Wireline Billing glossary
This glossary is applicable for Business Internet, Fios Internet, TV Entertainment, and Small Business Phone customers.
911 Emergency Service Fee
This monthly per-line charge pays for the 911 service that connects people to the police, the fire department and emergency medical providers.
911 Equalization Surcharge
A tax billed to intrastate long-distance charges to finance emergency call service in areas where the 911 service fee does not cover the cost.
911 Fee
This fee pays for the 911 emergency system in the community. It is a per-line charge. The city/county government determines the amount of the fee. Verizon sends this amount to the city/county government.
Saldo de la cuenta
El monto actual que debes a Verizon por tu servicio mensual.
Titular de la cuenta
The person whose name is on the Verizon business account (primary account owner).
Información de la cuenta
Here it’s all about you—your Account Number, your Due Date and your Amount Due show on the Header. Other information found here includes your Statement Date, your Phone Number and your Online Account Number (if applicable).
Número de cuenta
The number on the top portion of your bill that identifies you and your billing telephone number.
Adding and Changing Service
All order activity since your last billing period.
Ajustes y créditos
Section of the bill that shows one-time adjustments to previous months’ charges. Adjustments can be charges or credits.
Amount Past Due, Overdue Balance
Unpaid balance carried over from previous billing periods.
Resumen de la cuenta
Overview of all charges on the account for the current billing period.
All Other Charges
Includes charges for 976 service calls, premium-priced calls, deferred payment plan charges and charges from other carriers, including Verizon Wireless and Verizon Long Distance.
Amount of Last Bill
Cargos totales en la última factura.
Analog Converter (ATA)
Business Digital Voice equipment that allows customers to keep their existing analog phones and still have VoIP technology.
If you enroll in this payment option, Verizon will automatically debit your bank account or charge your credit card every month for the total amount due for your services.
Any unpaid amount from the last bill. Does not include payments processed after the billing date.
Saldo pendiente
Any unpaid amount carried over from your previous bill.
Basic Local Services
Your base monthly rate for local telephone service, based on a 30-day cycle.
Basic/Regulated Taxes and Surcharges
Your telephone bill reflects required federal, state and local taxes and surcharges for items such as 911 fees and the interstate subscriber use fee.
Bill Date
El primer día del período de facturación.
Billing Adjustments
Detailed information on credit adjustments, returned checks and other credits or debits applied to your previous balance.
Billing Cycle/Bill Period
The dates on your bill represent the period of time during which you were charged for products, services, and toll usage.You should receive your paper bill approximately eight or nine days after the date appearing on your bill (either the bill date or the end of the bill period).
Billing Date
The date that your bill was created.
Business Continuity
A Business Digital Voice feature that automatically reroutes calls to another number, for example a cell phone, in case of loss of power or internet.
Voz digital para negocios
Business Digital Voice is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service provided by broadband. The calls route through the cloud, giving you more flexibility and call routing options.
Breakdown of Charges
A view of all new charges shown individually on your bill that is broken down by bundles; types of services; specials and promotions; and taxes, fees and other Verizon charges.
Broadcast Fee
Este cargo mensual ayuda a cubrir una parte de los costos que los proveedores de programación local cobran actualmente a Verizon por canales del nivel básico y está sujeto a cambio.
Displays the specific services included in your bundle and the price for each component.
Business Internet
A technology that permits large amounts of data (high volume, large bandwidth) to travel to your computer.
With Business Internet, your download time is reduced versus traditional analog connections. This helps you when you’re surfing the internet by decreasing the time it takes web pages and multimedia content to display on your screen.
Detalle de llamadas
Un desglose más detallado de todos los cargos por llamadas y por uso asociados con los planes de llamadas que puedas tener en tu cuenta.
Carrier Cost Recovery Charge
The Carrier Cost Recovery Charge is a monthly surcharge that telecommunications carriers, such as Verizon Long Distance and Verizon Enterprise Solutions, are permitted to assess in order to defray a portion of the costs to terminate calls on other networks; fees paid to support government programs such as Telecommunications Relay Service and Local Number Portability, along with other charges assessed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); and additional indirect costs associated with administering and complying with government programs. This surcharge is not a customer tax or fee assessed by a government agency.
