Prior to August 1, 2000, service was furnished under OTI Tariff FCC No. 5 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled. Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.
Please note the following regarding this important change.
· OTI Tariff FCC No. 5 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1. Like the service in former OTI Tariff FCC No. 5, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts. Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former OTI Tariff FCC No. 5 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and,, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or "gaps" in the service information previously found in OTI Tariff FCC. No. 5 and currently contained in this Guide.
· Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former OTI Tariff FCC No. 5 on July 31, 2001.
· If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service‑specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist: of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service‑specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition. An "inconsistency" will be deemed to include any instance in which a service‑specific definition or a service‑specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.
· The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.
· Any reference to "tariff" within the text of the Guide shall mean "Guide."
Managed Bandwidth Service
1.1 Definition of Terms
For the purpose of this tariff, the following definitions shall apply.
Application for Service - A Company order form which includes all pertinent billing, technical and other descriptive information which will enable the Company to provide a communications service as required.
Authorized User - A person, firm or corporation which is authorized by the customer to be connected to the channel or channels leased from the Company, for the purpose of communicating with the customer. Such communications must relate solely to the business of the customer. The name and address of each authorized user must be specifically identified to the Company before service may be permitted over the equipment installed in the authorized user's office.
Bit - Denotes the smallest unit of information in the binary system.
Bps - Bits per second.
Cancellation of Order - The withdrawal by the customer of an order for service prior to completion of installation by the Company.
CCITT - The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee.
Discontinuance - The discontinuance of a circuit, dedicated access line or port connection being used for existing service. (This differs from a Cancellation of Order).
Kbps - Kilobits per second.
Mbps - Megabits per second.
Standard Links - Digital end-to-end, full-circuit communications. See Section 4.0.
1.2 Application of Tariff
1.2.1 This tariff contains the regulations and rates
applicable to the portion of Managed Bandwidth Service
furnished by the Company.
1.2.2 Managed Bandwidth Service includes the furnishing by
the Company of the services listed below, as identified in this tariff:
Service Type Section
Network Pricing Plan 2.0
Service Consolidation Arrangement 3.0
Standard Links 4.0
Promotional Offerings 5.0
1.2.3 The customer must furnish the facilities required to
provide interconnection from the customer's location to
the Company's terminal.
1.2.5 The Company does not undertake to transmit messages.
1.3 Regulations
1.3.1 Description of Service Except where noted, channels are arranged for duplex operation and shall be capable of being extended beyond the respective terminal locations of the Company to the offices of the customer, or authorized user. The rates and regulations published herein are applicable to all services being offered regardless of the type of facility utilized (e.g., cable, satellite, microwave, radio, cable/satellite, cable/cable or the like) by which the Company provides Managed Bandwidth Service, except as otherwise specifically indicated.
The facilities furnished by the Company are communications paths suitable for the purpose furnished and are derived in such a manner as the Company may elect.
1.3.2 Limitations In furnishing service between its terminals, the Company's responsibility is limited to the furnishing of facilities which will establish a communications path between such terminals.
1.3.3 Use of Service Managed Bandwidth Service obtained from this tariff for the purpose of resale for the provision of third party services requires authorization from the Federal Communications Commission and a demonstration that the foreign government or administration affords equivalent resale opportunities.
1.3.4 Substitute Service
In the event of channel interruption caused by storms, or the action of the elements, or other acts of God, or by strikes, or by civil or military authority, or by wars, insurrections, riots, rebellions or the unlawful acts of individuals, or by other conditions beyond the control of the Company, the Company reserves the right to provide Managed Bandwidth Service by any available substitute means (if acceptable to the customer) pending restoration of normal service. This substitution applies only to another form of leased channel service and not to other services such as IMTS, Telex, etc.
1.3.5 Payment Arrangements and Credit Allowances Payment of Charges
(A) The Company will render invoices monthly in advance.
(C) Installation charges, where applicable, are due and payable when a bill is rendered.
(D) Applicants for service who have no account with the Company, or whose financial responsibility is not a matter of general knowledge, may be required to make an advance payment at the time an application for service is placed with the Company, equal to the installation charges if applicable, and at least one month's estimated charges for the service to be provided. In addition, where the furnishing of service involves an unusual investment, the applicant may be required to make payment in advance of such portion of the estimated cost of the installation as is to be borne by it. The amount of the advance payment. is credited to the customer's accounts as applying to indebtedness of the customer for the service furnished.
(E) Applicants for service or existing customers whose financial condition is not acceptable to the Company, or is not a matter of general knowledge, may be required at any time to provide the Company a security deposit. The deposit will be in cash or the equivalent of cash, up to an amount equal to the applicable
installation charges, if any, and/or up to three months' estimated charges based upon the Company's experience with customers whose service has been discontinued for non‑payment of its first three invoices. Any applicant or customer may also be required at any time, whether before or after the commencement of service, to provide such other assurances of, or security for, the payment of charges for its services as the Company may deem necessary, including, without limitation, advance payments for service, third party guarantees of payment, pledges or other grants of security interests in the customers' assets, and similar arrangements. The required deposit or other security may be increased or decreased by the Company as it deems appropriate in the light of changing conditions. In addition, the Company shall be entitled to require such an applicant or customer to pay all its bills within a specified period of time, and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash. In case of a cash deposit, simple interest at the rate of 4 percent annually will be paid for the period during which the deposit is held by the Company, unless a different rate has been established by the appropriate legal authority in the jurisdiction in which the Company service in question is provided. At the Company's option, such deposit may be refunded to the customer's account at any time. Also, the Company reserves the right to cease accepting and processing service orders after it has requested a security deposit and prior to the customer's compliance with this request.
(F) Cancellation for Cause The Company may discontinue the furnishing of services) to a customer, without incurring any liability under the following conditions.
(D) Immediately upon written notice to the customer of any sum thirty days past due. Thirty days after sending the customer written notice of noncompliance with any other provision of this tariff if the noncompliance is not corrected within the thirty day period. The discontinuance of services) by the Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the customer of any obligation to pay the Company for charges due and owing for services) furnished up to the time of discontinuance, including all expenses and fees (including reasonable attorney's fees and collection agency fees) incurred by the Company in connection with the collection of any unpaid sum owed to the Company. Minimum and Fractional Rates and Charges
(A) The minimum billing periods, noted in consecutive months, for Managed Bandwidth Service are as follows:
Standard Links Three Months *
(B) When service does not begin on the first day of a monthly billing period or end on the last day of a monthly billing period, the charge for the fractional part of the monthly billing period during which service is furnished will be a proportionate part of the monthly charge based on
the ratio of the number of days in such beginning or concluding fractional monthly billing period to thirty days.
* - For term commitments, there is a one year minimum. Rate Changes Rate Reductions
In the event the Company lowers a rate for a particular service, all customers receiving that service will receive the lower rate when it becomes effective. Rate Increases
In the event the Company raises rates for a particular service more than 10% per year, customers who are under term commitments for that service may discontinue service without incurring an early discontinuance charge by written notice to the Company within 30 days following the effective date of such a rate increase. Such a discontinuance will not relieve the customer from its liability to pay for all services received through and including the date of discontinuance. Discontinuance of Service
The Company requires the following minimum notice period to effect discontinuance of Managed Bandwidth Service.
Standard Links Thirty days
A notice period begins upon receipt by the Company of a written request for discontinuance. Charges will continue to apply whether or not the customer continues to use the service.
Such written notice must be mailed to or delivered by hand to the customer's sales representative. Such notice must contain:
1. The circuit number of the circuit to be
2. The date when service is to be discontinued.
3. The customer contact name and telephone number.
The discontinuance of facilities and equipment furnished by other carriers shall be pursuant to the tariffs or regulations of such other carriers. Exceptions to Discontinuance of Service
The notice of discontinuance for circuits being disconnected because of an upgrade to a higher transmission speed (not to include 56 kbps to 64 kbps) or for an upgrade to a longer term of commitment is thirty days. Cancellation or Delay by Customer before Service Started
(A) Cancellation by Customer before Service Started:
A customer may, by written notice, cancel an application for service subsequent to its submission to the Company. However, once an application for service has been accepted by the Company, if subsequently cancelled, the Company will impose a cancellation charge equal to the greater of:
(1) the total of the non-recurring charges plus one month's monthly recurring charges for the service to be provided by the Company, or
(2) $6, 000.00;
plus all non-recurring, monthly recurring and termination charges for access facilities in the United States or overseas, if any, imposed by the providers of such facilities. Where special construction of facilities has been started prior to the cancellation, and there is no other requirement for the specially constructed facilities, the Company will impose a charge equal to the costs incurred in the special construction.
Special construction of facilities for a customer is considered to have started when the Company incurs any expense in connection therewith, or in preparation therefore, which would not otherwise have been incurred.
