Long Distance Voice Services
Section IV.2.1.4.B
Section B.1 Rates: The following rates will apply, based on origination type, to calls made by Customers to the following countries. These calls will be subject to a 30-second minimum duration basis, with additional 6-second increments, except for calls to Mexico and to Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean Inmarsat Standard A Service locations, which are calculated on a 60-second minimum duration basis, with additional 60-second increments.
Option A Outbound Rates:
País |
Local Network Connection |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Afganistán |
$13.5696 |
$13.7385 |
$11.6876 |
Albania |
$6.5302 |
$6.6998 |
$6.5535 |
Algeria |
$4.9656 |
$5.1350 |
$4.9971 |
Andorra |
$2.3781 |
$2.5484 |
$2.4101 |
Angola |
$7.8137 |
$7.9831 |
$7.8372 |
Anguilla |
$4.9260 |
$5.0952 |
$4.9730 |
Antarctica (Casey, Davis, Mawson and Macquarie Island) |
$6.7786 |
$6.9479 |
$6.7982 |
Antarctica (Scott Base) |
$6.5773 |
$6.7471 |
$6.5969 |
Antigua (Barbuda) |
$3.5479 |
$3.7175 |
$3.6262 |
Argentina |
$3.7814 |
$3.9503 |
$3.8712 |
Armenia |
$6.6249 |
$6.7943 |
$6.6752 |
Aruba |
$3.4049 |
$3.5748 |
$3.2937 |
Isla Ascensión |
$6.9370 |
$7.1063 |
$6.9561 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
$1.9047 |
$2.0739 |
$1.9363 |
Austria |
$3.7283 |
$3.8988 |
$3.7608 |
Azerbaiyán |
$8.3031 |
$8.4728 |
$8.3191 |
Bahamas |
$1.9004 |
$2.0698 |
$1.7888 |
Bahréin |
$5.9139 |
$6.0836 |
$5.9601 |
Bangladesh |
$8.6005 |
$8.7695 |
$8.6506 |
Barbados |
$4.3418 |
$4.5109 |
$4.3569 |
Bielorrusia |
$4.8875 |
$5.0565 |
$4.9102 |
Bélgica |
$2.6828 |
$2.8523 |
$2.7020 |
Belice |
$5.1435 |
$5.3129 |
$5.1825 |
Benín |
$5.3688 |
$5.5385 |
$5.4864 |
Bermudas |
$2.7812 |
$2.9511 |
$2.9031 |
Bután |
$11.9812 |
$12.1507 |
$12.0008 |
Bolivia |
$4.9498 |
$5.1194 |
$4.9730 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
$5.1480 |
$5.3175 |
$5.1780 |
Botsuana |
$4.5038 |
$4.6730 |
$4.5268 |
Brasil |
$3.2668 |
$3.4367 |
$3.2870 |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
$3.3460 |
$3.5155 |
$3.3771 |
Brunéi |
$6.5887 |
$6.7579 |
$6.6202 |
Bulgaria |
$3.4449 |
$3.6142 |
$3.4678 |
Burkina Faso |
$5.8430 |
$6.0119 |
$5.8699 |
Burundi |
$15.2798 |
$15.4487 |
$15.3101 |
Camboya |
$13.5098 |
$13.6792 |
$13.5325 |
Camerún |
$6.6562 |
$6.8256 |
$6.7348 |
Canadá |
$1.0350 |
$1.2043 |
$0.9913 |
Isla de Cabo Verde |
$7.0276 |
$7.1974 |
$7.0478 |
Islas Caimán |
$2.9392 |
$3.1094 |
$3.0852 |
República Centroafricana |
$13.5336 |
$13.7034 |
$13.5531 |
Chad |
$18.4311 |
$18.6002 |
$18.4624 |
Chile |
$2.8602 |
$3.0297 |
$2.8837 |
China |
$6.7000 |
$6.8694 |
$6.7309 |
Isla de Navidad |
$1.9047 |
$2.0739 |
$1.9363 |
Cocos Island |
$1.9047 |
$2.0739 |
$1.9363 |
Colombia |
$4.5354 |
$4.7049 |
$4.4044 |
Comoras |
$12.6011 |
$12.7708 |
$12.6333 |
Congo |
$6.4191 |
$6.5885 |
$6.3166 |
Islas Cook |
$13.0944 |
$13.2644 |
$13.1501 |
Costa Rica |
$4.1991 |
$4.3688 |
$4.2184 |
Croacia |
$5.1480 |
$5.3175 |
$5.1780 |
Cuba |
$6.3247 |
$6.4947 |
$6.2800 |
Chipre |
$4.8433 |
$5.0125 |
$4.8624 |
República Checa |
$4.1565 |
$4.3258 |
$4.1874 |
Dinamarca |
$2.4771 |
$2.6467 |
$2.5006 |
Diego García |
$8.3428 |
$8.5128 |
$8.3984 |
Yibuti |
$8.1531 |
$8.3227 |
$8.1722 |
Dominica |
$4.3023 |
$4.4717 |
$4.3293 |
República Dominicana |
$2.6041 |
$2.7729 |
$2.6353 |
Timor Oriental |
$23.9625 |
$24.0922 |
$23.9625 |
Isla de Pascua |
$2.8602 |
$3.0297 |
$2.8837 |
Ecuador |
$5.3568 |
$5.5260 |
$5.3720 |
Egipto |
$5.9849 |
$6.1540 |
$6.1230 |
El Salvador |
$4.1358 |
$4.3058 |
$4.2228 |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
$15.1093 |
$15.2793 |
$15.1297 |
Eritrea |
$10.2788 |
$10.4479 |
$10.3101 |
Estonia |
$5.1121 |
$5.2814 |
$5.1350 |
Etiopía |
$9.1331 |
$9.3024 |
$9.1441 |
Islas Feroe |
$3.4371 |
$3.6059 |
$3.4678 |
Islas Malvinas |
$9.5597 |
$9.7286 |
$9.6383 |
Islas Fiyi |
$7.1024 |
$7.2724 |
$7.1302 |
Finlandia |
$2.7141 |
$2.8837 |
$2.7687 |
Francia |
$1.5770 |
$1.7460 |
$1.5993 |
French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin) |
$3.4255 |
$3.5947 |
$3.4445 |
Guayana Francesa |
$5.8664 |
$6.0359 |
$5.8975 |
Polinesia Francesa |
$12.3835 |
$12.5536 |
$12.4076 |
Gabón |
$5.9885 |
$6.1581 |
$6.0119 |
Gambia |
$5.3176 |
$5.4864 |
$5.3687 |
Georgia |
$7.1731 |
$7.3434 |
$7.2052 |
Alemania |
$1.6436 |
$1.8129 |
$1.6673 |
Ghana |
$5.2388 |
$5.4082 |
$5.3360 |
Gibraltar |
$5.7434 |
$5.9135 |
$5.7636 |
Grecia |
$3.3780 |
$3.5478 |
$3.4011 |
Groenlandia |
$3.7283 |
$3.8988 |
$3.8280 |
Grenada (including Carriacou) |
$4.3295 |
$4.4996 |
$4.3645 |
Guadalupe |
$3.8125 |
$3.9820 |
$3.8239 |
Guantanamo Bay (Bahía de Guantánamo) |
$6.3247 |
$6.4947 |
$6.2800 |
Guatemala |
$3.8995 |
$4.0690 |
$3.9148 |
Guinea |
$11.5301 |
$11.6999 |
$11.5499 |
Guinea Bissau |
$9.0739 |
$9.2441 |
$9.0966 |
Guyana |
$6.9211 |
$7.0906 |
$6.9839 |
Haití |
$5.4792 |
$5.6489 |
$5.5304 |
Honduras |
$5.3611 |
$5.5304 |
$5.4082 |
Hong Kong |
$3.6824 |
$3.8510 |
$3.7533 |
Hungría |
$3.1999 |
$3.3695 |
$3.2195 |
Islandia |
$4.6850 |
$4.8545 |
$4.7049 |
India |
$6.6562 |
$6.8256 |
$6.6752 |
Indonesia |
$4.8875 |
$5.0565 |
$4.8982 |
Irán |
$8.0594 |
$8.2281 |
$8.2123 |
Irak |
$11.0099 |
$11.1794 |
$11.0603 |
Irlanda |
$2.4771 |
$2.6467 |
$2.5006 |
Israel |
$4.5627 |
$4.7320 |
$4.5942 |
Italia |
$2.7260 |
$2.8960 |
$2.7453 |
Costa de Marfil |
$8.4420 |
$8.6110 |
$8.4929 |
Jamaica |
$5.7434 |
$5.9135 |
$5.7583 |
Japón |
$1.9601 |
$2.1291 |
$1.9828 |
Jordania |
$6.7903 |
$6.9601 |
$6.9130 |
Kazajistán |
$5.6096 |
$5.7790 |
$5.6284 |
Kenia |
$5.9173 |
$6.0871 |
$5.9327 |
Kiribati |
$14.7150 |
$14.8841 |
$14.7696 |
República Popular Democrática de Corea |
$18.9811 |
$19.1503 |
$19.0038 |
República de Corea |
$3.2668 |
$3.4367 |
$3.2870 |
Kuwait |
$7.0671 |
$7.2370 |
$7.1097 |
Kirguistán |
$9.2118 |
$9.3821 |
$9.2312 |
Laos |
$13.9840 |
$14.1535 |
$14.0026 |
Letonia |
$5.1121 |
$5.2814 |
$5.1350 |
Lebanon |
$6.3796 |
$6.5493 |
$6.4345 |
Lesoto |
$6.3171 |
$6.4865 |
$6.3477 |
Liberia |
$4.5354 |
$4.7049 |
$4.5035 |
Libia |
$9.1890 |
$9.3581 |
$9.2079 |
Liechtenstein |
$1.7104 |
$1.8801 |
$1.7348 |
Lituania |
$6.6883 |
$6.8575 |
$6.7114 |
Luxemburgo |
$2.6041 |
$2.7729 |
$2.6353 |
Macao |
$6.9725 |
$7.1422 |
$7.0037 |
Macedonia |
$5.1480 |
$5.3175 |
$5.1780 |
Madagascar |
$21.3355 |
$21.5048 |
$21.3654 |
Malawi |
$4.9225 |
$5.0921 |
$4.9534 |
Malasia |
$3.1525 |
$3.3222 |
$3.1754 |
Maldivas |
$9.4372 |
$9.6063 |
$9.4569 |
Mali |
$8.7935 |
$8.9628 |
$8.8246 |
Malta |
$5.6417 |
$5.8109 |
$5.6725 |
Islas Marshall |
$7.7336 |
$7.9047 |
$7.7900 |
Mauritania |
$7.4979 |
$7.6674 |
$7.5136 |
Mauricio |
$8.6034 |
$8.7734 |
$8.6232 |
Isla Mayotte |
$12.6011 |
$12.7708 |
$12.6333 |
México |
(See Below) |
(See Below) |
(See Below) |
Micronesia |
$7.1507 |
$7.3203 |
$7.1809 |
Moldavia |
$7.4544 |
$7.6240 |
$7.4737 |
Mónaco |
$1.5958 |
$1.7662 |
$1.6986 |
Mongolia |
$12.8578 |
$13.0272 |
$12.8770 |
Montenegro |
$5.2388 |
$5.4082 |
$5.2696 |
Montserrat |
$5.0128 |
$5.1825 |
$5.1546 |
Marruecos |
$5.8463 |
$6.0161 |
$5.8975 |
Mozambique |
$9.1650 |
$9.3347 |
$9.1883 |
Birmania |
$17.9934 |
$18.1623 |
$18.0118 |
Namibia |
$5.2579 |
$5.4275 |
$5.3360 |
Nauru |
$16.7092 |
$16.8792 |
$16.7292 |
Nepal |
$7.5137 |
$7.6831 |
$7.5448 |
Holanda |
$1.7104 |
$1.8801 |
$1.7348 |
Antillas Holandesas |
$3.8755 |
$4.0448 |
$3.7644 |
Nevis |
$3.5479 |
$3.7175 |
$3.5793 |
Nueva Caledonia |
$8.1726 |
$8.3427 |
$8.1972 |
Nueva Zelanda |
$6.5773 |
$6.7471 |
$6.5969 |
Nicaragua |
$4.3531 |
$4.5236 |
$4.3802 |
Níger |
$6.9446 |
$7.1138 |
$7.0707 |
Nigeria |
$7.4308 |
$7.6008 |
$7.4539 |
Niue Island |
$12.2620 |
$12.4312 |
$12.3406 |
Isla Norfolk |
$6.7786 |
$6.9479 |
$6.7982 |
Noruega |
$1.5770 |
$1.7460 |
$1.5993 |
Omán |
$6.8980 |
$7.0665 |
$7.0309 |
Pakistán |
$7.4141 |
$7.5841 |
$7.4259 |
Palaos |
$8.2642 |
$8.4333 |
$8.2873 |
Palestina |
$4.3500 |
$4.4856 |
$4.3792 |
Panamá |
$4.5239 |
$4.6933 |
$4.5581 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea |
$5.3611 |
$5.5304 |
$5.4506 |
Paraguay |
$5.5232 |
$5.6926 |
$5.5539 |
Perú |
$4.6501 |
$4.8192 |
$4.7242 |
Filipinas |
$4.1126 |
$4.2819 |
$4.1086 |
Polonia |
$3.0297 |
$3.1996 |
$3.0613 |
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) |
$3.4449 |
$3.6142 |
$3.4678 |
Catar |
$7.0553 |
$7.2245 |
$7.0707 |
Reunion Island |
$9.1763 |
$9.3459 |
$9.2312 |
Rumania |
$4.6850 |
$4.8545 |
$4.7049 |
Rusia |
$5.6096 |
$5.7790 |
$5.6284 |
Ruanda |
$9.1890 |
$9.3581 |
$9.2079 |
San Marino |
$7.7336 |
$7.9047 |
$7.7900 |
Santo Tomé |
$11.0530 |
$11.2222 |
$11.0642 |
Arabia Saudita |
$7.4743 |
$7.6440 |
$7.5053 |
Senegal |
$8.9199 |
$9.0891 |
$9.0815 |
Serbia |
$5.2388 |
$5.4082 |
$5.2696 |
Seychelles |
$10.1800 |
$10.3498 |
$10.2664 |
Sierra Leona |
$6.7000 |
$6.8694 |
$6.7230 |
Singapur |
$3.2472 |
$3.4174 |
$3.1171 |
Eslovaquia |
$4.1565 |
$4.3258 |
$4.1874 |
Eslovenia |
$5.1480 |
$5.3175 |
$5.1780 |
Islas Salomón |
$8.5132 |
$8.6825 |
$8.5322 |
Somalia |
$19.1505 |
$19.3199 |
$19.1820 |
Sudáfrica |
$4.0692 |
$4.2386 |
$4.1278 |
Sudán del Sur |
$9.2238 |
$9.3930 |
$9.2554 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
$3.3343 |
$3.5036 |
$3.3532 |
Sri Lanka |
$7.1304 |
$7.2997 |
$7.2684 |
Santa Helena |
$9.9196 |
$10.0887 |
$9.9502 |
St. Kitts |
$3.5479 |
$3.7175 |
$3.5793 |
Sta. Lucía |
$4.2741 |
$4.4436 |
$4.3018 |
St. Pierre/Miquelon |
$3.3699 |
$3.5393 |
$3.4011 |
St. Vincent/Grenadines |
$4.8005 |
$4.9694 |
$4.8313 |
Sudán |
$9.2238 |
$9.3930 |
$9.2554 |
Surinam |
$8.8760 |
$9.0455 |
$8.9474 |
Suazilandia |
$5.8463 |
$6.0161 |
$5.8777 |
Suecia |
$1.4775 |
$1.6467 |
$1.5085 |
Suiza |
$1.7104 |
$1.8801 |
$1.7348 |
Siria |
$7.4308 |
$7.6008 |
$7.4539 |
Taiwán |
$3.6824 |
$3.8510 |
$3.7533 |
Tayikistán |
$5.6096 |
$5.7790 |
$5.6284 |
Tanzania |
$5.8463 |
$6.0161 |
$5.8777 |
Tailandia |
$5.1435 |
$5.3129 |
$5.1706 |
Togo |
$7.3280 |
$7.4976 |
$7.3434 |
Tonga |
$7.4785 |
$7.6473 |
$7.4976 |
Trinidad/Tobago |
$4.7479 |
$4.9178 |
$4.7799 |
Túnez |
$4.2786 |
$4.4482 |
$4.3018 |
Turquía |
$3.8082 |
$3.9779 |
$3.8280 |
Turkmenistán |
$13.5886 |
$13.7581 |
$13.6432 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos |
$4.2901 |
$4.4592 |
$4.3058 |
Tuvalu |
$14.6947 |
$14.8638 |
$14.7261 |
Uganda |
$5.5393 |
$5.7082 |
$5.5736 |
Ucrania |
$4.8875 |
$5.0565 |
$4.9102 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
$4.6850 |
$4.8545 |
$4.7010 |
Reino Unido |
$1.2286 |
$1.3985 |
$1.2603 |
Uruguay |
$5.4401 |
$5.6093 |
$5.4908 |
Uzbekistán |
$5.9299 |
$6.0994 |
$5.9487 |
Vanuatu |
$14.7150 |
$14.8841 |
$14.7696 |
Ciudad del Vaticano |
$2.7260 |
$2.8960 |
$2.7453 |
Venezuela |
$3.5002 |
$3.6699 |
$3.5748 |
Vietnam |
$8.7100 |
$8.8802 |
$8.8482 |
Wallis and Futuna |
$13.4658 |
$13.6353 |
$13.4855 |
Samoa Occidental |
$6.6485 |
$6.8181 |
$6.6752 |
Yemen, Republic of |
$6.8423 |
$7.0115 |
$6.7287 |
Zaire |
$5.9334 |
$6.1035 |
$5.9884 |
Zambia |
$6.0286 |
$6.1975 |
$6.0677 |
Zimbabue |
$4.8433 |
$5.0125 |
$4.8624 |
Mexico: Peak rates apply 7 A.M. through 6:59 P.M. Monday through Friday and Sunday; Off-Peak rates apply at all other times.
