 $1.6550 $0.1036 $1.6141 $0.0824
ARUBA H $1.3432 $0.1193 $0.9118 $0.1126 $0.7942 $0.2255
ASCENSION ISLANDS C $2.7363 $0.1677 $1.9054 $0.1527 $1.6123 $0.1017
AUSTRALIA E $2.6157 $0.1329 $2.2306 $0.1028 $1.7337 $0.1391
AUSTRIA A $1.4701 $0.1123 $1.1014 $0.0962 $1.1007 $0.0971
AZERBAIJAN K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
BAHAMAS M $0.9112 $0.0847 $0.6917 $0.0658 $0.6691 $0.0618
BAHRAIN G $3.7252 $0.1454 $2.5762 $0.1153 $2.1705 $0.0886
BANGLADESH I $4.5275 $0.2381 N.A. N.A. $3.0435 $0.1474
BARBADOS H $1.2064 $0.1145 $0.8782 $0.0977 $0.8348 $0.0849
BELARUS K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
BELGIUM A $1.5594 $0.1189 $1.1738 $0.0866 $1.0851 $0.0776
BELIZE B $2.6094 $0.1274 $1.8100 $0.1130 $1.5381 $0.1033
BENIN C $2.7363 $0.1677 $1.9054 $0.1472 $1.6123 $0.1342
BERMUDA M $0.9708 $0.0919 $0.6981 $0.0713 $0.6691 $0.0600
BHUTAN T $4.0569 $0.4392 N.A. N.A. $2.7263 $0.3704
BOLIVIA N $2.2701 $0.1217 $1.6952 $0.1099 $1.4209 $0.0981
HERZEGOVINA K $2.1826 $0.1509 $1.5061 $0.1181 $1.2841 $0.1072
BOTSWANA C $2.7363 $0.1677 $1.9054 $0.1291 $1.4229 $0.1211
BRAZIL I $2.1443 $0.1359 $1.6589 $0.1234 $1.3917 $0.1096
BRITISH VIRGIN ISL. M $1.3432 $0.1200 $0.9704 $0.0845 $0.6936 $0.0782
BRUNEI D $4.3510 $0.1901 $3.0210 $0.1889 $2.3018 $0.1770
BULGARIA K $2.1725 $0.1777 $1.5061 $0.1699 $1.1310 $0.1567
BURKINA FASO C $2.7403 $0.3017 $1.9170 $0.2265 $1.6060 $0.2093
BURUNDI C $2.5348 $0.4362 $2.3488 $0.3969 $2.3676 $0.3530
CAMBODIA K $3.9989 $3.0779 $3.6667 $2.8549 $3.6667 $2.8549
CAMEROON C $2.6135 $0.1917 $1.8232 $0.1839 $1.5445 $0.1672
CAPE VERDE ISLANDS C $2.1734 $0.2588 $1.5221 $0.1785 $1.2795 $0.1607
CAYMAN ISLANDS M $1.4029 $0.1245 $0.9642 $0.0869 $0.8348 $0.0774
CENTRAL AFRICAN REP C $2.4502 $0.4037 $2.2644 $0.3672 $1.1863 $0.3266
CHAD C $2.6502 $0.4435 $2.4548 $0.4033 $2.4573 $0.3589
CHILE I $1.9689 $0.1152 $1.5984 $0.1029 $1.5987 $0.0774
CHINA, PEOPLES REP. O $6.5168 $0.1758 $4.5046 $0.1790 $3.7665 $0.1403
ISLD.D $2.2593 $0.1587 $1.6982 $0.1204 $1.6982 $0.5484
COLOMBIA N $2.0407 $0.1352 $1.6550 $0.1104 $1.5555 $0.0844
IND ST K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
COMOROS C $2.6502 $0.4229 $2.4548 $0.3835 $2.4573 $0.3375
CONGO C $2.7437 $0.3165 $2.2950 $0.2491 $2.0597 $0.2284
COOK ISLAND D $4.4633 $0.4514 $3.5018 $0.4193 $3.2285 $0.3725
COSTA RICA B $1.9429 $0.1150 $1.6893 $0.0999 $1.4778 $0.0774
CROATIA, REP. OF K $2.1826 $0.1509 $1.5061 $0.1181 $1.2841 $0.1072
CUBA H $2.1500 $0.4301 $1.8627 $0.3725 $1.6786 $0.3357
CYPRUS A $1.7941 $0.1442 $1.3415 $0.1323 $1.2312 $0.1150
CZECHOSLOVAKIA R $2.1301 $0.1465 $1.4114 $0.1259 $1.3248 $0.0979
DENMARK A $1.3384 $0.1173 $1.0537 $0.0930 $1.0295 $0.0757
DIEGO GARCIA K $1.9110 $0.2420 $1.4027 $0.1836 $1.4027 $0.1836
DJIBOUTI C $2.6121 $0.2984 $1.7482 $0.2211 $1.4570 $0.1994
DOMINICA H $1.4329 $0.1282 $0.9817 $0.1188 $0.8488 $0.1065
DOMINICAN REP. H $1.0516 $0.1256 $0.8745 $0.1099 $0.8022 $0.0839
ECUADOR N $2.0407 $0.1214 $1.6550 $0.0996 $1.5555 $0.0854
EGYPT K $2.6673 $0.1625 $1.8604 $0.1351 $1.5755 $0.1037
EL SALVADOR B $1.9952 $0.1111 $1.7077 $0.0999 $1.4333 $0.0787
EQUATORIAL GUINEA C $2.4502 $0.4087 $2.2644 $0.3706 $2.2720 $0.3266
ERITREA K $2.6076 $0.3497 $1.9668 $0.2849 $1.9668 $0.2849
ESTONIA K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
ETHIOPIA K $3.1526 $0.1930 $1.1100 $0.1749 $1.8496 $0.1580
FAEROE ISLANDS A $1.5274 $0.1582 $1.1568 $0.1477 $1.0295 $0.1318
FALKLAND ISLANDS I $2.3601 $0.2801 $1.6841 $0.2193 $1.4170 $0.1973
FIJI ISLANDS P $4.3510 $0.1775 $3.0210 $0.1660 $2.5888 $0.1500
FINLAND A $1.4795 $0.1320 $1.1880 $0.0989 $1.1763 $0.0876
FRANCE A $1.2556 $0.1158 $1.1076 $0.0814 $1.0632 $0.0758
FRENCH ANTILLES M $1.1816 $0.1309 $0.8782 $0.1192 $0.8178 $0.1037
FRENCH GUIANA I $2.2701 $0.2097 $1.6987 $0.1915 $1.5683 $0.1664
FRENCH POLYNESIA D $4.1479 $0.2868 $2.8817 $0.2684 $2.4705 $0.2359
GABON C $2.6135 $0.1604 $1.8232 $0.1390 $1.5445 $0.1255
GAMBIA C $2.7363 $0.1677 $1.9054 $0.1158 $1.6123 $0.1047
GEORGIA K $1.7318 $0.2440 $1.1896 $0.1930 $1.2760 $0.1931
GERMANY A $1.3738 $0.1187 $1.1301 $0.0832 $1.0718 $0.0758
GHANA C $2.5514 $0.1851 $1.7306 $0.1378 $1.4608 $0.1245
GIBRALTAR A $2.1212 $0.1547 $1.4682 $0.1445 $1.8155 $0.1269
GREECE A $1.7745 $0.1323 $1.3081 $0.1119 $1.2345 $0.0966
GREENLAND A $2.1301 $0.1465 $1.4730 $0.1017 $1.2571 $0.0908
GRENADA H $1.4329 $0.1282 $0.9817 $0.0914 $0.8488 $0.0821
GUADELOUPE M $1.1816 $0.1548 $0.8782 $0.1405 $0.8178 $0.1224
GUANTANAMO H $1.4329 $0.1286 $0.9817 $0.0896 $0.8488 $0.7984
GUATEMALA B $1.9952 $0.1111 $1.7077 $0.0954 $1.4907 $0.0865
GUINEA C $2.2273 $0.2669 $1.5568 $0.2220 $1.3071 $0.1994
GUINEA BISSAU C $3.2380 $0.3917 $2.7714 $0.3240 $2.4633 $0.3204
GUYANA I $3.1798 $0.1538 $2.1933 $0.1292 $1.8813 $0.1167
HAITI H $1.4029 $0.1245 $0.9642 $0.1028 $0.8348 $0.0930
HONDURAS B $2.5243 $0.1225 $1.7612 $0.1125 $1.4914 $0.0861
HONG KONG D $3.2194 $0.1420 $2.4422 $0.1042 $1.1441 $0.0949
HUNGARY A $2.1301 $0.1465 $1.4730 $0.1024 $1.2571 $0.0932
ICELAND J $2.1301 $0.1465 $1.4730 $0.1017 $1.2571 $0.0908
INDIA T $3.5403 $0.2237 $3.5403 $0.2237 $2.7008 $0.1970
INDONESIA O $3.5657 $0.1632 $2.6800 $0.1458 $2.4838 $0.1110
IRAN K $3.8270 $0.1869 $2.6434 $0.1825 $1.1925 $0.1654
IRAQ K $3.3350 $0.2214 $2.2042 $0.2000 $1.8287 $0.1693
IRELAND A $1.2465 $0.1132 $1.0311 $0.0850 $1.0002 $0.0815
ISRAEL Q $2.6839 $0.1443 $2.2359 $0.1264 $2.1399 $0.0923
ITALY A $1.5196 $0.1134 $1.1339 $0.0874 $1.0939 $0.0752
IVORY COAST C $2.7363 $0.1677 $1.9054 $0.1528 $1.6123 $0.1388
JAMAICA H $1.3432 $0.1200 $0.9118 $0.1012 $0.7942 $0.0915
JAPAN E $2.6848 $0.1324 $2.2771 $0.1002 $1.9790 $0.0993
JORDAN Q $3.7252 $0.1454 $2.5762 $0.1014 $2.2215 $0.0908
KAZAKHSTAN K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
KENYA L $2.6673 $0.1625 $1.8604 $0.1125 $1.5755 $0.1015
KIRIBATI D $3.9530 $0.2267 $2.6775 $0.1720 $2.2809 $0.1559
REPUBLIC OF E $3.3163 $0.1506 $2.5244 $0.1103 $2.4497 $0.1046
KUWAIT L $3.4360 $0.1338 $2.3814 $0.1177 $2.0520 $0.0889
KYGRYZTAN K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
LAOS K $2.9526 $0.3747 $2.7152 $0.3346 $2.7152 $0.3346
LATVIA K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
LEBANON G $2.4548 $0.2242 $2.1099 $0.1897 $1.9730 $0.1865
LESOTHO L $2.6819 $0.1604 $1.8232 $0.1370 $1.5445 $0.1245
LIBERIA C $2.5483 $0.1556 $1.7806 $0.1071 $1.5098 $0.0967
LIBYA C $2.6135 $0.1604 $1.8232 $0.1325 $1.5445 $0.1204
LIECHTENSTEIN A $1.5594 $0.1189 $1.1738 $0.0831 $1.0911 $0.0757
LITHUANIA K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
LUXEMBOURG A $1.6924 $0.1255 $1.2464 $0.0924 $1.2051 $0.0864
MACAO O $4.4502 $0.1801 $3.0884 $0.1698 $2.6528 $0.1496
MACEDONIA K $2.1826 $0.1509 $1.5061 $0.1181 $1.2841 $0.1072
MALAWI C $2.6673 $0.1625 $1.8604 $0.1125 $1.5755 $0.1015
MALAYSIA O $3.5779 $0.1626 $2.6800 $0.1190 $2.4984 $0.1066
MALDIVES F $4.2623 $0.3349 $3.2297 $0.2876 $2.8249 $0.2593
MADAGASCAR C $2.7038 $0.4058 $2.5066 $0.3657 $2.5291 $0.3234
MALI REPUBLIC C $2.1865 $0.2850 $1.6981 $0.2542 $1.5491 $0.2278
MALTA A $2.1301 $0.1465 $1.4730 $0.1353 $1.2571 $0.1226
MARISAT - ATLANTIC* S $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835
MARISAT - INDIAN* S $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835
MARISAT - PACIFIC* S $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835
MARISAT -W ATLANTIC* S $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835
MARSHALL ISLANDS D $4.3510 $0.1775 $3.0210 $0.1591 $2.5888 $0.1447
MAURITANIA, ISLAM REP C $3.1437 $0.2880 $2.9045 $0.2431 $2.8098 $0.2146
MAURITIUS C $2.9221 $0.3259 $1.9404 $0.2651 $1.6552 $0.2394
MAYOTTE ISLAND C $2.6502 $0.4229 $2.4548 $0.3835 $2.4573 $0.3375
MICRONESIA D $4.3510 $0.1775 $3.0210 $0.1502 $2.5888 $0.1368
MOLDOVA K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
MONACO A $1.2536 $0.1158 $1.1075 $0.0813 $1.0631 $0.0758
MONGOLIA D $2.3298 $0.2156 $1.9068 $0.1869 $1.9068 $0.1869
MONTSERRAT H $1.4329 $0.1282 $0.9817 $0.1181 $0.8488 $0.1065
MOROCCO C $2.6135 $0.1735 $1.8232 $0.1658 $1.5445 $0.1503
MOZAMBIQUE C $2.9221 $0.3259 $2.1718 $0.2681 $2.0839 $0.2356
MUSTIQUE H $1.4329 $0.1282 $0.9817 $0.0896 $0.8488 $0.0798
MYANMAR (BURMA) D $4.9069 $0.9497 $4.3371 $0.7811 $4.3371 $0.7811
NAKHODKA K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
NAMIBIA C $2.1360 $0.1315 $1.4950 $0.1201 $1.2606 $0.1091
NAURU D $3.6512 $0.2554 $2.6751 $0.2193 $2.5000 $0.2177
NEPAL T $4.6541 $0.2456 N.A. N.A. $3.1257 $0.1677
NETHERLANDS A $1.3178 $0.1127 $1.0639 $0.0847 $1.0670 $0.0773
ANTILLES M $1.1084 $0.1075 $0.8165 $0.0793 $0.7658 $0.0710
NEVIS H $1.4329 $0.1334 $0.9817 $0.1258 $0.8488 $0.1135
NEW CALEDONIA D $4.2334 $0.2486 $2.9424 $0.2346 $2.5229 $0.2064
NEW ZEALAND D $3.5671 $0.1575 $2.6248 $0.1189 $2.4537 $0.1046
NICARAGUA B $2.6094 $0.1274 $1.8100 $0.1082 $1.5381 $0.0989
NIGER REP. C $2.2273 $0.2698 $1.5568 $0.2204 $1.3071 $0.1992
NIGERIA L $2.1360 $0.1315 $1.4950 $0.0981 $1.2606 $0.0823
NIUE ISLAND D $3.1794 $0.3168 $2.7240 $0.2822 $2.7240 $0.2822
NORFOLK ISLAND D $2.2593 $0.1587 $1.6982 $0.1204 $1.6982 $0.5484
NORWAY A $1.2981 $0.1183 $1.0537 $0.0883 $1.0171 $0.0752
OMAN G $3.7252 $0.2048 $2.5762 $0.1943 $1.1358 $0.1708
PAKISTAN T $4.5275 $0.2381 N.A. N.A. $3.0078 $0.1458
PALAU D $2.5405 $0.3039 $2.4391 $0.2636 $2.3616 $0.2405
PANAMA B $1.9778 $0.1111 $1.6893 $0.0853 $1.4778 $0.0774
PAPUA NEW GUINEA D $4.1479 $0.1795 $2.8817 $0.1730 $2.4705 $0.1523
PARAGUAY I $2.2701 $0.1405 $1.6987 $0.1329 $1.5683 $0.1186
PERU N $2.1027 $0.1200 $1.6550 $0.0909 $1.5883 $0.0794
PHILIPPINES O $3.2921 $0.1598 $2.6228 $0.1263 $2.3678 $0.0995
POLAND R $2.1826 $0.1509 $1.4427 $0.1139 $1.3563 $0.1010
PORTUGAL J $1.8080 $0.1361 $1.3415 $0.1141 $1.2571 $0.0986
QATAR L $3.7252 $0.1454 $2.5762 $0.1200 $2.2215 $0.1056
REUNION ISLANDS C $2.6121 $0.2984 $1.7482 $0.2635 $1.4570 $0.2383
ROMANIA K $2.6271 $0.1872 $1.8037 $0.1787 $1.5486 $0.1616
RUSSIA K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $0.1903 $0.2255
RWANDA C $2.9221 $0.3259 $1.9404 $0.2728 $1.6552 $0.2462
SAKHALIN K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
SAN MARINO A $1.5196 $0.1136 $1.1339 $0.0874 $1.0939 $0.0752
SAO TOME C $3.2380 $0.3917 $2.7714 $0.3240 $2.4633 $0.3204
SAUDI ARABIA L $2.8940 $0.1405 $2.1690 $0.1301 $1.9619 $0.1133
SENEGAL C $2.6673 $0.2254 $1.8604 $0.2035 $1.5755 $0.1372
SEYCHELLES C $4.6662 $0.3244 $3.1499 $0.2622 $2.6929 $0.2374
SIERRA LEONE C $2.8698 $0.4016 $1.9632 $0.3735 $1.6750 $0.3366
SINGAPORE D $2.9333 $0.1485 $2.3768 $0.1192 $2.2095 $0.0945
SLOVAKIA R $2.1301 $0.1465 $1.4114 $0.1259 $1.3248 $0.0979
SLOVENIA K $2.1826 $0.1509 $1.5061 $0.1181 $1.2841 $0.1072
SOLOMON ISLANDS D $3.7299 $0.2776 $3.5265 $0.2186 $3.0016 $0.2062
SOUTH AFRICA C $2.0850 $0.1275 $1.4621 $0.0875 $1.2620 $0.0815
SPAIN A $1.5594 $0.1190 $1.1738 $0.1022 $1.0936 $0.0888
SRI LANKA T $3.8134 $0.2238 N.A. N.A. $2.9807 $0.1443
ST. HELENA C $2.3601 $0.3088 $1.6841 $0.2865 $1.4170 $0.2587
ST. KITTS H $1.4329 $0.1282 $0.9817 $0.1181 $0.8488 $0.1065
ST. LUCIA H $1.4029 $0.1245 $0.9642 $0.0869 $0.8348 $0.0774
MIQUELON H $1.3159 $0.1163 $0.8965 $0.0814 $0.7819 $0.0724
GRENADINES H $1.4329 $0.1282 $0.1023 $0.0896 $0.8488 $0.0798
SUDAN K $4.6034 $4.6034 $4.6034 $4.6034 $4.6034 $4.6034
SURINAME I $3.1690 $0.1538 $2.1933 $0.1495 $1.8813 $0.1357
SWAZILAND C $2.6135 $0.1604 $1.8232 $0.1313 $1.5489 $0.1193
SWEDEN A $1.2742 $0.1143 $1.0523 $0.0826 $1.0058 $0.0751
SWITZERLAND A $1.5594 $0.1189 $1.1738 $0.0830 $1.0911 $0.0757
SYRIA K $2.5030 $0.2551 $1.9857 $0.2100 $1.9099 $0.2019
TAIWAN D $3.1382 $0.1583 $2.5425 $0.1104 $2.4125 $0.1035
TAJIKISTAN K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
TANZANIA K $2.5483 $0.1677 $1.7806 $0.1572 $1.5098 $0.1384
THAILAND O $3.6051 $0.1620 $2.6800 $0.1215 $2.5107 $0.1071
TOGO C $2.7363 $0.1728 $1.9054 $0.1656 $1.6123 $0.1502
TONGA P $4.0556 $0.2349 $2.7421 $0.2152 $2.3333 $0.1952
TRINIDAD/TOBAGO H $1.4029 $0.1245 $0.9642 $0.1135 $0.8348 $0.0996
TUNISIA C $2.6673 $0.1625 $1.8604 $0.1513 $1.5755 $0.1334
TURKEY A $2.1301 $0.1465 $1.4730 $0.1087 $1.2625 $0.0957
TURKMENISTAN K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
CAICOS ISLANDS M $1.3432 $0.1200 $0.9118 $0.0905 $0.7942 $0.0818
TUVALU K $2.7198 $0.3620 $2.3674 $0.3232 $2.3674 $0.3232
UGANDA K $2.6135 $0.1604 $1.8232 $0.1379 $1.5445 $0.1252
UKRAINE K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
UNION ISLANDS H $1.4329 $0.1282 $0.9817 $0.0919 $0.8488 $0.0798
EMIRATES G $2.8940 $0.1287 $2.1690 $0.0961 $1.9935 $0.0810
UNITED KINGDOM A $1.0903 $0.1024 $0.8918 $0.0719 $0.8879 $0.0717
URUGUAY N $2.2141 $0.1177 $1.6376 $0.1068 $1.5683 $0.0913
UZBEKISTAN K $1.7318 $0.2721 $1.2753 $0.2529 $1.2760 $0.2255
VANUATU K $5.3441 $3.5551 $4.6382 $3.1665 $4.6382 $3.1665
VATICAN CITY A $1.5196 $0.1136 $1.1339 $0.0874 $1.0939 $0.0752
VENEZUELA I $1.7013 $0.1008 $1.3773 $0.0709 $1.2797 $0.0629
VIETNAM O $2.0689 $0.2657 $1.9834 $0.2371 $1.8684 $0.2035
WALLIS AND FUTUNA K $4.7934 $3.0688 $4.1047 $2.6801 $4.1047 $2.6801
WESTERN SAMOA D $4.0242 $0.2412 $2.6433 $0.1979 $2.1650 $0.1955
YEMEN ARAB REP G $3.7252 $0.1454 $2.5762 $0.1093 $2.2215 $0.0908
YUGOSLAVIA, FED REP K $2.1826 $0.1509 $1.5061 $0.1181 $1.2841 $0.1072
ZAIRE C $2.7363 $0.1677 $1.9054 $0.1289 $1.6123 $0.1173
ZAMBIA C $2.5483 $0.1671 $1.7806 $0.1547 $1.5098 $0.1364
ZIMBABWE C $2.6135 $0.1604 $1.8232 $0.1405 $1.5445 $0.1276
(d) Category 1 and 2 International Default Rates
The following rate applies 24 hours per day, seven days a week to calls terminating to any country not listed in the section preceding.
Rate per minute $5.1750
(e) Category 1 and 2 Usage Volume Discounts
Discounts will be applied to an account's international calls based upon the account's total international charges for the billing period. The discount percentages corresponding to give rate period(s) and usage level(s) will apply to total international usage during the respective rate periods unless otherwise noted.
Rate Period
Usage Standard Discount Economy
----------------------- ---------------- ------------- -----------
$ 0 - $ 199.99 9% 5% 0%
$ 200 - 1999.99 14% 7% 0%
$ 2000 - 4999.99 15% 8% 0%
$ 5000 - 9999.99 15% 8% 0%
$10000 - 49999.99 15% 8% 0%
$50000 + 18% 8% 0%
4.3.3 Dedicated Access International Service
A) Description
Dedicated Access International Service allows the Customers of the Company's dedicated access services to terminate calls at points in the countries listed following. Rates are country specific and apply seven (7) days a week, unless otherwise indicated, and with the exception of Canada and Mexico, where rates are distance and time-of-day sensitive. Rates applicable on holidays are the same as those applicable for all other days of the year.
Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum time requirement of thirty (30) seconds per call. Discounts are given based upon an account's total international usage charges from dedicated access services, and the applicability of any optional billing plan discounts.
B) Usage Charges
(1) Dedicated Access - Canada
(a) Rate Periods
Day: 8:00 A.M. to 5:59 P.M., Mon-Fri
Evening: 6:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Mon-Fri and 8:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M., Sat-Sun
N/W: 12:00 A.M. to 7:59 A.M., Mon-Sun
(b) Usage Rates
Rates are quoted and billed in six (6) second increments after an initial thirty (30) second period.