Carryover Charges
Charges that are carried forward from your previous billing period.
Carryover charges may appear because:
- When you purchase Fios Digital Voice service, Verizon moves you to another billing system, and the balance from your current bill is carried over to your new bill
- You have an unpaid balance on a previous bill
- You received debit/credit amounts from a misapplied payment
- You received debit/credit amounts from your long-distance carrier
- Your payment was returned to you for insufficient funds or another reason
Change in Service and Partial Month
Section of the bill that includes partial-month charges and credits, including those for promotions and bundles as well as activation, installation and most other nonrecurring charges.
Incluye todos los cambios realizados a los productos o servicios que solicitaste después de tu pedido inicial. Por ejemplo, si cambias de un receptor digital multimedia estándar a un receptor multimedia de alta definición, el cambio se reflejará en tu pedido inicial.
CR (Credit)
CR is an abbreviation on your telephone bill indicating payments you have already made or a credit adjustment made to your account.
Cramming is the inclusion (or appearance) of unauthorized charges on your phone bill. It may be a monthly charge for services such as voice mail that a customer did not order and does not have. While many customers find it convenient to have such charges on their phone bills, you should be sure to carefully inspect your monthly telephone bill to ensure that it correctly reflects the services you have ordered. If anything looks suspicious, investigate and call the respective telephone company’s number that appears in that particular section for resolution.
Current Activity
Section of the bill that contains your full-month charges for recurring purchases and usage-based, on-demand purchases. Most recurring purchases are billed the month in advance. Usage-based services are billed after you use the service. If you make a change to your service, this section will have a subsection labeled Change in Service and Partial Month, which will contain partial-month charges and credits for added or removed services, along with one-time activation or termination fees, if applicable.
Cargos actuales
Charges billed/credited during the current billing period.
Deposit Information
A section on your Verizon bill that only displays if you have a deposit on the account.
Direct Debit Payment Option
If you enroll in this payment option, Verizon will automatically debit your bank account every month for the total amount due for your telephone services.
Directory Advertising Charges
Charges for advertising in the Verizon Directory.
Servicio de información
When you call directory assistance, an operator provides national and local phone numbers for a small fee. To call directory assistance, press 411 and provide the operator with the city, state and name of the listing you’re looking for. (Operators cannot provide nonpublished numbers.) You may request two listings per call.
Directory Assistance Service
Shows charges for requests for a listed telephone number, area code, and/or address and ZIP code.
Discounted Services
Discounts on monthly charges and connection fees may be available for qualifying customers.
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
See Business Internet.
Due Date
The date your payment should be received by a Verizon payment office. In some states, if your payment is not received by the due date, you could be subject to late fees.
Your payment due date is for your current charges only. If you have an outstanding balance with Verizon, that amount is due immediately.
Servicio de DVR
DVR is an upgrade to the Fios TV service and is an excellent choice for certain businesses that have the need to record programs for future viewing.
Estimated First Bill Charges
Your first bill may be higher than normal. In most cases, it will include a full month of charges billed in advance plus any partial-month charges for the days from when your services are activated up to your normal monthly statement date. It will also include one-time charges and any balance forward or account adjustments (if applicable).
Cargos mensuales estimados
Based on your initial order, we may estimate your monthly bill. This will not be an actual bill, which may vary from the estimate. The estimate will exclude usage and changes made after your initial order.
Central telefónica
Your exchange numbers (also known as your prefix) are the three digits immediately following the area code, as in ###.722.####.Your home exchange includes all of the phone numbers in your immediate community that share the same local calling area.Some exchanges may also be pay-per-call exchanges. Calling these numbers will result in a charge on your phone bill as set by the information provider.
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
This government regulatory agency ensures that all forms of communications technology in use in the United States follows a standard set of guidelines.
If you question charges on your bill imposed by the FCC, correspondence may be directed to:
Informal Complaints and Public Inquiries Branch
Enforcement Division, Common Carriers Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554
Puedes llamar a la FCC directamente al 888.225.5322.
