Installation Waiver Promotion​​ 


From time to time Through March 18, 2003, the Company will waive non-recurring installation charges associated with service provided pursuant to this Tariff.​​ 


ISVS Retention Promotion​​ 


Beginning January 9, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998, MCI will offer the following promotion to existing customers.  Beginning February 21, 1998, this promotion is available to new customers who are a governmental department, agency or instrumentality, including multi‑lateral organizations that are financially supported by such government and whose operations are directly participated in by the government, by virtue of law, treaty or executive order.​​ 


To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions in each monthly period:​​ 


            Customers' MCI service usage must equal or exceed $50,000;​​ 


            Customers' ISVS usage must equal or exceed $50,000; and,​​ 


            Customers must be in good standing.​​ 


In any monthly period in which a customer's ISVS usage fails to equal or exceed $50,000, the customer will be billed and required to pay: standard tariffed ISVS rates for the customer's ISVS usage in that monthly period; and, an amount equal to the difference between (i) the customer's actual usage charges in that monthly period and (ii) $50,000.​​ 


In addition, in any monthly period in which a customer's satisfies these requirements, the customer will receive a 10 percent discount on the customer's domestic Metered Use Service Option A (Gnet) usage which originates and terminates via switched access in that monthly period.​​ 


Customers enrolled on this promotion will be charged the following per-minute usage charges for outbound International Switched Voice Service (ISVS) usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in the following international locations in lieu of the rates set forth in Section E-2.​​ 


                                    STANDARD​​                             DISCOUNT​​                                  ECONOMY​​       

                            1st 30             Add'l 6            1st 30                 Add'l 6             1st 30              Add'l 6​​ 

País​​                 Seconds​​           Seconds​​           Seconds​​              Seconds​​            Seconds​​           Seconds​​ 


Afganistán​​          $0.6108            $0.1222            $0.3772             $0.0754             $0.3449           $0.0690​​ 

Albania​​                  0.2630             0.0526              0.2445               0.0275               0.2445            0.0275​​ 

Algeria​​                   0.5549             0.0482              0.3419               0.0297               0.4576            0.0398​​ 

Samoa Americana​​    0.5891             0.0514              0.1850               0.0370               0.3644            0.0318​​ 

Andorra​​                  0.3620             0.0310              0.2080               0.0178               0.1603            0.0138​​ 

Angola​​                   0.2876             0.0575              0.4989               0.0998               0.3845            0.0546​​ 

Anguilla​​                 0.3358             0.0286              0.3438               0.0684               0.3358            0.0286​​ 

Antártida​​  (Casey, Davis,​​ 

  Mawson, and Macquarie​​ 

  Island)                0.6930             0.1386              0.4865               0.0973             $0.4440           $0.0888​​ 


  (Barbuda)            0.1258             0.0252              0.3508               0.0400               0.1871            0.0214​​ 

Argentina​​               0.3425             0.0685              0.1965               0.0393               0.3146            0.0360​​ 

Armenia​​                 0.5872             0.0504              0.9869               0.0845               0.5674            0.0486​​ 

Aruba​​                    0.1639             0.0141              0.1420               0.0284               0.1522            0.0131​​ 

Ascension Island   0.2973             0.0595              0.4542               0.0518               1.0522            0.2104​​ 

Australia​​  (including​​ 

  Tasmania)           0.0975             0.0195              0.0535               0.0107               0.0974            0.0141​​ 

Austria​​                   0.1310             0.0262              0.1491               0.0124               0.1427            0.0124​​ 

Azerbaiyán​​              0.2212             0.0253              0.2410               0.0482               0.2067            0.0237​​ 

Bahamas​​               0.1911             0.0166              0.1093               0.0091               0.1086            0.0088​​ 

Bahréin​​                  0.3434             0.0687              0.1791               0.0358               0.1850            0.0370​​ 

Bangladesh​​            0.4638             0.0928                                                               0.2865            0.0573​​ 

Barbados​​               0.1787             0.0357              0.1882               0.0376               0.1885            0.0350​​ 

Bielorrusia​​                  0.1702             0.0340              0.2768               0.0554               0.2549            0.0292​​ 

Bélgica​​                 0.0777             0.0155              0.0602               0.0080               0.0499            0.0097​​ 

Belice​​                    0.5268             0.0347              0.9163               0.0786               0.5268            0.0381​​ 

Benín​​                     0.3366             0.0673              0.1940               0.0388               0.1940            0.0388​​ 

Bermudas​​                0.1325             0.0265              0.0765               0.0153               0.0765            0.0153​​ 

Bután​​                   0.6726             0.0576              N/A                   N/A                   1.2566            0.1077​​ 

Bolivia​​                    0.2139             0.0428              0.3746               0.0749               0.2111            0.0422​​ 


  ‑Herzegovina       0.4802             0.0455              0.4296               0.0354               0.4069            0.0309​​ 

Botsuana​​               0.2591             0.0518              0.1486               0.0297               0.1486            0.0297​​ 

Brasil​​                     0.2250             0.0450              0.1320               0.0264               0.1991            0.0228​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands                0.2645             0.0302              0.1010               0.0202               0.1245            0.0249​​ 

Brunéi​​                    0.1984             0.0397              0.6031               0.0690               0.2027            0.0405​​ 

Bulgaria​​                 0.3339             0.0261              0.2718               0.0544               0.1519            0.0304​​ 

Burkina Faso​​          0.3506             0.0701              0.3218               0.0368               0.3463            0.0395​​ 

Burundi​​                  0.8182             0.1636              0.9086               0.1817             $0.7381           $0.1476​​ 

Camboya​​              0.6473             0.1295              0.7453               0.0637               0.6804            0.0583​​ 

Camerún​​              0.3422             0.0684              0.3074               0.0615               0.3422            0.0684​​ 

Canadá​​                  0.0902             0.0089              0.0855               0.0080               0.0761            0.0076​​ 

Cabo Verde​​ 

  Islands                0.1963             0.0393              0.3763               0.0753               0.2213            0.0443​​ 

Cayman Islands     0.2455             0.0280              0.0920               0.0184               0.1360            0.0156​​ 

Central African​​ 

  Republic             0.6210             0.1242              0.3843               0.0769               0.7680            0.0659​​ 

Chad​​                     1.4130             0.2826              0.9548               0.1192               0.9525            0.1905​​ 

Chile​​                      0.1750             0.0350              0.0945               0.0189               0.1770            0.0151​​ 

China​​                     0.3779             0.0756              0.4825               0.0965               0.5150            0.0434​​ 

Christmas Island    0.7875             0.1575              0.7782               0.0889               0.4440            0.0888​​ 

Cocos Island         0.7875             0.1575              0.4865               0.0973               0.4440            0.0888​​ 

Colombia​​               0.1335             0.0267              0.2540               0.0508               0.2626            0.0263​​ 

Comorros              0.5210             0.1042              0.4522               0.0517               0.3650            0.0730​​ 

Congo​​                    0.4605             0.0921              0.5301               0.0457               0.6452            0.0553​​ 

Cook​​  Island​​            0.4279             0.0490              0.5110               0.1022               0.4279            0.0490​​ 

Costa Rica​​             0.1610             0.0322              0.2850               0.0570               0.2523            0.0289​​ 

Croacia​​                   0.1069             0.0214              0.1890               0.0378               0.2179            0.0187​​ 

Cuba​​                     0.1813             0.0363              0.3362               0.0672               0.3010            0.0345​​ 

Chipre​​                   0.2155             0.0431              0.2136               0.0244               0.1620            0.0324​​ 

Czech​​  República​​      0.1761             0.0352              0.1761               0.0166               0.0915            0.0179​​ 

Dinamarca​​                0.1195             0.0239              0.1368               0.0113               0.1334            0.0111​​ 

Diego Garcia         0.5688             0.0568              N/A                  N/A                    0.2558            0.0512​​ 

Yibuti​​                  0.7171             0.0819              0.4454               0.0509               0.4113            0.0470​​ 

Dominica​​               0.2631             0.0301              0.4575               0.0524               0.1648            0.0315​​ 


  Republic             0.1237             0.0247              0.2552               0.0510               0.1453            0.0291​​ 

Easter Island         1.6882             0.3376              0.9761               0.1952               0.8893            0.1779​​ 

Ecuador​​                 0.2016             0.0403              0.3487               0.0697               0.2016            0.0403​​ 

Egipto​​                    0.4044             0.0501              0.4044               0.0809               0.2698            0.0540​​ 

El Salvador​​             0.2204             0.0441              0.3648               0.0730               0.3198            0.0366​​ 


  Guinea                0.5575             0.0895              1.6203               0.1362             $2.0172           $0.1695​​ 

Eritrea​​                   0.4765             0.0953              0.4765               0.0953               0.6622            0.0590​​ 

Estonia​​                  0.2255             0.0451              0.2256               0.0255               0.1395            0.0279​​ 

Etiopía​​                 0.5903             0.0505              0.5128               0.1025               0.5903            0.0505​​ 

Faeroe Islands       0.4133             0.0473              0.2372               0.0271               0.2338            0.0268​​ 

Falkland​​  Islands    0.6035             0.1207              0.5966               0.0682               0.5966            0.0682​​ 

Fiyi​​  Islands            0.7805             0.0708              0.7024               0.0638               0.6320            0.0573​​ 

Finlandia​​                  0.1015             0.0203              0.0927               0.0106               0.0580            0.0116​​ 

Francia​​                   0.1085             0.0217              0.0580               0.0116               0.0545            0.0109​​ 

French Antilles (including​​ 

  Martinique, St. Barthelemy​​ 

  and St. Martin)    0.2964             0.0339              0.1588               0.0181               0.1459            0.0167​​ 

Guayana Francesa​​        0.2663             0.0432              0.1834               0.0209               0.1674            0.0191​​ 

Polinesia Francesa​​    1.0354             0.0870              0.6284               0.1257               1.3558            0.1139​​ 

Gabón​​                   0.4455             0.0891              0.2477               0.0495               0.2491            0.0498​​ 

Gambia​​                  0.3080             0.0616              0.3585               0.0308               0.3585            0.0320​​ 

Georgia​​                  0.3265             0.0653              0.4975               0.0995               0.3458            0.0395​​ 

Alemania​​                0.0790             0.0158              0.0445               0.0089               0.0445            0.0089​​ 

Ghana​​                   0.2682             0.0536              0.1656               0.0331               0.2016            0.0403​​ 

Gibraltar​​                 0.3235             0.0371              0.1638               0.0186               0.2209            0.0251​​ 

Grecia​​                  0.1939             0.0388              0.1152               0.0230               0.1152            0.0230​​ 