Rate Period/Origination Type |
Local Network Connection |
Switched/Dedicated . |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
1 3 |
$1.9311 |
$1.9001 |
$2.1005 |
$1.7127 |
4 8 |
$3.3664 |
$2.5023 |
$3.5356 |
$2.2105 |
Option B/C Outbound Rates: For rates marked with a 1, the rate does not apply to Feature Option C-1 usage which terminates via dedicated access. See Dedicated Termination section below.
País |
Local Network Connection |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Afganistán |
$13.5696 |
$13.7385 |
$11.6876 |
Albania |
$6.5302 |
$6.6998 |
$6.5535 |
Algeria |
$4.9656 |
$5.1350 |
$4.9971 |
Andorra |
$2.3781 |
$2.5484 |
$2.4101 |
Angola |
$7.8137 |
$7.9831 |
$7.8372 |
Anguilla |
$4.9260 |
$5.0952 |
$4.9730 |
Antarctica (Casey, Davis, Mawson and Macquarie Island) |
$6.7786 |
$6.9479 |
$6.7982 |
Antarctica (Scott Base) |
$6.5773 |
$6.7471 |
$6.5969 |
Antigua (Barbuda) |
$3.5479 |
$3.7175 |
$3.6262 |
Argentina |
$3.7814 |
$3.9503 |
$3.8712 |
Armenia |
$6.6249 |
$6.7943 |
$6.6752 |
Aruba |
$3.4049 |
$3.5748 |
$3.2937 |
Isla Ascensión |
$6.9370 |
$7.1063 |
$6.9561 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
$1.9047 |
$2.0739 |
$1.9363 |
Austria |
$3.7283 |
$3.8988 |
$3.7608 |
Azerbaiyán |
$8.3031 |
$8.4728 |
$8.3191 |
Bahamas |
$1.9004 |
$2.0698 |
$1.7888 |
Bahréin |
$5.9139 |
$6.0836 |
$5.9601 |
Bangladesh |
$8.6005 |
$8.7695 |
$8.6506 |
Barbados |
$4.3418 |
$4.5109 |
$4.3569 |
Bielorrusia |
$4.8875 |
$5.0565 |
$4.9102 |
Bélgica |
$2.6828 |
$2.8523 |
$2.7020 |
Belice |
$5.1435 |
$5.3129 |
$5.1825 |
Benín |
$5.3688 |
$5.5385 |
$5.4864 |
Bermudas |
$2.7812 |
$2.9511 |
$2.9031 |
Bután |
$11.9812 |
$12.1507 |
$12.0008 |
Bolivia |
$4.9498 |
$5.1194 |
$4.9730 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
$5.1480 |
$5.3175 |
$5.1780 |
Botsuana |
$4.5038 |
$4.6730 |
$4.5268 |
Brasil |
$3.2668 |
$3.4367 |
$3.2870 |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
$3.3460 |
$3.5155 |
$3.3771 |
Brunéi |
$6.5887 |
$6.7579 |
$6.6202 |
Bulgaria |
$3.4449 |
$3.6142 |
$3.4678 |
Burkina Faso |
$5.8430 |
$6.0119 |
$5.8699 |
Burundi |
$15.2798 |
$15.4487 |
$15.3101 |
Camboya |
$13.5098 |
$13.6792 |
$13.5325 |
Camerún |
$6.6562 |
$6.8256 |
$6.7348 |
Canadá |
$1.0350 |
$1.2043 |
$0.9913 |
Isla de Cabo Verde |
$7.0276 |
$7.1974 |
$7.0478 |
Islas Caimán |
$2.9392 |
$3.1094 |
$3.0852 |
República Centroafricana |
$13.5336 |
$13.7034 |
$13.5531 |
Chad |
$18.4311 |
$18.6002 |
$18.4624 |
Chile |
$2.8602 |
$3.0297 |
$2.8837 |
China |
$6.7000 |
$6.8694 |
$6.7309 |
Isla de Navidad |
$1.9047 |
$2.0739 |
$1.9363 |
Cocos Island |
$1.9047 |
$2.0739 |
$1.9363 |
Colombia |
$4.5354 |
$4.7049 |
$4.4044 |
Comoras |
$12.6011 |
$12.7708 |
$12.6333 |
Congo |
$6.4191 |
$6.5885 |
$6.3166 |
Islas Cook |
$13.0944 |
$13.2644 |
$13.1501 |
Costa Rica |
$4.1991 |
$4.3688 |
$4.2184 |
Croacia |
$5.1480 |
$5.3175 |
$5.1780 |
Cuba |
$6.3247 |
$6.4947 |
$6.2800 |
Chipre |
$4.8433 |
$5.0125 |
$4.8624 |
República Checa |
$4.1565 |
$4.3258 |
$4.1874 |
Dinamarca |
$2.4771 |
$2.6467 |
$2.5006 |
Diego García |
$8.3428 |
$8.5128 |
$8.3984 |
Yibuti |
$8.1531 |
$8.3227 |
$8.1722 |
Dominica |
$4.3023 |
$4.4717 |
$4.3293 |
República Dominicana |
$2.6041 |
$2.7729 |
$2.6353 |
Timor Oriental |
$23.9625 |
$24.0922 |
$23.9625 |
Isla de Pascua |
$2.8602 |
$3.0297 |
$2.8837 |
Ecuador |
$5.3568 |
$5.5260 |
$5.3720 |
Egipto |
$5.9849 |
$6.1540 |
$6.1230 |
El Salvador |
$4.1358 |
$4.3058 |
$4.2228 |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
$15.1093 |
$15.2793 |
$15.1297 |
Eritrea |
$10.2788 |
$10.4479 |
$10.3101 |
Estonia |
$5.1121 |
$5.2814 |
$5.1350 |
Etiopía |
$9.1331 |
$9.3024 |
$9.1441 |
Islas Feroe |
$3.4371 |
$3.6059 |
$3.4678 |
Islas Malvinas |
$9.5597 |
$9.7286 |
$9.6383 |
Islas Fiyi |
$7.1024 |
$7.2724 |
$7.1302 |
Finlandia |
$2.7141 |
$2.8837 |
$2.7687 |
Francia |
$1.5770 |
$1.7460 |
$1.5993 |
French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin) |
$3.4255 |
$3.5947 |
$3.4445 |
Guayana Francesa |
$5.8664 |
$6.0359 |
$5.8975 |
Polinesia Francesa |
$12.3835 |
$12.5536 |
$12.4076 |
Gabón |
$5.9885 |
$6.1581 |
$6.0119 |
Gambia |
$5.3176 |
$5.4864 |
$5.3687 |
Georgia |
$7.1731 |
$7.3434 |
$7.2052 |
Alemania |
$1.6436 |
$1.8129 |
$1.6673 |
Ghana |
$5.2388 |
$5.4082 |
$5.3360 |
Gibraltar |
$5.7434 |
$5.9135 |
$5.7636 |
Grecia |
$3.3780 |
$3.5478 |
$3.4011 |
Groenlandia |
$3.7283 |
$3.8988 |
$3.8280 |
Grenada (including Carriacou) |
$4.3295 |
$4.4996 |
$4.3645 |
Guadalupe |
$3.8125 |
$3.9820 |
$3.8239 |
Guantanamo Bay (Bahía de Guantánamo) |
$6.3247 |
$6.4947 |
$6.2800 |
Guatemala |
$3.8995 |
$4.0690 |
$3.9148 |
Guinea |
$11.5301 |
$11.6999 |
$11.5499 |
Guinea Bissau |
$9.0739 |
$9.2441 |
$9.0966 |
Guyana |
$6.9211 |
$7.0906 |
$6.9839 |
Haití |
$5.4792 |
$5.6489 |
$5.5304 |
Honduras |
$5.3611 |
$5.5304 |
$5.4082 |
Hong Kong |
$3.6824 |
$3.8510 |
$3.7533 |
Hungría |
$3.1999 |
$3.3695 |
$3.2195 |
Islandia |
$4.6850 |
$4.8545 |
$4.7049 |
India |
$6.6562 |
$6.8256 |
$6.6752 |
Indonesia |
$4.8875 |
$5.0565 |
$4.8982 |
Irán |
$8.0594 |
$8.2281 |
$8.2123 |
Irak |
$11.0099 |
$11.1794 |
$11.0603 |
Irlanda |
$2.4771 |
$2.6467 |
$2.5006 |
Israel |
$4.5627 |
$4.7320 |
$4.5942 |
Italia |
$2.7260 |
$2.8960 |
$2.7453 |
Costa de Marfil |
$8.4420 |
$8.6110 |
$8.4929 |
Jamaica |
$5.7434 |
$5.9135 |
$5.7583 |
Japón |
$1.9601 |
$2.1291 |
$1.9828 |
Jordania |
$6.7903 |
$6.9601 |
$6.9130 |
Kazajistán |
$5.6096 |
$5.7790 |
$5.6284 |
Kenia |
$5.9173 |
$6.0871 |
$5.9327 |
Kiribati |
$14.7150 |
$14.8841 |
$14.7696 |
República Popular Democrática de Corea |
$18.9811 |
$19.1503 |
$19.0038 |
República de Corea |
$3.2668 |
$3.4367 |
$3.2870 |
Kuwait |
$7.0671 |
$7.2370 |
$7.1097 |
Kirguistán |
$9.2118 |
$9.3821 |
$9.2312 |
Laos |
$13.9840 |
$14.1535 |
$14.0026 |
Letonia |
$5.1121 |
$5.2814 |
$5.1350 |
Lebanon |
$6.3796 |
$6.5493 |
$6.4345 |
Lesoto |
$6.3171 |
$6.4865 |
$6.3477 |
Liberia |
$4.5354 |
$4.7049 |
$4.5035 |
Libia |
$9.1890 |
$9.3581 |
$9.2079 |
Liechtenstein |
$1.7104 |
$1.8801 |
$1.7348 |
Lituania |
$6.6883 |
$6.8575 |
$6.7114 |
Luxemburgo |
$2.6041 |
$2.7729 |
$2.6353 |
Macao |
$6.9725 |
$7.1422 |
$7.0037 |
Macedonia |
$5.1480 |
$5.3175 |
$5.1780 |
Madagascar |
$21.3355 |
$21.5048 |
$21.3654 |
Malawi |
$4.9225 |
$5.0921 |
$4.9534 |
Malasia |
$3.1525 |
$3.3222 |
$3.1754 |
Maldivas |
$9.4372 |
$9.6063 |
$9.4569 |
Mali |
$8.7935 |
$8.9628 |
$8.8246 |
Malta |
$5.6417 |
$5.8109 |
$5.6725 |
Islas Marshall |
$7.7336 |
$7.9047 |
$7.7900 |
Mauritania |
$7.4979 |
$7.6674 |
$7.5136 |
Mauricio |
$8.6034 |
$8.7734 |
$8.6232 |
Isla Mayotte |
$12.6011 |
$12.7708 |
$12.6333 |
México |
(See Below) |
(See Below) |
(See Below) |
Micronesia |
$7.1507 |
$7.3203 |
$7.1809 |
Moldavia |
$7.4544 |
$7.6240 |
$7.4737 |
Mónaco |
$1.5958 |
$1.7662 |
$1.6986 |
Mongolia |
$12.8578 |
$13.0272 |
$12.8770 |
Montenegro |
$5.2388 |
$5.4082 |
$5.2696 |
Montserrat |
$5.0128 |
$5.1825 |
$5.1546 |
Marruecos |
$5.8463 |
$6.0161 |
$5.8975 |
Mozambique |
$9.1650 |
$9.3347 |
$9.1883 |
Birmania |
$17.9934 |
$18.1623 |
$18.0118 |
Namibia |
$5.2579 |
$5.4275 |
$5.3360 |
Nauru |
$16.7092 |
$16.8792 |
$16.7292 |
Nepal |
$7.5137 |
$7.6831 |
$7.5448 |
Holanda |
$1.7104 |
$1.8801 |
$1.7348 |
Antillas Holandesas |
$3.8755 |
$4.0448 |
$3.7644 |
Nevis |
$3.5479 |
$3.7175 |
$3.5793 |
Nueva Caledonia |
$8.1726 |
$8.3427 |
$8.1972 |
Nueva Zelanda |
$6.5773 |
$6.7471 |
$6.5969 |
Nicaragua |
$4.3531 |
$4.5236 |
$4.3802 |
Níger |
$6.9446 |
$7.1138 |
$7.0707 |
Nigeria |
$7.4308 |
$7.6008 |
$7.4539 |
Niue Island |
$12.2620 |
$12.4312 |
$12.3406 |
Isla Norfolk |
$6.7786 |
$6.9479 |
$6.7982 |
Noruega |
$1.5770 |
$1.7460 |
$1.5993 |
Omán |
$6.8980 |
$7.0665 |
$7.0309 |
Pakistán |
$7.4141 |
$7.5841 |
$7.4259 |
Palaos |
$8.2642 |
$8.4333 |
$8.2873 |
Palestina |
$4.3500 |
$4.4856 |
$4.3792 |
Panamá |
$4.5239 |
$4.6933 |
$4.5581 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea |
$5.3611 |
$5.5304 |
$5.4506 |
Paraguay |
$5.5232 |
$5.6926 |
$5.5539 |
Perú |
$4.6501 |
$4.8192 |
$4.7242 |
Filipinas |
$4.1126 |
$4.2819 |
$4.1086 |
Polonia |
$3.0297 |
$3.1996 |
$3.0613 |
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) |
$3.4449 |
$3.6142 |
$3.4678 |
Catar |
$7.0553 |
$7.2245 |
$7.0707 |
Reunion Island |
$9.1763 |
$9.3459 |
$9.2312 |
Rumania |
$4.6850 |
$4.8545 |
$4.7049 |
Rusia |
$5.6096 |
$5.7790 |
$5.6284 |
Ruanda |
$9.1890 |
$9.3581 |
$9.2079 |
San Marino |
$7.7336 |
$7.9047 |
$7.7900 |
Santo Tomé |
$11.0530 |
$11.2222 |
$11.0642 |
Arabia Saudita |
$7.4743 |
$7.6440 |
$7.5053 |
Senegal |
$8.9199 |
$9.0891 |
$9.0815 |
Serbia |
$5.2388 |
$5.4082 |
$5.2696 |
Seychelles |
$10.1800 |
$10.3498 |
$10.2664 |
Sierra Leona |
$6.7000 |
$6.8694 |
$6.7230 |
Singapur |
$3.2472 |
$3.4174 |
$3.1171 |
Eslovaquia |
$4.1565 |
$4.3258 |
$4.1874 |
Eslovenia |
$5.1480 |
$5.3175 |
$5.1780 |
Islas Salomón |
$8.5132 |
$8.6825 |
$8.5322 |
Somalia |
$19.1505 |
$19.3199 |
$19.1820 |
Sudáfrica |
$4.0692 |
$4.2386 |
$4.1278 |
Sudán del Sur |
$9.2238 |
$9.3930 |
$9.2554 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
$3.3343 |
$3.5036 |
$3.3532 |
Sri Lanka |
$7.1304 |
$7.2997 |
$7.2684 |
Santa Helena |
$9.9196 |
$10.0887 |
$9.9502 |
St. Kitts |
$3.5479 |
$3.7175 |
$3.5793 |
Sta. Lucía |
$4.2741 |
$4.4436 |
$4.3018 |
St. Pierre/Miquelon |
$3.3699 |
$3.5393 |
$3.4011 |
St. Vincent/Grenadines |
$4.8005 |
$4.9694 |
$4.8313 |
Sudán |
$9.2238 |
$9.3930 |
$9.2554 |
Surinam |
$8.8760 |
$9.0455 |
$8.9474 |
Suazilandia |
$5.8463 |
$6.0161 |
$5.8777 |
Suecia |
$1.4775 |
$1.6467 |