FCC "All-In" Pricing for Cable and Satellite Television Service Mandate
On March 14, 2024, the FCC adopted a new policy requiring cable operators and direct broadcast satellite providers to specify the “All-In” price for certain video programming-related costs in promotional materials that include pricing information and on subscribers’ bills. In accordance with this mandate, your Verizon Fios bill now includes a special section that outlines certain video programming-related costs and the sum of those specific charges in a single “All-In” price. You can find this section on page 2 of your bill.
FCC Line Charge, Federal Line Cost Charge, Federal Subscriber Line Charge
This charge funds part of the cost of providing long-distance access to the local network. The charge is applied per line. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorizes this charge.
Federal Excise Tax
A federal tax levied on all long-distance calls and some services and features.
Federal Tax
The U.S. government applies a 3% federal excise tax to some charges on the telephone bill. This amount is sent to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Federal Universal Service
This charge funds programs designed to keep telephone service affordable for all Americans. It funds internet access discounts to schools, libraries and rural healthcare providers. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorizes this charge and reviews it quarterly.
Cargo por transmisión de Fios TV
This monthly fee helps cover a portion of the costs currently charged by local programming providers to Verizon for basic-tier programming channels and is subject to change.
Servicio de tarifa fija
Un tipo de servicio telefónico que ofrece una cantidad ilimitada de llamadas locales dentro de un área de llamadas específica por una tarifa mensual fija.
Franchise Related Cost
A local franchise authority may impose a financial obligation on Verizon to support public, educational and government programming channels in your local Fios TV franchise area. Depending upon the specific provisions included in the local franchise agreement between your community and Verizon, the fee is either based on the percentage of Fios TV revenue generated in your local franchise area, a per-subscriber amount, or a lump-sum payment. On your bill under Verizon Surcharges, you may see any one or all of the following fees: PEG Grant Fee, PEG Support Fee or Franchise Related Costs.
Fraude es el uso ilegal de tu número telefónico o tu cuenta de Verizon por parte de otra persona sin tu permiso.
Installation Charges
An installation charge might be required to start your new telephone service. Installation charges generally appear on your first telephone bill.
Interstate/Intrastate Access Charges
These are FCC-allowable charges that reimburse your local telephone company for providing access to the long-distance network. This regulated charge must be passed on to all customers’ telephone lines, whether they make long-distance calls or not.
ISP (Internet Service Provider)
An ISP provides individuals and companies with access to the internet.
Internet Additional Service
The line on your bill that shows the total of all charges for products associated with your internet service that are not included in your bundle. This can be found under New Charges.
Section on your bill that shows all of the products and their charges that are associated with your internet service.
Cargo por pago tardío
In some areas, you may be charged a late-payment fee if Verizon does not receive your payment by the due date on your bill.
Late Payment Penalty
Late-payment charges may apply in some states. Where invoked, the penalty applies to the amount past due. If your account has an outstanding balance, you may see a message on your bill specifying the exact late-payment charge, which may be an amount or a specific percentage added to your account.
Listed Service
Names, telephone numbers and addresses that are published in the Verizon telephone directory and are listed in Verizon directory assistance.
Local Calling Area
The geographic area within your Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) that you can call without a toll.For a complete guide to your local calling area, check the consumer guide section of your white pages.
Local Calls
Se consideran llamadas locales aquellas que se encuentran dentro del área local de llamadas que, en general, no generan un toll. Tu área local de llamadas se encuentra definida por el plan de tu servicio de llamadas locales.
For a guide to your local calling area, check the consumer guide in your white pages.
The Local Call Summary on your Verizon bill may also include fees for regional toll calls (also known as IntraLATA) calls. These calls are not within your local calling area, but are within your Local Access and Transport Area (LATA). LATAs are geographical boundaries determined by the federal government and determine local calling areas and extended calling service.
In comparison, InterLATA calls are made outside of your LATA and are generally thought of as long-distance calls.
Any call that generates a toll, whether a local toll call or a long-distance call, can be handled by a provider of your choice. Many companies now provide both IntraLATA (local and local toll service) as well as InterLATA (long-distance service) plans.
Local Number Portability
This charge funds the technology that allows customers to keep their phone numbers when they change local telephone companies within their same calling area. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorizes this charge.
Local Toll Calls
Calls outside of your local calling area are regional toll calls, or local toll calls. Local toll calls are also known as IntraLATA calls: calls that aren’t within your local calling area but are within your Local Access and Transport Area (LATA).
