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Register and Request Application Access

User ID and password credentials are required to access a variety of Verizon Partner Solutions applications. Use the End Users (EU) or Company User Administrators (CUA) forms to register. 

End Users (EU)

Multiple representatives from the same company can register. Each EU will have access only to the application(s) they are approved for.


Registration Process

If you would like to register as an EU, access the EU Registration Form and proceed as follows:

  • Populate the Authorization code
    • Contact your CUA for an authorization code.  If assistance is required please open a Care ticket via Verizon Partner Solutions Exchange. If you do not have access to Verizon Partner Solutions Exchange, please contact your Account Manager. 
  • Enter your company information
  • Under Applications, expand the available sections to view all options and select an application
  • Submit Registration Form
  • Notify your CUA to approve your access request

Company User Administrators (CUA)

Each carrier must register more than one Company User Administrator (CUA) with Verizon. The CUA will be responsible to validate and approve user ID requests, provide password resets, and deactivate/reactivate user IDs on behalf of your company. The CUA will do so through access to a Verizon Partner Solutions User Administration Console.

User Privileges
CUAs will also have user privileges for the registered application.

Company Authorization Codes
CUAs should communicate the assigned Authorization Code to others in their company who will be authorized to register as EUs.


Registration Process

If you would like to register as a CUA for your company, access the CUA Registration Form and proceed as follows:

  • Populate the Authorization code
    • If you do not have this information, select “Yes” to the following question: Are you a New Customer? 
  • Enter your company information
  • Under Applications, expand the available sections to view all options and select an application
  • A Primary Key such as ACNA, CCNA, or NASPID may be required to complete your request

Asistencia adicional

Open a Care ticket via Verizon Partner Solutions Exchange. If you do not have access to Verizon Partner Solutions Exchange, please contact your Company User Administrator. If you need assistance identifying your administrator, you may email [email protected]