Groenlandia​​              0.2786             0.0319              0.1623               0.0325               0.2819            0.0564​​ 

Granada​​  (including​​ 

  Carriacou)           0.1547             0.0309              0.2768               0.0554               0.1459            0.0292​​ 

Guadalupe​​            0.2154             0.0431              0.1167               0.0233               0.1647            0.0188​​ 

Guantanamo​​  Bay   0.1952             0.0390              0.3973               0.0721               0.1704            0.0327​​ 

Guatemala​​             0.1855             0.0371              0.3279               0.0656               0.3024            0.0346​​ 

Guinea​​                   0.3019             0.0604              0.1739               0.0348               0.2790            0.0320​​ 

Guinea‑Bissau​​        0.6515             0.1303              0.3738               0.0748               0.7371            0.0644​​ 

Guyana​​                  0.4390             0.0878              0.2525               0.0505               0.2520            0.0504​​ 

Haití​​                      0.2418             0.0484              0.4196               0.0839               0.2375            0.0475​​ 

Honduras​​               0.2241             0.0448              0.3927               0.0785               0.4463            0.0385​​ 

Hong Kong​​             0.2570             0.0514              0.2958               0.0252               0.2961            0.0255​​ 

Hungría​​                 0.1715             0.0343              0.0960               0.0192             $0.1836           $0.0155​​ 

Islandia​​                   0.0857             0.0171              0.1339               0.0268               0.0784            0.0157​​ 

India​​                      0.3321             0.0664              N/A                   N/A                   0.2327            0.0465​​ 

Indonesia​​               0.3045             0.0609              0.1750               0.0350               0.2130            0.0426​​ 

Irán​​                        1.2112             0.1053              0.3515               0.0703               0.4275            0.0855​​ 

Irak​​                        1.6131             0.1383              0.9278               0.0795               1.1301            0.0969​​ 

Irlanda​​                   0.2511             0.0216              0.1445               0.0124               0.1445            0.0124​​ 

Israel​​                     0.1561             0.0312              0.0995               0.0199               0.2237            0.0193​​ 

Italia​​                       0.0905             0.0181              0.0605               0.0121               0.0874            0.0116​​ 

Costa de Marfil​​             0.4038             0.0808              0.7049               0.1410               0.8098            0.0694​​ 

Jamaica​​                 0.2496             0.0499              0.6074               0.1215               0.2496            0.0499​​ 

Japan                   0.1596             0.0319              0.0732               0.0146               0.2514            0.0287​​ 

Jordania​​                   0.3868             0.0774              0.4189               0.0356               0.3995            0.0342​​ 

Kazajistán​​            0.6020             0.0686              0.6993               0.1399               0.5912            0.0678​​ 

Kenia​​                    0.3950             0.0790              0.4545               0.0386               0.4474            0.0380​​ 

Kiribati​​                   1.1249             0.0945              1.1955               0.2391               1.6923            0.1422​​ 

Corea​​ ,​​ 



  Republic of          2.1826             0.2494              1.0953               0.2191               2.1481            0.4296​​ 

Corea​​ ,​​ 

  Republic of          0.1289             0.0258              0.1029               0.0206               0.2118            0.0424​​ 

Kuwait​​                   0.3822             0.0764              0.1524               0.0305               0.1742            0.0348​​ 

Kirguistán​​            0.9643             0.0825              1.6788               0.1437               0.9003            0.0769​​ 

Laos​​                      1.4438             0.1262              0.7724               0.0676               0.9406            0.0823​​ 

Letonia​​                     0.1970             0.0394              0.3678               0.0736               0.3101            0.0354​​ 

Lebanon​​                 0.5120             0.1024              0.5885               0.0448               0.3280            0.0656​​ 

Lesoto​​                 0.5066             0.0437              0.2408               0.0208               0.2408            0.0208​​ 

Liberia​​                   0.2766             0.0553              0.1587               0.0317               0.2898            0.0248​​ 

Libia​​                     0.1785             0.0357              0.2774               0.0317               0.3015            0.0603​​ 

Liechtenstein​​          0.2417             0.0276              0.1391               0.0159               0.1003            0.0115​​ 

Lituania​​                0.2900             0.0332              0.3848               0.0770               0.2610            0.0299​​ 

Luxemburgo​​           0.1180             0.0236              0.1079               0.0124               0.0675            0.0135​​ 

Macao​​                   0.2131             0.0426              0.3716               0.0743             $0.4454           $0.0357​​ 

Macedonia​​             0.1289             0.0258              0.2399               0.0480               0.1257            0.0251​​ 

Madagascar​​           1.4325             0.2865              1.9880               0.3976               1.5436            0.1764​​ 

Malawi​​                   0.2910             0.0582              0.2307               0.0263               0.2033            0.0407​​ 

Malasia​​                0.4677             0.0400              0.2689               0.0231               0.4677            0.0400​​ 

Maldivas​​                0.9421             0.0809              1.7138               0.1470               2.9804            0.2556​​ 

Mali​​                       0.4405             0.0881              0.3744               0.0428               0.4055            0.0463​​ 

Malta​​                     0.4027             0.0345              0.2151               0.0185               0.2813            0.0241​​ 

Marshall​​  Islands    0.3160             0.0632              0.2215               0.0443               0.2380            0.0476​​ 

Mauritania​​              0.6338             0.0723              0.3644               0.0417               0.3917            0.0448​​ 

Mauricio​​                0.8348             0.0955              0.4802               0.0548               0.6291            0.0719​​ 

Mayotte​​  Island       2.1087             0.1685              1.6993               0.3399               1.7517            0.1509​​ 

México​​                  0.2155             0.0431              N/A                   N/A                   0.1455            0.0291​​ 

Micronesia​​             0.3160             0.0632              0.2911               0.2911               0.2380            0.0476​​ 

Moldavia​​                 0.5753             0.0657              0.6250               0.6250               0.3235            0.0647​​ 

Mónaco​​                 0.1625             0.0325              0.0949               0.0949               0.1360            0.0156​​ 

Mongolia​​                0.7292             0.0626              0.6525               0.6525               1.1218            0.1282​​ 

Montserrat​​             0.1695             0.0194              0.3222               0.3222               0.1695            0.0194​​ 

Marruecos​​                0.2465             0.0493              0.2370               0.2370               0.1815            0.0363​​ 

Mozambique​​          0.8266             0.0718              0.2580               0.2580               0.5109            0.0444​​ 

Birmania​​               1.2615             0.1085              2.7085               0.2495               1.6639            0.1211​​ 

Namibia​​                 0.2781             0.0556              0.1583               0.1583               0.1457            0.0291​​ 

Nauru​​                    0.3511             0.0401              0.6566               0.6566               0.3777            0.0431​​ 

Nepal​​                     1.1829             0.1016              N/A                   N/A                   0.8287            0.0710​​ 

Holanda​​            0.0725             0.0145              0.0415               0.0415               0.0608            0.0069​​ 


  Antilles               0.2823             0.0242              0.1482               0.1482               0.1482            0.0127​​ 

Nevis​​                     0.1985             0.0397              0.1140               0.1140               0.0955            0.0191​​ 

Nueva Caledonia​​       0.1715             0.0343              0.2980               0.2980               0.2744            0.0314​​ 

Nueva Zelanda​​          0.1245             0.0249              0.2165               0.2165               0.1991            0.0228​​ 

Nicaragua​​              0.1945             0.0389              0.3380               0.3380               0.1945            0.0389​​ 

Níger​​                     0.2945             0.0589              0.2706               0.2706               0.3542            0.0405​​ 

Nigeria​​                   0.3069             0.0614              0.1599               0.1599               0.1600            0.0320​​ 

Niue​​  Island            0.7690             0.1538              0.6985               0.6985             $0.7320           $0.1464​​ 

Norfolk​​  Island        0.7875             0.1575              0.7782               0.7782               0.9470            0.1082​​ 

Noruega​​                  0.0830             0.0166              0.0937               0.0937               0.0937            0.0078​​ 

Omán​​                    0.6238             0.0545              0.1681               0.1681               0.4360            0.0381​​ 

Pakistán​​                0.8297             0.0711              N/A                   N/A                   0.5807            0.0498​​ 

Palaos​​                     0.5010             0.1002              0.4606               0.0526               0.3765            0.0753​​ 

Panamá​​                 0.1683             0.0337              0.2898               0.0580               0.3289            0.0290​​ 


  New Guinea        0.6053             0.1211              0.6905               0.0599               0.8251            0.0731​​ 

Paraguay​​               0.3335             0.0667              0.2332               0.0286               0.2335            0.0467​​ 

Perú​​                      0.2025             0.0405              0.2510               0.0502               0.1950            0.0390​​ 

Filipinas​​             0.2720             0.0544              0.1560               0.0312               0.3783            0.0325​​ 

Pitcairn Island       1.6881             0.3376              0.9730               0.1946               0.8863            0.1773​​ 

Polonia​​                   0.1901             0.0380              0.1093               0.0219               0.1990            0.0171​​ 

Portugal​​  (including​​ 

  Azores and​​ 

  Madeira Islands)  0.2265             0.0453              0.1315               0.0263               0.2530            0.0218​​ 

Catar​​                     0.3637             0.0727              0.1927               0.0385               0.2343            0.0469​​ 

Reunión​​  Island       0.4826             0.0552              0.3265               0.0653               0.2774            0.0317​​ 

Rumania​​                0.1755             0.0351              0.3058               0.0612               0.3518            0.0302​​ 

Rusia​​                   0.2458             0.0492              0.3824               0.0765               0.1676            0.0335​​ 

Ruanda​​                 0.3910             0.0782              0.2257               0.0451               0.4346            0.0382​​ 

San Marino​​            0.5550             0.1110              0.5077               0.0580               0.6354            0.0726​​ 

Santo Tomé​​              0.4015             0.0828              0.3662               0.0732               0.0680            0.1329​​ 

Arabia Saudita​​          0.4695             0.0939              0.2140               0.0428               0.2140            0.0428​​ 

Senegal​​                 0.7586             0.1517              0.4361               0.0872               0.4361            0.0872​​ 

Seychelles​​             0.5227             0.1045              0.7944               0.0908               0.9101            0.1820​​ 

Sierra Leona​​           0.4063             0.0813              0.2334               0.0467               0.2334            0.0467​​ 

Singapur​​              0.4559             0.0344              0.2860               0.0197               0.3359            0.0239​​ 

Eslovaquia​​                 0.1920             0.0384              0.1763               0.0201               0.1611            0.0184​​ 

