Frame Relay Bandwidth Upgrade Promotion​​ 



Credit, not to exceed $200 per port upon completion of a frame relay port upgrade, which Customer may elect to (i) receive as an invoice credit or (ii) have deposited in Customer’s Fund account.  For customers who elect to receive the credit as an invoice credit, the credit will be applied in the second monthly billing period following date of installation of the upgraded port.  For customers who elect to receive the credit as a Fund deposit, the credit will be applied within 60 days after the date of installation of the frame relay port upgrade.​​ 


Eligibility: Customer must:​​ 


            enroll between September 1, 2004 and March 31, 2005;​​ 


be an existing or renewing Frame Relay Services Customer under a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; and​​ 


place an order by April 30, 2005 for a frame relay port upgrade to occur by June 30, 2005.​​ 


Other Conditions:​​ 


Customer may receive the benefits of Checkbook Promotion 2004.  Upgrades on Metro Frame Relay ports or ports subscribed to under the Regional Frame Relay Promotion or the Regional Plus Frame Relay Promotion are not eligible for this promotion.​​ 


If Customer terminates the term of service prior to receipt of the credit, the Customer will not be eligible to receive the credit.  A credit not deposited in the Fund at the time of termination of service will be forfeited by Customer. Standard Fund provisions apply.​​ 


If Customer terminates the term of service within 12 months of the installation of the upgraded circuit, the credit will be billed with other applicable early termination charges.​​