1. Category 1** Rates
1-18 $.1178 $.0131 $.0777 $.0080 $.0742 $.0071
19-80 $.1510 $.0235 $.1059 $.0150 $.0977 $.0134
81-140 $.1687 $.0281 $.1148 $.0183 $.1137 $.0172
141-220 $.1941 $.0298 $.1241 $.0205 $.1241 $.0180
221-345 $.2012 $.0403 $.1376 $.0264 $.1416 $.0226
346-630 $.2260 $.0453 $.1556 $.0299 $.1516 $.0256
631-1200 $.2419 $.0504 $.1626 $.0340 $.1628 $.0298
1201-1610 $.2597 $.0508 $.1745 $.0345 $.1677 $.0318
1611-6000 $.2794 $.0537 $.1878 $.0370 $.1878 $.0328
2. Category 2** Rates
1-18 $.1236 $.0137 $.0815 $.0084 $.0778 $.0074
19-80 $.1584 $.0247 $.1111 $.0157 $.1025 $.0141
81-140 $.1770 $.0295 $.1204 $.0192 $.1193 $.0180
141-220 $.2036 $.0313 $.1302 $.0215 $.1302 $.0189
221-345 $.2111 $.0423 $.1443 $.0277 $.1485 $.0237
346-630 $.2371 $.0475 $.1632 $.0314 $.1590 $.0269
631-1200 $.2538 $.0529 $.1706 $.0357 $.1708 $.0313
1201-1610 $.2724 $.0533 $.1831 $.0362 $.1759 $.0334
1611-6000 $.2931 $.0563 $.1970 $.0388 $.1970 $.0344
(2) Dedicated Access - Mexico
(a) Rate Periods
Standard: 7:00 A.M. to 6:59 P.M., Mon-Fri; 5:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Sun
Economy: 7:00 P.M. to 6:59 A.M., Mon-Fri; All Day, Sat; 12:00 A.M. to 4:59 P.M., Sun
(b) Usage Rates
The charges for calls to Mexico consist of a United States rate schedule and a Mexico rate schedule. The United States rate schedule is dependent upon the distance between the rate center of the call origination point and the rate center of the point where the call crosses the border into Mexico. The rate center coordinates will be determined by reference to AT&T Communications Tariff F.C.C. No. 10. The Mexico rate schedule is determined by the terminating point of the call.
1. United States Category 1 and 2 Rate Schedule
Rates are quoted in six (6) second increments after an initial thirty (30) second period.
1st Add'l 1st Add'l
------------ --------------------------- --------------------------
0-10 $0.0434 $0.0087 $0.0312 $0.0062
11-22 $0.0535 $0.0107 $0.0413 $0.0083
23-55 $0.0699 $0.0140 $0.0545 $0.0109
56-124 $0.0874 $0.0175 $0.0662 $0.0132
125-292 $0.1022 $0.0204 $0.0826 $0.0165
293-430 $0.1144 $0.0229 $0.0916 $0.0183
431-925 $0.1294 $0.0258 $0.1070 $0.0214
926+ $0.1419 $0.0284 $0.1144 $0.0229
Usage Volume Discounts - The following discount schedule applies to the United States Rate Schedule of Mexican calls placed during the standard rate period based on the account's total international charges for the billing period.
Usage Discount
-------------------- -----------
$ 0 - $ 199.99 2%
$ 200 - 999.99 4%
$1000 - 1999.99 6%
$2000 - 4999.99 8%
$5000 + 10%
2. Category 1 Mexico Rate Schedule** - Rates are quoted and billed in one (1) minute increments.
Step Estándar Economy
1 $0.1669 $0.1043
2 $0.2191 $0.1460
3 $0.3964 $0.2608
4 $0.4695 $0.3129
5 $0.6676 $0.4348
6 $0.8658 $0.5738
7 $1.1579 $0.7824
8 $1.2309 $0.8345
** Note: Reference the chart appearing in Section 4.3.1.B(2)(b)3 to determine the appropriate rate step for a particular call.
3. Category 2 Mexico Rate Schedule**
Rates are quoted and billed in one (1) minute increments.
Step Estándar Economy
1 $0.1751 $0.1094
2 $0.2298 $0.1532
3 $0.4158 $0.2736
4 $0.4925 $0.3282
5 $0.7003 $0.4596
6 $0.9082 $0.6019
7 $1.2146 $0.8207
8 $1.2912 $0.8754
** Note: Reference the chart appearing in Section 4.3.1.B.(2)(b)3 to determine the appropriate rate step for a particular call.
(3) Dedicated Access -International Points Excluding Canada & Mexico
(a) Category 1 and 2 Rate Period
The rate periods applicable to a country are defined below and indicated by letter code. These time periods apply seven (7) days per week.
Estándar Descuento Economy
A. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 6:59am) B. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (8:00am- 4:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
C. (6:00am-11:59am) (12:00pm-4:59pm) (5:00pm -5:59am)
D. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (10:00am-4:59pm) (11:00pm-9:59am)
E. (2:00pm- 7:59pm) (8:00pm- 2:59am) (3:00am -1:59pm)
F. (6:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-5:59pm)
G. (8:00am- 2:59pm) (9:00pm- 7:59am) (3:00pm -8:59pm)
H. (4:00pm- 9:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (10:00pm-6:59am)
I. (8:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am)
J. (1:00pm- 7:59pm) (7:00am-12:59pm) (8:00pm -6:59am)
K. (1:00pm- 1:59am) (7:00am-12:59pm) (2:00am -6:59am)
L. (7:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am -6:59am)
M. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-10:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
N. (4:00pm-11:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
O. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (2:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-4:59pm)
P. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (9:00am- 4:59pm) (2:00am -8:59am)
Q. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am) (5:00pm-11:59pm)
R. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
S. 24 hours a day - no differentiation between time periods.
T. (6:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 5:59am)
(b) Category 1 Usage Rates
COUNTRY NAME PERIOD Sec. 6 Sec. Sec. 6 Sec. Sec. 6 Sec.
-------------------------- ------------- -------------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------
AFGANISTAN A $3.3964 $0.2020 $2.9615 $0.1433 $2.9615 $0.1433
ALBANIA A $3.0635 $0.2205 $2.5539 $0.2132 $2.2250 $0.2061
ALGERIA C $2.0771 $0.1392 $1.6494 $0.1192 $1.3021 $0.1045
ANDORRA A $0.9588 $0.0857 $0.9223 $0.0757 $0.8952 $0.0706
ANGOLA C $2.5001 $0.3529 $2.3511 $0.3157 $2.2579 $0.2937
ANGUILLA H $1.0686 $0.1019 $0.7837 $0.1066 $0.6357 $0.0943
ANTARCTICA D $1.8660 $0.1396 $1.4035 $0.1059 $1.4035 $0.1059
SCOTT BASE D $1.8660 $0.1396 $1.4035 $0.1059 $1.4035 $0.1059
ANTIGUA H $0.9673 $0.0987 $0.7157 $0.0896 $0.6796 $0.0779
ARGENTINA I $1.6241 $0.0943 $1.3743 $0.0984 $1.3184 $0.0727
ARUBA H $1.0686 $0.1009 $0.7837 $0.1061 $0.6357 $0.0937
ASCENSION ISLANDS C $2.1976 $0.1422 $1.6551 $0.1471 $1.3043 $0.1312
AUSTRALIA E $1.8923 $0.0950 $1.8816 $0.0909 $1.4486 $0.0879
AUSTRIA A $1.2259 $0.0997 $0.9592 $0.0889 $0.9060 $0.0750
AZERBAIJAN K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
BAHAMAS M $0.7479 $0.0719 $0.5667 $0.0589 $0.5479 $0.0553
BAHRAIN G $2.5093 $0.1107 $1.9554 $0.1149 $1.8502 $0.0815
BANGLADESH T $3.5716 $0.2048 N.A. N.A. $2.5282 $0.1323
BARBADOS H $1.0934 $0.1133 $0.8464 $0.0886 $0.6835 $0.0769
BELARUS K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
BELGIUM A $1.1729 $0.0921 $0.9684 $0.0764 $0.9061 $0.0706
BELIZE B $2.1045 $0.1081 $1.5784 $0.1080 $1.2496 $0.0968
BENIN C $2.1976 $0.1422 $1.6551 $0.1416 $1.3043 $0.1265
BERMUDA M $0.7480 $0.0756 $0.5718 $0.0661 $0.5480 $0.0554
BHUTAN T $3.2115 $0.3930 N.A. N.A. $2.4880 $0.3495
BOLIVIA N $2.1294 $0.1220 $1.6595 $0.1010 $1.3291 $0.0888
HERZEGOVINA K $1.7482 $0.1277 $1.3043 $0.1090 $1.0358 $0.1000
BOTSWANA C $2.1976 $0.1422 $1.6551 $0.1241 $1.3043 $0.1111
BRAZIL I $1.5649 $0.1193 $1.3836 $0.1173 $1.3291 $0.0986
BRITISH VIRGIN ISL. M $1.0686 $0.1009 $0.7837 $0.0822 $0.6357 $0.0698
BRUNEI D $3.5184 $0.1696 $2.6415 $0.1843 $2.1100 $0.1649
BULGARIA K $1.7482 $0.1563 $1.3043 $0.1634 $1.0358 $0.1448
BURKINA FASO C $2.1647 $0.2555 $1.6331 $0.2214 $1.2714 $0.1841
BURUNDI C $2.4305 $0.3807 $2.2497 $0.3837 $2.1456 $0.3330
CAMBODIA K $3.7694 $2.9035 $3.4954 $2.7215 $3.4954 $2.7215
CAMEROON C $2.0990 $0.1690 $1.5839 $0.1777 $1.2496 $0.1578
CAPE VERDE ISLANDS C $1.7537 $0.2211 $1.3262 $0.1798 $1.0358 $0.1457
CAYMAN ISLANDS M $0.9673 $0.0987 $0.7157 $0.0792 $0.6796 $0.0702
CENTRAL AFRICAN REP. C $2.3483 $0.3516 $2.1675 $0.3546 $2.0634 $0.3078
CHAD C $2.5128 $0.3875 $2.3319 $0.3904 $2.2277 $0.3388
CHILE I $1.6286 $0.0926 $1.3277 $0.0977 $1.3184 $0.0727
CHINA, PEOPLES REP. O $5.2940 $0.1623 $3.9568 $0.1762 $3.1731 $0.1350
COCOS ISLD. D $1.8660 $0.1396 $1.4035 $0.1059 $1.4035 $0.1059
COLOMBIA N $1.9108 $0.1098 $1.6168 $0.1010 $1.3184 $0.0773
IND. ST. K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
COMOROS C $2.5128 $0.3644 $2.3319 $0.3674 $2.2277 $0.3187
CONGO C $2.1191 $0.2705 $2.0021 $0.2485 $1.6765 $0.2050
COOK ISLAND D $3.5513 $0.3990 $3.0033 $0.4081 $3.0005 $0.3517
COSTA RICA B $1.5268 $0.0964 $1.2821 $0.0965 $1.2369 $0.0694
CROATIA, REP. OF K $1.7482 $0.1277 $1.3043 $0.1090 $1.0358 $0.1000
CUBA H $1.9072 $0.3814 $1.8523 $0.3704 $1.6002 $0.3200
CYPRUS A $1.6547 $0.1354 $1.3021 $0.1222 $1.0363 $0.1066
CZECH REPUBLIC R $1.6713 $0.1251 $1.2479 $0.1185 $1.0876 $0.0898
DENMARK A $1.0176 $0.0958 $0.8670 $0.0862 $0.8409 $0.0706
DIEGO GARCIA K $1.8046 $0.2307 $1.3235 $0.1731 $1.3235 $0.1731
DJIBOUTI C $2.0606 $0.2523 $1.4851 $0.2159 $1.1509 $0.1838
DOMINICA H $1.1399 $0.1081 $0.8439 $0.1113 $0.6796 $0.0984
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC H $0.9580 $0.1133 $0.8247 $0.1006 $0.6726 $0.0757
ECUADOR N $1.9108 $0.1209 $1.6166 $0.0923 $1.3184 $0.0789
EGYPT K $1.7835 $0.1306 $1.3453 $0.1329 $1.3021 $0.0963
EL SALVADOR B $1.7910 $0.1059 $1.4886 $0.0937 $1.1779 $0.0723
EQUATORIAL GUINEA C $2.3483 $0.3516 $2.1675 $0.3546 $2.0634 $0.3078
ERITREA K $2.4620 $0.3243 $1.8511 $0.2614 $1.8511 $0.2614
ESTONIA K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
ETHIOPIA K $2.3075 $0.1611 $1.7378 $0.1706 $1.3695 $0.1519
FAEROE ISLANDS A $1.0135 $0.1392 $0.8670 $0.1417 $0.8409 $0.1228
FALKLAND ISLANDS I $2.2606 $0.2680 $1.6030 $0.2088 $1.2742 $0.1760
FIJI ISLANDS P $3.5184 $0.1513 $2.6415 $0.1603 $2.1100 $0.1438
FINLAND A $1.1303 $0.0979 $0.9777 $0.0849 $0.9494 $0.0793
FRANCE A $0.9588 $0.0857 $0.9223 $0.0757 $0.8952 $0.0706
FRENCH ANTILLES M $1.0824 $0.1146 $0.8464 $0.1096 $0.6836 $0.0951
FRENCH GUIANA I $2.1082 $0.1791 $1.6595 $0.1794 $1.3294 $0.1562
FRENCH POLYNESIA D $3.2523 $0.2568 $2.5717 $0.2577 $2.0563 $0.2246
GABON C $2.0990 $0.1359 $1.5839 $0.1322 $1.2496 $0.1181
GAMBIA C $2.1976 $0.1422 $1.6551 $0.1140 $1.3043 $0.0955
GEORGIA K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
GERMANY A $0.9707 $0.0866 $0.9315 $0.0757 $0.8952 $0.0706
GHANA C $1.9992 $0.1584 $1.5247 $0.1378 $1.1990 $0.1117
GIBRALTAR A $1.6990 $0.1349 $1.2714 $0.1366 $1.0139 $0.1189
GREECE A $1.3669 $0.1073 $1.0792 $0.1056 $1.0146 $0.0895
GREENLAND A $1.6713 $0.1251 $1.3021 $0.1019 $1.0362 $0.0814
GRENADA H $1.1399 $0.1081 $0.8439 $0.0877 $0.6796 $0.0751
GUADELOUPE M $1.0824 $0.1313 $0.8464 $0.1302 $0.6836 $0.1129
GUANTANAMO H $1.1399 $0.1081 $0.8439 $0.0877 $0.6796 $0.0702
GUATEMALA B $1.7482 $0.1059 $1.3043 $0.0924 $1.0358 $0.0831
GUINEA C $1.7537 $0.2255 $1.3262 $0.2129 $1.0358 $0.1884
GUINEA BISSAU C $2.5374 $0.3529 $2.3511 $0.3157 $2.2579 $0.2937
GUYANA I $2.3421 $0.1278 $1.7494 $0.1261 $1.3984 $0.1126
HAITI H $1.1399 $0.1059 $0.8439 $0.0952 $0.6796 $0.0848
HONDURAS B $1.6779 $0.1077 $1.3328 $0.1091 $1.2370 $0.0793
HONG KONG D $2.4515 $0.1112 $2.0339 $0.0963 $1.9153 $0.0879
HUNGARY A $1.7482 $0.1251 $1.3043 $0.1030 $1.0358 $0.0856
ICELAND J $1.6713 $0.1251 $1.3021 $0.1019 $1.0362 $0.0814
INDIA T $2.8146 $0.1771 N.A. N. A. $2.1723 $0.1690
INDONESIA O $3.3529 $0.1509 $2.6260 $0.1358 $2.1209 $0.1040
IRAN K $3.0964 $0.1965 $2.3127 $0.1767 $1.8578 $0.1575
IRAQ K $2.6189 $0.1897 $1.9424 $0.1927 $1.4974 $0.1519
IRELAND A $0.9111 $0.0899 $0.8670 $0.0800 $0.8409 $0.0748
ISRAEL Q $2.4841 $0.1165 $1.9277 $0.1207 $1.8501 $0.0853
ITALY A $1.0975 $0.0847 $0.9592 $0.0806 $0.9060 $0.0706
IVORY COAST C $2.1976 $0.1422 $1.6551 $0.1468 $1.3043 $0.1310
JAMAICA H $1.0686 $0.1085 $0.7837 $0.0939 $0.6357 $0.0833
JAPAN E $1.9024 $0.0971 $1.8908 $0.0915 $1.8116 $0.0879
JORDAN Q $2.2467 $0.1107 $1.8764 $0.1026 $1.8501 $0.0815
KAZAKHSTAN K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
KENYA L $2.0771 $0.1392 $1.6494 $0.1129 $1.3021 $0.0914
KIRIBATI D $1.9968 $0.1828 $1.5882 $0.1731 $1.1336 $0.1559
KOREA, REP. OF E $2.7338 $0.1228 $2.1629 $0.1047 $2.0996 $0.0966
KUWAIT L $2.2913 $0.1133 $1.8077 $0.1164 $1.7091 $0.0830
KYRGYZSTAN K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
LAOS K $2.8493 $0.3596 $2.6141 $0.3203 $2.6141 $0.3203
LATVIA K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
LEBANON G $2.3072 $0.2137 $1.9784 $0.1808 $1.7756 $0.1710
LESOTHO L $2.0990 $0.1359 $1.5839 $0.1312 $1.2496 $0.1172
LIBERIA C $2.0045 $0.1332 $1.5789 $0.1074 $1.2479 $0.0868
LIBYA C $2.0990 $0.1359 $1.5839 $0.1267 $1.2496 $0.1132
LIECHTENSTEIN A $1.1729 $0.0933 $0.9684 $0.0764 $0.9061 $0.0706
LITHUANIA K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
LUXEMBOURG A $1.3763 $0.1127 $1.0792 $0.0887 $0.9559 $0.0720
MACAO O $3.5247 $0.1568 $2.7562 $0.1624 $2.2048 $0.1427
MACEDONIA K $1.7482 $0.1277 $1.3043 $0.1090 $1.0358 $0.1000
MADAGASCAR C $2.5950 $0.3488 $2.4032 $0.3519 $2.2936 $0.3050
MALAWI C $2.0771 $0.1392 $1.6494 $0.1129 $1.3021 $0.0935
MALAYSIA O $2.8214 $0.1340 $2.1209 $0.1092 $2.0997 $0.0966
MALDIVES F $3.4033 $0.2843 $2.7950 $0.2809 $2.2798 $0.2488
MALI REPUBLIC C $1.7153 $0.2411 $1.4413 $0.2459 $1.2221 $0.2160
MALTA A $1.6713 $0.1251 $1.3021 $0.1284 $1.0362 $0.1142
MARISAT - ATLANTIC* S $5.1647 $1.0329 $5.1647 $1.0329 $5.1647 $1.0329
MARISAT - INDIAN* S $5.1647 $1.0329 $5.1647 $1.0329 $5.1647 $1.0329
MARISAT - PACIFIC* S $5.1647 $1.0329 $5.1647 $1.0329 $5.1647 $1.0329
MARSHALL ISLANDS D $3.5184 $0.1513 $2.6415 $0.1545 $2.1100 $0.1387
MAURITANIA, ISLAM REP C $2.4990 $0.2441 $2.4963 $0.2371 $2.3894 $0.2042
MAURITIUS C $2.3072 $0.2761 $1.6496 $0.2570 $1.3098 $0.2273
MAYOTTE ISLAND C $2.5128 $0.3644 $2.3319 $0.3674 $2.2277 $0.3187
MICRONESIA D $3.5184 $0.1513 $2.6415 $0.1459 $2.1100 $0.1311
MOLDOVA K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
MONACO A $0.9588 $0.0857 $0.9223 $0.1413 $0.8952 $0.1311
MONGOLIA D $2.2760 $0.2143 $2.0464 $0.1857 $1.9254 $0.1607
MONTSERRAT H $1.1399 $0.1081 $0.8439 $0.1113 $0.6796 $0.0984
MOROCCO C $2.0990 $0.1506 $1.5839 $0.1593 $1.2496 $0.1417
MOZAMBIQUE C $2.3072 $0.2761 $1.8469 $0.2452 $1.7921 $0.2072
MUSTIQUE H $1.1399 $0.1081 $0.8439 $0.0877 $0.6796 $0.0702
MYNAMAR D $4.5572 $0.8823 $4.0281 $0.7250 $4.0281 $0.7250
NAKHODKA K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
NAMIBIA C $1.7153 $0.1113 $1.2988 $0.1140 $1.0194 $0.1017
NAURU D $2.8715 $0.2190 $2.3546 $0.2192 $2.0509 $0.1953
NEPAL T $3.7486 $0.2092 N.A. N.A. $2.5429 $0.1619
NETHERLANDS A $0.9361 $0.0838 $0.8762 $0.0772 $0.8735 $0.0706
ANTILLES M $0.8718 $0.0920 $0.6417 $0.0707 $0.6401 $0.0651
NEVIS H $1.1399 $0.1139 $0.8439 $0.1188 $0.6796 $0.1051
NEW CALEDONIA D $3.3193 $0.2229 $2.6260 $0.2251 $2.0997 $0.1967
NEW ZEALAND D $2.7367 $0.1224 $2.1860 $0.1013 $2.0563 $0.0944
NICARAGUA B $2.1045 $0.1081 $1.5784 $0.1021 $1.2496 $0.0920
NIGER REP. C $1.7537 $0.2255 $1.3262 $0.2125 $1.0358 $0.1882
NIGERIA L $1.7153 $0.1113 $1.2988 $0.0917 $1.0194 $0.0723
NIUE ISLAND D $3.1059 $0.3148 $2.9235 $0.2804 $2.8586 $0.2593
NORFOLK ISLAND D $1.8660 $0.1396 $1.4035 $0.1059 $1.4035 $0.1059
NORWAY A $1.0135 $0.0958 $0.8629 $0.0782 $0.8409 $0.0706
OMAN G $2.9224 $0.1829 $2.3004 $0.1855 $1.8502 $0.1620
PAKISTAN T $3.0358 $0.1805 N.A. N.A. $2.0464 $0.1346
PALAU D $2.4360 $0.2581 $2.3373 $0.2598 $2.1401 $0.2259
PANAMA B $1.5090 $0.0999 $1.2775 $0.0803 $1.2261 $0.0694
PAPUA NEW GUINEA D $3.2523 $0.1610 $2.5717 $0.1652 $2.0563 $0.1449
PARAGUAY I $2.1294 $0.1159 $1.6595 $0.1239 $1.3291 $0.1104
PERU N $1.9108 $0.1098 $1.6166 $0.0907 $1.3184 $0.0737
PHILIPPINES O $2.2601 $0.1218 $2.0441 $0.1253 $2.0441 $0.0932
POLAND R $1.7482 $0.1277 $1.2496 $0.1067 $1.0876 $0.0863
PORTUGAL J $1.4065 $0.1127 $1.1047 $0.1077 $0.9765 $0.0924
QATAR L $2.9224 $0.1251 $2.3004 $0.1134 $1.8502 $0.0999
REUNION ISLANDS C $2.0606 $0.2523 $1.4851 $0.2551 $1.1509 $0.2259
ROMANIA K $1.8357 $0.1673 $1.3695 $0.1750 $1.0876 $0.1553
RUSSIA K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
RWANDA C $2.3072 $0.2761 $1.6496 $0.2645 $1.3098 $0.2340
SAKHALIN K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
SAN MARINO A $1.0975 $0.0847 $0.9592 $0.0806 $0.9060 $0.0706
SAO TOME C $2.5374 $0.3529 $2.3511 $0.3157 $2.2579 $0.2937
SAUDI ARABIA L $2.1989 $0.1240 $1.8077 $0.1248 $1.7091 $0.1047
SENEGAL C $2.0771 $0.1950 $1.6494 $0.1948 $1.3021 $0.1472
SEYCHELLES C $3.4922 $0.2786 $2.7778 $0.2550 $2.2137 $0.2270
SIERRA LEONE C $2.2853 $0.3526 $1.6880 $0.3626 $1.3427 $0.3197
SINGAPORE D $2.1958 $0.1092 $1.9785 $0.0962 $1.9043 $0.0879
SLOVAKIA R $1.6713 $0.1251 $1.2479 $0.1185 $1.0876 $0.0898
SLOVENIA K $1.7482 $0.1277 $1.3043 $0.1090 $1.0358 $0.1000
SOLOMON ISLANDS D $2.8715 $0.2382 $2.8715 $0.2192 $2.8702 $0.2029
SOUTH AFRICA C $1.6236 $0.1090 $1.2968 $0.0879 $1.0200 $0.0716
SPAIN A $1.1729 $0.0963 $0.9684 $0.0955 $0.9061 $0.0810
SRI LANKA T $3.5716 $0.2238 N.A. N.A. $2.5282 $0.1323
ST. HELENA C $2.2606 $0.2680 $1.6030 $0.2746 $1.2742 $0.2426