Eslovenia​​                 0.0926             0.0185              0.1586               0.0317               0.0848            0.0170​​ 

Solomon Islands    0.4183             0.0837              0.7067               0.1413               0.6581            0.0579​​ 

Somalia​​                 0.5545             0.1109              1.0540               0.2108               0.4325            0.0865​​ 

Sudáfrica​​           0.2460             0.0492              0.1415               0.0283             $0.1415           $0.0283​​ 

España​​  (including​​ 

  Balearic Islands,​​ 

  Canary Islands, Ceuta​​ 

  and Melilla)         0.1305             0.0261              0.0750               0.0150               0.1445            0.0130​​ 

Sri Lanka​​               0.4730             0.0946              N/A                   N/A                   0.3087            0.0617​​ 

Santa Helena​​              0.4574             0.0915              1.0318               0.0876               0.6241            0.1248​​ 

St. Kitts                0.1535             0.0307              0.1920               0.0384               0.1085            0.0217​​ 

Sta. Lucía​​                0.2917             0.0333              0.3858               0.0772               0.3191            0.0365​​ 

St. Pierre​​ /​​ 

  Miquelon             0.2316             0.0463              0.7531               0.0862               0.2316            0.0463​​ 

San Vicente​​ /​​ 

  Grenadines         0.0162             0.0323              0.3786               0.0757               0.1967​​              

Sudán​​                    0.8300             0.1660              0.4775               0.0955               0.4365            0.0873​​ 

Surinam​​               0.5221             0.1044              0.3212               0.0509               0.3212            0.0498​​ 

Suazilandia​​              0.3173             0.0635              0.1816               0.0363               0.1816            0.0363​​ 

Suecia​​                 0.1055             0.0211              0.2021               0.0102               0.2021            0.0087​​ 

Suiza​​            0.1175             0.0235              0.1255               0.0106               0.1255            0.0106​​ 

Siria​​                     0.4511             0.0902              0.3562               0.0712               0.2701            0.0540​​ 

Tayikistán​​               0.4305             0.0861              0.7493               0.1499               0.4305            0.0861​​ 

Taiwán​​                   0.3519             0.0298              0.3519               0.0298               0.6051            0.0514​​ 

Tanzania​​                0.3785             0.0325              0.3287               0.0657               0.1894            0.0379​​ 

Tailandia​​                 0.7712             0.0655              0.4770               0.0373               0.4362            0.0373​​ 

Togo​​                      0.3588             0.0718              0.3813               0.0763               0.2552            0.0510​​ 

Tonga​​  Islands        0.7338             0.0630              0.7392               0.1478               0.7338            0.0630​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago     0.1690             0.0338              0.3023               0.0605               0.3024            0.0283​​ 

Túnez​​                   0.2981             0.0596              0.1840               0.0368               0.1840            0.0368​​ 

Turquía​​                   0.1855             0.0371              0.0975               0.0195               0.1385            0.0277​​ 

Turkmenistán​​         0.8199             0.0702              0.7148               0.1430               0.4085            0.0817​​ 

Islas Turcas y Caicos​​ 

  Islands                0.3797             0.0328              0.2181               0.0184               0.2030            0.0174​​ 

Tuvalu​​                    0.5394             0.1079              1.0146               0.1160               0.8632            0.1726​​ 

Uganda​​                  0.1815             0.0363              0.2964               0.0593               0.1706            0.0341​​ 

Ucrania​​                  0.1873             0.0375              0.3276               0.0655             $0.2687           $0.0307​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates             0.2478             0.0496              0.1372               0.0274               0.1850            0.0370​​ 

Reino Unido​​      0.0601             0.0120              0.0281               0.0056               0.0287            0.0057​​ 

Uruguay​​                 0.4185             0.0373              0.4187               0.0837               0.4185            0.0359​​ 

Uzbekistán​​             0.1225             0.0245              0.2130               0.0426               0.1140            0.0228​​ 

Vanuatu​​                 1.5331             0.1394              2.9174               0.2652               1.6781            0.1526​​ 

Ciudad del Vaticano​​           0.0905             0.0181              0.0605               0.0121               0.0874            0.0116​​ 

Venezuela​​              0.5201             0.0447              0.1490               0.0298               0.3637            0.0277​​ 

Vietnam​​                 0.5464             0.1093              0.3058               0.0612               0.3198            0.0640​​ 

Wake                   1.6790             0.3358              1.9013               0.1931               0.8795            0.1759​​ 


  and Futuna          0.7855             0.1571              0.4855               0.0971               0.4430            0.0886​​ 

Sáhara Occidental​​     1.6880             0.3376              0.9727               0.1945               0.8862            0.1772​​ 

Samoa Occidental​​     0.2158             0.0432              0.3761               0.0752               0.2158            0.0432​​ 

Yemen​​ ,​​ 

  Republic of          0.8594             0.0746              0.4936               0.0423               0.3010            0.0602​​ 

Zaire​​                      0.3401             0.0680              0.2367               0.0473               0.2367            0.0473​​ 

Zambia​​                  0.3105             0.0621              0.1785               0.0357               0.3576            0.0306​​ 

Zimbabue​​              0.3062             0.0612              0.1762               0.0352               0.3522            0.0302​​ 


In addition, customers will be charged the following per-minute rates for direct dial usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in Guam and CNMI.​​ 



                                    STANDARD​​                             DISCOUNT​​                                  ECONOMY​​       

                            1st 30             Add'l 6            1st 30                 Add'l 6             1st 30              Add'l 6​​ 

Ubicación​​                Seconds​​           Seconds​​           Seconds​​              Seconds​​            Seconds​​           Seconds​​ 


CNMI                  $0.2375            $0.0475            $0.1465               0.0283               0.1465            0.0293​​ 

Guam                   0.0762             0.0152              0.0762               0.0152               0.1123            0.0097​​ 


In addition, the following types of Inmarsat service are available under this promotion:​​ 


            Inmarsat Standard B Service:  For digital-based calls made to mobile terminals using the dialing pattern of:  International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Standard B Terminal number (nine-digits, beginning with, and including the digit "3").​​ 


            Inmarsat Standard M Service:  For digital-based calls made to mobile terminals using the dialing pattern of:  International Access Code (011) + Ocean Region Code (three-digits) + Standard M Terminal number (nine-digits, beginning with, and including the digit "6").​​ 


Customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following per-minute rates for usage to Atlantic and Indian Ocean Inmarsat locations:​​ 


            Type of Service/Calls Terminating to:​​                    1st 30 Sec.​​        Add'l 6 Sec.​​ 


              Standard B/Atlantic Ocean                                $1.8000                $0.3600​​ 

              Standard B/Indian Ocean                                    3.0750                 0.6150​​  

              Standard M/Atlantic Ocean                                 1.8000                 0.3600​​ 

              Standard M/Indian Ocean                                   3.0750                 0.6150​​ 


ISVS Retention Promotion 2​​ 


Beginning January 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, MCI will offer the following promotion to existing customers1 who subscribe to International Switched Voice Service (ISVS).  All standard tariffed ISVS rates and charges, terms and conditions not specifically modified herein will apply.  This promotion is available to new customers who are a governmental department, agency or instrumentality, including multi‑lateral organizations that are financially supported by such government and whose operations are directly participated in by the government, by virtue of law, treaty or executive order.​​ 


To be eligible for the benefits of this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions in each monthly period:​​ 


            Customers' MCI service usage must equal or exceed $50,000;​​ 


            Customers' ISVS usage must equal or exceed $50,000; and,​​ 


            Customers must be in good standing.​​ 


In any monthly period in which a customer's ISVS usage fails to equal or exceed $50,000, the customer will be billed and required to pay: standard tariffed ISVS rates for the customer's ISVS usage in that monthly period; and, an amount equal to the difference between (i) the customer's actual usage charges in that monthly period and (ii) $50,000.​​  


In addition, in any monthly period in which a customer's satisfies these requirements, the customer will receive a 10 percent discount on the customer's domestic Metered Use Service Option A (Gnt) usage which originates and terminates via switched access in that monthly period.​​ 


Customers enrolled on this promotion will be charged the following per-minute usage charges for outbound International Switched Voice Service (ISVS) usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in the following international locations:​​ 


                                    STANDARD​​                             DISCOUNT​​                                  ECONOMY​​       

                            1st 30             Add'l 6            1st 30                 Add'l 6             1st 30              Add'l 6​​ 

País​​                 Seconds​​           Seconds​​           Seconds​​              Seconds​​            Seconds​​           Seconds​​ 


Afghanistan         $0.6108            $0.1222            $0.3772             $0.0754             $0.3449           $0.0690​​ 

Albania                 0.2630             0.0526              0.2445               0.0275               0.2445            0.0275​​ 

Algeria                  0.5549             0.0482              0.3419               0.0297               0.4576            0.0398​​ 

American Samoa   0.5891             0.0514              0.1850               0.0370               0.3644            0.0318​​ 

Andorra                 0.3620             0.0310              0.2080               0.0178               0.1603            0.0138​​ 

Angola                  0.2876             0.0575              0.4989               0.0998               0.3845            0.0546​​ 

Anguilla                0.3358             0.0286              0.3438               0.0684             $0.3358           $0.0286​​ 

Antarctica (Casey, Davis,​​ 

  Mawson, and Macquarie​​ 

  Island)                0.6930             0.1386              0.4865               0.0973               0.4440            0.0888​​ 


  (Barbuda)            0.1258             0.0252              0.3508               0.0400               0.1871            0.0214​​ 

Argentina              0.3425             0.0685              0.1965               0.0393               0.3146            0.0360​​ 

Armenia                0.5872             0.0504              0.9869               0.0845               0.5674            0.0486​​ 

Aruba                   0.1639             0.0141              0.1420               0.0284               0.1522            0.0131​​ 

Ascension Island   0.2973             0.0595              0.4542               0.0518               1.0522            0.2104​​ 

Australia (including​​ 

  Tasmania)           0.0975             0.0195              0.0535               0.0107               0.0974            0.0141​​ 

Austria                  0.1310             0.0262              0.1491               0.0124               0.1427            0.0124​​ 

Azerbaijan             0.2212             0.0253              0.2410               0.0482               0.2067            0.0237​​ 

Bahamas              0.1911             0.0166              0.1093               0.0091               0.1086            0.0088​​ 

Bahrain                 0.3434             0.0687              0.1791               0.0358               0.1850            0.0370​​ 

Bangladesh           0.4638             0.0928                                                               0.2865            0.0573​​ 

Barbados              0.1787             0.0357              0.1882               0.0376               0.1885            0.0350​​ 

Belarus                 0.1702             0.0340              0.2768               0.0554               0.2549            0.0292​​ 