$1.5085 |
Suiza |
$1.7104 |
$1.8801 |
$1.7348 |
Siria |
$7.4308 |
$7.6008 |
$7.4539 |
Taiwán |
$3.6824 |
$3.8510 |
$3.7533 |
Tayikistán |
$5.6096 |
$5.7790 |
$5.6284 |
Tanzania |
$5.8463 |
$6.0161 |
$5.8777 |
Tailandia |
$5.1435 |
$5.3129 |
$5.1706 |
Togo |
$7.3280 |
$7.4976 |
$7.3434 |
Tonga |
$7.4785 |
$7.6473 |
$7.4976 |
Trinidad/Tobago |
$4.7479 |
$4.9178 |
$4.7799 |
Túnez |
$4.2786 |
$4.4482 |
$4.3018 |
Turquía |
$3.8082 |
$3.9779 |
$3.8280 |
Turkmenistán |
$13.5886 |
$13.7581 |
$13.6432 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos |
$4.2901 |
$4.4592 |
$4.3058 |
Tuvalu |
$14.6947 |
$14.8638 |
$14.7261 |
Uganda |
$5.5393 |
$5.7082 |
$5.5736 |
Ucrania |
$4.8875 |
$5.0565 |
$4.9102 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
$4.6850 |
$4.8545 |
$4.7010 |
Reino Unido |
$1.2286 |
$1.3985 |
$1.2603 |
Uruguay |
$5.4401 |
$5.6093 |
$5.4908 |
Uzbekistán |
$5.9299 |
$6.0994 |
$5.9487 |
Vanuatu |
$14.7150 |
$14.8841 |
$14.7696 |
Ciudad del Vaticano |
$2.7260 |
$2.8960 |
$2.7453 |
Venezuela |
$3.5002 |
$3.6699 |
$3.5748 |
Vietnam |
$8.7100 |
$8.8802 |
$8.8482 |
Wallis and Futuna |
$13.4658 |
$13.6353 |
$13.4855 |
Samoa Occidental |
$6.6485 |
$6.8181 |
$6.6752 |
Yemen, Republic of |
$6.8423 |
$7.0115 |
$6.7287 |
Zaire |
$5.9334 |
$6.1035 |
$5.9884 |
Zambia |
$6.0286 |
$6.1975 |
$6.0677 |
Zimbabue |
$4.8433 |
$5.0125 |
$4.8624 |
Mexico Switched Termination: Peak rates apply 7 A.M. through 6:59 P.M. Monday through Friday and Sunday; Off-Peak rates apply at all other times.
Rate Period/Origination Type |
Local Network Connection |
Switched /Dedicated |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
1-3 |
$1.7481 |
$1.7171 |
$1.9176 |
$1.8874 |
4-8 |
$3.1837 |
$2.3194 |
$3.3528 |
$2.4889 |
Mexico: Dedicated Termination1:
Rate Period/Origination Type |
Local Network Connection |
Switched /Dedicated |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
Hora pico |
Off-Peak |
$1.6424 |
$1.1913 |
$1.8120 |
$1.3611 |
Canada: Dedicated Termination:
Origination Type |
Local Network Connection |
Switched |
Dedicado |
$0.6417 |
$0.8120 |
$0.7637 |
Dedicated Termination: The following per minute rates apply to Feature Option C-1 usage which terminates via dedicated access in the following international locations, based on origination type:
Switched Origination: The following per-minute rates apply Option RR Feature Option C-1 usage which originates via switched access and terminates via dedicated access in the following international locations:
País |
Por minuto |
Argentina |
$3.9428 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
$1.7724 |
Bélgica |
$2.4464 |
Brasil |
$2.7391 |
Chile |
$3.7483 |
Francia |
$1.4881 |
Alemania |
$1.5458 |
Hong Kong |
$3.3124 |
Irlanda |
$2.2688 |
Italia |
$2.4848 |
Japón |
$1.8198 |
Holanda |
$1.6041 |
Singapur |
$1.0416 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
$0.7492 |
Suecia |
$1.4020 |
Suiza |
$1.6041 |
Taiwán |
$1.7307 |
Reino Unido |
$1.1869 |
Dedicated Origination: The following per-minute rates apply Option RR Feature Option C-1 usage which originates via dedicated access and terminates via dedicated access in the following international locations:
País |
Por minuto |
Argentina |
$3.4994 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
$0.5141 |
Bélgica |
$0.2529 |
Brasil |
$2.1913 |
Chile |
$3.0807 |
Francia |
$0.2814 |
Alemania |
$0.2836 |
Hong Kong |
$0.3905 |
Irlanda |
$0.2354 |
Italia |
$0.2384 |
Japón |
$0.8329 |
Holanda |
$0.1476 |
Singapur |
$0.8175 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
$0.3743 |
Suecia |
$0.1937 |
Suiza |
$0.3218 |
Taiwán |
$1.4830 |
Reino Unido |
$0.1860 |
The following outbound rates apply to all Customers.
Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean Inmarsat Locations:
Type of Service/Calls Terminating to: |
Por minuto |
Aeronautical |
$33.9293 |
Mini-M/Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean |
$26.2766 |
Standard A/Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean |
$35.4551 |
Standard B/Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean |
$26.6420 |
Standard M/Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean |
$26.2766 |
The following per-minute rates will apply for International Toll Free Service calls made from the following locations, based on termination type. Service which originates in Mexico is not available to customers of Global Inbound Service (GIS). For customers of Feature Option B, these calls are subject to a 30-second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments. For customers of Feature Option C-2, these calls are subject to an 18-second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments, except for calls under GIS, which are subject to a 30-second minimum initial period and additional 1-second increments.
País |
Local Network Connection |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Anguilla |
$4.9102 |
$5.0524 |
$4.8062 |
Antigua (Barbuda) |
$5.5623 |
$5.7042 |
$5.5718 |
Argentina |
$5.1312 |
$5.2735 |
$5.1409 |
Aruba |
$10.0979 |
$10.2399 |
$9.7283 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
$4.3351 |
$4.4778 |
$4.3451 |
Austria |
$3.6623 |
$3.8041 |
$3.6698 |
Bahamas |
$3.4060 |
$3.5488 |
$3.4298 |
Bahréin |
$6.0266 |
$6.1686 |
$6.0497 |
Barbados |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.5107 |
Bélgica |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.5076 |
Bermudas |
$3.5393 |
$3.6818 |
$3.5418 |
Bolivia |
$5.4296 |
$5.5718 |
$5.4388 |
Brasil |
$4.6334 |
$4.7759 |
$4.6399 |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
$5.2853 |
$5.4275 |
$5.1825 |
Canadá |
(See Below) |
(See Below) |
(See Below) |
Islas Caimán |
$8.3809 |
$8.5236 |
$8.3842 |
Chile |
$5.2972 |
$5.4388 |
$5.3034 |
China |
$9.7744 |
$9.9163 |
$9.7813 |
Colombia |
$4.9987 |
$5.1409 |
$5.0248 |
Costa Rica |
$4.6998 |
$4.8420 |
$4.6965 |
Croacia |
$0.5000 |
$0.5300 |
$0.5000 |
Chipre |
$6.4247 |
$6.5668 |
$6.4308 |
República Checa |
$4.3891 |
$4.5085 |
$4.4185 |
Dinamarca |
$4.8657 |
$5.0076 |
$4.8819 |
Dominica |
$5.6315 |
$5.7738 |
$5.5141 |
República Dominicana |
$3.7379 |
$3.8804 |
$3.7439 |
Ecuador |
$6.8223 |
$6.9648 |
$6.9185 |
El Salvador |
$6.6567 |
$6.7991 |
$6.6528 |
Fiji Island |
$0.8700 |
$0.9200 |
$0.8700 |
Finlandia |
$4.8657 |
$5.0076 |
$4.8690 |
Francia |
$4.7991 |
$4.9421 |
$4.7959 |
Alemania |
$4.4673 |
$4.6102 |
$4.4649 |
Grecia |
$4.5679 |
$4.7098 |
$4.5769 |
Granada |
$4.7369 |
$4.8788 |
$4.6195 |
Guatemala |
$4.2024 |
$4.3451 |
$4.2060 |
Guyana |
$7.4032 |
$7.5455 |
$7.4286 |
Hong Kong |
$5.7278 |
$5.8705 |
$5.7309 |
Hungría |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.5107 |
Islandia |
$11.1221 |
$11.2641 |
$10.7012 |
India |
$8.6991 |
$8.8255 |
$8.7050 |
Indonesia |
$6.1597 |
$6.3015 |
$6.1554 |
Irlanda |
$4.7664 |
$4.9081 |
$4.7626 |
Israel |
$5.4628 |
$5.6047 |
$5.4627 |
Italia |
$4.8657 |
$5.0076 |
$4.8622 |
Jamaica |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.4971 |
Japón |
$5.2635 |
$5.4064 |
$5.2633 |
República de Corea |
$5.6285 |
$5.7713 |
$5.6252 |
Letonia |
$5.2273 |
$5.3701 |
$5.2625 |
Lituania |
$4.3891 |
$4.5085 |
$4.4185 |
Luxemburgo |
$4.6998 |
$4.8420 |
$4.6965 |
Malasia |
$5.5955 |
$5.7376 |
$5.5919 |
Islas Marshall |
$9.1145 |
$9.2572 |
$9.2203 |
Martinica |
$5.9593 |
$6.1012 |
$5.7872 |
México |
(See Below) |
(See Below) |
(See Below) |
Mónaco |
$4.7991 |
$4.9421 |
$4.7959 |
Montserrat |
$4.9102 |
$5.0524 |
$4.8062 |
Holanda |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.4971 |
Antillas Holandesas |
$4.1358 |
$4.2783 |
$4.1325 |
Nevis |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.5769 |
Nueva Zelanda |
$6.2588 |
$6.4010 |
$6.2619 |
Nicaragua |
$5.9601 |
$6.1025 |
$5.9600 |
Noruega |
$4.8657 |
$5.0076 |
$4.8690 |
Panamá |
$4.3351 |
$4.4778 |
$4.3346 |
Perú |
$7.3203 |
$7.4625 |
$7.3192 |
Filipinas |
$5.2972 |
$5.4388 |
$5.2971 |
Polonia |
$7.1179 |
$7.2601 |
$7.2270 |
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) |
$5.8276 |
$5.9697 |
$5.8241 |
Catar |
$11.8972 |
$12.0393 |
$11.8932 |
Rumania |
$8.4809 |
$8.6233 |
$8.5010 |
Rusia |
$6.4805 |
$6.6239 |
$6.5063 |
San Marino |
$4.8657 |
$5.0076 |
$4.8622 |
Arabia Saudita |
$0.5000 |
$0.5300 |
$0.5000 |
Singapur |
$5.4628 |
$5.6047 |
$5.4594 |
Eslovenia |
$0.5000 |
$0.5300 |
$0.5000 |
Sudáfrica |
$6.9885 |
$7.1306 |
$6.9852 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
$5.1312 |
$5.2735 |
$5.1278 |
St. Kitts |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.5769 |
Sta. Lucía |
$8.3809 |
$8.5236 |
$8.3776 |
St. Vincent/Grenadines |
$4.5341 |
$4.6765 |
$4.5434 |
Suecia |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.4971 |
Suiza |
$4.8657 |
$5.0076 |
$4.8622 |
Taiwán |
$4.9987 |
$5.1409 |
$4.9949 |
Tailandia |
$6.4912 |
$6.6328 |
$6.5338 |
Trinidad/Tobago |
$4.5011 |
$4.6429 |
$4.5107 |
Turquía |
$6.5275 |
$6.6697 |
$6.6328 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos |
$6.3075 |
$6.4503 |
$6.3171 |
Ucrania |
$0.5000 |
$0.5300 |
$0.5000 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
$11.8642 |
$12.0058 |
$11.8639 |
Reino Unido |
$3.7379 |
$3.8804 |
$3.7349 |
Uruguay |
$4.9987 |
$5.1409 |
$5.0076 |
Ciudad del Vaticano |
$4.8657 |
$5.0076 |
$4.8622 |
Venezuela |
$5.9269 |
$6.0693 |
$5.9234 |
Vietnam |
$8.6991 |
$8.8255 |
$8.7050 |
Canada Origination:
1. The following per-minute usage charges apply for calls, excluding GIS calls, originating in Canada based on termination type and Range.