Calls made outside of your LATA are long-distance calls, also known as InterLATA calls.
For a guide to your local calling area, check the consumer guide in your white pages.
Local Toll Charges
The cost for calls made to areas outside your local calling area but that are not considered long distance.
Local Usage Rates
The time and day-of-the-week discounts apply to all calls that are originated within discount periods. The rate periods for weekday and weekends are the following:
Weekday Rate—applies to directly dialed local messages placed Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 10 PM.
Night and Weekend Rate—applies to directly dialed local messages placed Monday through Friday, 10 PM to 8 AM and all day Saturday and Sunday.
Long Distance
Calls made outside your Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) regional boundaries are long-distance calls. Long-distance calls are made from one LATA to another and are also referred to as InterLATA. Long-distance calls include out-of-state calls, and sometimes in-state calls, depending on how the LATAs are drawn in your area.
Many companies now provide both IntraLATA (local and local toll service) and InterLATA (long-distance service) plans.
Note: Long-distance calls require a 1 + area code + number. International long-distance calls require 011 + country and city code + number.
Long Distance Carrier
The telephone service provider that connects you to long-distance numbers.
Miscellaneous Charges and Credits
Debit adjustments on your bill related to items such as returned check charges, temporary disconnect and restore service charges, and late-payment charges will appear in the Current Charges section of your bill.
Cargos mensuales
Total of all current charges and credits for Verizon and any other service providers listed.
Monthly Rates
Monthly charges for Verizon services.
Monthly Service - Non-Regulated and Non-Basic
Nonregulated services are services provided by Verizon that are not subject to federal or state regulations.
Nonbasic services are services provided by Verizon that may or may not be subject to federal or state regulations, depending on the specific state requirements.
Monthly Service—Non-Regulated
Monthly products and services that are not regulated or tariffed by the state’s public utility commission. Items included in this section vary by state.
Monthly Service—Regulated
Itemized monthly products and services that are regulated and tariffed by the state’s public utility commission.
Municipal Franchise Fee
A fee assessed for the privilege of using the municipal public rights-of-way. This fee provides the municipality with the funds needed to recover the cost of administering the access to the right-of-way. Typical costs included are for inspection, permit processing, engineering, traffic and other like expenditures that the municipality incurs to manage the health and safety of its citizens as utility companies work in the right-of-way. The fee is generally either an amount per telephone access line or a percentage of revenue. State law or public utility commission tariffs allow Verizon to recover these costs as a separately billed item.
Multi-Room DVR Service
Multi-Room DVR is an upgrade to the Fios TV DVR service and is an excellent choice for certain businesses that have more than one TV in their offices. With Multi-Room DVR, you can watch a program recorded on your DVR from other TV sets in your business that are connected to a regular (non-DVR) set-top box.
The Multi-Room DVR feature even lets you begin watching a recorded program on one TV in your business, pause the recording, then continue watching it on another TV in your business.
New Charges
Summary of charges that are listed by bundle and single price points for each type of additional servicevoice, TV, internet, and wireless). Also displayed is a single price for taxes and charges from other providers.
New Promotions
Message that details any new promotions that are beginning that month on your account.
Nonbasic services include optional services, such as Call Waiting, Caller ID, and maintenance agreements for Inside Wire.
Non-Basic Regional Calls
Pago por llamada.
Non-Basic Taxes and Surcharges
On your bill, this term refers to federal, state and local taxes and surcharges that are not related to the basic service portion of your bill.
Non-Listed Number
Tu nombre, tu dirección y tu número telefónico no aparecen publicados en el directorio, pero están disponibles en el servicio de información.
A service fee may apply to have your number nonlisted. Charges vary from state to state.
Non-Primary Line
A line added to your service address after the installation of your primary line.
You can have more than one nonprimary phone line. A nonprimary phone line may be billed separately from your primary or other nonprimary phone lines. In addition, your primary or other nonprimary lines can be billed under different names.
Note: Primary and nonprimary lines must have the same billing address.
Non-Published Number
Tu nombre, tu dirección y tu número telefónico no aparecen publicados en las páginas blancas del directorio, y tu número telefónico no está disponible en el servicio de información.