Belgium                0.0777             0.0155              0.0602               0.0080               0.0499            0.0097​​ 

Belize                   0.5268             0.0347              0.9163               0.0786               0.5268            0.0381​​ 

Benin                    0.3366             0.0673              0.1940               0.0388               0.1940            0.0388​​ 

Bermuda               0.1325             0.0265              0.0765               0.0153               0.0765            0.0153​​ 

Bhutan                  0.6726             0.0576              N/A                   N/A                   1.2566            0.1077​​ 

Bolivia                   0.2139             0.0428              0.3746               0.0749               0.2111            0.0422​​ 


  ‑Herzegovina       0.4802             0.0455              0.4296               0.0354               0.4069            0.0309​​ 

Botswana              0.2591             0.0518              0.1486               0.0297               0.1486            0.0297​​ 

Brazil                    0.2250             0.0450              0.1320               0.0264               0.1991            0.0228​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

  Islands                0.2645             0.0302              0.1010               0.0202               0.1245            0.0249​​ 

Brunei                   0.1984             0.0397              0.6031               0.0690               0.2027            0.0405​​ 

Bulgaria                0.3339             0.0261              0.2718               0.0544               0.1519            0.0304​​ 

Burkina Faso         0.3506             0.0701              0.3218               0.0368               0.3463            0.0395​​ 

Burundi                0.8182             0.1636              0.9086               0.1817             $0.7381           $0.1476​​ 

Cambodia            0.6473             0.1295              0.7453               0.0637               0.6804            0.0583​​ 

Cameroon            0.3422             0.0684              0.3074               0.0615               0.3422            0.0684​​ 

Canada                0.0902             0.0089              0.0855               0.0080               0.0761            0.0076​​ 

Cabo Verde​​ 

  Islands               0.1963             0.0393              0.3763               0.0753               0.2213            0.0443​​ 

Cayman Islands    0.2455             0.0280              0.0920               0.0184               0.1360            0.0156​​ 

Central African​​ 

  Republic            0.6210             0.1242              0.3843               0.0769               0.7680            0.0659​​ 

Chad Republic      1.4130             0.2826              0.9548               0.1192               0.9525            0.1905​​ 

Chile                    0.1750             0.0350              0.0945               0.0189               0.1770            0.0151​​ 

China                   0.3779             0.0756              0.4825               0.0965               0.5150            0.0434​​ 

Christmas Island   0.7875             0.1575              0.7782               0.0889               0.4440            0.0888​​ 

Cocos Island        0.7875             0.1575              0.4865               0.0973               0.4440            0.0888​​ 

Colombia             0.1335             0.0267              0.2540               0.0508               0.2626            0.0263​​ 

Comorros             0.5210             0.1042              0.4522               0.0517               0.3650            0.0730​​ 

Congo                  0.4605             0.0921              0.5301               0.0457               0.6452            0.0553​​ 

Cook Islands        0.4279             0.0490              0.5110               0.1022               0.4279            0.0490​​ 

Costa Rica           0.1610             0.0322              0.2850               0.0570               0.2523            0.0289​​ 

Croatia                 0.1069             0.0214              0.1890               0.0378               0.2179            0.0187​​ 

Cuba                   0.1813             0.0363              0.3362               0.0672               0.3010            0.0345​​ 

Cyprus                 0.2155             0.0431              0.2136               0.0244               0.1620            0.0324​​ 

Czech Republic    0.1761             0.0352              0.1761               0.0166               0.0915            0.0179​​ 

Denmark              0.1195             0.0239              0.1368               0.0113               0.1334            0.0111​​ 

Diego Garcia        0.5688             0.0568                N/A                  N/A                 0.2558            0.0512​​ 

Djibouti                0.7171             0.0819              0.4454               0.0509               0.4113            0.0470​​ 

Dominica             0.2631             0.0301              0.4575               0.0524               0.1648            0.0315​​ 


  Republic            0.1237             0.0247              0.2552               0.0510               0.1453            0.0291​​ 

Easter Island        1.6882             0.3376              0.9761               0.1952               0.8893            0.1779​​ 

Ecuador               0.2016             0.0403              0.3487               0.0697               0.2016            0.0403​​ 

Egypt                  0.4044             0.0501              0.4044               0.0809               0.2698            0.0540​​ 

El Salvador           0.2204             0.0441              0.3648               0.0730               0.3198            0.0366​​ 


  Guinea               0.5575             0.0895              1.6203               0.1362             $2.0172           $0.1695​​ 

Eritrea                 0.4765             0.0953              0.4765               0.0953               0.6622            0.0590​​ 

Estonia                0.2255             0.0451              0.2256               0.0255               0.1395            0.0279​​ 

Ethiopia               0.5903             0.0505              0.5128               0.1025               0.5903            0.0505​​ 

Faeroe Islands      0.4133             0.0473              0.2372               0.0271               0.2338            0.0268​​ 

Falkland Islands   0.6035             0.1207              0.5966               0.0682               0.5966            0.0682​​ 

Fiji Islands           0.7805             0.0708              0.7024               0.0638               0.6320            0.0573​​ 

Finland                0.1015             0.0203              0.0927               0.0106               0.0580            0.0116​​ 

France                 0.1085             0.0217              0.0580               0.0116               0.0545            0.0109​​ 

French Antilles (including​​ 

  Martinique, St. Barthelemy​​ 

  and St. Martin)    0.2964             0.0339              0.1588               0.0181               0.1459            0.0167​​ 

French Guiana      0.2663             0.0432              0.1834               0.0209               0.1674            0.0191​​ 

French Polynesia (Including Moorea​​ 

  and Tahiti)           1.0354             0.0870              0.6284               0.1257               1.3558            0.1139​​ 

Gabon                 0.4455             0.0891              0.2477               0.0495               0.2491            0.0498​​ 

Gambia                0.3080             0.0616              0.3585               0.0308               0.3585            0.0320​​ 

Georgia                0.3265             0.0653              0.4975               0.0995               0.3458            0.0395​​ 

Germany              0.0790             0.0158              0.0445               0.0089               0.0445            0.0089​​ 

Ghana                 0.2682             0.0536              0.1656               0.0331               0.2016            0.0403​​ 

Gibraltar               0.3235             0.0371              0.1638               0.0186               0.2209            0.0251​​ 

Greece                0.1939             0.0388              0.1152               0.0230               0.1152            0.0230​​ 

Greenland            0.2786             0.0319              0.1623               0.0325               0.2819            0.0564​​ 

Grenada (including​​ 

  Carriacou)          0.1547             0.0309              0.2768               0.0554               0.1459            0.0292​​ 

Guadeloupe          0.2154             0.0431              0.1167               0.0233               0.1647            0.0188​​ 

Guantanamo        0.1952             0.0390              0.3973               0.0721               0.1704            0.0327​​ 

Guatemala           0.1855             0.0371              0.3279               0.0656               0.3024            0.0346​​ 

Guinea                 0.3019             0.0604              0.1739               0.0348               0.2790            0.0320​​ 

Guinea Bissau      0.6515             0.1303              0.3738               0.0748               0.7371            0.0644​​ 

Guyana                0.4390             0.0878              0.2525               0.0505               0.2520            0.0504​​ 

Haiti                    0.2418             0.0484              0.4196               0.0839               0.2375            0.0475​​ 

Honduras             0.2241             0.0448              0.3927               0.0785               0.4463            0.0385​​ 

Hong Kong           0.2570             0.0514              0.2958               0.0252               0.2961            0.0255​​ 

Hungary               0.1715             0.0343              0.0960               0.0192             $0.1836           $0.0155​​ 

Iceland                 0.0857             0.0171              0.1339               0.0268               0.0784            0.0157​​ 

India                    0.3321             0.0664             N/A                     N/A                 0.2327            0.0465​​ 

Indonesia             0.3045             0.0609              0.1750               0.0350               0.2130            0.0426​​ 

Iran                      1.2112             0.1053              0.3515               0.0703               0.4275            0.0855​​ 

Iraq                      1.6131             0.1383              0.9278               0.0795               1.1301            0.0969​​ 

Ireland                 0.2511             0.0216              0.1445               0.0124               0.1445            0.0124​​ 

Israel                   0.1561             0.0312              0.0995               0.0199               0.2237            0.0193​​ 

Italy                     0.0905             0.0181              0.0605               0.0121               0.0874            0.0116​​ 

Ivory Coast           0.4038             0.0808              0.7049               0.1410               0.8098            0.0694​​ 

Jamaica               0.2496             0.0499              0.6074               0.1215               0.2496            0.0499​​ 

Japan (including​​ 

  Okinawa)           0.1596             0.0319              0.0732               0.0146               0.2514            0.0287​​ 

Jordan                 0.3868             0.0774              0.4189               0.0356               0.3995            0.0342​​ 

Kazakhstan          0.6020             0.0686              0.6993               0.1399               0.5912            0.0678​​ 

Kenya                  0.3950             0.0790              0.4545               0.0386               0.4474            0.0380​​ 

Kiribati                 1.1249             0.0945              1.1955               0.2391               1.6923            0.1422​​ 

Korea, Democratic People's​​ 

  Republic of          2.1826             0.2494              1.0953               0.2191               2.1481            0.4296​​ 


  Republic of         0.1289             0.0258              0.1029               0.0206               0.2118            0.0424​​ 

Kuwait                 0.3822             0.0764              0.1524               0.0305               0.1742            0.0348​​ 

Kyrgystan            0.9643             0.0825              1.6788               0.1437               0.9003            0.0769​​ 

Laos                    1.4438             0.1262              0.7724               0.0676               0.9406            0.0823​​ 

Latvia                   0.1970             0.0394              0.3678               0.0736               0.3101            0.0354​​ 

Lebanon               0.5120             0.1024              0.5885               0.0448               0.3280            0.0656​​ 

Lesotho               0.5066             0.0437              0.2408               0.0208               0.2408            0.0208​​ 

Liberia                 0.2766             0.0553              0.1587               0.0317               0.2898            0.0248​​ 

Libya                   0.1785             0.0357              0.2774               0.0317               0.3015            0.0603​​ 

Liechtenstein        0.2417             0.0276              0.1391               0.0159               0.1003            0.0115​​ 

Lithuania              0.2900             0.0332              0.3848               0.0770               0.2610            0.0299​​ 

Luxembourg         0.1180             0.0236              0.1079               0.0124               0.0675            0.0135​​ 

Macao                 0.2131             0.0426              0.3716               0.0743             $0.4454           $0.0357​​ 

Macedonia           0.1289             0.0258              0.2399               0.0480               0.1257            0.0251​​ 

