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More on Taxes and Surcharges

If a Verizon service plan bundles mobile voice, messaging, data, or other services for a single fixed monthly plan charge, Verizon allocates that charge among the services included in the plan, based on past network usage by you and others, so we can accurately bill taxes and Verizon surcharges.

We do this allocation because some services, including voice and messaging, are generally subject to sales and other taxes, while data service is not subject to those taxes. Services other than voice, messaging and data that are included in your plan - such as music, video or other content - may also be subject to tax. We also use these allocations to determine the Verizon surcharges that we bill to defray our costs of Federal Universal Service Fund contributions, gross receipts taxes and other obligations.

If you have a service plan that combines 2 or more of these services, we will provide a bill message that shows you the specific allocations for that bill.  This bill message is called "More on Taxes and Surcharges" and appears in the bill message section of your monthly bill.

For more information on taxes, government fees, and Verizon surcharges, please see the following information on verizon.com:

For an estimate of the taxes and surcharges that apply at a particular service address, visit the bill tax and surcharge estimator.