If you have a nonpublished number, “NON PUBLISHED” will appear on your remittance stub in place of your telephone number to ensure your privacy.
A service fee may apply to have your number nonpublished. Charges vary from state to state.
Non-Regulated Charges
Los cargos que aparecen en tu factura por servicios que no están sujetos a las regulaciones de la comisión de servicios públicos del estado.
Non-Regulated/Non-Basic Services
Nonregulated services are services provided by Verizon that are not subject to federal or state regulations.
Nonbasic services are services provided by Verizon that may or may not be subject to federal or state regulations, depending on the specific state requirements.
Recargo por construcción municipal de NY
The NY Municipal Construction Surcharge recovers a portion of the expenses Verizon incurs for relocation of its facilities that are in the public rights-of-way to prevent interference with street repairs, public construction projects or other activities required for public health, safety or convenience. The charge is applicable to a customer’s High Speed Internet, Fios Internet or Fios Digital Voice subscription and is reflected in the Verizon Surcharges and Other Charges and Credits section of the bill.
One Time Charges or Credits
Includes one-time charges such as installation or activation of new service and any one-time subscriptions. Example: One-time installation would cover the activation of any additional outlets or the installation of new outlets.
OCC (Other Charges and Credits)
On your bill, OCC is a catch-all term for charges and credits not included in the main fee categories printed on your bill.
A detailed listing of your other Charges and Credits (if any) for the month is printed on subsequent pages of your bill.
Other Providers
The line on your bill that shows the total of all charges associated with services provided by providers other than Verizon. This can be found under New Charges.
Section on your bill that shows all of the products, details and charges for services provided by providers other than Verizon.
Other Service Charges
Display charges for services that are billed on a per-use basis, such as directory assistance and voice mail.
Packaged Service
Servicio que incluye múltiples productos y funciones por un precio establecido.
Delivers Verizon remote, near real-time signaling and analysis of VoIP traffic to help troubleshoot network problems.
Partial Month Charges or Credits
Verizon bills services one month in advance. If your services are activated in the middle of the monthly bill cycle, Verizon will bill for the partial month as well as the following full month. EXAMPLE: If your statement date (bill cycle) is on the 15th day of each month and your service is activated on the 1st, your partial-month charges would be for 15 days of service from the 1st up to the 15th. If a change is made in the Activation Date of your order, Verizon will adjust your Partial Month Charges and Credits based on the new date and number of days in the partial month. Some voice services in MA and RI do not bill in advance.
Past Due Balances
Unpaid balance from the previous bill. Does not include payments and credits processed after your billing date.
Past Due Notice
A statement on your bill indicating that you have an outstanding balance with Verizon.
Any outstanding balance should be paid immediately to avoid possible late fees.
Payment Address
La dirección adonde envías tu pago mensual. Siempre utiliza la dirección de pago en tu factura de Verizon cuando envíes tu pago por correo. La dirección está basada en el departamento de contabilidad de Verizon más cercano a tu casa.
Payment Due Date
La fecha en la cual deben recibirse los pagos para evitar un cargo por pago tardío.
Payment Received
Amount paid on the last bill. Does not include payments processed after your billing date.
El monto enviado por el saldo adeudado. Es posible que alguna vez nos hayas enviado un pago que no fue procesado a tiempo y que no aparezca en el estado de cuenta actual de facturación. Deduce cualquier monto que ya hayas pagado antes de enviar tu pago actual.
Pay-Per-Use Calling Service
A section on your Verizon bill that itemizes charges for calling features such as *69.
Some features are available as “pay-per-use” features, which means that you may pay as you use them rather than paying a monthly flat fee.
Pay-Per-Use Services
Some features are available as “pay-per-use” features, which means paying for each time they are used rather than paying a monthly flat fee.
PEG Grant Fee
A local franchise authority may impose a financial obligation on Verizon to support public, educational and government programming channels in your local Fios TV franchise area. Depending upon the specific provisions included in the local franchise agreement between your community and Verizon, the fee is either based on the percentage of Fios TV revenue generated in your local franchise area, a per-subscriber amount, or a lump-sum payment. On your bill under Verizon Surcharges, you may see any one or all of the following fees: PEG Grant Fee, PEG Support Fee or Franchise Related Costs.
