One Talk℠ from Verizon combines mobile devices and desk phones into one, giving you a more powerful and efficient communications system.
With the right communications tools, you can harness the power of your teams to grow and compete. Find out how mobile devices and apps can help businesses boost productivity and grow.
One Talk℠ from Verizon combines mobile devices and desk phones into one, giving you a more powerful and efficient communications system. It offers 50 business-grade features that you can access from your desk or from select Android or iOS mobile devices. And using a mobile app and a cloud-based portal, you can easily add employee-owned devices into your system, helping you to better organize communications.
Contact your Verizon Wireless business specialist to learn more about how One Talk helps your business increase efficiency and make teams more productive. For more information about One Talk, click here or visit a Verizon Wireless store near you.
One Talk–capable desk phone must be purchased from Verizon to support some of these features. Features available on select phones and smart devices. Activation of the One Talk feature and broadband connection is required.
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