(B) Delay by Customer before Service is Started:
A customer may, upon written notice to the Company, delay the scheduled in‑service date of an order involving the installation or reconfiguration of a service, up to a maximum of thirty consecutive calendar days after the original order due date.
The customer will pay all charges which are incurred by the Company on behalf of the customer during the delay period.
After an initial thirty consecutive calendar days of delay, the customer has the option to:
(1) accept billing for the service, or
(2) cancel the order and pay the applicable
cancellation charge, or
(3) continue the delay for an additional thirty
day period, subject to the agreement of the
Company, and continue to pay for all charges
which are incurred by the Company on behalf
of the customer during the delay period.
If the customer elects to accept billing, the installation or reconfiguration will be completed as soon as reasonably practical after the customer gives the Company written notice to proceed. Prolonged Service Interruptions
Where the Company can determine that the service interruption will be prolonged beyond one month, the customer will have the following options:
(a) discontinue the service effective the beginning of the prolonged interruption without having to give the required notice of discontinuance under Section, or
(b) pay for the local access and other interconnecting facilities required to keep the circuit "active" so as to be able to reactivate the circuit at short notice when communications facilities are restored end‑to‑end.
1.3.8 Station Equipment The characteristics of the station equipment furnished by the customer at either end of the facility shall be such that its connection to the facility does not interfere with other services over facilities used to provide the services. In cases where additional protective equipment is required, such equipment shall be provided at the customer's expense. A customer or authorized user must also provide, at its expense, the operating personnel and electric power at its office.
1.3.9 Interconnection with Facilities of Others Managed Bandwidth Service furnished by the Company pursuant to this tariff may be connected, on the premises of the customer or on the premises of the Company, to domestic leased facility service furnished within the United States and overseas by other carriers. The furnishing of service by the Company is not part of a joint undertaking with another carrier which provides domestic leased facility service. When the customer desires to connect the service furnished by the Company with domestic leased facility service furnished by another carrier in the United States or overseas, as permitted herein, the customer shall make all arrangements with such other carrier concerning the domestic leased facility service. The Company, however, when requested to do so by the customer, will make the necessary arrangements with a domestic carrier to connect the service in the United States or overseas. In completing such arrangements on behalf of the customer, the Company shall be deemed to be the authorized agent of the customer and will bill the customer for any charges applied by the domestic carrier.
1.3.10 The liability of the Company for damages arising out of the interruptions or delays occurring in the course of
furnishing the service or facility and not caused by the negligence of the customer, or authorized user, or of the Company in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation, and to exercise reasonable supervision, shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the credits for interruptions as stated in Section 4.2.4. The Company is not liable for any act of a company or companies furnishing a portion of the through service beyond an amount equivalent to the Company's proportionate charge to the customer for the period during which such act occurs. Except for granting credit allowance for interruptions of service as provided for in Section 4.0, the Company
shall not be liable for any failure of performance due, to causes beyond its control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, fires, floods or other catastrophes; national emergencies, insurrections, riots or wars; strikes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor difficulties; preemption of existing services to restore service in compliance with Part 64, Subpart D, Appendix A, of the FCC's rules and regulations; and any law, order, regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof.
1.3.12 Parallel Service
Any customer who chooses to continue an existing service parallel to the establishment of a new service, the Company will, upon receipt of written notice, disconnect the original service and the customer will be charged for the actual number of days for the parallel service plus an amount equal to 15 days for the service being discontinued.
The customer remains responsible for all recurring and non-recurring charges that may be imposed for local facilities by the provider of such service including termination charges if any.
Network Pricing Plan (NPP) - The NPP is a plan under which a customer commits to a minimum level of monthly volume for a set period of time. For this commitment, the customer receives benefits which are determined by the channels enrolled in the NPP.
2.1 Enrollment in NPP
Under this plan, a customer commits to a minimum monthly volume of combined usage over a selected term, and receives the corresponding NPP benefit for the channels enrolled under the committed plan. Network Pricing Plans are available at minimum monthly volume levels of $2,000, $25,000 and $40,000 over terms of one, two, three, four, or five years.
Qualifying Channels
The following channels, as identified in this tariff, are qualified for enrollment in an NPP:
Service Type Section
Standard Links 4.0
The customer must select the desired volume commitment, the term of the commitment, and the calendar month in which the plan is to commence. The customer must also designate the channels to be included in the plan. A customer may transfer an existing channel with an existing term of commitment to a plan of equal or longer term and equal or greater volume commitment without incurring an early discontinuance charge. The start date of the new plan will be equal to the end date of the old plan.
A customer may subscribe to multiple NPPs; however, a given channel may be enrolled in only one NPP at a time.
2.2 Discontinuance of NPP
2.2.1 A customer may discontinue an NPP without liability if:
(A) A tariff revision results in a higher minimum monthly volume level for the plan.
(B) The customer replaces its plan with a plan containing an equal or higher level of commitment which expires on or after the expiration date of the plan being revised.
(C) A tariff revision results in lower monthly recurring charges for one or more channels
enrolled which causes the combined monthly volume of all channels enrolled to fall below the minimum commitment and the customer converts to that lower minimum volume plan.
(D) A tariff revision results in lower rates which causes the customer to be unable to meet the lowest minimum volume plan.
2.2.2 If a customer discontinues an NPP and none of the
conditions identified in Section 2.2.1 apply, the
following charge shall be incurred:
(B) If discontinuance occurs after the first year and
more than three months prior to the expiration of
the term commitment, 35 percent of the minimum
monthly payment due for the remainder of the term
of commitment. For service discontinued within
three months of the expiration date of the term of
commitment, the customer is liable for the minimum
monthly payment due for the remainder of the term.
2.3 Regulations
All requests to commence, change, or discontinue an NPP must be made in writing and must be received by the Company by the fourteenth day of the month preceding the month in which the desired action is to take effect. All NPP changes for existing circuits take effect on the first day of a calendar month.
2.3.1 Compliance with the minimum monthly volume requirement is determined by adding the following charges for all channels enrolled in an NPP:
a) the monthly recurring charge for a month-to-month commitment for:
Standard Links
b) to the undiscounted value of circuits enrolled in a corresponding customer specified domestic and international Network Pricing Plan sponsored by the Company and/or its affiliates.
2.4 Benefits
NPP benefits are calculated by applying the benefit percentage identified in Section 2.4.1 to the monthly recurring charge for a month-to-month term of commitment to each channel enrolled in an NPP.
Benefits earned under an NPP are applied as a discount against the customers monthly billing for Managed Bandwidth Service.
2.4.1 Benefit Tables Benefit Table for:
Standard Links
Monthly One Two Three Four Five
Volumen Año Año Año Año Año
$2,000‑$24,999.99 100 150 19% 220 240
$25,000‑$39,999.99 12 17 21 24 26
$40,000+ 15 20 24 27 29
Service Consolidation Arrangement (SCA) ‑ An SCA is a plan under which a customer commits to a minimum level of monthly volume for a set period of time. For this commitment, the customer receives benefits for Managed Bandwidth Service.
3.1 Enrollment in SCA
Under such a plan, a customer commits to a minimum consolidated monthly volume level over a selected term, and receives the corresponding SCA benefit for the channels enrolled. Service Consolidation Arrangements are available at minimum monthly volume levels of $100,000, $200,000, $250,000, $500,000, $750,000, $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 over terms of one, two, three, four, or five years.
Qualifying Channels
The following channels, as identified in this tariff are qualified for enrollment in an SCA:
Service Type Section
Standard Links 4.0
The customer must select the desired volume commitment, the term of the commitment, and the calendar month in which the plan is to commence. The customer must also designate the channels to be included in the plan. A customer may transfer an existing channel to an SCA.
3.2 Regulations
All requests to commence, change, or discontinue an SCA must be made in writing and be received by the Company by the 15th day of the month preceding the month in which the desired action is to take effect. A11 SCA changes for existing channels take effect on the first day of a calendar month.
3.2.1 Compliance with the minimum monthly volume requirement
is determined by calculating the total of all
telecommunications services offered under this Tariff,
as well as the other tariffed services of Overseas
Telecommunications, Inc. and its affiliates, during the
term of service.
3.2.2 Notice of Discontinuance
The Notice of Discontinuance period for SCA customers is thirty days for all services.
3.3 Benefits
SCA benefits are calculated by applying the benefit percentage identified in Section 3.4.1 as a discount to the monthly recurring charge for a month‑to‑month term of commitment in Section 4.3 to each channel enrolled in an SCA.