PEG Support Fee
A local franchise authority may impose a financial obligation on Verizon to support public, educational and government programming channels in your local Fios TV franchise area. Depending upon the specific provisions included in the local franchise agreement between your community and Verizon, the fee is either based on the percentage of Fios TV revenue generated in your local franchise area, a per-subscriber amount, or a lump-sum payment. On your bill under Verizon Surcharges, you may see any one or all of the following fees: PEG Grant Fee, PEG Support Fee or Franchise Related Costs.
Poison Control Surcharge
In some states, regulations require that we collect funds for the poison control network in your area that provides information on poison remedies 24 hours a day.
Saldo anterior
Amount that reflects any charges that you did not pay on your last bill that have been carried forward to your new bill.
Previous Charges
Previous charges can appear for several reasons:
- Unpaid balance on a previous bill
- Debit/credit from misapplied payment
- Debit/credit from a long distance carrier
- Returned check debit
Promotions Ending
Message that details any promotions you have that may be ending that month.
PUC (Public Utility Commission)
A government agency that sets and enforces regulations for all state utilities, including all phone service providers.
The PUC approves/disapproves rates, initiates legislation and provides general rules for utility companies doing business in your state.
Quick Bill Summary
Un resumen de saldos y pagos anteriores, y de todos los nuevos cargos de tu factura actual.
Rate Adjustment
En tu factura, un ajuste de tarifa refleja una parte prorrateada de un cargo mensual por un servicio o una función.
Regional Long Distance/Local Toll Calls
Calls outside of your local calling area are regional toll calls, also known as local toll calls. These calls are IntraLATA calls: calls that are not within your local calling area, but are within your Local Access and Transport Area (LATA). LATAs are defined by geographical boundaries drawn by the federal government.
Local toll calls can be handled by your local service provider or by a provider of your choice. Many companies now offer both IntraLATA (local and local toll service) and InterLATA (long-distance service) plans.
For a guide to your local calling area, check the consumer guide in your white pages.
Cargo por cadena regional de deportes
Este cargo mensual ayuda a cubrir los costos crecientes de otorgar programación deportiva regional universitaria y profesional a los suscriptores. Este cargo se aplica solo a clientes que se hayan suscrito a paquetes de programación que incluyen cadenas regionales de deportes.
Regulatory Recovery Fee—Federal
Este cargo es un recargo mensual de Verizon que ayuda a recuperar el cargo anual por suscriptor de video que Verizon paga a la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) para solventar los costos administrativos de la FCC.
Regulated Charges
Los cargos regulados que aparecen en tu factura están sujetos a las regulaciones federales o estatales (como la PUC).
Regulated/Basic Services
Regulated and basic charges are for services provided by Verizon that are subject to federal or state regulations.
Basic charges are for services that may or may not be subject to federal or state regulations.
Relay Service Funding
This charge funds an attendant relay system that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or speech impaired to communicate over the telephone.
Restatement of Charges
An informational grid that is required to be displayed on the bill in some states that shows a breakdown of charges by category. You can use this as a guide to tell what charges your payment is applied to if you don’t pay in full.
Restocking Fee
A fee that applies when returning Business Digital Voice equipment.
Right of Way Fee/Municipal Franchise Fee
This monthly Verizon surcharge recovers Verizon’s costs where a jurisdiction charges Verizon for the use of the municipal public right-of-way to provide telecommunications services. This fee is generally charged per telephone line and may be referred to on your bill as a Municipal Franchise Fee, Right of Way Fee, or State Infrastructure and Maintenance Fee.
See Services section for the contact information on your bill to contact Verizon with billing questions, orders, repair, etc.
Proveedores de servicio
Message that shows the provider for each service that you have and the cost associated with each service.
Slamming is the unauthorized switching of a customer’s long-distance company. Your telephone service provider is required to have authorization and third-party verification before requesting that Verizon change customers’ service providers. Some companies do not adhere strictly to this requirement. Many companies use telemarketers to sell their services, and consumers need to make their company preference clear to sales representatives.
