I.          SERVICE DESCRIPTION:  A high capacity, point-to-point, private line service that transmits simultaneous full-duplex digital signals at 1.544 Mbps between a Company designated Point-of-Presence in one exchange area and a Company designated Point-of-Presence in another exchange area.  Access to this service is via Dedicated Access only.​​ 


II.          DEFINITIONS: The General Definitions apply.​​ 


III.         FEATURES AND OPTIONS:  The following are available:​​ 


1.         Web Digital Reconfiguration Services (Web DRS)​​ 


                                                                                                    FNR DS1​​ 


                                    Non-recurring charge                                    $258​​ 

Monthly recurring port charge                         350​​ 


            2.         Switched DS1:  A $500 monthly minimum charge applies.​​ 


                                 Mileage Band                                          Per Minute Charge​​ 


                                  0   -     300                                                     $0.99​​ 

                              301   -     900                                                       1.24​​ 

                              901   +                                                                 1.79​​ 


3.         DS-1 Echo Control​​ 


Non-recurring charge                                  $1000​​ 

Monthly recurring charge                                200​​ 


4.         Proactive Notification​​ 


5.         Service Level Agreement:​​ 


                                   Rendimiento​​                                              Estándar​​ 


Service Availability​​ 

      Type 1 On-net                                     100.00%​​ 

      Type 2 or 3 Off-net                                99.8  %​​ 

Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)​​ 

      Type 1 On-net End-to-end                      2     hours​​ 

      Type 2 or 3 Off-net End-to-end               4     hours​​ 

Service Installation                                      45     days​​ 




1.         Monthly Recurring Charges:  The following​​  monthly recurring​​  Inter Exchange Channel (IXC) charges apply.​​ 


1.1       For Verizon Business Service II Customers, a​​  $600​​  per-circuit monthly recurring fixed charge and an $0.85 monthly recurring per-mile charge apply.​​ 


1.2       For Verizon Business Service I Customers, a​​  $600​​  per-circuit monthly recurring fixed charge and an $0.85 monthly recurring per-mile charge apply.​​ 


1.3​​        Para​​  Pre-Verizon Business Service I​​  Customers, the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges apply, based on Mileage Band:​​ 


Mileage Band​​ 

Fixed Charge​​       +​​ 

Per-Mile Charge​​ 





$     457​​ 

$  0.00​​ 







2.         Discounts:  Network Pricing Plan discounts are available​​  to Pre-Verizon Business Service I Customers only​​  and apply to IXC charges.​​ 


3.         Non-recurring Charges:​​ 


3.1       Customer Support Services charges apply.​​ 


3.2       Administrative Non-Recurring Charges​​ 


3.3       Installation:  A $200 per-circuit installation charge applies.​​ 


3.4​​        FUSF and CCRC apply.​​ 


V.         TERMS AND CONDITIONS:  In addition to the General Terms and Conditions, the following applies:​​ 


1.         Special Access Surcharges for private line services will not be applied after receipt of an Exemption Certificate from the Customer.  A credit, not to exceed three months, will be given for a private line surcharge imposed during the period prior to the receipt of the Exemption Certificate.​​