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LTE Business Internet Usage Calculator

Find out the estimated data usage of your small business.

For businesses with more than 10 employees or multiple locations, contact sales here..

Question 1:

Tell us what industry you work in.

Question 2:

Select the essential applications your business uses and the usage.

Question 3:

Select the cloud applications your business uses and the usage.

Question 4:

Select the primary communication and collaboration tool your business uses and the usage.

Businesses like yours typically use the following amount of data:

Great news! Based on your assesment, any speed of flexible and reliable LTE Business Internet would make a terrific solution for your unique business. Get started today!
Your expected usage is higher than average so LTE Business Internet might not be the best solution for your location. Reach out to to a rep or click “Contact sales“ below and we will help you identify the right solution for your unique business!
Please print or bookmark this page for your reference.

Your approximate data usage per month

Communications and collaboration tools
Cloud applications
Essential applications
0 GB per month
Essential applications
Cloud applications
Communications and collaboration tools
This tool is intended to help small businesses estimate how much data they might use in a typical month. It takes your inputs and uses typical files sizes and data usage for certain activities as well as historical data usage records by industry to estimate data use and data use ranges. The data use and ranges calculated are just estimates and your actual usage may vary. Please regularly check and manage your data usage. Not applicable to Public Sector customers and not intended for back up plans.

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