You can take the following measures to minimize the potential problem of slamming:
- Check your phone bill every month to make sure your long-distance company is the one you’ve chosen or to see if you’ve used a dial-around access code (1010-xxx) for your long-distance calls. If you’ve been slammed, call Verizon immediately. At no charge, we’ll set you up again with the long-distance company you prefer.
- Be firm with long-distance companies when they call to talk about switching your service. Make sure you’re not switching companies when you don’t want to.
- Know what you’re agreeing to when you enter contests and sweepstakes. Signing on the dotted line could mean you’re giving the go-ahead to switch your service. Remember, Verizon won’t change your long-distance company from the one you have specified unless we receive authorization and verification that you have chosen to change long-distance providers.
Specials and Promotions
The Specials and Promotions section of the bill includes full-month credits on your bill for special pricing, bundle promotions and any other promotional discounts.
State Sales Tax
Your bill reflects state tax levied on all long-distance calls and some services and features.
State Utility Gross Receipts Tax
Telephone companies must pay tax on total revenue. This funds the public utility commissions and other state services.
Statement Date
Our statement date is the date your bill was created.
Statement Ending
Your bill lists charges incurred during your billing period. The statement ending date is the close of the billing period and the last date that charges were available to place on your bill.
Subscriber Line Charge
The Subscriber Line Charge is a fee that helps telephone companies, like Verizon, recover the additional costs of providing and maintaining operable lines to carry long-distance traffic. Congress allowed this charge in 1996.
More specifically, the charge helps recover costs for outside telephone wires, underground conduits, telephone poles, and other necessary facilities and equipment.
Certain states mandate an equivalent state charge, which then helps offset the cost of telephone service in that state. So, in some cases, you will find both a Federal (or Interstate) and a State (or Intrastate) Subscriber Line Charge on your bill.
This charge is not a tax, but an allowed surcharge passed on to customers when their service can be used for long-distance calls. The charge applies whether you make long-distance calls or not.
Other names for this charge that you may see on your bill:
- Interstate Access Charge
- Intrastate Access Charge
- Interstate Subscriber Line Charge
- Intrastate Subscriber Line Charge
- Federal Subscriber Line Charge
- State Subscriber Line Charge
Los gobiernos locales aplican recargos municipales y cargos por bonos especiales y gravámenes. El monto cobrado se les envía a ellos.
Surcharges and Taxes
Required federal, state, and local taxes and fees. The amount collected is sent to them.
Taxes and Surcharges—Local Toll Calls
Federal, state, and local taxes and surcharges on your local toll charges.
Depending on where you live, federal, state and local governments may assess taxes on your local, local toll and long-distance charges on your phone bill.
The same tax or fee, such as the federal excise tax, may appear in multiple places on your bill.
Taxes and Surcharges—Non-Regulated/Non-Basic
Federal, state, and local taxes and surcharges on your nonregulated/nonbasic services.
Depending on where you live, federal, state and local governments may assess taxes on your local, local toll and long-distance charges on your phone bill.
The same tax or fee, such as the federal excise tax, may appear in multiple places on your bill.
Taxes and Surcharges—Basic/Regulated
Tu factura telefónica refleja los impuestos y los recargos federales, estatales y locales requeridos para artículos como los cargos del 911 y el cargo por el uso de suscriptores dentro del estado.
Taxes, Fees and Other Charges
Taxes, Fees and Other Charges contains all federal, state and local taxes, fees and surcharges, as well as Verizon-applied surcharges, including late-payment and returned-payment fees.
Impuestos, tarifas y otros cargos de Verizon
Bill section that includes all applicable taxes, surcharges, fees and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) charges for your area, as well as any late-payment fees, returned-payment fees and employee concessions.
Taxes, Governmental Surcharges and Fees
Subsection of the Taxes, Fees and Other Charges section of the bill that contains federal, state, and local taxes and surcharges such as Federal Excise Taxes, 911 Charges, and State and County taxes, if applicable.
Toll Charges
Charges for local calling outside service areas and for long-distance calls.
Monto total adeudado
On your Verizon bill, this is the amount you currently owe.
Total Basic Charges
Total of basic charges shown in this section of the bill. These charges include line charges and local calling, plus taxes and surcharges.
Total Due
The total due is a combination of your current charges and any outstanding balance.
It is the amount you currently owe to Verizon, minus any payment you might have made after the closing date of your bill.