ST. KITTS H $1.1399 $0.1081 $0.8439 $0.1113 $0.6796 $0.0984
ST. LUCIA H $1.0686 $0.1059 $0.7837 $0.0822 $0.6357 $0.0688
MIQUELON H $1.0733 $0.0988 $0.7947 $0.0822 $0.6504 $0.0657
GRENADINES H $1.1399 $0.1081 $0.8439 $0.0877 $0.6796 $0.0702
SUDAN K $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843 $4.3843
SURINAME I $2.3421 $0.1367 $1.7494 $0.1466 $1.3984 $0.1305
SWAZILAND C $2.0990 $0.1359 $1.5839 $0.1255 $1.2496 $0.1122
SWEDEN A $0.8835 $0.0838 $0.8486 $0.0757 $0.8192 $0.0683
SWITZERLAND A $1.1729 $0.0921 $0.9684 $0.0764 $0.9061 $0.0706
SYRIA K $1.9420 $0.2180 $1.7362 $0.2018 $1.5572 $0.1812
TAIWAN D $2.4928 $0.1238 $2.1214 $0.1058 $2.0887 $0.0966
TAJIKSTAN K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
TANZANIA K $2.0045 $0.1476 $1.5789 $0.1486 $1.2478 $0.1299
THAILAND O $2.8214 $0.1302 $2.1209 $0.1200 $2.0997 $0.1028
TOGOLESE REP C $2.1976 $0.1502 $1.6551 $0.1592 $1.3043 $0.1418
TONGA ISLANDS P $3.2608 $0.1999 $2.3784 $0.2093 $1.8853 $0.1865
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO H $1.0934 $0.1059 $0.8464 $0.1054 $0.6835 $0.0915
TUNISIA C $2.0771 $0.1419 $1.6494 $0.1431 $1.3021 $0.1252
TURKEY A $1.6546 $0.1251 $1.3021 $0.1021 $1.0363 $0.0887
TURKMENISTAN K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
TUVALU K $2.5687 $0.3451 $2.2337 $0.3081 $2.2337 $0.3081
TURKS & CAICOS ISL. M $1.0686 $0.1009 $0.7837 $0.0842 $0.6357 $0.0747
UGANDA K $2.0990 $0.1359 $1.5839 $0.1320 $1.2496 $0.1178
UKRAINE K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
UNION ISLANDS H $1.1399 $0.1081 $0.8439 $0.0877 $0.6796 $0.0702
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES G $2.2913 $0.1008 $1.8077 $0.0917 $1.7091 $0.0748
UNITED KINGDOM A $0.7964 $0.0775 $0.7655 $0.0691 $0.7377 $0.0651
URUGUAY N $2.0930 $0.1187 $1.6168 $0.0969 $1.3291 $0.0845
UZBEKISTAN K $1.3592 $0.2399 $1.0741 $0.2447 $1.0029 $0.2132
VANUATU K $5.0496 $3.3890 $4.3766 $3.0186 $4.3766 $3.0186
VATICAN CITY A $1.0975 $0.0847 $0.9592 $0.0806 $0.9060 $0.0706
VENEZUELA I $1.3406 $0.0787 $1.1438 $0.0652 $1.0959 $0.0608
VIETNAM O $1.8769 $0.2267 $1.8340 $0.2274 $1.7389 $0.1872
WALLIS & FUTUNA K $4.5278 $2.9254 $3.8723 $2.5549 $3.8723 $2.5549
WESTERN SAMOA D $3.2334 $0.2049 $2.2853 $0.1940 $1.7372 $0.1721
YEMEN ARAB REP G $2.9224 $0.1251 $2.3004 $0.1032 $1.8502 $0.0815
YUGOSLAVIA, FED REP K $1.7482 $0.1277 $1.3043 $0.1090 $1.0358 $0.1000
ZAIRE C $2.1976 $0.1422 $1.6551 $0.1196 $1.3043 $0.1103
ZAMBIA C $2.0045 $0.1407 $1.5789 $0.1424 $1.2478 $0.1279
ZIMBABWE C $2.0990 $0.1359 $1.5839 $0.1306 $1.2496 $0.1202
(c) Category 2 Usage Rates
AFGANISTAN A $3.5628 $0.2120 $3.1067 $0.1504 $3.1067 $0.1504
ALBANIA A $3.2136 $0.2312 $2.6790 $0.2237 $2.3340 $0.2162
ALGERIA C $2.1789 $0.1460 $1.7302 $0.1250 $1.3659 $0.1096
ANDORRA A $1.0058 $0.0899 $0.9675 $0.0794 $0.9391 $0.0740
ANGOLA C $2.6227 $0.3702 $2.4663 $0.3311 $2.3685 $0.3081
ANGUILLA H $1.1210 $0.1069 $0.8221 $0.1118 $0.6669 $0.0989
ANTARCTICA D $1.9574 $0.1465 $1.4722 $0.1111 $1.4722 $0.1111
SCOTT BASE D $1.9574 $0.1465 $1.4722 $0.1111 $1.4722 $0.1111
ANTIGUA H $1.0147 $0.1036 $0.7508 $0.0940 $0.7129 $0.0818
ARGENTINA I $1.7037 $0.0989 $1.4417 $0.1033 $1.3830 $0.0762
ARUBA H $1.1210 $0.1059 $0.8221 $0.1113 $0.6669 $0.0982
ASCENSION ISLANDS C $2.3053 $0.1491 $1.7362 $0.1543 $1.3682 $0.1377
AUSTRALIA E $1.9850 $0.0997 $1.9738 $0.0953 $1.5196 $0.0922
AUSTRIA A $1.2859 $0.1045 $1.0062 $0.0933 $0.9504 $0.0788
AZERBAIJAN K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
BAHAMAS M $0.7845 $0.0755 $0.5944 $0.0618 $0.5747 $0.0580
BAHRAIN G $2.6322 $0.1161 $2.0513 $0.1205 $1.9408 $0.0855
BANGLADESH T $3.7466 $0.2149 N.A. N.A. $2.6521 $0.1388
BARBADOS H $1.1470 $0.1189 $0.8879 $0.0929 $0.7170 $0.0806
BELARUS K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
BELGIUM A $1.2303 $0.0967 $1.0159 $0.0801 $0.9505 $0.0740
BELIZE B $2.2076 $0.1133 $1.6557 $0.1132 $1.3108 $0.1015
BENIN C $2.3053 $0.1491 $1.7362 $0.1485 $1.3682 $0.1327
BERMUDA M $0.7846 $0.0793 $0.5999 $0.0693 $0.5748 $0.0581
BHUTAN T $3.3688 $0.4122 N.A. N.A. $2.6100 $0.3666
BOLIVIA N $2.2337 $0.1280 $1.7409 $0.1060 $1.3942 $0.0932
HERZEGOVINA K $1.8339 $0.1339 $1.3682 $0.1144 $1.0865 $0.1048
BOTSWANA C $2.3053 $0.1491 $1.7362 $0.1302 $1.3682 $0.1165
BRAZIL I $1.6416 $0.1251 $1.4514 $0.1231 $1.3942 $0.1035
BRITISH VIRGIN ISL. M $1.1210 $0.1059 $0.8221 $0.0862 $0.6669 $0.0732
BRUNEI D $3.6908 $0.1779 $2.7710 $0.1933 $2.2133 $0.1729
BULGARIA K $1.8339 $0.1639 $1.3682 $0.1714 $1.0865 $0.1519
BURKINA FASO C $2.2708 $0.2681 $1.7131 $0.2323 $1.3337 $0.1931
BURUNDI C $2.5496 $0.3993 $2.3599 $0.4025 $2.2507 $0.3493
CAMBODIA K $3.9541 $3.0458 $3.6667 $2.8548 $3.6667 $2.8548
CAMEROON C $2.2019 $0.1773 $1.6615 $0.1864 $1.3108 $0.1656
CAPE VERDE ISLANDS C $1.8396 $0.2319 $1.3912 $0.1886 $1.0865 $0.1529
CAYMAN ISLANDS M $1.0147 $0.1036 $0.7508 $0.0830 $0.7129 $0.0736
CENTRAL AFRICAN REP. C $2.4634 $0.3688 $2.2737 $0.3720 $2.1645 $0.3229
CHAD C $2.6359 $0.4064 $2.4461 $0.4095 $2.3369 $0.3553
CHILE I $1.7084 $0.0972 $1.3928 $0.1025 $1.3830 $0.0762
CHINA, PEOPLES REP. O $5.5534 $0.1703 $4.1507 $0.1847 $3.3286 $0.1416
COCOS ISLD. D $1.9574 $0.1465 $1.4722 $0.1111 $1.4722 $0.1111
COLOMBIA N $2.0045 $0.1152 $1.6960 $0.1060 $1.3830 $0.0811
IND. ST. K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
COMOROS C $2.6359 $0.3823 $2.4461 $0.3854 $2.3369 $0.3343
CONGO C $2.2229 $0.2838 $2.1002 $0.2607 $1.7587 $0.2151
COOK ISLAND D $3.7253 $0.4186 $3.1504 $0.4281 $3.1475 $0.3690
COSTA RICA B $1.6017 $0.1011 $1.3449 $0.1012 $1.2976 $0.0729
CROATIA, REP. OF K $1.8339 $0.1339 $1.3682 $0.1144 $1.0865 $0.1048
CUBA H $2.0007 $0.4001 $1.9431 $0.3885 $1.6787 $0.3358
CYPRUS A $1.7357 $0.1420 $1.3659 $0.1282 $1.0872 $0.1118
CZECH REPUBLIC R $1.7532 $0.1312 $1.3091 $0.1243 $1.1409 $0.0943
DENMARK A $1.0675 $0.1005 $0.9095 $0.0905 $0.8821 $0.0740
DIEGO GARCIA K $1.8930 $0.2420 $1.3883 $0.1815 $1.3883 $0.1815
DJIBOUTI C $2.1616 $0.2646 $1.5579 $0.2265 $1.2073 $0.1928
DOMINICA H $1.1958 $0.1133 $0.8853 $0.1167 $0.7129 $0.1033
DOMINICAN REP. H $1.0050 $0.1189 $0.8651 $0.1056 $0.7056 $0.0794
ECUADOR N $2.0045 $0.1268 $1.6957 $0.0969 $1.3830 $0.0827
EGYPT K $1.8709 $0.1370 $1.4112 $0.1394 $1.3659 $0.1010
EL SALVADOR B $1.8787 $0.1111 $1.5616 $0.0982 $1.2357 $0.0759
EQUATORIAL GUINEA C $2.4634 $0.3688 $2.2737 $0.3720 $2.1645 $0.3229
ERITREA K $2.5826 $0.3402 $1.9418 $0.2743 $1.9418 $0.2743
ESTONIA K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
ETHIOPIA K $2.4206 $0.1690 $1.8229 $0.1790 $1.4366 $0.1594
FAEROE ISLANDS A $1.0632 $0.1460 $0.9095 $0.1486 $0.8821 $0.1288
FALKLAND ISLANDS I $2.3714 $0.2811 $1.6816 $0.2190 $1.3366 $0.1845
FIJI ISLANDS P $3.6908 $0.1588 $2.7710 $0.1682 $2.2133 $0.1508
FINLAND A $1.1857 $0.1027 $1.0256 $0.0890 $0.9959 $0.0832
FRANCE A $1.0058 $0.0899 $0.9675 $0.0794 $0.9391 $0.0740
FRENCH ANTILLES M $1.1354 $0.1202 $0.8879 $0.1150 $0.7172 $0.0998
FRENCH GUIANA I $2.2115 $0.1879 $1.7409 $0.1882 $1.3945 $0.1638
FRENCH POLYNESIA D $3.4117 $0.2694 $2.6977 $0.2703 $2.1571 $0.2356
GABON C $2.2019 $0.1425 $1.6615 $0.1387 $1.3108 $0.1239
GAMBIA C $2.3053 $0.1491 $1.7362 $0.1195 $1.3682 $0.1002
GEORGIA K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
GERMANY A $1.0183 $0.0909 $0.9771 $0.0794 $0.9391 $0.0740
GHANA C $2.0971 $0.1661 $1.5994 $0.1445 $1.2578 $0.1172
GIBRALTAR A $1.7822 $0.1415 $1.3337 $0.1433 $1.0636 $0.1247
GREECE A $1.4339 $0.1126 $1.1321 $0.1107 $1.0643 $0.0939
GREENLAND A $1.7532 $0.1312 $1.3659 $0.1069 $1.0871 $0.0854
GRENADA H $1.1958 $0.1133 $0.8853 $0.0920 $0.7129 $0.0789
GUADELOUPE M $1.1354 $0.1378 $0.8879 $0.1366 $0.7172 $0.1184
GUANTANAMO H $1.1958 $0.1133 $0.8853 $0.0920 $0.7129 $0.0736
GUATEMALA B $1.8339 $0.1111 $1.3682 $0.0970 $1.0865 $0.0871
GUINEA C $1.8396 $0.2366 $1.3912 $0.2234 $1.0865 $0.1976
GUINEA BISSAU C $2.6617 $0.3702 $2.4663 $0.3311 $2.3685 $0.3081
GUYANA I $2.4569 $0.1341 $1.8351 $0.1323 $1.4669 $0.1181
HAITI H $1.1958 $0.1111 $0.8853 $0.0999 $0.7129 $0.0889
HONDURAS B $1.7601 $0.1130 $1.3981 $0.1145 $1.2977 $0.0832
HONG KONG D $2.5717 $0.1166 $2.1335 $0.1010 $2.0091 $0.0922
HUNGARY A $1.8339 $0.1312 $1.3682 $0.1081 $1.0865 $0.0898
ICELAND J $1.7532 $0.1312 $1.3659 $0.1069 $1.0871 $0.0854
INDIA T $2.9525 $0.1858 N.A. N. A. $2.2787 $0.1773
INDONESIA O $3.5171 $0.1583 $2.7547 $0.1424 $2.2248 $0.1091
IRAN K $3.2481 $0.2062 $2.4260 $0.1854 $1.9489 $0.1653
IRAQ K $2.7472 $0.1990 $2.0376 $0.2021 $1.5708 $0.1594
IRELAND A $0.9557 $0.0944 $0.9095 $0.0839 $0.8821 $0.0785
ISRAEL Q $2.6058 $0.1222 $2.0222 $0.1266 $1.9407 $0.0894
ITALY A $1.1513 $0.0888 $1.0062 $0.0846 $0.9504 $0.0740
IVORY COAST C $2.3053 $0.1491 $1.7362 $0.1539 $1.3682 $0.1374
JAMAICA H $1.1210 $0.1137 $0.8221 $0.0984 $0.6669 $0.0874
JAPAN E $1.9957 $0.1018 $1.9835 $0.0959 $1.9004 $0.0922
JORDAN Q $2.3568 $0.1161 $1.9683 $0.1076 $1.9407 $0.0855
KAZAKHSTAN K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
KENYA L $2.1789 $0.1460 $1.7302 $0.1184 $1.3659 $0.0958
KIRIBATI D $2.0946 $0.1918 $1.6660 $0.1815 $1.1892 $0.1635
REPUBLIC OF E $2.8678 $0.1288 $2.2689 $0.1099 $2.2025 $0.1013
KUWAIT L $2.4036 $0.1189 $1.8963 $0.1221 $1.7928 $0.0870
KYRGYZSTAN K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
LAOS K $2.9889 $0.3772 $2.7422 $0.3361 $2.7422 $0.3361
LATVIA K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
LEBANON G $2.4202 $0.2242 $2.0754 $0.1897 $1.8627 $0.1794
LESOTHO L $2.2019 $0.1425 $1.6615 $0.1377 $1.3108 $0.1229
LIBERIA C $2.1027 $0.1397 $1.6562 $0.1127 $1.3091 $0.0911
LIBYA C $2.2019 $0.1425 $1.6615 $0.1329 $1.3108 $0.1188
LIECHTENSTEIN A $1.2303 $0.0987 $1.0159 $0.0801 $0.9505 $0.0740
LITHUANIA K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
LUXEMBOURG A $1.4438 $0.1182 $1.1321 $0.0930 $1.0028 $0.0756
MACAO O $3.6974 $0.1645 $2.8913 $0.1704 $2.3128 $0.1498
MACEDONIA K $1.8339 $0.1339 $1.3682 $0.1144 $1.0865 $0.1048
MADAGASCAR C $2.7222 $0.3659 $2.5209 $0.4017 $2.4060 $0.3199
MALAWI C $2.1789 $0.1460 $1.7302 $0.1184 $1.3659 $0.0980
MALAYSIA O $2.9597 $0.1406 $2.2248 $0.1146 $2.2026 $0.1013
MALDIVES F $3.5700 $0.2983 $2.9319 $0.2947 $2.3915 $0.2610
MALI REPUBLIC C $1.7993 $0.2529 $1.5119 $0.2579 $1.2821 $0.2266
MALTA A $1.7532 $0.1312 $1.3659 $0.1348 $1.0871 $0.1197
MARISAT - ATLANTIC* S $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835
MARISAT - INDIAN* S $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835
MARISAT - PACIFIC* S $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835
MARISAT -W ATLANTIC* S $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835 $5.4177 $1.0835
MARSHALL ISLANDS D $3.6908 $0.1588 $2.7710 $0.1621 $2.2133 $0.1455
MAURITANIA, ISLAM REP C $2.6214 $0.2561 $2.6187 $0.2487 $2.5065 $0.2142
MAURITIUS C $2.4202 $0.2897 $1.7304 $0.2696 $1.3740 $0.2385
MAYOTTE ISLAND C $2.6359 $0.3823 $2.4461 $0.3854 $2.3369 $0.3343
MICRONESIA D $3.6911 $0.1588 $2.7710 $0.1531 $2.2133 $0.1376
MOLDOVA K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
MONACO A $1.0058 $0.0899 $0.9675 $0.1482 $0.9391 $0.1376
MONGOLIA D $2.3875 $0.2248 $2.1467 $0.1948 $2.0188 $0.1686
MONTSERRAT H $1.1958 $0.1133 $0.8853 $0.1167 $0.7129 $0.1033
MOROCCO C $2.2019 $0.1579 $1.6615 $0.1670 $1.3108 $0.1486
MOZAMBIQUE C $2.4202 $0.2897 $1.9373 $0.2572 $1.8799 $0.2174
MUSTIQUE H $1.1958 $0.1133 $0.8853 $0.0920 $0.7129 $0.0736
MYNAMAR D $4.7806 $0.9256 $4.2255 $0.7605 $4.2255 $0.7605
NAKHODKA K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
NAMIBIA C $1.7993 $0.1167 $1.3625 $0.1195 $1.0694 $0.1048
NAURU D $3.0122 $0.2298 $2.4700 $0.2300 $2.1514 $0.2048
NEPAL T $3.9323 $0.2194 N.A. N.A. $2.6675 $0.1698
NETHERLANDS A $0.9819 $0.0880 $0.9192 $0.0810 $0.9164 $0.0740
ANTILLES M $0.9145 $0.0966 $0.6732 $0.0741 $0.6715 $0.0683
NEVIS H $1.1958 $0.1194 $0.8853 $0.1246 $0.7129 $0.1102
NEW CALEDONIA D $3.4819 $0.2339 $2.7547 $0.2362 $2.2026 $0.2063
NEW ZEALAND D $2.8709 $0.1284 $2.2931 $0.1063 $2.1571 $0.0990
NICARAGUA B $2.2076 $0.1133 $1.6557 $0.1070 $1.3108 $0.0966
NIGER REP. C $1.8396 $0.2366 $1.3912 $0.2229 $1.0865 $0.1974
NIGERIA L $1.7993 $0.1167 $1.3625 $0.0962 $1.0694 $0.0759
NIUE ISLAND D $3.2581 $0.3303 $3.0667 $0.2941 $2.9986 $0.2720
NORFOLK ISLAND D $1.9574 $0.1465 $1.4722 $0.1111 $1.4722 $0.1111
NORWAY A $1.0632 $0.1005 $0.9052 $0.0821 $0.8821 $0.0740
OMAN G $3.0657 $0.1919 $2.4131 $0.1946 $1.9408 $0.1699
PAKISTAN T $3.1845 $0.1893 N.A. N.A. $2.1467 $0.1412
PALAU D $2.5553 $0.2708 $2.4519 $0.2725 $2.2449 $0.2370
PANAMA B $1.5829 $0.1047 $1.3401 $0.0842 $1.2861 $0.0729
PAPUA NEW GUINEA D $3.4117 $0.1689 $2.6977 $0.1733 $2.1571 $0.1520
PARAGUAY I $2.2337 $0.1216 $1.7409 $0.1300 $1.3942 $0.1158
PERU N $2.0045 $0.1152 $1.6957 $0.0951 $1.3830 $0.0773
PHILIPPINES O $2.3709 $0.1278 $2.1443 $0.1314 $2.1443 $0.0977
POLAND R $1.8339 $0.1339 $1.3108 $0.1120 $1.1409 $0.0906
PORTUGAL J $1.4754 $0.1182 $1.1588 $0.1130 $1.0243 $0.0970
QATAR L $3.0657 $0.1312 $2.4168 $0.1190 $1.9408 $0.1047
REUNION ISLANDS C $2.1616 $0.2646 $1.5579 $0.2677 $1.2073 $0.2370
ROMANIA K $1.9256 $0.1754 $1.4366 $0.1836 $1.1409 $0.1629
RUSSIA K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
RWANDA C $2.4202 $0.2897 $1.7304 $0.2775 $1.3740 $0.2455
SAKHALIN K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
SAN MARINO A $1.1513 $0.0888 $1.0062 $0.0846 $0.9504 $0.0740
SAO TOME C $2.6617 $0.3702 $2.4663 $0.3311 $2.3685 $0.3081
SAUDI ARABIA L $2.3066 $0.1301 $1.8963 $0.1309 $1.7928 $0.1099
SENEGAL C $2.1789 $0.2045 $1.7302 $0.2043 $1.3659 $0.1544
SEYCHELLES C $3.6633 $0.2923 $2.9139 $0.2675 $2.3221 $0.2381
SIERRA LEONE C $2.3973 $0.3699 $1.7707 $0.3804 $1.4085 $0.3353
SINGAPORE D $2.3034 $0.1146 $2.0755 $0.1009 $1.9977 $0.0922
SLOVAKIA R $1.7532 $0.1312 $1.3091 $0.1243 $1.1409 $0.0943
SLOVENIA K $1.8339 $0.1339 $1.3682 $0.1144 $1.0865 $0.1048
SOLOMON ISLANDS D $3.0122 $0.2498 $3.0122 $0.2300 $3.0108 $0.2128
SOUTH AFRICA C $1.7032 $0.1144 $1.3603 $0.0922 $1.0700 $0.0751
SPAIN A $1.2303 $0.1010 $1.0159 $0.1002 $0.9505 $0.0850
SRI LANKA T $3.7466 $0.2347 N.A. N.A. $2.6521 $0.1388
ST. HELENA C $2.3714 $0.2811 $1.6816 $0.2880 $1.3366 $0.2545
ST. KITTS H $1.1958 $0.1133 $0.8853 $0.1167 $0.7129 $0.1033
ST. LUCIA H $1.1210 $0.1111 $0.8221 $0.0862 $0.6669 $0.0722
MIQUELON H $1.1259 $0.1037 $0.8336 $0.0862 $0.6823 $0.0689
GRENADINES H $1.1958 $0.1133 $0.8853 $0.0920 $0.7129 $0.0736
SUDAN K $4.5991 $4.5991 $4.5991 $4.5991 $4.5991 $4.5991
SURINAME I $2.4569 $0.1435 $1.8351 $0.1537 $1.4669 $0.1369
SWAZILAND C $2.2019 $0.1425 $1.6615 $0.1317 $1.3108 $0.1177
SWEDEN A $0.9267 $0.0880 $0.8902 $0.0794 $0.8594 $0.0716
SWITZERLAND A $1.2303 $0.0967 $1.0162 $0.0801 $0.9505 $0.0740
SYRIA K $2.0371 $0.2286 $1.8213 $0.2118 $1.6334 $0.1901
TAIWAN D $2.6149 $0.1299 $2.2254 $0.1110 $2.1911 $0.1013
TAJIKSTAN K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
TANZANIA K $2.1027 $0.1548 $1.6562 $0.1559 $1.3090 $0.1362
THAILAND O $2.9597 $0.1366 $2.2248 $0.1259 $2.2026 $0.1078
TOGO C $2.3053 $0.1575 $1.7362 $0.1669 $1.3682 $0.1487
TONGA ISLANDS P $3.4206 $0.2097 $2.4950 $0.2195 $1.9777 $0.1956
TRINIDAD/TOBAGO H $1.1470 $0.1111 $0.8879 $0.1105 $0.7170 $0.0959
TUNISIA C $2.1789 $0.1488 $1.7302 $0.1502 $1.3659 $0.1313
TURKEY A $1.7356 $0.1312 $1.3659 $0.1070 $1.0872 $0.0930
TURKMENISTAN K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
TUVALU K $2.6945 $0.3619 $2.3432 $0.3232 $2.3432 $0.3232
CAICOS ISLANDS M $1.1210 $0.1059 $0.8221 $0.0884 $0.6669 $0.0783
UGANDA K $2.2019 $0.1425 $1.6615 $0.1384 $1.3108 $0.1236
UKRAINE K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
UNION ISLANDS H $1.1958 $0.1133 $0.8853 $0.0920 $0.7129 $0.0736
EMIRATES G $2.4036 $0.1058 $1.8963 $0.0962 $1.7928 $0.0785
UNITED KINGDOM A $0.8355 $0.0814 $0.8030 $0.0726 $0.7739 $0.0683
URUGUAY N $2.1955 $0.1245 $1.6960 $0.1016 $1.3942 $0.0886
UZBEKISTAN K $1.4257 $0.2517 $1.1268 $0.2567 $1.0521 $0.2237
VANUATU K $5.2970 $3.5550 $4.5911 $3.1665 $4.5911 $3.1665
VATICAN CITY A $1.1513 $0.0888 $1.0062 $0.0846 $0.9504 $0.0740
VENEZUELA I $1.4064 $0.0825 $1.1998 $0.0684 $1.1496 $0.0638
VIETNAM O $1.9689 $0.2377 $1.9239 $0.2386 $1.8241 $0.1964
WALLIS & FUTUNA K $4.7497 $3.0688 $4.0621 $2.6801 $4.0621 $2.6693
WESTERN SAMOA D $3.3919 $0.2150 $2.3973 $0.2035 $1.8223 $0.1805
YEMEN, REPUBLIC OF G $3.0657 $0.1312 $2.4131 $0.1083 $1.9408 $0.0855
YUGOSLAVIA K $1.8339 $0.1339 $1.3682 $0.1144 $1.0865 $0.1048
ZAIRE C $2.3053 $0.1491 $1.7362 $0.1255 $1.3682 $0.1157
ZAMBIA C $2.1027 $0.1476 $1.6562 $0.1494 $1.3090 $0.1342
ZIMBABWE C $2.2019 $0.1425 $1.6615 $0.1370 $1.3108 $0.1261
(d) Category 1 and 2 International Default Rates
The following rate applies 24 hours per day, seven days a week to calls terminating to any country not listed in the section preceding.