Termination Type |
Local Network Connection |
Switched |
Dedicado |
1 7 |
$1.1267 |
$1.2690 |
$1.2067 |
8 9 |
$1.6586 |
$1.8006 |
$1.7452 |
2. The following per-minute usage charges apply for GIS calls, originating in Canada, based on termination type:
Termination Type |
Switched |
Dedicado |
$1.1521 |
$1.0957 |
Mexico Origination: The following per-minute usage charges apply for calls originating in Mexico based on termination type and Service Areas.
Local Network Connection |
Switched |
Dedicado |
Estándar |
Economy |
Estándar |
Economy |
Estándar |
Economy |
M1 |
$1.6157 |
$1.1776 |
$1.7581 |
$1.3206 |
$1.6916 |
$1.2705 |
M2 |
$2.9753 |
$2.1958 |
$3.1174 |
$2.3381 |
$3.0512 |
$2.2884 |
M3 |
$4.0033 |
$2.9691 |
$4.1463 |
$3.1110 |
$4.0462 |
$3.0347 |
M4 |
$5.3961 |
$4.0134 |
$5.5393 |
$4.1555 |
$5.4725 |
$4.1056 |
Section B.2.1 Rates
International Mobile Origination Charge: Customers of International Toll Free Service will be charged the following undiscountable per minute charges, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, for International Toll Free Service which originates via Commercial Mobile Radio Service in the following international locations:
International Mobile Origination Charges
Toll Free Termination Usage Charges:
A. The following per-minute usage rates apply to calls that terminate in the following locations which are made by Customers whose agreements for Company service are executed prior to July 1, 2003:
Termination Locations |
Per-Minute Rate |
Afganistán |
$1.7750 |
Albania |
$0.7130 |
Algeria |
$0.5420 |
Andorra |
$0.2520 |
Angola |
$0.8510 |
Anguilla |
$0.4730 |
Antarctica (Casey, Davis, Macquarie and Mawson Island) |
$1.8690 |
Antarctica (Scott Base) |
$0.3890 |
Antigua (Barbuda) |
$0.3910 |
Argentina |
$0.3744 |
Armenia |
$0.6930 |
Aruba |
$0.3650 |
Isla Ascensión |
$1.2080 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
$0.1530 |
Austria |
$0.1580 |
Azerbaiyán |
$0.8760 |
Bahamas |
$0.3157 |
Bahréin |
$0.5860 |
Bangladesh |
$0.9330 |
Barbados |
$0.4410 |
Bielorrusia |
$0.5040 |
Bélgica |
$0.1530 |
Belice |
$0.5670 |
Benín |
$0.5320 |
Bermudas |
$0.3150 |
Bután |
$1.2920 |
Bolivia |
$0.4910 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
$0.5860 |
Botsuana |
$0.4980 |
Brasil |
$0.3285 |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
$0.3700 |
Brunéi |
$0.6850 |
Bulgaria |
$0.3860 |
Burkina Faso |
$0.7070 |
Burundi |
$1.4890 |
Camboya |
$1.4490 |
Camerún |
$0.7250 |
Canadá |
$0.0972 |
Isla de Cabo Verde |
$0.6530 |
Islas Caimán |
$0.3280 |
República Centroafricana |
$1.1850 |
Chad |
$1.9410 |
Chile |
$0.3280 |
China |
$0.4730 |
Isla de Navidad |
$0.1530 |
Cocos Island |
$0.1530 |
Colombia |
$0.3825 |
Comoras |
$1.3550 |
Congo |
$0.7190 |
Islas Cook |
$1.3000 |
Costa Rica |
$0.3780 |
Croacia |
$0.4410 |
Cuba |
$1.8720 |
Chipre |
$0.4730 |
República Checa |
$0.4600 |
Dinamarca |
$0.1580 |
Diego García |
$3.2964 |
Yibuti |
$0.7680 |
Dominica |
$0.4940 |
República Dominicana |
$0.2960 |
Timor Oriental |
$7.3995 |
Isla de Pascua |
$0.3280 |
Ecuador |
$0.4910 |
Egipto |
$0.6490 |
El Salvador |
$0.4530 |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
$1.6180 |
Eritrea |
$0.9950 |
Estonia |
$0.5550 |
Etiopía |
$0.9620 |
Islas Feroe |
$0.3780 |
Islas Malvinas |
$0.9570 |
Islas Fiyi |
$0.7680 |
Finlandia |
$0.1580 |
Francia |
$0.1422 |
French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin) |
$0.4000 |
Guayana Francesa |
$0.5360 |
Polinesia Francesa |
$1.0400 |
Gabón |
$0.6500 |
Gambia |
$0.5360 |
Georgia |
$0.7760 |
Alemania |
$0.1278 |
Ghana |
$0.5100 |
Gibraltar |
$0.6210 |
Grecia |
$0.2210 |
Groenlandia |
$1.2424 |
Grenada (including Carriacou) |
$0.5150 |
Guadalupe |
$0.4220 |
Guantanamo Bay (Bahía de Guantánamo) |
$1.8720 |
Guatemala |
$0.4250 |
Guinea |
$0.6620 |
Guinea Bissau |
$2.7914 |
Guyana |
$0.8210 |
Haití |
$0.6300 |
Honduras |
$0.5260 |
Hong Kong |
$0.1890 |
Hungría |
$0.3590 |
Islandia |
$0.4100 |
India |
$0.5499 |
Indonesia |
$0.4530 |
Irán |
$0.8700 |
Irak |
$1.1110 |
Irlanda |
$0.1422 |
Israel |
$0.2630 |
Italia |
$0.1422 |
Costa de Marfil |
$0.9140 |
Jamaica |
$0.5790 |
Japón |
$0.1530 |
Jordania |
$0.7360 |
Kazajistán |
$0.3340 |
Kenia |
$0.6420 |
Kiribati |
$0.9650 |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
$2.0280 |
República de Corea |
$0.2210 |
Kuwait |
$0.7560 |
Kirguistán |
$0.8940 |
Laos |
$1.5000 |
Letonia |
$0.5550 |
Lebanon |
$0.6930 |
Lesoto |
$0.6730 |
Liberia |
$0.5040 |
Libia |
$0.7680 |
Liechtenstein |
$0.2010 |
Lituania |
$0.7250 |
Luxemburgo |
$0.1700 |
Macao |
$0.6140 |
Macedonia |
$0.4730 |
Madagascar |
$2.0370 |
Malawi |
$0.5360 |
Malasia |
$0.3590 |
Maldivas |
$1.0200 |
Mali |
$0.8490 |
Malta |
$0.5790 |
Islas Marshall |
$0.5990 |
Mauritania |
$0.7990 |
Mauricio |
$0.9330 |
Isla Mayotte |
$1.3550 |
Micronesia |
$0.6200 |
México |
(See Below) |
Moldavia |
$0.8070 |
Mónaco |
$0.1700 |
Mongolia |
$1.3350 |
Montenegro |
$0.5790 |
Montserrat |
$0.5250 |
Marruecos |
$0.6420 |
Mozambique |
$0.9880 |
Birmania |
$1.9740 |
Namibia |
$0.5790 |
Nauru |
$3.0467 |
Nepal |
$0.8190 |
Holanda |
$0.1422 |
Antillas Holandesas |
$0.3620 |
Nevis |
$0.3980 |
Nueva Caledonia |
$0.8820 |
Nueva Zelanda |
$0.3890 |
Nicaragua |
$0.4530 |
Níger |
$0.7440 |
Nigeria |
$0.6930 |
Niue Island |
$4.1775 |
Isla Norfolk |
$1.8690 |
Noruega |
$0.1580 |
Omán |
$0.7440 |
Pakistán |
$0.8060 |
Palaos |
$1.7880 |
Palestina |
$0.2630 |
Panamá |
$0.4530 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea |
$1.3044 |
Paraguay |
$0.4980 |
Perú |
$0.4910 |
Filipinas |
$0.3590 |
Polonia |
$0.3340 |
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) |
$0.1700 |
Catar |
$0.7560 |
Reunion Island |
$0.8070 |
Rumania |
$0.5100 |
Rusia |
$0.3340 |
Ruanda |
$0.9330 |
San Marino |
$0.2800 |
Santo Tomé |
$2.3700 |
Arabia Saudita |
$0.8060 |
Senegal |
$0.9650 |
Seychelles |
$1.1030 |
Sierra Leona |
$0.7400 |
Singapur |
$0.2457 |
Eslovaquia |
$0.4610 |
Eslovenia |
$0.4610 |
Islas Salomón |
$2.0556 |
Somalia |
$1.3860 |
Sudáfrica |
$0.3970 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
$0.1422 |
Sri Lanka |
$0.7760 |
Santa Helena |
$1.8040 |
St. Kitts |
$0.3980 |
Sta. Lucía |
$0.4100 |
St. Pierre/ Miquelon |
$0.3780 |
St. Vincent/Grenadines |
$0.4610 |
Sudán |
$0.9960 |
Surinam |
$0.9570 |
Suazilandia |
$0.6110 |
Suecia |
$0.1580 |
Suiza |
$0.1422 |
Siria |
$0.8070 |
Taiwán |
$0.2630 |
Tayikistán |
$0.3790 |
Tanzania |
$0.6420 |
Tailandia |
$0.3900 |
Togo |
$0.7990 |
Tonga |
$0.8070 |
Trinidad/Tobago |
$0.5100 |
Túnez |
$0.4730 |
Turquía |
$0.4220 |
Turkmenistán |
$0.8620 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos |
$0.4340 |
Tuvalu |
$1.4370 |
Uganda |
$0.6110 |
Ucrania |
$0.5040 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
$0.5040 |
Reino Unido |
$0.0684 |
Uruguay |
$0.4910 |
Uzbekistán |
$0.4430 |
Vanuatu |
$2.3630 |
Ciudad del Vaticano |
$0.1422 |
Venezuela |
$0.3285 |
Vietnam |
$0.8820 |
Wallis and Futuna |
$2.8980 |
Samoa Occidental |
$0.7180 |
Yemen, Republic of |
$0.7370 |
Serbia |
$0.5790 |
Zaire |
$0.5990 |
Zambia |
$0.6420 |
Zimbabue |
$0.5360 |
B. The following per-minute rates apply to calls to the following locations which are made by Customers whose agreements for Company service are executed on or after July 1, 2003:
Ubicación |
Tarifa |
Afganistán |
$3.5666 |
Albania |
$0.8891 |
Algeria |
$1.0258 |
Andorra |
$0.4150 |
Angola |
$1.7466 |
Anguilla |
$1.6926 |
Antigua |
$1.7105 |
Argentina |
$1.0719 |
Armenia |
$1.5525 |
Aruba |
$1.4925 |
Isla Ascensión |
$2.5855 |
Australia (including Tasmania) |
$0.1678 |
Austria |
$0.6348 |
Azerbaiyán |
$1.3969 |
Bahamas |
$1.1909 |
Bahréin |
$1.7510 |
Bangladesh |
$2.2001 |
Barbados |
$1.6554 |
Bielorrusia |
$1.0354 |
Belice |
$1.8629 |
Benín |
$1.9308 |
Bermudas |
$1.2094 |
Bután |
$1.8310 |
Bolivia |
$1.7640 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
$0.9090 |
Botsuana |
$1.6441 |
Brasil |
$1.0155 |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
$1.5206 |
Brunéi |
$1.7403 |
Bulgaria |
$0.8534 |
Burkina Faso |
$2.0079 |
Burundi |
$1.9779 |
Camboya |
$2.5146 |
Camerún |
$2.1251 |
Canadá |
$0.1885 |
Cabo Verde |
$2.3380 |
Islas Caimán |
$1.3640 |
República Centroafricana |
$2.0888 |
Chad |
$2.2054 |
Chile |
$1.0049 |
China |
$1.0878 |
Colombia |
$1.2996 |
Comoras |
$1.8204 |
Congo |
$2.0378 |
Islas Cook |
$2.9438 |
Costa Rica |
$1.4300 |
Croacia |
$0.7910 |
Cuba |
$3.7134 |
Chipre |
$0.8849 |
República Checa |
$0.5900 |
Dinamarca |
$0.2026 |
Diego García |
$3.6304 |
Yibuti |
$2.1721 |
Dominica |
$1.8076 |
República Dominicana |
$1.3100 |
Ecuador |
$1.6608 |
Egipto |
$1.5760 |
El Salvador |
$1.5611 |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
$1.9844 |
Eritrea |
$2.8004 |
Estonia |
$0.7271 |
Etiopía |
$2.8360 |
Islas Feroe |
$0.5501 |
Islas Malvinas |
$2.1669 |
Fiyi |
$2.3520 |
Finlandia |
$0.2391 |
French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin |
$1.6330 |
French Guyana |
$1.6330 |
Polinesia Francesa |
$2.0295 |
Gabón |
$1.8550 |
Gambia |
$1.8850 |
Georgia |
$1.5659 |
Ghana |
$1.8219 |
Gibraltar |
$0.6634 |
Grecia |
$0.4485 |
Groenlandia |
$1.7858 |
Grenada (including Carriacou) |
$1.8775 |
Guadalupe |
$1.5478 |
Guantanamo Bay (Bahía de Guantánamo) |
$1.3613 |
Guatemala |
$1.5375 |
Guinea |
$1.9716 |
Guinea Bissau |
$2.3441 |
Guyana |
$2.7431 |
Haití |
$1.9573 |
Honduras |
$1.9205 |
Hong Kong |
$0.1769 |
Hungría |
$0.5688 |
Islandia |
$0.5114 |
India |
$1.0271 |
Indonesia |
$1.2244 |
Irán |
$2.1560 |
Irak |
$2.8325 |
Israel |
$0.6409 |
Costa de Marfil |
$1.9284 |
Jamaica |
$1.7711 |
Japón |
$0.1750 |
Jordania |
$1.8446 |
Kazajistán |
$1.4791 |
Kenia |
$1.9509 |
Kiribati |
$2.6906 |
República Popular Democrática de Corea |
$2.4745 |
República de Corea |
$0.8529 |
Kuwait |
$1.7756 |
Kirguistán |
$1.5288 |
Laos |
$2.4240 |
Letonia |
$0.9105 |
Lebanon |
$1.7209 |
Lesoto |
$1.7051 |
Liberia |
$1.9245 |
Libia |
$1.0959 |
Liechtenstein |
$0.3111 |
Lituania |
$1.0268 |
Luxemburgo |
$0.2716 |
Macao |
$1.8518 |
Macedonia |
$1.0480 |
Madagascar |
$2.1264 |
Malawi |
$1.7988 |
Malasia |
$0.2015 |
Maldivas |
$2.2051 |
Mali |
$2.1999 |
Malta |
$0.7564 |
Islas Marshall |
$0.6513 |
Mauritania |
$2.0453 |
Mauricio |
$2.1981 |
Isla Mayotte |
$1.8204 |
México |
$1.0200 |
Micronesia |
$2.5574 |
Moldavia |
$1.1319 |
Mónaco |
$1.2338 |
Mongolia |
$2.2639 |
Montserrat |
$1.9324 |
Marruecos |
$1.3351 |
Mozambique |
$1.8938 |
Birmania |
$2.4899 |
Namibia |
$1.6778 |
Nauru |
$3.1891 |
Nepal |
$2.3376 |
Nevis |
$1.7788 |
Nueva Caledonia |
$2.1680 |
Nueva Zelanda |
$0.4280 |
Nicaragua |
$1.7550 |
Níger |
$2.0255 |
Nigeria |
$2.0890 |
Niue |
$3.1853 |
Noruega |
$0.2075 |
Omán |
$1.9239 |
Pakistán |
$2.1825 |
Palaos |
$2.3871 |
Panamá |
$1.7301 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea |
$1.8580 |
Paraguay |
$1.7514 |
Perú |
$1.6091 |
Filipinas |
$0.1955 |
Polonia |
$0.5560 |
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) |
$0.3448 |
Catar |
$2.0108 |
Reunion Island |
$1.7271 |
Rumania |
$0.9619 |
Rusia |
$0.7463 |
Ruanda |
$2.0378 |
Santo Tomé |
$3.2055 |
Arabia Saudita |
$1.8218 |
Senegal |
$2.1654 |
Seychelles |
$1.8153 |
Sierra Leona |
$2.2465 |
Singapur |
$0.1830 |
Eslovaquia |
$0.6521 |
Eslovenia |
$0.7246 |
Islas Salomón |
$3.2501 |
Somalia |
$4.0721 |
Sudáfrica |
$1.0760 |
Sri Lanka |
$1.9830 |
Santa Helena |
$2.4080 |
St. Kitts |
$1.7788 |
Sta. Lucía |
$1.8048 |
St. Pierre/Miquelon |
$1.6626 |
St. Vincent/Grenadines |
$1.9029 |
Sudán |
$1.9456 |
Surinam |
$2.6193 |
Suazilandia |
$1.7039 |
Siria |
$2.1203 |
Taiwán |
$0.7444 |
Tayikistán |
$1.5988 |
Tanzania |
$1.9908 |
Tailandia |
$1.3515 |
Togo |
$2.3343 |
Tonga |
$2.7275 |
Trinidad/Tobago |
$1.6591 |
Túnez |
$1.0884 |
Turquía |
$0.8505 |
Turkmenistán |
$1.6628 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos |
$1.7951 |
Tuvalu |
$3.3275 |
Uganda |
$1.7604 |
Ucrania |
$0.9160 |
United Arab Emeritus |
$1.3134 |
Uruguay |
$1.7753 |
Uzbekistán |
$1.5163 |
Vanuatu |
$3.3563 |
Venezuela |
$1.3854 |
Vietnam |
$3.3129 |
Wallis and Futuna |
$1.1410 |
Samoa Occidental |
$0.8256 |
Yemen, Republic of |
$2.6299 |
Serbia |
$0.5231 |
Zaire |
$1.9120 |
Zambia |
$1.8854 |
Zimbabue |
$1.6889 |
Section B.4 Usage Rates
Section B.5 Rates: Calls will be calculated on a 60-second minimum duration basis, with additional 60-second increments. These calls are not subject to any discounts.
