Offer: Reduced, flat monthly recurring per‑circuit Local Access Channel charges for DDS Local Access, DSO (Hubless) Access and/or T‑1 Digital Access Circuits provided by an affiliate of the Company under during a new term of service, in addition to Access Pricing Plan (APP) and Access Term Discount Plan (ATDP) discounts, based on committed terms of service, circuit type and standard monthly recurring per‑circuit Local Access Channel charges:
T‑1 Digital Access:
Type 2 / Standard Tariffed Monthly Recurring Charges
Type 1 <$750.01 $750.01 ‑ $1000 $1000.01 ‑ $1500 $1500.01+
$200 $250 $350 $500 $750
DDS Local Access and/or DS0 (Hubless) Access:
Type 2 / Standard Tariffed
Monthly Recurring Charges
Type 1 <$300.01 $300.01 +
$100 $150 $200
For purposes of this promotion, Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in whole via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities and Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished in whole via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities.
Requisitos de elegibilidad:
Must enroll between January 12, 2001 and December 31, 2001.
Must request installation of all new service no later than January 31, 2002 to occur no later than February 28, 2002.
At promotion enrollment, the customer must either: (1) subscribe to Frame Relay Service (WFRS) with at least two channels per T‑1 Digital Access circuit, if subscribed to, associated with new WFRS under a new Network Pricing Plan (NPP), Frame Relay Service Pricing Plan (HPP), networkMCI One Term Plan or Feature Option 1 WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; or, (2) be an existing subscriber to DDS Local Access, DS0 (Hubless) Access and/or T‑1 Digital Access associated with existing WFRS, under a new HPP or WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year.