Frame Relay Services
IV.1.2.1.D.1 Pre-Verizon Business Services I Charges: The following monthly recurring charges apply to simplex PVCs between (i) ports in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and (ii) ports in the following locations, which PVCs are provided under Company contracts, or contract amendments, whose rates are first effective after March 31, 2003 and are not provided under a Verizon Business Services I or subsequent pricing plan:
PVC Speeds (kbps)
Ubicación 16 32 48 64 128 192 256 384 512 768 1024 1536 1984
Argentina $ 124 $ 247 $ 368 $ 488 $ 970 $1,424 $1,857 $ 2,725 $ 3,476 $ 4,989 $ 6,090 $ 8,364 $ 9,055
(including Tasmania) 59 118 177 236 469 688 898 1,317 1,681 2,412 2,944 4,044 4,378
Austria 48 95 141 187 371 545 710 1,042 1,329 1,908 2,329 3,198 3,463
Bélgica 42 84 125 166 331 485 633 928 1,184 1,700 2,075 2,850 3,085
Brasil 124 247 368 488 970 1,424 1,857 2,725 3,476 4,989 6,090 8,364 9,055
Canadá 32 64 95 126 250 367 479 703 897 1,287 1,572 2,158 2,337
Chile 124 247 368 488 970 1,424 1,857 2,725 3,476 4,989 6,090 8,364 9,055
China 1,283 1,392 1,501 1,681 1,982 N/A 2,122 2,280 2,557 3,000 3,396 N/A 4,777
Colombia 185 370 551 696 1,385 2,032 2,651 3,889 4,962 7,121 8,693 11,939 12,926
Czech República 68 135 201 267 532 780 1,017 1,493 1,904 2,733 3,336 4,582 4,961
Dinamarca 81 161 240 319 634 930 1,213 1,780 2,271 3,259 3,978 5,463 5,915
Finlandia 81 161 240 319 634 930 1,213 1,780 2,271 3,259 3,978 5,463 5,915
Francia 42 84 125 166 331 485 633 928 1,184 1,700 2,075 2,850 3,085
Alemania 42 84 125 166 331 485 633 928 1,184 1,700 2,075 2,850 3,085
Grecia 179 356 530 703 1,399 2,052 2,677 3,928 5,011 7,192 8,779 12,057 13,054
Hong Kong 55 111 166 222 441 647 844 1,239 1,580 2,268 2,769 3,802 4,117
Hungría 104 206 307 408 811 1,190 1,553 2,278 2,906 4,171 5,092 6,993 7,571
India 659 1,230 1,494 2,022 3,031 4,011 5,274 6,588 9,020 11,791 16,268 N/A 24,424
Indonesia 515 1,030 1,549 2,060 4,120 6,181 8,241 12,362 16,482 20,228 26,972 37,375 45,423
Irlanda 42 84 125 166 331 485 633 928 1,184 1,700 2,075 2,850 3,085
Israel 179 356 530 703 1,399 2,052 2,677 3,928 5,011 7,192 8,779 12,057 13,054
Italia 42 84 125 166 331 485 633 928 1,184 1,700 2,075 2,850 3,085
Japan 55 111 166 222 441 647 844 1,239 1,580 2,268 2,769 3,802 4,117
Corea , Republic of 59 118 177 236 469 688 898 1,317 1,681 2,412 2,944 4,044 4,378
Luxemburgo 42 84 125 166 331 485 633 928 1,184 1,700 2,075 2,850 3,085
Malasia 126 252 378 504 1,002 1,470 1,917 2,813 3,588 5,150 6,287 8,634 9,347
México 137 215 289 453 766 1,045 1,347 2,119 2,657 3,842 5,026 8,254 9,189
Holanda 42 84 125 166 331 485 633 928 1,184 1,700 2,075 2,850 3,085
Nueva Zelanda 88 176 264 353 701 1,029 1,342 1,969 2,512 3,605 4,401 6,043 6,543
Noruega 81 161 240 319 634 930 1,213 1,780 2,271 3,259 3,978 5,463 5,915
Panamá 185 370 551 696 1,385 2,032 2,651 3,889 4,962 7,121 8,693 11,939 12,926
Perú 124 247 368 488 970 1,424 1,857 2,725 3,476 4,989 6,090 8,364 9,055
Filipinas 69 138 208 277 551 808 1,054 1,547 1,974 2,832 3,458 4,877 6,251
Polonia 114 227 338 449 893 1,309 1,708 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Portugal (including
Azores and
Madeira Islands) 82 163 243 322 640 939 1,224 1,796 2,292 3,289 4,015 5,514 5,970
Rusia 179 356 530 703 1,399 2,052 2,702 4,053 5,403 7,192 8,842 12,253 15,703
Singapur 86 171 257 343 682 1,000 1,305 1,914 2,442 3,505 4,279 5,877 6,362
España (including Balearic