Rate per minute $5.1750
(e) International Mobile Termination Usage Charge: The following per‑minute usage charges will apply, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, to Dedicated Access International Service usage which terminates via Commercial Mobile Radio Service in the following international locations:
Ubicación Per-Minute Charge
Belgium $1.2008
France 0.9337
Germany 0.6399
Ireland 0.9831
Italy 1.1396
Japan 0.9294
Netherlands 0.7702
Norway 0.5447
Spain (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands,
Ceuta and Melilla) 1.1755
Switzerland 0.9506
United Kingdom 0.8323
(g) Category 1 and 2 Usage Volume Discounts
Discounts will be applied to an account's international calls based upon the account's total international charges for a billing period. The discount percentages corresponding to give rate period(s) and usage level(s) will apply to total international usage during the respective rate periods unless otherwise noted. International discounts are applied after service specific volume discounts have been applied.
Rate Period
Usage Standard Discount Economy
-------------------------- -------------- --------------- -----------------
$ 0 - $ 2499.99 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
$ 2500 - 4999.99 5.0% 5.0% 0.0%
$ 5000 - 9999.99 7.5% 7.5% 0.0%
$10000 - 24999.99 10.0% 10.0% 0.0%
$25000 + 12.0% 12.0% 0.0%
4.3.4 Ring The World International Service
A) Description
Ring The World International Service is an international service furnished in connection with the Company's MTS Service and OnLine Calling Card Service, as filed in MCI WORLDCOM Communications Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 6 for domestic interstate usage.
(1) Rate Periods
The rates for Ring The World International Service calls are grouped into three service categories: Standard, Discount and Economy. The categories relate to the time of day the call is placed. The Standard Rate Period is considered Peak, with the Discount and Economy Rate Periods considered Off Peak. Rates are country specific and are in effect seven days a week. When a call is established in one rate period and continues into other rate periods, the rate in effect at the calling station for each rate period applies to the portion of the call occurring within that rate period. If the total charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent (e.g., $10.356 would be rounded up to $10.36).
(2) Billing Increments
Ring The World International Service calls are billed in sixty (60) second initial period increments and are rounded to the next higher sixty (60) second increment. The additional period is the rate element used to bill chargeable time when a call continues beyond the initial period. Additional period rates apply to each additional sixty (60) seconds, or any fraction thereof, that chargeable time continues beyond the initial period.
(3) Per Call Surcharge
A per call surcharge of $2.50 will apply for OnLine Calling Card calls. A per call surcharge of $2.50 will apply for Online Calling Card calls placed with the assistance of an operator. Surcharges are in addition to the per minute rates following.
B) Ring The World International Rates Option I International Points
This schedule applies to calls placed from the Contiguous United States to the country(ries), area(s), or region(s) listed below. Ring The World International Option I calls will be calculated on a per minute basis and the calls will be rounded to the next higher full minute.
(1) Rate Period - The rate periods applicable to a country are defined below and indicated by letter code. These time periods apply seven (7) days per week.
Estándar Descuento Economy
A. (6:00am-11:59pm) (12:00pm-4:59pm) (5:00pm- 5:59am)
B. (7:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am- 6:59am)
C. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 6:59am)
D. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am) (5:00pm-11:59pm)
E. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-10:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
F. (8:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am)
G. (8:00am- 2:59pm) (9:00pm- 7:59am) (3:00pm -8:59pm)
H. (1:00pm- 1:59am) (7:00am-12:59pm) (2:00am -6:59am)
I. (1:00pm- 7:59pm) (7:00am-12:59pm) (8:00pm -6:59am)
J. (2:00pm- 7:59pm) (8:00pm- 2:59am) (3:00am- 1:59pm)
K. (4:00pm- 9:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (10:00pm-6:59am)
L. (4:00pm-11:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
M. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (2:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-4:59pm)
N. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (8:00am- 4:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
O. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (9:00am- 4:59pm) (2:00am -8:59am)
P. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (10:00am-4:59pm) (11:00pm-9:59am)
Q. (6:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-5:59pm)
R. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
S. (6:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 5:59am)
(2) Usage Rates
Rate Standard Discount Economy
Country Period 1st Min Addl Min 1st Min Addl Min 1st Min Addl Min
Afghanistan C $6.5014 $4.3417 $5.6621 $3.7822 $5.1362 $3.4353
Albania C $4.0732 $2.2604 $3.7375 $2.3051 $3.2899 $2.0813
Algeria A $2.8423 $1.4547 $2.2492 $1.1414 $1.7792 $0.9176
Andorra C $1.7009 $1.0519 $1.5218 $0.8728 $1.2645 $0.7050
Angola A $4.3977 $3.6144 $4.0172 $3.2227 $3.7934 $2.9827
Anguilla K $1.5442 $1.0407 $1.2058 $0.8281 $0.9735 $0.6602
Antarctica P $5.5726 $3.7151 $4.9796 $3.3122 $4.5991 $3.0549
(Scott Base) P $5.5726 $3.7151 $4.9796 $3.3122 $4.5991 $3.0549
Antigua (Barbuda) K $1.6449 $1.0966 $1.2869 $0.8728 $1.0407 $0.6938
Argentina F $2.5066 $1.1526 $2.1037 $0.9176 $1.7009 $0.7274
Armenia H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Aruba K $1.5442 $1.0407 $1.2058 $0.8281 $0.9735 $0.6602
Ascension Island A $2.8423 $1.4659 $2.2492 $1.1526 $1.7792 $0.9988
Australia J $3.0996 $1.2421 $2.7416 $1.0519 $1.9023 $0.8840
Austria C $1.9023 $1.0631 $1.4883 $0.8169 $1.2757 $0.7050
Azerbaijan H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Bahamas E $1.2533 $0.8057 $1.0071 $0.6602 $0.8281 $0.5595
Bahrain G $3.6256 $1.3092 $2.8535 $1.0295 $2.2940 $0.8169
Bangladesh S $4.6439 $2.1261 $4.6439 $2.1261 $3.2227 $1.3428
Barbados K $1.6561 $1.1078 $1.2980 $0.8728 $1.0407 $0.6938
Belarus H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Belgium C $1.9359 $1.0854 $1.6114 $0.8952 $1.2757 $0.7050
Belize N $2.5737 $1.1190 $2.0366 $0.8840 $1.6226 $0.7050
Benin A $2.8423 $1.4659 $2.2492 $1.1526 $1.7792 $0.9288
Bermuda E $1.3316 $0.8840 $1.0295 $0.6938 $0.8281 $0.5595
Bhutan S $4.9124 $3.6591 $4.9124 $3.6591 $4.1739 $3.3011
Bolivia L $2.7304 $1.1526 $2.1485 $0.9176 $1.7121 $0.7274
Botswana A $2.8423 $1.4659 $2.2492 $1.1526 $1.7792 $0.9288
Brazil F $2.4954 $1.0295 $2.0702 $0.8616 $1.7121 $0.7274
Islas Vírgenes Británicas
Islands E $1.5442 $1.0407 $1.2085 $0.8281 $0.9735 $0.6602
Brunei P $4.4872 $1.7233 $3.2899 $1.2421 $2.6297 $0.9847
Bulgaria H $2.3387 $1.3204 $1.8352 $1.0407 $1.4659 $0.8281
Burkina Faso A $3.3906 $2.6185 $2.7751 $2.2380 $2.2156 $1.8575
Burundi A $4.2858 $3.5584 $3.9053 $3.1668 $3.6815 $2.9318
Cambodia M $3.9613 $3.0437 $3.6368 $2.8199 $3.3458 $2.5737
Cameroon A $2.7192 $1.3988 $2.1485 $1.0966 $1.7009 $0.8840
Cabo Verde
Islands A $2.8199 $2.2828 $2.2268 $1.7904 $1.7680 $1.4547
Cayman Islands E $1.6449 $1.0966 $1.2869 $0.8728 $1.0407 $0.6938
Central African
Republic A $4.1739 $3.5025 $3.8046 $3.1108 $3.5696 $2.8758
Chad A $4.3977 $3.6144 $4.0172 $3.2227 $3.7934 $2.9877
Chile F $2.3611 $1.0966 $2.0030 $0.8504 $1.7009 $0.7274
China M $5.8936 $1.5554 $4.6215 $1.2421 $3.7039 $0.9847
Christmas Island P $5.5726 $3.7151 $4.9796 $3.3122 $4.5991 $3.0549
Cocos Islands P $5.5726 $3.7151 $4.9796 $3.3122 $4.5991 $3.0549
Colombia L $2.5066 $1.1526 $2.1037 $0.9176 $1.7009 $0.7274
Comorros A $3.8606 $3.0884 $3.5249 $2.7639 $3.1780 $2.5401
Congo A $3.5137 $2.7975 $3.2787 $2.5066 $2.7304 $2.0702
Cook Island P $5.1362 $3.4465 $4.7446 $3.4130 $4.5208 $2.8535
Costa Rica N $2.2716 $1.0361 $1.9023 $0.8504 $1.6114 $0.6938
Cuba K $1.5890 $1.5890 $1.2645 $1.2645 $1.2645 $1.2645
Cyprus C $2.3387 $1.3092 $1.8352 $1.0295 $1.4659 $0.8169
Czech Republic R $2.3275 $1.3092 $1.7456 $0.9847 $1.6002 $0.8840
Denmark C $1.7680 $1.1414 $1.4830 $0.8952 $1.2085 $0.7050
Diego Garcia S $4.0060 $2.4842 $4.0060 $2.4842 $3.0325 $1.8575
Djibouti A $3.2675 $2.5849 $2.5961 $2.1821 $2.0478 $1.7680
Dominica K $1.6561 $1.1190 $1.2980 $0.8840 $1.0407 $0.7050
Republic K $1.5107 $1.1078 $1.2757 $0.8728 $1.0295 $0.6938
Ecuador L $2.5066 $1.1526 $2.1037 $0.9176 $1.7009 $0.7274
Egypt H $2.8423 $1.4547 $2.2492 $1.1414 $1.7792 $0.9176
El Salvador N $2.3499 $1.1078 $1.9694 $0.8728 $1.6114 $0.6938
Guinea A $4.1739 $3.5025 $3.8046 $3.1108 $3.5696 $2.8758
Eritrea H $3.4801 $3.4801 $2.6185 $2.6185 $2.0702 $2.0702
Estonia H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Ethiopia H $3.2675 $1.6785 $2.5961 $1.3316 $2.0478 $1.0742
Faeroe Islands C $1.7680 $1.1414 $1.4883 $0.8952 $1.2085 $0.7050
Falkland Islands F $3.8270 $2.9654 $2.8535 $2.3499 $2.2940 $1.9247
Fiji Islands O $4.1515 $1.5554 $3.2899 $1.2421 $2.6297 $0.9847
Finland C $1.9918 $1.2757 $1.6673 $1.0071 $1.3652 $0.7945
France C $1.7009 $1.0519 $1.5218 $0.8728 $1.2645 $0.7050
French Antilles E $1.6561 $1.1078 $1.2980 $0.8728 $1.0407 $0.6938
French Guiana F $2.7304 $1.1526 $2.1485 $0.9176 $1.7121 $0.7274
French Polynesia P $4.0732 $1.5107 $3.2227 $1.2085 $2.5737 $0.9512
Gabon A $2.7192 $1.3988 $2.1485 $1.0966 $1.7009 $0.8840
Gambia A $2.8423 $1.4659 $2.2492 $1.1526 $1.7792 $0.9288
Georgia H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Germany C $1.7680 $1.0854 $1.5554 $0.8952 $1.2533 $0.7050
Ghana A $2.8199 $1.6449 $2.2380 $1.3988 $1.7680 $1.1302
Gibraltar C $2.2716 $1.2869 $1.7904 $1.0183 $1.4323 $0.8057
Greece C $2.2716 $1.2757 $1.7904 $1.0071 $1.4323 $0.7495
Greenland C $2.3275 $1.3092 $1.8240 $1.0295 $1.4659 $0.8169
Grenada K $1.6561 $1.1190 $1.2980 $0.8840 $1.0407 $0.7050
Guadeloupe E $1.6561 $1.1078 $1.2980 $0.8728 $1.0407 $0.6938
Guantanamo Bay K $1.6561 $1.1190 $1.2980 $0.8840 $1.0407 $0.7050
Guatemala N $2.3499 $1.1078 $1.9694 $0.8728 $1.6114 $0.6938
Guinea A $2.8423 $2.3163 $2.2492 $1.8128 $1.7792 $1.4771
Guinea Bissau A $4.3977 $3.6144 $4.0172 $3.2227 $3.7934 $2.9877
Guyana F $3.1332 $1.3428 $2.4730 $1.0742 $1.9694 $0.8504
Haiti K $1.6449 $1.0966 $1.2869 $0.8728 $1.0407 $0.6938
Honduras N $2.5625 $1.0966 $2.0254 $0.8616 $1.6114 $0.6938
Hong Kong P $3.6256 $1.3428 $2.9989 $1.1302 $2.3947 $0.8840
Hungary C $2.3163 $1.2980 $1.8240 $1.0295 $1.4547 $0.8169
Iceland I $2.3275 $1.3092 $1.8240 $1.0295 $1.4659 $0.8169
India S $4.3641 $2.1149 $4.3641 $2.1149 $3.2227 $1.8128
Indonesia M $4.1291 $1.5442 $3.2675 $1.2309 $2.6185 $0.9735
Iran H $3.6256 $1.3204 $2.8535 $1.0407 $2.2940 $0.8281
Iraq H $3.6144 $1.9694 $2.8311 $1.7456 $2.2828 $1.5442
Ireland C $1.6226 $1.0295 $1.4435 $0.8728 $1.2309 $0.7497
Israel D $3.0996 $1.2421 $2.7080 $0.9847 $2.2940 $0.8169
Italy C $1.8687 $1.0295 $1.5330 $0.8393 $1.2757 $0.7050
Ivory Coast A $2.8423 $1.4659 $2.2492 $1.1526 $1.7792 $0.9288
Jamaica K $1.5442 $1.0407 $1.2085 $0.8281 $0.9735 $0.6602
Japan J $3.0437 $1.2309 $2.7863 $1.0854 $2.3835 $0.8840
Jordan D $3.6256 $1.3092 $2.8535 $1.0295 $2.2940 $0.8169
Kazakhstan H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Kenya B $2.8423 $1.4547 $2.2492 $1.1414 $1.7792 $0.9176
Kirghizia H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Kiribati P $4.1291 $2.0254 $3.2675 $1.7345 $2.6185 $1.4211
Republic of J $3.8270 $1.4211 $3.0661 $1.1302 $2.6297 $0.9735
Kuwait B $3.3458 $1.1973 $2.6408 $0.9400 $2.1149 $0.7497
Kyrgyzstan H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Laos P $5.8636 $3.8494 $5.3824 $3.4241 $5.0019 $3.1556
Latvia H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Lebanon G $3.5696 $2.3723 $2.7527 $1.8240 $2.7527 $1.8240
Lesotho B $2.7192 $1.3988 $2.1485 $1.0966 $1.7009 $0.8840
Liberia A $2.8535 $1.4659 $1.7009 $0.8728 $1.7009 $0.8728
Libya A $3.0549 $1.7568 $1.7568 $0.9847 $1.7009 $0.9400
Liechtenstein C $1.9359 $1.0854 $1.6114 $0.8952 $1.2757 $0.7050
Lithuania H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Luxembourg C $2.1709 $1.1861 $1.6897 $0.9512 $1.4323 $0.7945
Macao M $4.3305 $1.6114 $3.4241 $1.2869 $2.7416 $1.0183
Madagascar A $4.3977 $3.4465 $4.0172 $3.0773 $3.7934 $2.8535
Malawi A $2.8423 $1.4547 $2.2492 $1.1414 $1.7792 $0.9176
Malaysia M $4.1515 $1.5442 $3.2899 $1.2309 $2.6297 $0.9735
Maldives Q $4.7222 $2.9206 $3.9725 $2.3051 $3.2227 $1.8352
Mali A $2.8870 $2.4730 $2.5401 $2.1597 $2.2044 $1.9359
Malta C $2.3387 $1.3204 $1.8352 $1.0407 $1.4659 $0.8281
Islands P $4.1515 $1.5554 $3.2899 $1.2421 $2.6297 $0.9847
Mauritania A $3.6479 $2.5066 $3.6368 $2.1932 $3.2899 $1.7456
Mauritius A $3.6256 $2.8311 $2.8535 $2.3835 $2.2940 $1.9359
Mayotte Island A $3.6591 $2.9318 $3.5249 $2.7639 $3.1780 $2.5401
Micronesia P $4.1515 $1.5554 $3.2899 $1.2421 $2.6297 $0.9847
Monaco C $1.7009 $1.0519 $1.5218 $0.8728 $1.2645 $0.7050
Mongolia P $5.5726 $3.7151 $4.9796 $3.3122 $4.5991 $3.0549
Montserrat K $1.6561 $1.1190 $1.2980 $0.8840 $1.0407 $0.7050
Morocco A $2.7192 $1.3988 $2.1485 $1.0966 $1.7009 $0.8840
Mozambique A $3.6256 $2.8311 $3.1892 $2.6520 $2.8535 $2.0925
Myanmar P $7.5309 $7.5309 $6.9266 $6.9266 $6.5462 $6.5462
Nakhodka H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Namibia A $2.2156 $1.1526 $1.7568 $0.8952 $1.3988 $0.7274
Nauru P $3.9948 $2.2604 $3.4801 $2.2044 $3.0549 $1.9694
Nepal S $4.6774 $2.1485 $4.6774 $2.1485 $3.2451 $1.3540
Netherlands C $1.6897 $1.0407 $1.4771 $0.8728 $1.2645 $0.7050
Antilles E $1.5442 $1.0295 $1.2085 $0.8169 $0.9735 $0.6490
Nevis K $1.6561 $1.1190 $1.2980 $0.8840 $1.0407 $0.7050
New Caledonia P $4.1515 $1.5442 $3.2899 $1.2309 $2.7639 $1.0966
New Zealand P $4.0732 $1.5107 $3.2227 $1.2085 $2.5737 $0.9512
Nicaragua N $2.5737 $1.1190 $2.0366 $0.8840 $1.6226 $0.7050
Niger A $2.8423 $2.3163 $2.2492 $1.8128 $1.7792 $1.4771
Nigeria B $2.2156 $1.1526 $1.7568 $0.8952 $1.3988 $0.7274
Niue Island P $5.4719 $3.6479 $4.8788 $3.2451 $4.5096 $2.9989
Norfolk Island P $5.5726 $3.7151 $4.9796 $3.3122 $4.5991 $3.0549
Norway C $1.7680 $1.1414 $1.4883 $0.8952 $1.2085 $0.7050
Oman G $3.6256 $1.3092 $2.8535 $1.0295 $2.2940 $0.8169
Pakistan S $4.6327 $2.1149 $4.6327 $2.1149 $3.2451 $1.3316
Palau P $3.8270 $2.6185 $3.5137 $2.1932 $3.1892 $1.9694
Panama N $2.3387 $1.0966 $1.9583 $0.8616 $1.6002 $0.6938
Papua New Guinea P $4.0732 $1.5107 $3.2227 $1.2085 $2.5737 $0.9512
Paraguay F $2.7080 $1.1526 $2.1373 $0.9176 $1.7456 $0.7497
Peru L $2.5066 $1.1526 $2.1037 $0.9176 $1.7009 $0.7274
Philippines M $3.2451 $1.3988 $3.0101 $1.1973 $2.5178 $0.9288
Poland R $2.3387 $1.3204 $1.7568 $0.9959 $1.6002 $0.8952
Portugal I $2.3387 $1.3092 $1.8352 $1.0295 $1.4659 $0.8169
Qatar B $3.6256 $1.3092 $3.3346 $1.4883 $3.1556 $1.6673
Reunion Island A $3.2675 $2.5849 $2.5961 $2.1821 $2.0478 $1.7680
Romania H $2.8087 $1.5778 $2.2044 $1.2533 $1.7568 $0.9959
Russia H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Rwanda A $3.6256 $2.8311 $2.8535 $2.3835 $2.2940 $1.9359
Sakhalin H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
San Marino C $1.8687 $1.0295 $1.5330 $0.8393 $1.2757 $0.7050
Sao Tome A $4.1739 $3.5025 $3.8046 $3.1108 $3.5696 $2.8758
Saudi Arabia B $3.1892 $1.1526 $2.6408 $0.9400 $2.1149 $0.7497
Senegal A $2.8423 $1.4547 $2.2492 $1.1414 $1.7792 $0.9176
Seychelles A $5.1026 $2.8870 $4.0172 $2.4394 $3.2227 $1.9694
Sierra Leone A $3.2675 $2.1597 $2.5961 $1.7680 $2.0478 $1.3876
Singapore P $3.3122 $1.3428 $2.9318 $1.1302 $2.3835 $0.8840
Solomon Islands P $4.1515 $2.4618 $4.2634 $2.2044 $3.9277 $2.0702
South Africa A $2.2156 $1.1414 $1.7568 $0.8840 $1.3988 $0.7162
Spain C $1.9359 $1.0854 $1.6114 $0.8952 $1.2757 $0.7050
Sri Lanka S $4.6327 $2.1149 $4.6327 $2.1149 $3.2451 $1.3316
St. Helena A $3.8270 $2.9654 $2.8535 $2.3723 $2.2940 $1.9247
St. Kitts K $1.6561 $1.1190 $1.2980 $0.8840 $1.0407 $0.7050
St. Lucia K $1.6561 $1.1190 $1.2980 $0.8840 $1.0407 $0.7050
St. Pierre/
Miquelon K $1.5442 $1.0295 $1.2085 $0.8169 $0.9735 $0.6490
St. Vincent/
Grenadines K $1.6561 $1.1190 $1.2980 $0.8840 $1.0407 $0.7050
Suriname F $3.1332 $1.3428 $2.1485 $0.9288 $1.9694 $0.8504
Swaziland A $2.7192 $1.3988 $2.2044 $1.1414 $1.7009 $0.8840
Sweden C $1.6673 $1.0519 $1.4659 $0.8504 $1.1861 $0.6826
Switzerland C $1.9359 $1.0854 $1.6114 $0.8952 $1.2757 $0.7050
Syria H $3.0773 $2.2492 $2.7751 $2.0366 $2.4842 $1.8240
Taiwan H $3.6927 $1.4995 $3.1108 $1.1861 $2.6185 $0.9735
Tajikistan P $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Tanzania H $2.7192 $1.3876 $2.1485 $1.0854 $1.7009 $0.8728
Thailand M $4.1515 $1.5442 $3.4913 $1.4099 $3.2115 $1.5442
Togo A $2.8423 $1.4659 $2.2492 $1.1526 $1.7792 $0.9288
Tonga Islands O $4.1515 $2.0478 $3.2899 $1.7680 $2.6297 $1.4435
Trinidad/Tobago K $1.6561 $1.1078 $1.2980 $0.8728 $1.0407 $0.6938
Tunisia A $2.8423 $1.4547 $2.2492 $1.1414 $1.7792 $0.9176
Turkey C $2.3387 $1.3092 $1.8352 $1.0295 $1.4659 $0.8169
Turkmenistan H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Islas Turcas y Caicos
Islands E $1.5442 $1.0407 $1.2085 $0.8281 $0.9735 $0.6602
Tuvalu P $5.5726 $3.7151 $4.9796 $3.3122 $4.5991 $3.0549
Uganda H $2.7192 $1.3988 $2.1485 $1.0966 $1.7009 $0.8840
Ukraine H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
United Arab
Emirates G $3.3458 $1.1973 $2.6408 $0.9400 $2.1149 $0.7497
United Kingdom C $1.4323 $0.9400 $1.2533 $0.7721 $1.0742 $0.6490
Uruguay L $2.6297 $1.1190 $2.0590 $0.8840 $1.7009 $0.7274
Uzbekistan H $2.4842 $2.2268 $2.0366 $1.9023 $1.8687 $1.7121
Vanuatu J $5.4719 $3.6479 $4.8788 $3.2451 $4.5096 $2.9989
Vatican City C $1.8687 $1.0295 $1.5330 $0.8393 $1.2757 $0.7050
Venezuela F $2.0813 $0.9623 $1.7456 $0.7609 $1.4211 $0.6043
Vietnam M $3.2115 $2.3947 $2.9877 $2.1709 $2.7751 $1.9471
Wallis & Futuna J $5.5726 $3.7151 $4.9796 $3.3122 $4.5991 $3.0549
Western Samoa P $4.1515 $2.1037 $3.2899 $1.9583 $2.6297 $1.7345
Yemen Arab
Republic G $3.6256 $1.3092 $2.8535 $1.0295 $2.2940 $0.8169
Yugoslavia H $2.3387 $1.3204 $1.8352 $1.0407 $1.4659 $0.8281
Zaire A $2.8423 $1.4659 $2.2492 $1.1526 $1.7792 $0.9288
Zambia A $2.7192 $1.3876 $2.1485 $1.0854 $1.7009 $0.8728
Zimbabwe A $2.7192 $1.3988 $2.1485 $1.0966 $1.7009 $0.8840
(3) Ring The World International Option I Rates - Canada
0 ‑ 18 $0.2322 $0.1548 $0.1562 $0.0957 $0.1158 $0.0752
19 ‑ 80 $0.3332 $0.2785 $0.2187 $0.1808 $0.1684 $0.1397
81 ‑ 140 $0.3938 $0.3610 $0.2604 $0.2340 $0.2000 $0.1827
141 ‑ 220 $0.4442 $0.3713 $0.2812 $0.2446 $0.2210 $0.1935
221 ‑ 345 $0.4645 $0.4642 $0.3124 $0.3084 $0.2420 $0.2364
346 ‑ 630 $0.5156 $0.5156 $0.3436 $0.3403 $0.2736 $0.2687
631 ‑ 1200 $0.5982 $0.5982 $0.3957 $0.3934 $0.3158 $0.3116
1201 ‑ 1610 $0.6498 $0.6498 $0.4374 $0.4254 $0.3368 $0.3331
1611 ‑ 4000 $0.6866 $0.6807 $0.4582 $0.4467 $0.3579 $0.3546
4000 + $0.9592 $0.8766 $0.8851 $0.6946 $0.8808 $0.6448
(4) Ring The World International Option I Rates - Mexico
The following rate schedules apply to all available classes of service for calls between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico. Schedule 1 rates apply to the portion of the call from locations in the Mainland to the point of connection at the international boundary. Schedule 2 rates apply to the portion of the call between the point of connection at the international boundary and the location in Mexico.