Option A Customers
Estándar |
Descuento |
Economy |
1st |
Add'l |
1st |
Add'l |
1st |
Add'l |
País |
Min |
Min |
Min |
Min |
Min |
Min |
Afganistán |
$6.16 |
$4.11 |
$5.36 |
$3.58 |
$4.87 |
$3.25 |
Albania |
$4.06 |
$2.26 |
$3.54 |
$2.18 |
$3.12 |
$1.97 |
Algeria |
$2.83 |
$1.72 |
$2.13 |
$1.28 |
$1.69 |
$1.07 |
Andorra |
$1.78 |
$1.13 |
$1.45 |
$0.86 |
$1.20 |
$0.70 |
Angola |
$4.16 |
$3.43 |
$3.81 |
$3.06 |
$3.59 |
$2.84 |
Anguilla |
$1.65 |
$1.20 |
$1.32 |
$0.90 |
$1.07 |
$0.78 |
Antarctica (Casey, Davis, Mawson, and Macquarie Island) |
$5.28 |
$3.70 |
$4.71 |
$3.30 |
$4.35 |
$3.05 |
Antarctica (Scott Base) |
$4.06 |
$1.59 |
$3.05 |
$1.22 |
$2.43 |
$0.95 |
Antigua (Barbuda) |
$1.65 |
$1.23 |
$1.32 |
$0.93 |
$1.07 |
$0.77 |
Argentina |
$2.50 |
$1.45 |
$1.99 |
$1.08 |
$1.62 |
$0.87 |
Armenia |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Aruba |
$1.65 |
$1.20 |
$1.32 |
$0.90 |
$1.07 |
$0.72 |
Isla Ascensión |
$3.08 |
$1.98 |
$2.32 |
$1.83 |
$1.85 |
$1.48 |
Australia (including Tasmania |
$3.24 |
$1.37 |
$2.61 |
$1.06 |
$1.81 |
$0.89 |
Austria |
$1.91 |
$1.10 |
$1.42 |
$0.81 |
$1.21 |
$0.69 |
Azerbaiyán |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Bahamas |
$1.25 |
$0.88 |
$1.03 |
$0.69 |
$0.85 |
$0.58 |
Bahréin |
$3.62 |
$1.45 |
$2.71 |
$1.10 |
$2.17 |
$0.92 |
Bangladesh |
$4.66 |
$2.16 |
$3.07 |
$1.49 |
Barbados |
$1.65 |
$1.29 |
$1.32 |
$1.02 |
$1.07 |
$0.82 |
Bielorrusia |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Bélgica |
$2.02 |
$1.25 |
$1.52 |
$0.94 |
$1.21 |
$0.74 |
Belice |
$2.57 |
$1.46 |
$1.93 |
$1.22 |
$1.53 |
$0.95 |
Benín |
$2.83 |
$1.57 |
$2.13 |
$1.25 |
$1.69 |
$1.01 |
Bermudas |
$1.32 |
$1.00 |
$1.06 |
$0.74 |
$0.85 |
$0.63 |
Bután |
$4.90 |
$3.65 |
$3.95 |
$3.13 |
Bolivia |
$2.72 |
$1.34 |
$2.04 |
$1.13 |
$1.63 |
$0.91 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
$2.33 |
$1.42 |
$1.74 |
$1.07 |
$1.38 |
$0.85 |
Botsuana |
$2.83 |
$1.56 |
$2.13 |
$1.16 |
$1.69 |
$0.94 |
Brasil |
$2.61 |
$1.38 |
$1.97 |
$1.12 |
$1.63 |
$0.95 |
Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
$1.54 |
$1.14 |
$1.32 |
$0.86 |
$1.07 |
$0.73 |
Brunéi |
$4.14 |
$1.55 |
$3.12 |
$1.17 |
$2.49 |
$0.93 |
Bulgaria |
$2.33 |
$1.66 |
$1.74 |
$1.28 |
$1.38 |
$1.03 |
Burkina Faso |
$3.38 |
$2.61 |
$2.62 |
$2.12 |
$2.10 |
$1.76 |
Burundi |
$4.06 |
$3.38 |
$3.70 |
$3.01 |
$3.48 |
$2.79 |
Camboya |
$3.76 |
$2.90 |
$3.44 |
$2.69 |
$3.17 |
$2.44 |
Camerún |
$2.71 |
$1.79 |
$2.04 |
$1.46 |
$1.62 |
$1.17 |
Canadá |
(see below) |
Isla de Cabo Verde |
$2.81 |
$2.29 |
$2.11 |
$1.71 |
$1.68 |
$1.38 |
Islas Caimán |
$1.65 |
$1.20 |
$1.32 |
$0.90 |
$1.07 |
$0.72 |
República Centroafricana |
$3.95 |
$3.33 |
$3.60 |
$2.96 |
$3.38 |
$2.74 |
Chad |
$4.16 |
$3.54 |
$3.81 |
$3.06 |
$3.59 |
$2.84 |
Chile |
$2.37 |
$1.44 |
$1.91 |
$1.06 |
$1.62 |
$0.90 |
China |
$5.84 |
$1.71 |
$4.37 |
$1.50 |
$3.50 |
$1.24 |
Isla de Navidad |
$3.24 |
$1.37 |
$2.61 |
$1.06 |
$1.81 |
$0.89 |
Cocos Island |
$3.24 |
$1.37 |
$2.61 |
$1.06 |
$1.81 |
$0.89 |
Colombia |
$2.50 |
$1.48 |
$1.99 |
$1.22 |
$1.62 |
$0.97 |
Comoras |
$3.65 |
$2.93 |
$3.34 |
$2.61 |
$3.01 |
$2.40 |
Congo |
$3.54 |
$2.82 |
$3.13 |
$2.40 |
$2.60 |
$1.98 |
Cook Island |
$4.59 |
$3.61 |
$4.49 |
$3.39 |
$4.28 |
$2.84 |
Costa Rica |
$2.29 |
$1.22 |
$1.81 |
$1.05 |
$1.52 |
$0.85 |
Croacia |
$2.33 |
$1.46 |
$1.74 |
$1.10 |
$1.38 |
$0.87 |
Cuba |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
Chipre |
$2.33 |
$1.49 |
$1.74 |
$1.12 |
$1.38 |
$0.90 |
República Checa |
$2.33 |
$1.45 |
$1.67 |
$1.04 |
$1.51 |
$0.94 |
Dinamarca |
$1.76 |
$1.25 |
$1.41 |
$0.94 |
$1.14 |
$0.74 |
Diego García |
$3.80 |
$2.36 |
$2.87 |
$1.77 |
Yibuti |
$3.26 |
$2.58 |
$2.45 |
$2.07 |
$1.94 |
$1.68 |
Dominica |
$1.65 |
$1.27 |
$1.32 |
$1.00 |
$1.07 |
$0.81 |
República Dominicana |
$1.51 |
$1.35 |
$1.21 |
$1.16 |
$0.98 |
$0.93 |
Isla de Pascua |
$2.37 |
$1.44 |
$1.91 |
$1.06 |
$1.62 |
$0.90 |
Ecuador |
$2.50 |
$1.42 |
$1.99 |
$1.20 |
$1.62 |
$0.97 |
Egipto |
$2.83 |
$1.74 |
$2.13 |
$1.37 |
$1.69 |
$1.10 |
El Salvador |
$2.35 |
$1.38 |
$1.88 |
$1.16 |
$1.52 |
$0.94 |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
$3.95 |
$3.33 |
$3.60 |
$2.96 |
$3.38 |
$2.74 |
Eritrea |
$3.26 |
$2.23 |
$2.45 |
$1.73 |
$1.94 |
$1.41 |
Estonia |
$2.35 |
$2.23 |
$1.93 |
$1.91 |
$1.77 |
$1.72 |
Etiopía |
$3.26 |
$2.08 |
$2.45 |
$1.59 |
$1.94 |
$1.32 |
Islas Feroe |
$1.76 |
$1.25 |
$1.41 |
$0.94 |
$1.14 |
$0.74 |
Islas Malvinas |
$3.62 |
$3.11 |
$2.71 |
$2.49 |
$2.17 |
$2.02 |
Islas Fiyi |
$3.66 |
$1.91 |
$3.66 |
$1.48 |
$3.66 |
$1.32 |
Finlandia |
$1.98 |
$1.28 |
$1.58 |
$0.97 |
$1.29 |
$0.77 |
Francia |
$1.78 |
$1.13 |
$1.45 |
$0.86 |
$1.20 |
$0.70 |
French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin) |
$1.65 |
$1.20 |
$1.32 |
$0.90 |
$1.07 |
$0.72 |
Guayana Francesa |
$2.72 |
$1.32 |
$2.04 |
$1.00 |
$1.63 |
$0.80 |
Polinesia Francesa |
$4.06 |
$1.59 |
$3.05 |
$1.22 |
$2.43 |
$1.07 |
Gabón |
$2.71 |
$1.57 |
$2.04 |
$1.28 |
$1.62 |
$1.03 |
Gambia |
$2.83 |
$1.46 |
$2.13 |
$1.15 |
$1.69 |
$0.93 |
Georgia |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Alemania |
$1.85 |
$1.14 |
$1.48 |
$0.91 |
$1.20 |
$0.72 |
Ghana |
$2.81 |
$1.78 |
$2.29 |
$1.44 |
$1.81 |
$1.16 |
Gibraltar |
$2.27 |
$1.33 |
$1.70 |
$1.01 |
$1.35 |
$0.80 |
Grecia |
$2.27 |
$1.58 |
$1.70 |
$1.15 |
$1.35 |
$0.94 |
Groenlandia |
$2.33 |
$1.46 |
$1.74 |
$1.10 |
$1.38 |
$0.89 |
Grenada (including Carriacou) |
$1.65 |
$1.26 |
$1.32 |
$1.03 |
$1.07 |
$0.84 |
Guadalupe |
$1.65 |
$1.20 |
$1.32 |
$0.90 |
$1.07 |
$0.72 |
Guantanamo Bay (Bahía de Guantánamo) |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
$1.56 |
Guatemala |
$2.35 |
$1.35 |
$1.88 |
$1.14 |
$1.52 |
$0.90 |
Guinea |
$2.83 |
$2.31 |
$2.13 |
$1.72 |
$1.69 |
$1.40 |
Guinea Bissau |
$4.16 |
$3.60 |
$3.81 |
$3.22 |
$3.59 |
$2.99 |
Guyana |
$3.13 |
$1.67 |
$2.34 |
$1.26 |
$1.87 |
$1.01 |
Haití |
$1.65 |
$1.33 |
$1.32 |
$1.12 |
$1.07 |
$0.89 |
Honduras |
$2.55 |
$1.48 |
$1.92 |
$1.21 |
$1.52 |
$0.95 |
Hong Kong |
$3.79 |
$1.42 |
$2.84 |
$1.08 |
$2.27 |
$0.85 |
Hungría |
$2.33 |
$1.35 |
$1.74 |
$1.07 |
$1.38 |
$0.86 |
Islandia |
$2.33 |
$1.31 |
$1.74 |
$0.99 |
$1.38 |
$0.79 |
India |
$4.07 |
$2.04 |
$2.92 |
$1.65 |
Indonesia |
$4.14 |
$1.62 |
$3.12 |
$1.31 |
$2.49 |
$1.12 |
Irán |
$3.62 |
$1.80 |
$2.71 |
$1.41 |
$2.17 |
$1.15 |
Irak |
$3.62 |
$2.09 |
$2.71 |
$1.79 |
$2.17 |
$1.63 |
Irlanda |
$1.70 |
$1.22 |
$1.37 |
$0.93 |
$1.16 |
$0.80 |
Israel |
$3.12 |
$1.52 |
$2.58 |
$1.08 |
$2.17 |
$0.90 |
Italia |
$1.96 |
$1.31 |
$1.46 |
$1.00 |
$1.21 |
$0.83 |
Costa de Marfil |
$2.83 |
$2.14 |
$2.13 |
$1.77 |
$1.69 |
$1.45 |
Jamaica |
$1.54 |
$1.31 |
$1.32 |
$1.12 |
$1.07 |
$0.89 |
Japón |
$3.19 |
$1.30 |
$2.66 |
$1.04 |
$2.26 |
$0.85 |
Jordania |
$3.62 |
$1.49 |
$2.71 |
$1.19 |
$2.17 |
$0.94 |
Kazajistán |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Kenia |
$2.83 |
$1.69 |
$2.26 |
$1.34 |
$1.79 |
$1.08 |
Kiribati |
$4.14 |
$2.35 |
$3.12 |
$2.05 |
$2.49 |
$1.81 |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
$5.39 |
$4.20 |
$4.76 |
$4.14 |
$4.47 |
$3.84 |
República de Corea |
$3.85 |
$1.44 |
$2.93 |
$1.09 |
$2.49 |
$0.93 |
Kuwait |
$3.34 |
$1.44 |
$2.50 |
$1.12 |
$2.00 |
$0.90 |
Kirguistán |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Laos |
$6.60 |
$3.64 |
$5.10 |
$3.24 |
$4.74 |
$2.99 |
Letonia |
$2.35 |
$2.23 |
$1.93 |
$1.91 |
$1.77 |
$1.72 |
Lebanon |
$3.38 |
$2.41 |
$2.91 |
$2.08 |
$2.60 |
$1.87 |
Lesoto |
$2.71 |
$1.56 |
$2.04 |
$1.16 |
$1.62 |
$0.97 |
Liberia |
$2.71 |
$1.40 |
$2.04 |
$1.04 |
$1.62 |
$0.84 |
Libia |
$2.71 |
$1.66 |
$2.04 |
$1.24 |
$1.62 |
$1.03 |
Liechtenstein |
$2.02 |
$1.22 |
$1.52 |
$0.91 |
$1.21 |
$0.72 |
Lituania |
$2.35 |
$2.11 |
$1.93 |
$1.80 |
$1.77 |
$1.63 |
Luxemburgo |
$2.18 |
$1.21 |
$1.62 |
$0.91 |
$1.35 |
$0.77 |
Macao |
$4.35 |
$1.71 |
$3.27 |
$1.50 |
$2.61 |
$1.20 |
Macedonia |
$2.33 |
$1.57 |
$1.74 |
$1.19 |
$1.38 |
$0.94 |
Madagascar |
$4.16 |
$3.73 |
$3.81 |
$3.35 |
$3.59 |
$3.11 |
Malawi |
$2.83 |
$1.46 |
$2.13 |
$1.09 |
$1.69 |
$0.88 |
