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The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)


Signed into law in 2021, the IIJA authorizes unprecedented federal funding opportunities for government entities, tribal nations and nonprofits. It is designed to help strengthen the nation’s physical and digital infrastructures.

Available funds

The law authorizes $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure spending at the state and local levels. $550 billion of that figure must be spent before 2026.

Eligible projects

IIJA funding is available for physical infrastructure, such as roads and bridges, and for projects in areas such as utilities, broadband connectivity, public safety, cybersecurity environmental remediation, resiliency and more.

Alternate names

The IIJA is also referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIB), INVEST in America Act, the Jobs Act, and the Infrastructure Act.


Connectivity has become an essential form of infrastructure. That’s why the IIJA is helping to bridge the digital divide via a $65 billion investment in broadband development—the largest in history.


The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program is the centerpiece of the IIJA broadband initiative.



Broadband allocations will be primarily disbursed by select federal organizations and individual states.



Lowering overall internet service costs and increasing internet access can help lead to greater digital equity.



The funding supports options that include deployment, digital inclusion efforts, rural utilities, middle-mile projects, computer training and more.


Funding opportunities

Explore IIJA-eligible infrastructure projects types, across funding themes, and visit the Government Finance Office Association to explore even more. 

Tile|Military engineer looking at a laptop

Airport terminals

Projects that replace aging terminals and increase terminal energy efficiency

Airport infrastructure

Projects that increase safety and expand capacity

Air traffic facilities

Projects that replace facilities and equipment and improve safety and security

More information about funding opportunities is available through the Federal Aviation Administration.

Tile|Employee monitoring equipment with a tablet


Broadly, this portion of IIJA funding has been earmarked for upgrading outdated power grids. Included in those modernization efforts is a focus on finding new ways to increase energy efficiency and decrease energy consumption, which includes measures for:

  • Clean energy initiatives
  • Community resiliency programs
  • Alternative fuel vehicles
  • Supply chains

More information about funding opportunities is available through the Department of Energy.

Sqre|Construction man climbing a post taking picture with phone

Energy Improvement in Rural and Remote Areas

(Available until expended)

Some of the funds allocated for energy initiatives have been used to establish competitive grants. These programs provide financial assistance for environmental protection and improve resilience, reliability, safety and energy availability in remote areas of the United States.

More information about these funding opportunities is available through the Department of Energy.


Renew America’s Schools Program

(Available until expended)

Competitive grants have been established to make specific improvements at public schools. These use cases include:

  • Energy efficiency (e.g., smart lighting)
  • Ventilation
  • Renewable energy
  • Alternative vehicles
  • Alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure improvements

More information about these grant opportunities is available through the Department of Energy.

Tile| Utility worker standing on stairs looking at a phone

Servicios públicos

Powered by cellular-based advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) solutions and analytics, next-generation smart grid solutions that provide reliable, robust, secure and future-proof technologies. IIJA funding initiatives support clean energy and community resiliency programs that offer demonstrable returns on investment and benefits to customers and communities.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

IIJA also supports intelligent systems, such as:

  • Electric Vehicle (EV) charging
  • Smart lighting
  • Conditioned-based management and asset tracking 
Sqre|Overhead view of cars and a red truck on the highway


The transportation funding granted by the IIJA is intended to support transformational projects that make the nation’s transportation systems safer and more resilient. A wide variety of use cases is eligible for a portion of these funds, including but not limited to:

  • Roads and bridges
  • Passenger and freight rail
  • Public transit
  • Airports
  • Ports and waterways
  • Safety and research
  • Electric vehicle charging

More information about funding opportunities is available through the Department of Transportation.

Allocation of funds

Cybersecurity allocations of funds1

Broadband allocations of funds2

Broadband coverage map3


Assess your agency's digital transformation.

Use our easy assessment tool to gain insights into your organization’s stage of digital transformation—and create an action plan.4

Additional resources

Broadband and public infrastructure

Get an overview of the four main funding opportunities the IIJA offers to broadband service providers.

