2005 Customized Net Conference No Set-Up Fee Promotion
Oferta : Credit equal to the Net Conferencing Internet Site Set-up Charge for Customized Net Conference calls.
Eligibility Requirements : A Customer must:
receive Company service under a term of service which equals or exceeds three months; and
submit a seat based enrollment form specifying the number of seats and a Customized Net Conference Site Creation Form via a Company conferencing sales representative prior to each calls occurrence.
Availability: The Customer must enroll between August 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005.
Other Conditions :
Upon expiration of each term of service following a Customers promotion enrollment, service shall continue under this promotion for a 12 month period (Extension Period) unless the Customer provides Company notice of termination of service at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of service.
Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion are subject to standard Net Conferencing Guide rates for all other Net Conferencing services regardless of the rates specified in Customers agreement with Company.
Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion may not receive the benefits of any other promotional offering or discounts on Net Conferencing.