Malasia |
$4.14 |
$1.55 |
$3.12 |
$1.17 |
$2.49 |
$0.93 |
Maldivas |
$4.71 |
$2.91 |
$3.77 |
$2.18 |
$3.05 |
$1.74 |
Mali |
$2.87 |
$2.47 |
$2.40 |
$2.05 |
$2.09 |
$1.84 |
Malta |
$2.33 |
$1.70 |
$1.74 |
$1.29 |
$1.38 |
$1.05 |
Islas Marshall |
$4.14 |
$1.62 |
$3.12 |
$1.22 |
$2.49 |
$1.02 |
Mauritania |
$3.64 |
$2.50 |
$3.44 |
$2.08 |
$3.12 |
$1.66 |
Mauricio |
$3.62 |
$2.82 |
$2.71 |
$2.26 |
$2.17 |
$1.84 |
Isla Mayotte |
$3.65 |
$2.93 |
$3.34 |
$2.61 |
$3.01 |
$2.40 |
México |
(see below) |
Micronesia |
$4.14 |
$1.65 |
$3.12 |
$1.26 |
$2.49 |
$1.03 |
Moldavia |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Mónaco |
$1.78 |
$1.13 |
$1.45 |
$0.86 |
$1.20 |
$0.70 |
Mongolia |
$5.28 |
$3.59 |
$4.71 |
$3.18 |
$4.35 |
$2.91 |
Montserrat |
$1.65 |
$1.26 |
$1.32 |
$0.94 |
$1.07 |
$0.80 |
Marruecos |
$2.71 |
$1.75 |
$2.04 |
$1.40 |
$1.62 |
$1.17 |
Mozambique |
$3.62 |
$2.82 |
$3.02 |
$2.51 |
$2.71 |
$1.98 |
Birmania |
$7.06 |
$3.76 |
$6.49 |
$3.34 |
$6.14 |
$3.08 |
Namibia |
$2.21 |
$1.51 |
$1.80 |
$1.25 |
$1.43 |
$1.01 |
Nauru |
$4.02 |
$2.45 |
$3.33 |
$2.26 |
$2.92 |
$1.98 |
Nepal |
$4.66 |
$2.14 |
$3.07 |
$1.40 |
Holanda |
$1.77 |
$1.10 |
$1.41 |
$0.84 |
$1.20 |
$0.68 |
Antillas Holandesas |
$1.65 |
$1.25 |
$1.32 |
$0.93 |
$1.07 |
$0.76 |
Nevis |
$1.65 |
$1.23 |
$1.32 |
$0.93 |
$1.07 |
$0.78 |
Nueva Caledonia |
$4.14 |
$1.55 |
$3.12 |
$1.17 |
$2.49 |
$0.98 |
Nueva Zelanda |
$4.06 |
$1.59 |
$3.05 |
$1.22 |
$2.43 |
$0.95 |
Nicaragua |
$2.57 |
$1.46 |
$1.93 |
$1.17 |
$1.53 |
$0.93 |
Níger |
$2.83 |
$2.31 |
$2.13 |
$1.72 |
$1.69 |
$1.40 |
Nigeria |
$2.41 |
$1.43 |
$1.81 |
$1.25 |
$1.44 |
$1.01 |
Niue Island |
$5.18 |
$3.64 |
$4.62 |
$3.24 |
$4.27 |
$3.00 |
Isla Norfolk |
$5.28 |
$3.70 |
$4.71 |
$3.30 |
$4.35 |
$3.05 |
Noruega |
$1.76 |
$1.14 |
$1.41 |
$0.86 |
$1.14 |
$0.68 |
Omán |
$3.62 |
$1.50 |
$2.71 |
$1.15 |
$2.17 |
$0.99 |
Pakistán |
$4.66 |
$2.58 |
$3.07 |
$1.84 |
Palaos |
$3.62 |
$2.61 |
$3.33 |
$2.19 |
$3.02 |
$1.97 |
Panamá |
$2.33 |
$1.38 |
$1.86 |
$1.09 |
$1.51 |
$0.89 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea |
$4.06 |
$1.59 |
$3.05 |
$1.22 |
$2.43 |
$0.95 |
Paraguay |
$2.72 |
$1.66 |
$2.04 |
$1.31 |
$1.63 |
$1.05 |
Perú |
$2.50 |
$1.49 |
$1.99 |
$1.23 |
$1.62 |
$0.98 |
Filipinas |
$3.40 |
$1.75 |
$2.87 |
$1.42 |
$2.40 |
$1.07 |
Pitcairn Island |
$4.06 |
$1.59 |
$3.05 |
$1.22 |
$2.43 |
$0.95 |
Polonia |
$2.33 |
$1.35 |
$1.67 |
$0.98 |
$1.51 |
$0.87 |
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) |
$2.02 |
$1.51 |
$1.52 |
$1.14 |
$1.21 |
$0.90 |
Catar |
$3.62 |
$1.46 |
$2.71 |
$1.11 |
$2.17 |
$0.92 |
Reunion Island |
$3.26 |
$2.58 |
$2.45 |
$2.07 |
$1.94 |
$1.68 |
Rumania |
$2.80 |
$1.66 |
$2.09 |
$1.36 |
$1.67 |
$1.12 |
Rusia |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Ruanda |
$3.62 |
$2.82 |
$2.71 |
$2.26 |
$2.17 |
$1.84 |
San Marino |
$1.96 |
$1.31 |
$1.46 |
$1.00 |
$1.21 |
$0.83 |
Santo Tomé |
$3.95 |
$3.49 |
$3.60 |
$3.11 |
$3.38 |
$2.87 |
Arabia Saudita |
$3.34 |
$1.47 |
$2.50 |
$1.08 |
$2.00 |
$0.91 |
Senegal |
$2.83 |
$2.11 |
$2.13 |
$1.73 |
$1.69 |
$1.42 |
Seychelles |
$5.13 |
$2.91 |
$3.84 |
$2.33 |
$3.07 |
$1.89 |
Sierra Leona |
$3.26 |
$2.32 |
$2.65 |
$1.81 |
$2.10 |
$1.42 |
Singapur |
$3.47 |
$1.42 |
$2.78 |
$1.08 |
$2.26 |
$0.85 |
Eslovaquia |
$2.33 |
$1.45 |
$1.67 |
$1.04 |
$1.51 |
$0.94 |
Eslovenia |
$2.33 |
$1.47 |
$1.74 |
$1.11 |
$1.38 |
$0.88 |
Islas Salomón |
$4.18 |
$2.61 |
$4.07 |
$2.22 |
$3.76 |
$2.08 |
Somalia |
$5.14 |
$3.43 |
$4.58 |
$3.06 |
$4.26 |
$2.84 |
Sudáfrica |
$2.21 |
$1.44 |
$1.77 |
$1.15 |
$1.41 |
$0.94 |
Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) |
$2.02 |
$1.45 |
$1.52 |
$1.19 |
$1.21 |
$0.93 |
Sri Lanka |
$4.66 |
$2.17 |
$3.07 |
$1.56 |
Santa Helena |
$3.62 |
$2.82 |
$2.71 |
$2.26 |
$2.17 |
$1.84 |
St. Kitts |
$1.65 |
$1.23 |
$1.32 |
$0.93 |
$1.07 |
$0.78 |
Sta. Lucía |
$1.65 |
$1.23 |
$1.32 |
$0.93 |
$1.07 |
$0.78 |
St. Pierre/Miquelon |
$1.54 |
$1.10 |
$1.14 |
$0.84 |
$0.92 |
$0.67 |
St. Vincent/Grenadines |
$1.65 |
$1.27 |
$1.32 |
$1.03 |
$1.07 |
$0.82 |
Sudán |
$4.90 |
$3.27 |
$4.38 |
$2.93 |
$4.07 |
$2.72 |
Surinam |
$3.13 |
$2.12 |
$2.34 |
$1.63 |
$1.87 |
$1.30 |
Suazilandia |
$2.71 |
$1.48 |
$2.04 |
$1.09 |
$1.62 |
$0.88 |
Suecia |
$1.73 |
$1.10 |
$1.38 |
$0.82 |
$1.12 |
$0.66 |
Suiza |
$2.02 |
$1.22 |
$1.52 |
$0.91 |
$1.21 |
$0.72 |
Siria |
$3.08 |
$2.72 |
$2.64 |
$2.41 |
$2.37 |
$2.17 |
Taiwán |
$3.71 |
$1.51 |
$2.97 |
$1.14 |
$2.48 |
$0.93 |
Tayikistán |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Tanzania |
$2.71 |
$1.72 |
$2.16 |
$1.29 |
$1.71 |
$1.06 |
Tailandia |
$4.14 |
$1.55 |
$3.12 |
$1.17 |
$2.49 |
$0.93 |
Togo |
$2.83 |
$1.63 |
$2.13 |
$1.33 |
$1.69 |
$1.08 |
Tonga |
$4.14 |
$2.21 |
$3.12 |
$1.81 |
$2.49 |
$1.59 |
Trinidad/Tobago |
$1.65 |
$1.46 |
$1.32 |
$1.19 |
$1.07 |
$0.93 |
Túnez |
$2.83 |
$1.56 |
$2.13 |
$1.16 |
$1.69 |
$0.94 |
Turquía |
$2.33 |
$1.68 |
$1.74 |
$1.23 |
$1.38 |
$1.04 |
Turkmenistán |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos |
$1.54 |
$1.20 |
$1.32 |
$0.90 |
$1.07 |
$0.78 |
Tuvalu |
$5.28 |
$3.76 |
$4.71 |
$3.34 |
$4.35 |
$3.05 |
Uganda |
$2.71 |
$1.57 |
$2.20 |
$1.16 |
$1.74 |
$0.97 |
Ucrania |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
$3.34 |
$1.21 |
$2.50 |
$0.98 |
$2.00 |
$0.82 |
Reino Unido |
$1.50 |
$1.01 |
$1.20 |
$0.77 |
$1.02 |
$0.65 |
Uruguay |
$2.64 |
$1.59 |
$1.96 |
$1.21 |
$1.63 |
$1.01 |
Uzbekistán |
$2.35 |
$2.22 |
$1.93 |
$1.90 |
$1.77 |
$1.70 |
Vanuatu |
$5.18 |
$3.64 |
$4.62 |
$3.24 |
$4.27 |
$3.00 |
Ciudad del Vaticano |
$1.96 |
$1.31 |
$1.46 |
$1.00 |
$1.21 |
$0.83 |
Venezuela |
$2.08 |
$1.13 |
$1.66 |
$0.86 |
$1.34 |
$0.69 |
Vietnam |
$3.04 |
$2.28 |
$2.83 |
$2.07 |
$2.62 |
$1.86 |
Wallis and Futuna |
$4.74 |
$3.14 |
$4.18 |
$2.74 |
$3.82 |
$2.50 |
Sáhara Occidental |
$2.02 |
$1.45 |
$1.52 |
$1.19 |
$1.21 |
$0.93 |
Samoa Occidental |
$4.14 |
$2.20 |
$3.12 |
$1.95 |
$2.49 |
$1.73 |
Yemen, Republic of |
$3.62 |
$1.50 |
$2.71 |
$1.13 |
$2.17 |
$0.90 |
Serbia |
$2.33 |
$1.46 |
$1.74 |
$1.10 |
$1.38 |
$0.87 |
Zaire |
$2.83 |
$1.46 |
$2.13 |
$1.27 |
$1.69 |
$1.03 |
Zambia |
$2.71 |
$1.53 |
$2.04 |
$1.14 |
$1.62 |
$0.92 |
Zimbabue |
$2.71 |
$1.44 |
$2.04 |
$1.06 |
$1.62 |
$0.90 |
Estándar Descuento Economy
1st Add'l 1st Add'l 1st Add'l
Mileage Band Min Min Min Min Min Min
1 ‑ 18 $0.2832 $0.2832 $0.2308 $0.2413 $0.2098 $0.2098
81 ‑ 140 0.4091 0.4091 0.2727 0.2727 0.2203 0.2203
141 ‑ 220 0.4301 0.4301 0.2937 0.2937 0.2308 0.2308
221 ‑ 345 0.4930 0.4930 0.3357 0.3357 0.2623 0.2623
346 ‑ 630 0.5665 0.5665 0.3776 0.3776 0.2937 0.2937
631 ‑ 1200 0.6504 0.6504 0.4196 0.4196 0.3252 0.3252
1201 ‑ 1610 0.6923 0.6923 0.4511 0.4406 0.3462 0.3462
1611 ‑ 4000 0.7343 0.7238 0.4721 0.4616 0.3672 0.3672
4000 + 0.7343 0.7238 0.4721 0.4616 0.3672 0.3672
U.S. Portion
Estándar Economy
1st Add'l 1st Add'l
Mileage Band Min Min Min Min
0 ‑ 10 $0.14 $0.14 $0.09 $0.09
11 ‑ 22 0.16 0.16 0.12 0.12
23 ‑ 55 0.21 0.21 0.15 0.15
56 ‑ 124 0.26 0.26 0.18 0.18
125 ‑ 292 0.31 0.31 0.23 0.23
293 ‑ 430 0.36 0.36 0.26 0.26
431 ‑ 925 0.39 0.39 0.27 0.27
926 ‑ 3000 0.42 0.42 0.30 0.30
Mexico Portion
Estándar Economy
1st Add'l 1st Add'l
Rate Step Min Min Min Min
1 $0.17 $0.17 $0.10 $0.10
2 0.22 0.22 0.15 0.15
3 0.40 0.40 0.26 0.26
4 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.31
5 0.67 0.67 0.44 0.44
6 0.87 0.87 0.58 0.58
7 1.16 1.16 0.79 0.79
8 1.24 1.24 0.84 0.84
Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean Inmarsat
Type of Service/Calls Terminating to: 1st Min Add'l Min
Standard A/Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean $8.250 $8.250
Standard B/Atlantic and Pacific Ocean 4.250 4.250
Standard B/Indian Ocean 3.750 3.750
Standard M/Atlantic and Pacific Ocean 4.250 4.250
Standard M/Indian Ocean 3.750 3.750
Aeronautical 7.895 7.895
Mini-M/Atlantic and Pacific Ocean 4.250 4.250
Mini-M/Indian Ocean 3.750 3.750
Option B/C Customers: Standard Execunet (Dial 1) rates apply to Midway and Wake and are based upon the mileage between the originating city and Hawaii.