3.3.1 Benefit Tables Benefit Table for:
Standard Links
Monthly One Two Three
Volume Year Year Year
$ 100,000 310 320 340
350,000 33 34 36
500,000 34 35 37
750,000 35 36 38
1,000,000 36 37 39
2,000,000 37 38 40
3.4 Service Consolidation Arrangement Options
3.4.1 Option 1 Term and Renewal Options
The term of service is 36 months. Thereafter this option will automatically renew on a month‑to‑month basis, on the same terms and conditions set forth in this tariff, unless and until either the Company and/or its affiliates or the customer gives 90 days notice of its intent to terminate this option. Minimum Volume Requirement
The customer's use of services provided by the Company and/or its affiliates must equal or exceed the following amounts, calculated at Base Rates, during each applicable annual period of the term of service (MVR)
Annual Period MVR
1 $12,000,000
2 $13,000,000
3 $14,000,000
The customer's use of MCI 800 Service must equal or exceed $4,800,000 during each annual period of the term of service (800 Subminimum). The customer's use of Vnet Service International Direct Distance Dialing (IDDD), Virtual Network Connection (VNC), and CVNS must equal or exceed $420,000 during each annual period of the term of service (International Subminimum).
For the purposes of this option, Base Rates are the rates and discounts set forth under this option, or pursuant to the tariff following application of all applicable standard tariffed discounts. Volume Discounts
The customer shall receive a fixed discount of 35 percent off the standard tariffed month‑to‑month rates for Managed Bandwidth Service, Standard Links, described in Section 4 of this tariff. This discount is in lieu of, not in addition to, any other discounts. Underutilization Charge
If customer's use of such services during any Annual Period of the term of service results in charges of less than the MVR, customer will pay (I) customer's actual amount of usage and other charges; plus (ii) an underutilization charge equal to 25 percent of the difference between the MVR and the combined actual amount of usage and other charges. Termination with Liability
If the customer terminates service under this option during the term of service, other than for cause or than to take service under another arrangement with the Company and/or its affiliates having equal or greater term and volume requirements, customer will be billed and required to pay within 60 days after such termination, an amount equal to $541,667 for each month (and pro rate portion thereof for any partial month) remaining in the term of service at the time of such termination. Exclusivity Requirement
The customer designates the Company and/or its affiliates as its primary and preferred interexchange telecommunications carrier and must service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates to satisfy 80 percent of its interexchange telecommunications requirements, based on dollar volume, including, without limitation, virtual network services, 800 services, data services and international services. For the purposes of this option only, customer shall mean customer and all majority‑owned subsidiaries.
| Availability
Service under this option is available to customers ordering service within 30 days after the effective date of this option. All other terms and conditions in Section 1.0 and 3.0
of this tariff will apply.
3.4.2 Option 2 Term and Renewal Options
The term of service is 28 months. Minimum Volume Requirement
Beginning in Month 5 of the term of service, the customer's use of service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates must equal or exceed $2,100,000 during each annual period of the term of service (MVR). The customer's use of international service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates must equal or exceed $600,000 during each annual period of the term of service. The customer's use of International Private Network Service must equal or exceed $17,936 during each monthly billing period of the term of service. Volume Discounts
The customer shall pay the following amounts per month for the Managed Bandwidth Service Standard Links circuits listed below:
Origination Termination Speed Charge
San Jose , CA United Kingdom 128 kbps $8,422.57
Chelmsford , MA Germany 64 kbps $4,949.29
Chelmsford , MA France 64 kbps $4,286.00
All other Managed Bandwidth Service Standard Links circuits will receive a 33 percent discount off the standard month‑to‑month rates described in Section 4 of this tariff. This discount is in lieu of, not in addition to, any other discounts. Underutilization Charge
If during any annual or monthly period of the term of service, as applicable, the customer fails to satisfy any Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR), the customer will be billed and required to pay the amount billed plus the difference between the amount billed and the applicable NIVR. Termination with Liability
If the customer terminates service under this option before the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to 50 percent of the customer's MVR for each annual period remaining in the term of service or a pro rata portion for any partial annual period. Exclusivity Requirement
The customer must use service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates to satisfy at least 90 percent of its interexchange telecommunications service requirements. If the customer fails to satisfy this requirement during any consecutive 3‑month period, the customer will be charged standard tariffed rates and discounts for that 3‑month period. Availability
Service under this option is available to customers ordering service within 30 days after the effective date of this option. All other terms and conditions in Section 1.0 and 3.0
of this tariff will apply.
3.4.3 Option 3 Term and Renewal Options
The term of service is 36 months. Minimum Volume Requirement
The customer's use of service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates must equal or exceed $7,200,000 during each annual period of the term of service. The customer's use of Dedicated Leased Line Service must equal or exceed $180,000 during each annual period of the term of service (PL Subminimum). The customers use of International 800 Service must equal or exceed $120,000 during each annual period of the term of service (1800 Subminimum). Volume Discounts
The customer shall receive a fixed discount of 38 percent off the standard tariffed month‑to‑month rates for Managed Bandwidth Service, Standard Links, described in Section 4 of this tariff. This discount is in lieu of, not in addition to, any other discounts. Underutilization Charge
If in any annual period of the term of service the customer fails to satisfy the Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR), the PL Subminimum and/or the 1800 Subminimum, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference between the MVR, the PL Subminimum and/or the 1800 Subminimum, as applicable, and the customer's applicable actual usage during that annual period. Termination with Liability
If the customer terminates service under this option
before the expiration of the term of service, the
customer will be billed and required to: (I) repay all
credits received under this option and (ii) pay one of
the following amounts, based on the date of
(a) If the customer terminates service during the
first annual period of the term of service, the
customer will be billed and required to pay an
amount equal to 50 percent of the difference
between the MVR and the customer's usage through
the date of termination for that annual period,
plus 25 percent of the MVR for the second annual
period and 15 percent of the MVR for the third
annual period;
(b) If the customer terminates service during the
second annual period of the term of service, the
customer will be billed and required to pay an
amount equal to 25 percent of the difference
between the MVR and the customer's usage through
the date of termination for that annual period,
plus 15 percent of the MVR for the third annual
(c) If the customer terminates service during the
third annual period of the term of service, the
customer will be billed and required to pay an
amount equal to 15 percent of the difference
between the MVR and the customer's usage through
the date of termination for that annual period. Non‑Recurring Credits
The customer will receive a credit, not to exceed $300,000 for the one‑time installation and other nonrecurring charges associated with implementing service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates. Exclusivity Requirement
The customer must use service provided by the Company
and/or its affiliates to satisfy at least 90 percent of its interexchange telecommunications requirements. If in any month of the term of service the customer fails to satisfy this requirement, the customer will be billed and required to pay standard tariffed rates, after application of standard tariffed discounts for service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates during that month. Monitoring Conditions
The customer must satisfy the following conditions throughout the term of service. If in any annual period of the term of service the customer fails to satisfy any condition, the customer will be billed and required to pay an additional $0.03 per minute for service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates during that annual period.
o At least 90 percent of the customer's 800 Service
usage (as measured in minutes of use) must terminate
via dedicated access; and,
o At least 60 percent of the customer's usage (as
measured in minutes of use) must be international and interstate usage. Availability
Service under this option is available to customers ordering service within 30 days after the effective date of this option. All other terms and conditions in Section 1.0 and 3.0
of this tariff will apply.
3.4.4 Option 4 Term and Renewal Options
The term of service is 24 months which will begin as of the expiration of a 4 month ramp period. Minimum Volume Requirement
The customer's use of service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates must equal or exceed $480,000 during each annual period of the term of service. The customer's use of Dedicated Leased Line Service must equal or exceed $120,000 during each annual period of the term of service (PL Subminimum). Volume Discounts
The customer shall receive a fixed discount of 32
percent off the standard tariffed month‑to‑month rates for Managed Bandwidth Service, Standard Links, described in Section 4 of this tariff. This discount is in lieu of, not in addition to, any other discounts. Underutilization Charge
If in any annual period of the term of service the customer fails to satisfy the Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR), the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference between the MVR, and the customer's applicable actual usage during that annual period. Termination with Liability
If the customer terminates service under this option before the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to: (I) repay all credits received under this option and (ii) 100 percent of the aggregate of the Annual Minimum that would have been applicable for the remaining unexpired portion of the term of Non‑Recurring Credits
The customer will receive a credit, not to exceed $10,000 for the one‑time installation and other nonrecurring charges associated with implementing service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates. Exclusivity Requirement
The customer agrees that it will utilize the service provided by the Company and/or its affiliates as its exclusive provider of 80 percent of customer's telecommunications services during the term of service. Availability
Service under this option is available to customers ordering service within 30 days after the effective date of this option. All other terms and conditions in Section 1.0 and 3.0
of this tariff will apply.
4.1 Application of Service
This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Standard Links service from the Company's terminal locations to the overseas points set forth in Section 4.3, Rates.
4.2 Description of Service
Service consists of providing duplex digital end‑to‑end, full‑circuit, communications routed primarily through fiber optic cable facilities for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Section 4.3, Rates. Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).
4.2.1 A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by
terminal of connection, channel speed, overseas point
and customer term of commitment.