Madagascar         1.4325             0.2865              1.9880               0.3976               1.5436            0.1764​​ 

Malawi                 0.2910             0.0582              0.2307               0.0263               0.2033            0.0407​​ 

Malaysia              0.4677             0.0400              0.2689               0.0231               0.4677            0.0400​​ 

Maldives              0.9421             0.0809              1.7138               0.1470               2.9804            0.2556​​ 

Mali                     0.4405             0.0881              0.3744               0.0428               0.4055            0.0463​​ 

Malta                   0.4027             0.0345              0.2151               0.0185               0.2813            0.0241​​ 

Marshall Islands   0.3160             0.0632              0.2215               0.0443               0.2380            0.0476​​ 

Martinique            0.3518             0.0302              0.1844               0.0158               0.1844            0.0158​​ 

Mauritania            0.6338             0.0723              0.3644               0.0417               0.3917            0.0448​​ 

Mauritius              0.8348             0.0955              0.4802               0.0548               0.6291            0.0719​​ 

Mayotte Island      2.1087             0.1685              1.6993               0.3399               1.7517            0.1509​​ 

Mexico                0.2155             0.0431               N/A                    N/A                 0.1455            0.0291​​ 

Micronesia           0.3160             0.0632              0.2911               0.2911               0.2380            0.0476​​ 

Miquelon              0.2316             0.0463              0.7531               0.0862               0.2316            0.0463​​ 

Moldova               0.5753             0.0657              0.6250               0.6250               0.3235            0.0647​​ 

Monaco               0.1625             0.0325              0.0949               0.0949               0.1360            0.0156​​ 

Mongolia               0.7292             0.0626              0.6525               0.6525               1.1218            0.1282​​ 

Montserrat           0.1695             0.0194              0.3222               0.3222               0.1695            0.0194​​ 

Morocco              0.2465             0.0493              0.2370               0.2370               0.1815            0.0363​​ 

Mozambique        0.8266             0.0718              0.2580               0.2580               0.5109            0.0444​​ 

Mustique              0.0162             0.0323              0.3786               0.0757               0.1967            0.0393​​ 

Myanmar             1.2615             0.1085              2.7085               0.2495               1.6639            0.1211​​ 

Nakhodka            0.2458             0.0492              0.3824               0.0765               0.1676            0.0335​​ 

Namibia               0.2781             0.0556              0.1583               0.1583               0.1457            0.0291​​ 

Nauru                  0.3511             0.0401              0.6566               0.6566               0.3777            0.0431​​ 

Nepal                   1.1829             0.1016               N/A                    N/A                 0.8287            0.0710​​ 

Netherlands          0.0725             0.0145              0.0415               0.0415               0.0608            0.0069​​ 

Antillas Holandesas​​ 


  Bonaire, Curacao,​​ 

  Saba, St. Eustatius, and​​ 

  St. Maarten)       0.2823             0.0242              0.1482               0.1482               0.1482            0.0127​​ 

Nevis                   0.1985             0.0397              0.1140               0.1140             $0.0955           $0.0191​​ 

New Caledonia     0.1715             0.0343              0.2980               0.2980               0.2744            0.0314​​ 

New Zealand (including​​ 

  Chatham Island) 0.1245             0.0249              0.2165               0.2165               0.1991            0.0228​​ 

Nicaragua            0.1945             0.0389              0.3380               0.3380               0.1945            0.0389​​ 

Niger                   0.2945             0.0589              0.2706               0.2706               0.3542            0.0405​​ 

Nigeria                 0.3069             0.0614              0.1599               0.1599               0.1600            0.0320​​ 

Niue                    0.7690             0.1538              0.6985               0.6985               0.7320            0.1464​​ 

Norfolk Island       0.7875             0.1575              0.7782               0.7782               0.9470            0.1082​​ 

Norway                0.0830             0.0166              0.0937               0.0937               0.0937            0.0078​​ 

Oman                  0.6238             0.0545              0.1681               0.1681               0.4360            0.0381​​ 

Pakistan              0.8297             0.0711               N/A                    N/A                 0.5807            0.0498​​ 

Palau                   0.5010             0.1002              0.4606               0.0526               0.3765            0.0753​​ 

Palm Island          0.0162             0.0323              0.3786               0.0757               0.1967            0.0393​​ 

Panama               0.1683             0.0337              0.2898               0.0580               0.3289            0.0290​​ 

Papúa Nueva Guinea​​ 


  Admiralty Islands,​​ 


  New Britain, and​​ 

  New Ireland)       0.6053             0.1211              0.6905               0.0599               0.8251            0.0731​​ 

Paraguay             0.3335             0.0667              0.2332               0.0286               0.2335            0.0467​​ 

Peru                    0.2025             0.0405              0.2510               0.0502               0.1950            0.0390​​ 

Philippines           0.2720             0.0544              0.1560               0.0312               0.3783            0.0325​​ 

Pitcairn Island *    1.6881             0.3376              0.9730               0.1946               0.8863            0.1773​​ 

Poland                 0.1901             0.0380              0.1093               0.0219               0.1990            0.0171​​ 

Portugal (including​​ 

  Azores and​​ 

  Madeira Islands  0.2265             0.0453              0.1315               0.0263               0.2530            0.0218​​ 

Qatar                   0.3637             0.0727              0.1927               0.0385               0.2343            0.0469​​ 

Reunion Island      0.4826             0.0552              0.3265               0.0653               0.2774            0.0317​​ 

Romania              0.1755             0.0351              0.3058               0.0612               0.3518            0.0302​​ 

Russia                 0.2458             0.0492              0.3824               0.0765               0.1676            0.0335​​ 

Rwanda               0.3910             0.0782              0.2257               0.0451               0.4346            0.0382​​ 

Sakhalin              0.2458             0.0492              0.3824               0.0765               0.1676            0.0335​​ 

San Marino          0.5550             0.1110              0.5077               0.0580               0.6354            0.0726 \​​ 

Sao Tome            0.4015             0.0828              0.3662               0.0732             $0.0680           $0.1329​​ 

Saudi Arabia        0.4695             0.0939              0.2140               0.0428               0.2140            0.0428​​ 

Senegal               0.7586             0.1517              0.4361               0.0872               0.4361            0.0872​​ 

Seychelles           0.5227             0.1045              0.7944               0.0908               0.9101            0.1820​​ 

Sierra Leone         0.4063             0.0813              0.2334               0.0467               0.2334            0.0467​​ 

Singapore            0.4559             0.0344              0.2860               0.0197               0.3359            0.0239​​ 

Slovakia               0.1920             0.0384              0.1763               0.0201               0.1611            0.0184​​ 

Slovenia               0.0926             0.0185              0.1586               0.0317               0.0848            0.0170​​ 

Solomon Islands   0.4183             0.0837              0.7067               0.1413               0.6581            0.0579​​ 

Somali Republic   0.5545             0.1109              1.0540               0.2108               0.4325            0.0865​​ 

South Africa         0.2460             0.0492              0.1415               0.0283               0.1415            0.0283​​ 

Spain (including​​ 

  Balearic Islands,​​ 

  Canary Islands, Ceuta​​ 

  and Melilla)        0.1305             0.0261              0.0750               0.0150               0.1445            0.0130​​ 

Sri Lanka             0.4730             0.0946               N/A                    N/A                 0.3087            0.0617​​ 

St. Helena            0.4574             0.0915              1.0318               0.0876               0.6241            0.1248​​ 

St. Kitts               0.1535             0.0307              0.1920               0.0384               0.1085            0.0217​​ 

St. Lucia              0.2917             0.0333              0.3858               0.0772               0.3191            0.0365​​ 

St. Pierre              0.2316             0.0463              0.7531               0.0862               0.2316            0.0463​​ 

St. Vincent/​​ 

  Grenadines        0.0162             0.0323              0.3786               0.0757               0.1967            0.0393​​ 

Sudan                  0.8300             0.1660              0.4775               0.0955               0.4365            0.0873​​ 

Suriname             0.5221             0.1044              0.3212               0.0509               0.3212            0.0498​​ 

Swaziland            0.3173             0.0635              0.1816               0.0363               0.1816            0.0363​​ 

Sweden               0.1055             0.0211              0.2021               0.0102               0.2021            0.0087​​ 

Switzerland          0.1175             0.0235              0.1255               0.0106               0.1255            0.0106​​ 

Syria                   0.4511             0.0902              0.3562               0.0712               0.2701            0.0540​​ 

Taiwan                 0.3519             0.0298              0.3519               0.0298               0.6051            0.0514​​ 

Tajikistan             0.4305             0.0861              0.7493               0.1499               0.4305            0.0861​​ 

Tanzania              0.3785             0.0325              0.3287               0.0657               0.1894            0.0379​​ 

Thailand               0.7712             0.0655              0.4770               0.0373               0.4362            0.0373​​ 

Togo                    0.3588             0.0718              0.3813               0.0763               0.2552            0.0510​​ 

Tonga                   0.7338             0.0630              0.7392               0.1478               0.7338            0.0630​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago    0.1690             0.0338              0.3023               0.0605               0.3024            0.0283​​ 

Tunisia                 0.2981             0.0596              0.1840               0.0368               0.1840            0.0368​​ 

Turkey                 0.1855             0.0371              0.0975               0.0195               0.1385            0.0277​​ 

Turkmenistan       0.8199             0.0702              0.7148               0.1430               0.4085            0.0817​​ 

 Turks &​​ 

  Caicos Islands    0.3797             0.0328              0.2181               0.0184             $0.2030           $0.0174​​ 

Tuvalu                  0.5394             0.1079              1.0146               0.1160               0.8632            0.1726​​ 

Uganda                0.1815             0.0363              0.2964               0.0593               0.1706            0.0341​​ 

Tuvalu                  0.5394             0.1079              1.0146               0.1160               0.8632            0.1726​​ 

Uganda                0.1815             0.0363              0.2964               0.0593               0.1706            0.0341​​ 

Ukraine                0.1873             0.0375              0.3276               0.0655               0.2687            0.0307​​ 

Union Island         0.1617             0.0323              0.3786               0.0757               0.1967            0.0393​​ 

United Arab​​ 

  Emirates            0.2478             0.0496              0.1372               0.0274               0.1850            0.0370​​ 

United Kingdom    0.0601             0.0120              0.0281               0.0056               0.0287            0.0057​​ 

Uruguay               0.4185             0.0373              0.4187               0.0837               0.4185            0.0359​​ 

Uzbekistan           0.1225             0.0245              0.2130               0.0426               0.1140            0.0228​​ 