Cybersecurity predictions for 2024

Public Sector continues to be a leading target for hackers. See how government entities can prepare in the new year.

Read ebook

Cybersecurity and IIJA

Learn how the federal government can help secure critical data with funding from the IIJA.

Reproducir video

Cybersecurity and IIJA fact sheet

This Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) fact sheet illustrates what cybersecurity programs and jobs the IIJA is funding and programs that support it.

Read fact sheet

Cybersecurity and IIJA infographic

Government agencies are confronted by cybersecurity threats that are growing in frequency and sophistication constantly. Learn how Verizon's cybersecurity solutions can help your organization.

View infographic

Essential transportation infrastructure improvements

Read about the decisions state and local governments are making to improve and modernize transportation infrastructure using IIJA funding allocations.

Federal Aviation Administration overview

Learn about the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and get details on eligibility requirements.

Fact sheet
Smarter infrastructure with IIJA

Learn about the variety of funding sources the IIJA relies on, such as grants, competitive programs and merit-based applications.

Fact sheet
2023 infrastructure trailblazers

Read how community leaders are building transformative tech projects across the country.

Congressional renewable energy and energy efficiency policy forum

Watch panelists discuss how the bipartisan IIJA is promoting energy system modernization and renewable energy resources.

Sitio web
Clean energy infrastructure opportunities

Learn about the infrastructure funding programs available through the Department of Energy (DOE). 

Fact sheet
Invest in the Internet of Things with IIJA

A wide array of smart solutions qualify for funding under the IIJA. Learn about some of the technologies that have received funding.

Fact sheet
IoT smart solutions

See how the IIJA bill is extending constituent services, reducing costs and enhancing community safety.

Preguntas frecuentes

They’re actually the same bill! IIJA also has several other names and is referred to in many ways — the Invest in America Act, the infrastructure bill — or even by allocation areas and funding sources, like 


  • Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD), Affordable Connectivity, digital equity and Internet for All in the broadband category
  • Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) IoT or National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) from the Department of Transportation
  • Grid innovation or smart grid grants from the Department of Energy


Funds are being delivered to state, local, tribal governments and some nationwide entities through formulas and competitive solicitations — it varies with the federal department overseeing each program. Each participating department has an IIJA website outlining requirements and Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

Because there are multiple federal agencies, programs, and types of funding the timelines vary. The relevant agency (i.e. Federal Communications CommissionDepartment of Commerce, Department of Transportation, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) or Department of Energy) will provide application information and including related deadlines on their website.

Yes, entities can apply for multiple funding opportunities as long as they meet the eligibility requirements for each.

No. Whether you’ve been successful or unsuccessful with IIJA applications, organizations may continue to apply as long as they are eligible for the program.

It’s estimated that this infrastructure bill will support more than 700,000 new jobs each year, including approximately 175,000 manufacturing jobs, 175,000 construction jobs and 100,000 transportation jobs.

Federal spending on infrastructure is usually part of the federal budget. Infrastructure investment peaked in the 1970s, at about 2 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). But in terms of dedicated investments in the vein of IIJA, you’d have to go all the way back to the New Deal recovery effort of the 1930s. Yet even that famous initiative, which created well-known structures like the Hoover Dam, the Lincoln Tunnel and the Tennessee Valley Authority, didn’t match the infrastructure investment of IIJA.

Technology is a key component of the infrastructure bill, and Verizon is a leading partner for government and public sector. As Verizon offers best-in-class networking, cybersecurity and IoT solutions, we are excited about the historic opportunity offered by IIJA and inspired by the prospect of transforming our country’s virtual infrastructure.  

Learn more: 

Verizon for Public Sector

Verizon Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions

Verizon for energy and utilities

Verizon for smart grids

Verizon Intelligent Lighting

1 Map data as of February 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/invest/
2 Map data as of February 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/resources/state-fact-sheets/
3 Map data as of February 2022. https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/home
4 Report results are based on self-reported information and are for assessment purposes only. Your actual data systems and information configurations and needs may differ from these results and report insights. You should not rely on this report in lieu of a professional assessment of your data.

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