
Solutions Brief

Cyber Risk Management Program

Learn about cyber risk management programs available from Verizon. The cyber security risk assessment will help you plan your strategy.

Rethink risk with evidence-based security. Cyber Risk Programs

Managing risk can feel like a moving target. And although you may not be able to plan for every possibility, you can use historical trends as a guide to help you improve your security posture.

The Verizon 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) found that 86 percent of all cyber-security incidents fit into nine attack patterns, and the patterns impact each industry differently. This information can help you decide where to focus your security efforts.

of all cyber-security incidents fit into nine attack patterns.1

Objective, evidence-based and collaborative

Verizon Cyber Risk Programs bring objective, data-driven risk analysis to your risk-management strategy. We have three different service levels available, so we can help you protect your entire organization with a solution that best meets your business needs. Our experts will work with you to understand your risk when compared with the threat scenarios and attack patterns identified in the DBIR.

We’ll also create a plan that prioritizes your problem areas so you can get the most out of your security budget.

We use a proprietary scoring method to help you prove due diligence to auditors. Important stakeholders and business leaders will have confidence in your security strategy—and you’ll have better peace of mind knowing your organization is protected.

Make more-informed cyber risk management decisions, backed by the integrity, capability and reliability of our services and people.

Pinpoint the threats.

When you know where the biggest threats are, you can plan accordingly. Our experts can show you which measures are the most important to protect your business. We can help with:

  • Periodic reviews to verify your controls are working and help find potential weaknesses in your security strategy
  • Expert cyber security risk assessments and diagnostic methodologies, built from years of legacy technologies
  • Insights from more than a decade of DBIR data highlighting which threat patterns lead to actual data breaches
  • Direct mappings to the most common cyber-risk management frameworks so you can better understand your level of risk across likely scenarios

Three levels of protection

Your threat profile and security needs are specific. Our solution is designed to meet those needs by using industry-specific data to defend against the threats that matter to you most.

Risk Rating

Evaluate your risk-reducing controls simply and effectively:

  • Reviews your external security controls against the most common threats
  • Produces a quarterly diagnostic score
  • Provides additional guidance to help reduce cyber risk, including references to DBIR attack patterns
  • Allows industry/peer benchmarks

Risk Assessment

Comprehensive and maturity-based risk assessment against most cyber threats:

  • Reviews your internal and external security controls against a broad number of cyber threats
  • Produces quarterly cyber security risk assessment scores against key security controls
  • Includes risk-reducing recommendations
  • Lets you calculate and compare your controls against key control frameworks and industry peers

Risk Evaluation2

Customizable activities to examine your risk level, based on your methodology:

  • Reviews external, internal, partner and subsidiary security controls
  • Provides a monthly adaptive risk score
  • Lets you select your risk-reducing controls and then examine and rate your posture against key control frameworks and industry peers (depending on scoring methods)
  • Based on your maturity and specific risk-scoring methodology

Build a strong defense with insight and data.

Cyber Risk Programs help you better defend against threats by managing risk more deliberately, so you can move from:

  • Simple intuition to risk models based on evidence. Different industries have different threat profiles, which require different remediation priorities. Our methodology can help you better understand your risk, prioritize remediation efforts and use proactive security measures.
  • Subjective risk scoring to evidence-based scoring. We’ve converted threat intelligence from the DBIR into actual risk analysis so you can better understand and guard against threats.
  • A fragmented view to a broader one. Nowadays, security can be fragmented, with many vendors and technologies working independently. We provide visibility across your network, consolidating control of your security products and services to help you respond more effectively to an attack.

Threat protection with an advantage

Get better peace of mind with expertise that helps you manage risk.

  • Global visibility. Our network provides insights of recent threats and attacks.
  • Deep expertise. We investigate some of the most high-profile global breaches each year.
  • Security intelligence. We know how the attackers work and what they want.

Conoce más.

To find out how Verizon Cyber Risk Programs can help your business build a better foundation for defense, contact your account manager or visit: verizonenterprise.com/products/security/

1 Verizon 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report
2 Available in 1H 2017