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Education solutions

Verizon keeps classrooms education-ready.

We can help you inspire great learning through technology solutions that address the needs of students and teachers

You need a technology partner that helps students and teachers thrive with advanced digital solutions and services, a network you can rely on, and a focus on quality and value. Strengthen and modernize your infrastructure to provide new learning opportunities and achieve your vision of robust, engaging and effective learning experiences for all.


We’re ready to help you create a foundation for digital learning, strengthen and modernize your infrastructure to enable network security and continuity of services, and provide the quality and value that helps keep you focused on your goals, today and in the future.

Higher Education

Provide richer learning and teaching opportunities, promote safety, and boost productivity with technology solutions for higher education. We can help you meet the holistic needs of students on or off campus and drive career readiness and lifelong learning while supporting digital inclusion initiatives so that all of your students can thrive.


Verizon provides many services that are eligible for E-Rate funding so you can make cost-effective choices that advance learning. As a leading technology and communications provider, Verizon can assist you as you navigate through the E-Rate process. Since 1997, we have been instrumental in helping thousands of schools and libraries with their technology needs.

Students need change.
Be ready to change with them.

During uncertain times, you need to be able to provide students with learning experiences they can depend on. Verizon understands that inspired teaching and learning requires agility and flexibility, and  we’re ready to help you get started.

Distance Learning

With the right collaboration and communication tools, administrators can help teachers remain engaged and connected.

Continuity of Services

We don’t have to be together to work together. At Verizon, we’re here. And we’re ready. We’re open 24/7 online with solutions and support to help you stay connected.

Get tools to fill your lesson plan.

One Talk

Stay connected, whether you're on school grounds or working from home, with one number that rings multiple compatible devices.

LTE Business Internet

Get wireless internet that’s reliable, flexible, easy to self-install—and available almost everywhere you need it.

Mobile Device Management

Effectively and efficiently manage your organization’s mobile devices while keeping your data safe.

Crowd of people walking

5G Edge Crowd Analytics

Help visitors navigate crowded university stadiums and other public spaces based on traffic-flow pattern analysis.2

Person scanning face at a door scanner

5G Edge Accelerated Access

Cut down wait times and verify guest identities with this opt-in SaaS solution for venue and facility entrances.

The Power of Verizon 5G for Education

Transformative Learning for K12 & Higher Education

The Power of 5G for Education video highlights the exciting possibilities enabled by 5G. Through the innovative power of 5G, learning will never be the same. Imagine immersive learning, actionable insights, and next gen apps that will transform education for years to come.


Take our Digital Transformation Assessment.

Leverage our powerful tool to learn your organization’s stage of digital transformation. You’ll gain key insights and an action plan to help you reach the next level—and achieve your mission.¹


How Wireless Business Internet can help digital equity in education

Students who cannot access reliable high-speed internet may not perform as well in school and are less likely to go to college.


2024 Mobile Security Index Public Sector spotlight

Learn about the latest mobile security threats and how to help protect your organization.

Does your school have these five critical security features?

Without proper precautions, it can be easy for hackers to steal your school’s sensitive information.

Digitally transform campus venues to help improve student experiences

Colleges and universities face fierce competition in attracting and retaining students. Verizon’s 5G Edge solutions can help build deeper connections to students and guests.

Informe de investigaciones sobre filtraciones de datos de 2024

This year, we analyzed a staggering 30,458 real-world security incidents. Download the DBIR to find out more about the cyber threats your organization might be up against.

Get more on security.

Check out security-specific resources and find solutions that can help educational organizations protect systems and data.

1. Report results are based on self-reported information and are for assessment purposes only. Your actual data systems and information configurations and needs may differ from these results and report insights. You should not rely on this report in lieu of a professional assessment of your data transformation needs. Please contact your Verizon Account Representative for more information and details regarding your digital transformation assessment results.

2. Solution is available to state and local government customers (i.e. customer paying with government funds) on a standalone agreement on commercial terms only and is only available in the following states: Arkansas, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Tennessee, Washington and Wyoming.

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