Job Aids
We have grouped our order management documents by function to make it easier to find the information you are looking for.
Job Aids related to new installs can be found on the Order Install page.
Order Management Tips
- If your Order Name aka PON has a status of "Error", check your Milestones for details on the error. Please open a Care Request Ticket if additional assistance is needed.
- If the order status remains in a submitted state and doesn’t move to "In Progress", please open a Care ticket immediately.
- Click on each Major Milestone to view the general status; then click on each Minor Milestone to obtain a more details.
For example: Acceptance is a Major milestone, Order Accepted Date is a Minor milestone
- When populating a circuit id, please replace the forward slash (/) with dots (.)
For example: Enter 32/hcgs//12345//ny as 32.hcgs..12345..ny