Vanuatu               1.5331             0.1394              2.9174               0.2652               1.6781            0.1526​​ 

Vatican City         0.0905             0.0181              0.0605               0.0121               0.0874            0.0116​​ 

Venezuela            0.5201             0.0447              0.1490               0.0298               0.3637            0.0277​​ 

Vietnam               0.5464             0.1093              0.3058               0.0612               0.3198            0.0640​​ 

Wake Island *       1.5554             0.3111              8.9873               0.1788               0.8147            0.1629​​ 

Wallis & Futuna     0.7855             0.1571              0.4855               0.0971               0.4430            0.0886​​ 

Western Sahara * 1.6880             0.3376              0.9727               0.1945               0.8862            0.1772​​ 

Western Samoa   0.2158             0.0432              0.3761               0.0752               0.2158            0.0432​​ 


  Republic of          0.8594             0.0746              0.4936               0.0423               0.3010            0.0602​​ 

Yugoslavia           0.4057             0.0353              0.2172               0.0188               0.1987            0.0171​​ 

Zaire                    0.3401             0.0680              0.2367               0.0473               0.2367            0.0473​​ 

Zambia                0.3105             0.0621              0.1785               0.0357               0.3576            0.0306​​ 

Zimbabwe            0.3062             0.0612              0.1762               0.0352               0.3522            0.0302​​ 


* Calls to this location may be placed with the assistance of an operator only.​​ 


In lieu of standard tariffed per-call charges for domestic Directory Assistance, customers will be charged the rate set forth in Section C-3.0213.​​ 


International Promotion 1​​ 


Beginning April 23, 1999 and ending October 23, 1999, MCI will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers.​​ 


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  The term of service is 12 months (Term of Service).  The customer may extend the term of service for up to four additional, successive 12-month service terms (Extended Term of Service).  Following the expiration of the Term of Service or any Extended Term of Service, service under this option will continue on a month-to-month basis, at the same terms and conditions, including rates and discounts provided under this option, until either MCI or the customer terminates service under this option by providing the other party with at least 30 days prior written notice.​​ 


2.         Description of Service:  The service provided is Dedicated Leased Line Service and Option I (MCI WorldCom On-Net Services).​​ 


3.         Rates and Charges:​​ 


            3.1        Option I:​​ 


                        3.1.1     Domestic Outbound Rates:  The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic Option I Outbound Service usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on origination and termination type.​​ 


                        Origination Type​​              Termination Type​​                                    Tarifa​​ 


                        Local Network Connection          Local Network Connection                     $0.040​​ 

                        Local Network Connection          Dedicated                                              0.042​​ 

                        Local Network Connection          Switched                                               0.043​​ 

                        Dedicated                                  Local Network Connection                      0.045​​ 

                        Dedicated                                  Dedicated                                              0.045​​ 

                        Dedicated                                  Switched                                               0.048​​ 

                        Switched                                   Local Network Connection                      0.078​​ 

                        Switched                                   Dedicated                                              0.078​​ 

                        Switched                                   Switched                                               0.088​​ 


                                    The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for Option I usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in CNMI and Guam.​​ 


                                    Estándar​​                                    Descuento​​                                    Economy​​          

País​​  1st 30 Sec​​         Add'l 6 Sec​​         1st 30 Sec​​         Add'l 6 Sec​​         1st 30 Sec​​         Add'l 6Sec​​ 


CNMI                 $0.2375               $0.0475             $0.1465             $0.0283             $0.1465         $0.0293​​  

Guam                  0.0762                0.0152              0.0762              0.0152              0.1123          0.0097​​ 


                                    For purposes of this promotion, the following time periods apply for calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland and terminate in CNMI and Guam.​​ 


            Standard: 5:00pm - 2:00am​​ 

            Discount:          2:00am - 11:00am​​ 

            Economy: 11:00am - 5:00pm​​ 


                        3.1.2     Domestic Inbound Rates:  The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for domestic Option I Inbound Service usage, based on origination and termination type.​​ 


                        Origination Type​​              Termination Type​​                                    Tarifa​​ 


                        Local Network Connection          Local Network Connection                     $0.050​​ 

                        Local Network Connection          Dedicated                                              0.055​​ 

                        Local Network Connection          Switched                                               0.090​​ 

                        Switched                                   Local Network Connection                      0.055​​ 

                        Switched                                   Dedicated                                              0.060​​ 

                        Switched                                   Switched                                               0.100​​ 


                        3.1.3     International Outbound Rates:  The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for international Option I Outbound Service and Option I Card usage.  MCI will waive the per-call calling card access surcharge for international Option I Card usage.  For purposes of this promotion, the time periods defined in Section E.03 apply.​​ 


                                    Estándar​​                                    Descuento​​                                    Economy​​          

País​​  1st 30 Sec​​         Add'l 6 Sec​​         1st 30 Sec​​         Add'l 6 Sec​​         1st 30 Sec​​         Add'l 6 Sec​​ 

Afghanistan         $0.6108           $0.1222           $0.3772 $0.0754 $0.3449           $0.0690​​ 

Albania                 0.2630             0.0526             0.2445 0.0275     0.2445             0.0275​​ 

Algeria                  0.5549             0.0482             0.3419 0.0297     0.4576             0.0398​​ 

American Samoa   0.5891             0.0514             0.1850 0.0370     0.3644             0.0318​​ 

Andorra 0.3620      0.0310             0.2080             0.0178 0.1603     0.0138​​ 

Angola                  0.2876             0.0575             0.4989 0.0998     0.3845             0.0546​​ 

Anguilla 0.3358      0.0286             0.3438             0.0684 0.3358     0.0286​​ 

Antarctica (Casey, Davis,​​ 

 Mawson and Macquarie​​ 

 Island)                  0.6930             0.1386             0.4865 0.0973     0.4440             0.0888​​ 


 (Barbuda)             0.1258             0.0252             0.3508 0.0400     0.1871             0.0214​​ 

Argentina              0.3605             0.0651             0.2068 0.0373     0.3312             0.0342​​ 

Armenia                0.5872             0.0504             0.9869 0.0845     0.5674             0.0486​​ 

Aruba                    0.1093             0.0212             0.0947 0.0426     0.1015             0.0196​​ 

Ascension Island   0.2973             0.0595             0.4542 0.0518     1.0522             0.2104​​ 

Australia (including​​ 

 Tasmania)            0.1026             0.0185             0.0563 0.0102     0.1025             0.0134​​ 

Austria                  0.1310             0.0262             0.1491 0.0124     0.1427             0.0124​​ 

Azerbaijan             0.1475             0.0380             0.1607 0.0723     0.1378             0.0356​​ 

Bahamas              0.1911             0.0166             0.1093 0.0091     0.1086             0.0088​​ 

Bahrain                 0.3434             0.0687             0.1791 0.0358     0.1850             0.0370​​ 

Bangladesh           0.4638             0.0928             0.4638 0.0928     0.2865             0.0573​​ 

Barbados              0.1787             0.0357             0.1882 0.0376     0.1885             0.0350​​ 

Belarus                 0.1702             0.0340             0.2768 0.0554     0.2549             0.0292​​ 

Belgium                        0.0810     0.0149             0.0627 0.0077     0.0520             0.0094​​ 

Belize                   0.5268             0.0347             0.9163 0.0786     0.5268             0.0381​​ 

Benin                    0.3366             0.0673             0.1940 0.0388     0.1940             0.0388​​ 

Bermuda               0.1325             0.0265             0.0765 0.0153     0.0765             0.0153​​ 

Bhutan                  0.6726             0.0576             0.6726 0.0576     1.2566             0.1077​​ 

Bolivia                   0.2404             0.0381             0.4209 0.0667   $0.2372           $0.0376​​ 


 Herzegovina          0.4802             0.0455             0.4296 0.0354     0.4069             0.0309​​ 

Botswana              0.2591             0.0518             0.1486 0.0297     0.1486             0.0297​​ 

Brazil                    0.2368             0.0428             0.1389 0.0251     0.2096             0.0217​​ 

Islas Vírgenes Británicas​​ 

 Islands                 0.2645             0.0302             0.1010 0.0202     0.1245             0.0249​​ 

Brunei                   0.1984             0.0397             0.6031 0.0690     0.2027             0.0405​​ 

Bulgaria                0.2568             0.0340             0.2091 0.0707     0.1168             0.0395​​ 

Burkina Faso         0.3506             0.0701             0.3218 0.0368     0.3463             0.0395​​ 

Burundi                 1.0228             0.1309             1.1357 0.1454     0.9226             0.1181​​ 

Cambodia              0.6473             0.1295             0.7453 0.0637     0.6804             0.0583​​ 

Cameroon             0.3422             0.0684             0.3074 0.0615     0.3422             0.0684​​ 

Canada                 0.0902             0.0089             0.0855 0.0080     0.0761             0.0076​​ 

Cabo Verde​​ 

 Islands 0.1963      0.0393             0.3763             0.0753 0.2213     0.0443​​ 

Cayman Islands     0.2455             0.0280             0.0920 0.0184     0.1360             0.0156​​ 

Central African​​ 

 Republic               0.6210             0.1242             0.3843 0.0769     0.7680             0.0659​​ 

Chad                     1.4130             0.2826             0.9548 0.1192     0.9525             0.1905​​ 

Chile                     0.1842             0.0333             0.0995 0.0180     0.1863             0.0143​​ 

China                    0.3856             0.0741             0.4923 0.0946     0.5255             0.0425​​ 

Christmas Island    0.7875             0.1575             0.7782 0.0889     0.4440             0.0888​​ 

Cocos Island         0.7875             0.1575             0.4865 0.0973     0.4440             0.0888​​ 

Colombia               0.1362             0.0262             0.2592 0.0498     0.2679             0.0258​​ 

Comorros              0.5210             0.1042             0.4522 0.0517     0.3650             0.0730​​ 

Congo                   0.4605             0.0921             0.5301 0.0457     0.6452             0.0553​​ 

Cook Island           0.4279             0.0490             0.5110 0.1022     0.4279             0.0490​​ 

Costa Rica            0.1610             0.0322             0.2850 0.0570     0.2523             0.0289​​ 

Croatia                  0.1069             0.0214             0.1890 0.0378     0.2179             0.0187​​ 

Cuba                     0.2400             0.0480             0.3362 0.0672     0.2400             0.0480​​ 

Cyprus                  0.2155             0.0431             0.2136 0.0244     0.1620             0.0324​​ 

Czech Republic     0.1761             0.0352             0.1761 0.0166     0.0915             0.0179​​ 

Denmark               0.1195             0.0239             0.1368 0.0113   $0.1334           $0.0111​​ 

