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Arlo Go 2 LTE Security Camera Software Update

Verizon se complace en anunciar una actualización de software para tu dispositivo. This software update has been tested to help optimize device performance, resolve known issues, apply the latest security patches and, when available, deliver new features.

You can check the device software version in the Arlo app, under Camera Settings > Device Info. You can manually update your device by selecting Update.

Software updates are automatically processed overnight, or with a device restart. Your device updates automatically, provided that:

  • Your device is connected to Wi-Fi or the Verizon wireless network.
  • Your battery is sufficiently charged before starting the software update.

Actualización del sistema 4

Los detalles:

Fecha de lanzamiento: 11.29.2023
Software Version:

Qué está cambiando:

The latest software update provides performance improvements for your device.

Actualización del sistema 3

Los detalles:

Fecha de lanzamiento: 09.19.2023
Software Version:

Qué está cambiando:

The current software update provides performance improvements for your device.

Actualización del sistema 1

Los detalles:

Fecha de lanzamiento: 02.15.2022
Software Version:

Qué está cambiando:

The current software update improves the battery performance of your device.