0 ‑ 10 $0.2216 $0.0997 $0.1440 $0.0665
11 ‑ 22 $0.2548 $0.1329 $0.1662 $0.0886
23 - 55 $0.3877 $0.1662 $0.2548 $0.1108
56 ‑ 124 $0.4542 $0.1994 $0.2991 $0.1329
125 ‑ 292 $0.5871 $0.2326 $0.3877 $0.1551
293 ‑ 430 $0.6536 $0.2659 $0.4320 $0.1772
431 ‑ 925 $0.6868 $0.2991 $0.4542 $0.1994
926 + $0.7201 $0.3323 $0.4764 $0.2216
1 $0.1772 $0.1108
2 $0.2326 $0.1551
3 $0.4210 $0.2770
4 $0.4985 $0.3323
5 $0.7090 $0.4653
6 $0.9195 $0.6093
7 $1.2297 $0.8309
8 $1.3072 $0.8862
The following time periods are applicable to service to Mexico:
Standard Time = 7AM-7PM, Mon-Fri & 5PM-12AM, Sat-Sun
Economy Time = 7PM-7AM, Mon-Fri & 12AM-5PM, Sat-Sun
(a) Table I
The Mexico portion of Mexico calls will be rated based upon the first three dialed digits following the country code (52). If the call is dialed using area code 905 or 706 the rating will be based upon the three digits following 90 or 70.
Three Dialed Rate Three Dialed Rate Three Dialed Rate
Digits Step Digits Step Digits Step
100-119 7 378 6 670-673 6
120-122 6 379-400 7 674-679 7
123 5 401 6 680-683 6
124-126 6 402-418 7 684 3
127 5 419 6 685 5
128-130 6 420-460 7 686-687 6
131 5 461-468 6 688-740 7
132-139 6 469 6 741-742 8
140-144 4 470 7 743-744 7
145 1 471 6 745-746 8
146-149 5 472-484 6 747 7
150-151 6 485 5 748 8
152-154 5 486-487 6 749-771 7
155 4 488 5 772 6
156 5 489-497 6 773 7
157 4 498 5 774 6
158 4 499 6 776-777 7
159 5 500-608 7 778 6
160 4 609 4 779-781 7
161-166 1 610-619 7 782-785 6
167 4 620 6 786-799 7
168 1 621 4 800-822 4
169 2 622 5 823 2
170-179 5 623 4 824 3
180-189 6 624-630 5 825-826 4
190-231 7 631 1 827 1
232 7 632 3 828 3
233-237 7 633 1 829-837 4
238 7 634-636 3 838 3
239-270 7 637 3 839-860 4
271-272 7 638-639 3 861 3
273-282 7 640-649 5 862 2
283-286 8 650-656 1 863-869 4
287-288 7 657 4 870-894 1
289 8 658-665 1 895-899 2
290-370 7 666 4 900-999 8
371 6 667 3
372-377 7 668-669 1
C) Ring The World International Rates Option III International Points
This schedule applies to calls placed from the Contiguous United States to the country(ries), area(s), or region(s) listed below. Ring The World International Option II calls will be calculated on a per minute basis and the calls will be rounded to the next higher full minute.
(1) Rate Period - The rate periods applicable to a country are defined below and indicated by letter code. These time periods apply seven (7) days per week.
Estándar Descuento Economy
A. (6:00am-11:59pm) (12:00pm-4:59pm) (5:00pm- 5:59am)
B. (7:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am- 6:59am)
C. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 6:59am)
D. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am) (5:00pm-11:59pm)
E. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm-10:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
F. (8:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-7:59am)
G. (8:00am- 2:59pm) (9:00pm- 7:59am) (3:00pm -8:59pm)
H. (1:00pm- 1:59am) (7:00am-12:59pm) (2:00am -6:59am)
I. (1:00pm- 7:59pm) (7:00am-12:59pm) (8:00pm -6:59am)
J. (2:00pm- 7:59pm) (8:00pm- 2:59am) (3:00am- 1:59pm)
K. (4:00pm- 9:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (10:00pm-6:59am)
L. (4:00pm-11:59pm) (7:00am- 3:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
M. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (2:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-4:59pm)
N. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (8:00am- 4:59pm) (11:00pm-7:59am)
O. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (9:00am- 4:59pm) (2:00am -8:59am)
P. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (10:00am-4:59pm) (11:00pm-9:59am)
Q. (6:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am-10:59am) (11:00am-5:59pm)
R. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-6:59am)
S. (6:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 5:59am)
(2) Usage Rates
Rate Standard Discount Economy
Country Period 1st Min Addl Min 1st Min Addl Min 1st Min Addl Min
Afghanistan C $6.8850 $4.5979 $5.9962 $4.0053 $5.4392 $3.6380
Albania C $4.3135 $2.3938 $3.9580 $2.4411 $3.4840 $2.2041
Algeria A $3.0100 $1.5405 $2.3819 $1.2087 $1.8842 $0.9717
Andorra C $1.8013 $1.1140 $1.6116 $0.9243 $1.3391 $0.7466
Angola A $4.6572 $3.8277 $4.2542 $3.4128 $4.0172 $3.1640
Anguilla K $1.6353 $1.1021 $1.2798 $0.8770 $1.0309 $0.6992
Antarctica P $5.9010 $3.9302 $5.2676 $3.5077 $4.8687 $3.2379
Antarctica (Scott Base) P $5.9010 $3.9302 $5.2676 $3.5077 $4.8687 $3.2379
Antigua (Barbuda) K $1.7419 $1.1613 $1.3628 $0.9243 $1.1021 $0.7347
Argentina F $2.6545 $1.2206 $2.2278 $0.9717 $1.8013 $0.7703
Armenia H $2.6308 $2.3582 $2.1568 $2.0145 $1.9790 $1.8131
Aruba K $1.6353 $1.1021 $1.2798 $0.8770 $1.0309 $0.6992
Ascension Island A $3.0100 $1.5524 $2.3819 $1.2206 $1.8842 $0.9836
Australia J $3.2825 $1.3154 $2.9034 $1.1140 $2.0145 $0.9362
Austria C $2.0145 $1.1258 $1.5761 $0.8651 $1.3510 $0.7466
Azerbaijan H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Bahamas E $1.3272 $0.8532 $1.0665 $0.6992 $0.8770 $0.5925
Bahrain G $3.8395 $1.3864 $3.0219 $1.0902 $2.4293 $0.8651
Bangladesh S $4.9179 $2.2515 $4.9179 $2.2515 $3.4128 $1.4220
Barbados K $1.7538 $1.1732 $1.3746 $0.9243 $1.1021 $0.7347
Belarus H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Belgium C $2.0501 $1.1494 $1.7065 $0.9480 $1.3510 $0.7466
Belize N $2.7255 $1.1850 $2.1568 $0.9362 $1.7183 $0.7466
Benin A $3.0100 $1.5524 $2.3819 $1.2206 $1.8842 $0.9836
Bermuda E $1.4102 $0.9362 $1.0902 $0.7347 $0.8770 $0.5925
Bhutan S $5.2022 $3.8750 $5.2022 $3.8750 $4.4202 $3.4959
Bolivia L $2.8915 $1.2206 $2.2753 $0.9717 $1.8131 $0.7703
Bosnia & Herzegovina H $2.4767 $1.3983 $1.9435 $1.1021 $1.5524 $0.8770
Botswana A $3.0100 $1.5524 $2.3819 $1.2206 $1.8842 $0.9836
Brazil F $2.6426 $1.0902 $2.1923 $0.9124 $1.8131 $0.7703
British Virgin Islands E $1.6353 $1.1021 $1.2798 $0.8770 $1.0309 $0.6992
Brunei P $4.7460 $1.8190 $3.4840 $1.3154 $2.7849 $1.0428
Bulgaria H $2.4767 $1.3983 $1.9435 $1.1021 $1.5524 $0.8770
Burkina Faso A $3.5906 $2.7730 $2.9388 $2.3700 $2.3463 $1.9671
Burundi A $4.5387 $3.7683 $4.1357 $3.3536 $3.8987 $3.1048
Cambodia M $4.1950 $3.2233 $3.8514 $2.9863 $3.5432 $2.7255
Cameroon A $2.8796 $1.4813 $2.2753 $1.1613 $1.8013 $0.9362
Cape Verde Islands A $2.9863 $2.4175 $2.3582 $1.8960 $1.8723 $1.5405
Cayman Islands E $1.7419 $1.1613 $1.3628 $0.9243 $1.1021 $0.7347
Central African
Republic A $4.4202 $3.7091 $4.0291 $3.2943 $3.7802 $3.0455
Chad A $4.6572 $3.8277 $4.2542 $3.4128 $4.0172 $3.1640
Chile F $2.5004 $1.1613 $2.1212 $0.9006 $1.8013 $0.7703
China M $6.2096 $1.6472 $4.8942 $1.3154 $3.9224 $1.0428
Christmas Island P $5.9010 $3.9302 $5.2676 $3.5077 $4.8687 $3.2379
Cocos Islands P $5.9010 $3.9302 $5.2676 $3.5077 $4.8687 $3.2379
Colombia L $2.6545 $1.2206 $2.2278 $0.9717 $1.8013 $0.7703
Comorros A $4.0884 $3.2706 $3.7329 $2.9270 $3.3655 $2.6900
Congo A $3.7210 $2.9626 $3.4721 $2.6545 $2.8915 $2.1923
Cook Island P $5.4392 $3.6498 $5.0245 $3.6144 $4.7875 $3.0219
Costa Rica N $2.4056 $1.1258 $2.0145 $0.9006 $1.7065 $0.7347
Croatia H $2.4767 $1.3983 $1.9435 $1.1021 $1.5524 $0.8770
Cuba K $1.6828 $1.6828 $1.3391 $1.3391 $1.3391 $1.3391
Cyprus C $2.4767 $1.3864 $1.9435 $1.0902 $1.5524 $0.8651
Czech Republic R $2.4648 $1.3864 $1.8486 $1.0428 $1.6946 $0.9362
Denmark C $1.8723 $1.2087 $1.5761 $0.9480 $1.2798 $0.7466
Diego Garcia S $4.2468 $2.6279 $4.2468 $2.6279 $3.2144 $1.9709
Djibouti A $3.4603 $2.7374 $2.7493 $2.3108 $2.1686 $1.8723
Dominica K $1.7538 $1.1850 $1.3746 $0.9362 $1.1021 $0.7466
Dominican Republic K $1.5998 $1.1732 $1.3510 $0.9243 $1.0902 $0.7347
Ecuador L $2.6545 $1.2206 $2.2278 $0.9717 $1.8013 $0.7703
Egypt H $3.0100 $1.5405 $2.3819 $1.2087 $1.8842 $0.9717
El Salvador N $2.4885 $1.1732 $2.0856 $0.9243 $1.7065 $0.7347
Equatorial Guinea A $4.4202 $3.7091 $4.0291 $3.2943 $3.7802 $3.0455
Eritrea H $3.6854 $3.6854 $2.7730 $2.7730 $2.1923 $2.1923
Estonia H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Ethiopia H $3.4603 $1.7775 $2.7493 $1.4102 $2.1686 $1.1376
Faeroe Islands C $1.8723 $1.2087 $1.5761 $0.9480 $1.2798 $0.7466
Falkland Islands F $4.0528 $3.1404 $3.0219 $2.4885 $2.4293 $2.0383
Fiji Islands O $4.3964 $1.6472 $3.4840 $1.3154 $2.7849 $1.0428
Finland C $2.1093 $1.3510 $1.7657 $1.0665 $1.4457 $0.8414
France C $1.8013 $1.1140 $1.6116 $0.9243 $1.3391 $0.7466
French Antilles E $1.7538 $1.1732 $1.3746 $0.9243 $1.1021 $0.7347
French Guiana F $2.8915 $1.2206 $2.2753 $0.9717 $1.8131 $0.7703
French Polynesia P $4.3135 $1.5998 $3.4128 $1.2798 $2.7255 $1.0073
Gabon A $2.8796 $1.4813 $2.2753 $1.1613 $1.8013 $0.9362
Gambia A $3.0100 $1.5524 $2.3819 $1.2206 $1.8842 $0.9836
Georgia H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Germany C $1.8723 $1.1494 $1.6472 $0.9480 $1.3272 $0.7466
Ghana A $2.9863 $1.7419 $2.3700 $1.4813 $1.8723 $1.1969
Gibraltar C $2.4056 $1.3628 $1.8960 $1.0784 $1.5168 $0.8532
Greece C $2.4056 $1.3510 $1.8960 $1.0665 $1.5168 $0.8414
Greenland C $2.4648 $1.3864 $1.9316 $1.0902 $1.5524 $0.8651
Grenada K $1.7538 $1.1850 $1.3746 $0.9362 $1.1021 $0.7466
Guadeloupe E $1.7538 $1.1732 $1.3746 $0.9243 $1.1021 $0.7347
Guantanamo Bay K $1.7538 $1.1850 $1.3746 $0.9362 $1.1021 $0.7466
Guatemala N $2.4885 $1.1732 $2.0856 $0.9243 $1.7065 $0.7347
Guinea A $3.0100 $2.4530 $2.3819 $1.9198 $1.8842 $1.5643
Guinea Bissau A $4.6572 $3.8277 $4.2542 $3.4128 $4.0172 $3.1640
Guyana F $3.3181 $1.4220 $2.6189 $1.1376 $2.0856 $0.9006
Haiti K $1.7419 $1.1613 $1.3628 $0.9243 $1.1021 $0.7347
Honduras N $2.7137 $1.1613 $2.1449 $0.9124 $1.7065 $0.7347
Hong Kong P $3.8395 $1.4220 $3.1758 $1.1969 $2.5360 $0.9362
Hungary C $2.4530 $1.3746 $1.9316 $1.0902 $1.5405 $0.8651
Iceland I $2.4648 $1.3864 $1.9316 $1.0902 $1.5524 $0.8651
India S $4.6216 $2.2397 $4.6216 $2.2397 $3.4128 $1.9198
Indonesia M $4.3727 $1.6353 $3.4603 $1.3035 $2.7730 $1.0309
Iran H $3.8395 $1.3983 $3.0219 $1.1021 $2.4293 $0.8770
Iraq H $3.8277 $2.0856 $2.9981 $1.8486 $2.4175 $1.6353
Ireland C $1.7183 $1.0902 $1.5287 $0.9243 $1.3035 $0.7939
Israel D $3.2825 $1.3154 $2.8678 $1.0428 $2.4293 $0.8651
Italy C $1.9790 $1.0902 $1.6234 $0.8888 $1.3510 $0.7466
Ivory Coast A $3.0100 $1.5524 $2.3819 $1.2206 $1.8842 $0.9836
Jamaica K $1.6353 $1.1021 $1.2798 $0.8770 $1.0309 $0.6992
Japan J $3.2233 $1.3035 $2.9507 $1.1494 $2.5241 $0.9362
Jordan D $3.8395 $1.3864 $3.0219 $1.0902 $2.4293 $0.8651
Kazakhstan H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Kenya B $3.0100 $1.5405 $2.3819 $1.2087 $1.8842 $0.9717
Kiribati P $4.3727 $2.1449 $3.4603 $1.8368 $2.7730 $1.5049
Korea, Republic of J $4.0528 $1.5049 $3.2470 $1.1969 $2.7849 $1.0309
Kuwait B $3.5432 $1.2679 $2.7966 $0.9955 $2.2397 $0.7939
Kyrgyzstan H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Laos P $6.2096 $4.0765 $5.7000 $3.6261 $5.2970 $3.3418
Latvia H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Lebanon G $3.7776 $2.5106 $2.9095 $1.9358 $2.9095 $1.9358
Lesotho B $2.8796 $1.4813 $227533 $1.1613 $1.8013 $0.9362
Liberia A $3.0268 $1.5486 $1.8067 $0.9268 $1.8067 $0.9268
Libya A $3.2351 $1.8604 $1.8545 $1.0369 $1.8067 $0.9971
Liechtenstein C $2.0501 $1.1494 $1.7065 $0.9480 $1.3510 $0.7466
Lithuania H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Luxembourg C $2.2990 $1.2561 $1.7894 $1.0073 $1.5168 $0.8414
Macao M $4.5860 $1.7065 $3.6261 $1.3628 $2.9034 $1.0784
Macedonia H $2.4767 $1.3983 $1.9435 $1.1021 $1.5524 $0.8770
Madagascar A $4.6572 $3.6498 $4.2542 $3.2589 $4.0172 $3.0219
Malawi A $3.0100 $1.5405 $2.3819 $1.2087 $1.8842 $0.9717
Malaysia M $4.3964 $1.6353 $3.4840 $1.3035 $2.7849 $1.0309
Maldives Q $5.0008 $3.0929 $4.2069 $2.4411 $3.4128 $1.9435
Mali A $3.0573 $2.6189 $2.6900 $2.2871 $2.3345 $2.0501
Malta C $2.4767 $1.3983 $1.9435 $1.1021 $1.5524 $0.8770
Marshall Islands P $4.3964 $1.6472 $3.4840 $1.3154 $2.7849 $1.0428
Mauritania A $3.8631 $2.6545 $3.8514 $2.3226 $3.4840 $1.8486
Mauritius A $3.8395 $2.9981 $3.0219 $2.5241 $2.4293 $2.0501
Mayotte Island A $3.8750 $3.1048 $3.7329 $2.9270 $3.3655 $2.6900
Micronesia P $4.3964 $1.6472 $3.4840 $1.3154 $2.7849 $1.0428
Moldova H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Monaco C $1.8013 $1.1140 $1.6116 $0.9243 $1.3391 $0.7466
Mongolia P $5.9010 $3.9302 $5.2676 $3.5077 $4.8687 $3.2379
Montserrat K $1.7538 $1.1850 $1.3746 $0.9362 $1.1021 $0.7466
Morocco A $2.8796 $1.4813 $2.2753 $1.1613 $1.8013 $0.9362
Mozambique A $3.8395 $2.9981 $3.3774 $2.8085 $3.0219 $2.2160
Myanmar P $7.9752 $7.9752 $7.3353 $7.3353 $6.9324 $6.9324
Nakhodka H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Namibia A $2.3463 $1.2206 $1.8604 $0.9480 $1.4813 $0.7703
Nauru P $4.2305 $2.3938 $3.6854 $2.3345 $3.2351 $2.0856
Nepal S $4.9534 $2.2753 $4.9534 $2.2753 $3.4366 $1.4339
Netherlands C $1.7894 $1.1021 $1.5643 $0.9243 $1.3391 $0.7466
Netherlands Antilles E $1.6353 $1.0902 $1.2798 $0.8651 $1.0309 $0.6873
Nevis K $1.7538 $1.1850 $1.3746 $0.9362 $1.1021 $0.7466
New Caledonia P $4.3964 $1.6353 $3.4840 $1.3035 $2.9270 $1.1613
New Zealand P $4.3135 $1.5998 $3.4128 $1.2798 $2.7255 $1.0073
Nicaragua N $2.7255 $1.1850 $2.1568 $0.9362 $1.7183 $0.7466
Niger A $3.0100 $2.4530 $2.3819 $1.9198 $1.8842 $1.5643
Nigeria B $2.3463 $1.2206 $1.8604 $0.9480 $1.4813 $0.7703
Niue Island P $5.7954 $3.8598 $5.1619 $3.4373 $4.7748 $3.1793
Norfolk Island P $5.9010 $3.9302 $5.2676 $3.5077 $4.8687 $3.2379
Norway C $1.8723 $1.2087 $1.5761 $0.9480 $1.2798 $0.7466
Oman G $3.8395 $1.3864 $3.0219 $1.0902 $2.4293 $0.8651
Pakistan S $4.9060 $2.2397 $4.9060 $2.2397 $3.4366 $1.4102
Palau P $4.0528 $2.7730 $3.7210 $2.3226 $3.3774 $2.0856
Panama N $2.4767 $1.1613 $2.0738 $0.9124 $1.6946 $0.7347
Papua New Guinea P $4.3135 $1.5998 $3.4128 $1.2798 $2.7255 $1.0073
Paraguay F $2.8678 $1.2206 $2.2634 $0.9717 $1.8486 $0.7939
Peru L $2.6545 $1.2206 $2.2278 $0.9717 $1.8013 $0.7703
Philippines M $3.4366 $1.4813 $3.1877 $1.2679 $2.6664 $0.9836
Poland R $2.4767 $1.3983 $1.8604 $1.0547 $1.6946 $0.9480
Portugal I $2.4767 $1.3864 $1.9435 $1.0902 $1.5524 $0.8651
Qatar B $3.8395 $1.3864 $3.5313 $1.5761 $3.3418 $1.7657
Reunion Island A $3.4603 $2.7374 $2.7493 $2.3108 $2.1686 $1.8723
Romania H $2.9744 $1.6709 $2.3345 $1.3272 $1.8604 $1.0547
Russia H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Rwanda A $3.8395 $2.9981 $3.0219 $2.5241 $2.4293 $2.0501
Sakhalin H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
San Marino C $1.9790 $1.0902 $1.6234 $0.8888 $1.3510 $0.7466
Sao Tome A $4.4202 $3.7091 $4.0291 $3.2943 $3.7802 $3.0455
Saudi Arabia B $3.3774 $1.2206 $2.7966 $0.9955 $2.2397 $0.7939
Senegal A $3.0100 $1.5405 $2.3819 $1.2087 $1.8842 $0.9717
Seychelles A $5.4037 $3.0573 $4.2542 $2.5833 $3.4128 $2.0856
Sierra Leone A $3.4603 $2.2871 $2.7493 $1.8723 $2.1686 $1.4695
Singapore P $3.5076 $1.4220 $3.1048 $1.1969 $2.5241 $0.9362
Slovakia R $2.4648 $1.3864 $1.8486 $1.0428 $1.6946 $0.9362
Slovenia H $2.4767 $1.3983 $1.9435 $1.1021 $1.5524 $0.8770
Solomon Islands P $4.3964 $2.6070 $4.5149 $2.3345 $4.1594 $2.1923