Diego Garcia         0.5688             0.0568             0.5688 0.0568     0.2558             0.0512​​ 

Djibouti                 0.7171             0.0819             0.4454 0.0509     0.4113             0.0470​​ 

Dominica               0.2631             0.0301             0.4575 0.0524     0.1648             0.0315​​ 


 Republic               0.1490             0.0205             0.3075 0.0424     0.1751             0.0241​​ 

Easter Island         1.6882             0.3376             0.9761 0.1952     0.8893             0.1779​​ 

Ecuador                0.2168             0.0375             0.3749 0.0649     0.2168             0.0375​​ 

Egypt                    0.4494             0.0451             0.4494 0.0728     0.2998             0.0486​​ 

El Salvador            0.2204             0.0441             0.3648 0.0730     0.3198             0.0366​​ 

Equatorial Guinea  0.5575             0.0895             1.6203 0.1362     2.0172             0.1695​​ 

Eritrea                   0.4765             0.0953             0.4765 0.0953     0.6622             0.0590​​ 

Estonia                 0.2255             0.0451             0.2256 0.0255     0.1395             0.0279​​ 

Ethiopia                0.4541             0.0657             0.3944 0.1332     0.4541             0.0657​​ 

Faeroe Islands       0.1195             0.0239             0.1368 0.0113     0.1334             0.0111​​ 

Falkland Islands     0.6035             0.1207             0.5966 0.0682     0.5966             0.0682​​ 

Fiji Islands             0.7805             0.0708             0.7024 0.0638     0.6320             0.0573​​ 

Finland                  0.1015             0.0203             0.0927 0.0106     0.0580             0.0116​​ 

France                  0.1130             0.0208             0.0604 0.0111     0.0568             0.0105​​ 

French Antilles (including​​ 

 Martinique, St. Barthelemy​​ 

 and St. Martin)      0.2964             0.0339             0.1588 0.0181     0.1459             0.0167​​ 

French Guiana       0.2663             0.0432             0.1834 0.0209     0.1674             0.0191​​ 

French Polynesia   1.0354             0.0870             0.6284 0.1257     1.3558             0.1139​​ 

Gabon                   0.4455             0.0891             0.2477 0.0495     0.2491             0.0498​​ 

Gambia                 0.3080             0.0616             0.3585 0.0308     0.3585             0.0320​​ 

Georgia                 0.3265             0.0653             0.4975 0.0995     0.3458             0.0395​​ 

Germany               0.0823             0.0152             0.0464 0.0085     0.0464             0.0085​​ 

Ghana                   0.2682             0.0536             0.1656 0.0331     0.2016             0.0403​​ 

Gibraltar                0.3235             0.0371             0.1638 0.0186     0.2209             0.0251​​ 

Greece                  0.1939             0.0388             0.1152 0.0230     0.1152             0.0230​​ 

Greenland             0.2786             0.0319             0.1623 0.0325     0.2819             0.0564​​ 

Grenada (including​​ 

 Carriacou)            0.1547             0.0309             0.2768 0.0554     0.1459             0.0292​​ 

Guadeloupe           0.2154             0.0431             0.1167 0.0233   $0.1647           $0.0188​​ 

Guantanamo Bay   0.1952             0.0390             0.3973 0.0721     0.1704             0.0327​​ 

Guatemala            0.2085             0.0330             0.3684 0.0584     0.3398             0.0308​​ 

Guinea                  0.3019             0.0604             0.1739 0.0348     0.2790             0.0320​​ 

Guinea Bissau       0.6515             0.1303             0.3738 0.0748     0.7371             0.0644​​ 

Guyana                 0.4390             0.0878             0.2525 0.0505     0.2520             0.0504​​ 

Haiti                      0.2418             0.0484             0.4196 0.0839     0.2375             0.0475​​ 

Honduras              0.2263             0.0444             0.3967 0.0778     0.4508             0.0381​​ 

Hong Kong            0.2570             0.0514             0.2958 0.0252     0.2961             0.0255​​ 

Hungary                0.1715             0.0343             0.0960 0.0192     0.1836             0.0155​​ 

Iceland                  0.0857             0.0171             0.1339 0.0268     0.0784             0.0157​​ 

India                    0.3571              0.0618               N/A                    N/A                0.2503 0.0433​​ 

Indonesia             0.3172              0.0585             0.1823 0.0336     0.2219             0.0409​​ 

Iran                     1.2112              0.1053             0.3515 0.0703     0.4275             0.0855​​ 

Iraq                     1.6131              0.1383             0.9278 0.0795     1.1301             0.0969​​ 

Ireland                 0.2511              0.0216             0.1445 0.0124     0.1445             0.0124​​ 

Israel                   0.1592              0.0306             0.1015 0.0195     0.2283             0.0189​​ 

Italy                     0.0905              0.0181             0.0605 0.0121     0.0874             0.0116​​ 

Ivory Coast           0.4866              0.0670             0.8493 0.1170     0.9757             0.0576​​ 

Jamaica               0.2496              0.0499             0.6074 0.1215     0.2496             0.0499​​ 

Japan                  0.1754              0.0290             0.0804 0.0133     0.2763             0.0261​​ 

Jordan                 0.3868              0.0774             0.4189 0.0356     0.3995             0.0342​​ 

Kazakhstan         0.6020              0.0686             0.6993 0.1399     0.5912             0.0678​​ 

Kenya                 0.4031              0.0774             0.4638 0.0378     0.4565             0.0372​​ 

Kiribati                 1.1249              0.0945             1.1955 0.2391     1.6923             0.1422​​ 

Korea, Democratic People's​​ 

 Republic of          2.1826              0.2494             1.0953 0.2191     2.1481             0.4296​​ 

Korea, Republic​​ 

 of                       0.1329              0.0250             0.1060 0.0200     0.2183             0.0411​​ 

Kuwait                 0.3822              0.0764             0.1524 0.0305     0.1742             0.0348​​ 

Kyrgyzstan          0.9643              0.0825             1.6788 0.1437     0.9003             0.0769​​ 

Laos                    1.4438              0.1262             0.7724 0.0676   $0.9406           $0.0823​​ 

Latvia                  0.1970              0.0394             0.3678 0.0736     0.3101             0.0354​​ 

Lebanon              0.5120              0.1024             0.5885 0.0448     0.3280             0.0656​​ 

Lesotho 0.5066     0.0437              0.2408             0.0208 0.2408     0.0208​​ 

Liberia                 0.2766              0.0553             0.1587 0.0317     0.2898             0.0248​​ 

Libya                   0.1785              0.0357             0.2774 0.0317     0.3015             0.0603​​ 

Liechtenstein       0.2417              0.0276             0.1391 0.0159     0.1003             0.0115​​ 

Lithuania              0.2900              0.0332             0.3848 0.0770     0.2610             0.0299​​ 

Luxembourg         0.1180              0.0236             0.1079 0.0124     0.0675             0.0135​​ 

Macao                 0.2131              0.0426             0.3716 0.0743     0.4454             0.0357​​ 

Macedonia           0.1289              0.0258             0.2399 0.0480     0.1257             0.0251​​ 

Madagascar         1.4325              0.2865             1.9880 0.3976     1.5436             0.1764​​ 

Malawi                 0.2910              0.0582             0.2307 0.0263     0.2033             0.0407​​ 

Malaysia              0.4677              0.0400             0.2689 0.0231     0.4677             0.0400​​ 

Maldives              0.9421              0.0809             1.7138 0.1470     2.9804             0.2556​​ 

Mali Republic       0.4405              0.0881             0.3744 0.0428     0.4055             0.0463​​ 

Malta                   0.3098              0.0448             0.1655 0.0240     0.2164             0.0313​​ 

Marshall Islands   0.3160              0.0632             0.2215 0.0443     0.2380             0.0476​​ 

Mauritania            0.6338              0.0723             0.3644 0.0417     0.3917             0.0448​​ 

Mauritius             0.8348              0.0955             0.4802 0.0548     0.6291             0.0719​​ 

Mayotte Island     1.6221              0.2191             1.3072 0.4418     1.3474             0.1962​​ 

Mexico                0.2155              0.0431             0.2155 0.0431     0.1455             0.0291​​ 

Micronesia           0.3160              0.0632             0.2911 0.2911     0.2380             0.0476​​ 

Midway                0.0000              0.0088             0.0000 0.0088     0.0000             0.0088​​ 

Moldova               0.5753              0.0657             0.6250 0.6250     0.3235             0.0647​​ 

Monaco 0.1625     0.0325              0.0949             0.0949 0.1360     0.0156​​ 

Mongolia              0.7292              0.0626             0.6525 0.6525     1.1218             0.1282​​ 

Montserrat           0.1695              0.0194             0.3222 0.3222     0.1695             0.0194​​ 

Morocco              0.2465              0.0493             0.2370 0.2370     0.1815             0.0363​​ 

Mozambique        0.8266              0.0718             0.2580 0.2580     0.5109             0.0444​​ 

Myanmar             1.2615              0.1085             2.7085 0.2495     1.6639             0.1211​​ 

Namibia               0.2781              0.0556             0.1583 0.1583     0.1457             0.0291​​ 

Nauru                  0.2701              0.0521             0.5051 0.8536   $0.2905           $0.0560​​ 

Nepal                  1.1829              0.1016         N/A                    N/A                     0.8287 0.0710​​ 

Netherlands         0.0725              0.0145             0.0415 0.0415     0.0608             0.0069​​ 


 Antilles               0.2823              0.0242             0.1482 0.1482     0.1482             0.0127​​ 

Nevis                   0.1985              0.0397             0.1140 0.1140     0.0955             0.0191​​ 

New Caledonia     0.1143              0.0515             0.1987 0.4470     0.1829             0.0471​​ 

New Zealand        0.1245              0.0249             0.2165 0.2165     0.1991             0.0228​​ 

Nicaragua            0.1852              0.0408             0.3219 0.3549     0.1852             0.0408​​ 

Niger                   0.2945              0.0589             0.2706 0.2706     0.3542             0.0405​​ 

Nigeria                 0.3069              0.0614             0.1599 0.1599     0.2100             0.0420​​ 

Niue Island           0.7690              0.1538             0.6985 0.6985     0.7320             0.1464​​ 

Norfolk Island       0.7875              0.1575             0.7782 0.7782     0.9470             0.1082​​ 

Norway 0.0830     0.0166              0.0937             0.0937 0.0937     0.0078​​ 

Oman                  0.6238              0.0545             0.1681 0.1681     0.4360             0.0381​​ 

Pakistan              0.7978              0.0739               N/A                    N/A                0.5584 0.0518​​ 