4.2.2 Standard Links classes of service permit a customer to
make month‑to‑month or one, three or five year term
4.2.3 The minimum billing period for Standard Links month‑to
month service is three months, and the minimum billing
period for a Standard Links term of commitment of one
year or longer is twelve months.
4.2.4 Interruptions to Service
Interruptions to Standard Links service which are not due to the negligence of the customer, are credited upon the customer's request on reported faults only, at the proportionate part of the Company's monthly recurring charge as indicated below:
The duration of an interruption is calculated as
‑ An interruption begins after the receipt by the
Company of a Fault Report and upon release by the
customer of the service in fault.
‑ An interruption concludes with the first attempt of
the Company to advise the customer contact that
service has been restored.
Credits for interruptions are granted as follows:
(A) A credit is granted only for an outage that occurs within the service provided by the Company.
(B) No credit is granted where the claim for credit is not presented to the Company within ninety days after the day on which the interruption occurred. (C) No credit is granted for an interruption of less than three hours or for interruptions caused by:
(1) failure of commercial power supplies;
(2) Solar or atmospheric conditions (applicable
to services provided through satellite
Cumulative Fault Credit Applied To
Times In A Month Monthly Invoice
< 3 hrs O%
> 3 hrs but < 6 hrs 15
> 6 hrs 30
4.2.5 Discontinuance of Service Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments
Except as provided in Section if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:
(A) If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus 35 percent of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.
(B) For service discontinued after the completion of
the first year of service and more than three
months prior to the expiration of the term of
commitment, the customer is liable for 35 percent
of the total monthly charges for the unexpired
portion of the applicable term. For service
discontinued within three months of the expiration
date of the term of commitment, the customer is
liable for the total monthly charges for the
remainder of the term of commitment. Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge
(A) When a customer enrolls a channel in a Network Pricing Plan or signs a Service Consolidation Arrangement, or Network Service Arrangement, provided however, that the customer retains this channel in service for a period of three months subsequent to enrollment.
(B) As described in Section,
Rate Increase.
(C) When a customer converts a given
channel provided by the Company to
another channel also provided by
the Company and/or its affiliates
to the same offshore or overseas
4.2.6 Expiration of Fixed Term Commitments
Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance, or renews its service for another term at the then current rate for that term at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of the current term, a term commitment will be automatically renewed under a month‑to‑month commitment at the then current rates. All terms and conditions will apply.
4.3 Rates
Month-to-Month, one-, three-, and five-year term rates are available from U.S. locations in Band 1, Band 2, and Band 3. Each band consists of origination points as follows:
(A) Band 1 - Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
(B) Band 2 - Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.
(C) Band 3 - Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New ‑Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
4.3.1 Month-to-Month Rates
The following rates apply for customers who subscribe to Managed Bandwidth Service, Standard Links, to specified overseas locations on or after November 1, 1996.
Customers will receive a credit equal to the difference between (1) the charges imposed for service calculated at the rates that would have been imposed on the customer for Managed Bandwidth Service, Standard Links, had the rates in this section been allowed to take effect on August 1, 1996, and (2) the charges that
would have been imposed on customers calculated at the rates in effect immediately prior to the effective date of the rates in this section. FROM: Band 1
