Based on Verizon internal testing and testing commissioned from third-party vendors, TracFone expects customers should experience download speeds ranging from 90-170Mbps and upload speeds of 15-30 Mbps on the 5GUW network, and download speeds between 9-56Mbps and upload speeds of 2-13Mbps on the 5G or 4G networks, unless such speeds are otherwise managed through video optimization practices described below or otherwise specified in any specific plan documentation. Any mobile speed ranges are based on the approximate 25th and 75th percentiles of network tests.
The majority of TracFone services are provided on the Verizon network. Verizon has used sound engineering principles in the design and operation of its broadband network to ensure a good user experience for all customers. An individual user's experience will vary depending upon many factors, including the network the customer is using and the device in use. Verizon has implemented optimization technologies across its 5G and 4G LTE networks to transmit data files in a more efficient manner to allow available network capacity to benefit the greatest number of users. Estas técnicas incluyen caché de video y redimensionamiento de archivos de video de la manera más apropiada para los dispositivos móviles. El proceso de optimización no tiene en cuenta el contenido ni el sitio web que lo proporciona. While Verizon invests much effort to avoid changing text, image, and video files in the optimization process and while any change to the file is likely to be indiscernible, the optimization process may minimally impact the appearance of the file as displayed on a customer's device.
In addition, in order to optimize customers' video viewing experiences on their devices over the network while ensuring a high quality experience for other users of the network, the Verizon network seeks to transmit video downloads or streams to smartphones at 480p, unless a different video resolution is disclosed in the description of a particular plan. Video services that have not been optimized for TracFone devices may be delivered at a higher resolution but at a slower delivery speed to the customer's device. Esta práctica no hace ninguna distinción según el contenido del video o del sitio web de origen. To achieve this optimization, Verizon limits the throughput speeds of such video downloads or streams over the 4G LTE networks (which may be below the 9-56 Mbps 4G LTE download speeds typically provided). Esta práctica hace que el servidor de contenido del proveedor de video envíe el archivo de video con la resolución adecuada para esa velocidad, si está disponible.
For coverage information, see the Verizon Wireless Coverage Locator.
With respect to latency for use of real-time data applications, Verizon Wireless expects network to device (round-trip) latency to be less than 30 ms on its 5G Ultra Wideband network, less than 100 ms on its 5G and 4G LTE networks (mobile and LTE Home Internet).
Debes usar un dispositivo aprobado y compatible con la red y estar dentro del área de cobertura de Verizon para acceder a la red de Verizon. Experimentar estas velocidades depende de muchos factores, incluyendo entre otros, el tipo de dispositivo, los programas que se estén ejecutando en el dispositivo, tu ubicación y la cantidad de clientes que estén intentando usar los mismos recursos (incluyendo acceso a internet de banda ancha móvil y otros servicios de acceso a internet que no sea de banda ancha móvil que comparten la red, como administración de tráfico de red privada, HD Voice, Push to Talk Plus y MDM). For information on the Verizon network and testing of the network, visit the Verizon network awards page.
If you are not using an approved, Verizon network compatible device, you may be receiving services from another one of our network partners in which case, the service performance metrics described herein may not be applicable.
Why services may vary.
An individual user's experience will vary depending upon many factors, including the network (5G, 4G LTE) the customer is using and the device in use. En ciertos planes, es posible que tus datos tengan menos prioridad que la de otro tráfico. Si la torre de telefonía celular a la que estás conectado comienza a experimentar una alta demanda durante tu sesión, la velocidad de tus datos puede ser más lenta que la del otro tráfico. Una vez que disminuya la demanda en el sitio, o si te conectas a un sitio diferente que no experimente alta demanda, la velocidad volverá a la normalidad.