Palau                  0.5010              0.1002             0.4606 0.0526     0.3765             0.0753​​ 

Panama               0.2052              0.0276             0.3534 0.0475     0.4010             0.0238​​ 

Papua New​​ 

 Guinea 0.6053     0.1211              0.6905             0.0599 0.8251     0.0731​​ 

Paraguay             0.3335              0.0667             0.2332 0.0286     0.2335             0.0467​​ 

Peru                    0.2025              0.0405             0.2510 0.0502     0.1950             0.0390​​ 

Philippines           0.2804              0.0528             0.1608 0.0303     0.3900             0.0315​​ 

Pitcairn Island      1.6881              0.3376             0.9730 0.1946     0.8863             0.1773​​ 

Poland                 0.1980              0.0365             0.1139 0.0210     0.2073             0.0164​​ 

Portugal (including Azores​​ 

 and Madeira​​ 

 Islands)              0.2265              0.0453             0.1315 0.0263     0.2530             0.0218​​ 

Qatar                   0.3637              0.0727             0.1927 0.0385     0.2343             0.0469​​ 

Reunion Island     0.4826              0.0552             0.3265 0.0653     0.2774             0.0317​​ 

Romania              0.1950              0.0316             0.3398 0.0550     0.3909             0.0272​​ 

Russia                 0.2701              0.0447             0.4202 0.0696     0.1842             0.0305​​ 

Rwanda 0.3910     0.0782              0.2257             0.0451 0.4346     0.0382​​ 

San Marino        $0.5550             $0.1110           $0.5077 $0.0580 $0.6354           $0.0726​​ 

Sao Tome            0.4015              0.0828             0.3662 0.0732     0.0680             0.1329​​ 

Saudi Arabia        0.4791              0.0920             0.2184 0.0419     0.2184             0.0419​​ 

Senegal                        0.8158     0.1411             0.4689 0.0811     0.4689             0.0811​​ 


 Islands               0.5227              0.1045             0.7944 0.0908     0.9101             0.1820​​ 

Sierra Leone        0.4063              0.0813             0.2334 0.0467     0.2334             0.0467​​ 

Singapore            0.4559              0.0344             0.2860 0.0197     0.3359             0.0239​​ 

Slovakia               0.1920              0.0384             0.1763 0.0201     0.1611             0.0184​​ 

Slovenia               0.0926              0.0185             0.1586 0.0317     0.0848             0.0170​​ 

Solomon Islands   0.4183              0.0837             0.7067 0.1413     0.6581             0.0579​​ 

Somalia               0.5545              0.1109             1.0540 0.2108     0.4325             0.0865​​ 

South Africa         0.2460              0.0492             0.1415 0.0283     0.1415             0.0283​​ 

Spain (including Balearic​​ 

 Islands, Canary Islands,​​ 

 Ceuta and​​ 

 Melilla) 0.1345     0.0253              0.0773             0.0146 0.1490     0.0126​​ 

Sri Lanka             0.4730              0.0946               N/A                    N/A                0.3087 0.0617​​ 

St. Helena           0.4574              0.0915             1.0318 0.0876     0.6241             0.1248​​ 

St. Kitts               0.1535              0.0307             0.1920 0.0384     0.1085             0.0217​​ 

St. Lucia              0.2917              0.0333             0.3858 0.0772     0.3191             0.0365​​ 

St. Pierre/​​ 

 Miquelon             0.2316              0.0463             0.7531 0.0862     0.2316             0.0463​​ 

St. Vincent/​​ 

 Grenadines         0.0162              0.0323             0.3786 0.0757     0.1967             0.0393​​ 

Sudan                 0.8300              0.1660             0.4775 0.0955     0.4365             0.0873​​ 

Suriname             0.5221              0.1044             0.3212 0.0509     0.3212             0.0498​​ 

Swaziland            0.3173              0.0635             0.1816 0.0363     0.1816             0.0363​​ 

Sweden 0.1055     0.0211              0.2021             0.0102 0.2021     0.0087​​ 

Switzerland          0.1199              0.0230             0.1281 0.0104     0.1281             0.0104​​ 

Syria                   0.4511              0.0902             0.3562 0.0712     0.2701             0.0540​​ 

Taiwan  0.3519     0.0298              0.3519             0.0298 0.6051     0.0514​​ 

Tajikistan             0.4305              0.0861             0.7493 0.1499     0.4305             0.0861​​ 

Tanzania              0.2523              0.0487             0.2191 0.0986     0.1263             0.0568​​ 

Thailand               0.7790              0.0648             0.4818 0.0369   $0.4406           $0.0369​​ 

Togo                    0.3588              0.0718             0.3813 0.0763     0.2552             0.0510​​ 

Tonga                  0.7338              0.0630             0.7392 0.1478     0.7338             0.0630​​ 

Trinidad/Tobago    0.1690              0.0338             0.3023 0.0605     0.3024             0.0283​​ 

Tunisia  0.2981     0.0596              0.1840             0.0368 0.1840     0.0368​​ 

Turkey                 0.1801              0.0382             0.0947 0.0201     0.1345             0.0285​​ 

Turkmenistan       0.8199              0.0702             0.7148 0.1430     0.4085             0.0817​​ 

Islas Turcas y Caicos​​ 

 Islands 0.3797     0.0328              0.2181             0.0184 0.2030     0.0174​​ 

Tuvalu                  0.5394              0.1079             1.0146 0.1160     0.8632             0.1726​​ 

Uganda 0.1815     0.0363              0.2964             0.0593 0.1706     0.0341​​ 

Ukraine 0.1873     0.0375              0.3276             0.0655 0.2687     0.0307​​ 

United Arab​​ 

 Emirates             0.2478              0.0496             0.1372 0.0274     0.1850             0.0370​​ 

United Kingdom    0.0667              0.0108             0.0312 0.0051     0.0318             0.0054​​ 

Uruguay               0.4452              0.0351             0.4454 0.0787     0.4452             0.0337​​ 

Uzbekistan          0.1225              0.0245             0.2130 0.0426     0.1140             0.0228​​ 

Vanuatu               1.5331              0.1394             2.9174 0.2652     1.6781             0.1526​​ 

Vatican City         0.0905              0.0181             0.0605 0.0121     0.0874             0.0116​​ 

Venezuela           0.5201              0.0447             0.1490 0.0298     0.3637             0.0277​​ 

Vietnam               0.5464              0.1093             0.3058 0.0612     0.3198             0.0640​​ 

Wake                  1.6790              0.3358             1.9013 0.1931     0.8795             0.1759​​ 

Wallis and​​ 

 Futuna 0.7855     0.1571              0.4855             0.0971 0.4430     0.0886​​ 

Western Sahara   1.6880              0.3376             0.9727 0.1945     0.8862             0.1772​​ 

Western Samoa   0.2158              0.0432             0.3761 0.0752     0.2158             0.0432​​ 

Yemen, Republic​​ 

 of                       0.8594              0.0746             0.4936 0.0423     0.3010             0.0602​​ 

Yugoslavia           0.4057              0.0353             0.2172 0.0188     0.1987             0.0171​​ 

Zaire                    0.3401              0.0680             0.2367 0.0473     0.2367             0.0473​​ 

Zambia  0.3105     0.0621              0.1785             0.0357 0.3576     0.0306​​ 

Zimbabwe            0.3062              0.0612             0.1762 0.0352     0.3522             0.0302​​ 


Atlantic and Indian Ocean Inmarsat Locations​​ 


Type of Service/Calls Terminating to:​​ 


                                                 Estándar​​                             Descuento​​                           Economy​​ 

                                       1st 30 Sec​​    Add'l 6 Sec​​      1st 30 Sec​​   Add'l 6 Sec​​      1st 30 Sec​​    Add'l 6 Sec​​ 


Standard B/Atlantic​​ 

 Ocean                            $1.800            $0.360         $1.800           $0.360          $1.800        $0.360​​ 

Standard B/Indian​​ 

 Ocean                             3.075              0.615            3.075             0.615            3.075         0.615​​ 

Standard M/Atlantic​​ 

 Ocean                             1.800              0.360            1.800             0.360            1.800         0.360​​ 

Standard M/Indian​​ 

 Ocean                             3.075              0.615            3.075             0.615            3.075         0.615​​ 


                        3.1.4     Option I Videoconferencing:​​ 


                            Domestic Usage Charges:  In lieu of standard tariffed charges, the customer will be charged the following transport charges for domestic Option I Videoconferencing:​​ 


                                                            For Meet-Me usage, the following charges apply:​​  


                                                                        Transport Charges:  $0.89 per minute per site multiplied by each multiple of Switched 56 kbps or 64 kbps service used per call.​​ 


                                                            For Dial-Out usage, the following charges apply:​​  


                                                                        Transport Charges:  $0.17 per minute per site multiplied by each multiple of Switched 64 kbps service used per call.​​ 


                        3.1.5     CVNS Audioconferencing:​​ 


                                        Domestic Usage Charges:  The customer will be charged the following per-minute rates per bridge port for Option I CVNS Audioconferencing which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on access method.​​ 


                                                            Method of Access​​                                                           Tarifa​​ 


                                                            Unattended Toll Free Meet-Me Access                          $0.27​​ 

                                                            Unattended Toll Meet-Me Access                                    0.17​​ 

                                                            Standard Dial Out Access                                              0.30​​ 

                                                            Standard Toll Free Meet-Me Access                                0.20​​ 

                                                            Premier Dial Out Access                                                0.38​​ 

                                                            Premier Toll Free Meet-Me Access                                 0.38​​ 

                                                            Premier Toll Meet-Me Access                                         0.29​​ 


            3.2        Dedicated Leased Line Service:  MCI will waive monthly recurring charges for the customer's T-1 Digital Access circuits associated with Option I usage.​​ 


4.         Volume Discounts:​​ 


            4.1        Option I:  The customer will be charged standard tariffed rates and receive a 28 percent discount on Option I Inbound Service usage.​​ 


5.         Classifications, Practices and Regulations:​​ 


            5.1        Non-Recurring Credits:  If the customer remains subscribed to service under this option during the entire Term of Service and remains subscribed to service at least through the date of the invoice issued during the fourteenth month of service, a credit equal to 3 percent of the customer's charges (after application of discounts and credits) for service during the Term Of Service will be applied to the invoice issued during the customer's fourteenth month of service.​​ 


            5.2        Other Requirements:  To receive service under this promotion, the customer must be and remain a governmental department, agency or instrumentality, including multi‑lateral organizations that are financially supported by such government and whose operations are directly participated in by the government, by virtue of law, treaty or executive order.​​