Voice Services​​ 

Section I.3.​​ 


Switched Digital Service​​ 


I.3        Switched Digital Service is not available to Feature Option 1 Customers.​​ 


3.1.      Switched Data Service:  Dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 kbps and 64 kbps and at speeds in multiples of 64 kbps.  Switched Data calls may not originate or terminate via dedicated access in Hawaii.  Calls in Alaska may terminate via switched access 56 kbps service only.​​ 


Domestic Switched Data 56 and 64 kbps service may be accessed using either:  T‑1 Digital Access Primary Rate Interface (PRI); PRI provided by a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC); LEC-provided Basic Rate Interface (BRI) access; Digital Data Service (DDS) local loops; or, LEC‑provided Switched Digital Access (SDA).  SDA access to Switched Data is available in selected locations.​​ 


Switched Digital Service at multiples of 64 kbps may be accessed through Company Primary Rate Interface (PRI) access lines, or LEC‑provided PRI.  The Customer is responsible for obtaining the LEC‑provided PRI access line which connects the Customer's premises to the LEC's central office.  The Customer is billed directly by the LEC for this access type.  Switched services at multiples of 64 kbps require that T‑1 local access lines be equipped with B8ZS line coding from the LEC.​​ 


3.1.1.   Domestic:​​ 


A.         Outbound:  Switched Data offers dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 kbps and 64 kbps and at speeds in multiples of 64 kbps up to 1536 kbps between locations within the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii.  Switched Data offers H0 and H11 services, which are dial‑up services for transmitting data at speeds of 384 kbps and 1536 kbps (equivalent to 6 x 64 kbps and 24 x 64 kbps, respectively).​​  


B.         Inbound:  For Customers subscribing to Feature Option 2 and Feature Option 3B, Toll Free Digital Service (inbound) offers dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 kbps and 64 kbps and at speeds in multiples of 64 kbps, between locations in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii.  Dedicated Access termination is available only for calls that terminate in the U.S. Mainland.​​  


3.1.2.   International:​​ 


A.         Outbound:  For Customers subscribing to Feature Option 2 and/or Feature Option 3A, Switched Data offers international dial-up service for transmitting data at speeds of 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps that originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in international locations.​​ 


B.         Inbound:  For Customers subscribing to Feature Option 2 and/or Feature Option 3B, Switched Data offers inbound service transmitting data at speeds of 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps that originates in international locations and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii.​​