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About the 2024 DBIR incident dataset
Each year, the DBIR timeline for in-scope incidents is from November 1 of one calendar year through October 31 of the next calendar year. Thus, the incidents described in this report took place between November 1, 2022, and October 31, 2023. The 2023 caseload is the primary analytical focus of the 2024 report, but the entire range of data is referenced throughout, notably in trending graphs. The time between the latter date and the date of publication for this report is spent in acquiring the data from our global contributors, anonymizing and aggregating that data, analyzing the dataset, and finally creating the graphics and writing the report. The jokes, sadly, do not write themselves.
Credit where credit is due
Turns out folks enjoy citing the report, and we often get asked how to go about doing it.
You are permitted to include statistics, figures and other information from the report, provided that (a) you cite the source as “Verizon 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report” and (b) the content is not modified in any way. Exact quotes are permitted, but paraphrasing requires review. If you would like to provide people a copy of the report, we ask that you provide them a link to rather than the PDF.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Love to share cute pet pictures?
Let us know! Send us a note at [email protected], find us on LinkedIn, tweet @VerizonBusiness with #dbir. Got a data question? Tweet @VZDBIR!
If your organization aggregates incident or security data and is interested in becoming a contributor to the annual Verizon DBIR (and we hope you are), the process is very easy and straightforward. Please email us at [email protected].