South Africa A $2.3463 $1.2087 $1.8604 $0.9362 $1.4813 $0.7585
Spain C $2.0501 $1.1494 $1.7065 $0.9480 $1.3510 $0.7466
Sri Lanka S $4.9060 $2.2397 $4.9060 $2.2397 $3.4366 $1.4102
St. Helena A $4.0528 $3.1404 $3.0219 $2.5123 $2.4293 $2.0383
St. Kitts K $1.7538 $1.1850 $1.3746 $0.9362 $1.1021 $0.7466
St. Lucia K $1.7538 $1.1850 $1.3746 $0.9362 $1.1021 $0.7466
St. Pierre/Miquelon K $1.6353 $1.0902 $1.2798 $0.8651 $1.0309 $0.6873
St. Vincent/Grenadines K $1.7358 $1.1850 $1.3746 $0.9362 $1.1021 $0.7466
Suriname F $3.3181 $1.4220 $2.2753 $0.9836 $2.0856 $0.9006
Swaziland A $2.8796 $1.4813 $2.3285 $1.2028 $1.8013 $0.9362
Sweden C $1.7657 $1.1140 $1.5524 $0.9006 $1.2561 $0.7229
Switzerland C $2.0501 $1.1494 $1.7065 $0.9480 $1.3510 $0.7466
Syria H $3.2589 $2.3819 $2.9388 $2.1568 $2.6308 $1.9316
Taiwan H $3.9106 $1.5880 $3.2943 $1.2561 $2.7730 $1.0309
Tajikistan P $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Tanzania H $2.8796 $1.4695 $2.2753 $1.1494 $1.8013 $0.9243
Thailand M $4.3964 $1.6353 $3.6973 $1.4931 $3.4010 $1.6353
Togo A $3.0100 $1.5524 $2.3819 $1.2206 $1.8842 $0.9836
Tonga Islands O $4.3964 $2.1686 $3.4840 $1.8723 $2.7849 $1.5287
Trinidad/Tobago K $1.7538 $1.1732 $1.3746 $0.9243 $1.1021 $0.7347
Tunisia A $3.0100 $1.5405 $2.3819 $1.2087 $1.8842 $0.9717
Turkey C $2.4767 $1.3864 $1.9435 $1.0902 $1.5524 $0.8651
Turkmenistan H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Islas Turcas y Caicos
Islands E $1.6353 $1.1021 $1.2798 $0.8770 $1.0309 $0.6992
Tuvalu P $5.9010 $3.9302 $5.2676 $3.5077 $4.8687 $3.2379
Uganda H $2.8796 $1.4813 $2.2753 $1.1613 $1.8013 $0.9362
Ukraine H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
United Arab Emirates G $3.5432 $1.2679 $2.7966 $0.9955 $2.2397 $0.7939
United Kingdom C $1.5168 $0.9955 $1.3272 $0.8177 $1.1376 $0.6873
Uruguay L $2.7849 $1.1850 $2.1805 $0.9362 $1.8013 $0.7703
Uzbekistan H $2.6279 $2.3581 $2.1587 $2.0179 $1.9826 $1.8184
Vanuatu J $5.7954 $3.8598 $5.1619 $3.4373 $4.7748 $3.1793
Vatican City C $1.9790 $1.0902 $1.6234 $0.8888 $1.3510 $0.7466
Venezuela F $2.2041 $1.0191 $1.8486 $0.8058 $1.5049 $0.6400
Vietnam M $3.4022 $2.5341 $3.1676 $2.2994 $2.9329 $2.0648
Wallis & Futuna J $5.9010 $3.9302 $5.2676 $3.5077 $4.8687 $3.2379
Western Samoa P $4.3964 $2.2278 $3.4840 $2.0738 $2.7849 $1.8368
Yemen Arab Republic G $3.8395 $1.3864 $3.0219 $1.0902 $2.4293 $0.8651
Yugoslavia H $2.4767 $1.3983 $1.9435 $1.1021 $1.5524 $0.8770
Zaire A $3.0100 $1.5524 $2.3819 $1.2206 $1.8842 $0.9836
Zambia A $2.8796 $1.4695 $2.2753 $1.1494 $1.8013 $0.9243
Zimbabwe A $2.8796 $1.4813 $2.2753 $1.1613 $1.8013 $0.9362
(3) Ring The World International Option II Rates - Canada
0 ‑ 18 $0.2460 $0.1638 $0.1654 $0.1014 $0.1226 $0.0797
19 ‑ 80 $0.3528 $0.2950 $0.2316 $0.1915 $0.1784 $0.1479
81 ‑ 140 $0.4171 $0.3823 $0.2757 $0.2477 $0.2117 $0.1935
141 ‑ 220 $0.4491 $0.3932 $0.2978 $0.2590 $0.2341 $0.2049
221 ‑ 345 $0.4918 $0.4916 $0.3309 $0.3266 $0.2564 $0.2503
346 ‑ 630 $0.5461 $0.5461 $0.3639 $0.3604 $0.2898 $0.2844
631 ‑ 1200 $0.6335 $0.6335 $0.4191 $0.4167 $0.3344 $0.3300
1201 ‑ 1610 $0.6881 $0.6882 $0.4632 $0.4505 $0.3566 $0.3528
1611 ‑ 4000 $0.7271 $0.7209 $0.4852 $0.4730 $0.3789 $0.3755
4000 + $1.0158 $0.9283 $0.9374 $0.7356 $0.9327 $0.6828
(4) Ring The World International Option II Rates - Mexico
The following rate schedules apply to all available classes of service for calls between the U.S. Mainland and Mexico. Schedule 1 rates apply to the portion of the call from locations in the Mainland to the point of connection at the international boundary. Schedule 2 rates apply to the portion of the call between the point of connection at the international boundary and the location in Mexico.
0 ‑ 10 $0.2347 $0.1056 $0.1525 $0.0704
11 ‑ 22 $0.2698 $0.1408 $0.1760 $0.0939
23 ‑ 55 $0.4106 $0.1760 $0.2698 $0.1173
56 ‑ 124 $0.4809 $0.2112 $0.3168 $0.1408
125 ‑ 292 $0.6218 $0.2464 $0.4106 $0.1643
293 ‑ 430 $0.6922 $0.2815 $0.4576 $0.1877
431 ‑ 925 $0.7274 $0.3168 $0.4809 $0.2112
926 + $0.7626 $0.3519 $0.5044 $0.2347
1 $0.1877 $0.1173
2 $0.2464 $0.1643
3 $0.4458 $0.2933
4 $0.5279 $0.3519
5 $0.7508 $0.4927
6 $0.9738 $0.6452
7 $1.3022 $0.8799
8 $1.3843 $0.9385
The following time periods are applicable to service to Mexico:
Standard Time = 7AM-7PM, Mon-Fri & 5PM-12AM, Sat-Sun
Economy Time = 7PM-7AM, Mon-Fri & 12AM-5PM, Sat-Sun
4.3.5 International Casual Calling Service
International Casual Calling Service allows casual calling Customers (10XXX calling) to use the Company's services to terminate calls at points in the countries listed in Section 4.3.1 under the service Full Minute Switched International. Rates are country specific and apply seven (7) days a week, unless otherwise indicated, and with the exception of Canada and Mexico, where rates are distance and time-of-day sensitive. Rates applicable on holidays are the same as those applicable for all other days of the year. The rates are grouped into three service categories: Standard, Discount and Economy and relate to the time of day the call is placed. A per call surcharge of $3.50 will apply to all calls placed by 10XXX calling in addition to the rates as filed in Section 4.3.1.
International Casual Calling Service calls are billed in sixty (60) second initial period increments and are rounded to the next higher sixty (60) second increment. The additional period is the rate element used to bill chargeable time when a call continues beyond the initial period. Additional period rates apply to each additional sixty (60) seconds, or fraction thereof, that chargeable time continues beyond the initial period.
4.3.8 WorldMark International Service
WorldMark International Service is an international Service offered
in conjunction with WorldMark interstate service as filed in MCI
WORLDCOM Communications Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 6. WorldMark Service is no longer available to new Customers as of April 1, 1998.
A) Service Description
WorldMark Service offers a unified service for single or multi-location Customers using switched, dedicated, and WorldMark calling card origination (pending service availability) and switched or dedicated 800 termination. The WorldMark International package includes the availability of switched and dedicated access termination and a non time-of-day sensitive calling card, as well as, offering the most comprehensive performance guarantees available. WorldMark offers a cross-contributory product discount on outbound international service (excluding Mexico) based on combined usage of multiple WorldMark Service products. WorldMark Service offers an additional discount for Customers willing to sign a term commitment.
In addition, WorldMark International Service offers flat base and term rates for both switched and dedicated service, regardless of time period, with the exception of Mexico, and eight (8) regional calling plans with discounted rates to specific groups of countries. The Customer has the choice of multiple WorldMark regions if they meet a minimum monthly commitment as described following. All other countries will be billed at the rates as filed in Section C. All international calling card calls originating in the U.S. will incur a surcharge of $2.50 per call.
B) WorldMark International Service Guarantees
The following is a list of guarantees for WorldMark International Service that will be applied to Customer's account upon request to compensate the Customer when stated performance levels are not met.
The Customer's right to receive the WorldMark International Guarantees as set forth will depend upon the Company's receipt of Customer's full payment of each months' invoice. In the event the Customer's account becomes past due, the Company reserves the right to void all rights to WorldMark's Service Satisfaction Guarantees and Service Restoration Guarantees as defined herein.
(1) Service Quality Guarantee The Company guarantees the quality and call clarity of WorldMark International
Customer Compensation - Customers may contact the WorldMark Customer Support Center to report poor transmission quality on an international call and immediately receive either a one (1) minute usage credit for the comprised international call or a $2.65 credit. The Customer must report the service problem within twenty-four (24) hours of its occurrence. Limited to a maximum of one (1) credit per call and no more that $100.00 may be credited to any one (1) account during a twelve (12) month period.
(2) Service Satisfaction Guarantee - The Company will pay the installation charge to return the Customer to their previous carrier and circuit configuration if they are not satisfied after one hundred twenty (120) days with our service. Reimbursement will be limited to the levels of service in the previous configuration.
(3) Service Restoration Guarantee - The Company guarantees it will restore international one-plus service interruptions within two (2) hours from when the Customer initiates the trouble call.
Customer Compensation - At the Customer's request, the Company will issue a credit of up to $100.00 for a WorldMark International Service interruption. Guarantee only applies to service-affecting outages which occur on the Company network and does not provide reimbursement to the Customer for network outages on the foreign portion of the network or the local exchange carrier's network. The Customer is limited to one (1) International Service Restoration Credit per twelve (12) month period.
C) Usage Charges
(1) WorldMark - Mexico
(a) Rate Periods
Peak: 7:00 A.M. to 6:59 P.M., Mon-Fri; 5:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Sun
Off-Peak: 7:00 P.M. to 6:59 A.M., Mon-Fri; All Day, Sat; 12:00 A.M. to 4:59 P.M., Sun
(b) Usage Rates
The following per minute rates apply to all calls which originate in the United States Mainland and terminate in any Mexico location. Rates are determined according to where the calls terminates in Mexico. The rate step number corresponds to the specific rate to be applied to the entire call depending on where the call terminates in Mexico. Refer to the reference chart appearing in Section 4.3.1.B(2)(b)3 to determine the appropriate rate step for a particular call.
Origination Type/Service Type/Rate Period |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Base Rates . |
Term Rates . |
Base Rates . |
Term Rates . |
Rate Step |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
1 |
$0.8750 |
$0.6614 |
$0.8483 |
$0.6350 |
$0.8217 |
$0.6350 |
$0.7950 |
$0.6080 |
2 |
0.9819 |
0.7683 |
0.9287 |
0.7417 |
0.9287 |
0.7153 |
0.8750 |
0.6880 |
3 |
1.3552 |
1.0086 |
1.3023 |
0.9552 |
1.3023 |
0.9552 |
1.2487 |
0.9018 |
4 |
1.5153 |
1.0884 |
1.4352 |
1.0349 |
1.4087 |
1.0618 |
1.3552 |
1.0086 |
5 |
1.9154 |
1.3552 |
1.8354 |
1.3023 |
1.8089 |
1.3023 |
1.7288 |
1.2487 |
6 |
2.3694 |
1.6220 |
2.2626 |
1.5417 |
2.2626 |
1.5955 |
2.1558 |
1.5153 |
7 |
2.9296 |
2.0223 |
2.7963 |
1.9154 |
2.7963 |
1.9957 |
2.6625 |
1.8890 |
8 |
3.1164 |
2.1022 |
2.9563 |
1.9957 |
3.0367 |
2.0223 |
2.8760 |
1.9154 |
(2) WorldMark International Regional Calling Options The Customer may choose any of the following regional calling options in connection with WorldMark International Service. All remaining countries outside of the Customers chosen option will be priced according to the international rate schedule in (3) following.
País |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Brasil |
$1.5478 |
$1.4675 |
Canadá |
0.5339 |
0.4535 |
Francia |
0.8007 |
0.7206 |
Alemania |
0.8275 |
0.7472 |
Italia |
1.3076 |
1.2274 |
Japón |
0.9607 |
0.8808 |
Reino Unido |
0.6406 |
0.5603 |
Venezuela |
1.3076 |
1.2274 |
País |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Bahamas |
$0.8007 |
$0.7206 |
Costa Rica |
1.5209 |
1.4405 |
Cuba |
2.0280 |
1.9482 |
República Dominicana |
1.2541 |
1.1744 |
El Salvador |
1.5744 |
1.4944 |
Guatemala |
1.4675 |
1.3878 |
Haití |
1.4944 |
1.4141 |
Honduras |
1.6547 |
1.5744 |
Jamaica |
1.6012 |
1.5209 |
Nicaragua |
1.7078 |
1.6276 |
Panamá |
1.6012 |
1.5209 |
Trinidad y Tobago |
1.6547 |
1.5744 |
País |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Bielorrusia |
$2.2683 |
$2.1881 |
Bulgaria |
1.6276 |
1.5478 |
República Checa |
1.9482 |
1.8678 |
Estonia |
2.3751 |
2.2946 |
Grecia |
1.6012 |
1.5209 |
Hungría |
1.5209 |
1.4405 |
Kazajistán |
2.2683 |
2.1881 |
Letonia |
2.3751 |
2.2946 |
Polonia |
1.4405 |
1.3608 |
Rumania |
2.0547 |
1.9749 |
Rusia |
2.2683 |
2.1881 |
Eslovaquia |
1.9482 |
1.8678 |
Ucrania |
2.2683 |
2.1881 |
País |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Bélgica |
$1.2810 |
$1.2012 |
Dinamarca |
1.2012 |
1.1211 |
Francia |
0.8007 |
0.7206 |
Alemania |
0.8275 |
0.7472 |
Irlanda |
1.2012 |
1.1211 |
Italia |
1.3076 |
1.2274 |
Luxemburgo |
1.2541 |
1.1744 |
Holanda |
0.8540 |
0.7739 |
Noruega |
0.8007 |
0.7206 |
Portugal |
1.6276 |
1.5478 |
España |
1.5744 |
1.4944 |
Suecia |
0.7472 |
0.6672 |
Suiza |
0.8540 |
0.7739 |
Reino Unido |
0.6406 |
0.5603 |
País |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Bangladesh |
$2.9084 |
$2.8285 |
Egipto |
1.8945 |
1.8143 |
India |
2.0815 |
2.0011 |
Israel |
2.2683 |
2.1881 |
Lebanon |
2.1349 |
2.0547 |
Pakistán |
2.6952 |
2.6150 |
Arabia Saudita |
2.0280 |
1.9482 |
Túnez |
2.0011 |
1.9211 |
Turquía |
1.7879 |
1.7078 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
1.7610 |
1.6813 |
País |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Australia |
$0.9338 |
$0.8540 |
China |
2.8552 |
2.7749 |
Hong Kong |
1.0943 |
1.0141 |
India |
2.0815 |
2.0011 |
Indonesia |
1.9749 |
1.8945 |
Japón |
0.9607 |
0.8808 |
República de Corea |
1.5478 |
1.4675 |
Malasia |
1.4944 |
1.4141 |
Filipinas |
1.7343 |
1.6547 |
Singapur |
1.0406 |
0.9607 |
Taiwán |
1.2274 |
1.1476 |
Tailandia |
1.7879 |
1.7078 |
Vietnam |
2.6683 |
2.5884 |
País |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Argentina |
$1.7343 |
$1.6547 |
Bolivia |
1.8412 |
1.7610 |
Brasil |
1.5478 |
1.4675 |
Chile |
1.3608 |
1.2810 |
Colombia |
1.7343 |
1.6547 |
Ecuador |
1.6547 |
1.5744 |
Paraguay |
2.1079 |
2.0280 |
Perú |
1.6547 |
1.5744 |
Uruguay |
2.0547 |
1.9749 |
Venezuela |
1.3076 |
1.2274 |
País |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Canadá |
$0.5339 |
$0.4535 |
Japón |
$0.9607 |
$0.8808 |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Rate Step |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
1 |
$0.8483 |
$0.7417 |
$0.7364 |
$0.6349 |
2 |
0.9287 |
0.7950 |
0.8129 |
0.6859 |
3 |
1.1685 |
0.9552 |
1.0417 |
0.8381 |
4 |
1.2487 |
1.0086 |
1.1177 |
0.8893 |
5 |
1.3821 |
1.0884 |
1.2450 |
0.9656 |
6 |
1.5153 |
1.1955 |
1.3716 |
1.0671 |
7 |
1.8890 |
1.4087 |
1.7274 |
1.2701 |
8 |
1.9957 |
1.5153 |
1.8288 |
1.3716 |
Peak: 7:00 AM - 6:59 PM (Mon. - Fri.)
5:00 PM - 11:59 PM (Sun.)
Off-Peak: 7:00 PM - 6:59 AM (Mon. - Fri.)
All Day (Sat.) 12:00 AM - 4:59 PM (Sun.)