Overseas Location Available Monthly
All Speeds Speeds Recurring Charge
Reino Unido 56 kbps $ 7,754
64 kbps 7,754
128 kbps 14,398
192 kbps 18,626
256 kbps 20,746
384 kbps 27,547
512 kbps 30,650
768 kbps 35,449
1.024 Mbps 48,554
1.544 Mbps 67,480
2.048 Mbps 85,090
Alemania 64 kbps $ 5,726
128 kbps 12,010
192 kbps 17,740
256 kbps 23,470
384 kbps 31,904
512 kbps 40,219
768 kbps 51,818
1.024 Mbps 64,716
1.544 Mbps 75,918
2.048 Mbps 87,611
Francia 64 kbps $ 6,483
128 kbps 11,004
192 kbps 14, 944
256 kbps 18,817
384 kbps 25,578
512 kbps 32,455
768 kbps 45,037
1.024 Mbps 58,412
1.544 Mbps 70,684
2.048 Mbps 88,666
Holanda 64 kbps $ 5,662
128 kbps 10,509
192 kbps 14,090
256 kbps 17,137
384 kbps 21,704
512 kbps 26,140
768 kbps 31,454
1.024 Mbps 41,064
1.544 Mbps 53,703
2.048 Mbps 68,543
Bélgica 64 kbps $ 6,016
128 kbps 10,398
192 kbps 14,022
256 kbps 17,647
384 kbps 23,519
512 kbps 30,678
768 kbps 38,060
1.024 Mbps 51,485
1.544 Mbps 68,845
2.048 Mbps 86,843
Italia 64 kbps $ 9,271
128 kbps 16,546
192 kbps 22,150
256 kbps 26, 590
384 kbps 35,903
512 kbps 45,197
768 kbps 58,855
2.048 Mbps 114,684
Suecia 64 kbps $ 7,954
128 kbps 14,959
192 kbps 20,792
256 kbps 26,555
384 kbps 34,012
512 kbps 41,050
768 kbps 51,807
1.024 Mbps 68,218
1.544 Mbps 82,673
2.048 Mbps 98,248
Suiza 64 kbps $ 6,444
128 kbps 11,322
192 kbps 15,953
256 kbps 20, 411
384 kbps 28,988
512 kbps 34,737
768 kbps 45,291
1.024 Mbps 57,430
1.544 Mbps 72,607
2.048 Mbps 87,403
Australia 64 kbps $ 13,559
128 kbps 21,784
192 kbps 29,246
256 kbps 36, 975
384 kbps 52,877
512 kbps 67,004
768 kbps 94,114
1.024 Mbps 119,259
1.544 Mbps 160,639
2.048 Mbps 182,877
Japan 64 kbps $ 12,380
128 kbps 21,063
192 kbps 27,466
256 kbps 33,509
384 kbps 46,690
512 kbps 57,664
768 kbps 75,799
1.024 Mbps 98,059
1.544 Mbps 128,276
2.048 Mbps 151,359
Hong Kong 64 kbps $ 13,961
128 kbps 21, 937
192 kbps 29,194
256 kbps 36,401
384 kbps 50,634
512 kbps 61, 911
768 kbps 80,433
1.024 Mbps 102,837
1.544 Mbps 133,478
2.048 Mbps 155,967
Irlanda 64 kbps $ 6,899
128 kbps 12,589
192 kbps 15,845
256 kbps 19,100
384 kbps 24,701
512 kbps 28,087
768 kbps 34,058
1.024 Mbps 45,519
1.544 Mbps 62,447
2.048 Mbps 79,734
Luxembourg 64 kbps $ 8,444
128 kbps 16,151
192 kbps 20,650
256 kbps 26, 211
384 kbps 34,904
512 kbps 41,686
768 kbps 53,730
1.024 Mbps 69,006
1.544 Mbps 85,432
2.048 Mbps 100,807
España 64 kbps $ 7,523
128 kbps 14,309
192 kbps 20,542
256 kbps 25,728
384 kbps 38,869
512 kbps 47,966
768 kbps 60,853
1.024 Mops 75,480
1.544 Mbps 91,014
2.048 Mbps 107,834
Austria 64 kbps $ 6,850
128 kbps 11,724
256 kbps 19, 539
384 kbps 25,609
512 kbps 32,443
768 kbps 42,663
1.024 Mbps 57,532
1.544 Mbps 74,095
2.048 Mbps 94,428
Dinamarca 64 kbps $ 7,051
128 kbps 13,074
192 kbps 18,331
256 kbps 23,399
384 kbps 31,764
512 kbps 41,006
768 kbps 52,177
1.024 Mbps 68,442
1.544 Mbps 90,664
2.048 Mbps 108,017
Finland 64 kbps $ 6,541
128 kbps 11,031
192 kbps 14,934
256 kbps 18,843
384 kbps 32,423
512 kbps 46,097
768 kbps 53,083
1.024 Mbps 64,030
1.544 Mbps 90,958
2.048 Mbps 114,812
Norway 64 kbps $ 5,831
128 kbps 10,562
192 kbps 14,708
256 kbps 18,737
384 kbps 25,942
512 kbps 32, 986
768 kbps 43,981
1.024 Mbps 56,053
1.544 Mbps 71,654
2.048 Mbps 87,803
Portugal 64 kbps $ 8,512
128 kbps 14,440
192 kbps 18,666
256 kbps 22,652
384 kbps 29,638
512 kbps 35,976
768 kbps 46,988
1.024 Mbps 60,969
1.544 Mbps 78,234
2.048 Mbps 94,104
Singapur 64 kbps $ 12,795
128 kbps 21,141
192 kbps 28,110
256 kbps 35,946
384 kbps 50,896
512 kbps 62, 605
768 kbps 87,776
1.544 Mbps 148,264
2.048 Mbps 173,539
4.3.1 Month‑to‑Month Rates FROM: Band 2
Overseas Location Available Monthly
All Speeds Speeds Recurring Charge
Reino Unido 64 kbps $ 8,198
128 kbps 15,293
192 kbps 20,059
256 kbps 22,572
384 kbps 30,357
512 kbps 34,041
768 kbps 38, 626
1.024 Mbps 52,691
1.544 Mbps 71,628
2.048 Mbps 89,257
Alemania 64 kbps $ 6,231
128 kbps 13,029
192 kbps 19,371
256 kbps 25,547
384 kbps 35,102
512 kbps 43,872
768 kbps 55,179
1.024 Mbps 69,424
1.544 Mbps 80,638
2.048 Mbps 90,289
France 64 kbps $ 6,988
128 kbps 12,023
192 kbps 16,575
256 kbps 20,894
384 kbps 28,777
512 kbps 36, 109
768 kbps 48,397
1.024 Mbps 63,120
1.544 Mbps 75,404
2.048 Mbps 91,344
Netherlands 64 kbps $ 6,167
128 kbps 11,528
192 kbps 15,720
256 kbps 19, 214
384 kbps 24,903
512 kbps 29, 793
768 kbps 34,815
1.024 Mbps 45,772
1.544 Mbps 57,323
2.048 Mbps 71,221
Bélgica 64 kbps $ 6,521
128 kbps 11,417
192 kbps 15,653
256 kbps 19,724
384 kbps 26,717
512 kbps 34,331
768 kbps 41,421
1.024 Mbps 56,193
1.544 Mbps 73,566
2.048 Mbps 89,522
Italia 64 kbps $ 9,713
128 kbps 17,510
192 kbps 23,718
256 kbps 28,667
384 kbps 39,102
512 kbps 48,850
768 kbps 62,225
2.048 Mbps 117,363
Suecia 64 kbps $ 8,397
128 kbps 15,923
192 kbps 22,360
256 kbps 28,632
384 kbps 37,211
512 kbps 44,704
768 kbps 55,168
1.024 Mbps 72,926
1.544 Mbps 87,393
2.048 Mbps 108,764
Suiza 64 kbps $ 6,949
128 kbps 12,341
192 kbps 17,583
256 kbps 22,488
384 kbps 32,187
512 kbps 38,391
768 kbps 48,652
1.024 Mbps 62,138
1.544 Mbps 77,327
2.048 Mbps 90,081
Australia 64 kbps $ 13,184
128 kbps 21,085
192 kbps 29,088
256 kbps 35,576
384 kbps 50,619
512 kbps 64,159
768 kbps 92,578
1.024 Mbps 117,330
1.544 Mbps 155,302
2.048 Mbps 177,852
Japan 64 kbps $ 11,772
128 kbps 19,944
192 kbps 26,331
256 kbps 32,039
384 kbps 43,955
512 kbps 55,242
768 kbps 72,659
1.024 Mbps 94,179
1.544 Mbps 124,197
2.048 Mbps 142,608
Hong Kong 64 kbps $ 13,636
128 kbps 21,238
192 kbps 28,908
256 kbps 35,002
384 kbps 48,377
512 kbps 59,066
768 kbps 78,372
1.024 Mbps 100,907
1.544 Mbps 129,011
2.048 Mbps 149,942
Irlanda 64 kbps $ 7,403
128 kbps 13,608
192 kbps 17,475
256 kbps 21,177
384 kbps 27,899
512 kbps 31,740
768 kbps 37,419
1.024 Mbps 50,227
1.544 Mbps 67,167
2.048 Mbps 82,413
Luxembourg 64 kbps $ 8,887
128 kbps 17,115
192 kbps 22,217
256 kbps 28,288
384 kbps 38,102
512 kbps 45,339
768 kbps 57,100
1.024 Mbps 73,714
1.544 Mbps 90,152
2.048 Mbps 103,485
España 64 kbps $ 7,966
128 kbps 15,273
192 kbps 22,109
256 kbps 27,805
384 kbps 42,067
512 kbps 51,619
768 kbps 64,223
1.024 Mbps 80,188
1.544 Mbps 95,734
2.048 Mbps 110,513
Austria 64 kbps $ 7,292
128 kbps 12,687
256 kbps 21,616
384 kbps 28,807
512 kbps 36,096
768 kbps 46,033
1.024 Mbps 62,240
1.544 Mbps 78,815
2.048 Mbps 97,107
Dinamarca 64 kbps $ 7,494
128 kbps 14,038
192 kbps 19,899
256 kbps 25,476
384 kbps 34,963
512 kbps 44,660
768 kbps 55,538
1.024 Mbps 73,150
1.544 Mbps 95,385
2.048 Mbps 118,533
Finland 64 kbps $ 6,983
128 kbps 11,995
192 kbps 16,505
256 kbps 20,920
384 kbps 35, 621
512 kbps 49,750
768 kbps 56,444
1.024 Mbps 68,738
1.544 Mbps 95,678
2.048 Mbps 125,328
Noruega 64 kbps $ 6,274
128 kbps 11,526
192 kbps 16,275
256 kbps 20,814
384 kbps 29, 141
512 kbps 36, 640
768 kbps 47,342
1.024 Mbps 60,761
1.544 Mbps 76,374
2.048 Mbps 98,319
Portugal 64 kbps $ 9,016
128 kbps 15,459
192 kbps 20,297
256 kbps 24, 729
384 kbps 32,836
512 kbps 39,629
768 kbps 50,349
1.024 Mbps 65,677
1.544 Mbps 81,854
2.048 Mbps 96,782
Singapur 64 kbps $ 12,450
128 kbps 20,510
192 kbps 27,844
256 kbps 34,626
384 kbps 48,855
512 kbps 60,048
768 kbps 83,941
1.544 Mbps 141,084
2.048 Mbps 166,280
4.3.1 Month‑to‑Month Rates FROM: Band 3
All Speeds Speeds Recurring Charge
128 kbps 15,618
192 kbps 20,469
256 kbps 23, 220
384 kbps 31,401
512 kbps 35,522
768 kbps 41,432
1.024 Mbps 57,738
1.544 Mbps 77,910
2.048 Mbps 97,209
Alemania 64 kbps $ 6,464
128 kbps 13,397
192 kbps 19,836
256 kbps 26, 285
384 kbps 36, 290
512 kbps 45,763
768 kbps 58, 626
1.024 Mbps 75,167
1.544 Mbps 87,787
2.048 Mbps 100,285
France 64 kbps $ 7,221
128 kbps 12, 392
192 kbps 17,040
256 kbps 21,632
384 kbps 29,965
512 kbps 37,999
768 kbps 51,845
1.024 Mbps 68,863
1.544 Mbps 82,553
2.048 Mbps 101,340
Netherlands 64 kbps $ 6,400
128 kbps 11,897
192 kbps 16,186
256 kbps 19,952
384 kbps 26,091
512 kbps 31,684
768 kbps 38,263
1.024 Mbps 51,515
1.544 Mbps 65,572
2.048 Mbps 81,217
Bélgica 64 kbps $ 6,754
128 kbps 11,786
192 kbps 16, 119
256 kbps 20,462
384 kbps 27,905
512 kbps 36,222
768 kbps 44,914
1.024 Mbps 61,936
1.544 Mbps 80,714
2.048 Mbps 99,518
Italia 64 kbps $ 10,009
128 kbps 17,934
192 kbps 24,247
256 kbps 29,404
384 kbps 40,290
512 kbps 50,741
768 kbps 65, 663
2.048 Mbps 127,358
Suecia 64 kbps $8,692
128 kbps 16,347
192 kbps 22,889
256 kbps 29,370
384 kbps 38,399
512 kbps 46, 594
768 kbps 58,615
1.024 Mbps 78,669
1.544 Mbps 94,542
2.048 Mbps 112,037
Suiza 64 kbps $ 7,181
128 kbps 12,709
192 kbps 18,049
256 kbps 23,226
384 kbps 33,375
512 kbps 40,281
768 kbps 52,099
1.024 Mbps 67,881
1.544 Mbps 84,476
2.048 Mbps 100,077
Australia 64 kbps $12,721
128 kbps 20,149
192 kbps 27,591
256 kbps 33,704
384 kbps 47,682
512 kbps 60,438
768 kbps 86,950
1.024 Mbps 112,582
1.544 Mbps 146,123
2.048 Mbps 175,619
Japan 64 kbps $ 11,148
128 kbps 18,774
192 kbps 24,623
256 kbps 29,821
384 kbps 41,138
512 kbps 51,569
768 kbps 67,770
1.024 Mbps 88,543
1.544 Mbps 117,534
2.048 Mbps 138,286
Hong Kong 64 kbps $ 12,119
128 kbps 19,868
192 kbps 27,529
256 kbps 33,130
384 kbps 45,439
512 kbps 53,304
768 kbps 68,631
1.024 Mbps 87,829
1.544 Mbps 112,796
2.048 Mbps 131,885
Irlanda 64 kbps $ 7,636
128 kbps 13,977
192 kbps 17,941
256 kbps 21,915
384 kbps 29,087
512 kbps 33,631
768 kbps 40,866
1.024 Mbps 55,970
1.544 Mbps 74,316
2.048 Mbps 92,409
Luxembourg 64 kbps $ 9,182
128 kbps 17,539
192 kbps 22,746
256 kbps 29,025
384 kbps 39,290
512 kbps 47,230
768 kbps 60,538
1.024 Mbps 79,457
1.544 Mbps 97,301
2.048 Mbps 113,481
España 64 kbps $ 8,261
128 kbps 15,697
192 kbps 22,638
256 kbps 28,543
384 kbps 43,255
512 kbps 53,510
768 kbps 67,661
1.024 Mbps 85,931
1.544 Mbps 102,883
2.048 Mbps 120,508
