On-Net Private IP Bundled Promotion III (For Customers with $36,000 annual volume commitment) (VBS II)​​ 


Subject to the conditions set forth below, Customers under a Verizon Business services agreement (Agreement) and ordering Private IP and related Network Services Local Access Service (Access) and in a qualifying location (Promotional Service) for the first time will be charged a flat, bundled monthly recurring charge (Promotional MRC) specified in the Agreement that includes the following promotional benefits specified in the table below for the remaining Term of the Agreement, based on the length of the Term Customer committed to in the Agreement (Commitment Period).​​  


Promotional Benefits Included for Promotional Services Located IN-Franchise​​ 

The Promotional MRC covers the following:​​ 

-     Private IP Bundled Port charges for DS1 through 6xDS1 and for up to 768K Gold CAR​​ 

-     T1 through 6xT-1 Network Services Local Access Services connected to the Private IP port for a monthly recurring charge of  $225 per T-1 (which is included in the Promotional MRC)​​ 

-     Private IP WAN Analysis Standard Reporting​​ 

-     Waiver of Private IP port installation charges for a Bundled Port DS1 port  through 6xDS1​​ 

-     Waiver of Network Services Local Access Services installation charges for T-1 through 6xT-1​​ 

Promotional Benefits Included for Promotional Services Located OUT-of-Franchise​​ 

The Promotional MRC covers the Private IP Bundled Port charges for DS1 through 6xDS1 and up to 768K Gold CAR​​ 

Private IP WAN Analysis Standard Reporting​​ 

Waiver of Private IP port installation charges for a Bundled Port DS1 through 6xDS1 port and Gold CAR​​ 




1.   This promotion applies to Promotional Service being ordered for the first time.​​ 


2.   Existing Customers must have a minimum of 1 year remaining on their Term commitment.​​ 


3.   The Agreement must contain an annual volume commitment of $36,000.​​ 


4.   To qualify as an In-Franchise location the Private IP port must be located and remain in one of the following NPA/NXX locations for the Term of the Agreement.  Any service in any other location will be an Out-Of-Franchise location.​​ 


NPA/NXX Locations​​ 


5.   The benefits of this promotion can be applied to no more than two Out-of-Franchise locations and no more than 50 Private IP sites in total, In-Franchise and Out-of-Franchise.​​ 


6.   Promotion must be included in the Customer’s Agreement and signed by April 30, 2010 and submitted by May 15, 2010.​​ 


7.   Initial order for Promotional Service including related CPE specified in the table above must be ordered by May 31, 2010.​​ 


8.   Orders may be expedited, but applicable expedite fees will apply.​​ 


9.   Services receiving the benefits of this promotional offer may not also receive the benefits of the following promotions: Private IP Multi-service Promotion or the Private IP, Private IP Layer 2 & VPLS Term Discount Promotion (Existing Customers).​​ 


10. With the exception of standard VBS II discounts, the promotional rates set forth herein are in lieu of all other discounts.​​