.24 Option W (MCI MASTERS)
MCI MASTERS is a one-way dial in-dial out multipoint service. Customers may originate calls from any telephone in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands. All Option W calls are rounded to the next higher full minute. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent for all domestic Option W calls and the fraction is rounded down to the next whole cent for all international Option W calls. MCI MASTERS is available to students, faculty, and administrators of educational institutions, to students, faculty, and administrators involved in a business relationship with other entities, and to employees of government agencies, provided that said institutions, entities and agencies have agreed to act as the Companys agent in connection with the provision of service.
Option W customers can place on‑site or off-site calls. On-site calling, which requires no special access dialing sequences, originates from telecommunications equipment enrolled in MCI MASTERS which is located within the campus of a participating educational institution or agency location or is routed through the participating educational institution's or agency location's switching equipment. Off-site calling requires the caller to access the service by dialing an Company-provided toll free number. Off-site calls can originate from telecommunications equipment located anywhere within the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
In addition to other service-related charges under this option, FUSF, CAC, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.
.241 Usage Charges
.2411 From the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii Per‑Minute Usage Charges:
.24111 On-Site: The following per minute usage rates apply:
Mileage Band Business Day Evening Fin de semana
All $0.2702 $0.1683 $0.1411
.24112 Off-Site: The following per minute usage rates apply:
Mileage Band Business Day Evening Fin de semana
All $0.3000 $0.1500 $0.0900
.2412 U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands:
.24121 On-Site: The following per minute usage rates apply:
Mileage Business Day Evening Night/Weekend
Rate Band 1st Min. Add'l Min. 1st Min. Add'l Min. 1st Min. Add'l Min.
Band 1 $0.2699 $0.2699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1399 $0.1399
Band 2 0.2700 0.2799 0.1699 0.1699 0.1499 0.1499
Band 3 0.3099 0.3099 0.2199 0.2199 0.1699 0.1699
Band 4 0.5672 0.4975 0.3724 0.3249 0.2899 0.2599
See Section C-3.021112 for a list of states included in each band.
.24122 Off-Site: The following per minute usage rates apply:
Mileage Business Day Evening Night/Weekend
Rate Band 1st Min. Add'l Min. 1st Min. Add'l Min. 1st Min. Add'l Min.
Band 1 $0.3104 $0.3104 $0.1954 $0.1954 $0.1609 $0.1609
Band 2 0.3219 0.3219 0.1954 0.1954 0.1724 0.1724
Band 3 0.3564 0.3564 0.2529 0.2529 0.1954 0.1954
Band 4 0.6523 0.5721 0.4283 0.3736 0.3334 0.2989
See Section C-3.021112 for a list of states included in each band.
.2413 U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii to International Locations:
.24131 On-Site: The rates in Section C-3.073 for Option A apply.
.24132 Off-Site: Except for calls to Canada and Mexico, the rates in Section
C-3.07318 for Option A apply. For off-site calls terminating in Canada, the following per minute rates apply:
Mileage Band Business Day Evening Fin de semana
All $0.4900 $0.3300 $0.2600
For off-site calls terminating in Mexico, the rates in Section C-3.07318 for Option A apply for the Mexico portion of the call. The following per minute rates apply for the U.S. portion of the call and the hours included in each rate period are listed in Section C-3.072:
Mileage Standard Economy
Correa 1st Min. Add'l Min. 1st Min. Add'l Min.
All $0.4600 $0.2300 $0.3100 $0.1600
.2414 Directory Assistance: An undiscountable charge of $1.40 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for a number in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI; and an undiscountable charge of $1.40 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for a number in Canada. Except as otherwise noted herein, all other provisions of Servicio de información apply.
.2415 DialHome: DialHome allows MCI MASTERS customers to be eligible to place collect calls from on- or off-site telephones located in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI. The called party who accepts charges for the DialHome call is the customer for service under this Tariff. Customers will be charged the rates in Section C-3.24112 and the access surcharges in Section C-3.242 for each such call.
.2416 U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands to Guam and CNMI:
.24161 Off-Site: The following per-minute usage rates apply:
Business Day Evening Night/Weekend
Range 1st Min. Add'l Min. 1st Min. Add'l Min. 1st Min. Add'l Min.
6 $0.6849 $0.6849 $0.6849 $0.6849 $0.6849 $0.6849
7 0.6849 0.6849 0.6849 0.6849 0.6849 0.6849
.242 Access Surcharges
The following per call surcharges will apply to each MCI MASTERS off-site call as noted:
U.S. termination $0.75
Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands termination 0.75
Guam/CNMI termination 0.75
Canada termination 0.75
Other international termination 1.25
.243 Optional Calling Plans: MCI MASTERS customers may enroll in the following optional calling plan:
.2431 Off-Site Calling Plan Option 1: A variation of Option W (MCI MASTERS), Off-Site Calling Plan Option 1 offers off-site calling for calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and which terminate in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Canada. In lieu of the per-minute usage rates specified in Section C-3.24112, customers enrolled in Off-Site Calling Plan Option 1 will be charged the following per‑minute rates for off-site calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii and which terminate in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii:
Mileage Band Business Day Evening Fin de semana
All $0.3107 $0.1935 $0.1623
In addition, in lieu of the per-call surcharges specified in Section C-3.242, customers enrolled in Off-Site Calling Plan Option 1 will be charged the following per‑call surcharges for off-site calls:
Termination Per-Call Surcharge
U.S. Mainland/Alaska/Hawaii termination $0.40
Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands termination 0.40
Canada termination 0.40
.244 Other Charges:
.2441 The Payphone Use Surcharge applies.