Austria 64 kbps $ 7,587
128 kbps 13,111
256 kbps 22,354
384 kbps 29,995
512 kbps 37,987
768 kbps 49,471
1.024 Mbps 67,983
1.544 Mbps 85,964
2.048 Mbps 107,103.
Dinamarca 64 kbps $ 7,789
128 kbps 14,462
192 kbps 20,428
256 kbps 26, 214
384 kbps 36,151
512 kbps 46,550
768 kbps 58,986
1.024 Mbps 78,893
1.544 Mbps 102,533
2.048 Mops 121,806
Finlandia 64 kbps $ 7,278
128 kbps 12,419
192 kbps 17,034
256 kbps 21,658
384 kbps 36,809
512 kbps 51,641
768 kbps 59,891
1.024 Mbps 74,481
1.544 Mbps 102,827
2.048 Mbps 128,601
Noruega 64 kbps $ 6,569
128 kbps 11,950
192 kbps 16,804
256 kbps 21,552
384 kbps 30,329
512 kbps 38,530
768 kbps 50,789
1.024 Mbps 66,504
1.544 Mops 83,523
2.048 Mbps 101,593
Portugal 64 kbps $ 9,249
128 kbps 15,827
192 kbps 20,763
256 kbps 25, 466
384 kbps 34,024
512 kbps 41,520
768 kbps 53,796
1.024 Mbps 71,420
1.544 Mbps 90,103
2.048 Mbps 106,778
Singapur 64 kbps $ 11,967
128 kbps 19,535
192 kbps 26, 376
256 kbps 32,675
384 kbps 45,794
512 kbps 56, 173
768 kbps 78,076
1.544 Mbps 138,326
2.048 Mbps 160,697
4.3.2 Fixed Term Commitment Rates
Fixed Term Commitments are available for one, three, and five year terms. The following percentage discounts are applied to the Month‑to‑Month Rates in Section 4.3.1.
Term Commitment Descuento
One‑Year 31%
Two‑Year 32
Three‑Year 35
5.1 Standard Links Promotion
5.1.1 Customers who order new Standard Links service to the
following overseas locations under a one, three or five
year term commitment between December 29, 1994 and
29 de marzo de 1995 will receive a 35 percent discount off
the month‑to‑month rates in Section 4.3.
Customers who order a Standard Links circuit under this promotion and cancel service prior to the end of the minimum service period will be charged and required to pay the early discontinuance charges in Section All other terms and conditions apply.
Francia Holanda
Alemania Reino Unido
6. 1 Special Standard |
This section applies to the furnishing of Special Standard Links from the Company's terminal locations to the overseas points set forth in Section 6.1.2. Service is available on a continuous basis (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).
6.1.1 Special Regulations Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments
Except where noted by (#), if the circuit is discontinued at the request of the customer prior to the end of the minimum service commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:
(A) If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus 35 percent of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.
(B) For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for 35 percent of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment. Expiration of Fixed Term Commitment
Upon expiration of the minimum service period, the rates for this circuit will automatically revert to the rates for a month‑to‑month commitment for the referenced terminal identified in Section 4.3, Rates. Interruptions to Service
Except where noted by (@), if an interruption to Special Standard Links occurs, and the interruption is not due to the negligence of the customer, credits are given upon the customer's request on reported faults only, at the proportionate part of the Company's monthly recurring charge as indicated below:
The duration of an interruption is calculated as
‑ An interruption begins after the receipt by the Company of a Fault Report and upon release by the customer of the service in fault.
‑ An interruption concludes with the first attempt of the Company to advise the customer contact that service has been restored.
Credits for interruptions are granted as follows:
(A) A credit is granted only for an outage that occurs within the service provided by the Company.
(B) No credit is granted where the claim for credit is
not presented to the Company within ninety days after the day on which the interruption occurred.
No credit is granted for an interruption of less than three hours or for interruptions caused by:
(1) failure of commercial power supplies;
(2) Solar or atmospheric conditions (applicable
to services provided through satellite
Cumulative Fault Credit Applied To
Times In A Month Monthly Invoice
< 3 hrs 0%
> 3 hrs but < 6 hrs 15
> 6 hrs 30
6.1.2 Rates One Year Term
The service is provided for a minimum continuous
service commitment of 12 months. FROM: Band 3
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 512 kbps $25,600 N/A FROM: Band 1
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 64 kbps $ 4,100 N/A FROM: Band 1
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 64 kbps $ 4,300 N/A FROM: Band 1
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 256 kbps $11,390 N/A Three Year Term
The service is provided for a minimum continuous service commitment of 36 months. FROM: Band 1
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 64 kbps $ 4,000 N/A FROM: Band 1
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 256 kbps $11,520 N/A FROM: Band 1
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge InstallationCharge
Reino Unido 192 kbps $10,594 N/A Three Year Term FROM: Band 1
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 128 kbps $ 8,300 N/A FROM: Band 2
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 512 kbps $18,500 N/A FROM: Band 1
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 128 kbps $ 7,800 N/A Two Year Term
The service is provided for a minimum continuous service commitment of 24 months. FROM: Band 3
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 128 kbps $ 8,548 N/A FROM: Band 3
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Reino Unido 2.048 Mbps $43,946 N/A Six Month Term
The service is provided for a minimum continuous
service commitment of 6 months. FROM: Band 3
International Digital Full‑circuits to:
Overseas Channel Monthly Non‑Recurring
Location Speed Recurring Charge Installation Charge
Francia 64 kbps $ 5,740 N/A
7.1 Application of Service
This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Core Resiliency service from the Company's terminal locations to the overseas points set forth in Section 7.3, Rates.
7.2 Description of Service
Service consists of providing duplex digital end‑to‑end, full‑circuit, communications routed primarily through fiber optic cable facilities for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Section 7.3, Rates. Core Resiliency provides automatic rerouting within the Global Managed Platform (GMP). If the primary route fails, the GMP automatically reroutes the traffic over an alternate route. Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).
7.2.1 A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by
terminal of connection, channel speed, overseas point
and customer term of commitment.
7.2.2 Core Resiliency classes of service permit a customer to
make month‑to‑month or one‑, two‑ or three‑year term
7.2.3 The minimum billing period for Core Resiliency month to‑month service is three months, and the minimum billing period for a Core Resiliency term of commitment of one year or longer is twelve months.
7.2.4 Interruptions to Service
Interruptions to Core Resiliency service which are not
due to the negligence of the customer, are credited
upon the customer's request on reported faults only, at
the proportionate part of the Company's monthly
recurring charge as indicated below:
The duration of an interruption is calculated as
‑ An interruption begins after the receipt by the
Company of a Fault Report and upon release by the
customer of the service in fault.
‑ An interruption concludes with the first attempt of
the Company to advise the customer contact that
service has been restored.
Credits for interruptions are granted as follows:
(A) A credit is granted only for an outage that occurs within the service provided by the Company
(B) No credit is granted where the claim for credit is not presented to the Company within ninety days after the day on which the interruption occurred.
(C) No credit is granted for an interruption of less than three hours or for interruptions caused by:
(1) failure of commercial power supplies;
(2) Solar or atmospheric conditions (applicable to services provided through satellite facilities).
Cumulative Fault Credit Applied To
Times In A Month Monthly Invoice
< 1.5 hrs O%
> 1.5 hrs but < 4 hrs 15
> 4 hrs 30
7.2.5 Discontinuance of Service Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments
Except as provided in Section if a customer
discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed
term commitment, the customer will pay an Early
Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:
(A) If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus 35 percent of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.
(B) For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for 35 percent of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment. Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge
(A) As described in Section,
Rate Increase.
(B) When a customer converts a given channel provided by the Company to another channel also provided by the Company and/or its affiliates to the same offshore or overseas location.
7.2.6 Expiration of Fixed Term Commitments
Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance, or renews its service for another term at the then current rate for that term at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of the current term, a term commitment will be automatically renewed under a month‑to‑month commitment at the then current rates. All terms and conditions will apply.
