Fair Opportunity​​ 

Fair Opportunity requests may be submitted electronically to the following address:

Following are basic instructions for submitting your documentation:​​ 

  • Include Agency Name in the subject line​​ 
  • Properly name your documents (Cover Letter, RFQ, etc.) using your Agency Name in the prefix (see sample below)​​ 
  • Files must be less than 10MB; otherwise they must be in a compressed format (ex: .zip or .sit file)​​ 

View a sample of how the email should be structured with the subject line, files names, and file size.​​ 

RFQ with Existing CLINs​​ 

A Request for Quote (RFQ) that consists of a simple list of existing CLINs may be submitted directly to your Account Manager. Your Account Manager can provide a price quote for the existing CLINs within five business days after the request is made, unless a different date has been agreed upon.​​ 

Search for your Account Manager​​ 

WITS 3 Fair Opportunity Guidelines​​ 

DAR Guidelines​​