Total New Charges
Total of charges in the New Charges section of the bill. These are charges for the current billing period.
Total Specials and Promotions
En esta sección de la factura aparece el total de las promociones, los créditos y los descuentos.
Total Toll Charges
Shows total charges for telephone calls beyond local but not quite long distance. This amount includes taxes and surcharges applied to toll calls.
Total Verizon Charges
The combined total of your regulated/basic, local toll and nonregulated/nonbasic charges.
This amount represents all the services provided to you by Verizon as your local telephone company.
Touch Tone
Servicio de marcado con tono.
Dispositivo que permite que las personas con problemas de habla o de audición envíen y reciban mensajes escritos a través de una línea telefónica estándar.
TV Additional Services
The line on your bill that shows the total of all charges for products associated with your TV service that are not included in the bundle. This can be found under New Charges.
Section on your bill that shows all of the products and their charges that are associated with your TV service that are not included in your bundle.
TV Services
The line on your bill that shows the total of all charges for products associated with your TV service when you do not have a bundle. This can be found under New Charges.
Section on your bill that shows all of the products and their charges that are associated with your TV service.
Unpaid Bill Charges and Account Adjustments
Any account adjustments or unpaid charges from a previous bill will be carried over to the following month’s bill and will display as a credit or charge previous balance.
Unpublished Telephone Number
Tu nombre, tu dirección y tu número telefónico no son publicados en el directorio, y tu número telefónico no está disponible en el servicio de información.
Unlisted Telephone Number
Tu nombre, tu dirección y tu número telefónico no aparecen publicados en el directorio, pero están disponibles en el servicio de información.
Includes any usage-related charges such as those for Pay Per View or Directory Assistance.
Verizon Online Account
Account number on your bill that is associated with your Verizon Online internet service.
Verizon Payment Address
La dirección adonde envías tu pago mensual. Siempre utiliza la dirección de pago en tu factura de Verizon cuando envíes tu pago por correo.
Verizon Surcharges and Other Charges and Credits
Subsection of the Taxes, Fees and Other Charges section that contains fees and surcharges that Verizon collects on behalf of federal, state and local governments such as the Federal USF, Federal Subscriber Line Charge and Public Education Grant Fee (PEG), as well as late fees and returned-payment fees.
Cargo por franquicia de video
Este cargo mensual le permite a Verizon recuperar de sus clientes el costo del cargo de franquicia de video que Verizon debe pagar a las autoridades locales para proporcionar servicios de TV (que puede ser hasta el 5.26% de los ingresos brutos por los servicios de Fios TV).
Video Public Educational and Government Grant Fees (PEG Fee)
Each local franchise authority has the right to impose support obligations on Verizon to cover the funding costs of providing public, educational and government programming channels to the cable television subscribers within the franchise area. Some communities may also have an Institutional Network Fee, or I-NET fee, to cover the costs of providing dedicated network services to large institutions, schools, hospitals, emergency workers, etc. These charges are added to customers’ bills to collect the payments that Verizon makes to the local franchise authority. These fees can be either in the form of a per-cable-television subscriber fee or in the form of a percentage of gross revenues for the sale of cable television services.
Video Regulatory Fee
This fee recovers the amount Verizon pays to fund the administrative costs of one or more regulatory bodies, whether that is the Federal Communications Commission that is funded on a per-subscriber fee basis or a state regulator that may be funded on a per-subscriber basis or on a percentage of cable television revenue.
Voice Additional Services
The line on your bill that shows the total of all charges for products associated with your voice service that are not included in the bundle. This can be found under New Charges.
Section found on your bill that shows all of the products and their charges that are associated with your voice service that are not included in your bundle.
Voice Services
The line on your bill that shows the total of all charges for products associated with your voice service when you do not have a bundle. This can be found under New Charges.
Sección de tu factura que muestra todos los productos, y sus precios, que están relacionados con tu servicio de voz.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that transports high-quality voice calls over the internet instead of over a traditional phone network.
VVX 201
Two-line IP phone used for Business Digital Voice.
VVX 311
Six-line IP phone used for Business Digital Voice.
VVX 411
Twelve-line IP phone used for Business Digital Voice.
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