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Landlord Portal
Lease agreement change
Depósito directo
Management company
Rent payments
Cell site requests
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What resources are available to learn about Verizon Wireless Network Real Estate agreements?
What is the Landlord Portal for Verizon's Real Estate Network and how do I register?
Per my agreement, I have a utility bill that I need to submit to Verizon Wireless. Where do I send the bill?
Per my agreement, I'm required to submit my tax bills to Verizon Wireless. Where do I send them?
Will my lease be renewed for another term when it's up for renewal?
I haven't received my IRS 1099 form, or I have misplaced it. How do I get another one?
I misplaced my contract. How can I get another copy?
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My mailing address has changed or will be changing. How do I notify Verizon Wireless of this?
My name has changed (due to marriage or divorce, for example). How do I update the name on my checks?
My contract is in the name of my business and the name of my business has changed. How do I update the name on my checks?
There's been a change in property ownership. What documentation is needed so the new owner(s) can start receiving the rent payments?
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How do I sign up for Direct Deposit?
How do I change the email address for my Direct Deposit statements?
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I have a management company handling my property and I would like the management company to receive rent payments. How do I advise Verizon Wireless of this?
I'm the landlord and own the property, but have decided to change to a new management company, or have decided to start using a management company. How do I advise Verizon Wireless of this?
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I still own the property, but I would like the rent payments issued to a third party. What information do I need to submit?
My rent payment is overdue or incorrect. Why has this happened, and who can help me?
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