In recent years, the IT industry has been increasingly embracing remote work. According to a McKinsey survey, nearly 77% of computer and IT professionals reported being able to work from home in some capacity. Luckily, the metaverse can make IT professionals work from home capabilities even more efficient.
For example, the metaverse can be employed for training employees on new systems. This would be particularly beneficial for complex systems that are difficult to understand without hands-on experience, such as jet engines. Digital twins are used to create such models and allow anybody with a digital copy of an object to learn how it is engineered, destroyed, or repaired.
The metaverse can be applied to more than just work since it has the potential to change the way sports and entertainment are experienced.
For example, musicians could use the metaverse (as well as other quickly-advancing technologies, like 5G) to create virtual concerts. The Foo Fighters used multiple 180-degree cameras, positioned all around the stage, to present and fully-immersive concert experience in VR.
Además, el metaverso podría ofrecer nuevas oportunidades laborales para los desarrolladores de videojuegos, ya que podrían crear mundos virtuales para que las empresas los exploren.
It's no secret that the telecommunications industry is rapidly changing. And the metaverse has the potential to change the way we communicate, work with each other, and even find jobs in telecommunication.
El metaverso puede crear una oficina virtual que permitiría a los empleados trabajar juntos en un espacio digital.
The metaverse has the potential to change fashion and even how we purchase clothes.
Un diseñador podría introducir desfiles de moda virtuales y permitir a las personas ver las últimas tendencias de una manera nueva. Otra posibilidad serían los probadores virtuales, que permitirían a la gente probarse ropa sin salir de sus hogares.
A retailer could also use the metaverse to create virtual stores and provide businesses with opportunities to sell and have their products purchased anywhere in the world.
Bienes raíces
The metaverse can potentially enhance the real estate world by changing how we build, buy and even design a property.
Podría usarse para crear un modelo digital de propiedad y permitir a los constructores recibir retroalimentación de compradores potenciales y realizar cambios antes de que el edificio esté siquiera construido. Un agente de bienes raíces podría mostrarte a un comprador potencial una propiedad sin siquiera poner un pie en ella.
El metaverso tiene el potencial de transformar muchas industrias, y apenas estamos comenzando a descubrir las posibilidades de esta tecnología. A medida que el metaverso continúe desarrollándose, podemos esperar ver aún más maneras en que podría cambiar el mundo.