7.3 Rates
Month‑to‑Month, one‑, two‑, and three‑year term rates are available from U.S. locations in Band 1, Band 2, and Band 3. Each band consists of origination points as follows:
(A) Band 1 ‑ Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
(B) Band 2 ‑ Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.
(C) Band 3 ‑ Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. FROM: Band 1
Overseas Location Available Monthly
All Speeds Speeds Recurring Charge
Australia 64 kbps $ 18,982
128 kbps 32,677
192 kbps 43,869
256 kbps 55,463
384 kbps 84,603
512 kbps 107,207
768 kbps 163,131
1.024 Mbps 190,815
1.544 Mbps 257,023
2.048 Mbps 292,603
Austria 64 kbps $ 9,590
128 kbps 17,585
256 kbps 29,309
384 kbps 40,974
512 kbps 51,908
768 kbps 68,261
1.024 Mbps 92,051
1.544 Mbps 118,552
2.048 Mbps 151,085
Bélgica 64 kbps $ 8,423
128 kbps 15,597
192 kbps 21,034
256 kbps 26,470
384 kbps 37,630
512 kbps 49,085
768 kbps 65,971
1.024 Mbps 82,377
1.544 Mbps 110,153
2.048 Mbps 138,949
Dinamarca 64 kbps $ 9,872
128 kbps 19,611
192 kbps 27,497
256 kbps 35,099
384 kbps 50,823
512 kbps 65,610
768 kbps 90,441
1.024 Mbps 109,507
1.544 Mbps 145,063
2.048 Mbps 172,827
Finland 64 kbps $ 9,157
128 kbps 16,547
192 kbps 22,406
256 kbps 28,265
384 kbps 51,876
512 kbps 73,754
768 kbps 92,011
1.024 Mbps 102,448
1.544 Mbps 145,533
2.048 Mbps 183,699
France 64 kbps $ 8,428
128 kbps 14,306
192 kbps 19,427
256 kbps 24,462
384 kbps 35,810
512 kbps 45,437
768 kbps 63,051
1.024 Mbps 81,776
1.544 Mbps 98,958
2.048 Mbps 124,132
Alemania 64 kbps $ 7,444
128 kbps 15,612
192 kbps 23,062
256 kbps 30,512
384 kbps 44,665
512 kbps 56,306
768 kbps 72,545
1.024 Mbps 90,602
1.544 Mbps 106,286
2.048 Mbps 122,655
Hong Kong 64 kbps $ 19,546
128 kbps 32,906
192 kbps 43,791
256 kbps 54,601
384 kbps 81,015
512 kbps 99,058
768 kbps 128,693
1.024 Mbps 164,539
1.544 Mbps 213,564
2.048 Mbps 249,548
Irlanda 64 kbps $ 9,658
128 kbps 18,884
192 kbps 23,767
256 kbps 28,651
384 kbps 39,521
512 kbps 44,939
768 kbps 54,492
1.024 Mbps 72,830
1.544 Mbps 99,916
2.048 Mbps 127,575
Italia 64 kbps $ 12,979
128 kbps 24,819
192 kbps 33,225
256 kbps 39,885
384 kbps 57,445
512 kbps 72,315
768 kbps 94,167
2.048 Mbps 183,495
Japan 64 kbps $ 17,332
128 kbps 31,594
192 kbps 41,199
256 kbps 50,264
384 kbps 74,703
512 kbps 92,263
768 kbps 121,278
1.024 Mbps 156,895
1.544 Mbps 205,242
2.048 Mbps 242,174
Luxembourg 64 kbps $ 11,822
128 kbps 24,227
192 kbps 30,975
256 kbps 39,316
384 kbps 55,846
512 kbps 66,697
768 kbps 85,967
1.024 Mbps 110,410
1.544 Mbps 136,691
2.048 Mbps 161,291
Netherlands 64 kbps $ 7,361
128 kbps 13,661
192 kbps 18,317
256 kbps 22,278
384 kbps 30,386
512 kbps 36,596
768 kbps 44,036
1.024 Mbps 57,489
1.544 Mbps 75,184
2.048 Mbps 95,960
Noruega 64 kbps $ 8,164
128 kbps 15,843
192 kbps 22,062
256 kbps 28,105
384 kbps 41,508
512 kbps 52,778
768 kbps 70,370
1.024 Mbps 89,685
1.544 Mbps 114,646
2.048 Mbps 140,486
Portugal 64 kbps $ 11,916
128 kbps 21,659
192 kbps 27,999
256 kbps 33,977
384 kbps 47,421
512 kbps 57,561
768 kbps 75,181
1.024 Mbps 97,551
1.544 Mbps 125,174
2.048 Mbps 150,566
Singapur 64 kbps $ 17,912
128 kbps 31,711
192 kbps 42,165
256 kbps 53,919
384 kbps 81,433
512 kbps 100,168
768 kbps 140,441
1.544 Mbps 237,222
2.048 Mbps 277,662
España 64 kbps $ 10,533
128 kbps 21,464
192 kbps 30,812
256 kbps 38,592
384 kbps 62,190
512 kbps 76,745
768 kbps 97,365
1.024 Mbps 120,768
1.544 Mbps 145,622
2.048 Mbps 172,534
Suecia 64 kbps $ 11,136
128 kbps 22,438
192 kbps 31,188
256 kbps 39,832
384 kbps 54,420
512 kbps 65,680
768 kbps 82,892
1.024 Mbps 109,148
1.544 Mbps 132,276
2.048 Mbps 157,196
Suiza 64 kbps $ 9,021
128 kbps 16,982
192 kbps 23,929
256 kbps 30,617
384 kbps 46,381
512 kbps 55,580
768 kbps 72,466
1.024 Mbps 91,887
1.544 Mops 116,171
2.048 Mbps 139,844
Reino Unido 64 kbps $ 10,081
128 kbps 18,717
192 kbps 24,214
256 kbps 26,970
384 kbps 38,565
512 kbps 42,910
768 kbps 49,629
1.024 Mbps 67,975
1.544 Mbps 94,471
2.048 Mbps 119,127 FROM: Band 2
Overseas Location Available Monthly
All Speeds Speeds Recurring Charge
Australia 64 kbps $ 18,458
128 kbps 31,627
192 kbps 43,632
256 kbps 53,364
384 kbps 80,991
512 kbps 102,655
768 kbps 148,125
1.024 Mbps 187,727
1.544 Mbps 248,483
2.048 Mbps 284,563
Austria 64 kbps $ 10,209
128 kbps 19,031
256 kbps 32,424
384 kbps 44,058
512 kbps 57,754
768 kbps 79,791
1.024 Mbps 99,584
1.544 Mbps 126,104
2.048 Mbps 155,371
Bélgica 64 kbps $ 9,129
128 kbps 17,126
192 kbps 23,480
256 kbps 29,586
384 kbps 42,747
512 kbps 54,930
768 kbps 66,274
1.024 Mbps 89,909
1.544 Mbps 117,705
2.048 Mbps 143,235
Dinamarca 64 kbps $ 10,492
128 kbps 21,057
192 kbps 29,848
256 kbps 38,214
384 kbps 55,941
512 kbps 71,455
768 kbps 88,861
1.024 Mbps 117,040
1.544 Mbps 152,615
2.048 Mbps 189,652
Finland 64 kbps $ 9,776
128 kbps 17,993
192 kbps 24,757
256 kbps 31,381
384 kbps 54,479
512 kbps 79,600
768 kbps 90,310
1.024 Mbps 109,981
1.544 Mbps 153,085
2.048 Mbps 200,524
France 64 kbps $ 9,084
128 kbps 15,630
192 kbps 21,547
256 kbps 27,163
384 kbps 40,287
512 kbps 50,552
768 kbps 67,756
1.024 Mbps 88,368
1.544 Mbps 105,566
2.048 Mbps 127,882
Alemania 64 kbps $ 8,100
128 kbps 16,937
192 kbps 25,182
256 kbps 33,212
384 kbps 49,143
512 kbps 61,421
768 kbps 83,688
1.024 Mbps 97,193
1.544 Mbps 112,894
2.048 Mbps 126,405
Hong Kong 64 kbps $ 19,090
128 kbps 31,857
192 kbps 43,363
256 kbps 52,503
384 kbps 77,403
512 kbps 94,506
768 kbps 135,845
1.024 Mbps 161,452
1.544 Mbps 206,418
2.048 Mbps 239,907
Irlanda 64 kbps $ 10,365
128 kbps 20,413
192 kbps 26,213
256 kbps 31,766
384 kbps 44,639
512 kbps 50,784
768 kbps 59,870
1.024 Mbps 80,362
1.544 Mbps 107,468
2.048 Mbps 131,861
Italia 64 kbps $ 13,599
128 kbps 26,265
192 kbps 35,576
