Debido a la inactividad, tu sesión finalizará en aproximadamente 2 minutos. Prolonga tu sesión haciendo clic en "Aceptar" a continuación.

Tu sesión ha terminado debido a inactividad. Vuelve a ingresar para continuar.

Uso aceptable del sistema de pago telefónico automatizado

  • You may not access (or attempt to access) any of the Verizon Automated Phone Payment System resources:
    • Through any automated script or routine, including "robots," bots, or other means that are not under the direct guidance or instruction of the Verizon customer; or
    • In a manner that sends more information in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional telephone touch tone response system; or
    • In a manner that interferes with or disrupts any company resources (including call centers, servers, and networks which are connected to the Verizon telephone resources).
  • These restrictions do not prevent the use of technology that is designed and intended to assist customers with disabilities.
  • If you do access or attempt to access the Verizon Automated Phone System resources in violation of these restrictions, we will take system integrity measures such as restricting your ability to either access the Verizon Automated Phone System or to complete your attempted transactions.