Video games have evolved significantly since their debut in 1958. This evolution has changed the way people interact with gaming — and the way that gaming interacts with people. Now, people with disabilities are discovering the self-care benefits of video games, which can be both mental and physical.
Beneficios cognitivos y de desarrollo
You may have heard differing opinions on the mental benefits, or detriments, that video games cause. According to Dr. Romeo Vitelli (Psychology Today), media often casts video games in a negative light, however, “Video games have changed in recent years to become more complex, realistic, and social in nature.” Vitelli says researchers are shifting away from the narrative that video games inspire violent or problematic behavior, and are studying the real, long-lasting cognitive benefits of gaming.
Según el Dr. Vitelli, estos beneficios pueden incluir:
- Mejora en la resolución de problemas
- Conciencia espacial mejorada
- Mayor procesamiento y eficiencia neuronal
- Funcionamiento optimizado de la atención
- Creatividad mejorada
- Aumento del flujo, relajación y conectividad social
These benefits can be useful in a wide variety of situations, such as managing dyslexia and even treating amblyopia or "lazy eye".
Beneficios terapéuticos
Researchers from Electronic Entertainment Design and Research and the University of California San Diego point out that gaming can also have several therapeutic benefits for those with different needs and in different situations. These benefits may include:
- Distracción del dolor
- Alivio del aburrimiento debido a la inmovilidad
- Reducción de ansiedad e hiperactividad
- Mejora del estado de ánimo y disminución de la tristeza
Many of these benefits are similar to those that come from hobbies like sports. Some individuals with disabilities may not be able to participate in various types of sports, so eSports are an option that may help them to feel included, and reap the social, mental and physical benefits of gaming.
Beneficios educativos
With rising trends in remote and online learning, video games have not just been used as therapeutic tools, but as educational tools. According to EdSource, games in the classroom have helped students of all ages connect to their lessons in tangible ways. Games have been designed to teach all kinds of lessons, for all levels of education, including but not limited to:
- Math
- Programación
- Lectura y comprensión
- Ortografía
- Historial
- Geografía
- Física
Sandbox games, or video games with open worlds such as Minecraft, are also being adapted as educational tools. Because video games are adaptable, they can be tailored to students with different needs or abilities.
Beneficios sociales
Desarrollar buenas habilidades sociales es una parte importante del desarrollo personal y profesional. “Las actividades sociales y prosociales son una parte intrínseca de la experiencia de los videojuegos, ya que los jugadores aprenden rápidamente habilidades sociales que podrían generalizarse a las relaciones sociales en el mundo real”, dice el Dr. Vitelli
Él cita un estudio de Isabela Granic, PhD, de la Universidad Radboud de Nijmegen en los Países Bajos. La investigación de Granic encontró que más del 70% de los gamers juegan con amigos. Granic también encontró que jugar juegos sencillos como Angry Birds puede mejorar el estado de ánimo de los jugadores. Los videojuegos, especialmente los videojuegos en línea y el streaming, pueden ayudar a proporcionar un sentido de comunidad y ofrecer a las personas con diferentes necesidades la oportunidad de socializar, e incluso ganar ingresos adicionales.
Due to verbal, processing, or social impairments, face-to-face socialization can be difficult or daunting for some people with disabilities. This is where games with chat rooms and chat applications designed to work in-game, like Discord, can create opportunities for socialization for people with impairments. Socializing through online gaming is also an accessible option for people who may spend a significant amount of time in the hospital or on bed rest due to their disability. This can decrease feelings of loneliness and improve their mood, which can even assist healing and recovery.
Videojuegos como juego sensorial
Sensory play is any activity that stimulates any of the five senses. Research shows that sensory play builds neural pathways, which can enhance complex learning ability and attention span. Sensory play is important for young children, children with disabilities, and even seniors to hone their cognitive skills. There have been video games designed to stimulate the senses, which can be a beneficial aspect of sensory play. Some sensory video games include:
- Disney’s Fantasia: Música Evolucionada
- Fruit Ninja Kinect
- Just Dance
- Sesame Street: ¡Preparados, listos, Grover!
- Candy Crush
Many of these games are available on mobile devices and consoles, so they are accessible where you need them. Some sensory games, like Just Dance, are even multiplayer, which allows the whole family to join in for quality playtime.