256 kbps 43,000
384 kbps 62,563
512 kbps 78,160
768 kbps 99,559
2.048 Mbps 187,780
Japan 64 kbps $ 16,481
128 kbps 29,916
192 kbps 39,497
256 kbps 48,058
384 kbps 70,328
512 kbps 88,388
768 kbps 116,254
1.024 Mbps 150,686
1.544 Mbps 198,715
2.048 Mbps 228,173
Luxembourg 64 kbps $ 12,442
128 kbps 25,672
192 kbps 33,326
256 kbps 42, 431
384 kbps 60,964
512 kbps 72,543
768 kbps 98,973
1.024 Mbps 117,943
1.544 Mbps 144,243
2.048 Moos 165,576
Holanda 64 kbps $ 8,017
128 kbps 14,986
192 kbps 20,437
256 kbps 24,978
384 kbps 34,864
512 kbps 41,711
768 kbps 52,803
1.024 Mbps 64,080
1.544 Mbps 80,252
2.048 Mbps 99,710
Noruega 64 kbps $ 8,783
128 kbps 17,288
192 kbps 24,413
256 kbps 31,221
384 kbps 46,625
512 kbps 58,623
768 kbps 75,747
1.024 Mbps 97,217
1.544 Mbps 122,198
2.048 Mbps 157,311
Portugal 64 kbps $ 12,623
128 kbps 23,188
192 kbps 30,445
256 kbps 37,093
384 kbps 52,538
512 kbps 63,406
768 kbps 80,559
1.024 Mbps 105,084
1.544 Mbps 130,966
2.048 Mbps 154,852
Singapur 64 kbps $ 17,430
128 kbps 30,765
192 kbps 41,766
256 kbps 51,939
384 kbps 78,168
512 kbps 96,077
768 kbps 145,498
1.544 Mbps 225,734
2.048 Mbps 266,049
España 64 kbps $ 11,152
128 kbps 22,909
192 Mbps 33,164
256 kbps 41,708
384 kbps 67,308
512 kbps 82,591
768 kbps 111,320
1.024 Mbps 128,301
1.544 Mbps 153,175
2.048 Mbps 176,820
Suecia 64 kbps $ 11,755
128 kbps 23,884
192 kbps 33,540
256 kbps 42,948
384 kbps 59,537
512 kbps 71,526
768 kbps 88,269
1.024 Mbps 116,681
1.544 Mbps 139,828
2.048 Mbps 174,22
Suiza 64 kbps $ 9,728
128 kbps 18,511
192 kbps 26,375
256 kbps 33,732
384 kbps 51,499
512 kbps 61,425
768 kbps 84,330
1.024 Mbps 99,420
1.544 Mbps 123,723
2.048 Mbps 144,130
Reino Unido 64 kbps $ 10,657
128 kbps 19,881
192 kbps 26,077
256 kbps 29,343
384 kbps 42,500
512 kbps 47,657
768 kbps 54,076
1.024 Mbps 73,767
1.544 Mbps 100,279
2.048 Mbps 124,960 FROM: Band 3
Overseas Location Available Monthly
All Speeds Speeds Recurring Charge
Australia 64 kbps $ 17,810
128 kbps 30,223
192 kbps 41,386
256 kbps 50,556
384 kbps 76,291
512 kbps 96,701
768 kbps 139,120
1 024 kbps 180,131
1.544 Mbps 233,796
2.048 Mbps 280,990
Austria 64 kbps $ 10,622
128 kbps 19,667
256 kbps 33,531
384 kbps 47,992
512 kbps 60,779
768 kbps 79,154
1.024 Mbps 108,773
1.544 Mbps 137,542
2.048 Mbps 171,364
Bélgica 64 kbps $ 9,456
128 kbps 17,679
192 kbps 24,178
256 kbps 30,693
384 kbps 44,648
512 kbps 57,955
768 kbps 71,863
1.024 Mbps 99,098
1.544 Mbps 129,143
2.048 Mbps 159,228
Dinamarca 64 kbps $ 10,905
128 kbps 21,693
192 kbps 30,642
256 kbps 39,321
384 kbps 57,841
512 kbps 74,480
768 kbps 102,242
1.024 Mbps 126,229
1.544 Mbps 164,053
2.048 Mbps 194,890
Finland 64 kbps $ 10,190
128 kbps 18,629
192 kbps 25,551
256 kbps 32,487
384 kbps 58,895
512 kbps 82,625
768 kbps 103,811
1.024 Mbps 119,170
1.544 Mbps 164,524
2.048 Mbps 205,762
France 64 kbps $ 9,387
128 kbps 16,110
192 kbps 22,153
256 kbps 28,122
384 kbps 41,951
512 kbps 53,199
768 kbps 72,583
1.024 Mbps 96,408
1.544 Mbps 115,574
2.048 Mbps 141,876
Alemania 64 kbps $ 8,403
128 kbps 17,417
192 kbps 25,787
256 kbps 34,171
384 kbps 50,806
512 kbps 64,068
768 kbps 88,916
1.024 Mbps 105,234
1.544 Mbps 122,902
2.048 Mbps 140,399
Hong Kong 64 kbps $ 16,966
128 kbps 29,802
192 kbps 41,294
256 kbps 49,695
384 kbps 72,703
512 kbps 85,286
768 kbps 109,810
1.024 Mbps 140,526
1.544 Mbps 180,473
2.048 Mbps 211,017
Irlanda 64 kbps $ 10,691
128 kbps 20,966
192 kbps 26,912
256 kbps 32,873
384 kbps 46,540
512 kbps 53,809
768 kbps 70,834
1.024 kbps 89, 551
1.544 Mbps 118,906
2.048 Mbps 147,854
Italia 64 kbps $ 14,012
128 kbps 26,901
192 kbps 36,370
256 kbps 44,107
384 kbps 64,463
512 kbps 81,185
768 kbps 105,060
2.048 Mbps 203,774
Japan 64 kbps $ 15,607
128 kbps 28,161
192 kbps 36,934
256 kbps 44,731
384 kbps 65,820
512 kbps 82,510
768 kbps 117,468
1.024 Mbps 141,669
1.544 Mbps 188,054
2.048 Mbps 221,258
Luxembourg 64 kbps $ 12,855
128 kbps 26,309
192 kbps 34,120
256 kbps 43,538
384 kbps 62,865
512 kbps 75,568
768 kbps 96,860
1.024 Mbps 127,131
1.544 Mbps 155,681
2.048 Mbps 181,569
Netherlands 64 kbps $ 8,320
128 kbps 15,466
192 kbps 21,042
256 kbps 25,937
384 kbps 36,527
512 kbps 44,357
768 kbps 53,568
1.024 Mbps 72,120
1.544 Mbps 91,801
2.048 Mbps 113,704
Noruega 64 kbps $ 9,196
128 kbps 17,925
192 kbps 25,206
256 kbps 32,327
384 kbps 48,526
512 kbps 61,649
768 kbps 81,263
1.024 Mbps 106,406
1.544 Mbps 133,636
2.048 Mbps 162,549
Portugal 64 kbps $ 12,949
128 kbps 23,741
192 kbps 31,144
256 kbps 38,200
384 kbps 52,037
512 kbps 66,431
768 kbps 93,247
1.024 Mbps 114,273
1.544 Mbps 144,165
2.048 Mbps 170,845
Singapur 64 kbps $ 16,754
128 kbps 29,302
192 kbps 39,564
256 kbps 49,013
384 kbps 73,270
512 kbps 89,876
768 kbps 124,922
1.544 Mbps 221,321
2.048 Mbps 257,115
España 64 kbps $ 11,565
128 kbps 23,546
192 kbps 33,957
256 kbps 42,814
384 kbps 66,155
512 kbps 85,616
768 kbps 108,258
1.024 Mbps 137,490
1.544 Mbps 164,613
2.048 Mbps 192,813
128 kbps 24,520
192 kbps 34,333
256 kbps 44,054
384 kbps 61,438
512 kbps 74,551
768 kbps 93,785
1.024 Mbps 125,870
1.544 Mbps 151,267
2.048 Mbps 179,259
Suiza 64 kbps $ 10,054
128 kbps 19,064
192 kbps 27,073
256 kbps 34,839
384 kbps 51,044
512 kbps 64,450
768 kbps 90,306
1.024 Mbps 108,609
1.544 Mbps 135,161
2.048 Mpbs 160,123
Reino Unido 64 kbps $ 10,923
128 kbps 20,303
192 kbps 26,609
256 kbps 30,186
384 kbps 43,962
512 kbps 49,731
768 kbps 62,838
1.024 Mbps 80,833
1.544 Mbps 109,074
2.048 Mbps 136,092
7.3.2 Fixed Term Commitments Rates
Fixed Term Commitments are available for one, three, and five year terms. The following percentage discounts are applied to the Mon‑ to‑Month Rates in Section 7.3.1.
Term Commitment Descuento
One‑Year 31%
Two‑Year 32
Three‑Year 35