See what Taiwan Savage does with cabbage.

al: Jessica Bonardi

Bringing farm to table to those in need.

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For V Teamers, volunteering is at the core of who we are, and Senior Decision Architect Taiwan Savage epitomizes that spirit. When he and his wife got to know some of the home-challenged people in their downtown Dallas community, they were shocked to hear that many lacked access to fresh produce and weren’t even allowed in some grocery stores.

Taiwan and his wife reached out to local grocers, asking them to carry more fresh produce and allow access to these potential customers who needed it most. Eventually, Taiwan and his wife worked with local farms to bring fresh and nutritious food directly to this underserved population. Their current project aims to create produce stands at local apartment buildings with fruits and vegetables that are free for anyone to take.

It’s a great example of what a powerful impact two people can have in improving the lives of those who could use a helping hand.

“Anyone can get involved in this kind of work,” said Taiwan. “It really just takes being an active member in your community and having the ability to see problems that need to be solved.”

If you’d like to volunteer your time, even as little as one hour, you can find a wide range of opportunities at our volunteer portal.

Thank you, Taiwan, for sharing your story and inspiring us all.

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