Estándar Descuento Economy
1st Add'l 1st Add'l 1st Add'l
País Min Min Min Min Min Min
Afghanistan $6.16 $4.11 $5.36 $3.58 $4.87 $3.25
Albania 4.06 2.26 3.54 2.18 3.12 1.97
Algeria 2.83 1.72 2.13 1.28 1.69 1.07
Andorra 1.78 1.13 1.45 0.86 1.20 0.70
Angola 4.16 3.43 3.81 3.06 3.59 2.84
Anguilla 1.65 1.20 1.32 0.90 1.07 0.78
Antarctica (Casey,
Davis, Mawson,
and Macquarie Island) 5.28 3.70 4.71 3.30 4.35 3.05
Antarctica (Scott Base) 4.06 1.59 3.05 1.22 2.43 0.95
Antigua (Barbuda) 1.65 1.23 1.32 0.93 1.07 0.77
Argentina 2.50 1.45 1.99 1.08 1.62 0.87
Armenia 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Aruba 1.65 1.20 1.32 0.90 1.07 0.72
Ascension Island 3.08 1.98 2.32 1.83 1.85 1.48
(including Tasmania) 3.24 1.37 2.61 1.06 1.81 0.89
Austria 1.91 1.10 1.42 0.81 1.21 0.69
Azerbaijan 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Bahamas 1.25 0.88 1.03 0.69 0.85 0.58
Bahrain 3.62 1.45 2.71 1.10 2.17 0.92
Bangladesh 4.66 2.16 3.07 1.49
Barbados 1.65 1.29 1.32 1.02 1.07 0.82
Belarus 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Belgium 2.02 1.25 1.52 0.94 1.21 0.74
Belize 2.57 1.46 1.93 1.22 1.53 0.95
Benin 2.83 1.57 2.13 1.25 1.69 1.01
Bermuda 1.32 1.00 1.06 0.74 0.85 0.63
Bhutan 4.90 3.65 3.95 3.13
Bolivia 2.72 1.34 2.04 1.13 1.63 0.91
Bosnia-Herzegovina 2.33 1.42 1.74 1.07 1.38 0.85
Botswana 2.83 1.56 2.13 1.16 1.69 0.94
Brazil 2.61 1.38 1.97 1.12 1.63 0.95
British Virgin Islands 1.54 1.14 1.32 0.86 1.07 0.73
Brunei 4.14 1.55 3.12 1.17 2.49 0.93
Bulgaria 2.33 1.66 1.74 1.28 1.38 1.03
Burkina Faso 3.38 2.61 2.62 2.12 2.10 1.76
Burundi 4.06 3.38 3.70 3.01 3.48 2.79
Cambodia 3.76 2.90 3.44 2.69 3.17 2.44
Cameroon 2.71 1.79 2.04 1.46 1.62 1.17
Canada (see below)
Cape Verde Islands 2.81 2.29 2.11 1.71 1.68 1.38
Cayman Islands 1.65 1.20 1.32 0.90 1.07 0.72
Central African Republic 3.95 3.33 3.60 2.96 3.38 2.74
Chad 4.16 3.54 3.81 3.06 3.59 2.84
Chile 2.37 1.44 1.91 1.06 1.62 0.90
China 5.84 1.71 4.37 1.50 3.50 1.24
Christmas Island 3.24 1.37 2.61 1.06 1.81 0.89
Cocos Island 3.24 1.37 2.61 1.06 1.81 0.89
Colombia 2.50 1.48 1.99 1.22 1.62 0.97
Comorros 3.65 2.93 3.34 2.61 3.01 2.40
Congo 3.54 2.82 3.13 2.40 2.60 1.98
Cook Island 4.59 3.61 4.49 3.39 4.28 2.84
Costa Rica 2.29 1.22 1.81 1.05 1.52 0.85
Croatia 2.33 1.46 1.74 1.10 1.38 0.87
Cuba 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
Cyprus 2.33 1.49 1.74 1.12 1.38 0.90
Czech Republic 2.33 1.45 1.67 1.04 1.51 0.94
Denmark 1.76 1.25 1.41 0.94 1.14 0.74
Diego Garcia 3.80 2.36 2.87 1.77
Djibouti 3.26 2.58 2.45 2.07 1.94 1.68
Dominica 1.65 1.27 1.32 1.00 1.07 0.81
Dominican Republic 1.51 1.35 1.21 1.16 0.98 0.93
Easter Island 2.37 1.44 1.91 1.06 1.62 0.90
Ecuador 2.50 1.42 1.99 1.20 1.62 0.97
Egypt 2.83 1.74 2.13 1.37 1.69 1.10
El Salvador 2.35 1.38 1.88 1.16 1.52 0.94
Equatorial Guinea 3.95 3.33 3.60 2.96 3.38 2.74
Eritrea 3.26 2.23 2.45 1.73 1.94 1.41
Estonia 2.35 2.23 1.93 1.91 1.77 1.72
Ethiopia 3.26 2.08 2.45 1.59 1.94 1.32
Faeroe Islands 1.76 1.25 1.41 0.94 1.14 0.74
Falkland Islands 3.62 3.11 2.71 2.49 2.17 2.02
Fiji Islands 3.66 1.91 3.66 1.48 3.66 1.32
Finland 1.98 1.28 1.58 0.97 1.29 0.77
France 1.78 1.13 1.45 0.86 1.20 0.70
Antillas Francesas
(including Martinique,
San Bartolomé
and St. Martin) 1.65 1.20 1.32 0.90 1.07 0.72
French Guiana 2.72 1.32 2.04 1.00 1.63 0.80
French Polynesia 4.06 1.59 3.05 1.22 2.43 1.07
Gabon 2.71 1.57 2.04 1.28 1.62 1.03
Gambia 2.83 1.46 2.13 1.15 1.69 0.93
Georgia 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Germany 1.85 1.14 1.48 0.91 1.20 0.72
Ghana 2.81 1.78 2.29 1.44 1.81 1.16
Gibraltar 2.27 1.33 1.70 1.01 1.35 0.80
Greece 2.27 1.58 1.70 1.15 1.35 0.94
Greenland 2.33 1.46 1.74 1.10 1.38 0.89
(including Carriacou) 1.65 1.26 1.32 1.03 1.07 0.84
Guadeloupe 1.65 1.20 1.32 0.90 1.07 0.72
Guantanamo Bay 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
Guatemala 2.35 1.35 1.88 1.14 1.52 0.90
Guinea 2.83 2.31 2.13 1.72 1.69 1.40
Guinea Bissau 4.16 3.60 3.81 3.22 3.59 2.99
Guyana 3.13 1.67 2.34 1.26 1.87 1.01
Haiti 1.65 1.33 1.32 1.12 1.07 0.89
Honduras 2.55 1.48 1.92 1.21 1.52 0.95
Hong Kong 3.79 1.42 2.84 1.08 2.27 0.85
Hungary 2.33 1.35 1.74 1.07 1.38 0.86
Iceland 2.33 1.31 1.74 0.99 1.38 0.79
India 4.07 2.04 2.92 1.65
Indonesia 4.14 1.62 3.12 1.31 2.49 1.12
Iran 3.62 1.80 2.71 1.41 2.17 1.15
Iraq 3.62 2.09 2.71 1.79 2.17 1.63
Ireland 1.70 1.22 1.37 0.93 1.16 0.80
Israel 3.12 1.52 2.58 1.08 2.17 0.90
Italy 1.96 1.31 1.46 1.00 1.21 0.83
Ivory Coast 2.83 2.14 2.13 1.77 1.69 1.45
Jamaica 1.54 1.31 1.32 1.12 1.07 0.89
Japan 3.19 1.30 2.66 1.04 2.26 0.85
Jordan 3.62 1.49 2.71 1.19 2.17 0.94
Kazakhstan 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Kenya 2.83 1.69 2.26 1.34 1.79 1.08
Kiribati 4.14 2.35 3.12 2.05 2.49 1.81
Korea, Democratic
People's Republic of 5.39 4.20 4.76 4.14 4.47 3.84
Korea, Republic of 3.85 1.44 2.93 1.09 2.49 0.93
Kuwait 3.34 1.44 2.50 1.12 2.00 0.90
Kyrgyzstan 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Laos 6.60 3.64 5.10 3.24 4.74 2.99
Latvia 2.35 2.23 1.93 1.91 1.77 1.72
Lebanon 3.38 2.41 2.91 2.08 2.60 1.87
Lesotho 2.71 1.56 2.04 1.16 1.62 0.97
Liberia 2.71 1.40 2.04 1.04 1.62 0.84
Libya 2.71 1.66 2.04 1.24 1.62 1.03
Liechtenstein 2.02 1.22 1.52 0.91 1.21 0.72
Lithuania 2.35 2.11 1.93 1.80 1.77 1.63
Luxembourg 2.18 1.21 1.62 0.91 1.35 0.77
Macao 4.35 1.71 3.27 1.50 2.61 1.20
Macedonia 2.33 1.57 1.74 1.19 1.38 0.94
Madagascar 4.16 3.73 3.81 3.35 3.59 3.11
Malawi 2.83 1.46 2.13 1.09 1.69 0.88
Malaysia 4.14 1.55 3.12 1.17 2.49 0.93
Maldives 4.71 2.91 3.77 2.18 3.05 1.74
Mali 2.87 2.47 2.40 2.05 2.09 1.84
Malta 2.33 1.70 1.74 1.29 1.38 1.05
Marshall Islands 4.14 1.62 3.12 1.22 2.49 1.02
Mauritania 3.64 2.50 3.44 2.08 3.12 1.66
Mauritius 3.62 2.82 2.71 2.26 2.17 1.84
Mayotte Island 3.65 2.93 3.34 2.61 3.01 2.40
Mexico (see below)
Micronesia 4.14 1.65 3.12 1.26 2.49 1.03
Moldova 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Monaco 1.78 1.13 1.45 0.86 1.20 0.70
Mongolia 5.28 3.59 4.71 3.18 4.35 2.91
Montserrat 1.65 1.26 1.32 0.94 1.07 0.80
Morocco 2.71 1.75 2.04 1.40 1.62 1.17
Mozambique 3.62 2.82 3.02 2.51 2.71 1.98
Myanmar 7.06 3.76 6.49 3.34 6.14 3.08
Namibia 2.21 1.51 1.80 1.25 1.43 1.01
Nauru 4.02 2.45 3.33 2.26 2.92 1.98
Nepal 4.66 2.14 3.07 1.40
Netherlands 1.77 1.10 1.41 0.84 1.20 0.68
Netherlands Antilles 1.65 1.25 1.32 0.93 1.07 0.76
Nevis 1.65 1.23 1.32 0.93 1.07 0.78
New Caledonia 4.14 1.55 3.12 1.17 2.49 0.98
New Zealand 4.06 1.59 3.05 1.22 2.43 0.95
Nicaragua 2.57 1.46 1.93 1.17 1.53 0.93
Niger 2.83 2.31 2.13 1.72 1.69 1.40
Nigeria 2.41 1.43 1.81 1.25 1.44 1.01
Niue Island 5.18 3.64 4.62 3.24 4.27 3.00
Norfolk Island 5.28 3.70 4.71 3.30 4.35 3.05
Norway 1.76 1.14 1.41 0.86 1.14 0.68
Oman 3.62 1.50 2.71 1.15 2.17 0.99
Pakistan 4.66 2.58 3.07 1.84
Palau 3.62 2.61 3.33 2.19 3.02 1.97
Panama 2.33 1.38 1.86 1.09 1.51 0.89
Papua New Guinea 4.06 1.59 3.05 1.22 2.43 0.95
Paraguay 2.72 1.66 2.04 1.31 1.63 1.05
Peru 2.50 1.49 1.99 1.23 1.62 0.98
Philippines 3.40 1.75 2.87 1.42 2.40 1.07
Pitcairn Island 4.06 1.59 3.05 1.22 2.43 0.95
Poland 2.33 1.35 1.67 0.98 1.51 0.87
Portugal (including
Azores and
Madeira Islands) 2.02 1.51 1.52 1.14 1.21 0.90
Qatar 3.62 1.46 2.71 1.11 2.17 0.92
Reunion Island 3.26 2.58 2.45 2.07 1.94 1.68
Romania 2.80 1.66 2.09 1.36 1.67 1.12
Russia 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Rwanda 3.62 2.82 2.71 2.26 2.17 1.84
San Marino 1.96 1.31 1.46 1.00 1.21 0.83
Sao Tome 3.95 3.49 3.60 3.11 3.38 2.87
Saudi Arabia 3.34 1.47 2.50 1.08 2.00 0.91
Senegal 2.83 2.11 2.13 1.73 1.69 1.42
Seychelles 5.13 2.91 3.84 2.33 3.07 1.89
Sierra Leone 3.26 2.32 2.65 1.81 2.10 1.42
Singapore 3.47 1.42 2.78 1.08 2.26 0.85
Slovakia 2.33 1.45 1.67 1.04 1.51 0.94
Slovenia 2.33 1.47 1.74 1.11 1.38 0.88
Solomon Islands 4.18 2.61 4.07 2.22 3.76 2.08
Somalia 5.14 3.43 4.58 3.06 4.26 2.84
South Africa 2.21 1.44 1.77 1.15 1.41 0.94
Spain (including
Balearic Islands,
Canary Islands,
Ceuta and Melilla) 2.02 1.45 1.52 1.19 1.21 0.93
Sri Lanka 4.66 2.17 3.07 1.56
St. Helena 3.62 2.82 2.71 2.26 2.17 1.84
St. Kitts 1.65 1.23 1.32 0.93 1.07 0.78
St. Lucia 1.65 1.23 1.32 0.93 1.07 0.78
St. Pierre/Miquelon 1.54 1.10 1.14 0.84 0.92 0.67
St. Vincent/Grenadines 1.65 1.27 1.32 1.03 1.07 0.82
Sudan 4.90 3.27 4.38 2.93 4.07 2.72
Suriname 3.13 2.12 2.34 1.63 1.87 1.30
Swaziland 2.71 1.48 2.04 1.09 1.62 0.88
Sweden 1.73 1.10 1.38 0.82 1.12 0.66
Switzerland 2.02 1.22 1.52 0.91 1.21 0.72
Syria 3.08 2.72 2.64 2.41 2.37 2.17
Taiwan 3.71 1.51 2.97 1.14 2.48 0.93
Tajikistan 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Tanzania 2.71 1.72 2.16 1.29 1.71 1.06
Thailand 4.14 1.55 3.12 1.17 2.49 0.93
Togo 2.83 1.63 2.13 1.33 1.69 1.08
Tonga 4.14 2.21 3.12 1.81 2.49 1.59
Trinidad/Tobago 1.65 1.46 1.32 1.19 1.07 0.93
Tunisia 2.83 1.56 2.13 1.16 1.69 0.94
Turkey 2.33 1.68 1.74 1.23 1.38 1.04
Turkmenistan 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Turks and Caicos Islands 1.54 1.20 1.32 0.90 1.07 0.78
Tuvalu 5.28 3.76 4.71 3.34 4.35 3.05
Uganda 2.71 1.57 2.20 1.16 1.74 0.97
Ukraine 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
United Arab Emirates 3.34 1.21 2.50 0.98 2.00 0.82
United Kingdom 1.50 1.01 1.20 0.77 1.02 0.65
Uruguay 2.64 1.59 1.96 1.21 1.63 1.01
Uzbekistan 2.35 2.22 1.93 1.90 1.77 1.70
Vanuatu 5.18 3.64 4.62 3.24 4.27 3.00
Vatican City 1.96 1.31 1.46 1.00 1.21 0.83
Venezuela 2.08 1.13 1.66 0.86 1.34 0.69
Vietnam 3.04 2.28 2.83 2.07 2.62 1.86
Wallis and Futuna 4.74 3.14 4.18 2.74 3.82 2.50
Western Sahara 2.71 1.75 2.04 1.40 1.62 1.17
Western Samoa 4.14 2.20 3.12 1.95 2.49 1.73
Yemen, Republic of 3.62 1.50 2.71 1.13 2.17 0.90
Serbia 2.33 1.46 1.74 1.10 1.38 0.87
Zaire 2.83 1.46 2.13 1.27 1.69 1.03
Zambia 2.71 1.53 2.04 1.14 1.62 0.92
Zimbabwe 2.71 1.44 2.04 1.06 1.62 0.90
Estándar Descuento Economy
1st Add'l 1st Add'l 1st Add'l
Mileage Band Min Min Min Min Min Min
1 ‑ 18 $0.2832 $0.2832 $0.2308 $0.2308 $0.2098 $0.2098
81 ‑ 140 0.4091 0.4091 0.2727 0.2727 0.2203 0.2203
141 ‑ 220 0.4301 0.4301 0.2937 0.2937 0.2308 0.2308
221 ‑ 345 0.4930 0.4930 0.3357 0.3357 0.2623 0.2623
346 ‑ 630 0.5665 0.5665 0.3776 0.3776 0.2937 0.2937
631 ‑ 1200 0.6504 0.6504 0.4196 0.4196 0.3252 0.3252
1201 ‑ 1610 0.6923 0.6923 0.4511 0.4406 0.3462 0.3462
1611 ‑ 4000 0.7343 0.7238 0.4721 0.4616 0.3672 0.3672
4000 + 0.7343 0.7238 0.4721 0.4616 0.3672 0.3672
U.S. Portion
Mileage Band 1st Min Add'l Min 1st Min Add'l Min
0 ‑ 10 $0.14 $0.14 $0.09 $0.09
11 ‑ 22 0.16 0.16 0.12 0.12
23 ‑ 55 0.21 0.21 0.15 0.15
56 ‑ 124 0.26 0.26 0.18 0.18
125 ‑ 292 0.31 0.31 0.23 0.23
293 ‑ 430 0.36 0.36 0.26 0.26
431 ‑ 925 0.39 0.39 0.27 0.27
926 ‑ 3000 0.42 0.42 0.30 0.30
Mexico Portion
Rate Step 1st Min Add'l Min 1st Min Add'l Min
1 $0.17 $0.17 $0.10 $0.10
2 0.22 0.22 0.15 0.15
3 0.40 0.40 0.26 0.26
4 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.31
5 0.67 0.67 0.44 0.44
6 0.87 0.87 0.58 0.58
7 1.16 1.16 0.79 0.79
8 1.24 1.24 0.84 0.84
Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean Inmarsat Locations
Type of Service/Calls Terminating to: |
Por minuto |
Aeronautical |
$11.4078 |
Mini-M/Atlantic and Pacific Ocean |
6.1410 |
Mini-M/Indian Ocean |
5.4186 |
Standard A/Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean |
11.9208 |
Standard B/Atlantic and Pacific Ocean |
6.1410 |
Standard B/Indian Ocean |
5.4186 |
Standard M/Atlantic and Pacific Ocean |
6.1410 |
Standard M/Indian Ocean |
5.4186 |
Section B.6 Rates: The following rates apply to Option B/C Customers only.