Billing Increments: 30 Sec. Min./6 Sec. additional
WorldMark International Customers who are willing to commit to specific dollar amounts may choose multiple regions from (a)-(h) above in accord with the following:
Monthly Commitment Number of WorldMark Multiple Regions
$50,000 2
$75,000 3
(3) WorldMark International Rates (excluding Mexico)
Origination Type/Service Type/Per-Minute Rate |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Base Rates |
Term Rates |
Bases Rates |
Term Rates |
Afganistán |
$3.7892 |
$3.6025 |
$3.6824 |
$3.4958 |
Albania |
4.3762 |
4.1625 |
4.2428 |
4.2963 |
Algeria |
3.3355 |
3.1754 |
3.2289 |
3.0690 |
Andorra |
1.4944 |
1.4141 |
1.4405 |
1.3608 |
Angola |
5.2035 |
4.9364 |
5.0435 |
4.8034 |
Anguilla |
2.5351 |
2.4017 |
2.4552 |
2.3214 |
Antarctica (Casey Base) |
4.5363 |
4.3231 |
4.4030 |
4.1894 |
Antarctica (Scott Base) |
4.5363 |
4.3231 |
4.4030 |
4.1894 |
Antigua |
2.4282 |
2.2946 |
2.3482 |
2.2414 |
Argentina |
2.3751 |
2.2683 |
2.2946 |
2.1881 |
Armenia |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Aruba |
2.0280 |
1.9211 |
1.9749 |
1.8678 |
Ascension Islands |
5.3101 |
5.0435 |
5.1500 |
4.8832 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
1.6012 |
1.5209 |
1.5478 |
1.4675 |
Austria |
2.2683 |
2.1614 |
2.1881 |
2.0815 |
Azerbaiyán |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Bahamas |
1.1744 |
1.1211 |
1.1476 |
1.0943 |
Bahréin |
3.2022 |
3.0422 |
3.0952 |
2.9356 |
Bangladesh |
4.5098 |
4.2963 |
4.3762 |
4.1625 |
Barbados |
2.2414 |
2.1349 |
2.1614 |
2.0547 |
Bielorrusia |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Bélgica |
2.0815 |
1.9749 |
2.0280 |
1.9211 |
Belice |
2.7220 |
2.5884 |
2.6418 |
2.5085 |
Benín |
3.2559 |
3.0952 |
3.1489 |
2.9887 |
Bermudas |
1.9211 |
1.8143 |
1.8678 |
1.7879 |
Bután |
8.0057 |
7.6050 |
7.7649 |
7.3646 |
Bolivia |
3.1754 |
3.0153 |
3.0690 |
2.9084 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
4.0025 |
3.8164 |
3.8957 |
3.7094 |
Botsuana |
2.9084 |
2.7749 |
2.8285 |
2.6952 |
Brasil |
2.2150 |
2.1079 |
2.1614 |
2.0547 |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
2.2683 |
2.1614 |
2.1881 |
2.0815 |
Brunéi |
4.4831 |
4.2695 |
4.3494 |
4.1363 |
Bulgaria |
2.7487 |
2.6150 |
2.6683 |
2.5351 |
Burkina Faso |
2.3751 |
2.2683 |
2.2946 |
2.1881 |
Burundi |
9.9799 |
9.4728 |
9.6865 |
9.2061 |
Camboya |
6.2176 |
5.8975 |
6.0308 |
5.7373 |
Camerún |
4.0294 |
3.8164 |
3.8957 |
3.7094 |
Canadá |
0.5918 |
0.5624 |
0.5639 |
0.5359 |
Isla de Cabo Verde |
4.6964 |
4.4562 |
4.5631 |
4.3231 |
Islas Caimán |
2.0280 |
1.9211 |
1.9749 |
1.8678 |
República Centroafricana |
9.0192 |
8.5924 |
8.7525 |
8.3253 |
Chad |
7.5784 |
7.2044 |
7.3385 |
6.9643 |
Chile |
2.0815 |
1.9749 |
2.0280 |
1.9211 |
China |
3.9495 |
3.7625 |
3.8427 |
3.6557 |
Isla de Navidad |
4.5363 |
4.3231 |
4.4030 |
4.1894 |
Cocos Island |
4.5363 |
4.3231 |
4.4030 |
4.1894 |
Colombia |
2.3751 |
2.2683 |
2.2946 |
2.1881 |
Comoras |
12.0077 |
11.4211 |
11.6610 |
11.0741 |
Congo |
3.8693 |
3.6824 |
3.7625 |
3.5756 |
Islas Cook |
11.5543 |
10.9672 |
11.2074 |
10.6470 |
Costa Rica |
2.1881 |
2.0815 |
2.1349 |
2.0280 |
Croacia |
4.0025 |
3.8164 |
3.8957 |
3.7094 |
Cuba |
3.6025 |
3.4156 |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
Chipre |
3.2559 |
3.0952 |
3.1489 |
2.9887 |
República Checa |
3.0422 |
2.8820 |
2.9621 |
2.8020 |
Dinamarca |
2.2150 |
2.1079 |
2.1614 |
2.0547 |
Diego García |
6.8843 |
6.5378 |
6.6714 |
6.3509 |
Yibuti |
5.4436 |
5.1767 |
5.2835 |
5.0166 |
Dominica |
2.3751 |
2.2683 |
2.2946 |
2.1881 |
República Dominicana |
1.8412 |
1.7610 |
1.7879 |
1.7078 |
Timor Oriental |
13.3138 |
13.3138 |
13.2421 |
13.2421 |
Ecuador |
2.3482 |
2.2414 |
2.2683 |
2.1614 |
Egipto |
2.6418 |
2.5085 |
2.5614 |
2.4282 |
El Salvador |
2.1614 |
2.0547 |
2.1079 |
2.0011 |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
9.7398 |
9.2593 |
9.4462 |
8.9659 |
Eritrea |
5.1234 |
4.8566 |
4.9632 |
4.7229 |
Estonia |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Etiopía |
4.0559 |
3.8427 |
3.9230 |
3.7362 |
Islas Feroe |
2.3214 |
2.2150 |
2.2414 |
2.1349 |
Islas Malvinas |
8.6191 |
8.1921 |
8.3521 |
7.9250 |
Islas Fiyi |
4.4030 |
4.1894 |
4.2695 |
4.0559 |
Finlandia |
1.6813 |
1.6012 |
1.6276 |
1.5478 |
Francia |
1.4944 |
1.4141 |
1.4405 |
1.3608 |
Antillas Francesas |
1.8945 |
1.7879 |
1.8412 |
1.7610 |
Guayana Francesa |
4.5098 |
4.2963 |
4.3762 |
4.1625 |
Polinesia Francesa |
4.4293 |
4.2160 |
4.2963 |
4.0825 |
Gabón |
3.0952 |
2.9356 |
3.0153 |
2.8552 |
Gambia |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
3.2825 |
3.1220 |
Georgia |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Alemania |
1.4675 |
1.3878 |
1.4141 |
1.3341 |
Ghana |
3.5225 |
3.3355 |
3.4156 |
3.2559 |
Gibraltar |
2.9084 |
2.7749 |
2.8285 |
2.6952 |
Grecia |
2.5351 |
2.4017 |
2.4552 |
2.3214 |
Groenlandia |
2.5614 |
2.4282 |
2.4819 |
2.3482 |
Granada |
3.7362 |
3.5493 |
3.6293 |
3.4424 |
Guadalupe |
1.8945 |
1.7879 |
1.8412 |
1.7610 |
Guantanamo |
3.0690 |
2.9084 |
2.9887 |
2.8285 |
Guatemala |
2.2150 |
2.1079 |
2.1614 |
2.0547 |
Guinea |
6.3778 |
6.0575 |
6.1906 |
5.8708 |
Guinea Bissau |
7.7118 |
7.3385 |
7.4713 |
7.0980 |
Guyana |
5.0166 |
4.7765 |
4.8566 |
4.6164 |
Haití |
1.9749 |
1.8678 |
1.9211 |
1.8143 |
Honduras |
2.1614 |
2.0547 |
2.1079 |
2.0011 |
Hong Kong |
1.8945 |
1.7879 |
1.8412 |
1.7610 |
Hungría |
2.7749 |
2.6418 |
2.6952 |
2.5614 |
Islandia |
2.8285 |
2.6952 |
2.7487 |
2.6150 |
India |
3.0690 |
2.9084 |
2.9887 |
2.8285 |
Indonesia |
4.0825 |
3.8693 |
3.9495 |
3.7625 |
Irán |
4.3762 |
4.1625 |
4.2428 |
4.0294 |
Irak |
4.8034 |
4.5631 |
4.6699 |
4.4293 |
Irlanda |
1.8412 |
1.7610 |
1.7879 |
1.7078 |
Israel |
3.0690 |
2.9084 |
2.9887 |
2.8285 |
Italia |
2.0280 |
1.9211 |
1.9749 |
1.8678 |
Costa de Marfil |
5.1500 |
4.8832 |
4.9902 |
4.7496 |
Jamaica |
2.1614 |
2.0547 |
2.1079 |
2.0011 |
Japón |
1.6813 |
1.6012 |
1.6276 |
1.5478 |
Jordania |
3.0690 |
2.9084 |
2.9887 |
2.8285 |
Kazajistán |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Kenia |
3.6557 |
3.4692 |
3.5493 |
3.3626 |
Kiribati |
5.6038 |
5.3101 |
5.4436 |
5.1767 |
República de Corea |
2.6952 |
2.5614 |
2.6150 |
2.4819 |
Kuwait |
3.2022 |
3.0422 |
3.0952 |
2.9356 |
Kirguistán |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Laos |
8.6989 |
8.2718 |
8.4325 |
8.0057 |
Letonia |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Lebanon |
4.9364 |
4.6964 |
4.7765 |
4.5363 |
Lesoto |
4.7229 |
4.4831 |
4.5898 |
4.3494 |
Liberia |
1.8945 |
1.7879 |
1.8412 |
1.7610 |
Libia |
5.4968 |
5.2304 |
5.3370 |
5.0703 |
Liechtenstein |
1.5744 |
1.4944 |
1.5209 |
1.4405 |
Lituania |
3.7625 |
3.5756 |
3.6557 |
3.4692 |
Luxemburgo |
2.3751 |
2.2683 |
2.2946 |
2.1881 |
Macao |
4.6430 |
4.4030 |
4.5098 |
4.2963 |
Macedonia |
4.0025 |
3.8164 |
3.8957 |
3.7094 |
Madagascar |
9.2860 |
8.8326 |
9.0192 |
8.5656 |
Malawi |
3.3090 |
3.1489 |
3.2022 |
3.0422 |
Malasia |
2.7220 |
2.5884 |
2.6418 |
2.5085 |
Maldivas |
6.2976 |
5.9773 |
6.1108 |
5.8173 |
Mali |
6.5911 |
6.2712 |
6.4044 |
6.0842 |
Malta |
3.7625 |
3.5756 |
3.6557 |
3.4692 |
Marisat (Atlanta Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and West Atlantic Ocean) |
25.8835 |
24.6028 |
25.1099 |
23.8558 |
Islas Marshall |
5.7373 |
5.4436 |
5.5772 |
5.3101 |
Mauritania |
4.5098 |
4.2963 |
4.3762 |
4.1625 |
Mauricio |
5.7373 |
5.4436 |
5.5772 |
5.3101 |
Isla Mayotte |
12.0077 |
11.4211 |
11.6610 |
11.0741 |
Micronesia |
5.5504 |
5.2835 |
5.3902 |
5.1234 |
Moldavia |
3.7625 |
3.5756 |
3.6557 |
3.4692 |
Mónaco |
1.4944 |
1.4141 |
1.4405 |
1.3608 |
Mongolia |
8.5924 |
8.1653 |
8.3253 |
7.8985 |
Montserrat |
2.6150 |
2.4819 |
2.5351 |
2.4017 |
Marruecos |
4.7229 |
4.4831 |
4.5898 |
4.3494 |
Mozambique |
5.9506 |
5.6572 |
5.7636 |
5.4706 |
Birmania |
8.8326 |
8.3789 |
8.5656 |
8.1385 |
Namibia |
4.3494 |
4.1363 |
4.2160 |
4.0025 |
Nauru |
4.6964 |
4.4562 |
4.5631 |
4.3231 |
Nepal |
4.1094 |
3.8957 |
3.9758 |
3.7892 |
Holanda |
1.3608 |
1.2810 |
1.3076 |
1.2541 |
Nevis |
1.4141 |
1.3341 |
1.3608 |
1.2810 |
Nueva Caledonia |
4.7229 |
4.4831 |
4.5898 |
4.3494 |
Nueva Zelanda |
3.7625 |
3.5756 |
3.6557 |
3.4692 |
Nicaragua |
2.6683 |
2.5351 |
2.5884 |
2.4552 |
Níger |
4.9902 |
4.7496 |
4.8297 |
4.5898 |
Nigeria |
3.1754 |
3.0153 |
3.0690 |
2.9084 |
Niue Island |
9.7929 |
9.3128 |
9.4995 |
9.0192 |
Isla Norfolk |
4.5363 |
4.3231 |
4.4030 |
4.1894 |
Noruega |
1.5478 |
1.4675 |
1.4944 |
1.4141 |
Omán |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Pakistán |
4.0025 |
3.8164 |
3.8957 |
3.7094 |
Palaos |
5.4968 |
5.2304 |
5.3370 |
5.0703 |
Panamá |
2.0815 |
1.9749 |
2.0280 |
1.9211 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea |
4.0025 |
3.8164 |
3.8957 |
3.7094 |
Paraguay |
3.2559 |
3.0952 |
3.1489 |
2.9887 |
Perú |
2.4819 |
2.3482 |
2.4017 |
2.2946 |
Filipinas |
2.8285 |
2.6952 |
2.7487 |
2.6150 |
Polonia |
2.6683 |
2.5351 |
2.5884 |
2.4552 |
Portugal |
2.4552 |
2.3214 |
2.3751 |
2.2683 |
Catar |
3.9495 |
3.7625 |
3.8427 |
3.6557 |
Reunion Island |
6.6975 |
6.3509 |
6.4844 |
6.1641 |
Rumania |
3.3355 |
3.1754 |
3.2289 |
3.0690 |
Rusia |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Ruanda |
6.1375 |
5.8440 |
5.9506 |
5.6572 |
San Marino |
2.0280 |
1.9211 |
1.9749 |
1.8678 |
Santo Tomé |
6.9380 |
6.5911 |
6.7244 |
6.3778 |
Arabia Saudita |
3.1220 |
2.9621 |
3.0153 |
2.8552 |
Senegal |
3.9495 |
3.7625 |
3.8427 |
3.6557 |
Seychelles |
6.0308 |
5.7373 |
5.8440 |
5.5504 |
Sierra Leona |
3.8164 |
3.6293 |
3.7094 |
3.5225 |
Singapur |
1.9211 |
1.8143 |
1.8678 |
1.7879 |
Eslovaquia |
3.0422 |
2.8820 |
2.9621 |
2.8020 |
Eslovenia |
3.5225 |
3.3626 |
3.4156 |
3.2559 |
Islas Salomón |
5.6572 |
5.3637 |
5.4968 |
5.2304 |
Somalia |
6.1641 |
5.8708 |
5.5237 |
5.2568 |
Sudáfrica |
2.3751 |
2.2683 |
2.2946 |
2.1881 |
España |
2.2946 |
2.1881 |
2.2150 |
2.1079 |
Sri Lanka |
4.4293 |
4.2160 |
4.2963 |
4.0825 |
Santa Helena |
7.7917 |
7.3915 |
7.5514 |
7.1779 |
St. Kitts |
2.6150 |
2.4819 |
2.5351 |
2.4017 |
Sta. Lucía |
2.6952 |
2.5614 |
2.6150 |
2.4819 |
St. Pierre/Miquelon |
2.3751 |
2.2683 |
2.2946 |
2.1881 |
St. Vincent/Grenadines |
2.6952 |
2.5614 |
2.6150 |
2.4819 |
Sudán |
4.9101 |
4.6699 |
4.8297 |
4.5898 |
Surinam |
4.1894 |
3.9758 |
4.0559 |
3.8427 |
Suazilandia |
5.3370 |
5.0703 |
5.1767 |
4.9101 |
Suecia |
1.4141 |
1.3341 |
1.3608 |
1.2810 |
Suiza |
1.5744 |
1.4944 |
1.5209 |
1.4405 |
Siria |
4.9902 |
4.7496 |
4.8297 |
4.5898 |
Taiwán |
1.8412 |
1.7610 |
1.7879 |
1.7078 |
Tayikistán |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Tanzania |
3.7094 |
3.5225 |
3.6025 |
3.4156 |
Tailandia |
3.5225 |
3.3355 |
3.4156 |
3.2559 |
Togo |
4.4831 |
4.2695 |
4.3494 |
4.1363 |
Archipiélago de Tonga |
4.4293 |
4.2160 |
4.2963 |
4.0825 |
Trinidad y Tobago |
2.1079 |
2.0011 |
2.0547 |
1.9482 |
Túnez |
3.7362 |
3.5493 |
3.6293 |
3.4424 |
Turquía |
3.2825 |
3.1220 |
3.1754 |
3.0153 |
Turkmenistán |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos |
2.6150 |
2.4819 |
2.5351 |
2.4017 |
Tuvalu |
11.2340 |
10.6736 |
10.8870 |
10.3537 |
Uganda |
2.9084 |
2.7749 |
2.8285 |
2.6952 |
Ucrania |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
3.1754 |
3.0153 |
3.0690 |
2.9084 |
Reino Unido |
1.1211 |
1.0674 |
1.0943 |
1.0406 |
Uruguay |
2.8552 |
2.7220 |
2.7749 |
2.6418 |
Uzbekistán |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
3.3890 |
3.2289 |
Vanuatu |
11.6347 |
11.0472 |
11.2874 |
10.7271 |
Ciudad del Vaticano |
2.0280 |
1.9211 |
1.9749 |
1.8678 |
Venezuela |
1.6813 |
1.6012 |
1.6276 |
1.5478 |
Vietnam |
5.0166 |
4.7765 |
4.8566 |
4.6164 |
Wallis y Futuna |
9.7130 |
9.2329 |
9.4196 |
8.9391 |
Samoa Occidental |
3.0422 |
2.8820 |
2.9621 |
2.8020 |
Yemen, Republic of |
3.2289 |
3.0690 |
3.1220 |
2.9621 |
Yugoslavia |
4.0025 |
3.8164 |
3.8957 |
3.7094 |
Zaire |
4.8297 |
4.5898 |
4.6964 |
4.4562 |
Zambia |
3.6025 |
3.4156 |
3.4958 |
3.3090 |
Zimbabue |
3.2559 |
3.0952 |
3.1489 |
2.9887 |
(4) International Mobile Termination Usage Charge: The following per‑minute usage charges will apply, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, to WorldMark International Service usage which terminates via Commercial Mobile Radio Service in the following international locations, based on origination type:
Per-Minute Charge |
Origination Type |
Ubicación |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
$2.2833 |
$2.1798 |
Austria |
3.8352 |
3.7310 |
Bélgica |
2.4961 |
2.4508 |
Brasil |
3.2716 |
3.1589 |
Chile |
3.1760 |
3.0664 |
Colombia |
4.3023 |
4.0765 |
Dinamarca |
2.3055 |
2.1953 |
Francia |
1.9412 |
1.8975 |
Alemania |
1.3302 |
1.2867 |
Islandia |
4.5104 |
4.3973 |
India |
6.6591 |
6.5466 |
Irlanda |
2.0438 |
2.0002 |
Israel |
4.2120 |
4.1079 |
Italia |
2.3690 |
2.3237 |
Japón |
1.9320 |
1.8887 |
Kuwait |
7.4281 |
7.3327 |
Lebanon |
4.5106 |
4.4502 |
Luxemburgo |
2.9938 |
2.8902 |
Holanda |
2.0888 |
2.0119 |
Nueva Zelanda |
5.7735 |
5.6608 |
Noruega |
1.1324 |
1.0886 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
2.4440 |
2.3984 |
Suecia |
1.8050 |
1.7320 |
Suiza |
1.9765 |
1.9329 |
Taiwán |
3.4221 |
3.3477 |
Reino Unido |
1.7302 |
1.6912 |
(5) WorldMark Retroactive Volume Discounts
Retroactive Volume Discounts will be applied to WorldMark outbound international usage only (excluding Mexico). However, contributory usage includes WorldMark domestic (intrastate and interstate) and international outbound usage.
Usage Level Descuento
$ 1,000.00 - $ 2,499.99 5%
$ 2,500.00 - $ 4,999.99 10
$ 5,000.00 - $ 9,999.99 15
$10,000.00 - $14,999.99 17
$15,000.00 - $24,999.99 20
$25,000.00 - $49,999.99 21
$50,000.00 + 22
4.3.9 WorldChoice International Service
A) Service Description
WorldChoice International Service is a switched service that allows residential Customers of the Company to terminate calls at points in the countries listed in B) following. Standard and Value rates are country specific and apply seven (7) days a week, unless otherwise indicated. Rates applicable on holidays are the same as those applicable for all other days of the year. All international calling card calls originating in the U.S. will incur a surcharge of $2.50 per call.
WorldChoice International Services calls are billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and are rounded to the next higher sixty (60) second increment.
B) Usage Charges
(1) WorldChoice - Mexico
(a) Rate Periods
Standard: 7:00 A.M. to 6:59 P.M., Mon-Fri; 5:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Sun
Value: 7:00 P.M. to 6:59 A.M., Mon-Fri; All Day, Sat; 12:00 A.M. to 4:59 P.M., Sun
(b) Usage Rates
Step Estándar Valor
1 $0.49 $0.32
2 $0.49 $0.32
3 $0.49 $0.32
4 $0.83 $0.38
5 $0.83 $0.38
6 $1.07 $0.46
7 $1.42 $0.59
8 $1.42 $0.59
** Note: Reference the chart appearing in Section 4.3.1.B(2)(b)3 to determine the appropriate rate step for a particular call.
(2) WorldChoice - Canada
(a) Rate Periods
Standard: 8:00 A.M. to 5:59 P.M., Mon-Fri
Value: 6:00 P.M. to 7:59 A.M., Mon-Fri; All Day, Sat and Sun
(b) Usage Rates
Canada Per Minute Rate: Standard: $0.52
Value: $0.14
(3) WorldChoice - International Points Excluding Mexico & Canada
(a) Rate Periods
The rate periods applicable to a country are defined below and indicated by letter code. These time periods apply seven (7) days per week.
