Conferencing Term Plan H Promotion
Offer: The following term plan:
1. Term Commitment: Customer must commit to a term of service of one year. Upon expiration of a Customers term of service, service shall continue under this plan for a term of service equal to the expired term unless Customer provides the Company notice of termination of service under the plan at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of service.
2. Volume Commitment: Customer may elect an annual volume commitment of one of the following amounts: $30,000, $60,000 $120,000, $180,000, and $240,000. Customer's annual audioconferencing and Voice Services Videoconferencing charges must equal or exceed its volume commitment.
3. Usage Charges: The following charges apply, in lieu of all other rates.
3.1 Conferencing Calling: Customer will be charged the following per-minute per-bridge port rates, based on annual volume commitment, Service Level and access method, for Conferencing Calling usage within the U.S. Mainland, Alaska and Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands in lieu of all other rates:
Premier Level Standard Level Instant Meeting/Unattended
Toll Free Toll Free Dial Out/
Annual Volume Meet Me/ Meet Me/ Toll Free Meet Me/
Commitment Dial Out Toll Meet Me Dial Out Toll Meet Me Toll Meet Me
$30,000 $0.3879 $0.3086 $0.2352 $0.2130 $0.1083
60,000 0.3782 0.3009 0.2293 0.2077 0.1056
120,000 0.3688 0.2934 0.2236 0.2025 0.1030
180,000 0.3596 0.2861 0.2180 0.1974 0.1004
240,000 0.3506 0.2790 0.2126 0.1925 0.0979
3.2 audioconferencing International Dial-Out Access: Customer will receive the following discounts on per-minute per-bridge port charges for international Dial-Out Access usage, based on annual volume commitment:
Annual Volume Commitment Descuento
$ 30,000 7%
$ 60,000 9
$ 120,000 11
$ 180,000 13
$ 240,000 15
3.3 Instant Replay Plus: Customer will be charged the following per-minute per-caller rates for access to Instant Replay Plus replays:
Rate Per Minute
3.4 Net Conferencing: Customer will be charged the following per-minute per-participant rates for Net Conferencing usage:
Without SSL With SSL
$0.25 $0.32
3.5 Videoconferencing Services: Customer will be charged the following per-minute per-site Dial Out Service transport charge and port usage charge for domestic Voice Services Videoconferencing per 112/128 kbps channel usage, excluding service which terminates in Guam:
Port Usage $0.90
Transport 0.35
3.6 Except as set forth in this Section, Customer may not receive discounts on audioconferencing and Voice Services Voiceconferencing charges. All other charges will be at list rates.
Requisitos de elegibilidad: Customer must enroll between January 1, 2004 and 30 de juniode 2004 .