País 1st Min Add'l Min
Albania $5.0981 $2.5491
Algeria 2.5281 1.2588
Andorra 2.1819 1.0805
Angola 3.4302 1.7099
Anguilla 1.8777 1.3217
Antarctica (Casey, Davis, Mawson and Macquarie Island) 5.1611 3.5246
Antarctica (Scott Base) 2.4127 1.2064
Antigua (Barbuda) 2.5281 1.2588
Argentina 3.8813 1.9302
Armenia 5.0981 2.5491
Aruba 2.2658 1.1434
Ascension Island 3.1155 1.8043
Australia (including Tasmania) 2.4127 1.2064
Australia (VNC Subscriber) 1.4581 0.7238
Austria 2.7064 1.3532
Azerbaijan 5.0981 2.5491
Bahamas 2.1819 1.0805
Bahrain 3.6925 1.8462
Bangladesh 3.6925 1.8462
Barbados 2.7064 1.3532
Belarus 5.0981 2.5491
Belgium 2.7064 1.3532
Belgium (VNC Subscriber) 2.3288 1.1644
Belize 3.0631 1.5315
Benin 4.2485 2.1295
Bermuda 2.2658 1.1434
Bhutan 3.2519 1.6364
Bolivia 3.0631 1.5315
Bosnia-Herzegovina 3.6191 1.8567
Botswana 3.2519 1.6364
Brazil 3.0631 1.5315
Brazil (VNC Subscriber) 2.7903 1.3847
British Virgin Islands 2.5281 1.2588
Brunei 3.0631 1.5315
Bulgaria 4.5736 2.2973
Burkina Faso 3.0631 1.5315
Burundi 4.5736 2.2973
Cambodia 4.1645 3.5037
Cameroon 2.7589 1.5735
Canada (VNC Subscriber) 0.8182 0.8182
Cape Verde Islands 3.6925 1.8462
Cayman Islands 2.3917 1.2064
Central African Republic 4.2485 2.1295
Chad 4.5736 2.2973
Chile 3.2519 1.6364
China 5.6331 2.8218
Christmas Island 2.4127 1.2064
Cocos Islands 2.4127 1.2064
Colombia 3.3673 1.6784
Colombia (VNC Subscriber) 3.0841 1.5420
Comorros 3.4302 1.7099
Congo 3.6925 1.8462
Cook Islands 5.0352 3.4302
Costa Rica 2.7064 1.3532
Croatia 3.6191 1.8567
Cyprus 3.6925 1.8462
Czech Republic 3.2519 1.6364
Denmark 2.5281 1.2588
Diego Garcia 3.7764 2.4232
Djibouti 5.0981 2.5491
Dominica 2.5281 1.2588
Dominican Republic 2.4127 1.2064
Easter Island 3.2519 1.6364
Ecuador 3.8813 1.9302
Egypt 3.8813 1.9302
El Salvador 3.0631 1.5315
Equatorial Guinea 4.2485 2.1295
Eritrea 4.2485 2.1295
Estonia 5.0981 2.5491
Ethiopia 4.2485 2.1295
Faeroe Islands 1.8672 1.2693
Falkland Islands 3.0631 1.5315
Fiji Islands 3.6925 1.8462
Finland 2.2658 1.1434
France 2.1819 1.0805
France (VNC Subscriber) 1.7309 0.8707
French Antilles (includes Martinique, St. Barthelemy & St. Martin) 1.7518 1.2168
French Guiana 3.0631 1.5315
French Polynesia 4.5736 2.2973
Gabon 2.4127 1.2064
Gambia 2.8848 1.4581
Georgia 5.0981 2.5491
Germany 2.5281 1.2588
Ghana 3.0631 1.5315
Gibraltar 3.2519 1.6364
Greece 3.2519 1.6364
Greenland 2.5281 1.2588
Grenada (includes Carriacou) 2.7064 1.3532
Guadeloupe 1.7518 1.2168
Guantanamo Bay 1.7518 1.2483
Guatemala 2.8848 1.4581
Guinea 3.0631 1.5315
Guinea-Bissau 5.0981 2.5491
Guyana 2.4127 1.2064
Haiti 2.4127 1.2064
Honduras 2.4127 1.2064
Hong Kong 2.8848 1.4581
Hong Kong (VNC Subscriber) 2.4547 1.2378
Hungary 3.0631 1.5315
Iceland 2.4127 1.2064
India 3.4302 1.7099
Indonesia 3.4302 1.7099
Iran 4.5736 2.2973
Iraq 3.3673 3.3673
Ireland 2.4127 1.2064
Ireland (VNC Subscriber) 2.0770 1.1854
Israel 3.6925 1.8462
Italy 3.2519 1.6364
Italy (VNC Subscriber) 2.9582 1.4896
Ivory Coast 5.0981 2.5491
Jamaica 2.7064 1.3532
Japan 3.0631 1.5315
Japan (VNC Subscriber) 2.4442 1.2168
Jordan 2.7064 1.3532
Kazakhstan 5.0981 2.5491
Kenya 3.6925 1.8462
Kiribati 4.5736 2.2973
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 3.2519 1.6364
Korea, Republic of (VNC Subscriber) 2.9372 1.4686
Kuwait 3.6925 1.8462
Kyrgyzstan 5.0981 2.5491
Laos 2.1295 2.1295
Latvia 5.0981 2.5491
Lebanon 2.2973 2.2973
Lesotho 3.0631 1.5315
Liberia 2.4127 1.2064
Libya 2.5281 1.2588
Liechtenstein 2.5281 1.2588
Lithuania 5.0981 2.5491
Luxembourg 2.5281 1.2588
Macao 4.2485 2.1295
Macedonia 3.6191 1.8567
Madagascar 6.7241 3.3673
Malawi 3.7869 1.7833
Malaysia 3.2519 1.6364
Maldives 4.2485 2.1295
Mali 5.0981 2.5491
Malta 3.8813 1.9302
Marshall Islands 2.8218 2.8218
Mauritania 3.6925 1.8462
Mauritius 3.8813 1.9302
Mayotte Island 3.4302 1.7099
Mexico 1.7204 1.5945
Micronesia 4.1121 1.6574
Moldova 5.0981 2.5491
Monaco 2.1819 1.0805
Mongolia 3.3673 3.3673
Montserrat 2.7064 1.3532
Morocco 2.8848 1.4581
Mozambique 4.5736 2.2973
Myanmar 5.1611 3.5246
Namibia 3.4302 1.7099
Nauru 3.4302 1.7099
Nepal 2.8638 1.8358
Netherlands 2.4127 1.2064
Netherlands (VNC Subscriber) 1.9826 0.9966
Netherlands Antilles 2.2658 1.1434
Nevis 2.5281 1.2588
New Caledonia 5.0981 2.5491
New Zealand 2.4127 1.2064
Nicaragua 3.2519 1.6364
Niger 3.2519 1.6364
Nigeria 3.0631 1.5315
Niue Island 5.0877 3.4512
Norway 2.2658 1.1434
Norway (VNC Subscriber) 1.5630 0.7868
Oman 6.7241 3.3673
Pakistan 4.2485 2.1295
Palau 3.6086 2.5491
Panama 2.2658 1.1434
Papua New Guinea 2.3917 1.2064
Paraguay 2.4127 1.2064
Peru 3.0631 1.5315
Philippines 3.2519 1.6364
Poland 3.4302 1.7099
Portugal (includes Azores and Madeira Islands) 3.4512 1.5315
Qatar 2.8848 1.4581
Reunion Island 3.4302 1.7099
Romania 4.2485 2.1295
Russia 5.0981 2.5491
Rwanda 3.8813 1.9302
San Marino 3.2519 1.6364
Sao Tome 3.4302 1.7099
Saudi Arabia 3.8813 1.9302
Senegal Republic 5.2030 2.4966
Seychelles Islands 3.8813 1.9302
Sierra Leone 4.2485 2.1295
Singapore 2.4127 1.2064
Singapore (VNC Subscriber) 1.9407 0.9861
Slovakia 3.2519 1.6364
Slovenia 3.6191 1.8567
Solomon Islands 3.2519 1.6364
South Africa 2.8848 1.4581
Spain (includes Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla) 3.4512 1.7099
Spain (includes Balearic Islands, Canary Islands,
Ceuta, and Melilla) (VNC Subscriber) 3.1575 1.5525
Sri Lanka 2.7064 1.3532
St. Helena 3.6086 2.8533
St. Kitts 2.5281 1.2588
St. Lucia 2.5281 1.2588
St. Pierre and Miquelon 1.4896 0.8392
St. Vincent/Grenadines 2.5281 1.2588
Suriname 3.0631 1.5315
Swaziland 3.4302 1.7099
Sweden 2.1819 1.0805
Sweden (VNC Subscriber) 1.6994 0.8392
Switzerland 2.5281 1.2588
Switzerland (VNC Subscriber) 2.2763 1.1329
Syria 5.0981 2.5491
Taiwan 3.0631 1.5315
Tajikistan 5.0981 2.5491
Tanzania 2.8848 1.4581
Thailand 3.4302 1.7099
Togo 3.8813 1.9302
Tonga 4.2485 2.1295
Trinidad and Tobago 2.7064 1.3532
Tunisia 3.0631 1.5315
Turkey 3.6925 1.8462
Turkmenistan 5.0981 2.5491
Turks and Caicos Islands 2.8848 1.4581
Tuvalu 1.8462 1.8462
Uganda 6.8919 1.7099
Ukraine 5.0981 2.5491
United Arab Emirates 5.2660 1.2588
United Kingdom 2.1819 1.0805
United Kingdom (VNC Subscriber) 1.7204 0.8602
Uruguay 3.0001 2.7903
Uzbekistan 5.0981 2.5491
Vanuatu Republic 3.4302 1.7099
Vatican City 3.2519 1.6364
Venezuela 2.4127 1.2064
Vietnam 4.2485 2.1295
Wallis & Futuna 4.6785 3.0211
Western Samoa 4.2485 2.1295
Yemen, Republic of 4.5736 2.2973
Serbia 3.6191 1.8567
Zaire 3.6191 1.8567
Zambia 3.0001 1.5525
Zimbabwe 2.4127 1.2064
For calls terminating in Canada, the rates are as follows:
Rate 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6 1st 30 Add'l 6
Mileage Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
1 ‑ 18 $0.4755 $0.0951 $0.4692 $0.0915 $0.4692 $0.0915
19 ‑ 80 0.4760 0.0952 0.4706 0.0917 0.4706 0.0917
81 ‑ 140 0.4817 0.0963 0.4755 0.0926 0.4755 0.0926
141 ‑ 220 0.4827 0.0965 0.4768 0.0928 0.4768 0.0928
221 ‑ 345 0.4846 0.0970 0.4786 0.0933 0.4786 0.0933
346 ‑ 630 0.4909 0.0982 0.4846 0.0945 0.4846 0.0945
631 ‑ 1200 0.4940 0.0987 0.4878 0.0951 0.4878 0.0951
1201 ‑ 1610 0.5003 0.1001 0.4940 0.0963 0.4940 0.0963
1611 ‑ 4000 0.5064 0.1013 0.5003 0.0976 0.5003 0.0976
4001 + 0.5125 0.1024 0.5064 0.0987 0.5064 0.0987