Estándar Valor
A. (6:00am-11:59am) (12:00pm-5:59am)
B. (7:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm -6:59am)
C. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm -6:59am)
D. (8:00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm -7:59am)
E. (8.00am- 4:59pm) (5:00pm -7:59am)
F. (8:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm -7:59am)
G. (8:00am- 2:59pm) (3:00pm -7:59am)
H. (1:00pm- 1:59am) (2:00am-12:59pm)
I. (1:00pm- 7:59pm) (8:00pm-12:59pm)
J. (2:00pm- 7:59pm) (8:00pm -1:59pm)
K. (4:00pm- 9:59pm) (10:00pm-3:59pm)
L. (4:00pm-11:59pm) (12:00am-3:59am)
M. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (2:00am -4:59pm)
N. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (11:00pm-4:59pm)
O. (5:00pm- 1:59am) (2:00am -4:59pm)
P. (5:00pm-10:59pm) (11:00pm-4:59pm)
Q. (6:00pm-12:59am) (1:00am -5:59pm)
R. (7:00am-12:59pm) (1:00pm -6:59am)
S. (6:00am- 5:59pm) (6:00pm- 5:59am)
X. (7:00am- 3:59pm) (4:00pm- 6:59am)
(b) Usage Rates
C Afghanistan $3.41 $3.14
C Albania $2.81 $2.00
A Algeria $1.85 $1.26
C Andorra $1.31 $0.79
A Angola $3.83 $2.65
K Anguilla $1.18 $0.94
P Antarctica $4.07 $4.07
P Antarctica (Scott Base) $4.07 $4.07
K Antigua (Barbuda) $1.15 $0.86
F Argentina $0.68 $0.68
H Armenia $1.75 $1.50
K Aruba $1.18 $0.79
A Ascension Island $2.15 $1.78
J Australia $0.51 $0.51
J Australian External Territories $1.83 $1.83
C Austria $1.24 $0.81
H Azerbaijan $1.84 $1.28
E Bahamas $0.40 $0.40
G Bahrain $1.68 $1.14
S Bangladesh $2.57 $1.70
K Barbados $1.25 $0.86
H Belarus $1.84 $1.50
C Belgium $0.50 $0.50
N Belize $1.54 $1.05
A Benin $1.68 $1.11
E Bermuda $1.04 $0.75
S Bhutan $4.31 $3.33
L Bolivia $1.49 $1.15
H Bosnia-Herzegovina $1.47 $1.22
A Botswana $1.52 $1.09
F Brazil $0.59 $0.59
E British Virgin Islands $1.21 $0.86
P Brunei $1.42 $1.37
H Bulgaria $1.65 $1.09
A Burkina Faso $2.80 $1.85
A Burundi $4.10 $3.18
M Cambodia $3.04 $2.57
A Cameroon $1.79 $1.37
A Cape Verde Islands $2.21 $1.46
E Cayman Islands $1.22 $0.86
A Central African Republic $4.12 $4.12
A Chad $4.38 $3.40
F Chile $0.59 $0.59
M China $1.13 $1.13
P Christmas & Cocos Islands $4.07 $3.16
L Colombia $0.71 $0.71
A Comorros $4.68 $4.68
A Congo $2.87 $2.03
P Cook Islands $4.19 $3.49
N Costa Rica $0.67 $0.67
H Croatia, Republic of $1.47 $1.22
X Cuba $1.20 $0.625
C Cyprus $1.59 $1.20
R Czech Republic $1.59 $1.20
C Denmark $1.26 $0.73
S Diego Garcia $2.91 $2.91
A Djibouti $2.54 $1.73
K Dominica $1.31 $0.90
K Dominican Republic $0.59 $0.59
L Ecuador $0.81 $0.81
H Egypt $0.84 $0.84
N El Salvador $0.81 $0.81
A Equatorial Guinea $3.99 $3.99
H Eritrea $1.98 $1.98
H Estonia $2.52 $1.66
H Ethiopia $1.83 $1.54
C Faeroe Islands $1.32 $1.02
F Falkland Islands $3.28 $3.06
O Fiji Islands $2.27 $1.69
C Finland $1.31 $0.68
C France $0.40 $0.40
E French Antilles $1.25 $0.82
F French Guiana $1.38 $1.37
P French Polynesia $1.99 $1.45
A Gabon $1.72 $1.22
A Gambia $1.58 $1.18
H Georgia $1.84 $1.82
C Germany $0.39 $0.39
A Ghana $1.75 $1.15
C Gibraltar $1.48 $1.17
C Greece $0.64 $0.64
C Greenland $1.58 $1.04
K Grenada $1.32 $1.13
E Guadeloupe $1.25 $0.82
K Guantanamo Bay $1.39 $1.24
N Guatemala $0.62 $0.62
A Guinea $2.22 $1.93
A Guinea Bissau $4.27 $2.94
F Guyana $1.86 $1.52
K Haiti $0.84 $0.84
N Honduras $0.83 $0.83
P Hong Kong $0.53 $0.53
C Hungary $1.39 $0.93
I Iceland $1.45 $0.93
S India $0.98 $0.98
M Indonesia $0.81 $0.81
H Iran $1.94 $1.94
H Iraq $2.54 $2.00
C Ireland $0.47 $0.47
D Israel $0.91 $0.91
C Italy $0.51 $0.51
A Ivory Coast $2.03 $1.68
K Jamaica $0.83 $0.83
J Japan $0.53 $0.53
D Jordan $1.52 $1.05
H Kazakhstan $1.84 $1.32
B Kenya $1.70 $1.20
P Kiribati $2.84 $2.56
S Kirghzia $1.08 $1.08
B Kuwait $1.52 $1.16
J Korea, Democratic People's Republic $4.97 $4.97
J Korea, Republic of $0.58 $0.58
H Kyrgyzstan $1.84 $1.32
P Laos $4.32 $3.19
H Latvia $2.59 $1.71
G Lebanon $2.47 $1.87
B Lesotho $1.83 $1.83
A Liberia $1.59 $1.05
A Libya $1.88 $1.88
C Liechtenstein $1.29 $0.69
H Lithuania $2.27 $1.63
C Luxembourg $1.30 $0.68
M Macao $1.93 $1.40
H Macedonia $1.66 $1.66
A Madagascar $4.11 $2.90
A Malawi $1.52 $1.00
M Malaysia $1.78 $0.84
Q Maldives $2.56 $2.09
A Mali $2.75 $2.00
C Malta $1.95 $1.28
P Marshall Islands $1.98 $1.73
A Mauritania $2.62 $1.77
A Mauritius $2.89 $1.91
A Mayotte Island $4.68 $4.68
P Micronesia $1.85 $1.68
H Moldova $2.27 $1.68
C Monaco $1.17 $0.62
P Mongolia $4.36 $3.07
H Montenegro $1.30 $1.30
K Montserrat $1.25 $0.88
A Morocco $2.01 $1.49
A Mozambique $2.97 $2.03
P Myanmar $4.78 $3.87
A Namibia $1.71 $1.71
H Nakhodka $1.08 $1.08
P Nauru $2.98 $2.07
S Nepal $2.52 $1.66
C Netherlands $0.42 $0.42
E Netherlands Antilles $1.27 $0.76
K Nevis $1.28 $1.28
P New Caledonia $1.83 $1.69
P New Zealand $1.64 $1.14
N Nicaragua $0.78 $0.78
A Niger $2.25 $1.51
B Nigeria $1.37 $1.06
P Niue Island $4.41 $4.10
P Norfolk Island $4.07 $4.07
C Norway $1.16 $0.68
G Oman $1.72 $1.37
S Pakistan $1.43 $1.43
P Palau $3.06 $2.32
N Panama $0.70 $0.70
P Papua New Guinea $1.85 $1.22
F Paraguay $1.86 $1.29
L Peru $0.75 $0.75
M Philippines $0.81 $0.81
R Poland $0.58 $0.58
I Portugal $0.64 $0.64
B Qatar $1.71 $1.37
A Reunion Island $2.70 $2.48
H Romania $1.86 $1.23
H Russia $0.86 $0.86
A Rwanda $2.98 $2.12
C San Marino $1.25 $0.84
A Sao Tome $3.97 $2.80
B Saudi Arabia $1.15 $1.15
A Senegal $2.04 $1.72
A Seychelles $2.94 $2.13
A Sierra Leone $2.46 $1.62
P Singapore $0.44 $0.44
R Slovakia $1.59 $1.20
H Slovenia $1.61 $1.61
P Solomon Islands $3.07 $2.11
A Somalia $3.48 $3.29
A South Africa $1.31 $0.92
C Spain $0.62 $0.62
S Sri Lanka $2.60 $1.74
A St. Helena $3.09 $3.09
K St. Kitts $1.22 $0.87
K St. Lucia $1.22 $0.87
K St. Pierre/Miquelon $1.07 $0.82
K St. Vincent/Grenadines $1.35 $0.91
H Sudan $2.75 $2.71
F Suriname $2.20 $1.48
A Swaziland $1.62 $1.62
C Sweden $0.40 $0.40
C Switzerland $0.42 $0.42
H Syria $2.69 $2.03
P Taiwan $0.56 $0.56
H Tajikistan $1.84 $1.32
H Tanzania $1.69 $1.20
M Thailand $0.77 $0.77
A Togo $1.81 $1.67
O Tonga Islands $2.55 $1.92
K Trinidad/Tobago $0.77 $0.77
A Tunisia $1.69 $1.21
C Turkey $0.69 $0.69
H Turkmenistan $1.84 $1.32
E Turks & Caicos Islands $1.31 $0.93
P Tuvalu $5.20 $5.20
H Uganda $1.53 $1.19
H Ukraine $1.84 $1.50
G United Arab Emirates $1.45 $1.08
C United Kingdom $0.40 $0.40
L Uruguay $1.65 $1.26
H Uzbekistan $1.84 $1.32
J Vanuatu $4.98 $4.98
C Vatican City $1.25 $0.79
F Venezuela $0.50 $0.50
M Vietnam $1.21 $1.21
J Wallis & Futuna $3.85 $3.82
P Western Samoa $2.77 $1.85
G Yemen Arab Republic $1.77 $1.17
H Yugoslavia $1.58 $1.45
A Zaire $1.64 $1.46
A Zambia $1.41 $1.09
H Zanzibar $1.09 $1.09
A Zimbabwe $1.57 $1.07
(4) WorldChoice - Marisat
Marisat - Atlantic Ocean $9.75 $9.75
Marisat - Indian Ocean $9.75 $9.75
Marisat - Pacific Ocean $9.75 $9.75
Marisat - W. Atlantic Ocean $9.75 $9.75
4.3.11 Bottom Line Business II
A) Description
Bottom Line Business II offers Customers a flat rate schedule for both outbound and inbound interstate calls. Customer's must sign a Term Agreement of one (1) year and meet a monthly minimum commitment of $50.00 for Customers of only one service (i.e. only outbound) or $100.00 per month if the Customer has both outbound and inbound services. Minimums will be based according to percent of usage and all domestic and international usage will contribute to the monthly minimum commitment. Calling Card usage will not contribute and Association Discounts will not apply to the monthly minimum commitment. Calls will be billed in thirty (30) second initial increments and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.
The Term shall be extended automatically for an additional term of one (1) year, unless the Company receives the Customer's written notice to terminate this Agreement on not less than thirty (30) days prior to the then existing Term expiration date. Customers who terminate service prior to the end of the term in any manner will be liable for a termination charge of an amount equal to the monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of months remaining in the Customer's Term, unless the Customer converts to another Company service with equal or greater term and minimum usage commitment.
B) Rates
País Rate Per Minute
Afghanistan $1.3979
Albania $1.4085
Algeria $1.0696
Andorra $0.5613
Angola $1.6626
Anguilla $0.8154
Antarctica $1.4614
Antarctica (Scott Base) $1.4614
Antigua (Barbuda) $0.7731
Argentina $0.7413
Armenia $1.1120
Aruba $0.6460
Ascension Island $1.7050
Australia $0.4660
Austria $0.7370
Azerbaijan $1.1120
Bahamas $0.3495
Bahrain $1.0272
Bangladesh $1.3873
Barbados $0.7201
Belarus $1.0272
Belgium $0.4554
Belize $0.9319
Benin $1.0484
Bermuda $0.6142
Bhutan $2.5628
Bolivia $0.7943
Bosnia & Herzegovina $1.2920
Botswana $1.0484
Brazil $0.6248
British Virgin Islands $0.7307
Brunei $1.4402
Bulgaria $0.8366
Burkina Faso $0.7837
Burundi $3.1982
Cambodia $2.7852
Cameroon $1.2920
Canada $0.1800
Cape Verde Islands $1.5038
Cayman Islands $0.6460
Central African Republic $2.9017
Chad $2.4357
Chile $0.6248
China $0.9955
Christmas Islands $3.5159
Cocos Islands $3.5159
Colombia $0.7307
Comorros $3.8548
Congo $1.2390
Cook Islands $3.6959
Costa Rica $0.7095
Croatia $1.2920
Cuba $0.9107
Cyprus $1.0484
Czech Republic $0.6778
Denmark $0.4342
Diego Garcia $2.2027
Djibouti $1.7474
Dominica $0.7625
Dominican Republic $0.4977
Ecuador $0.7625
Egypt $0.8790
El Salvador $0.8472
Equatorial Guinea $3.1241
Eritrea $1.6626
Estonia $0.6566
Ethiopia $1.2920
Faeroe Islands $0.7519
Falkland Islands $2.7640
Fiji Islands $1.4085
Finland $0.5401
France $0.3495
French Antilles $0.6036
French Guiana $1.4508
French Polynesia $1.4191
Gabon $1.1331
Gambia $1.0908
Georgia $1.1649
Germany $0.3601
Ghana $1.1225
Gibraltar $1.1120
Greece $0.6778
Greenland $0.8154
Grenada $1.1967
Guadeloupe $0.8154
Guantanamo Bay $0.9849
Guatemala $0.6354
Guinea $2.0439
Guinea Bissau $2.4781
Guyana $1.6097
Haiti $0.8790
Honduras $0.8790
Hong Kong $0.5295
Hungary $0.6778
Iceland $0.9107
India $1.0484
Indonesia $0.8790
Iran $1.4085
Iraq $1.5356
Ireland $0.4236
Israel $0.7943
Italy $0.3812
Ivory Coast $1.6520
Jamaica $0.8578
Japan $0.4236
Jordan $0.9849
Kazakhstan $1.0590
Kenya $1.1755
Kiribati $1.7897
Korea, Republic of $0.7095
Kuwait $1.0272
Kyrgyzstan $1.2708
Laos $2.7958
Latvia $1.0484
Lebanon $1.2920
Lesotho $1.5144
Liberia $0.7413
Libya $1.7685
Liechtenstein $0.5083
Lithuania $1.2073
Luxembourg $0.4977
Macao $1.4826
Macedonia $1.2920
Madagascar $2.9758
Malawi $1.0590
Malaysia $0.6566
Maldives $2.0121
Mali $2.1180
Malta $1.2073
Marisat - Atlantic Ocean $8.3449
Marisat - Indian Ocean $8.3026
Marisat - Pacific Ocean $8.3026
Marisat - West Atlantic Ocean $8.3449
Marshall Islands $1.8321
Mauritania $1.4508
Mauritius $1.8321
Mayotte Island $3.8548
Micronesia $1.7791
Moldova $1.5038
Monaco $0.4766
Mongolia $2.7534
Montserrat $0.8366
Morocco $1.5144
Mozambique $1.9062
Myanmar $2.8275
Namibia $1.3979
Nauru $1.5038
Nepal $1.5885
Netherlands $0.3812
Netherlands Antilles $0.4554
Nevis $0.9425
New Caledonia $1.5144
New Zealand $1.2073
Nicaragua $0.8896
Niger $1.5991
Nigeria $0.8896
Niue Island $3.1452
Norfolk Island $1.4614
Norway $0.3812
Oman $1.1120
Pakistan $1.4720
Palau $1.7685
Panama $0.7307
Papua New Guinea $1.2920
Paraguay $0.9213
Peru $0.7413
Philippines $0.7625
Poland $0.7413
Portugal $0.5295
Qatar $1.2708
Reunion Island $2.1392
Romania $0.8578
Russia $0.9743
Rwanda $1.9697
San Marino $0.8896
Sao Tome $2.2239
Saudi Arabia $1.0272
Senegal $1.8215
Seychelles $1.9380
Sierra Leone $1.2284
Singapore $0.4977
Slovakia $0.8578
Slovenia $1.1331
Solomon Islands $1.8109
Somalia $2.4463
South Africa $0.7625
Spain $0.5189
Sri Lanka $1.4191
St. Helena $2.4887
St. Kitts $0.8366
St. Lucia $0.8684
St. Pierre/Miquelon $0.7625
St. Vincent/Grenadines $0.8684
Sudan $1.9486
Suriname $1.4826
Swaziland $1.7156
Sweden $0.3495
Switzerland $0.3812
Syria $1.5991
Taiwan $0.5719
Tajikistan $1.1120
Tanzania $1.1861
Thailand $0.9213
Togo $1.4402
Tonga Islands $1.4191
Trinidad/Tobago $0.8048
Tunisia $0.9002
Turkey $0.7943
Turkmenistan $1.2708
Turks & Caicos Islds $0.8366
Tuvalu $3.6006
Uganda $0.9319
Ukraine $0.9743
United Arab Emirates $0.7095
United Kingdom $0.2436
Uruguay $0.9637
Uzbekistan $1.2708
Vanuatu $3.7277
Vatican City $0.6460
Venezuela $0.5613
Vietnam $1.2602
Wallis & Futuna $3.1135
Western Samoa $1.0802
Yemen Arab Republic $1.1649
Yugoslavia $1.2920
Dem. Rep. of Congo# $1.5461
Zambia $1.1543
Zimbabwe $1.0484
# formally Zaire
(A) Rate Periods
Peak: 7:00 A.M. to 6:59 P.M., Mon-Fri; 5:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., Sun
Off-Peak: 7:00 P.M. to 6:59 A.M., Mon-Fri; All Day Sat; 12:00 A.M. to 4:59 P.M., Sun
Step Peak Off-Peak
1 $0.3283 $0.2753
2 $0.3601 $0.3071
3 $0.4660 $0.3707
4 $0.5189 $0.4130
5 $0.5613 $0.4342
6 $0.6778 $0.4977
7 $0.7837 $0.5719
8 $0.8260 $0.6142
** Note: Reference the chart appearing in Section 4.3.1.B(2)(b)3 to determine the appropriate rate step for a particular call.
1) International Mobile Termination Usage Charge: The following per‑minute usage charges will apply, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, to Bottom Line Business II service usage which terminates via Commercial Mobile Radio Service in the following international locations, based on origination type:
Per-Minute Charge
Ubicación Switched Dedicado
Belgium $1.1788 $1.2008
France 0.9127 0.9337
Germany 0.6189 0.6399
Ireland 0.9622 0.9831
Italy 1.1177 1.1396
Japan 0.9084 0.9294
Lebanon 2.1407 2.1697
Netherlands 0.7492 0.7702
Norway 0.5238 0.5447
Spain (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands,
Ceuta and Melilla) 0.1535 1.1755
Sweden 0.8332 0.8682
Switzerland 0.9296 0.9506
United Kingdom 0.8133 0.8323
4.3.14 MCI WorldCom Business Solutions
A) Description and Availability
MCI WorldCom Business Solutions is a switched, outbound, customized telecommunications service. Outbound service may originate via Switched WATS/Business Line Access and calling card access; inbound service, if elected, may terminate via Switched WATS/Business Line Access. Outbound service (excluding calling card access) is available only at Customer locations at which the Switched WATS/Business Line Access connections to the Company's POP are not provided by the Company or a Company affiliate. Customers may access service via calling card access by using the MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card. MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card (Card) service may originate from any touch-tone phone in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI via a Company-designated toll free number.
Unless otherwise specified: MCI WorldCom Business Solutions may not be included in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA), as described in Section 2.13; and, usage will be subject to the following rounding rules, on a per-call basis, for billing purposes:
Initial Additional
Call Type Period Increments
Outbound Service
excluding Card and
Operator Assisted 30 seconds 6 seconds
Card and Operator Assisted 60 seconds 60 seconds
If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.
For purposes of MCI WorldCom Business Solutions, "Operator Assisted" calls are Outbound Service calls which are completed with the assistance of a Company operator, excluding collect calls and calls which are billed by a third party which are not available under MCI WorldCom Business Solutions.
B) Minimum and Monthly Recurring Charges
(1) Outbound Service A $4.95 charge, in addition to usage charges and surcharges, applies in each monthly period in which a Customer's domestic and international MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Outbound Service usage charges and surcharges (excluding taxes) fail to equal or exceed $50.
C) Usage Charges and Surcharges
(1) Outbound Service
1.1 Outbound Service Per-Minute Charges Customers will be charged the following per-minute rates for Outbound Service (including MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card and Operator Assisted) usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminates in the following locations:
País Tarifa
Afghanistan $2.119
Albania 1.033
Algeria 0.792
Andorra 0.393
Angola 1.231
Anguilla 0.786
Antarctica (Casey Base) 1.072
Antarctica (Scott Base) 1.041
Antigua (Barbuda) 0.573
Argentina 0.609
Armenia 1.048
Aruba 0.551
Ascension Island 1.096
Australia 0.320
Austria 0.601
Azerbaijan 1.307
Bahamas 0.319
Bahrain 0.938
Bangladesh 1.353
Barbados 0.696
Belarus 0.780
Belgium 0.440
Belize 0.820
Benin 0.854
Bermuda 0.455
Bhutan 1.874
Bolivia 0.790
Bosnia-Herzegovina 0.820
Botswana 0.721
Brazil 0.530
British Virgin Islands 0.542
Brunei 1.043
Bulgaria 0.558
Burkina Faso 0.927
Burundi 2.383
Cambodia 2.110
Cameroon 1.053
Canada 0.186
Cape Verde Islands 1.110
Cayman Islands 0.480
Central African Republic 2.114
Chad 2.869
Chile 0.467
China 1.060
Christmas Island 0.737
Cocos Islands 0.737
Colombia 0.726
Comorros 1.970
Congo 1.016
Cook Islands 2.046
Costa Rica 0.674
Croatia 0.820
Cuba 1.002
Cyprus 0.773
Czech Republic 0.667
Denmark 0.408
Diego Garcia 1.313
Djibouti 1.284
Dominica 0.690
Dominican Republic 0.428
Easter Island 0.671
Ecuador 0.852
Egypt 0.949
El Salvador 0.664
Equatorial Guinea 2.357
Eritrea 1.612
Estonia 0.815
Ethiopia 1.435
Faeroe Islands 0.556
Falkland Islands 1.501
Fiji Islands 1.122
Finland 0.445
France 0.269
French Antilles 0.554
French Guiana 0.931
French Polynesia 1.936
Gabon 0.950
Gambia 0.846
Georgia 1.133
Germany 0.280
Ghana 0.834
Gibraltar 0.912
Greece 0.547
Greenland 0.601
Grenada 0.694
Guadeloupe 0.614
Guantanamo Bay 0.907
Guatemala 0.628
Guinea 1.805
Guinea Bissau 1.426
Guyana 1.094
Haiti 0.871
Honduras 0.853
Hong Kong 0.594
Hungary 0.520
Iceland 0.749
India 1.053
Indonesia 0.780
Iran 1.269
Iraq 1.724
Ireland 0.408
Israel 0.730
Italy 0.447
Ivory Coast 1.328
Jamaica 0.912
Japan 0.328
Jordan 1.074
Kazakhstan 0.990
Kenya 0.939
Kiribati 2.296
Korea, Democratic People's
Republic of 2.954
Korea, Republic of 0.530
Kuwait 1.116
Kyrgyzstan 1.447
Laos 2.183
Latvia 0.815
Lebanon 1.010
Lesotho 1.000
Liberia 0.726
Libya 1.443
Liechtenstein 0.290
Lithuania 1.058
Luxembourg 0.428
Macao 1.102
Macedonia 0.820
Madagascar 3.317
Malawi 0.785
Malaysia 0.512
Maldives 1.482
Mali 1.383
Malta 0.896
Marshall Islands 1.219
Mauritania 1.183
Mauritius 1.353
Mayotte Island 1.970
Micronesia 1.129
Mexico (See Below)
Moldova 1.176
Monaco 0.272
Mongolia 2.009
Montserrat 0.799
Morocco 0.928
Mozambique 1.440
Myanmar 2.802
Namibia 0.837
Nauru 2.604
Nepal 1.185
Netherlands 0.290
Netherlands Antilles 0.624
Nevis 0.573
New Caledonia 1.287
New Zealand 1.041
Nicaragua 0.698
Niger 1.097
Nigeria 1.172
Niue Island 1.917
Norfolk Island 1.072
Norway 0.269
Oman 1.090
Pakistan 1.170
Palau 1.301
Panama 0.724
Papua New Guinea 0.853
Paraguay 0.878
Peru 0.743
Philippines 0.660
Poland 0.494
Portugal 0.558
Qatar 1.114
Reunion Island 1.442
Romania 0.749
Russia 0.891
Rwanda 1.443
San Marino 1.219
Sao Tome 1.731
Saudi Arabia 1.179
Senegal 1.402
Seychelles 1.596
Sierra Leone 1.060
Singapore 0.527
Slovakia 0.667
Slovenia 0.820
Solomon Islands 1.339
Somalia 2.980
South Africa 0.654
Spain 0.540
Sri Lanka 1.126
St. Helena 1.556
St. Kitts 0.573
St. Lucia 0.685
St. Pierre/Miquelon 0.546
St. Vincent/Grenadines 0.766
Sudan 1.449
Suriname 1.395
Swaziland 0.928
Sweden 0.254
Switzerland 0.290
Syria 1.172
Taiwan 0.594
Tajikistan 0.891
Tanzania 0.928
Thailand 0.820
Togo 1.156
Tonga Islands 1.180
Trinidad/Tobago 0.759
Tunisia 0.686
Turkey 0.614
Turkmenistan 2.122
Turks and Caicos Islands 0.688
Tuvalu 2.293
Uganda 0.880
Ukraine 0.780
United Arab Emirates 0.749
United Kingdom 0.216
Uruguay 0.865
Uzbekistan 0.941
Vanuatu 2.296
Vatican City 0.447
Yemen, Republic of 1.082
Venezuela 0.566
Vietnam 1.370
Wallis and Futuna 2.103
Western Samoa 1.052
Yugoslavia 0.834
Zaire 0.941
Zambia 0.956
Zimbabwe 0.773
(1) Mexico
Rate Steps1 Hora pico Off-Peak
1 - 3 $0.296 $0.291
4 - 8 0.517 0.384
Mexico Rate Steps defined in Section 4.3.4.B.4.a will apply.
1.2 Outbound Service Per-Call Surcharges In addition to the per-minute usage charges set forth in Section 4.1.14.C.1.1, the following per-call surcharges will apply.
1.2.1 MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card
A $2.50 per-call surcharge will apply to each MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card call which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the locations set forth in Section 4.1.14.C.1.1, excluding Canada. A $0.40 per-call surcharge will apply to each MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card call which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in Canada.
1.2.2 Operator Assisted Outbound Service
A $2.15 per-call surcharge will apply to each Operator Assisted Outbound Service call which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the locations set forth in Section 4.1.14.C.1.1.
The following pages contain the Range designations for calls from Canada to each terminating area code:
204 306 403 416 418 506 514 519 604 613 705 709 807 819 902 905
201 9 9 9 8 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 9 9 8 9 8
202 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8
203 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 9 9 8 9 9 9 7 9 8
205 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
206 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
207 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 9 9 7 9 9 9 7 7 8
208 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
209 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
210 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
212 9 9 9 8 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 9 9 8 9 8
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501 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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518 9 9 9 7 8 8 7 8 9 7 8 9 9 7 9 7
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610 9 9 9 8 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 9 9 8 9 8
612 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9
614 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8
615 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
616 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 8
617 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 9 9 8 9 9 9 7 8 8
618 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
619 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
701 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9
702 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
703 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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712 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
713 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
714 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
715 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9
716 9 9 9 7 8 9 8 7 9 7 7 9 9 8 9 7
717 9 9 9 7 9 9 8 7 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 7
718 9 9 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 9 9 9 8 9 8
719 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
801 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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803 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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817 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
818 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
901 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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904 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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915 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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918 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
919 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9