Islands, Canary Islands,
Ceuta, and Melilla) 62 122 182 242 480 704 918 1,347 1,719 2,467 3,011 4,136 4,478
Suecia 81 161 240 319 634 930 1,213 1,780 2,271 3,259 3,978 5,463 5,915
Suiza 42 84 125 166 331 485 633 928 1,184 1,700 2,075 2,850 3,085
Taiwán 69 138 208 277 551 808 1,054 1,547 1,974 2,832 3,458 4,748 5,141
Tailandia 126 252 378 504 1,002 1,470 1,917 2,813 3,588 5,150 6,287 8,634 9,788
Reino Unido 38 76 113 150 299 438 572 839 1,070 1,535 1,874 2,574 2,786
Venezuela 185 370 551 696 1,385 2,032 2,651 3,889 4,962 7,121 8,693 11,939 12,926
PVC Speeds (kbps)
Ubicación 3072 4096 4608 5120 6144 7680 8192 9216 10240
Argentina $13,583 $18,110 N/A $22,638 $26,260 N/A $33,504 N/A $40,748
(including Tasmania) 6,567 8,756 N/A 10,945 12,696 N/A 16,199 N/A 19,701
Austria 5,195 6,926 N/A 8,658 10,043 N/A 12,813 N/A 15,584
Bélgica 4,628 6,170 N/A 7,713 8,947 N/A 11,415 N/A 13,883
Brasil 13,583 18,110 N/A 22,638 26,260 N/A 33,504 N/A 40,748
Canadá 3,884 N/A $5,827 N/A 7,510 $9,172 N/A $11,006 N/A
Chile 13,583 18,110 N/A 22,638 26,260 N/A 33,504 N/A 40,748
China N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Colombia 19,389 25,852 N/A 32,315 37,485 N/A 47,826 N/A 58,167
Czech República 7,442 9,922 N/A 12,403 14,387 N/A 18,356 N/A 22,325
Dinamarca 8,873 11,830 N/A 14,788 17,154 N/A 21,886 N/A 26,618
Finlandia 8,873 11,830 N/A 14,788 17,154 N/A 21,886 N/A 26,618
Francia 4,628 6,170 N/A 7,713 8,947 N/A 11,415 N/A 13,883
Alemania 4,628 6,170 N/A 7,713 8,947 N/A 11,415 N/A 13,883
Grecia 19,581 26,108 N/A 32,635 37,857 N/A 48,300 N/A 58,743
Hong Kong 6,176 8,234 N/A 10,293 11,939 N/A 15,233 N/A 18,527
Hungría 11,357 15,142 N/A 18,928 21,956 N/A 28,013 N/A 34,070
India N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Indonesia 68,135 90,846 N/A 113,558 131,727 N/A 168,065 N/A 204,404
Irlanda 4,628 6,170 N/A 7,713 8,947 N/A 11,415 N/A 13,883
Israel 19,581 26,108 N/A 32,635 37,857 N/A 48,300 N/A 58,743
Italia 4,628 6,170 N/A 7,713 8,947 N/A 11,415 N/A 13,883
Japan 6,176 8,234 N/A 10,293 11,939 N/A 15,233 N/A 18,527
Corea , Republic of 6,567 8,756 N/A 10,945 12,696 N/A 16,199 N/A 19,701
Luxemburgo 4,628 6,170 N/A 7,713 8,947 N/A 11,415 N/A 13,883
Malasia 14,021 18,694 N/A 23,368 27,106 N/A 34,584 N/A 42,062
México N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Holanda 4,628 6,170 N/A 7,713 8,947 N/A 11,415 N/A 13,883
Nueva Zelanda 9,815 13,086 N/A 16,358 18,975 N/A 24,209 N/A 29,444
Noruega 8,873 11,830 N/A 14,788 17,154 N/A 21,886 N/A 26,618
Panamá 19,389 25,852 N/A 32,315 37,485 N/A 47,826 N/A 58,167
Perú 13,583 18,110 N/A 22,638 26,260 N/A 33,504 N/A 40,748
Filipinas 9,882 13,055 N/A 16,229 19,402 N/A 25,749 N/A 32,096
Polonia N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(including Azores
and Madeira Islands) 8,955 11,940 N/A 14,925 17,313 N/A 22,089 N/A 26,865
Rusia 23,555 31,406 N/A 39,258 45,539 N/A 60,344 N/A 75,339
Singapur 9,543 12,724 N/A 15,905 18,450 N/A 23,539 N/A 28,629
España (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands,
Ceuta, and Melilla) 6,717 8,956 N/A 11,195 12,986 N/A 16,569 N/A 20,151
Suecia 8,873 11,830 N/A 14,788 17,154 N/A 21,886 N/A 26,618
Suiza 4,628 6,170 N/A 7,713 8,947 N/A 11,415 N/A 13,883
Taiwán 7,712 10,282 N/A 12,853 14,909 N/A 19,022 N/A 23,135
Tailandia 16,649 22,079 N/A 27,508 32,937 N/A 43,796 N/A 54,654
Reino Unido 4,179 5,572 N/A 6,965 8,079 N/A 10,308 N/A 12,537
Venezuela 19,389 25,852 N/A 32,315 37,485 N/A 47,826 N/A 58,167