⏱️2-Minute Break with … Rohit Goyal

al: Cara Jurkowski

Rohit Goyal strives for perfection through efficiency and automation. He puts these skills to use daily, provisioning the network for our customers. 


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Rohit Goyal Principal Engineer-Systems Architecture 1 His birthday falls on Halloween, also the first day of Diwali this year 2 Part of multiple ERGs including Verizon Feets and Personality Development Club 3 Favorite hobbies? Problem-solving and automation

You might find it strange that Rohit Goyal loves to find inefficient, overly-complicated, manual processes. But when he does, it gives him a chance to do what he does best: automate, improve and iterate. It’s what he does in his job as Principal Engineer - Systems Architecture for Global Network & Technology and it’s also what he does for fun.  

After all,  once you learn to think like an engineer,  you can’t just turn it off at the end of the day.

🕰️ How long have you worked for Verizon?

Three years, so far.

⏪ What did you do prior to working for Verizon?

I worked at Ericson as a Solutions Architect, but in total I have 14 years experience in software engineering using similar technologies.

💻 Tell us about your job.

I work in GN&T, network provisioning in Hyderabad, India. I primarily deal with third-party vendor management where we lease the network and manage local number portability.  When a new customer comes to Verizon, I provision the network for those new users.

📛 Your page on the employee directory shows 22 badges for certifications, training, etc. You are clearly thinking about your future.

I’m interested in trending technology, especially AI and machine learning. I want to contribute as we roll out new features and technologies.

🎮 What do you do for fun?

I love gadgets and technology. I like to beta test new software and patches to find issues and submit bugs. I also love finding automation and technology hacks.

🔁 Can you give us an example of an automation hack?

Imagine a situation where I have to change a bit of code everywhere it occurs, or a task that has to be done every week or month. In those examples, I can automate manual tasks that could be subject to errors or inconsistencies, and I can schedule tasks that might be forgotten.

🕺You also do a lot of work volunteering and working with the Verizon India ERGs, correct?

Yes. I am part of the Verizon Feet dance team, VZ Beats (an Electronic Dance Music – or EDM – group) and the PDC– Personality Development Club where we work on public speaking and other personal development. But more than anything, I like to give back to other people in the tech community, passing on knowledge and giving back in the way I can help the most.

▶️ See VZ Beats and VZ Feet in action as Up To Speed broadcast live from India!

⏱️Have you enjoyed being part of 2-Minute Break?

I have! I’d encourage anyone to volunteer – it’s an easy and fun experience.

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About the author:

Cara Jurkowski is a failed standup comedian who made up for her lack of comedic success by spending the past two decades telling stories about the communications industry and the amazing people who work to connect the world. When she is not writing about Verizon, she lives in an unofficial Lego museum, slowly working through a steadily growing backlog of unbuilt sets at a perfectly acceptable pace.

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